Ridgemont Country Club Registration


Ridgemont Country Club Registration
Sign-­‐up as a foursome or as an individual for golf. Reserva5ons will be made upon payment. Spaces are limited. Please respond by May 31, 2014 THE VICTORS GYMNASTICS
2014 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament
I am unable to a3end this event but would like to contribute $_________ Player 1: Name Address City Phone E-­‐Mail ( ) Player 2: Name Address City Phone E-­‐Mail ( ) Player 3: Name Address City Phone E-­‐Mail ( ) Player 4: Name Address City Phone E-­‐Mail ( ) Sponsorship Level: PlaInum Sponsor $950 Company or individual’s name as it Gold Sponsor $500 will appear on signage: Silver Sponsor $100 Golf Foursome by May 31 $540 Golf Foursome aUer May 31 $600 Golfer by May 31 $140 Golfer aUer May 31 $150 Lunch RecepIon Only $25 Please mail completed forms with payment to: The Victors Gymnas5cs, Inc., P.O. Box 16392, Rochester, NY 14616 Make checks payable to: The Victors Gymnas5cs, Inc. To pay by credit card check one and complete the following informa6on: Visa Master Card Card Holder’s Name: Card Number: ExpiraIon Date: Signature: Code on Back: Ridgemont Country Club
June 26, 2014 Golf
You are Invited to Join us at the
First Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament
Thursday, June 26, 2014 The Victors Gymnas6cs has served hundreds of students and their families in the Greece and Greater Rochester area since 1999. For over 15 years Victors has been “LiWing Kids Up to Excellence!” Your support and dona6on to the Victors Scholarship Fund will help us con6nue our tradi6on of making a difference one child at a 6me for those students and families who have fallen on hard 6mes financially. And the difference we make goes well beyond gymnas6cs training; we are helping children build life skills. Our mission is: To promote children’s fitness, health, and wellness by nurturing sound physical, mental, and moral development through professional gymnas6cs, cheerleading, and fitness instruc6on. Please come and join us at Ridgemont Country Club for a day of golf, food and fun while you give a child the opportunity to use their talents and par6cipate in the sport they love! 8:00 am – RegistraIon & Breakfast 9:00 am – Golf Scramble (shotgun start) 2:00 pm – Lunch RecepIon •  Prizes, Raffles & Awards •  Special Guest Speaker John Feeney, Brockport College Women’s Gymnas6cs Coach; 2012 Na6onal Champions Pla6num Sponsor – $950.00 Company or individual’s name displayed prominently at registraIon table, lunch recepIon, one hole, and tournament program. •  18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast, lunch and complimentary beverages for four golfers. • 
Gold Sponsor – $500.00 Company or individual’s name displayed prominently at registraIon table, lunch recepIon, one hole, and tournament program. •  18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast, lunch and complimentary beverages for one golfer. • 
Silver Sponsor – $100.00 • 
Company or individual’s name displayed prominently at one hole and tournament program. Golf Foursome – $540.00 by May 31/ $600 aUer May 31 • 
18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast, lunch and complimentary beverages for four golfers. Golfer – $140.00 by May 31/ $150.00 aUer May 31 • 
18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast, lunch and complimentary beverages for one golfer. Tailgate Lunch Only – $25.00 • 
Lunch RecepIon for one person. If you have any quesIons regarding sponsorships, or the Golf Tournament, please call Michael Mordenga at 330-­‐7654 or e-­‐mail [email protected] We look forward to your parIcipaIon in the First Annual Victors Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament and thank you in advance for your support.