Agenda - La Mesa Spring Valley School
Agenda - La Mesa Spring Valley School
La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Board of Education July 1, 2014 Our Purpose To Inspire Learning and Respect Our Vision La Mesa-Spring Valley School District is a community of life-long learners who engage in continuous improvement and contribute positively to a global society, within a safe learning environment 4750 Date Avenue La Mesa, California 91941-5293 Phone: (619) 668-5700 FAX: (619) 668-4619 AGENDA BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING LA MESA-SPRING VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SESSION: Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Education Service Center, 4750 Date Avenue, La Mesa, CA OPENING PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Establishment of Quorum MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) Action COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL OF AGENDA Action HEARING 1. Public Hearing – General Matters Regarding Education REPORTS OF OFFICERS OF THE BOARD 1. Extended School Services Summer Program Information NEW BUSINESS SUPERINTENDENT 1. Adoption of Board Policy Update Action BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Consent Calendar* a. 2. Action Ratification of Purchase Orders, Warrants, and Revolving Cash Fund Reimbursement Rejection of Claim – Vehicle Damage at Bancroft Elementary School Action LEARNING SUPPORT 1. Acceptance of Gifts – Avondale Elementary, La Mesa Middle School/La Mesa Arts Academy and Parkway Middle Schools Action 2. Acceptance of Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Action 3. Authorization to Enter into a Software License and Support Agreement with Illuminate Education, Inc. for Student Data and Assessment Management Action 4. Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with San Diego County Office of Education for Audiovisual Education Services for Quest Academy for the 2014-15 School Year Action 5. Authorization to Enter into an Agreement of Participation with Orange County Department of Education for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Action 6. Authorization to Enter into a Contract with the Exceptional Family Resource Center Action 7. Authorization to Enter into Special Education Master Contracts with Springall Academy and AccentCare Home Health of California for the 2014-15 School Year Action 8. Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Cajon Valley Union School District for Adapted Physical Education Consultations Action HUMAN RESOURCES RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Standard Human Resources Recommendations ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BOARD RECESS CLOSED SESSION (Government Code 54957) 1. Negotiations Update – LMSV Teachers Association (GC 54957) 2. Negotiations Update – California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 419 (GC 54957) 3. Negotiations Update – Administrators Association and Other Unrepresented Bargaining Groups (GC 54957) 4. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (GC 54954) ADJOURNMENT * Items may be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Action In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the District’s Governing Board, please contact the office of the District Superintendent at 619-668-5700. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, the District shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with this meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability. In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board of Education in advance of their meetings may be viewed at the Education Service Center located at 4750 Date Avenue, La Mesa, California 91941. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Barbara Martinez, Board Recording Secretary, at 619-668-5700, Ext. 6383 or e-mail: [email protected] Board of Education agendas and minutes are, by law, public documents. Please note the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District posts Board agendas and minutes on the Internet. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Brian Marshall Superintendent ITEM NUMBER: H-1 Public Hearing General Matters Regarding Education A hearing session will be announced for anyone who wishes to address the Board on any topic relating to public education. Each speaker who wishes to address the Board must complete a Request to be Heard card (located on the table near the entrance) and submit it to the President of the Board of Education or the Recorder prior to the opening of the meeting. Speakers shall be allotted no more than three (3) minutes each for their remarks. A yellow card will be shown when the speaker has one minute remaining and a red card when time is up. Please note that Government Code 54952.2 prohibits the Board from taking action or discussing anything that is not on this agenda. Therefore, the Board will not be able to comment on any topic that is not on this evening’s agenda. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: R-1 Report of Officers of the Board Extended School Services Summer Program The La Mesa-Spring Valley Extended School Services (ESS) program has been serving the children and families of the District since 1976. ESS provides safe, affordable and convenient childcare on 7 campuses within the District this summer. Summer enrollment is at 850 students and is funded through parent-paid fees and subsidized program funding. ESS offers both academic enrichment and recreation activities for children during the summer months. Ronda Wood, Coordinator, Extended School Services, will provide a brief overview of the summer program and respond to clarifying questions. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Brian Marshall Superintendent ITEM NUMBER: S-1 New Business Action Item Adoption of Board Policy Update Below is a comparison chart showing the latest policy update and noting any substantial changes. Policy No. BP/AR 5141.21 Significant Changes Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions Policy updated to reflect new court decision which held that state law permits trained, nonmedical school personnel to administer insulin to students in school in accordance with a written health care provider statement and parental consent. Policy also updated to reflect Title 5 regulations related to the administration of emergency antiseizure medication. Regulation updated regarding administration of emergency antiseizure medication, including requirement for school employees who volunteer to administer medication to be supervised by a licensed health care professional. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board adopt the policy update as noted. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Lori Wigg Assistant Superintendent, Business Services ITEM NUMBER: B-1a New Business (Consent Calendar) Action Item Ratification of Purchase Orders, Warrants and Revolving Cash Fund Reimbursement Purchase orders, warrants and revolving cash fund reimbursements issued since the last Board meeting will be available at the meeting for review by the Board. The following are submitted for ratification: I. Purchase Orders: 56 purchase orders have been processed, numbered H54335 through H54390, totaling $35,074.39. II. Warrants: 182 warrants have been issued, dated June 6, 2014 through June 18, 2014, totaling $1,076,524.14. III. Revolving Cash Fund Reimbursement: One (1) check has been processed, totaling $83.47. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board ratify these purchase orders, warrants and revolving cash fund reimbursement. LA MESA-SPRING VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT REVOLVING CASH FUND REIMBURSEMENTS In accordance with Education Code Sections 42800-42806, approval is requested for expenditures from the Revolving Cash Fund as listed: Check Number RC1736 Date Issued 06/12/14 Payee Tara Licht Purpose Payroll REVOLVING CASH FUND REIMBURSEMENTS A TOTAL OF (1) CHECK PROCESSED TOTALING $83.47 Amount $83.47 La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Lori Wigg Assistant Superintendent, Business Services ITEM NUMBER: B-2 New Business Action Item Rejection of Claim – Vehicle Damage at Bancroft Elementary School The District received a claim from a substitute teacher stating that her vehicle was damaged at Bancroft Elementary School. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the claim be rejected and referred to the District’s insurance carrier for disposition. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-1 New Business Action Item Acceptance of Gifts – Avondale Elementary, La Mesa Middle School/La Mesa Arts Academy and Parkway Middle Schools Avondale Elementary School PTA would like to donate $2,724.00 to Avondale Elementary to be used to pay transportation costs for study trips. LifeTouch National School Studios would like to donate $544.00 to Avondale Elementary School from monies generated by the Spring Picture program. Howard Kantorowski, former District employee, would like to donate an assortment of used musical instruments and cases valued at $3,300.00 to La Mesa Middle School/La Mesa Arts Academy. Del Lisk, a Parkway Middle School parent, would like to donate $750.00 to Parkway Middle School as a thank you for educating his child. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board accept these gifts with thanks. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-2 New Business Action Item Acceptance of Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report As previously reported, the Williams Settlement required each school district to revise its Uniform Complaint Procedures by January 1, 2005 to include issues related to instructional materials, emergency facilities, and teacher vacancies and misassignments. Beginning with the quarter ending March 31, 2005, each district must submit a quarterly report to the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) indicating the number of complaints in each area that have been received, resolved, and unresolved. The report must be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled meeting of the district’s governing board. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION Acceptance is requested for the attached Quarterly Complaint Report Summary for the quarter ending June 30, 2014. Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary For submission to School District Governing Board and County Office of Education District Name: La Mesa – Spring Valley School District Quarter covered by this report: April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014 Please fill in the following table. Enter 0 in any cell that does not apply. Number of complaints received in quarter 0 0 Instructional Materials Facilities 0 Teacher Vacancy 0 and Misassignment Totals 0 Submitted by: Title: Number of complaints resolved Number of complaints unresolved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Karen Walker. Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-3 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into a Software License and Support Agreement with Illuminate Education, Inc. for Student Data and Assessment Management W. Edwards Deming, the father of Total Quality Management, stated, “The only valid reason to access is to determine what to do next.” The use of assessment data to “determine what to do next” has been an ongoing component of the La Mesa-Spring Valley instructional program. In 2002, the District began using Edusoft as a student academic data management tool. Edusoft is an online tool that houses student data from all state-required student assessments, District benchmark assessments, and teacher-created classroom assessments, as well as demographic student data. Staff is able to analyze the data in a variety of ways at the classroom level, school grade level, and District level. Edusoft has reached the end of its life cycle and needs to be replaced. A group of teachers and principals have evaluated a new data management system, Illuminate. This system has a user-friendly interface that is customizable, updates rosters nightly, and allows teachers and students to scan answer sheets in the classroom with a simple web camera. Classroom accessibility allows teachers to get immediate assessment results and students get immediate feedback. The updated interface creates colored graphs and charts that are easy to read and understand. The evaluation group was unanimous in their recommendation the District make a switch from Edusoft to Illuminate. The yearly subscription for Edusoft is $88,000. The yearly subscription for Illuminate is $66,566, with an additional cost of $9000 the first year to cover training costs, resulting in a savings of $12,434. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be granted to enter into the attached agreement with Illuminate Education, Inc. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-4 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with San Diego County Office of Education for Audiovisual Education Services for Quest Academy for the 2014-15 School Year Since 1984, the District has partnered with the San Diego County Office of Education to exchange or rent various types of audiovisual resources including DVDs, Literature Kits, Equipment and Models. Access to the San Diego County Office of Education collection provides Quest Academy teachers with a wider base of instructional materials to assist them in meeting the needs of students. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be given to enter into the attached Audiovisual Agreement for Quest Academy for the 2014-15 school year. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-5 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into an Agreement of Participation with Orange County Department of Education for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Federal regulations allow for the reimbursement of fee-for-service and administrative costs incurred by school districts when health-related services are provided to Medi-Cal eligible students and/or when information is provided to parents on how to access health-related services. In order to comply with all necessary state requirements related to Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) reimbursement, the District contracts with the Orange County Department of Education as a member of the Region 9 Local Education Consortium (LEC). Attached is an Agreement of Participation with the Orange County Department of Education, effective for the period July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. This agreement will allow the District to continue requesting reimbursement for appropriate Medi-Cal activities through the Region 9 LEC. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be granted to enter into the attached Agreement of Participation with the Orange County Department of Education for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-6 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into a Contract with the Exceptional Family Resource Center Early Intervention services to infants and their families are addressed in Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The regulations for California’s interpretation of the federal law, California Early Start (CES), require that infant programs take referrals year-round. School district’s infant programs, the San Diego Regional Center and the Exceptional Family Resource Center (EFRC) are all mandated partners for the provision of Part C services. While District Infant staff are on breaks during the year (e.g., five weeks in July/August and two weeks each in October, December, and April), the Exceptional Family Resource Center takes referral calls from parents and begins the intake process: • • • • • • Explains California Early Start Obtains consent to share information with other California Early Start agencies Provides parent support (both individual and group) Obtains necessary releases Mails the initial Intake Packet of information that is used throughout the county Provide coordination within the SELPA The EFRC charges educational agencies with infant programs a nominal fee ($31.50/week) for this service, or $346.50 for eleven weeks of coverage throughout the year. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be granted to enter into a contract with the Exceptional Family Resource Center. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-7 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into Special Education Master Contracts with Springall Academy and AccentCare Home Health of California for the 2014-15 school year The District contracts with California-certified nonpublic schools/agencies to provide services to a student when the District is unable to provide an appropriate special education program. At this time a number of students require the services of nonpublic schools/agencies. Authorization is requested for approval of a special education master contract with Springall Academy, a non-public school, in a not-to-exceed amount of $150,000.00. Authorization is requested for approval of a special education master contract with AccentCare Home Health of California, a non-public agency, for Licensed Vocational Nurse services in a not-to-exceed amount of $35,000.00. Agency Name Current encumbered cost for all nonpublic schools/agencies through 6/30/15 Amount $ 125,000.00 Springall Academy Not-to-exceed $ 150,000.00 AccentCare Home Health of California Not-to-exceed $35,000.00 Total encumbered cost for all nonpublic schools/agencies $ 310,000.00 ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be granted to enter into special education master contracts with Springall Academy and AccentCare Home Health of California for the 2014-15 school year. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Karen Walker, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support ITEM NUMBER: LS-8 New Business Action Item Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Cajon Valley Union School District for Adapted Physical Education Consultations Cajon Valley Union School District (CVUSD) has requested the District provide adapted physical education (APE) consultations by appropriate staff for the 2014-15 school year. CVUSD has agreed to pay the District $65.00 per hour plus travel time for each consultation as well as mileage at the IRS approved mileage rate. The District will invoice CVUSD quarterly. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended authorization be granted to enter into the attached agreement with CVUSD for adapted physical education consultations. Agreement with Cajon Valley School District for Adapted Physical Education Consultation for the 2014-15 School Year This agreement is made and entered into this 1st day of July, 2014, by and between the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District (hereinafter referred to as “LMSVSD”) and the Cajon Valley Union School District (hereinafter referred to as “CVUSD”) for the provision of Adapted Physical Education Consultations (hereinafter referred to as “APE consultations”) for the 2014-2015 school year. Whereas, CVUSD is in need of APE consultations for its students by an appropriate provider. Whereas, LMSVSD has staff to provide such services; and Whereas, Government Code sections 6500 and 6516 authorize LMSVSD and CVUSD to jointly exercise their respective powers conferred by the Education Code to provide APE services to CVUSD through LMSVSD’s staff; and Now, Therefore, the parties hereby agree as follows: LMSVSD will provide APE consultations to CVUSD students effective July 1, 2014 for the 2014-2015 school year. CVUSD agrees to pay to LMSVSD $65.00 per hour, plus travel time from LMSVSD to site for APE consultations. Additionally, CVUSD agrees to pay mileage for each service provider at the IRS approved mileage rate. LMSVSD will invoice CVUSD for APE consultations on a quarterly basis. CVUSD will provide LMSVSD with referrals for APE consultation along with a copy of the current Individual Education Plan (“IEP”). Consultation providers will document all consultation minutes and provide said documentation to LMSVSD for invoicing purposes. CVUSD shall be responsible for providing all standard and usual supplies and equipment required for the general program provided by CVUSD. LMSVSD shall maintain public liability and property damage insurance to protect them and CVUSD from all claims for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from all claims for property damages arising from the operations under this Agreement. The minimum amounts of such insurance shall be as hereinafter set forth: Amounts of insurance: Commercial general liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $3,000,000 aggregate Auto liability for owned and non-owned vehicles $1,000,000 per occurrence Professional liability $3,000,000 aggregate $1,000,000 per occurrence LMSVSD shall file with CVUSD Certificates of Insurance indicating a thirty (30) day cancellation notice and naming CVUSD as an additional insured. LMSVSD hereby indemnifies, defends, and holds harmless CVUSD, its Board, officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, and other representatives from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, and including, but not limited to, consequential damages, loss of use, extra expense, cost of temporary classrooms, that arise out of or result from, in whole or in part, the negligent, wrongful or willful acts or omissions of LMSVSD, it’s employees, agents, subcontractors, independent contractors, or other representatives. CVUSD hereby indemnifies, defends, and holds harmless LMSVSD, its Board, officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, and other representatives from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, and including, but not limited to, consequential damages, loss of use, extra expense, cost of temporary classrooms, that arise out of or result from, in whole or in part, the negligent, wrongful or willful acts or omissions of CVUSD, its employees, agents, subcontractors, independent contractors, consultants, or other representatives. LMSVSD shall have no obligation to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless CVUSD, its Board, officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, and other representatives for CVUSD’s sole negligence or willful misconduct; and CVUSD shall have no obligation to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless LMSVSD, its Board, officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, and other representatives for LMSVSD sole negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnity shall survive the termination of the contract of final payment hereunder, and is in addition to any other rights or remedies that LMSVSD or CVUSD may have under the law or this contract. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. La Mesa-Spring Valley School District By: Brian Marshall Superintendent Date: Cajon Valley Union School District By: David Miyashiro, Ed.D. Superintendent Date La Mesa-Spring Valley School District GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA July 1, 2014 PREPARED BY: Tina Sardina Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources ITEM NUMBER: HR-1 Human Resources Recommendations Action Item Standard Recommendations The Human Resources recommendations which are attached for consideration at the July 1, 2014, Board of Education meeting are standard. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board approve/ratify the attached standard Human Resources recommendations as presented. 1. Standard Human Resources Recommendations – July 1, 2014 CERTIFICATED: Approval of Acceptance of Resignation: Christopher, James M. Dingwall Goldkind, Karen L. Kantorowski, Howard W. Katz, Elizabeth M. Triplett, Kelli J. Effective: Teacher (retired) Resource Specialist (resigned) Teacher (retired) Psychologist (retired) Teacher (employment elsewhere – from leave) VI-16 VI-7 VI-32 VI-16 VI-14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 Approval of Correction to Initial Salary Placement: Galaif, Robin E. From: I-1 To: I-2 07/01/13 Approval of Change of Employment Status (Probationary to Permanent): Appleman, Shelagh K. Bertrand, Lindsey Lawson, Rachel C. Stogner, Megan N. VanVlymen, Lauren K. Worthington, Matthew A. CLASSIFIED: Approval of Employment: Lewis Jr., Trinell M. Salvatore, Patricia A. Wager, Natalie N. Extended School Services Assistant Leader Playground Attendant Extended School Services Attendant $13.59/hr $8.98/hr $10.33/hr 06/16/14 06/04/14 06/18/14 21-A 34-C 21-F+ 56-F+ 9-D 06/13/14 06/17/14 06/13/14 06/20/14 06/13/14 Approval of Acceptance of Resignation – Merit System: Bristol, Nicole C. Gonzalez, Renee E. Hatch, Valerie A. Hudgens, Mary C. Perrone, Tamara J. Paraprofessional – Special Education (resigned) Health Technician (family responsibilities) Paraprofessional – Special Education (retired) School Office Manager (retired) Child Nutrition Worker I (resigned) Approval of Termination of Employment: Alexio, Taylor F. Argent, Julianne M. Bauer, Shelby A. Castillo, Monica I. Cook, Chloe N. Horne, Kari E. Jarvis Jr., Hasani L. Lareau, Lisa A. Playground Attendant (employment elsewhere) Extended School Services Assistant Leader and Extended School Services Attendant (employment elsewhere) Extended School Services Attendant (further education) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (employment elsewhere) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (moving from area) Playground Attendant (employment elsewhere) 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/01/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 Lewis, Rajohn C. Lopez, Veronica M. Martinez, Edgar Miller, Patricia L. Nichols, Andrea M. Ojeda, Andrea G. Patrias Duenas, Tianna A. Persinger, Nicholas J. Thevenot, Carly M. Thompson, Joshua L. Tigner, Amelia H. Weiland, Shirissa A. Wellons, Doris A. Wilson, Romario N. Extended School Services Attendant (dismissed) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (resigned) Extended School Services Attendant (further education) Student Helper (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (employment elsewhere) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (moving from area) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (military) Student Helper (end of temporary assignment) Playground Attendant (employment elsewhere) Playground Attendant (end of temporary assignment) Extended School Services Attendant (dismissed) 06/12/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/17/14 06/13/14 06/13/14 06/01/14 05/30/14 06/01/14 06/13/14 06/06/14 06/13/14 06/01/14 06/03/14 Approval of Change of Classification: Mangosing, Greg R. Whitley, Mark From: To: From: To: Gardener Skilled Maintenance Worker II Supervisor, Custodial Services Supervisor, Facilities and Custodial Services 38-F+ 70-B 14-F+ 16-F+ 07/02/14 07/01/14 Approval of Return from Leave of Absence: Mohebbi, Mahnoush Paraprofessional – Special Education 08/12/14 Approval of Rehire from 39-Month Reemployment List: Davis, Marc Skilled Maintenance Worker II 70-F+ 07/01/14 Approval of Placement on 39-Month Reemployment List: Lucero, Maria E. Rodriguez, Norma Paraprofessional Paraprofessional 06/13/14 06/13/14 CONSULTANT, LECTURER/PRESENTER, SHORT-TERM EMPLOYMENT: (Attached) Barney & Barney, LLC Judy Lemm Consulting Network Interpreting Service Patrick, Donna Safety Child ID Consultant (Human Resources) Consultant (Human Resources) Consultant (Human Resources) Consultant (Human Resources) Lecturer/Presenter (Kempton) 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 07/01/14 – 06/30/15 08/14/14 – 06/13/15