BLESSED - Postulação de Francisco e Jacinta Marto
BLESSED - Postulação de Francisco e Jacinta Marto
Quarterly Publication – Price: 0,05 E BLESSED FRANCISCO AND JACINTA MARTO BULLETIN OF THE LITTLE SHEPHERDS (202) – JULY - SEPTEMBER 2011 (49thYear) BLESSED FRANCISCO MARTO A boy with his feet on the ground and his heart in God Francisco afraid of falling?! The little fellow who used to run after his sheep all over the hilly slopes, who used to play his pipe on top of so many walls, who frequently went off by himself to Ângela de Fátima Coelho Postulator for the Cause of the Canonisation of Francisco and Jacinta Marto sit on top of a rock and contemplate the scenery of the Serra de Aire which In her Memoirs1, Lucia describes the following spoke to him so much about God while episode: “One day, we were just outside Aljustrel, he was saying his Rosary! on our way to the Cova da Iria, when a group of people came upon us by surprise around the bend in the road. In order the better to see and hear us, they set Jacinta and myself on top of a wall. Francisco refused to let himself be put there, as though he were afraid of falling. Then, little by little, he edged his way out and leaned against a dilapidated wall on the opposite side. A poor woman and her son, seeing that they could not manage to speak to us personally, as they wished, went and knelt down in front of Francisco to ask for a grace from him. Francisco knelt down also, took off his cap and asked if they would like to pray the Rosary with him. They said they would, and began to pray. Very soon, all those people stopped asking curious questions, and also went down on their knees to pray. (Fatima in Lucia’s own Words, pp 162-3). Sculpture of Francisco Marto at the Fatima Shrine Portrait of Francisco F rancisco did not want to be put in high places which did not belong to him, because he humbly accepted his lowly position, and showed no desire for things that did not belong to him. He was peace-loving and docile by nature. He seemed to acknowledge the truth about himself. Hence, this was where he wanted to be and chose to be: “down below” and not “up there”, walking realistically on the ground his feet were treading on, in a serene acceptance of himself and of the mission which the Lord had entrusted to him. It was in the place allotted to him, its nature and condition, that he became a source of attraction. He did not try to draw attention to himself, but pointed towards God, towards the intimacy of prayer. 2 Why were people attracted by Francisco? Having parted with the few things that he possessed 2, he lived a poverty which enabled him to concentrate his heart on God. So there was space within him for God to dwell. His heart was lled with God and with the things that concerned God: suffering and sinful humanity, and nature from the setting of the sun to animals. Lucia tells us that contact with the Angel helped Francisco to understand better “who God is, how He loves us and desires to be loved” (Memoirs, p. 170-1). Accordingly, he asked lots of questions about God, about His love and about Our Lady. And it was in fact with Our Lady that he grew in the knowledge of God, immediately after the rst apparition. Wrapped in a feeling of enchantment and wonder characteristic of childhood, he exclaimed: “We were on re in that light which is God, and yet we were not burnt! What is God? We could never put it into words. Yes, that is something indeed which we could never express! (Memoirs, p. 147). I like to think of Francisco asking questions, wondering, thirsting to know more. I like to see in him, intact, the capacity for wonder so typical of children. Loca do Cabeço This God, who was the centre of his life, seemed to him so “sad on account of people’s sins” and this moved him deeply: “But what a pity it is that He is so sad! If only I could console Him! (p. 147). He took on as his own this mission of consoling God. He carried out his mission wherever he was, whether in the midst of nature, but above all he loved to keep the “hidden Jesus” company in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He even felt that this vocation would continue to be his in the world to come. When Lucia was urging him to pray for various things shortly before he died, he replied: “But look, you’d better ask Jacinta to pray for these things instead, because I’m afraid I’ll forget when I see Our Lord. And then, more than anything else I want to console Him.” Little Francisco can be for all of us a model from whom we learn to embody the spirit of childhood which Jesus presented as a model of the kingdom (Mk. 10, 14-16). And this not because he was a child of 10, but rather on account of his humility and simplicity, for his total trust in God which enabled him to overcome his fear when faced with difcult situations 3, his ability to become enchanted by a sense of the mysterious, for his readiness to carry out God’s plan for him, through the Immaculate heart of Mary. Francisco Marto’s Picture Though still only a child, he understood what was central to and most important in the Faith. He expressed this awareness in his own way: “I loved seeing the Angel, but I loved still more seeing Our Lady. What I loved most of all was to see Our Lord in that light from Our Lady which penetrated our hearts” (Fatima in Lucia’s own Words, p. 143). When we hear the way in which this child manages to perceive the hierarchy of the truths of faith, we yearn to pray as Jesus did: ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little ones’ (Luke,10, 21). When we see, in the life of Francisco, the reection of that same light which captivated him, we give thanks for the gift which his life, “a candle which God has lit to illumine humanity in its dark and anxious hours” 4, constitutes for our own day in its anxious search for hope. Sculpture of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto located at the Shrine Though still only a child, he understood what was central to and most important in the Faith. He expressed this awareness in his own way: “I loved seeing the Angel, but I loved still more seeing Our Lady. What I loved most of all was to see Our Lord in that light from Our Lady which penetrated our hearts” (Fatima in Lucia’s own Words, p. 143). 4 1 FATIMA IN LUCIA’S OWN WORDS, Fatima, Secretariado dos Pastorinhos. 2 See the episode of the handkerchief with the image of Our Lady of Nazaré, the numerous occasions when the children shared their sandwiches with the poor, and even with the sheep and the birds. (Fatima in Lucia’s own Words, pp. 139, 158, ..... 3 See his attitude in Ourem while the children were in prison, and how he instilled courage and consoled both his cousin and his little sister (Fatima in Lucia’s own Words, p 148). 4 John Paul II, Homily at the Beatication of Francisco and Jacinta, 13th May, 2000. The Postulation for Francisco and Jacinta thanks all friends and benefactors for their contributions to the expenses of the Cause for their Canonisation, without which this work could not continue. Anyone wishing to make a contribution may do so in the following way: Banco Millennium BCP NIB: 0033-0000-45340426373-05 IBAN: PT 50-0033-0000-45340426373-05 SWIFT: BCOMPTPL BLESSED FRANCISCO AND JACINTA MARTO Printed in Gráca Almondina, Zona Industrial, Apart. 29; 2354-909 Torres Novas Quarterly Publication – ISSN 1645-1341 Isento de registo na ERC ao abrigo do Dec. Reg.8/99 de 9/6 art.º 12 n.º 1 A Director: Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho, asm Editor and Proprietor: Postulação de Francisco e Jacinta Marto Address: Rua de S. Pedro, 9, Apartado 6 – 2496-908 Fatima (Portugal) Contact: Ph. 00351 249 539 780 • Fax 00351 249 539 780 e-mail: [email protected]