Mary Staggs Detox Booklet the revolutionary way to


Mary Staggs Detox Booklet the revolutionary way to
“ Wellness is generally used to mean a
healthy balance of the mind, body and
spirit that results in the overall feeling
of wellbeing.
It can also refer to a general state of
being healthy. ”
Copyright Mary Staggs 2005
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form or
binding or cover other than which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent publisher.
No statement or part of this manual is intended to diagnose or prescribe or take the place of a physician. The material in this manual is presented for educational
information only. We have the responsibility, obligation, and privilege to gain knowledge, wisdom and insight on how to have and maintain healthy bodies.
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unnatural
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nature
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wellness
Mary Staggs Detox = Wellbeing
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In conclusion
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Questions & Answers
Today we live in a very unnatural world:
Concrete jungles
Polluted air, water & food
Man-made toxic fibres
Electromagnetic interference
Is it any wonder that we feel lifeless, fatigued and unwell?
Nature in its original format is a world of harmony, balance and inter relationships
The electromagnetic fields created by:
We need something to help the bio-energy of the body, bringing about homeostasis and
integrity of the whole person.
This is where the Mary Staggs Detox can help you help yourself...
Mary Staggs Detox = Wellbeing
he Array generates bio-energy that
promotes wellbeing.
The electrolyte water in the footbath together
with the water's ability to transmit information
enhances wellbeing.
The presence of sebaceous glands, reflex points
or zones on the soles of the feet respond to the
electromagnetic field stimulating wellbeing.
The continuous bio-energetic flow in the body
has been integrated into the Mary Staggs Detox
system and utilised to initiate a process which
makes it possible to restore the equilibrium,
leading to wellbeing.
Use the Mary Staggs Detox footbath for your
own wellbeing.
Listen to relaxing music
Feel the harmony and inner balance
Drink a glass of good quality water during the session.
Do not use on an empty stomach.
Do not smoke.
Change water and clean well before each individual use.
Bio-Electricity is measured in millivolts and ranges from one to a few hundred millivolts.
Some animals are capable of generating incredible amounts of energy. For example, the
electric eel (Electr ophorus electricus) which is found in South American tropical regions is
capable of producing powerful electric charges.
reading. Now place your fingers of one hand into
one of the containers and do the same with the
other hand in the other container. You will now
get a reading of 10-30 micro amps which are
travelling through our bodies. In terms of basic
physics, this means our bodies have been
transformed into a Volta battery.
The EEG is a graphic recording of the brain's
electrical impulses (brain waves). The electroencephalograph measures the brain's electrical
Small eels ( about 10 centimetres in length) can
activity by means of a number of electrodes
produce charges of up to 100 volts. Larger eels
placed on the scalp. The readout reflects the small
(over 1 metre in length) can produce charges of
electrical impulses produced by the thousands of
nerve cells active in the brain. Brain cells
450 to 650 volts of electricity. The electric eel is
one of the few creatures on the planet that can
communicate by means of electrical impulses.
make, store, and discharge electricity. Another
example is the electric ray. Voltage potentials
recorded from different electric rays vary
To obtain the EEG readout small electrodes are
tremendously from as little as 8 to 37 volts
corresponding to the different areas of the brain's
(narcinids) up to 220 volts the torpedinid Torpedo
activity. This makes it possible to detect and
An interesting and simple experiment related to
Bio-energy may be carried out as follows: Fill two
containers with water. In one of them, immerse a
placed on specific zones of the scalp,
record patterns of electrical activity in this unique
organ, in search of abnormalities.
It was the German psychiatrist Hans Berger
(1873-1941) who, with the help of an amplifier
small zinc sheet and in the other a copper one.
(electroencephalograph), first demonstrated the
Connect both sheets to the poles of a microvolt
metre. You will notice that there is no electric
presence of an electrical potential (tension
fluctuation) within the human body.
include; - the reaction of a sodium atom with a
chlorine atom to form a sodium cation and a
chloride anion; - the addition of a hydrogen
cation to an ammonia molecule to form an
ammonium cation; and the dissociation of a
water molecule to form a hydrogen cation and a
hydroxide anion.
In all forms of life, cellular function is regulated
by bio-electrical circuits comparable to electrical
circuits present in technical equipment.
Our body is a living organism and not an inert
Our bodies function within a harmonious and
structure full of cables, so it is important that we
finely-tuned equilibrium and are subject to a
do not make comparisons with the type of
continuous flow of energy
electricity that we use in our homes.
which is in constant
Ions are minute and it is their electrical charge
that determines their nature. Physicists like
Einstein, Hahn and Eisenberg demonstrated that
the smallest particles of matter contain very dense
energy. From a chemical point of view, an ion is
any atom or group of atoms bearing one or more
positive or electrical charges. Positively charged
ions are called cations; negatively charged ions,
movement. Clearly,
therefore, our state
of health depends
on the body's ability
to respond to the
continuous changes
that take place at all
levels of our organism
and on its innate
capacity to regulate
Ions are formed when electrons are added to or
them. Blocks may
removed from neutral atoms or molecules or
occur in the flow of
other ions, when ions combine with other
energy which need to
particles, or when a covalent bond between two
be corrected and
atoms splits in such a way that both the electrons
compensated for if
of the bond combine with one of the formerly
the initial balance
bonded atoms. Examples of these processes
is to be restored.
10 Bio-Electricity
Our organism has the capacity to absorb and
Electromagnetic currents are fundamental to
release energy in accordance with a well-known
sustaining the life that flows through our complex
principle which helps us to maintain a normal
body systems. Any means, therefore, that improve
state of health. In addition to basic hygiene which
conductivity and promote ionic exchange will be
is required to maintain normal balance and
perfect harmony between organs and systems, it
is the above factors which enable us to restore
crucial for the regeneration of micro-currents and
restoration of electrical bi-polarities.
order and within which our normal development
The human body, as we know, is made up largely
as human beings takes place.
of water. The blood, interstitial and intracellular
The common principle on which all therapies are
based and which makes them effective is the use
fluids, though separated by different membranes,
of different energies. This principle is well-known
to each other. When the feet or hands are placed
to allopathic medicine which also uses electric
into the Mary Staggs electrolyte bath, a
current for both treatment and diagnosis.
connection is made between the body fluids and
are saline solutions that exist in close relationship
the water, due to the fact both are saline.
Furthermore, electrolysis in the foot bath
generates the release of substances as a result
lyses (i.e the separation) of the water molecules.
These substances migrate towards the electrodes,
or are given off by them, and undergo a
transformation which results in the precipitation
of particles in the water, in colour change and the
release of gases, and this too affects our organism.
F.A.Popp M.D. stated that "All forms of life and
all mechanisms are regulated by minute
electromagnetic impulses, comparable to the
circuitry in technical equipment. Disturbances in
the electromagnetic field or the cell's electrical
potential promote illness."
Disturbances in the bio-electrical potential of
cells leads to illness, degeneration and death.
Treatment, therefore, aims to produce various
signals or bio-frequencies that our biological
system can easily recognize and incorporate as a
restorative or regenerative pattern leading back
to health.
A phenomenon known as the "injury current"
was discovered in 1794 by Luigi Galvani, a
professor in anatomy. Volumes of research by
other scientists over the years have confirmed his
findings. In a series of experiments over thirty
years, Carlo Matteucci, a professor of physics,
provided conclusive proof of the existence of the
"injury current" that results from a wound.
In his book "The Body Electric", Dr. Robert
Becker M.D. sets out his considerable research
and findings in great detail. He confirms this flow
of bio-electrical energy and proved it by
achieving spontaneous regeneration of a frog's
leg, previously amputated, after applying
electrical fields to it.
The whole universe is a veritable ocean of
electromagnetic energy fields, and whether
manifested as waves or as particles, they share two
common characteristics:
1. They travel at the speed of light;
2. They have electrical and magnetic components
which vibrate at an angle of ninety degrees to
each other.
It is no accident that our body is made up of
75% water. By the end of the first year of life,
this percentage drops to 60% and decreases
further as we age. One can understand why cult
worship of water existed in ancient times and the
fact that water was related to spiritual ideas.
References to this can be found in the writings of
famous people such as Leonardo da Vinci,
Goethe, Novalis, Hagel, etc.
Mankind today has forgotten what water really
represents. Water is not just a gravitational body:
it is a crucially important and extraordinarily
active and interactive medium that enables us to
understand the basis for all life-creating processes.
12 Bio-Electricity
Water possesses three essential qualities;
1. It is an ideal medium for the development
of all metabolic processes due to its solvent
property which enables it to transport
nutrition. The water in our bodies is found
between tissues (interstitial fluid), inside cells
(intracellular fluid): it forms part of the blood
and takes an active part in metabolic
transportation, in maintaining body
temperature as it is the vehicle for chemical
signals (hormones), and is involved in the
regulation of pH changes.
2. It has plasticity, fluidity and the ability to
establish circuits.
Water is related to rhythm and the more
rapidly it moves, the richer its essence.
3. Water responds to the smallest changes in the
medium that surrounds it.
Due to its transparency, water is like an eye that
absorbs light and transforms it into information.
All these parameters, namely:
The bio-energy generated by the array
The electrolyte water in the footbath together
with the water's ability to transmit information;
The presence of sebaceous glands, reflex points
or zones on the soles of the feet; and
The continuous bio-energetic flow in the body
has been integrated into the Detox system and
It has also been proved that water has a
utilised to initiate a process which makes it
memory, a characteristic which has been used
possible to restore the equilibrium needed to
by sciences such as homeopathy.
return to good health.
In conclusion
In conclusion we can say that the appearance of colours, bubbles and the change in the water's
surface, as well as the change in pH, indicate that the unit is producing an electrical current in
the water and that polarity is being generated by the electrodes in the array.
The result is electrolysis and the generation of an
solution sets up an electrical current in the bath.
electromagnetic field. Electrolysis causes the
The migration of electrons from the anode, by
precipitation of substances dissolved in the water
means of a cable and generator, constitute the
that have ionic capacity, or that are on the skin or
external current in the circuit. The electrons flow
in the pores of the feet submerged in the
from the cathode (-) to the anode (+).
footbath. The water, due to its content of ionic
salts, becomes magnetised and, because the
The Mary Staggs Detox process also comprises a
magnetic field is picked up by body fluids it
generator of continuous current, an amp metre,
extends up through the body. The numerous
and two spiralled coiled electrodes called an
reflex zones in the feet or hands being treated are
Array as well as the electrolyte bath.
stimulated by the electromagnetic energy
Continues over...
generated and the stimuli are conveyed to the
different organs and systems.
Bio-Stimulation & Bio-Detoxification
To produce electrolysis, an ionized solution is
required in order to complete an electric circuit
between two electrodes. One charge is positive
(anode) and the other negative (cathode). When
the electrodes are connected to a source of
continuous current (cc) and submerged in a
carrier solution, the action of the current
produces an ionisation phenomenon, where the
positive ions in the solution move towards the
cathode and the negative ones toward the anode.
This migration of ions through the electrolyte
14 In conclusion
The electrodes are joined by cables which, in
ionisation in the water. This results in the
turn, are connected to a continuous supply of
formation of solid particles that are deposited on
energy which is released in the right proportion to
the floor of the container or that float on the
produce the electrolyte breakdown in the water.
surface, becoming visible while at the same time a
When the Mary Staggs Detox is switched on,
electrolysis is produced with consequent
colour change can be observed.
Questions & Answers
What happens when I place my feet or some
other part of my body in the Mary Staggs
Who should NOT use the
Mary Staggs Detox?
Detox system?
Anyone with a surgical implant that operates with
The appearance of colours, bubbles and the changes
batteries such as a pacemaker.
in the tension of the water's surface as well as the
Women who think they are or could be pregnant.
change in pH, indicates that the unit is producing an
Anyone who has received a transplant.
electrical current in the water and that polarity is being
generated by the electrodes in the array. The result is
electrolysis and the generation of substances dissolved
in the water that have ionic capacity, or that are on the
skin or in the pores of the person whose feet are
submerged in the foot bath. The water, due to its
content of ionic salts, becomes magnetised and,
because this magnetic field is picked up by the body
fluids, it extends up through the body.
Why should I use the
Mary Staggs Detox?
There are many reasons why you should use the Mary
Staggs Detox. Consider that if you are 30, 40 or 50
years old, then you have spent as many years getting to
your present state of health. We strongly recommend
that you follow a regular and continuous Mary Staggs
Transplant patients: Patients who have received a
transplant need to take a regular basic medication to
avoid organ rejection. Although there is no evidence
that this could occur, there could be interference with
the medication protocol. The same applies to patients
on long term life-saving drugs which depress the
immune system, affect coagulation, etc. Treatment in
these cases must at all times be undertaken under
medical supervision.
Pregnancy. The Mary Staggs Detox is designed to
work with one bio-electrical system at a time, as each
system has its own properties. In the case of
pregnancy, there are two bio-energetic fields present
which could possibly interfere with each other.
Haemophiliacs: Haemophilia is a fault in the
coagulation system of the body. Some of the factors
Detox stimulation for relaxing and recuperation. Make
that promote coagulation do not function correctly or
sure your diet is a good one.
are missing. Therefore only use with Primary Doctors
Who should use the
Mary Staggs Detox?
Nearly everyone can benefit from following a Mary
Should I remove my jewellery or electrical
appliances, such as a mobile phone etc.?
Staggs program, even those of you that think you are
These could interfere with the bio-electromagnetic
healthy and follow a balanced nutritious diet. Mary
field that is being created and stimulated, due to the
Staggs Detox compliments other therapies wonderfully.
magnetic or radio frequencies being emitted. The
If tired or feeling run down start now.
purer the bio-electrical field the better.
“ Wellness is generally used to mean a
healthy balance of the mind, body and
spirit that results in the overall feeling
of wellbeing.
It can also refer to a general state of
being healthy. ”
Mary Staggs Detox™ Australia, PO Box 1455, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
Tel:1300 376 279 Fax: 02 6971 8868
Email:[email protected]