ROOTS - Dr. Radloff
ROOTS - Dr. Radloff
LATIN ROOTS MEANING BASE EXAMPLES act to do, drive action, actor, react, transact, enact l. ait high altitude, altimeter, altiplano 3. anima, anim life, mind animal, animated ..,. ann, enn year annual, perennial, bicentennial s: aqua water aquarium, aquamarine, aquanaut (,. arm army, weapon armory, armament 7. arbitr, arbiter to judge, consi.:ler arbitrator, arbitrary, arbiter %. art craft, skill artist, artsy, artisan 1. aud to hear audience, auditorium, audible 10. bell war belligerent, bellicose II. cede to go; to yield intercede, supercede, concede Iz... cele honor celebrate, celebrities 13. cent one hundred percent, bicentennial, centennial cept, eapt, cip, eap, to take hold, grasp intercept, receive, receipt, capture /. /4. eeive,ceipt IS. eert to be sure, to trust certain, ascertain, certifiable tb. eess, ced to go; to yield cessation, concession, accede, procession n. cid, cis to cut off, be brief; to kill concise, homicide, genocide around circumference, circle, circular din to lean, lie, bend decline, incline, recline cog to think, consider cognition, cognitive, recognize eomput to compute computer, computation heart cardiovascular, coronary corp body corpse, corpulence, corporate cred to believe, trust credibility, incredible, credit, credential crU,cris to separate; t? discern, judge criticism, critique, crisis culp fault, blame culprit, culpable curs, eurr, carr to run current, occurrence, curSOT,corral custom one's own customized, customer, accustom dent tooth dentist, dental, dentifrice die, diet to say, to speak; to assert diction, dictionary, dictate duct, due to lead; to draw aqueduct, abduct, conduct, reduce dur hard, lasting duration, durable, endure /8-. cire, cireum Ii cor, cord, card COMMON ROOTS, PREFIXES,AND SUFFIXES xi LATIN ROOTS BASE MEANING (continued) EXAMPLES 33. ego I egotistical, egocentric, egoism 3Y. eqll equal, fair equality, equation, equator 35"". fac, fie, fect, fact to make, do facsimile, facility, defect, efficient ;Jh. fer to carry, bear, bring offer, transfer, aquifer 37. fid trust, faith fidelity, infidel, infidelity 3$. fin end, limit finish, finite, infinite, final 3~. flu to flow fluid, flux, fluctuate '10. form shape, form formal, formative, inform "I,. fort strong fortress, fortify, fortification '12.. frig cool frigid, refrigerate, frigorific 43. fum smoke; scent fuming, fumigate, perfume 41./. gen race, family, kind genealogy, general, generation 45 , grad, gress LIb. grat step, degree, rank grade, gradual, regress pleasing, thankful congratulate, gratitude, gratify 47. grav, griev heavy gravitate, gravity, grieve 'fR. 1mb to have, hold; to dwell habit, habitat, inhabit ifi. horn man, human homage, homicide \Sb. hasp guest hospital, hospitality 51. host enemy, stranger hostile, hostility, host 52.. init to begin, enter upon initial, initiate, initiation S). jur, jus, judic law, right, judgment jurist, justify, judicial S\I. juven young juvenile, juvenility, rejuvenate ~. labor work laboratory, laborer, laborious Sl:>. lat lateral, side; wide latitude, latitudinal $"7. laud praise laud, laudable, laudatory $6". leg law legal, legislator, legitimate $1. lev to make light, to lift elevator, lever, levitate /,0. liber free liberal, Hberate, libertarian (,I. lingu, langu tongue language, sublingual hZ. loc place local, localize, relocate, dislocate 1,3. loeu, loqu, loeut word, speak elocution, eloquent, loquacious bq. luc,lumin light illuminate, lucent, lucid xii COMMON ROOTS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES is :r >.0 @ 1: C> 't: >C1. o o LATIN ROOTS (continued) MEANING BASE EXAMPLES 6£ b6. manit hand manual, manufacture mar sea marinate, marine, maritime h7. med, medi middle mediate, medieval, mediocre bt. medic physician, to heal medical, medicine, medicinal M. memor mindful memorial, memory 70. man to remind, advise, warn admonish, monitor, premonition 1/. ment mind mental, mentally, mentality 72-. migr 7$. mit, mis to move, travel immigrant, migration, migratory to send remission, missive, transmit 7'1. mort death mortal, mortality, mortify 7,S'. 1I10V,mob, mot to move mob, mobile, remove, motion 7. mut change, exchange mutant, mutate, transmutate 77. neeess unavoidable necessary, necessitate, necessity 7t. noc,nox harm innocenti innocuous, nocent, obnoxious 79. noc,nox night equinox, nocturnal, nocturne f"o. nomen, nomin name nominal, nominate, nomenclature fr"1, null, nihil, nil nothing, void nihilism, nil, nullify fl.. ord,ordin to put in order order, ordinal, ordinary 6"3. par, pair to arrange, get ready, set parade, prepare, repair part,pars portion, part partial, particle, partner ped foot pedestal, pedestrian, pedal pend, pond, pens to weigh, pay; to consider pension, pensive, ponder pli,plie to fold pliable, plicate, replicate rrg-. plllr,plus more plural, pluralistic, surplus 8'1. port to carry import, export, portable 90. pas to place, put position, positive i c,I. :r: pot powerful impotent, potent, potential prim, prin first primary, prime, primitive, principal .0a. 93. priv separate deprive, private, privilege () prov,prob to prove, test probate, probation, prove fS. reg,rig, reet to rule; right, straight regal, regent, region, rectify 9b. rupt to break, burst disrupt, eruption, rupture . f. "<II gs-. E0) 8f,. '1: 0c: t:: <II oc >- 87. l. t &/. - COMMON ROOTS, PREFIXES,AND SUFFIXES xiii LATIN ROOTS (continued) 97. <if. EXAMPLES MEANING BASE saer, seer, sanet sacred desecrate, sacrifice, sacrilege, sanctify sat, saUs enough insatiable, satisfy, satiate sci to know conscience, science, scientist IOf). scrib, script to write inscribe, subscription, script 101. sed, sid, sess to sit; to settle sedate, sediment, subside, session t02-. sent, sens to feel sense, sentimental, sentinel 103. sequ, secut to follow; sequence consequence, sequel, consecutive to"l. simil, simul, sembI like, similar 91. " semblance, simulate, simile 10S". sol, soli alone, lonely soliloquy, solo, solitary lOb. somn sleep somnambulate, somnolent, somniloquy t07. son sound sonic, soniferous, sonnet 1t)8. spec,spect, spie to see, look at, behold inspect, respect, spectacle, species lot spond,spans to pledge, promise sponsor, sponsorship, respond tae, tic silent tacit, taciturn temp time temporary, temper IIZ. ten, tain, tent to hold contain, tenant, retention ,13. tend, tens to stretch, strive tendon, tension, distend i ,Iof. termin boundary, limit terminal, terminate, determine liS. test 1lJ,. tract to witness, affirm attest, contest, testify to pull, draw attract, retract, traction '17. trib to allot, give attribute, tribute ,'k. vae empty evacuate, vacuous, vacuum lit. ven, vent to come advent, convene, revenue ;20. ver truth veracity, verify, veritable 12-/. vers, vert to turn adverse, conversion, invert IU. vest garment vest, vestment IZJ. vestig to track investigate, vestige via way, road via, viaduct /z,s-. vir manliness; worth virile, virility, virtue iZb. vis,vid to see, look revision, video, visible ,Z,7. viv, vit life vital, vivacious, vivid /~. voice, call invocation, revoke, vocal "0. ,,,. I 2-'i. vac, vak xiv COMMON ROOTS,PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES o J: >.c @ E 01 'C >a. o ()
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