June 2015 - Keppel Corporation
June 2015 - Keppel Corporation
June 2015 www.kepcorp.com/ekeppelite Seabed exploration milestone 6 Thriving through innovation 22 K-Star winner crowned 34 First-ever triple naming MCI (P) 133/02/2015 14 28 43 Contents SUSTAINING GROWTH World’s first triple rig naming ceremony 4 Ocean Mineral Singapore awarded seabed exploration contract 6 Leading sustainability performer 8 Winning safety innovations Hallmarks of excellence 9 Yard of choice 10 Promoting industry growth 11 Purpose built Strengthening networks 12 Technology insights 13 Networking in Norway 14 Showcase in Azerbaijan 15 A win-win relationship Strong ties, best practices 16 Telling the Singapore Maritime story Keppel Cover gears up for launch 17 Sharing of lessons learned 18 Reaffirming safety goals Unified platform 19 Boosting pandemic preparedness 20 Promoting the growth of REITs 21 Gelling through golf Special FOCUS Thriving through innovation 22 Spurring Innovations Eye on safety 25 EMPOWERING LIVES Platform for exchange 26 Scoring high 28 Insights into China 31 Model employees 32 Loyal service Unbreakable sporting spirit 33 K-Star Search has its winner! 34 Keppelites Around the World Global citizen 37 Family time over dinner 38 NURTURING COMMUNITIES Care in the community 39 Sowing environmental awareness 40 Carnival with a cause 42 Keppel Volunteers Nourishing lives 43 BACK PAGE First Keppel DC REIT acquisition 44 Cover image: Celebrating the world’s first triple rig naming are Mr Chan Chun Sing (seated), Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, and SecretaryGeneral, National Trades Union Congress; (first row from L-R) Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO, Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M); Lady Sponsor Ms Mariella Garza; Mr Ramiro Garza Vargas, CEO of Grupo R; Lady Sponsor Ms Karla Garza; Lady Sponsor Mrs Gabriela Garza; and Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO, Keppel Corporation, and Chairman, Keppel O&M. Published for people in the Keppel Group by the Group Corporate Communications Division, Keppel Corporation Limited, 1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01 Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632. Printed by Image Printers Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Redhill Industrial Estate, Jalan Bukit Merah, #03-12, Singapore 159456. Editorial Advisor Wang Look Fung Editor Say Huan Yuan Editorial Committee Aaron Bay, Ang Lai Lee, Brian Higgs, Candice Low, Carol Huang, Cheryl Goh, Chew Chong Peng, Donald Sng, Daryl Soo, Eileen Tan, Elizabeth Widjaja, Frances Teh, Gabriela Hott Soares, Grace Chia, Hayley Teo, Hoo Yao Lin, Ivana Chua, Jayne Yeo, Kevin Ho, Lee Wan Jun, Maria Rutz, Mia Liu, Priscilla Chong, Razali Maulod, Roy Tan, Serena Toh, Song Jia Jia, Sue Ann Huang, Tang Yi Bing, Teri Liew, Tracy Pham, Woon Pek Yong, Yolanda Guo Keppelite I June 2015 CO REG NO: 196800351N Editorial Fostering innovation as second nature Innovation has propelled Keppel to accord recognition to good innovation efforts that leadership in its businesses. Our KFELS B Class rig could potentially lead to profound changes in our has set a global benchmark as the most used rig business, even as they are yet to be profitable.” design in the industry while Keppel Land has built iconic landmarks in key cities around the globe. We need channels to generate and share ideas, big Carving our niches, we have turned challenges into and small, as well as to source ideas from within advantage and developed proprietary solutions by the Group through the expertise and experience of anticipating and meeting customers’ demands. our people and tap that of customers, institutions and our wide networks. And we need leaders who Still, we have yet to unleash the full potential of will surface ideas and keep our people actively our innovative spirit, which has driven many of engaged in developing ideas without fear of our achievements. Innovation has to be holistic failure. and broad based, to become second nature. It has to span new or better processes, business If we are to grow Keppel into a truly global models, ways of connecting to customers, and company, we cannot afford not to innovate. even transform how we lead and manage. Aptly put by CEO Loh, “Without innovation, we risk losing relevance in our markets while others At Keppel, we want to encourage the proliferation who innovate eat our lunch.” Mindful that our of ideas and continue to spur an active curiosity competition is always there, we have to be more in Keppelites which translate to improvements, ambitious, more agile and more flexible in a fast solutions and value. The recent inauguration of the changing environment. Keppel Innovation Convention reflects how serious our commitment is to innovation as a Group. Keppelites were walking the talk on our core values long before they found articulation. Through The 58 entries from various business units collective effort and clarity of focus, we too can groupwide, whether from Singapore or overseas, make the embrace of innovation the “way of life” submitted at the Convention demonstrated that at Keppel. innovation takes many forms – from Realised Innovation, Early-stage Innovation to Productivity Gems. As Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation, encouraged, ”We should value and Keppelite I June 2015 Sustaining Growth 4Sustaining Growth World’s first triple rig naming ceremony The three rigs will bring the total number of jackup rigs that Keppel has delivered to Mexico to 14. Keppel FELS is on track to deliver three KFELS B Class jackup rigs to the Mexican company Grupo R safely, on time and on budget. The rigs were named at the world’s first triple rig naming ceremony held on 30 May 2015 at Keppel FELS’ yard. Mr Chan Chun Sing, Singapore’s Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Secretary-General of the National Trades Union Congress was the Guest-ofHonour. Built to Keppel’s proprietary KFELS B Class design, the three identical rigs were christened CANTARELL I, C A N TA R E L L I I a n d CANTARELL III, after the Cantarell oil field in offshore Mexico. They are the first t h re e o f f i v e rigs that Keppel FELS is building for Grupo R, and will bring the total number of jackups Keppel has delivered to Mexico to 14. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Chan said, “Keppel’s achievement in the naming of these three rigs underscores Singapore’s capabilities as a world leader in rig building. To continuously sharpen Singapore’s competitive edge, the government will continue to collaborate actively with the industry in Keppelite I June 2015 When delivered, the three rigs CANTARELL I, II and III will bring the total number of KFELS B Class rigs working in Mexico to 11, making it the dominant rig design in the region research and development, productivity improvements and skills training.” Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), added, “We are pleased to name the first three of five rigs for Grupo R together which are on track for a timely and safe delivery. We have reaped synergies from working on five rigs at one time to maximise resources and improve efficiencies in the construction process. This is extremely helpful especially when we will be delivering 15 rigs this year, which is the second highest number of deliveries in a year. “When delivered, these three rigs will bring the total number of KFELS B Class rigs working in Mexico to 11. The KFELS B Class design is the dominant rig design in the region, with those already in operation turning out robust, efficient and economical performances for Mexico. Besides two more rigs for Grupo R, we currently have another two under construction for other Mexican customers.” Mr Ramiro Garza, CEO of Grupo R, said, “In spite of the current low oil price environment, Mexico is focused on finding new resources to increase its oil production in the face of a long-term decline. Celebrating the world’s first triple rig naming are (first row from left to right) Mr Tong Chong Heong, Senior Advisor, Keppel O&M; Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO, Keppel O&M ; Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO, Keppel Corporation, and Chairman, Keppel O&M; Lady Sponsor Mrs Gabriela Garza; Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, and Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress; Lady Sponsor Ms Karla Garza; Lady Sponsor Ms Mariella Garza; and Dr Lee Boon Yang, Chairman, Keppel Corporation “Our new KFELS B Class j a c k u p r i g s a re h i g h l y efficient, with a proven track record. Combined with our expertise and experience, these five new rigs from Keppel will strengthen our position as the leading drilling contractor in Mexico. Sustaining Growth5 “We have built these rigs with Keppel FELS to ensure cost efficiencies in getting customised and high quality products that are able to exceed the expectations of our customers. We look forward to continuing this win-win partnership as we grow our fleet of rigs.” Keppel’s partnership with Mexico began in 2004 when it was awarded a contract to build two accommodation modules. Besides building new jackup rigs for Mexico, Keppel has also repaired and serviced a total of 18 rigs that have been deployed in Mexico. keppelite Union of strengths Strong labourmanagement relations is a key factor of Keppel’s success. everyone’s safety, and that every project is delivered on time and within budget. Noting this at the naming c e r e m o n y, G u e s t - o f Honour Mr Chan Chun Sing said, “I am happy to note that Keppel’s success is also a result of the strong labourmanagement relations that have been nurtured over the past 32 years with the union. “This is only possible with the trust between the union and the management, which is not to be taken for granted. This strong relationship is the result of many years of hard work and requires continuous efforts to ensure we m a i n t a i n t h i s s t ro n g tripartite relationship that will be Singapore’s competitive advantage.” “The trust shared between the company and the union has Mr Chan Chun Sing (first row, third from left), Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and SecretaryGeneral, National Trades Union Congress, seen here with members of Keppel FELS Employees Union and Keppel senior management at the naming ceremony resulted in high employee morale, a conducive working environment, and increased productivity and quality. “Every time I visit Keppel, I am struck by the sense of the Keppel family. Employees and management work closely together to ensure Keppelite I June 2015 6Sustaining Growth Ocean Mineral Singapore awarded seabed exploration contract The signing of the exploration contract for polymetallic nodules took place between Mr Ong Ye Kung (seated, right), Director of Ocean Mineral Singapore and Director of Group Strategy & Development, Keppel Corporation, and Mr Nii Allotey Odunton (seated, left), Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority. Witnessing the signing ceremony were (back row, from L-R) Ambassador Tommy Koh, Singapore’s Ambassador-at-Large; Guest-of-Honour Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs; and Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation Ocean Mineral Singapore (OMS) has entered into a 15-year exploration contract for polymetallic nodules at a site within the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone of the Pacific Ocean with the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Sponsored by the Singapore Government, OMS is the first Singaporean company to be awarded an exploration contract for polymetallic nodules. Keppelite I June 2015 Contract Signing Ceremony The contract signing took place between Mr Nii Allotey Odunton, Secretary-General of the ISA, and Mr Ong Ye Kung, Director of OMS and Director of Group Strategy & Development, Keppel Corporation. The c eremony h el d o n 16 June 2015 was witnessed by Guest-of-Honour Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tommy Koh, Singapore’s Ambassadorat-Large, and Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation. The contract signing follows the approval of OMS’s application for the exploration licence for polymetallic nodules awarded by the ISA earlier on 21 July 2014. Mr Ong said, “We are encouraged by the attainment of another milestone in our journey to find a more sustainable way o f s u p p o r t ing t he world’s need for metal resources. We look forward to working closely with the ISA and other stakeholders to develop an environmentally responsible and commercially viable solution for deep seabed harvesting.” Mr Zulkifli said, “The signing ceremony marks a new milestone as it is the very first deep seabed exploration contract awarded to a Singapore company. Deep seabed mining is an area where interest is booming. Recent advances in technology have opened up new opportunities and enabled us to explore parts of the deep seabed that were inaccessible in the past. We are gratified that the ISA has shown its confidence in Singapore and our sponsored entity Ocean Mineral Singapore.” Exploration phase OMS is a Singaporeincorporated company majority owned by Keppel Corporation, with UK Seabed Resources Ltd (UKSRL), a wholly owned subsidiary of London-based Lockheed Martin UK Holdings Ltd, and Singapore-based private investment company Lion City Capital Partners Pte. Ltd., as minority shareholders. Polymetallic nodules contain copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese, as well as rare earth minerals, and have the potential of supplying these key metals to meet growing global demand in applications as diverse as construction, aerospace and alternative energy. Supported by the KeppelNational University of Singapore (NUS) Corporate Laboratory, OMS will be conducting environmental Sustaining Growth7 Ambassador Tommy Koh (extreme left), Singapore’s Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, receiving a polymetallic nodule on behalf of the museum from Mr Loh Chin Hua (second from right), CEO of Keppel Corporation. Witnessing the presentation were Mr Nii Allotey Odunton (second from left), Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority, Guest-of-Honour Mr Masagos Zukifli Bin Masagos Mohamad (third from left), Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, and Mr Ong Ye Kung (extreme right), Director of Ocean Mineral Singapore and Director of Group Strategy & Development, Keppel Corporation studies and surveys for deposits of polymetallic nodules within the approved area of 58,000 square kilometres, which is approximately 80 times the size of Singapore. land and 70% sea. With a growing human population and rapid urbanisation, it will be a challenge to continue to extract metals almost solely from the land on which our communities live and toil.” Mr Ong said, “Keppel offers a range of offshore and marine solutions, from oil and gas drilling and production, floating solutions for liquefaction a n d re - g a s i f i c a t i o n o f natural gas, to floating hotels, pipe laying and installation v essels for offshore wind turbines to generate renewable energy. It is with this same Can Do! and pioneering spirit that we are exploring the possibility of moving harvesting metals offshore someday. Keppel Offshore & Marine Te c h n o l o g y C e n t r e (KOMtech), the research and development arm o f K e p p e l O ff s h o re & Marine, is developing the technology that will be used for harvesting the nodules. Besides designing an environmentally friendly nodule collector, KOMtech is also working on various concepts for bringing up the nodules from the seabed to a specialised surface ship. “It is a logical proposition, because the earth is 30% KOMtech, UKSRL and a team of scientists from NUS had undertaken a joint scientific expedition from 12 February to 25 March 2015 to study the geophysical and environmental conditions of the site in the ClarionClipperton Fracture Zone. W ith 22 biologists and seven geoscientists onboard, the expedition collected information on the marine flora and fauna as well as geotechnical data and nodules, which will serve as baseline data for technology development and environmental impact studies. Leading a delegation from the ISA, Mr Odunton was also in Singapore for a stakeholder workshop jointly hosted by the ISA and the NUS Centre for International Law, to discuss the draft framework for the harvesting of seabed polymetallic nodules. keppelite Keppelite I June 2015 8Sustaining Growth Leading sustainability performer Underscoring its commitment to sustainability, Keppel Corporation has been maintained as a constituent of the latest MSCI Global Sustainability and Euronext Vigeo World 120 indices. The MSCI Global Sustainability Index is a benchmark of a company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, based on in-depth research, ratings and analysis of a company’s ESG-related business practices. The index is designed for investors seeking exposure to companies with strong sustainability profiles. Keppel Corporation was previously included in the 2014 edition of the index, which is reconstituted annually. The Euronext Vigeo World 120 Index comprises the 120 most advanced companies in Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific in terms of ESG performance. Keppel Corporation is the only Singaporean company included in the latest edition of the index, which is reviewed every six months to ensure accuracy and relevance. To be considered for inclusion, companies are assessed on up to 330 indicators across sustainability aspects such as decent employment practices, governance and business ethics. keppelite Winning safety innovations Keppel Infrastructure (KI) bagged three prizes at the 7th annual Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Awards held on 22 May 2015. Keppel Merlimau Cogen Senior Control & Instrumentation (C&I) Engineer, Arungulavan Panchanathan (second from right), and Principal C&I Engineer, Ramasamy Gunasekaran (second from left), receiving the Bronze award for the WSH Innovation Award category on behalf of the company from Mr Douglas Foo (far left) President of Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) and Mr Lim Meng Wee (far right), Deputy Chairman of SMF’s Health, Safety, Security & Environment Function Committee Keppelite I June 2015 Organised by SMF and Singapore WSH Council in collaboration with Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, the awards were divided into two categories – the WSH Innovation Award, which recognises companies that have put in place innovative measures to counter potential safety hazards, and the WSH Award for Supervisors, which honours the efforts of supervisors who care for workers under their charge by advancing health and safety in the workplace. KI’s subsidiary Keppel Seghers Engineering Singapore took home two silver awards in the Innovation category for safety solutions implemented at its two Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plants – Senoko WTE Plant and Keppel Seghers Tuas WTE Plant – while Keppel Merlimau Cogen (KMC) received a bronze award in the same category. Senoko WTE Plant’s winning solution reduces the risk of tipper trucks lifting up when they discharge their loads of fly ash, while KMC’s solution eliminates the risk of personnel being asphyxiated in the gas turbine enclosure in case of a malfunction in the gas suppression firefighting system. keppelite Sustaining Growth9 Hallmarks of excellence Keppel Land and its properties continue to garner international recognition for excellence in design and sustainability. At the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on 22 May 2015, Keppel Land was named one of the top 10 developers in Vietnam. was conferred the Silver Award in the Residential (High Rise) category. The development won an award in the same category at the FIABCI Singapore Property Awards in 2014. The award is bestowed to firms with the greatest aggregate value of projects under construction during the last full calendar year based on criteria such as green building ratings. One of the most prestigious international real estate awards, the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Award recognises projects that embody excellence in architecture and design, development and construction, finance and marketing, environmental impact, as well as contribution to the community. At the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Awards held on 30 May 2015, Marina Bay Suites “The consortium behind Marina Bay Suites – Cheung Kong (Holdings), Hongkong Land and Keppel Land – is delighted to receive this significant award and the international recognition it garners for Singapore. The award also cements Marina Bay Suites’ status as one of the most iconic luxury residential developments in Marina Bay,” said Mr Warren Bishop, CEO of Raffles Quay Asset Management (RQAM), on behalf of the consortium. “The award will spur us at RQAM in our commitment to high standards of excellence in all our projects, to meet and even surpass the expectations of our tenants and homeowners.” Bringing out the ‘live’ component in the work- live-play concept of the Marina Bay Financial Centre integrated development, Marina Bay Suites offers an exclusive waterfront lifestyle with close proximity to the business district and worldclass attractions. By adopting a holistic approach in the way it designs and constructs, the developers of Marina Bay Suites ensured efficient use of land space and minimised environmental and social impact during the construction of the condominium. The use of natural materials as well as lush greenery were also incorporated into its design. keppelite Mr Tan Swee Yiow (third from left), President (Singapore), Keppel Land, and Director, Marina Bay Suites, receiving the Silver award in the Residential (High Rise) category for Marina Bay Suites at the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Awards from (L-R): Ir. Yeow Thit Sang, President, FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards 2015 Committee, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir, Royal Guest-of-Honour, and Ms Robyn Waters, former FIABCI World President (2014-2015) Keppelite I June 2015 10 Sustaining Growth Yard of choice As a testament to its ability to execute projects with excellence, BrasFELS, Keppel Offshore & Marine’s shipyard in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, recently delivered a project to its client’s satisfaction and won a new repair job from a longstanding customer. Quality delivery BrasFELS demonstrated its commitment to quality, safe and timely execution with the recent delivery of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel Cidade de Itaguai MV26 to MODEC and Toyo Offshore Production Systems Pte Ltd (MTOPS). BrasFELS delivered the project ahead of schedule and with an excellent safety record. This is the yard’s third FPSO project for MTOPS, a joint venture between MODEC, Inc. and Toyo Engineering Corporation. “Over the years, BrasFELS has grown its capabilities for FPSO conversion as well as module integration and fabrication. FPSO Cidade de Itaguai MV26 is BrasFELS’ fifth FPSO project in five years, and all the projects were completed safely and ahead of schedule. We look forward to supporting the Brazilian offshore market with more of such projects.” New Repair project BrasFELS also has a robust track record in repair and upgrading projects. C o n t i n u i n g t h e s t ro n g relationship between Keppel The successful execution of the FPSO Cidade de Itaguai MV26 project is another milestone in the partnership between BrasFELS and MTOPS. We are glad to have the continued support of repeat customers as this is the best testament to our commitment to safe, on-time, on-budget and quality deliveries. Mr Kwok Kai Choong CEO and President Keppel FELS Brasil and BrasFELS and Ensco, the latter’s semisubmersible rig, ENSCO 6002, arrived at BrasFELS for repair works in May 2015. The rig is expected to leave the yard in 3Q 2015. Since 2007, BrasFELS has undertaken 50 repair and upgrading projects for Brazilian and international customers including Ensco, Diamond, Noble Drilling, QGOG, Aban Offshore, McDermott and Transocean. keppelite BrasFELS undertook module installation and integration for FPSO Cidade de Itaguai MV26. Mr Kwok Kai Choong, CEO and President of Keppel FELS Brasil and BrasFELS, said, “The successful execution of the FPSO Cidade de Itaguai MV26 project is another milestone in the partnership between BrasFELS and MTOPS. We are glad to have the continued support of repeat customers as this is the best testament to our commitment to safe, on-time, on-budget and quality deliveries. BrasFELS has delivered FPSO Cidade de Itaguai MV26 (vessel on the left) safely and ahead of schedule to MTOPS Keppelite I June 2015 Sustaining Growth11 Promoting industry growth Members of the Association of Singapore Marine I nd u stries (ASM I) h ave elected Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), as the new President of the 15-member ASMI Council. Mr Chow joined the ASMI Council as an elected Vice President in June 2011. Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO of Keppel O&M, has been elected President of the Association of Singapore Marine Industries Council As the Council’s President, Mr Chow will continue to work towards promoting the offshore and marine industry and bringing its members closer together for stronger ties, better cooperation and a greater sense of belonging. ASMI is a non-profit trade association formed in 1968 to promote the interests of the marine industry in Singapore. It represents a wide cross-section of the Singapore ship repair, shipbuilding and rig building industry. Engaging trade associations is one of many ways that Keppel O&M actively contributes to the growth o f t h e i n d u s t r y. O t h e r ways include sponsorships, collaborations, scholarships a n d t h e p ro m o t i o n o f welfare for industry workers. keppelite Purpose built On 15 May 2015, Keppel Singmarine successfully and safely launched the ice-class multipurpose duty rescue vessel that it is constructing for Bumi Armada. Following the launch, commissioning and sea trials will be conducted before the vessel is delivered in 3Q 2015. The multipurpose duty rescue vessel is one of the three ice-class vessels that Keppel Singmarine has been contracted by Bumi Armada to build. The other two are supply vessels that Keppel Nantong Shipyard, a shipyard of Keppel Offshore & Marine located in Nantong, China, is helping to build. The two supply vessels were launched earlier in March 2015 safely and ahead of schedule. keppelite Project teams from Keppel Singmarine and Bumi Armada, as well as surveyors from the appointed classification society, celebrate the successful launch of the ice-class multipurpose duty rescue vessel Keppelite I June 2015 12 Sustaining Growth Strengthening networks BrasFELS, Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M)’s shipyard in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted visits by government and industry delegations to share more about Keppel and its operations in Brazil. Government dialogue Mr Eduardo Braga, Brazil’s M i n i s t e r o f M ines and Energy, visited BrasFELS on 22 May 2015 to learn about the history and the contributions of the yard to Brazil’s offshore and marine and energy industries. Accompanying Minister Braga were government and industry representatives including Federal Congressmen Mr Luiz Sérgio Nóbrega de Oliveira and Mr Fernando Jordão, Electrical Energy Secretary Mr Ildo Wilson Grudtner, President of Electrobras Mr Jose da Costa Carvalho Neto, and Mayor of Angra dos Reis Madam Conceição Rabha. The delegation was received by Keppel management led by Mr Kwok Kai Choong, CEO and President of Keppel FELS Brasil and BrasFELS. Customer engagement On 10 June 2015, BrasFELS, together with its customer Modec and Toyo Offshore Production Systems Keppelite I June 2015 Mr Kwok Kai Choong (fourth from left), CEO and President, Keppel FELS Brasil and BrasFELS, and Mr Low Tiau Tong (extreme left), Special Duties Director, BrasFELS, hosted a visit by Mr Eduardo Braga (fourth from right), Brazil’s Minister of Mines and Energy. Accompanying the Minister here were Federal Congressman Mr Luiz Sérgio Nóbrega de Oliveira (second from left); Councilman of Angra dos Reis Mr Chapinha do Sindicato (third from left); (third from right to extreme right) Mayor of Angra dos Reis Madam Conceição Rabha; Councilman of Angra dos Reis and President of the City Council Mr Marco Aurélio Andrade; and Federal Congressman Mr Fernando Jordão Led by Mr Kwok Kai Choong (fourth from right), CEO and President of Keppel FELS Brasil and BrasFELS, the yard’s management, together with its customer MTOPS, showed Shell representatives around the yard during a visit on 10 June 2015 (MTOPS), hosted a visit by Shell representatives. MTOPS is a joint venture between MODEC, Inc. and Toyo Engineering Corporation. During the yard tour, the Shell delegation took a closer look at some projects, including the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel Cidade de Itaguai MV26 that BrasFELS is integrating topside modules for. The vessel is the third FPSO collaboration between BrasFELS and MTOPS (see page 10). Keppel Shipyard, another Keppel O&M subsidiary, is currently undertaking an FPSO conversion for Shell. Earlier in the year, a Shell delegation led by its Chairman Mr Chad Holliday visited the shipyard in Singapore. Agency exchanges A Singapore government delegation which was in Rio de Janeiro for a study visit was received by BrasFELS management on 8 June Sustaining Growth13 2015. The delegation, led by Mr Lim Chee Hwee, Senior Director of Programmes, Municipal Services Office, learned more about Keppel O & M ’s e x p e r i e n c e o f operating in Brazil, as well as the group’s Near Market, Near Customer strategy of setting up a global network of yards. keppelite Technology insights A Keppel Technology Advisory Panel (KTAP) delegation led by its Chairman Mr Sven Ullring and comprising Professor Chan Eng Soon and Mr Charles Foo, Director/ Advisor of Keppel Offshore & M a r i n e Te c h n o l o g y Centre, made a study visit to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and University of São Paulo (USP) on 5 May and 7 May 2015 respectively. R e c e i v i n g t h e K TA P delegation at UFRJ was Professor Antonio Fernandes of COPPE/UFRJ. COPPE refers to the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Engineering Research. At UFRJ, the delegates visited a lab affiliated with fKN, a consortium formed by FloaTEC, Keppel Offshore & Marine and the National University of Singapore, and learnt about its work t h ro u g h t e c h n i c a l a n d research presentations and demonstrations. In São Paulo, the delegation was joined by KTAP member Professor Kazuo Nishimoto, who is based in USP, and who helped to host the visit at the university in São Paulo. KTAP was established in 2004 as a key platform to advance the Group’s technology leadership. Its members include eminent business leaders and industry experts from across the world. O v e r t h e y e a r s , K TA P members have contributed to a broad range of ideas and developments in Keppel. The areas include drilling and production technology, offshore wind, coal gasification, waste-toenergy, as well as potentially disruptive technologies. (From left) Professor Antonio Fernandes of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, together with KTAP members Mr Charles Foo, Professor Chan Eng Soon and KTAP Chairman Mr Sven Ullring, touring a laboratory at the university keppelite Keppelite I June 2015 14 Sustaining Growth Networking in Norway Singapore’s Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence Mr Lui Tuck Yew (third from right) and Mr Hiroshi Muto (third from left), Japan’s Vice Minister for Transport, Tourism and International Affairs were hosted at Keppel O&M’s booth at Nor-Shipping 2015 by Keppel O&M senior management comprising (L-R) Mr Louis Chow, ED (Commercial), Keppel Shipyard; Mr Michael Chia, MD (Marine & Technology), Keppel O&M; Mr Chor How Jat, MD, Keppel Shipyard; and Mr Abu Bakar, MD, Keppel Singmarine Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) touched base with customers and industry partners and explored the future of the global maritime industry together at the NorShipping Conference and Exhibition (Nor-Shipping) held in Oslo, Norway, from 1 to 5 June 2015. Featuring insightful conference and dialogues, extensive networking opportunities and an exhibition of the best and latest in maritime technology and solutions, the biennial event drew leading global offshore and marine players. At the Singapore Pavilion of the exhibition, Keppel O&M helped to promote the country’s maritime industry Keppelite I June 2015 through a showcase of its broad-ranging capabilities and services. Singapore’s Minister for Tr a n s p o r t a n d S e c o n d Minister for Defence Mr Lui Tuck Yew officially opened the Singapore Pavilion, which was coordinated by Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) and Association of Singapore Marine Industries, and supported by Maritime Port Authority of Singapore and International Enterprise Singapore. SMF also held a Singapore Nite Reception on 3 June 2015, which allowed participants in the Singapore Pavilion and Norway-based Singaporeans to network over Singaporean cuisine. Singapore’s Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Defence Mr Lui Tuck Yew (centre) opening the Singapore Pavilion at Nor-Shipping 2015 Nor-Shipping 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the event which had an expanded programme this year to celebrate the occasion. New initiatives included Brazil@ Nor-Shipping, which focused on the risks and rewards of doing business in Brazil, a n d t h e Wo m e n @ N o rShipping Waves of Change Conference, which focused on women who set the agenda in the leadership and future of the maritime industry. keppelite Sustaining Growth15 A win-win relationship President of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev (extreme left) was briefed on the progress of the country’s first modern semi by (from second from left to right) Caspian Drilling Company General Director Mr Farid Akhundov, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan President Mr Rovnag Abdullayev, and Caspian Shipyard Company CEO Mr Lau Kuat Pin Showcase in Azerbaijan While the construction of Azerbaijan’s first modern semisubmersible (semi) rig is still underway at Caspian Shipyard Company (CSC), a preview of its completed look was given through a model of the rig at the 22nd Caspian Oil and Gas exhibition. CSC is Keppel Offshore & Marine’s shipyard in Baku, Azerbaijan. The semi is being built to Keppel’s DSS™ 38M design for Caspian Drilling Company, a subsidiary of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR). During the exhibition held in Baku from 2 to 5 June 2015, President of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev viewed the rig model at CDC’s booth and was updated on the smooth progress of the rig, which was 58% completed as at end May 2015, ahead of schedule. The rig is expected to be completed and delivered by end 2016. As a testament to Keppel Logistics’ excellence in service, Electrolux, a leading home appliance manufacturer and longtime customer, has extended its contract with Indo-Trans Keppel Logistics (ITKL), Keppel Logistics’ subsidiary in Vietnam. With the renewal of the contract, ITKL will continue providing nationwide integrated third-party logistics services to Electrolux in Vietnam, helping it to cater effectively to the consumption needs of the country’s burgeoning middle-class. Mr Nelson Wu, GM of ITKL, said, “We are pleased that Electrolux recognises the best-in-class logistics services that Keppel Logistics has to offer, and we look forward to more years of close partnership together.” Mr Nguyen Anh Thi, GM o f E l e c t ro l u x V i e t n a m , concurred, “Continuing the partnership is win-win for both Keppel and Electrolux. We can now focus on our core business and leave logistics fulfilment in the good hands of Keppel.” keppelite At the end of the briefing, President Aliyev said he was very pleased that an ultramodern rig is being built in Azerbaijan, and expressed his wish for more of such rigs to be built in the country. The DSS™ 38M rig is the most advanced semi to be built in the Caspian region and has been designed for the operational environment of the Caspian Sea. The rig will be the first shallow water semi capable of drilling and expanding the areas of operation in the oil fields of Azerbaijan. keppelite ITKL, Keppel Logistics’ subsidiary in Vietnam, has won the trust of Electrolux, a returning customer which has extended its contract Keppelite I June 2015 16 Sustaining Growth Strong ties, best practices Keppel Offshore & Marine’s global yards work closely with leading maritime and offshore classification service providers such as American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) to ensure projects are executed in adherence to stringent quality standards. To foster closer working relations with the classification society, Keppel Nantong Shipyard hosted a visit by a management team from ABS led by Mr Tony Nassif, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, on 26 May 2015. Led by Mr Edmund Lek, President, Keppel Nantong Shipyard, the management team gave an overview of the operations of the yard and conducted a tour of its key facilities. The Keppel Nantong Shipyard management team, led by President Mr Edmund Lek (fifth from right), hosted a visit by ABS management including Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Mr Tony Nassif (fifth from left) on 26 May 2015 Given the emphasis that both Keppel Nantong Shipyard and ABS place on safety, the tour included a visit to the safety training centre where the ABS visitors gained a deeper understanding of the yard’s safety programme and initiatives. The exchange on safety included a training the next day for the shipyard’s management team and contractors conducted by Duncan Peart, Assistant Chief Surveyor, ABS (Greater China Division), during which he shared safety best practices that can be adopted at the shipyard. keppelite Telling the Singapore Maritime story Keppel O&M is featured in a National Geographic documentary Keppelite I June 2015 An active contributor to the growth of Singapore’s maritime industry, Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) is the Gold sponsor of a documentary that the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore ( M PA ) a n d S i n g a p o r e Shipping Association have commissioned National Geographic to produce in conjunction with Singapore’s 50th birthday celebrations in 2015. The documentary, Inside Maritime Singapore, aims to capture the growth and success of Singapore’s maritime industry while offering a glimpse into its future. Given the significant presence of the offshore industry in Singapore, the documentary includes a dedicated offshore segment which prominently features Keppel O&M. Inside Maritime Singapore premiers on 30 June 2015 at 7.00pm on the National Geographic channel in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Repeat broadcasts will be aired on 2 July 2015 at 9.00pm and 5 July 2015 at 1.25pm. keppelite Sustaining Growth17 Keppel Cove gears up for launch Keppel Cove, Keppel Land’s latest integrated development in Zhongshan, China, has been gearing up for the soft launch of its villa units scheduled for 3Q 2015. A s K e p p e l L a n d ’s f i r s t integrated residential cum marina lifestyle development in the Pearl River Delta region of Zhongshan, located on MoDao Island in Shenwan Town, Keppel Cove has received positive interest and strong support from the market and local authorities. On 30 May 2015, Mr Li Jinzao, Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration, led a delegation visit to the Keppel Cove precinct. During the visit, Mr Li was given a tour and briefed on what to expect when the project is fully completed. Apart from the 250 villas that come with a private berth each, there will also be a world-class marina with amenities such as fine dining restaurants, 158 additional berths and a special Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Ports building which will facilitate direct sailing between Zhongshan and Macau. After the visit, Mr Li voiced his strong support for the integrated development which he believes will contribute significantly to the growth of the tourism industry of Zhongshan. As part of the efforts to drum up further publicity for the project, Sunsea Yacht Club (Zhongshan) Co. Ltd, the Zhongshan subsidiary of Keppel Land, recently worked together with Hilton Hotel in Zhongshan to set up a Keppel Cove exhibition in its lobby. The centrepiece of the exhibition, designed with a luxury waterfront theme, is a hanging yacht model made of close to 3,000 sparkling crystals, symbolising the unparalleled luxury of the waterfront lifestyle that Keppel Cove offers. The crystal yacht and the exhibition will be on display from 29 May to 28 August 2015. keppelite China National Tourism Administration Chairman Li Jinzao (third from right) being given a tour at Keppel Cove, Keppel Land’s first integrated residential cum marina lifestyle development in Zhongshan, China The hanging yacht model made of close to 3,000 sparkling crystals is the centrepiece of the Keppel Cove exhibition at Hilton Hotel in Zhongshan Keppelite I June 2015 18 Sustaining Growth Sharing of lessons learned To share lessons learned and facilitate cross-organisational knowledge sharing, senior management and project directors from across the Group came together for a series of workshops to share their experiences in project and investment management. Through this initiative led by Group Risk Management, various business units took turns to organise and host workshops over the past months. Chaired by the business units’ respective CEOs, the workshops shared on pertinent lessons learned from past and recently completed projects. The discussion not only brought out learning points and areas of improvement in project execution, but also successes in risk mitigation which could be replicated in future projects and investments. One such workshop was hosted by Keppel Infrastructure on 3 June 2015, using the Runcorn Energyfrom-Waste project as a case study. Phase 2 of the project was recently handed over to the client in May 2015. Case studies in other workshops focused on projects including Keppel Land’s Reflections at Keppel Bay development, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation’s Tianjin Logistic Centre, and Keppel Shipyard’s Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel upgrading project. keppelite Keppel senior management led a series of workshops to share on past project management experiences and identify key learning points Reaffirming safety goals To reaffirm the goals of ‘Safety Excellence 2020’, Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM) organised a Safety Excellence Day on 15 June 2015. ‘Safety Excellence 2020’ was i n t ro d u c e d i n 2 0 1 4 t o steer the shipyard towards achieving an incident and injury-free work environment by 2020. The event, which was attended by over 150 Keppelites, customers and stakeholders, showcased the efforts that have been implemented in the past year to take the company a step closer to its safety vision. Mr Chandru Rajwani, CEO of N-KOM, also announced a slew of new safety initiatives, which include a training programme to enhance the knowledge and skills of engineers in the enforcement of yard safety regulations. A three-day safety carnival was also held to raise awareness on High Impact Risk Activities among the workforce and to strengthen their knowledge of the right safety gear and equipment to use for different tasks and working environments. keppelite Mr Chandru Rajwani (fifth from right), CEO of N-KOM, and employees of N-KOM pledged their robust commitment to safety during the yard’s Safety Excellence Day Keppelite I June 2015 Sustaining Growth19 Unifying platform As Keppel works towards becoming a truly global c o m p a n y, t h e U n i f i e d Communications (UC) p ro j e c t h a s p ro v e d a n important tool in achieving that goal. Initiated in 2013 b y G ro u p I n f o r m a t i o n Systems (GIS), the project aims to provide Keppel staff worldwide with convenient access to an integrated suite of real-time communication tools. Anchoring the UC is the M i c ro s o f t Ly n c s y s t e m (Lync), recently rebranded as Microsoft Skype for Business, which features instant messaging, presence information, telephony, video conferencing, as well as sharing of documents, presentations and interactive whiteboards. Besides the obvious boon of more convenient daily communication between colleagues, UC has enabled the Group to reap cost savings. According to a study by GIS, the potential savings for business units that have already implemented UC could reach $1.94 million over five years, achieved mainly through the reduction o f v o i c e a n d ro a m i n g charges. GLOBAL INCLUSIVITY As the roll-out of UC gains momentum, it has emerged as a powerful way to make During the Global Keppelite Forum in February 2015, Keppelites from all over the world, including those in Keppel Nantong Shipyard in China (pictured on screen), were able to participate live through the UC system Keppel Group events globally inclusive. In February 2015, the Global Keppelite Forum was beamed live through the UC system to over 4,000 Keppelites gathered in more than 50 locations. This enabled Keppel Corporation CEO Mr Loh Chin Hua to address questions from Keppelites across the globe in real time in an unprecedented Group-wide townhall meeting. Likewise, project teams f ro m B r a z i l a n d Q a t a r were able to participate live in the recent Keppel Innovation Convention (see page 22) through the video conferencing features of the UC system. Chief Judge Ms Wang Look Fung, Director, Group Corporate Affairs, Keppel Corporation, noted that the international participation was a sign that Keppel is truly on its way to becoming a global company. For its innovativeness, the UC project was a winner in the “Productivity Gems” category of the convention. CONNECTING ON THE GO As any personal assistant can attest, coordinating highlevel meetings between board directors and senior management can be challenging, especially since many of them are often on the road. By connecting users on the go, UC enables meetings to take place across borders seamlessly, increasing organisational efficiency. Previously, international c o n f e re n c e c a l l s w e re conducted using traditional conference bridge devices, but the sound quality was often unreliable. Lync, on the other hand, offers dependably high sound quality – given optimal internet connection – whether it is being used on a laptop or mobile device. Mr Tan Ek Kia, a Nonexecutive and Independent Director on the Board of Keppel Corporation, can attest to that. Having used Lync to participate remotely in board meetings, he gives it the thumbs up for its “first class audio clarity.” keppelite Keppelite I June 2015 20 Sustaining Growth Boosting pandemic preparedness With the resurfacing of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus in South Korea in May and Thailand in June, it is more crucial than ever that nations and organisations are well prepared to cope with infectious disease threats. As a conglomerate with a wide global network, K e p p e l C o r p o r a t i o n ’s Group Risk Management (GRM) and the Group’s business units hold exercises regularly, reviewing existing procedures and protocols to ensure the efficacy of their Business Continuity Plans (BCP). From 22 to 24 April 2015, Keppel Corporation conducted a pandemic simulation exercise based on the scenario of an employee returning from West Africa with symptoms of the Ebola virus. This triggered a pandemic alert that escalated to an evacuation and work-fromhome activation on the third day of the exercise. The objectives of the exercise included assessing staff response during the sudden onset of a crisis that requires immediate evacuation; ensuring all employees understand their respective roles and responsibilities in executing the company’s BCP; as well as testing the availability of IT systems such as webmail, Lync and remote access to the global intranet. As part of the simulated scenario of an early stage of an influenza outbreak, all employees were required to take their temperature to help in the detection of infection. After the exercise, feedback from the participants was shared with the department BCP coordinators to finetune the BCP. Suspected patients were isolated in areas of the building demarcated as quarantine zones. E m p l o y i n g a d i ff e re n t scenario, Keppel Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s & Transportation (Keppel T&T) held a H1N1 virus pandemic flu drill at 9 Gul Circle on 29 May 2015 to test the robustness of its BCP. Subcontractors such as the cleaning staff also participated in the drill. They were deployed to disinfect all common areas as a preventive measure during a flu pandemic. keppelite A security guard from Keppel T&T taking the temperature of a deliveryman (left photo) and Keppel T&T staff reporting to a health declaration station (right photo) during a simulated scenario of a flu pandemic to test the robustness of the company’s business continuity plans Keppelite I June 2015 Sustaining Growth21 Promoting the growth of REITs As one of Singapore’s leading re a l e s t a t e i n v e s t m e n t trusts (REITs), Keppel REIT participated in the inaugural REITs Symposium on 23 May 2015 to further promote the growth and development of the industry. The one-day event attracted over 1,300 investors who were looking to enhance their financial knowledge in REIT investments. Mr Toh Wah San, Executive VP, Asset Management of Keppel REIT Management, was amongst the speakers who shared insights on the REITs industry, as well as provided updates on Keppel REIT and its business operations. Keppel REIT also set up a booth at the symposium where investors could get more information on the leading office REIT. The symposium was jointly organised by Share Investor and the REIT Association of Singapore (REITAS), of which Keppel REIT is a founding member. keppelite Keppel REIT’s Executive VP (Asset Management) Mr Toh Wan San speaking at the inaugural REITs Symposium which saw more than 1,300 investors attend to learn more about the industry and investment opportunities Gelling through golf To celebrate another year of excellent business relations with tenants and business partners, Keppel REIT and Ocean Financial Centre held a golf tournament on 18 June 2015 at the Sentosa Golf Club. Mr Khoo Ken Hee (right picture), a tenant at Bugis Junction Towers, a property under Keppel REIT, emerged the overall champion from a field of close to 100 golfers. The annual tournament is an excellent platform for Keppel management to interact and strengthen ties with its tenants and other stakeholders Keppelite I June 2015 22 Special Focus 1 3 4 1. Board directors, senior management and winners from the Realised Innovation category at the inaugural Keppel Innovation Convention 2015; 2. Project teams from various business units presented their innovations exhorted Keppelites to sharpen their innovative edge and remain hungry in seeking out ways to advance Keppel’s businesses; 4. The panel of judges comprised senior management across the Group, including (from rig Marine (Keppel O&M); Chief Judge Ms Wang Look Fung, Director, Group Corporate Affairs, Keppel Corporation; Mr Wong Kok Seng, MD (Offshore), Keppel O&M & MD, Keppel FELS; Mr Thomas Pang, CEO, Keppel Te also on the judging panel are Mr Nicholas Lai, ED (Gas-to-Power), Keppel Infrastructure; Mr Tan Boon Leng, ED (Waste-to-Energy, X-to-Energy), Keppel Infrastructure, and Ms Christina Tan, MD, Alpha Investment Partn Thriving through innovation “Think big, start small, act fast.” With this call to arms, Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation, kicked off the inaugural Keppel Innovation Convention 2015. Held on 15 June 2015 at Keppel Leadership Institute, the event was organised by Keppelite I June 2015 Keppel Young Leaders under the supervision of project sponsor Mr Ong Ye Kung, Director, Group Strategy & Development, Keppel Corporation. Conceived as an annual platform to foster an innov ativ e c ultu re an d re c o g n i s e o u t s t a n d i n g i n n o vati o n s acro s s th e Group, the convention also aims to encourage Keppelites to exchange best practices and embrace new ideas and methodologies, t h e re b y d r i v i n g h i g h e r productivity while ensuring the profitable, safe and responsible execution of the Group’s businesses. About 150 participants were present, comprising board directors, senior management and Keppelites. PLANTING WHILE HARVESTING Emphasising the importance of nurturing an ecosystem for innovation to flourish, 23 23 2 We have a chance to develop an innovation ecosystem that runs alongside our existing profitgenerating businesses. It is akin to planting seeds as you harvest. Mr Loh Chin Hua CEO Keppel Corporation s to the judges in a variety of formats; 3. During his opening address, Keppel Corporation CEO Mr Loh Chin Hua ght) Mr Abu Bakar, MD, Keppel Singmarine; Mr Michael Chia, MD (Marine & Technology), Keppel Offshore & Telecommunications & Transportation; and Mr Tan Swee Yiow, President (Singapore), Keppel Land. Not pictured but ners Mr Loh said in his opening address, “We need channels for ideas, big and small, status quo-preserving or disruptive, to surface and be noticed…We have a chance to develop an innovation ecosystem that runs alongside our existing profitgenerating businesses. It is akin to planting seeds as you harvest.” Drawing inspiration from a recent conference he attended in Seattle, USA, with many CEOs of tech start-ups, Mr Loh exhorted Keppelites to emulate the grit and gumption of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs in pushing forth ideas. “Simple ideas can grow into commercial hits in response to real, unmet needs. Never underestimate a simple idea that questions the status quo.” Mr Loh also noted the importance of recognising efforts by Keppelites to innovate through platforms such as the convention, whether or not immediate success is apparent. “Innovation requires a runway before takeoff, where you will not generate Economic Value Added (EVA) or profit. So we should value and accord recognition to good innovation efforts that could potentially lead to profound changes in our business, even as they are yet to be profitable.” While innovation remains one of Keppel’s hallmarks, Mr Loh challenged Keppelites to sharpen their dynamic edge and remain hungry in seeking out ways to advance Keppel’s businesses. “We need a healthy sense of insecurity regarding existing businesses that are already doing well. Big innovation may look contrarian, or even foolish at first. Eventually, however, the best ideas generate huge returns.” SPURRING ON COMPETITION The innovation competition, the main component of the convention, attracted 58 entries from various business units as well as Keppel Corporation, underscoring the importance of innovation not only to business operations, but also to how the Group is led and managed. Besides entries from business units in Singapore, teams from the Group’s operations in other countries including Belgium, Brazil, China, the Philippines, Qatar and Vietnam, joined in the fray. Cognizant that innovation takes many forms, the organisers designed the competition to have three categories – Realised Innovation, Early-Stage Innovation and Productivity Gems. The first category, Realised Innovation, was for projects Continues on page 24... Keppelite I June 2015 24 Special Focus ...continued from page 23. that have significantly added value to Keppel’s products, processes, service quality or business models. The second, Early-Stage Innovation, was for projects that are still in the design, detailed engineering or prototyping stage. Lastly, Productivity Gems was for incremental or small-scale projects that have improved productivity, or raised the quality of existing products or services. During the convention, project teams from the Realised Innovation category presented their innovations to a panel of judges comprising senior management. A team from Brazil even presented their project to the judges through a live video feed. Presentations were followed by questions from the judges, who probed for insights and offered suggestions for further improvement. Leading the panel as Chief Judge was Ms Wang Look F u n g , D i re c t o r, G ro u p Corporate Affairs, Keppel Corporation. The other ju d g e s we re Mr Wo ng Kok Seng, MD (Offshore), Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) & MD, Keppel FELS; Mr Michael Chia, MD (Marine & Technology), Keppel O&M; Mr Abu Bakar, MD, Keppel Singmarine; Mr Thomas Pang, CEO, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation; Mr Nicholas Lai, ED (Gas-to-Power), Keppel Infrastructure; Mr Tan Boon Leng, ED (Wasteto-Energy, X-to-Energy), Keppel Infrastructure; Mr Tan Swee Yiow, President (Singapore), Keppel Land; and Ms Christina Tan, MD, Alpha Investment Partners. Commending the efforts of the project teams, Ms Wang exhorted Keppelites to continue to constantly think out of the box. Encouraging them to venture out of their comfort zones, she shared during her closing speech, “Mozart detested the flute, but he is keppelite INNOVATION CONVENTION 2015 WINNERS Category Business unitProject name Realised Innovation* 1. Keppel FELS B Class jackup 2013 2. Keppel Shipyard Conversion of the Golar Hilli LNG Carrier to a Golar Hilli Floating LNG Vessel 3. Keppel FELS (BrasFELS) FPSO Cidade de Mangaratiba – flare tower lifting Keppel Shipyard (special mention) Keppel safety training centre Keppel Land (special mention) Green world Early-stage Innovation* 1. Keppel FELS Arctic jackup CAN DO drillship 2. Keppel FELS 3. Keppel Infrastructure DANO drum modification Productivity Gems Keppel Corporation Keppel global network Keppel Corporation Unified communications Keppel FELS CAN DO barge Keppel Shipyard Automated blasting system Keppel Shipyard Universal lock-out tag-out system Keppel Shipyard Vacuum-packed electrode Keppel Nantong Shipyard Panel line mobile platform Keppel Singmarine 6 Axis robotic welding Keppel Singmarine Auto-welding carriage for erection joint welding with quantum lift Keppel Singmarine MPS automated fabrication process Keppel Singmarine SAW 1G welding innovation for flat and curved plate joining Keppel Singmarine SM3D piping support Keppel Infrastructure Senoko Waste-to-Energy reduced lime consumption Keppel Land Bulk purchase of electricity Keppel Land Green fingers *Only Realised Innovation and Early-Stage Innovation winners were ranked. Keppelite I June 2015 among the composers who wrote the best concertos for the flute. He overcame his prejudice through his creativity – something I think we should all learn as well.” Sustaining Growth25 Spurring Innovations Eye on safety Keppel Logistics’ state-ofthe-art warehouse facility at 7 Gul Circle serves a wide variety of customers from industries such as biomedical, book publishing, chemical and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). At the facility, which has more than half a million square feet of warehouse space, goods are placed on pallets, which are structural foundations usually made from wood, to allow for handling and storage efficiencies. On average, Keppel Logistics employees have to handle up to 100 pallets per day. Some of these pallets are stored on racks as tall as five tiers, which requires the use of a forklift to stack or retrieve these pallets. Apart from a forklift operator, another employee is required to be an extra pair of eyes to watch out for the operator’s blind spots. This is to ensure safety at all times and minimise the risk of damage to the goods. Due to the height of the racks, employees often have to strain their necks for some time to make sure that the blades of the forklift are elevated to the appropriate level and aligned properly to the shelving space. After identifying the problem and ascertaining that the safety and productivity of the pallet retrieval and storage process could be improved, Alex Liew and Jerald Lim, Logistics Executives, came up with a simple and effective solution that won a Safety Innovation Project Silver award at the eighth Keppel Safety Convention in 2014. Dubbed the ‘Laser Eye’, their solution involves attaching to the blades of the forklift a wirelessly operated laser which helps to align the blades to the rack. The new process achieves a nearly five-fold decrease in the time required for the operator to confirm alignment of the pallet and blades. A spotter for the operator is no longer required, which means that valuable manpower can be better deployed. “The forklift enhanced with the ‘Laser Eye’ has given g re a t e r c o n f i d e n c e t o operators when putting away pallets at high locations. This is especially so for the new operators, who previously required greater supervision to avoid accidentally hitting the beams or racking,” said Alex. The team plans to take the successful implementation of the project to the next level by using a height-activated laser-projected line to allow for even greater accuracy in alignment. keppelite By attaching lasers to the blades of its forklifts, Keppel Logistics forklift operators now have a clear and accurate visual indication (the orange dots in right photo) that the forklift blades are aligned to the rack, which has significantly reduced the retrieval and storage time for pallets placed on high racks Keppelite I June 2015 Empowering Lives 26 Empowering Lives Platform for exchange Keppel Land’s Annual Staff Conference 2015 brought together about 500 Keppelites from its local and overseas business units to exchange experiences and network over four days About 500 employees from Keppel Land’s Singapore and overseas business units gathered at Suntec Convention Centre from 26 to 29 May 2015 for the company’s Annual Staff Conference (ASC), a valuable platform for staff to network and exchange lear ning experiences. In his opening speech on the first day of the ASC, Mr Ang Wee Gee, CEO of Keppel Land, commended staff for the company’s creditable performance and for the awards garnered over the past year. Keppelite I June 2015 He shared, “We will c o n t i n u e t o g ro w o u r property development and property fund management businesses, actively recycle assets to maximise returns, grow our commercial presence overseas, form strategic alliances to strengthen our capabilities and invest opportunistically in high-growth markets.” Mr Ang also shared how the company places great emphasis on developing and retaining talent, and has put in place mentoring programme for staff. Besides trainings, Keppel Land’s talent management programme encompasses job rotations and overseas postings, allowing staff to gain practical experience while grooming them for senior roles. During the opening session of the ASC, Keppel Land’s senior management also provided updates on the company’s performance in various markets and shared their outlook and strategies. An open and robust dialogue session between senior man ag emen t an d s taff then followed. Over the course of the four days, Keppel Land s t a ff p a r t i c i p a t e d i n a series of workshops and training programmes, with topics ranging from marketing and workplace safety and health to risk management. A highlight of the ASC is the Work of a Winner (WOW!) competition which showcases the innovative spirit and ideas of staff. During the competition, teams formed by the various business functions showcased projects with innovative Empowering Lives27 solutions that were implemented during the course of the year. Of the seven teams that p a r t i c i p a t e d t h i s y e a r, t h e t e a m b e h i n d Z e ro Capex Lights Retrofit, a project by Keppel Land’s Property Management and Knowledge Management department, walked away with the title of Champion. The ASC ended on a high note with management and staff letting their hair down during the company’s Dinner & Dance held on 29 May 2015. keppelite CEO of Keppel Land Mr Ang Wee Gee (second from right) learning about one of the projects on showcase during the Work of a Winner (WOW!) competition which encourages innovation and creativity among Keppelites Fun in action Keppel Land’s annual Dinner & Dance brought the staff convention to a rousing close. Held at the Fairmont Hotel, the event, themed “Lights, Camera, Action!”, saw staff dressing up as their favourite movie characters ranging from those in traditional Chinese folklore such as Journey to the West, to modern favouri tes such as the minions from the animation movie Despicable Me. During the dinner, awards were presented to longserving Keppelites in recognition of their contributions. Keppel Land staff having a ball of a time at the company’s annual Dinner & Dance event Keppelite I June 2015 28 Empowering Lives Scoring high As part of its people d e v e l o p m e n t s t r a t e g y, Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) readily provides opportunities and support to employees for continuous growth and realisation of their full potential. Keppelite speaks to four individuals who, encouraged by the company and colleagues, re c e n t l y c o m p l e t e d o r will soon complete their further studies with excellent achievements, proving themselves to be outstanding both at school and the workplace. Finding success in Singapore Juggling a full-time job and part-time diploma studies is no mean feat. Undeterred, Somnath Das, a Shipwright Supervisor at Keppel Shipyard, and Xiao Kun, a Piping Technician at Keppel Shipyard, hit the books whenever they had a chance in their free time. Das, 30, hails from India while Xiao, 29, is from China. Their diligence ultimately paid off. Somnath and Xiao Kun graduated as the top student in their respective engineering courses in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Somnath achieved a perfect Grade Point Average (GPA) for his Diploma in Marine Engineering course while Xiao Kun obtained his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with a GPA of 3.9 out of 4. For graduating top of their cohorts, Somnath and Xiao Kun each received a $200 book prize. To attain such stellar results, both Keppelites spent six to 10 hours a week studying, completing assignments or revising for exams in their dormitories at Acacia Lodge. This was on top of their thrice-weekly night classes that spanned three hours per session. So mn ath , wh o le f t his hometown in India to join Keppel five years ago, shared, “Since my studies were sponsored by the company, I did not want to let the organisation or my supervisors down. I challenged myself to maintain my grades throughout the course of my studies. “It was a pretty stressful two and a half years of working and studying at the same time, but I am thankful to have very supportive roommates who encouraged me and accommodated me in little ways, such as by lowering Mr Chow Yew Yuen (second from right), CEO of Keppel O&M, sharing a proud moment with Xiao Kun (extreme left), Somnath Das (second from left) and John Kartigan (extreme right) at their Graduation Ceremony at Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 23 May 2015 Keppelite I June 2015 Empowering Lives29 Presently leading a team of as many as 20, John has come a long way since he first started out as a Technical Associate with Keppel O&M five years ago. “When I joined Keppel in 2010, I was totally new to the industry and was not sure if I could rise up to the challenge. Thankfully, I had very supportive supervisors who not only mentored me in my work, but also encouraged me to take up further studies.” Beyond excelling academically and performing well at work, Mercado Aldrich Gail Deposoy, a Technical Associate (Machinery) from Keppel Singmarine, has been recognised with the Lee Kuan Yew Model Trainee Award for outstanding conduct and leadership. Mercado Aldrich Gail Deposoy (right), Technical Associate (Machinery), Keppel Singmarine, receiving the Lee Kuan Yew Model Trainee Award at the ITE Student Achievers’ Awards Ceremony from Mr Bruce Poh (left), Director & CEO of ITE the volume of the television whenever I was revising.” Xiao Kun left China eight years ago to embark on a career with Keppel. Wanting to upgrade himself so that he could take on more roles and responsibilities, he e n ro l l e d i n a d i p l o m a course which he paid for himself. He shared, “I believe that learning never stops no matter how old you are. To advance in our careers, we have to keep seeking new knowledge. I am glad to have successfully completed my diploma and plan to study either Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture in a local university in Singapore.” Local boys ace their course John Kartigan, a Superintendent from Keppel FELS, is a Keppel O&M scholarship recipient with plenty of reason for cheer. Not only did the 29-yearold graduate with a Marine Engineering Diploma from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with commendable grades, he also got married, purchased a house and became a father in the two and a half years he took to complete his studies. Recounting his hectic days as a part-time student, John chuckled as he shared, “There were a number of very busy periods as many assignment deadlines coincided with project deliveries. I studied whenever I could find the time, such as during lunch breaks. I even studied in the hospital when my wife was in labour!” The 23-year-old Singaporean, who is currently pursuing a Higher National Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Certification (NITEC) course in Marine & Offshore Te c h n o l o g y u n d e r t h e Technical Associate Scheme with Keppel O&M, was selected from over 500 trainees for the award, which was presented at the ITE Student Achievers’ Awards Ceremony on 28 May 2015. The award recognises NITEC and Higher NITEC trainees for their outstanding leadership qualities or exemplary personal attributes. Continues on page 30... Keppelite I June 2015 30 Empowering Lives ...continued from page 29. Noticing that some of his classmates had more difficulty following the mathematics lessons due to their weaker foundations in the subject, Mercado decided to set up a study group. The group met thrice a week on weeknights to revise, discuss problems and solve challenges in assignments. “My greatest satisfaction is seeing the big improvements that my classmates have shown in their studies over time,” Mercado shared. Scheduled to complete his Higher NITEC course in October 2015, Mercado is determined to achieve good results to do his family proud. He shared, “My father, who is also working in the marine industry as a lead engineer, has been a huge inspiration for me. He used to share stories about his daily work at the yard which sparked my interest in the offshore and marine industry. To be able to work in a huge company like Keppel O&M is a great first career step for me and I want to do my best so that I make my family proud.” Mr Chow Yew Yuen, CEO of Keppel O&M, had a tea session with the four outstanding Keppelites on 29 May 2015 to learn more about their work and study journey. Mr Chow said, “Despite a heavy workload, these four Keppelites managed to do exceedingly well in school and have definitely exemplified our Can Do! spirit. Their hunger for knowledge and desire to improve themselves are traits we can all learn from.” keppelite Chatting over tea, the four outstanding Keppelites shared their work and study journey with Mr Chow Yew Yuen (centre in blue), CEO of Keppel O&M Fuel for thought The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. Confucius Keppelite I June 2015 Empowering Lives31 Insights into China As part of Keppel Young Leaders’ (KYL) lear ning programme of case studies o n K e p p e l ’s o v e r s e a s business units, a team of KYL members from Keppel Land conducted an in-depth study of the company’s wholly owned subsidiary, Keppel Land China, based in Shanghai, China. many who gained valuable insights from the event. He said, “When we talk about doing business in China, we think about the predominance of guan xi (relationships). However, as the panellists have shared, relationship building is practiced across the world in many ways, not necessarily through fancy dinners but also constant engagement. I also learned more about the importance of having an effective recruitment plan such as Keppel Land China’s ‘Grow Your Trees’ programme to hire and retain local talents for our overseas ventures.” This is the third case study that KYL has completed. The first two case studies were on Keppel AmFELS and Keppel Subic Shipyard, Keppel’s yards in the US and the Philippines respectively. keppelite The team studied wideranging aspects of Keppel Land China’s development, from conceptualisation, set-up, operations, strategies and challenges to future directions. The comprehensive study was presented to Keppel senior management and fellow KYL members at Keppel Leadership Institute on 9 June 2015. The presentation drew great interest from the audience, evidenced by a lively question and answer session with a group of panellists comprising Mr Ang Wee Gee, CEO, Keppel Land, and Keppel Land China senior management including President Mr Ho Cheok Kong, CFO Mr Patrick Lim, GM of Operations Mr Ben Lee and GM of Human Resources Mr Vincent See. Despite coming from a different industry, Lim Beng Kiat, Senior Project Manager (Commercial) of Keppel Shipyard, was one of the (From L-R) Mr Vincent See, GM (Human Resources) of Keppel Land China, Mr Ho Cheok Kong, President of Keppel Land China, and Mr Ang Wee Gee, CEO of Keppel Land, fielded questions on Keppel Land’s experience in China After gaining insight into Keppel Land China’s development through the case study presentation, audience members learnt more by posing questions directly to the company’s senior management Keppelite I June 2015 32 Empowering Lives Model employees Tw o K e p p e l i t e s f r o m Keppel Singmarine, Than Soe Oo, a supervisor in the Machinery Department, and Hossain Shahadat, a worker in the Hull Department, and one Keppelite from Keppel Shipyard, Ang Hong Siong, an electrician, were conferred May Day Model P a r t n e r s h i p Aw a rd s b y the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) on 23 May 2015. They were among 62 individuals, 44 companies and 173 partners receiving recognition for championing the spirit of teamwork and work excellence at the annual NTUC May Day Model Partnership Awards. Mr David Loh, GM (Operations), Keppel Singmarine, who was at the ceremony to support the Keppel awardees, said, “Soe Oo and Shahadat are exemplary employees who have worked hard for the betterment of the company and the co-workers around them. “As a supervisor, Soe Oo came up with an effective checklist system to guide his team members and track their progress, while Shahadat has applied what he learnt from his trainings to execute his work well. I am happy that their hard work has been recognised.” keppelite Hossain Shahadat (third from the left) from Keppel Singmarine receiving the May Day Model Partnership award from Mr Chan Chun Sing (third from right), Secretary-General of NTUC. The presentation was witnessed by Mr David Loh (extreme left), GM (Operations) of Keppel Singmarine, and Mr Razali Bin Maulod (second from left), President of Keppel Employees Union Loyal service In recognition of the contributions of 36 employees who have been with the company for five years, Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co., Ltd (SSTEC) held a Long Service Awards Ceremony on 18 May 2015. The awards were jointly presented by SSTEC CEO Mr Ho Tong Yen and CEOdesignate Mr Liew Choon Boon. Thirty-six SSTEC employees received five-year Long Service Awards from Mr Ho Tong Yen (first row, fifth from left), CEO of SSTEC, and Mr Liew Choon Boon (first row, sixth from right), CEO-designate of SSTEC Keppelite I June 2015 Mr Ho said, “We are happy to present the Long Service Awards to 36 of our colleagues, who have contributed actively to SSTEC and the development of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. “Their steadfast loyalty is one reason why the EcoCity development has made steady progress since it began seven years ago and we want to show our recognition and appreciation for that.” keppelite Empowering Lives33 Unbreakable sporting spirit The 28th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, held from 5 to 16 June 2015, saw Singapore achieve its best performance to date with a record haul of 259 medals. Keppelites who were part of Team Singapore share how they brought their Can Do! spirit onto the regional stage. Compared to his maiden SEA Games experience in Thailand in 2007, archer Leow Ting Hao, Assistant Superintendent, Keppel FELS, found competing on home turf “much more electrifying and unforgettable”. Ting H a o , w h o re p re s e n t e d Singapore in the Individual and Team Compound events, enthused, “There was a huge turnout for all the matches and the cheers from the home crowd was a huge morale booster for all of the Singapore athletes.” Sharing that the unwavering support from his family, sup e r vi so r s an d fellow colleagues spurred him on to give his best, Ting Hao said, “Our training sessions were grueling and intensive, but my manager from Keppel FELS, Mr Thanaraj Krishnasamy, was very understanding. He granted me two months of leave so that I could focus on the Games. During the competition period, my colleagues cheered me on constantly by sending me texts of encouragement.” who took away precious memories from the event a s o n e o f S i n g a p o re ’s representatives in volleyball. Despite being in the reserve team, Zoe got over her initial disappointment to cheer her teammates on from the sidelines. Ting Hao was captain for the Team Compound event, in which Singapore came in fourth place. “Even though we came in fourth, this has been a very fulfilling journey. We gave our best and are more determined to perform better at the next SEA Games. With an unflagging Can Do! spirit, we will be able to do just that.” “All of us trained very hard and I wanted badly to play in the SEA Games together with my sister, Grace, who was selected for the squad. Nonetheless, it is a great honour to be a part of the national team. When we won the match against Myanmar to clinch the Bronze medal, it was such a joyous moment that all of us were in tears. Our years of training paid off and that victorious feeling was simply incredible.” Zoe Seet, Graduate Engineer, Piping (Production), Keppel FELS, was another Keppelite Leow Ting Hao, Assistant Superintendent, Keppel FELS, had an unforgettable experience competing in front of a home crowd as a member of Singapore’s archery team (Picture credit: Sport Singapore) Z o e ’s f e l l o w G r a d u a t e Engineer, Heng Yang Ling, contributed to the success of the SEA Games in a different capacity – as a National Technical Officer for Table Tennis. Likewise, Keppel FELS’ Wong Xinyi, Project Manager, officiated Shooting, while Yeo Teck Chye, Assistant Marketing M a n a g e r, a n d T h o m a s Mok, Draftsman, officiated Taekwondo. “It has been 10 years since I represented Singapore as an athlete in Shooting during the SEA Games held in Philippines. Although I’m not playing this time around, it is still a great honour to officiate for such a big sporting event held on home ground,” Xin Yi shared. keppelite Zoe Seet (left), Graduate Engineer, Piping (Production), Keppel FELS, celebrating with her sister, Grace Seet (right), when Singapore’s volleyball team clinched a Bronze medal at the 28th SEA Games Keppelite I June 2015 34 Empowering Lives K-Star Search has its winner! The first-ever K-Star Search – a Keppel Group-wide singing competition organised by Keppelite Recreation Club – culminated in a final showdown on 19 June 2015 at The Star Performing Arts Centre. Over 1,200 Keppelites from across the business units, together with families and friends of the contestants, turned up in full force with their clappers, banners (some of which even lit up) and fan paraphernalia to support the 11 semifinalists. Asian Games theme song – and veteran award-winning singer-songwriter Jimmy Ye were the judges for the evening. Cheers from adoring fans filled the auditorium as the contestants unleashed star power of their own, belting out songs which showcased their impressive vocal ranges, honed through professional training under renowned vocal coach Chen Peter. Kicking off the contest was Lee Chien Wen from Keppel Infrastructure who wowed the audience with a show-stopping rendition of Taiwanese superstar A-Mei’s “Bad Boy”, complete with sizzling belly-dance moves. Md Luqman bin Mohdari from Keppel FELS enthralled the audience with his suave vocals and prowess on the guitar, performing jaunty acoustic renditions of popular hits. Luqman, who has his own YouTube channel, eventually came in first-runner up. Decked out with sunglasses, a glittery dollar sign chain around his neck and a Lending glamour to the event were local celebrities such as the hosts, comedians Chua Enlai and Patricia Mok, who had the audience in stitches with their banter and jokes in English, Mandarin and even Hokkien. The Sam Willows frontman Benjamin Kheng, artiste Tabitha Nauser – the singer behind the 28th Southeast Muhd Hafiz bin Senin of Keppel FELS (second from right), was crowned Keppel’s first-ever K-Star at the K-Star Search Final Showdown on 19 June 2015. CEO of Keppel Corporation Mr Loh Chin Hua (extreme right), presented Hafiz with a trophy and a cheque of $5,000, in the presence of judges Benjamin Kheng (extreme left), frontman of local band The Sam Willows, and veteran award-winning singer-songwriter Jimmy Ye (second from left) The 11 K-Star Search semifinalists opened the show with a rousing performance of Whitney Houston’s “The Greatest Love of All”, led by celebrity vocal coach Chen Peter (centre with hat) Keppelite I June 2015 Empowering Lives35 spiffy jacket, Balasundaram Ponnambalam of Keppel Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s & Transportation looked every inch a hip hop star as he performed a Tamil song, “Ethirneechal”, commanding the stage with his nifty footwork and groovy dance moves. But the brightest glow was to be found in the smile on the face of Keppel FELS’ Muhd Hafiz bin Senin when he was crowned the firstever K-Star for his winning combination of powerful vocals, confident stage presence and unbridled star quality. The competition comprised two rounds, with the top five performing a second song each in the final round. Besides the top three awards, which included cash prizes of $5,000, $3,000, and $1,000 respectively, there were prizes for “The X-Factor” and “Best Dressed”, which went to Keppel REIT’s Xu Yawen and Keppel Shipyard’s Cindy Chew respectively. Cheering on from the front row with his wife was Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation. Singing the contestants’ praises, he said “From the performances tonight, the passion of our Keppelites is evident. We can also see, from how the audience cheered, the tremendous support that they gave to their colleagues. “One of the goals of Keppelite Recreation Club is to promote the spirit of a unified Keppel. The singers have done themselves proud; even the judges themselves told me onstage what a remarkable group of talents we have in the Group.” Echoing these sentiments was Mr Lim Tow Fok, President of Keppelite Recreation Club. “Thanks to the organising committee and all the talent managers, our months of hard work have resulted in a memorable event that fostered stronger bonds among the Keppelites! K-Star Search is a unique platform to strengthen camaraderie amongst the business units and promote the spirit of One Keppel. I am proud to say that we have indeed achieved this.” keppelite Continues on page 36... Talents from across the group impressed the Keppel management with their vocal prowess Colleagues, family and friends of the contestants turned up in full force to cheer on the contestants Chua Enlai (not pictured) and Patricia Mok (right) added glamour and humour to the show, bantering with contestants such as Md Luqman bin Mohdari (left) from Keppel FELS who came in second place in the competition Keppelite I June 2015 36 Empowering Lives ...continued from page 35. MEET SOME OF THE STARS Muhd Hafiz bin Senin, Keppel FELS – K-Star Search Champion Hafiz attributes his success in the competition to an important figure in his life, his mother. “Thanks to my mother, I am deeply influenced by old Malay rock songs. The second song that I performed, “Kembali Padaku”, which means “come back to me” in Malay, is my original composition and a tribute to her. “I am humbled to be named as the first-ever K-Star. After all, I only joined Keppel six months ago. However, I am deeply thankful for the support from my supervisors and colleagues throughout this exciting journey which has definitely brought me closer to them.” Xu Yawen, Keppel REIT – Second runner-up Representing the Keppel Land group, Xu Yawen of Keppel REIT delivered soulful renditions of two Mandarin ballads to the voluble delight of a legion of supporters who came ready with colourful banners and clappers. He said, “I did not plan on participating in the K-Star Search, but was asked to take my colleague’s place as he was unable to attend the auditions. I am glad I did! Singing has been a big part of my life since my choir days in school, and I feel lucky to be able to share my passion with so many Keppelites!” Gwen Foong, Keppel FELS – Fifth place With her soulful, powerhouse vocals, Gwen Foong of Keppel FELS moved the audience with her renditions of Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love” and Christina Perri’s “Human”. Gwen shared, “It’s hard to imagine what it would be like without music in my life. I started singing and playing musical instruments when I was five, and took music as an ‘O’ Level subject. Making it to the top five of the K-Star Search is a dream come true!” Wong Mun Keong, Keppel Shipyard – Most senior contestant Sixty three-year-old Wong Mun Keong is a Keppel veteran, having been with the company for 36 years. No stranger to singing competitions, Mun Keong has won the championship title for a singing competition organised by a community centre, as well as the last karaoke competition organised by Keppelite Recreation Club. Undeterred by not having made it to the second round of the finals, Mun Keong is raring to compete again. “I really enjoy singing as I believe it is good for health – it keeps my lungs strong! I know I can do better in K-Star Search and cannot wait for the next run!” Keppelite I June 2015 Empowering Lives37 Keppelites Around the World Global citizen John Yap likes to be known as a global guy. It is a fitting description, given that the Singaporean has been thrice posted overseas, to Myanmar, Indonesia and China, since he joined Keppel Land in 2008. While constant changes and adapting to new cultures may unsettle some, John relishes every moment of his life overseas. “Working overseas often offers a fresh perspective of life. You see how different cultures view and handle issues differently. After you amalgamate all these diverse views, you can gain new understanding and make decisions that you might not have made before,” the 48-year-old GM of Jiangyin Yangtze International Country Club, Keppel Land’s golf club in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China, said. edge, one cannot afford to stay put in one’s comfort zone. “Wuxi’s Taihu Lake alone is bigger than the whole of Singapore – and it is just a lake! Given the size of China, there are boundless opportunities for anyone who is willing to take up the challenge of exploring.” Taking on challenges was precisely what John did when he leapt at the chance to join the country club in late 2013. He had never worked in China prior to that. Despite being no stranger to immersion in a foreign culture, John admits that the initial months were tough, especially since he was not all that fluent in Mandarin. “The locals found it difficult to understand me through my ‘broken Mandarin’! Moreover, I lead a team of 350 staff, so I have to work extra hard at communicating clearly with them to foster mutual understanding and respect.” Through daily interactions with his staff and local business partners, John’s Mandarin has improved by leaps and bounds. The improved fluency has been coupled with a deeper appreciation of Jiangyin. It is an appreciation shared by his wife and three children, who moved from Singapore to join him and who have also fallen in love with the rustic beauty of the city. “My kids and wife have adapted smoothly to the culture here,” John said. “While Jiangyin may be very different from Singapore, we appreciate all the various beauties and quirks that this place has to offer. Sometimes all it takes is the support of your family and the will to succeed to make any corner of the world your home.” keppelite Located on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Jiangyin, which means “shade of the river” in Mandarin, is one of the river’s five major ports in Jiangsu Province. In an increasingly globalised world, John is certain that to maintain a competitive Keppelite I June 2015 John Yap (second from left) and his family have happily adapted to life in Jiangyin, a city in the Jiangsu Province of China Keppelite I June 2015 38 Empowering Lives Family time over dinner In support of the annual ‘Eat With Your Family Day’ (EWYFD), an initiative by the Centre of Fathering to strengthen family ties, Keppelites were encouraged to head home at 5.00 pm on 29 May 2015 and spend quality time with their families over a hearty meal. Maritz Mansor (third from left), Head of Corporate Services, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation, shared, “It is important to catch up with the family regularly and not just on special occasions, no matter how busy our schedules are.” Lee Wan Yi (extreme left), Human Resource Executive, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation, celebrated EWYFD over steamboat, capturing the occasion with a ‘wefie’ Annie Poh (second from left), Senior Confidential Secretary, Keppel Land International, prepared special dishes for her family on EWYFD. “Family plays an important part in our lives. We are appreciative of this opportunity to gather and celebrate.” Nur Syafiqah Suratemin (second from right), Senior Human Resource Assistant, Keppel Singmarine, had a hearty chat with her family at home over dinner. “Family meals allow us to share daily happenings and keep family bonds strong. I also get to enjoy my mom’s cooking! Bullet Tan (extreme right), AGM (Health, Safety and Environment), Keppel Infrastructure, shared, “Dinner holds a special place in my heart. While I may be away from home during the day, there is always this strong desire to return home at the end of a work day to share a meal with my love ones.” Teo Shu Min (right), Accountant, Group Control & Accounts, Keppel Corporation, brought her family out for dinner. “Mookata, a restaurant serving Thai-style steamboat, has been on my family’s to-do list for a long time. We decided to take this opportunity to give it a try and celebrate my sister’s birthday as well.” Keppelite I June 2015 Communities39 Nurturing Nurturing Communities 39 Care in the community Keppelites continued their efforts to positively impact the communities in which they operate – whether through protecting the environment or bringing joy to youths. Helping Mother Nature On 5 June 2015, Keppel Thai Properties worked with Chet Khot-Pong Kon Sao Nature Study Centre located within the Khao Yai National Park in Saraburi province, Thailand, to build check dams and salt licks in the national park. Check dams will help to prevent soil erosion in the area, which is highly prone to floods during the rainy season, while the salt licks will benefit wildlife by preserving minerals on the forest floor that wild animals depend on for nutrients. on the preservation of the ecosystem.” Art comes alive A total of 64 Keppel REIT employees, children, parents, caregivers and staff from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore) (MDAS) had an exhilarating time on 17 June 2015 when they experienced art coming to life at the Alive Museum. The day started with interactive games for the children from MDAS and Keppel REIT volunteers. This was followed by a hearty buffet lunch where everyone bonded over good food and laughter, before the much anticipated visit to the museum. New friendships were forged as everyone enjoyed hours of fun interacting with art exhibits created using threedimensional painting, shading and drawing techniques. Volunteers from Keppel Thai Properties laying the stone foundation for a check dam in the Khao Yai National Park Ten-year-old Muhd Hirwantor shared excitedly at the end of the day, “This is my first time at the Alive Museum and it is so much fun! My new friends from Keppel and I were laughing as we posed for photos at the various art exhibits.” keppelite Sixty employees, including their President, Mr Oh Lock Soon, participated in the dam construction. While it may have been tiring work for some, the activity brought the volunteers closer to nature, and increased their appreciation of the environment. Ms Panicha Piromrak, Senior Marketing and Sales Officer, Keppel Thai Properties, shared, “I have never done anything like this before. I am glad I had the chance to create a direct impact Keppel REIT volunteers and young members of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore) having fun interacting with the art exhibits at the Alive Musuem Keppelite I June 2015 40 Nurturing Communities Sowing environmental awareness Led by Keppel Land CEO Mr Ang Wee Gee (first row, sixth from right), some 80 Keppel Land volunteers spruced up the Tiong Bahru neighborhood with Chairman of the Public Hygiene Council, Mr Edward D’Silva (first row, seventh from right), and representatives from the Public Hygiene Council and Tanjong Pagar Town Council World Environment Day is an initiative by the United Nations Environment Programme to raise global awareness on climate change and environmental protection. In support of the campaign, Keppelites across the globe undertook activities with the communities in which they operate to spread the green message. Singapore Reaffirming its commitment to caring for the environment, Keppel Land has adopted the heritage-rich estate of Tiong Bahru as a new “Bright Spot” under the Public Hygiene Council’s “Keep Singapore Keppelite I June 2015 Clean Movement”. Keppel Land is the first property developer to do so with a residential area. The movement encourages communities, organisations, schools, interest groups and individuals to adopt and take ownership of shared spaces by keeping them clean, while educating and encouraging eco-practices among residents. Keppel Land’s first litterpicking activity took place on 5 June 2015 in conjunction with World Environment Day. Some 80 employees, led by CEO Mr Ang Wee Gee, spruced up the neighbourhood, where the company’s latest residential project Highline Residences is located. Joining in the activity were Public Hygiene Council Chairman Mr Edward D’Silva, and representatives from the Public Hygiene Council and Tanjong Pagar Town Council. Mr Ang said, “We adopt a proactive approach towards environmental management and protection to create a sustainable future. We are committed to caring for the Tiong Bahru estate and making it cleaner and more beautiful for the benefit of communities living in the vicinity and Singaporeans at large.” Meanwhile, Keppel Land continued to support Ricoh’s Eco-Action Day, an environmental awareness initiative targeted at office tenants. Roadshows were held in Keppel REIT’s properties – Ocean Financial Centre, Bugis Junction Towers and Marina Bay Link Mall (for Marina Bay Financial Centre and One Raffles Quay) – to share energy conservation and other green tips with tenants and visitors. Tenants were also invited to pledge to Nurturing Communities41 reduce energy and resource consumption at work and at home. Brazil In Angra dos Reis, Brazil, BrasFELS volunteers gave a presentation on water conservation to about 200 students from Cor nelis Verolme Municipal School on 3 June 2015. The students also learnt how to create homemade mosquito traps by reusing plastic bottles. BrasFELS’ Environmental Technician Douglas Andrade said, “It was very rewarding t o s e e t h e c h i l d r e n ’s enthusiasm in doing their part to preserve the environment. We are happy to play a role in helping to guide these children to be socially responsible citizens.” Qatar Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM) and Nakilat co-sponsored a nationwide Environmental Photography Competition organised by a local nonprofit youth organisation, The Youth Company, to raise environmental awareness amongst youth. By using the photo-sharing social media platform Instagram, the organisers hope to engage more young people to participate in the competition. Back at their yard, N-KOM organised an ‘Adopt a Tree’ campaign which saw employees sponsoring trees to be planted within the shipyard to add more greenery to their workplace. A total of 80 trees were planted. China S i n o - S i n g a p o re T i a n j i n Eco-City Investment and Development Co., Ltd, the master developer of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin EcoCity, organised a quiz along the township’s Commercial Street on 5 June 2015. Delighted participants walked away with prizes for correctly answering questions on environmental protection. The prizes included energyefficient household items such as mechanically powered flashlights. The event was part of year-round efforts to increase awareness of and encourage the adoption of an eco-friendly lifestyle among residents. keppelite Keppel Land employees cleaning up Tiong Bahru, the company’s adopted “Bright Spot” under the “Keep Singapore Clean Movement” Mr Chandru Rajwani, CEO of N-KOM, giving the “green” thumbs-up to environmental preservation during the tree-planting activity at the shipyard BrasFELS volunteers teaching students from Cornelis Verolme Municipal School how to make mosquito traps by reusing plastic bottles There was enthusiastic participation by the general public in the environmental awareness quiz organised by SSTEC along Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City’s Commercial Street Keppelite I June 2015 42 Nurturing Communities Carnival with a cause In conjunction with KK Women’s and Children’s H o s p i t a l ’s ( K K H ) S G 5 0 programmes, Keppel Care Foundation has donated $50,000 to the KKH Health Endowment Fund for underprivileged children under its care. At KKH’s children’s carnival held on 13 June 2015, Mr Robert Chong, CEO of Keppel Care Foundation a n d D i r e c t o r, G r o u p Human Resources, Keppel Corporation, presented the donation cheque to Professor Kenneth Kwek, CEO of KKH, in the presence of Ms Grace Fu, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for the Environment and Water R e s o u rc e s a n d S e c o n d Minister for Foreign Affairs. At the carnival, 80 Keppel volunteers set up games stalls and posters showing facts and figures about Singapore to educate and entertain over 200 children and their families. Ex-national Singapore footballer Aleksandar Duric also held a football session for the children at the event. Mr Chong shared, “We are delighted that Keppel Care Foundation’s support of KKH programmes, including this children’s car nival, allows KKH and Keppel Volunteers to collaborate Keppelite I June 2015 Mr Robert Chong (left), CEO of Keppel Care Foundation and Director, Group Human Resources, Keppel Corporation, presented a donation to the KKH Health Endowment Fund on behalf of the Foundation to Professor Kenneth Kwek (right), CEO of KKH. Witnessing the presentation, which took place during a KKH children’s carnival, was Ms Grace Fu, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs on outreach activities that benefit underprivileged children and their families. It was meaningful that our volunteers were able to engage the children on interesting facts and figures about Singapore in celebration of our nation’s jubilee year. “Building on ongoing initiatives by Keppel Volunteers with KKH, we will strengthen the partnership through developing sustainable programmes that will benefit more children in need.” keppelite Keppel volunteers engaged in a morning of fun and games with beneficiaries of KKH at a carnival held on 13 June 2015 Nurturing Communities43 Nourishing lives Whether bonding through baking or donating blood, Keppel Volunteers seek to make a difference through meaningful volunteer activities. Fun with baking Armed with recipes and baking tools, 17 Keppel volunteers took on the role of master chefs and walked through the steps of baking cupcakes with 15 students from the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) on 16 May 2015. Before long, the rich scent of their confectionery creations filled the air in the APSN kitchen. While delicious, it was not the cupcakes that the volunteers found the most rewarding. Shawn Yeo, Project Manager, Keppel FELS, shared, “It was a joy for me to do something new like baking together with the APSN students. Some of them seldom get to handle kitchen appliances and tools and were understandably feeling apprehensive at first. Keppel volunteers and APSN students specially arranged their confectionery creation to celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday this year But their natural curiosity in trying something new soon helped them overcome their doubt and fear, which was very heartening to see.” Another volunteer, Nerissa Ng, Development Officer, K e p p e l S h i p y a rd , s a i d , “Setting aside some time to engage in such simple but meaningful community activities make me appreciate what I have more. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on the students’ faces as they enjoyed the cupcakes we baked together.” Joy in giving Supporting the efforts of the Singapore Red Cross Society, Keppel Volunteers organised the ninth run of the Keppel blood donation drive from 9 to 12 June 2015. Over 100 Keppelites responded to the call for blood donors. One of the blood donors, G o h S i H u i , E n g i n e e r, Keppel Shipyard, shared, “Keppel’s blood donation drive encourages many of my colleagues to participate, especially since it is difficult for most of us to find the time to visit the blood bank because of work and family commitments. It is a great and accessible way to make a difference to someone’s life.” keppelite Shawn Yeo (left), Project Manager, Keppel FELS, and an APSN student (right) adding the finishing touch to their cupcakes together Keppelites across the Group gamely heeded the call for blood donors Keppelite I June 2015 BackPage 44 First Keppel DC REIT acquisition Keppel DC REIT Management Pte. Ltd., Manager of Keppel DC REIT, has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Macquarie Telecom (MT) on 28 May 2015 to acquire the shell and core building of Intellicentre 2 (IC2) in Sydney, Australia, for a purchase consideration of approximately A$43.3 million (S$45.9 million). This marks Keppel DC REIT’s maiden acquisition five months after its listing. MT will sign a 20-year triple-net lease agreement with Keppel DC REIT, which includes a mechanism for annual rental escalation and options to extend the lease. MT will be managing IC2 and be responsible for all property-related outgoings. MT, which is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, was named the Best Australian Data Centre Service Provider by Frost & Sullivan in 2013. Keppel DC REIT’s first acquisition, Intellicentre 2, is a Tier III carrier-neutral data centre in Sydney, Australia The purchase consideration of approximately A$43.3 million compares favourably with the independent market valuation carried out by Colliers International. The facility is expected to be accretive to the REIT’s distribution per unit and net asset value per unit. With this acquisition, the overall portfolio Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) will increase to 9.2 years and portfolio risk will be lowered through tenant diversification. Mr Chua Hsien Yang, CEO of Keppel DC REIT, said, “Sydney is a prominent d a t a c e n t re h u b g i v e n i t s s t ro n g d a t a c e n t re ecosystem with established telecommunication infrastructure, skilled IT human resources, geological and political stability, as well as a high concentration of multinational corporations. “This acquisition builds on Keppel DC REIT’s established track record in Sydney and expands its footprint in Australia. Keppel DC REIT will be well-positioned to tap the market’s growth potential” According to Frost & Sullivan, Australia’s data centre services market is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 13.9% from 2013 to 2020. Their latest survey revealed that over three quarters of organisations that utilise a data centre are using an outsourced provider. The acquisition will initially be fully funded by debt and is expected to be completed in 3Q 2015. Upon completion, Keppel DC REIT’s aggregate leverage is expected to increase from 26.7% to approximately 29.9%. The inclusion of IC2 will bring Keppel DC REIT’s portfolio of quality data centres to a total of nine which are strategically located in key data centre hubs across the Asia Pacific and Europe, with an assetsunder-management value of approximately S$1.07 billion. keppelite Keppelite I June 2015 Printed on recycled paper IC2 is a Tier III carrier-neutral data centre strategically located within the Macquarie Business Park, a research and business park in Sydney that specialises in the communications and information technology (IT) sectors. Completed in 2012, the data centre has a total lettable area of 8,169 sm and sits on approximately 20,000 sm of freehold land.
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