April 2012 - Dallas Fort Worth Metro Golden Retriever Club


April 2012 - Dallas Fort Worth Metro Golden Retriever Club
Hunting Test– April 14
WC/WCX– April 15
Agility– April 27-29
Volume 39 Issue 4
April 2012
Volunteers Needed
Tuesday, APRIL 17, 2012
7 P.M.
Don’t forget our upcoming club events in
April. You don’t have to know a lot about
the events to be of help. If you would like
to observe the dogs in the field, contact
Donna Todd. If you want to see all the
handlers doing wind sprints while the
dogs go over the obstacles, contact Shari
Degan to help at the agility trial.
Spring Creek Barbecue
Spring Creek - Irving
3514 West Airport Freeway
Irving, TX 75062
972- 313-0987
The attached suggested revisions to the
bylaws will be discussed and members
will vote on them.
Please read carefully. Some are changes
in policy while others are the clearing up
the language or adding consistency.
If I like it, it's mine.
If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
If I can take it from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it must never appear to be
yours in any way.
If I'm chewing something up, all the
pieces are mine.
If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
If I saw it first, it's mine.
If you are playing with something and
you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.
If it's broken, it's yours.
9-12 Puppy Bitch Sweeps 1st Place
9-12 Puppy Bitch Regular 3rd Place
Houston Kennel Club, March 17, 2012
Best of Opposite Sex
MBIS MBISS GCh Glengowan's Great Balls of Fire
SDHF (Jerry Lee)
DAWG March 9
URO1, UCD, U-CH Manor's Morning Comes Too
Galveston County Kennel Club, March 18, 2012
2nd, OB, RWB (major reserve)
Glengowan's C-Quel, (S'More)
Novice Stand-1st TITLE!!
U-CDX RO1 shr Bridgeton’s Steel Man Working CX RE
9-12 Puppy Bitch 1st Place
DAWG March 9,10,11
OJP-1st,2nd,3rd TITLE!!!
U-OCH HR Aero-jett’s Speaker of Tales UDX RE MX
DFWMGRC Specialty-2012 JAM
Regatta's Unbearably Hot Summer BISS
Puppy Bitches 9-12 1st Place
FWKC - 3/24/2012
BOB - Owner Handled
Regatta's Unbearably Hot Summer BISS
March 4th
OF OPPOSITE !!!!!!!!!
Tri Cities Obedience March 17
Novice B -1st
Gallogold's Fruit Juicy Red NAJ (Thornton)
Reserve Winners Bitch
6 -9 Month Class
Brio Skye Good Gracious It's Hot (Miller)
Novice B
SHR Manor's Anapolis JH, WC, RN, BN (Ingram)
San Antonio Kennel Club, March 10, 2012
- Best of Breed, Group 4
MBIS MBISS GCh Glengowan's Great Balls of Fire
SDHF (Jerry Lee)
Tri Cities Obedience March 18
Novice B - 2nd
Gallogold's Fruit Juicy Red NAJ (Thornton)
San Antonio Kennel Club, March 11, 2012
Best of Breed, Group 3
MBIS MBISS GCh Glengowan's Great Balls of Fire
SDHF (Jerry Lee) Greater Houston Golden Retriever Club, March
16, 2012
Best of Opposite Sex
MBIS MBISS GCh Glengowan's Great Balls of Fire
SDHF (Jerry Lee) -
Rally Adv
Novice B
SHR Manor's Anapolis JH, WC, RN, BN (Ingram)
DFWMGRC –March 23
Novice B -pass-TITLE!!!!
SHR Manor's Anapolis JH, WC, RN, BN (Ingram)
Novice B - 2nd - TITLE!!!!
Gallogold's Fruit Juicy Red NAJ (Thornton)
Reprinted with permission
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Dick Caldwell. Patti Caldwell made a motion to
approve the February membership meeting minutes as published in the newsletter. Donna Todd seconded
the motion.
Membership report: This was Barbara Lara’s 2nd meeting and Joan Dunbar’s second meeting, however
Joan hasn’t submitted her application yet. This was Sherri Curran’s third meeting. Donna Todd made a
motion to accept her membership. Barbara Brown seconded the motion and she was voted into the club by
a unanimous vote.
Treasurer not in attendance, so no treasurer report.
Vice-President’s Report: Sherri Farmer, said she was working on the schedule of meetings and asked for
ideas from the membership. She is looking for someone to host the Holiday Party and for members who will
host meetings at their home. She said she is thinking about changing the date of the Halloween Party
because the Austin Club now has a show that weekend. There was also discussion about changing the
date of the Play Day usually held on a Sunday afternoon in June at Janet Frick’s place. Sherri said the
spear grass is so bad at that time of year, she thinks having the Play Day after the National in September
would be much better. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 16, at Kathy Felix’s home in
Arlington, Texas.
President’s Report: Dick mentioned the club’s finances. Because of the Watt Arena problem and not having
our original date for our agility trial, the club’s income is reduced. Also, part of the reason we are seeing an
income decline is because the club has loaned the 2013 National some money, which will be repaid after the
National. He said he had asked Treasurer, Lynda Williams, to see if she can find ways we can economize.
He said this year the club was not in a position to donate money to the Fundraising and Distribution
Committee. Dick mentioned that the Bylaws Committee has submitted changes which will be presented at
the April meeting. He said the GRCA Board just had a meeting and members can get information about that
on the Hot Topic List. The status of the Texas HB 1451 Legislation (Texas Pet Law) was mentioned. Now a
breeder with 11 intact bitches will be subject to licensing and regulations, and Dick said he expects that
number to keep going down with future legislation. There is no plan, however, how to manage the new
Kathy Felix gave the March Specialty report and said everything is going smoothly and in order. Linda Miller
mentioned that Kathy should get $100 change for everyone handling money. Dawn Morrill was there to pick
up donated items for the raffle and Ann Burke collected items for the silent auction. Donna Todd brought the
T-shirt with a Jenny McMurtrie design that we will be selling at our Specialty to promote our National.
Patti Caldwell then gave a July Specialty report and said everything was in order. She told the club about
the prizes made for us by Vonnie Peterson.
The April 14th and 15th Hunt Test was next on the agenda. Donna Todd said she needs money for ducks
for the 2012 test, and since the test is with Metro Alliance this year, we will need more ducks than usual.
The club is hiring bird boys, but she needs members to volunteer as marshals.
There was a discussion about the CCA our club offers in late August. There was concern that it may be hard
to get judges since it would be right before the 2012 National. Then a vote was taken to determine if we
should offer it at all this year. The majority wants to go ahead. Donna said it would be at Houn’ House if it is
Sherri Farmer reported on our upcoming Agility Trial, April 27th, 28th and 29th. She said the trial is already
half way full with over a month away. People are needed to work. She said the club has to pay $1800 to
various rescue groups to help. It would help a lot if more members would volunteer for one day of the
weekend. On Saturday, Kathy Felix will have a raffle.
Dick said he’s getting lots of CERF appointments for our Eye Clinic and needs one more volunteer to work.
Sherri Farmer reported on our 2013 National. She said a group of people went to Wichita Falls recently to
look at the whole convention center complex and to visit the tracking site. She and Lora Seale, the
obedience chair, have discussed moving obedience to the Ag Building. That will leave room for vendors in
the coliseum, by the conformation rings. She has talked to Nancy about having the Hoe Down party on the
carpeted portion of the grooming building. She also met with Anne McGuire, our tracking chair and Charlene
Dunn, one of the tracking judges, to look at the property where the tracking test will be held. Trophies are
taken care of and all judges’ contracts are back except the field trial judges. Anna Curry has found a barn in
Henrietta for the Field Trial welcome dinner. Anna is talking to a man that comes in and cooks on-site.
Sherri said it really sounds like Texas, so it should be great.
Ann Burke is donating a custom made quilt as a major fundraiser for our National. She showed members the
designs, which are replicas of Alison Desmarais’ stained glasswork designs. The quilt is supposed to be
completed by the St. Louis National when we can start selling raffle tickets.
We will have an ad in the 2013 March/April GRN.
Merchandising Chair, Teresa Mckenna, reported that she is getting samples of various apparel items from
Fred. Sherri Farmer showed members samples of the embroidered logos for hats and shirts and vests.
Sherri and Teresa met with another vendor, who is local, that will be supplying other miscellaneous items.
Cathy Meddaugh requested Teresa to find a bag she purchased at a previous National. She is supposed to
send Teresa a picture.
Donna Todd mentioned honoring the Top 20 agility dogs at our National like they did in Conyers. Sherri
Farmer said Mark Slevin from Austin is the Agility Chair and she and Donna have already talked to him about
it. He is checking into it.
Kathy Felix encouraged the membership to participate in the performance ad in the GRN. She needs a high
quality printed photo rather than digital and has an April 1st deadline.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Brown
January/February 2012
Deletions are noted in bold/strikethrough print. Additions are noted
in bold, double underlined print.
Section 2.
Types of Membership.
Junior members shall be those members under the age of eighteen years and over the age
of 10 years who have made separate application to become a Junior Member. Junior
membership shall have all the rights and privileges of voting membership except for the
right to hold office or vote. Junior membership will automatically convert to an individual
membership upon the junior’s 18th birthday, which conversion shall continue for the
remainder of that fiscal year. At the termination of such fiscal year, the former junior
member shall designate either a family or individual membership to the Recording
Secretary Membership Chair and pay the applicable dues when due.
Dues are to be payable on the 1 day of January of each year and are due and payable to the
Treasurer Corresponding Secretary on or before January 1 of each year. Dues shall be deemed
delinquent on February 1 of each year.
If delinquent dues are not paid by February 1 of any year, the Treasurer Corresponding
Secretary will send, by first class mail, by February 15, written notice to the delinquent member
that his or her membership will lapse as of March 1, and that they may apply for a meritorious
extension to the Board as set forth in Article II, Section 6 of these Bylaws.
Section 6.
Termination of Membership.
Memberships may be terminated by:
Resignation. Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice
to the Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary. Resignation of membership does
not absolve the Individual from any financial obligation owed to the Club at the time of
resignation. Upon resignation, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a
new member as provided in the bylaws.
Lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such
member's dues remain unpaid as of March 1 of any year; however, the Board may grant an
additional ninety (90) days of grace from March 1 to such delinquent members in
meritorious cases upon written request and the vote by the majority vote of the Board. The
Treasurer Corresponding Secretary will send out written notices by March 15 of each
year to each former member whose membership has lapsed. In no case may any member
be entitled to vote at any Club meeting whose dues are due but unpaid as of the date of that
meeting. Once lapsed, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a new
member as provided in these Bylaws.
Section 2.
The Corresponding Secretary shall have charge of the correspondence, accept dues
payments, deliver dues payments to the Treasurer, maintain the membership roster,
notify members of meetings, notify new members of their election to membership, notify
officers and directors of their election to office, chair the membership committee, and
carry out such other duties as are prescribed in these Bylaws.
Section 4.
The newsletters for November, December and January will notice annual dues requirements. The
Treasurer Corresponding Secretary shall send written delinquent notices by first class mail
and/or email to the email address on file with the club, if any to any voting members who have
not paid their annual dues by February 1 of any year.
If delinquent dues are not paid by February 1 of any year, the Treasurer Corresponding
Secretary will send, by first class mail and/or email to the email address on file with the club,
if any, by February 15, written notice to the delinquent member that his or her membership will
lapse as of March 1, and that they may apply for a meritorious extension to the Board as set forth
in Article II, Section 6 of these Bylaws.
JUSTIFICATION: The purpose of the above proposed changes is to give the
Corresponding Secretary (Membership Chair) the responsibility of collecting all
membership dues and then giving them to the Treasurer. The Corresponding
Secretary (Membership Chair) has the responsibility of keeping the membership
list current.
The Corresponding Secretary is also responsible for all
correspondence for the club, which means she should be sending the delinquent
notices, not the treasurer. By receiving the dues directly, she can update the
membership records immediately, including updating all contact information. This
saves the step of the Treasurer having to collect the dues, and duplicating the
information to forward to the Corresponding Secretary, which causes delay in
updating the list. This delay would render the membership list incorrect for a
period of time during which we could incorrectly figure the number for a quorum.
This procedure will streamline the collection of dues and keeping the membership
records current.
In the event of notices, it is the corresponding secretary’s
responsibility to take care of correspondence on behalf of the club.
Section 3.
Non Members
All applications are to be filed with the Corresponding Secretary. Each application
is to be read at the first meeting of the Club following its receipt. Names of
applicants shall be published in the newsletter with request for member input
to be submitted to the board. Said information shall be shared with
membership prior to voting.
JUSTIFICATION: The above stricken provision has not been followed for years.
Applicants’ applications are read at 2 meetings before a new member is elected.
Section 4.
An applicant shall submit an application fee equal to one-year’s dues with his or her application
and if such applicant is voted into membership after September 15 of any year, that applicant shall
not owe dues until January of the following fiscal year. Upon acceptance as a member the
application fee converts to dues for the remainder of the fiscal year.
JUSTIFICATION: The above change simply clarifies the amount of the application
Section 5.
Members in Good Standing.
A “member in good standing” is one whose dues and other financial obligations have been paid
for the current fiscal year, whose membership has not lapsed, been suspended, or terminated as
provided for in these bylaws, who is not suspended from the privileges of the Club, or who has not
been placed in not-in-good-standing status in accordance with these bylaws. A member whose
dues remain unpaid after March 1 of any year shall not be considered in good standing until
such dues are paid.
JUSTIFICATION: The stricken sentence above conflicts and contradicts Article II, Section
6.B, which provides that membership lapses as of March 1.
Section 6.
Termination of Membership.
Memberships may be terminated by:
Resignation. Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice
to the Recording Corresponding Secretary. Resignation of membership does not absolve
the Individual from any financial obligation owed to the Club at the time of resignation.
Upon resignation, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a new member
as provided in the bylaws.
JUSTIFICATION: Changes the board member to notify in case of resignation from
the club. This should be sent to the Membership Chair, not the Recording
Lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such
member's dues remain unpaid as of March 1 of any year; however, the Board may grant an
additional ninety (90) days of grace from March 1 to such delinquent members in
meritorious cases upon written request and the vote by the majority vote of the Board. The
Treasurer Corresponding Secretary will send out written notices by March 15 of each
year to each former member whose membership has lapsed. In no case may any member
be entitled to vote at any Club meeting whose dues are due but unpaid as of the date of that
meeting. Once lapsed, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a new
member as provided in these Bylaws.
JUSTIFICATION: Changes the notification requirement to the Corresponding
Secretary for consistency.
Lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such
member's dues remain unpaid as of March 1 of any year; however, the Board may grant an
additional ninety (90) days of grace from March 1 to such delinquent members in
meritorious cases upon written request and the vote by the majority vote of the Board. The
Treasurer Corresponding Secretary will send out by First Class Mail and/or email to
the email address on file with the club, if any written notices by March 15 of each year
to each former member whose membership has lapsed. In no case may any member be
entitled to vote at any Club meeting whose dues are due but unpaid as of the date of that
meeting. Once lapsed, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a new
member as provided in these Bylaws.
JUSTIFICATION: Allows for notice via email if the club has an email address on
Section 3.
A. Candidates. No person may be a candidate in the Club election who is not eligible under
Article IV, Section 4, or who has not been nominated. All officers and directors are elected
for a two-year term in accord with Article IV, Section 1. After first obtaining consent from
the nominees, the Nominating Committee shall submit the list of candidates to the
Corresponding Secretary by October 1 of each year. By October 15 of each year the
Corresponding Secretary shall mail send the list of candidates to each member of the Club.
Publication of the slate of candidates in the newsletter satisfies this requirement.
JUSTIFICATION: Allows the slate of candidates to be published in the newsletter
to satisfy the requirement to distribute to all members.
Section 5.
Expulsion. A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in Article VII
of these Bylaws. Notice of expulsion including the date of expulsion shall be sent by
the Corresponding Section by First Class Mail and/or email to the email address on
file with the club, if any, to the expelled member(s) setting forth the findings of the
membership. Once expelled, a membership cannot be reinstated without application as a
new member as provided in these Bylaws and this paragraph. Once expelled from the club,
the expelled member may not re apply for membership within two (2) years of such
JUSTIFICATION – Provides for written notification of results of decision to expel a
member. Written notification also documents the date of expulsion in order to
calculate the 2 year requirement mentioned in the paragraph.
Section 3.
Ethical Guidelines for Board Members.
Board members shall:
Board members shall Adhere to GRCA’s Code of Ethics.
Adhere to the AKC Code of Sportsmanship.
Act in the best interest of the club by putting aside personal agendas and working in
cooperation with the Board of Directors.
Carry out his/her duties responsibly and in a timely manner.
Be available for the transaction of club business.
Board members not adhering to the above guidelines as determined by a majority of the
remainder of the Board or by majority vote of the membership at a regular or special
meeting of the membership shall be asked by the Board to resign. Resignation will not
be requested without reasonable notice to the Board member in question.
JUSTIFICATION: As it reads currently, the only guidelines a board member is
required to follow is the GRCA Code of Ethics which basically cover breeding
practices. The additions of the above provisions give each board member
broader ethical guidelines to follow.
Bylaws and Rules Committee
This Committee shall annually review the Club Bylaws and Standing Rules and propose
appropriate changes or clarifications to the Board. It shall also keep a record of all Standing Rules
currently in force. It shall be responsible for publication and distribution of the Bylaws and the
Standing Rules. A copy of the current Bylaws and Standing Rules shall be published and
distributed to all members every (2) years. Publication of the Bylaws and Standing Rules on
the internet fulfills this requirement.
JUSTIFICATION: To bring the rules into alignment with current practices.
Bench, Obedience, Tracking, Agility and Field Committees
Field Committee Responsibilities.
Meetings are scheduled as needed.
••Publicize dates in the newsletter in advance.
••Emergency meetings are made by calling those on the Field Committee Roster.
••A hunting test review meeting is held approximately 2 weeks after a hunting test,
which includes a review & update of the Hunting Test Preparation Guide.
Recommended - Hold one AKC HUNTING TEST per year (usually on AKC reserved
Hold one GRCA WC, WCX TEST preferably in the seasons opposite to the AKC
Hunting Test.
JUSTIFICATION: To bring the rules into alignment with current practices.
Hunting Test Preparation Guide
Selection of Judges
• The club policy for selection of judges will be used for performance events. Judges
for performance events shall be chosen by the individual performance event
• Due to manpower requirements for putting on a test, we prefer not to use club
members as judges for events, which have multiple tests occurring simultaneously.
JUSTIFICATION: Since the majority of the club members do not participate in hunt
tests, there is no reason for the membership to vote on them. Additionally, even if
some judges are chosen by the membership, chances are those judges won’t be
available. Hunt test judges are extremely difficult to come by. With the difficulty in
obtaining judges for hunt tests, we should not be putting unrealistic and
unworkable restrictions on selection.
Guidelines for Selecting Judges for Licensed Events
1. Selection of judges for licensed performance events will be made by the committee in
charge of the individual events.
JUSTIFICATION: Selection of judges for performance events should be chosen by
the committee conducting the events which are made up of people who actually
compete in the event. Selection of judges for performance events has not been
done in the past in accordance with the current rules for many years. We need to
bring the rules into alignment with current practices.
2. Selection of judges for all licensed conformation and obedience events shall be made at a
Membership meeting. A quorum will not be required for the selection of judges.
Nominations (and comments) for judges for the conformation show(s) will be solicited
from the membership to be submitted in writing to the Bench Committee Chair on or
before April 1 of each year. The Bench Committee Chair will report on the
nominations at the April Membership meeting. Nominations may not be submitted
after April 1. Voting for the Bench/Obedience judges shall be on the agenda for the May
meeting. The meeting for the selection of judges for field, tracking, and agility shall be
at the discretion of the respective chair. The chair is to notify the Board and the
Newsletter editor one month prior to the requested meeting. The Judges’ names may
be submitted in writing to the appropriate bench committee chair and Nominations
will not be taken from the floor.
JUSTIFICATION: This proposed method for selecting judges will give the
members more opportunity to research and become familiar with nominated
judges in order to be more informed before voting.
Membership Committee
The Corresponding Secretary shall head the membership committee. This Committee shall receive
applications for membership and present them to the members for approval. It shall maintain
current records of membership applications not yet approved. It shall each year compile a
membership list and keep it up-to-date throughout the year. It is recommended new members be
supplied with a “New Member Packet.” The Corresponding Secretary (Membership Chair)
shall also receive dues payments and membership renewal dues and shall deliver same to the
Treasurer in a timely manner for deposit into the club’s account.
[NOTE: When notice is required to be sent to any person, the method of sending notice can
be accomplished by emailing the person to the email address available to the club, if any.]
Club Inquiries
It is recommended that the Membership Committee:
Upon receiving a new application, a member of the committee will contact the
applicants and inquire reasons for wishing to join club, their interests in Goldens,
and their background in dogs.
Forward the website link information regarding the Club to all individuals who inquire.
This should include a cover letter The introductory letter or email should describe the
Club's objectives as well as any upcoming meetings and/or events and should include a
link to the latest newsletter, membership application and premium lists (when
Forward names and addresses of all inquiries to newsletter editor for 3 free editions.
After Three months after receipt of an inquiry, contact inquiry to determine if they are
interested in becoming a member or if they would like to be discontinued from the
mailing list. removed from the “interested” list.
Membership Applicants.
It is recommended that the Membership Committee:
Transmit letter (or email) to applicant indicating that membership application has been
received and will be read at the next meeting. Include requirement that applicants are
required to attend two (2) meetings or attend one (1) meeting and work one (1) event, the
application will be voted on at the next business meeting the applicant attends to elect the
applicant to voting membership or junior membership as may be applicable. Letter should
also describe the Club's objectives as well as any upcoming meeting and/or events. When
applicable, include latest newsletter and premium lists
Forward names and addresses/email addresses of all applicants to newsletter editor.
Track date application was received, application fees paid, application presented to general
membership; meetings attended, and when applicant was voted by the membership.
Notify new members if of their election to membership.
It is recommended that the Membership Committee:
1. Prepare and maintain current membership roster. The membership roster may be kept
on the internet.
2. Contact any member who does not renew annual membership and encourage them to
rejoin the Club. Ask for explanation as to why they are no longer interested in the
3. Transmit letters or emails to any local party who participates in the annual specialty,
obedience trial, hunting test or WC/WCX test thanking them for attending and inquiring if
they are interested in joining the Club.
4. Prepare "New Member Packets Information" to be distributed posted on the internet
and provide the website address to new members once they are voted on.
This should include the following:
- DFWMGRC Officers & Board Members
- DFWMGRC Committee Chairmen
- DFWMGRC Standing Committees (Description)
- DFWMGRC Membership Roster
- Definition of Bench, Obedience & Field Competition
- Index to Area Conformation Classes
- List of AKC Licensed Superintendents
- Index to Agents
- Index to Area Obedience Clubs and Training Schools
- Index to Area Hunting Retriever Clubs
- GRCA & AKC Internet Addresses of Interest
Including, but not limited to:
- GRCA Suggested Reading & Viewing List
- GRCA Membership Application
- AKC Certified Pedigree Order Form
- Symbol Legend for Reading a Pedigree
- Definition of "How Dogs are Judged" in Conformation
- DFWMGRC Bylaws and Standing Rules
- Various articles on conformation, obedience and field work.
5. Send sympathy and get well cards to members when appropriate. Send
congratulatory card to members who attain CH, OTCH, MH or UD titles.
6. Send biannual reminder notes Reach out by email or phone call to members who have
not attended a Club meeting or function.
7. Submit monthly committee reports to Board of Directors.
8. Notify club Yahoo Group coordinator with email address so that the new member
can be invited to join the Group.
JUSTIFICATION: To bring rules up-to-date with standard practices.
After a slate of candidates has been selected, the Chairman must obtain written consent from each
nominee before submitting the slate to the Corresponding Secretary. Deadlines for submission of
the slate to the Corresponding Secretary and for mailing sending to Club are specified in the
Bylaws, Article V, Section 3, as are other provisions for candidacy eligibility and additional
nominations from the membership.
JUSTIFICATION: To bring rules up-to-date with standard practices.
Once a month the Club shall place a 10-day classified advertisement in at least one area
newspaper. The ad will list the phone numbers of the Club’s public information voice mail
number. Persons serving on the Public Information Committee should respond to voice mail
calls in a timely manner.
JUSTIFICATION: To bring rules up-to-date with standard practices.