Nordstrom Rack - City of Santa Rosa
Nordstrom Rack - City of Santa Rosa
ITEM NO. 6.1 CITY OF SANTA ROSA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT FOR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD July 2, 2015 PROJECT TITLE APPLICANT Coddingtown Demo/Rebuild for Nordstrom Rack Coddingtown Mall LLC ADDRESS/LOCATION PROPERTY OWNER 180 Coddingtown Center Coddingtown Mall LLC ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER FILE NUMBER 012-490-051 DR15-038 PROJECT SITE ZONING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION CG-SA Retail and Business Service APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION COMPLETION DATE April 28, 2015 April 28, 2015 PROJECT PLANNER RECOMMENDATION Eric Gage Approval of Preliminary Design Review FURTHER ACTION(S) REQUIRED A Variance approved by the Planning Commission is needed to reduce the ground floor transparency and parking design standards required by the North Santa Rosa Station Area Plan. Final Design Review is required. Building permits are required to construct. PROPOSAL The project proposes to demolish an existing 28,791 square foot, two-story retail and office building to construct a 31,023 single-story clothing retail building for Nordstrom Rack. Also proposed and associated changes to existing landscaping, internal circulation, and parking areas. ITEM NO. 6.1 HISTORY April 28, 2015: A Design Review application was filed for the Nordstrom Rack demo/rebuild project. SUMMARY The project proposes to demolish the existing multi-tenant building. The existing two-story building features multi-tenant retail spaces on the first floor, and unused office space on the second floor. The existing building footprint is 28,791 square-feet, and the building is approximately 33 feet tall. Also proposed for demolition is the mall entrance located on the north side of the building. Proposed for construction at the location of the existing building, is a new 31,023 square foot single-story, clothing retail building for Nordstrom Rack. The proposed structure is approximately 25 feet tall, with projecting architectural elements extending to 46.5 feet in height. Also proposed is a new entrance to the mall on the north side of the building, which will also be 46.5 feet in height. The project is located within the North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan overlay (-SA), in an area zoned CG. The parking requirement in this area is calculated as 2.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. The total square footage of the mall including the proposed project is approximately 860,348 square feet. Therefore, a total of 2,150 required parking spaces for the shopping center. Although the project requires the removal of 10 parking spaces for interior circulation improvements, the existing number of spaces, totaling 3,252, considerably exceeds the required number of parking spaces. Environmental Setting Coddingtown Shopping Center is located on a level, approximately 38.2 acre site at the southwest corner of the Guerneville Road and Cleveland Avenue intersection. The Center was built in approximately 1962, and is developed as a regional mall with three anchor and numerous small tenant spaces. The site is bounded by Guerneville Road to the north, Cleveland Avenue to the east, Edwards Avenue to the south and Range Avenue to the west. Site access is obtained from numerous driveways along the aforementioned streets. There are currently approximately 3,262 parking spaces provided throughout the greater Coddingtown Center. DESIGN REVIEW POLICIES/ISSUES General Plan and North Station Area Specific Plan The project site is designated as Retail and Business Services by the City of Santa Rosa 2035 General Plan. This designation allows retail and service enterprises, offices, and restaurants. Regional centers, which are large complexes of retail and service ITEM NO. 6.1 enterprises anchored by one or more full line department stores, and destination centers, which are retail centers anchored by discount or warehouse stores, are allowed. The project site is also within the boundary of the North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan (NSRSASP), a focused element of the General Plan, concentrating on development within one half-mile of the future Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) station planed for construction at Guerneville Road. The plan promotes a mixture of pedestrian friendly residential, retail, office and open space land uses. The following General Plan goals and policies are relevant to the proposed project: LUL-I Maintain vibrant, convenient, and attractive commercial centers. LUL-I-1 Provide a range of commercial services that are easily accessible and attractive, that satisfies the needs of people who live and work in Santa Rosa and that also attracts a regional clientele. LUL-I-2 Encourage region-serving, high volume retail outlets to locate near freeway access (generally within one-half mile of Highway 101) to minimize traffic on city streets. Do not allow regional-serving uses in residential neighborhoods. EV-A-4 Provide expedited permit review processing for development proposals which meet General Plan goals. time-sensitive UD-A-5 Require superior site and architectural design of new development projects to improve visual quality in the city. Some NSRSASP Policies that directly relate to this project include: Policy E-1.1. Expand local-serving retail and personal services uses to accommodate daily needs of station area users, visitors, employees, and residents within easy walking distance of residential areas and the SMART station. Policy E-1.2. Encourage unique local retail and service businesses to locate within the Plan area. Policy CM-1.2. Encourage infill retail development along the Guerneville Road street frontage. Policy E-1.4. Expand the area’s tourist focal point, centered around the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Redwood Empire Ice Arena, with other cultural and recreational activities. ITEM NO. 6.1 Policy E-2.1. Encourage the development of new jobs in the Plan area, including “green-tech” jobs. Policy UD-4.3. Provide appropriately scaled and designed lighting for all modes of travel throughout the station area. Pedestrian paths, surface parking areas, alleyways, parks, and urban plazas should be well lighted for safety. Policy C-3.2. Install Class II bicycle lanes along Edwards Avenue, Range Avenue, and the full length of Cleveland Avenue. Staff Response The project provides an attractive new retail store, replacing a two-story building containing office and retail tenant spaces that have been frequently vacant. Existing tenants in the building will be relocated to other tenant spaces in the center. The project will enhance the existing shopping center and further serve the needs of neighbors, and regional customers. The new junior anchor would also have the positive effect of drawing additional tenants to fill vacancies and make the shopping center more vibrant. In addition, the project implements many of the NSRSASP policies including expanding retail uses within walking distance of residential areas, and within walking distance of the SMART station location. The project is will increase visitor traffic in close proximity to the Charles M. Schulz Museum and other cultural and recreational activities. The project will also generate new employment at the shopping center and provide new landscaping and lighting in the parking area. The project does not meet the NSRSASP design standards of locating commercial surface parking to the rear of a commercial building, internal to block, tucked under the building, or in a below-ground structure. Due to the unique and established configuration of the Coddingtown shopping center, the parking is permanently located in front of the buildings. The project does not meet the Specific Plan design standards of 80% ground floor transparency on the primary frontage and 25% ground floor transparency on the secondary frontage. Due to the structure’s unusually long facades, exceeding 150 feet in length, the compliance with the transparency requirement would be technically problematic. Also, an overwhelming use of glass panels may not serve the intended goal of superior design. Subsequent to the Design Review Board decision, the applicant must obtain a variance from the Planning Commission to provide relief from the design standard. ITEM NO. 6.1 Zoning Code North: South: East: West: General Commercial, Station Area (CG-SA) Transit Village Medium, Station Area (TV-M-SA) General Commercial, Station Area (CG-SA) Transit Village Medium, Station Area (TV-M-SA) The project site is zoned CG which the Zoning Code identifies as a district that is applied to areas appropriate for a range of retail and service land uses that primarily serve residents and businesses throughout the City, including shops, personal and business services, and restaurants. The CG zoning district is consistent with the Retail and Business Services land use classification of the General Plan. Retail Commercial uses are principally permitted land uses in this zoning district. Specific zoning standards reviewed for this project include: Building Height The structure meets the maximum height of 55 feet allowed by the zoning. The tallest portion of the project is proposed at 46 feet in height. Lot Coverage/Setbacks The General Commercial zone is not restricted by a maximum lot coverage limit, with 100% maximum coverage allowed. The project is proposing to cover less than 100% of the site with structures. No building setbacks are required in the General Commercial when not adjacent to residential uses, as in the case of the project location. Parking Requirements Within the North Santa Rosa Station Area Specific Plan overlay (-SA), on the base zone of CG, the required parking spaces are calculated as 2.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. The total existing commercial square footage of the mall is approximately 858,116 square feet, and with the proposed project the total square footage increases to approximately 860,348 square feet. This results in a total of 2,150 required parking spaces for the shopping center. Although the project requires the removal of approximately 10 parking spaces for interior circulation improvements, the existing number of spaces, totaling 3,252, considerably exceeds the required number of parking spaces. Additionally, the Zoning Code requires one bicycle parking space per 5,000 square feet of floor space. Staff Response The project meets the requirements and intent of the zoning code in that it is a commercial retail project in the CG zoning district, with the exception of the aforementioned codified NSRSASP design standards. All structures of the project are less than the maximum height of 55 feet allowed by the zoning district. The project is not subject to setback and lot coverage requirements by virtue of its location. The ITEM NO. 6.1 project retains 3,252 parking spaces, exceeding the total required for the shopping center of 2,150 spaces. Design Guidelines The following is a summary of the most applicable policies from the City of Santa Rosa Design Guidelines: 3.3.I.A To encourage “superior design” in retail centers and new building in our commercial centers. 3.3.II.B.8 Embellish the entrances to the buildings at the ground level by creating a minimum zone that is paved with brick, granite, and concrete with exposed aggregate or precast pavers, or approved alternative. 3.3.II.E.3 Design on-site street furniture, accessories, and lighting to be consistent in its design. 3.3.II.F.1 Provide a uniform lighting level which assures safety and security at night. 3.3.III.A.9 Design main entries to be prominent and easy to identify and that are distinguishable from the storefront. 3.3.III.A.16 Design buildings in commercial centers to exhibit a consistent concept. Freestanding buildings should be architecturally compatible with other buildings in the center. 3.3.III.B.1 Use high quality, durable and low maintenance materials. This is particularly true of the first story, where heavy commercial use can damage materials and finishes. Preferred materials include: split faced concrete block, brick, metal siding with quality factory finishes (such as 40 yr. Kynar paint), powder coated aluminum storefront, or stucco. Residential quality materials such as plywood or composite panel siding and composite siding that require field painting need regular maintenance due to heavy commercial use and do not stand up well to the sun in our climate. When neglected, these materials become shabby. 3.3.III.B.2 Select building colors to establish continuity and compatibility with the neighborhood. Colors should enhance the visual character of the environment of the proposed buildings. Building colors should not compete for attention. Building colors should not become “signing” of the building or site. Integral coloring (where the color is mixed into the material vs. applied as paint) of concrete, stucco, and similar materials ITEM NO. 6.1 is encouraged. Use color to articulate and reduce the scale of large buildings. 3.3.III.B.3 Use complimentary buildings materials, colors, and textures within a retail center. Individual storefronts may vary to reflect the character of individual businesses or to develop variety, while respecting the concept of the center. 3.3.III.C.1 Use building entries to protect patrons from the elements and create a “sense of entry” or focal point for the building. Staff Response The proposed building has been designed for the site. The one-story building against the Macy’s building presents a modulation of massing that provides visual interest. The colors and rectangular architectural forms complement the other buildings on the northern side of the shopping center. The material palette includes stone tile, composite wood, glass, and anodized aluminum. The new mall entry is consistent with recently constructed mall entries on both sides of the shopping center. The mall entry features landscape planters, and a variety of attractive materials such as glazing, wood paneling, stone tile. Different colors of accent paving are also proposed. The planting program includes a mix of plant types and sizes to serve the pedestrian experience. Green screens soften the appearance of walls, and substantial plantings provide screening to the loading dock area. The following trees will be added to the parking area and pedestrian walkways: Chinese Pistache, Chanticleer Pear, Pyramidal European Hornbeam, and White Crape Myrtle. Additional landscaping includes: Star Jasmine, Common Thyme, Pittosporum. The proposed lighting plan includes recessed canopy lights and bollard lights along sidewalks, and new pole lights in adjacent parking areas. The selected fixtures have a unifying design and the proposed layout provides effective lighting to all walkable areas. The plans include proposed signage that will require separate permits. Although sign permits are not subject to the Design Review Board’s review and approval, staff welcomes the Board’s input and will utilize any comments as guidance for subsequent sign permits. Environmental Review Per CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(b), “replacement of a commercial structure with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity” is categorically exempt from CEQA. Therefore, the project qualifies for a Class 2 categorical exemption, because the project consists of replacing an existing commercial structure in the same ITEM NO. 6.1 location. The CEQA Guidelines further outline criteria for when the exemption does not apply, including projects involving hazardous waste sites, impact to historical resources, or scenic highways. The memo prepared by GHD Inc. dated June 18, 2015 provides the information necessary to demonstrate that none of these criteria pertain to the project and that the Class 2 categorical exemption is appropriate. Public Comments Staff received two comments (emailed) in support of the proposed project. Issues None identified. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Community Development Department that the Design Review Board approve Preliminary Design Review for the Coddingtown Nordstrom Rack project. Attachments: Location Map Disclosure Form Zoning Map Aerial Photo General Plan Map Project plans stamped received June 18, 2015 Public Comment Coddingtown Mall Junior Anchor – Review for CEQA Exemption prepared by GHD Inc. dated June 18, 2015 Focused Traffic Analysis for Redevelopment at Coddingtown prepared by WTrans dated June 18, 2015 RESOLUTION NUMBER [to be entered by Secretary] RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA GRANTING PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 31,023 SQUARE FOOT NORDSTROM RACK BUILDING, NEW MALL ENTRY, AND ASSOCIATED SITE IMPROVMENTS AT THE CODDINGTOWN SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED AT 180 CODDINGTOWN CENTER; ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 012-490-051; FILE NUMBER DR15-038. WHEREAS, on July 2, 2015, the Design Review Board of the City of Santa Rosa considered the construction of a new clothing retail Nordstrom Rack building, new mall entry, and associated site improvements at the Coddingtown shopping center; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board, at the same time considered written and oral reports of staff, testimony, and other evidence presented by all those who wished to be heard on the matter; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board, after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered for review, does find and determine the following: 1. The design and layout of the proposed development is of superior quality, and is consistent with the General Plan, and applicable specific plan, applicable Zoning Code standards and requirements, the City’s Design Guidelines, architectural criteria for special areas, and other applicable City requirements (e.g., City policy statements and development plans); and 2. The design is appropriate for the use and location of the proposed development and achieves the goals, review criteria and findings for approval as set forth in the Framework of Design Review (Design Guidelines, Introduction, Subsection C); and 3. The design and layout of the proposed development will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring existing or future developments; and 4. The architectural design of the proposed development is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood; and 5. The design of the proposed development will provide a desirable environment for its occupants, visiting public, and its neighbors through the appropriate use of materials, texture, and color, and would remain aesthetically appealing and be appropriately maintained; and 6. The proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 7. The proposed project has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and qualifies for a Class 2 Exemption under Section 15302 for replacement of existing structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Design Review Board of the City of Santa Rosa does hereby grant Preliminary Design Review of the Coddingtown Nordstrom Rack project subject to each of the following conditions: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GENERAL: 1. Compliance with the latest adopted ordinances, resolutions, policies, and fees adopted by the City Council at the time of building permit review and approval. All fees must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. All work shall be done according to the final approved plans dated June 18, 2015. 3. The address shall be displayed in a prominent location on the street side of the property. The numbers shall be no less than 6-inches in height and shall be of a contrasting color to the background to which they are attached. The address shall be illuminated during hours of darkness per City "Premises Identification" requirements. BUILDING DIVISION: 4. A demolition permit is required for removal of the existing building. An air quality management district permit is required to assess the building for asbestos containing materials. The air quality district J# is required to be submitted with the City’s demolition permit application. 5. A building permit is required for construction of the new building. 6. Construction hours shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays. No construction is permitted on Sundays and holidays. 7. A soils report must be submitted with an application for building permit. Check with the Building Division prior to submittal to determine the level of report necessary for the project or if a soils report is on file for the subject property. 8. Comply with all Federal, State and local codes, disabled access included. ENGINEERING DIVISION: 9. Compliance with all conditions as specified by the attached Exhibit "A" dated June 23, 2015. PLANNING DIVISION: 10. The building materials, elevations, and appearance of this project, as presented for issuance of a building permit, shall be the same as that approved by the Design Review Board. Any future additions, expansions, remodeling, etc., will be subject to review and approval of the Planning Division. 11. This Design Review Permit is valid subject to approval of a Variance. 12. Compliance with City Graffiti Abatement Program Standards for Graffiti Removal (City Code 10-17.080), Res. No. ___________ Page 2 of 5 13. 14. 15. 16. PROJECT DETAILS: A. All project details shall be in accordance with the restrictions and limitations of the City Zoning and Uniform Building Codes, as well as the City's Design Review Guidelines. B. The design of all fencing, sound walls, carports, trash enclosures, and similar accessory site elements shall be compatible with the architecture of main buildings and shall use similar materials. The design must be approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. C. All outdoor storage of materials and/or refuse bins/cans shall be maintained within a completely screened structure or area. The design of the screened structure or area shall be approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. LANDSCAPING: A. All required landscaping and irrigation must be installed prior to occupancy per the approved final plans. B. Construction drawings submitted for issuance of a building permit shall include final landscape and irrigation plans, except where not required. C. All landscaping must be continuously maintained in a healthy and attractive condition, free of weeds and debris, in accordance with the approved plans. Dead and dying plant materials shall be replaced with healthy specimens as necessary. LIGHTING: A. All exterior lighting shall be shown and specified on the plans submitted for issuance of a building permit in accordance with the Design Review approval. B. Light sources shall be concealed from public view. C. All lighting shall be directed toward the subject property and away from adjacent properties. D. The mounting height of lighting fixtures in parking and storage areas shall not exceed 16feet in height. Lower mounting heights are encouraged. PARKING LOT AREA: A. The parking lot shall be paved to City standards. B. The parking lot shall be provided with concrete curbing around all planter areas unless specifically approved by the Department of Community Development in some other fashion. C. The parking lot shall be striped according to City standards and all handicapped and compact spaces shall be identified and marked accordingly. Res. No. ___________ Page 3 of 5 D. 17. 18. Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Zoning Code requirements. The location and number of spaces shall be shown on the site plan submitted for issuance of a building permit. SIGNING: A. No exterior signs, banners, or the like are approved with this permit. A planning sign permit application is required for all signs. B. Sign permit approval shall be obtained prior to application for a building permit. C. Building permits for sign installations shall be separate permits from other building permits issued for construction. NATURAL RESOURCES: A. Advisement. The applicant, its successors, heirs, assigns or transferees are advised in writing that this approval or permit prior to the start of any construction may be subject to certain other clearances, approvals, permits, or authorizations by state and/or federal agencies. The applicant shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the above advisement. B. Power to stop work if violation occurs. Nothing in this approval shall prevent the City of Santa Rosa from exercising its power to stop work in instances where a violation of state or federal law is brought to the City's attention. C. No building or grading permit of any type shall be issued by the City until a required federal or state, as applicable, clearance or authorization, with or without conditions, has been filed with the City. FIRE DEPARTMENT 19. Existing Underground Fire Main supplying Coddingtown Covered Mall Building standpipe and sprinkler system is supplied by the Existing Backflow noted on Enlarged Site Plan. Fire Department records indicate the standpipe is an overhead 8” pipe running along the southern edge of building to be demolished. A branchline of the standpipe system runs through the western edge of the building to be demolished, with a required standpipe hose outlet at the northwest corner of the building to be demolished. Existing standpipe system is a required fire protection element of the Covered Mall Building per CA Building Code 402.7.1. Entire standpipe system shall be protected in place or relocated so as to remain in service throughout demolition and construction of this project. Demolition and construction drawings shall clearly indicate how this will be achieved. 20. As presented in these drawings, proposed new building will be a part of the Coddingtown Center Covered Mall Building as defined in CA Building Code 402, with exiting and fire protection dependent on the remainder of the Covered Mall. Res. No. ___________ Page 4 of 5 Construction shall comply with CA Building Code requirements for a Covered Mall Building. Existing fire protection systems (sprinklers, standpipe, and Voice/Alarm Communication fire alarm system) shall be extended into the new building. 21. Site address signage per current Fire Dept Standards shall be established and maintained during and after any combustible construction or intensification of site use. A. Twelve inch (12) inch illuminated premise identification shall be provided. B. Buildings over 15,000 ft/2 shall also provide a 24 inch reflective rooftop address. DULY AND REGULARLY ADOPTED by the Design Review Board of the City of Santa Rosa Design Review Board on this 2nd of July, 2015 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Approved: _________________________ Doug Hilberman, Chair Attest: ________________________________ William Rose, Executive Secretary Res. No. ___________ Page 5 of 5 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EXHIBIT "A" June 23 , 2015 180 Coddingtown Ctr. Coddingtown Mall Bldg. Replacement (Nordstrom) I. Developer's engineer shall obtain the current City Design and Construction Standards and the Community Development Department's Standard Conditions of Approval dated August 27, 2008 and comply with all requirements therein unless specifically waived or altered by written variance by the City Engineer. II. Developer's engineer shall comply with all requirements of the current Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and City Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Low Impact Development Guidelines. Final Plans shall address the storm water quality and quantity along with a maintenance agreement or comparable document to assure continuous maintenance of the source and treatment. Ill. In addition, the following summary constitutes the recommended conditions of approval on the subject application/development based on the plans stamped received May12, 2015: PARCEL AND EASEMENT DEDICATION 1. A 13 foot Public Access and Utility Easement is to be dedicated to the City along Cleveland Avenue prior to issuance of any encroachment permit for work in Public Right of way or in Public Easements. PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS 2. Public Improvement Plans are required and are to be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a Building Permit. An Encroachment Permit is required for any work in the Public Right of Way or in Public Easements. J-; Cleveland Avenue shall be dedicated as a 4 lane Boulevard with 5 foot bike lane along the entire project frontage together with 6 foot contiguous sidewalk. Improvements to Cleveland Avenue shall consist of striping to accommodate a Class 11 bike lane. EXHIBIT A PAGE 2 TRAFFIC 4. Cleveland Avenue is to be restriped with a Class II, 5 foot bike lane from Steele Lane to the signalized intersection into the Coddingtown/ Macy's Parking Lot. The lane markings and presence detectors for the signalized entrance to Coddingtown I Macy's Parking Lot are to be modified as necessary for the Class 11 bike lane. The restriping of Cleveland Avenue will be reviewed and approved with the issuance of an Encroachment Permit. 5. Truck routes to Nordstrom site are to enter from Range Avenue and exit to Range Avenue or through the signalized intersection at the main entrance onto Guerneville Road. No truck deliveries to Nordstrom site are to be from Cleveland Avenue. STORM DRAINAGE 6. The developer's engineer shall comply with all requirements of the latest edition of the City Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Guidelines. Building Permit Plans shall incorporate all SUSMP Best Management Practices (BMP's) and shall be accompanied by a Final Storm Water Mitigation Plan which shall address the storm water quality and quantity and shall be accompanied by a maintenance agreement or comparable document to assure continuous maintenance in perpetuity of the SUS MP BM P's, and shall include a maintenance schedule. 7. After the SUS MP BMP improvements have been constructed, the developers Civil Engineer is to prepare and sign a written certification that they were constructed and installed as required or per the manufacturer's recommendation. Written certification of SUS MP BMP's is to be received by the City prior to final inspection of the Building Permit. SEWER AND WATER UTILITIES 8. Any existing water or sewer services that will not be used must be abandoned at the main per City Standards under an encroachment permit. The existing meters must be collected by the City Meter Shop. Contractor is to coordinate through the City's Encroachment Officer for water meter removal and pick up by the City. 9. Existing fire services from the Double Detector Check are to be protected in place or relocated to maintain fire service for the project site. Modification to the existing system will be subject to review and approval to bring system to current City standards with the Building Permit. 10. If the water services are modified the is Applicant must install a combination EXHIBIT A PAGE 3 service per City Standard #870 fo r fire sprinkler, public fire hydrant if required by the Fire Department, domestic, and irrigation meters. Water laterals and meters shall be sized to meet domestic, irrigation and fire protection uses with City Standard 876 for the fire system, and City Standard 874 be required on domestic and City Standard 876 on irrigation services. The flow calculations shall be submitted to the Utilities Department during the plan check phase of the Improvement Plans or Encroachment Permit to determine adequate sizing. 11. Submit landscape and irrigation plans in confo rmance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance adopted by the Santa Rosa City Council, Ordinance 3925, on November 17, 2009. Plans shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. Submit the following with the above mentioned plans: Maximum Applied Water Allowance (Appendix A) and Hydrozone Table (Appendix B). Larry Lacki PROJEC ENGI NEER 180 Coddingtown Center Location Map 6/16/2015 Scale 1: 7,338 0 Miles 0.12 ~ Cityof -= . , .~ San ~a Rosa~ File No. DISCLOSURE FORM I Quad. Related Files Please Type or Print Community Development DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Project Title: Coddingtown Mall Building Replacement, 733 Coddingtown Center, Santa Rosa, CA 94501 (Include site address) Please provide the name of each individual, partnership, corporation, LLC, or trust who has an interest in the proposed land use action. Include the names of all applicants, developers, property owners, and each person or entity that holds an option on the property. D I s c L 0 s u Identify all individuals Identify all general and limited partners identify all shareholders owning 10% or more of the sto~k and all officers and directors (unless the corporation is listed on any major stock exchange, in which case only the identity of the exchange must be listed. Identify all members, managers, partners, officers and directors. LL Cs: Trusts: Identify all trustees and beneficiaries. Option Holders: Identify all holders of options on the real property. Individuals: Partnerships: Corporations: R E Full Name: F Coddingtown Mall, LLC Address: 225 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 0 R M In addition, please identify the name of each civil engineer, architect, and consultant for the project. Full Name: Address: Additional names and addresses attached: ,, ~Yes 0No The above information shall be promptly updated by the applicant to reflect any change that occurs prior to final action. Disclosure Form Additional Sheet for Disclosure Form - Coddingtown Mall 1. Fee Ownership Information First Owner: SIMON CODDINGTOWN, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, a tenant-in-common Address: 225 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Second Owner: CODDINGTOWN, LLC, a California limited liability company, a tenant-in-common Address: 2. By: CODDING ENTERPRISES LP, a California limited patinership, its sole member By: CODDING INVESTMENTS, INC., a California corporation, its general pminer 6400 Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park, California 94928 Ground Lease Information Master Landlord: Simon Coddingtown, LLC and Coddingtown, LLC Master Tenant: CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Address: SIMON MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES (CALIFORNIA), INC., a Delaware corporation, as Manager 225 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 180 Coddingtown Center Zoning Map 6/16/2015 Scale 1: 7,338 0 Miles 0.12 180 Coddingtown Center Aerial Photo 6/16/2015 Scale 1: 7,338 0 Miles 0.12 180 Coddingtown Center General Plan Map 6/16/2015 Scale 1: 7,338 0 Miles 0.12 Gage, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Marc Negri < [email protected] > Tuesday, June 23, 2015 4:38 PM Gage, Eric Nordstrom Rack, File number DRlS-038 Dear Eric, I am a property owner in the notice radius of the Nordstrom Rack proposal. I am writing to voice my support for the proposal and encourage it's swift approval. Sincerely, Marc Negri 707 573-5941 1 Gage, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Benjamin Johnson <[email protected]> Monday, June 22, 2015 11:52 AM Gage, Eric Codd ingtown Nordstrom Rack - Fi le No. DR15-038 Hello, I contacted you a little while back and it sounds like comments are being collected once again. As a fonner SR resident, I would like to express my excitement for a Nordstrom Rack at Coddingtown Mall. I grew up in SR and lived there until I went off to college. Throughout my childhood I frequented Coddingtown for leisure and necessities. During high school, I had my first job there at Wetzel's Pretzels. I would love nothing more than to see Coddingtown not only survive, but tluive. I feel like staying afloat has been it's goal for the past decade or so as businesses, both small and large, have come and gone. With Whole Foods and Target, things are greatly improved. Not to mention the renovations to the general mall areas (entrances look great!). But Nordstrom Rack would give Coddingtown an edge. People would be eager to visit Nortstrom Rack because it's a new store to the area. Plus, it is considered a "hip" store and Coddingtown needs that. Anyhow, clearly I'm in suppo1i of this. I'm dying to see any sketches/renderings of the future storefront and mall improvements. If you can share anything, please do!!! Thanks, Ben 1 June 18, 2015 To: Clif Poynter, Senior Civil Engineer, Simon Property Group From: GHD Inc. Subject: Coddingtown Mall Junior Anchor – Review for CEQA Exemption Tel: 707-523-1010 Introduction and Summary GHD has performed the following environmental review for the proposed modifications at Coddingtown Mall in Santa Rosa, California, to accommodate a new junior anchor tenant. This memorandum provides a brief description of the project, summarizes the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for categorical exemptions relevant to the project, and evaluates whether the project would qualify for a categorical exemption from CEQA. The City of Santa Rosa is the Lead Agency for the project. The results of this evaluation indicate that the project qualifies for a Class 2 categorical exemption based on CEQA Guidelines Section 15300 et seq. Description of Project The project site is located on the northeast corner of Coddingtown Mall in the City of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California (see Figure 1). It is comprised of a former stand-alone structure constructed in 1963 which was incorporated into the overall indoor mall structure in 1979. The existing structure is two stories with 28,791 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA), although access to the upper story is sealed off and vacant. The ground floor of the structure is currently occupied by several retail establishments and a bank; portions are vacant. The project, as proposed, would replace the existing structure with a new building to be leased to a junior anchor tenant. The new structure would have 31,023 square feet of GLA, with an external loading dock on the structure’s east side. Other external project components would include planter boxes and minor adjustments to the internal drive aisle network and parking rows. Sixteen (16) trees would be removed as part of this project, and all work would occur within already developed areas within the existing mall footprint. Applicability of a CEQA Exemption The CEQA Guidelines have been reviewed to determine whether the project falls into a class of projects determined by the Guidelines as not having a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, qualifies for an exemption. Because the project consists of replacing or reconstructing an already existing commercial structure located on the same site as replacement, it would qualify for a Class 2 categorical exemption per Guidelines Section 15302, Replacement or Reconstruction. Specifically, paragraph (b) recognizes the “[R]eplacement of a commercial structure with a new structure of substantially the same GHD Inc. 2235 Mercury Way Suite 150 Santa Rosa CA 95407 USA T 1 707 523 1010 F 1 707 527 8679 E [email protected] W 1 size, purpose, and capacity”. As noted above, the project would replace retail and financial services space (i.e., commercial space) and provide a new public retail and commercial space, while increasing the GLA by 2,232 square feet – an increase of approximately 8 percent. This is not a substantial change in purpose, or size and capacity. Section 15300.2 Exceptions Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines presents a list of circumstances in which a categorical exemption does not apply. As part of this exemption review, the project was compared against each of the applicable exceptions, as indicated in the following evaluations. Location. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(a) applies to Class 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 categorical exemptions. This project is seeking a Class 2 categorical exemption. Therefore, the exception under Section 15300.2(a) is not applicable. Cumulative Impact. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(b) specifies that a categorical exemption shall not be used when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place over time is significant. No such cumulative projects were identified on or in the vicinity of the project and no foreseeable projects are anticipated in the area. Therefore, the cumulative impact exception under Section 15300.2(b) does not apply to the project. Significant Effect from Unusual Circumstances. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(c) specifies that a categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. No potential impacts that could occur due to unusual circumstances were identified. The project site is a commercial retail space that is currently partially occupied. The site is completely developed; no wetland areas or open waters occur on the site and no trees would be removed during construction. No federal or Statelisted plants or wildlife species have been previously recorded at the site (CDFW 2015, USFW 2015); none is anticipated to occur due to lack of suitable habitat on-site. As 16 trees would be removed as part of the project, the project’s construction specification documents would include a scheduling requirement limiting tree removal to avoid bird nesting season. (This season is generally considered from February 15 through August 31 by jurisdictional agencies. Therefore, the tree removal period would be September 1 through February 14.) Additionally, the project’s tree removal inventory was reviewed against Santa Rosa City Code Chapter 17-24 (Trees); it was confirmed that no heritage trees listed in the City Code would be impacted by this project. Therefore, the significant effect from unusual circumstances exception under Section 15300.2(c) does not apply to the project. Scenic Highways. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(d) specifies that a categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a State scenic highway. US Highway 101 runs parallel to the eastern site boundary and is within sight of the project. However, it is not listed as a State-designated scenic highway (Caltrans 2015). Therefore, the scenic resources exception under Section 15300.2(d) does not apply to the project. Hazardous Waste Sites. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(e) specifies that a categorical exemption shall not be used for a project located on a site which is included on a list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code (the “Cortese list”). To determine if any portion of the project would be located on such a list, the online data resources providing information on facilities or sites pursuant to Section 65962.5 were reviewed. These State-maintained sites include: 2 List of Hazardous Waste and Substances sites from the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) EnviroStor database; List of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites from the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) GeoTracker database; List of solid waste disposal sites identified by the Water Board with waste constituents above hazardous waste levels; List of "active" Cease and Desist Orders (CDO) and Cleanup and Abatement Orders (CAO) from the Water Board; and List of hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action pursuant to Section 25187.5 of the Health and Safety Code. There are no active hazardous waste sites documented in the Cortese List data resources that are located on or directly adjacent to the project site (DTSC 2015a, 2015b; SWRCB 2015a, 2015b, 2015c). Therefore, the hazardous waste site exception under Section 15300.2(e) does not apply to the project. Historical Resource. CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(f) specifies that a categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. A search of records maintained by the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) of the California Historic Resource Information System (CHRIS) to determine if there is record of any cultural resource studies, recorded archaeological resources, or recorded buildings or structures within the project area. The record search, dated April 16, 2015, indicates the project site is located in an area previously studied for cultural resources. No cultural resources were recorded within the vicinity of the project site covered by the studies; no recorded archaeological resources were identified (NWIC 2015). Local, State and federal inventories revealed no historically recorded buildings or structures within the project area. The NWIC base maps show no recorded buildings or structures within the project area. The project site is located in close proximity to the “Coddingtown Revolving Sign Tower” which is recognized as a designated City Landmark by the City of Santa Rosa. The project would not directly or indirectly affect this landmark. The NWIC response advised that there is a moderate potential of identifying unrecorded Native American resources in the project area, due to its location on the Santa Rosa Plain. Excavation would be limited to utility replacement/installation and some for the new structure’s footings. However, these activities would occur within areas previously disturbed. Therefore, there would be a low potential of encountering any historic-period archaeological resources. In addition to the recent NWIC results, a Historic Resources Evaluation conducted for the Target store on the mall property was also reviewed with regard to the potential of historic resources on the property (Interactive Resources 2012). Aside from the Coddingtown Revolving Sign Tower identified above, Coddingtown Mall – including the project site – is not considered eligible for the National or California Registers of Historic Places. The evaluation found that, although the property illustrates potentially locally significant associations with the development of northwest Santa Rosa, with a person significant in the development of Santa Rosa, and as a modest example of the Modern architectural style, the mall property did not appear to possess adequate significance for listing nor to maintain sufficient integrity to demonstrate these potential associations. Based on this information, the historical resources exception under Section 15300.2(f) does not apply to the project. 3 Conclusion Based on the results presented above, the Coddingtown Junior Anchor project qualifies for a Class 2 categorical exemption per Section 15302 of the CEQA Guidelines. The evaluation results reported above do not identify any significant effects attributable to the project, and the project would not trigger any of the exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2. A Notice of Exemption (NOE), consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15062, should be prepared by the City of Santa Rosa as the CEQA Lead Agency and filed with the Sonoma County Clerk’s Office within five working days of approval of the project. The filing will commence a 35-day statute of limitations period for legal challenges. The posting must be accompanied by a payment of $50 to the Sonoma County Clerk as a processing fee. Though optional, it is recommended that this memorandum accompany the posted NOE, so that this supporting information may be publicly disclosed. References California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2015. California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) April 14. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). 2015. California Scenic Highway Mapping System. Sonoma County. Website Accessed April 14, 2015 at: Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). 2015a. Cortese List Section 65962.5(a). Website Accessed on April 14, 2015 at: DTSC. 2015b. EnviroStor Database. Database Accessed April 14, 2015 at: =CSITES%2COPEN%2CFUDS%2CCLOSE&status=ACT%2CBKLG%2CCOM&reporttitle=HAZAR DOUS%20WASTE%20AND%20SUBSTANCES%20SITE%20LIST Interactive Resources. 2012. Historic Resources Evaluation, Proposed Target Store at Coddingtown Mall. March 27. Northwest Information Center (NWIC). 2015. Records search results for the proposed Project. April 16. Santa Rosa, City of. 1990, as amended. City Code Chapter 17-24: Trees. State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). 2015a. Active CDO/CAO List. Accessed April 14, 2015 at: SWRCB. 2015b. Geotracker Database. Database accessed April 14, 2015 at: SWRCB. 2015c. Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Accessed April 14, 2015 at: US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW). 2015. Information, Planning, and Conservation System. Accessed April 23, 2015 at:!prepare.action US Geological Survey. 2015. Santa Rosa Quadrangle. U.S.G.S. 7 ½ Minute Quad. April 14. 4 vv-tran~ June 18, 2015 W hitl ock & Weinberger Tra nspo r tati o n, Inc. Mr. Clif Poynter Simon Property Group 225 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 490 Mendocino Avenue Suite 201 Santa Rosa. CA 9540 1 voice 707.542 .9500 fax 707 .542.9590 web www.w· Focused Traffic Analysis for Redevelopment at Coddingtown Dear Mr. Poynter; As requested, W-Trans has prepared a traffic analysis relative to proposed redevelopment at the Coddingtown Shopping Center on Guerneville Road in the City of Santa Rosa. The purpose of this letter is to address the potential traffic impacts of the proposed project. Existing Conditions The study area consists of the project site, which is the 28,791 square foot existing building located on the northeast corner of the shopping center. Additionally, as requested by City staff, the shopping center's frontages were included as regards adequacy of facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. Guerneville Road has four to five lanes with varying width to accommodate left turn lanes. Cleveland Avenue decreases in width from a four-lane road to two lanes on the east frontage of the shopping center, and Range Avenue is a two- to four-lane road with a two-way left-turn lane. Project Description The project includes razing the building in the northeast corner of the center and constructing a new building that will be occupied by a new retail tenant. A minor change to the existing drive aisle along the eastern side of the building is proposed in order to accommodate a loading zone. The project will include ADA-compliant sidewalks around the outside perimeter of the building as well as a new connection to Cleveland Avenue. Trip Generation The anticipated trip generations for both the existing uses and the proposed project were estimated using standard rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in the Trip Generation Manual, 9rh Edition, 2012. As requested by City staff, the trip generation for "existing" conditions was based on the actual uses within the building, which include a bank, restaurants, and retail outlets. "High-Turnover Restaurant" (ITE LU #932), "Walk-In Bank" (ITE LU #91 I), and "Shopping Center" (ITE LU #820) rates were applied to the existing space as well as the proposed space. The trip generation rates for a shopping center are based on exponential equations, with the rates decreasing as the size of the center increases. For the existing retail space that is to be eliminated, the total square footage in the shopping center remaining after deducting the space for which use-specific rates were applied (781 , 179 square feet) was used to determine the rates. The entire shopping center square footage (794,750 square feet) was used to develop the rates applied to proposed conditions including only the square footage in contiguous buildings. Page 2 Mr. Clif Poynter June 18, 2015 Total Project Trip Generation The expected tr-ip generation potential for the proposed project is indicated in Table I. The project is expected to generate an average of I002 trips per day, including 21 trips during the a.m. peak hour and 92 during the p.m. peak hour. The project would be expected to have a reduction of 75 trips during the morning peak hour and 84 during the evening peak hour; these trips represent the decrease in traffic associated with the project compared to existing volumes. Table I Trip Generation Summary Land Use Units Daily Rate AM Peak Hour Trips Rate Trips PM Peak Hour In Out Rate Trips In Out -46 Existing High -Turnover Rest. 7.731 ksf 127. 15 -983 Walk-In Bank 4.147 ksf 148. 15 -614 Shopping Center 16.913 ksf 32.90 -559 10.81 -38 Bank is Closed 0.70 -------·--··--·-·-····--·----- ·- - - - · - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - · - - -·-· - 12 -7 -5 -··-------------·-· - - - -96 -2, 156 Sub-total Existing -84 9.85 -76 -46 -30 12.13 -50 -22 -28 3.03 -26 --177 - 93 -84 -51 -25 - · - ·-··-·--- ---·-·· 3.02 92 44 -85 - 49 -36 -53 -43 Proposed Shopping Center 30.484 ksf Net Change Note: ksf 32.87 1,002 - 1, I 54 0.69 21 -75 13 8 -40 -35 48 = 1,000 square feet Site Access and Circulation The Coddingtown Shopping Center driveways nearest the project site are located to the north and east on Cleveland Avenue. Both are one-way driveways that lead to/from a three-way stop controlled intersection on the northeast corner of the project site. There are proposed improvements to the inbound driveway to re-align with the onsite road that leads to the east side shopping center. Circulation Currently, the drive aisle on the east side of the project site parallels the project frontage for approximately 150 feet before entering reversing curves to continue along the frontage of the building to the south, which extends further east than the building that is the project site. To accommodate the proposed loading dock, this drive aisle would be reconfigured to eliminate the reverse curve and replace them with a more gradual curve connecting to the section parallel to the building to the south. The improvement increases the radii of the existing curves and results in an alignment that is more easily negotiated , especially by trucks. The relocation of the drive aisle would require that the islands on the end of the parking rows be relocated. Truck turn diagrams were prepared to ensure that trucks will be able to exit the loading zone. It is noted that the deliveries will occur at night, typically around I:00 a.m. Using a WB-50, which is the largest ruck that might be expected to perform deliveries, the routing both inbound and outbound was checked. Inbound trucks would be expected to enter from Range Avenue, travel along the south side of the shopping center and turn left by Macy's. This route is essentially the same one used by Target. Mr. Clif Poynter Page 3 June 18, 2015 It was determined that there are three options for exiting. Trucks exiting the loading dock must turn left, or toward the west, upon exiting the loading dock, and then have the option of turning right before they get to Whole Foods and exiting straight to Guerneville Road . Though this movement must be made from the opposing lane, given that it will be the middle of the night, this is not expected to result in any conflicts. While signing prohibits trucks from traveling in front of Whole Foods, there does not appear to be any reason that such a movement cannot be made in the middle of the night when these trucks would be present, and they could then turn south along the westerly side of Whole Foods and exit to Range Avenue by turning either right or left. Exhibits of the truck turn analysis are enclosed. Alternative M odes Pedestrian Facilities Given the proximity of residential and other business developments surrounding the site, it is reasonable to assume that some pr oject patrons and employees will want to walk, bicycle, and/or utilize transit to reach the project site. Project Site - Sidewalks exist along Coddingtown Shopping Center's frontages and along the project site and within the center. As part of the project a new loading dock will be constructed along the easterly frontage of the building. As proposed, ADA-compliant accommodations will be made for pedestrians, including ramps on the curb returns on either side of the loading dock connected by a crosswalk. Additionally, the sidewalk connecting the shopping center to Cleveland Road will be upgraded to include curb ramps and other facilities as necessary to meet ADA requirements. During the site visit it was noted the sidewalks on the Guerneville Road frontage had weeds in cracks and the overgrown landscaping in the adjacent planter strips restricting full access to the sidewalk. Findings: With the new sidewalks proposed along the outside perimeter of the building as well as a new connection to Cleveland Avenue, there will be adequate pedestrian facilities serving the project site. Sidewalks on the shopping center frontage of Guerneville Road have weeds and overgr own landscaping restricting complete access to the sidewalks. Recommendations: As proposed, sidewalks should be provided around the outside perimeter of the new building and connecting to Cleveland Avenue. Maintenance of the sidewalks on the Coddingtown Shopping Center's frontages is recommended. Bicycle Facilities According to the most recent Santa Rosa Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 20 I 0, the following Class II bicycle facilities are proposed on streets surrounding the Coddingtown Shopping Center where the project site is located. Extending the existing bike lane on Guerneville Road starting from the intersection of Steele Lane Road across US I 0 I to Mendocino Avenue. Mr. Clif Poynter Page 4 June 18, 2015 Installing Class II facilities on Range Avenue from Piner Road, north of the site, to Jennings Avenue, south of the site. Bike lanes are proposed for the full length of Cleveland Avenue from Hopper Avenue to 9th Street. The first proposed facility in the list above is identified as Bike Route 36, Guemevi//e-Steele Bikeway. In the description of the route, concern is expressed concern regarding the route along the frontage of the Coddingtown Shopping Center, as follows. A major barrier on this corridor is the segment between Range Avenue and the approach to the undercrossing of US I0 I where restricted width, multiple intersections and travel lanes, high traffic volumes and highway on-ramps can create an intimidating environment for some cyclists." Specific attention was paid to all three proposed bike lane locations along the project frontages during the site visit. Guernevil/e Road - The Coddingtown Mal l Shopping Center frontage on Guerneville Road is from Range Avenue to Steele Lane; the existing eastbound bike lane ends at West Steele Lane. There appears to be adequate width for a bike lane to be installed between West Steele Lane and the easterly edge of the shopping center property where there is a gas station. The bike lane could be extended through new striping, though it would still end short of the intersection with Cleveland Avenue. Range Road - Frnm Edwards Avenue north to the bus stop the road appears to be wide enough to accommodate bike lanes on both sides through generally minor restriping. Near the intersection with Guerneville Road more significant geometric alterations would be requ ired to accommodate bike lanes, so no improvements are suggested at this time. Cleveland Avenue - From the shopping center entrance just south of Guerneville Road south to the signalized intersection into the shopping center the roadway is wide enough to accommodate bicycle lanes on the frontage by re-striping to provide a single through lane plus the bike lane. Between Guerneville Road and the driveway the outside, or curb, lane would need to be striped to indicate that it was ending. South of the signalized intersection into the shopping center the curb lane is wide enough to have bike lanes installed and connect to the bike lanes along Dick's Sporting Goods frontage. Findings: Bicycle facilities on the site's frontages on Guerneville Road, Cleveland Avenue and Range Avenue are inadequate. Recommendations: Bike lane striping should be added to eastbound Guerneville Road from West Steele Lane east to the point where there is inadequate width to add the bike lane. It is anticipated that this extension would be less than 500 feet. A bike lane should be striped on northbound Range Avenue between Edwards Avenue and the bus stop south of the Whole Foods Market. The striping on southbound Cleveland Avenue between Guerneville Road and the traffic signal for the shopping center should be modified so that the curb lane becomes a right-turn only lane leading into the shopping center at the driveway nearest Guerneville Road and a bike lane is striped from that point south to connect to the existing striping in front of Dick's Sporting Goods. Mr. Clif Poynter Page 5 June 18, 20 I 5 An easement should be dedicated along the Cleveland Avenue frontage that would allow future widening to accommodate a bike lane in addition to two southbound travel lanes. Bicycle Storage The project site plan does not identify the provision of bicycle parking or storage facilities . According to the City of Santa Rosa, there should be one bicycle parking space for every five vehicle spaces required. Finding: Bicycle parking serving the proposed retail improvements is inadequate. Recommendation: Bicycle parking facilities should be included to reflect the required amount of parking spaces for the project site. Parking Due to the relocation of the road to the east side of the building, the parking supply of 3,314 spaces will be reduced by seven spaces. Adequacy of the remaining parking supply was evaluated based on analysis contained in the Traffic Impact Study for the Coddingtown Target, April 18, 2012. In this report it was determined that the parking supply upon completion of the Target store would be adequate, and that the supply would exceed peak demand by 140 spaces. Using the methodology cited in the Target TIS it was determined that the existing and proposed uses at the shopping center would be expected to generate a peak shared parking demand of 3, 198 parking spaces at 2:00 p.m. during a weekend day in December at the Coddingtown Mall. The projected peak parking demand on weekdays is 2,951 parking spaces at 2:00 p.m. in December. The proposed parking supply of 3,307 spaces would therefore be sufficient during weekday and weekend peak conditions. The calculation indicating the ULI shared parking demand rates for both weekdays and weekends is enclosed. The shopping center square footage used for the parking analysis included the contiguous building as well as those located on the periphery of the site including Firestone, Beverly's, and the Goodyear store that is currently vacant. Finding: The proposed parking supply of 3,307 spaces does not meet the City parking requirements of 3,440 parking spaces, but does meet ULl's projected shared peak parking demand of 3, 198 parking spaces. Recommendation: In order to avoid having more parking at the site than is needed, even under anticipated peak conditions, it is recommended that the City accept the shared parking analysis and approve a parking variance. C onclusions and Recommendations The proposed project will result 75 fewer trips generated during the a.m. peak hour and 85 fewe r trips in the p.m. peak hour compared to recent use s. The proposed location of the loading dock is adequate for site circulation and there is sufficient space for the required truck turning maneuvers. Pedestrian access to the project site is adequate. Mr. Clif Poynter Page 6 June 18, 2015 As identified in the Santa Rosa Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 20 I0, bicycle lanes should be added and/or extended along the shopping center frontages on Guerneville Road, Cleveland Avenue and Range Road where only re-striping is required to achieve this improvement. • On Cleveland Avenue, just south of the Guerneville Road intersection, the striping should be modified to convert the curb lane to a bike lane, resulting in a single southbound through lane south of the first driveway south of Guerneville Road. Bicycle parking should be added to appropriately serve the proposed project. Weed removal and landscaping maintenance is recommended for the sidewalks and planter strips along the Coddingtown Shopping Center's Guerneville Road frontage . The proposed parking supply of 3,307 spaces does not meet the City parking requirements of 3,440 parking spaces, but does meet ULl's projected shared peak parking demand of 3, 194 parking spaces. The site will have an adequate supply of parking despite the seven-space reduction associated with the proposed project. Thank you for giving W-Trans the opportunity to provide these services. questions. Please call if you have any Sincerely, BblT ~ Assistant Traffic Engineer Principal Enclosures: DJW/bkb/SR0370.LI Truck Turn Diagrams Parking Calculation 2 '"i () ~ :<;;i to '""I °'-....] tTJ~ ;>< ::r ~ ....... ....... r (!) JO (!) ;:i 0... :~ 0 Coddingtown Ma ll <X> S IMON" 225 \V. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 CORP NO . 4765 Property Address Citv. State & Zio Code DATE DRAWN A PPROVED 6 4 JOIS Poynter ~CP I SCALE I REVISIO N I REVISIO N DA TE ASS JI OWN 6 4 201S SHEET NO. 4 • I I r\L , . I I..--. I I _.,---.;r--/. / / 1 f \. _J-f -1--- ) c-f"--r , -I l~1'rr7 (CJ/ I I /JI , . 1;µJ/'7~J JhJ», \I \l :~~ ~ I // I I I I \ urr~~,) l I l /~~) \ _____ / ~ / ~~ i:: to I "'"'! O'\o -.....] tTJ >< ::::;' rr -· ....... r (!) JQ g 0.. :~ 0 I I I I <X> S IMON22s W. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 Coddingtown Mall 4765 Property Address Citv. State & Zip Code DATE 6 4 20!5 I SCALE P<1y11in- I REVISIO N l\CP I REVISION DA TE 64?0 15 5 111 :\l!mu1J\(<>\di f\nmilX:ts\codtlinl!IOwn mall (4765)\5 snl! crcmetl c."<hibits\20 15-06-tl4-tnick lums\20 15-06-04 -trnck tums.dw(! LI I I 1 1::1--)_~ --- lftll ! I I Q \ "~ 1!/11/ i \ ~:_ ;-l- -1Lft/ , I n \~ I \h..\ c=!V' l' en en IQ ::s 0... :~ v /~ / >f/ 0 CORP NO . ¢<> S IMON" 225 W. \Vashing[on Street Indianapolis , IN 4620-t 4765 DATE OR.AWN SHEET NO. I REVISION Ncr I REV ISION DATE Poy111tt ~ -------- \. l -.. !-.. ~ ~ !: "~,~,· ...~ .. · --=:::::=:-::--~ ...-:~ · ·. '"~ :; : :-.t:.: .,.,..~---~_. · ~.. ~--_ ~~~;1·•.k . ,\-'\-<' "·~''''<'~"''-"*"· - -·--=-1-----\\\\\\~\\ ~ 0 1\D' ~ 1 ER r~ = ' ... :,, .::....-----· ~~"·""l · ..., \\.,I . ,E.\l\\:L~ GUER~ .. __:.----- ~- . -- - ..... :. . --...-.-:.;: . {} ~ = {! ~ ~ ' ~ ts_ =(f ~ c::: """"......... '-. '-. '-. ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 25 ia 1h D ±1· ~j -' c • Ir,;--r---. ...L'. ....- , ' - - __J c::;;J ..••• • ...... 0 _,_"'__·__ _ ·_ ' ' --J:I_ I_ ]- ~ NORTH MALL ENTRANCE R.A. Smith National ~B dS . ~beyo11~~;)11~1'f!y11~g and Engineering =~~'.::;~=::::;;-.:-.::. --.M -~•.M """"""'" • • ~ /-ti '....;;"L .I 0 1- 0 12.5 25 P-w--~ r-..•.•w~w l 50 100 I I IN FEET J 1 Inch = 50 ft. CODDINGTOWN MALL SANTAROSACA ' WB-50 TRUCK MOVEMENT NORTH BOUND EXIT ON GUERNEVILLE ROAD @-.:.:..==. SHEET NUMBER 1of1 ~~ -···Jl-- .iifl'll'''- !~ ,, --tjj-- " ~E ± ~ ~~~~~Jq\J~l~um '" - ~D {l ~= ~ IS> '• ~- EXISTING WHOLE FOODS ). o.C: Cl * I ·~· -··-· · -· · - ·· -·; ·· MALL ENTRANCE 0 i-...--w GRAPHIC SCALE 25 0 12.5 25 1s..............- JCPenney - R.A. Smith National ~ Beyond S11nrtyi11g and Engi11eeri11g =~~~~:.~~.:c!. Aoi>lctlan.WI ll<oe<!~.WI PHIOWl'lll>.PA 50 , 100 I ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch 50 ft. = CODDINGTOWN MALL SANTA ROSA , CA WB-50 TRUCK MOVEMENT LEFT TURN TO EXIT NORTH BOUND RANGE AVENUE .:..:.=:. SHEET NUMBER 1 of 1 \ ~ ""'! () ~ \ ~""""3 t:O I 0\ i::: 8 -.-.) tn :>< ::;- \ & ...... ~ \ . ~ . - -_.;.----- -- ;------- -- ~ (' r-' ("i) fQ I g \ P.- :\ \ 225 W. Washing1on Street Ind ianapolis, JN 4 6204 CORP NO . Coddingtown Ma ll <><> S IMON" 0 4765 Property Address Citv. Stale & Zio Code OAT< DRAWN """"""""" 6. 4 10 1' 1 SCALE PO)"lllcr ~CP l AS SHOW:'\ I REVIS ION REVISION DA TE 6. 4 10 1S SHEET NO. 3 ·111'1?1r- '•*1' ~ ~ ~-···-- L =-@ -··· --- ," , ~ --±-- ~ ± ~± ~ ~ ~-=-: ~ A~ J ... "'~I~ i:r-_{l ~~: ~J - ::= : _ . U =U . ~ o =11 "' ; I n· I I o, EXISTING WHOLE FOODS IL. ' '0 c= o WH6u; - FOODS ~ ~ I/ I p:1:'.!i I : - ·r -p4 .l = --:--.'\-.,;;;;;;:+. --=--o-:---- I (..,.~ ~ - - '_'._ . -~ - .- .-- . NORT 1 • I • 4.·, ' .:· , ·,, . I :· I ./1I . I . ,I JCPenney _ . - R.A. Smith National Beyond S11n>cyi11g ~ a11d E11gi11eeri11g ~~~;:.~-:::::..'!!.:>Sc! ""ole!<>n.WI Broolo!i..ld, WI "111CCl"'llh.P"- - .-- .. - .. - .. - - MALL ENTRANCE I .: I I I . w: ·· :·· I ~. _ , LI I - I J.. IV o 25 , GRAPHIC SCALE 0 12.5 25 50 100 I ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 50 ft. CODDINGTOWN MALL SANTA ROSA, CA WB-50 TRUCK MOVEMENT LEFT TURN TO EXIT SOUTH BOUND RANGE AVENUE ~ SHEET NUMBER 1 of 1 4/29/2015 Project: Nordstrom Rach Description: SHARED PARKING DEMAND SUMMARY Land Use Super Regional Shopping Center (>600 ksf) Emolovee Office 25 to 100 ksf Emolovee Project Data Qu antity Un it 829,289 sfGLA 30,520 sfGLA Base Rate 3.20 0.80 0.30 3.4 7 PEAK MONTH: DECEMBER -Weekdav NonCaptive Project Mode Ratio Adi Rate Unit 0.90 2.74 /ksf GLA 0.95 0.90 /ksf GLA 0.95 0.68 1.00 0.30 /ksf GLA 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.47 /ksf GLA PEAK PERIOD : 2 PM, WEEKEND Wee kend NonBase Mode Captive Project Rate Ratio Rate Adi 3.60 0.95 0.90 3.08 0.90 0.95 0.90 0.77 0.03 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.35 1.00 1.00 0.35 Unit /ksf GLA /ksf GLA /ksf GLA /ksf GLA Peak Hr Adi 2 PM 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Weekd ay Peak Mo Adi Decemb er 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Customer Employee Reserved Total Shared Parking Reduction Estimated Parking Demand 2,269 567 9 106 2278 673 0 2951 23% Peak Hr Adi 2 PM 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 Weekend Peak Mo Adi December 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Customer Employee Reserved Total Estim ated Parking Dem and 2,552 638 1 7 2553 645 0 3198 17% -----------------------------------------------------·· --··-- --- -- ---- - ~------ Coddingtown Mall Design Review City of Santa Rosa, CA April 24, 2015 Revisions J ,J l' I I I > I 20 15.06. 16 <X> J CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC ' I l~I Hosh1de Wanzer •I~ "''' I Project Information ProJect Data Summary Pro1ect I eam PrOJeCI Location Codd1ngtown 'vlall 7~i3 Coddingtown C:enler Srnita Rosa, CA 95401 Loning CG SA (General Commercial, North Santa Rosa Station Area) <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC [nc Allen, Senior Projec; l\llamgw Coctdingtown Ma I, LLC 7;3~; Ccddngtown Center Santa Rosa, CA 95401 p, 317.263.223 1 e. F>[email protected] 2 A.1ct1ilC.'C 1• Paul Wanzer Hosl1100 VVanLc.;' A-chilects 100 NC Norlillake Way, Sllile 150 Seattle. WA 03 105 p. 20!1:l2::. b441 o. oaul~hww ( Civil Engineering I 1.andscapo Archilcct Chris Bratty R.A. Srn U1 Nlll1cna, Inc. 8/:l!J 1 Hese<1rch Dr. trvlnu. CA 92618 p. (/49 8 72 2378 e. c11ns.IYalty@r<lSPl'llmal1onal.coP1 Lighting Design Rya"' Davies Tool1lite Corp. f7 t8 Loma Ct. Fishers, IN 4G038 p. 317.5'1/:l ~(1?6 e. [email protected] Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. '16 Ill H osh 1de Wanzer Ii~ I I Design Concept Narrative Introduction Landscaping The proposed project scope includes demolishing a portion of an existing two story retail and ol1ice building and replacing it with a single story retail building In the past few years, Coddingtown Mall has undergone several upgrades with projects of Superior Design. This project strives for the continuation of these efforts to provide a unique. well-crafted project that adds lo the economic vibrancy and dislincl Landscaping and hardscape work with the architecture, adding to tl1e design to meet the same objectives. Plant materials a1iiculate the walls and reinforce tile pedestrian scale of the streetscape while softening the architectural lines to bring movement and sl1ade. Planters are raised to seat height and street trees bring a lower scale and additional shade. Detailed tree grates, pedestrian scaled pole light fixtures. bollards, anrJ a vegetated wall all bring a consistent design vocabulary that can already be found throughout the mall. Artwork of paving with decorative patterns and textures bring interest and detail for character of Santa Rosa. The design learn has given close allenlion lo lhe overall context of the place as well as the goals and objectives of lhe Santa Rosa Design Guidelines and more specifically, the North Santa Rosa Station Area Plan. l he following narralive responds to these objectives and is intended to assist the planning staff, the Design Review Board, and others in understanding the depth of thought that has gone into the proposed design. the shoppers. All hardscape elements are smooth , safe and accessible with appropriate solar reflectance ratings. We have provided crosswalks and curb cuts to allow for pedestrian now but limit the number o f thern to reduce car/pedestrian conflicts. Parking and sidewalk areas are well Iii. Site Native, drought tolerant plants have been specified and irrigation systems designed. Landscaped areas will be well maintained and provided regular caretaking . The landscape and street-scape areas associated with this project are tied into an overall plan of landscaping areas and open space throughout the rnall. The new build ing is locatecl in lhe same location as the existing building, but has been designed with sorne key d ifferences that respond to site 111 a more positive way. The scale of the building 1s lower and rnore modulated to encourage a more active and vibrant shopping experience. Tl1e overall building lleight has been lowered, and particu lar effort has gone into developing a pedestrian focused streetscape. Although the building is not able to front the public street, it continues the rnall street-scape concept to encourage a walkable site. The extensive use of plant materials, new lighting, planters, trellises and other site elements create a safe, attractive and walkable place appropriate and unique to the site. The intent is Place Making I Livability to make connections and support future rail , transit, and pedestrian oriented rnelhods of transportation. Pa1iicular attention has been given lo building upon the unique qualities o f Coddingtown as a special, distinctive place in Santa Rosa. A vibrant retail environment needs to reflect the individual brand that shoppers demand. However. the overall character o r lhe place and its consistency has taken the priority. A rc h itecture There is a parlicular feel upon visiting Codding town Mall because of the scale. detail, materials, and overall care In design that we are building upon. Continuing this pattern and adding to it m a consistent but unique way has been our goal. Throughout1he pro1ect, 11uman-scale design is emphasized, and connections to Santa Rosa is encouraged. Codding town is a vibrant, active, safe and unique place. The architecture responds to its retail use and continues the consistency o r the design vocabulary of the newer portions of the mall bul w1l11 some variety to rnake 1t unique. Care was taken to provide art1cufalion and variation with no blank walls. The design Intent is to develop the s treet · front wilh a pedestrian scale and break the typical big box retail expression that typically has no articulation between entries. A shopfront typology was developed for larger, single lenants to encourage activity and visual interest across the whole project. Parapet variation is simple and quiet horizontal windows, trellises. and vegetated Sustainability Several sustainability strategies are planned for the proposed development outside the mandated requirements. The buildmg will be energy efficient. The rarsed planters are designed to receive all roof water at the site. Roots and paving will be highly reflective to reduce heat island effect. Materials are walls Jre introduced to connect to the overall pedestrian-scaled circulation paths that already existing at the rnall . The street-scape elements and the materials of the building are well crafted, durable, and higl1 quality. The renovated mall entrance 1s consistent with other entrances and is clearly defined as a customer entrance along with the Nordstrom tenant entrance. selected for durability, maintenance, and their ability to be repaired . When possible, recyclable and recycled materials will be specir.ed and purchased lrorn local sources. Walkabihly and access to transil is encouraged throughout the entire center. A large trellis and raised planters are Introduced at the building corner to continue l11e street-scape at this key point. Tl1e required loading dock is screened by a solid wall and substantial plant111gs. From l11e east. one will not see the compactor. Trucks (present only during off hours) will be screened as well. Mechanical equipment is roof-mounted and not visible, and no HVAC grilles wilt be placed on exterior walls. <X> CODDINGTO WN MALL, LLC 3 Coddingtown Mall Design Review 12015 .04.24 Revisions I 20 15 .06.16 111 Hosh1rle Wanzer •I~ ,. I Neighborhood Context Map I Vicinity Map ___.. (i) Codciingtown Mall ® nct<lil Center ® 0 ® © Mut1-fan1ily Reside~11al 0 i Conunorcial ~----' na1u1I and Bus ness S~rvices CO-SA liw1sit Village Mixecl lJse lV lvl SA liw,s1t Vll:;9e Medium TV-R-SA Single rarnily Resident :;I Otric;e Puo ic I lns1tuliona: CO-S.A. I ow tlc11s1ty nosiclcntial R-1-fi Modiu1"1 Dons1tv Residenti<tl R<l-18 Mooiu1·1H yll Density ReskJenhal H-3-30-SA Puo ic/IPsti111t1orRI Pl scale: n/a <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 4 : l 1nhl lnoustrv ·-·······-·· 1L-SA Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 201 5.06.16 II~ ~~s~1~e Wanzer Site Analysis Map •• KEY ~ ' I I I; Mall Building Entrances .. ~ Parking Access ----- Pedestrian Access ---·- Property Boundary Project Location Department I Anchor Store {Existing) -~·~ Future Bicycle Route ~ (9 Bicycle Rack Bus Stop •••• • 1017 Coddingtown Piner Rd • 11 Fulton Rd Bus Routes • Northside Bus Transfer Center CJ . a: . ~· ·1;1'-1: , ', ~~=.I ~: ~-. ~ ~~ ·-f; h •Af ~ h• ' ·f,,• 1 ?·• 15 Stony Point Rd <X> CODDI NGTOWN MALL, LLC scale: I "= 100'-0" 5 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Hevisions I 2015.06. 16 l~I Hosh1de Wanzer II~ iol I Site Plan I Statistic I GUERNEVl!.LE ROAD ~tc: S11'((\)'-- -- r • SEE ENLARGED I ,. . -I..___,..,.~-WESTERLY SITE PLAN If -----1- ~ &. • . • · 'P'° .. ~ ......... --..:~~,_~_-__ ' ·- . "'"'"~•;, I I I I . ._,\ ! - ,, I"' _,, ~i -i i ....~ ~.. ~...,,.. -r- - -- - - - - - - - ...I ---- ( /--_ I I I I I s .... I -t- ~· - -----: .--;;--;,.. ---- ----- - - - _ - \HU . ,. \ t ~ - ~,', 11 I ~ ~ ~I -* ·:· r ~· l!llllmlmlmllllltH ~ "' . _, :--------'~-~~~~\;:: ~· ffiCk \::: : 0 t9 . .: t ,_ ; .ti •,.-rrT--'.;;- • • ·- r I ' 11 •• ~, r ..-+ - • :· ..'. .-v;, ... \ SEE ENLARGED : SITE PLAN : ~ .. ... • I I ,.. ----< \ "' .,. ·--------~--------- i I • • •• """""' "'~J.... : ot .I,... @TARGET 1•.,......-: • •• ' ~~: -- •' ~ , ----''t...---k-• "....,..~ • l ~ [1Jt:cil ~ L- • : • 1 II .,__ J • • j I • .l• .. ..............,.,,., Ii N J t ~ • I• ,,.... 4 ............ '•" ·"'' ,, <(.C I ,, ,. ' • I ... . ....... •·' : .....""" -ht· GRAPHIC SCALE j .1."'.o.r: 100 • 0 ~--- ........ '""' "'< 50 100 , , . _ _, 200 I I I r 400 I ( I N FEET ) 1 inch = 200 ft. LEGEND OVERALL SITE PLAN - - - =PROPOSED SITE PLAN LAYOUT - - - = EXISTING CONDITION -- R.A. Smith National • • • = PROPOSED BIO-RETENTION BASIN FILTER 00 =PROPOSED PARKING LOT LIGHT POLE <D =PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT POLE Bey1nwl Sun~yi11;: ... <11111 Eng.i1l(t'd,,g EDWARDS AVENUE ( .\ Pl..lfY.J C ~TRf.£.T) <X> C ODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 6 Coddingtown Mall Design Review j 2015.0<l.24 Revisions j 2015.06.16 l~I Hosh1de Wanzer •1'1 I ol Enlarged Site Plan I "" \ \ CODDINGTOWN VALERO \ LEGEND PROJECT DATA: EXISTING - - - - = PROPOSED SITE PLAN LAYOUT (PER 4765 DATED 0211612015) l.IACY·s JCPENNCY - - - - = EXISTING CONDITION to r/\l OCP/.RTl.llFNT STO RF GI A 206.l.!OO SF Z00,9~4 SF 143 481 SF 5$2,231 SF IOIAL SM1\tLSllOPS Gl./\ 7..!0,826SF TOIAL CLA 79:l,057 SF BEVERLY'S CHAI'- IS FIRESTONE GOODYEAR 19,904 SF 9,374Sr 5,257 S f 30,s20 r. r 858, I Hi ~1' r AHCl: r \ • • • • = PROPOSED BIO-RETENTION BASIN FILTER \ =PROPOSED PARKING LOT LIGHT POLE =PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT POLE GRAPHIC SCALE 30 () "'-·-- 15 .IQ ' ' 60 ' ( I N FEET ) Inch = 60 ft. OFFICE BLOG. A·F j 120 I TOTAJ.. SITE GLA TOT/J.. PARKING SPACES 3,262 3.8 SPACC/1000 SI= OF GtA; PROPOSED 26,79 1 .si: 3 i.02J sr 8UILO!HG OEMOUI ION 8Ull01HG ADDITION CHANGE IN TOTAL GLA 2 232 Si-- tl00.~8 P llOPOSCD TOTI-\! GlA 1 N SF PARKING SUMMARY J (OVERAl L MALL) 1x ::11·1 ~0;11tr.11 1.11, • Ynr.•i~Mc.o. :;..,~;1011~~.11~1 t(;~Jl~ llU<WN lll!)<'O?n(".vfl!t.11 1,V••l W lC.W·; i Mll-\ !!-'"<(0(1'<300~$1 l.'111.~l:.<Jlln>PJ..ll(U:lllMlnl','.I>: '((: 1(~ ~I 1.::-.;v" ff.l lJ'l,1. ; - ~-1.11111.'tx.ll l..C. • -'lt<ll>(';H...ll!;IO l.111 ~ '·''1'-,,..Nn USl ,;-.ltt; 1~\!!\"l ti:: r t,fll(lllC: <TM I ; l)n\!i AA . , I.I., I ) } ,;.:; r.',\l t~ 11n PAAI~"~ .C~< MAI I EMTRY ;) - l 7!..:11.>ll D i~•.:!.\ltll)l\10'1).~·r. ' -"WS<i<;fM I< U>l>\ttl ; .•.fllM"I!" EX. NORTH •f :>:2n H 11)'\"""M\1 tl.!!>rN:11'.to~X•'UU!:.tU 1'.;>111,...' .lJl. Ctl'Of'-'ll >.11, ,1 ) ....... !>)S1\l.>:>P,M.)(1'1G '<Af 01•lll ~.»: 1)>;4.i~ 1..- 11 ~1wr1:. ~fl~f!C~{.O(<l,•Y.11 1> • >.110 1':11 'rn l,U:O:I !ll llJ IJ)O,oQ :S .>I.:$ - till SITE COVERAGE SUMMARY: EXISTING MALL PERCENT (%\ LOT COVEl'AGE rack TOTA.L SITE AREA PA11THIN IMPROV'E MENTS) IMPERVIOUS SURFAC E Al~EI' 0 \ \ \PERCENT IMPERVIOUS \ 1YOROLOGIC SOIL TYPE \ MALL CNTRY 41.0% 40.8% EXISTING PROPOSED 147.49SSF 141,495$F OR 3.39 AC OR 3.3SAC 135,464 SF 132.893 SF OR 3.05AC 90% OR3 11AC 92"% TYPEC ENLARGED SITE PLAN \ --- ----- R.A. Smith National I, <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION: NORDSTROM EX. EAST EXISTING 7 Coddingtown Mall Design Review 12015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. 16 frryY»:J.I Sur1\')'i11g 1 «Uld F.11Rfrto'.l'fl 1;s - 1~1 Hoshide Wanzer II~ /\ 111 r · Enlarged Site Plan LEGEND R~19s7 52·--- L~265. 98' 6.;;7' 47 ' 07" L. - - - = PROPOSED SITE PLAN LAYOUT --- - - - = EXISTING CONDITION = RELOCATED LIGHT POLE N ' GR APHIC SCALE :§'.: I"' I I- 4 ti~ 30 __ 0 ~ SONO~ -- ... COUNTY 'LIBRARY N 75 ·32•48" E • •' ·15 J O 60 120 ' I ' ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 60 f t. 2113.00' __...___.....--· JOll~ EX STING AD.It!) T Pl;LL[lOX TO GRADE I IGHI POI E TO BE RELOCATED SEE DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET r-- --., STOP SIGN TO BE RELOCAI W (?J. 74'} ir1·-~-:-~ !L_l:.~f:J .--~----'-_______,__ ------ ----- ~1 I l • .. .. 1 --I~-- - -· -· ~ f .. .. • --- ... I - I( 1 - ENLARGED WESTERLY SITE PLAN -- - R.A. Smith National BJ'S RESTAURANT '1 <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 1"=20' ---- ~- --- -· -· - < SITE PLAN DETAIL 8 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 201 5.06.16 }~'(uirl Sun~J'htt: <.md 1:,·,,gi11r.rriJf$. IDI Hosh1cle Wanzer ii~ • I .. 1 Grading Plan LEGEND - -- ==::J ~ PROPOSCD SIT!! Pt.AN Lf\YOUT - - - : EXISTING 00..~0l llON I I I I _,., - I -=F.XlS"f lN.Q $POI €1.Ji;V~HON I I I L ._._ I'""'" '"'"" ~- 0 -- rn TREE DIAMOND PLANTER (TYP) ,,_, \\ 1 \:?. 1 -------!~ fl ..,\11· \':,.. / \ / / CUT/FILL ANALYSIS: EXISTING DRIVEWAY 111;.-t EXPORr. tlFl l\t'.'OOT TO REMAIN Ali.\l 'YSI.~ '3;.\$((1 Ctl C°'.IP/\R!$0N Of LX1$) lllG N IO r ,.,/'\~ ... GRADING STATEMENT: snE1$ t iOT 1."lo l llU •.:i'U)C~l\,i'1ll< THECITY OF SAttTAROll.t. 7.001"1(1 A.W ' snc!S C.XPLC'IU>t() ~ i]¥J llET fJPOR'TJCXPOR f) 81\SED ON COl.fARl!l('N Qf l;X1$11NG /,llO AA.OPO:l(O PRl.:UMIWIRV lOPOC.W.F'HY \ 'c • ~ +'I ·1 OC:'I o) CY '*<JP0$<.U PREUMlll1\RY fOl'OOAAPKV - - - - -I - --~ \ ~·«~-: 1!1 _ D 0 \~,;. \ \ =PROPOSED PARKING l Of 1l<;>H~ POLE · PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT PD! F. I~ I I CODOINGTOWN VALERO I UJ0 I I I I !Ill •) ~ \ 11. ' EXISTING DRIVEWAY MTF (lf$TvnO;'NCC WU OC OCGK;t>CO l O Mllll~W.lV' Ot:>t\.fW EXtSnNG PARKINO NC ClRlVF. FACIUTIFS .\llO U l"FT Fl0$Till(';M.\U. PEOC$TR!All ( Ll"'VAOONS ~ ()rf-ttl fC 't't~ ISASSOCll\TEO'lllTH 0 TI-118 l'ROJF.C:T (lr<LY f l.Ill :Jilt (.:Af,l)lllG Pl..IWS •\RE PRO\llOED WITH THE OF.S!ONRPllfW S · U'IUffTAI • UO 11Xl1 1ncoucco1~v.11s ME FRO'Vloeo. _6' "..._u DRIVE ti ' MODIFICATION'S', "1111 -: 1 I EXISTING MALL I 0 I~ .. NORDS I R01'vl rack · macys ~~ ' ' ~ r,. '' i:f<'0 NOTE: 1. STO,'iJ.IWllTERPl.AUTERSAO!o\CEtiT TOIMLDI~ TOR£ CESIGNED PER CITYOf SmTA ROSALJ.D. GUDANCf. 't,~ ,•);,_--::-::_1 J_, "' ('<;' -j<1'>1/. ', '\((~ '\ ' ,,,., ,.. ~ '\ LOADING DpCK -r----- EXISTNG 0/ ' •:t' ~ .. ril DOOR ·' '>~ ·- "V,6 ' 8 ', CODDINGTOWN MALL, L LC -=f"INISHCO..~ lOU~ -=liXl$1!N(J CONrOVR I <X> -= PROF05ED BIO·REfENTION BASIN TILTER ~" '\ \ \ \ 0 ,..,._ _.~'<: tie\!} \ \ TREE DIAMOND PLANTER (TYP) \ ~ l"'v ( . I r,i;m• 'M'; =-:!II::=::-:::::-=::il:'-=-:r-::..=..=::. ~~ - - - - - - - - - - __,_ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 1 1 1 " DOOR- MATCH EX, \ \ acm.a ~ \ •, 1•1111111 11 f '' MALL FINISH ELEV. ' 9 I "\ Coddingtown Mall Design Review Revisions 2015.04.24 2015.06.16 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer II~ t·. I Site Photos I Existing ExistinQ East Elev:1tl(>r' r>.arlial Norlh l=lcJ·.'ttt1011 South Portion of East Elevation Fxi(;ling Bu let ng lo:)~ing South Ex.1stin9 Mall C.1ilra11co (lo roman) <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 10 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. 16 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer II~ ·q I I I Site Photos I Existing - NO! lh Elt-'Y-1alio1' Norlh \\11ei1 En11 an<;P. to 110 ((,•vised [ Ex sl 11y Frisl <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 11 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. 16 :-11)(.I Norlh Flovritions l~I ~osh1de Wanzer ii~ f\ 11.' Ground Floor Plan fI ) l MWOll<in Paving i !· I;~ J~ !,j)JS /'• j)JS I =--.. ..._______,2 ·.b L 6 167-8' Stefa Ertlry I Exit - ---~ \_ £.olW>QTOWC • E>oq ........... ~ ro °"""' 0 ~ • n i &.tslTQlfttt " ' • • ' / ~-----------~ ~ . M~~ · --------------J <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 12 scale: 1" =40' -0" Second Floor Plan 1 Outline of Exis1ilg Grot11d FOO- Proposed enlry structure 1 -=~-----~/_/~~be=low~~~~~~~-~--~~---- -- ·------..J- -~- ~ - ' L - I OJlline of Exis1i1g Se<xlfld Roor to be dEITlOiished I -L~-----------·--- - ~- --~ • • • ' ----~--- ~ ..,f 1 • Exit I Proposed ~· ) I Existing scalo: 1" = 40'-0" 13 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15 .04.24 Revisions I 2015.06.16 111 H.usti1 de Wanzer II~ " I ' Elevations I Existing & Proposed largct 1- ..·, Macy's =· . - I I •. I l I I II I II I -l II f-- IJ1[[ 1mTltl II ~<::.:.o 11 11 rn I I I I ..;l!l - II /I I Existing East Elevation SCflle: 11 l Target _ t:.x•stlnri I .Propose;!. ).' Macy's ~·-0---~~---~r~-------------~=~--------------~r {P"----~---.1 =5tr -O" ~~~~~(~~~ '" "' mocy's Proposed East Elevation scale: 1" - :i0'-0" <X> C ODDINGTOWN MALL, LL C 14 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisions I 2015.0616 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer il~ ,;qcl 1 I I' Elevations I Existing & Proposed Macy's 1 1 ·I~-· • f '"-: -~ I -- - ... wliih 1 CJ no c::J EJ l· l i;;i Mi;;i T.O ],Q Jl;i "~l<JP.?l~ 33' n~ ! .~ -., I T 11 1 ~CJ Parar.i:.1;1-- 111;'4\\' "' nr:.nsnu1 ·' 12'-0" ,.., 1.0 Hnish l-bo1;io. o c· ~· ,. Existing North Elevation scale: I" - 50' O' Proposed + Exis11n Ex1s11ng Macy's Beyond Pro osecl Nevi' Bu ldl Nordstroro Rack) f ·- mocy's 1= =1 Proposed North Elevation scale: 1" =50' -0" <X> CODDI NGTOWN MALL, LLC 15 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisoons I 20 15.06.16 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer •l'l 1• I I I Exterior Elevation and Finish Material fillTYP @]I 08 l ' NdRDSTROM rack l @] Oro11ze Anoct,zed /\lt11111num Composite Wood P9ne! Cladd ng S','Stem 04 Lngtneered Stone, Tio - Si nooth 1·in1sh 05 White Alum. Composite Pa11H • 0•:1 St 1e(~ 1 Sdvt~r J\!lin1. Con1pos1te Panel l\l,eta he 4 07 Wl111e Painted Steel G<n1opy w/'iutits 08 Medium Grey Stucco · Liqhl Da~h F11 1ist· 09 Dari< Croy St11coo I ight Dash F 11 sh 10 Hibbon Feature - Clear 1\t1odvo:i 1\11rn v1/11Uhl!3 11-14 nibb<)n hlsort GreenlPurple/B!ue.1Red on 0 1\A S11 11f\CH ()OIV ~~ £.n~J neered Stone Ti e Base Satu\Fulif;h 01 Composilf' rnqol Satin Finisl1 02 Rronze f"'nocllzed A uin. C:u\opyiCornicoiflns 03 L 1n<~~lnno Coment P·aster - S1 1100!11FinlHl1 06 ()loar Gla~;s 22 TYP Proposed East Elevation scale: 1" - ?O' -0" l·n!>stono <)e111ent Plas:er Srno:)th 1·1n1sh Srnootl 1 Fu 1 sh 16 Clear Glaz 11>1 17 Opnquc (;la?ir>g 18 Sro1t')fro11t Syslern - Clear /\nod1zed i\!t1111. 22 Stoel lre!lls and Posts - Paintecl DE1rk Grey. 19 Veqetatecl Wal . See Land~ape tor species 24 Fx ?.;I nn v.1ater meter enc osure Sen1i*g10~1fl 23 Hecessec1Loacl 11q Dock 20 r1anl r1y and S lorrllVV(Jlor 1i·oal111c;11I 1\ro~ 21 lll11m1n<11ed Sign<oge 15 Rasecl C:}nc1ete Pt;111ler · Nolur" Grey, L\l hl fia1idblastecl r 11 Sil <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 16 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04 .24 Revisions I 20 15.06.16 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer ii~ 1.t · I Exterior Elevation and Finish Material r0. f U< uel<l • macy*s J_Q _f) OiJTYP r h p~ I)µ '.33"0' 8. furniture ---~- 02 lJJ, t-1nis•· 1-IO r _1·~ - 0' ff' I flQI 22 lYp fill 04 .,,- Proposed Nortl1 Bevatton sc,gle: 1" = 20· O" Cvvontri Gruy Medk1m Gray Stu~oo. Ligl 11 Dasi! J\:1 1rr11111 1n1 Co1npos1te Pa1el SMX Silver Melall t: Composilt> Panel rv1isl \,Vh110 Alumi~um Whit" Pn11ted Steel Canopy 01 Composite \•Voocl r \n'ol - Satin Finish 07 \i\ll1ih: r .ai1llB(J Slno; Ct1nopy~-11l.ights 02 Bronze Ancoized /\lun1. Cai iof>y/Corn ce..·T ins 08 tvled1urr1 Grey Stucco- Liyl1t D: 1sJ1F11 1~;t1 09 Dari< Grey Stucco - Light Dasll F1nis11 1O RibiJon Fealure - C!t!~H ;\11otJi1(x.1 Ah.1n1 ..-.•liqh1s 03 I ri11C:~>l<J1·0 Ce1nent PlastB1 • Srnooth F111i~;h 04 l:.nq1neered Slontt Ti H Srnooth r !11!Sh 05 \tVh,te AJum. (.:on1pos1tA flri.11t~l - I <>•N Sho(Hl 06 8 lvnr A11n1 Compos le Panel - Metal ,1c 11 -14 Hibbon l11sert - C3ree11/Pu•p1e/Blue/Reri <>n or10 ~;urtaoo only 15 R;1~~nd r.011c1flln r>1onln1 W~ale GrCl\' at St0<e Enli ~illce Dari< t~nr;· Cle.a1.Anodized ;l., un1ini...rn Coler or the Hibo::>n lnser: Sh.1t::GO. light l) Pa nlAd S loni, 801n 16 Clmr Gia; 119 17 Opaque Glazinq 22 Steel lir.I"; rn id P\li;ls Pn1nlo<J Durl<Grny, 18 Storotront Syst1Jrn Gloor Anod 7od Alum. 23 Re~;c·~~;!>Cd I (lock 24 l::X:Sl nq v.•<'llHt rnnlr:r onc 'D!~I iro 19 Vf!gHtatf.!<I \•Veil - See Laf1d SC~.n=.: ror fj~)f:CfC :t; Sr.rni~g!oss 20 Planling a1'd Stor111wate1 lreatrnent A•'t>a 21 l!lun111a1od SiUPllgo Nnlural Gre·.,., L!9h1 Sancfblastecl Fn sh <X> CODD I NGTOWN MALL, LLC 17 Coddingtown Mall Design Hevicw 12015.04.24 Revisions 12015.06.16 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer II~ ,. ut .. -Clo~~s Building Sections @ Sec tion - North/Sout11 swlo: I/ I G" - 1 ' O" 8 <X> CO DDIN GTO WN MAL L, LL C lfi Coddingtown Mall Design noviow 12015.04.24 Revisions I 20 15.06. 16 Section - Pro XlSe<"l I laHwa East sculo: 1/1G" 1 .()" l~I Host11de W<1nzer ii~ , II Building Sections B -- A ---- - .. ..,. \ \ ' c [) l Key Plan l .. ----.· . J. ·1- I • I • I I • • I • I • r . I I I I I • • • • . I l 1-- -1- .I I • ~ J~t±::. .. 11~~~ _1~~ . <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC - 19 - I c Seclion - East/West © ~~==....,-,___:...;___ scale: 1/ 16" - 1·-0" Coddingtown Mall Design ReviP.w I 2015.04.24 Revisions 120·15.06. 16 __ l~I Hosh1de W<1nz.P-r II~ I i-, TO..: ~<'.:'.ad: - l".1;qll ~1lrt~1~e_ . _ "r Wall Sections 40'-6" Rro ..1ze Ar•odize<.1 - - - - - - ----; /\luq'it111111 Cori-11c& 2 -- 1 -- I Bronze An~a1zecl ----------~ f\h 1rru'lfl n F ns, fyp. I\ I I I I ' I/ I~ T Lxistin~i Sky .;~ht 11 uminated S r.1nage '<ey Plan --~20·!'<1r''.'_rJe'_ ~5'-0" - - - - - - - - - V./h 1l-e /\Ju111ir11..ir1 Cornpos;te Pan.els /\1! 111m1111n Ril)~)L'fl ------------41- Slructure Siver A urninum CornposilA r>ar 1elH Oronze A110::11zed /\ltnn111u•n C~uiop~: --------~ ,.,.: ___ __ _ ~ ' ..Jir-..---- Gm~ """"" Medlwn ~ Stucco lnlnnor Uornoos1te \tVood P:innl Cl;1d: Jing Con<:rclo Pl;111tor/ - - - - - - - - i : .-4, Y - - Anwork on Sto1m1.vater Treatment Concrete Paving Concrete 80Ua1ds, l'tP- Engi·1eere<J Stone Tile Hase G) Section ® Section SGale: ~l/16" - 1' O" <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC s<;ale: ::lil ()" - 1'-0" 20 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06.1 6 Ill Hosh1de Wanzer II~ '" I" Wall Sections 3 LI - .___._..,._ 1-L - Koy Pl~n -~' i;~ ~a~ ~25'-0" - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Ilium naiad SigMye Stucco, Med um --------~ Grny Meta T11m P a n e l - - - - - - - - al Cow Gazing ~B·l'.2 ' r" ~--- Dk. Grey Steel frell.s and r os1s - B~ '!''.!.I: Tr£! ~ _ . _ _ 12·-o fJk Grey Stvn 25'-0' rl... v ----.1.'--~ T1el s a11d Posts lnre11or lntC<lOI' ~----1-1- Concret9 Planta1, G<xicrete P<ont~r St1J1111vvat~1 I 1'antmeri• ---~ Sl rn'l\•Hiltr T1~atnlf:1fl1 0 f,;"\ Section ~ scale: 3/1 6' : I '-0" <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 21 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15 .04.24 Revisions I 20 15 .06. 16 Section scale: 3116" : 1'-0" l~I Hosl11de Wanzr-ir IJ~ /q I I I Wall Section - - - .. --· " I I " (, I ....,J 1J 'l I~ 5 T l~ l<ey Plan Stucco. Q,,rk Grey -------------..i=..~ Mela Canopy - - - - - - - - - - - - --11---.----1---+-;.-...,.----.i......_- @ Section at Loacling Dock scale: 3i1ff' - 1·-0" <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 22 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06.16 Ill Hosh1de Wanze1 •1'-' " " Examples Facade \ Nords1 rorn Hack Ribbon Feature example Mall EntrancA AxarnplA <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 23 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04.24 Hevisions I 20 15.06. 16 l~I Hosl1ide Wanzer •i~ 1 I r Planting Plan \ ' L ------ --------- ------------ --.- -. _;., • SEE NORTH PARKING LOT DETAIL 0 \J @ @ '0 \::I -., \"=l ® ~ "'--,""' --, ... "'-, , , ... (,;;\ @ oo 'V '""', ""-, ... , " ""' ""' "' '\. '"' \ ' 0 ', '' '' SEE EAST PARKING LOT DETAIL <S> \ \ ', \ \ ------ NORDSTROM RACK ' \' --~~\ ~------ \ \ I"'~ ~~ \ NORTH \ I ,,=.... . . \ "' "'i~ .. ~,. f ~iJ!I"+' l·f'i· "t " ' 0 • j 30 \ -- 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=60' R.A. Smith National <X> CODDI NGTOWN MALL, LLC 24 Coddingtown Mall lJesign Heview 12015.04.24 RP.visions I 2015.06.1 6 '·~""'"~··""""""' .. l~I Hoshide Wanze1 II~ . "I j l . • 111\'l+i I ·•\( - Enlarged Planting Plan L - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .• Rhamnus californica 'Eve Case' (Eve Case California Coffeeberry) • • • • Q . 0 Q 0 -~ ·1, Cotoneaster dammeri 'Lowfast' (Lowfast Bearberry Cotoneaster) I I I I I I Pistacia chinensis (Chinese Pistache) I I II I II 1 ® Thymus vulgaris (Common Thyme) 1"=10' 0 Parking Island Detail 0 1"=1 0' Cotoneaster lacteus (Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster) PLANT SCHEDULE 0 Parking Island Detail North Parking Lot ""''"''- 1"=40' Rhamnus californica 'Lillie Sur' (Little Sur Coffeeberry) Existing tree to be removed (.;;\ 0 ~~ • 0 • 0 Existing tree to remain NORTH Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' (Red Leaf Japanese Barberry) Parking Island Detail 1"=10' <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 25 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisions I 20 15.06. 16 l~I Hosh1d e Wan zer II~ . . 1 Enlarged Planting Plan Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' (Red Leaf Japanese Barberry) Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' (Chanticleer Pear) Pistacia chinensis (Chinese Pistache) ~ oo @ \;V. Thymus vulgaris (Common Thyme) .... Rhamnus californica 'Eve Case' (Eve Case California Coffeeberry) ........... -- OOll~N.'JE iOW:j~- Ai:idww..--l!fl!»f) ecrt.t1f;t~·1,t\'(ll,,...,. 0 Red()~~ r....,..._wi. 0 i .. eue~"""°'_.., lh:rnls~ t.ecr.o· ('0.0 v .,_...,,. !IOINiCM. IWE. P)Ul<IM')ftl .<hi'..,_' '' ""'0 '\ \ ~ 0~ Parking Island Detail 1"=10' PLANT SCHEDULE 2'"\'J~ '' !!!£ ..... ..... "" $Git_ .... .... J!!.lQl "" "" "'' " ""'r. ""'· - rlA.~ t"'a r11.llflt.,. t.N» Cotoneaster lacteus (Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster) ~ ® --- -- Existing tree to be removed _:..-- Existing trees and vegetation to remain -------------- ---- Parking Island Detail ~~ NORTH R.A. Smith National ~ .........~.............. 4llf l:<{,J,'i\1....... 1"=40' 'l,I' 1"=10' 26 Coddingtown Mall Design Reviev11 I 20 15.04.2'1 Revisions I 20 15.06.1fi ~ FP'.~ ----East Parking Lot • CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC \ \ """ <><> \ Ill Hosh1de Wanzer •I~ I I I Enlarged Planting Plan D D Concrete Paving Non-colored w/ medium broom finish Concrete Paving Integrally colored (field) Type A, Davis color 5084 w/ medium broom finish Lomandra hyslrix (Swamp Mat Rush) D Carpinus betulus 'Fasligiata' (Pyramidal European Hornbeam) PLANT SCHEDULE }fil!! --- (9 ~ U'b V.t.k ~~ ...,.'(llil"tit,·~· U'lb. ~ &O!A.\~IWIE Gdt$ti:r~ ~"'...,,.°"lb" ht~ '~~ ~ p1ot,'W™ flO~M~ ':... ~ .!MRN> tuwt.l""'" MRni'~lttt;GTIU IUitrrt4f)ill.-ft'M~' ...... "''""'""" llOtMK'M IV.IE. SH!tti 0 f'(llcyl~ I Proposed ~ GreenScreen 0 (-) ~'1(100\£.'G [ ~ , Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Flamingos' (Pink Flamingos Muhly Grass) !Ill! 80IAl!!'.rl!Wf!E ~~~- Cto~w.... 'f.,.. Penstemon heterophyllus (Foothill Penstemon) Paving with Artwork ~ _ lm ·~ ........._ .......... !J!l .......,,_ ~- CODDIN GTOWN MALL, LLC "" ~. Td:ltf;l'li:o:IJ poor '"""" """' --.._. """· ~ ""'' '""' """· "°"'· ~~·...~ ~ JI -- ~~ NORTH R .A. Smith National _.............. North Entrance 1"=20' <X> ........ l!!! Trachelospermum asialicum (Star Jasmine) Piltosp,orum tenuifolium Gold Star' (Gold Star Pittosporum) .... -- 27 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. lfl !~'\\",! .\\V'Y>(o.:.c _. Ill Hosh1<.le Wci11ze1 ii~ 11t .,,1F~··..,.~.;« Enlarged Planting Plan ~ ' Cotoneaster lacteus (Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster) \ ,, \ \ I \. PLANT SCHEDULE Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Flamingos' (Pink Flamingos Muhly Grass) "" '+, '+, ..... \ '+, \". \I Lomandra hystrix (Swamp Mat Rush) m I .... .... 0 0 Penstemon heterophyllus {Foothill Penstemon) y 0 _ CU:IC5Ctt.»ll"""~ ~~·r:v.;.,icmw.· '""""'....,,,, ...... lll'.~S(.t.lW..A..,,,., · ~•,ai.< 1qiiG!Wt ,_ OOTA."l(AL~yt Lagerstroemia x 'Natchez' (White Crape Myrtle)'Pli'I ~ QP.J.MralMY~ Tti4,.,r\:io:IJ) CV.~-Q ·r,,fb.j' frdillf'lf.stnc. PittosP,orum tenuifolium Gold Star' (Gold Star Pittosporum) ·_omandra hystrix 'Tropic Belle' (Tropic Belle Mat Rush) LJ orr "'""'"""' <M• cmww ""'· !!l£ !QQ! Aft.MKS ... """'· .... !i!Q! '""· '°"'· !GAC -- --Ml~Nlit.i)Gin ""'· .... ""''· ~ """" Concrete Paving Non-colored w/ medium broom finish ~~ NORTH Dianella tasmanica 'Tas Red' ----- R.A. Smith National Rhaphiolepis indica 'Coates Crimson' "'""''"""" .•n>' /:"1}.\'n•;1;n; 1"=20' <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 28 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Hcvisions 12015.0fl.1 6 Ill Hosh1cle Wanzer Ii~ I - Enlarged Planting Plan ~~ .,,,,,-····· Pennisetum orientale ' ·-., .:·....... '··-:-:-::. _ Curbed Island Detail 1 "::1 0' Hemerocallis x 'Stella de Oro' '\ ll'lii:r.;::r.;:/lijl 1·1. l•1,1tti.1.111,. 111., llo1•'11t l•l.rll l·1Pl+1~•11,.i:111.11 ·. \ \ . 0 ' <X> CODD INGTOWN MALL, LLC 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=60' --- Irrigation contractor to verify scope of existing irrigation zone. Reconfigure sprinkler head layout and add heads as required to insure complete coverage - 30 - R.A. Smith National 29 Coddingtown Mall Design Review 12015 .04.24 Revisions I 20 15.06. 1fi ,.,....,..,.,..., .tW£'1.1\w1~· Ill Husl11C.Je Wanzer •i~ ' •I Irrigation Concept Plan \ '' ' Irrigation Concept Statement of Compliance "' The irrigation contept of the Coddingtov1n Mall Notdstrol'r\ Rad. Expansion and parking lot will conlply with State and local water conservation ordinances, L ------ ------ --------- --------.-. -- including the Santa Rosa Water Efficient landscape . 'ti . • 0'(') , I • 0 ' Ordinance. • - ........... . ~ .................... The irrigation svste1n shall indude the most efficient irrig;ition equipment to n\ee1 the performance criteria established by these ordloances. Such improvements include proper mulch coverage, plant selection and groupings based on watering needs, s1narl irrigation controllers, v1eather sensor, and valve isolation per hydrozones, pressure regulation, flow sensing and master valve shutoff, dedicated irrigation meter and backflow prevention. '<Vh e r~ possible, system \Viii be connected to existing on-site irrigation equlpmeo1 that meets the ordinance requirements. Tree Bubblers - 2 per tree Tfees in the parking lot \'/ill irrigated on separate zone valves Low volume Irrigation Trees in the packing lot wm lrrtgated on separate zone valves .I ; NORDSTROM RACK __., I \ \ 60 GRAPHIC SCALE \ \ 120 1"=60' ~~ \' " \ -- NORTH R.A. Smith National <X> CODDI N GTOWN MALL, LLC 31 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015.04 .24 Revisions I 20 15.06. rn Ill Hosh1cle Wrn 1ze1 •I~ ,, I I ,,.,,·w R.J¢•Js... ·">iti).•\\'r'i'l'l Exterior Lighting .. ·~ . \\.>" .i : "'EX2 ~ .. P 1 Parlw1g lot I qht ,, P2 • Pai k1·1g IOI l'yhl ... ' . \ ' . ' . ' {~ ~~ . '·' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' , . ,._. ,,' ' '• ,_ ... "' ' .' • ' S' ... ." ' ., ' \ ' ' •· I 'it · ~ •I> '\,114.,., .. e\j},· ' ... .. .,, . .. .. .,,. '•I NORDSTROM RACK ' .. I ' " \!'11. VV2 - ~;Vall " W2 \ <-~.. ~1l ounted . . ' • .. '..1 \,I ' " ., . \ . ... ' '· ' _____ .,., . fl<'! • '1 •, f)c.t ' :, \ \-.fl~f:...1 '\ ~.iii< ~.ul~ . r -• i"'' '""' D~- •"' ~~.",,.. • .., ' m -"~ ,,, 1 mr lp l~O;:crEES ~~!£ $11(.l!E ~~~~ ?),) lf.:>(.l:'(f.'Ef.S !l )) l~OCCf<l".S. $ 1..~t( <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC rtT ES. ·===-=-------- 1~;~~...... 1>U~ Ui} <i!~ l!lf t:H )!:.I! \"11 W.<I< '~* l'l\.H',.,.• ~~ ;X1·~1-~ 1:r.;.111v~u S.. \*":lf"doi.<!~ . 11rl•1.. 111 1/J6 S.::i• t 41 U> ~ ~ ~2: 211.t ,.,---~~ R1 • Recessecl Can Llg 11 32 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 20 15.04.24 Revisions 12015 .06 .16 Hosh1cie Wanzer L,qhl Lighting Cut Sheets P 1 - Parking lot light P2 - Parking lot light VRS SERIES - LED SO LI D STATE AREA LI G HTIN G "?~':l VRS SER I ES LED ~· p r [ POLE DllJWNG TEMPLATE IC A " VLED' MODUUS WAlLMOUNT ·- A T 1" ;.1-... ,,,..,,,...,,, ' , ....,... r.;.a;r ,.. ,....... ' hTll!4 "~ COIWOC""'O cooing ol lllO V lED 1r«11Je. l'\foml'1 d"~r OOr•'fl<Fh"""'' is'!'.1(1J*..~<11VJ !«IW 'IK VRSUO l a"<.~ A3$6C!A'.1((¢ ~ ~) ¢0$1 (:l.Jll' ffilt'h l>(,,1Jio 1;:, lnleglolcG cteo ~ 'A>" go~-. ic:rl~ ~0·«1 ..or. o OMliflo.•)<4 $AOOI~ 90~1 1)1¢IOCI) ~frill~ (itO'") \l <t ~lrni!1'11 E ' ·" ·• * 4.1 AW•l!1!0"1f\ l il.l -!:JSeJll(·M>:l.I~ ~"'Clor-f"1~m optr~ ol'ld ~it IN h'<ltn W('Mr n l!IA QI'\ ( 1!11.l '-'•w~ui11111,.01it(ll CXll*'•mVJMI; (1•1i1t" ml.Xl<.k! ll"«lh on ~' CANOPY MOUNT IGlltlg EIW!I~ (r.EO'l)«Ot\llQOl\~fS, t~(l'l<ll.ty\lll, f'l..'IHIWI \\hi., n om 1v.11410C*. ccr lllf tie eoho modUe (Coci \'IMe i ,;:... . 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C:i : 11 @i> U.S. ARCHITEC TURAL - mimmn 33 Coddingtown Mall Design Review RRvis1ons I 2015.04.24 I 20 15.06.16 Host11Cle Wanzer ,, t Lighting Cut Sheets 81 - Sidewalk Light W1, W2 - Wall Mounted Light Performance Data WST LED DC 2 14 LED LU M l N A I RE A(<:hitcctural V•/a!I Scc1co DC2 14 Lu•!'fe•\ Outpul ....,...,,_, ••,.,$1.:><~~:-~..,.I ,,_..,.,.., Ulfl,-'"''« : - ,_.,,,..,...,,,._ "''·' ;!~',;.; :i:~"',.' iU. :.:.: :~,;;:~.:,:. :;;:1·::~~: ~ :~'::"!:·;,:.:;;~~.· ~;.·............. .,...... 1 I FrJ App!eoliuo: I'~! lop 1;.t111~'11Yc_...:it.n1 ll'rn~ ('(\f'/'!MIJo..,:cl<l"dh~'<illy<11M·U1vrenl~ iii: d;\;:<C/.t:h~edi.11.:- neellioot. (:On$1fVCI On: • Ci~O~I ¢1~1u;iu'l 1 ~ • S-,..o.i1>dU<l'in.rn!t1u:.h.' • C~c1~ltOt111loc:r,11t: 1~1 Amb\oot Opot~g l!ango: :m'<: 1r.- <11Y<"'. l umlnalre 0 1}!iet: • AH~I· P-t=•kt1Jrr.rr..c<:p!c:nlln~~!a~h ! ~O • Cc<il rn1J1znt COOi r,;m1~10l-.<% • Avntnhbl" l'l'l)e II Of VI~!! i::c·!~I!); ...., ••t. 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K Enlarged North-Soutr1View l::nlargo<.J l::ast-West View ---f"J~.: MACY'S --t ~-~- (3) ROOf TOP MIDll\NICAL UMTS ' ' ------ ------------- . - -- PROPOSED BUILDING (NORDSTROM RACK) PARKINGI SIDEWALK J. ___________________,. 131 ROOF TOP MECHAl\1G."1. lJNITS MACY'S ,_ ~J1.~~~ ClEVELPNO AVE :'- - - - - - - ------- ---- - El25 ·O" "- - -- - - - - - - -·-·-- - - - - ="'-=!y-...,= -~-= =-o.-; -+--------- ---- ----' II I I r---PAAKING I SIDEWALK PROPOSED BUILDING (NORDSTOOM RACK) ® East-Wost View scale: nla <X> CODDI N GTOWN MALL, LLC 37 Coddingtown Mall Dosign Review I 20 15.04.?.4 Revisions 1201 5.0B.16 l~I Hosl11de Wanz.<-n II~ I I . l -------------------------------------------------------·--·------------- --·- ~-···-···- ---· ·-···-·····- - - -- -- -- 30 Views <X> CODD INGTOWN MALL, LLC 38 Coddingtown Mall Design Review I 2015 .04.24 Revisions I 2015.06 .16 l~I Hosh1de Wanzer •I~ I , , I 30 Views Mcrtb Elevat on Looki1g So,Jtl1 East <X> CODDINGTOWN MALL, LLC 39 Coddingtown Mall Design ReviP.w I 2015.04.24 Revisions I 2015.06. 16 Ill I losh1de Wanzer •I~ I I I I