C L U B N E W S - Eurosport Asheville


C L U B N E W S - Eurosport Asheville
E S T .
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Chartered Club #353
Chartered Club #339
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Hey Club,
Fellow members, we have chosen to Cancel
the Tuesday August 16th Meeting and have
decided instead to celebrate on Saturday
August 20th. We have done this in hopes
that more of you can come on out and join
us to socialize with a meal, fun and some
surprises. Bring your bikes and we will take
a great club Photo!
On August 20th from 11am to 2pm we will be celebrating our club’s
fifth (5th) year in existence. A big anniversary for us and it is also the
5 year anniversary of our dealer EurosportAsheville. BMW will also be
celebrating their 100th Birthday that day as well. If you received your
BMWMOA Owners news, there is an article on their 100th Birthday
on pages 36-37 of the July issue explaining what they are offering on
August 20th. It is a big day for everyone and we hope you will join us.
I still cannot believe how far we have come as a club, and in just a little
bit here I will be sharing with you some of the “history of our great club”.
A refresher for some of you and new for others that are not familiar
with it. History is important, even with our club!
I enjoy every moment I get to have with fellow club members, whether
at a meeting, gathering, or as happens frequently…just running into
you at some local joint. We have recently issued member number 417,
while some have left our ranks others join us and we keep marching
on. We are given this opportunity through our club to meet new friends
and have good times. Life is Good!
We all have our own adventures that we go on, but it sure is nice being
able to share those experiences and stories with others from the club
and maybe even sharing some of those adventures together. We have
everything from BBQ’s to Getaways to daily rides. We are only limited
by our imaginations for coming up with things to do, then helping to
make it happen. We need you to participate to succeed.
This August, 2015 is the 5 year anniversary of our first Official Club
meeting held at the newly opened Dealership. Eurosport had their
8/6: Saturday 9 am
Social Gathering
Eurosport Asheville
No monthly club meeting
Five year celebration in leiu
of monthly club meeting.
8/20: Saturday 11 am-2 pm
ABMWR Five Year
Anniversary Celebration
Eurosport Asheville
8/20: Saturday 9 am-5 pm
Eurosport Asheville’s Five
Year Celebration and BMW
AG’s 100 Birthday Party
Eurosport Asheville
Ride to Lunch Rides
Every Wednesday in July.
Check Facebook page and
Yahoo News Group for
details from Perry Hebard.
Departure and destinations
vary from week to week.
Special Note: All emails, web
addresses, and FB pages are
clickable in this PDF.
Continued on page 2
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A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s
official opening on August 19-20, 2011. The First
Official club meeting was Tuesday August 30, 2011,
as back then, meetings were held the last Tuesday of
the month. We later adapted for the membership, as
we always try to do, and moved it to the 3rd Tuesday
which seemed to work better for everyone and has
been our standard ever since. It has been some ride
so far for this great Club and we aren’t even through
our first twisty.
discounts for members, successfully held our first
meeting, enjoyed a great first Christmas Party that
laid the groundwork for future ones and we have
not stopped since. This has been a labor of love for
all those involved and it has paid off tremendously
in new friendships and a sharing of the sport of
Our core group that started this club is still working
daily to make this the best it can be. It is a devotion
of many hours on behalf of all that participate. Like
building a house or starting a business, we laid the
foundation and we take pride in what we have put
together since the beginning.
So here is our history. For those who may have
forgotten and for those who do not know… on June
18, 2011 a small group of people came together
to sit on spackle buckets, in a building under
construction, located at 30 Bryson Street. We sat
there with Thomas Montgomery and Justin Roberts,
and they had a vision of opening a BMW motorcycle
dealership along with that small group of riders who
wanted to form a motorcycle club based out of there.
We would call this the “Perfect Match”.
Our club consists of a great bunch of people
sharing the same enthusiasms and we enjoy all
the memories of these past five years. Not resting
on our laurels we should all look forward to making
many more memories and new friendships as the
years pass.
Some of those original people who sat on those
buckets are still here and others have slipped away,
but the club has grown and continues to grow. We
have your wonderful personalities to thank for this
growth. I don’t think there is anyone who does not
enjoy being around happy people that share the
same feelings about motorcycling. You all fit the bill!
We took off so successfully that we are a club that
hosted/assisted the BMWRA with their national rally
here at the Biltmore Estate on June 20-23, 2013 and
more recently our 3rd annual fund raiser for the Blue
Ridge Parkway known as the High Pass Boogie. Our
volunteers are awesome folks who just don’t stop.
I hope some of you can give a little of your time
to join us in any future ventures that the club
undertakes, and even if you don’t have the time to
volunteer for something, try to come out and enjoy
the camaraderie and friendships at meeting and
gatherings. We do have fun! Our vision for the club
has succeeded so far and we endeavor to keep it going
and improving. We thank the whole membership
for your support, in participating however you can,
in coming to meetings, gatherings,
special events, and also the time
you give in helping out when
The group that came that first day decided to meet
again the following week to get the club started.
Some members from that first day did not return
and we are sorry they lost out on contributing to
our beginnings. A steering committee was formed
at our next informal meeting just a week later on
June 25, 2011 from those that attended. This was
a steering committee of 6, who wanted to work at
making a successful club.
We put in many, many hours together at meetings
for those two months to shape our club. We
came up with By-Laws, made a Logo, opened a
bank account, chartered with the BMWMOA and
BMWRA, purchased club insurance, incorporated…
thanks to Stew Stewart, sent out info about our club
to seek members, ordered shirts, hats, banner and
badges, developed our Social Media for a Website
generously provided to us (again by Stew Stewart),
a Yahoo Group, and a Facebook Page. We installed
our first set of Officers, worked hand in hand
with Eurosport for presentations at meetings and
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
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We have also changed our Logo
recently to reflect the modern
times and we thank member and
Newsletter Editor Chris Parker for
his great graphic work on the logo
and new take on the Newsletter.
Continued on page 3
A s h e v i l l e
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Gap Campground
So for a little blast from the past, here was the lineup
at those first two spackle bucket meetings, look
at the names (The original 6 Steering Committee
members are bolded)
First Informal
Meeting June 18, 2011
Second Meeting
Informal June 25, 2011
Jim McMains
Jim McMains
Perry Hebard
Dan Falkenstein
Dan Falkenstein
Perry Hebard
Wayne Zell
Dan Thompson
Peter Schaper
John Koenig
Bill Bullington
Wayne Zell
John Clabaugh
Maggie McMains
Bob Williamson
Thomas Montgomery
John Peppler
Justin Roberts
Denise Peppler
David Clement
Justin Roberts
Bill Bullington
Thomas Montgomery
Heike Schaper
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It’s time to get ready, and register for the 2nd
annual Fancy Gap Campground Getaway.
This event will go quickly, as it did last year.
Get your reservations done before it is sold
out. Getaway dates
are September 23rd
arrival, and depart
on September 25th.
They have 8 motel
rooms, lots of RV
spaces, Cabins,
and camping
spots. You can
check out the
here or call at
Peter Schaper
PS: Ian Schmeisser, a BMWMOA Ambassador and
ABMWR Club member came out and took a picture
of us that second day, at the under construction
dealership, it later appeared in the BMWMOA
Owners News magazine !
We had a great time
last year, and we’ll
make it better this
year. Call Dave, or
email him. Tell them
you’re with the ABMWR’s group for a special
discount rate, and please let me know if
you’re going, so we can make preparations.
See You Down the Road,
Here is the new mockup of
the upcoming Club T-shirt.
On August 1st, members of
the board selected the
shirt color and printing
method that will
work the best for the
members! Coming
soon will be the ordering
process and pricing! It will
be available in unisex and
women’s cuts.
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A s h e v i l l e
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July BBQ Wrap-up
Our 3rd Annual July BBQ (and Campout which
was new for this year), held at Dan and Marcella
Thompson’s, was a huge success. The prior 2 had
been held at the home of Elwood and Meg Miles.
disappeared into the distance. It was a wonderful end
to a great day.
With no meeting being held in July, this is one
great way to bring together a like minded group of
motorcycling enthusiasts to have a good old fashioned
BBQ. Dan and Marcella could not have been better
hosts so please thank them for hosting this event if
you did not attend. It is members like them that show
the true spirit of giving and opening themselves to
We want to give a big thanks to Dan and Marcella
Thompson for opening up their home and property
this year to the club, for this event from July 22 - 24.
We did it by RSVP so that we would have the resources
needed to take care of those who chose to attend. For
those who could not come, we sure wish you had, as
we enjoyed a really great time.
Dan is a member of our Board of Directors and has
been, since our beginnings. He was in charge of
our original club merchandising and has continued
supporting the club and helping with the decision
making at our Board meetings. He is an inspiration for
the true meaning of volunteering and along with his
wonderful wife Marcella they continue to support our
fine club.
Many thanks to the Thompson’s and the Stewart family
for all their help in the prep work, food pick up and
other tasks that it takes to hold an event. These events
do not happen by themselves and it is through the
volunteer efforts that we have these offerings. I know
that you all appreciate being able to come to things
like this, but please do not be shy when something
is in a planning phase. Come on up and offer your
help, because the more hands we have to do the work,
the easier it is on everyone. Plus, you have the added
benefit of getting to know some great members a little
better by working along side them and this is how
long term friendships start.
I consider them good friends, and they have big hearts
when it comes to our club.
My thanks to you both for all you do!
Our next adventure will be the Fancy Gap getaway
in September, so please consider joining us and get
your reservation in. There have been multiple posts in
social media about this, but if you have any questions
please contact a club officer. Last year was a fun time
for everyone in attendance and we know it will be just
as good if not better this year.
We had a surprise visit from one of our original Steering
Committee members, Wayne Zell, who was our club’s
first secretary. Wayne has unfortunately had to give up
riding for health reasons, but that does not stop him
from being one of us and remaining our friend. He is
a Lifer with us and in the spirit of giving he brought
along some nice motorcycle gear he could no longer
use and offered it up free for the taking. Thank you
Wayne and do not be a stranger!
Last, if you do nothing else with the club, please come
out on August 20, 2016 from 11 am - 2 pm for our 5
year anniversary. It would be nice to have at least half
our club show up sometime during the event. We have
cancelled the Tuesday meeting in August in hopes
that a Saturday would see more of you able to attend.
Please try, it will be a special day.
As the party progressed, Dan Thompson brought out
“Spudzilla”, his home made Potato shooter. With the
help of some hairspray, many pounds of potatoes and
some excited members he proceeded to let everyone
have a turn at launching some potatoes! Many smiles
and Oooohs and Aaaahs later the potatoes quickly
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
Thanks, Jim
A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s
Hey Gang,
Wooooo, it’s been hot. Every ride I go on
has been blistering. I always make sure I
stay hydrated, and still never seem to be
drinking enough water. Fatigue also sets
in quicker, so be real careful out there, be
safe, and have fun!
I hope everyone that went to the MOA
rally had a great time. I was happy to see that Elwood Miles brought
our club flag to the rally, and flew it at our clubs designated camping
area. I sure know we had a lot of fun at Dan & Marcella Thompson’s
campout / cookout. Dan’s potato gun was the main event, and the
Stewville band gave us an awesome performance. Thank you for
everyone coming out, it was a great, and fun time.
Remember there is no meeting this month. Instead we elected to
have our 5th Anniversary party at Eurosport on the 20th. Which is also
Eurosport’s 5th Anniversary. The “BIG” surprise for us will be BMW
has chosen Eurosport as one of their destinations to celebrate their
100th Anniversary. Don’t miss out on this event, Free food, beverages,
giveaways, test rides, and lots of fun! Come, and enjoy this big
celebration at Eurosport on August 20. My hat goes off to Eurosport
for exceeding their goals in the last five years. Thomas Montgomery,
and his crew are awesome people that care, and are there to serve
their customers. With these great attitudes, and willingness to help,
it’s no wonder everyone talks about Eurosport all over the country.
I also want to mention what awesome club members we have. I have
had the opportunity to meet some awesome people. I don’t just admire
their motorcycling stuff, but also their personal lives. It’s awesome to
see people living such great, and happy lives. It brings me joy to know
all of you.
We have several events coming up for our club members, the Saturday
rides, Perry Hebard’s Wednesday rides, and our club rally at Fancy Gap
Campgrounds in September. Don’t forget the Blue Ridge Parkway
Foundations Denim Ball coming up in Boone. It’s always a blast! If
anyone ever has any suggestions for the club, please don’t hesitate
to contact me. I have been getting some great suggestions, and can’t
wait to implement them.
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September 9-11 2016
MOA Getaway
Pineville, KY
Contact Vance Harrelson
at [email protected]
September 16-18 2016
Klassic K Kampout
Cruso, NC
Contact Greg Hunt
September 16-18 2016
7th Annual Ride
the Blue Ridge
Morganton, NC
Contact Gene Smith
September 16-18 2016
Twin Valley Rally
Meadows of Dan, VA
Contact Seth Pagani
[email protected]
Sept. 30- Oct. 2 2016
Tellico Mountain Rally
Tellico Plains, TN
Contact Greg Crays
Be good, Be safe, Be awesome, and I hope to see you soon..
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s
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The International Council of BMW Clubs
has designated Saturday, August 20, 2016
as The International Day of Celebration to
honor the BMW 100 year Centenary.
To help recognize this day, the MOA has chosen
Eurosport Asheville as one of 15 dealerships in
the country as an official “celebratory” location.
How fortuitous is it that August is also the
five year anniversary for Eurosport Asheville
and the area BMW club, Asheville BMW Riders.
Please consider making your way to Asheville
for a day of fun with the team at Eurosport with
sale specials, food, drinks, and conversation.
We are working with a local brewery to produce a
German style beverage and Justin might even wear his
Lederhosen if we decide to tap the keg early. There will also
be an “after hours” party at one of the local watering holes to
continue the theme after Eurosport closes down for the day.
We look forward to seeing everyone there.
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s
As the Summer rolls on,
I hope you are able to
roll on some miles on
that odometer. I know I
try at every opportunity
to have some bonding
time with the RT. Even
in the heat that we have
had in the past month,
I suffer through it,
knowing seat time cures
a lot of what ails me. When I need a break, I suit up
and twist the wrist.
This month marks an anniversary for two great
groups, our club and Eurosport Asheville. Not much
can be added from what Stew and Jim have already
mentioned. I will add this one little note though. A
little over 5 years ago, I remember some guy named
Justin reaching out to fellow BMWSportTouring.
com board members, asking for input on what they
wanted in a new dealership. He mentioned that a
group were in the early stages of bringing a BMW
dealership to... Asheville. Some answered back with
disbelief, some left feedback on what they liked and
did not like. And then there was me... wow! Great
news. I loved the idea so much that I took a day
off from work to ride up from SC to meet Thomas,
Justin and others at 12 Bones one day in December
to see their plans for the location and ideas on the
shop. Needless to say, I was impressed.
Chris Stewart
Secretary / Board Member
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Dan Falkenstein
Treasurer / Board Member
Perry Hebard
Club Photographer / Board Member
Jim McMains
President / Board Member
Chris Parker
Newsletter Editor / Merchandise / Board Member
Adam Stewart
Sargeant at Arms
Stew Stewart
Vice President / Web Administrator /
Board Member
Dan Thompson
Board Member
Members of our club share many things in
common, including a love of riding, being
outdoors, a fondness for BMW motorcycles
regardless of type or age, and the camaraderie of
our sport. We are a social club, focused on riding,
and take full advantage of our area’s beautiful
roads and scenery. Although our club is based in
North Carolina, membership and participation
from all surrounding areas are encouraged. For
membership information, view our website at
www.abmwr.org or drop us a line at.
Fast forward 5 years and the success of Thomas
and crew’s determination, customer support and
eye to detail shows through and through. They
are indeed a class act. I have had a small part over
the years with helping out them and it has been a
pleasure to do so.
PO Box 5103
Asheville, NC 28813
And the Club... I joined over three years ago, and
while I don’t get to attend the monthly events
as often as I would like to, everytime I do get to,
it is always a blast. From the High Pass Boogie
to meetings where a speaker is presenting, the
ABMWR is a great testament to the love of all things
BMW and to a great relationship with Eurosport.
So, looking forward to seeing you on August 20th,
Don’t forget the new
AMBMW online store at
and support your club.
P.S. The bike on the next page was my very first
BMW, a 2001 R1100RT. Loved that bike!
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s
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2001 BMW R1100RT
Carlos Dao - South Miami, FL
Hawk Hagebak - Marietta, GA
Jim Nelson - Abingdon, VA
Jeffrey Noland - Boiling Springs, SC
Duane Pandorf - Brevard, NC
Frank Smith - Campobello, SC
Are you on Facebook? Join and Follow the
Asheville BMW Riders Public Facebook Group.
You’ll find up to date info about upcoming rides
and activities, share posts, photos and videos
of club activities. Search Facebook for Asheville
BMW Riders Public Group, go to the group
and ask to join. We’ll add you to the group. If
Facebook isn’t for you see the Club’s website
(abmwr.org), or join the ABMWR Yahoo group
to get emails. But if you just want to check the
Facebook page without joining, go to abmwr.
org and use the homepage’s link to Facebook.
Engine Type Four-stroke, two cylinder,
horizontally opposed “Boxer”
engine, air cooled
Bore Stroke 99 x 70.5 mm
Engine Displacement1085cc
Max Power 90 hp (66 KW) at 7,250 rpm
Max Torque 95 Nm / 70 ft lb at 5,500 rpm
Compression Ratio10.7:1
Valves Per Cylinder4
Valve Control hc, using chain drive, cup
tappets, push rod and rocker arm
Ignition Electronic ignition, Bosch
Motronic MA 2.2
Lubricating System Wet sump
Transmission 5-speed gearbox with Dog type
gearbox (ratchet foot lever)
Final Drive Shaft Drive
Seat Height 30.71 / 31.496 / 32.28 inches
Wheelbase 58.46 in.
Front Suspension BMW Telelever fork with
longitudinal control arm and
central strut
Rear Suspension BMW Paralever swinging arm
This month celebrates the 100 year anniversary
of BMW. And in seven years, 2023, BMW
Motorrad celebrates it’s 100 year anniversary of
motorcycle production. Exciting times to be a
fan of the Roundel.
Front Brake Dual disc brake 305 mm / 12 in
Rear Brake Single disc brake 276 mm / 10.86
in diameter
Front Tire 120/70 ZR 17
Rear Tire 160/60 ZR 18
Fuel Capacity 6.86 gal.
Dry Weight 621 lb (Wet)
2001 Model Year MSRP$16,290
a s h e v i l l e b m w r i d e r s . c o m
A s h e v i l l e
R i d e r s