The Fisherman - Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack
The Fisherman - Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack
The Newsletter of the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack A Reformed Church in America Congregation The Fisherman 2014 CONSISTORY Elders Bill Better Glenn Holzhauer Lloyd Lawrence Steve Race P-L Schroeppel Julie Veronezi Deacons Mike Bowman Mike Daly John Dunham Cheryl Halleran Dianne Slusar Cindy VanAlphen Missionaries Bruce & Laurie Hawley Staff Lloyd Lawrence Director of Bell Choir Andrea Mastrianni Director of Music Shelley Robinson Administrative Assistant Nelson Santiago Sexton Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack Drawer K Claverack, NY 12513 518-851-3811 518-851-9790 (fax) [email protected] Summer 2014 Dear Church Family "Above all, hold unfailing your love for one another since love covers a multitude of sins. Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another. As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards of God's varied grace". 1 Peter 4:8-10 Peter's first letter was written to provide guidance and encouragement to Christians struggling against persecution. Rather than focus on the hardships they face, Peter extols Christians to be grateful for their blessings, to emulate Christ in their daily lives and to be of service and hospitable to all. Here at RDC, we have numerous opportunities to do God's work through service and hospitality. I would like to share two possibilities. First, Dianne Slusar is seeking volunteers to help staff a nursery for infants and toddlers. With this service available, young parents can enjoy the worship service with a break from parenting while knowing their children are in capable hands. What a support for families and a way to bolster attendance. Second, Glenn Holzhauer is chairing our Celebration Committee, which has been formed to mark the 250th anniversary of our church structure and the 300th anniversary of our founding. This committee has just begun the planning process which provides numerous events for our church and community. All who are interested in helping are encouraged to attend the next meeting of the Celebration Committee to be held after services on July 13, 2014. These are two of many ways to demonstrate our commitment to the growth and continuation of our church. In this difficult world filled with many challenges, it is easy to be filled with self-pity. Rather than focus on the negative, we should rejoice in the gifts we have received from God and unselfishly share them with others. In Christian Love, Bill Better, Vice President. Keep Up To Date With New Opportunities & Happenings!! INFANT AND TODDLER CHILD CARE With young families now present we need to restart our infant and toddler child care during the regular service. For many years we were blessed, and spoiled, with Betty Gold's child care. Times have changed. It is now required that two adults over the age of 18 be present to care for the children. Please consider volunteering for this important aspect of our church life. We also now have a form that must be completed and returned to the church office. You can call the church office to have the form emailed to you. Forms will also be located at the back of the church on each side. They can be returned to any consistory member, or the church office. Feel free to call Dianne Slusar with any questions at 672-4709. VACATION DAILY BIBLE SCHOOL Are you willing to help with planning and working at a Vacation Daily Bible School for mid August? If so, please contact Julie Veronezi at 392-4713. Come join us for fellowship at Mac-Hayden Theatre this summer in Chatham on Saturday August 16th at 4pm. We can car pool over and after the play eat dinner at La Bella's in Chatham. The show is Guys and Dolls and is a story based on the book by Damon Runyon's New York Characters. The matinee is only $28. Reservations and payment need to be made by July 20th to Irene Holzhauer at 6727905 or the church office at 851-3811. Hope to see you there! FINANCIALS: During the month of May, the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack took in $9,272.71 income and expended $7,728.18 in expenses respectively. In the month of May the following seasonal/quarterly bills were paid: quarterly property & general liability insurance, $1,531.00 and the Mission of the Month -Mercy Ships, $830.00. Fully itemized reports are available at the church office upon request. During our busy summer months full of vacations, home improvements, gardening, yard work, kids in sports, summer camps, and other summer activities, your continued support of the church to support its ongoing mission is appreciated. Please note hours for the CHURCH OFFICE: Tues thru Thurs 9 am to 2 pm Boy Scout Corner Troop 121 Troop 121 took first place overall at the recent District Boy Scout Camporee. Congratulations! On Sunday, June 15th, they participated in Scout Sunday serving as greeters, participating in the service and hosted "coffee hour" after the service. On June14th, the Troop marched in the annual Flag Day Parade in Hudson, New York. COFFEE HOUR signup sheet is located on the bulletin board on the right just inside the front doors of the CEB. Signups are available through the end of the year. CORRESPONDENCE: From Mercy Ships: "Thank you very much for your $830 gift to Mercy Ships. We truly appreciate your support and commitment to our mission. Mercy Ships relies on donors like you to continue to bring hope and healing, as well as education programs in Africa. Your generosity is making it possible. Each act of mercy performed onboard the Africa Mercy is the result of those who serve onboard.. .and you! Thank you for your partnership in each changed life" Following the model of Jesus, Don Stephens President/Founder. \& * HELP SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS We are creating a scrapbook and need your help. Please save any newspaper articles that you see in our local papers relating to our congregation and drop them off in the church office mail slot in the CE building. The Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack Consistory Meeting - Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Present - Lloyd Lawrence, Mike Daly, Bill Better, Rev. Dave Tipple, John Dunham, Dianne Slusar, P-L Schroeppel, Julie Veronezi, Cindy VanAlphen, Cheryl Halleran, Steve Race and guests Nate Winch, Louise Bliss and Donna Lynk. Absent - Mike Bowman, Glenn Holzhauer Opening Prayer: Scripture reading and prayer at 7:00pm by Rev. Tipple Correspondence: We received: a thank you note from the Philmont/Mellenville Pantry for our recent donation a renewal notice for our contract with the music licensing co. Steve Race made the motion to suspend the use of this company as they are no longer used by our music ministry directors. John Dunham seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes: Minutes of our April 9 consistory meeting (with revisions) and our April 27th special consistory meeting were reviewed. Mike Daly moved to accept both minutes, Lloyd Lawrence seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Deacon's Report: No report. Dianne Slusar and the sunshine committee were thanked for all the work they do and in particular this very busy season which included Leon Cook and Ray Tolke's memorial receptions. Elder's Report: The elders prepared for the meeting with the Communicant's class for June 1st at 8:30 AM. The logistics of the service were discussed with consistory. Rev. Tipple Report: Rev. Tipple reported he has been to many meetings this past month, one being the Regional Synod meeting in Syracuse. He shared that there are many staff changes coming along for Synod and that he is most encouraged that new staffer Abby Norton-Levering will be a great asset; as she is very creative and most capable of capturing the new vision. Sign Dps: Usher list passed around. Nelson update: Bill Better reported there are signs of progress with Nelson's healing and that Nelson is thankful for our prayers, cards and our show to him of his importance to us. It was also reported that Patrick is doing a good job in Nelson's absence. Committee Reports: It was agreed to hold off on committee reports as our attention was needed for discussion on the search committee progress. John & Jan Dunham's offer: John has completed a new planter for around our sign and is almost finished building a cabinet to store our new keyboard in the Fellowship Hall. Consistory agreed with John that the cabinet should be secured to the wall and floor for safety and security. Also, Jan has ordered new letters for our outdoor sign and new #'s for our sanctuary. Consistory thanked John and Jan for their dedication to RDCC, and their time and talents. Search Committee: Bill reported that he presented our search committee results, and our interest in partnering with another church in the area, at the gathering of consistories last week. There was interest from three churches immediately at the gathering. Since the gathering one church has invited us to come to their consistory meeting to explain more about the partnership and the candidate. And Nate reported that just recently a fourth church has contacted him with interest in partnering. Bill and other members who went to the gathering said they found the gathering to be a wonderful experience, where people bonded and were very focused on the future of our Classis' congregations. Louise Bliss informed the consistory that she was in attendance to make a recommendation to consistory as the chairperson of the RDCC Search Committee. She and Donna Lynk distributed packets of information on the candidate. Bill thanked the search committee for all their work and amazing efforts they have put into this search. Cindy thanked Louise for her wonderful job in putting the search committee's enthusiasm for the candidate in the one page cover letter of the packet. Mike Daly reiterated the concise, accurate feeling presented in the letter and told consistory that this candidate rose to the top and fits what we are trying to do in Claverack. Donna Lynk followed and told consistory that there was no need to be concerned with a quorum for the search committee vote on recommending this candidate because all committee members were in agreement with bringing him forward. Louise explained that there were many excellent candidates, but this candidate best fit our needs. She further explained that all candidates were looking for a full time package and she was very pleased that there are prospects of partnering congregations. Although Louise was asking for an expedited response to the recommendation, she told consistory that the candidate is patient, knows we need time to work things out with a partner and he would entertain starting in September if he was called to Claverack. Consistory took time to review the packet and much discussion was had on such topics as; the incredible talents and virtues of the candidate, what a partnership would look like with another classis church, the budget analysis for pastoral support from the finance committee, and the general feeling that God was guiding us. Rev. Tipple explained the next steps, starting with issuing the promise of a call with inclusion of a statement about the terms are yet to be finalized d/t the discussion RDCC is having with other congregations. This promise of a call goes to the Classis commission and then a letter is sent to Rev. Vomer. Nate Winch further explained the Budget Analysis for Pastoral Support to consistory, which shows the levels of support of our church and a partnering church at different percentage time splits of a shared ministers. Julie Veronezi motioned to make the promise of a call to Rev. Zomer to be our full time minister starting in September 2014 with the understanding that the terms are not yet finalized d/t our ongoing discussions with a partnering congregation whom will share a 50% ministry with us. Cheryl Halleran seconded the motion. Motion passed enthusiastically and unanimously. Consistory asked Louise to call Rev. Zomer to tell him of our vote and to also ask if he is considering another call. A group of our consistory members, Rev. Tipple, Nate and Louise will attend the Stuyvesant consistory meeting to present the partnership and share information on Rev. Zomer. Other church's interest in partnering will be pursued as well. Bill will tell the congregation about Rev. Zomer on Sunday and a survey will be handed out to the congregation as well. The survey will serve as a first step in seeking advice from our congregation as to what they prefer/envision in a shared ministry. Finance: Nate presented the Treasurer's report. No questions entertained d/t prior discussion. Lloyd Lawrence motioned to accept the treasurer's report/ Cheryl Halleran seconded. Motion passed unanimously.. Meeting closed at 9:05 PM: With prayer by Louise Bliss. Motion made by Mike Daly to adjourn/John Dunham seconded. Motion passed. Next Consistory Meeting: June 11, 2014 Respectfully submitted, P-L Schroeppel urn vw o THIS MONTH Anniversaries July Anniversaries July Birthdays Rob Schroeppel John Wilber Jill Theiss Dean James McNameeJr Jordon Moon Craig Moon Peggy Moon Edna Card Jay Case Candace Alvarez Jim Campion Donna Lynk Campion Kaitlyn Rose Krein Kyle Brousseau Ryan Brousseau Wendy Warfield August 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/3 7/3 7/4 7/4 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/13 7/14 7/14 7/16 7/16 7/18 Amara Steenburn Charles Post Barbara DeLamater Mary Lou Knull Una Lawrence Sara Elizabeth Miller Julie Veronezi Gary Steenburn Severin Bowman Keith Niver Scott Niver Rick Schroeppel Lois Niver JimMcNameeSr Sara Ann Gregory 7/18 7/21 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/23 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/25 7/25 7/27 7/27 7/28 7/29 Mary Ann Gregory Sign Brousseau Alison Schroeppel Cheryl Halleran Gig Barton Jim Schoep James Schoep Cameron Holzhauer Jay Mackerer 7/1 7/9 7/10 7/13 7/17 7/24 7/29 August Anniversaries Birthdays Irene Kitchie 8/1 Kathy Essig 8/3 Scott Holzhauer 8/7 Jane Case 8/11 Pauline Gowen 8/12 Glenn Holzhauer 8/14 Teresa Krein 8/15 John Dunham 8/18 Meredith Weinman 8/18 Mike & Vinessa Bowman Dianne & Paul Slusar Tom & Snookie Patterson Barbara & John DeLamater Douglas & Darcy Colwell John & Carolyn Wilbur Jim & Linda Mackerer 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/25 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/29 8/30 Frank & Jean Starkes William & Nancy Rasweiler Thea & Jim Schoep Glenn & Irene Holzhauer Teresa & William Krein Jim & Donna Campion Kim & Jeff Plass Thomas & Tanya Hotalen Peter & Virginia Ambrose Sheila & Mark Krizar 8/2 8/6 8/15 8/19 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/28 8/29 Congratulations to the following graduates and their families! Natalie Alvarez: laconic Hills High School graduate and will be going to Marist College in the fall for Fashion Merchandising and Marketing. Kaitlyn R. Krein: Hudson High School graduate and will be attending SUNY Binghamton for Criminal Psychology Amara Steenburn: Albany Academy for Girls graduate. Amara received a D1 Scholarship to run track at the University of Hartford. Abigail (Abby) Weinman: Hudson High School graduate. Abby will be enjoying her summer working at the Greenport Town Park. In the fall, she will be attending Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island - her Mom, Judy's, alma mater. The Hawes' granddaughter, Kendall Ann Clites, graduated from Wellesley College on May 30th. The preceding day, Kendall's husband, Tyler, graduated from Harvard. Samuel Schoep: Columbia Greene Community College graduate and will be attending SUNY Oneonta. GO RED DRAGONS! Conor O'Neill: Columbia Green Community College graduate and will be attending SUNY Cortland. GO RED DRAGONS! Louise Bliss's granddaughter, Emily Faith Bliss, graduated from Colgate University and will be working in Washington D.C Louise Bliss's granddaughter, Rachel Sophia Bliss, graduated from Buckingham Browne and Nichols in Cambridge, MA and will be attending Union College, Schenectady Louise Bliss's granddaughter, Courtney Ann Bliss, graduated from Rutland High School and will be attending University School of Nursing in Burlington, Vermont. Dustin Kline: graduated from SUNY Albany in December 201 3 with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Timothy James Shumsky (TJ): graduated with honors from Monument Mountain High School, Great Barrington, MA. He will be attending the School of Finance at Siena College. TJ is the son of Jennifer and Timothy Shumsky and the grandson of Shirley and Stephen Shumsky. Jameson Connor: graduated from Chatham High School. He will be attending St. Michael's College in Vermont. Jameson is the son of Darcy and James Connor. Andrew Mackerer: received the LL.M (Masters Degree in Law) with Distinction for Estate Planning and Taxation from The Law School at Temple University Ellen Bury: graduated from SUNY Purchase and is working at the Kinderhook Bank. She is glad to be a graduate and not a senior. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones RDC Historical Trivia Questions PART 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How much do you know of our history? 1: PRE-1776 (Answers are at the end of this page - NO CHEATING! ) Where was the site of the RDC's first sanctuary? What was the period in RDC history between 1728 and 1756 called? Who was the silversmith who crafted our silver communion cup? Who donated the land to build the present sanctuary on? What does the number on the Rte 9H side of the sanctuary indicate? The life of the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack is long, active and rich in history - a history that is being added to every day. Each member was and is a part of this history. Have you contacted Lloyd Lawrence or Glenn Holzhauer arranging a conversation about what you remember and how you participated in this history? Have you identified any memorabilia that is a part of this history? Remember, Walter Cronkite reminded us "You were there". Look for ways you can participate in the planning of our upcoming church's tricentennial. Thank you! Glenn Holzhauer The $20 and the $1 Joke Two well worn bills arrived at the Federal Reserve Bank to be retired - a twenty and a one. As they traveled down the conveyor belt, they struck up a conversation. The twenty reminisced about the interesting life he had, traveling all over the country. "I've been to the finest restaurants, Broadway shows, Las Vegas , Atlantic City ," he said. "I even want on a Caribbean cruise. Where have you been?" "Oh," said the one dollar bill, "I've been to the Methodist church, the Episcopal church, the Lutheran church." "What's a church?" asked the twenty. RDC Historical Trivia answers: 1. Old Lane, near the Claverack Courthouse (site is uncertain) 2. "the dark ages of the church" (there was no minister) 3. Pieter de Rimer (a contemporary of Paul Revere) 4. Johnnes Van Rensselaer (descendant of Kikkian, founder of Rensselaerwyck 5. The year the sanctuary was dedicated. If you would like to submit something for The Fisherman -IT IS SO EASY-just turn it in to the church office by the 19th of August for our September Issue PRAYER CONCERNS LIST Please pray for: Virginia Ambrose Louise Bliss' family/friend... Geneva/ William Joan Brown's family...Sister, niece Campion Family friend...Robert Mike Daly's friend...Tom Dunhams' friends...Shaquanda, Rory + family Kathy Essig's loved ones Lois Gorts + family...Carol, Donald Preaching Elder John Moak's wife (Karen), sister, cousin, friend The Ryan Nivers' friends...Michelle, Chris, Ricardo O'Neills' family/friends...Fred, Aunt Addie/Pat+family Jean Orlich's friend...Mary Kitty Osterhoudt's friends...Kevin, Shawna Ostrander Family friend...Nancy Jenny Post's friends...Marie, Corrie Race Family...Aunt "Chucky" Cheryl Halleran's son/friends...Michael/ Mikey, Peter Shelley Robinson's friends...Duff + Anne Russ Holze's friend...June Schoep Family friends...Dan, Teresa, Gia, Robert, Christine Hotalens' friend...Karen Bob Ihlenburg's friend...Jesse Sue Ihlenburg's niece...Lisa Irene Kitchie...Wayne + family Pam Kline's family...Lisa, Sharon, brother-in-law Marylou Knull's father Marie ("Delores") Leicht's loved ones Jan Lynch's family/friends...Laira, Kayley Lee/Anna, Nancy+Son Ruth Manning's family...Chantal Schroeppels' family...Tara + Devin Denise Smith's friends...Mac's loved ones, Susan Jean Starkes Theisses' family/friends...Mark/ a separated family Frieda Van Deusen's nephew...Nick Wilbers' family/friends...Kevin, Deena+ husband, Claire, Drew/Jim+wife, Donna, Dru, Blake, friend's granddaughter Phyllis Mayo's friends...Kathy, Hope, Tom Kane's loved ones ...and those who are housebound or in nursing/assisted-living homes: HOME: Nelson Dickey (Virginia Ambrose's father, who is living with her) PINE HAVEN: Margaret Mac Intyre, Hazel Ormerod, P-L Schroeppel's Mom WHITTIER: Lois Gorts, Mary and Charles Hallenbeck, Richard Siter (Tammy Rigos' father), Laura Cornell (former member) July 2014 Sun Wed Tue Mon 1 Fri Thu 3 2 7 AA 8 pm DS 13 Worship 9:30 am 2ofUs-theatre group Auditions 2-4pm F 14 AA 8 pm DS 20 21 Worship 9:30 am A A 8 pm DS 27 Worship 9:30 am AA 8 pm DS C: Cemetery Rm DS: Downstairs classrooms K: Kitchen 9 Lectionary Mtg 11 am L Consistory mtg 7 pm Elders/Deacons 6:45 pm 15 Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L 16 22 23 29 Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L 10 2oflls-theatre group auditions - 7-1 Opm F Yule Booth 7pm C 11 Peer Support 9 am L 5 19 25 26 Peer Support 9 am L 24 Peer Support 9 am L Yule Booth 7pm C 31 30 Yule Booth 7pm C 12 2ofUs-theatre group auditions 10-2pm F 2ofUs - DVD party 5-1 Opm 18 17 Yule Booth 7pm C Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L Boy Scouts 7 pm F 28 F: Fellowship Hall L: Library S: Sanctuary 8 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Lectionary Mtg 11am L Search Com 7pm L 6 Worship 9:30 am Sat August 2014 Sun Mon Tue Fri Thu Wed Sat 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 L 3 Worship 9:30 am 4 A A 8 pm 10 11 Worship 9:30 am AA 8 pm 17 Worship 9:30 am A A 8pm 24 Worship 9:30 am AA 8 pm 31 5 12 19 12 26 Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L 14 Peer Support 9 am L Yule Booth 7 pm 21 20 Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L 25 Peer Support 9 am L Yule Booth 7 pm Lectionary Mtg 11 am L 18 7 6 Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L Search Com 7pm L Peer Support 9 am L Yule Booth 7 pm 28 27 Yule Booth 7 pm 29 Peer Support 0 am L 30