Community Celebration


Community Celebration
“I believe history will record this
resolution as a historic mistake. I am not
going to go along with this kind of a program,
in South Vietnam ... that in my judgment
is going to kill needlessly untold numbers
of American boys, and for nothing.”
– Senator Wayne Morse
50 years ago Oregon’s Senator Morse was one of only two Congress members out of 516 to vote
“no” on the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing the tragic escalation of the US war in Vietnam.
The catastrophic truth of Morse’s words has challenged this country for half a century. More recently,
“historic mistakes” in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost us and those countries dearly in lives, dollars
and devastation.
But something remarkable happened as momentum built toward US military action in Syria last fall:
the American people emphatically said, “NO!” We stopped another war, for now.
WE the undersigned believe: It’s up to us to make the effort to get the facts, to raise
the questions, to tell our representatives that we say “NO” to more costly wars,
and “Yes” to diplomacy, to international resolution of conflict and to humanitarian
assistance to victims of war.
Bo Adan
David Adkins
Karen Adkins
Thomas Alberti
Gordie Albie
John Alcott, MD
JoAnne Allen
Henry Alley
Leni Ament
Shelley Anderson
Vicki Anderson
Kathryn Anne
Sue Archbald
Vern Arne
John Attig
Sandra & Fred Austin
Jim Babson
Alexis Ball
Susan A. Ban
Gary Baran
Rose Marie Barber
Stephanie Lynn Barber
Steve Barnes
Sue Barnhart
Carli Renee Barnum
Marsha Barr
Peter Barron
Kate Barry
Joan Bayliss
Kerstin Beerweiler
Robert Benedict
Carol Berg-Caldwell
Angela Biancone
Fey & Glenn Biehl
Cindy Biles
Don Bishoff
Mary Beth Bishoff
Alicia Bissonnette
Marti Black
Ron Bloom
Katie Bloom
Susan Bloom
Robin Bloomgarden
Zach Bocarsly
Bart and Leah Bolger
A.P. Bollmann
Debra Bolman
Namihira Bolton
Ellen Bondurant
Ross Bondurant
Ben & Lynn Bonner
Karen Booth
Douglas Bovee
Bruce Bowers
Barbara Boye
Haint Bradley
Kristen Brandt
Dianne G. Brause
Nancy Bray
Anne Bridgman
Mary Broadhurst
Mary Broderick
Mary Brooner
Wilgen Brown
George & Melissa Brown
Barclay Browne
Jerry Brule
Ronald W. Bruton
David S. Bull
Sara Burant
Belle Burch
Bob Bussel
Ben Butler
Carl Bybee
Bill Cadbury
Remie Calalang
Jessica Campbell
Chotu B. Carlson
Robert Carolan
Roscoe Caron
Michael Carrigan
LeAnne Carter
Catherine Cascade
Kathleen Casey-Zeitz
Rob Castleberry
Vincent Ceccacci
Landon Chappell
Ron Chase
Phil Chesbro
Cynthia Childs
Sue Choppy
Beryl Clarke
Brenda Clarke
George Clarke
James Clarkson
Ben Adam Climer
Steve Coatsworth
Hugh Cochran
John Coggins
Cynthia Cohen
Angela Collas-Dean
Susan Colson
Shelley Connor
Ben Cook
Myron Cook
Justine Cooper
Shelley Corteville
Julie Cox
Austin Crabtree
Benjamin Crandall
Adair Creach
Susan & Richard Cundiff
Susan Curtin
d. maria
Mariam Daigle
Linda Danielson
Barbara Daté
Florence Daté Smith
Jill Davidson
Bruce G. Dean
Bob Decker
Charlene Decker
Cheryl Decker
Dede Decker
Julie Decker
Suzanne Denker
Lee DeVeau
B. Diamond
Jerry Diethelm
Marlene R. Drescher
Mary Meridith Drew
Pat Driscoll
David Duemler
Ruth Duemler
Skeeter Duke
Greg Edblom
David Edrington
Jain Elliott
Eugene & Barbara Emge
Lois J. Enman
John Etter
Eugene Code Pink
Eugene Mennonite Church
Eugene Raging Grannies
Solidarity Network
Martha Evans
Herb Everett
Karl Eysenbach
Frank Falch
Lynn Feekin
Irene Ferguson
Meredith Ferrell
Joyce Findley
Erik Fisher
Nancy Fitzpatrick
Jo-Anne Flanders
Bridgid Flannery
Peter Fones
Shanalea Forrest
June Fothergill
Andrea Fox
Allan Fraser
Andrea Fraser
Virginia and Robert Freeman
Jen Frenzer-Knowlton
Dan Fuehring
Ellen Gabehart
Elda Galván
Thea Gamett
Michael Gannon
Rouanna Garden
Pam Garrison
Mark Gauthier
Shirley Gauthier
Cimmeron Gillespie
Larura Gillpatrick
Kathy Gind, MA, G.R.I
Dan Goldrich
Hannah Goldrich
Margaret Gontrum
Glenn M. Gordon, M.D.
Katherine Gorham
Laurie Granger
Austin Gray
Gloria Griffith
Patricia Gripp
Marcia Hadley
Joyce T. Hainsworth
Donna Halker
Margaret Hallock
John T. Hamilton
Nancy L. Hamilton
Allen Hancock
Dick and Sue Harlan
Sue Harmon
Judy Harold
Catherine Harris
Justin Harris
Niki Harris
Sarah Harris
Pamela A. Harrison
Paul Harrison
Sylvia Hart
David Hazen
Valerie Hazen
Emily Heilbrun
Helios Resource Network
Chris Helm
Mike Helm
Ed & June Hemmingson
Joann & Stuart Henderson
Joseph Henry
Steven Hiatt
Patricia Hine
Coleen Hisey
Leonard & Phyllis Hockley
John Hofer
Madronna Holden
Gene & Virginia Holloter
Star Holmberg
Brian Holte
Paul Homan
Paul Howard
Paul V. Howard
Katherine Hunt
L. Hunt
Beth Hunt
Chuck & Katharine Hunt
Leslie Hunter
Wendy Hunter
Cathie Hurst
Loretta Huston
In Memory of Deborah Marshall
In Memory of Ed Peara
In Memory of Lois Barton
In Memory of Robert Rossi
Catherine Inocencio
Annette Jackson
James Gang
Publishing, Ltd.
Rosemary & Philip Janz
Penny Jennings
Chloe Jensen
Anita Johnson
Claire Johnson
Ellie Johnson
Molly Jones
Susan Jones
Jack & Rachel Jordan
Maurya Kaarhus
Karyn Kaplan
Bergith Kayyali
Dale Kegley
Bryce Keicher
Juliana Keiser
Kate Kelly
Ann Kelvin
Littia Kennedy
Rita Babauta Kiley
Tim Kiley
Patricia Kincaid
Nowell King
Joanie Kleban
Annie Kleinsasser
Rich Klopfer
Christa Knittle
Vicki Koch
Cat Koehn
Ruth Koenig
G.B. Koerner
Cynthia & George Kokis
Joe Kosewic
Cheris Kramarae
Dale Kramer
Eva Kronen
Judith Kubal
Aaron P. Kubat
Julie Lambert
Scott Landfield
Stephanie Larsen
Catherine Larson
Charlie & Gloria Larson
Robert F. Larson
Kate and Cama Laue
G.L. LeBlanc
Melanie Lee
Robert E. Lee
Peter LeSueur
Vicki Levine
Louie & Elleen Levy
Mark Lew
Graham Lewis & family
Cynthia Lewis-Berry
Debbie & Shlomo Libeskind
Jan Lichenstein
Sarita Lief
Helen V. Liguori
Blake Loney
Wayne Lottinville
Jane Love
Jennifer M. Love
Roman Lunsford
Jack and Ellen Maddex
Janice Marshal
Marion Malcolm
Jeanine Malito
Skye Malito
Fred Mallery
Jerry Mamlmgren
Charlotte Maloney
Dottie Maloney
Trudy Maloney
Darnell Rud Mandelblatt
David Mandelblatt
Sandra L. Mann
Dorthea Marcomb
Sabra Marcroft
Marilyn Marcus
Molly Ann Marshall
Celebrate Senator Wayne Morse!
Say No to War
Community Celebration
August 9, 4-8 pm
Morse Ranch, 595 Crest Drive, Eugene
Community Alliance of Lane County’s
Progressive Responses, Action for Peaceful Tomorrows
* To get involved: 541-485-1755
[email protected] •
Follow CALC on Facebook and Twitter
Wayne Martin
Gayle Martinez
Mariah Martinez
Barbara May
Kim Maynard
Shelley & Guy Maynard
Nancy McCollum
Evelyn McConnaughey
Collin McElroy
Decker McElroy
William & Norene McEntire
Deb McGee
Lucile McKenzie
Elaynia McNurlin
Benedict & Ellen McWhirter
Lynn Medill
Christopher & Deb Michaels
Amy Raven
Kelli J. Ray
Lauren Regan
Charmaine Rehg
Carolina Reid
Darren Reiley
Carleen Reilly
Pat Reilly
Noland Richard
Ellen Rifkin
Thastin Rikkon
Rita Riley
Juan Rivera
B.K. Robinson
Bill Rockett
Peter Rodda
Kori Rodley
David Rogers
Beth Rose
Wesley Sweitzer
Celine Swenson-Harris
Claire Syrett
Joanne Tabeb
Mike Takahashi
Stephanie Talbott
Ann Tattersall
Betty Taylor
Janet Taylor
Stan Taylor
Nadia Telsey
Sherab Tenaj
Carol Teneyck
Esther Jacobson Tepfer
Gary Tepfer
Rhianna Terrien
Cary Thompson
Paulette Thompson
Scott Miksch
Anne & Gary Millhollen
David Monk
John Monroe
Mary Sharon Moore
Loretta Morgan
Summer Morgenstern
John M. Morrell
Kendra Morrigan
Peg Morton
Jay Moseley
Zach Mullholland
Jean Murphy
Beverly & Hank Murrow
Tom Musselwhite
Ed Necker
Rosa Necker
Vickie Nelson
Marlene R. Nesary
Ken Neubeck
Carla Newbre
Joseph Newton
Marjorie Nichols
Eric Nicholson
Brianna Nicolello
Irwin Noparstak
Judy Oberdorfer
Anne E. O’Brien
Dave O’Brien
Kevin O’Brien
Laura M. Ohanian
Nicolas Ohlsen-Johnson
Abner C. Old
Beryl Oliver
Jasmine Olson
Alice V. Orsini
Stefan Ostrach
Our Islands
Conservation Center
Thomas Owens
Christine Paige
Len Paige
Kelley Pearce
Mike Pease
Susan Pease
Jasmine Penter
Scotty Perey
Dr. Charlotte Peterson
Hailey Peterson
Janet M. & Michael E. Peterson
David Ivan Piccioni
David and Kitty Piercy
Ron Pike
Shelley Pineo Jensen
Sarah Pishioneri
John Pitney
Helmut Plant
Barbara Corrado Pope
Daniel Pope
Margaret Pratt
Barbara Prentice
Louis Principe
Vincenza Principe
Christine Ratchinsky
Mari Amber Anne Rose
Michael L. Rose
Jere Rosemeyer
Rebecca Roth
Robert Roth
Aldine Rubinstein
Walker T. Ryan
Martin and Linda Sage
Rosa Sakanishi
Gabriela Saldana
Judy Sapon-Borson
Jeff Savage
Norma Sax
Vincenza Scarpaci
Diane Schechter
Rebecca Schenck
Teri Schlesinger
Wendyl Schwall
Dianne Sciacca
Lauri Sege
James and Elsie Self
Aria Seligman
Nathan Shavers
Arna Shaw
David Sherman
Linda Sherman
Ron & Mary Sherriffs
Dr. Vip Short
Nathan Showers
Mark Siemens
Lisa Sieracki
Sue Sierralupe
Bob & Georgette Silber
Sophia Singleton
Catherine Siskron
Carol Skarstad
Cord Slatton-Valle
Marie Slatton-Valle
Roz & Paul Slovic
Kim Smalley
Charley Smith, DFS
Gloria Smith
Jerry & Jane Smith
Madeline Smith
Paul Solomon
Paisley Sones
David Sonnichson
Particia Spicer
William Spicer
Jean Stacey
Bonnita Stahlberg
Ken Standhardt
Lorie Staniak
Sabena Stark
Selene Steets
Bojana Stefanovska
Betsy Steffensen
Alan Stein
Richard Stewart
Clayton Stilwell
Karen Stingle
Lotte Streisinger
Michael Sunanda
Charles Swanson
Marion Sweeney
Deborah Sweet
Roxanne Thompson
Sue Thompson
Carmelita Thomson
Tomie Timon
Dylan Tiss
Marion Toepke McLean
Arun Toke
Transition Gardens
Zero Triball
W. Henry & Beth Tucker
Mark Turner
Linda Unionworkerbee
Carmen Urbina
Carol and Donald Van Houten
Eric Van Houten
Madeline Van Houten
Neil VanSteenbergen
Veterans for Peace,
Chapter 159
Doris & Ken Viegas
Frank Vignola
Mae Vignola
Mary Lou Vignola
Athena Violetta
Mary Ellen Volansky
Josephine & Peter von Hipple
Erika Waechter
Bhavia Wagner
Patrick Wagner
Nancy G. Wallace
Aaron Walton
Helen Walton
Larry Walton
Phyllis Warner
Fr. Brent Was
Jen Wassermiller
Bob Watada
Dianne D. Watson
Ellen Weaver
Michael P. Weed
Barbara Weinstein
Kori Weinstock
Beth and Jim Weldy
Laura White
Jim Wilcox
Kathleen Wiley
Shirley Wiley
Jane Williams
Michael Williams
Casey Willits
Jan Wostmann
Pamela Wright
Zackary Wright
Thomas Ybanez
Haddri Yosef
Greg Young
Heather Young
Mo Young
Yvonne Young
Janice Zagorin
John Zatkowsky
Linda D. Zimmerman
David Zupan
•Senator Ron Wyden:
•Senator Jeff Merkley:
•Rep. Peter DeFazio:
•Congressional switchboard: 1-202-224-3121
•President Obama: 1-202 456-1111,
CALC: Educating and mobilizing for peace, human dignity and social, racial, and economic justice since 1966

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