Biometric Camp attendance System Ernakulam
Biometric Camp attendance System Ernakulam
NCC Camp Biometric Identification System Developed By ILEAP IT SOLUTIONS 1 FINGER PRINT BIOMETRIC CAMP ATTENDANCE SYSTEM Introduction 1. Biometrics is the use of individual’s physical or behavioural characteristics to uniquely identify them for authentication purposes. Physical biometrics range from fingerprints, to hand or palm geometry, retina and iris patterns, or facial characteristics. Behavioural biometrics can include things such as signature, voice, keystroke patterns, and gait. Regardless of the type of biometrics employed, the common theme is the ability to use the individual as the authentication method. Individual characteristics cannot be lost, stolen, or easily forged. 2. Fingerprint recognition identifies people by using the impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the fingertips. Finger printing takes an image of a person's fingertips and records its characteristics - whorls, arches, and loops are recorded along with patterns of ridges, furrows, and minutiae. Information is processed as an image and further encoded as a computer algorithm. 3. It is one of the most developed biometrics, with more history, research, and design. Since the information in the database is encoded with a mathematical algorithm, recreation of a fingerprint is extremely difficult on even a limited scale with most modern systems. In most cases no image of the fingerprint is actually created, only a set of data that can be used for comparison. Over the years fingerprint recognition has become one of the most widely used biometric technology. Fingerprint biometric recognition was therefore chosen for marking attendance of cadets in camp in light of the directive given by DG NCC for implementing Biometric attendance in CATCs. 4. Commercially available Standalone Fingerprint readers are not suitable for implementation due to various reasons as under:(a) Limited Fingerprint storage capacity. (b) Problem of identifying cadets of other battalions attending camp . (c) Prevention of duplicate attendance cannot be done. (d) Cannot identify cadets who skipped attendance. (e) Customised reports are not feasible. 5. To overcome the above shortcomings a customised software ‘Ileap Biometric Camp attendance system ‘ has been built which is extremely cost effective and generates reports as per NCC requirements. Sample reports generated through this application is attached as appx ‘A’. 2 Technology Powering the Ileap Biometric Camp attendance System 6. The customised software interfaces the fingerprint reader with a PC using Microsoft .net framework 4.5, SQL server 2012, c# and Microsoft sync framework and digital persona sdk. 7. Fingerprint of cadets should be captured immediately after their enrolment when they have been allotted NCC numbers. Once captured, the fingerprints of cadets belonging to different battalions sync with each other through the central server of Group website. In other words fingerprint data of all cadets of the Group is available with the battalions and therefore the cadets can be verified when attending camps in any bn. The application does not require constant internet connection except while syncing which should be done before the laptop/PC is taken to the camp. System Prerequisites 8. Minimum system requirement for the application is:(a) Windows 7 with Service pack1 (b) SQL server 2012 express edition at client and SQL server 2012 at sever (c) Microsoft sync framework 2.1 (d) .Net framework 4.5 (e) Internet Connection while Syncing (g) Intel dual core or equivalent with 4 GB Ram and 250 GB Hard disk. (h) Laptop is preferred over a desktop due to power considerations in camps. Installation of software 9. In the installation DVD inside “Fingerprint master setup” there are seven separate install folders which should be installed sequentially by the number given such as “install 1 dotnet” , “ install 2 sql” ……… “install 7 fingerprint software” as shown:- 3 10. In case the PC operating system crashes because of virus or hardware failures, reinstallation can be done as indicated above. Internet connection is required at the time of installation. Backup of databases is automatically catered for in the central server and can be restored without any data loss. Data will be restored once the application is reinstalled and synchronisation is carried out. Using the Finger print Biometric system 11. Click the Biometric fingerprint software icon . 12. The application launches as under :- 4 Initialising the software 13. Click on synchronise Main server . INTERNET CONNECTION IS REQUIRED WHEN CLICKING SYNC MAIN SERVER. Sync is a four step process and will complete with a confirmation dialogue box. Adding institution 14. Go to “ Setup” menu and click on add new institutions . Institutions have already been pre-fed , however in case any institutions are not existing they can be added. Enrolment of Cadets 15. Enrolment of cadets can commence once the fingerprint scanner has been connected to the PC, by clicking on “cadet Enrolment” menu and then Enrol Cadet as under:- 5 16. Enter cadet details in the text box given and then click scan fingerprint button. ONLY RIGHT INDEX FINGER SHOULD BE USED FOR ENROLLING. Index finger has to be lifted and placed four times before clicking save button. Please ensure that finger is placed properly and fully on the scanner window and keep the scanner window clean with a dry soft cloth . 17. Enrolment of all the cadets can be done preferably before the commencement of the camp preferably after enrolment once they have been allotted NCC numbers. Enrolling cadets is a time consuming task and should be done before the camp. 6 Modification and deleting Cadets 18. In case wrong details have been entered, it can be deleted or modified by clicking “Cadet Enrolment” menu and further submenus. DELETION OF CADETS SHOULD ALSO BE DONE AFTER 4 YEARS HAVE ELAPSED. Entering Camp Details 19. Before attendance of cadets can be marked, entering camp details is mandatory. For Setting up camp details click on “setup” menu then submenu camp details and create new camp as under:- 20. Enter details as asked in “create new camp” as under:- Clicking on save button saves the camp details and initialises the camp attendance. 7 Verification and Marking attendance 21. For marking attendance click on “verify cadet” menu. Verification can be done by selecting institution or battalion from the submenu. Selecting battalion is more convenient. 22. The cadet whose attendance is to be marked should place his/her index finger on the scanner. The software automatically recognises it. Verified Cadets are listed in the grid and should be saved when at least ten cadets have been verified by clicking save to database. Software checks for duplicate attendance also. Fingerprint recognition failure 23. In rare cases where the fingerprint has not been captured properly, it may fail to recognise the fingerprint. In such cases the cadet may have to be re-enrolled with fresh fingerprint. The scanner will also not recognise fingerprint if a cadet has not been enrolled. Camp reports 24. Various types of reports and summaries can be generated to show attendance by clicking “camp report” menu. 8 Camp queries 25. Cadets skipping attendance can be checked by comparing any two dates by clicking submenu cadets skipping attendance. Number of camps attended by a cadet can be checked by clicking submenu “camp attended by cadet”. Synchronise Main Server 26. Clicking Synchronise main server puts the software into sync with main server. It is very important that sync is done to ensure that data exchange with other battalions take place. 9 Accessing all bns Camp attendance 27. NCC Group HQs can access attendance of all bns camps through the Group website if bns have synced their data. This is an add-on feature and is provided only on request. Precautions 28. Installing Antivirus is essential to ensure integrity of the software. The scanner glass window should be kept clean at all times and fingerprint smudges can be removed by using tape. Sync the software is essential to ensure exchange of data between bns. Implementation sequence 29. Implementation sequence to be followed by all NCC bns are as under:(a) Registration of cadets in the software should commence after cadets have been allotted NCC numbers immediately after enrolment process in schools and colleges is completed. (b) Cadets can be called to the Bns or if the software has been installed in laptops it can be taken to institutions also and fingerprint registration carried out. (c) Synchronising with main server should be done as frequently as possible to ensure cadet data is available across all bns in the Group. (d) If finger print registration of all cadets has not been carried out before the commencement of a camp, alternatively only cadets who are attending the camp should be registered before the camp commences. In worst case scenario registration of cadets may be done on commencement of the camp. This however is not advisable, 10 since valuable time will be wasted in registering cadets and verification may start only after 2-3 days and it defeats the purpose of biometric identification in camps. (e) Marking attendance of cadets once a day has been found practical and should be followed by all bns. (f) It is difficult to keep tag of cadets who miss their attendance. This software has the ability to compare attendance of any two days to show the names of cadets who have skipped attendance, which can be accessed through “camp queries” menu. (g) The scanner glass window requires cleaning after fingerprint registration of 10 cadets. This can be done with the help of soft dry cloth or by sticking tape to the glass window and then peeling it off. (h) The software does not require internet connection for generating camp reports. However adding new institutions if done at camp location will require internet connection. In such cases mobile internet can be tethered to the PC for a short while. (j) Camp reports can be generated as pdf, word or excel files. (k) Installation of ANTIVIRUS is mandatory for all bns to prevent system failure. (l) Old Cadet data must be deleted after 4 yrs have elapsed. Conclusion 30. The custom built ‘Ileap Biometric fingerprint recognition system’ is the only one of its kind in NCC . Its potential can be fully tapped when enrolment of cadets is done before commencement of any camp and the hardware handled with care. Users can contact the developer Babitha Sudesan at [email protected] for any further assistance.