REGINA LEADER-POST FAST FACTS REGINA LEADER POST The Leader-Post, established in 1883, provides Saskatchewan's most complete information package with an emphasis on city events, politics, sports and agricultural issues. From its publishing plant in Regina, the newspaper is distributed across the southern third of the province from the Manitoba to Alberta provincial boundaries. MULTIPLATFORM (WEB + MOBILE) FAST FACTS 70% | index 139 Male 30% | index 60 Female Region % index BC Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic 4% 75% 12% 7% 1% 30 410 32 34 9 % index <1% 3% 25% 19% 13% 39% 1 29 161 125 80 184 Age Total Canada Audience 270,000 3 Million Unique Visitors Page Views per month per month 2-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ HHLD Income Adults 18+ in Prairies 107,000 Unique Visitors per month 1 Million Page Views per month Source: comScore Multiplatform, Total Canada, All Locations May 2015. Demo = Demo Profile May 2015 for web Based sites Note: Web Platform = desktop and laptop computers (from either at-home or at-work) $60K+ 70% Index 107 $75K+ 53% Index 100 $100K+ 24% Index 68 PRINT FAST FACTS REGINA LEADER POST Regina, Saskatchewan Adult 18+ Population: 229,000 Canada’s 18th largest market Major industries include: agriculture, oil production, steel and telecommunications § Regina is predicted to post the best employment growth in Western Canada § Projected 2016 retail sales of $6 billion (+3.8%) § § § 55% 45% Male Female Avg. Weekly Demographic Profile * 52% Age 25-54 $89,263 Avg. HHLD Income 36% University Grad 18% Sr. Manager / Professional Readership M-F (Print**) Saturday (Print**) 37% Baby Boomers 57% HHLD Income $75k+ 84% Home Owners 36% Adult with Children in household # Reach 38% 36% 68,000 66,000 Total Circulation Avg. M-F Saturday Avg. Day 107,000 59% Readers Reach per week* per week* Sources: Readership & Population: NADbank 2015 * Weekly Readers Print /PDF ** Print Readership = Print / PDF. Circulation: Alliance for Audited Media Snapshot March 2015 Conference Board of Canada, Metropolitan Outlook, Winter 2015 34,814 35,267 34,892 Average Time Spent Reading 34 MIN 42 MIN M-F Sat.
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