2.10 south eel fire planning compartment
2.10 south eel fire planning compartment
Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update 2.10 2009-2010 SOUTH EEL FIRE PLANNING COMPARTMENT Characteristic Land Area Population Cities and Communities Fire Safe Councils Public Land and Tribal Ownership Description 414 sq. miles (264,800) acres 6,817 Avenue of the Giants/Richardson Grove; Benbow; Briceland; Eel Rock; Fruitland; Garberville; Holmes; McCann; Miranda; Myers Flat; Phillipsville; Redway; Salmon Creek; Scotia; Shively; Cathey Road; Weott; Southern Humboldt Fire Safe Council Humboldt Redwoods State Park: 52,514 acres Richardson Grove State Park: 1,713 acres Benbow Lake State Recreation Area: 936 acres Tooby Memorial County Park: 4 acres Other Public Lands: 2,026 acres Compartment Description The South Eel planning compartment covers much of the developed portion of southern Humboldt County. The compartment contains the confluence of the Main and South Forks of the Eel River and surrounds the Eel River from Stafford, through Humboldt Redwoods State Park and the Avenue of the Giants, to the south boundary of Humboldt County. The planning compartment includes all of the Avenue of the Giants communities as well as Garberville, Redway, and Benbow. Vegetative cover consists primarily of timberlands and oak woodlands. The remaining vegetative cover is annual grass and other mixed shrub cover types. Local community fire planning efforts in the southern portion of this planning compartment are managed by the Southern Humboldt Fire Safe Council (SHFSC). The SHFSC is in the process of completing a local CWPP and has received grant funds for the planning and implementation of multiple fuels reduction projects within the planning compartment. The Institute for Sustainable Forestry (ISF) serves as the fiscal sponsor for the SHFSC. ISF and the SHFSC coordinate the management of GIS data associated with fire planning in their area of service and worked with County staff to incorporate project data into the countywide tracking matrix. The County will continue to work closely with the SHFSC to manage planning data and make sure new information is incorporated into any future CWPP updates. Other important partners within this compartment include the local residents, Bureau of Land Management, Cal Fire, Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Humboldt Redwood Company, Barnum Timber Company, and the Myers Flat, Fruitland Ridge, Miranda, Philipsville, Redway, Garberville, Sprowel Creek and Briceland fire departments. - 127 - Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type BEN032 Benbow Campground Standpipe on Benbow Campground Bridge (State Park) Action Needed 2010 Other Water BEN033 E.B. Ranch / East Blue Rock Rd Shaded Fuel Break on E.B. Ranch / East Blue Rock Rd - Benbow TreatMed 2010 Landscape BEN034 Ridge Road Ridge Road Fuel Break - Sprowel Creek TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN035 Oak Rock Rd Fuel Break Oak Rock Rd - Sprowel Creek TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN036 Moody Rd Fuel Break West Moody Rd - Sprowel Creek TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN037 Sprowel Creek Road Sprowel Creek Road Fuel Break at entrance TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN038 State Park Boundary with Nielsen Ranch Fuel reduction on State Park Boundary Nielsen Ranch TreatMed 2010 landscape BEN040 Twin Trees Rd Twin Trees Rd Fuel Break - Benbow TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN042 Twin Trees Rd Upper Half Twin Trees Rd Fuel Break - Benbow TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN050 Bear Pen Water Site Improve Access to Bear Pen Water Site - Benbow Action Needed 2010 BEN051 Benbow day use water drafting site BEN052 Garberville Airport Improve Access to Benbow day use water drafting site Improve / Lengthen Garberville Airport & Lights Action Needed Action Needed - 128 - 2010 2010 Other Water and access Other Water Other Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) State Parks grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association 6.38 5.24 37.00 property owner/association/me Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) mbership grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association-Cal Trans grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association BEN053 Hwy 101, Skyway Rd to Benbow Fuel Break along Hwy 101 TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN054 Pepperwood Springs Pepperwood Springs Fuel Break Sprowel Creek TreatMed 2010 Landscape BEN059 Reed Mtn Neighborhood Fuel Break along Reed Mtn Rd from 101 to end TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN060 Redrock Rd. Neighborhoods Fuel Break along Redrock Rd from 101 to end TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BEN061 East Branch Rd. Neighborhoods Fuel Break along East Branch Rd from 101 to rodeo grounds TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC125 China Creek and Blueslide Creek Neighborhoods Fuel Break along China Creek and Blueslide Rds. From Bricland Thorn Rd. up to the intersection with Blue Slide Creek TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC127 Miller Creek Rd Upper Miller Creek Rd fuel break Funded 200910 BRC128 Briceland CSD Road CSD Road Mowing Project TreatMed 2010 BRC129 Ferrin Rd Ferrin Road fuel break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC130 Ferrin / Elk Ridge Ferrin / Elk Ridge Fuel Reduction TreatMed 2010 Landscape 79.69 BRC131 Miller Creek Briceland Hills Buck Gulch fuel reduction TreatMed 2010 Landscape 68.51 - 129 - Vegetation Type grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Roadside Clearance Roadside Clearance EQIP Grant grant -CSD grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type BRC132 Blue Slide Road Homestead Nancy Noll Fuel Reduction Project Treated 200304 Defensible Space BRC134 Orlando residence Orlando fuel break - an estimated 1 acre Treated 2005 Defensible Space BRC142 Elk Ridge Elk Ridge/Road Z Shaded Fuel Break Starts at Bricland Thorn Rd. ends at Blue Rock. Treated 200608 Landscape / Roadside Clearance BRC144 Briceland CSD Property Clear around Briceland CSD Water TreatMed 2010 Defensible Space BRC145 Seely / Leggett Ridge Shaded fuel break on Seely / Leggett Ridge TreatMed 2010 Landscape BRC147 Lower Shop Road Lower Shop Road Fuel reduction TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC157 Crooked Prairie Road Neighborhoods Shaded fuel break along Crooked Prairie Road TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC158 West Fork Road West Fork Road - fuel break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC187 Seeley Creek/Elk Ridge/ Perry Meadow Neighborhoods Fuelbreak on Seeley Creek Road from Briceland Thorne to where clearing on Road Z stopped (see BRC142). TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance BRC188 Bricland Thorn Rd evacuation route Fuelbreak along Briceland Thorn Rd. from Redway to Whitethorn Junction 50 foot on each side TreatHigh 2010 Roadside Clearance - 130 - Acres Vegetation Type 1.00 25 (est.) Grassland/ Brush/ mixed Conifer/ Tanoak Maintenance (actual or proposed) Check regrowth every 3 years Check regrowth every 3 years In 2010 starting stump sprout maintenance cutting every 3 years 1.59 Funding Source (actual or possible) landowner Maintenance funded through Road association agreement grant -CSD grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Grassland/ Brush/ mixed Conifer/ Tanoak Check regrowth every 3 years grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - County Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) rds. Harlander Neighborhood Shaded fuel break on Harlander Rd. and spur along with defensible space around some homes 1.5 miles Thinning and Burning BRC191 Blueslide/Miller Creek escape route Blueslide/Miller Creek Fuelbreak Connection (mainly a stream crossing and some Roadside clearance) Important escape route BRC193 Chemise Mountain Neighborhoods GAR043 20082010 Roadside Clearance 25 TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance/ Other (Stream Crossing) 3.00 grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association 3.3 miles shaded fuel break 40 ft either side of Chemise Mountain Rd. Thinning and Burning Initiated 2010 Roadside Clearance 36 Clearinghouse grant 2010 East Side of Garberville Fuel Break on East Side of Garberville TreatHigh 2010 Landscape 43.00 GAR044 Redwood Drive Fuel Break on Redwood Drive TreatHigh 2010 Roadside Clearance GAR045 East Side of Redway Fuel Break on East Side of Redway TreatMed 2010 Landscape BRC189 - 131 - Treated Brush -Mixed Conifer/Oaks grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - County rds. grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) GAR046 Alderpoint Drive Fuel Break Along Alderpoint Drive in Brushy areas - mostly lower side TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association GAR049 Freeway South of Garberville Fuel reduction long Freeway South of Garberville to Benbow TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association GAR050 Dean Creek to Garberville on 101 Fuel Break from Dean Creek to Garberville on 101 TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association GAR052 Kimtu Fuel break around Kimtu TreatMed 2010 Landscape grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - 132 - Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) GAR053 Tooby Park Fuel break @ boundary of grassland @ Tooby Park TreatMed 2010 Landscape grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association GAR054 Old Briceland Road Fuel break along Old Briceland Road TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association GAR056 Southern Humboldt Community Park Shaded fuel break along forest edge in park (fire hazard reduction, forest health, recreation, wildlife habitat…)Thinning and Burning Treated 20052010 Landscape MIR029 Dyerville Loop Rd Neighborhoods and resources Fuel Reduction along Dyerville Loop Rd. From where it begins off of Alderpoint Rd. to where it intersects Elk Creek Rd. TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance - 133 - 36-38 grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year 2010 Type MIR030 Old Hodges Rd Neighborhoods Old Hodges Rd Fuel Reduction Treated MIR031 Phillipsville Phillipsville Loop Fuel Reduction Treated Roadside Clearance MIR032 Cathey Road Cathey Rd Access Fuel Reduction (100 yards either side) Treated Roadside Clearance MIR033 Old Hodges Rd to Fish Creek PG&E Clearance (2200 trees) fuel Reduction Treated Landscape - 134 - Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Roadside Clearance 9.70 Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) MIR034 Tsarnas Rd Fuel reduction - Tsarnas Rd PG&E Clearance Treated Roadside Clearance MIR045 Dyerville Loop Rd Neighborhoods Dyerville Loop Fuel Reduction Treated Roadside Clearance MIR046 Elk Creek Rd Neighborhoods Elk Creek Rd Fuel Reduction TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR048 Felt Rd Neighborhoods Felt Rd Fuel Reduction TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - 135 - 39.40 Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Tine fuel break TreatMed 2010 2010 Landscape MIR049 Dyerville Loop Rd & Elk Creek Rd MIR050 Miranda Neighborhoods Miranda State Park Fuel Break Buffer TreatMed MIR051 Old Hodges Rd Neighborhoods Old Hodges Rd Fuel Reduction TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance MIR052 Spring Canyon Lane Spring Canyon Lane (State Park) Fuel Reduction TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance - 136 - Roadside Clearance Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) 14.78 grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association 22.43 grant -landowner neighborhood association - State Parks grants -State parks private landowner 2.45 grants/State Parks Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance Treated 2010 Roadside Clearance Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR053 Cathey Rd Cathey Rd Fuel Reduction MIR137 Newton Road (10' clearance along road) Newton Road Fuel Reduction MIR138 Madrone Road Neighborhoods Madrone Road (Weott) Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR139 Williford Road Neighborhoods Williford Road (Weott) Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - 137 - Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) MIR140 Salmon Creek Neighborhood Salmon Creek Rd to Thomas Rd Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR141 Upper Thomas Rd Neighborhood Upper Thomas Road Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR142 Lower Thomas Rd Neighborhood Lower Thomas Road Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR143 Incline Ridge Incline Ridge Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Landscape - 138 - 75.27 grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment (Location/ Value at Risk) Number corresponds with location on map 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type MIR144 Buffer between Park and Community of Salmon Creek South Boundary Humboldt redwoods State Park / Salmon Creek Shaded Fuel Break TreatMed 2010 Landscape MIR145 Grasshopper Trail Grasshopper Trail Shaded fuel break TreatMed 2010 MIR146 Weott Neighborhoods Defensible Space in/around Myers Flat, Weott TreatMed 2010 Defensible Space grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association MIR147 Grenz Ln Neighborhoods Grenz Lane Shaded fuel break TreatMed 2010 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - 139 - Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Community, Stricture, or Area Funding Source (actual or possible) grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association Humboldt County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Plan Update Project Info Treatment Info – South Eel Fire Planning Compartment Number corresponds with location on map (Location/ Value at Risk) Community, Stricture, or Area 2009-2010 Description Status Year Type Acres Vegetation Type Maintenance (actual or proposed) Funding Source (actual or possible) PAC003 from 2N1E sec 34, SE ~14mi to 1N3E sec 27 Fire Suppression Ridges; some natural break; targeted for add't treatment TreatMed 0 Landscape grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association PAC006 01S 02E SEC 14 ~6mi East to 01S 03E sec 23 Fire Suppression Ridges; some natural break; targeted for add't treatment TreatMed 0 Landscape grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association RIO042 PL Broadcast burning and piling around Shively PL Broadcast burning and piling around Shively Treated 0 Landscape grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association RIO084 Demo Left & Stafford to Happy Valley Slash Treatment/Vegetation Management along timber roads TreatMed 0 Roadside Clearance grant -landowner neighborhood or rd. association - 140 - g er C Ya r k ee Fig. 2.10 ze Alton Carlotta r 101 Van D uze n R iv BRD091 BRD076 er RIO043 Carlotta Rio Dell Scotia 3 BR Van Duzen Park BRD038 er BRD028 BRD040 BRD067 BRD022 020 BR 86 BR 88 D0 Pepperwood 64 PAC 0 zen R iv D0 254 Shively 04 101 D0 BRD0 87 BRD BRD RIO042 Holmes D0 83 Dinsmore 66 BR 63 an Du BRD D0 BRD023 V r Stafford BR 36 BR BRD036 Grizzly Creek State Park D0 Ri ve PAC0 0 BR Ee l BRD035 36 Belleview Blue Slide Road RIO077 S ou th E el Fire Plann in g Com par tm en t 36 D0 9 0 BRD093 Du nR i ve 84 n BRD0 Va 092 094 101 RI O0 84 Eel Riv er Redcrest PA C 254 o le Matt R oa Ee l MIR143 MIR146 MIR137 d 14 MIR r McCann 5 028 Weott Ri ve 6 A LD PAC005 South Fork 00 Fruitland Ridge MIR139 T PE MIR050 el R IR 1 41 48 Ee l MIR M MIR051 MIR031 M 1 IR 045 9 Fort Seward AL 42 0 84 Redway C1 29 Briceland ALD029 4 053 e la nd -T ho rn e Rd AR BEN052 G BE Tooby Park GAR056 Tooby Memorial Memorial Park N0 61 BEN040 Br ic o ut hF or k 60 PV076 R Palo VerdePV059 PV 0 BEN038 92 C1 36 93 BR C1 N0 BE BR Sprowel Creek Richardson Richardson Grove Grove State State Park Park 0 PV075 54 54 0 PV BEN0 40 Whitethorn PV030 101 MENDOCINO COUNTY Whale Gulch Legend el 53 61 0 SC Shelter Cove E 0 PV PV034 i ver 059 t Br a nc N0 BE BEN as S BEN051 Benbow Benbow Lake State State 042 Lake BEN Recreation Recreation Area Area BEN032 h Whitethorn PV034 E 45 GAR046 Garberville 05 4 SC04 5 SC01 0 SC GAR044 R GA 25 188 30 05 BRC BRC130 Beginnings BR C1 38 C1 C1 D0 R GA BR T0 PE BR Telegraph Ridge BRC190 BR Fo r k 85 So ut h C1 127 BR BRC Rd BRC133 ge Ee C1 lR 57 iv e r BRC Rid 5 C1 4 BR BRC187 6 der ALD027 BR PET054 186 0 05 Wil 9 SC03 COUNTY 02 r Alderpoint Ettersburg HUMBOLDT IR ALD036 Ri ve 05 40 PE T PET06 3 Map Location M 101 42 6 on Area ion MIR0 Salmon Creek T PE 03 0 PET T PE nal Blocksburg rk E 03 iver R1 MI 40 51 PET051 32 03 3 ALD035 R0 MI ole R Eel Rock LD MIR032 254 Honeydew ange Fo Myers Flat PE T Matt A MIR034 h 7 PET03 3 So u t MIR144 46 053 PET047 0 MIR i ver MIR049 MIR Honeydew 0 PET State State Park Park 0 05 Humboldt Humboldt Redwoods Redwoods 06 T PE 7Honeydew Six Six Ri R National Nationa Sequoia 1 2 4 RF 6 1:181,933 8 10 Miles Fire Planning Compartments Hospitals and Clinics Airports Infrastructure Cities Hospital/Medical Center Community Identified Projects Community Planning Area Commercial Airport Power Plant Red Cross Public Lands Proposed Project Airport Regulator Station Lookout, Lights, Radio Highways and Roads Treated Project Gauging Station Landing Strip HWY 101 Lookout Water Treatment Proposed Project State HWY Air Attack Base Water Tank or Source Light;Lighthouse Treated Project HWY or Secondary Road Pumping Station Emergency Response Local Road or Street Helitack Radio;Beacon Wastewater Treatment Hydrography Local Fire Station Historic Locations School CDF Fire Station Major River or Stream Helicopter Landing Six Rivers Fire Station Perennial Stream Intermittent Stream Local Fire Response, land ownership, and infrastructure data has been compiled by HCCDS. RAMS Planning Compartments were compiled by RNB. This map is intended for planning purposes and should not be used for precise measurement or navigation. Map compiled by Humboldt County Community Development Services (HCCDS), June 2010. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] So u Fig. 2.10.1 Redway / Gar berville Detail BR C1 BRC187 45 A G R 05 0 BR C1 101 88 AR G 04 5 GAR044 G A R 04 6 Redway R GA 043 Garberville GA R 05 4 Tooby ToobyMemorial MemorialPark Park 05 2 053 GA R 053 GAR056 BEN R GA GAR04 9 BEN052 N0 BE 61 as E Benbow BEN051 BEN032 101 BE N0 33 0 BEN042 BEN06 Benbow Benbow Lake Lake State State Recreation Recreation Area Area tB BEN050 40 N0 BE N0 BE 59 0 Legend Map Location HUMBOLDT COUNTY 0.25 0.5 1 RF 1:36,000 1.5 2 2.5 Miles Richardson Richardson Gr G State State Park Park Fire Planning Compartments Hospitals and Clinics Airports Infrastructure Cities Hospital/Medical Center Community Identified Projects Community Planning Area Commercial Airport Power Plant Red Cross Public Lands Proposed Project Airport Regulator Station Lookout, Lights, Radio Highways and Roads Treated Project Gauging Station Landing Strip HWY 101 Lookout Water Treatment Proposed Project State HWY Air Attack Base Water Tank or Source Light;Lighthouse Treated Project HWY or Secondary Road Pumping Station Emergency Response Local Road or Street Helitack Radio;Beacon Wastewater Treatment Hydrography Local Fire Station Historic Locations School CDF Fire Station Major River or Stream Helicopter Landing Six Rivers Fire Station Perennial Stream Intermittent Stream Local Fire Response, land ownership, and infrastructure data has been compiled by HCCDS. RAMS Planning Compartments were compiled by RNB. This map is intended for planning purposes and should not be used for precise measurement or navigation. Map compiled by Humboldt County Community Development Services (HCCDS), June 2010. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
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