Tutorial COMPACT
Tutorial COMPACT
PERIPHERAL REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA Tutorial COMPACT dition nded E a p x E 2nd Mehrkens H.-H., Geiger P., Winckelmann J. Department of Anesthesiology/Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital and University Clinic Preface After so many of our colleagues have expressed the wish for a pocket edition of our Peripheral Regional Anesthesia Tutorial published by the Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital (RKU), we have now complied by offering this compact version. The fundamentals contained in this condensed guide still grow from the now almost 20 years of clinical and practical experience gained in our hospital. This book differs from Prof. H.-H. Mehrkens, M.D. the previous, more comprehensive Director, Dept. of Anesthesiology/ Tutorial Script in that it includes many Intensive Care Medicine new developments and supplemental information. These shall be incorporated into the next edition of the tutorial script and its coming Internet version. It is here that I would like to extend my very special thanks to the managing Senior Physician of our Department, Dr. Peter Geiger. Without his tireless assistance, the production of the compact version of this pocket tutorial would not have been possible. Additional thanks go to B. Braun Melsungen, whose continuing technical and financial support have been invaluable for the completion of this work. Ulm, June 2004 Prof. H.-H. Mehrkens, M.D. Preface to the 2nd Expanded Edition Now, five years after the first pocket edition of the “Peripheral Regional Anesthesia Tutorial” appeared, the time is right to pay tribute to the rapid-paced developments taking place in this field of medicine. In doing so, we have made special efforts to include ultrasoundguided nerve block techniques whenever we felt it was sensible. Certainly, P. M. Geiger, M.D. our daily routine has become unimagiMedical Director, Department of nable without visualization of the nerves Anesthesiology/Intensive Care we want to block. At the same time, we Medicine and Pain Therapy believe that nerve stimulation and ultrasonographic visualization are not competing methods. Indeed, seeing as not every block is equally suited for one or the other of the two, a command of both is required. In many cases, combining ultrasound with nerve stimulation yields major advantages. Nerve blocks guided by ultrasound thrive on visual dynamics. For that reason, we have intentionally refrained from using static pictures of needle positions or of the local anaesthetic’s spread around the target structures. Instead, this booklet has placed particular emphasis on the “ultrasonographic normal situs” at typical puncture sites, which should assist the reader in identifying key structures. Motion images shall be made available on an updated Tutorial DVD soon. 2 It is here that I would like to extend my special thanks to Prof. H.-H. Mehrkens, MD, my predecessor and the initiator of the “Tutorial Series”, who regularly takes time off from his retirement to lend us his valuable advice. My managing senior physician, Dr. Jörg Winckelmann, also deserves great recognition for his untiring commitment to the production of this new edition. Not least, I would like to thank B. Braun Melsungen AG: without the company’s support, this project would not have been possible. We authors hope that this current pocket-sized version will be used effectively and we are equally looking forward, as in the past, to its readers’ critiques and constructive suggestions on the Internet Forum www.nerveblocks.net. Ulm, August 2009 P. M. Geiger, MD 3 Contents General Nerve stimulation ..................................................... 4 Transcutane nerve stimulation ................................ 8 Sonography ............................................................ 10 Drugs ....................................................................... 13 Anatomy: Diagram of the brachial plexus ............ 14 Anatomy: Diagram of the lumbosacral plexus ..... 15 Continuing education materials ............................. 94 Upper extremity Anterior interscalene nerve block ......................... 18 Posterior interscalene nerve block ........................ 24 Supraclavicular brachial block ............................... 28 Infraclavicular block ............................................... 30 Axillary nerve block ............................................... 36 Suprascapular nerve block .................................... 42 4 Lower extremity Psoas compartment block .................................... 46 Femoral nerve block ............................................. 50 Saphenous nerve block ........................................ 56 Obturator nerve block ........................................... 62 Parasacral sciatic nerve block .............................. 68 Transgluteal sciatic nerve block ........................... 72 Anterior sciatic nerve block .................................. 76 Subtrochanteric sciatic nerve block ..................... 80 Lateral distal sciatic nerve block ........................... 84 Popliteal sciatic nerve block .................................. 90 5 Nerve stimulation Nerve stimulator • Currentrangefrom1.0–0.1mA • Pulseduration0.1ms(mixednerve) 1.0 ms (sensory nerve) • Constantsquarewavepulseoverawideimpedancerange e.g. Stimuplex® HNS 11 and Stimuplex® HNS 12 (B. Braun Melsungen AG) Single shot technique • Unipolarneedlesofvaryinglength e.g., Stimuplex® D or Stimuplex® D Plus for ultrasoundguided nerve blocks (B. Braun Melsungen AG) Catheter technique • Unipolarneedlesinaplasticintroducerofvaryinglengths e.g.: Contiplex® D Sets with a flexible and non-wired catheter or Contiplex® S (B. Braun Melsungen AG) 6 Equipment ® Stimuplex HNS 12 ® (B. Braun Melsungen AG) ® Stimuplex D / Stimuplex D Plus (B. Braun Melsungen AG) ® Contiplex D (B. Braun Melsungen AG) ® ® Contiplex Tuohy, Contiplex S (B. Braun Melsungen AG) 7 Transdermal nerve stimulation Stimulation and injection technique 1. Initial current 1.0 mA 2. Pulse duration 0.1 ms (mixed nerve) or use the SENS mode setting on the stimulator 3.Thresholdcurrent0.3–0.2mA 4.Aspirationtest5–10mlLAinjectedslowly 5. Increase to 1.0 mA initial current No stimulatory response Recurring stimulatory response: may indicate (partial) intravascular needle position. Attempt careful aspiration, perform reinjection slowly with constant verbal monitoring. 6. Administration of remaining LA 1.0 mA 7. Catheter placement after primary LA administration Upper extremity: Approx. 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath Lower extremity: Approx. 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath 8. Catheter aspiration test 8 Technique Stimuplex® Pen / Stimuplex® Guide The Stimuplex Pen can be used together with the nerve stimulator to locate nerves transdermally and to trigger the corresponding motor response. PEG (Percutaneous Electrode Guidance) The Stimuplex® Guide first induces percutaneous stimulation with the sterile needle and then the actual nerve block. Areas of application •Forprimaryorientationbeforeblockinganerve •Todemonstratespecificstimulatoryresponses(for training purposes) Block technique •Prerequisite:superficiallocationofthenerves •Changethesettingsonthenervestimulatorto: Pulseduration1.0ms,baselineamplitude2.5–3.0mA, •Goodconductivityofthepentip(electrodegel,water) •Continuousimpedancedisplay(HNS12)canbehelpfulas an indirect measure of “unimpeded” current flow 9 Sonography General prerequisites • Knowledgeof(incisional)anatomy • Proper material (ultrasound imager, needles, local anaesthetics) • Routine application (to train hand-eye coordination) Insertion techniques Insertion Advantages Disadvantages Transverse to ultrasound Usually short distance Difficult to visualise plane (so called „short axis“) to target (nerve/plexus) needle tip In-plane with ultrasound beam (so called „log axis“) Needle and target area fully visualised Distance to the target is often long Practical procedural tips • Createergonomiccircumstances(patient,puncturing physician, ultrasound imager) • Performa“trialsonography”fororientation • Sterileprepinsertionsiteandtransducer • Advancetheinsertionneedleintotargetareaanddeliver local anaesthetic • Correctneedlepositionandinjectmorelocalanaesthetic as needed 10 Technique Short axis (out-of-plane technique) Long axis (in-plane technique) 11 Equipment Stimuplex® D Plus (B. Braun Melsungen AG) conventional needle shaft ® Stimuplex D Plus (new echogenic needle shaft) Ultrasound imager requirements (e.g. GE Venue 40) • Compactandrobust • Easytooperate • Quicklyreadyand mobile (boot time etc.) • Suitablehigh-frequency transducer(7–12MHz) Stimuplex® Needle Guide (B. Braun Melsungen AG) 12 Drugs Drugs Conventional, medium-acting local anesthetics (LA) like • prilocaine • mepivacaine and long-acting ones like • ropivacaine • bupivacaine. For anesthesia, we prefer a combination of • prilocaine1%(20–40ml)andropivacaine0.5–0.75% (10–20ml). This combination has the advantage that a LA with comparably low toxicity is given primarily and inadvertent intravascular injections mostly occur during the prodromal stage. Subsequently, a long-acting LA is administered to achieve a blockade of sufficient duration. Foranalgesia,0.2%ropivacaineisgenerallyadministered. The preferred mode of delivery is through a PCA pump equipped with basal rate and bolus settings or by continuous infusion through the nerve catheter. Intermittant bolus injections are rarely used. 13 Intoxication Local anesthetic-induced systemic intoxication CARDIOCIRCULATORY Asystolia 14 Degree of intoxication CEREBRAL Seizure Bradycardia Extrasystoles Hypotension Confusion Dizziness Tinnitus Metallic taste Hypertension Tachycardia Mentally “abnormal” Drugs 15 Brachial plexus Anatomy 1 2 3 5 A 6 B C D E F 12 14 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F Upper trunk Middle trunk Lower trunk Lateral cord Posterior cord Medial cord 1 2 3 4 Dorsal scapular nerve. Suprascapular nerve Subclavian nerve Pectoral nerves 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 Musculocutaneus nerve Axillary nerve Radial nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve Medial brachial cutaneous nerve Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Long thoracic nerve Subscapular nerve Axillary artery Thoracodorsal nerve Lumbosacral plexus Anatomy 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 2 Femoral nerve 3 Genitofemoral nerve 4 Sciatic nerve 5 Obturator nerve 6 Pudendal nerve 17 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Meier Indications • Operativeproceduresontheshoulder,proximalupper arm and lateral clavicle • Analgesia Contraindications • Contralateralphrenicandrecurrentparesis Side effects / complications • Horner´ssyndrome • Phrenicparesis • Recurrentparesis • Vesselpuncture(externaljugularvein) Anatomical landmarks • Sternocleidomastoidmuscle • Superiorthyroidnotch • Scalenusgap • VIB(verticalinfraclavicularblockade)point 1 Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 2 Thyroid notch, 3 Puncture site 18 Anterior interscalene nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 3 2 19 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient lies supine, head turned slightly to contralateral side, shoulder and arm positioned comfortably. Puncture site: Posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level ofthethyroidnotch(1.5–2cmabovethecricoid).Insertion direction tangential to the course of the plexus in the direction of the VIB point or anterior axillary line. Puncturedepth:2–4cm. Positive stimulatory response from the upper trunk (lateral cord): biceps and/or brachial muscle. Dosage 20–40mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter max. 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 20 Anterior interscalene nerve block ? What to do when ...? Stimulation of the axillary nerve (deltoid muscle) or radial nerve (triceps muscle) occurs: Leave the needle in place u Administer LA. Stimulation of the suprascapular nerve (levator scapulae muscle) occurs: The insertion direction is too lateral and dorsal u Retract the needle, advance it markedly more to the ventral and somewhat more medial. Stimulation of the phrenic nerve (unilateral singultus) occurs: The insertion direction is too ventral and medial u Retract the needle, advance it slightly more to the lateral and dorsal. Blood is aspirated: Retract the needle, check direction of puncture u Readvance needle. ! Potential errors and hazards Always avoid a medial direction of puncture: • Riskofpuncturinglargevessels(carotidand vertebral arteries, internal jugular vein). • Riskofintrathecalinjection=highspinal! (Most suitable and reliable stimulatory response: bicepsand/orbrachialmuscle=mostlateral part of plexus [C5]) 21 Sonography Nerve block technique Short axis is preferable (catheter placement), long axis possible for Single shot Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Sternocleidomastoid muscle - Scalenus anterior and scalenus medius muscles - Nerve roots of the brachial plexus Blockade objective: Infiltrateatleastthesuperiorroots(C5–C7)withlocalanaesthetic. As a general rule, 15 - 20 ml will suffice. Practical tip: The ideal insertion site is most successfully located by tilting the transducer from the supraclavicular to the interscalene position, following the plexus fibres. 22 Anterior interscalene nerve block lateral medial Sonoanatomic landmarks 23 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Pippa Indications • Operativeproceduresontheshoulder,proximalupper arm and lateral clavicle • Analgesia Contraindications • Contralateralphrenicandrecurrentparesis Side effects / complications • Horner´ssyndrome • Phrenicparesis • Recurrentparesis • Vesselpuncture Anatomical landmarks • SpinousprocessC7(vertebraprominens) • SpinousprocessC6 • Cricoid • Sternocleidomastoidmuscle 1 C6, 2 C7, 3 Puncture site 24 Posterior interscalene nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 3 2 25 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique Patient is in axially aligned recumbent position (or seated); the cervical spine is flexed backwards; shoulder and arm are relaxed. Puncture site: 3 cm midline between the two spinous processes C6 and C7, Insertiondirection5–10°tothelateral,aimedattheheightof the cricoid. Puncturedepth:6–8cm,dependingonthedistancebetween puncture site and posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. A promising stimulatory response elicited from the upper trunk (lateral sheath): biceps muscle and/or brachial muscle and/or deltoid muscle. Dosage 30–50mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,80–100mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,80–110mm Advance the soft plastic catheter max. 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 26 Posterior interscalene nerve block ? What to do when ...? Stimulation of the axillary nerve (deltoid muscle) or radial nerve (triceps muscle) occurs: Leave needle in situ u Inject a slow, fractionated dose of local anaesthetic. Stimulation of the suprascapular nerve (levator scapulae muscle) occurs: Insertion direction too lateral u Retract the needle, advance it slightly to the medial and slightly deeper. Stimulation of the phrenic nerve (unilateral singultus) occurs: Insertion direction too deep and too medial uRetract the needle, advance it more to the lateral and less deep. ! Blood is aspirated: retract the needle, check puncture direction uReadvance the needle. Potential errors and hazards Always avoid a medial insertion direction: • Riskofpuncturingthevertebralartery. • Riskofintrathecalinjection=highspinal! (Most suitable and reliable stimulatory response: bicepsand/orbrachialmuscle=mostlateral part of plexus [C5]) 27 Sonography Preliminary note: The supraclavicular plexus block is a classic indication for the use of ultrasound guidance since it can reliably depict delicate structures like the subclavian artery and the pleura, in particular. Or, stated the other way around: Do not perform supraclavicular blocks without ultrasound. Nerve block technique: Long (single-shot technique) and short axis (catheter technique) possible Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Anterior scalene and middle scalene muscles - Subclavian artery - First rib - Pleura Blockade objective: To infiltrate all parts of the plexus (here: trunks) with local anaesthetic. 28 Supraclavicular brachial block lateral medial Sonoanatomic landmarks 29 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Kilka, Geiger, Mehrkens Indications • Operativeproceduresonthedistalupperarm,forearm and hand • Analgesia Contraindications • Chestdeformities • Healed,butdislocated(shortened)fractureoftheclavicle Side effects / complications • Horner´ssyndrome • Phrenicparesis • Vesselpuncture(cephalicvein,subclavianarteryandvein) • Pneumothorax Anatomical landmarks • Suprasternalnotch • Lateraledgeoftheacromion • Infraclavicularfossa 1 Lateral edge of acromion, 2 Suprasternal notch, 3 Infraclavicular fossa, 4 Puncture site 30 Infraclavicular block Anatomical landmarks 3 1 4 2 31 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine, with his hand relaxed on abdomen. Puncture site: Half the distance between the jugular fossa and the ventral end of the acromion – directly underneath the clavicle. (The medial edge of Mohrenheim’s fossa is used to confirm the insertion site). Insertion direction must be absolutely perpendicular to the supporting surface (operating table). Puncturedepth:2–4cm. Positive stimulatory response from the posterior cord: ExtensororflexormuscleD1–3(=radialormediannerve). Dosage 30–50mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter max. 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 32 Infraclavicular block ? What to do when ...? Lateral landmarks (ventral apophysis of acromion) cannot be found: Palpation of the clavicle from medial to lateral leads to the acromioclavicular joint u The lateral edge of the acromion is located ventral and lateral. Palpation of the crest of the scapula from dorsal to lateroventral leads to the acromion and stops at the correct site. Stimulation of the musculocutaneous nerve (biceps muscle = lateral cord) occurs: Puncture is too medial and superficial u Retract the needle, shiftitsubcutaneouslytothelateral(0.3–0.5 cm)andthenadvanceitperpendicularly(!)approx.0.5–1cmdeeperthanbefore. ! Blood is aspirated: Puncture site is too medial or too far away from the lower clavicular edge u Retract the needle, check lateral landmarks (ventral apophysis of the acromion) and readvance the needle. Potential errors and hazards • Puncturetoomedial(establishalaterallandmark as described above). • Punctureisnotperformedinaperpendicular direction. • Puncturedepthorientation:estimateddistance between surface and palpable lower clavicular margin + 1 cm (Beware > 4 cm in persons with asthenic physiques). 33 Sonography Preliminary note: As a general rule, ultrasound visualization of the infraclavicular cords is less pronounced than of the supraclavicular. It may sometimes be helpful to extend the arm. Nerve block technique: Short and long axis possible Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Subclavian artery and vein - Pectoralis major and minor muscles - Pleura Blockade objective: To infiltrate all cords with local anaesthetic 34 Infraclavicular block caudal cranial Sonoanatomic landmarks 35 Nerve stimulation Approach according to de Jong Indications • Operativeproceduresontheelbow,forearmandhand • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Haematomaiftheradialarteryisinjured Anatomical landmarks • Axillaryartery • Coracobrachialismuscle • Medialbicipitalgroove • Pectoralismajorandminormuscles = Puncture site 36 Axillary blockade Anatomical landmarks 37 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique With the patient supine, the shoulder joint is abducted 90°, elbowjointextended90°. Puncture site: Slightly above the axillary artery in the gap between artery and coracobrachialis muscle, at the highest point in the axilla and slightly beneath the pectoralis major muscle. Inserttheneedleapprox.30°paralleltotheaxillaryartery,taking a very superficial course. Puncturedepth:1–3cm. A promising stimulatory response elicited from the median nerve or, rather, from the radial nerve: flexor digitorum muscles / extensor digitorum muscles. Dosage 30–50mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter 5 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 38 Axillary blockade ? What to do when ...? There is no stimulatory response: The puncture has probably gone too deep u Retract the needle and advance at a flatter (more tangential) angle, watching out for any “fascial click“. Stimulation of the musculocutaneous nerve: The needle is not positioned within the neurovascular sheathu Retract the needle, advance it less deep and more tangential to the artery. ! Potential errors and hazards • Puncturetoodeep. • Difficultiesidentifyingtheaxillaryartery. 39 Sonography Nerve block technique: Short axis is preferable Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Axillary artery and vein - Triceps brachii muscle Blockade objective: To infiltrate all four main nerves of the brachial plexus with local anaesthetic 40 Axillary blockade caudal cranial Sonoanatomic landmarks 41 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Meier Indications • Frozenshoulder(forpainmanagementandmobilization therapy) • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Noparticular Anatomical landmarks • Spineofscapula 1 Lateral end of the spine of scapula, 2 Medial end of the spine of scapula, 3 Puncture site 42 Suprascapular nerve block Anatomical landmarks 3 1 2 43 Nerve stimulation The patient is seated, hand on their contralateral shoulder. 1–2cmcranialandmedialtothemid-spine.Insertiondirection approx. 45° caudad and lateral towards the humerus head. Puncturedepth:3–5cm. Positive stimulatory response: supraspinatus or infraspinatus muscles. Dosage 10–20mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 44 Suprascapular nerve block ? What to do when ...? There is no stimulation response: Try to find the floor of the supraspinous fossa or retract the needle and advance it at a flatter angle towards the humerus head. Note two important aspects: 1. A muscular stimulatory response is not imperative to achieve blockade. 2. The suprascapular nerve is not involved in the(sensory)skinsupplyoftheshoulder! ! Potential errors and hazards • Punctureismadetoodeepandsteep. 45 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Chayen Indications • Operativeproceduresinthelumbarplexussupplyarea • Incombinationwithproximalsciaticnerveblockforcomplicated operations on the whole leg distal to the hip (total knee arthroplasty, cruciate ligament replacement ...) • Analgesia Contraindications • Extremehyperlordosis(relative) • Coagulationdisorders Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(paravertebralveins) • Disseminationsimilartoepiduralanesthesia(contralateral) • High(total)spinalanesthesia Anatomical landmarks • Posteriorsuperioriliacspine • Iliaccrest • SpinousprocessL4 • CostalprocessL5 1 Iliac crest, 2 Posterior superior iliac spine, 3 Spinous process L 4, 4 Puncture site 46 Psoas compartment block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 4 3 47 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is in the lateral recumbent position (or seated), the cervical spine is flexed backwards. Puncture site: 3 cm caudad and 4 cm paramedian to the spinous process of L4. Sagittal insertion direction; upon contact with the transverse process of L5, retract needle slightly, correct downward and advance over the transverse process (2 cm). Alternatively: Divide the connecting line between the spinous process of L4 and the posterior superior iliac spine in thirds; insert the needle at the transition from the medial to lateral third. Puncturedepth:6–10cm. Positive stimulatory response from the femoral nerve: quadriceps muscle (usually the vastus lateralis muscle). Puncture is also possible at the level of the transverse process L4; now advance the caudad aligned needle under the transverse process. Dosage 30–50mlLA,testdose5ml Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,80–120mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,80–110mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 48 Psoas compartment block ? What to do when ...? Stimulation of the obturator nerve (contraction of the adductor group) occurs: Puncture direction is too medial uRetract the needle, then lateralize it somewhat. Stimulation of the fourth lumbar nerve (= lumbosacral trunk, contractions in the peroneal group) occurs: Puncture direction is much too medial u Retract the needle; advance it markedly in the lateral direction. No transverse process contact and no stimulatory response is achieved: Puncture site and/or direction may be too lateral u Check the distance between puncture site and midline (max. 4 cm), and, if needed, adjust the puncture direction to the patient‘s position. Adequate stimulatory response may also be possible without prior transverse processcontact! ! Potential errors and hazards Always avoid a medial puncture direction (towards the spinal column)! • Riskofepiduralorevenintrathecaldissemination of the LA. Perform a test dose. 49 Nerve stimulation Femoral nerve block Indications • Operativeproceduresinareassupplyingthefemoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves • Incombinationwithproximalsciaticnerveblock,operative procedures on the whole leg (from distal thigh to foot) • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(ofthefemoralveinorartery) Anatomical landmarks • Groin • Femoralartery • Anteriorsuperioriliacspine • Pubictubercle • Inguinalligament 1 Anterior superior iliac spine, 2 Pubic tubercle, 3 Puncture site 50 Femoral nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 3 51 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient lies on his back, his leg loosely abducted and turned to the outside. Puncture site: 2cmcaudadtothegroin,1–2cmlateraltothefemoralartery.Puncturedirection:30–45°cranialparalleltotheartery. Puncturedepth:2–4cm. Positive stimulatory response from the femoral nerve: Rectus muscle of the thigh (“dancing patella“). Dosage 20–40mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 52 Femoral nerve block ? What to do when ...? Stimulation of the sartorius muscle (medial contraction) occurs: Puncture direction usually too medial u Retract the needle, and shift it slightly to the lateral. Direct stimulation of the sartorius muscle (rare): Puncture direction is usually too lateral u Shift the needle slightly to the medial. Femoral artery puncture: Retract the needle u Shift puncture direction to the lateral. ! Potential errors and hazards • LA injection in the case of sartorius muscle stimulation. 53 Sonography Nerve block technique Both long and short axis insertion is possible Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Femoral artery and vein - Iliac fascia - Iliopsoas muscle Blockade objective: To infiltrate the entire femoral nerve with local anaesthetic 54 Femoral nerve block medial lateral Sonoanatomic landmarks 55 Nerve stimulation Saphenous nerve block Indications • Operativeproceduresintheareasupplyingthesaphenous nerve • Incombinationwithdistalsciaticnerveblockforoperations on the whole lower leg and foot • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Noparticular Anatomical landmarks • Patellarcrest • Sartoriusmuscle • Vastusmedialismuscle = Puncture site 56 Saphenous nerve block Anatomical landmarks 57 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine on his back, with the extended leg in a neutral position, rotated slightly outwardly. Puncture site: Approx.2–4cmcranialandmedialtothesuperioredgeof the patella. Insert needle perpendicularly into the palpable space between the sartorius muscle and the vastus medialis muscle. Insert the needle perpendicular through the muscle up to the subsartorial fatty tissue. Puncturedepth:3–5cm. Electrical paresthesias at the medial calf at a pulse duration of 1.0 ms and/or a motor response from the muscular branches of the sartorius muscle are promising responses. Dosage 10–15mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,50–80mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,55–80mm Advance the soft plastic catheter 3 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 58 Saphenous nerve block ? What to do when ...? Motor stimulatory response from the sartorius muscle is a promising response: u Inject local anaesthetic Patient is uncooperative: Femoral nerve block (as described above) with reduced LA volume (20 ml). Alternative technique: Subcutaneous infiltration below the medial knee joint from the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle to the tibialtuberosity(10–15mlLA). ! Potential errors and hazards • Noparticular. 59 Sonography Nerve block technique: Long axis (single-shot) is preferable Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Sartorius muscle Blockade objective: Infiltrate the saphenous nerve with local anaesthetic 60 Saphenous nerve block caudal cranial Sonoanatomic landmarks 61 Nerve stimulation Obturator nerve block Indications • Suppressionoftheadductorreflexfortransurethral lateral bladder wall resection • Treatmentofadductorspasm • Adjuncttofemoralnerveblocksforpostoperative medial knee joint pain • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(obturatorarteryorvein) Anatomical landmarks • Originoftheadductorlongusmuscle • Pubictubercle • Femoralartery • Anteriorsuperioriliacspine 1 Adductor longus muscle, 2 Puncture site 62 Obturator nerve block Anatomical landmarks 2 1 63 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine on his back, his leg is rotated outwardly and abducted. Puncture site: 5 – 10 cm beneath the pubic tubercle directly lateral to the tendon origin of the adductor longus muscle. Puncture direction approx. 45° craniolateral pointing towards the anterior superior iliac spine. Puncturedepth:4–6cm. Positive stimulatory response from adductor group. Dosage 10–15mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 80 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 80 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 64 Obturator nerve block ? What to do when ...? Persistent adductor spasm despite (proper) obturator nerve block occurs: Perform an additional femoral nerve block, which will block any accessory obturator nerve that runs together with femoral nerve. Note: The adductor reflex for transurethral lateral bladder wall can only be reliably suppressed by a separate obturator nerve block (not by a femoralnerveblocknorspinalanesthesia!). ! Potential errors and hazards • Noparticular. 65 Sonography Nerve block technique: Long axis is preferable Sonoanatomic landmarks: - Femoral artery and vein - Pectineus muscle - Adductor muscles (longus and brevis) Blockade objective: Infiltrate the anterior and posterior branch of the obturator nerve 66 Obturator nerve block medial lateral Sonoanatomic landmarks 67 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Mansour Indications • Operativeproceduresinareassupplyingthesciatic nerve • Incombinationwithpsoascompartmentblock/femoral nerve block for operations on the whole leg • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(inferiorglutealartery) Anatomical landmarks • Posteriorsuperioriliacspine • Ischialtuberosity 1 Greater trochanter, 2 Posterior superior iliac spine, 3 Ischial tuberosity, 4 Puncture site 68 Parasacral sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 3 4 69 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is placed in the lateral recumbent position, hip flexed 45°, knee flexed 70°, or both knees against the abdomen (favorable when combined with a psoas compartment block). Puncture site: Approx.5–6cmcaudadtotheposteriorsuperioriliacspine along the connecting line to the ischial tuberosity. Insertion direction20–30°caudadtomidlinebetweenischialtuberosity and greater trochanter. Puncturedepth:6–8cm. Promising stimulatory response from the tibial and peroneal nerves: Extensors and/or flexors of feet/toes, ischiocrural muscle group Dosage 20–30mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,80–120mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,80–110mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 70 Parasacral sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? Bone contact occurs: Shift puncture site further caudad or puncture direction more caudad. No stimulatory response is elicited: Shift puncture direction more caudad and lateral. ! Potential errors and hazards • LAinjectionuponstimulatoryresponsefrom the gluteal muscles. 71 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Labat Indications • Operativeproceduresinareassupplyingthesciatic nerve • Incombinationwithpsoascompartmentblock/femoral nerve block for operations on the whole leg • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(inferiorglutealartery) Anatomical landmarks • Posteriorsuperioriliacspine • Greatertrochanter • Sacralhiatus 1 Greater trochanter, 2 Posterior superior iliac spine, 3 Ischial tuberosity, 4 Sacral hiatus, 5 Puncture site 72 Transgluteal sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 5 3 4 73 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is placed in the lateral recumbent position; hip flexed45°,kneeflexed70°(“stablerecumbentposition“). Puncture site: 4–5cmmediocaudalonthemid-perpendicularlinesbetween greater trochanter and posterior superior iliac spine; connecting line between the greater trochanter and sacral hiatus intersects the insertion point at the mid-perpendicular line. Insertion direction perpendicular to the surface. Puncturedepth:5–8cm. Promising stimulatory response from the tibial and peroneal nerves: Extensors and/or flexors of feet/toes, ischiocrural muscle group Dosage 20–30mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,80–100mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,80–110mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 74 Transgluteal sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? Contractions of the gluteus maximus muscle (= direct muscular stimulation or stimulation of the muscular branches of the gluteal muscle): Continue to advance the needle until the typical response is elicited. Bone contact, no stimulatory response: Correct insertion direction to midline between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity. ! Potential errors and hazards • LAinjectionuponstimulatoryresponse from the gluteal muscles. 75 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Meier Indications • Operativeproceduresintheareasupplyingofthesciatic nerve • Incombinationwithpsoascompartmentblock/femoral nerve block for operations on the whole leg • Analgesia Contraindications • Noparticular Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(femoralarteryandvein,inferiorgluteal artery and vein) • Neuralinjury(femoralnerve) Anatomical landmarks • Anteriorsuperioriliacspine • Pubicsymphysis • Greatertrochanter • Compartmentbetweensartoriusandrectusfemorismuscles. 1 Anterior superior iliac spine, 2 Pubic symphysis, 3 Greater trochanter, 4 Puncture site 76 Anterior sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 3 4 77 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine on his back, with the leg in a neutral position. Puncture site: Divide into thirds the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the middle of the pubic symphysis. A perpendicular line at the transition from the medial to the middle third intersects a parallel line to the inguinal ligament through the greater trochanter at the insertion point. Palpate the muscle compartment and, using two fingers, press against the femur, forcing the vessels to the medial. Insert the needle sagittally and 70 –80°tothecranial,withouttouchingthefemur. Alternatively, target the muscle compartment about 8-10 cm caudad of the femoral nerve insertion site Puncturedepth:8–15cm. Positive stimulatory response from the peroneal or tibial nerves: extensors or flexors of the foot/toes. Dosage 20–30mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,100–150mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 110 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 78 Anterior sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? Primary femur contact occurs: Insertion point too far to the lateral u Retract the needle and shift insertion to the medial. Primary vessel puncture (femoral vein or artery): Insertion too far medial u Retract the needle and shift the insertion to the lateral. Deep vessel puncture (gluteal artery and vein): Correct insertion direction slightly to the lateral. Stimulation of femoral nerve branches: Retract the needle and “bypass“ stimulation area. ! Potential errors and hazards • Aneutrallegpositionisimperative. 79 Nerve stimulation Approach according to Guardini Indications • Operativeproceduresintheareasupplyingofthesciatic nerve • Incombinationwithpsoascompartmentblock/femoral nerve block for operations on the whole leg • Analgesia Contraindications • Status secondary to total ipsilateral hip replacement (relative) Side effects / complications • Noparticular Anatomical landmarks • Greatertrochanter • Ischialtuberosity 1 Greater trochanter, 2 Ischial tuberosity, 3 Puncture site 80 Subtrochanteric sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 3 2 81 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine, with the leg in a neutral position or rotated slightly inwards. Padding under the lower leg and pelvic helps with orientation. Puncture site: Approx. 2 cm dorsal and 3 – 4 cm distal to the greater trochanter. Insertion direction horizontal and somewhat cranial towards the ischial tuberosity without femur contact. Puncturedepth:6–10cm. Positive stimulatory response from the peroneal or tibial nerves: extensors and/or flexors of feet/toes, ischiocrural muscle group Dosage 20–30mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,80–100mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,80–110mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 82 Subtrochanteric sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? Femur contact occurs: Insertion too far ventral u Move insertion more to the dorsal. No stimulatory response is elicited: u Direct insertion a little to the ventral and emphasize inward rotation in the hip joint. Alternative technique: Leg is rotated slightly inward with flexed knee joint “upright“ on the table. Puncture site: 2–3cmcaudadfromthemidpoint of the line connecting greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity. Insert the needle in the cranial and slightly medial direction (modified dorsodorsal access according to Raj). ! Potential errors and hazards • Makesurethatthelegisinaneutralposition (with a slight inward rotation). 83 Sonography Preliminary note: It is occasionally difficult to visualise the nerves due to their deep location (with linear high-frequency transducer). Block technique: Long axis is preferable, short axis possible Sonoanatomic landmarks: Gluteal muscles Blockade objective: To infiltrate the entire nerve with local anaesthetic 84 Subtrochanteric sciatic nerve block medial lateral Sonoanatomic landmarks 85 Nerve stimulation Lateral distal sciatic nerve block Indications • Operativeproceduresintheareassupplyingthesciatic nerve on the whole lower leg and foot • Incombinationwithsaphenousnerveblockforoperations of the whole lower leg • Analgesia Contraindications • Stent(relative) Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(poplitealartery/vein) Anatomical landmarks • Patellarcrest • Vastuslateralismuscle • Longheadofthebicepsfemorismuscle 1 Patellar crest, 2 Puncture site 86 Lateral distal sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 1 2 87 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is supine on his back, with the leg in a neutral position (rotated slightly inwards), padding under the lower leg. Puncture site: Approx.3–8cmabovethepatellainthelateralmusclecompartment between lower edge of the vastus lateralis muscle and biceps femoris muscle. Insertion direction slightly dorsocranial. Puncturedepth:3–5cm. Positive stimulatory response from the peroneal or tibial nerves: extensors or flexors of the foot/toes. Dosage 20–40mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex®D,50–80mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex®D-Set,55–80mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 88 Lateral distal sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? No stimulatory response is elicited: Insertion direction is usually too far ventral u Correct to the dorsal. Femur contact occurs: Puncture site and/or insertion direction too far to the ventral u Check puncture site, correct to dorsal if needed; shift insertion direction more to the dorsal. Vessel puncture popliteal artery/vein: Puncture too deep and too ventral u Retract the needle, correct insertion direction to the dorsal, reduce insertion depth. ! Potential errors and hazards • Makesurethatthelegisinaneutralposition (with a slight inward rotation). 89 Sonography Nerve block technique: Long axis is preferable Sonoanatomic landmarks: Medial edge of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle Blockade objective: To infiltrate the entire sciatic nerve or its two terminal branches with local anaesthetic Practical tip: The patient’s calf is placed on an elevated arm extension, for example. This allows the ultrasound beam to be directed from the dorsal onto the distal sciatic nerve cranial to the popliteal fossa. 90 Lateral distal sciatic nerve block medial lateral Sonoanatomic landmarks 91 Nerve stimulation Popliteal sciatic nerve block Indications • Operativeproceduresintheareasupplyingthesciatic nerve of the lower leg and foot • Operationsonthewholelowerextremityincombination with a saphenous nerve block. • Analgesia Contraindications • Stent(relative) Side effects / complications • Vesselpuncture(poplitealartery/vein) Anatomical landmarks • Poplitealfossa • Poplitealfold • Longheadofthebicepsfemorismuscle • Medialandlateralepicondyleofthefemur 1 Lateral epicondyle of the femur, 2 Medial epicondyle of the femur, 3 Puncture site 92 Popliteal sciatic nerve block Anatomical landmarks 3 1 2 93 Nerve stimulation Blockade technique The patient is either in the prone position or lying on his side, leg extended. Puncture site: Approx.8–12cmabovethefoldofthepoplitealfossaatthe medial edge of the biceps femoris muscle, laterally marking thepoplitealfossa.Insertiondirectionapprox.30°cranialand slightly medial. Puncturedepth:2–4cm. Positive stimulatory response from the peroneal and tibial nerves: extensors or flexors of the foot/toes. Dosage 20–40mlLA Single shot technique e.g. Stimuplex® D, 50 mm Catheter technique e.g. Contiplex® D-Set, 55 mm Advance the soft plastic catheter < 4 cm beyond the end of the introducer sheath. 94 Popliteal sciatic nerve block ? What to do when ...? Femur contact occurs: Insertion too deep and too medial Retract the needle u Correct puncture direction or insertion site to the lateral, reduce insertion depth. Vessel puncture popliteal artery/vein: Puncture too deep and too medial Retract the needle u Correct insertion direction to the lateral, reduce insertion depth. ! Potential errors and hazards • Puncturesiteistoofarcaudad(popliteal fold): It may be that the tibial nerve (med.) and peroneal nerve (lat.) are separated so far apart that complete blockade cannot be achieved with a single LA injection at the two sciatic branches. 95 Other publications appearing in this series • Brochure(DINA4) Peripheral Regional Anesthesia at the Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital • InteractiveDVDTutorial Peripheral Regional Anesthesia at the Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital These materials can be requested at your B. Braun partner in your country B. Braun Melsungen AG Carl-Braun-Straße 1 34212 Melsungen Germany Tel. +49 5661 71 4657 Fax. +49 5661 75 4657 E-mail: [email protected] Online Tutorial and Discussion Forum www.nerveblocks.net The state of medical knowledge is subject to constant change due to new research and clinical evidence. The authors of this book have been very careful to comply with the current state of the art. Nevertheless, users of this information carry their own responsibility and liability when establishing the diagnosis and implementing therapy. The Tutorial was made possible by the kind support of B. Braun Melsungen AG. Nr. 6064605B The Tutorial was made possible by the kind support of B. Braun Melsungen AG. B. 03. 01 . 10 /1 Nr. 6064605 B