Rock Features at Mirror Point Site - How to Find Rock Art
Rock Features at Mirror Point Site - How to Find Rock Art
Copyright by Kish LaPierre 2012 All Rights Reserved Investigations of a Rock Feature Complex at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H), Western Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California By Kish D. La Pierre B.A. (California State University, Fresno) 2003 Thesis Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology Graduate Division California State University Bakersfield 2012 TO THE OFFICE OF MASTERS OF ARTS GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ANTHROPOLOGY The member of the committee examining this thesis of Kish LaPierre find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted. Brian Hemphill Mark Sutton ) Robert Yohe II, Chair iii Dedicated to the memory of Jay von Werlhof iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It took a whole village to raise this archaeologist. I would first like to thank my committee chairman Dr. Robert Yohe II. Dr. Yohe introduced me to the Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake and Russell Kaldenberg who in-turn introduced me to the Mirror Point site. Without Dr. Yohe I would not be where I am today in my career. I want to thank Dr. Mark Sutton and Dr. Brian Hemphill for their support and guidance on this project. I want to thank Russell Kaldenberg and Sandy Rogers, both of these brilliant men have been important mentors to me during these past few years. I also have a great CRM mentor in my boss Mike Baskerville. I owe a special thanks to my friend and colleague Audry Williams for her much needed technical support (beautiful maps!) in the final stages of this document. Finally, I want to thank Dr. Alan Gold for his advice and support over the years. I owe much gratitude and thanks to the following people: Mike Darcangelo, Dr. William Hildebrandt, Three Girls and a Shovel, my friends at Far Western Anthropological Group Inc., my friends at ASM Affiliates Inc., my friends at Epsilon Systems Inc., Fran Rogers, Rebecca Orfila, Barb Gossett, Bill Gossett, Jeanne Murrin, Bill Wight, Jerry Grimsley, Louie Wren, Kristina Roper, Brian Wickstrom, Dr. Elmer Eerkins, Craig Skinner, Lit Brush, Jim Fairchild, Victoria Harvey, Dr. David Whitley, Dr. Frank Yancey, and Lynn Johnson. I especially would like to thank my forever dedicated and awesome mother Susan LaPierre and my step-father Lawrence Sargosa, I love you both. Finally I would like to thank my supportive husband Michael Berthold, I love you and thank you for being there when I needed you. v ABSTRACT This thesis describes and interprets a large rock feature complex and associated artifact caches from the Mirror Point site (CA-SBR-12134/H) located on the east side of Searles Lake within the boundaries of the South Range, Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake, California. The objectives of this investigation: to access the lifeways of the inhabitants that once occupied this site; activities of the occupants at this site; time period(s) when this site was occupied; and purpose or function of rock features and associated artifact caches. Archaeological investigations of CA-SBR-12134/H included four surface scrapes and the excavation of eight test units, mapping of the overall site surface, and analysis of recovered materials. Artifacts recovered from this site include large obsidian bifaces, glass, silver, and shell beads, a bow fragment, pottery, debitage, historic bottles, mining debris, and several types of projectile points. Because the rock features and artifacts seem to serve no utilitarian purpose it is assumed that this site was visited for ideological reasons. Diagnostic artifacts span from the Early Period (before 6600 BP) to Historic times (circa 1900). It is possible if not likely that these artifacts were collected from other sites and brought to CA-SBR-12134/H as part of a ritual offering and that the site was visited from prehistoric to historic times. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………….…………….……iii Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………vi Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Design Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Site Description .................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives Theoretical Perspectives .................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 3: Regional Background Regional Background ........................................................................................................ 23 Environment..................................................................................................................... 23 Ethnography and Ethnohistory ........................................................................................... 25 Archaeological Background ................................................................................................ 35 Chronology Developed for the Mojave Desert ...................................................................... 35 Chronology Developed for the Great Basin .......................................................................... 40 Curate Behavior ................................................................................................................ 43 Previous Archaeological Research in the Region .................................................................. 44 Chapter 4: International and National Perspectives Regarding Anomalous Rock Features Cairns .............................................................................................................................. 48 Rock Alignments ............................................................................................................... 51 Hunting Blinds .................................................................................................................. 52 Prayer Seats ..................................................................................................................... 54 Cache Pits ........................................................................................................................ 55 Medicine Wheels ............................................................................................................... 57 Rock-Rings/Tipi Rings/Stone Rings ..................................................................................... 61 Earthen Mounds/Mounds ................................................................................................... 75 Research Design ............................................................................................................... 78 Chapter 5: Investigations at CA-SBR-12134/H Investigations at CA-SBR-12134/H ..................................................................................... 88 Field Methods ................................................................................................................... 88 Field Investigations ........................................................................................................... 89 Test Excavation Units ........................................................................................................ 89 Rock Cairns and Alignments at Loci A, B, and D .................................................................. 98 Rock Features Containing Artifact Caches ........................................................................... 99 Locus C (aka Mill Pond Site) ............................................................................................ 116 Chapter 6: Artifact Assemblage Introduction ................................................................................................................... 119 Flake Stone Tools and Debitage ....................................................................................... 119 Projectile Points .............................................................................................................. 119 vii Bifaces ........................................................................................................................... 120 Edge Modified Flakes ...................................................................................................... 125 Cores ............................................................................................................................. 125 Debitage ........................................................................................................................ 126 Interpretations ............................................................................................................... 130 Ground Stone ................................................................................................................. 130 Wood ............................................................................................................................ 132 Ceramics ........................................................................................................................ 133 Beads ............................................................................................................................ 135 Miscellaneous Paraphernalia ............................................................................................ 140 Faunal Remains .............................................................................................................. 142 Obsidian Studies ............................................................................................................. 143 Thermoluminescence dating ............................................................................................ 150 Protein Residue Analysis .................................................................................................. 150 Typology and Chronology of Beads .................................................................................. 151 Chapter 7: Discussion and Conclusions Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 156 Middle Holocene Western Nexus ...................................................................................... 162 Hunter-Gatherers as Optimal Foragers.............................................................................. 162 Puha.............................................................................................................................. 163 Cultural Transmission ...................................................................................................... 164 Landscape Archaeology ................................................................................................... 164 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 165 viii LIST OF FIGURES 1. View west of Mirror Point site-p. 4 2. Project location map-p.5 3. Map of Owens River system-p.6 4. Specific location of Mirror Point site-p.7 5. View east of semi-enclosed area at Locus A-p.9 6. Map of Loci A, B, C, and D-p.10 7. Cultural learning mechanisms-p.13 8. Puha and the bow and arrow partnership-p.21 9. Locations of various Numic groups in the Mojave Desert and Great Basin-p.27 10. George Hanson in Death Valley-p.30 11. George Hanson, ca. 1910 Darwin, CA-p.30 12. George Hanson, ca. 1930-p.31 13. George Hanson, November 18th, 1936-p.31 14. Indians at Darwin, CA in early 1900s-p.31 15. Panamint Tom-p.33 16. Panamint Tom’s Sweat Lodge-p.34 17. Panamint Tom’s House-p.34 18. Map of Mirror Point site in relations to other known sites in this region-p.44 19. Proposed Middle Holocene Western Nexus-p.86 20. Map of Locus A excavation units and surface scrapes-p.91 21. Map of Locus B-excavation units and surface scrapes-p.92 22. Map of Locus D-excavation units and surface scrapes-p.93 23. Profiles for Test Units 2 and 3-p.94 24. Profiles for Test Units 4 and 5-p.95 25. Profiles for Test Unit 6-p.95 26. Overview of Feature 12 during excavation-p.96 27. Features with artifact caches Locus A-p.101 28. Features with artifact caches Locus D-p.102 29. Features with artifact caches Locus B-p.103 30. Artifact cache Feature 5-p.104 31. Artifact cache Feature 17-p.105 32. Artifact cache Feature 16-p.106 33. Artifact cache Feature 12-p.107 34. Artifact cache Feature 19-p.108 35. Artifact cache Feature 49-p.109 36. Artifact cache Feature 27-p.110 37. Artifact cache Feature 61-p.111 38. Artifact cache Feature 18-p.112 39. Artifact cache Feature 28-p.113 40. Artifact cache Feature 24-p.114 41. Artifact cache Feature 13-p.115 42. Mining related features at Locus C-p.117 43. Green slate biface or digging tool (Cat.#134)-p.122 44. Biface stages represented-p.122 45. Biface from Feature 24 (Cat.#167)-p.124 46. Biface cache from Locus A-p.124 ix LIST OF FIGURES (continued) 47. Lithic debitage by material-p.127 48. Biface blank with associated debitage-p.128 49. Debitage analysis results-p.128 50. Results of platform analysis-p.130 51. Bow fragment (Cat.#171)-p.133 52. Drilled ceramic fragment (Cat.#88)-p.134 53. Bead types and quantities-p.136 54. Glass beads-p.137 55. Steatite beads-p.137 56. Dentalium beads-p.137 57. Clam disc bead-p.138 58. Ceramic bead-p.141 59. Silver bead-p.141 60. Sandstone discoidal-p.142 61. Map of site in relation to obsidian sources-p.146 62. Obsidian from Buck Mountain-p.147 63. Scatterplot of Zirconium versus Strontium for analyzed artifacts-p.147 64. Obsidian hydration results-p.150 65. Glass beads and associated complexes-p.153 x LIST OF TABLES 1. Ideal Characteristics of Travelers and Processors-p.17 2. Differences between Scientific and Humanized Space-p.17 3. Rock Feature Attribute Table-p.99 4. Feature with artifact caches-p.100 5. Feature number and type at Locus C-p.116 6. Artifact assemblage-p.119 7. Attributes for projectile points-p.-119 8. Biface staging-p.122 9. Biface attributes-p.123 10. Core attributes-p.126 11. Debitage attributes-p.129 12. Flaked stone artifacts by material-p.131 13. Attributes for groundstone-p.132 14. Steatite beads-p.138 15. Shell beads-p.138 16. Faunal remains-p.143 17. Results of trace element studies-p.144 18. Obsidian flaked stone by source-p.145 19. Sourced specimens-p.145 20. Hydration results-p.148 21. Specimens hydrated-p.148 22. Pottery dates-p.151 23. Titchenal’s glass bead chronology-p.153 24. Glass bead data-p.154 xi APPENDICES Appendix A………………………………………………………………………...…Historic Background Appendix B……………………………………………Hydration Analysis by Alexander K. Rogers Appendix C………………………….Hydration Analysis by Northwest Obsidian Laboratories Appendix D……………………………………………………………………….Rock Feature Drawings Appendix E……………………………………………………………..………………….T-Test’s Results xii REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………........166 xiii Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION There has been a long standing and ongoing interest in rock features found at archaeological sites. Although many archaeologists’ methods for interpreting rock features lack empirical support due to the minimal artifacts noted and lack of chronometric analyses, many efforts have appeared in scholarly journals and monographs that attempt to explain archaeological rock features and their probable function. However, until recently, most of the information regarding rock features of the southwest and western North America lay buried in reports and articles that offered only passing references to these features. Indeed as Wilke and McDonald (1989:50) note with regard to rock-lined cache pits: These features have received almost no attention in California because excavations traditionally have emphasized the recovery and analysis of portable artifacts. Studies in which nonportable structural features of any kind have been discovered, exposed, and systematically investigated in California are few. Failure to more consistently investigate nonportable facilities has hindered interpretation of the archaeological record in the desert region. Rock features should be considered of great importance for several reasons. First, rock features have traditionally posed interpretive problems for archaeologists. Binford (1962) argued long ago that ideotechnic aspects of archaeological remains inherently pose interpretive problems due to their symbolic nature. The exact nature of the relationship between the symbolic reference and meaning is often difficult to pinpoint unless Native American cultures of the particular area have some continuity from prehistoric times to the present, thereby enabling the anthropologist to gain insight into this relationship through historically-grounded analogy and interpretation. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case with rock features. Consequently any attempt, theoretical or 1 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 methodological, to infer function or use offers a potential step toward unraveling the interpretive problems. Second, it is often pointed out that archaeological research tends to focus on subsistence-settlement patterns, assuming that such patterns serve as primary variables in the shaping of cultural systems. Similar to Binford’s aforementioned comments (1962), Chartkoff (1983:745) asserts that elements of a traditional religious systems have not endured the archaeological record. Because of this, archaeologists typically extract interpretations of anomalous rock feature sites using snippets of ethnographic data and applicable theoretical methods to garner interpretations. As noted by Wilke (1983), Simms (1989), and Basgall and Delacorte (2003), artifacts found in association with rock features are often rare. Though many sites with rock features lack empirical data for archaeological interpretation, this is not the case, for the Mirror Point site. Instead, this site contains large quantities of cultural material including beads, groundstone implements, projectile points, bifaces, pottery fragments, historical items, and lithic debitage in a variety of types, that when analyzed shed light on the very intriguing behavioral patterns of indigenous peoples of the southwestern Great Basin/western Mojave Desert (Krieger 1944:272; Bennyhoff and Hughes 1987:86; Titchenal 1994). Not long after the initial appearance of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) in Africa some 160 thousand years ago, early modern human populations came to occupy enormous areas where they encountered a variety of climates and local settings. Faced with these environmental differences, local human populations 2 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 developed various means of adaptation that are reflected by such cultural elements as tool crafting. In addition to these cultural elements, nothing stands out on the archaeological landscape like architecture in demonstrating variability and adaptation to a given environment. Early archaeologists, such as Waterman (1924:1), examined and described indigenous structural variations across the North American landscape and concluded that a Paiute village was “so simple that nothing could be more startlingly primitive,” while he exulted that structures at Pueblo Bonito were “…very large…hundreds of feet in dimensions. Some were made of tremendous beams in a cyclopean style of carpentry.” The purpose of this research, somewhat like that of Waterman’s (1924), is to investigate and describe architecture, in this case anomalous architectural remains or rock features (and associated artifacts/attributes) cross-culturally in an effort to interpret the meaning of such structures at the Mirror Point site (CA-SBR-12134/H) (see Figures 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4), which is located on the east side of Searles Lake in the western Mojave Desert/southwest Great Basin, where a total of 110 rock alignments and cairns were discovered and recorded. SITE DESCRIPTION The Mirror Point site, CA-SBR-12134/H, is located in a restricted area of the Mojave B Range, Naval Weapons Station, China Lake. The site is situated along the western front of the Slate Mountain Range near the terminal end of an alluvial fan that extends west towards the eastern edge of the Searles Lake playa. There is no permanent water 3 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.1. Rock features looking northwest toward Argus Range, from CA-SBR-12134/H. source nearby and the ancient Searles Lake bed is approximately 1000 meters from the site (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2004) (see Figure 1.4). The site is situated at approximately 550 meters above mean sea level (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2004). The local vegetation falls within the Mojave Desert geographic region. The most conspicuous plant growing naturally is desert holly (Atriplex hymenelytra), though creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) was also noted at the eastern edge of the study area (Baldwin et al.2002: 264-517). Searles Lake is a dry lakebed. The western portion of its basin is located in the vicinity of Trona and Pioneer Point. This area of the lakebed is currently the location of a 4 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.2. Location of CA-SBR-12134/H site on South Range NAWS, China Lake, California. 5 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.3. Owens River system connecting Searles Lake, (Smith 1984), arrow pointing to Searles Lake bed. mining operation (Searles Valley Minerals, Inc.) involved in the extraction of commercially valuable mineral deposits including borax and potash. These evaporated deposits appeared as the lake began to retreat. Searles Lake is also known for its massive calcareous tufa deposits, which are referred to as “The Pinnacles”. 6 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.4. Location of CA-SBR-12134/H, (Searles Lake and Layton Springs 7.5” quad). 7 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 These deposits were recently investigated by Erwin and Schorn (2006) who suggested that these “pinnacles” are tufa-encrusted trees that are most similar to juniper (Juniperus sp.). Four distinct loci were identified at the site during a 2004 survey by Far Western Anthropological Group, Incorporated (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2004). Locus A was noted as being relatively small, measuring only 50 X 30 meters, but contained 26 rock features. Locus B was described as quite large (160 X 40 meters) and was found to contain a large number of features (n= 35), including 27 cairns and eight alignments. Locus C contained high frequencies of mining-related features and artifacts including two settling ponds, and a pile of slag, waste rock, and broken bricks. Locus D was relatively large (120 X 50 meters), but had a lower density of rock features (n= 21) (seven cairns and 14 alignments). No rock alignments or cairns were noted at Locus C and historic artifacts decrease in frequency outside this area. Locus C lies in the southwest portion of the site below a historic road, whereas loci A, B, and D extend across the site in a northeasterly direction. Few prehistoric artifacts were noted during the 2004 survey (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo), likely due to the fact that windswept desert sands covered the rock features. During a later preliminary visit for this research (2006) winds had blown away most of the sands that had previously covered the rock features. Prehistoric artifacts were visible on the ground and inside several rock features. Artifacts noted at the time included one amber-colored bead, one mano, and an abundance of several types of lithic debitage (e.g., chert, obsidian). Charcoal was noted in association with several of 8 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 the features at Locus A and several of the cairns formed a semi-enclosed U-shaped formation (Figure 1.5). Fig. 1.5. Features 2, 3, and 5 forming a semi-enclosed area at Locus A; view east toward Slate Range. It was unclear whether this formation of features was a habitation area or remnants of a house foundation. Features designated as 2, 3, and 5 make up this semi-enclosed structure. A total of 82 rock features spread over three loci was identified during the 2004 (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo) investigation. In 2006, additional features were noted, bringing the total number of rock features to 110. The four distinct loci remain and the site now measures approximately 750 meters north/south x 575 meters east/west (previously measured 600 meters north/south x 200 meters east/west) (Figure 1.6) (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2004). 9 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.6. Locations of Loci A, B, C, and D at CA-SBR-12134/H, datum NAD 83. 10 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES The following section outlines three theoretical approaches for addressing and understanding human behavior at the Mirror Point site. Cultural Transmission, HunterGatherers as Optimal Foragers, and Archaeology of Landscape theories are applied in conjunction with reference to ethnographic accounts of religious practices of prehistoric and modern Native American groups in the Great Basin and California; specifically, Puha places and Puha Journeys. CULTURAL TRANSMISSION Cultural Transmission (CT) theory is a series of models rooted in neo-Darwinian theory that are treated as biological analogs, as though they were referring to genetics. However, the expected results differ from classic genetic models due to different mode of transmission behind human behavior (Bettinger 1991:181; Eerkins and Lipo 2007; Johnson 1999). The intent of CT theory is to predict behaviors in humans as pointed out by Bettinger (1991:181): In comparison to evolutionary ecology, however, this nonsomatic approach to transmission and reproduction in many ways better accounts for behaviors that have from the start interested anthropologists and been central subject matter of their theories. Among the more important of these altruism and the tendency of humans to act cooperatively as groups rather than individuals and the value that humans assign to symbols and prestige. Although altruism is difficult to prove from the archaeological record, cultural transmission theory provides a means to explain variation, similarity, and relatedness in behavior. Specifically, cultural transmission theory nests on the assumption that similarity in artifacts and behavior is caused by the exchange or information by way of nongenetic mechanisms, but with similar processes as genetics (Eerkens and Lipo 2007:240). 11 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 There are several mechanisms that guide cultural evolution and these have been outlined in a number of different ways (Bettinger 1991; Boyd and Richardson 1985; Eerkins and Lipo 2007; Henrich and McElreath 2003;). Henrich and McElreath (2003) explain that cultural learning mechanisms build atop other social and cultural learning abilities and can be categorized into content biases and context biases (Figure 2.1). Content biases, also referred to as direct biases (Boyd and Richardson 1985) and culturgens (Lumsden and Wilson 1981), can be explained as exploiting informative cues of an idea, belief, or behavior itself. Content biases may reflect the direct action of natural selection on our prepared learning abilities such as language, folk biology, and color categories. These types of biases may result from either genetically transmitted cognitive structures or culturally acquired mental representations (Henrich and McElreath 2003:129), though it is complicated or sometimes impossible to determine which. Context biases refer to the social and physical setting in which cultural information is transmitted. It has been shown that the physical and social context of transmission can alter the perception of the recipients (Eerkins and Lipo 2007). Henrich and McElreath (2003:129) offer two main categories of context biases to explain the psychological mechanisms behind acculturated learning: 1) success and prestige bias; and 2) conformity bias. Success and prestige bias is a preference for copying the strategies of successful individuals, which generates an evolutionary dynamic that is distinguishable, mathematically from natural selection acting on genes. Once success-biased transmission appears in a population a social learner must compete for access to the most skilled individuals. This often involves an exchange in return for such access that 12 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 may include gifts or some type of assistance (Henrich and McElreath 2003:130), and might be considered a necessary form of social bonding or balanced reciprocity (Sahlins 1972). Figure 2.1 Cultural learning mechanisms (Henrich and McElreath 2003). An alternative to success and prestige bias is conformity bias. Conformity bias copies the behaviors, beliefs, and strategies of the majority, thus allowing individuals to aggregate information from many individuals or the majority (also referred to as producer-scrounger (Kameda and Nakanishi 2002). It is argued that this type of transmission is in many situations the best route to adaptation in an information poor environment (Henrich and McElreath 2003:130). However, if everyone used conformist transmission then no cultural evolution would occur. Thus, for evolution to occur there has to be interplay between success and prestige bias with conformity bias (Henrich and McElreath 2003:131). 13 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 One example of CT theory has been proposed by Bettinger and Eerkins (1999) for the spread of the bow and arrow in the Great Basin. Two projectile point typologies have been developed from archaeological collections in eastern California and central Nevada. The first is the Berkley system (developed by Robert F. Heizer) based on projectile point weight, which was developed for application in eastern California. The second is the Monitor Valley system (developed by David Hurst Thomas) based on projectile point basal width and developed for application in central Nevada. Bettinger and Eerkins (1999) demonstrated that these typologies fit the geographic areas for which they were developed. That is, in eastern California weight is a better indicator of age and types, while in eastern Nevada basal width is a better indicator. However, in eastern Nevada, Rosegate projectile points fit both typologies. From these observations Bettinger and Eerkins (1999) proposed that the spread of bow and arrow technology involved acquisition from local recipient groups with whom they had minimal contact. Thus, these local groups had to perfect their knowledge of bow and arrow technology through their own learning processes. This case study exemplifies cultural transmission based upon both success and prestige bias and conformity bias. HUNTER-GATHEREERS AS OPTIMAL FORAGERS Optimal foraging theory is rooted in biology, but is frequently applied in anthropology. The basic anthropological version asserts that in certain arenas, such as choices of diet, foraging location, foraging time, foraging group size, and settlement location, human decisions are made to maximize the net rate of energy gain for the amount of energy expended. The most common versions of the model are related to: diet breadth, patch choice, foraging time, and central place foraging. The most 14 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 frequently applied model is diet breadth; however the diet breadth and patch choice models are central in this discussion (Bettinger 1991). Foragers encounter many situations in which there is variability in the amount and type of foods available. These include: abundance; amount of energy produced per item; and amount of energy required to acquire energy from each. The original diet breadth model refers to these instances overall and this model can be applied to a number of situations involving rational choices (Bettinger 1991). While the diet breadth model refers to abundance of food resources in time in the real world, the patch choice model refers resource abundance through space. The diet breadth refers to resources ranked from highest to lowest, however the patch choice model refers to net rate of energy intake per unit of foraging time. If patches are widely spaced the time spent in travel between them may render the overall rate of energy return suboptimal. In contrast, an increase in overall resource abundance leads to decreases in both travel time and foraging time, therefore optimizing a given situation (Bettinger 1991). Bettinger and Baumhoff (1982) applied diet breadth and patch choice models to deduce a range of hunter-gatherer strategies dubbed as the traveler-processor model found among Numic speaking peoples from southeastern California and the Great Basin. It was argued that demographic pressures in southeastern California caused these groups to adopt a processor strategy that emphasized low mobility in conjunction with the intensive use of low-ranked resources that required extensive processing (e.g., seeds). Key to this argument is the assertation that processor strategists compete for all of the resources important to traveler strategists, while traveler strategists compete for 15 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 only a fraction of the resources important to processor strategists by ignoring the lower ranked resources. Also noted, processor strategists can sustain themselves on tracts of land too small or too marginal to sustain traveler strategists (Bettinger and Baumhoff 1982). According to Bettinger and Baumhoff (1982), Numic-speaking populations, by A.D. 1000, were firmly committed to this processor strategy, which enabled them to spread further east into the Great Basin. The groups they replaced had embraced traveler strategies that emphasized high residential mobility and the selective use of high-quality resources, large game in particular. Further evidence assists in arguing the fact those basic patterns of subsistence and settlement, including archaeological and ethnographic evidence, would be subtler regarding the traveler processor model and highly mobile groups. Whereas there data related to processor groups would be more substantial (Bettinger and Baumhoff 1982) (Table 2.1). However it is possible that these were simply changes in strategies or cultural transmission via success and prestige. Or that these earlier traveler groups assimilated or adopted subsistence and settlement strategies of less mobile processor groups. LANDSCAPE ARCHAEOLOGY The term “landscape” is defined as a construct of mind as well as a physical and measureable entity (Tuan 1979). With such a definition, landscape archaeology can be described as a combination of geography as a spatial science coupled with archaeology as a science. The major differences in these approaches can be outlined in two categories: abstract space and human space; however these categories overlap (Table 2.2). 16 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 In landscape archaeology space is viewed as medium for action, what is more space, or spaces, are socially produced and are always centered in relation to human agency (Tilley 1994). Tilley explains that a centered meaningful space Table 2.1. Ideal Characteristics of Travelers and Processors (Bettinger 1991). Traits Duration of settlement residency Travelers Brief Processors Extended Distance between settlements Long Short Population density Low High Sensitivity to demographic change High Low Resource selectivity Narrow spectrum Broad spectrum Sex ratio Female-poor Female-rich Major costs of subsistence Travel, search, scouting Procurement, processing Competitive fitness Low High Table 2. 2. Differences between Scientific and Humanized Space (Tilley 1994). Abstract Space Human Space (idealist, irrational) (materialist, rational) Container Medium Decentered Centred Geometry Context Surfaces Densities Universal Specific Objective Subjective Substantial Relational Totalized Detotalized External Internal System Strategy Neutral Empowered Coherence Contradiction Atemporal Temporal involves specific links between the physical space of the non-human created world, affects to the human body, awareness of space, and encounter and interaction between persons and between persons and the human and non-human environment (1994:111). 17 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 It has been argued that rock art was an attempt by prehistoric peoples to control the lands around them with sympathetic magic (David and Wilson 2002). Perhaps more telling is the effects of humans on the landscape in early agricultural societies, for such studies have outlined how early agricultural systems were symbolically approached by the people that created them, where outlines of these systems were often shaped like animals or other discernable symbols (Fleming 1988; Hodder 1990; Thomas 1991). By contrast, during the Middle Ages the carving up of landscape was synonymous with the carving up of society (Biddick 1993). Thus it appears that, prehistoric ceremonial use of landscape required more imagination, indepth analysis of remaining artifacts, and a range of imaginative approaches to viewing the associated landscape. Tilley (1994) provides an especially illuminating example of how landscape archaeology may be applied. A series of (Mesolithic era) chambered long cairns and flint sites have been recorded in the Black Mountain area of southeastern Wales in the Usk and Wye Valleys. The Black Mountains constitute an upland area of red sandstone separating areas of limestone rock and millstone to the south. The Black Mountains are steep and are associated with a number of valleys (including the Usk and Wye) that have been carved by stream systems (p. 111). Jacobi (1980) proposes an annual Mesolithic population movement in southeastern Wales that featured occupation of coastal areas during the winter while inland areas were occupied by hunters in the summer. The Usk and Wye valleys have long provided routes into and from mid-Wales, thus forming a conduit between lowland and highland areas (p. 117). 18 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 All of the monuments are stone-built cairns of the “Cotsworth-Severn” type/style, though there is considerable diversity amongst the 14 recorded monuments found at different sites in this region. Seven cairns are long mounds with terminal and/or lateral chambers. One of the cairn differs from the others in that it consists of only one chamber while the rest display two or more chambers. Feature lengths also vary from 15 to 60 meters (p.118). Orientation and altitude of the features also vary. Nevertheless, primary axes are always pointed toward either prominent mountain spurs or river tributaries. Excavations in some of the chambers revealed the remains of sheep, cow, and pig possibly indicating the ritual importance of feasting cycles at the monuments, though there is no evidence of fully-fledged pastoral economy (p.120). Artifacts were rarely found, but human remains were noted in association with several of the features (p.136). From these investigations it was concluded that while these features were not major sites for the deposition of artifacts, the deposition and arrangement suggests the human remains in the cairns was of great significance. In addition the presence of animal bones suggests the use of these features in feasting cycles. Finally, the features draw out or point toward significant features of the landscape, thus fixing the human remains to particular places and axes of symbolic significance (p.140). RITUALISM: PUHA PLACES AND JOURNEYS Indigenous southwest Great Basin religion has been described as a “simple direct relationship with the supernatural” (Thomas et al. 1986). Though lacking a formal priesthood, shamanistic specialists or Pohakanti (Shoshone), Puhaga (Northern Paiute), Puhagetu (Mono), or Pohagadi (Kawaiisu), were individuals believed to possess power. Each term, except Wegeleyu (Washo) is derived from the word Puha (Mono, Western 19 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 Shoshone, and Northern Paiute), Poha (Eastern Shoshone), or Puhwa (Kawaiisu) (Numic and Hokan languages), aided in curing certain ailments (Fowler 1984; Fowler and Liljebland 1986; Hultkrantz 1986; Shimkin 1986; Steward 1941: 320; Thomas et al. 1986: 271). A shaman obtained his or her power and songs in secrecy, usually at night, taking along visual representations of each one of their spirit powers (Hultkrantz 1986; Park 1938). These individuals gathered power from most things in nature, including eagles, bats, snow, springs, different geographic features, rocks, thunder, clouds, wind, and rock art. In addition, some shamans were known to obtain powers from bears, could transform themselves into this creature, and had the power to make bears kill people (Hultkrantz 1986; Steward 1938; Stoffle and Arnold 2006). To reiterate more explicitly, power or Puha, is found in certain objects, including elements that share in the bow and arrow partnership. These basic elements include stones, animals, birds, minerals, trees, bushes, and reeds. From these elements materials were extracted then utilized in creation of the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow exemplifies a cooperative relationship between two revered objects created ritualistically by humans from several elements of nature. This symbiotic relationship is complex, cyclical, and necessary to human existence in the Great Basin/Mojave Desert during the Late Holocene (Figure 2.3) (Stoffle and Arnold 2006). Additionally, Puha was conceived as recyclable, continuously flowing back and forth from the center of the universe connecting every element of the universe (Miller 1983; Stoffle and Arnold 2006). It is has been recorded that Puha, like water, moves downhill and concentrates attracting elements of the spiritual world (Stoffle and Arnold 2006). Puha is recorded as 20 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 occurring in such places as Mt. Dana in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Western Shoshone); pictograph sites, such as Dinwoody Canyon on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming (Eastern Shoshone); an isolated rock with pictographs north of Walker Lake near Schurtz, Nevada (Northern Paiute); Black Mountain east of Death Valley in western Fig. 2.3. Puha and the bow and arrow partnership (Stoffle and Arnold 2006). Nevada (various tribes); Jobs Peak in the Stillwater Range, Nevada (Northern Paiute); Charleston Peak in the Spring Mountains west of Las Vegas, Nevada (Southern Ute); certain caves (locations unknown) in Northern Paiute territory; and certain caves in Southern Paiute territory, including Gypsum and a location on Kwi’nava mountain across the Colorado River in Yavapai country (Fowler and Liljebland 1986; Kelly 1936; Miller 1983; Shimkin 1986; Steward 1933: 308). 21 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 2 Pilgrimages to Black Mountain still occur and have been exhaustively described in recent ethnographic studies (Stoffle and Arnold 2006; Stoffle 2008). These pilgrimages take place along extensive trails that connect several locations in the southwest Great Basin including California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Typically offerings of obsidian, pottery, and crystals are made on the Puha path and at the Puha spot/place. Cairns, or “shrine piles,” were/are also expected as marking these Puha paths and/or Puha spots. Once at Black Mountain, a vision quest begins by way of the vision seeker interacting on a spiritual level with the surrounding landscape. After the vision quest is achieved the pilgrims revisit the trail shrines before returning home (Stoffle and Arnold 2006; Stoffle et al. 2008). Human and animal trails are also regarded as sacred by Great Basin groups, not only as travel corridors, but as sacred pathways that symbolize cultural continuity or an association with the ancients. The association of power flow, water, and trails is demonstrated in Shoshone words for these: power (Puha), water (paa), and path (po’ia) (Crapo 1976; Miller 1983). The Southern Paiute and Western Shoshone of Eastern California are hesitant to discuss religious practices with outside observers. However known traditional ceremonies are practiced at two significant places to this day: Coso Hot Springs and Renegade Canyon (NAWS China Lake). It is likely that these areas are/were regarded as Puha places. 22 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3: REGIONAL BACKGROUND There is no archaeological or ethnographic evidence at this time to demonstrate that the eastern side of Searles Lake was at any point a resource-rich environment capable of sustaining humans for any great length of time. This is probably due to the fact that the carrying capacity of the area was and still is severely limited by the scarcity of potable water. However there are data that indicate prehistoric peoples intermittently visited or passed through this area (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2004; LaPierre 2007). ENVIRONMENT Searles Valley is located in the western Mojave Desert and in the extreme southwestern region of the Great Basin. The valley is approximately 64 kilometers long by 24 kilometers wide with a mean elevation of 492 meters. Searles Valley receives very little rain (no more than 10 centimeters per year). To the east are the Slate and Panamint mountain ranges, the Argus mountain range borders the west side of the valley. The modern town of Trona lies in the southwest portion of the valley. The mean daily maximum temperature is 37.7oC during the summer months of July and August, and the mean daily minimum temperature is 0.5oC during the winter months of December and January. Rainfall usually occurs in late winter to early spring, though summer rain showers are not unprecedented (Ramirez de Bryson 2004:1). It has been reported that Searles Valley was covered by water for most of the last 2.5 million years. This ancient lake was supplied by water from the Owens River system; however, water discharge varied continually in response to climatic conditions. The Owens River system was connected and fed into a chain of pluvial lakes, with the northernmost being Mono Lake. When Mono Lake overflowed it added its surplus water to the headwaters of the Owens River, which directly fed into several lakes to the south, 23 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 including Owens, China, Searles, Panamint, and Manly lakes. Reportedly Searles Lake had to reach a level of 690 meters before it overflowed into Panamint Lake (Smith and Street-Perrott 1983:198). Most researchers agree that Searles Lake reached a high water mark sometime between 15,500 and 14,000 B.P., and experienced recession thereafter. Water levels appear to have been variable in the 4,000 years following the recession, with only one or two overflows from China Lake before the “Clovis Drought,” which occurred around 11,500 B.P. After the Clovis Drought, Searles Lake was probably nearly or completely dry (Benson et al. 1990; Rosenthal et al. 2001; Smith 1984). The typical vegetation within Searles valley is a desert scrub type dominated by creosote (Larrea tridentata), salt brush (Atriplex sp.), white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa), jumping cholla (Opuntia bigelovii), cheesebrush (Hymenoclea salsosa), spiny senna (Senna armata), desert holly (Atriplex hymenolytra), Mormon tea (Ephedra sp.), squaw bush (Rhus trilobata), and jimson weed (Datura sp.) (Baldwin et al. 2002). This sparse creosote scrub community provides for fauna such as mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), coyote (Canis latrans), kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), a variety of bats (Order Chiropetra), California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beechyi), longed-tailed pocket mouse (Chaetodipus formosus mohavensis), sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes), long-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia wislizenii), and the common raven (Corvus corax) (Rowlands et al. 1982). Vegetation patterns throughout Searles Valley differ slightly as a result of some minor variation in landforms, elevations, and substrates. There is a small region in the southwest section of Searles Valley that supports a sparse Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) woodland community. This area is contained within a small valley situated at an 24 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 elevation of approximately 1,158 meters (Giambastiani 2007:16). In contrast, vegetation is absent, or nearly so, on substrates that are physically or chemically inhospitable to plant growth, such as open dunes and salt-encrusted playas (Baldwin et al. 2002:37). ETHNOGRAPHY AND ETHNOHISTORY At the time of European contact Native Americans in the Great Basin and portions of the Mojave Desert spoke languages belonging to the Uto-Aztecan family, which has been divided into four branches: Hopic, Takic, Tubatulabic, and Northern Numic. The most northerly branch is Northern Numic. The Numic branch encompasses three sub-branches, Western (Owens Valley Paiute and Northern Paiute), Central (Panamint, Western Shoshone, Comanche (central Wyoming and west Texas), and Southern (Kawaiisu and Southern Paiute/Ute) (Fowler and Fowler 1971; Miller 1986: 9899). In ethnographic times the Searles Valley area was occupied by speakers of Central and Southern Numic languages. According to Steward (1938: 71), “the inhabitants of the southern end of Panamint Valley, the Argus Mountains, probably the region around Trona, and the territory to the south and west to an undetermined extent were called Mugunuwu.” The Mugunuwu according to Steward’s informants, were mixed with Shoshone and Kawaiisu (the Owa’dzi) from the central part of Panamint Valley and possibly the vicinity of Trona (or the region known as Uwa’gatu). According to Steward, the word “Mugunuwu” corresponds with Kroeber’s (1907:274-275) Kawaiisu vocabulary list to the areas of Tejon and Tehachapi. Correspondingly, Zigmond’s (1981) extensive ethnobotanical studies of the Kawaiisu indicate that Searles Valley was visited during seasonal rounds. 25 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Steward gives several probable derivations of the word Mugunuwu. Mugu is said to mean “point” and muwu is said to mean “people.” It is suggested that Mugunuwu was taken from Telescope Peak in the Panamint Mountains, which is known as “Mugudoya,” or from the Argus Mountains sometimes referred to as “Mugu.” However, the Southern Paiute and Death Valley Shoshone (and anthropologists) refer to the Mugunuwu as “Panumunt” or “Panamint” (1938:71). One of Steward’s informants (identified only as TSp), who resided at Grapevine Canyon in the Sierra Nevada, is self-described as being half-white, one-quarter Shoshone, and one-quarter Mugunuwu. It is reported by TSp that there was only one other surviving Mugunuwu, who went by the name of Long Jim and who lived in Pahrump Valley, Nevada (Steward 1938:71). Because the Shoshone (Central Numic) and Kawaiisu (Southern Numic) are differentiated linguistically, they have been treated as two separate cultural entities; for this reason they are described below separately (Figure 3.1). Panamint Shoshone Prior to the influence of Euro-Americans, Shoshone hunters and gatherers exploited areas in and around Searles Valley. Because the region is arid and mostly infertile, their hunting and gathering economy likely supported only very sparse and highly mobile populations. It was common, if not typical, in ethnographic times for several families to travel together, especially when gathering staple foods, such as pine nuts, which are seasonal and gathered in upland areas. Communal rabbit and pronghorn 26 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.1 Ethnographic groups associated with the study area. 27 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 hunts were atypical in that they were the only activities that involved the cooperation of several families (Steward 1938:72). A large proportion of the foods sought were vegetal, and these included seeds of the single leaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) from the Coso or Panamint Mountains, Indian rice grass (Achnatherum sp.) found in mountain and valley areas, nuts (acorns) of the black oak (Quercus kelloggii) in the southern Sierra Nevada, seeds of mesquite (Prosopis sp.) in low areas of Panamint, Death, and Saline valleys, and buds of the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) (Baldwin et al. 2002; Steward 1938:72; Zigmond 1981). Small animals were relied upon heavily for protein and include the black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), badger (Taxidea taxus), chuckwalla (Sauromalus ater), and a variety of snakes, birds, and rodents. Larger animals consumed included bear (Ursus sp.), pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), horse (in historic times) (Equus caballus), and desert big horn sheep (Ovis canadensis). In addition, insects were consumed on a regular basis (Steward 1938:83). Camps were ideally situated close to good quality springs, and consisted of a small group or a few family members sharing several conical shelters. Shelters were constructed of mesquite poles and were covered with brush (e.g., willow). The interiors of sleeping structures were dug out, and woven mats were laid on the ground (Fowler et al. 1994:35-36; White 2008:91). Socializing between discrete camps occurred formally during fall festivals, which took place following the annual pine nut harvest and rabbit hunt. Several areas noted by Steward (1938:75) as being main locations for these festivals include Koso Hot Springs, Olancha, Saline Valley or Sigai, and northern Death Valley. These communal events 28 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 gave people a chance to share stories and ideas, dance, and eat. These festivals became less common in historic times and were noted by Steward as being “abandoned a few years ago.” These traditional subsistence and settlement strategies were severely altered as a consequence of the mid-19th century California gold rush. Native families adapted to the situation by accepting employment as miners, ranchers, cooks, and builders. However many women continued to harvest mesquite and pine nuts, and many made baskets that were sold (White 2008:220). Symbolic of these changes was Panamint George Hanson, who was chief of the Panamint Indians (Figures 3.2-3.6). He was born around 1841 at To-me-sha (Surveyor Well) in Death Valley and lived to be over 100 years old. As a boy, George, then known as Bah-vanda-sava-nu-kee (boy who runs away), “wandered over the desert far from home, always looking for something to eat” (Boyles 1940). When he was eight or nine, George witnessed the Jay Hawker/Manley-Bennett party of 1849 enter Death Valley (Pipkin 1976). The United States Indian Census (circa 1932) lists George Hanson age 92 as a Snake Shoshone Indian. In his later years, George resided more or less permanently at the Indian Ranch Reservation. Indian Ranch is located at the mouth of Hall Canyon in Panamint Valley. While residing at Indian Ranch, George raised, among other things, angora goats courtesy of the “Indian Department” (Pipkin 1976; Progress Citizen 1937). George was also a frequent visitor to Trona until the day he died. With his pack burros in tow, he would head into town to collect rent on property he owned at Wilson Canyon, purchase supplies, and sell baskets made by his daughters Mabel and Isabel (Pipkin 1976; White 2008:222). 29 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.2 George Hanson (right) in Death Valley (date unknown) (courtesy of Eastern California Museum). Figure 3.3 George Hanson, ca. 1910 Darwin, California (courtesy of Eastern California Museum). 30 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.4 and 3.5 George Hanson, circa 1930 and November 18, 1936 (courtesy of Eastern California Museum). Figure 3.6 Indians at Darwin, CA in early 1900s, George Hanson is second from right (courtesy of Eastern California Museum). 31 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Desert Kawaiisu Like the Shoshone of this region, the Desert Kawaiisu migrated in small independent families depending on the season and availability of resources. Grasses and other seed plants, such as Indian rice grass (Oryzopsis hymenoides), sage (Salvia sp.), chia (Salvia columbariae), and cotton cactus (Echinocactus polychephalus) important food sources. Pine nuts (Pinus monophylla ) were a staple food (not found in the Slate Range, but available in the Panamint Range above 6,000 feet) (Steward 1938; Underwood 2006). The Desert Kawaiisu were likely influenced by the Shoshone and as a result they adopted the practice of pine nut procurement (Zigmond 1986). Assimilating with the Shoshone was an easy transition because, unlike the Southern Paiute, the Shoshone did not assert grove ownership over resource patches (Steward 1938; Thomas et al. 1986; Underwood 2006). In addition to plant resources, a wide array of animals were eaten (lizards, birds, rabbits, deer), though game was scarce and only supplemented a mostly vegetal diet. Mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) were hunted with bow and arrow on occasion in the Panamint Range; however, jack rabbits (Lepus californicus) were populous at certain times of the year and were taken in large quantities during rabbit drives using nets and clubs (Steward 1938). House structures were conical with a light frame and covered by brush, similar to Southern Paiute and Western Shoshone. One of these structures was recorded in known Desert Kawaiisu territory at Pleasant Canyon east of Ballarat (Ritter 1980). Other artifacts and features noted at this Pleasant Canyon site include bedrock milling slicks, metates, petroglyphs, historic cans, and incised green slate (Ritter 1980). 32 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 There is no strong evidence to suggest that there was any formal leadership among the Desert Kawaiisu though it is possible that they had a single chief that organized rabbit drives, fiestas, and pine nut collections (Thomas et al. 1986). Saline and Death Valleys were within convenient distances for fiestas. One rumored Desert Kawaiisu chief was Panamint Tom (related to Panamint George Hanson through marriage) who resided during winter months in Pleasant Canyon and summer months on the west side of the Panamint Mountains (White 2006). Panamint Tom gained notoriety in connection with hostilities against white settlers (Steward 1938; Underwood 2006) (Figures 3.7 and 3.8). Despite the mystery that surrounds the Desert Kawaiisu, archaeological evidence suggests that the Desert Kawaiisu were more similar to the Shoshone and Paiute than their direct relatives the Mountain Kawaiisu who resided in the Tehachapi Mountains (Underwood 2006). Figure 3.7 Panamint Tom at Indian Ranch, Panamint Valley (courtesy of Death Valley National Park Services). 33 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.8 Panamint Tom’s sweat lodge at Furnace Creek, Death Valley (courtesy of Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California Berkeley). Figure 3.10 Panamint Tom’s House at Indian Ranch Reservation Panamint Valley, built before 1920, floor covered with goat skins in 1950 (courtesy of Eastern California Museum). 34 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND The chronology developed for the Mojave Desert will be utilized in the following chapters; however for comparative purposes the chronological framework developed for the Great Basin is examined. These frameworks are based on models developed by Warren (1984), and Warren and Crabtree (1986) for the Mojave Desert, and Bettinger and Taylor (1974), and Bettinger (1989) for the southwestern Great Basin. Despite many regional differences, anthropologists consider the Mojave Desert an extension of the Great Basin and, as a result, archaeologists working in the Mojave Desert and southwestern Great Basin have traditionally worked from the same basic assumptions (e.g., Kroeber 1939; d’Azeverdo 1986; Grayson 1993; Lawlor 1995:43). From an environmental standpoint, the Mojave Desert is part of the hydrographic Great Basin, which means that Mojave Desert rivers flow inland rather than emptying into the sea (Smith and Street-Perrott 1983). Furthermore, at the time of European contact thenative people of the Mojave Desert were materially and linguistically related to people of the Great Basin (Lawlor 1995:4), and it has been demonstrated that long-term trends in prehistoric subsistence and settlement systems were largely similar. However, there are discrepancies with respect to subsistence strategies, settlement systems, and chronology (Basgall 2007:15; Bettinger 1989; Bettinger and Taylor 1974; Sutton et al. 2007; Warren 1984; Warren and Crabtree 1986). Chronology Developed for the Mojave Desert Late Pleistocene. The Paleo-Indian era (10,000-8,000 cal B.C.) of the Mojave Desert appears to have been occupied by humans using the Clovis technology. Over the years there have been many claims for a pre-Clovis presence, (e.g., Leakey et al. 1972; Schuiling 1979; Simpson 1958, 1961, 1980) but these claims cannot be substantiated. 35 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 However there are data (e.g., Clovis projectile point) to support human occupation of the Mojave Desert at the end of the Pleistocene (Basgall and Hall 1991; Brott 1966; Davis and Shutler; Rogers 1939; 1969; Skinner 1984; Warren and Phagan 1988; Warren et al. 1989). The occurrence of Clovis points in conjunction with dry lakes in areas of the north and west sectors of the Mojave Desert (e.g., China Lake, Thompson Lake) is a seemingly common theme indicating that these areas were lush and well-watered at the end of the Pleistocene (Davis 1978; Rosenthal et al. 2001; Sutton et al. 2007). Perhaps future research will confirm or refute whether Paleo-Indians actively hunted and relied upon megafauna. Early Holocene. The Early Holocene (8,000-6,000 cal B.C.), or Lake Mojave and Pinto cultural complexes, is marked by various stemmed projectile point forms (e.g., Lake Mojave, Silver Lake) crescents, steep-edged unifaces, flake tools, some heavy core-cobble tools, and very little or no milling equipment (Sutton et al. 2007; Warren 1984). Earlier studies equated Lake Mojave settlements with a lacustrine-based subsistence adaptation that featured a heavy emphasis on the procurement of large mammals (e.g., deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep) (Bedwell 1973; Hester 1973). Running counter to this is a significant amount of data from early Holocene sites at Fort Irwin that indicate significant exploitation of small mammals and reptiles rather than a focus on large game. In fact, the excavators of these sites describe early populations as subsistence generalists (Basgall et al. 1986; Basgall 1990b; Basgall and Hall 1990; Douglas et al. 1988). These interpretive differences in subsistence strategies are perhaps due to biases developed by early survey programs that deliberately focused on studying playa shorelines where there is a high potential for locating Lake Mojave 36 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 deposits (Basgall 1993, 2000; Basgall and Hall 1994a; Giambastiani 2007; Basgall 2007; Waters 1988). Middle Holocene. The Middle Holocene (7,000-3,000 cal B.C.), which includes the Pinto and Deadman Lake cultural complexes, is slightly reminiscent of the early Holocene, but is typified by an abundance of milling equipment, bifaces, formal unifaces, simple flake tools, core cobble implements, bifurcate stemmed Pinto points, and contracting stemmed and leaf-shaped points. However, leaf-shaped points and contracting-stem Gypsum points have been found in association with Pinto forms, thus a cultural complex referred to as the “Pinto-Gypsum” was noted in Rogers’s 1939 scheme (Basgall 2000; Basgall and Hall 2000; Basgall 2007; Giambastiani 2007; Hall and Basgall 1994; Schroth 1994). Several studies at Fort Irwin, Twentynine Palms, and in the Antelope Valley have suggested that fine-grained igneous stone, such as basalt and rhyolite, was favored for bifaces and points during this period (Basgall 1993a; Basgall and Hall 1993; Basgall and Giambastiani 2000). Few sites in the China Lake region have extensive Pinto components (CA-INY134; CA-INY-182) (Whitley et al. 2005), though there is substantial hydration data supporting a middle Holocene occupation (Gilreath and Hildebrandt 1997). Milling artifacts (e.g., milling stones, hand stones) are typically found with Pinto assemblages. These artifacts are usually very worn non-portable types (Basgall 2000; Basgall and Hall 1994a, 1994b). The Pinto Complex was initially interpreted as a time of large game hunting supplemented by vegetal use and small animal exploitation by small highly mobile populations that resided in seasonal camps along streams, lakeshores, and adjacent to springs (Rogers 1939; Wallace 1962; Warren 1986). More recent findings suggest Pinto 37 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Complex populations were centrally sited, reoccupying the same settlements that were situated on the landscape (including at springs) in an effort to exploit food resources by way of logistical foraging strategies (Basgall 2002a). Like the early Holocene, small game was heavily exploited. Large mammals (artiodactyls) were taken but are sparsely represented in most assemblages (Basgall 1990b; Basgall and Hall 1990; Douglas et al. 1988; Hall 1992). The fact that milling technology is present in Pinto assemblages provides a further indication that these populations were not only generalists, but broadspectrum foragers who exploited vegetal foods similar to their predecessors of the early Holocene (Basgall 2007; Basgall and Giambastiani 2000). The Deadman Lake Complex was recently proposed by Sutton and coworkers (2007:239-241). Data collected from Deadman and Emerson Lakes (indicative of the southeast Mojave Desert) characterizes this complex, which is distinctively marked by small-to medium-size contracting-stemmed points, moderate amounts of milling equipment, Olivella shell beads, abundant bifaces, simple flake tools, battered cobbles, and core tools. Tools were predominately crafted from non-silicate material, including coarse-to fine-grained igneous rock and only small amounts of obsidian. Deadman Lake is also more focused on lakeside (playa) environments. The artifact assemblage and faunal data supporting the Deadman Complex seems to indicate that there was, like the Pinto Complex, an emphasis on vegetal food processing and the taking of small animals such as lagomorphs, rodents, and reptiles (Sutton et al. 2007). The Pinto and Deadman Lake complexes both suggest that Middle Holocene humans were rather generalized with regard to dietary choices. Distinct tool types between these two complexes suggest variability in strategies indicating separate 38 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 time periods and/or distinct cultures. Deadman Lake is very reminiscent of PintoGypsum complexes with only slight differences. Late Holocene. The late Holocene (2,000 cal B.C.-Contact) is represented by three major complexes: Gypsum (2,000 cal B.C.-cal A.D. 200), Rose Spring (cal A.D. 200-1100), and Late Prehistoric (cal A.D. 1100-Contact). The Gypsum Complex is typified by several types of dart points, including the Gypsum contracting-stem, Elko corner-notched or eared, and basal-notched Humboldt forms. The Rose Spring Complex assemblage reflects the introduction of the bow and arrow and contains medium-sized arrow points including Rose Spring and Eastgate Series points. The Late Prehistoric Complex assemblage consists of small arrow points, such as the Desert Side-notched or the (un-notched) Cottonwood triangular (Sutton et al. 2007; Warren 1984). Other tools found in association with this temporal period include various types of bifaces (e.g., cores, knives, refined blades), simple flake tools, milling stones, hand stones, pestles, brownware pottery, incised stone, and mortars. Milling equipment is more common and formalized during the late Holocene, perhaps suggesting more sophisticated adaptive strategies for the exploitation of plant resources (Sutton et al. 2007; Wallace 1955; Warren 1984). Warren (1984) and Warren and Crabtree (1986) proposed that soon after the Pinto period there was a return of moister and cooler environmental conditions that resulted in an increase in the number of artiodactyls (neo-glacial ca. 4,000 BP). As a result of these environmental changes, the hunting of large game re-emerged, which supplemented the already steady vegetal diet of Mojave Desert populations (Hunt 1960; Wallace 1977; Williams and Orlins 1963). 39 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Yohe and Sutton (1999) argue that as a result of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, which occurred during the middle of the Rose Spring Complex, lakes began to desiccate and permanent water sources became ephemeral ones. In addition, the introduction of the bow and arrow may have taken a toll on resource availability (e.g., artiodactyls). These conditions likely both led to the end of the Rose Spring Complex around ca A.D. 1100. During the Late Prehistoric Complex agriculturalists appear in portions of the eastern Mojave Desert (Virgin River Anasazi). During this complex the environment appears to continually decline as a result of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and new adaptations to the changing environment that led to the development of separate cultural complexes (Sutton et al. 2007:242). Cultural indicators for the northern Mojave Desert include Desert side-notched and Cottonwood projectile points, brownware ceramics, and use of Coso obsidian. Sutton and coworkers (2007:243) note that groups in the eastern Mojave Desert were not participants in the Coso obsidian trade. Chronology Developed for the Western Great Basin Pre-Archaic (pre-7000 BP). The Pre-Archaic occupation (to ca. 7000 BP) in the Great Basin and eastern California is seemingly sparse, being represented by only a few sites that are widely scattered across a large geographic area (Basgall 1987, 1989; Eerkens and King 2002; Hall 1990). Most of the data that supports a Pre-Archaic occupation has been found on the surface (Elston 1986; Halford and Carpenter 2005). These sites are typically marked by the presence of Great Basin Stemmed or fluted projectile points, although Pinto points are sometimes found as well (Eerkens and King 2002). Other indicators include bifaces, formalized flake tools, and, in very rare instances, milling equipment. The lack of milling equipment is attributed to the popular 40 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 notion that the Pre-Archaic humans of this region were highly mobile foragers who focused intensely on hunting game, both small and large (Eerkens and King 2002; Hall 1990; Halford and Carpenter 2005). Early Archaic (7000-3500 BP). The Early Archaic (7000-3500 BP), otherwise known as the Little Lake Period (Bettinger and Taylor 1974), is better represented than the Pre-Archaic. Not unlike the Pre-Archaic, it is still marked by Pinto points, bifaces, flake tools and highly mobile forager patterns (Basgall and McGuire 1988; Bettinger 1991; Delacorte et al. 1995; Eerkens and King 2002; Gilreath 1995; Halford and Carpenter 2005; Hall 1980; Jackson 1985; Jenkins and Warren 1984; Peak 1975). However, milling equipment is more common during this period suggesting an increased exploitation of vegetal resources, perhaps in response to warmer environmental conditions (altithermal) (Warren 1986). At the same time, the Stahl site, located at Little Lake in the southern portion of Owens Valley, is one definitive exception to theories of highly mobile humans during the Early Archaic. The Stahl site differs from other Early Archaic sites in that hearths, graves, ground stone, and residential structures have all been recorded; these indicators are consistent with long-term residential use (Bettinger 1989; Eerkens and King 2002; Harrington 1957; Schroth 1994;). However, it should be noted that drying conditions were not homogenous across the Great Basin, and various micro-habitats (like Little Lake) could have provided long-term viable resource bases for some hunter-gatherers during this period (Halford and Carpenter 2005:23). Newberry Period (3500-1350 BP). The Newberry Period (3500-1350 BP) is marked by Elko and Humboldt series projectile points, well-used milling implements (indicating a substantial increase in vegetal processing), increased obsidian quarrying, 41 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 vigorous trans-Sierran trade, and more logistically organized adaptive systems (Basgall 1989; Basgall and McGuire 1988; Basgall and Giambastiani 1995; Bettinger 1989; Bettinger et al. 1984; Delacorte 1990; Gilreath 1995; Hughes 1984, 1989; Singer and Ericson 1976). Great Basin and eastern California groups appear to have had seasonal residential bases during this time, in which they wintered in the valleys and then moved to higher elevations during the summer. This theory is based upon substantial archaeological evidence from the lowlands (structures, features, pinyon, mountain sheep, marmot) that are consistent with archaeological data from upland areas (pinyon cache features, house foundations, hearths) (Bettinger 1991; Delacorte 1990; Eerkens and King 2002:14; Wallace 1958). Haiwee Period (1350-650 BP). The Haiwee Period (1350-650 BP) is marked by the introduction of the bow and arrow, Rose Spring and Eastgate projectile points, bedrock milling features, extensive milling gear, formal bifaces, flake tools, increasing settlement centralization, such as temporary upland camps and more centralized seed processing stations in the valleys, sociopolitical elaboration, and subsistence intensification (Basgall and McGuire 1988; Bettinger 1989; Delacorte et al. 1995; Gilreath 1995;). The decline in residential mobility is perhaps most apparent in the decrease of flaked stone material diversity (mainly obsidian) and seemingly greater use of expedient tools (Basgall and McGuire 1988; Basgall and Giambastiani 1995; Bettinger 1989, 1999; Bettinger and Baumhoff 1982). Marana Period (650 BP-Historic or AD 1850). The Marana Period (650 BPAD 1850) reflects a continuation of trends seen during the Haiwee Period. However, Cottonwood and Desert Side-notched projectile points, Owens Valley brownware pottery, more elaborate and more permanent house features, and Euro-American items 42 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 such as tools and glass beads mark this late prehistoric period. There is a substantial reduction of mobility during this time, with an increased reliance on more local resources, including obsidian. The archaeological record shows increased reliance on small seeds and a focus on the use of wetland taxa in the valleys, pine nuts in the intermediate zones, and root crops and small mammals in the alpine zones. These patterns also match ethnographic data of Numic-speaking populations (Basgall and Giambastiani 1995; Bettinger 1989, 1977a; Bettinger and Baumhoff 1982; Eerkens and King 2002; Halford and Carpenter 2005). Curate Behavior When a place is abandoned this sets in motion a set of processes that deposits artifacts or de facto refuse. De facto refuse consists of the tools, facilities, structures, and other cultural materials that are still usable, but are left behind when an area is abandoned. Curate behavior designates the process of removing and transporting these still-usable or repairable items from an abandoned activity area for continued use elsewhere (Binford 1973, 1976, 1979; Schiffer 1987). Schiffer (1987:90) explains the motions that begin these processes: Curate behavior affects formation processes at two localities: the donor and recipient activity areas or settlements. From the standpoint of the original location, the removal of artifacts produces the donor curate set. From the standpoint of the destination, one may speak of a founding curate set, or items, that in some cases form the nucleus of a new systematic inventory. Although these processes are often difficult to interpret in the archaeological record there are variables to consider, key ones include the rate of abandonment, means of transportation, and whether or not return is anticipated (Schiffer 1987:90). In addition, curate behavior and de facto refuse deposition vary according to whether or not return was anticipated. Often times, especially amongst hunter- 43 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 gatherer’s objects will be cached when return is anticipated. Hence this type of planning leaves sites bereft of de facto refuse. In contrast, rapid departures, including natural catastrophic events and warfare, will produce greater amounts of de facto refuse (Schiffer 1987; Stevenson 1982). It should also be noted that curate behavior can occur as a series of acts involving several trips to a new settlement. Reasons for this type of behavior may be several; however, it certainly may be expected when 1) the distance between settlements is not great or 2) the abandoned settlement is located along well-traveled routes (Schiffer 1987:94). These types of behaviors can account for the variability in types of projectile points or other artifacts found at a site, presence of reworked stone tools, and variation in dates in analyzed artifacts (e.g., obsidian hydration dating, bead chronology, thermoluminecence dating). Hence what might seem like several episodes of occupation at a site might actually be the result of curate behavior. Previous Archaeological Research in the Region Several archaeological sites (Figure 3.10) and isolates have been located and recorded during surveys in the vicinity of the Searles (Dry) Lake Basin and Slate Range (e.g. Giambastiani 2007; Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2006; Reed and Hangan 1998; von Werlhof 1989), however only a few subsurface investigations have been conducted. In 2004 Ramirez de Bryson tested three sites on the west side of Searles Lake. Materials recovered from these investigations include bifaces, cores, flake tools, hammerstones, and lithic debitage. Obsidian hydration was conducted on several stone tools from one of these sites (CA-SBR-1010) yielding dates ranging from the middle to late Holocene. 44 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 One innovative, and non-intrusive, study by Cerveny and coworkers (2006) analyzed anthropogenic modifications to rock coatings by way of radiocarbon dating of pedogenic carbonate and rock-varnish microlaminations on rock features in the Searles Valley. Results from these investigations suggested some of the features (e.g., rockring, rock alignment) date to the mid-Holocene, at about 4110 alignment) to 3860 + + 40 B.P. (rock 50 B.P. (rock ring). Besides the Mirror Point site, Hildebrandt and Darcangelo (2006) recorded two other prehistoric sites on the east side of Searles Lake, both of which lie to the south of Mirror Point. The first and closest, CA-SBR-12135/H, is located amongst a series of large “house-sized” rocks. One of these large rocks was used as a rock shelter. The site is described as being “quite large” and includes two loci where most of the artifacts were found. Two historic mining claims were also found at this site. The artifact assemblage includes several projectile points that were identified as belonging to Lake Mojave, Silver Lake, Gypsum, and Desert types. Other recorded artifacts include six bifaces, flake tools, one handstone, three millingslabs, and lithic debitage (chert, obsidian, rhyolite). Both of the historic cairns contained rusted tobacco tins, but with no mining claims. In addition, many sites have been recorded in the Slate Range Mountains (see Figure 2.10). 45 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.10 Location of Mirror Point site (CA-SBR-12134/H) in relation to CA-SBR-12135/H and CA-SBR-12136. 46 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 3 Hildebrandt and Darcangelo (2006) suggest that CA-SBR-12135/H represents a short-term camp, used occasionally by people passing through the area, for no midden or cooking features were observed. Site CA-SBR-12136 is recorded as being situated across a deep drainage from CASBR-12135/H, and contains a small concentration of artifacts. This site is concentrated around several large granitic boulders that were probably used as protection from the elements (sun, wind). The artifact assemblage includes a late stage biface fragment, an Olivella saucer bead, two handstones, and one possible rock alignment (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2006). Hildebrandt and Darcangelo (2006) suggest that like CA-SBR-12135/H, CA-SBR12136 likely represents a short-term camp occupied occasionally by humans passing through the area. The only temporal indicator is the Olivella saucer bead (G series), which according to Bennyhoff and Hughes (1987), is indicative of the Middle Period (200 B.C.-A.D. 700) in central and southern California. Hildebrandt and Darcangelo (2006) also recorded sixteen isolates during their survey, and these include nine historic-period cairns, three bench marks, a mine shaft, an old road segment, a single coin, and one chert flake. The historic-period cairns were mostly located at the base of the mountains (Slate Range) and likely represent mining claims. The mineshaft is located on an alluvial fan just east of the Mirror Point site and is lined by wood at the top of the opening and also is surrounded on the perimeters by barbed wire. The three benchmarks are located just above the dry lake and they date to 1918, 1918, and 1943. The coin is a British shilling dated 1943. The old road is assumed as leading to the “New York mines.” The chert flake is a secondary reduction flake of red chert. 47 Investigatioins at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-121234/H) CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 4: INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES REGARDING ANOMOLOUS ROCK FEATURES AND RESEARCH DESIGN Several styles of rock features, with large amounts of variation, have been identified in several regions of North America (and other areas of the world). Cairns, alignments, stone circles, and semicircular enclosures have all been recorded in several areas/sites (e.g., Basgall and Giambastiani 1995; Giambastiani 2007; Haynal 2000; Vierra 1986; von Werlhof 1987). CAIRNS Cairns are common features that consist of piled stacks of rocks placed in a circular fashion. Jett (1986:615) identified 35 native ethnic groups in North America that employed trailside cairns (aka trail markers). The functions of cairns are not always obvious, although there are instances where they were used in mortuary practices to cover the dead (cairn burials). Moratto (1984:129-130) noted several sites in the Santa Barbara, California region (Glen Annie, Little Sycamore, Zuna Creek, and Mesa) where there are known mortuary patterns that involve use of milling stones in cairns. Similarly, King (2000) reported on nine sites in eastern California where single intermittent burials were discovered beneath stacked large rocks and/or milling equipment. A more common tradition of burying the dead with rock is that of the Wintu of Shasta County, California. The Wintu traditionally buried their dead in grave pits lined with rock, and then after interment covered the corpse with soil and more rock (Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2008: 43). Historically speaking, rock cairns were/are commonly used by miners of western North America (and likely elsewhere) as claim markers. These are typically associated 48 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 with a wooden post and/or tobacco tin containing a slip of paper that recognizes the claim (Giambastiani 2007:39; Hildebrandt and Darcangelo 2006). Southern Oregon and northern California tribes east of the Cascade Range consider rock cairns sacred or spiritually significant, and these cairns are generally associated with the traditional practice of vision questing. They are considered so sacred that many tribes prohibit touching or photographing rock features in general. The cairns of this region are typically found in the high elevation areas of what is known as Klamath/Modoc territory (this includes the Yahooskin Paiute). Cairns from this region are reported as occurring in two physical forms: a stacked rock column, where one rock is placed directly on top of the other; and conical-shaped, where a variable number of rocks form the base and taper in a cone/mound shape. Linear rock features (rock alignments) are also common to this region and some contemporary Klamath/Modoc speculate that these are simply embellished cairns built during power quests (Haynal 2000:171). Three sites known as the Keeler sites consist of cairn complexes that were discovered on the northeast shore of Owens Lake in Owens Valley, California during a survey for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (Halford and Carpenter 2005). A total of 124 cairns and numerous artifacts were recorded. Artifacts included brownware pottery, ground stone, faunal remains, flaked tools, and a few historic-period artifacts (e.g., buttons, rivets, eyelets, bottle fragments). Seven cairns were later excavated and partially cremated human remains (radiocarbon date from burial matrix: 530 cal BP) was discovered in one of these. Although one cairn obviously marked a burial, the other six lacked burials, thus function is unknown of these latter rock features (Halford and Carpenter 2005:67). 49 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 A later ethnographic investigation of the Keeler sites (Tono’ Musa) (Davis-King 2007) concluded that the cairns at the Keeler sites are morphologically similar to a number of cairns found at sites in the Great Basin, but differ due to the high number of artifacts associated with these features. Davis-King (2007:58) emphasized that, “Without additional archaeological investigation of the features and paleoenvironmental data analysis, few additional conclusions can be made.” Several sites with cairns and rock-rings were recorded during an expansion project in the Carbon Mines permit area in Carbon County, Wyoming. Native American consultations suggested that several of these sites with cairns were likely used as animal drives, some as lookouts, and a few could be burials. Stone circle sites were interpreted as camping sites or ceremonial sites. It was also suggested that these site types should be considered as eligible for Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) or Indian Sacred Site criteria (Lowe 2004: 106). Common to many western landscapes are rock stacks marking trails. Historic as well as prehistoric peoples constructed these, but in many cases it is impossible to determine when these features were built. A large cairn complex (CA-SBR-2823) consisting of 424 cairns located along a steep ridge above Lake Cahuilla in Riverside County California was recorded by Sutton and Wilke (1988). The size of these rock features varied; however, the average size was 50 centimeters or more (diameter). One artifact was noted at this site: a plainware sherd. Function of this site could not be discerned though possible functions were offered and these include ceremonial structures or water control devices. 50 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 ROCK ALIGNMENTS Rock alignments are another somewhat common feature and can be described as dry-laid masonry features constructed in a linear fashion. Rock alignments have been recorded along mountain trails in arc shapes, with some running parallel to the trail and others crossing the trail. They are also commonplace in deserts in flats and around playas and river drainages. The combination of rock alignments and cairns has been recorded at many sites in several areas of western North America (from Montana to Baja California), and are relatively common in the western Mojave Desert (Davis and Winslow 1965:14-15; Hunt 1960:147-162; LaPierre 2007; von Werlhof 1987). Rock alignments have been noted in association with prayer seats (Davis and Winslow 1965; Chartkoff 1983:752; Haynal 2000; LaPierre 2007). Davis and Winslow (1965) and von Werlhof (1987) reported on several sites in the California deserts (Yuha and western Mojave areas) composed of giant ground figures (also known as earthen art or geoglyphs). Two feature types were described as depicting this art form: rock alignments and gravel effigies. Rock alignments are described as rows of stones set in huge wandering configurations, whereas gravel effigies are described as desert gravels scraped into piled windrows, thus exposing a strip of pale subsoil. The configuration or design of these rock formations is compared to petroglyph symbols observed in several areas of eastern California and western Nevada. Artifacts found in association with these features were reportedly uncommon, and cairns are present at number of sites (mostly in Panamint Valley). Though ethnographic information on these types of sites is lacking, several possible ideotechnic functions have been offered: graphic daydreaming, prehistoric zodiac, cosmic religion, and sacred projections for rain magic, healing, hunting, and/or fertility magic. 51 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 HUNTING BLINDS/DUMMY HUNTERS Hunting blinds are common on the western landscape and, like rock alignments, are typically, but not always, constructed by stacking rocks in a linear fashion, although they sometimes incorporate naturally occurring rock formations. The function of these structures has been described as “camouflaged shelter in which hunters concealed themselves” (Hudson and Blackburn 1979:78). Some (Hudson and Blackburn 1979:78) have postulated that the distribution of hunting blinds may be indicative of their use by all North American mainland groups. Sutton (1988:66) pointed out that hunting blinds were only known at two sites in the western Mojave Desert (CA-LAN-296 and CA-KER1481). Sutton also stressed that it was possible some of these features may have been lean-to shelter foundations; perhaps due to the fact that four of the features were located next to large boulders, however this is only speculative. In an effort to conduct a miles-long rock art survey in the area of Powder Wash, Wyoming, Keyser and Poetschat (2008) stumbled upon four possible hunting blinds. One of these was found in association with a rockshelter, and is described as “just large enough for a person to lie down inside the wall.” The blind is described as being in the form of stacked rocks deliberately placed in front of the shelter, thus forming a wall to hide behind (Keyser and Poetschat 2008:37). The other blinds are described as circular, low-walled enclosures all constructed atop high conical knolls. One of these blinds was found in association with a cairn. Three of the structures were built from flat slabs of rock and juniper logs. All of the blinds measured 60 centimeters high, but are noted as significantly different in diameter (between 3 and 8 meters). 52 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Keyser and Poetschat pointed out those similar type stone structures in this region have been identified as vision quest fasting beds. However, given the construction methods and environmental setting, these structures at Powder Wash seem more like historic Native American rifle pit fortifications rather than vision quest rock features (2008:38). Many rock art sites in eastern California are found in conjunction with hunting blinds and “dummy hunters,” which are reminiscent of cairns, but are used to hide hunters from the game being hunted (Grant et al. 1969; Gold 2007:131; Muir 1901). Grant and coworkers stated “Almost without exception, the aboriginal rock drawings (in the Coso Range) were located on migratory game trails, near hunting blinds in narrow gorges” (1969:29). With regard to dummy hunters, Muir (1901) noted while observing eastern California Indians, “they were compelled to build dummy hunters out of stones, along the ridge-tops which they wished to prevent the game from crossing” (Grant et al. 1969:31). Grant and coworkers also took notice that dummy hunters are always on the north side of a mountain facing the shady side of the canyon so that the shadow appears in silhouette from below (1969:31). Hunting “walls” or blinds were recorded in several areas of the Absaroka Mountains, northwestern Wyoming (Kinneer et al. 2005). These walls could not be definitely linked with either prehistoric or historic Native Americans, though the qualitative data suggested that humans hunting without the aid of horseback and guns might have constructed these walls. These data included placement and orientation (not for containment but for directing animals), and lichen growth (thus assuming these features were not constructed within the last 100 years) (Kinneer et al. 2005). Further research needs to be conducted to verify these contentions. 53 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Several hunting blinds have been recorded at Yaqui Pass near Borrego Valley in southwest California (Schneider et al. nd). Construction methods are described as both free standing features and those that enhance a natural bedrock outcrop. All of the blinds overlook drainages; or rather the fronts of the blinds face drainages. A number of cairn complexes were also recorded in this area. Both feature types, blinds and cairns, are interpreted as being related to the taking of big horn sheep: blinds hide the hunter; while cairns served as “dummy hunters” to channel escaping sheep (p.1-14). PRAYER SEATS Prayer seats have been described as three-sided or semicircular dry-laid masonry enclosures. One Native American name for these, tsektsels, is derived from Yurok and means “a place” (Wylie 1976). Reportedly, few artifacts are found in association with these features. Ethnographically referenced, these features were traditionally visited by medicine women to gain powers for healing (Chartkoff 1983:746). The Klamath and Modoc of southern Oregon and northern California refer to prayer seats as “prayer circles,” which are described as sacred areas, circular or Ushaped in form, where certain people, such as powerful leaders and shamans, would go to pray. Recent ethnographic studies from this area reveal that powerful leaders or shamans would have used prayer seats during prolonged vision quests. A brush roof was often added to the seat for protection from the elements, and often an individual might return to the same prayer seat year after year. In addition, rock cairns are commonly found in association with prayer seats as they act as a focus for meditation, as well as an offering to the spirit powers (Haynal 2000: 176). 54 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 CACHE PITS A seemingly important type of rock feature in western North America is the cache pit. Wilke and McDonald (1989:57) identified 19 sites (rockshelters) in the California deserts and the Southwest containing rock-lined cache pits. Cache pits in the California deserts were described as being up to a meter in diameter and having depths of up to 30 centimeters. Most pits were described as being carefully constructed and typically “chinked with small rocks” (1989:69). Wilke and McDonald attributed this careful construction as reflecting a deliberate effort on the part of the builder “to render the pits rodent proof” (1989: 69). Excavation of four cache pits at Chapman Rockshelter No.1 in the Coso Range revealed features lined with basalt slabs. Metates were used in the construction of two of these features. Three of the pits were lined with materials such as bunchgrass, buckwheat plants, Joshua tree fiber, tule matting, and twined basketry. One of the pits was not lined, but contained lithic debitage, a small biface, a basalt mano, a slate pendent fragment, pinyon hulls, twined basketry, and a bone bead (Wilke and McDonald 1989:63). Excavations at a rock shelter at Gold Butte, Nevada revealed a rock lined cyst. Inside the cyst were remnants of yucca fiber. No other cultural materials were noted in this feature. C-14 dating on one of these yucca fibers yielded a date of AD 130, which corresponds to a Basketmaker II occupation. Artifacts noted on the surface and below the surface include Humboldt, Elko, and Cottonwood projectile points, a metate, and a single Olivella saucer bead (McGuire et al. 2010). Wilke and McDonald (1989) also analyzed Southwest rock-lined cache pits for comparative purposes. It was noted that a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and 55 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 construction methods were reported for excavated storage pits, although most of the reports lacked sufficient detail. In the Southwest, cache pits lined with slab rocks are known as cists. Again, the authors argued, “such features are so commonplace that they often generate little enthusiasm on the part of Southwestern excavators, frequently being reported only as “typical cists.” It seems these “cists” are especially common on the Colorado Plateau in the Four Corners area, where they are indicative of the Basketmaker II culture. Cache pits excavated at Steamboat Cave near the upper Gila River in southwestern New Mexico produced such artifacts as 27 ears of corn with sticks stuck in the end of them, perhaps in an effort for drying. At Sun Flower Cave in Arizona, 12 cists were lined with slabs, some of which were used to dispose of the dead. It was concluded that caches (cists) were used for different purposes at different sites. Caches that are concealed (rockshelter sites) are perhaps reflective of a lifeway in which people were more seasonally nomadic (Wilke and McDonald 1989:65-66). Cached religious objects have been documented at two areas in southern California. Excavations at the Irvine site (CA-ORA-64) revealed two unusual cache features deposited in dug out shale rock, and each containing a pair of large ceremonial bifaces, though one of the caches also contained a plummet charmstone and globular perforated stone. One of the bifaces was carved from Buck Mountain obsidian, which is a source located several hundred miles north of the site. It was concluded that the biface cache features provide evidence for ritual behavior and long distance trade (Macko et al. 2005). A ceremonial cache was found during a monitoring project at Huntington Beach Mesa, Orange County, California. The cache lay 70 centimeters below ground surface 56 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 and was spatially separate from other site deposits suggesting planned isolation. Ritual items included miniature phallic like pestles, an obsidian biface, and a steatite birdstone. The authors argue that the direct association of phallic pestles and birdstones in this cache and others supports the notion that birdstones communicated fertility symbolism (Desautels et al. 2005). MEDICINE WHEEL Another type of feature, known as “medicine wheels”, are reminiscent of tipi rings/rock-rings, but are somewhat different stylistically. Medicine wheels are found on the Plains, with the majority being found in the Canadian prairie provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Medicine wheels are often confused with tipi rings, as they are similar, but are typically larger. The Bighorn Medicine Wheel in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming is 90 feet in diameter and is marked by 28 radiating spokes with six rock cairns at its periphery (a style unlike any tipi ring) (Eddy 1979:1-24; Farrer 1984:379380; Malouf 1961:383;). Eddy, an astronomer at the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, Colorado, hypothesized in his published thesis (1979) that medicine wheels, such as the Bighorn, were observatories used by prehistoric people. Others (Farrer 1984:379-380), however, hypothesize that medicine wheels were used in the construction of medicine lodges. Although ethnographic evidence to support either argument is lacking, it is possible that one copies the other, with respect to style (Eddy 1979:10). Eddy (1979) admitted that astronomy and archaeology are the most speculative sciences, in that both deal with very incomplete information. Nevertheless, although there is no ethnographic evidence to support the theory that prehistoric people used 57 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 medicine wheels on the Plains as observatories, Eddy presented some compelling evidence as a result of his investigations. Eddy, being an astronomer, was struck by the fact that the number of spokes (28) in the medicine wheel at Bighorn is close to the number of days in a lunar month as well as the fact that two of the cairns were lined up on a symmetrical north/south line. These astronomical suspicions were tested on June 20 at the time of summer solstice. It was found that two of the cairns mark the rising and setting sun at summer solstice. The remaining five cairns mark Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus; Rigel, the brightest star in Orion; and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Eddy also pointed out that that the heliacal rising of Aldebaran would have first shown at summer solstice around 200 to 400 years ago, which coincides (according to Eddy) with archaeologists’ estimates of when the Bighorn medicine wheel was built (1979:13). EARTHERN ART/EARTHERN WORKS Another universally found type of rock feature is earthen art, sometimes referred to as stone intaglios or geoglyphs. This ancient prehistoric art form differs from rock art in that it is “an arrangement of rock and earth” using various techniques (von Werlhof 1989:5, 10-11). Similar to rock alignments, these types are often curvilinear and spread over a large area. In addition intaglios often incorporate cairns and uplifted slabs of rocks that reflect a deliberate arrangement of rocks in a selected area, which seem to serve no utilitarian purpose but exhibits a design or a deliberate shape. Often stones unusual in shape, color, or size were used (perhaps by shamans), to “highlight” the features, thus these are referred to as sighting stones (von Werlhof 1989: 12). Also common are “centerpieces” or axis mundi, to which the rest of the design relates and from which it is radiated (von Werlhof 1989: 12). 58 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Von Werlhof (1989:10-11) noted that these types of features, common to North American deserts, are most typically found on ancient terraces and are composed of cobble-sized rocks. He also points out that while rocks were sometimes brought in for construction, most often rocks occurring naturally in the immediate area were used. Von Werlhof’s (1987) employed aerial photography for investigating (North American) earthen art. From these studies von Werlhof determined the highest concentrations of earthen art/rock alignments on earth are found in Panamint Valley or in and around the former Pleistocene Panamint Lake. As a result, von Werlhof claimed a definite relationship between geoglyphs and land features, specifically playas and/or ancient water channels. Despite a lack of ethnographic support or datable materials, von Werlhof theorized that shamans likely created these arrangements as a ritual response to the drying of the Pleistocene water systems upon which these peoples depended. A more in-depth investigation of over 30 sites in Panamint Valley and nearby Wildrose Canyon demonstrated distinct differences in style. Von Werlhof notes the Panamint style to be based on enclosed bodies while the Wildrose style is based on open-ended lines, though both styles are present in each area. In addition, the Panamint sites mostly occur along the former lakeshore, while the Wildrose sites occur on edges of ancient tributaries. Panamint sites also differ in that they often include cairns, lithic artifacts, and power stations (assumed prayer sitting areas) of quartz or basalt; these features are not common at Wildrose, but they do occur. However trails are indicative of the Wildrose sites, but were only noted in association with one site in the Panamint Valley area. Von Werlhof argues from these findings that the Panamint style predates the Wildrose and hence the later style represents an outgrowth of ideas developed at 59 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Panamint. Further, von Werlhof claims that these differing styles encompass a shared ideology and cultural continuity. He also argues that sites were gradually elaborated with each visit, because rocks are seemingly stock piled at some of these sites. Von Werlhof ponders the lack of these types of features in the regions of China and Searles Lake, but no definitive reasoning is offered (1989: 30-31). Earthen art is found internationally, and construction methods differ as much as design and reason. Sub-Saharan populations of east Africa are said to be responsible for huge systems of ancient earthworks stretching from the “Bugoma Forest east of Lake Albert to the south banks of Katonga River, including south of the Kagera in Tanganyika and also in Ruanda” (Cole 1963: 319-322). These features are thought to date to the early part of the second millennium A.D., are usually situated near the banks of a river and often consist of a series of perimeter trenches that often encircle a hill(s). The function of these features remains unknown, although some suggest that they served as cattle kraals and/or defense systems. Excavations at Bigo, Uganda, on a flat top mound situated across one centrally located ditch revealed numerous cattle and other animal bones, potsherds, iron objects, and a copper bracelet; some of which date to the Babito Dynasty of the 16th century. It is thought that this mound was once a royal enclosure that was later vandalized and used as a dumping place (e.g., animal bones, pot sherds) (Cole 1963: 319-322). In the savanna lands of northeastern Bolivia there are many thousands of preSpanish earthworks that are believed to serve an array of utilitarian purposes. These include drained fields, causeways, mounds, canals, and circular ditches. All of these aforementioned features are associated with water diversion or protection/shelter from the movement of flood waters (Dillehay 1990). 60 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 ROCK-RINGS/TIPT RINGS/STONE RINGS Stone-rings are probably found universally, in both prehistoric and historic contexts. They can be simply described as features composed of rocks laid in a circle either with, or without, the individual rocks touching each other. When found in association with charcoal and ash, function is most likely that of a hearth. When no artifacts, charcoal, or ash is found in association then function is not so easily deciphered. Ancient stone circles are common to the British Isles and in many instances are thought to be associated with Druid ceremonies (altars), burials, or perhaps astronomical uses (Lewis 1888, 1909). In 1989, Sullivan and coworkers (2001) conducted a survey to examine the economic prehistory of the region around the Grand Canyon (Sullivan et al. 2001:367). During this investigation, 126 piles of fire-affected rock were located and recorded. Scatters of lithic and ceramic artifacts surrounded most of these features. It was noted that these types of features are unique to the region. Five of the features were thoroughly excavated to determine their function (Sullivan et al. 2001:368). Methods of analysis included flotation and identification of plant materials. A variety of plant foods was recovered and identified, including cactus, Indian rice-grass, cheno-ams, pruslane, buckwheat, juniper, and pinyon nuts. No domesticated plants were noted, despite the fact that maize was being produced during this period and is present in the region. The authors suggested these features and their associated lithic scatters may have been used for wild plant food processing (Sullivan et al.2001:374). 61 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Yohe and Sutton (1991) conducted archaeological investigations at CA-SBR-5728 in northwestern San Bernardino County that revealed a distinct bowl-shaped rock feature made of fire-affected and non-native stones. The feature measured 50 centimeters in diameter and was 17 centimeters deep. The surrounding soil was dark and contained bits of charcoal. In addition many low-grade chalcedony rocks were found in association with this feature. Artifacts collected during this investigation were minimal and included four metate fragments (rhyolite and fire-affected) and four flaked stone (all low grade chalcedony and one piece of debitage is heat treated) specimens. A single accelerator mass spectrometry (ASM) radiocarbon assay date of 1,855 radiocarbon years BP was obtained from the charcoal fragments located within this feature. Despite these investigations the authors note that the purpose of this site remains enigmatic. One likely possibility is that the heat treatment of siliceous stone for the ease of flint knapping was being conducted. The presence of metate fragments is not explained, but might indicate short term habitation use during stone tool production (Yohe and Sutton 1991). Delacorte (1995:257) found that rock-ring configurations (N=55) at the Volcanic Tablelands in Owens Valley, California fell into four categories, which he labeled house/habitation rings, threshing floors, walls or windbreaks, and cairns. These determinations based on an analysis of variance in differences in ring measurements. Still Delacorte pointed out, “These statistics do not, of course, confirm the absolute accuracy or functional implications of this classification, but they do suggest that the Tablelands samples represent at least four morphological and possible, functional types” (1995:257). 62 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Vierra (1986:115) used a similar classification system based on a set of characteristics including both qualitative and quantitative data to determine rock-ring feature function at Pahute and Ranier Mesas in western Nevada. The variables were grouped into three overlapping categories “for ease of presentation” (Vierra 1986:115). The first category contained two variables: geographic location and substrate, which measure the environmental context in relation to the feature. The second category contained four variables: presence or absence of charcoal, fire cracked rocks, associated features, and artifacts, which may appertain to function. The third category contained seven variables: number of rocks, rock size diversity, maximum inside diameter, maximum outside diameter, inside to outside diameter, presence of openings, and feature height. These last seven variables took into consideration the construction aspect of the features (Vierra 1986:115). Rock ring features were divided into several categories based upon this classification system, including pinyon caches (food storage caches), hunting blinds, roasting ovens, and house rings (Vierra 1986:115). Humans have occupied the Mojave Desert and Great Basin of eastern California for thousands of years, but unfortunately for the archaeologist modern impacts (e.g., looting, land development, off road utility vehicles, camping) have taken a toll on archaeological sites. Nevertheless, there have been a few situations where archaeologists have been able to study large sites with excellent preservation, outstanding artifact density, and distinct patterns of refuse in relation to structures and/or the site in general. One such example of prehistoric Great Basin lifeways is the Bustos wickiup site near Ely, Nevada (Simms 1989). This site was marked by “semierect remains of five juniper log structures dating to the last half of the eighteenth century” (Simms 1989: 2). 63 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Simms reported the presence of distinctive stumps left by prehistoric peoples by way of fire and stone axes. Simms remarked, “In a romantic sense the only things missing are the people, presumably the Shoshone” (1989:2). This presumption is based on ethnographic evidence and site chronology (30 pieces of late brownware ceramics and a single Rose Spring projectile point) (1989:16). A sample of pinyon charcoal taken from an excavated hearth between two of the structures yielded a 14 C date of 110 B.P. (1989:13). One large hearth, which had been converted into a smaller roasting pit, was excavated and the contents analyzed. Most of the hearth’s contents had been burned, which hindered identification. However, carbonized juniper twigs and berries, and carbonized pinyon branches, needles, and cone parts were identified. Also reported were a number of carbonized fragments of pinyon nut hulls, suggesting a fall occupation at this site (Simms 1989). In addition to the Bustos wickiup site, eight additional sites were located in close proximity or along the drainage. The sites fell into two basic categories, circular rock rings and lithic scatters. Generally speaking, the rock-rings consisted of angular to rounded stones (10 to 35 centimeters) arranged one to two courses high, with an average inside diameter of 3.5 meters. The line of the rocks was described as “typically very distinct on the inside of the circle, with the surrounding, outside rocks scattered, forming a less distinct circle from 3.8 to 6 meters in diameter” (Simms 1989:17). The rings were found where bedrock meets the ground surface, or “where sediments are shallow, such as along ridge crests, similar to other Great Basin cases” (Simms 1989:17; e.g., Vierra 1986:111-130). Artifacts were not common around the rings, although four of these features yielded single flakes. 64 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 It was hypothesized that these rock-ring features were most likely the remains of pine nut storage facilities. This is based on the fact that their location was in a mature pinyon forest, that they were situated on bedrock, which is ideal for food storage because it inhibits rodent invasion, and upon the fact that this type of storage methodology has been documented ethnographically, where nuts or pinecones are piled within the circle of the stones and then covered with branches (e.g., Hoffman 1878:473; Simms 1989:17). Hypotheses regarding feature function vary according to location and/or site proximity. Early investigations by Wilke (1983) in Owens Valley, California at sites along lower Cottonwood Creek reported on rock-rings surrounding bedrock associated with milling slicks and hand stones. At the time Wilke postulated that these features were threshing floors, however flotation samples recovered from one of the features did not contain many seeds or other organics. Bettinger (1989) investigated rock-ring occurrences at Crater Middens in Owens Valley, California in association with large bedrock milling features. He hypothesized that they were merely wind/sun shades for cover at grinding areas. Flotation was conducted, but the results were not reported. Surveys by Basgall and Giambastiani (1995) in the Volcanic Tablelands of northern Owens Valley revealed numerous ground-level bedrock exposures with grinding slicks, milling equipment, rock-rings, and carbon stains within the features. During this investigation, Basgall and Giambastiani hypothesized that these features served as threshing floors for seed processing by way of flash-burning methods. Flotation samples were taken, but never fully analyzed; however, it was speculated that rice grass processing occurred. 65 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Basgall and Delacorte (2003) postulated that flash burning was introduced as an alternative to, or an aid in, seed threshing. These researchers maintained that this method would have decreased labor costs with the benefit of toasting the seeds while loosening them from their chaff. In addition to the alleged “threshing floors”, Basgall and Giambastiani (1995:102106) noted other rock-ring structures (Volcanic Tablelands CA-MNO-2190) that they labeled “multi-course house rings.” A total of three multi-course house rings was recorded, and one was excavated. The outer perimeter of the excavated house ring measured 6.1 x 5.5 meters, with the walls having a maximum thickness of 2.3 meters. A total of 85 “welded tuff boulders” were used in its construction. The entrance was recorded as facing southeast, and the ring was described as containing carbon-stained sediments and small finds identified as “residential debris”. Artifacts recovered included five cobble implements, three hand stones and milling stones, two potsherds, two pieces of modified tuff, one biface, a fragment of undiagnostic groundstone, several flakes, and three pieces of animal bone. A large milling stone and three tuff boulders with cupules were incorporated into the wall of the house. Sutton (1988) reported a large rock circle with two smaller circles on the eastern edge of the larger ring giving an appearance of a “Mickey Mouse” head at one site in the southern Sierra Nevada (Kern County). Apparently, the shape does not indicate that the feature is of historic times because similar features of prehistoric origin have been reported elsewhere (Sutton 1988:64). Rock-ring function or site use at CA-KER 230 was not offered. Eckhardt and Hatley’s (1982) investigations at Owl Canyon and Stoddard Valley in the Mojave Desert provided information on 20 rock features. Most appeared to be 66 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 rock-rings, although a few were identified as cairns. Detailed drawings of these features demonstrated a great deal of diversity in shape. The rock-ring assemblages and cairns were unique in that they included swept clearings, circles, semi-circles, alignments, or other amorphous configurations (Eckhardt and Hatley 1982:81). Eckhardt and Hatley suggested a wide range of interpretations for both the cultural affiliation and functions of rock-rings noting, “other configurations have been proffered by many investigators” (Eckhardt and Hatley 1982: 81). Rogers (2005) has conducted numerous surveys and mapped seven sites on the eastern slope of the El Paso Mountains in the western Mojave Desert, all of which are located along a drywash that drains into China Lake. Test excavations were conducted in 2005 on one of these sites known as the Terese site (CA-KER-6188). Recovered artifacts include metates, manos, pestles, hammerstones, modified cobbles, lithic cores, flakes, bifaces, projectile point fragments, and shell beads. Both the Terese site and the other six mapped sites are marked by rock-rings, extensive milling implements, lithic scatters, and rock art (Rogers 2005:7-12). Allen (2004) has conducted numerous surveys and excavations at Red Mountain (south of Searles Lake). Chronological evidence gathered from these investigations suggests human occupation during the Gypsum, Rose Spring, and Late Prehistoric periods (Marana/Haiwee), or rather continuity of occupation during and after the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (Allen 2004:9). Surface features found within the Red Mountain archaeological district were identified as late prehistoric and they include hunting blinds, stone circles, cleared areas, cairns, and milling implements (Allen 2004:11). 67 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Tipi rings on the North American Plains are morphologically similar to rock-ring features in California and the Great Basin and, like their counterparts, are generally ambiguous with regard to function. Tipi rings have been described as undoubtedly the most visible sites on the northwestern Plains in prehistoric times. Although tipi rings probably did not begin to appear in considerable numbers until the Late Archaic (DeMallie and Frison 2001:141), it has been hypothesized that these features were at least minimally present during the Middle Archaic. They have been recorded as isolated features and in large groups. Typically they are found along butte tops, barren ridges, small topographic rises, and along stream terraces (DeMallie and Frison 2001:141). Tipi rings are also noted for their lack of cultural material, again similar to their rock-ring counterparts to the west. To reiterate, there is speculation over the function of these anomalous rock features, although most (Kehoe 1958; Malouf 1961) assume they represent the remnants of skin covered housing structures hence the name “tipi rings”. Nevertheless, others (such as Mulloy 1958) contend that these features are simply problematic, and must be related in some way to medicine wheels, thus they are ceremonial. It is also hypothesized that either the human groups who occupied these sites were culturally impoverished or that their occupation was very brief (due to lack of data to support otherwise) (DeMallie and Frison 2001:141). North American artist George Catlin (1844) noted that out of all the tribes on the Plains, the Crow Indians “make the most beautiful lodge.” Campbell (1927:87) argued that the Crow pride themselves on the size and beauty of their tipis; one reason being perhaps their proximity to the Bighorn Mountains, where lodge poles were readily obtainable (1927:87). 68 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Campbell referenced Plains tribes that constructed four-pole tipi lodges. These included the Blackfoot, Sarsi, Ute, Shoshone, Omaha, Comanche, and Crow. Tribes that constructed tipi lodges using three poles included the Kutenai, Flathead, Nez Perce, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Teton Sioux, Assiniboin, Kiowa, Gros Ventre, Plains-Cree, Mandan, Arikara, Pawnee, Ponca, Oto, and Wichita (1927:87-88). Kehoe (1958:861) maintained that, despite the uncertainty over the function of tipi rings, there was sufficient evidence in his investigations to demonstrate “that these stone rings, concentrated in the Northern Plains, were actually what their popular name implies; rings of stones employed by Indians to anchor the peripheries of their skin lodges.” Kehoe also argued that, although most of his fieldwork had been conducted in north-central Montana and adjacent Alberta, “results probably apply also to similar rings in neighboring regions, particularly the Dakotas and Wyoming” (1958:861). Kehoe’s interpretations were based on a substantial amount of ethnographic evidence including some historical accounts, as well as the results of intensive archaeological surveys. One survey conducted by Kehoe in the autumns of 1952 and 1953 on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Montana revealed the following facts to support his identification of these rock features as tipi rings: thousands of these features in the aforementioned district alone; correlations between location of rings and obvious environmental settings favorable for camping; patterns of rings laid out in a camp-like fashion; and finally, the average sizes of the rings demonstrating a temporal trend in the depth of the rocks in the ground, which might imply a change in tipi size quite possibly related to societal changes due to the introduction of the horse (1958:862). 69 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 As stated above, there were correlations between location of rings and environmental settings favorable for camping, but this was not always the case. There were also many less favorable locations where rings were recorded. Kehoe explained such departures by making reference to one ethnographic account in which a South Piegan woman recalled that her group would sometimes have to camp in unfavorable locations, particularly if caught in a blizzard (1958:863). Generally speaking, Kehoe (1958:863) argued that in quantity of stones and size of circle, tipi rings on the Plains are consistent with the amount that would be necessary to anchor a lodge. Kehoe suggested that following future research; patterning of rings might provide a clue to ethnic affiliations at these sites. Kehoe (1958:864-65) hypothesized that, given the highly nomadic life of indigenous peoples on the Plains, minimal data can be expected when conducting excavations of these rock features. In one report by Malouf (1950a), an archaeological investigation encompassing 500 square miles at Canyon Ferry Reservoir near Helena, Montana, revealed 16 sites containing tipi ring clusters. Typically, these clusters were found in one of three types of localities: 1) on low terraces along the Missouri River; 2) in low passes situated between mountain valleys or low mountain saddles or ridges that were somewhat broad; and 3) on terraces along year-round streams that would flow into the Missouri River. Malouf (1961:381) provided a summary of studies of tipi ring sites in Montana, Wyoming, and adjacent areas on the High Plains. He noted that, “Stones arranged in circles are numerous throughout the western Plains of the United States and Canada,” and that “Similar enclosures sometimes found in portions of adjoining areas, such as the Great Basin, and the Columbia Basin, may be the remains of different types of 70 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 structures.” Despite the fact that these features are ubiquitous to areas of the Plains, Malouf pointed out that there were very few published descriptions. A total of 156 rings were recorded during these investigations (Malouf 1961:381), which varied in number from one to 50 in a cluster. It was reported that these rings were typically double-coursed rather than single-coursed, and that on average most rings had a circle of stones two to three feet wide encompassing approximately 75 stones. The rings were described as having no openings or doorways. Although sites were excavated, minimal data were recovered. No underground features were located, no hearths or postholes, nor floor levels. It was observed that the ground beneath the stones was no different than either inside or outside the ring. An effort was made to locate fire hearths outside of the tipi rings, based on the assumption that domestic chores had taken place outside the tipi rings. Nevertheless, despite intensive efforts, which included the placement of trenches across entire sites (including one that was 90 feet long), these efforts failed to produce any evidence of hearths. Yet, regardless of the lack of data, given the locality of these sites, with their proximity to water, fuel, and hunting, the position that these rings represent the remnants of camping sites was not ruled out (Malouf 1961:382). The dearth of artifacts associated with these rock features must be considered in depth. For instance, several historic camps at Canyon Ferry were also investigated, and they too were devoid of artifacts. Malouf asserted that “Roving Indian groups do not necessarily leave masses of garbage behind, and most of it was organic materials left on the surface of the ground where it decomposed” (1961:383). Historical accounts attest to this assertion. 71 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Malouf attempted to consider correlations between the distribution of rings and cultural traditions. He noted that there was a correlation between the distributions of rings and the former range of the Northern Shoshone as well as the early Comanche. Although this might have been possible in the far west, in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming, which is the heart of the Shoshone domain, stone rings are relatively few. In addition to this theory, Malouf argued that Great Basin archaeologists have traditionally attributed the side-notched points to the Shoshone, although this has yet to be proven. Regardless, the majority of points found at tipi ring sites are corner-notched, which is not typically representative of Shoshone according to Malouf (1961:387). In a more recent investigation, Hull (1987) conducted microdebitage analysis on soil samples collected from a tipi ring site known as the Bow Bottom site in Calgary, Alberta. This northern Plains site is described as being situated on an exposed grassy terrace at an estimated seven meters above the Bow River. Hull noted this site had been excavated twice previously for two separate projects. These previous investigations revealed upper and lower components that contained lithic material, fire-affected rock, and faunal remains (Components 1 and 3), as well as 18 tipi rings with central hearths, bone, fire-fractured rock, lithic debris, and several small features adjacent to the rings (Component 2) (p.274). A stratigraphic analysis indicated restricted periods of occupation between floods. However, the tipi rings suggested that there was quite possibly two periods of occupation. The cultural materials recovered from Component 2 were representative of the Besant Phase of the Middle Prehistoric period on the Plains. Three radiocarbon dates verified this chronological placement for they ranged from 2,300 to 2,800 years B.P. (Hull 1987:774). 72 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Component 2 was selected for microdebitage field-testing because of the presence of tipi rings and the relative abundance of lithic materials. The soil samples for microdebitage analysis were taken from three separate tipi rings. A total of 94 soil samples were collected with 87 of them taken from inside the rings (Hull 1987:775). Microdebitage diagrams were developed taking into consideration material types (chert, quartzite) and distributions of primary flakes, secondary flakes, retouched flakes and artifact frequency (Hull 1987:775). “Ring 16,” which was the largest of the three rings, exhibited the clearest patterns of use and disposal of lithic material and microdebitage. “Ring 17” contained the greatest quantity of microdebitage, but did not exhibit any clear patterning of either micro- or macrodebitage. “Ring 18” contained the least amount of macro- and microdebitage, with no distinct patterning (Hull 1987:778779). Hull argued that “Ring 16” lithic patterning fit well with expectations of disposal based on ethnographic accounts specific to the Plains. More specifically, she pointed out that “Secondary refuse was located among the rings, and the abundance of rocks in this ring (nearly twice that of the other two rings examined) indicates that an interior liner held in place by these extra stones may have been present” (p.781). Janes (1989) argued against Hull’s theories of microdebitage patterning based on his own contemporary studies of the Slavey Dene (Northern Athapaskans) of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s western Northwest Territories. Observations of the Slavey Dene showed that preparation of tools was accomplished on a piece of canvas, which would allow for collection and easy removal of sharp and possibly dangerous stone fragments from dwellings (p.853). Janes concluded that, given the circumstances at the Bow Bottom site (haphazardly disposed lithic waste), it was quite possible that it was either a short-term encampment or it was undergoing abandonment. Janes also argued that Hull 73 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 did not take into consideration the range of variation among Plains hunter-gatherers when applying available ethnographic data to the microdebitage analysis (1989:865). Recently, two large tent (rock) ring complexes along with two massive game drive systems composed of hundreds of rock cairns were recorded in the Brooks Range, Alaska at Agiak Lake (Wilson and Rasic 2008). The tent ring complexes date to approximately 5600-4900 B.P., and are believed to be the remnants of what were probably dome-shaped, caribou hide-covered shelters. It is suggested that these sites were used by many families and on many occasions (seasonally). These tent ring complexes represent the largest set of habitation features in northern Alaska known at this time (Wilson and Rasic 2008: 128-145). Cairns (1975) conducted a burial rescue excavation on a sand dune, at Cape St. Francis, South Africa. Several (one in situ) circular-shaped stone features constructed of tightly packed beach cobbles were observed nearby. Initially it was thought that these features were grave caps, but further excavation proved different. In the absence of artifacts or human remains, it was decided that these stone rings were hearths due to the dark humic soil found beneath the rocks (p. 37). Eight stone circle complexes were discovered in the harsh desert region of the Cape Fria area, northern Namibia during a ten-day reconnaissance investigation (Noli 1987). The stone circles ranged from one to two meters in diameter and the stones were embedded approximately one-third their length into the desert pavement. All of the features had been severely sand blasted. The only artifacts recovered in the immediate vicinity of the stone rings were two pieces of pottery and one unidentifiable piece of iron. Shell middens and cryptocrystalline flakes were also recorded during 74 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 survey in a relatively close area, which is in the vicinity of hummock dunes and a seal colony (p. 60). No dates were obtained from the stone circle complexes although it is suggested that these features were the stone bases for huts. Reportedly, stone foundations (bases) stabilize structures against wind and chill factor (Noli 1987: 61). Noli also argues that the constraints of a harsh environment will mask the usual social differentiations that might be expected amongst individual groups. Because of this it is not possible to identify the builders of stone circles at Cape Fria (1987: 62). Elevated ring-shaped features consisting of rocks and dark soil are common to areas of the Mojave Desert where mescal (Agave sp.) and tool (Dasylirion sp.) plants are found. These features range in size between five and twenty meters, are often constructed out of lime rock, and are surrounded by dark ashy soil with charcoal bits mixed in. Soil analysis and ethnographic date have demonstrated that these features were used as roasting ovens for mescal, tool, and other types of foods including animals (Kroesen and Schneider 1991). EARTHERN MOUNDS/MOUNDS Earthen Mounds are another anomalous, but very intriguing, rock feature that are composed of two media: earth and stone. Theories on function vary as do location, substrate, construction methods, materials used, size, artifacts found in association, and presence of human remains. Earthen mounds could be described as a less “showy” (since they seem to blend with their given environments) version of the popular Mexican/Central American/Egyptian pyramids vis-à-vis entombment of burials, ritual items, and such. 75 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 For example, an Iron Age Complex of seventeenth century Komaland, northern Ghana, West Africa, is distinguished by a number of stone-encircled earthen mound tombs (Anquandah 1987). Excavations of several of these mounds revealed the remains of animals and humans, pottery, grinding stones, iron implements, terracotta sculptures, and brass castings (p. 172-173). The human remains from the Komoland mounds were reportedly decorated with brass or copper anklets, bracelets, and necklaces. The terracotta sculptures, some depicting animals, are thought to represent departed clan ancestors or clan deities. Due to the iconic value of some of the burial remains it seems obvious that the builders of these stone-encircled mounds were probably guided by religious and social motives. Not surprisingly, but nonetheless intriguing, modern religious studies (of the Bulsa) in this region show parallels to spirits embodied in animals and the cult of burial under stone encircled mound superstructures (Anquandah 1987 176-179). Jennings (1946) reported on an earthen mound west of Franklin, Tennessee, located on a knob 140 feet high. The site is described as a conical mound measuring 18 feet high by 80 feet in diameter and built of “stones and earth” (p. 126). The stones are further described as large and numerous, and the mound is described as a “stone mound” (p. 126). One deep excavation trench was cut into the side of the mound, but no cultural materials were recovered. Though there is no telling evidence, Jennings points out that there are several sites in the immediate area that are both Archaic and Middle Mississippian in antiquity. More telling are the Leake mounds of Cartersville, Georgia, which once consisted of three mounds, one flat topped and two domed (Fairbanks et al. 1946). These mounds were situated directly along the Etowah River until road builders 76 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 destroyed them in the 1940s and used mound soil as fill for a bridge at the same location. One man, Pat Wofford, Jr., of Atco, Georgia, witnessed the destruction and salvaged as much material as possible (p. 126). A number of different types of pottery were identified from this salvage, including types that obviously predated the known Etowah-Lamar period. Most notably were the presence of numerous plummet stones with carved encircled grooves, a pipe made of slate, one copper disk, and three green slate beads. These remains are thought to resemble Adena-like remains from areas further north and perhaps indicate an early occupation in Etowah Valley (Fairbanks et al.1946: 127). Wallace and coworkers (1959) recorded 93 “stone mounds” in Death Valley, California. Mound size varied from eight to eighteen feet in diameter and from one and a half to three feet in height. Four of these features were excavated, three on the west side of Death Valley and one at Mesquite Flat (northwest) yielding human burials and mortuary items. Artifacts and features include Olivella beads, corner notched points, long-bladed stemmed points, bone spatulas, flexed burials, and limpet rings. Wallace and coworkers maintain that these traits are reflective of the Puebloid cultures of southern Nevada and therefore suggest an early and direct connection (p. 1-9). 77 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH DESIGN Occupation at the Mirror Point Site Chronologies for the study area are discussed in the following chapters. These data presented in this thesis will help refine, at least in part, the chronology of the western Mojave Desert. 1. During what prehistoric periods was the site occupied? 2. Was the occupation of the site represented by a single period or is it a multicomponents expression? Data Requirements: The collection and analysis of temporally sensitive artifacts (e.g., beads, projectile points) will identify when populations occupied the Mirror Point site. Hydration analysis of obsidian samples collected from the site, along with thermoluminescence dating of pottery, will further establish the chronology of site occupation. Rock Feature Function at the Mirror Point Site A review of anomalous rock features is presented in Chapter 4. This review may yield insight into function of rock features at the Mirror Point site. Two models developed to determine rock feature function in the Great Basin are explored. Other studies of anomalous features are also considered to explain the probable function of these features. 3. Are any of the characteristics of the rock features found at the Mirror Point site consistent with any of the categories established in the “Delacorte Model?” 4. Are any of the rock features found at the Mirror Point site consistent with the “Vierra Model?” 78 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Data Requirements: Several comparisons will be made to determine if the rock feature characteristics found at the Mirror Point site are consistent with any of the categories established by the Delacorte Model. Delacorte found that rock feature configurations (n=55) from the Volcanic Tablelands, Owens Valley, California, fell into four categories, which he labeled: house/habitation rings, threshing floors, walls or windbreaks, and cairns (Delacorte 1995: 257). These determinations were based upon statistical analysis, thus demonstrating differences in ring measurements. For the rings to coincide with Delacorte’s house/habitation category they would have to meet the following criteria: a mean circular measurement of approximately 6.11 m x 4.62 m diameter (with a range in outside diameter, from 4.5 m to 7.9 m and a width measured at a right angle diameter from 3.3 m to 6.0 m; well-built and thick construction using multiple courses of rocks; hearths may be present; and artifacts may include lithic debitage, Desert Site-notched or Cottonwood projectile points, fire fractured rock, faunal remains, cobble implements, handstones, millingstones, and possible rock art (diagnostic artifacts might coincide with the Late Prehistoric Period) (Delacorte 1995: 257-258). For the features to coincide with the threshing floor category they must meet the following criteria: a mean circular measurement of approximately 5.24 m diameter (with a maximum diameter ranging from 3.8 to 6.8 m); poor construction: a single course of rocks, and a partial wall; grinding slicks and milling equipment may be present, along with a lens of charcoal perhaps inside and outside the ring; rock art absent. There may be some indication of use during the Late Prehistoric Period (e.g., charred plant remains) (Delacorte 1995: 259-260). 79 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 For the features to meet the criteria of the wall/windbreak category the following attributes should be detected: a construction that is straight or L-shaped a mean length of 5.87 m (ranging from 3.0 m to 8.5 m) and a mean width of 2.48 m (ranging from 1.5 m to 3.5 m); walls low to the ground, perhaps located on bedrock; few features found in association, but might include lithic debitage, Rose Spring projectile points, Eastgate points, Desert Side-notched points, and Cottonwood points; rock art should be absent and further evidence to suggest a Rose Spring to Late Prehistoric occupation (Delacorte 1995: 260-261). Enigmatic features, generically identified as “cairns”, were recorded in the Tableland study. These features differ from stacked rock cairns common throughout the Desert West in that they have a larger diameter and lower height. These examples had a mean length of 4.18 m (with a range from 3.2 m to 5.6 m) and a mean width of 2.96 m (ranging from 2.2 m to 4.3 m), rocks varying from round to oval or sub-rectangular in shape; three consists of a single rock layer and two others stacked two to five courses high (60 to 104 cm). Artifacts recorded include a handful of fragmentary ground stone, either built directly into the cairns or laying in the general vicinity. The only other cultural item noted was a single cobble with five pecked cupules, this rock was incorporated into one of the structures or cairns (Delacorte 1995: 261). Inferences regarding the function of these enigmatic rock features/cairns are speculative. The two stacked cairns are suggested as being possible burials, since digging a burial on volcanic bedrock of the Tablelands would be near impossible. The three remaining cairns, that are roughly circular in shape and smaller than houses, might represent dismantled houses or caches/storage facilities. No direct temporal information was obtained however lichen growth is minimal and the close association 80 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 with the other firmly dated structures imply a comparatively recent age (Late Prehistoric) (Delacorte 1995: 261). Several additional comparisons will be made to determine if the rock features found at the Searles Lake site are consistent with any category of the Vierra Model,. Vierra determined that rock features (n=110) found on the Pahute and Rainier Mesas fell into four categories, which he labeled: 1. pinyon caches (food cache); 2. hunting blinds; 3. roasting ovens; and 4. house rings. These determinations were initially based upon three overlapping categories: 1. locational aspects, 2. aspects of use, and 3. construction aspects (Vierra 1986:111-126). For the rock features to coincide with Vierra’s pinyon/food cache category they would have to meet most of the following criteria: location on bedrock; composed of less than 100 and more than 40 rocks; moderate to high diversity in rock sizes; mean maximum outside diameter of 3.86 m (with a range from 1.25 to 6.5 m); mean maximum inside diameter ratio of 1.7 m ( with a range from 0.75 to 2.3 m); and a mean maximum inside to mean maximum outside diameter with a mean value of 0.42 m (with a range from 0.20 to 0.69 m) (Vierra 1986:118-123). Vierra did not note presence of artifacts around the cache features. For the rock features to coincide with the Vierra criteria for roasting ovens they should display morphological similarities in construction to food caches, but with evidence of burning. Inside diameters should range from 1.2 to 2.5 m and have outside ratios ranging from 0.38 to 0.73 m. However, Vierra noted that some roasting ovens are filled with rocks. To reiterate, there should be evidence of charcoal or fire cracked rocks (Vierra 1986:123). The presence of artifacts was not noted. 81 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 For the rock features to be indicative of hunting blinds as defined by the Vierra Model attributes would include; location on bench tops, bench edges, and/or other lookout points where game could be spotted. The numbers of rocks used in the construction would need to vary from 30 to 150, with low diversity regarding size of rocks. Maximum inside diameters should range from 1.0 to 3.2 m. The inside to outside diameter would typically be greater than 0.5 m Wall openings would be present, representing ancient doorways. These openings should range from 0.50 to 1.5 m in width, with no preference for a particular direction. For obvious practical reasons, orientation of the door openings would mostly be influenced by the topographic setting rather than the cultural standards (Vierra 1986:123-126). Vierra noted that 73% of the hunting blind features analyzed had associated artifacts, thus probable hunting blind rings at the Mirror Point site should also have associated artifacts such as bifaces, cores, lithic debris and projectile points. Notably, no female-related artifacts were recovered at any of the blinds according to Vierra (1986:126), and only 36% of the blinds were in isolated areas. For the rock features to coincide with Vierra’s category for habitation sites, they should have characteristics similar to those of habitation sites recorded at Pahute and Ranier Mesas. Those habitation areas had an average floor area of 15.9 m. Most of the features contained fewer than 100 rocks with low diversity in size of rocks used for construction. These aforementioned traits were noted as distinct characteristics not found in pinyon caches or roasting ovens. In addition, the inside to outside diameter ratio generally was greater than 0.50 m with a mean of 0.60 m. The maximum inside diameter of the features averaged about 2.8 m. Most of the habitation features analyzed appeared to have had entrances, most being rather narrow (mean=1.05 m). Several of 82 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 the analyzed habitation features were facing due south (1800) and northwest (3150) (Vierra 1986:126-131). It is important to consider that the inside diameter of habitation rings might be a unique and direct reflection of their aboriginal use, or as Vierra pointed out, “Given the amount of life space required to carry out domestic activities including sleeping, habitation structures would appear, based on ethnographic analogy, to require at least a minimum of 2.5 meters (8 feet) in diameter” (Vierra 1986:117-118). This will be taken into consideration when analyzing possible habitation rings at the Mirror Point site. Vierra noted that most of the habitation rings (77%) occurred in areas containing artifacts. If the above holds true for any features at the Mirror Point site, then the following types of artifacts might be recovered; manos, metates, pottery, lithic debitage, and brownware pottery. Vierra noted “Rosegate” points occurring at two sites, and Elko, Gatecliff, and Pinto series points occurring at seven sites. Vierra also noted that Desert series projectile points occurred at one site. Mirror Point Site Rock Features vs. Tipi Rings on the North American Plains 5. How do the rock features in the Mojave Desert and even more specifically at the Mirror Point site compare to the ubiquitous rock features referred to as “tipi rings” found on the North American Plains? Data Requirements: A review of the style and characteristics of tipi rings on the North American Plains is given in Chapter 4. This review is than compared with style, cultural items, and characteristics of features at the Mirror Point site. Data requirements include types and quantities of artifacts found at tipi ring sites (projectile points, faunal remains), size/dimensions of tipi rings, and location (s) of tipi rings. A comparison of hunter-gatherer behavior for these two regions is also considered. 83 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Religious Use Given its unique location it is possible that the Mirror Point Site was occupied for ritualistic/ceremonial purposes. This possibility may yield insights into the ideology of prehistoric populations in the Mojave Desert. 6. Is there data at this site that reveals what types of ceremonial activities were taking place? How do these rock features at the Mirror Point site coincide with other known religious sites? 7. Is there enough evidence to suggest that this site is a religious site? Data Requirements: Rock cairns and alignments were analyzed with the intention of determining their function. The recovery and analysis of non-utilitarian artifacts, such as crystals, large bifaces, glass beads, and anomalous shaped stones may provide clues for determining what types of ceremonial activities took place at the Mirror Point site. A comparison of these types of artifacts/ rock features to similar archaeological investigations will aid in determining what types of non-utilitarian hence, ceremonial activities were being conducted. In addition, a review of ethnographic data related to religion and rituals of groups associated with this region will perhaps be informative, particularly with regard tom specified places and their environmental settings. The Middle Holocene Western Nexus Sutton and Koerper (2009) recently proposed an ideological interaction sphere marked by a number of distinctive artifact types they designated the Middle Holocene Western Nexus. This interaction sphere is characterized by Olivella grooved rectangular (OGR) beads, large bifaces, stone spheres, and lozenge stones. This proposed interaction sphere connected Southern California populations to the populations of northwestern Great Basin and the population of the areas in-between. Sutton and 84 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Koerper also asserted that San Joaquin Valley and the far western Great Basin provided another avenue for these same types of interactions (Figure 4.1). Sutton and Koerper (2009) further argue that this time period, the Middle Holocene, was too early to account for the spread and differentiation Northern UtoAztecan groups. Thus the existence Western Nexus interaction sphere implies interaction between Hokan- and Penutian speaking populations at a time when it is thought that Penutian groups were moving into northern California from the north and east at the expense of Hokan groups (Sutton and Koerper 2009: 21). Sutton and Koerper (2009) conclude that this link between southern California and the northwestern Great Basin around 5,000 BP is supported by the specific aforementioned artifact types. This Middle Holocene Western Nexus interaction sphere is identified as a long-distance exchange of materials and ideas related to complex ideological/ritualistic systems. In addition it is noted that some of these artifacts have been found in caches, in pairs or triads, and in mortuary contexts, thus supporting the notion that these items were ritualistic (Sutton and Koerper 2009: 21). Furthermore, Sutton and Koerper (2009) contend that the Western Nexus interaction sphere was not associated with Northern Uto-Aztecan groups. Instead, they argue that the Western Nexus interaction sphere involved interactions between Penutian- and Hokan speaking groups during the time of said Penutian population movements. It is also argued that these interactions came at the expense of Hokan groups, though to what effect is not offered (Sutton 2009: 21-22). 85 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 Fig. 4.1. Proposed Middle Holocene Western Nexus connection (Sutton and Koerper 2009). 86 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 4 8. Is there evidence to support an ideological interaction sphere otherwise known as the Middle Holocene Western Nexus? Data Requirements: The collection and analysis of temporarily sensitive artifacts (obsidian bifaces and projectile points) will assist in this determination. In addition sourcing of these aforementioned artifacts will assist in determining whether if exchange or trade was involved. The presence of Olivella grooved rectangular (OGR) beads, large bifaces, stone spheres, and lozenge stones will further support this proposed theory. 87 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 5: INVESTIGATIONS AT THE MIRROR POINT SITE, CA-SBR-12134/H The following describes field investigations that took place at CA-INY-12134/H on the South Range at NAWS, China Lake. These investigations were guided by a research design that evolved throughout the entirety of the project. A substantial amount of data in the form of artifacts and rock features remains at the site. Collected artifacts and other materials are at the NAWS China Lake, California curation facility. FIELD METHODS Recent fieldwork (January, March, May, 2007) focused on survey, surface collection of artifacts, detailed recordation, GIS mapping, and photo documentation of all 110 rock features. In addition, four surface scrapes and excavation of eight test units were conducted to determine the extent of cultural materials associated with the rock features. Units were excavated in 10-centimeter levels to depths between 10 and 65 centimeters. Cultural deposits proved to be very superficial, for most items were recovered from 0-15 centimeters. This was due to an alluvial deposit situated immediately below the sand, and there was no variation in soil (sand) below the surface. Materials were screened using 1/16th and 1/8th inch screens. Numerous artifacts were collected during survey and excavation. Collected materials were processed at California State University, Bakersfield’s archaeology laboratory. Items were catalogued using Microsoft Excel software. Tools were assigned individual catalogue numbers, while bulk samples, such as lithic debitage, were assigned a group number on the basis of provenience. Lithic debitage were later sorted by material type and catalogued accordingly. All artifacts were packaged in plastic bags 88 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 labeled with a black marker and a paper artifact identification label was included in the bag. Special analyses were performed on temporally sensitive artifacts, such as glass beads and obsidian artifacts. Titchenal’s (1994) regional chronology for the classification for glass beads was used for the beads and a small sample of flaked stone artifacts were submitted for obsidian hydration. The results are presented below. One surface scrape (SSC-1) and seven excavated control units (CU 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) were conducted at Locus A, one control unit (CU-7) and one surface scrape (SSC-4) were conducted at Locus B, and two surface scrapes (SSC-2, 3) were conducted at Locus D (see Figures 5.1-5.3). During the early stages of excavation planning it was decided to place Unit 1 in Locus D. However, the design changed (on site) due to minimal surface data and lack of time, therefore a Unit 1 does not exist. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Test Excavation Units and Surface Scrapes Test units were placed directly on top of six randomly selected features (Features 5, 12, 38, 61, 109, and 111), which permitted exposure of two sides for profiling and probing. This method also provided a means to determine whether any types of artifacts were directly associated with the feature, and whether any burials were beneath the rocks. Locus A was determined the “artifact hot spot” during survey and is the location of the U-shaped semi-enclosed feature. That is why excavation efforts were focused here. No artifacts were noted during the survey at Locus D and only a few artifacts were noted at Locus B. Locus C is a historic mining locus, containing only historic period features and artifacts. Details of the findings are discussed below. 89 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Unit 2. Unit 2 was 1.0 x 1.0 meter in size, placement was inside Surface Scrape 1, and it was excavated to a depth of 40 centimeters (10-40 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Many artifacts were noted during the survey and surface scraping (e.g., beads, lithic debitage). Therefore, it was decided to explore this area further, which is immediately south of Feature 5 (rock alignment). This unit was terminated at 40 centimeters due to impenetrable alluvial debris flow (Figure 5.4). Unit 3. Unit 3 was 1.0 x 1.0 meter in size and was excavated to a depth of 30 centimeters (0-30 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. As with Unit 2, it was decided to explore this artifact-rich area, which is immediately north of Feature 5 and across (north) from Unit 2. This unit was terminated at 30 centimeters because of impenetrable alluvial debris (Figure 5.4). Unit 4. Unit 4 was 1.0 x 1.0 meter in size and was excavated to a depth of 30 centimeters (0-30 centimeters). This unit was placed along the east side of Unit 3 and immediately north of Feature 5. The reference point was the northwest corner (or northeast corner of Unit 3). Because Unit 3 produced an interesting array of artifacts (e.g., brownware pottery, one shoe eyelet, lithic debitage), I decided to open an adjoining unit to the east for further exploration. Unit 4 was terminated at 30 centimeters due to impenetrable alluvial debris (Figure 5.5). 90 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.1. Locus A-excavation units and surface scrapes. Features are numbered. 91 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.2. Locus B- Excavation units and surface scrapes. Features are numbered. 92 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.3. Locus D-Excavation units and surface scrapes. Features are numbered. 93 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Unit 5. Unit 5 was 1.0 x 1.0 meter in size and was placed inside Surface Scrape 1 immediately east of Control Unit 2. The reference point was the northwest corner (or northeast corner of Control Unit 2). The impenetrable alluvial debris lay closer to the surface than in the previously described units, hence Unit 5 had to be terminated at 20 centimeters (Figure 5.5) Unit 6. Unit 6 measured 1.0 x 1.0 meter and was excavated to a depth of 20 centimeters (0-20 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Unit 6 was located immediately north of Feature 12 (rock alignment). Feature 12 is directly west of Feature 5 and, like the areas around Feature 5 this area had an abundance of surface artifacts (see Figures 5.6 and 5.7). Fig. 5.4. Profiles for Test Units 2 and 3. 94 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.5. Profiles for Test Units 4 and 5. Fig. 5.6. Profile for Test Unit 6. 95 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.7. Rock alignment (Feature 12) during excavation (Unit 6), CA-SBR-12134/H. Unit 7. Unit 7, located at Locus B measured 2.0 x 2.0 meters and was excavated to a depth of 40 centimeters (0-40 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Unit 7 was placed directly across Feature 111 (a cairn) to determine whether this outlying feature had any associated cultural remains. No artifacts were noted. Unit 8. Unit 8 measured 1.0 x 0.8 meters. The reference point was the northwest corner. Unit 8 was placed directly across the middle section of Feature 5 to determine whether any objects lay beneath the rocks and for side profiling. The sand underlying the feature was seemingly “built up” before the rocks were laid. This made it possible to excavate to a maximum depth of 65 centimeters before encountering alluvial debris. 96 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Unit 9. Unit 9 measured 1.0 x 1.0 meter. The reference point was the northwest corner. Unit 9 was placed directly across Feature 12 for profiling and to determine whether there were cultural deposits beneath the rocks. This unit was terminated at 40 centimeters due to impenetrable alluvial debris. Surface Scrape 1. Surface Scrape 1 measured 3.0 x 3.0 meters and was excavated to a depth of 10 centimeters (0-10 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Surface Scrape 1 was placed inside a semi-enclosed (rock feature lined) area in Locus A. This area proved to be a “hot spot” for artifacts and therefore was assumed to be the epicenter for activities at the site. Nine 1.0 x 1.0 meter units were arbitrarily laid out. These units were further designated Surface Scrapes 1-1 to 1-9. Surface Scrape 2. Surface Scrape 2 (Locus D) measured 1.0 x 2.0 meters and was excavated to a depth of 5 centimeters (0-5 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Surface Scrape 2 was placed directly across Feature 38 (cairn) after the rocks were removed. No artifacts were noted on or below the surface. Surface Scrape 3. Surface Scrape 3 (Locus D) measured 1.0 x 1.0 meter and was excavated to a depth of 5 centimeters (0-5 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Surface Scrape 3 was placed directly across Feature 61 (cairn) after the rocks were removed. No artifacts were noted on or below the surface. Surface Scrape 4. Surface Scrape 4 (Locus B) measured 3.0 x 3.0 meters and was excavated to a depth of 5 centimeters (0-5 centimeters). The reference point was the northwest corner. Surface Scrape 4 was placed directly across Feature 109, initially believed to be a rock-ring; however, Feature 109 was later deemed natural and not cultural. No artifacts were noted on or below the surface. 97 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Rock Cairns and Alignments at Loci A, B, and D A total of 110 rock features was identified and recorded at Loci A, B, and D. Results of two t-tests (normal t-test and Student’s t-test) were applied and the results showed thirty-four (31%) are circular-shaped rock-filled structures and were therefore designated as “cairns”, while 76 (69 %) are distinctly linear or elongated and were therefore designated as “rock alignments” (Table 5.1) To reiterate, the results showed a significant difference in average length between rock “cairns” and rock “alignments” (Appendices D and E). Thus, the probability of rejecting the notion of there being no differences between the groups is very low (Meyer 1975; Rogers 2011). All of the features were constructed along an east-west vector, thus aligning them with the natural flow of the alluvial fan. There is definite internal variation with regard to size and shape of these two types, but overall morphological and contextual variability is low. Not surprisingly, all of the structures were constructed predominately from the naturally occurring alluvial debris that runs off of the Slate Range. Much of this debris is in the form of granite and green slate. However, other types of rock not naturally occurring in the local area, such as basalt, quartz, quartzite, rhyolite, jasper, obsidian and chert were also used. Most of the rocks are angular, but some are sub-angular. Overall construction and placement of these rocks differs stylistically with courses ranging from one to seven to form low stacks. There are several deflated features in areas of the site impacted by water runoff/drainage. 98 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Table 5.1 Rock Feature attribute data. Cairns, mean Length 131.6 Width 122.3 Height 29.3 Courses 3.3 Total rocks 51.1 Rock length 24.5 Rock width 16.8 Rock height 14.0 Cairns , sd 38.4 30.2 9.2 1.1 21.8 6.6 5.1 6.1 Alignments mean 165.0 70.0 40.0 6.0 65.0 20.0 14.0 9.0 Alignments, sd 161 33.2 17.0 1.1 62.3 15.1 10.3 4.3 Rock Features Containing Artifacts Nineteen of the rock features were recorded as having artifacts stashed/placed within the rocks or as having artifact caches (see Appendix A). Fifteen rock features containing artifacts were recorded at Locus A, three were recorded at Locus D, and one was recorded at Locus B (Figures 5.8-5.34). Artifact type and quantity varied, though the most extensive features with associated artifacts occur at Locus A (Table 5.2). Artifacts were most commonly placed under the rocks and around the edges of the features. Whether these artifacts were cached for later use or simply placed under or on top of the rocks as a symbolic gesture is unknown. However the term cache is utilized in this thesis in reference to artifacts in direct association with some of the rock features. In addition, it is also uncertain whether the visitors/occupants of this site planned to return to these artifact caches and reutilize them for future use or whether these items are an example of curate behavior. The term cache is used undecidedly in this research in that typically in the archaeological world the word cache refers to storing 99 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 items for future use or with a plan to return, also referred to as abandonment caches (Binford 1976, 1979; Ebert 1979; Schiffer 1977, 1987; Rathje and Schiffer 1982). Table 5.2 Features with artifacts and types. Feature No. 2 Locus A 4 A Artifact Types Polished obsidian needle shaped; hanksite crystal; chert core; chert debitage; 3 obsidian biface blanks 2 obsidian biface blanks 5 A mano; chert core; obsidian and chert debitage 12 A Desert Side-notched projectile point; antler 13 A 2 obsidian biface blanks 14 A obsidian flake 15 A 2 obsidian biface blanks 16 A 5 obsidian biface blanks; obsidian debitage 17 A mano; cryptocrystalline biface blank; chert core 18 A projectile point; antler hammer; 2 biface blanks 19 A 6 obsidian biface blanks 24 A obsidian biface 27 A 4 chert bifaces; two obsidian bifaces 28 A 4 obsidian biface fragments 29 A 4 obsidian biface blanks; chert biface; chert debitage 111 B Mano handstone; chert and obsidian debitage 49 D 53 D obsidian biface (this piece was noted as being refitted with glue when recovered at the site) obsidian projectile point base (non-diagnostic) 61 D chert biface 100 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.8. Location Map of Features with artifact caches at Locus A (red lines showing general vicinities or concentrations). 101 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.9. Location Map of Features with artifact caches at Locus D (red circles showing artifact concentrations). 102 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.10. Location Map of Features with artifact caches at Locus B (red circle showing artifact concentration). 103 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.11. Artifacts (Cat #s 185b, 136, 183, 184, 185, 186) from Locus A, Feature 5. Fig. 5.12. Locus A, Feature 5, Alignment. 104 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.13. Artifacts(Cat.#s 173, 131) Locus A, Feature 12 (Mirror point). Fig. 5.14. Locus A, Feature 12. 105 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.15. Artifacts (Cat. #s 188, 189), Locus A, Feature 13. Fig. 5.16. Locus A, Feature 13. 106 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.17. Artifacts (Cat.#s 138, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245) Locus A, Feature 16. Fig. 5.18. Locus A, Feature 16. 107 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.19. Artifacts (Cat.#s 172, 162, 132) from Locus A, Feature 17. Fig. 5.20. Locus A, Feature 17. 108 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.21. Artifacts (Cat.#s 135, 136) Locus A, Feature 18. Fig. 5.22. Locus A, Feature 18. 109 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.23. Artifacts (Cat.#s 142, 143, 246, 247, 248, 249) Locus A, Feature 19. Fig. 5.24. Locus A, Feature 19. 110 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.25. Artifact (Cat.# 167), Locus A, Feature 24. Fig. 5.26. Locus A, Feature 24. 111 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.27. Artifacts (Cat. #s 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 234) Locus A, Feature 27. Fig. 5.28. Locus A, Feature 27. 112 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.29. Artifacts (Cat.#s 224, 238, 251, 252), Locus A, Feature 28. Fig. 5.30. Locus A, Feature 28. 113 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.31. Artifact (Cat.# 174) with Locus D, Feature 49. Fig. 5.32. Feature 49 Locus D. 114 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.33. Artifact (Cat.# 175) with Locus D, Feature 61. Fig. 5.34. Locus D, Feature 61. 115 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Locus C (aka, M ill Pond Site) Several historic period features and artifacts were recorded at Locus C, referred to by some locals as the Mill Pond site (Gossett 2007 [Table 5.3; Figure 5.138]). Table 5.3 Feature number and type (Locus C). Feature No. Feature Type 75C Slag Pile 76C Slag Pile 77C Rock Pile 78C 4-in-ground bolts 79C Settling pond 87C Cairn Features recorded at Locus C include two settling ponds, two slag piles, a pile of broken bricks and rock, four in-the-ground mounting bolts, a concrete slab, and a cairn. Artifacts recorded here include bailing wire, a boiler door, wire tubing, an angle iron, one brick with the inscription “Snowball” (manufactured between 1854 and 1935), a porcelain plate fragment, round nails, a metal cup, a feed bucket, a broken brown bottle, and a small metal plate. These remains are likely related to the intensive belowground borax mining operations that took place on the east side of Searles Lake in the early 1900s (Austin 1910). A dirt road is located immediately south of this locus and leads to New York Canyon where there are several mining sites; mostly gold or silver. Locus C is just one example of the many borax mining areas in the vicinity of Searles Lake. The amount of cultural debris at this location indicates that this area was mined very briefly, perhaps one year. 116 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.131. Location Map of Mining related features at Locus C; features are numbered. Given the distance to any permanent settlements during the late 1800s or early 1900s the remote location was probably a factor behind the short term use of Locus C. Water would have been necessary for the settling ponds. A well was noted north of the site 117 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site, CA-SBR-12134/H CHAPTER 5 and was likely used for this purpose. It is likely that the mining activities at Locus C were contemporaneous with the New York mining activities and the well was probably used collectively by miners in both areas (along lake bed and Slate Range). 118 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 6: ARTIFACT ASSEMBLAGE The artifact assemblage from the Mirror Point site encompasses an eclectic array of items from a number of categories for a total of 664 artifacts were collected and analyzed (Table 6.1). These data hold promise for interpreting the function of cairns and alignments, not only at this site, but also through interpolation to other sites in the area. This potentiality will be explored in the remaining chapters. FLAK EDSTONE TOOLS AND DEBITAGE Projectile Points A projectile point is a biface that contains a hafted area that can be fitted on a spear or shaft. Projectile points include arrow points, dart points, and spear points (Andrefsky 1998). Projectile points were classified using the projectile point typologies for California and the Great Basin with specific reference to the Mojave Desert (Justice 2002). Six projectile points and point fragments were collected during survey and excavation (five from Locus A; one from Locus B). Three are temporally diagnostic, and include one Desert Side-notched (Cat. #131), one Pinto series (Cat.#8) (obsidian; dart), and one Lake Mojave stemmed point (Cat.#221) (obsidian; dart). The three remaining fragmentary projectile points (Cat.#10; Cat.#11; Cat.# 38) (all obsidian) could not be identified by type (Table 6.2). The Desert Side-notched projectile point is of mirror glass and is indicative of bow-and-arrow technology. Desert Side-notched points are known to date to the Marana Period (post-650 BP) (Bettinger and Taylor 1974; Justice 2002; Ruby and Hildebrandt 2006; Yohe 1992) and this specimen clearly was crafted during historic times. 119 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.1 Artifact Assemblage from CA-SBR-12134/H. Type Lithics Ground Stone Miscellaneous Paraphernalia Ceramics Modified Wood Beads Fauna Historic-Period Artifacts Total 556 4 2 Locus A 547 2 1 Locus B 9 2 1 Locus D ------- 3 1 78 13 8 3 1 78 1 6 ------10 1 ------2 1 Table 6.2. Projectile Points Recovered from CA-SBR-12134/H Type Material Desert Side-notched (Cat.#131) Pinto series (Cat.#8) Great Basin or Mojave Lake (Cat.#221) Point Tip (Cat.#10) Mirror Glass Late Stage Biface Midsection (Cat.#11) Projectile Point Base type unknown (Cat. 138) Black Obsidian Black Obsidian Black Obsidian Black Obsidian Mahogany And Black Obsidian Length (cm) 3 Width (cm) 1.6 Thickness (cm) 0.3 3.5 2.2 0.7 3.8 2.6 1.0 2.2 1.5 0.3 2.0 2.0 0.7 2.1 1.8 1.0 Provenience Locus A Feature 12 Locus A Unit 2 Surface Scrape Locus A Unit 2 Surface Scrape Locus A Unit 2 Surface Scrape Locus A Unit 2 Surface Scrape Locus B Feature 53 Surface Gold etching is still visible on the surface and approximately 65% of the surface has been pressure flaked. The remaining diagnostic points are dart points, which are larger than arrow points and of greater antiquity. Dart points were designed to fit onto foreshafts launched with an atlatl (Justice 2002). The Pinto type is common to the Middle Holocene (70004000 BP) (Justice 2002; Ruby and Hildebrandt 2006; Yohe 1992). The Lake Mojave type is a subtype of the Great Basin Stemmed series and is indicative of the early Holocene (10,000 - 7000 BP) (Justice 2002; Ruby and Hildebrandt 2006; Warren 1984). 120 Bifaces Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 A biface is a tool that exhibits flake scarring on two surfaces (Yohe 1992: 305) Forty-two bifaces, including biface fragments, were collected and analyzed. Most were found as a part of an artifact cache associated with a rock feature (Table 6.4). In addition, one large biface (modified along one edge) crafted out of green slate (Cat.#134), a material type that occurs naturally on site, was found on the surface at Locus A (Figure 6.1). A large proportion of these were fashioned from obsidian (n= 28); however, several were crafted from chert (n= 13). Several bifaces display cortex and most represent early stage/biface blanks. A few of the bifaces are well-crafted, while others are casual and/or irregular. Most were made using simple percussion methods, but several have a small amount of pressure flaking on the peripheral or outer edges. Early stage bifaces, or biface blanks, possessing sinuous edges and little surface topography, are the most common type of biface. There are several late stage specimens that exhibit straight margins and complex surface topography. More specifically, four reduction stages of lithic reduction were recognized in the collection (Stages 1-4, Callahan 1979) (see Tables 6.3 and 6.4; Figures 6.2-6.4). One specimen (Cat.#174), a biface blank with some pressure flaking along the outer edges (late Stage 2), is a refit that was glued together with what appears to be casein glue (Figure 6.3). This specimen was soaked in distilled water for three days and the glue did not dissolve, which is a characteristic of animal protein-based casein glue. 121 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.1 Green slate biface or digging tool (Cat.#134) found on surface at Locus A. Table 6.3 Biface Staging. Stages 1 2 3 4 5 Description Thick in cross-section, percussion flaking, limited degree of planar symmetry (Stage 1.5 includes the aforementioned with slightly more planar symmetry) Percussion flaked, increased symmetry, narrower cross-sections (Stage 2.5 includes the aforementioned with some overall percussion flaking) Thinned performs with planar symmetry, and extensive percussion flaking (overall) Thinned performs, nearly symmetrical, uniform cross-sections, and lots of pressure flaking Finished formed tools that are extensively pressure flaked on both surfaces (projectile points) Biface Staging Stage 4 1 Stage 3 3 2.5 2 Stage 2 15 Stage 1.5 1 Stage 1 20 0 5 10 15 Quantity Fig. 6.2. Biface stages represented. 122 20 25 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.4 Biface Attributes. Cat # 9 11 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 137 142 143 144 186b 170 180 182 186a 190 224 226 228 229 237 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Length (cm) 3.4 2 7.6 3.3 6.2 8.4 9 10.4 8 7.2 8 11 13.2 13 14.6 9 26.2 6.9 7.3 16.5 13.8 5.5 7.5 9 8 3.1 7.3 5.5 5.8 3.9 4 2.6 15 11.3 11.7 9.5 12.6 10.8 12.3 8.8 6.5 3.1 Width (cm) 2.2 2 3.6 2.7 7.5 4.5 4.5 7.5 4.7 2.8 6.8 5.5 7 6.5 7.2 7.5 14.6 5.8 6.8 10 8 5.2 3.5 6 4.6 2.1 5.1 2.3 2.5 3.9 6 2.5 6.6 6.9 4.6 9.5 6 8.8 4.2 4.9 3.1 5.1 Thickness (cm) 0.6 0.7 1 0.6 4.4 1.5 1 2.6 2 1.1 2.2 2.5 5.2 2.6 3 3.5 3.7 3 4 3 3.1 3 1.7 2 3.3 0.5 2 5 0.5 1 2.2 1 3.6 3.8 2.3 5.1 4.9 7 5.1 3 1.8 1.5 Material Stage obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian slate obsidian obsidian obsidian chert chert obsidian chert chert obsidian chert chert chert chert chert chert obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian chert 4 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1.5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 123 Location Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Unit 2 Locus A Surface Scrape Locus A Feature 4 Locus A Near Feature 11 Locus A Feature 18 Locus A Feature 18 Locus A Feature 15 Locus A Feature 17 Locus A Feature 17 Locus B Feature 49 Locus B Surface Locus B Surface Locus A Feature 28 Locus A Feature 27 Locus A Feature 27 Locus A Feature 27 Locus A Surface Locus A Unit 5 Surface Scrape Locus A Unit 5 Surface Scrape Locus A Feature 16 Locus A Feature 16 Locus A Feature 16 Locus A Feature 16 Locus A Feature 16 Locus A Feature 19 Locus A Feature 19 Locus A Feature 19 Locus A Feature 19 Locus A Unit 2 0-10cm Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.3 Biface (Cat.#174) from Feature 49 Locus D. Fig. 6.4 Lithic cache (Cat #s 9, 11, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 8, 221, 10) from Locus A. 124 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Edge-Modified Flakes Edge-modified flakes are flakes that were utilized as tools in which one or more of the edges have been deliberately modified. Edge-modified flakes make great cutting and butchering tools (Yohe 2002:49-50). Seven edge-modified flakes (five obsidian [Cat#s 208, 189, 238, 251, 252], two quartzite) were identified during laboratory analysis. These were made on simple percussion flakes with large bulbs of percussion. The crafting is very casual, similar to many of the bifaces, with just a few pressure flakes taken from one of the edges. The two quartzite edge-modified flakes were found at Locus B (Cat# 220 Unit 111B 10-20cm, Cat#187 Surface) and the five obsidian edge-modified flakes were found at Locus A (Cat# 189 Feature 13; Cat#208 Feature 14; Cat#238 Feature 28; Cat#s 251 and 252 Feature 28). Cores Cores are defined as the parent rock from which multiple flakes have been detached (Yohe 1992). Eleven cores were analyzed. These include chert (n=3) and obsidian (n=8). Most were multidirectional, with many flakes removed, while one is spent. Percussion seems to be the method predominately used with little platform preparation. Several cores show signs of tool use, such as microflaking of edges. All but one (Locus B) of the cores came from Locus A (Table 6.5). Biface Blanks from Cores A biface blank, or preform, is an unfinished lithic artifact that exhibits pressure flaking scars (Yohe 1992:305). Two obsidian biface blanks (Cat#138 Locus B Feature 4; Cat#246 Locus A Feature 19) and one chert biface blank (Figure 6.6) (Cat#205 Locus A near Feature 29) crafted from exhausted cores were identified. It appears these 125 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 exhausted cores, rather than being discarded, were reused by way of percussion flaking along their surface and Table 6.5 Core Attributes. Catalog # Material 136 166 183 185b 187 188 192 194 204 225 234 Obsidian Obsidian Chert Chert Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian Obsidian Chert Obsidian Length (cm) 15 12.3 7.6 6.3 10.3 8 12.5 14.5 12.5 7.3 6.3 Width (cm) 10 7.5 3.4 5.8 10 10 8 10 5.1 2 3.5 Thickness (cm) 10 3.5 2 4.6 2.3 4.6 6 2.5 5.6 1.6 2.9 Location Locus A Feature 4 Locus A Unit 9 0-40cm Locus B Featue 61 Locus A Feature 5 Locus A Feature 15 Locus A Feature 13 Locus A Feature 2 Locus A Feature 2 Locus A Feature 29 Locus A Feature 27 Locus A Feature 27 edges in an effort to produce a stone tool/biface blank. Specimen #138 measures 9 X 7.5 X 3.5 centimeters, specimen #246 10.8 X 8.8 X 7.0 centimeters, and specimen 204 measures 7 X 6 X 3 centimeters. Debitage Debitage is defined as detached pieces of lithic material that occur during the stone tool reduction process. Analysis focused on reduction stages developed by Yohe (2002). All flakes were identified by material, type, size, and presence or absence of cortex and platforms. A total of 488 pieces of lithic debitage from Locus A were collected during survey and excavation. All, including broken flakes, were analyzed to determine flake type and platform type when possible. Most were chert (n=396) of a variety of colors, however there was a fair amount of obsidian (n=90). There were only traces of basalt (n=1) and quartzite (n=1) (Figure 6.5). Most of the debitage was determined to be interior late stage biface thinning flakes (ILBT) (53%), though several other types were also identified. These include secondary early stage biface thinning (SEBT) (8.4%), secondary late stage biface 126 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 thinning (SLBT) (2.8%), interior early stage biface thinning (IEBT) (18%), pressure (4.9 %), shatter Percent 0.2 18.4 Quartzite 0.2 Obsidian Basalt Chert 81.1 Fig. 6.5 Lithic debitage by material. (2.2%), bipolar (0.9%), with a fair number remaining indeterminate (10.2%). These data, featuring a predominance of interior late stage biface thinning flakes accompanied by a lack of notching flakes and minimal numbers of pressure flakes, indicate that little or no finished tools (e.g., projectile points) were being produced on site. The dominance of interior biface thinning flakes suggests secondary biface manufacture was taking place (Whittaker and Kaldahl 2001:51; Yohe 2002:58) (see Figures 6.6 and 6.7; Table 6.6). Platform analysis was conducted on 451 pieces of debitage (shatter was not included). Most (71.8%) were unidentifiable or had broken platforms. The largest portion of the diagnostic platforms was single non-cortical (25.5%). In addition, there were small amounts with multifaceted platforms (1.8%), and with cortex (0.9%). Whittaker and Kaldahl (2001:54) assert that lithic collections consisting primarily of cortical and/or single non-cortical platforms are indicative of the production of large bifacial tools (Figure 6.8). 127 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.6. Biface blank (Cat #205) from core with associated debitage. Fig. 6.7. Debitage analysis results. 128 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.6. Debitage Attributes. Locus A Unit 2 0-10cm Surface Collect Surface Collect Surface Collect Unit 2 0-10cm SS 1-Unit 1 0-10cm SS 1-Unit 2 Surface SS 1-Unit 2 0-10cm SS 1-Unit 3 0-10cm SS 1-Unit 4 0-10cm SS 1-Unit 4 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 5 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 5 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 6 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 6 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 8 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 8 0-10cm SS 1 Unit 9 0-10cm Unit 2 10-20cm Unit 2 20-30cm Unit 3 0-10cm Unit 3 10-20cm Unit 3 0-30 sidewalls Unit 4 0-10cm Unit 4 10-20cm Unit 4 20-30cm Unit 8 0-65cm Locus A Unit 8 0-65cm Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 5 Feature 5 Featur12 Feature 12 Feature 16 Feature 19 Feature 22 Feature 24 Feature 24 Feature 27 Feature 27 Feature 28 Feature 28 Feature 29 Feature 29 Locus B Surface Locus B Surface Totals Material obsidian basalt CCS obsidian CCS CCS obsidian CCS obsidian obsidian CCS CCS obsidian CCS obsidian CCS obsidian CCS CCS CCS CCS CCS CCS CCS CCS obsidian CCS Material obsidian CCS obsidian obsidian CCS obsidian obsidian CCS obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian CCS obsidian CCS CCS obsidian CCS obsidian Quartzite CCS 0 SEBT SLBT 1 2 4 2 1 IEBT 6 ILBT 3 1 3 7 1 2 1 4 1 29 47 1 Pressure Shatter Indeterminate Bipolar 2 1 1 2 16 5 11 2 2 1 3 3 2 9 1 1 2 5 17 1 20 3 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 SEBT SLBT 1 10 1 1 2 IEBT 13 2 2 7 1 1 8 ILBT 1 Pressure Shatter 13 Indeterminate Bipolar 1 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 20 2 3 1 5 1 2 1 12 122 1 17 3 12 1 2 1 44 2 1 37 4 5 1 251 24 129 2 4 1 11 47 1 Totals 9 1 12 4 3 6 1 99 19 3 7 23 4 38 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 7 2 10 2 1 25 Totals 13 3 1 1 22 5 1 16 2 2 6 4 55 1 48 7 5 3 3 1 1 488 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 324 Cortical Platform 71.8 115 8 4 Number (N=451) 1.8 25.5 Single Non-Cortical Platform Multifaceted Platform Unidentifiable/Broke Platform 0.9 Percent Fig. 6.8. Results from platform analysis. Interpretations The lithic debitage assemblage is indicative of secondary biface production onsite. One interesting pattern is that the debitage material type to biface material type ratio is disproportionate. The lithic debitage collection is predominately chert (n= 396), though collected chert bifaces (n= 13) are out-numbered by obsidian bifaces (n= 26) (see Table 6.7). Such discordant numbers and identification of flake material identical to cores and bifaces suggest that chert bifaces were being produced on-site while most obsidian bifaces were crafted off-site (Figure 6.8). This scenario can be supported by obsidian hydration data, which shows pronounced variation in dates (see below). GROUND STONE Ground stone is a generic term for stone artifacts used to mill, pulp, or grind substances including, but not limited to seeds, nuts, dried meat, herbs, and insects. Ground stone categories include manos and pestles. Manos are used to grind materials 130 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.7 Flaked Stone Artifacts by Material. Type Projectile Points Bifaces Flake Tools Biface Blanks from Cores Cores Debitage Total Obsidian 5 28 5 2 Non-Obsidian 0 14 2 0 Total 5 42 7 2 8 90 138 3 398 417 11 488 555 against a milling unit such as a milling slab or bedrock milling station. Manos may exhibit one or multiple ground surfaces and may be used with one or two hands. Manos are sometimes deliberately shaped (Adams 2002). The ground stone assemblage recovered from the Mirror Point site includes four manos and one disc (Table 6.8). All ground stone artifacts were recovered from either Locus A or Locus B, and all but two (Cat.#’s 133 and 177) were recovered from a cache feature. Three specimens (Cat.#s 133; 236; 132) were determined to be of strategic design; that is, they were deliberately pecked and ground into a specific shape. One (Cat.#219) was expediently designed; that is, it has one or more grinding surfaces, but no other modifications. One anomalous piece has an unknown function (Cat.#177) it is shaped on both surfaces and on the edges to form a disc shape, material is limestone. Locus A Specimens One specimen (Cat.#236) is of strategic design and was recovered from Feature 5 at Locus A. It is an ovoid, fine-grained, quartzite cobble with two very polished areas on the same surface, with one very battered edge/end. One of these polished surfaces represents a finger polish (groove) that was likely developed for hand comfort (Adams 2002:99). The other polished area is on the general flat surface of the mano. The second specimen (Cat.#132) is of strategic design and was recovered from Feature 17 131 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 at Locus A. It is a highly polished, multifacial mano made from granite with small circular incising in at least three areas (two on one surface and one on its side). One surface of this specimen is highly pecked, and there is also some battering or pecking along the outer edges. Table 6.8 Attributes for groundstone. Accession Number And Location 133-Locus B Surface 132-Locus A Feature 17 236-Locus A Feature 5 219-Locus B Feature 111 177-Locus B Surface Length (cm) 8.2 Width (cm) 7.5 Thickness (cm) 3.3 Material (cm) Quartzite 9.4 9.2 4.4 Granite 13.5 10 5.2 Quartzite 9.3 3.8 2.4 Granite 3.5 3.5 1.2 Limestone Locus B Specimens The first ground stone specimen (Cat.#133) was recovered from the surface at Locus B and is a round quartzite cobble that is severely eroded on one surface. The intact surface is moderately polished and there is some light polish along the edges. The second (Cat.#219) is of causal or expedient origin and is a rounded cobble. This specimen was recovered from Feature 111 at Locus B and has at least two lightly polished surface areas with some battering on one end. The third specimen (Cat.#177 was recovered from the surface at Locus B and has highly polished surfaces and shaping along perimeter; its function is thought to be for ritual or recreational purposes. WOOD ARTIFACTS The dry conditions at the Mirror Point site provide excellent preservation and therefore it was possible to recover one modified wood specimen. This specimen (Cat.#171) is a bow fragment recovered from the surface at Locus A (Figure 6.9). The 132 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 bow was developed to launch arrows and was introduced in this region approximately 1600 BP. This mechanism allowed for greater casting power, thus enabling a hunter to launch more shots in a shorter period of time than its predecessor the atlatl (Yohe 1992). The fragment measures 15.6 x 2.1 x 1.1 centimeters. The type of wood has not Fig. 6.9. Bow fragment artifact #171 found on the surface at Locus A. been identified. Because the bow is fragmented, it is unknown whether this specimen is the remnant of a basic self-bow or of a more advanced composite recurved bow. CERAMICS Ceramics were identified as Shoshonean Brown Ware. Shoshonean Brown Ware pottery is not uncommon to this region and can be described as a utilitarian type of plain ware formed by coiling, thinned by scraping, and fired in a poorly controlled atmosphere. The cross-section of a Shoshonean Brown Ware body sherd exhibits a black core and a reddish brown surface (Sutton and Arkush 2002). One rim sherd, one body sherd, and one bowl fragment of brown plain ware pottery were recovered at Locus A. 133 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 All are irregular in shape and range in thickness from 2.7-0.8 centimeters. All appear to have been oxidized from initial firing or from use. The first (Cat.#88) was recovered from Feature 5 at Locus A and is a rim sherd that measures 8.5 x 4 x 1 centimeters and exhibits a biconically drilled repair hole on one end (Figure 6.10). This drill hole indicates the vessel cracked during use and Fig. 6.10. Drilled ceramic fragment (Cat.# 88) found at Feature 5 Locus A. someone attempted to mend the break. Cordage would have been strung through the drill hole in an effort to tie the cracked pieces together (Sutton and Arkush 2002:120123). It is also possible that this piece was strung and used as a pendant. The temper is fine grit and the manufacturing method used appears to be paddle-and-anvil, which is characteristic of ceramics from southern California (Sutton and Arkush 2002:119). The second specimen (Cat.#90), recovered from Feature 12 at Locus A, measures 2.8 x 2.2 x 0.8 centimeters and is highly oxidized. The temper and manufacturing technique appears the same as the previous specimen. 134 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 The third specimen (Cat.#89) includes a portion of both the side and base of a small bowl. This specimen was recovered from Unit 3 near Feature 5 at Locus A, and measures 6.2 x 4.5 x 2.7 centimeters. The temper is finer and the exterior smoother than the other two specimens. There are scratches on the interior that could be the result of using a serrated tool to smooth the clay (e.g., shells, sticks, small rocks). It is well-known that scraping techniques were common among groups of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau (Nelson 1999:82; Sutton and Arkush 2002:109; Steward 1933:267). BEADS Seventy-seven beads were recovered from Locus A (largely from the Unit 2 surface scrape) during surface collections and excavations. A majority of the beads (n= 59; 75.6%) are glass trade beads found in a variety of shapes and colors (see below for a description and typology of glass beads). Six steatite (9.0%), eight shell (seven clam disk and one Dentalium) (10.3%), two ceramic (2.6%), and two silver (2.6%) beads make up the remainder of the recovered beads (see Figure 6.11 and 6.12). Steatite Beads Six steatite (soapstone) beads were recovered from Unit 2 (0-10 centimeter) surface scrape (Figure 6.13). The average size of these beads is 0.7 x 0.2 x 0.7cm (Table 6.9). Steatite beads have been noted at numerous sites, including Middle and Late Archaic Period sites, throughout California and the Great Basin (Garfinkel et al. 2007; Heizer and Whipple 1971:218-219; Moratto 1984:231, 382; Ruby and Hildebrandt 2008) for there are many steatite quarries in California (Barrett and Gifford 1933:211; Heizer and Whipple 1971: 218-219). Steatite artifacts are especially prevalent in 135 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Southern California and at Santa Barbara Channel Island sites (Chumash territory); in fact, there are several known steatite sources on Santa Catalina Island (Grant 1978). Shell Beads Eight shell beads were identified during analysis (Figures 6.14 and 6.15). Seven were identified as clam disk beads (Mytilis californianus), while one was identified as a Dentalium bead. The average size of these beads is 1.2 X 0.3 X 0.3cm (Table 6.10). All were recovered from Beads Steatite 6 Type Silver 2 Shell 8 Glass 59 Ceramic 2 0 10 20 30 40 Value Fig. 6.11. Beads: types and quantities. 136 50 60 70 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.12. Glass bead specimens (Cat.#s 38, 26, 31, 39). Figure 6.13 Steatite Bead (Cat#42). Fig. 6.14. Dentalium Bead Cat.#61. 137 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.15. Clam disk bead (Cat. 13). Table 6.10 Steatite Bead Attributes. CAT # 41 42 45 46 55 56 Location at Locus A Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Level 0-10cm 0-10cm 0-10cm 0-10cm 0-10cm 0-10cm Diameter (cm) 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7 Thickness (cm) 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 Perforation (cm) 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Table 6.10 Shell Bead Attributes. CAT # Thickness (cm) 0.6 Perforation (cm) 0.3 Type of Shell Description 13 Diameter (cm) 2.2 Clam (Mollusk) 43 17 34 52 61 87 15 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.7 1.2 0.6 1.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 Clam Clam Clam Clam White raw shape White disk White disk White disk Pink disk White tubular White disk Blackened disk (Mollusk) (Mollusk) (Mollusk) (Mollusk) Dentalium Clam (Mollusk) Clam (Mollusk) 138 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Unit 2 (0-10 centimeters) surface scrape. There is some variation in size and coloration amongst the clam disk beads. The Dentalium bead is tubular and fragmentary. Both clam and Dentalium beads often served as a form of currency among many Northern California and some Great Basin groups (Barrett and Gifford 1931:253; Sutton and Arkush 2002:138-139). Dentalium beads were noted as being the most important form of shell artifact in northwestern California both prehistorically and ethnographically. These beads were derived from the north coast and have been recorded being traded down the Klamath River from the ethnographic Modoc. Dentalium beads were used predominately as wealth and in ceremonies (Elsasser 1978). Clam shell (Mytilis californianus) beads are commonplace at northern California sites, but are also found frequently in central California. Characteristics of late prehistoric sites in the southern Cascade Mountains include clamshell disk beads; pinenut beads; spire-lopped Olivella beads; Dentalium shell beads; flexed burials; and Desert series projectile points (sometimes serrated ) (Elsasser 1978). Clam shell beads also served as a medium of exchange, a standard of value, and a means of storing wealth for the Pomo of northwestern California. It has been reported that the Pomo made expeditions to Bodega Bay, just north of San Francisco, to acquire clam shells in hundred pound loads. The shells were brought back and broken into small pieces, shaped, drilled, strung, and ground on a flat stone to smoothen (Gifford 1926; Lowell and Theodoratus 1978). Ceramic Beads Two ceramic beads (Cat.#s 32, 33) were recovered from Unit 2 (0-10 centimeter) surface scrape at Locus A (see Figure 6.16). These beads are of a flat disk 139 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 shape, are similar in size (1.1 centimeter in diameter), and have the same thickness (0.4 centimeters). Both are coated with a dark blue glaze on one surface. Silver Beads Two silver beads were recovered from the Unit 2 (0-10 centimeter) surface scrape. The first (Cat.#14) is of biconical shape with no adornments; it measures 0.8 X 0.4 centimeters with a perforation of 0.2 centimeters. The second (Cat.#27) is doughnut-shaped with no adornments; it measures 0.8 X 0.5 centimeters with a perforation of 0.4 centimeters (Figure 6.17). These beads are believed to have been crafted by Native Americans from the Southwest culture area. MISCELLANEOUS PARAPHERNALIA This assemblage includes two items assumed to be paraphernalia or personal/group ritual items. The first (Cat.#177) was recovered from the surface at Locus B and is a circular-shaped almost flat stone or limestone disc with rounded edges and a slight depression on one side. This object is deliberately shaped and appears to have been ground to smooth the surfaces and edges. The depression on one side appears intentional. The function of this artifact is unknown; however similar stones of this shape/size (3.5 centimeters in diameter and 1.2 centimeter thickness) have been identified at 140 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.16. Ceramic bead (Cat# 33). Fig. 6.17. Silver beads (Cat.#s 14 and 27). several southwestern sites, and are suggested to be gaming pieces and sometimes used in (rain) rituals (Adams 202:194-195; Roberts 1940:126; Woodbury 1954:173). Similar artifacts labeled discoidals have been noted at a number of sacred sites in southern California and seem to serve no utilitarian function and are likely personal, for gaming, or group ritual equipment. However southern California discoidals are considerably larger on the average (average diameter size 9.3 cm and average thickness of 5.3 cm) than specimen 177 (Figure 6.18) (McGuire and Hildebrandt 1994; Sutton 1978; Sutton and Koerper 2009; True and Beemer 1982; Warren et al. 1961). 141 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.18. Limestone disc (Cat.#177). The second (Cat.#166) miscellaneous item was recovered from Feature 2 at Locus A and is a Hanksite crystal measuring 3.8 centimeters in length and 3.6 centimeters in diameter. These crystals are indigenous to the area and are just one that makes up the abundant minerals of the evaporative deposits found at Searles Lake. Hanksite crystals are found below the surface or by pumping brine to the surface and are usually located at depths between 20 to 60 feet (Fairchild 2005). FAUNAL REMAINS The Mirror Point site faunal collection consists of 13 bone fragments. These include a variety of horse or burro (Equus sp.) skeletal materials and one broken tine from a small artiodactyl, probably a young deer (Table 6.12). The tine was likely used as an antler hammer and is part of the Feature 12 artifact cache. The equid remains do not 142 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.12 Faunal remains. Faunal (bone) Artiodactyl (antler tip)(Cat.#173) (Feature 12) Equus (burro/horse)(Cat.#150) (Feature 38) Equus (burro/horse) Surface Finds Locus A 1 Locus D ---- Locus C ---- Locus B ---- ---- 2 + fragments ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- 10 + fragments appear to have been deliberately placed or brought to this area by humans. Wild burros were noted grazing along the Slate Range during field investigations, so these remains are likely the result of natural occurrences. OBSIDIAN STUDIES Thirty-five specimens were submitted for obsidian sourcing and dating. Fourteen samples produced both a source and a reading. These results are compared to indicate period of particular exploitation of obsidian resources and trade distances (Table 6.13). Obsidian Sourcing Eighteen obsidian artifacts were submitted to Northwest Research Obsidian Studies Laboratory for energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence trace element provenance analysis. A nondestructive trace element analysis of the samples was completed using a Spectrace 5000 energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Skinner and Thatcher 2008:1). Five geochemical groups, all of which were correlated with known obsidian sources, were identified among the 18 obsidian artifacts analyzed. These analyses produced both expected and unexpected results. Fifteen artifacts, including three projectile points, eleven bifaces, and one edge modified flake correlated with sources 143 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 from the Coso Volcanic Field, two artifacts, one obsidian needle and one projectile point, correlated with the Buck Mountain source in northeast California, and one biface Table 6.13 Results of trace element studies. Obsidian Source Buck Mountain Totals 2 Percentage 11.1 Coso (Sugarloaf Mountain) Coso (West Cactus Peak) Coso (West Sugarloaf) Wild Horse Canyon Total 2 2 11 1 18 11.1 11.1 61.1 5.6 100 correlated with the Wild Horse Canyon source in southwest Utah (Tables 6.14, 6.15; Figures 6.20, 6.21, 6.22) (Skinner and Thatcher 2008:1). The presence of obsidian from the Coso Volcanic Field is a common place occurance at an array of sites throughout the southern Great Basin/northern Mojave Desert (Elston and Zeier 1984; Gilreath and Hildebrandt 1997). However, the probability of obsidian from Buck Mountain, located in northeast California, and Wild Horse Canyon, located in southern Utah, being found at a southern California site while very slim, is not unheard of (Macko et al. 2005; Skinner and Thatcher 2008: 3). The Northwest Research Obsidian Studies Laboratory database was searched for comparative data (Skinner 2010). Only six instances (including the Mirror Point) are reported of Wild Horse Canyon obsidian showing up in California. Three came from CASBR-2033, one from the Mirror Point Site, one from CA-INY-378, and one from Deep Springs Valley (Haarklau et al. 2005). Buck Mountain obsidian in southern California is also rare, however a Buck Mountain biface cache was found in Orange County (Macko et al. 2005). Besides the two specimens from the Mirror Point site, there are only two other artifacts from this source in San Bernardino County (Big Boulder Site and CA-SBR-1197). Additionally there are a 144 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 few other Buck Mountain artifacts that have shown up in Tulare, Inyo, and Kern counties (N=4) (Skinner 2010). Table 6.14 Obsidian flaked stone by source. Artifact Type Buck Mountain Projectile Points Bifaces Obsidian Needle Edge Modified Flake Total 1 Coso (Sugarloaf Mountain) Coso (West Cactus Peak) 2 1 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 3 8 Wild Horse Canyon 1 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 Total 4 12 1 1 18 Table 6.15 Sourced Specimens Specimen No. Catalog No. Geochemical Source 1 188 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Artifact 2 189 Coso (West Cactus Peak) 3 175 Wild Horse Canyon 4 224 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface blank 5 168 Buck Mountain Obsidian (needle shaped piece) 6 138 Buck Mountain 7 113 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Unknown type-projectile point base Biface blank 8 115 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface blank 9 116 Coso (Sugarloaf Mountain) Biface fragment 10 117 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface fragment 11 122 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface fragment 12 221 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Stemmed projectile point 13 8 Coso (West Cactus Peak) Pinto projectile point 14 9 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface fragment 15 10 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Point tip 16 11 Coso (West Sugarloaf) Biface midsection 17 109 Coso (Sugarloaf) Biface 18 110 Coso (West Sugarloaf) biface biface blank edge modified flake flake Rogers (2010) applied analysis correcting rim values for effective hydration temperature (EHT) to the chemically sourced obsidian samples. Appendix C outlines the results, and gives a detailed description of the theory and methods. 145 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Obsidian Hydration Data Seventeen obsidian specimens were submitted to Wickstrom (2008) for obsidian hydration measurement (see Tables 6.16 and 6.17). The hydration rims were measured using a stainfree 63 power objective and a Bauche & Lomb 10 power filar micrometer eyepiece on a Leitz Ortholux model petrographic microscope with a 1.25 Fig. 6.20. Location of Mirror Point site in relation to obsidian sources. 146 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.21. Needle shaped obsidian from Buck Mountain source (Cat.#168). Fig. 6.22. Scatterplot of Zirconium (Zr) plotted versus Rubidium (Rb) for analyzed artifacts. 147 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.16 Hydration Reading Results. Cat. # 8 9 9 10 11 109 110 113 115 116 117 122 138 175 188 188 189 221 224 Description Pinto point Biface Biface Point tip Biface midsection Biface Blade Biface Biface Biface Biface Biface Point Biface Core Core Edge-modified flake Point Point Microns 1.9 4.2 2.9 4.2 13.1 12.4 9.1 11.2 15.1 6.4 6.5 5.7 3.1 3.1 13.4 11.4 Table 6.17 Hydrated and Sourced Obsidian Specimens Cat # Type Pinto point Hydration Rate Rim - 8 Coso (West Cactus Peak) 9 Biface 1.9 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 9 Biface 4.2 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 10 Point tip 2.9 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 11 Biface midsection 4.2 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 109 Biface 13.1 Coso (Sugarloaf) 110 Blade 12.4 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 113 Biface 9.1 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 115 Biface 11.2 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 116 Biface 15.1 Coso (Sugarloaf Mountain) 117 Biface 6.4 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 138 Point Base - Buck Mountain 175 Biface - Wild Horse Canyon 188 Core 5.7 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 188 Core 3.1 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 189 3.1 Coso (West Cactus Peak) 221 Edge-modified flake Point 13.4 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 224 Point 11.4 Coso (West Sugarloaf) 148 Obsidian Source Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 power condenser. This yields a 787.5-power magnification of the specimen. Most of the specimens (14 of 17) produced accurate readings. Hydration values vary tremendously measuring from 1.9 to 15.1 microns. The larger of the readings, 15.1 microns, came from a biface blank fragment recovered from Unit 2 inside Surface Scrape 1 at Locus A. Other artifacts were examined from this same location, but there is no real correlation in hydration values. In fact, the smallest reading of 1.9 microns, taken from a retouched projectile point preform, was recovered from the same locale as that which yielded the largest reading. The readings do not signify a specific period in time, but represent several episodes. Using the Coso hydration rate developed for lowland hydration studies by Rosenthal and coworkers (2001), a mean value of less than 3.7 microns equates to within the past 650 years BP or the Marana Period, 3.7 to 4.9 microns equates to 6501275 BP or the Haiwee Period; 4.9 to 7.65 microns equates to 1275-3500 BP or the Newberry Period, 7.65 to 11.4 microns equates to 3500-6600 BP or the Little Lake Period, while greater than 11.4 microns equates to anytime before 6600 BP or the Early Period (Paleo-Indian times). Twelve specimens have continuous hydration rims on their manufactured flaked surfaces and were placed in a graph format (Figure 6.23). These specimens demonstrate a high level of variability in age, thus it appears that all time periods are represented. Two specimens (16.7%) date to the Marana Period, one (3.3%) falls into the Haiwee Period, two date to the Newberry Period (16.7%), three date to the Little Lake Period (25%), and four date to the Early Period or during Paleo-Indian times (33%). 149 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Thermoluminescence Thermoluminescence (TL) dating was conducted at the Laboratory of Archaeological Sciences, University of California, Davis on three ceramic sherds. These include one rim sherd (Cat.#88), one body sherd (Cat.#90), and one base sherd (Cat.#89). The buried sherd (Cat.#89) produced an older date the, however the dates were fairly recent (Table 6.18). Protein Residue Analysis Cross-over immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) analysis was conducted at the Laboratory of Archaeological Sciences, California State University, Bakersfield on five artifacts. 33.3 25.0 Marana (<650 BP) Haiwee (650-1275 BP) 16.7 16.7 4 3 8.3 2 1 2 Percent Number (N=12) Fig. 6.23 Obsidian hydration results. 150 Newberry (1275-3500 BP) Little Lake (3500-6600 BP) Early (>6600 BP) Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.18 Pottery Dates Artifact Rim Sherd (Cat.#88) Base Sherd (Cat.#89) Body Sherd (Cat.90) Location Feature 5 Interior Feature 5 Unit 3 0-30cm Feature 12 Surface Calibrated Date AD 1749 +/- 19 AD 1298 +/- 59 AD 1940 +/- 24 These include two flaked (points) stone artifacts (Cat.#s 5, 25), two ground stone artifacts (Cat.#s 10, 19), and one brownware rim sherd (Cat.#13). The residues were tested against a variety of animal and plant antisera relevant to the study area. One positive reaction for protein was registered on the brownware rim sherd. A positive for bear indicates the presence of bear protein from either black or grizzly bear (Ursus sp.). The absence of identifiable proteins on the remaining artifacts is likely due to either the poor preservation of protein or because proteins present did not match up with any of the organisms included in the available antisera (Yohe et al. 1991). Typology and Chronology of Glass Beads A total of 59 glass beads were recovered at Locus A during survey and excavation. It has been pointed out that “most of the archaeological documents which describe glass beads from the western Great Basin simply list the perceived attributes of recorded varieties and make no pretext of standard description or classification (Titchenal 1994:23).” This is perhaps due to time constraints or lack of interest on the researcher’s part. There are a handful of classification systems related to glass trade beads in California and the Great Basin. One of the earliest attempts to explain and describe glass beads was undertaken by Meighan (1955). Meighan’s system has endured over time in some respects and has been used as a foundation for other classification systems in this region (e.g., Gibson 1976; Titchenal 1994). 151 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 There are a few excellent methodologies that could have been applied for this study (Ross 1990; Karklins 1982a; Karklin 1982b, Karklin 1982c; 1985; Kidd and Kidd 1970); however, Titchenal’s (1994) chronology for glass beads from California and the western Great Basin was selected. This chronological system seems the most thorough, practical, up-to-date, and applicable. Titchenal’s scheme was developed from analysis of 38,000 glass beads recovered from 10 sites in California. One of these sites was from Colusa County, four were from Owens Valley, and five were located in the White Mountains. Titchenal’s approach is relatively simple and uses a three-step process that creates a code for each bead. This analytical process begins with identification of the method of manufacture using the following basic categories: cane bead (C), wire wound bead (W), or molded bead (M). The next step involves identification of color, and for this Titchenal assigns a number (0-9) to the 10 different acrylic colors outlined on a color chart. The final step involves identification of the size category to which a bead belongs: small-c (<4 mm), medium-b (4-10 mm), and large-a (>10 mm). Using this three-step process, Titchenal identified 32 bead types. He then extrapolated a time period for these types by way of temporal association or based on the archaeological context from where these data were derived. Six time periods or complexes were determined and are provided in Table 6.19 below. Thirty-three beads could be placed within Titchenal’s chronology with certainty. One is indicative of Complex A, five are indicative of Complex C, eight are indicative of Complex D, 17 are indicative of Complex E, and two are indicative of Complex F . None were indicative of Complex B. The remaining beads or nearly half of the beads (n=26) 152 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 did not fit exactly into Titchenal’s chronology and this lack of fit was typically due to a difference in one variable, such as color or size. Table 6.19 Titchenal’s glass bead chronology. Complex Date A 1785-1820 B 1830-1845 C 1849-1856 D 1859-1864 E 1864-1880 F 1880-1900 Glass Bead Chronology 2 Complex F 17 Complex E 8 Complex D 5 Complex C Complex B 0 1 Complex A 0 5 10 15 Fig. 6.25 Glass beads and associated complexes. 153 20 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.20 Glass bead data. Cat. # 23 Unit 2-S.S. Measurements lxwx (Perf-diam) 7.74x6.46x(3.02)mm 28 Unit 2-S.S. 6.42x5.05x(2.21)mm 39 Unit 2-S.S. 9.72x8.28x(2.71)mm 67 Unit 2-S.S. 5.13x3.05x(2.13)mm 50 51 52 64 65 66 72 73 74 78 79 80 84 16 37 30 53 21 63 68 70 75 76 82 83 40 31 81 85 26 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 5.96x4.57x(2.5)mm 5.92x4.87x(2.41)mm 7.45x5.83x(2.54)mm 6.58x5.59x(2.60)mm 5.23x4.15x(1.94)mm 5.11x4.15x(1.93)mm 6.31x4.32x(2.85)mm 6.83x5.52x(2.74)mm 4.82x4.21x(2.56)mm 5.57x4.88x(1.30)mm 4.89x3.14x(2.23)mm 5.50x3.70x(1.79)mm 4.49x2.12x(1.94)mm 7.82x8.76x(3.53)mm 7.98x6.40x(2.07)mm 6.55x4.53x(1.36)mm 5.94x4.52x(3.15)mm 4.33x4.28x(2.03)mm 6.92x5.31x(3.25)mm 5.86x4.57x(2.34)mm 5.73x5.46x(2.57)mm 5.51x5.00x(1.99)mm 5.11x3.49x(3.01)mm 5.61x4.74x(1.98)mm 4.47x3.13x(1.78)mm 5.61x5.06x(2.04)mm 4.37x3.70x(0.16)mm 5.36x3.65x(2.90)mm 4.55x3.53x(2.05)mm 7.90x6.40x(2.73)mm 29 Unit 2-S.S. 6.34x6.51x(?)mm 71 Unit 2-S.S. 5.60x4.41x(2.43)mm Location 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S 2-S.S 2-S.S 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. Bead Color (s) Sand blasted-Blue? Black painted on White White w/gGold+Green Flecks White w/Green paint White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Creamy White Blue Black Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red w/White Red on Black Red w/Black Red w/Black Red and Green Green and Red/Fragmented Red w/Green 154 Type Complex C?b ------ TimePeriod ----- C?b ------ ----- C146b1 ------ ----- C16b3 ------ ----- C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b1 C1b2 C1b3 C1b1 C7b1 C?c CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC31b1 CC5?b1 CC5?b1 CC5?b1 CC56b1 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E --------D D D D D D D D ----------------- 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 1864-1880 --------1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1864 1859-1865 ----------------- CC56b1 ----- ----- CC56b1 ----- ----- Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA_SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 6 Table 6.20 (Continued) Glass bead data. Cat. # 35 36 49 25 59 38 56 57 58 62 Location Type Complex C6b1 C6c1 CMG57b1 CMG5b1 CMG5b1 CMG6b1 CMG6b1 CMG6b1 CMG7b1 CMG7b1 A? A ------------C C C C C TimePeriod 1785-1820 1785-1820 ------------1849-1856 1849-1856 1849-1856 1849-1856 1849-1856 CM556b1 ----- ----- CMS8b1 CMS8b1 CMS8b1 CMS8b1 CMS9b1 ----------------F ----------------1880-1900 44 Unit 2-S.S. 7.83x7.74x(3.5)mm 20 24 48 77 22 Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. SurfaceLocus A Locus A Unit 2-S.S. Unit 2-S.S. SurfaceLocus A Unit 2-S.S. 7.88x9.06x(3.95)mm 8.20x7.09x(3.75)mm 4.74x4.70x(2.73)mm 5.74x3.95x(2.26)mm 7.56x8.14x(4.74)mm 15.62x11.0(4.08)mm Amber W0a1 ----- ----- 15.0x14.0x(4x6)mm 7.52x4.65x(2.37)mm 4.86x3.70x(2.10)mm Amber Red Red W0a1 W5b1 W5b1 ------------- ------------- 14.96x11.07x(4.72)mm Cobalt Blue W7a1 E 1864-1880 9.75x5.53x(4.34)mm Light Blue W9a1 F 1880-1900 173 47 69 147 19 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. 2-S.S. Bead Color (s) Green Green Red w/Blue Red/Black/Hexigonal Red w/Black Green/hexigonal Green/hexigonal Green/hexigonal Blue/Hexigonal Blue/Hexigonal Green w/RedHexigonal Clear/Hexagonal Clear/Hexagonal Clear/Hexagonal Clear/Hexagonal Light Blue-Hexigonal 148 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Measurements lxwx (Perf-diam) 7.53x4.17x(3.87)mm 2.77x1.43x(1.32)mm 6.08x5.12x(3.21)mm 7.95x6.25x(3.44)mm 4.47x4.15x(2.55)mm 8.52x6.47x(4.49)mm 5.25x5.42x(2.23)mm 5.70x5.18x(3.36)mm 4.75x5.01x(2.48)mm 4.52x5.41x(3.37)mm Granted it was not possible for Titchenal to identify all possible colors for beads. For example, blue or green, medium sized, hexagonal beads (CMG7b1 or CMG6b1) are indicative of Complex C according to Titchenal, though the Mirror Point sample includes (four) clear, medium size, hexagonal (CMG8b1), a type that is very similar, but a color type that is not included. In addition, several of the beads from the Mirror Point site are black or mixed with black (compound color (CC), a color not represented by Titchenal’s color chart. 155 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 7: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The objectives of the archaeological investigations at the Mirror Point site (CASBR-12134/H) were to extract information regarding rock feature function and the ideotechnic beliefs of its prehistoric site occupants. The following material outlines the results of the fieldwork and laboratory analysis from the site. These results are generated from the research design as outlined in Chapter 4. Specifically, questions include site chronology, ritual/ceremonial use, and interaction spheres between different prehistoric groups. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Occupation at the Mirror Point Site 1) During what prehistoric periods was the site occupied? 2) Was the occupation of the site represented by a single period or is it a multi-component expression? Chronology of an archaeological site can be ascertained through relative dating methods that include the recovery and analysis of temporally diagnostic artifacts, such as projectile points, beads, milling equipment, and source specific temperature adjusted obsidian hydration dates. Additionally, thermoluminescence dating of the pottery sherds provided further chronological data on the occupation of CA-SBR-12134/H. The European glass trade beads can be classified as a type spanning the late 18th century (AD 1785) to the early 19th century (AD 1900) with the majority dating between AD 1864 and AD 1880 (Titchenal 1994). Milling equipment has been present in the Mojave Desert archaeological record since at least 7,000 BP. The presence of ground stone artifacts suggests that the site was visited during a period when milling equipment was of importance. Though there is 156 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 no evidence to suggest that food was being processed at this site, the archaeological chronology for this region indicates a marked increase in milling equipment during the Late Holocene. Thermoluminescence dating on the three pottery sherds produced various dates (AD 1298-AD 1940). These include one rim sherd, one body sherd, and one base sherd found below the surface which produced an older date. Six projectile points and point fragments were recovered at the site. Three of these points are temporally diagnostic and include one Desert Side-notched (post-650 cal. BP), one Pinto (7000-4000 cal. BP), and one Lake Mojave (10000-7000 cal. BP). The obsidian hydration readings on the seventeen obsidian artifact specimens indicate a high level of variability in age. Two specimens (16.7%) date to the Marana Period (650 BP-AD 1850), one (3.3%) falls into the Haiwee Period (650 BP-1275 BP), two date to the Newberry Period (1275 BP-3500 BP)(16.7%), three date to the Little Lake Period (3500 BP-6600 BP) (25%), and four date to the Early Period (pre-7000 BP) or during Paleo-Indian times (33%). Together the data provide evidence to suggest that the site was visited intermittently over an extremely long period of time from the Early to Late Holocene. Despite the variation in dates, the majority of chronological data suggests site visitation peaked during the Marana Period. Rock Feature Function at the Mirror Point Site A review of the anomalous rock features is presented in Chapter 4. This review may yield insight into function of rock features at the Mirror Point site. Particularly, two models were developed to determine rock feature function in the Great Basin. Other studies of rock features are also considered to explore probable function. 157 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 3) Are any of the rock features characteristics found at the Mirror Point site consistent with any category of the “Delacorte Model?” 4) Are any of the rock features characteristics found at the Mirror Point site consistent with the “Vierra Model?” There is no evidence to suggest that the rock features at the Mirror Point site coincide with Delacorte’s Model (1995) regarding features described as house/habitation, threshing floor, or wall/windbreak. However, there are some similarities to what Delacorte labels enigmatic features or “cairns.” These similarities do not include size in that the mean length/width/height of cairns on the Volcanic Tableland is 4.18m/2.96m/60cm to 104cm and the mean length/width/height of alignments at the Mirror Point site is 1.m/.50m/9cm and cairns are 1.31m/1.22m/14cm (Figure 5.1). Delacorte (1995) suggests that the rock features at the Volcanic Tablelands were constructed as either storage facilities, dismantled houses, or as burial tombs, though these suggestions could not be substantiated because excavations were not conducted. The rock features at the Mirror Point are similar in that they were used to cache artifacts, however no burials were encountered. Further, there is no evidence to suggest that any of the features are the result of dismantled houses. Similarities include cairn style/design, and lack of artifacts with some (Locus B and D). Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that any of the rock features at the Mirror Point site are consistent with the rock features described by Vierra (1986), including his attributes of pinyon caches, hunting blinds, roasting ovens, or house rings. Locational aspects were considered for these determinations, as were aspects of use, and construction aspects. None of these factors coincide with the rock feature traits at the Mirror Point site. There are only slight similarities with regards to length and/or 158 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 width though specific shapes/ designs of these proposed feature categories did not coincide with cairns or alignments at the Mirror Point site. Mirror Point Site Rock Features vs. Tipi Rings on the North American Plains 5) How do the rock features in the Mojave Desert and even more specifically at the Mirror Point site compare to the ubiquitous rock features referred to as “tipi rings” found on the North American Plains? As outlined in Chapter 4, tipi rings on the Plains of North America are morphologically similar to some rock features in California and the Great Basin and, like their counterparts, are generally ambiguous with regard to function. Typically tipi rings are found along butte tops, barren ridges, small topographic rises, and along stream terraces suitable to support habitation (DeMallie and Frison 2001). Tipi rings are also noted for their lack of cultural materials, apparently more so than their rock feature counterparts to the west. To reiterate, there is speculation over the function of these rock features, although most assume they represent the remnants of skin covered housing structures. It has been hypothesized that, given the highly nomadic life of indigenous peoples on the Plains, minimal data can be expected when conducting excavation of these features (DeMallie and Frison 2001; Kehoe 1958; Malouf 1961). Comparatively speaking, rock features at the Mirror Point site are located in an area not suitable for habitation, particularly in late prehistoric and early historic times. None of the rock feature attributes for the Mirror Point site’s elements are similar to that of tipi rings or could they best be considered as foundations for housing structures. Also, artifacts are present at the Mirror Point site. 159 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 Religious Use Given its unique location and abundance of non-utilitarian artifacts it is likely that the Mirror Point Site was occupied for ritualistic/ceremonial purposes. This probability might yield additional insights given these considerations into the ideology of prehistoric populations in the Mojave Desert. 6) Is there data at this site that reveals what types of ceremonial activities were taking place? How do these rock features at the Mirror Point site coincide with other known religious sites? 7) Is there enough evidence to suggest that this site is a Puha or power site? 8) Is there evidence to support an ideological interaction sphere otherwise known as the Middle Holocene Western Nexus? The cairns and alignments at the Mirror Point site trend west to east. They face the Searles Lake playa (west) with the Slate Mountains laying directly behind them (east). The view north from the site is that of the Argus Mountain Range and to the south the Slate Range is visible. On a clear day it is possible to see the Trona Pinnacles. The site itself is situated on an alluvial fan below the ancient Searles Lake shoreline. There is some alluvial debris runoff from the Slate Range; with debris and rocks being employed for construction of the rock features. The layout of the features points towards Searles Lake playa, thus fixing visitors to an axis of possible symbolic significance. There are a number of known archaeological sites in the Slate Mountain Range and there are a number of probable trail systems leading across this range to the Mirror Point site. A specific prehistoric route to this area is not known at this time, however it is possible there were several trails. Nevertheless, it is certain that historic roads/routes were used during later visitations when mining activities were taking place. Ceremonial 160 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 activities and mining activities could possibly have been contemporaneous, however there is no ethnographic evidence to support this (Garfinkel et al. 2007). There are definite spatial gaps between Loci A, B, and D. Although artifacts were noted at all of these areas the highest concentrations were consistently at Locus A. Furthermore, charcoal, strategically placed rocks, and large numbers of artifacts concentrated at Locus A suggest this area was used more than Loci B and D. Again, the absence of utilitarian features/artifacts, lack of economic resources, water, and housing structures indicates that this site was visited only occasionally for short periods of time and not for conventional subsistence and settlement purposes. The rock features at CA-SBR-12134/H appear to reflect a deliberate arrangement of rocks that serve no known conventional utilitarian purpose but do exhibit a deliberate shape/design with some features explicitly employed as cache receptacles, however this cannot be definitively proven. Stones used in the construction of the features vary in size and color. Some of the rocks being brought in from other areas as manuports, but most of the other stones occurring natural in the immediate area. The semi-enclosed rock feature at Locus A contains an uplifted rock (pointing up) centerpiece or what von Werlhof (1989) refers to as an axis mundi or sighting stone. The M iddle Holocene W estern Nex us There is no evidence to suggest the site was part of an ideological interaction sphere referred to as the Middle Holocene Western Nexus by Sutton and Kroeper (2009). Sites attributed to this sphere are marked by four categories of cached artifacts. Only a few markers from these four categories were noted at the site: large bifaces and stone discoidals, though the presence of milling gear, Buck Mountain obsidian, and a Pinto point are indicative. Hence, there is no substantial evidence in the form of artifacts 161 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 (style) or temporal grounds (markers) to argue that this site was occupied exclusively during the Middle Holocene. Hunter-Gatherers as Optim al Foragers The occupants at the Mirror Point site seemingly exhibited several characteristics similar of a traveler strategy as defined by Bettinger and Baumhoff (1982). Specifically, to acquire artifacts such as shell beads, silver beads, Coso obsidian, Buck Mountain obsidian, and Wild Horse Canyon obsidian the occupants or participants would have had to trade/travel considerable distances or the objects could have been passed through the hands of an unknown number of middlemen before being deposited at the Mirror Point Site. The duration of use of the site would have been brief and the distances between site area and use areas would have been a considerable journey. It is assumed that the population density at the Mirror Point site would have been low. The sex ratio is speculative, however most of the artifacts are indicative of a male presence (bifaces, projectile points, raw obsidian, bow fragment, antler/tine) however there are ground stone and ceramics which are typically linked to women. To the contrary these occupants would have likely fit the processor model in their day to day life (Late Prehistoric Period; Ethnohistoric Period) (Table 2.1). As noted in Chapter 2, according to Bettinger and Baumhoff (1982) Numic populations, by A.D. 1000, were firmly adapted to this processor strategy, which enabled them to spread east into the Great Basin. The groups they were replacing had a differing subsistence settlement mode known as a traveler strategy. It is possible that these behaviors were likely carried over via cultural transmission or conformity bias from earlier behaviors (Henrich and McElreath 2003). However, there is not enough data from this study to 162 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 support any of these models. In general, the meager evidence suggests this site was visited only on occasion or/and intermittently. Puha There is, however, evidence to suggest that in late prehistoric and ethnohistoric times the Mirror Point site was possibly used as a Puha site or a place in which individuals gathered to collect power. This notion is based upon ethnographic data collected on groups in the Great Basin (Steward 1940; Thomas et al. 1986; Stoffle and Arnold 2006). Puha is said to come from certain items many of which were/are present at the site: cairns, bow fragment, stones, obsidian, glue, crystals, pottery, bear (protein detected on pottery). Puha is also described like water that moves downhill and concentrates attracting elements of the spiritual world. Cultural Transm ission It is most logical that this site was visited intermittently for religious purposes. Based on ethnographic data regarding Great Basin religion, it is likely that these behaviors were caused by earlier exchanges of information by way of nongenetic mechanisms or via conformity and success/prestige bias. These behaviors would have almost certainly been ascertained by copying beliefs, behaviors, and strategies of known successful groups or individuals. However these ideas needs to be further investigated for validation. Landscape Archaeology Allen (2011) notes that “Archaeologists trapped in the confines of a site, or even an immediate cluster of sites, are in danger of missing the big picture entirely.” With this said, architectural evidence at the Mirror Point site is poor; however it does suggest that these 110 rock features were laid out in a deliberate and meaningful way over the landscape on an alluvial fan overlooking Searles Lake. The features are outlined as to 163 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 point towards the lake or in a westerly direction. The architecture is seemingly nonutilitarian, thus the overall approach seems to be a symbolic gesture and perhaps synonymous with particular religious beliefs (Puha). The rock structures are of deliberate construction; design and shape only slightly vary. Based on the evidence collected to date it is possible that these features were constructed for the following purposes: 1) to cache or store artifacts; 2) to mark a symbolically important location; 3) to mark a travel route. Other potential purposes that should be explored in the future: 1) astrological significance; 2) burials; 3) an overall cohesive design or shape that has not been deciphered in this study but may exist. Although speculative, it is believed that the rock features are situated and located in a manner that is conducive to private rather than public viewing. This suggests that the ideology is linked to the power and forces of nature and select visitors. While the visitors could come and go, the features remain on the landscape perhaps paying homage to a number of possible geographic features including Searles playa, Slate Range, Argus Range, Trona Pinnacles, and the El Paso Mountains. Summary Interpretations of the material remains and rock features at CA-SBR-12134/H suggest that the site was visited intermittently from prehistoric to historic times. However there is no possible way at this time to date the construction of rock features. This site was probably visited by pilgrims as part of a religious journey or a Puha journey. The rock features mark the site for religious reasons. Due to the moderate number of artifacts and artifact caches at Locus A it is believed that most of the site activities took place there within the semi-enclosed rock feature. In support it has been 164 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) CHAPTER 7 demonstrated that the maintenance of ritual paraphernalia by modern ceremonial societies historically occurs in highly restricted areas (Whittaker and Kaldahl 2001). 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Washington: Smithsonian Institution. 188 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES APPENDIX A HISTORIC BACKGROUND HISTORIC PERIOD Historical data are reported here to better understand activities that occurred in the study area after ca. 1850 and pre-Navy occupation ca. 1943. Sources used in this brief overview include both unpublished and published documents. Most of these documents were gathered from the Searles Valley Historical Society, Trona, California. There is minimal recordation of Euro-American activities in the western Mojave Desert prior to 1850. The earliest year on record is 1826 when explorers/trappers Joseph Walker and Jedediah Smith made their way west across the Mojave Desert following the Inconstant River (now the Mojave). The purpose of this expedition was to explore the California coastline for potential fur sources (Fletcher 1987:9). In the years following the Walker-Smith expedition(s) (post 1849), the Mojave Desert was considerably impacted by large populations of EuroAmericans seeking to make their fortunes by way of mining. Discoveries of gold and silver in and around Death and Panamint Valleys brought waves of people trekking across the northwest Mojave Desert (Belden and DeDecker 2005:16-17). One person stands out amongst the gold-seeking individuals that made their way into the Mojave Desert during the mid 19th Century, and that individual is John Wemple Searles (see Figure A.1). Unquestionably, John Searles is directly responsible, at least in part, for some of the occurrences that took place at the Mirror Point site. At a minimum, he set off a chain of events leading up to the mining activities that took place at Locus C. In 1849, Searles a mining enthusiast, and his older brother Dennis headed to California separately from New York by ship around Cape Horn to San Francisco. After settling in northern California for a time, the two ended up, at around 1873, mining low grade gold ore at Slate I Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Range City, which overlooked the east side of Borax Marsh (now Searles Lake). It was during this time when the brothers heard of the profitable discoveries of borax in Nevada. The two wasted no time in identifying the locally occurring mineral, staking a claim upon the borax encrusted dry lake below them, and forming the San Bernardino Borax Company (Pipkin 1963: 88). Initially, a “crude” reduction plant was built on the eastern shore of the lake and Chinese coolies were used to harvest the borax that lay on the lake surface. Shortly thereafter, a larger plant was built near the present day town of Trona. During the first year of production (ca. 1873) the company produced one million pounds of borax valued at $200,000. It took huge borax wagons to haul the loads of mineral to the town of Mojave more than 150 miles away. A little known fact is that John and Dennis Searles were the originators of the 20 mule team borax wagons, contrary to popular belief that it was the locally famous Borax Smith (Pipkin 1963:89). Aside from being a successful entrepreneur, John Searles was known as a “great bear hunter” and courageous Indian fighter. There are several stories reporting how John Searles was attacked by a grizzly bear on Walker Pass. He nearly lost his life after the bear “tore the side of his face” (Pipkin 1963:89). Additionally it has been noted in many documents (Pipkin 1963) that John Searles had hostile exchanges with local Shoshone/Paiute, thus leading to the conclusion that Searles was no friend of the Indian or the grizzly, and in turn they were no friends of his. Standing in opposition to this well- known story, George Hanson claimed to be Searles friend and denied any stories that John Searles killed Indians (Boyles 1940). As one story goes, shortly after the establishment of the borax mining operations a group of local Indians attacked John Searles’ camp and drove off his livestock. Searles retaliated by gathering several men and following the Indians into Panamint Valley, where they “shot them all and recovered the stock.” Reportedly the Indians did not return to the valley until after II Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES the death of John Searles in 1897 (Pipkin 1963:91). If this is true it should be noted John Searles was likely the culprit of these attacks. Some documents suggest Searles prompted the local natives by placing his camp at a spring near the mouth of Wilson Canyon, thus driving out the “only Indians living in Searles Valley when the first white men came” (The Western Reporter 1971). It was because of John Searles’ effrontery and ingenuity that tremendous changes occurred in the northern Mojave Desert, the most notable being the development of the San Bernardino Borax Mining Company in 1873. The company operated until John Searles’ death and was then sold to Francis M. “Borax” Smith (Brush 2008). Figure A.1 John W. Searles (courtesy of the Searles Valley Historical Society). Intensive mining operations under the auspices of the California Trona Company, continued at the lake during the early 1900s. During this period, it was discovered that borax minerals lay below the surface. Wells were drilled almost a 100 feet deep to reach brine deposits through the hard crust. The brine was then lifted out via a pumping system, and chemicals were separated using evaporation methods. This type of mining, not unlike the earlier III Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES types, was labor intensive and adventuresome. As characterized by Stanford W. Austin, a controller for the California Trona Company, on January 25, 1910 in his diary: Both teams went out to the East side today. One took water & supplies, the other the well boring outfit & beds for the men. I went over on Indian pony & arranged for the Mexican Camp under Carruthers to be moved to the East Side. There are now 13 in all in the Camp at Slate Range City. There are still 3 Mexicans at the Trona Camp in Sec 13. Furthermore, Austin writes on October 23, 1910 (still working on the east side of the lake) that claim jumpers made their way into the area and a confrontation occurred at the jumper’s camp. Austin later discovers that one of the men known as Sprat was in fact, the notorious Arizona lawman Wyatt Earp (Austin 1910). There was a shift in mining operations just prior to World War I. The focus up until this point had been on the extraction of borax and trona minerals. This new shift focused on the extraction of potash, as the U.S. government realized it would soon be cut off from European suppliers. Because of this demand, in 1916 two plants were constructed; one near the town of Trona (American Trona Company), and one at Borosolvay. Borosolvay closed shortly after, but the American Trona Company continued and then merged with the American Potash and Chemical Corporation (Brush 2008). These mining operations continue to this day (Searles Valley Minerals, Inc.), though the area under study came under the jurisdiction of NAWS, China Lake in 1943. Historic-Period Artifacts A few historic-period artifacts were collected at Locus A, these consist of two small clear glass medicine bottles (Figure A.2), one shoe eyelet, one marble, many rusted and unidentifiable metal fragments, and one “Spencer” cartridge. A wooden barrel fragment (near the well) and a 1940s military style lead bullet were collected from the surface at Locus B. Also, IV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES one wooden bottle stopper, or cork, was collected from the surface at Locus D. In addition a feed bucket, several brown (beer) bottle glass shards, bricks (one inscribed “Snowball”), wire tubing, a small metal plate, bailing wire, an angle iron, round nails, a fragmented porcelain plate, and mounting bolts were recorded, but not collected, from the Mill Pond site area or Locus C (Table A.1). The two clear glass medicine bottles (possibly salt bottles), a marble, and a shoe eyelet were recovered from the vicinity of Feature 5. One of the bottles appears to have been fireaffected, for it is melted on one side near the base. The other is missing the finish and has a heavy patina. Both bottles are very weathered and appear to be from the early 1900s. The marble is white glass with orange and yellow swirl decorations. The shoe eyelet is made of metal and is rusted. Figure A.2 Medicinal bottles. V Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Table A.1 Historic-period artifacts. COLOR and Condition Clear; complete DIMENSIONS (INCHES) 1-4/16x3/4 diameter Bottle Clear; near complete 1-4/16x3/4 diameter Game piece Marble 1/2 No available date. Locus A Feature 5 Wood Water container Barrel White, orange, and yellow; complete N/A; frgament 32x2.5x2 Found near well above Locus A 1 Wood Cork Bottle Stopper N/A; whole 2.5x3/4x7/8 Locus D 155 1 Metal Shoe piece Eyelet N/A; whole 5/32x7/32 Recovered from Unit 3 0-30 cm; consistent with boot use Locus A Feature 5 181 1 Lead Military ammuniti Bullet N/A; complete 2-5/16x1/4 diameter From Surface Locus B; probably 1940s high powered rifle 164 1 Lead Ammunition Cartridge N/A; fired; shape distorted 1-11/32x 1/4 diameter Spencer Cartridge Late 1800s; Locus A surface In field analysis 1 Metal Boiler part Door N/A; complete 14x14 Locus C In field analysis 1 Metal Hay baling Wire N/A; bundle 24x6 Locus C In field analysis 1 Metal Tubing Wire N/A; piece 6x28 Locus C In field analysis 1 Metal Angle iron Iron N/A; near complete 2x2x26 Locus C In Field analysis 6 Porcelain Dinnerware Plate(s) White; fragments N/A N/A In Field analysis 10 Metal Hardware Nails N/A; complete N/A N/A In Field analysis 1 Metal dinnerware Cup with handle N/A; complete 3x2 N/A In Field analysis 1 Galvanized me Feed bucket bucket N/A; complete 12/12 N/A In Field analysis 1 Glass Beverage Bottle Brown; fragment N/A N/A In Field analysis 1 Metal Dinnerware Plate N/A; complete 12x5 Cast #789 In Field analysis 1 clay From collapsed fe brick Yellow; complete 2x4x10 Locus C; Brickmaker James and George H. Snowball, Dates: ca. 1854-1935; Swalwell, County Durham, England CAT. # 168 n 1 MAT. Glass CLASS Medicinal DESCR. Bottle 169 1 Glass Medicinal 12 1 Glass 145 1 235 VI NOTES Fire affected, melted on one side; semi-rounded sides; screw type finish; #4 marking in relief on bottom Locus A Feature 5 Missing finish; flat sides and square bottom; #3 marking in relief on bottom Locus A Feature 5 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES The cartridge, based on morphological characteristics, though exact dimensions are not definitive, was likely made for a Spencer repeating carbine and rifle, which was widely used during the Civil War and by the Union Army in the west after the Civil War (Fairchild 2007). The historic period artifacts recorded at the Mill Pond site area were likely associated with subsurface mining activities that were commonly taking place on the east side of the lake during the early 1900s. No definitive date could be ascertained from any of the artifacts noted at this locale, but some of the items/attributes are seemingly indicative of the early 1900s (e.g., round nails, concrete slab). Though not diagnostic, Snowball bricks were manufactured between the years 1854 and 1935. The baling wire and feed bucket suggest workhorses/or mules were associated with the mining activities taken place here, which was common both during the 1800s and early 1900s (pre-automobile). VII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES APPENDIX B ADDITIONAL OBSIDIAN ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION (Alexander Rogers) This report describes the obsidian hydration analysis for the Mirror Point site, CA-SBR12134/H, located in eastern San Bernardino, California. The specimens include debitage (N = 1), projectile points and fragments (N = 7), cores (N = 1), and biface fragments (N = 8). One specimen (cat. no. 175) was sourced to Wild Horse Canyon; the other specimens were not sourced, but are assumed to be from the Coso field due to its proximity. The analysis corrects rim values for effective hydration temperature (EHT) by temperature-dependent diffusion theory, and computes age estimates. Appendix A describes the theory and method employed; appendix B contains the annotated computer program listing. Each specimen was analyzed individually, without grouping of data, with the individual rim readings treated as independent measurements. The altitude of the site is 1700 ft above mean sea level. VIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES ANALYSIS Table 1 presents the obsidian data as analyzed. Catalog numbers 8, 138, and 175 were excluded from the analysis because no hydration rim data were obtained. Cat No 8 9 9 10 11 109 110 113 115 116 117 122 138 175 188 188 189 221 224 Table 1. CA-SBR-12134/H Obsidian Hydration Data. Hydration Rim, uncorr, u Mean SD Description Depth, cm Pinto ppt Point preform 1.87 0.06 0 Point preform 4.20 0.10 0 Point tip 2.90 0.06 0 Biface Midesection 4.23 0.08 0 Biface Blank end 13.05 0.15 5 Point blade 12.40 0.13 5 Biface Blank end 9.12 0.10 0 Biface Blank 11.15 0.08 0 Biface Blank 15.05 0.08 0 Biface Blank end 6.37 0.08 0 Biface Blank 6.50 0.06 0 Point base Biface Blank Core 5.73 0.12 0 Core 3.07 0.06 0 Edge-modified flake 3.05 0.08 0 Point 13.42 0.08 0 Point base 11.42 0.04 0 N 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 Source Unknown Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Unknown Wild Horse Canyon Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Assumed Coso Field Table 2 presents the EHT-corrected rim data and computed ages, in radiocarbon years before the present (rcybp, by convention referenced to 1950) and calibrated years before 2000 (cyb2k). IX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Cat No 9 9 10 11 109 110 113 115 116 117 122 188 188 189 221 224 Table 2. CA-SBR-12134/H EHT-Corrected Rims and Computed Ages Hydration Rim, EHT corr, u Age, Accuracy, Mean SD RCYBP Age, CYB2K yrs +/Description 1.56 0.05 94 106 11 Point preform Point preform 3.64 0.09 514 578 62 Point tip 2.48 0.05 240 270 21 Biface Midesection 3.66 0.07 521 586 45 Biface Blank end 11.61 0.13 5242 5896 449 Point blade 11.11 0.12 4799 5398 411 Biface Blank end 7.80 0.09 2363 2657 203 Biface Blank 9.59 0.07 3578 4025 307 Biface Blank 12.52 0.07 6095 6855 523 Biface Blank end 5.42 0.07 1144 1286 98 Biface Blank 5.54 0.05 1191 1340 102 Core 4.89 0.10 930 1046 113 Core 2.63 0.05 270 303 33 Edge-modified flake 2.62 0.07 266 299 23 Point 11.33 0.07 4987 5609 428 Point base 9.82 0.03 3749 4217 321 Notes Reuse? INTERPRETATION OF DATA The data of Table 2 can be plotted in histogram form to show usage through time. Figure 1 shows the grouping of ages according to the period definitions in Table 3. 6 5 Count 4 3 2 1 0 Marana Haiwee Newberry Little Lake/ Pinto Lake Mohave Period Figure 1. Histogram of obsidian dates from CA-SBR-12134/H. X Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Table 3. Archaeological Period Definitions Period Time, rcybp Marana 650 – present Haiwee 1600 – 650 Newberry 3200 – 1600 Little Lake/Pinto 6000 – 3200 Lake Mohave 10000 - 6000 This figure does not provide a complete picture, however, since the archaeological periods are of unequal length; if the data in Figure 1 are divided by the length of each period in millennia, Figure 2 results, showing most intense use in the Haiwee and Marana periods. 10.00 Count/1000 yrs 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Marana Haiwee Newberry Little Lake/ Pinto Lake Mohave Pe riod Figure 2. Age data for CA-SBR-12134/H, presented as count per millennia, indicating intensity of site use. Although the dates span the period from approximately 6000 rcybp to the Historic period, the major use, as represented by the obsidian artifacts, appears to have been in the Haiwee and Marana periods. The only temporally-sensitive projectile point was Pinto (Cat. No. 8), but no hydration rim was obtained for it. It is possible that the older dates represent curated tools or pieces of obsidian that were subsequently reused as toolstone. XI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES THEORY AND METHODS This report describes the obsidian hydration analysis technique employed to generate chronological data for archaeological analyses. The approach is based on temperature-dependent diffusion theory, and has been thoroughly documented in the archaeological literature; references to pertinent articles are provided. Appendices provide listings (in MatLab) of the computer programs used. THEORY OBSIDIAN HYDRATION Hydration of obsidian is known as a diffusion-reaction process (Doremus 2002). The basis of chronometric analysis using obsidian hydration is the equation t = k r2 (1) where t is age in calendar years, r is rim thickness in microns, and k is a constant, the hydration coefficient. Here k is the reciprocal of the hydration rate. Although other equations have been proposed (e.g. Basgall 1991; Pearson 1994), equation 1 is the only form with both theoretical (Ebert et al. 1991; Doremus 2002) and laboratory (Doremus 1994; Stevenson et al. 1998, 2000) support. The age parameter in equation 1 is in calibrated years before the hydration measurement was made; for analysis purposes this can be taken as the year 2000, so the measurement is in calibrated years before 2000, or cyb2k. When obsidian data are expressed in radiocarbon years before the present (rcybp, by convention referenced to 1950), the quadratic form is still the best fit, giving the smallest overall error in age estimation, but with a different rate constant. XII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES The hydration coefficients for Coso obsidian used herein are (Rogers 2009). k = 38.87 rcybp/µ2 (2a) k = 43.72 cyb2k/µ2 (2b) for rim values 0 < r < 12µ The hydration coefficient is affected by five parameters: ground-water chemistry (Morgenstein et al. 1999); obsidian anhydrous chemistry (Friedman et al. 1966); obsidian intrinsic water content (Zhang and Behrens 2000); humidity (Mazer et al. 1991); and temperature (Rogers 2007a). Ground-water chemistry is only a problem in cases where potassium content is very high, as in some desert playas; otherwise it can be ignored. Obsidian anhydrous chemistry is controlled by sourcing the obsidian. Intrinsic water concentration can vary within an obsidian source (Stevenson et al. 1993), and can affect hydration rate significantly (Zhang and Behrens 2000); there are no archaeologically appropriate techniques for measuring intrinsic water at present, so its effects must be controlled statistically, by sample size. Humidity is a small effect which can generally be ignored. Temperature is the major effect which needs to be controlled in performing an obsidian analysis. Archaeological temperatures vary both annually and diurnally, and the hydration rate is a strong function of temperature. The key concept is “effective hydration temperature” (EHT), which is defined as a constant temperature which yields the same hydration results as the actual time-varying temperature over the same period of time. Due to the mathematical form of the dependence of hydration rate on temperature, EHT is always higher than the mean temperature. The mathematical derivation is given in Rogers 2007a. The equation for EHT, which specifically accounts for average annual temperature, mean annual temperature variation, mean diurnal temperature variation, and burial depth, is XIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES EHT = Ta×(1-Y×3.8×10-5) + 0.0096×Y 0.95 (3) where Ta is annual average temperature, and the variation factor Y for surface artifacts is defined by Y = Va2 + Vd2 , (4a) in which Va is annual temperature variation (July mean minus January mean) and Vd is mean diurnal temperature variation. All temperatures are in degrees C. For buried artifacts, Va and Vd represent the temperature variations at the artifact burial depth, which are related to surface conditions by Va = Va0exp(-0.44z) (4b) Vd = Vd0exp(-8.5z) (4c) and where Va0 and Vd0 represent nominal surface conditions and z is burial depth in meters (Carslaw and Jaeger 1959:81). Depth correction for EHT is desirable, even in the presence of site turbation, because the depth correction, on the average, gives a better age estimate. Once EHT has been computed, the measured rim thickness is multiplied by a rim correction factor (RCF) to adjust the rims to be comparable to conditions at a reference site: RCF = exp[-0.06(EHT-EHTr)] (5) XIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES where EHTr is effective hydration temperature at the reference site. The EHT-corrected rim value rc is then rc = RCF × r (6) The value of EHTr for Coso obsidian is conventionally taken to be that of Lubkin Creek, or CA-INY-30, which is 20.4ºC by this technique. Since most Coso work uses CA-INY-30 as a reference, correcting the rim to these conditions allows direct comparison of EHT-corrected rim data with other published data. Temperatures have varied slightly over archaeological time scales, which can introduce a small error (<7%) into age estimates made based on current conditions. A technique to correct for this has been described (Rogers 2010), but is generally needed only in Paleoindian studies. A procedure for implementing this calculation is given in Rogers 2010 and in the programs in Appendices A and B. TEMPERATURE ESTIMATION Most archaeological sites are not collocated with meteorological stations but temperature parameters for them can be estimated by regional temperature scaling (Rogers 2008a). It is important to use long-term data in these computations, and 30 years is the standard for determining climatological norms (Cole 1970). Such data can be down-loaded from the web site of the Western Regional Climate Center. The scaling principle is that desert temperature parameters are a strong function of altitude above mean sea level, and the best estimates of temperature are determined by scaling from 30-year data from large a number of meteorological stations. With this technique, in the northern Mojave Desert, annual average temperature can be XV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES predicted by the equation Ta = 22.25 – 1.8h, 0.94 ≤ h ≤ 11.8, (7) where h is altitude in thousands of feet. The accuracy of this model is 0.98ºC, 1-sigma. The annual temperature variation can be predicted by Va = 1.65 + 0.94Ta, (8) with Ta defined as above. The accuracy of the prediction is 0.27ºC, 1-sigma. The best fit between Vd and altitude is relatively poor, and, in the absence of other data about a site, the optimal estimate is Vd = 15.8ºC (9) for locations in the western Great Basin and deserts, irrespective of altitude. The accuracy of this estimate is 1.67ºC, 1-sigma. These equations are for air temperatures. Obsidian on the surface is exposed to surface temperatures, which can be significantly higher than air temperatures in areas devoid of vegetation (Johnson et al. 2002; Rogers 2008b). However, a detailed analysis based on data from Rose Spring (CA-INY-372) has been shown that meteorological air temperature gives a good estimate of surface ground temperature in situations in which even intermittent shade is present (Rogers 2008c). PALEOTEMPERATURE EFFECTS XVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Since climate has not been stable over periods of archaeological interest, the effects of resulting temperature changes must be included in some cases. Figure 1 shows a reconstruction of the variation of regionalscale mean temperature since the late Figure 1. Changes in regional-scale mean temperatures since the late Pleistocene, based on multi-proxy data (West et al. 2007:17, Fig. 2.2) Pleistocene, based on multi-proxy data (West et al. 2007). Computation of the effective hydration coefficient for ancient artifacts, including the temperature variations in Figure 1, results in the relative hydration coefficient curve of Figure 2. Figure 2 shows that temperature changes probably did affect the hydration rate of obsidian throughout the Holocene to a noticeable degree. The effect is especially significant for the Holocene Maximum around Relative hydration coeff 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 6,000 years ago, and more recently during the 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Age, kyears Medieval Climatic Anomaly and the Little Ice Figure 2. Hydration coefficient relative to present conditions. Age. Use of the present-day hydration rate is not appropriate in these age ranges. Accounting for this effect requires an iterative computing technique. ACCURACY AND RESOLUTION Age is computed from equation 1, after appropriate temperature corrections. However, in actuality experimental errors occur in both r and k. Errors occur in r because of material inhomogeneities and due to the finite accuracy of laboratory procedures. Errors arise in k due XVII 14.0 Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES primarily to unpredictable variations in water content in the obsidian (Ambrose and Stevenson 2004; Rogers 2008d; Stevenson et al. 1993, 2000; Zhang et al. 1991; Zhang and Behrens 2000). Since these effects are independent, but cannot be easily separated in practice, it is useful to examine two limiting cases. The simplest case is to assume that the hydration coefficient k is known and error-free, and all errors are in the measurement of the rim r. For this case it can be shown that the standard deviation in the age estimates due to the standard deviation of errors in r (σr) is σtr = 2×t×(σr/r) (10) This is the familiar sample standard deviation. For the second case we assume that all error is arising from uncorrected variations in k, which is a function of the individual obsidian flow and has been published for Coso (Stevenson et al. 1993; Rogers 2008d). The standard deviation in age due to such flow-related uncertainties is σtFlow = CVFlow × t (12) where CVFlow is the measured uncertainty in hydration rate specific to the flow. Values of CVFlow are given in Table 1; for the Coso volcanic field as a whole, CVFlow = 0.21 (Rogers 2008d). XVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Table 1. Values of CVFlow for Coso Obsidian Sources Flow Source CVFlow Sugarloaf Mountain 0.07 West Sugarloaf 0.20 West Cactus Peak 0.25 Joshua Ridge 0.20 Finally, the point accuracy σa is given by σa = σt/√N (13) where σt is either σtr or σtFlow , whichever is greater. COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE Appendix B provides a listing of an analysis program, written in MatLab. It reads input from an Excel-generated comma-separated variable (.csv) file, and outputs to a similar file. For OHAMatrix, specimens may be grouped by site and level, and mean and standard deviation computed, prior to chronometric analysis. The paleoclimatic correction is made by an iterative fit to the Holocene curve of Fig. 1. Point accuracy and sample standard deviations are computed. Note that the program also outputs the number of iterations required for the paleo-correction routine to converge, and provides a warning if the calculation is outside the valid range of the equation. XIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES REFERENCES CITED Note: References from the International Association for Obsidian Studies are available to download from their web site, Ambrose, W. R., and C. M Stevenson 2004 Obsidian Density, Connate Water, and Hydration Dating. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 4(2):5-16. Basgall, Mark E. 1990 Hydration Dating of Coso Obsidian: Problems and Prospects. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for California Archaeology, Foster City. Carslaw, H. S., and J. C. Jaeger 1959 Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Cole, F. W. 1970 Introduction to Meteorology. Wiley: New York. Doremus, R. H. 1994 Glass Science, 2nd. ed. New York: Wiley Interscience. 2000 Diffusion of Water in Rhyolite Glass: Diffusion-reaction Model. Journal of NonCrystalline Solids 261 (1):101-107. 2002 Diffusion of Reactive Molecules in Solids and Melts. New York: Wiley Interscience. Ebert, W. L., R. F. Hoburg, and J. K. Bates 1991 The Sorption of Water on Obsidian and a Nuclear Waste Glass. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 34(4):133-137. Friedman, Irving, Robert I. Smith, and William D. Long 1966 Hydration of Natural Glass and Formation of Perlite. Geological Society of America Bulletin 77:323-328. Hull, Kathleen L. 2001 Reasserting the Utility of Obsidian Hydration Dating: A Temperature-Dependent Empirical Approach to Practical Temporal Resolution with Archaeological Obsidians. Journal of Archaeological Science 28:1025-1040. Johnson, Michael J., Charles J. Mayers, and Brian J. Andraski 2002 Selected Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 1998 – 2000. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-348. USGS, Carson City, Nevada. With CD containing meteorological data records. Mazer, J. J., C. M. Stevenson, W. L. Ebert, and J. K. Bates 1991 The Experimental Hydration of Obsidian as a Function of Relative Humidity and Temperature. American Antiquity 56(3):504-513. Morgenstein, M. E, C. L. Wickett, and A. Barkett 1999 Considerations of Hydration-Rind Dating of Glass Artefacts: Alteration Morphologies and Experimental Evidence of Hydrogeochemical Soil-zone Pore Water Control. Journal of Archaeological Science. 26(1999):1193-1210. Pearson, James L. 1995 Prehistoric Occupation at Little Lake, Inyo County, California: A definitive Chronology. Unpublished MA thesis, Department of Anthropology, California State University, Los Angeles. Rogers, Alexander K. 2007a Effective Hydration Temperature of Obsidian: A Diffusion-Theory Analysis of Time-Dependent Hydration Rates. Journal of Archaeological Science 34:656665. XX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES 2008a Regional Scaling for Obsidian Hydration Temperature Correction. Bulletin of the International Association for Obsidian Studies No. 39, Summer 2008, pp. 15-23. 2008b Field Data Validation of an Algorithm for Computing Effective Hydration Temperature of Obsidian. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35:441-447. 2008c An Evaluation of Obsidian Hydration Dating as a Chronometric Technique, Based on Data from Rose Spring (CA-INY-372), Eastern California. Bulletin of the International Association for Obsidian Studies, No. 40, Winter 2008, pp. 1232. 2008d Obsidian Hydration Dating: Accuracy and Resolution Limitations Imposed by Intrinsic Water Variability. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35:2009-2016. 2009 An Estimate of Coso Obsidian Hydration Rate, Based on Obsidian-Radiocarbon Pairings and the “Weighted Total Least-Squares” Method. Bulletin of the International Association for Obsidian Studies, No. 41, Summer 2009, pp. 9-20. 2010 How Did Paleotemperature Change Affect Obsidian Hydration Rates? Bulletin of the International Association for Obsidian Studies, No. 42, Winter 201, pp. 1320.. Stevenson, Christopher M., E. Knauss, J. J. Mazer, and J. K. Bates 1993 The Homogeneity of Water Content in Obsidian from the Coso Volcanic Field: Implications for Obsidian Hydration Dating. Geoarchaeology 8(5):371-384. Stevenson, Christopher M., J. J. Mazer, and B. E. Scheetz 1998 Laboratory Obsidian Hydration Rates: Theory, Method, and Application. In: Archaeological Obsidian Studies: Method and Theory. Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science, Vol. 3, M. S. Shackley, ed., pp.181-204. New York: Plenum Press. Stevenson, Christopher M., Mike Gottesman, and Michael Macko 2000 Redefining the Working Assumptions for Obsidian Hydration Dating. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 22(2):223-236. Zhang, Y., E. M. Stolper, and G. J. Wasserburg 1991 Diffusion of Water in Rhyolytic Glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55:441-456. Zhang, Y, and H. Behrens 2000 H2O Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melts and Glasses. Chemical Geology 169:243-262. XXI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES COMPUTER PROGRAM % Program OHAMatrix (Obsidian Hydration Analysis) % Computes age in rcybp and cyb2k for a matrix of obsidian data. % Includes EHT for current conditions and paleoclimatic adjustment. % Present conditions typical for southwestern Great Basin. % Rates updated per IAOS paper 2009. Updated 3/2/2010. %********************************************************************* %********************************************************************* % Set up paleo temperature correction clear raterc = 38.87; %rcy/u^2 ratecal = 43.72; %calyrs/u^2 syms FL; TAz = 16.0; VAz = 1.65 + 0.94*TAz; VD = 15.8; EHTz = TAz*(1-3.8e-5*(VAz^2+VD^2)) + .0096*(VAz^2 + VD^2)^.95; Kez = exp(-10000/(273.2+EHTz)); % Age in years for temperature profile. age = [18000,17500,17000,16500,16000,15500,15000,14500,14000,13500,... 13000,12500,12000, 11500, 11000, 10500, 10000, 9500, 9000, 8500, ... 8000,7500, 7000, 6500, 6000, 5500, 5000, 4500, 4000, 3500, ... 3000,2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 950, 900, 850, 800,750,700,650,600,550,... 500,450,400,350,300,250,200,150,100,50]; N = length(age); % Mean annual temperature difference from present, deg C. DT = [-4.5,-4.3,-4,-4,-3.8,-3.8,-4,-3.5,-3,-1.5,-.5,-1,... -1.3, -1.8, -1.3, -2.8, -0.5, 0.3, 0, -0.5, -0.5, 0,... 0.5, 1.0, 1.2,1.3, 1.3, 1.0, 0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.3,-.2,... -.1, 0,.2,.3,.3,.4,.2,.3,0,-.3,-.3,-.5,-.5,-.55,-.3,-.5,... -.2,-.6,-.5,.2,.3]; M = length(DT); % Weighting factor for time intervals for i = 1:35 WT(i) = 10; end for i = 36:54 WT(i) = 1; end % Compute corresponding annual temperature variation, deg C. Then compute EHT and Ke. for i = 1:N TA(i) = TAz + DT(i); VA(i) = 1.65 + 0.94*TA(i); EHT(i) = TA(i)*(1-3.8e-5*(VA(i)^2+VD^2)) + .0096*(VA(i)^2 + VD^2)^.95; Ke(i) = exp(-10000/(273.2+EHT(i))); end % Compute effective Ke for an artifact which originates in age bin j for j = 1:N KE(j) = 0; WTSUM(j) = 0; XXII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES for i = j:N KE(j) = KE(j) + Ke(i)*WT(i); WTSUM(j) = WTSUM(j)+WT(i); end KEP(j) = KE(j)/WTSUM(j); EHTE(j) = -10000/log(KEP(j))-273.2; KEN(j) = KEP(j)/Kez; RCF(j) = 1/sqrt(KEN(j)); ANS(j,1) = age(j); ANS(j,2) = RCF(j); end % A is age and RCF matrix, with age increasing monotonically A = sortrows(ANS, [1]); %*********************************************************************** %*********************************************************************** % Input conditions for analysis EHTR = 20.4; % EHT for INY-30 % Read input data INDATA = CSVREAD('C:\MATLAB701\work\kishinput.csv'); L = size(INDATA,1); %alt = Altitude of archaeological site, kft %rim = Uncorrected rim thickness, microns %sig = Rim standard deviation, microns %z = Burial depth of artifact, meters %NS = Sample size %FL = Obsidian source flow: SLM=1,WSL=2,WCP=3,JRR=4,FLD=5 for jj = 1:L % j is index for sequence number. No = INDATA(jj,1); alt = INDATA(jj,2); rim = INDATA(jj,3); sig = INDATA(jj,4); z = INDATA(jj,5); NS = INDATA(jj,6); FL = INDATA(jj,7); %*********************************************************************** %*********************************************************************** % Compute temperature parameters for site. STA = 22.25 - 1.8*alt; SVA = 1.65 + .94*STA; SVD = VD; SVAB = SVA*exp(-0.44*z); SVDB = SVD*exp(-8.5*z); EHTZ = STA*(1-3.8e-5*(SVA^2 + SVD^2)) + .0096*(SVA^2 + SVD^2)^.95; EHTS = STA*(1-3.8e-5*(SVAB^2 + SVDB^2)) + .0096*(SVAB^2 + SVDB^2)^.95; % RCF for current conditions RCF = exp(-.06*(EHTS-EHTR)); % Estimate age of artifact t1 = raterc*(RCF*rim)^2; % Build matrix for interpolation of age correctiions. for j = 1:N X(j) = A(j,1); XXIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Y(j) = A(j,2); end % Iterate to get best answer Error = 0.1; i = 1; t(1) = t1; err_flag = 0; while Error >= 0.005 RCFA = interp1(X,Y,t(i)); i = i +1; % Modified estimate of age t(i) = raterc*(RCF*RCFA*rim)^2; Error = abs((t(i)-t(i-1))/t(i)); if t(i)>=18000 RCFA = 1; %t(i) = 38.34*(RCF*RCFA*rim)^2; t(i) = 0; Error = 0; err_flag = 1; end end % EHT corrected rim rimprimenp = rim*RCF; rimprime = rim*RCF*RCFA; SDprime = sig*RCF*RCFA; % Age in cyb2k t3 = ratecal*(RCF*RCFA*rim)^2; CV = [.07,.20,.25,.20,.21]; % Sample standard deviation of age SD = 2*(sig/rim)*t(i); % Flow standard deviation FSD = CV(FL)*t(i); % Accuracy of age point estimate due to sample ACC1 = SD/sqrt(NS); % Accuracy of age point estimate due to flow ACC2 = FSD/sqrt(NS); %*********************************************************************** %*********************************************************************** % OUTPUT DATA OUTDATA(jj,1) = No; % sequence no. OUTDATA(jj,2) = alt; % site altitude, kft OUTDATA(jj,3) = rim; % uncorrected rim mean, microns OUTDATA(jj,4) = sig; % Uncorrected rim sd, microns OUTDATA(jj,5) = z*100; % artifact burial depth, cm OUTDATA(jj,6) = NS; % sample size OUTDATA(jj,7) = FL; % Obsidian flow OUTDATA(jj,8)= i; % Number of iterations OUTDATA(jj,9) = rimprimenp; %EHT corrected rim mean, no paleo, microns OUTDATA(jj,10) = rimprime; %EHT corrected rim mean, microns OUTDATA(jj,11)= t1; % Age, rcybp, no paleo correction OUTDATA(jj,12)= t(i); % Age, rcybp, with paleo correction XXIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES OUTDATA(jj,13)= ratecal*(rim*RCF)^2; %Age, cyb2k, no paleo correction OUTDATA(jj,14)= t3; % Age in cyb2k, with paleo correction OUTDATA(jj,15) = SDprime; % EHT corrected rim SD, microns OUTDATA(jj,16)= SD; % Sample standard deviation, yrs OUTDATA(jj,17)= FSD; % Flow standard deviation, yrs OUTDATA(jj,18)= ACC1; % Sample Accuracy of age estimate, yrs +/OUTDATA(jj,19)= ACC2; % Flow Accuracy of age estimate, yrs +/end dlmwrite('kishoutput2.csv', OUTDATA, ',') fprintf('Run Complete') XXV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES APPENDIX C OBSIDIAN HYDRATION ANALYSIS (Northwest Obsidian Laboratories) XXVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Appendix D Rock Feature Drawings Fig. 1. Locus A at Datum, Cairn. XXVII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 2. Locus A, Feature 14, Cairn. Fig. 3. Locus A, Feature 3, Alignment. XXVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 4. Locus A, Feature 5, Alignment. Fig. 5. Locus A, Feature 4, Cairn. Fig. 6. Locus A, Feature 5, Alignment. XXIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 7. Locus A, Feature 6, Cairn. Fig. 8. Locus A, Feature 7, Cairn. XXX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 9. Locus A, Feature 8, Cairn. Fig. 10. Locus A, Feature 9, Cairn. XXXI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 11. Locus A, Feature 10, Cairn. Fig. 12. Locus A, Feature 11, Alignment. XXXII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 13. Locus A, Feature 12, Alignment. Fig. 14. Locus A, Feature 13, Cairn. XXXIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 15. Locus A, Feature 14, Cairn. Fig. 16. Locus A, Feature 15, Cairn. XXXIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 17. Locus A, Feature 16, Cairn. Fig. 18. Locus A, Feature 17, Alignment. XXXV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 19. Locus A, Feature 18, Cairn. Fig. 20. Locus A, Feature 19, Alignment. XXXVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 21. Locus A, Feature 20, Cairn. Fig. 22. Locus A, Feature 21, Alignment. XXXVII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 23. Locus A, Feature 22, Alignment. Fig. 24. Locus A, Feature 23, Alignment. XXXVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 25. Locus A, Feature 24, Cairn. Fig. 26. Locus A, Feature 25, Cairn. XXXIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 27. Locus A, Feature 26, Cairn. Fig. 28. Locus A, Feature 27, Alignment. XL Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 29. Locus A, Feature 28 Cairn. Fig. 30. Locus A, Feature 29, Cairn. XLI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 31. Locus A, Feature 30, Cairn. Fig. 32. Locus A, Feature 31, Cairn. XLII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 33. Locus A, Feature 32, Cairn. Fig. 34. Locus A, Feature 33, Alignment. XLIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 35. Locus A, Feature 35, Alignment. Fig. 36. Locus A, Feature 38, Alignment. XLIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 37. Locus A, Feature 39, Cairn. Fig. 38. Locus B, Feature 73, Cairn. XLV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 39. Locus B, Feature 74, Cairn. Fig. 40. Locus B, Feature75, Cairn. XLVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 41. Locus B, Feature 78, Cairn. Fig. 42. Locus B, Feature 79, Cairn. XLVII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 43. Locus B, Feature 80, Cairn. Fig. 44. Locus B, Feature 81, Cairn. XLVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 45. Locus B, Feature 82, Cairn. Fig. 46. Locus B, Feature 83, Cairn. XLIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 47. Locus B, Feature 84, Cairn. Fig. 48. Locus B, Feature 85, Cairn. L Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 49. Locus B, Feature 86, Cairn. Fig. 50. Locus B, Feature 87, Alignment. LI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 51. Locus B, Feature 88, Cairn. Fig. 52. Locus B, Feature 89, Cairn. LII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 53. Locus B, Feature 90, Alignment. Fig. 54. Locus B, Feature 91, Cairn. LIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 55. Locus B, Feature 92, Alignment. Fig. 56. Locus B, Feature 93, Cairn. LIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 57. Locus B, Feature 94, Cairn. Fig. 58. Locus B, Feature 95, Cairn. LV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 59. Locus B, feature 96, Cairn. Fig. 60. Locus B, Feature 97, Cairn. LVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 61. Locus B, feature 98, Cairn. Fig. 62. Locus B, Feature 99, Cairn. LVII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 63. Locus B, Feature 100, Alignment. Fig. 64. Locus B, Feature 101, Alignment. LVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 65. Locus B, Feature 102, Alignment. Fig. 66. Locus B, feature 103, Alignment. LIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 67. Locus B, Feature 104, Alignment. Fig. 68. Locus B, Feature 105, Cairn. LX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 69. Locus B, Feature 108, Cairn. Fig. 70. Locus B, feature 109, Alignment. LXI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 71. Locus B, Feature 110, Cairn. Fig. 72. Locus D, Feature 36, Cairn. LXII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 73. Locus D, Feature 37, Cairn. Fig. 74. Locus D, Feature 40, Cairn. LXIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 75. Locus D, Feature 41 Cairn. Fig. 76. Locus D, Feature 42, Alignment. LXIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 77. Locus D, Feature 44, Cairn. Fig. 78. Locus D, Feature 45, Alignment. LXV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 79. Locus D, Feature 46, Alignment. Fig. 80. Locus D, Feature 48, Cairn. LXVI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 81. Locus D, Feature 50, Cairn. Fig. 82. Locus D, Feature 52, Cairn. LXVII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 83. Locus D, Feature 53, Cairn. Fig. 84. Locus D, Feature 54, Alignment. LXVIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 85. Locus D, Feature 55, Cairn. Fig. 86. Locus D, Feature 56, Cairn. LXIX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 87. Locus D, Feature 57, Alignment. Fig. 88. Locus D, Feature 58, Alignment. LXX Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 89. Locus D, Feature 59, Alignment. Fig. 90. Locus D, Feature 60, Cairn. LXXI Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 91. Locus D, Feature 61, Cairn. Fig. 92. Locus D, Feature 62, Alignment. LXXII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 93. Locus D, Feature 64, Alignment. Fig. 94. Locus D, Feature 65, Cairn. LXXIII Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Fig. 95. Locus D, Feature 66, Cairn. Fig. 96. Locus D, Cairn LXXIV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES Appendix E Statistical Analysis (Alexander Rogers 2011) Problem: Analyze the data of Table 1 to evaluate whether the mean values are significantly different, given the sample standard deviations and sample size. Table 1. Attribute data Cairns, mean Cairns , sd Alignments mean Alignments, sd Length 131.6 38.4 165.0 Width 122.3 30.2 70.0 Height 29.3 9.2 40.0 Courses 3.3 1.1 6.0 Total rocks 51.1 21.8 65.0 Rock length 24.5 6.6 20.0 Rock width 16.8 5.1 14.0 Rock height 14.0 6.1 9.0 161 33.2 17.0 1.1 62.3 15.1 10.3 4.3 The sample size is nc= 34 for cairns and na = 76 for rock alignments. Analysis: The significance of difference can be evaluated by two methods, the normal t-test and Student’s t-test (Meyer 1975: 279 ff.). For large sample sizes the two should give the same result, while for smaller sample sizes the Student’s t-test is more accurate. In each case the t statistic is computed for each attribute by equation 1. t = (µc - µa)/sqrt(sc2/nc + sa2/na) (1) where µ represents the mean values, s represents the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size; the subscripts “c” and “a” refer to cairns and alignments, respectively. For the normal test, the probability P that t is less than the computed value is obtained from tables of the cumulative normal distribution (e.g. Meyer 1975: 462, Appendix VI Table A.VI.3). For Student’s t-test the effective degrees of freedom must be computed as d.f. = [(sc2/nc + sa2/na)2/D] - 2 (2) D = (sc2/nc)2/(nc-1) + (sa2/na)2/(na-1) (3) where (Meyer 1975: 281). The corresponding probability that t is less than the computed value is then determined from a table of the cumulative t-distribution (e.g. Meyer 1975: 483, Appendix VIII Table A. VIII). The probability that the observed value of t could have LXXV Investigations at the Mirror Point Site (CA-SBR-12134/H) APPENDICES occurred randomly is Pr = 1 - P. Table 2 shows the results for the normal test, and Table 3 for Student’s t-test. Table 2. Analysis results for normal t-test Cairns, mean Cairns , sd Alignments mean Alignments, sd t-statistic P Pr Length 131.6 38.4 165.0 Width 122.3 30.2 70.0 Height 29.3 9.2 40.0 Courses 3.3 1.1 6.0 Total rocks 51.1 21.8 65.0 Rock length 24.5 6.6 20.0 Rock width 16.8 5.1 14.0 Rock height 14.0 6.1 9.0 161 1.70 33.2 8.14 17.0 4.27 1.1 11.90 62.3 1.72 15.1 2.17 10.3 1.90 4.3 4.32 0.9554 0.0446 >0.9999 <0.0001 >0.9999 <0.0001 >0.9999 <0.0001 0.9573 0.0427 0.9850 0.0150 0.9713 0.0287 >0.9999 <0.0001 Table 3. Analysis results for Student’s t-test. Cairns, mean Cairns , sd Alignments mean Alignments, sd t-statistic df P Pr Length 131.6 38.4 165.0 Width 122.3 30.2 70.0 Height 29.3 9.2 40.0 Courses 3.3 1.1 6.0 Total rocks 51.1 21.8 65.0 Rock length 24.5 6.6 20.0 Rock width 16.8 5.1 14.0 Rock height 14.0 6.1 9.0 161 1.70 92 0.9537 0.0463 33.2 8.14 69 >0.9999 <0.0001 17.0 4.27 104 0.9999 0.0001 1.1 11.90 64 >0.9999 <0.0001 62.3 1.72 104 0.9539 0.0461 15.1 2.17 108 0.9849 0.0151 10.3 1.90 107 0.9698 0.0302 4.3 4.32 48 0.9999 0.0001 Two points emerge here. First, for practical purposes the large sample criterion is satisfied, and the tests give the same results at the 5% level. Second, all the attributes are statistically distinguishable at the 5% level, i.e. there is less than 5% chance that the actual attribute means could be the same, given the sample standard deviations and sample sizes. Reference Meyer, Stuart L. 1975 Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers. New York: Wiley. LXXVI