MediaPro Studios. A primer.
MediaPro Studios. A primer.
MediaPro Studios. A primer. MediaPro Studios is one of Eastern Europe’s largest and longest established film studio, with a tradition in cinema spanning over 60 years and thousands of films. The Studio is part MediaPro Entertainment, the content creation and production arm of Central European Media Enterprises, the region’s largest content creator and distributor. With production services, facilities and over 25 TV stations in 6 countries, Time Warner-backed CME is the largest player of the area in the industry. MediaPro Studios’ 19 stages in Buftea, Romania are now the center of a regional network of facilities. Dozens of other stages are used for production throughout the CME countries (Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia). By this, MediaPro Studios can function as a regional, trans-border entity for production purposes, giving you access to facilities, resources and talent across Central Europe, not to mention essential local know-how. The studio grounds cover almost 100 acres, including access to a lake and a forest park. A total of 19 sound-stages cover 234,000 sq ft (21,500 sq m) All stages are fully equipped for film productions and come in various sizes, including twin-stage format. The largest has 45,200 sq ft (4200 sq m) and it can easily accommodate extensive sets. 3 stages come with indoor water tanks fit for underwater filming, including a dedicated tank stage (124x65x16 ft/ 37,7x19,7x5 m). Every stage can be completely greenscreened and a permanent green-screen stage is available. Standing sets are shoot-ready, and our backlot (over 25 acres) offers all the space you need for additional set building STAGES STAGE 2 STAGES STAGE 12 Started with the lavish sets of the 50s and 60s, MediaPro Studios tradition sets us apart as the most experienced and dedicated builders in the region. For more than 50 years the Studio has been providing a full range of set construction services. We rely on a highly trained and experienced staff of 60 full-time employees and an additional crews of freelancers With our studio’s integration in MediaPro Entertainment and CME, our set construction services have now been expanded to include all territories where CME is active. The “FRENCH STREET” standing set SET CONSTRUCTION “JACQOU LE CROQUANT” “THE DARK IS RISING” “GUNPOWDER, TREASON & PLOT” SET CONSTRUCTION “BUNRAKU” MediaPro Studios is offering its clients a complete technical inventory, up-todate technology technology and highly trained support staff. From cameras, lenses, camera grip, video equipment and dolly grip to lighting equipment and accessories, we have everything that is needed to shoot your vision. Our camera pool ranges from 35mm film cameras to the latest ARRI Alexa packages. EQUIPMENT “THE DARK IS RISING”, 2007 “CES AMOURS LA” Numerous movie collaborations with leading SFX figures created the best local special effects team of experts in Eastern Europe, now under the direct supervision of Academy Award Winner for Special Effects, Nick Allder. The department provides complete services: mechanical effects, weather effects, gunshot and pyrotechnical effects and even larger scale actions such as flooding, underwater shoots or major set riggings. “THE CAVE” SFX “BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE” The studio owns an impressive collection of 30,000 costumes as well as an equally expansive props repository. “BUNRAKU” The costume and props manufacturing workshops have been active for over 50 years and have virtually limitless capacity of range and scale. The Studio’s integration in the region-wide CME network provides access to props and costumes from partner territories, exponentially increasing the choices offered. “GUNPOWDER, TREASON & PLOT” PROPS & COSTUMES Central & Eastern Europe is a hotbed of digital art talent and Mediapro Magic Factory manages to integrate cutting-edge CGI and our VFX technology and talent into our production and post production workflow facilities. “FIRE AND ICE”, 2008 TV COMMERCIAL, 2010 MEDIAPRO MAGIC FACTORY One of the most geographically diverse countries in Europe, Romania, combines high summits, rolling grasslands, beaches, and attractive coastlines all within driving distance of the capital. Romania’s unspoiled nature is complemented by modern infrastructure and facilities. Bucharest, the capital, is illustrative of this diversity. With areas and architecture reflecting Russian, European, South American and Oriental influences, Bucharest can offer a visual versatility few other places can. LOCATIONS - ROMANIA Through the nature of MediaPro Studios relationship with CME we can provide access and logistics for locations in any of he the territories where CME is active – Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. LOCATIONS Member of the EU 20% tax incentive since 2010 Full VAT refund for local expenses 2 TV broadcasters in the country – Nova TV and Nova Cinema 6 sound – stages with attached offices and facilities in Barrandov Studios Set construction facilities with construction workshops Camera, Light, Sound and Grip Rentals Transport fleet, generators, star trailers CZECH REPUBLIC Not a member of the EU Full VAT refund for local expenses 20% tax incentive Nova TV broadcaster 2 sound – stage with offices and facilities with 6 more to be built Set construction facilities with construction workshops Camera, Light, Sound and Grip Rentals CROATIA Member of the EU Part of the Euro Currency Zone, and advantage against currency fluctuations Full VAT refund for local expenses 2 TV broadcasters in the country – Markiza and Doma 3 sound – stages with attached offices and facilities Set construction workshops Transport fleet, generators, star trailers SLOVAKIA Member of the EU Eligibility for state funding for co-productions 3 TV broadcasters in the country – Pop TV, Kanal A and Pika 1 sound – stage SLOVENIA Member of the EU Full VAT refund for local expenses 3 TV broadcasters – Pro.BG, Ring.BG and BTV 2 sound – stage with offices and facilities BULGARIA SELECTIVE CREDITS THE TIMBER (2012) Directed by: Anthony O’BRIEN Cast: James RANSONE, William GAUNT, David BAILIE Produced by: Ana Media THE DEVIL INSIDE (2011) Directed by: William BRENT BELL Cast: Simon QUARTERMAN, Fernanda ANDRADE Produced by: Unclean LLT & Paramount Insurge ONE IN THE CHAMBER (2011) Directed by: William KAUFMAN Cast: Dolph LUNDGREN, Aleksey ANDREEV, Cuba GOODING JR., Billy MURRAY Produced by: Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), MediaPro Studios SIX BULLETS (2011) Directed By: Ernie BARBARASH Cast: Jean Claude VAN DAMME, Joe FLANIGAN, AnaLouise PLOWMAN Produced By: Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), MediaPro Studios A PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS (2011) Directed by: Michael DAMIAN Cast: Roger MOORE, Katie McGRATH, Charlotte SALT Produced by: Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Media Pro Pictures, Riviera Films ASSASSINATION GAMES (2010) Directed by: Ernie BARBARASH Cast: Jean-Claude VAN DAMME, Kevin CHAPMAN, Scott ADKINS Produced by: Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Mediapro Studios, Rodin Entertainment THE WHISTLEBLOWER (2009) Directed by: Larysa KONDRACKI Cast: Rachel WEISZ, Vanessa REDGRAVE, Monica BELLUCCI Produced by: First Generation Films, Plum Pictures, Barry Films, Primary Productions CES AMOURS LA (2009) Directed by: Claude LELOUCH Cast: Anouk AIMEE, Dominique PINON , Jacky IDO Produced by: Film 13 - MediaPro Pictures coproduction FIRE&ICE (2008) Directed by: Pitof Cast: Amy ACKER, Tom WISDOM, Arnold VOSLOO Production Company: MediaPro Pictures BUNRAKU (2008) Directed by: Guy MOSHE Cast: Ron PERLMAN , Josh HARTNETT, Demi MOORE, Woody HARRELSON, Gackt CAMUI, Kevin McKidd Produced by : Snoot Entertainment and Picturesque Films BLOOD CREEK (2008) Directed by: Joel SCHUMACHER. Cast: Dominic PURCELL, Henry CAVILL, Emma BOOTH, Michael FASSBENDER. Produced by : Gold Circle Films THE SEEKER: THE DARK IS RISING (2007) Directed by: David CUNNINGHAM. Cast: Cristopher ECCLESTON, Ian McSHANE, Wendy CREWSON, Frances CONROY, Johnathan JACKSON, Production Companies: Walden Media and 20th Century Fox CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' (ENDLESS) (2006) Original Title: California dreamin' (nesfarsit) Directed by: Cristian NEMESCU Cast: Armand ASSANTE, Razvan VASILESCU, Jamie ELMAN, Maria DINULESCU Production Company: MediaPro Pictures BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE (2005) Directed by: Katja VON GARNIER Cast: Olivier MARTINEZ, Hugh DANCY, Agnes BRUCKNER Production Company: Lakeshore Entertainment for Screen Gems JACQUOU LE CROQUANT (2005) Directed by : Laurent BOUTONNAT Cast: Gaspard ULLIEL, Léo LEGRAND, Malik ZIDI, Vincent VALLADON, Gérald THOMASSIN Production Company: Squares Production International AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (2004) Directed by: Courtney SOLOMON Cast: Sissy SPACEK, Donald SUTHERLAND, Rachel HURDWOOD, James D'ARCY. Co-Production Companies: American Haunting Productions Ltd., Midsummer Films and MediaPro Pictures JOYEUX NOËL (2004) Directed by: Christian CARION Cast: Diane KRUGER, Guillaume CANET, Dany BOON, Gary LEWIS, Daniel BRUHL, Benno FÜRMANN Produced by: A Nord Ouest Production / Joyeux Noël Ltd. / Artemis Productions / MediaPro Pictures / Senator Film Produktion co-production Nominated in 2006 at the Academy Awards, Golden Globe and BAFTA Awards for Best Foreign Film; Nominated for 6 categories at the César Awards. THE CAVE (2004) Directed by: Bruce HUNT Cast: Cole HAUSER, Eddie CIBRIAN, Morris CHESNUT, Piper PERABO, Lena HEADEY, Marcel IURES Produced by: Lakeshore Entertainment MODIGLIANI (2003) Directed by: Mick DAVIS Cast: Andy GARCIA, Elsa ZYLBERSTEIN, Eva HERZIGOVA, Udo KIER, Lance HENRIKSEN and Miriam MARGOLYES Produced by: Lucky UKFS SEX TRAFFIC (2003) Directed by: David YATES Cast: Anamaria MARINCA, Maria POPISTASU A Meridian Broadcast production for Channel4 9 BAFTA awards including BAFTA Award for Drama Serial BAFTA Award for Best Actress - Anamaria MARINCA Royal Television Society Award for Best Actress - Anamaria MARINCA CALLAS FOREVER ( 2001) Directed by: Franco ZEFFIRELLI Cast: Fanny ARDANT, Jeremy IRONS, Joan PLOWRIGHT, Angela MOLINA Produced by: Riccardo TOZZI, Giovannella ZANNONI for Cattleya Spa AMEN (2000) Directed by: Constantin Costa-GAVRAS Cast: Ulrich TUKUR, Mathieu KASSOVITZ, Marcel IURES Produced by: Claude BERRI Nominated for the Golden Bear and César Awards. Won the 2002 César Award for best script.