April 2014 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1


April 2014 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1
April 2014
Spring Riders: Terry Mitchell, Brian
George, Stephen Phillips & Jeff Kramer.
Photo by Matt Benn (who also rode)
Its time to check
yourself before you
wreck yourself... The
Safety Check Up Edition!
Greeting from the
“Land Down Under”
Adelaide Australia!
Rumblings from the
Dealership ~ a look at
the Parts and Service
Departments of
Indianapolis H-D.
FOOD. []!
April 2014 Vol. 4
Indianapolis chapter nO. 1.
! !
The River Ahead ~ Director Ken White
Days ago, our prairies and rolling hills
had given way
to the Great Plains, which
had in turn, yielded to the foothills of the
majestic Rocky Mountains into which I pushed
a solo ride to the coast. Somewhere along this
day’s route, I would encounter the legendary
Colorado River but I was content to leave my
maps stowed and choosing, instead, to commit
to memory the general direction and the
major highway numbers, leaving the rest to
chance. I was focused on my surroundings and
enjoying the scenery when I realized the road
was beginning to dip and descend more than it
had been rising. It didn’t take long to become
obvious that the day’s journey was now taking
me into the river valley and the road began to
change before me. The mountain walls that
had gently risen or fallen away from the road
now grew steep and the shoulder became
narrower as if squeezed by the mountain. The
trees grew more closely together clinging
determinedly to the rocky hillsides and they
hung further and further over the road.
The shade deepened on the
was picking up over the
trees,burst into the sunlight,
road and the temperature
rumble of my Road Glide, a
and found myself in the
began to drop, occasionally
nearly imperceptible and
presence of the river itself. I
dipping a little more
subliminal presence
easily threaded the bike into
drastically but momentarily
lumbered through the valley
the parking lot of a roadside
as I turned into the shadow
and I was moving swiftly into
observation point almost
of the mountain. I was soon
its lair. I rounded a sweeping
mindlessly and dismounted,
riding along a small stream
curve and dropped again
my eyes fixed upon the river
that was in much more of a
turning into the wind. I felt
and the grand view before
hurry to descend the
the moisture-laden air lay
me. The river seemed to
mountain than I was, as it
against my face and a
generate its own wind which
seemed to rush on with wild
moment later the earthy-wet
could be seen in the backside
abandon in anticipation of a
smell of river water began to
grasses and overhanging
grand reunion and party
permeate my nose and I
trees that had managed to
ahead. Deeper into the valley,
knew that I was nearing the
not succumb to the ever-
the pressure in my ears
river itself.
pressing waters; other trees
began to clear, the road
began to level out, and the
What had been a distant
roots but had given
stream grew flat and wide
rumble was now surpassing
themselves over to the river
seemingly pacing itself more
the combined sound of the
and its draw forever west and
deliberately. It slid over and
bike and the road competing
south. The rocks and
around the rocks in the
for dominance in a landscape
boulders, large and small, on
stream bed hardly seeming to
that it alone owned. The
the valley floor told the
n o t i c e t h e m a n d b a r e ly
blowing wind in my ears was
stories of the millenniums in
acknowledging their
quickly being replaced with
their individual shapes
presence with a splash or
the white noise of wildly
c o n t i n u a l ly c h i s e l e d b y
rushing water and it was
cataclysmic forces, sculpted
building to a cacophony that
by the compelling influence of
As I had ridden down the
would drown out anything in
water, and indif ferently
mountain, I had not realized
its path, including sound.
ground by the eternal march
u n t i l n ow t h a t my ow n
anticipation was building. I
In a sudden moment of sound
became cognizant of the fact
and sight, I rounded a bend
that there were sounds that I
through a stand of
continued to cling by the
of time.
I was barely halfway through the first half of my journey and yet I had
undoubtedly arrived
at the nexus of nowhere and a self-fulfilling destination. This point
alone was worth the weeks of working for a paycheck to underwrite the trip, the hours of
planning and preparation, and the innumerable niggling of doubts and fears that threatened to
derail the trip but, in the end, only served to steel my determination and make me all the better
prepared for the journey.
It is years later and I stand now at the cusp of our Chapter’s riding season with the same sense of
growing anticipation as I felt on the day of my ride to the river. With our labors well-invested and
our eyes on the goal, we have charted our course for the coming months to derive the best of that
which the road and the weather will grant us while in the company of those we care about the
most in our road trips. We have tapped the best of those that came before us, built upon their
success, and are reaching into new venues, new roads, new destinations, with different purposes,
new goals, and new faces. We have been careful to apply sufficient structure and strength to
travel safely and to arrive at our destinations, planned or unplanned, together. Together we will
accomplish in grand style and with much anticipation, our sterling goal, and God-given right, to ride
and have fun.
I hope you are looking upon the Chapter’s coming riding season and activities with the same
anticipation. Take a moment to look through the Chapter’s Events Calendar on the Chapter
webpage and give some thought to the rides and destination that interest you the most. Ask
questions about the rides if you have concerns or are further interested. If you are new to the
Chapter or new to riding, you are expected to have questions about our rides, destinations, etc.
Feel free to contact the Ride Leader or a Chapter Officer for more insight into the events.
I am excited about the year before us and I hope you are sensing the same excitement
and pride to be a part of Indianapolis Chapter No. 1.
Ride Far, Ride Safe, Enjoy
A Message from our Assistant Director ~ Ted Rossell
WOW what a great turnout for the meeting last Saturday we covered a lot of
ground and passed out a lot of information thanks everyone for hangin' in there.
The breakout ride was postponed until this coming Saturday and as of now it
looks like the weather gods might give us a break with a nice day.
Chris and I hung around to long after the meeting and ended up with a new
We missed our goal of putting a 100,000 miles on the old one put the
temptation was just too strong, a big thank you to the dealership, David, Darren
and Brett for a wonderful buying experience, look for us on the new bike
Saturday. (Now if I could just figure out how all of this infotainment stuff
The Breakout Ride - April 12, 2014
!Let’s try this again, shall we?
The prisoners of the nastiest, coldest, snowiest
most miserable winter I have seen since moving
to this state (where there is no FUN in snow) are
finally able to break the grip of PMS (Parked
Motorcycle Syndrome) and break out into the
warmth and sunshine, wind on face, short
sleeved, do rags, sunglasses...
What? It might not be that warm? FIE on YOU!
On April 12th, there will be a Breakout Ride, God
willing and the creeks don’t (literally) rise. This
will be a short, warm up ride (there’s that ”warm”
word again) to prep us for the rest of the riding
season. Kick stands up at 10:00 a.m.
Page 5
We will depart from the Dealership, two by two,
in orderly fashion, and make our way to 86th St.
on the west side via 465. Then we will ride west to
SR39, north on SR 39 through Lebanon to where
SR 38 will take us east on into Sheridan. There we
will stop at Shady’s Restaurant for lunch. The
owner is expecting us and will be open early to
accommodate us.
After lunch, we will ride back to the Dealership
via SR 38 E and US 31 S to Keystone. Short and
Sweet. Probably a chaps and leathers ride, but we
can hope for 70!!!
Exercise caution: gravel/sand likely in turns and
potholes likely for the millennium. Check the
link in the ride calendar for H-D Ride Planner
See you then.
~ Ride Leader, Meade Van Wyck
! !!
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Page 6
From Safety Officer Paul Smith ~ Group Riding!
!Riding with others is great
Group Riding Orientation
!fun. Having beginning riders
March 8, 2014
or new Chapter members join
our group is also fun. Sharing
The Rider’s Orientation meeting
was well attended by a great
cross-section of the Chapter with
new members and more
seasoned ones all huddled into
the back service bay to watch a
video and take part in the
Questions and Answer period
directed by Bill Collins and Paul
It was interesting to see how
many seasoned riders had
questions regarding proper
riding formation etc. and made
one realize that no matter how
long you’ve ridden a bike there’s
always something you don’t
know or remember about rider
safety. Every great question was
answered with accuracy and
wisdom along with a Tootsie roll
hurled at the questioner as
After the meeting, the members
were treated to a selection of
chicken wings and stuff, courtesy
of the Dealership. Yum Yum. Too
bad school was never this much
~photo by Patti Boudreau
the joy of the open road is one
of the things that make our
Chapter so great. Let’s give
some thought to that new
rider or new member and ask
ourselves, “How can we best
help them have a
comfortable, fun and safe
time while they get used to
riding with our group?What
does the new rider/member
from what’s going on around
them. The stress of wanting to
keep up with the rest of the
group takes over and
judgment suffers. The peer
pressure can be very strong.
Consider what happens if and
when they fall behind after
they have been encouraged to
keep up. They have to ride
faster and harder to stay with
the group. This is a recipe for
disaster and can lead to their
withdrawal from future rides
with their Chapter or any at
Well , if they managed to get
to the Dealership for the start
of the ride, they have at least
some basic skills. What they
need is practice & experience
with plenty of space and
without pressure. If they need
more work on the basics, we
can encourage them to take a
Basic or experienced
riding class.
Our Chapter Rides are not
an endurance contest or
some kind of grueling
“right of passage”.
are with a new rider/member
to our group?
need a drink, a rest, etc.
Here is how to create a
successful and fun experience
for everyone. Welcome them
at the start of the Chapter
Ride. During our stops, check
in with them frequently . You
could maybe ask how they are
feeling, how is the bike
or are they feeling
!We’ve all heard this - most running,
comfortable, perhaps have
have said this. But, them check their goggles,
it mean when we helmet, or even ask if they
Never push them to “keep
up”. As soon as a rider is
pushed beyond their comfort
level, physical skills become
less smooth and mental
attention is diverted away
Remember: They are looking
to us for guidance and
feedback. Help them to be
successful. Don’t let them
~Thanks Paul Smith
Orientation ride update!
The Orientation Ride is now April 26. at 10 a.m. We will start at the
Dealership and begin our ride of highways, 2-lane roads and country
roads with a few turns and then LUNCH!
It’s time to ride!
Ready...Set …
the first time you’ve heard that?)
Okay...how about...your hand
signals? If you’re going riding with
Ralphy and the boys you know he
still has problems letting you know
when he’s going to turn off for yet
another pit stop? Looks like we’ve got some
So you’ve been working on the work to do here. Not a problem.
bike all winter long, putting on
So, take the key out of the
some new handlebars, maybe a ignition, sit down and take this
new seat or sound system and little test. You’ll be surprised about
now...YOU..are...so...READY to how much you remember and
rock this screamin’ eagle out of hopefully not too shattered about
the garage, down the street and how much you don’t. onto the fast lane. Right? Wrong!
Yo u ’ v e
All questions and material are derived
from the Rider’s Safety test courtesy of
something...something really Rider’s Edge the H-D’s Academy of
important. Something that could
not only effect how far you travel
Motorcycling and the Motorcycle Safety
Foundation. Answers will be found at the
back of newsletter right after Sweep.
on that bike but your very safety Good luck!
riding. Remember TCLOCK? (Why
are you shaking your head like it’s
What is this image
Whether you ride alone or in a
group, safe defensive riding is
the only way to go. Everyone
enjoys the ride more. It’s
never too late or too soon to
take a class in defensive
driving. Whether you are a
newcomer or a seasoned
rider there are riding courses
running throughout the state
provided by ABATE of Indiana
or Rider’s Edge H-D.
If you are a new or inexperienced
rider, where should you place
In preparing the motorcycle for a yourself in a group formation?
ride, what can the following
letters remind us to check?
* T
* C
* L
* O
* C
* K
When entering an interstate or
freeway in group formation, the
group has the right-of-way.
True or False?
”Look Ahead. Look ______. Look in
your mirrors. Look over your
shoulders. Keep looking!” When exiting an interstate or
formation is
List at least
essential pieces of freeway in
the group staggered or single file?
protective riding gear.
Although no one wants an
Can you name and demonstrate
emergency to happen on the road,
hand signals? ( Hint: go to page ... they do. What’s the procedure for a
for the signals this Chapter uses.)
group when there is a mechanical
When is it best to use a
staggered formation
when riding in a group?
When is it best to ride in
single file?
When going into a
, who
goes first, the rider on the inside or
the outside of the curve?
When riding in group formation on
o r a n a 2-lane road, the lead rider will pull
out when safe and everyone will
follow the rider around the slower
In either a staggered or single-file
formation, you are able to pass the
bike in front of you.
How can you help avoid the
dreaded “rubber band effect”?
True or
What gear should your bike be
in when you stop?
moving vehicle.
How does a group
lanes or pass slower moving traffic
on a 4-lane road?
Answers are on the very last page of
Newsletter. The next page shows you all
those hand signs you need to practice in
the mirror. 10
The Day’s Ride!!
By dawn’s early light ‘til long past the twilight’s last gleaming,
The day’s ride is not yet through.
But the journey is all the sweeter for the friendship, the
The miles I’ve spent with you.
Through humid Midwest days or desert heat,
Through fog and cold and rain,
Through river valley, city street,
Interstate or country lane,
We ride the highways and the byways,
These roads that we call home.
From our heartland’s amber waves of grain,
To the mighty oceans, white with foam,
From the gulf shores balmy breezes,
To Alaska’s midnight sun,
Wherever Old Glory flies,
You’ll find us,
Indianapolis Chapter No. 1.
5 APRIL 2014
We pledge allegiance...
Bill Rushton and
Ken White raising the
Thanks to the initiative of
Bill Rushton, the return of
the Flag and the Pledge of
Allegiance has proven to be
very well received amongst the
Chapter members. Thanks Bill
for your patriotism.
Ken White
Ted Rossell"
Assistant Director
David Dellen"
Chapter Manager and
Mistee Rushton
Sid Lewis"
Paul Smith"
Safety Director"
Bill Collins"
Head Road Captain
Jeff Cox"
Activities Coordinator
Bill Rushton"
Sargeant at Arms
Patti Boudreau"
Fundraising Chairperson
Jason Long"
Awards Chairperson"
Ed James"
Membership Officer
Bette Gumerson"
Rew “Tank Girl” Van Wyck"
Newsletter Editor
Joe Schipani"
Web Master
Steve Barnhart"
Publicity Officer
Paula Smith"
Secretary’s Report ~ Mistee Rushton
Indianapolis Chapter No. 1
Saturday, march 1, 2014
Chapter Meeting Minutes
Sergeant at Arms, Bill Rushton, called meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The sign in sheet indicated 138 members present.
with the
A big “thank you” to H-D of Indianapolis for breakfast.
• Introduction/Welcome of New Members/Guests:
Membership Officer, Ed James, introduced new members Maddie
Burroughs, Greg & Cathy Irish, Doug Miller, Mike Robinson, & Dave &
Director, Ken White, chaired the meeting.
Let us recognize our family & friends in the armed services.
Please take a minute to remember the sacrifices these great Americans have made for all of us. If you
have a picture of a family member or friend serving in the military or is a policeman or fireman feel
free to bring that picture in & post it in our HOG corner on our “Wall of Heroes”.
Alzheimer’s Amnesty Moment. Please take a few moments to introduce yourself to your neighbor.
To all new members, if you have any questions about anything, please seek out an officer for any help you
might need.
Who rode today?
Unfortunately, our scheduled chapter ride has been cancelled due to the weather.
• FAMILY FIRST: Chapter member Dennis LaMar has suffered a stroke.
We have a get well card we would like to have all sign. Jon McCain thanked chapter for the flowers received for
his grandmothers funeral.
• Assistant Director, Ted Rossell. Good Morning! Who has birthdays in April? Today, Bob Christensen is 60.
He & his wife Deb have been kind enough to bring plenty of birthday cake to share with everyone. Also, Greg
Shipley attended the State Rally Meeting, since I could not attend. There was not a lot of interest in hosting a
2015 rally. However, Kokomo was the only one that submitted a bid, so needless to say they are hosting the
2015 rally.
• Treasurer, Sid Lewis. Presented the current budget.
• Secretary, Mistee Rushton. Please be sure to sign in at each meeting. This is current members & guests!
• Activities Coordinator, Jeff Cox. I’m excited to announce that we have been able to put a toy drive
together. “Santa’s Thunder” will take place on Nov. 8. The toy drive benefits Peyton Manning Children’s
Hospital. They are very excited to be on board with this project, as are we. Details will be coming throughout
the year.
• Safety Director, Paul Smith. A big congratulations to Joe & Cyndi Jobin on their first grandchild. Bridget
Jobin. Also, a big “thank you” to all who attended the Group Riding Orientation. Thanks also to Bill Collins for
helping in this very informative class. All through the year, we will be watching riding techniques for proper
safety & there will be a Safety Award given to those members who practice safe riding techniques.
• Head Road Captain, Bill Collins. There is a new policy in effect that has come straight from National. It
being that waivers will be signed for each & every ride on the day of. You MUST be a legal guardian & provide
the proper paperwork to sign for any minor accompanying you on a ride.
• Historian, Bette Gumerson. CHAPTER TRIVIA: Ten years ago, Ed James was Director, Ken White, Asst.
Director, Sid Lewis, Activities Coordinator. Please keep the info coming to me.
• Sergeant at Arms, Bill Rushton. I’m just happy to be here.
• Awards Chairperson, Jason Long. Please start turning in your mileage in to me. Even if you don’t ride a
lot, your miles are important. Please get them to me. Also, I’m looking for a committee of 5-6 people to help
me start working on a new award. HOG of the year. If you are interested in helping, please contact me.
• Fundraising Chairperson, Patti Boudreau. I will be handling all chapter merchandise. Please see me if
you need to purchase anything. If you are interested in our chapter jackets, they are $75. We need an order for
24. If you would like to order a name tag, please see me. They are $10 & must be pre-paid. The come with
either magnetic or pin backing. Also, we are starting a program called “Legacy Chairs”. Since chair shortage is
a main priority of ours, so we are offering the chairs with a special decal on the back of who donated it. If you’d
like an “In Memorium” that I is available too. These chairs are $25. The Holiday Party has been scheduled for
Dec. 13. Mark you calendars!
• Membership Officer, Ed James. Thanks to all those who helped out in membership renewal. Remember,
you MUST have a current National HOG membership in order to hold a local chapter membership. Please
check your membership status. Spouses, if you plan on attending more than 2 chapter events this year, you
need to be an associate member with National & a member with us. Also, I am in charge of our Facebook
account, so if you are not a member & send a request, you’ll be ignored. This is for members only! Also, if
you are not receiving e-mails or newsletters, please see me so we can check on your e-mail address.
• Newsletter Editor, Rew Van Wyck. Morning everyone. I’m always looking ahead for articles. Please
keep them coming to me. Thank you to all the women who have already submitted articles for the May issue,
which is dedicated to women riders.
• Photographer, Paula Smith. New members, please see me after the meeting for your pictures.
• Publicity Officer, Steve Barnhart. On vacation.
• Webmaster, Joe Schipani. The ride calendar is up on our website. There will be info on each particular
ride. Ride leaders please get your forms filled out about your ride.
• Chapter Manager & Sponsor, David Dellen. Thanks to all the ladies that attended the garage party.
Thanks to Patti Boudreau & Mistee Rushton for helping out at this event. Marci Hartshorne won the gift card
for bringing the most guests.
Rolling Thunder-We really appreciate being able to start our Ride to the Wall from the dealership & to have
chapter members riding with us to Washington D.C. The dates will be 5/22 – 5/29. You must attend rider
orientation with Rolling Thunder. This is MANDATORY. Also, this is not an “Iron Butt” ride. We do make
frequent stops. You are all welcome to join us this Memorial Day.
Final vote on the proposal that we have Pro-rated dues for new members ONLY.
Motion passes with majority ayes. It is now policy
David Dellen-DEALERSHIP NEWS: Bike nights here at the dealership will start Thursday, May 1. They will
be held the first Thursday of every month.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:30 a.m.
April 11 & 12- HOT Training in Milwaukee.
April 12-Rescheduled Breakout Ride
April 26-Group Riding Orientation Ride
May 3-Chapter meeting with ride to follow. Donuts 8:30 a.m., meeting starts @ 9:00 a.m.
Next Meeting
May 3
April 26
8:30 a.m."
Where? H-D
9:00 a.m."
Kick stands
up at 10:00
Kathy and Greg Irish
Wendie Coovert and Tom Turnpaugh
And last but not least....
Mike Manuel
Matt Cox "
(who joined a few months ago but was a little shy for the
And now.....
a word from our sponsors...
(Sponsors, don’t risk it?
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at 317-440-4397 [email protected] )
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$100 full sheet
$50 half sheet
$25 quarter sheet
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Let’s use their services and buy their products.
~from Membership Officer
Ed James
Did you know it is a requirement
for anyone participating in more
than 3 Chapter activities during
the year to become a local
Chapter member?
! darn, we almost got the first ride of the year in the books, but
does not want to let go. The days are warming so it can’t
!be muchjustlonger….can
Also, all Chapter members must
have a current National HOG
to become a local
!April. Please remember if you change your e-mail address, or have membership
h a p t e r m e m b e r. T h i s
! get a new one because yours was hacked….right Tom and Crequirement
is pretty typical of
Jack….please share the new address with me so we can update our
records. All Chapter communications are conducted through e-mail
blasts, our Chapter Web Page, and occasionally through our
Facebook page. Consequently, it is important that you keep your email address current with the Chapter. If you know any Chapter
members who are not receiving Chapter communications, please
have them contact me to verify their e-mail address.
If you have not yet renewed, please drop off your Membership
renewal and dues at the dealership, or contact me by e-mail so we
can make arrangements to get your Membership renewed. You can
find the Membership form on the Chapter Web Page
www.indyhog.org. Remember, Chapter Members receive double
points on the HD Rewards program for purchases at HD of Indy.
As a reminder, you must have a current National HOG membership
to be an Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 member. Consequently, if your
National membership expires during 2014, you must renew it to
maintain your local Chapter Membership.
On a final note, the Chapter approved pro-rating local Chapter dues
for new members and people who purchase bikes from HarleyDavidson of Indianapolis. Consequently, going forward, dues will
be pro-rated when new members join during the year, and since
H-D of Indy provides a one-year membership when purchasing a
bike, the balance of the year (if purchased during the year) would
be pro-rated dues. The dues will be pro-rated quarterly. The prorating will be as follows: January through March - $20; April
through June - $15; July through September $10; and September
through December $5.
Renewing members will pay the full $20 no matter when they
renew their membership. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me if you
have questions.
–Ed James- [email protected]
all local HOG Chapters around
the country. National HOG
m e m b e r s h i p s c a n b e Fu l l ,
Lifetime, or Associate level
memberships. An Associate
Membership requires a “sponsor”,
which is typically a spouse or
significant other. So, if your
spouse or significant other wants
to participate in more than three
activities during the year, they
will need to become a National
member and local Chapter
Indianapolis Chapter No. 1
memberships are full
memberships and associate
memberships are not available at
the local Chapter level.
To be a member of the Chapter
Facebook group, you must be a
current member of Indianapolis
Chapter No. 1. Access to our
Facebook page is controlled by
the membership list.
Consequently, if your name is
not on the current membership
list, you will not be able to access
our Facebook page
A Message from Jeff Cox,
Activities Director
Hello Everyone!
Air Force Museum Ride: If you are planning to go on our first
overnight ride after the Chapter meeting on June 7th to the Air
Force Museum in Dayton Ohio, please make your reservations
at the hotel as soon as possible. There are a few rooms still left
and the hotel will hold our block of rooms until May 7th. We
will be staying at the Fairfield Inn 2500 Paramount Place
Fairborn, Ohio (937) 427-0800. Steve and Julie Byrne have
planned a great ride for us.
Kick off to the
December Toy Ride
Saturday November 8
Santa (Paul Smith) pays the
Chapter a visit to help kick off
the toy drive and ride for the
The month of May will be a busy month for us with a Chapter
ride after our May Chapter meeting and another Chapter ride
on May 10th. Go to www.indyhog.org and go to calendars and
get all the details on these rides. May 24th will be Flags for
Hero’s ride to Louisville and Flags for Hero’s part II will leave
from Louisville to Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania. Look
for the sign up sheets at the table at our May Chapter meeting
for both Flags for Hero’s ride.
kids at Peyton Manning Hospital
Those of you going on our Indianapolis Indians Ride on June
1st look for the sign up sheet at our May Chapter meeting. I will
need to purchase the tickets on May 15th. I have collected
money from some members for tickets but will need to make
sure everyone pays for their tickets at our May meeting. The
price is $13.00 per ticket.
I am very excited about our Toy Ride for Peyton Manning
Children’s Hospital on November 8th. Stay tuned for further
updates as we progress through the summer. Our Annual
Chapter Picnic will be on August 24th at Southeastway Park. At
this year’s picnic we will be having a bike show for the
“cleanest bike” and we will be having our HOG Olympic
games. We will team up in pairs of 2 and compete in some fun
events. We will have trophies and gift cards for the winners.
All we need now is nice weather. ~ Jeff
And a good time was held by all!
317-538- 5223 or
[email protected]
Every HOG owner has a motive for wanting to
get on their bikes and ride on any given day.
Some days, we are just looking to break away from
a mundane day at work. Other times, we like to get
out with friends and explore the country side. But
every now and then, we saddle up for a cause. On
May 31st, our family will be taking a ride for a
cause that is very close to our heart, the first annual
Kyle Jobin Memorial Ride.
As many of you know, our son Kyle was taken from
us on the 4th of January, 2014 in a senseless act of
violence. Kyle was home on Christmas Break from
Vincennes University where he was pursuing a
degree in Land Survey Management. To this point
in time, the police have exhausted all leads and the
case has gone cold.
The Kyle Jobin Memorial Ride is an open event
to all. It is an event to both cherish the memory of
Kyle and to also keep word of his case alive in
hopes that one day, justice will prevail. The Ride
will take place on Saturday, May 31st and will begin
and end at the Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis
Dealership. Registration will take place from 9:00
to 10:30 am with a participation cost of $25 per
person. The kick-stands up call will be made at
10:30 am and each registered guest will be invited
to take part in the ride which will travel
approximately 74 miles through North Eastern
Metro Indiana and key landmarks in Kyle's life.
After the ride is complete, and we all arrive back
safe and sound, lunch will be provided by the
Dealership and everyone will have the opportunity
to mingle and enjoy some of Kyle's favorite songs
(I hope you all like the Beatles and Bob Marley).
For this event, we are going to be ordering some
custom, "First Annual Kyle Jobin Memorial Ride" TShirts". The shirts will be free to registered guests
while supplies last. For this, we are asking that each
of you please visit the "1st Annual Kyle's Ride"
Facebook event page and register as "going". Please
be sure to pre-register by May 1st to help us with a
good estimate on how many shirts will be needed.
All proceeds for Kyle's ride will go towards the
Kyle Jobin Memorial Scholarship Fund at
Vincennes University. Staff from Vincennes will be
on hand at the event to help with registration
through debit or credit cards. As an additional
bonus, Vincennes will be bringing several very cool
University items that will be raffled off during
lunch time to all registered guests.
While our family very much misses our boy, this
day is not to be one of sorrow or sadness. Kyle was
a happy young man that always had a delightful
smile on his face and looked at the positive in life. !
This will be a day where Kyle would have wanted
each of us to saddle up, as he would have, and
enjoy our friends and what God has given to us,
and Ride.
Save the Date:
Saturday May 31st."
Entry fee (per person): $25"
Registration: 9:00 a.m."
Kick stands up: 10:30 a.m."
H-D of Indianapolis"
All proceeds go to the Kyle Jobin Memorial Scholarship fund at Vincennes
Ride Leader:
Juli Byrne
we ride a little further west
and a little more south yet
still remain in the Putnam/
Clay County areas.!
When: Saturday, May 3rd.
KSU 10:30 a.m.!
I have located three covered
bridges and lots of curvy
This should be a rather fun
and scenic trip. I am planning roads which can keep you on
on leaving the Dealership your toes at times. All the
right after the HOG meeting bridges that we will be
and heading west, hence the crossing will have flat bottoms
“Westward Ho-g” . While on and paved roads.!
this ride the plan is to take in
some of the scenery in
After the bridges, the ride will
Putnam and Clay Counties.
continue to State Route 42 and
While meandering west at a o n t o t h e L i e b e r S t a t e
steady pace this ride will be Recreation Area, where we
on all back roads. Some are will then continue the ride to
older than others which will include a scenic drive around
make this a bit challenging at t h e l a k e , e v e n p a s s i n g
times but well worth seeing through a little town called
none the less.
Westward Ho-g has a lot of scenic
routes and sites to see
Top: Where covered bridges
abound !
Middle: The Double Decker back in
the day. !
Bottom: Lieber State Park
This trip will include a
covered bridge on the way to
the lunch stop in Greencastle.
This restaurant is family
owned and has been ever
since its start. The Double
Decker is a place where car
hops used to serve food right
to your vehicle but now the
dining is done inside.
However, the menu is full and
reasonably priced.
To conclude the ride, we will
head north up to US Route 40
and take that back towards
Attached are the links for I
split this up in two parts...
before lunch and after lunch.
Before lunch link....
After lunch link...
After lunch is when the ~Juli
excitement really starts when
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We offer a full line of front suspensions from
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Sodales nulla!
Ante auctor
excepturi wisi,
dolor lacinia
dis, sodales.
Lacus nunc!
Feugiat at. In
orci ligula
luctus, sed
dolor, ut diam
Ut facilisis!
Ante in dui ac,
turpis donec,
fusce, quasi
amet urna
tempor amet
Cras volutpat!
Mattis justo
massa sed, odio
feugiat gravida
nunc. Quam ac
vel est
Finally, the bowling season ends and thus
the riding season begins and yet
somewhere in the back of our hearts, we
wince that we won’t be rocking the lanes
till October. How sick is this? Here is a
write up by two bowler who will actually
miss being indoors..well maybe
sometimes. ~ Cyndi Jobin & yours truly,
Rew Van Wyck
Each week from mid-October to
mid-April, teams of HOG
members of Chapter No. 1
come out in chill and rain and
snow to warm their spirits by the
fire of good conversation and
laughter, plied with beer and
So as the season wrapped up burgers and oh yes, a couple of
for the HOG No 1 winter activity, frames of bowling. !
HOG Wild Bowling, there was
still snow in the forecast and on It is amazing to think that we
the ground. We bowl in the off have been meeting together
(riding)-season and it seems weekly in the winter to drink and
that Mother Nature has decided throw around balls since 2009. even though bowling is over, we For at least the past two
still will not be free to ride as seasons, beginners luck has
often as many of us would like prevailed as The Tail Ends and
to -or if those brave souls stick it The Oops from last year were
out, heated garments are filled with initial participants.!
necessary. !
End of the year frivolities
Top: The three
...Chip Sandelben, Joe
Jobin and Meade Van
Middle: (L to R) Missy
Zipes, Glenn Roberts,
Jeff Zipes of the
“Missy and the Misfits”
(missing: Bill Knorr)!
and bottom: Matt Benn,
Mistee Rushton, Dee
Brown and Denise Benn.
HOG Bowling
The Tail Ends were composed
of a veteran bowler, Steve
Barnhardt and newbies, Chris
and Sandi Dennis and Paula
Smith. The Oops were headed
by Joe and Yvonne Schipani and
joined by their ever steady “Blind”
teammate and Mike Collins (Bill
and Janet’s son). !
Our league could not be more
non-competitive and so very fun!
It does not matter if your bowling
average is barely 100 (speaking
from experience), the good times
and amazing friendships that we
have when we can’t be in the
saddle is worth every gutter ball I
throw! A SPECIAL THANKS TO PATTI We will be at it again in the Fall
BOUDREAU FOR DRIVING and welcome one and all to join
THIS HOG FOR ALL THESE us for weekly fun!!
(Ed: The Woodland Bowling Center has
gone through a major overhaul this year and
It bears stating that none of this
would have been possible had it
not been for Patti’s time and
She’s managed
this show since Day One and
has kept the fun in and the
seriousness out. Stacey Forst displays her
Happy Dance. (I swear she
was a cheerleader in her
former life)
Bar buddies: Cavorting in the
brand new bar with bartender,
Shannon Wilson, are Matt
Benn, Chip (I-can’t-bowl-I
keep-hurting-myself-so I’lljust-drink)Sandleben and Bill
or should I say
is almost complete with what was an almost
seamless transition. Some of the updates
are: an open sports bar area with pool table
and lounge chairs and more televisions than
you will ever need; another smaller side bar
and a brand new laser tag room. The look is
fresh and very contemporary. We’re stylin’
while we’re bowlin’. If you get a chance over
the summer why don’t you go and check
things out.
Jeff Malaber showing his
unique bowling form.
Christie Sandleben, Karen
Meyers, Rew Van Wyck, and
Cyndi Jobin!
And the winners are...
2013-2014 Champions
“The Tail Ends”
Proudly showing off their
First place trophy are
this year’s recipients:!
“The Tail Ends” - Steve
Barnhardt, Sandi and
Chris Dennis (missing:
Paula Smith)!
Meet “Mad Mick” and the
Auzzies of Adelaide, South Australia. !
Well hello from the Adelaide
Harley Davidson group. My name
is Micheal Cogan, also known as
“Mad Mick”, not sure why but it
could be my intolerance to other
human beings that annoy me.
Here is a little information about
the Chapter and myself.
have over 40 organized club rides
every year. We meet as a chapter
every month and we have 14 to 16
people at any one time on our
Chapters committees I am the
editor of our Chapter’s Hog
We had a club ride on Sunday the
9/2/2014 going from Adelaide to a
beautiful seaside town called
Ardrossan. 62 bikes went on this
lunch run with the total round trip
of 350 kilometers (215miles).
There’s nothing like 60 odd
Harleys cruising down the
Highway, the roar is amazing!
We do several charity events every
year: Childhood cancer and MDA
to name just a few. We also have
several sporting events that we get
invited to, like your Nascar we
have V8 touring cars. We take the
drivers around the track prior to
the race and the bike riders who
miss out on taking a driver must
take one of the grid girls. (It’s a
hard job but someone has to do it.)
Harley group with 80 members.
The LOH are very pro-active inside
our Chapter organizing rides and
social events.
We have a New Members
Orientation Ride. We find this is
really good as we can assess a
person ability to ride their bike.
Along with this we have a “get to
know your bike” training session.
With our cliental somewhat long
in the tooth and some returning to
riding again after several years
break, these two training and
information sessions can be life
We have a State Rally once a year.
This is at a different town every
year and usually runs for 4 days
and 3 nights. Every State in
Australia has a State Rally and we
have not had a rally without
representation from every State.
People come from far and wide.
The National Rally this year is in
Cairns which is about 3200 kms
(2000 miles) from Adelaide. We
We have about 400 members and I n t o d a y ’ s w o r l d o f e q u a l will have about 100 members
like most Chapter groups, we have opportunity we have a Ladies of riding up to Cairns. A great time
a wide variety of members. We
O u r l o c a l H a r l e y- D a v i d s o n
Dealership is Harley Heaven.
Good to us with support,
sponsorship and backing to our
Chapter. The Principal Dealership
owner, Mark Laube attends every
Chapter meeting and knows what
we are about. This is the kind of
support we get from our Harley
Dealership with full support staff
to our Rally events. If anything
goes wrong, well Harley-Davidson
is there for us.
Our Chapter Photographers Rick
and Sasha are at every function,
rides and events. Our Web page is
continually updated with photos
and memorabilia.
Have a look at it some time http://
ride my bike around your great
country. I have worked over there
several times but I have always
hired or borrowed bikes to ride
while I am there.
I have been a member of the
Harley Owners Group for 13 years
and have made some great friends
and been on some awesome rides.
I was pulled over recently by the
local boys in blue (police) and
they informed me that my bike
was too loud and they were going
to ban it from the road until I
made it a lot quieter. With a shock
horror look on my face informed
them that the reason my bike was
a bit louder than most was to
scare off the very large kangaroos
I sometimes meet on my way to
and from work each day. Now this
Copper scratched his head,
moaned a little and said “Yeah
alright I can see your point of
view but can you not roar pass my
Police car as you scared the living
crap out of me?”
I have a lot of contact with other
Australian Hog Chapters. The
magazine I make up is sent to
several chapters and they in
return send me theirs.
Its amazing to actually meet these
people in person and one day I
will be knocking on your front
door to say “Gidday” . I have a
plan to travel over to America and (Still got the same pipes.)
Mad Mick’s Ride
The Ladies of Harley
I put out 6 magazines a year. We tend to have all the
Chapter news, what’s happen, what’s going to happen
and what could happen in the future. I have a
Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, LOH,
Road Captain, Safety Officer and a Hog Shop report
in the magazine. I also have a “Member Profile” each
magazine which can be quite interesting at times.
As a group we like to enjoy ourselves, ride our bikes
and wake up each morning.
Micheal Cogan
Hog City Magazine Editor
Harley Owners Group S.Adelaide
Heath’s Harley Heaven Breakfast Ride
~ by Terry Sanderson
demonstration that followed was
announced by the roar of
It was 27 years ago, 1988, that the approximately 2,500 motorcycles.
first ‘Ride for Freedom’ took
This sound was not unlike the
place. Now more commonly know 1965 bombing campaign against
as ‘Ride to the Wall’.
North Vietnam dubbed Operation
Rolling Thunder. Hence, these
Some Vietnam veterans had met in veterans would call themselves
the fall of 1987 to discuss their
“Rolling Thunder”. Their demand
personal concerns about the POW/ from our leaders is a full
MIAs from the Vietnam War.
accounting of all POW/MIAs.
These veterans discussed the more
This has grown over the years to
than 10,000 reported sightings of
several hundreds of thousands of
live Americans living in dismal
bikes and spectators. This year
captivity. These sightings were
will be no exception. Participants/
generally ignored by the
government and mainstream press. spectators will converge on
Washington D.C. from through out
The founders of Rolling Thunder
the US, Canada and other
understood that they had a right to countries outside North American.
have their voices heard and
The Indiana Chapter of Rolling
proceeded to lay down the plans
Thunder invites you to join in this
for a gathering in Washington,
year’s ride, May 22nd thru May
D.C. during the 1988 Memorial
Day weekend. The march and
ORIENTATION For the ride will be held at the Fort Harrison Veterans Center, 9450
E. 59th Street:
• April 27th or May 18th following the monthly Rolling Thunder
chapter meeting which begins at 12:30 pm.
• May 21st at 8:00 pm.
• No registration on the day of departure.
• Program, 8:30 - 10:00 am.
• Departure, 10:00 am
• Overnight Hampton Inn, Athens, OH. *
• May 23rd Travel to DC.
• May 24th Free time in Washington DC
• May 25th Demonstration Ride
• Overnight Crown Plaza Tyson Corner, McLean, VA **
• May 26th Travel to Athens, OH
• Overnight Hampton Inn, Athens, OH. *
May 27th Travel to Indianapolis
Tom ‘Big Daddy’ Ransdell
317-271-2803 [email protected]
Terry ‘Flash’ Sanderson
317-374-8957 [email protected]
Go to: http://www.indianarollingthunder.com/runtothewall.html
* Hampton Inn
986 East State St.
Athens, OH
** Crown Plaza Tysons Corner
1960 Chain Bridge Road
Mclean, VA
Flags For Heroes Part II
~ Bill Keesing
capability to build a 6" round or square base with 4-6"
I want to do this for a third year. I have visited the
Memorial 7 times now and most before a Memorial was tall pipe welded or screwed in upright position please let
even built. I just want to see how much interest there is. me know soon. If there is enough interest in this ride, I will contact the
This is also the weekend of the Ride to the Wall with
the Rolling Thunder. Before I make motel arrangements, two motels and post the information for reservations.
Our first two years of the Ride had 5 bikes in the group,
I would like to know how many of you would like to
which is good, but we hope for more this year. If you
ride with me. I promise it will be a memory you won't
want to ride please post me on FB at the
soon forget. We only place flags by each persons stone
HOG Indianapolis No.1 (www.indyhog.org) with no ceremony as a permit is required if we speak
or [email protected] or do one. or call me at 317-388-9239. The first day ride is long as we will leave from
I would hope to get motels confirmed by
Louisville right after the Flags for Heroes
March 1st if possible. For those that rode in
Part I Ceremony which is all Interstate
past, I hope to see you ride again and
highway. Day 2 and 3 are 90% back roads and
5/24 - 5/26
please extend the invitation to your fellow
State highways and I even plan to incorporate
members as well. So many in this
Route 555 in Ohio on the route home. country have forgotten the day that changed
As well, I plan to build or have built some small flag
I’m just trying to keep these heroes in our
holders to avoid the wind blowing flags to the ground at
minds and our hearts.
the Memorial. The Memorial manager has agreed to
keep these holders for future years. If anyone who has
Getting Prepared for the riding season,
your H-D Dealership is reading to help.
As we’ve seen in our March article, knowledge, you need to bring your bike
the Sales Departments of the Dealership in and let the experts do it for you. can be quite busy, getting ready for the
Actually most of Ted’s staff, echoed
riding season. But busy just seems too his mantra of Safety before Bell and
lame of a word when you try to describe Whistles. “Get it road ready” says Danny
the atmosphere of both the Parts and Zernicke. He’s been with H-D for four
Services areas.
If you haven’t noticed years now having worked in both the
and you own a bike, you are either really Parts department and Detailing of the
proficient at tackling your own bike’s bikes. Nate Barnette, (three years in
needs or you’ve just been hibernating all August) also added that if you want to
winter in total denial that Spring would spend some bucks that will really go a
ever arrive.
long way, you need to get the new LED
Well it Has! Ted Ellis Parts Manager
lights that work brilliantly in both day
So here’s what you need to know light and at night. Maurice “Mo” Johnson
and do to get that iron horse of yours agreed but cautioned not to wait too long
Danny Zernicke and Nate Barnette
primed and prepared for your first break to order as often parts take anywhere
out ride. from 5 to 7 days depending on
What better place to begin our availability. Word to the wise: safe time,
l e s s o n i n Z e n a n d M o t o r c y c l e call ahead. maintenance then with our very own Ted
David Conaway is the new Service
Ellis, Chief Guru and Parts Manager, and Parts liaison. In fact, on the day of
extraordinaire. On any given day the soft- this interview, he had just started his first
spoken-dry-witted-ever -so-patient day on the job having been promoted out
headmaster of all parts Harley will offer of the detailing area. He definitely looked
David Conaway
you sound advice on installation of parts eager and excited at the new digs he
and the best offerings from H-D. And on found himself in and was confident that
better day he’ll take the time just to chat he can be that special conduit between
with you about the essence of life, the the two departments. But as he quickly
price of fish, or whatever contemplative reminded me, “It takes everybody here
questions come to mind.
On this to make the store run. Everybody’s job
particular day, Ted was pretty direct on is important.” Well said, David. what he considers that final project
before riding season - in a word SAFETY. Check those tires! How
much thread do they have on them?
If you don’t have the time or the
Maurice “Moe” Johnson
Danny displays the new
LED lights while Nate shows their
effectiveness even in daylight.
“We strive for a better turn around H-D of Indianapolis (started in
time. We want to get your bike in September of 2013) but he
and out as quick as possible, so comes with a decent pedigree.
scheduling your bike is key.”
He’s been in the biz for twenty
~ Craig Hammond
years graduating from MNI in
Once you move into the ’94 with 13 years as a Master
back of the garage, your ears Tech. He’s got a brand new
and eyes are challenged by the side kick as well, Mike Ibbetson,
noise of rumbling motors, who stopped just long enough
sparks flying and the ringing to get his picture taken. ADAM BOOTH
telephones and that’s just at the
Presently these are the
service desk. It’s a very busy technicians: Rodney Purcell,
place and time is of the essence Mike Hilmer, Chris Booth, Scott
s o y o u b e t t e r m a k e t h i s Goodwin and Craig Tharp. Dave
interview quick and thank you Householder is now the new
ma’am. I was fortunate to be Service Writer. H-D plan on
able to get the new Service upping the ante with the hiring
head honcho to smile politely of two more very soon.
and answer a few questions.
Craig Hammond may be new to
Taking care of
The right helmet is the most important
gear you own. It provides protection and
actually reduces fatigue.
So how old is your helmet? And do
you know how to get a properly fit
so that the helmet can perform the
way it was intended to? Here are the
four things you need to know about
your helmet for your protection all
season long.
3. Keep It Clean: No we don’t
mean the jokes, although that too,
but your helmet! A clean and wellcared-for helmet will protect better
and longer. Use a mild soap to
wash the outer shell and internal
liners and never use solvents or
chemicals for cleaning. The can
destroy the protective coatings.
4.One Drop and It’s Done: No
seriously, it done. A helmet is
designed for only one impact. Even
a small impact may fracture the
outer shell or compress the impactabsorbing liner despite no visible
damage. If a helmet has been
dropped or suffers an impact, it
should be retired immediately. You
are running a greater risk if you
continue using a compromised
Who to Ask? Well you can start
with your Harley-Davidson
Dealership. They also suggest if you
are buying on line please come in
for a fitting first so that you can
order exactly what you need.
1. Fit is Vital: A helmet must fit
properly to be effective, an not all
helmets fit the same. A well-fitting
helmet should rest one inch above
your eyebrows and shouldn’t roll
forward or sideways on your head.
(Hint: wear the helmet for at least
15 minutes before you make a
2. Helmets Don’t Last Forever:
Your helmet takes a beating when
its covering your noggin’ on all
those rides. Constant exposure to
UV rays and the breakdown of
adhesives and other components
will diminish the helmet’s
integrity. The recommendation
(This information was taken from the
f r o m S N E L L a n d m o s t website H-Dnet.com with much appreciation
manufactures is that you should to Jessica Clements (H-D salesperson
change out your helmet between extraordinaire for all her assistance.)
three to five years.
Helmet choices:
1. Half helmet: comes to just
above ears.!
2. Three quarter helmet with
the hard shell covers ears.!
3. Full face helmet with a
hard shell chin guard.!
4.Modular helmet (not showing)
has a hinged chin bar that can
be rotated up.!
For more examples go to H-D of
Indianapolis at!
All April long H-D is
rewarding you $25 credit
to trade in your old helmet
for a new Harley helmet.
(no other discount applies)
Motorcycle Boot Camp:
is basic training for anyone
ready to ride. We know there
are a ton of questions about
how to get started, and we want
to make it easy. We'll start with
the basics and go headlights to
tailpipes, getting you up to
speed on everything from
learning to ride to gear that fits
your style. So what are you
waiting for? It’s free, so bring a
Saddle Up and Start Something
Photos courtesy of H-D website
There is a new generation of young adults who long list of common excuses, they’ve stood idly by. H-D
already dream of owning and riding a Harley-Davidson would like to help them turn their dreams into reality. Boot camps are inspired by the hugely successful
motorcycle. Research tells us that over six
million of these young adult in-tenders are out
there. These young men and women have a
natural fascination with motorcycles. Rebel
culture courses through their veins and they
the date:
April 24th
6-8 p.m.
yearn for the excitement that only two wheels can
women’s Garage Party events. The HarleyDavidson Boot Camp was developed to bring in
young men and women into the Dealership for a
memorable event that will initiate a long lasting
bring them. Instead, having put off their dream with a
Easter Egg
Ride to
3:00 p.m.
Clinic and
Clinic !
10:00 a.m.
Clinic and
10:00 a.m.!
Prairie Thunder HOG Chapter
Over the past few
months we have
established a
wonderful relationship
with the Chapter on
the prairies. They are
looking forward to our
visit and have some
activities planned for
Wichita Ride Update
Just a quick update on the June 11 Wichita ride
through southern IL and MO.
released at the end of May. Mention HOG Chapter
NO 1 when making your reservations so that they
know to take it from the block of reserved rooms.
So far not many have indicated that they are
going, but I hope that will change as the date gets All the hotels have a 24 hour cancellation policy,
closer. The Prairie Thunder HOG Chapter is
so that leaves us pretty flexible.
planning on doing dinner with us on
Also, if you haven’t seen it, here is the link to
Friday and riding with us to lunch on
the route on the HD Ride Planner site:
our way back on Saturday.
June 11 - June 15
I have contacted all the hotels we are
Looking forward to a great ride with
planning to stay at. Each rider is
some awesome scenery and getting a
responsible for calling and making their
chance to meet some of our fellow HOG
own reservations. I have had them hold a
chapter members.
block of 10 rooms at each hotel which will be
Meade Van Wyck
Carbondale Best
Western- Saluki Inn!
801 N. Giant City Rd
(618) 351-6611
Branson Western
Plus - Landing
View Inn &
Suites 403 W
Main. !
(417) 334-6464
Best Western
Wichita North!
915 E 53rd St N!
(316) 832-9387!
Super 8
2081 Eckelcamp
(314) 971-1007
member or Dealership employee is
encouraged to submit an original
review but only those that eat – and
I mean eat! This is not for the faint
of heart or appetite. We will focus
on our best experiences and use
this space to accentuate the
positive and reward those
Papa’s Got a Brand businesses that are most deserving.
New Bag ~ from the laptop The caveats: no second-hand
reviews – the submitting author
of Director Ken White
must have dined at the
establishment and actually tried the
So I had an idea, actually, it dishes on which they are dishing. was such an obvious thing that I
can't claim that it really has much What? Anything qualifies from your
originality at all. I am somewhat favorite ice cream shop, to your
surprised that we haven't done this best coffee shop, diner, café, eatery,
in the past or perhaps we have but roach coach, roller dog, greasy
it was lost over time. Nonetheless, I
spoon, hash house, buffet,
a p p ro a c h e d R e w t o g e t h e r
smorgasbord, tearoom, chophouse,
thoughts and assistance on tapping
bistro, burger joint, cafeteria,
the talent, skills, experience, and
bakery, canteen, or saloon. You can
expertise of the Chapter members
even list your Mom’s kitchen if you
to assemble a library of reviews of
don’t think this crowd would scare
our favorite eating establishments.
The bottom line is the
Not exactly rocket science, right?
establishment must be biker
But rocket guys eat too and what friendly, and open to the public.
better subject are we collectively
versed in as much as we are in
How?Just send Rew Van Wyck a
seeking out and enjoying a quality
short/long article about your
dining experience. favorite haunt and what you like
Of course, this begs the usual about it. Include a snapshot of the
place if you want but be sure to
include an address and directions
along with details of your favorite
Why? - Well, this part is rather
menu items. If it was part of the
obvious with the whole theme of
day’s ride, include some of those
'Ride to Eat, Eat to Ride' being our
details too. Let us know what this
secondary mantra; some of us
place does well and serves best.
would argue it is undervalued.
Couple this with my tertiary mantra
Which? I am glad you asked. To be
of, “I never go anywhere to have a
an informative contributor, don’t be
bad time” and you can imagine that
afraid to exercise your journalistic
every meal, every dining
tendencies and include the scoop
experience, every opportunity to
on whatever is being dished. Feel
partake of sustenance is usually an
free to leave descriptive comments
occasion of significance, so why
and/ we can use the standard
not share.
Who? Any Chapter
Amazon – 5 Star system with five
stars being a top-notch, grab-yourbelly, good-groceries, finger-licking
good eating. Feel free to rate the
• Food
• Atmosphere
• Price
• Location
• Bike Parking
And include anything else that you
find interesting or edible. !
Extra Points: To make it even more
memorable, send along the name of
your server or staff so that other
members will have a name to
request when they arrive. It won’t
take long for the Chapter to get a
reputation among the culinary
community. Better yet, tell them I
sent you. Chances are, if I have
been there, they will remember (look
for a bent chair).
Over time, we may look at making it
even more interesting by
introducing themes.
Imagine an
entire riding season built around
identifying the best, breaded
tenderloin in the state of Indiana.
Yeah, it kind of brings a tear to my
eye, too. Just think of it……………
I will kick it off this month with
the first review but I look forward
to seeing yours in the coming
months. If it goes really well, in
time we will publish the first
Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 Culinary Road map.
Ride far, Ride Safe, Enjoy your
meal! ~Ken
As The H.O.G. Turns ~ The Black
Diamond BBQ
Black Diamond Barbecue
6404 Rucker Road
Suite 105
Indianapolis, IN 46220
installment of
a brand new
~ Ken White
For the reader, I should probably set the
are ways to spell this mysterious moniker.
stage for my first review of a culinary
Few foods are as culturally aligned and
I am a professional diner.
regionally influenced as is the art of the BBQ
Like most, I started out as a child being a big
and I readily admit that I will always be a
eater, but it was soon evident that I had a
perpetual student of this epicurean genre as I
talent for putting good food in my mouth. I
have but begun to scratch the surface.
almost didn’t finish college; the allure of
that as it may, I am compelled and pleased to
turning pro was almost too much.
share with you the establishment that bears
But I
stayed the course and developed my skills
over the years. I have sampled every type,
morsel, size, and quantity of cuisine found at
the end of my fork. It has been the dedication
to honing the dining senses that has resulted
in being recognized as a fifth-degree black
belt dining ninja and a lifetime honorary
member of Buffett Buster, International
(Heavyweight Division).
the top honors of my BBQ journey to date.
My first introduction to Black Diamond BBQ
was almost accidental; it was pure chance
and I realize now that it was kismet that we
should meet; a blessing of the BBQ Gods (nonkosher division).
It was actually a lunch
catered by the dealership that brought this
delectable delicacy to my attention. I had no
idea how much I was to enjoy the veritable
It is not without a small sense of trepidation
buffet before me, after all, it was a free meal
that I realize that I may very well bite off
and that seemed reason enough at the time.
more than I can chew in my first review by
But it was so much more than that and after
trying to tackle Barbecue/barbecue/BBQ.
a second (or third) sampling, our destinies
There are as many definitions of BBQ as there
were forever entwined, gastronomically
speaking of course.
Black Diamond BBQ is a
small unassuming
storefront in a short strip
mall on the northwest
corner of 64th and Binford
Look for the
Cleaners on the south end of
the strip.
There is ample
outside seating for warmer
weather and a few small tables
inside. The majority of the
business here is take-out and,
believe me, it goes out by the
bag full. This is a favorite
place of ours for picking up
dinner on a Friday night while
heading home from work or
after a day’s ride on Saturday.
I have often ordered ahead for
a single dinner or for feeding
a large get-together of hungry
people and never have I (nor
they) ever been disappointed.
I have never been one to fawn
over beef brisket, but Black
Diamond has made me a
convert with their blending of
seasoning and smoke. It is
tender to the point of falling
Behind that is their
pulled pork followed by the
chicken. But I have savored
two for the last and I am
stunned to admit that I have
trouble telling you which I Diamond, I am happy to buy
like more.
the first round of servings.
The ribs are unrivaled here
and I enjoy them thoroughly.
But you have to try the
smoked turkey leg.
knew you could smoke these
things?! Bette and I will often
order the Hungry Man’s
Special to go; it comes with
three meats and two medium
sides; it is served as a single
meal but is more than enough
for us both with leftovers
As a confirmed carnivore, you
would think that this would be
enough to satisfy my fleshmongering palette, but I am
forced to confess that I go to
Black Diamond specifically for
their Greens. There, I have
said it!
Make no mistake,
these greens will not pass for
vegan by a long shot, but that
is a large part of what makes
them so good. I have been a
longtime fan of Soul Food and
I am a continual sojourner of
delving ever deeper into the
roots of this cuisine as I
cannot get enough.
someone can point out a
simmering pot of Greens that
can outdo those I find at Black
I will close this review for now.
At the moment, I have
developed an enormous
appetite and my keyboard is
beginning to falter from my
drooling as I wrote this. And
yet justice has hardly been
done, as I have not even
touched the chess pie, the
macaroni and cheese, and the
sweet tea at this good
I highly
recommend the friendly and
helpful staff; please give them
my regards. I cannot speak
highly enough of the quality
dishes that Black Diamond
Ride Far, Eat Well, Enjoy!
Ken’s Rating:
$5.95 $ 14.95
Atmosphere: Who cares its
BBQ! Bike Parking: Definitely biker
2. How many women have served as an
Officer in Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter
No. 1?
in H.O.G.
a. Has a woman ever held the top
position of Director in our Chapter?
b. How many women Officers do we have
this year?
Next Month’s Special Edition: “A Tribute to the
Women of Harley” will feature articles written by
and about women riders. To help promote this event
our Historian Officer, Bette Gumerson has
created a little questionnaire to help “spark some
interest and focus people on the contribution that
women make in H.O.G.”
Despite the recent attention given to
women riders, women have played
significant roles in H.O.G. history.
Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter No. 1 is no
How much do you know about the ladies
in our Chapter?
1. What is Ladies of Harley (LOH)?
a. Has Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter No. 1
ever had an LOH group?
b. Do we have one now? Why/Why not?
3. How many women do we have on the
Chapter roster in 2014?
Harley Davidson is courting women
riders these days. As women’s talents and
capabilities become more accepted in the
general populous, so the trend goes in
H.O.G. Women have always played a
huge role in fund raising, planning, and
More and more they are
astride their own bikes, enjoying the
thrill of the ride from the front seat. And
the value of an extra set of eyes and ears
on the back is elevating women beyond
the traditional “Eye Candy” moniker
when they choose to stay behind the
Kudos to the members, particularly the
men, of Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter No. 1
for fully accepting and even encouraging
women to get involved any way we
chose. We do have a great family!
Bone Dry Roofing
has pledged to donate the roof for our
new shelter.
Can you help us raise money for the walls?
Call BONE DRY ROOFING for your roofing
estimate and tell them HSforBC sent you.
[email protected]
Hire BONE DRY ROOFING to install your new or replacement roof and choose
the Humane Society for Boone County as your charity of choice. BONE DRY
ROOFING will donate $250 on your behalf into our Operation Shelter Building Fund
for each roof installed from our referral.
Humane Society for Boone County (HSforBC) is a private 501(c)3
animal rescue staffed 100% by volunteers. To learn more visit www.hsforbc.org or call 765-485-8888. HSforBC
PO Box 708 Lebanon, IN 46052
A warm Chapter Welcome
flying again.” (Ten years later was given to new member,
John Schoettle. Rumor has
and nothing changes.)
April 2004~ by
In the planning stages, a it, Jack was recently located
“Peabody and Sherman”
Dealer/Chapter Challenge. in a much warmer climate
riding his Harley and an
Under consideration:
oversized Lazy Boy lounge
• Putt-Putt Golf
• Go-Carts
• Laser Tag
The Bulletin Board
Teams to be selected from
Dealer staff and Chapter advertised a “Brand new
Corbin solo seat: asking
T a k i n g t h e H a r l e y membership.
$300.00. Leave message
way...way back machine to:
H O G c h o w d o w n with my hot new girlfriend.”
April, 2004.
continues to be an event
Time to wrap this month’s
Chapter membership jumps enjoyed by all that attend.
trip back in time. The
on the technology band The next two are set for BWIII
Breakout Ride is the 25th, got
wagon, as 30 members sign and Logan’s Roadhouse.
to get ready to go. up to receive the newsletter
Birthday Wishes were
on line. bestowed on David Bridges.
Director, Ed James’ quote of
Signing off for now,
No details on how many
the day: “Mother Nature is
Peabody and Sherman. birthdays were being
really teasing us this year!
We get a couple of nice days
and then the snow starts
For Sale:
Tour-Pak Hinges. NIB.
Please remember:
The HOG Chapter is not
responsible for any
merchandize purchased
Part #79211-08A. Sell for $35 (30% off MSRP). Contact Sid: [email protected]
For Sale: Used set of flame motif passenger and rider foot boards, shifter pegs,
brake pedal, and handles. There is some hairline cracking on the rubber of the
rider boards and one rubber peg under a passenger footboard is broken. Came
off a 2008 Road King. New these would run well over $400.00. Will sell all for
$195.00. Contact Meade Van Wyck, 317.714.3570, [email protected]
For Sale: Men’s River Road Leather
Jacket. Size 46 Gently used with zip !
out insulation liner. $125.00
Contact Meade Van Wyck
317-714-3570 or [email protected]
contact Rew at [email protected]
Captivate the Beauty of your
Motorcycle for a Life Time. Have it’s
image painted on canvas, glass, or
on a dangling Christmas bulb. What
ever way you want it, Joanne can do
it all.
Specializing in detailed miniature portraits
of people, pets, homes, cars and motorcycles.
this artist specializes in watercolour and acrylic
paint on stone, feathers, canvas...just about
If it sits still long enough, "I can paint it!" Check out her
web site at:
Call for a quote:
416-496-0859 or !
[email protected]
Meade Van Wyck’s Sportster and Jo Jobin’s Roadglide were both painted by Joanne using photographs
In last month’s Newsletter “Shout Out” we left you
with this quote:
“I have often heard it said that winter is
nature’s way of saying...”polish”?
Could you guess who it was? Well it’s our own
Director, Ken White. Obviously, he hasn’t lost his
touch of waxing poetry. SHOUT OUT!
Here’s another fun one for you all. Take a look at
this photo to your right. Do you recognize the person?
Here’s a hint: We will be celebrating her story during
the Tribute to the “Women of Harley” in the next
Newsletter. She’s been a facet of the Dealership and
also H-D history for many years now and she’s always
got a smile, a story and some great advice when you
see her. Have you guessed yet? Go ahead and log on
to: !
The answer will be posted in next month’s edition
... Oh! the anticipation!
Parting Shots...
So finally the weather has
changed and the sweet smell of
buds on trees and sunshine on our
windshields are calling to us once
again to hit the rowdy road in
search of the ultimate road trip. !
But before you do, please take
heed to the advice that has been
given to you from the professionals
Writers for the 2014 Riding Season. Experience in
writing ain’t necessary. If you can spell. Fantastic! The main
thing is getting the word out there on what you rode, how
you rode and who you rode with? Sound interesting? The
pay is lousy but the location is great - on your bike! Please
contact me at [email protected] Thanks!
And just a thought…
if you are not trading your
old helmet in at the Dealership for a discount on a brand
new H-D one, consider contacting your local Fire Dept.
Evidently the EMS personnel can use them to practice
Accident Scene Management.
Thanks Tony Palmiero for
the suggestion!
of your Harley-Davidson
Dealership and the experienced
rider of the Chapter and check
your bike before you ride. Also,
plan your ride and be aware that
some of those beautiful winding
backroads may still have winter
detritus that could be prove
dangerous to your riding. !
We want you to have fun. We want
you safe. Don’t be greedy and
speedy. Take time to get back into
the saddle. What the hell is your
hurry anyways? Isn’t that what
cages are for? Godspeed, Rewski. NORTHSIDE HARLEY
Rew Van Wyck, Editor
(317)709-5027 [email protected]
This issue: photo credits go to: Patti Boudreau,
Matt Ben and our ever-loving Paula Smith
Safety Test Answers:
1. Staggered Formation Riding. This is the
primary riding formation used during Chapter
Rides. (Single file is used when directed by the
ride leader. One-Second Rule: The bike in the
lane to your left or right should not be less than
one second ahead of you. Two-Second Rule:
Maintain at least two seconds between you and
the rider directly in front of you. When adding a
trike into the mix, have the trike ride single file
with a time of two minutes between it and the
bike in front. If there is another trike, it rides the
same distance behind the first trike. !
2. T - Tires and Wheels - Inspect your wheel
rims for dents and cracks. If you have spoke
wheels check for spokes being tight and
straight. Check your tire pressure often- daily
when you are touring - and always use a good
gauge. consult your owner’s manual for correct
pressure and load ratings. Air pressure can
change with the air temperature. While you’re at
it, inspect the tires. Remove any objects stuck
in the treads that may cause a puncture. check
for sufficient tire tread. Replace them if less
than 50 percent of the tread remains, or if there
are any cracks, cuts, or signs of distress.
C - Cables and Controls - next you’ll want to
check the controls to be sure they operate
properly. Inspect the front and rear brakes,
throttle, clutch, and shifter. Squeeze the clutch to
feel if it is operating smoothly. Squeeze the front
brake; it should feel firm and keep the motorcycle
from rolling forward when pushed. Check the rear
brake in the same way. Replace broken, worn, or
frayed cables at once
L - Lights - Check your headlights(s),
directional signals, tail light, and brake light every
time you ride. Not only do they help you see
where you’re going, but they are your best way of
being seen by others. If a light is out, it is often
easy to change it ourself. consult your owner’s
manual and /or service manual for correct type,
and removal and replacement procedure. If
replacing a headlight, consult your owner’s
manual for proper headlight alignment.
O - Oil, fluids - Start by checking your fuel
supply. Always start your rides with a full tank of
fuel. Check the engine-oil level according to the
instructions in your owner’s manual.
C - Chassis - Inspect the chassis for cracks
at gussets and accessory mounts. check the
steering for smoothness by turning the handlebars
through the full operating range. Test the
suspension for smooth, damped movement, and
be sure to adjust it according to the load you’re
carrying and your riding style (consult your
owner’s manual). for high-mileage bikes, inspect
the drive belt and sprockets. !
S - Side stand (kickstand) - Check for cracks
or bending in the metal, and make sure there’s
enough tension in the spring to hold it up and out
of the way when riding. A dangling stand is a real
hazard. Also, before you start riding, sit on your
bike and take a look in the mirrors to be sure
they’re adjusted properly. Even if you don’t think
you’ve moved the mirrors, do a quick check just
to be sure. !
3. riding gear is worn for comfort and safely
and it protects the rider from the elements while
providing protection in the event of a mishap.
Listed are essential pieces of protective riding
gear: • minimum - helmet manufactured to meet
• eye protection
• long-sleeved jacket
• long pants
• full-fingered motorcycle gloves
• over-the-ankle footwear
4. When going on a group ride, you should
familiarize yourselves with the basic hand
signals to make sure that everyone is on the
same page. (Check the next page and practice
these signals. !
5. Staggered formation riding is best used for
many riding situations. It can be tight or loose to
suit specific situations. !
6. Single-file riding is used for roads with
more curves and when turning. You also use it
when there is less visibility or little room to the
sides. Single -file riding permits the rider to use
the entire lane more freely. It’s essential for
entering tollbooths and for roads with poor
surfaces or in any situations where more space
cushion is desirable. !
7. Don’t be afraid to let your ride leader know
that you are not that experienced in riding in
group formation. He or she may suggest the
best placement for you so that you can be
guided but you need to stay at your own
comfort level and never feel pressured to ride
above your abilities. Increase your following
distance to three seconds from all riders and
pick your own lines. on’t track the rider in front.
You should always ride in the right one-third of
the lane or center of the lane.
8. False. The group does not have the right
away and it may be impossible to maintain
formation. !
9. Exiting an interstate or freeway requires
that group move to a single file.
10.If there is a mechanical problem, the next
rider in line and the sweep will stop; all others
are to proceed to the next stop. Do not double
back and do not stop. The next rider or sweep
will advise the group of the status. If there’s
been a crash, the next rider in line will stop and
give assistance. The following riders will only
stop if aid is needed. If not, proceed to the next
safe stop area. Do not double back. The sweep
will assess the situation and advise the rest of
the group.
11. False, this is very unsafe and will put the
entire group in an unsafe position.
12. Always be in first gear at a stop. This
allows you a quick escape if a vehicle enters
your comfort zone. It also allows the group to
depart at a timely manner. !
13. Keep at a constant speed, the speed set
by your Ride Leader and this will help prevent
rubber banding.
14. Look to the side and always have your
eyes looking at least 4 seconds ahead of the
bike in front of you not fixed directly on him or
her. !
15.When in a curve, the rider on the outside
of the curve is required to give room to the rider
on the inside of the curve, in case the inside
rider has to use the full width of the lane to
safely negotiate the curve. !
16. False. If the lead rider decides to pass
the car, each rider must decide on his or her
own if it is safe to follow. Pass as if you were
riding alone and do a mirror check before you
change lanes.
17. The group passes as a unit. Follow the
rider in front of you not the sweep. His/her
position is to secure the lane. !
So how did you do?
Are you ready to ride?