Firstlogic Postalsoft™ Data Quality Software ACE™, DataRight IQ


Firstlogic Postalsoft™ Data Quality Software ACE™, DataRight IQ
Firstlogic® Postalsoft™ Data Quality Software
ACE™, DataRight IQ™ & Match/Consolidate™
Product Overview
The Next Generation… Postalsoft Data Quality Software
ACE™ (Address Correction & Encoding)
■ US National Directory (Zip+4), Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS),
■ Delivery Point Validation (DPV), Locatable Address Conversion System (LACSLink),
■ Suite Link (SuiteLink), Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI),
■ National Change of Address (NCOALink), Geocoding (latitude & longitude)
DataRight IQ™ (Data Parsing, Standardization & Enhancement)
Non-address data parsing, standardization and enhancement.
User defined pattern matching, list conversion, intelligent casing & modifiable dictionaries.
Gender determination and pre-name (Mr. Ms.) assignment.
Match standards for individuals or firms & search & replace functions.
Match/Consolidate™ (Data Parsing, Matching & Consolidation)
■ Data parsing, matching and consolidation.
■ Quickly uncover relationships within one or multiple data sources, Identify duplicates.
■ Combine various sources of information into a single repository.
■ Match and consolidate account records to create a single, complete view of the customer.
■ Use “householding” techniques to identify members of the same household or company.
Copyright © 2013 Firstlogic Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved. – “Firstlogic”, “Firstlogic Solutions”, and “Data Quality. Delivered.” are registered trademarks
of Firstlogic Solutions, LLC. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. These materials are subject to change. 062713
Firstlogic® Postalsoft™ ACE™
Address Correction & Encoding
Product Overview
The Next Generation… Postalsoft ACE
■ Address Correction & Encoding.
■ US National Directory (Zip+4) to assign addresses to the finest level by adding ZIP+4 codes, carrier
route, eLOT, and LOT order information.
■ Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) to keep addresses complete, correct, and current with
powerful CASS Certified address correction directories including DPV, LACSLink and SuiteLink
Delivery Point Validation (DPV) to determine valid deliverable addresses.
Locatable Address Conversion System (LACSLink) for conversion of rural route, highway route and box
number addresses to street addresses.
Suite Link (SuiteLink) to add secondary suite information to business addresses.
National Change of Address (NCOALink) for 40 million Americans who move every year.
Geocoding for latitude & longitude assignment.
Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) to determine residential vs. commercial addresses.
Copyright © 2013 Firstlogic Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved. – “Firstlogic”, “Firstlogic Solutions”, and “Data Quality. Delivered.” are registered trademarks
of Firstlogic Solutions, LLC. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. These materials are subject to change. 062713
Key Features
Address parsing - ACE also provides the ability to parse across multiple lines of address
information, and intelligently extract items such as street name, city, state, and ZIP Codes. This
“fuzzy” logic permits ACE users to cleanse even the most difficult addresses.
ACE also provides tools for looking inside the postal directories. These tools are more often used
to determine why ACE standardized an address in a particular way. Users may also find this
feature useful when determining why ACE assigned an error to a particular address.
Return the standardized address and/or the un-standardized address
Correct spelling errors when the address matches the USPS ZIP+4 data.
Correct state and ZIP’s when the address matches the USPS ZIP+4 data
DPV (Delivery Point Validation)
RDI (Residential Delivery Indicator) – used for parcel mailers. Designed by the USPS to take
back parcel delivery from UPS or FedEx as they charge a fee for residential delivery.
GeoCensus – longitude, latitude, census tract, block numbering areas, FIPS codes to the Place
level. Both Centroid and Address level (sometimes referred to as roof-top level) coding is
Move update with FASTforward or NCOALink (Mover ID)
Identification of assignments with status codes.
Generation of stat files for use with a third party report writer.
Alias cities and addresses can be preserved or converted to the USPS name.
The ability to generate multiple output files controlled by filters that are user-defined so that each
output file can contain only those records that you want in the file (ex. assigned, non-assigned,
records with a move update, etc.)
CASS certified for both the USA and Puerto Rico
ACE will detect foreign addresses if the postal code is not a five-digit number or a specific country
code is used as part of the address. If ACE determines that a foreign address is present, it will tag
it as such and not process it.
Root Window
Continued on next page
ACE, Continued
If you look at the execution options block, you will see all of the different add-on modules to ACE that
can be executed. Please note that all of the modules are executed “inline” or in a single pass. The
options in question are:
GeoCensus – this is for latitude and longitude, FIPS codes, etc.
EWS – this is the USPS Early Warning System to let you know that they are aware of the
address, but that it is not in the postal directories yet.
eLot – this is for Line of Travel components
TaxIQ - With TaxIQ, Vertex Sales and Use Tax software users can more accurately identify
the tax jurisdiction that a particular address resides. This provides these customers with more
accurate taxation and reduces the need to apply tax credits, etc.
RDI – this is for the USPS Residential Delivery Index file to differentiate a Residence from a
Business (mostly used by parcel mailers)
Mover ID – this is for NCOALink or FastForward processing
DPV – With DPV, an ACE user will be able to determine specifically if an address is
deliverable via the USPS and/or if it is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency
Continued on next page
ACE, Continued
Auxiliary Files
The window above shows many of the auxiliary files that you will be referencing through the address
correction process. The directories above will either be updated on a weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly
basis depending on the subscription service you sign up for with your extended service plan (ESP).
ACE, Continued
Within the Address Standardization window, you can determine things like how ACE will handle NonMailing City Names and Address Line Alias. Non-mailing cities are very common. An example of a
non-mailing city would be “Hollywood CA”, which according to the USPS is actually “Los Angeles”. An
example of an address line alias would be “Avenue of the Americas” which according to the USPS is
actually “6th Avenue”. As a commercial mailer, you can use either of the city or street addresses
mentioned above and still receive your postal discounts, you simply need to determine which style is
appropriate for your business model.
Other elements that can be standardized are suffix and directional styles, field casing, and flexibility in
a dual address situation to have the software determine how to calculate the Zip+4 according to your
business rules. ACE also has the ability to standardize unassigned addresses, meaning that even if it
could not be found in the directories, the address will have all of the same styles applied to it as an
assigned address.
You can also strip out extraneous information from the address block if desired, by setting Address
Line Standardization to Strict. Setting this option to loose will allow non-address elements (upstairs,
around the back, etc) to remain in the address block. If you choose to remove those non-address
elements, you can keep the information by posting it into extra fields on output.
Continued on next page
ACE, Continued
As you can see from the graphic above, we ship several different canned reports with ACE. There are
three reports that most customers care about:
Job Summary (*.ajs) report. The job summary report will provide you with statistics about the job
as far as the number of records input, standardized, corrected, elements appended, and results
from the optional ACE modules that were enabled.
USPS Form 3553 (CASS certificate) that in many situations is still required with the mailing when
submitted to the USPS.
Error Report. This is an old fashioned columnar report that details which records could not be
assigned within the USPS postal directories, and what error code (reason) was given for not being
able to make the assignment.
If these reports do not give you the level of detail that you are looking for, you can generate statistics
files. These statistics files can be generated in either an ASCII or Dbase3 format. Once you have
statistics, you can bring them into a 3rd party tool like Crystal Reports or SAS and generate any type of
report you might need.
Firstlogic® Postalsoft™ DataRight IQ™
Data Parsing, Standardization & Enhancement
Product Overview
The Next Generation… Postalsoft DataRight IQ
■ Non-address data parsing, standardization and enhancement.
■ User defined pattern matching.
■ List conversion – up to 255 input files in any record layout and/or one of four file types.
(ASCII, delimited, dBase3, EBCDIC)
Intelligent casing.
User modifiable dictionaries for parsing and capitalization.
Gender determination and pre-name (Mr. Ms.) assignment.
Match standards (nicknames) for individuals (i.e. Margaret and Peg).
Search & replace functions.
Input and output record filtering.
Firstlogic expressions – available at the file/record level and the field level.
Up to 12 lines of floating name and address data within a record.
Identifies the name/firm elements and parses into discreet fields.
Address data is carried into separate fields for further processing in ACE.
Copyright © 2013 Firstlogic Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved. – “Firstlogic”, “Firstlogic Solutions”, and “Data Quality. Delivered.” are registered trademarks
of Firstlogic Solutions, LLC. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. These materials are subject to change. 062713
DataRight IQ
Key Features
Non-address parsing
User defined pattern matching
List conversion – up to 255 input files in any record layout and/or one of four file types (ASCII,
delimited, dBase3, EBCDIC)
Intelligent casing
User modifiable dictionaries for parsing and capitalization
Genderization and pre-name (Mr. Ms.) assignment
Match standards (nicknames) for individuals (Margaret and Peg)
Search & replace functions
Input and output record filtering
Firstlogic expressions – available at the file/record level and the field level.
Up to 12 lines of floating name and address data within a record. DIQ identifies the name/firm
elements and parses into discreet fields. Address data is carried into separate fields for further
processing in ACE.
Root Window
NOTE: You will find all of the Professional Edition modules have a similar look and feel. The left pane
of the window contains all of the “blocks” as we call them contained in the configuration file. The right
pane of the window is a preview for the current status of the different options within a given block.
The toolbar across the top of the window allows you to verify and run the job among other options.
Continued on next page
DataRight IQ, Continued
Input File
When defining the input file you will notice that you can perform an Nth select from the whole input file,
you can build an input filter to only select certain records, or you can build a bypass filter that will allow
you exclude certain records. With the expression builder (that is shown above) you can write filters at
either the file of field level. You also have the ability to create Boolean expressions for your filters.
Continued on next page
DataRight IQ, Continued
and formatting
You will notice that you have some ability to standardize address information within DataRight, but
that is better left to our address correction module. Typically people will use DataRight to standardize
name, firm, title, phone, SSN, and date elements.
DataRight can append appropriate prenames (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.), gender codes, and firm acronyms,
and nicknames. The appending of nicknames, firm acronyms, and gender codes are done through
user modifiable dictionaries that are shipped with the application. These dictionaries are referential
data sources that Firstlogic has collected and packaged so that we can identify Peg and Margaret as a
nickname for each other. We have firm tables that will allow you to identify International Business
Machine and IBM as the same firm. The names in the name tables are all ranked between strong
male, weak male, ambiguous, weak female, and strong female. These rankings are then used to
allow us to append prenames if desired.
Continued on next page
DataRight IQ, Continued
Search and
Search and Replace tables can be used within DataRight to programmatically normalize data that
needs to be modified on the fly. With Search and Replace, you can look through the data set and for
example replace “&” with “and” or based on your business rules replace a placeholder value with the
end result that you are looking for.
Scan and Split functionality can be used within DataRight to programmatically look at a field “Bill and
Mary Smith” and depending on your business rules break that single field into the following “Bill Smith”
and “Mary Smith” by scanning for the “and” and then fielding the data appropriately.
Search and Replace tables can be maintained either within the job file or called from an external table
that you maintain.
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DataRight IQ, Continued
Output File
When building output files with DataRight, you can convert multiple files with varying record layouts
into a single “house” format. You can either have a pre-built house format that you can simply clone
and then post data into, or you can build an output file structure from scratch. You can actually have a
pre-built format and then append extra fields to that layout as shown in the above screen capture.
When building an output file, it is in two steps, the first is to create the file (build the structure or layout)
and the second is to post data from DataRight into that structure. By default DataRight will allow you
to build structures that are either Fixed ASCII, Delimited ASCII, DBase3, or EBCDIC.
Continued on next page
DataRight IQ, Continued
Report Setup
As you can see from the graphic above, we ship several different canned reports with DataRight IQ. If
these reports do not give you the level of detail that you are looking for, you can generate statistics
files for the job.
These statistics files can be generated in either an ASCII or Dbase3 format. Once you have statistics,
you can bring them into a 3rd party tool like Crystal Reports or SAS and generate any type of report
that you might need.
Firstlogic® Postalsoft™ Match/Consolidate™
Data Parsing, Matching & Consolidation
Product Overview
The Next Generation… Postalsoft Match/Consolidate
Data parsing, matching and consolidation.
Quickly uncover relationships within one or multiple data sources.
Identify duplicates to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Combine various sources of information both internal and external into a single repository to create a
streamlined view of your customers.
Match and consolidate account records to create a single, complete view of customer addresses.
Detect and eliminate duplicates so you can delete them from mailing lists.
Use “householding” techniques to identify members of the same household and identify employees of a
single company at the corporate level.
Define and implement your own business rules to identify customers within data sets.
Process multiple sets of business rules so you can identify hidden relationships in your data.
Assign a unique identification number for each record to create relationships between different sets of
Selectively choose data on a field-by-field basis to build a “best” consolidated record.
Combine records by matching different forms of the same name or firm such as “Beth” and “Elizabeth”
or “AT&T,” “ATT,” and “att”.
Utilize suppression lists to remove records that shouldn’t be included in a campaign.
Copyright © 2013 Firstlogic Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved. – “Firstlogic”, “Firstlogic Solutions”, and “Data Quality. Delivered.” are registered trademarks
of Firstlogic Solutions, LLC. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. These materials are subject to change. 062713
Key Features
Multiple levels in a single pass – Resident, Household (Family) and/or Individual.
Multi-level matching provides different views of matches in a single pass
Locate “snow birds” through association (different addresses for summer and winter). By using a
common identifier (SSN, birth date, phone number, or credit card number, etc.) Match/Consolidate
can find a single person living at two different addresses. (Multi-criteria matching)
Consolidate data from one or more records to another to create a “best of” record through Group
Match on anything, it’s not limited to name and address data.
Match levels are more granular – Exact, Tight, Medium, Loose and None can be expanded to
whole percentage numbers between 0% and 100%
Use match standards to compare Peg and Margaret.
Up to 255 input files, again with varying record layouts and file types (ASCII, Delimited, EBCDIC
and dBase3).
Up to 1,999 lists can be defined with priority levels per list.
The driver record can be defined based on the completeness of a record (i.e. Name in first record
is missing the middle initial, however the name in the second record includes the middle initial, the
second record can be the survivor because the record is more complete).
Very effective wizard for setting the simplest Match to more complex multi-criteria matches. The
wizard lays an excellent framework for Advanced Matching.
Root Window
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
If you look at the execution options block, you will begin to see the different levels of functionality
available to you. Match/Consolidate is much like ACE in that it can perform multiple actions (multilevel, multi-criteria matching and consolidation) in a single pass. Some of the more important options
Read records and create match sets – Read all input records and create match sets for
matching and consolidation purposes.
Matching Method – this allows the user to determine if you will be using a standard matching,
extended matching, or combination scheme to look for duplicates.
Output Files – this allows the user to create any type of output file desired. You can create
several different types of “canned” output files or create a completely customized output file.
Each output file created can also have filters applied to it so that you are able to capture only
those records that you are truly interested in.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Input File / List
Within the Input File/List Setup window, you will define each file that will be included in the
Match/Consolidate job. As with all of the other modules, you will be able to apply both input and
bypass filters to either selectively include or exclude records.
After defining all of the input files, you will need to define a list for each input file if you have more than
one input file, or the input file has multiple lists combined within it. The Input Lists block will allow you
to tell Match/Consolidate:
• If it is performing a duplicate search within this list.
• What kind of list it is looking at (normal, suppression, or special).
• Assign break level and match level priorities. These can be used differently for determining
best match and driver record.
o The break level is used to determine the first record in the break group (i.e. common
practice is to create groups on the 5 digit ZIP code plus the first three characters of
the street name). A user would give the list with the best data the highest priority to
ensure all other records a greater chance of falling into the break group.
o The match level is used after the break groups are formed and determines the
driver/master record in the group. The lower the priority numbers the higher the
priority of the record. Seems backwards but scoring takes place during the match
process and like the game of golf the lower the score the better you played.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Match Criteria
Within the match criteria setup, you can see that we are going to be using three different criteria
simultaneously. If you look at the matching criteria window for the resident level match, you can see
that you can at the field level set the match level at a predefined level (exact, tight, medium, loose, or
none) or you can directly enter a whole percentage (0-100) for the percentage of similarity to be
considered a match.
You can also see that we allow for blank matching and the penalty for a blank value match. The Blank
Priority value means the record with a blank value will be penalized and drop in the duplicate group. A
record with more complete data will rise to the top of the duplicate group and potentially become the
driver/master record.
You can bring any field you desire into the duplicate search. All you would need to do is identify a
field in the definition mapping prior to doing the Match/Consolidate job and you can bring any of those
identified (user defined) fields into the matching that you would like.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Within the matching options setup, you can see that we offer a myriad of options to programmatically
assist in making the matching process as accurate as possible. Some of the options of note here are:
The ability to match the first name to initial, the middle name to initial, and matching on
hyphenated last names
We can automatically include the name of a second person in the match
We check for transposed letters within a field
Allow you to select your household and firm match types
We also allow Match/Consolidate to standardize the data in its name-related keys.
Match/Consolidate converts abbreviations and alternate spellings of first and middle names to
most-common spellings. Both the input and the standardized form are then stored in the key file
and used in the comparison. Name standardization makes the key file a little larger and it takes
slightly more processing time, but the improved matching usually is well worth it.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Within the Advanced Matching Options, we can create “match sets” which are the differentl levels of
matching brought together. You can have as many “match sets” as you like and those match sets will
allow you to combine the different standard and/or extended matching criteria as your business rules
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Group Posting
Group posting is Match/Consolidates function for salvaging or consolidating data from matching
records and posting that data to form a “best record”, or to post to all matching records for
consistency. Group posting occurs right before the records are written to an output file. Here are two
common reasons for performing group posting:
Salvage useful data from matching records before discarding them. For example, while
running a weekly update file against your master database, you may be able to acquire phone
numbers, SSNs, or other useful data elements and add it to you master file.
Maintain updated data. For example, the most recent phone number can be posted to all
matching records before data is sent back to disparate databases.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Output File
Match/Consolidate allows you to create output files in virtually any way you need. We have several
“canned” output file options (unique, duplicates, multi-occurrence) to speed up the creation of a
Match/Consolidate job.
We also realize that you may need to be more specific than our “canned” options when it comes to
generating an output file. To meet this need, give you the ability to build a custom Match/Consolidate
output file. The graphic above details this custom file creation window. You can see how the user
controls what to output and what level to output. Even though the data was matched at three different
levels, the output can be controlled by what records, filters, match sets and match levels are selected.
Continued on next page
Match/Consolidate, Continued
Report Setup
As you can see from the graphic above, we ship several different canned reports with
Match/Consolidate. You will notice that many of the reports are duplicated in the list because we have
the ability to customize these reports so that while they appear to be the same report on the left side
of the screen, in reality they are showing very different data as shown in the report options above.
If these reports do not give you the level of detail that you are looking for, you can generate statistics
files. These statistics files can be generated in either an ASCII or Dbase3 format. Once you have
statistics, you can bring them into a 3rd party tool like Crystal Reports or SAS and generate any type of
report you might need.