The Pass at Thermopylae, Greece
The Pass at Thermopylae, Greece
Board of Trustees, Boston University The Pass at Thermopylae, Greece Author(s): John C. Kraft, George Rapp, Jr., George J. Szemler, Christos Tziavos, Edward W. Kase Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Summer, 1987), pp. 181-198 Published by: Boston University Stable URL: . Accessed: 18/01/2012 15:06 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Boston University and Board of Trustees, Boston University are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Field Archaeology. The Pass at Thermopylae,Greece JohnC. Kraft Universityof Delaware Newark,Delaware GeorgeRapp, Jr. Universityof Minnesota Duluth,Minnesota George J. Szemler LoyolaUniversityof Chicago Chicago,Illinois ChristosTziavos NationalCentrefor MarineResearch Athens,Greece EdwardW. Kase LoyolaUniversityof Chicago Chicago,Illinois Conflicts among historians over the battle at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. tend to center around supposed inconsistencies between ancient sources, particularly Herodotus, and the modern topography of the region. The area, however, is one of extensive tectonic activity, fluctuations in sea level, and sediment deposition. Any attempt to reconstruct ancient events on the basis of modern topography alone is therefore bound to be misleading. Precise paleogeographic reconstruction would require a large-scale drilling program. This study involved the drilling and analysis of seven core holes in sediments infilling the Gulf of Malia. Results clearly demonstrate a Holocene epoch marine incursion to the far west of the Malian embayment and subsequent considerable variation over time in the physiography at Thermopylae. We have reconstructed the shoreline for ca. 480 B.C. and examined variations in the morphology of the middle gate with respect to the width of the pass. Geological and geomorphic evidence suggest that the pass at Thermopylae was closed for long portions of recorded history and may therefore have had less relative importance as a route into southern Greece. Introduction:Historical Studies The heroicdefense of Greeceby Atheniansand Spartans againstmultiplePersianinvasionsin the early 5th centuryB.C. has loomed large in studiesof the originof Westerncivilization, with Herodotus'work on the invasion of Xerxes serving as a focus of scholarlyattention. Extensive efforts have been made to reconstruct details of these importanthistoricalevents. One major event in the conflict was the stand againstthe Persians by the Spartansand allies underLeonidasat the narrow coastal"pass"betweenthe mountainsand the sea (Gulf of Malia) at Thermopylae(a Greekword meaning"hot gates,"in referenceto the thermalspringsthatissue there from the base of the mountains).Xerxes' route from northernGreeceto Attica(Athens)supposedlyfollowed the coast becausehe intendedto keep in touch with his fleet andbecauseGreeceis mountainousandwouldhave affordeddifficultinlandpassage for such a large army. Readersnot familiarwith the details of Herodotus'accountof the battleareadvisedto review it in the original 182 The Pass at Thermopylae/Kraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase Figure 1. Location of the passes at Thermopylae on the Malian Gulf, eastern Greece, Aegean Sea. BULARI I~TURKEY YUGOSLAVIA.a ALOAMIA ~ GREEC :i I SE ~ ~ ri- ~~? OIIA s:~ t~lf sa ~ AEGEAN :rSEA A QUATERNARY:::?; ~ PR-UTRNR K 50l')O !00 Figure 2. A geomorphic map of the area of modern Thermopylae showing the line of drill cores used in constructing crosssection, Figure 7. The relationship of the west, middle, and east gates, and the alluvial fan of the deep ravine emerging from Mt. Kallidromon, near the ancient site of Anthela, are shown. ~goo LEGEND . on ! o_K ILOMETERSR TP- 1 1,; CONTOURS a eACKSWAMP -- m HOLE $DRILL LLAL WoLMARSH * J~L HOT SPRING o WES ALN AL SHOREE480B.C.UL 1L GATE EAST GATE 1-WG-1-' M ..-880 4TP- -KOL NOS KALLIDROMON or in one of the countlessancientand modem summaries. Historianstell us that the battle of Thermopylaein 480 B.C. (and many other battles)was fought there because of the narrownessof the passagebetweenthe sea andthe steep slope of Mt. Kallidromon(FIGS. 1, 2) (Her. 7. 198-201, 211-213; Paus. 10.20). Further,we know thatat least one Greekship was able to remainin contact with the Spartanforces at Thermopylaeuntil the end of the battle, suggesting water depths greater than 1 m immediatelyoffshore (Her. 8. 21.1). Thus the pass at Thermopylaewas usable in 480 B.C.Historianssuggest that the pass was approximately20 m wide or wider at the middle gate (see FIG. 2) but much narrowerat the west gate andeast gate (Leake 1836; Gell 1819). "Gate" refersto each of three narrowpoints in the pass where Journal of Field Archaeology/Vol. 14, 1987 low cliffs of the mountainsjutted out very close to the sea. Historianshave regardedthe pass along the sea at Thermopylaeas the most logical and relatively easy route from northernGreece south to Attica. Because Herodotus(and other ancienthistorianswho discussed the battle at Thermopylae)wrote nearly a half century or moreafterthe battleof 480 B.C.,lively disputeshave continuedconcerningthe location where the Spartans madetheirstand,the widthof the pass, andotheraspects of the geographyof the battle. Attemptsby modemrn scholarsto do topographicreconstructionsof the battle areahave been completelycompromisedby the infilling of the Gulf of Malia by sedimentsfrom the Sperchios River. Sedimentaryprocesses have completelyobliterated the ancientlandscapeof the Malianplain. It is not our intentionin this paperto review and critiqueall of the pointsat issue in the geographyof the 480 B.C.battle at Thermopylaebut ratherto set out new informationon the paleogeographicconstraintsof the battle based on our three-dimensionalgeological reconstructionof the ancientphysiography. A battlesimilarto the one in 480 B.C.was fought in 191 B.C.between forces under Antiochus the Syrian, with Aetolianallies, and the Romanswith PhilipV and Macedonianallies. In this case, Antiochusentrenched his army at the east gate while the main Roman army underM'. Acilius Glabrio'campedwithinthe pass near the hot springsat the middlegate (Livy 36. 15.3; 16.5). Althoughthe Romans outnumberedAntiochus' forces approximatelytwo to one, Antiochuswas able to hold themoff initiallyat the east gate. The Romans,however, made a direct flanking movement along the cliff-like slopes of Mt. Kallidromon, and M. Porcius Cato droppeddown on the flank of Antiochus'army (a feat probablynot deemed possible for even an integrated, disciplinedregiment)with approximately2000 legionnaires and routed them so completely that only 500, includingAntiochus, escaped. Over several millennia, the Gauls, the Huns, the Bulgarians,and otherpeoples invadedGreece via the Sperchios-Malianplain.2Each time, when opposed in the pass at Thermopylae,the invaders made a flanking movement and the Greeks retreated.MacKay(1963:241-255) recordsa largenum1. "M'." is an abbreviation for the praenomen "Manius";"M.", however, stands for "Marcus." 2. The battle of 480 B.C.vs. the Persians; 279 B.C. vs. Brennus and the Gauls; 207 B.C.Philip vs. the Aetolians; 191 B.C. saw Antiochus of Syria vs. the Romans; A.C. 395 Alaric (unopposed); 6th century A.C. fortifications by Justinian; A.C. 1204 Boniface of Monferrat (unopposed); and even the Germans in 1941 (by this time, however, the pass was no longer narrow). It is probable that the pass at Thermopylae was never successfully defended. 183 ber of walls constructedin many areas on the NWside of Mt. Kallidromon,presumablyto preventsuch flanking movements.Perhapsno one ever successfully defended the pass at Thermopylae when a flanking movementwas made. Both the Persiansand the Gauls turnedback and enteredsouthernGreecevia the pass at Vardhatesbetween the TrachinianCliffs and Mt. Oeta to the west of the Sperchiosplain. It is possible that Greekstrategythroughoutancienttimes was not to win battles at Thermopylae,but ratherto turnthe flanksof armies and peoples intendingto enter Greece through the centralcorridorinto the Valley of Doris. Pritchett (1985: 190-216) presentsa summaryof militaryactions relatedto the pass at Thermopylae,somewhatin contrast to our own thoughts. Concerningthe ancienttopographyandthe geography of the aforementionedbattles MacKay (1963) has observed:"If, afteronly 150 yearswe have some difficulty following the journeysof English travelers,after 2000 years we must be extremely hesitant in rejecting the accountsof an ancientsourcesimplybecausewe cannot immediatelydeterminehis itinerary."MacKayis alluding to the largenumberof scholarsin the last 250 years who have arguedover detailsof the ancienttopography at Thermopylae.Much of the argumentis based on statementsof Herodotusthat are consideredby many scholarsto be factual. These scholars assume that the Persianarmy was camped on the Malian plain at the base of the NWedge of Mt. Kallidromon.Herodotus claims that the Persian flanking unit (the Immortals) startedout by crossing the Asopus River and thence began its climb. A crucialstatementis that the Persian Immortals,guidedby Ephialtes,hadthe "Oetaeanmountainson theirrighthandandthe Trachinianon theirleft" when startingtheirclimb aroundMt. Kallidromon(Her. 7. 216, 217). A look at present geomorphology (FIGS.3, 4) makes the problemclear. Because the Asopus River is at the foot of Mt. Kallidromonand in ancienttimes may have coursedbetweenpartof the Persianencampment and the mountain,a dilemmais created.The Asopus River must be crossed and yet a path with the mountainsof the Trachinianson the left andthe Oetaeans on the rightmustbe accountedfor. These two conditions are not necessarilycontradictoryas to the flankingroute of the Persian Immortals (MacKay 1963; Pritchett 1962, 1965, 1982a-d). Further, Herodotus noted that the Asopus River flowed past Anthela, near the west gate (only possible a minimum of 3 km wNW of Anthela townsite) (Her. 7. 200). We know from various historic sources that ships were able to approach Greek positions at the middle gate. Indeed, two centuries after 480 B.C., archers on ships fired arrows at the attacking Gauls (Paus. 10. 21.4). A 184 The Pass at ThermopylaelKraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase Figure3. An indexmapto the topographyof the Gulfof Maliaandthe SperchiosRiverdeltaplainshowinglines of cross-sectionanddrillsites (Stahl,Aust, andDounas1974;Austet al. 1980, 1984; Tziavos1977, 1978). t. t ?!M rOTHXtYS OTHR Y DRILLHOLESTHISSTUDY a DRILL HOLES SN NIGMIR & YEB contour , N 314 3T74 20 m STYLI$ c' LAMIA Interval v/cvt GULF OF MALIA L 01%j ,, OS 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETER MOLOS O McO SMt. K THERMOPYLAE MON ALLIDRO C:2 ~ t, r 11;kl^ Figure4. A topographiccontourmapof theSWcomerof the Malianplainincluding the areaof Mt. Oeta, the Trachinian Cliffs, andthe presentlocationsof the Asopus,Xirias(Melas),andGorgopotamos (Dyras)Rivers.Shorelinesfor480 LEGEND \ .Qh oJmL % 1 •CONTOURS DRPLLHOLE 20m 4m U B.c. and 4500 B.P.are shown. Alluvial fans andthepassat Vardhatesareemphasized by the topographiccontours.Startof Persianflankingmovementas describedby Herodotus(8. 21.1) andWallace(1980) is shown.Recently,a drainageditchfrom springsat thefoot of the TrachinianCliffs flowingpastdrillsite KR-1has beenrenamed"Melas"afterthe ancientnameof theXiriasRiver1-2 km to the north.D = DehmaGap. SKILOMETERS 0ATO VARDHATES s-s MODERN TRACHIS/ HERACLEIA KR-1 AVARDHA PERI8AN FLANK AEHITA IANOPEA MT Journal of Field Archaeology/Vol. 14, 1987 centurylater, the groundbetween fortificationsand the sea was an impassablestretchof swamp and quicksand (Livy 36. 18.4). Yet we also know thatduringLeonidas' last desperatefight, many Persiansdrownedin the nearshore watersof 480 B.C.(Her. 7. 223.4). At the end of the battle, an Athenianwarshipunder Abronichusleft the beach nearKolonos and returnedto the allied Greek fleet at the northend of Euboea. On the other hand, in 279 B.C.,in the battle with the Gauls, only with great difficulty could the Athenian fleet rescue the trapped Greek defendersof the middle gate. From 480 279 B.C., either local relative sea level had dropped slightly or else shallow marinemuds of the Sperchios River pro-delta formed muddy offshore shoals that affordednaval vessels only poor access to the middle gate. Figure5 is a photographtakenfrom Kolonos looking towardthe middlegate, showing a large expanseof the travertinefan. It is importantto realizethatthis view in 480 B.C. would have been looking downhill approximately20 additionalm underthe presentland surfaceto the actualbattle site, at a slight wideningin the pass of approximately20 m between the cliff and the watersof the MalianGulf at the middle gate. Thus, modem observationscan be extremelydeceiving in the interpretation of ancienthistoricevents and geographies. A similar problemoccurs in consideringthe site of the city of Anthela (FIG.2), which is located in an indentationor cul de sac to the SEof the west gate. The ancientvillage was located at the easternmostpoint of the territoryof the AmphictyonicLeague. One might questionwhy it was placedin its presentposition. Study of possibleeustaticfluctuationsof sea level (FIG.6) shows thatat certaintimes, e.g., early-middlethirdmillennium B.P., Anthela would have overlooked the sea with an extremelynarrowbeach, if not completelycut off from the middle gate. Possibly Anthela was located in this site because it was a naturalgeological and geomorphologic limit of access to the territoryof the Pylaean Amphictyony(Kase and Szemler 1983). Xerxes may have watchedthe battlefromthe low spur of Mt. Kallidromonabove and to the west of Anthela. As Herodotusstates: "Duringthese onsets the King (it is said) thrice sprangup in fear for his army from the thronewherehe set to view them"(Her. 7. 212.1). The hill west of Anthela is the only place from which the battlecould be watchedby a Persianking who presumably requireda large numberof troops to protecthim. No other geomorphicfeature of 480 B.C.fits these requirements. A large wide pass at Vardhates (FIGS. 3, 4) extends throughthe so-called Dhema Gap into the Valley of 185 Doris fromwhich easy passagemay be made southward via Chaeroneaand Thebes or via the narrowdefile at Graviathroughthe mountainsto Amphissaand thence to the Gulf of Corinth(Kase 1973; Kase and Szemler 1983). P. W. Wallace(1980: 14-23) analyzedthe strategic problemsof flankingthe Greek army entrenched in the pass at Thermopylaein 480 B.C.He notedthatthe Figure5. Themiddlegateat modemThermopylae,phototakenfrom the topof KolonosHill lookingwest to the battlefieldof 480 B.c. Up to 20 m of travertineandothersedimentoverliesthe surfaceof the battlefield.The shorelineof 480 B.C.,likewiseburied,was situatedin the centerof thephotograph. YEARS BEFORE PRESENT 12 11 10 D 8 7 a x 1000 4 5 3 2 1 0 PRESENT SEA LEVEL -10 c -'- -20 IL SEA LEVEL CURVES -so BAY OF NAVARINO GULF OF MESSENIA -40 PLAIN OF ARGOS ANATOLIA (0. EROL) -50 Figure6. Localrelativesea-levelcurvesfromsomeof the grabenlike embaymentsin Peloponnese,as contrastedwitheustaticor absobasedon evidencefromthe nearbycoasts lutesea-levelinterpretation of Anatoliadeterminedby ProfessorO. Erolandsynthesizedin part froma globalcurveconstructedby Fairbridge.The sea-levelcurves fromthevariousgrabensaredifferentbecausethe tectonicsaredifferent. Thereis considerablecontroversyregardingthe eustaticsea-level curve,butthe curvecorrelateswell withsimilarcurvesestablished elsewherein the world(Fairbridge1961, 1981). Subsidenceratesfor theGulfof Maliagrabenarenot knownbecauseof minimaldataon relativesea-levelpositions. 186 The Pass at Thermopylae/Kraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase valley at Vardhates(near the DhemaiGap) was wide enough for an army to march throughto the higher elevations, thence turn southward,join the Anapoea path, descend to the east of the pass at Thermopylae, and outflankthe Greeksentrenchednearthe hill of Kolonos west of the middle gate. Pritchett,however, has locatedthe flankingmovementof the PersianImmortals underHydarnesin a much more direct route:from the headof the Malianplain at the foot of Mt. Kallidromon up the edge of Mt. Kallidromon'swesternend, thence to the Anapoeatrail and down to the Gulf of Malia to outflankthe Greeks. MacKay(1963: 241-255) has also studiedthe problem of the battle of Thermopylaeand the path of the Immortals in great detail. Both he and Pritchett(1962, 1965, 1982a-d)have little questionthatthe shortestpossibleroutewas up the Nwflankof Mt. Kallidromonfrom the Malianplain, west of Dhamasta.As Pritchettnoted, it makesno sense for an armyand campwithinsight of its objectiveto make a lengthycircularroutenorthward, westward,then south, then east, almost doubling the distanceof the mostdirectroutearoundMt. Kallidromon to the middlegate. On the otherhand, a heavily-armed force of more than 5000 men climbing a mountainat nightfor a frontalassaultwould surelyhave been heard by the defending Phocian outposts at the top of Mt. Kallidromon.Wallace'sargumentwas basedon the fact that, at the time, the countrysidewas open forest and the path at Vardhateswas wide enough that an army could easily march along this route. Wallace (1980) madethe trip with a flashlightin one night and arrived at dawn at the top of Mt. Kallidromonheadingdown the Anapoeapathto the rearof the Greekpositionin the same amountof time recordedby Herodotus.Most recently, E. W. Kase and G. J. Szemler(1982: 357) have shownthatthe access throughthe DhemaGap was used by Xerxes on his way to Athens, and not (as generally assumed)the access throughThermopylae. Background:Geological Considerations The Gulf of Malia is a deep marine embayment formed as a graben, a rapidly subsidingblock of the earth's crust (FIG.3). It is flanked on the north by Mt. Othrysand on the south by Mt. Kallidromon(geologically-upthrown blocks of the earth's crust). To the NW lies the broad valley of the Sperchios River, to the west Mt. Oeta, and to the sw the Trachinian Cliffs. It is an area that has been extremely active tectonically throughout the Quarternary Period (Maratos 1972). With the waning of the last major ice age more than 10,000 years ago, sea level began to rise and enter the Gulf of Malia. Evidence of local relative sea-level rise obtained in our geological studies shows that the Gulf of Malia and areas of the presentSperchiosRiverfloodplainanddeltawere almost completelycoveredby the sea at approximately 4000 B.C.At that time, the river fans and deltas of the Asopus and SperchiosRivers and other minor streams flowinginto the Gulf of Maliabeganto infillthe western end and alluvial fans began to infill the flanks of the Gulf of Malia. A curve establishedby Erol (Kraft,Kayan, and Erol 1980) suggests that relative sea level was somewhat higherthanthatof the presentday for much of the past 6000 years in the Aegean area (FIG.6). Local tectonic evidence and studies in grabenselsewhere suggest that the grabenor basin of the Gulf of Malia continuedto subside throughoutthe Holocene epoch (past 10,000+ years) (Kraft,Rapp, and Aschenbrenner1980). Studies in the grabenof the Gulf of Malia and sea-level data from grabenselsewherein Greece show that local relative sea level has variedsomewhatwhile the sediments in the grabenscontinuedto subside(Kraft,Aschenbrenner, and Kayan 1980). Approximately14,000 years ago, nearthe end of the latest glaciation, sea level was approximately100 m below its presentlevel. Withthe waningof the last major glaciation, world sea level began to rise to its present elevation and, accordingto many authors, above its presentlevel (Fairbridge1961, 1981). Fromthe onset to about6000 years ago, at the time of the "ClimaticOptimum," sea level rose rapidly, inundatingthe valley systems of the Mediterranean.There is disagreement aboutsea levels since 6000 B.P.One school of thought holds thatsea level rose slightlyabove presentlevel and then fluctuatedabove andbelow presentelevationsto its currentposition. Anotherschool of thoughtstates that the rate of rise droppedsharplyabout 6000 years ago and furtherslowed down about3000 to 2000 yearsago. Figure6 presentsseveralsea-levelcurves.Thosefrom the Bay of Navarino, Gulf of Messenia, and Gulf of Argosarelocal relativesea-levelcurvesconstructedwith informationfromradiocarbondateson sedimentsin subsidinggrabens.Therefore,althoughthese curvescan be accuratefor theirlocal setting, they cannotbe projected with accuracyto other embaymentswith differenttectonic settings.They aremerelyexamplesof whata local relativesea-level curvein the Malianembaymentmight look like without added eustatic sea-level fluctuation. The eustatic curve constructed by Professor Erol (University of Ankara) is based on data obtained along the shorelines of Aegean Anatolia added to a synthesis of Fairbridge's curves. This curve represents the school of thought asserting that sea level rose rapidly to above its present level about 6000 B.P. and has since fluctuated above and below present sea level (Fairbridge 1961, 1981). It is probable that all curves shown in Figure 6 Journal of Field Archaeology/Vol. 14, 1987 arecorrectfor limitedregions.Thus, a local relativesealevel curve derivedfor the Malianembaymentmust be a compositeof tectonicsubsidencepluseustaticsea-level rise and fall. BecauseErol'ssea-levelrise curve(Kraft,Kayan,and Erol 1980) was based on data from the Aegean coastal zone, we use his curve in this paperto calculateancient sea levels. Using Erol's eustaticsea-level curve we can interpretthe complex geological events that occurred aroundThermopylae.At the time of the battle in 480 B.C.,sea level was slightly above its presentlevel, thus deepeningthe offshore watersand narrowingthe width of the pass at the west, middle, and east gates. Radiocarbondata and stratigraphicinterpretationsfrom the cross-sectionat Thermopylae(FIG.7) arecompatiblewith Erol'ssea-levelinterpretation. Marinesandsextendvery close to the subsurfaceextensionof the grabenmargin and the steep cliffs of Mt. Kallidromon(480 B.C.,see dashedline in FIG.7). Marinewaterswere close to shore 4500 years B.P.and the marinestrataextendto within 1 m of presentsea level (see TABLE 1). A date of 2150 or 2300 B.P.,as shown in core TP-2, shows the positionof a swampor marshat that time. These data suggestthat the pass at Thermopylaeat the time of the battlein 480 B.C.would have been extremelynarrow.Yet at the time of the battle with the Gauls several centurieslater, the pass was wider, with shalloweroffshore waters. Fluctuationsin width of the pass at Thermopylaeover the past five millenniaare common, as expected in an unstablestructuralconfigurationalong the flankof a major graben. The rates of tectonic subsidencein the Malian Gulf are unknown.The tectonic events probablyare shortterm, discontinuous,and markedby earthquakes.Many minor earthquakeshave been recordedthroughouthistoryon the Malianplainincludingat least one inundation by a tsunami,or majorsea wave (Pritchett1965). Figure 8 is a cross-sectionto the west of the pass of Thermopylae (see line of sectionB, FIG.3). Thesedataarebased on drill holes made by Stahl, Aust, and Dounas (1974) and by Aust et al. (1980; 1984) in groundwateror hydrologicstudiesof the subsurfacesedimentsof the Malian plain and SperchiosValley. They clearly identified up to 300 m of valley-grabensedimentinfill. Theirdeterminationof three gross units (lower mud, middle sand, and uppermud)basedon more than 18 drill holes includes a stratigraphicrecord of transgressionand regressionof the sea throughoutlaterQuaternarytimes. The sedimentaryrecordof fluvial and marinedeposits in the Gulf of Malia and the SperchiosValley graben may extendto much greaterdepths (approximately800 m). The sedimentaryrecordmay possibly includea stratigraphicrecordof the entireQuaternaryand latest Tertiary(Zamaniand Maroukian1980). AlthoughAust and Stahl and othersclarifiedartesian relationshipsin the western Malian Basin, they also showed that single sedimentaryenvironmentallithosomes such as strandlines,paralic sands, distributary sands, alluvialfans, deltaic organicmuds, marineprodelta muds, backswampfloodplaindeposits, etc. could be preciselydelineatedgiven a sufficientnumberof drill cores, radioisotopicdating,etc. (Sahl, Aust, andDounas A SOUTH +40 A' Mt. KALLIDROMON UP TO 1300m NORTH THERMOPYLAE MIDDLE GATE TP-4 +30 +20 0 (EARLY 19th CENTURY) _/ SEA SPERCHIOS RIVER (OLD CHANNEL) O• 7~740 B.P..' I LEVEL FLOODPLAIN 150or2300 B.P MARINE SANDS Figure7. A geologicalcross-sectionat the middlegateof the passat Thermopylae. Drill-coresectionsprovideinterpretationof depositionalenvironmentsfor subsurfacesedimentsandradiocarbon datingof materialsestablishesa time frameforthe depositionof theseenvironments.Caremustbe used, however(i.e., coreTP-3shows a veryold dateoverlying a youngdate). Spuriousdatesarecommon in streambed sequencesas materials can be retransported anddeposited.The dashedline indicateslandsurfaceandsea bottom,480 B.C. (See line of sectionin FIG. 2.) w -20 MLEGENDR -30 o GRAVEL COARSE COARSE TO VERY SAND * MEDIUM SAND *FINE TO VERY FINE SAND 0 -40 0 250 500 - 750 METERS SILT CLAY MICROFAUNA TRAVERTINE a 187 MARSH 1000 1250 188 The Pass at ThermopylaelKraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase Table 1. Radiocarbondatafrom drill-coresamples. Lab Sample # TP-2 Elevationof Samplein m* 4.5 to 3.75 TP-2 -1.2 to -1.5 TP-2 -9.25 to -9.6 TP-3 -1.3 to -1.8 TP-3 -2.2 TP-4 -8.0 KR-1 WG-1 +25 - Material Dated Grassroot Grassroot systemin gray mud Pelecypodand gastropod shells Totalorganics in darkgrayblack mud Woodfragmentof tree Marinegrasses and/oralgae Wood Total organics Inferred Depositional Environment Coastal swampmarsh Coastal swampmarsh Shallow marine - 1 14C 90 ? 9 Age in YearsB.P. 5568 5730 half-life half-life 755.? 80 778 MASCA CorrectedDatet A.C. 1220-1200 232 ? 8 2120 ? 80 2184 200 or 350 B.C. 419 ? 10 4360 ? 140 4491 3150 B.C. Very shallow marine 478 ? 7 5220 ? 110 5377 4040-4060 B.C. Very shallow marine 56 - 9 460 ? 80 474 A.C. 1420 Very shallow marine 24 3970 ? 330 4089 2585 B.C. Alluvium Pro-delta - 240 ? 80 3760 ? 100 247 3872 A.C. 1703 2180 B.C. to meansea level. *Relative tSee Ralph,Michael,andHan1973. 1974). Thus, precise paleogeographies could be reconstructed with a large-scale drilling program. We have shown that the upper 10-20 m of sediment are of midHolocene epoch and younger (FIG. 7; TABLE 1) and thus represent Helladic and younger depositional events, all of great import to our hypotheses and interpretations. Information available to us clearly demonstrates a Holocene-epoch marine incursion to the far west of the Malian embayment. The precise margin of the marine environments along the surrounding cliffs is indefinite, however. We have therefore used our interpretive section at the middle gate (FIG.7) as a guide to maximum possible strandlinepositions from Figure 8 and as illustrated in Figures 2 and 4. Figure 8 is of particularinterest since it shows clearly that the marine embayment of the Gulf of Malia in Helladic times extended west of the presentday delta-plain towns of Anthili and Moschochorion. Indeed, it is probable that with the initial peak flooding of the graben, approximately 6000 years ago, the entire embayment was flooded to all flanking cliffs. Erosion of the highlands brought sediment to stream valleys where alluvial systems transportedthe materials to the low-lying coastal plains. In some of the deltas that were formed, the land protruded far into the sea. In the sheltered Gulf of Malia, at the delta of the Acheloos River to the west of Mesolongi in Acarnania, and at the classic deltas of the Thermaic Gulf where the ancient Macedonian port of Pella has now been abandoned, lateHolocene deltaic deposits have pushed coastlines far seaward. Other importantchanges have been wrought in areas where the sediments from smaller streams were redistributedby wave action and resultant barrier accretion plains. An example of this type of morphological modification occurred in the area of the "five rivers" and Pamisos River in sw Greece (Kraft, Rapp, and Aschenbrenner 1975). Summaries of some of the processes involved have been published by Kraft, Aschenbrenner, and Rapp (1977); Kraft, Rapp, and Aschenbrenner (1975); Kraft, Kayan, and Erol (1980); and Kraft, Aschenbrenner, and Kayan (1980). Tziavos (1977, 1978) studied the sediment distribution and micropaleontology of the modem sediments of the Sperchios delta. Zamani and Maroukian (1979) outlined the changes in coastal geography of the various distributaries of the Sperchios River after the great southern extension of the bird's-foot distributary bypassed the southern shoreline at Thermopylae, destroying the geomorphic landform of a "pass" that had existed for the previous four to six millennia. Precise delineation of shoreline positions, coastal and deltaic environments, and general geomorphology of the plains of the Sperchios and tributaryvalleys prior to A.C. 1810-1830, can only be accomplished by the application of scientific methodologies supportedby archaeological evidence and Journalof Field Archaeology/Vol.14, 1987 189 topographiesat Thermopylae,we drilled and analyzed NOfTH the materialsfrom seven core holes in the sediments ?A? XODIT ???? 2, 7, 9). infillingthe Gulf of Malia (FIGS, *???? D ( ???? 5-2 8DPERCHIO8 ***??? 7 Surface and * geological studies and subgeomorphic +20 MOSCHOCHORIONRIVER SOUTH +40 ?,, .?....o.. DHAMABSTA BD-1 .:.::: .... <ft >,z surface geological results show the natureof the pass between the mountainsand the sea over the past 10,000 .HOLOCENE FLO SEA 0 From the core drillingwe were able to identify PLAIN LEVEL. I•D lr I i/ r????? years. .?p. ii the HOLOCENE depositionalenvironmentof the various sediments ?.:.e..: SHALLOW So.. that form the coastalplain at presentday Thermopylae. -2o In the firstmillenniumB.C.,the east andwest gates were -201?6 very narrow,faced by steep cliffs. The middlegate was a wider (about20 m) sandy travertineshoreline(many Lu - m1 .- L.: 36 2 : battleswere foughthere) betweenthe sea and very high precipitouscliffs (see note 2). Evidence from our drill cores numberedWG-1, TP-1, TP-2, TP-3, and TP-4 12 14 13 9 7 10 11 8 5 6 4 0 3 1 2 (FIG.2), andfrommapsby Leake(1836) andGell (1819), KILOMETERS LEGEND suggests that the narrow pass ceased to exist at the beginningof the 19thcentury.Massive sedimentationof the SperchiosRiver delta has bypassed Thermopylae, creatinga delta-plain.Nevertheless,transportation along Figure8. A geologicalcross-sectionacrossthewesternMalianplain 3 into the pass was still poor in the second decadeof the 19th FIG. for line of Shallow marine sedimentation the (see section). farwesternpartof theMalianplainis provenby themarinesediments century(Gell 1819). Our line of drill cores was made inthecores. to the cliffs of Mt. Kallidromonfrom the perpendicular area of the hot springsand Kolonos at the middle gate historicalevidencederivedfromthe examinationof narnorthwardacrossthe southernside of the Malianplain. rativehistoricalrecords. They show thatfrom4000 approximatelyRoman times the southernshorelineof the MalianGulf lay very close (20 to 100 m) to the flankof Mt. Kallidromonat New Data: Geological Field Studies the middlegate (FIGS. 2, 7). Thereafter,the widthof the In orderto determinethe details of the sequenceof pass fluctuateduntil the beginningof the 19th century, when a distributaryof the SperchiosRiver infilled the geological environmentsand to reconstructthe ancient shorelineareaat Thermopylae. D D' SOUTH-WEST Antiquemaps and sketchescan vary from precise to NORTH-EAST 60 TRACHINIANCLIFFS useless and/ormisleadingsourcesof data. We were forUP TO 700m tunatethatLeakepublisheda map of the studyareaand 50 left good notes regardingrapidchanges in landformsat Thermopylaein the early 19thcentury.His observations are proven, because the recent (19th-century)southerly _ of the SperchiosRiver can be directlyand distributary FAN FINEALLUVIAL favorablycomparedwith its extant dry channeljust 1 0 km NEof the "gates"of Thermopylae(FIG.10). 25 0.50 1 1.25 1 50 SEA FKILOMETERSOODPLAIN Pouqueville(1835) left us with what is potentiallya LEGE great treasure-a sketch of the landscape along the southernshore of the Gulf of Malia ca. 1800 based on his travelsin Greecefrom 1798 to 1801, which he first TONVERY .go publishedin 1805. Pouqueville'swritingsregardingtopographyat Thermopylaeare of little use. His sketch "Gr:ce-Thermopyles" (FIG.11) publishedin 18353in a of Greece, however, includesa perspectivediahistory Figure9. A geologicalcross-sectionfromthe steepTrachinianCliffs gram of the passes at Thermopylaethat shows a landatRakhita(a BronzeAge site-possibly partof ancientTrachis)at the E -$ OANTOILI. . 0 'o- tr - 0. :. u- •. .% ...8 0............. 4 * : " O PEBBLE 81LT - COARSE GRANULE CLAY $AND 40o MICROFAUNA (7HELLS MEDIUM $AND J-kPLANT FINE $AND FRAGMENTS RAKHITA LEVEL0 SEA -10 -20 P LMARINE GRAVEL PROBABLE SILT *FINE .9PLANT FRAGMENTS ND KILOMETERS headof the Malianplain.Core-holeKR-1suggeststhat20 m of sedimentsin thealluvialfansandfloodplainsof theXirias(Melas)and AsopusRiverscoalesceover shallowmarinesediments. 3. Althoughthe firstinitialsof Pouquevillearenot given in thiswork, we assumethe authorto be the same as Pouqueville1805. 190 The Pass at ThermopylaelKraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase Atovwr C)ORTA (74 SOF AND TMx of-: " Pi' ___ 1~1 ;? 1A1w FTRAQHIIIIA wKatavothr otn 04 AGPUS ls v /P saltAo* 0 -SALTPOND THRMPY SATT Awd 0 r4R mw r ZARA& 1 ILI ( l:. elTATUT W: . .. 4.*6 ~O Aqa AW h: v6 Otb r WLES I..w46, A.W `i i E* a \ F P.:YU . r avrt E- dUL ?LEAKE "Al i o ~~~L; NALIAC G(rL *i. MILESii :STATUTE . ... ...... ................. . ...... Figure10. W. M. Leake's"Planof Thermopylaeandthe AdjacentCountry"(1836). By thetimeof Leake'stravels,the hadprogradedseapass at Thermopylaehadwidenedconsiderablyandthedeltaof the SperchiosRiverandits tributaries wardup to 8 mi. A = ancientcoastlineas interpreted by Leake;B = middlegateof Thermopylae. scape sketchednearthe time of Leake's firsttravels(ca. i802). Figure 11 is a view to the east from the cliffs at Trachis. While the vertical and distance (depth) perspectivesaredistorted,the view clearlyshows the southern Sperchiosdistributaryin the foregroundadjacentto the west gate, and in the distant center, the passes at Thermopylaesurroundedby a low talus slope and sharp cliffs mergingwith the sea (Gulf of Malia). From geological and geomorphicevidence, the sketch (FIG.11) is much as we would predictthe passes to have appeared shortlybefore or at the time of Leake's first visit. Ap- Journalof Field Archaeology/Vol.14, 1987 191 " ban iZ~ ~=;;u '"`L"s~?~;PL~pi0~~ _~--_~Z_~**CL)^;W...^R Figure 11. A sketchlookingeastwardfromthecliffs at Trachis/Heracleia to the cliffs at Thermopylae,ca. 1798-1802. Althoughpublished to the lower by Pouquevillein 1835, the SperchiosRiverdistributary left andthe openwatersof the Gulfof Malia(centerandleft) against the cliffs andalluvialfansof the passesat ThermopylaeclearlypredateLeake'smap(FIG. as publishedin 1836. Althoughverticalexo10) aggerationis great,the sketchshowsThermopylaemuchas it appearedfor manymillennia.Problemsof large-scaletrafficthroughthe "passes"aresomewhatevidentat the firstcliff (nearthe west gate). Duringan on-sitevisit, this view was identifiedby SzemlerandKase as thatdescribedin Pausanias10.22.1. proximately20 years later, on his second visit, Leake includedhis map (FIG.10), which shows a dramatically differentThermopylaeby-passedby the SperchiosRiver delta. Further,this appearanceof Thermopylae(minus the forefrontwith distributary)is what the passes at Thermopylaewould have been like from 1800 back to the ClimaticOptimumof 5,000-6,000 B.P.Pouqueville (or his artist)shows what he saw at Thermopylaeat the very end of the eighteenthcentury. Two excellent geologic-topographicmaps of the area have greatlyaidedus in our studyof ratesof alluviation in the Gulf of Malia (MaliakosKolpos) (Marinoset al. 1963; 1967). The presentGulf of Malia is greaterthan 20 m deep. We have no way of knowingthe total thickness of the Quaternarysedimentsthathavepartlyinfilled the gulf. In none of our borings have we encountered the base of the Ho;,%Lcne-agesediment. More than 20 boringsby the Greek National Institutefor Geological and Mining Research/IGMEhave penetratedup to 200 m on the lower floodplainof the SperchiosRiver and the Sperchiosdelta plain.4These sedimentsincludedeltaic distributarysands, shallow marinepro-deltamuds, levee and backswampsands and muds, floodplainsediments, and alluvial-fandebris. Correlationof sand and mud sedimentologicunits is possible in this artesian and interpretation system. Precisetime-linestratigraphic 4. The Holoceneinfill of the MalianGulf is at least70 m thick, south of Lamia. arealdelineationof these Quaternarysedimentaryenvironments,however, is not yet possible, althoughPleistocene sedimentsof alluvialfans can be observedalong the flanksof the highlandssurroundingthe graben. Figure 7 is a cross-section showing the subsurface stratathat have accumulatedat the middle gate. The locationof this cross-sectionis noted on Figure2 (A to A'). Our sediment cores were used to determinethe environmentsof depositionby sedimentologicalandmicropaleontologicalanalysis. In those fortunate cases where organic remainswere encountered,radiocarbon dates were obtainedto place the sequence of environments into a Holocenetime frame(TABLE 1). Figure 8 shows subsurfacerelationshipsacross the western Malian plain. The location of this section is shownon Figure3 as B to B'. Figure9 is a cross-section from the TrachinianCliffs towardthe sea. The location of this sectioncan be seen on Figure4 as D to D'. Figure 12 illustratesthe subsurfacesection of the easterntip of the moderndelta of the SperchiosRiver. Its location is shown in Figure3 as extendingfrom C to C'. Figure2 is a mapof the pass at Thermopylaeshowing the steepcliffs of Mt. Kallidromonnearthe middlegate. The alluvial fans of several valleys that emerge to the east and west of Kolonos and from the deep ravinenear Anthelaarealso shown. It is importantto note, however, that these fans were much smaller at the time of the battleof Thermopylaein 480 B.C.The mergingcontours shown on Figure 2 indicate that the slopes at the east gate and the west gate are extremelyhigh and cliff-like. Duringthe drillingof core-holeKR-1 at the western end of the Malianplain near the TrachinianCliffs, we C C' NORTH-NORTHWEST SOUTH-SOUTHEAST +60 PANOURGIA I PANOURGIA 1 +40 GULF OF MALIA +20 SPE RCHIOSOS DELTA .. SEA OFN LEVEL V ** iiii SHALLOW MARINE ANDDELTAIC -20 YELLOW -40 : • a LEGEND -40 w , PEBBLE GRAY -60 0 GRANUL GRAVEL SILT iii CLAY i SCOARSE CONGLOMKILOMETERSERATE 0 I 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Figure12. A geologicalcross-sectionof the extremeeasterntip of the moderndeltaof the SperchiosRiveracrossthe Gulfof Maliain the vicinityof Agios Trias.The SperchiosRiveris still rapidlyadvancing eastward,infillingthe relativelydeepGulfof Malia.(See FIG.3for line of section.) 192 The Pass at Thermopylae/Kraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase encountereda thick section of probableparalicmarine sands underlyingfloodplainand alluvial-fansediments. A small numberof red, coarse sand-size grains were observed among the gray sand grains dominantin the entire section. Out of curiosity, one sand grain was collected and sent to Dr. Diana Kamilli for analysis. This showed the specimen to be a medium-fired,oxidized ceramic fragmentcontaining biotite-quartz-feldspar with a hematite-stainedmatrix. Although this occurrenceof ceramicmaterialin the marinesection is withouta precise date, it does indicatethatpeople were using potterywhen the watersof the MalianGulf were at the westernmostend of the Malian plain. This is compatible with our geological interpretationsof the westernend of the MalianGulf in the EarlyBronzeAge. Cross-sectionFigure 9 shows the relationshipof the BronzeAge site at Rakhitaat the foot of the Trachinian Cliffs of ancientTrachisto the low floodplainbetween the Xirias(ancientMelas) andAsopusRivers. Core-hole KR-i was drilledin the low-lying areabetweenthe two riversalong a new drainageditch to which the old term "Melas River" has now been applied. Figure 9 shows that 3 m of sedimentationoccurredover the last 247 years. Morethan20 m of floodplainand streamdeposits have formed in this area overlying a probablecoastal/ marinesand unit. Presence of the paralic sand unit in core-holeKR-1 shows that the ancestralmarineMalian embaymentextendedclose to the TrachinianCliffs (FIGS. 4, 13),possibly precisely to the foot of the cliffs. The varieddepositionalenvironmentsidentifiedfrom our surface studies include alluvial fans, river-channel deposits, the naturallevees and channelsof bird's-foot deltaic extensions, floodplainor overbankalluvial de- Figure13. The westernend of the floodplainof the Gulfof Malia. TheTrachinianCliffs areto the left, withthe passof Vardhates(near theDhemaGap)in the centerandMt. Oetato the right.Photograph takenfromthe low floodplainbetweenthe alluvialfansof theAsopus Riverandthe Xirias(Melas)River,lookingwest. posits, salt-marshswamp deposits, and shallow-marine sandy silts and muds. In addition, in the pass at Thermopylae, particularlyat the middle gate, a large travertinefan is buildingupwardand seaward. Discussion: Reconstruction of the Ancient Landscape The physiographyat Thermopylaehas variedconsiderablythroughtime. Most of this variationis the result of changes in local relative sea level and sedimentdepositionalinfill of the west end of the Malian graben, includingmajoralluvial fan, travertinefan, and deltaic progradation. A reconstructedshorelinefor approximately480 B.C., the time of the battleof Thermopylae,is shown in Figures 2, 4, and 14. Equallyimportant,the reconstructed Bronze Age shorelinefor approximately4500 years before presentis shown in Figures4 and 14. Any Bronze Age sites along the westernend of the Malian embayment probablywere coastal sites. Particularly,any of these sites that might be associatedwith the passes of the Gorgopotamos(Dyras) River or the Xirias (Melas) River might be consideredto have been port sites for of materialsinlandvia passes to the Valley transshipment of Doris and thenceinto southernGreece. When the sea extended to the westernmostlimits of the Malian embayment, the pass at Thermopylaewould have been a cliff into the sea at the west, middle, and east gates and, therefore,impassableto large-volumevehiculartraffic. From 5000 to 3000 years B.P.many small towns may have lain along the foot of Mt. Oeta along the ancient shoreline,butthese would now be buriedunderas much as 20 to 30 m of sediment and are thus essentially undiscoverableby archaeologists(Simpson 1981: 81).5 Those few sites thatwere higherup on the flanksof the hills or buriedin the earlierportionsof alluvialfans take on a new importancein termsof the trafficfromnorthern to southernGreece (see Rakhita,FIG.9). In the firstdecadesof the 19th century,Leake(1836) studiedthe areaof the head of the MalianGulf and the pass at Thermopylae.He produceda map (FIG.10)that is extremelyrevealingin termsof the fluvialand marine processesthathadcontinuedfromthe time of the ancient Greeksto his time. Leake's map shows his estimateof the locationof classical Greece's ancientcoastline. His interpretationis obviously schematic, although he at5. R. H. Simpson(1981: 81) reported"threeMyceneansherdson the lowest terracesof the site of ancientHeraclea"(see FIG.4) but no signs on the citadel above. This raises the possibility that Helladic shorelinesextendedfurtherwestward,as proposedin this paper.Unless verifiedby additionalevidence, however, the sherdscould as well have been introducedduringa later occupancyor become emplacedas pebble-sizeclasts in transitacrosslowerprehistoricTrachis. Journalof Field Archaeology/Vol.14, 1987 193 Figure 14. Variationsin modemandancientshorelinesof the Gulfof MaliaFrom SperchiosRiverdelta-floodplain. in this variousmapsandas reconstructed paper(Tziavos1977, 1978;Bittneret al. 537 1 1880). J SHORELINE •d __ • ,4500 HORELINE 1950 B.P. 8.4," GULF OF MALIA • • SHORELINE 1876 HO , , •".,-" SHORELINE 1972 E doLE SHORELIE .)\ CONOURINTRV.A80 *R0 1 2 3 4 5 -1800 d ;C -THEROPYLE 1 ON TOQ ,o KILOMETERS ?117 20 COTORINERA temptsto becomemorespecificat the middlegate where he shows a deep indentationof the coastlinetowardthe cliffs of Kallidromon,east of Anthelaandjust west of the hill of Kolonos. Clearly, the SperchiosRiver was the majorstreamcarryingthe greatestamountof sediment into the head of the Malianembayment.Its tributarieswere, in decreasingorderof importanceof volume of sediment,the Asopus River, the Dyras River (Gorgopotamos),and the Melas River (Xirias).It is interesting to note thatthe pathof the SperchiosRiverdiverges southeasterlyimmediatelyupon emergingonto the Malian plainandthen flows almostdirectlytowardthe west gate, thenceparallelto the cliffs of Thermopylae,to its distributarieseast of Thermopylae. (This abandoned channelis still preciselyidentifiablein surfacemorphology.) This is a most unlikelypathfor a majorsedimentbearingriverflowinginto an embayment,however.One would expect the river to flow into the center of the embaymentalthough,as its levees rose, it would break throughand flow to other paths. To have such a long extension of the river flowing along the flanks of the embaymentas opposedto the middle suggeststhe possibilityof humanintervention.Leakelabels a majorarea in the centerof his map as "rice grounds"and notes a salt works near the shoreline. The possibilitymust be consideredthat humansalteredthe course of the Sperchios River to its maximumsoutherlyposition in the later 18thor very early 19thcenturyin orderto createa large, flat, well-irrigatedarea for the growing of rice. Naturalphenomenacould have createda similarsitua- tion, but it is not as likely. Leake also notes the great changes in delta morphologybetween his first (1802) and, some 20 years later, second visits. The dynamicsof geological change in the mountain rangesprobablyhave been fairly slow to effect change in the hard mountainrock. On the other hand, in the fluvial systems of the SperchiosRiver, its floodplain, andits tributaries(the Asopus,the Melas, andthe Dyras) anddepositionof sedimentsinto the Gulf of Malia, quite the oppositeis true. Precisioncontourmaps of the Asopus River, the Xirias (Melas) River, and the Gorgopotamos (Dyras) River clearly show large alluvial fans. These deltoid intrusionsinto the ancientGulf of Malia variedgreatlyin geographicextentover the past 5,00010,000 years (FIG.8). At times the alluvial fans were low-lying and small, at othertimes large and expanded, as at present.The Asopus River has a 1300 fan spread to the NWof its presentposition(FIG.4). On the average, the river flowed 300 to the northof its presentposition. Thus it is possible, as notedby Green(1970: 126), that a large portionof the Persianarmy"pitchedcamp near Trachisbetweenthe Sperchiosand the Asopus Rivers," althoughit is questionablewhetherthey occupied Anthela (on the other side of the Asopus River) and a low ridge of Mt. Kallidromonat the same time. We must also rememberthat the flankingmovementof the Persians in 480 B.C.refersonly to a regimentof 5,000 men (the Immortals)as opposed to approximately300,000 men and women in the Persianarmy,if we can believe Herodotus'numbers(How and Wells 1928). But it is 194 The Pass at ThermopylaelKraft,Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase quite clear that 10,000 to 20,000 Persianscould have been campedon the rightbankof the AsopusRiver fan and plain between the river and Mt. Kallidromoneven if the AsopusRiverof 480 B.C.flowedalongthe extreme channelon the fan closest to Mt. southeasterly-possible Kallidromon.The Persianencampmentsurfaceprobably lies underthe presentMalianplain, buriedat least 15 to 20 m beneathpartof the presentAsopus alluvialfan by alluviumof the tributaryrivers and floodplainsof the SperchiosRiver. A similarsituationexists at the "pass"at Thermopylae. MacKay(1963) noted that Marinatosdug a trench 8 m deep at the middle gate and was still in sediments of Byzantineage. Ourgeological analysisof the middle gate areaclearlyshows thatup to 20 m of travertineand otherforms of sedimentoverlie the actualbattle site at themiddlegate(FIG.7). Figure4 is a topographicmap showingMt. Oeta and the TrachinianCliffs. At the TrachinianCliffs, a precipitous cliff dropsoff sharplyto the Malianplain. Nearby and to the NW,the hills and cliffs of Mt. Oeta are still high but not precipitous.The XiriasRiver(MelasRiver) and the GorgopotamosRiver (DyrasRiver)carriedsedimentsinto the head of the ancestralGulf of Malia. It is, therefore,reasonableto identifya large areaof the Malian plain at the foot of Mt. Kallidromonwith partof the Persiancamp betweenthe AsopusRiver and Mt. Kallidromon.Thus Herodotus'statementthat the Immortalsfirst crossed the Asopus River and then entered a pass with the TrachinianCliffs on the left and Mt. Oeta on the right is a reasonableaccountand accurategeomorphicdescriptionof the situationin 480 B.C.This would lend supportto the hypothesis(Wallace 1980) that the pass at Vardhateswas that used by the Immortals.The argumentregardingthe path of the Immortalswill continueinto the futureas it has ragedfor the past250 years. It is absolutelycritical,however,that any furtherdiscussionof this matterconsiderthe paleotopographyof the westernend of the Malianplain, including the variouspositions of the Asopus and Xirias (Melas) Rivers, and the fact that the plain was much lower (ca. 20 m), with its river channels constantly changing. Neither currently-visiblenor abandonedchannelsof the Asopus River observedby anyone within the past 500 yearshave any knownrelationshipto loci of Asopus Riverchannelsof morethan2000 yearsago. The "modem" alluvialfan-floodplainlies manym abovesediments deposited2500 years ago as the Asopus River fan expandedupward,north,andeast acrossthe Malianplain. The AsopusRiverchannelof 480 B.c. couldhave flowed in any directionand azimuthover a 1300 are into the Malianplain. The river of thattime would have flowed across a much lower slope alluvial fan-riverplain than that of today. Precise geological determinationof the location of the river channel(or indeed multiplechannels) is impracticalfor two reasons. First, a very large numberof drill holes is requiredfor accuratestudy of the third dimension (subsurface)morphologyof any time-depositionalsurface. Second, one is unlikely to encounterorganicmaterialssuitablefor radiocarbondating for each channel and stratumof fluvial sediments relatedto each of the manypaleo-channelsof the ancestral Asopus River. The Asopus River channel of 480 B.C.could have been anywherebetween the Trachinian Cliffs andthe northernflankof Kallidromon,morelikely in the middlethree-fifthsof the river fan. Therehas been an extremelysharp, "cliff-like"drop into the sea at the west gate for at least the last 6000 years.Passageto southernGreecewas possiblevia either the very narrow"wagon-track" pathalong the sea or by over the climbing relativelylow-lying (between100 and 250 m in elevation)ridge-likeextension of Mt. Kallidromonin the vicinity of Anthela,thence downwardto the seashoreby the middle gate, which is borderedby very high cliffs, thenceby the east gate which againwas "cliff-like"into deeperwaterswith a very narrowpass. The topographysouthof the east gate or along the flank of Mt. Kallidromonat the east gate was of relatively low slope andcouldbe bypassed(FIG.2). Thus, in studying possibilitiesof passage from northernto southern Greecevia the pass at Thermopylae,one must focus on the middlegate along the ancientstrandline. Exceptionsof lower sea level, with accompaniedwidening of the pass at Thermopylae,possiblyoccurredca. 300 A.C.1100 and 1700 1300 B.C.(Livy 36. 16.5).6 Thusgeologicalevidenceshowsthatthe pass at Thermopylaeshouldbe eliminatedas a majoraccess route to southernGreece throughoutthe greaterpartof pre-Romanhistoric and prehistorictimes back to Late Neolithic-EarlyBronzeAge time. 6. The impacton historicalevents of sea-level fluctuationalong a precipitouscliff, narrowstrandline,and adjacentsea must have been profound.At the time of the 480 B.C.battle, sea level was relatively high and the middle gate narrow.On the other hand, duringthe invasionof the Gauls in 279 B.C., relativesea level was lower, and historiansrecordthe problemsof the Athenianfleet in evacuatingthe surroundedGreekarmydue to the offshoremuddy shoals. By 191 B.C. the middlegate had becomewide enoughto serve as the Roman armystagingareawhile Antiochusopted to defend the higherridge at the east gate. At times of peak sea levels we should anticipate waves againstrockycliffs with no significantpassagepossible;i.e., the pass at Thermopylaewould be "closed."Analysis of sea-level fluctuationas usedhereinis basedon a curvederivedfromthe eastern Aegean, locally-derivedgeologicalevidencefroma subsidinggraben, and compatiblehistoricalstatements.Withthis caveatone can reconstructcoastalpaleogeography. Journalof Field Archaeology/Vol.14, 1987 195 The slope of the topographyabove the west and east gates is not cliff-like and might have been flanked.The Spartanleader, Leonidas, may have chosen the middle gate for his defensive position based on the vicinity of the low hill, Kolonos, and a wall supposedlybuilt by thePhokians.In effect, he adopteda positionfromwhich his troopscould attractthe Persiansinto a slightlywider portionof the pass and then retreatbehind protective positionsflankedby the precipitouscliffs of Mt. Kallidromon, Kolonos, and the sea (Gulf of Malia of 480 years. The argumentas to how the PersianImmortals and othersmade a flankingmovementvia the Anopoea pathmustconsiderthe probabilitythatthe morphologies of the areasof the Persianencampmentat the head of the MalianGulf and the east gate at Thermopylaewere much differentthan those at present. The differences may have been so great as to place at least partof the Persianencampmenton the oppositeside of the Asopus River from that assumed at present. If so, then the requirementsthat Herodotus' path of the Immortals startedwith their crossing the Asopus River, with the B.C.). The morphologyof the middle gate varies from perimountainsof the Oetaeanson the right and the Trachiods when waves lapped against the cliffs of Kallidronian mountainson the left, might easily be met by the as at to 6000 4000 and much of the third mon, yearsB.P. simpleexplanationthatthe AsopusRiverbuiltits alluvial millenniumB.P.,to the currentplain of 5-km width. In fan and flowed in channelsover a 1300 spreadof river all probability,the pass was not more than 20-30 m flow. wide during the 480 B.C.battle. During the battle of Similarly,the reasonfor Anthela'slocation in an indentationbetween a deeper ravine and the west gate Thermopylaein 191 B.C.,it is possible thatrelativesea level had begun to dropand the pass at the middlegate must be reexamined.The presentmorphologyhas little wouldhave been wider. This may have been the reason to do with the originalsiting of Anthela.This important that Antiochusdecided to base his defense at the east site of the AmphictyonicLeagueof the thirdmillennium B.P.was located in a highly defensible position, with gate, forcing the Romansto a disadvantageas they attacked out of the narrowmiddle gate towardthe east deep watersagainstcliffs at the west gate and the pass at Thermopylaeprobablyclosed, with waterslappingat gate. It is furtherpossible that Antiochus, wishing to avoid the many flankingpossibilities (e.g., the actual the very foot of Kallidromon'srocky cliffs. disasterthatbefell him when Catoattackedhis flankand Finally, we shouldraise the issue of the relativeimdestroyedhis army), fearedentrapmentif he positioned portanceof the pass at Thermopylae.Whenthe pass was his armyat the middlegate. open to trafficit was an easy routeinto southernGreece In additionto the slow but steady changes due to (Szemler 1981). Geological and geomorphicevidence, erosionanddeposition,catastrophictectoniceventshave however, suggests that the pass was closed for great andwill continueto affect the grabenembaymentof the portionsof the last 5000 yearsand even when open was Malian Gulf. Pritchett(1965) noted a referenceto a frequentlyvery narrowand marshy.Recentresearchby tsunamiengulfingthe headof the MalianGulf in the 6th the Phokis-DorisExpedition of Loyola University of centuryA.C.Pritchettquotes Finlay (1877: 255): "The Chicago (EdwardKase, Director) has shown a more watersof the MaliaeGulf retiredsuddenly,and left the favoredroute into southernGreece to the west of the shores of Thermopylaedry; but the sea, suddenlyreAsopusGorge, at DhemaGap near Vardhates.Here an turningwith violence, swept up the valley of the Spereasily accessibleand wide pathwayled to the Valley of chios, and carriedaway the inhabitants." Doris andthencesouthto Atticaor to the Gulf of Corinth via the pass at Graviaand Amphissa. This route was Conclusions alwaysopen, in the geomorphologicalsense, for the past We have shown that the Gulf of Malia, particularly 5000 years. It was fortifiedin the Gap and at Kastro the westernpart includingthe Malian plain, is highly Orias. It is noteworthythat the armies of both Xerxes and Brennusthe Gaul fought majorbattles in the pass dynamicand ever-changingin geomorphicform due to tectonic, catastrophic,and erosional-depositional-sedi- at Thermopylaeand then, having attainedvictory, they mentologicalprocesses.We havefurthershownthatvery turnedwest (backwards)and entered southernGreece high rates of deposition occurredat the head of the via the DhemaGap. Perhapstheirfear of a Greekarmy Malianplainandthatup to 20 m of sedimentoverliethe on theirrearflankoutweighedtheirdesire for access to site of the battlefieldat Thermopylaeat the middlegate. the south via Thermopylae.Certainlyfrom the Greek Similarvolumesof sedimentoverlie the land surfaceof point of view this makes more strategic sense for rethe Malian plain upon which the Persiansencamped. peatedlyforcingbattleat Thermopylae. Therefore,any conclusions based on present geomorThe geological interpretationswe have presented phologyare suspectunless one takes into accountall of shouldbe majorfactorswhen consideringthose historic the physical processes occurringduring the past 2500 and prehistoricevents that occurredat the head of the 196 The Pass at Thermopylae/Kraft, Rapp, Szemler, Tziavos, and Kase MalianGulf over the past 5000 years. Both catastrophic andslowergeologicalprocessesoccurredleadingto massive changes in morphologyat the "passes"of Thermopylae and at the head of the Malian plain. The shorelinehas progradedeastwardinto the Gulf of Malia at least 15 km within the last 4500 years (FIG.14). Because the alluviumthat formed the Malian plain is so extensive and so thick, we cannot hope to know the specifics of any ancient humanworks underthe plain. We can only state that changes in morphologyand in flow directionsof the tributarystreamsandthe Sperchios Riverwere probablythe normratherthanthe exception throughoutthe last five millennia. We will end with a brief commenton the natureof evidence and the philosophy of our approachto the solution of interdisciplinaryproblems. Historiansand some archaeologistsapproachproblemsof ancientlandscapesfroma narrativehistoricalline of reasoning.Clasof others sicists constantlychallengethe interpretations and attemptto make a "best fit," sometimeswith antipodal answers. Scientists, geologists in particular,and some archaeologistsprimarilyuse empiricaldata. Sciof facentific methodologycombinesthe interpretation tual information,hypothesisbuilding, and deductionin orderto reacha conclusion(sometimesmultipleworking hypotheses).In this paperwe promotethe integrationof a multiplicityof disciplinesinto a commonapproachto the solution of problemsthat addressinterpretationof ancientlandformsand historicalevents. Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the Instituteof Oceanographic and Fisheries Research (I.O.K.A.E.) Athens, Dr. ConstantineVamvakas,then GeneralDirector;the Phokis-DorisExpedition of the Loyola University of Chicago;7the ArchaeometryLaboratoryof the University of Minnesotaat Duluth;and staff of the Department of Geology, University of Delaware, for their participationin this research. Drillingequipmentand personnelfor a portionof this study were providedby the NationalInstitutefor Geological and Mining Research (N.I.G.M.I.R.) Athens, Greece. Mr. John Papadopolous,driller,kindly helped us completethe drill-corestudies in 1979. We also acknowledgethe help of N.I.G.M.I.R. and the Serviceof LandDevelopment(Y.E.B.) of Greecein supplyingdetailed drill logs of deeper borings across the lower alluvial plain of the SperchiosRiver. Drs. M. Buzas and 7. An expandedversionof this study,includinggeomorphicanalysis of the "GreatIsthmusCorridor,"will be publishedas a partof the finalpublicationsof the Phokis-DorisExpeditionby the LoyolaUniversityof Chicago. R. Foresterof the SmithsonianInstitutionandDr. F. M. Swainof the Departmentof Geology, Universityof Delaware,kindlyhelpedwiththe microfaunalidentifications used for environmentaldifferentiation.Dr. Horst Aust, Bundesanstaltffir Geowissenschaftenund Rohrstoffe, Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany, engaged in lengthy correspondenceand discussion regardingthe of the artesiansystems in the lithologic interpretations and its delta floodplain.Very helpful SperchiosValley commentsby ProfessorsWilliamFarrandandTj. H. van Andel on an earlierdraftof this paperwere responsible for majorimprovements,and JudithD. Holz carefully edited the final draft. Concepts and rationalefor the study are detailed in Kraft (1972). Dr. John Morgan, Departmentof Physics at the Universityof Delaware, providedhelp regardingthe classical writings as they bearon this work. And last, we thankMr. TeranceVidal for his perseverancein trackingdown the source for a diagramby M. Pouqueville,a matterthathad eludedus for manyyears. John C. Kraft is the H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Geology and Marine Geology at the University of Delaware. His research includes the application of geological principles to the interpretation of coastal landform changes as related to sea-level fluctuations and paleogeographic reconstructions of coastal environmental settings. 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