- Crescendo Music Education
- Crescendo Music Education
ucensloa-‘d Music Pro8ro,m. A dries of Weekly Developmentol Lesson Pans Year 2 Deportment of Education., Queensland Prepared in the Office of: Senior Adviser (Music Education) Supervised by: Val Layne Writers: Carmel Butler Rhonda Davidson Lois Pagano Revised 1986 Reprinted 1990 ISBN 0 7242 2460 2 Year 2 - 0 7242 2470 X EXTRACTS FROM: A CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR MUSIC IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL RATIONALE Music is one part of the total education of the child. The task of the school is to present opportunity for every child to learn to understand the contribution music makes to his life. Music as one of the arts provides opportunity for aesthetic development. It enables the child to develop a sensitivity to the world around him, and a capacity to discriminate not only through his intellectual taste but also through his artistic and cultural tastes. Through music education, the child is led to an awareness of music and an appreciation of the part' music plays in his own life and in the lives of others. GENERAL AIM The aim of music education in the primary school is to nourish the artist that is present to some degree in every child. This can be achieved through the development of the child's Awakene44 (36 Maisie, Rezponze to Muisic,and Capacity to ExpAus4 Hirmset6 in Mazic. OBJECTIVES Achieving this aim involves developing: an understanding of and sensitivity to Sell an understanding of and sensitivity to the Envi4onment and Society together with relevant Knowledge and Skitto, 1. and their Undutztandingz. - • EXTRACT FROM: CURRICULUM GUIVE FOR MUSIC IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL STAGE TWO Children should: Build a repertoire of rote songs, — for enjoyment, — for enrichment, — for development of singing abilities. Develop aural and visual memory. Develop an aural — recognize — recognize — recognize — recognize — recognize and visual perception of pitch difference between high and low, melodic direction — up or down, tonal relationships — steps or leaps, familiar sound patterns, similarities and differences between melodic phrases. Develop an aural and physical sensitivity to beat and accent — recognize music that moves in 2's, Eri 4's, etc. Develop a physical, aural, and visual recognition of even and uneven rhythmic patterns. — recognize similarities and differences in rhythmic phrases. Develop rhythmic interpretation through imitation, dramatization, singing games, creative movement and dances. Build a repertoire of reading-readiness songs, — observe the melodic contours of phrases, — recognize notation of familiar tunes, — recognize notation of familiar rhythmic patterns. (The word "recognize" does not imply a formal approach to the teaching of notation.) Develop the ability to play simple rhythmic and melodic instruments, solo and accompaniment. arinati —as Drone —es for Stage for Stage 1 —an organization of tones Modt and semi-tones to form different scales. Canon —An imitation of one part by another. Rondo —A musical form resulting from the alternation of main theme with contrastir.i.Lthemes e.g. etc. 0 Dynan' - Loudness and sof tness in music. Develop ostinati including drones. Expand listening skills. —engage in attentive listening for relaxation and enjoyment, — build a repertoire of selected instrumental and vocal pieces, 1— experience minor and major modes aurally,! —recognize simple forms, e.g. AB; ABA; Canon; 1Rondot etc. — extend understanding of how phrasing, tempo.and dynamics affect interpretation, mood,and style. Develop the ability to recognize further instruments by sight and sound. Develop the ability to create music. Become familiar with characteristics of simple music such as patriotic songs and hymns. means approached at later stage. These work programs provide the opportunity for students to become competent at the following musical activities: * singing * playing * inventing * listening to music The programs suggest that the above activities occur in a range of contexts - for personal, social and ceremonial purposes. 3 The implementation of this music program should result in most students LEARNING SKILLS need for • singing • playing music • inventing music (composing, arranging, improvising) • being an informed listener to music • reading and writing music LEARNING A REPERTOIRE OF MUSIC • different styles and • settings involving UNDERSTANDING MUSICAL CONCEPTS related to • musical elements, structure and style • participating in musical activities DEVELOPING CAPACITIES TO ENJOY AND BE INTERESTED IN A VARIETY OF MUSIC by improving attitudes toward • self (self-esteem, self confidence) • others (co-operation, empathy) • music (appreciating music, deriving personal satisfaction from performing). 4 YEAR TWO - SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES By the end of the second year of Music, in which the skills outlined in the following program are practised daily, the child, as a member of a group and individually, should be able to: . perform approximately ten more speech rhymes varying the pitch of the voice according to natural speech inflection; . perform individually, a repertoire of approximately ten more songs of limited range (35 notes) in tune; . perform, within a group, songs of extended range a) b) c) d) e) a repertoire of approximately twenty more from memory; at a steady tempo; with clear pronunciation of text; in tune (most children); in the appropriate style; . provide a higher or lower starting pitch than that previously provided for a known song; . perform known songs in 'question' and 'answer' phrases with another individual or group; . improvise melodic answers to melodic questions using a maximum range of five notes; . improvise a melody to a known speech rhyme using a maximum range of five notes; . demonstrate perception of higher and lower sounds through movement, handsigns and visual representations; . represent the melodic contour of phrases using 'soh' and 'mi' in various positions on a five line staff; . represent the melodic contour of phrases containing 'soh', 'mi' and 'lah' through movement, handsigns and visual representations; . internally hear fragments of known melodies (songs) at a given signal; . internally hear the entire melody of known songs; . recognise known songs when the melody is shown using visual repesentations including handsigns; . perform partner songs, melodic canons and simple two xpart exercises within a group; . perform melodic ostinati up to four beats in length (using words or known solfa syllables and a maximum range of three notes), while others perform a known song; 6 . demonstrate a sense of beat in speech rhymes, songs and instrumental music, in both simple and compound metres using: a) b) c) d) gross motor movements; body percussion; nontuned percussion instruments; visual representations; . sing a known song while performing the beat; . perform known songs using the comparatives: faster/slower; softer/ louder; higher/lower; . perform the rhythmic pattern of known rhymes and songs in simple or compound metre, while saying/singing the words or while hearing the words in their aural imagination (inner hearing); . aurally and visually recognise known songs or rhymes from the rhythmic pattern; . differentiate between songs in simple and compound metre; . improvise new words to melodic motifs from known songs; . perform the rhythmic pattern of a known song or rhyme while the beat is performed by another; . simultaneously perform the rhythmic pattern and the beat of a known song; . hear how many sounds occur on any one beat in simple time; (1 ); . represent one sound on the beat in simple time as a crotchet . represent two even sounds on the beat in simple time as two quavers (n); . represent no sound on the beat in simple time as a crotchet rest (Z); . derive and visually represent the rhythmic pattern of whole songs in simple time, up to sixteen beats in length, using 1, (1, Z; . imitate four beat rhythmic structures containing] , . write four beat rhythmic structures containing dictated; I, ri ri and Z; and Z as . maintain a four beat rhythmic ostinato using any combination of Rand Z while a known song is performed; . improvise a rhythmic answer to a rhythmic question using and Z; 1, ,ri . perform simple rhythmic accompaniments to known songs using and Z; 1,11 . demonstrate a feeling for metric accent through movement and visual representation; 7 . demonstrate an understanding of metric accent through the correct use of accent signs and bar lines in 2 4 time; . demonstrate the duration of a melodic phrase through movement; . perform simple rhythmic canons using the pattern of a well known song; . show, using capital letters or other visual representations, that structures are the same or different; . aurally recognise/identify the timbre of: a) environmental sounds; b) speaking and singing voices of other members of the class; C) non tuned percussion instruments; . respond, through movement, to a variety of music featuring contrasting styles. 8 OVERVIEW YEAR 2 RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT TERM 1 BEAT: Feel 1 Vary Tenpo Representations SILENT BEAT I. 11 RI:DrrIllIC PATTERN: Derive, read & write Imitate 4-beat structures OSTINATO TERM 2 ACCENT: MELODIC DEVELOPMENT Derive, read & Write ) Feel —) d) > > PART WORK LISTENING BARLINES: 2 Time --) > :) HIGH/LOW - cn staff LINE/SPACE CCNCEPT Handsigns & song motifs :* ) s-m (lines) 7 --> > -) -----). s-m (spaces) Extend range s-1.-s-m SING & WALK/SKIP BEAT -- 4> ) ------- IN-TU1E SINGING TERM 4 Z - Derive, read & write --> INNER HEARING HIGHER/LOWER: Singing QUESTION & ANSWER IMPROVISATION CONTOUR INNER HEARING SOLO SINGING PHRASE TERM 3 OSTINATO Several movements simultaneously RHYTHMIC OSTINATO (Include clapping games) SING & PLAY-BEAT SING & FLAY-Rhythmic Pattern VARYING STARTING PITCHES SOUND/SILENCE RECOGNIZE SONG FROM RhYthMiC Pattern "SILENT BEAT': IMITATE Rhythmic Patterns ENTRY OF PARTS (CANON) ORDER & RELATIONSHIP of SOUIDS —.-HIGH/Lad (s-m) TEACHER'S SONGS SOLO PERFORMANCES MARCH TO RECORDED MUSIC CANON > ) 1 Rhythmic Acccmps MELODIC OSTINATO ) .> IRECOGNIZE SONGS FROM HAND SIGNS ) LISTEN & SHOW ON STAFF -> > >. RECORDED CHRISTMAS MJSIC YEAR TWO TERM 1 i WEEK 1 WEEK Prepare ri ri I 2 Accent > Z cp = (E.t) uJ I-- Make Conscious Reinforce vl Beat Participation/singing I 1-7 I 17 PI I-1 I One, Two, Three Diddle, Diddle Dumpling Come On Everyone Ring-A-Ring-A-Rosy Draw a Bucket Hey, Hey Johnny Works with One Hammer Kangaroo Come On Everyone Hey, Hey One, Two, Three Mulberry Bush Naughty Pussy Cat Bounce High, Bounce Low Beat in Circle * Respond to speed of Beat * Point to Beat (Hey, Hey) * Gross Motor Beat (Johnny Works with One Hammer) * Point, step, feel beat of 1,2,3 and discover the "Silent Beat" * Recall i, * Skipping to Mulberry Bush New = QC .ts 3 Known .c.n * Walk RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT = # (Hey, Hey) n In-tune Singing -. * Sing song c., —I ui UJ CD * Sing questions and answers Improvisation lower * Gentle singing Wide Mouth L) 1--E 8 PART WORK Walking Beat while singing Walking Beat while singing Respond to Silence and Sound * Aural recognition of the Rhythmic Pattern of song * Recognize the "Silent Beat" LISTENING Create new words and actions for "Mulberry Bush" e.g. "Here we go round the shopping centre" etc. INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 10 YEAR TW TERM 1 WEEK 4 WEEK 3 Accent ..). 1--. Z 8 - z - 8 - m, Prepare 3 - m - d s - m, s - m - 1-8^M /--i (=) Q C-D ,==, Derive 1 1 1 1 Bounce high bounce low Ostinato (1 1 n 1) Make M7 =i L.L.1 ,- Conscious \./ `,./ .. L 1 1 El 1 • Little Mouse be Careful New t = .15 Bounce High, Bounce Low Go Round the Sun One, Two, Three Diddle, Diddle Dumpling Feet, Feet (R) Rain, Rain Bingo Hey, Hey Diddle, Diddle Dumpling Feet, Feet (R) Hey Johnny (R) * Tap beat in "Sally Go Round the Sun" * Skip beat in "Sally Go Round the Sun" * I I ri 1 as Ostinato with Diddle Diddle Dumpling * Imitate 4 beat structures 1 I I-1 1 Ostinato with Diddle Diddle Dumpling One, Two, Three Bounce High, Bounce Low * Melodic Contour of Hey, Hey d•\ „pi 40.1% / It .% • "pi% * Sing questions and answers Feet, Feet (R) * Perform combinations of high/low loud/soft fast/slow Sally Ul L7 c/1 IP-0 I... BING O Hey Johnny (R) o 0 .. Reinforce oo Melody Contour Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT ,- In-tune , # Singing o UJ ›UJ _ Improvisation ca GJ .-1 ca ca UJ PART WORK *1111 (Body percussion) * I 1 T1 I (Ostinato) I I ri I (Ostinato) with Diddle Diddle Dumpling LISTENING *Aural recognition of the Rhythmic Pattern of song * Recognize the "Silent beat" - INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 11 Teacher's Song Eee-Ara-Eee Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks (wmpsorgsky) (Listen and discuss the story that may be suggested) • r TERM 1 F-z WEEK 5 WEEK 6 d - m - s * s- m a t, s - 1 - s - m, 6 8 * reading from Staff Whole song pattern of "Twinkle" s - m - 1, d-r-m-s, d-s -l-s Prepare a_ _,... HIM 21 CD .=.9 Make (.7€ Lu I— Conscious __ Use of Counters to show Melodic Contour (Snail, Snail) _ Derive Reinforce (/) n 1 (Rain Rain) Rover Looby Lea Rain, Rain Little Sally Water Twinkle, Twinkle Hey Johnny (R) Little Mouse Be Careful Rover Snail, Snail Bee Bee Bumble Bee (R) Ickle Ockle I Wrote a Letter DEVELOPMENT * Play the Rhythmic Pattern of Twinkle (repeated) on triangle * Hey Johnny, imitate rhythmic patterns * Ickle Ockle step beat * Accurate Beat with Bee Bee Bumble Be e * Skipping the Beat of Looby Loo In-tune Rain, Rain I Wrote a Letter Known n n ii i RHYTHMIC z # Melodic Contour New -15 (Jo CD Cr) 1 Fl 7 7 I m: rx Lo I Singing .. ' - _i Lr-t * Melodic Contour of "Snail, Snail * Show Contour with Counters 1-1-1 cn C-) 1-1 0 LU = PART WORK Twinkle, Twinkle * Beat on tambour * Rhythmic Pattern on triangle Imitate rhythmic patterns on instruments or body i.e. LISTENING I I 7 I I INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES I El I El I 17 H 7 I Create new words for "Eee-Aw-Eee" e.g. There was a little donkey called Ba-boo-bee 12 * Walking/skipping the beat while singing * Listen to sounds in order to show Melodic Contour * Show relationships of sounds (close, distant) Improvisation Substitute animals for "Rover" e.g. I have a cat and her name is Liza YEAR TERM I-- mn 1 Prepare WEEK 7 WEEK Make ,C-2Ld I-- Conscious cil r1.• handsigns, 6 fIl d -r- m,s-l-sm d- r-m, d-l-s s -Z-s- mid-sls i--1 CD ._, 8 If' Derive Pattern of Whole Song n n ri I "Twinkle" fl rill 1 nnnt nrin I ri r, rit Fl nil t Phrase Reinforce Recall Melodic Contour Sing melodies on du" New Charlie Over the Ocean Cinderella Dressed in Yale Write the pattern of whole sang Connie (R) (R) LQ ME 7- = cc Rover .ts .Looby Lao un co Known Lucy Locket Punchinello RHYTHMIC * Perform Beat of Looby Loo * Imitative beat movements with "Punchinello" = CD Charlie Over the Ocean Twinkle Cinderella Dressed in Yella Looby Loo Cobbler (R) (in DEVELOPMENT = 1-- In-tune Lucy Locket Tap Rhythmic Pattern of booby Loo Ti Ti Ti 7 17 7 7 Ti 7 7 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Twinkle, Twinkle and Write Solo singing of "Charlie Over the Ocean" Singing CD _j UJ ›- (R) * Improvise Words with Melody (Rov-L) * Lucy Locket - inner hearing Lu Sing alternate phrases a * Rover - legato singing C.) ,--p B x Lu PART WORK * Walking/skipping the beat while singing LISTENING Teacher's Song "Yo-ho Little Fishy" INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Improvisation and composition I have a bike its painted red I got it for my birthday It is my very favourite toy And I rid e it every day 13 ) Teacher's Song "Arabella Miller" * Aural recognition of Rhythmic Patt- mg • •n• ze s e in a a e• Ba et o (Moussorgsky) Move as chickens hatching in preparation for Easter Theme YEAR TWO TERM 1 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 Accent, s-l-s-m z s -l-sm m - r - d, Prepare Z 1--1 czi Lo = ) Make =t • Conscious Lu Derive yi Lu Little Peter Rabbit New Pat-a-Cake (R) March March Soldiers Charlie Over the Ocean Five Currant Buns (R) Hot Cross Buns Little Mouse Be Careful Pat-a-Cake (R) Icka Backa Hot Cross Buns Connie (R) Known * Connie: Beat/Rhythmic Pattern * Point to beat of Connie * Inner hearing of Connie RHYTHMIC 0004 DEVEL0PMENT with different beats t CD ri ' _ CO ,_ 1 ri r] n ri n n irwcraintn: Marching to beat m ›.n: cf -n o Ui 17 n TI 7 7 I Reinforce El El 1-1 I 777I rl ri ElI 777I Write whole Pattern of Connie 1n-tune Singing --I LU Hot Cross Buns Sing Alternate phrases of "Little Mouse" U_1 C2s C-1 = I= -J UJ M PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES * Walking/skipping the beat while singing * Hot Cross Buns - step beat accurately * Clapping game with Pat-a-Cake Teacher's Song "Arabella Miller" Teacher's Song "0 We Can Play on our Big Bass Drury! Marching to Beat of recorded music - "Marching Music" *Marching to beat of recorded music *Children may pretend to be in,a. Marching Band 14 YEAR TERM 2 WEEK 1 s I-- = ,--■ cp a_ Lo . 7, = .7i ( LI., i-- Prepare T1 El I m I s-f-m-r-d-d-d El s 6 I - I 1 ms s Melodic contour of Kangaroo El 1 1 - I T 1-1 I f— Sandy - 0 Sandy - 0 Kangaroo Hey Johnny (R) Little Mouse be Careful March, March Soldiers 1,2,3,4,5 Kangaroo Little Mouse be Careful March, March Soldiers N ew cc ..'' as CD LP) s- Conscious >7= V1 CD Z - Derive whole pattern of Kangaroo Make Reinforce Lc) - WEEK 2 Known *Kangaroo *Tap pattern (inner hearing) Derive, read and write 1-1IFII ri Ft n I ri i Hn RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT - — 1 1 I I El I__ In—tune 1# Singing Sing alternate phrases of *Tap beat/rhythmic "Little Mouse be Careful" pattern on percussion I s - m interval - °: * Little Mouse be. Careful Li.1 C1 * Alternate phrase singing * Inner hearing Li..1 (._) Melodic contour of Kangaroo Ji J Ji J etc 1-4 O O --J Lt1 n1 PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES * Kangaroo Beat on tambour Rhythmic Pattern on sticks Sandy - 0 (Clapping game) Children listen to solo performances of phrases and songs. Mood Respond to Brahm's Lullabye 15 *Discussion about the Creatures in the Sea. *Create stories related to sea/fishing. rnI TWO TERM 2 I-- z Prepare WEEK 3 ri 1-1 s - m- d II, El WEEK a_ Make L.L! Staff reading . CD Fzt) s - m, 4 s - m, the handsigns only Conscious I- Reinforce to New .45 U9 CD CD Known 1-1 1 F-1 Melodic Contour 1 Hey Jim Along 1, 2, 3 O'Leary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Come on Everyone Blue Bells Charlie Over the Ocean Starlight *nue Bells plus *Hey Jim Along Ln T1 Naughty Pussycat Hey, Hey Bee Bee Bumble Bee Hey Jim Along The Bear went over the mountain 11 I Os tinato 1 Gross motor movement RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT In7tune mm Singing *Beat movements with Hey Jim Along Pitch matching with Charlie Over the Ocean Change the Starting Note CD -J Starlight Hey, hey Medolic Contour of Starlight & Hey, hey * Sing of die 1*. 11". . , LL.1 =,UJ cza U '• • 8 ilk, ,..• IP, .. ' *Blue Bells + PART WORK n I n * I Ostinato El 11 I I-1 I (Ostinato) with Naughty Pussycat *Improvise words for "The bear went over the mountain" LISTENING Change the pitch of the starting notes Recognise high, low at a minor 3rd by showing the appropriate handsigns (s - m) INTEGRATED. ACTIVITIES Clapping game A Sailor Went To Sea 16 YEAR TWO TERM 2 WEEK 5 WEEK b * s- m - d Staff reading = 1 71 1 Z Prepare Accent 8 c_n F4 = =t) Lu show signs of s -1- s - m I I TT Make 1 1 Lit-tle Mouse Be Care-fuZ Conscious 1— Reinforce Find the "Silent Beat" Money and the Key (J) uJ ›r o c.25 in CD = tr) Peas Porridge Hot (R) New Known Bounce High, Bounce low The bear went over the mountain Naughty Pussycat 1, 2, 3 O'Leary Find the Silent Beats in Naughty Pussycat RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT 1— 2M *1 , 2 , 3 O'Leary skip to the beat *Feel the Accents by conducting Singing O Melodic contour Lu = ci 1-4 n 7 ni I I ni (play Ostinato) percussion) With Diddle, Diddle Dumpling s - m - 8 d -m-d- s s - m - d In-tune w Little Mouse be Careful Money and Key Down Came a Lady Diddle Diddle Dumpling 6 0. : of Bounce High Greetings using handsigns and motifs from songs. and show signs O J ri I 7 I (Os tinato) with Naughty Pussycat 17 7 PART WORK I (Ostinato with Diddle, Diddle Dumpling) * Improvise words for The bear went over the mountain This Old Man LISTENING INTEGRATED The story of Hansel and Gretel. ACTIVITIES 17 or YEAR r. TERM 2 WEEK 7 * I-= Prepare 1 I IZ WEEK Intz * d - m - s, s-t-s-m, s-m-l. Canon 8 * Whole Pattern of Mr Sun s - m - d * s - 1-s fm a_ co no (J,72 Li.' ,--- New .45 v-. ) co CD f) Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT In—tune t Singing Ca _J LLI ›. UJ I i Z One Too Three Conscious Reinforce cn I Make Derive 1 1 1 i Ti Ti 1 1 ( Bounce High, Bounce Low) Bow-Wow-Wow Father William Bounce High, Bounce Low One, Two, Three Mr Sun Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosy Money and Key Peas Porridge Hot CR) One, Two, Three Mr Sun Bow-Wow-Wow Hey Jim Along One, Two, Three O'Leary * Derive, read, write 1 1 1 1 (Bounce High, Bounce Low) 1-1 Ti 1 1 One, Two, Three Step Beat Beat/ Rhythmic Pattern Beat/Rhythmic Pattern of Mr Sun 1 1 1 Z One Two Three *Mr Sun point to beat, find the Silent Beat s - m s d- m- d - m - d 3 Greetings using handsigns and motifs from songs 4= * Inner hearing * Sing Alternate Phrases Ci 1-1 cm CD _J UJ M * One Perform several beat movements simultaneously while singing (Father William) * Perform Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosy in small circles, listen to each He's Got the Whole World Two, Three Beat/Rhythmic Pattern PART WORK LISTENING group INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 18 YEAR TW TERM 2 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 *slsm,d-m- s F.-= o. 0 drmfs a Prepare C-M = (.TZ LLI CANON with Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosy Make Conscious Reinforce cn New Z (Ostinato) Read/write and derive rhythmic pattern of Mr Sun 11 Busy Buzzy Busy Bee The Grand Old Duke of York Mr Sun Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosy Johnny Works with One Hammer Father William Bow-Wow-Wow Tommy Was a Soldier The Farmer in the Dell Busy Buzzy Busy Bee 1 t ..z yi Lo CD Known 4.n Read/Write/Derive I I IZ I I IZ n[11-11 I 1 11 RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT I-z # 1 Mr Sun IIZ(os tinato) * Tap the Rhythmic Pattern of Farmer in the Dell In-tune Singing cn -J LU _ Greetings using handsigns and motifs from songs UJ ci Extend Melodic range Li cm CD PART WORK Perform several beat movements simultaneously while singing (Father William) LISTENING Listen to the Entry of parts in the Canon INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Create other words for Bow-Wow-Wow e.g. Quack, Quack, Quack Whose duck art thou 19 IlIZ(08 tinato) with Tommy Was A Soldier March to recorded music YEAR TERM 3 WEEK I I-- = 1--i n 1 WEEK 2 I Z. Prepare s- m, s-l-s- m CD 0- -1- CD I Make (zi LU TT I Z 2eas For-ridge Hot Conscious I- Reinforce 01 Game playing, participation One for the Money Alley-Alley-0 New (0 t London Bridge The Grand Old Duke Peas Porridge Hot -Its up CD = CD ul Alley-Alley-0 Busy Buzzy Busy Bee Lucy Locket Known Beat Versus Rhythmic Pattern Peas Porridge Hot 1 1 Z Z (Ostinato) with Lucy Locket RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT hZ t In-tune Singing s-m sounds Lucy Locket or Cinderella Dressed i n Yella _ C LU LU en ci :1 cm D --I LU ME Beat/Rhythmic Pattern PART WORK LISTENING I 1Z Z Ostinato with Lucy Locket Peas Porridge Hot Teacher's Song 0 Soldier, Soldier Won't You Marry Me? INTEGRATED ) Children may dramatize "0 Soldier, Soldier Won't You Marry Me?" ACTIVITIES 20 YEAR TWO TERM 3 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 s - m, handsigns I-- = s - m - d, s-t-s Prepare . (=, a_ c_o • 4 ,'Fi L.,..i I-- Lel Lu m n: oc as c) C-D = o v-) Make line space Conscious # High and low on Staff concept, s- in 1171 _ BMSSM 7771 SSMMS8 M Reinforce Peas Porridge Hot Canon, the Staff, high, lines/spaces on Staff New Here Comes a Bluebird Go Home All My Ducks and Geese One for the Money Big Black Train See Saw Lucy Locket Peas Porridge Hot One for the Money One, Two, Three Here Comes a Bluebird See Saw Teddy Bear Starlight I 7IZ I 1 71 1-1771 Known I Z n in Peas Porridge Hot RHYTHMIC. low, DEVELnPMENT ---z In-tune 1±'; Singing Make Conscious See Saw `J-' 1.1-1 cn 11717771 smssmssmmssm \J' \J •17 `01 Melodic Contour of See Saw High, low on the staff L.) 1--o-F CD --4.--. --I W ME w PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Line, space Concept High, low on Staff -0--Ar Beat/Rhythmic Pattern (Peas Porridge Hot) One for the Money (Canon) One, Two, Three (Canon) and show sounds on the aff Listen The Swan (The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens) * Discuss Mood * Teacher may hum melody while children show Contour * The Cello may be introduced 21 YEAR . TERM 3 WEEK 6 2: Prepare 8 Make s- 1E5 ,,,_ Lo w I-- 1 . 1. I r i r I I'M I r I. 5 WEEK 6 s-m-d . 1. 1. 1 r 1 ril r 7 1 *d-ms, s-m-sm- d m on Staff in spaces =MET=M=, Conscious Recalls Reinforce crl New = 0.15 (..1 cn = cD Known r 1. s - m handsigns mssm - Five Little Monkeys(R) Willow Bee Go Home All My Ducks and Geese On a Little Piece of String The Elephant (R) Heigh-Di, Heigh-Di Ho Five Little Monkeys Go Home All My Ducks (Question/ Answer) On a Little Piece of String Heigh-Di - Heigh-Di Ho Tap Rhythmic Pattern of Heigh-DiHeigh-Di Ho On a lit-tie piece-of string Inner hearing/tap pattern of Go Home All My Ducks * Tap pattern of Heigh-Di, Heigh-Di vl RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT I-I I1 I HG ,_ In—tune St' Singing = *s-m * Go Home All My Ducks s - m On a Little Piece of String • -J UJ ›UJ ci Inner hearing with Go Home All My Ducks * Solo/chorus CJ 1---t GM CD UJ ME PART WORK Beat/Rhythmic Pattern of Heigh-Di, Heigh-Di Ho LISTENING Listen and show sounds on the Staff Teacher's Song or Recording Daddy's Takin Us to the Zoo To-morrow INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Discussion about the zoo - The sounds and movements that the animals make Movement Alice the Camel 22 YEAR TERM 3 rit WEEK 7 - m - s-l-s Make (.7t.) Lu Conscious = "8 113 cn New t of gKnown CD cr) se mms a m In-tune '±' Singing Rhythmic Memory On a Lit-tie Piece of String Go Home All My Ducks & Geese Pee Pee Pollyanna Wiggley Worm Shop (R) Hey Johnny (R) Father William Mulberry Bush On a Little Piece of String tGo Home All My Ducks and Geese Willow Bee Ickle Ockle One, Two Buckle My Shoe Diddle Diddle Dumpling Pee Pee Pollyanna Willow Bee i'On a Little Piece of String . (Co Home All My Ducks and Geese EI TI I-1 I Memory * Show Accent I I 17 I El TI Fl I I I I- I I Beat Rhythmic Pattern * Mulberry Bush: I-- 0 s m lines RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT Skip to 6 n m 1 song 8 - o F11-11-1I Show Melodic Contour Lu Li, CI S8MMS 8 772 C-1 017 J N ‘,01 ,J=J- -i ca UJ ME PART WORK Mulberry Bush Beat Rhythmic Pattern Recall "Ballet LISTENING of the Unhatched Chicks" Perform appropriate movements INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES . Accent II 1-7 T-1- -77 T Reinforce 8 kmmmssddm ines d-m-s-Z-s Bar lines, Prepare F-i r_VIIEI EK Discussion about the zoo - The sounds and movements that the animals make 23 AA 41.4•41 with Diddle, Diddle Dumplinc YEAR TWO TERM 3 WEEK 9 d-m-s-m-d s - Z - s Prepare 0 6 8 WEEK 10 1111 7711. sellsm 77I.Z.F1111"1Z, slsm mssls Make LL1 6 8 sss s l s s -1-8- m Conscious Reinforce Canon New Paddy From Home Has Never Been Known Bounce High, Bounce Low Mr Sun Pee Pee Pollyanna Wiggley Worm (R) Bounce High, Bounce Low Paddy From Home Has Never Been Mr Sun Naughty Pussycat Sally Go Round the Sun Tap Beat Sally Go RHYTHMIC and skip to Beat Round the Sun in DEVELOPMENT 1n—tune Singing Mr Sun Bounce High, Bounce Low Make Conscious Contour of Mr Sun is Contour of Bounce High, Bounce Low PART WORK dr Mr Sun as Canon - 4 beats apart - 2 beats apart Teacher's Song - LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Five Little Speckled Frogs Discussion about "Paddy" What things/places have we never seen? El 7 I I sslism 0\ 1r SM • l Z. 1Z 1 s 7771 9833882 * l s s Z 1 S 1 11 S Move to beat while singing YEAR TERM 4 WEEK _s - m - d 1-- Prepare 1 WEEK 2 7171 1Z 1 1 1 1 rI.Z. 1--t Make Ei ul us x s-Z-s-m _ t1 cn o Known Ul RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT t Roll Over New = CC - IIIirl.z. n n iz Naughty Pussycat Accompaniment Pattern with Blue ilalls. Rhythmic Structures Steady Beat, Canon Conscious Reinforce s-m-d in-tune Singing CD -J U-1 Ickle Ockle Bounce High, Bounce Low SaZZy Go Round the Sun Naughty Pussycat One, Two, Three Ickle Ockle Naughty Pussycat' Blue Bells Paddy From Home Has Never Been Bounce High, Bounce Low * Find the Silent Beat in Sally Tap Rhythmic Pattern of Salty * Blue Betts accompaniment 1-11711\ I Z I. Z * Beat/Rhythmic Pattern of Naughty Pussycat read/tap 1-11711/ 1 11-71 1111717111 Ickle Ockle s- m, s l, a- m d stsmsslism Lia Ti __ Recall: U-1 Greetings showing contour or handsigns (s - l-s - m - d) using song motifs ca 1111T1T111 C.) .-1 cm slsmssllsm CD 92' Sally Go Round the Sun (Canon) PART WORK Ickle Ockle (Canon) Accompaniment pattern with Blue Bells 1 n I n I 1F-11 1 1E11 Solo singing on 1 I s m ni LISTENING Roll Over 1Z d Roll Qv -er INTEGRATED Old Mother Hubbard ACTIVITIES 6 (Story Songbook) 8 25 YEAR 4 TERM WEEK d - m - s, I-- = . = 0_ 3 WEEK s - m - d w h- vi d -m- s, s-f-m-rd Prepare 71 C_D = c.-:.t) 4 Make Interval 8SM 1 s n n SSMMSS1 m Conscious 71 88M Derive in Kangaroo 7 Reinforce Handsigns and Sol-fa s - 1-s- m * R.P. of Kangaroo * Reading & Writing on Staff (spaces, • - New Wind the Bobbin This Old Man Rain, Rain Lucy Locket Little Sally Water I Wrote a Letter Money and Key Rain, Rain Alley-Alley-0 Wind the Bobbin LI ME >7= 0.'6 c.e, La _ = = cD ul Known Kangaroo Father William * Point to the Beat of Lucy Locket * Derive the R.P. of Lucy Locket 7777 771 1 17 7 7 7 771 I RHYTHMIC DEVEL1PMENT I-- z I ca --I le In-tune Singing ssmlssm Melody Contour of Derive the Sol-fa LL.1 >.. Lu ca L..) 1 I 7 1, 17 smssm 1--1 m 7 7 7 1,. I 1 El li 7 IT 7 1 smssm 7 1 7 1-,, the 7 7 17 I Recall Pattern of 17 7 rl 1 Kangaroo "Rain, Rain" 7 1 1 17 1, 7 ri 17 smssm 7 1 TI I 11 7 7 SSMS8MSSMM8SM 7 I ssmlssm ca -I LJJ M PART WORK Ickle Ockle (Canon) Recognise songs from reading LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES handsigns e.g. Mr Sun, Rain, Rain, Bounce High, Bounce Low Doctor Knicker Bakker Fun Dance and Game ABC recording - 1984 26 1 ssmlssm Teacher's Song Eee-Aw-Eee 1 YEAR TERM 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 Fl El PI I d- m - s, s - m - d H- = .-i cp Prepare in Buzzy Bee 0 Lo 7,. n: ', Et ) Lu Derive Sol-fa of "Lucy Locket" BAR LINES 2 Time Make • Conscious I-- . Reading 3 P7 7. I tmg on staff (lines) fl r-T r-T ssmmsem1 Reinforce 00 UJ sismsls s 61-1 srssmm T 1 1 Sol-fa s -1-s- m New. When I Was One Rocky Mountain Bow-Wow-Wow Hey Jim Along Kangaroo Busy Buzzy Busy Bee This Old Man Lucy Locket Busy Buzzy Busy Bee When I Was One March, March Soldiers ME '>- = 0 1 .5 cfl CD CD Known in Derive ri pi F7 1 Busy Buzzy Busy Bee Find the accented Beat in Kangaroo •ZI•A•A • L RHYTHMIC z DEVELOPMENT h- r 171171 FIR HI 38rno In-tune Singing i= _1 Lu TlI 88M - ›.. u.J TlI 88M TI 1--1 88M FII 8 8MM c:, * Derive SoZ-fa of Lucy Locket * Melodic Contour C LJ 1-1 . 1 ' 1 cni Bug CD -J W = .Y\ Bug Buz.\ Zy' PART WORK .....Y% • Bee 1-7 I 7 I Ostinati with I Z I Z Hey Jim Along 1* This 1 n 1 Old Man. Perform with evItionli ond hotly pprouRAinn LISTENING Solo performances of Verses of This Old Man INTEGRATED Close eyes and show signs for s -l-s-mwhen sung (with and without Sol-fa syllables) A Sailor Went to Sea ACTIVITIES 27 YEAR TERM I WEEK 7 4 WEEK 8 IIIZ d m s, 2n Prepare 1- 1 I I I Here Comes a Blue-bird '(E5 co r d Rhythmic Pattern of One, Two, Three eL Lo ,_. = .Lu-:-2 Make Derive Conscious n El Ell I Fl I I Here Comes a Blue-bird slsmals I-- Reinforce Staff reading lines or spaces (s m), Canon The Silent Beat "Z " New ew LU ME 7= in LD CD Known co RHYTHMIC DEVELflPMENT f.-- = LJJ In—tune Singing UJ Starlight Rocky Mountain When I Was One Charlie Over the Ocean Here Comes a Bluebird Lucy Locket Rocky Mountain Here Comes a Bluebird One, Two, Three Bow-Wow-Wow Read/Write/Memory Beat vs Rhythmic Pattern (One, Two, Three) Ell FII IZIZ I— I 1- 1 I I I I 1-1 i Starlight Read Starlight from the Staff spaces or lines ›- UJ = (__) ■---1 Melodic Ostinato I I IZ (n) (r) (d) Bow Wow Wow c21 o —I Lu Thyttnicralcrpaniment with Rocky Mountain PART WORK FII I Z 1-11 I Z ri m LISTENING I Lucy Locket in Canon using solfa Close eyes and show signs for s - l - s - m when sung (with and without Solfa syllables) _ Beat/Rhythmic Pattern Melodic Ostinato I m I IZ r d Bow Wow Wow Teacher's Song Chatter With the Angels . INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Improvisation: the Ocean with Charlie Over 28 Rocky Mountain - improvisation _ YEAR TERM .WEEK 4 WEEK 10 m- s - d m, s - m - d d-m-ds . 1—. 9 Prepare 2M 1E5 co 4 n: Make 'Et' Conscious sslsm Reinforce Caine playing, social skills Singing with feeling LIJ 1-- GI LIJ M 7.= = Derive: 1E111 Chatter with the Angels New - Down Comes Johnny Diddle Diddle Dumpling Tugboat One, Two ., Three Here Comes a Bluebird Pee Pee Pollyanna Paddy From Home Has Never Been -0 vl co = CD yl ) Known I I 1 Z Ti n 1 Z I Ell I RHYTHMIC Christmas Songs Jingle Bells Christmas is Coming Chatter with the Angels , Derive whole pattern of One, Three Two, DEVELOPMENT 111Z---- In—tune Whole song, One, Two, Three Percussion instruments may accompany singing mm t Singing - 0 --I Expand vocal range. w ca cJ 1.....1 CD CD tJi PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED Beat/Rhythmic Pattern (One, Two, Three) Percussion instruments may accompany singing and dancing with Christmas songs Mitty Matty Listen to the Christmas Story Recordings of Christmas Song Mitty Matty - clapping game Dramatise the Christmas Story ACTIVITIES 29 YEAR 'DOD SONG LIST TITLE Alison's Camel REFERENCE PURPOSE Counting and Movement Song Alley-Alley-0 (The Big Ship Line Game Sails On The) ). Arabella Miller Bow4BowstWow Elephant Jam p66 Funny Family p52 Finger Play; Same tune as Twinkle, Twinkle Elephant Jam p45 1 1 I Z, &Taus, Catch A Song p33 Circular Partner Came Busy Buzzy Busy Bee nnqi sl sm s (See Appendix) s Charlie Over the Ocean Solo/Chorus chase game 6-r i•im a-d a-1,.s Compound Time The Kodaly Context p223 Chatter with the Angels Pentatonic, murad Catch A Song p39 Cinderella Dressed in Yellow Connie, Connie EfIZZ nnni (See Appendix) (See Appendix) Diddle Diddle Dumpling Accent 46, Two Part American Folksongs Ee4lAwAEe Teacher's Song ABC Lets have Music (1479/80) Father William Cumulative Beat Song Funny Family p36 pi Apusskidu NO 44 c.) Five Little Frogs rn s s 1 , Five Little Monkeys Gain' To The Zoo Gtand.Old Duke of York,The Here Comes A Bluebird Counting Rhyme Elephant Jam p48 Fun Song Apusskidu No.39 Marching Song Traditional 1 11I I Circle Game Catch A Song p74 s sl s m -Hey Jim Along 'Counting Song d szn Beat, I n s ss Hey Johnny Little Mouse Be Careful I [ Action Rhyme nn Catch A Song p75 m d 1 1, Chase Game (See Appendix) Catch A Song p106 ss Si s m Little Peter Rabbit Easter Theme 30 Merrily Merrily p 189 Looby Loo Compound Time ••• Catch A Song p111 dr1s Arch game, 1 1 1 1 Catch A Song p117 Action Rhyme (See Appendix) IHZIH Z Catch A Song p143 One Two Three O'Leary Compound Time Collected by Mendez & Reimer (See Appendix) Paddy From Home d-m-s ,. rn-d,m ir 1 r ir Funny Family54 Pat.ha-Cake Beat This Little Puffin p6 Peas Porridge Hot In iz Trad Rhyme Pee Pee Pollyanna d4-m-s-d;2/4 & 6/8 Funny Family p47 Rocky mountain driddW, Catch A Song p164 March March Soldiers sism A,'One for the Money One Two Three sls smd Dance (Create Actions) `Roll Over (Ten in the Bed) Y/ Traditional Counting Song sr4rod Apusskidu No 18 Rover nn.r-di-r-c1.-s, Phrase Catch A Song p66 Sailor Went to Sea, A Clapping Game Funny Family33 Sand MO Sand r0 Clapping Game j,,, Funny Family430 Soldier Soldier Teacher's Song;Drama Merrily Merrily p65 This Old Man Counting Song Catch A Song p188 \,'A) F11111 sins sins When I Was One Counting/Rhyming Song and Actions Funny Family i34 Wiggly Worm Shop Action Rhyme (See Appendix) Willow Bee cpm,s41, fTT1 n n n MOO ms Wind the Bobbin Pentatonic Song; Line Game 31 Catch A Song p209 MS MS Catch A Song p210 REFERENCES 1975. Apusskidu, Harrop, Blakeley & Gadsby, A&C Black Ltd., Catch A Song, Hoermann & Bridges, Holmes McDougall Aust. & Dominie, 1985. Elephant Jam, Sharon, Lois & Bram, MGtawil Hill Ryerson Ltd., 1980. The Funny Family, Alison MCMOrland, Ward Lock Educational, 1978. 46 Two Part American , Denise Bacon, Kodaly Musical Training Institute, Inc. Mass. 02181, 1973. The Kodaly Context, Lois Choksy, Prentice Hall Inc., 1981. Merrily Merrily, Nursing Motehrs' Association Dominion Press, 1983. This Little Puffin, Elizabeth Matterson, Puffin Books, 1969. 32 of Australia, APPENDIX - YEAR 2 ONE FOR THE MONEY One for the money Two for the show Three to get ready and Go cat go. CONNIE Connie, Connie in the tub She forgot to use the plug Oh my goodness! Oh my soul! There goes Connie down the hole. HEY JOHNNY Hey Johnny do you want to pick a fight I'll meet you on the corner on a Saturday night You can wiggle, you can wobble You can do the twist But I bet you, I bet you You can't do this WIGGLY WORM SHOP I went to the wiggly worm shop To buy a Wiggly Worm They wrapped it up in a five dollar note And this is what it said "Wiggle wiggle chat chat Wiggle wiggle chat chat Wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle Chat chat chat." BUSY BUZZY BEE (CHASE GAME) n n /5 t h M BU-SY BUZ-ZY BU-SY BEE I 1-1 BUZ-ZING ROUND FROM TREE TO TREE 1-7. I 7 .6 F171 BU-SY BUZ-ZY BU-SY BEE f-1 rI Ti I d ,P41m4 d' DON'T YOU DARE TO BUZZ NEAR ME CIN-DER-EL-LA DRESSED IN YEL-LA s s r —n r---1 II s • mm s WENT UP-STAIRS TO KISS HER-FEL-LA r——, 8 1-1 r1 it • 8 mm s s 1 1 - HOW MA-NY KIS-SES DID SHE GET I—F=1 r--7 r--1 s 1 s s s 1 I m s J SINBAD HE WAS DRESSED IN RED r-1 I-1 I s s a ra 1 s I s m WENT UP-STAIRS TO HIDE IN BED T-1 /-1 I - 1 1 s I s 1 s m s HOW MA-NY SPANK -INGS DID HE GET r--1=9 s s s F---1 I 1 r--1 s s I M SOURCE: L COLTON. .1--) 34 i