MAR-17-2010 14:44 To:5167421755 From: P.2’19 ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION-LOCAL UNION 638 WORKING AGREEMENT TERMINATES JUNE 30,2011 EFFECTIVE JULY 1,2008 by and betwcen BNTERPRiSE 200 daY 01 This WORKING AGREEMENT rnude and entered into this TUBE. TCE MACHINE AND GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF STEAM, IJOT WATER, HYDRAULIC, SPRiNKLER, PNEUMATIC ON OF JOURNEYMEN PWE FITrERS OF NEW YORK AND VICZNITY, LOCAL UNION NO. 638 OF TilE UNITE!) ASSOCiATI STATES AND CANADA (hereinafter AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PJPE Li ,NG INDUSTRY OP Tkt UNITED referred to as ENTERPRISE. 32-32 48th Avenue, Long Island City, NY. 11101), and Full Name of Employer—(if a partnership give names of all parmers and rum name) of Business Address Phone Fax (hereinafier rerrer to as the EMPLOYER); WITNESSETE; WHEREAS. Enterprise is a Labor Union representing sreamfjttczs and apprentices engaged in the steam fitting trade and its allied bnnches in the area comprising the City of New York and Nassau and Suffolk Counties. State of New Yorlc and WHEREAS, the Employer has occas on to employ steamttttcrs and apprentices in conneetiura with such work and desires to cares into an agreement with Enterprise with respect to such employment and the tenns and conditions governing the same; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties hereto as Ibilows: The Emplor recognizes SteamItrters’ Local Union 638 ofthe United Association of Journeymen and Appreittices of the Plumbins and Pipe Fitting Indtisny of the United Stiles and Canda n the sole and exclusive bargaining npresentazive for all its employees performing any ‘wrk costred by this Agreement and employed by the Employer in the geographical jurisdiction of the Enterprise Aosociafton. namely, rim City of New York, Nassau and Suffolk Counties and all ofLong Islanri. This Agreement together with its Working Rules shall govern nil steam fitting work performcd under this Agreemcnt by the Employer subject to this Agreement within the trade jurisdiction as set forth herein. ARTICLE ONE WORKING RULES-WAGES AND HOURS The parües agree that during the tent of this agrenent, the attathed Rules, numbered “I” to “XXIV” incLusive, governing wages, bonn, Welfare Fund, Pension Fund, Supplemental Retirement Plan, Educadon Fund,Vacation Plan, Security Fund, Industry Promotional Pumt UA Training fund. Labor-Management Cooperittion Committee and other conditions of employment shall apply to the hiring and employment of all steamfkters and apprentices and shall be in full force and effect and constitute part of this agreement. The parties hereto agree to observe and enforce sQ or the terms and condiciens contained in Said Rules. ARTICLE TWO STRIKES OR LOCKOUTS It is further mutually agreed thor no strilth against the EMPLOYER shall be ordered by arty officer of orentared into by any member of ENTERPR [SE, nor shall any lockout against members of ENTERPRISE be declared by the EMPLOYER, so long as ibis agreement and the rules hereto attached are conformed to by both parties. MAR-17-2010 14:44 From: — — .-- — —. To:51$7421765 — P.3’l$ ARTICLE THREE JOINT ARBITRATION PLAN by juint Arbitration Plan that may be agreed upon This agreement shall abide by a to parties both that agreed City. York It is ta*ker mutually the building indes of New associations and a majority of the unions of the representatives of the seveni employers’ and disputes relative to question ofjurisdicuon trades, n event of dispute betwee in that hereto parties the n betwee agreed of the B.T.E.A. Handbook, commonly It is inunsally ns as tojurisdiction published in the latest issue deciaio us previo abide by will parties of wade.the known as “The Green Book.” s relative rojuiisdiction of trade not coveted hereto that disputes between trades, and dispute It is mutually agreed between the parties Book,” shall be adjusted with the principles of BA. Handbook, commonly known as The Green ng Trades as by decision in the latest issue of the WT. in the .Ioiot Arbitration Plan of the New York Buildi forth as set es Disput ctional Jurisdi of ent the said Joint this NewYork Plan for the Senjem ter amended, except to the extent that Section 3 of thereaf as and 5, 22,190 pril onA ed amend adopted on July 9.1903 and tly thmugh suhconntcton or otherwise. em.ploy only mcrnbers of the union directly or indirec Arbitration Plan requires the Employer to al disputes as diction New York Plan for the settlement ofjuris Pending determination of any dispute wider the t change in status. withou the union shall remain at work on the project stated in the preceding pnragmph the membezs of ARTICLE FOUR TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT this agreement shall be salted ror by either parry hereto, It is further mutually agreed that no change in to take effect pñor to the first day of July 1,2008. ARTICLE FIVE in the primed annex based upon the Principles for Trade Agreements as c’ lbrth shall be interpreted It is understood and agreed that this agreement is ent, or within this agreem of the Enterprise Associ#tion attached hereto, Rules the in g nothin and ent. agreem this to les. tø contradict or nullify any of the said Princip ble terms or conditions than those furnishes Sternnfittets to anyone upon any more favora ation Associ It is agreed that if Enrezprise conditions. This be amended to incorporate suck more favorable terms or contained herein, then this Agreement shall automatically paragraph does not apply to Rule XV-C or Article Sit finding shall not olihis agreement shall be found to be conuary to law, such It is understood and agreed that in casp any provision ent, which shall, notwithstanding. many w’ affect the other provisions of this agreem within (10) days after receipt of written notice by one party to the other. continue in lUll force and eiTher arid the parties shall ute provisions in light ot’ such ruling. negotiate in an attempt to arrive at an appropriate substit which change it shall become logs) for the hig this agreement, by virtue of aftct laws l applicable Federa En the cnitt of change of in the performance of work under its yed rs of Enterprise Association be emplo Enterprise Association to demand that only membe in such event anti on the giving of that agrees the ‘cloaed shop.” the Employer jurisdiction, arto institute what is commonly known as ent shall be deemed arnodcd agreem this mail, ation in writing by registered ten (10) days notice to the Etnpl’er by Enterprise Associ ation shall be employed Associ rise the Enterp ten (10) days period only members of to the end that on and after the conclusion of the said membem of the Metal only and ation the jurisdiction of Enterprise Associ by the Employer in the perfunnancc ot’ work corning within ed in Rtde XVI of this describ larly in the perlbrmance of service work snore particu Trudes Branch of Local Union 638 shall Tm employed agreement. ARTICLE SIX EMPLOYER, upon us agreements entered into between ENTERPRISE and the This agreement shall supersede and replace all previo to the Pension Punt). t respec with e payabl ore be responsible forany moneys heretof the undentanding that the EMPLOYER shall gontinue to Security Fund. Welfare Fun4 Educational Fund, ¼cation Plan and the ARTICLE SEVEN ARBITRATION CLAUSE of this Agreement ttr these Rules, except as to the interpretation Any dispute conccrning the terms, meaning, or application ee shall be resolved according to the 1914 attached. hereto or the hiring or discharge of an individual employ of the Agreement of March 24, following procedure: Agent in whose area the dispute exists, shall meet and discuss Swp 1. The contractoñ designated representative and the Business the issue; business days, the complaining party shall reduce its complaint to Step 2, If the dispute is not resotvecLby Step 1 within ten (10) contractor ssAgcnr .haJ[ macv with the Pre%ident or Chieroperating Otficerofthe wiiting, and the Business Agent at Large and Ike Bushre if other than the Prasident and the person representing the contractor at Step I; To:5167421765 MAR-17-2010 14:45 From: P.4’IS Step 3. tPthe dispute is not resolved by Step 2 within ten (10) business days, the Union’s President, RusLnes Agent at Large and Busincn Acat involved shalt mccl with the coacracor President and ifs Scep I representative; Step 4. It tho dispute is not rcsolvcd by Step 3 within ten (10) business days, either party may submit the dispute to on of the iadusuy arbitraroes desigoated berein; itho shall be alibied the cast in roaring order. The decision ofheAsbitrazor shall be rmal and bindthg howeec. the Arbitntorshali have no jurisdiction to interpret tbe Agreement ofMarch 24. 1914, nor wether any individual employee was not hired and/or discharged forjust cause. The Union and nw contractor shall share the Arbitrator’s fees. IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been signed by a duly authorized ofticer of ENTERPRISE and the EMPLOYER the day and year finE nbove written. By - ..... Business Agent-at-Large (PR NT NAME) fHJN NAME7 By Date Signed EMPLOYER (FULL INDIVIDUAL, FIRM OR CORPORATE NAME) :51674217 6 To s lR-1y_2e1 14:Sg From: 0 tlf RULES y of New York and ny branches, in the Cit ma its d ari ie trar ing amfitt to iirk at the stc sociatina applying As se pri ter nd. En Isla the Rules of of Long . New YOTIC and all u and Suffolk Counties in Nassa Rule 1. WORKING DAY wceti seven (7:00) to be performed bct day per rs hou (7) . evety day for be seven ttLe consent of the Union [roars of labor shall h the wit lb. yer of plo Em ion the ept exc (24) hours prior ignated by Section Ia. WLIIt the the Union twenty-four .. as reasonably des it& PM not ll k sha loc o’c yer 30) plo (3: l3m e Th thirty y and legal holidays. o’clock tM. to rhrec. Sawulay and Sunda ept 00) o’clock A.M. (8: exc ce, ht an occupied building for eig n tha rk other time the entire wo uired by the owner of ay req at are rts g sta llin ich dri wh or ing rk day hours of labor shalt to the start of any wo dering, chopping core bor yer and with the conscrit of the Union, the sol ng, ldi we g, nin t hour to be paid Emplo Section lb. When bur o’clock EM. with the firs h the request of the wit 30) or, (1: lab of irty -th rs one r hou and ula . ng A.M to be done before die ween six (6) o’clock to be performed bet ing fringe benefits. day er lud between the hours of rsp inc . hou ges wa be evea iilar rate of for employment accpt ng the ice off of or p ial sho ent fer dif any to be altowcd to apply at fIfty (50%) percent ’6) cr or apprentice shall lock PM. or eight and one4wlf(8 Section II. No sieamfsu rty (3t30) o’c thi sist of eig)u (8) hours eecon thr ll sha ft and shi . AM the k eight (8:00) o’cloc on Temporary [teat, idays. fitter is employed ay, Sunday and logal hol Section 111. If a steam urd y be used. Sat ma ing fts lud shi inc se the day of iy e or more forremporary hens, eve employed at work. hours as applicable. On wn as the working day kno shall be time atuaIly be and ll e sha tim ft r Shi All Sprinkler ula ch reg Ea as Section IV. ll be known cfined in Section 1. sha asd day ed ng nam rki ve wo r abo ula s reg ng day d during other tItan the Section V. The worki Work may be porforme ift Sh r ctor. kle rin Sp . VI Section any unlicenced contra Rule XV rn e with knowingly work for formed in accordanc or apprentice should er fitt am Shift Work shall be per ste no , nses are wquid Section VU. Where lice Rule SI. RATE OF WAGES at the following rates: of this Rule shall be paid kr .50 per huurWelfare, $14.90 11 n tio Sec in ed not as (7) bows) plus $12 steamfitter except for a r (S333.S5 per day of seven SectIon 1. Regular time 2b08. 547.65 per hou 30. ber cem nd. De to 008 rked and 1% per hour From July 1,2 r Security Benefit Fu each and every hour wo cation, $5.00 per hou for r Va nd hou Fu per nal tio 00 uca $5. Ed per hour ry hour worked. (See per hour lknsion, ployer shalt pay 5.34 n Fund for each and eve em tio h mo eac Pro ve ry abo ust the Ind to the In addition fringe benefits into amfkrer wage rate less A, XXTII.B.) of the Journeyniazt Sle ), XXiI and XXIII, XXIII- , XX Rules XVIII, XIX. XIX-?, Xx SES ADDITIONAL INCREA ber30, ZOOS July 1,200$ to Decem June 30,2009 Deceznber 31,2008 to 29,2009 July 1,2009 to December 29,2010 e Jun DecCmher 30, 2Q09 to 28,2010 June 302OlO to December 1 $2.00 2.00 2.50 2_SO .3.00 3.00 e 30,201 December 29, 2010 to Jun Security Benefit sion. Welfare, Vacation, Pen and ses rea inc se the EducationaL it includes wa 4 on each hour worked to are all inclusive, that is, ve $.3 of abo ons ted uri sta trib ses rea eun inc nd of New pectively; the The money ing Industry Promotion Fu Trades fitr (a) connibutioris res 401 em Ste n Pla the nt to ts tue efi tire ben Re ilding and Supplemental cr wage rate less fringe perhourwodced to the Bu Journeyman Steatnfitt l be an additional 5.03 Wil ere ining Fund. Th . Tra e. LJ.A kag pac Fund and 1% per hour of the die n r worked to hou ve gte agreed upo per abo 5 8.0 r and and ove e. itte are mm nd York and Long Isla gement Cooperation Co worked to the Labor-Mana 00) oclock A.M. per capita, S.03 per hour en the hours of seven (7: n package. we upo bet eed agr ned firi the ve per abo be which is to ond the control of All art over and seven (7) hours per day God. or circumstances bey be ll of sha act , or ety lab saf rs er, r hou ath ula The reg hours. The lunch a result of we ployed for less than two ctions of days worked as em Fra be ll sha . P.M tice 30) ren (3: app rty thi and threesteamfitrer or of twelve (12:00) noon at the same rate, but no shall be between the hours for d . pai and ycr be ll plo sha cm r he cto oft tra the con the option starts before eight (8:00) 00) o’clock P.M. TI work ll be one-half hour and at (1: Sha n one tio Sec and s . k thi P.M er loc o’c und period ing the regulas working -thirty (12:30) paid r labor per[brmed dur ) o’clock PM., or twelve be ll :30 sha (12 e irty rtim -th ove lve No twe and ordingly. period may he adjusted acc the day of lay off. ary o’clock AM. the lunch nimum of 7 hours pay for ponry heat and/or tempor mi e a eiv rec l wil off laid ng and/or maintenance oftem t bei efi ion rat ben ope ge the frin on and ng e rld day. Any steamfiucr Steamfim.’rs wo etThccivc wage rat ers p1 ges fitt frin am Ste and ges the h wa wit e e Section IL Th nately in accordanc d and inetwised proportio air conditioning shall be pai ft. less than an eicht hour shi —. ho.., choll he employed for To:5167421765 MAR-17-2010 14:50 From: P.6”13 following percentages Section UI. Apprentices shalt be paid a progressively increasing schedule of wages as notcd below based on the to payments to respect with Rule uf XX provisions subject to the mid of the wage rate md fringes payable to joLinieymen stcmnfitters Apprentices tbr attendance at clusses: 40% oFajourneyrnan stctimfitter rate of wages and all fringes 1st year 50% ota journ yman stcamfiuer tine of wages and all fringes 2nd year 65% ofajourneyman steamfitter rare of wages and all fringes 3rd year 80% of a journeyman ateanifitter rare of wages and all fiingts 4th year ofajourn’man stearufitter rate of wages and all fringes 85% 5th year Wherever Itainees are employed they shall be paid in accordance with the above apprenticeship rates. for regular tune work Section IV When Sprinkler Shift Work is peifontied Steamfitters and/or Apprentices shall be paid the wage rate plus a 20% premium, together with the ifinge benefit connihutions for regular rime employment. per hour, in addition Section V. When the sixth (6”) stcamlittrr is employed on a particular job, a Foreman’s nile oflwo Dollars ($2.00) the l3mploycr as die by who designated job is that on to the regular rate of wsge Icirjouineyman stewnfitter. shall be paid to the stcanifittcr Foreman. Rule Ill. RATE FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS Sectionl.Any workdoneberween threö-thiny (3:30) o’clock PM. antiseven (7:00) o’cloukA.M. ureight (8:00) o’clockA.M. as stated in Rule I, Sedon I, and on Saturdays (With the exception stated in Rule!, Sections 111 and TV). Sundays, New Vest’s Oa)ç Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day. Fourth of July, Labor rJay Columbus Day. Veterati’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanlugiving Day and Christmas Day, shall be paid fur at double te mte for regular time, commencing at the hour at which the steamfitter reports for work by direction of the Employer. mc hours of laIor for wockcnds or holidays shall bc itt, less than seven (7) hours at double the rate. Fractions between of days worked as a tesult otweather, safety, act of God, cirCwrlSLances beyond the control ofthe contractor or ifpreviously agreed to (2) hours two hum less [Or the union and the employer, shall be paid for the same rate, but no steam litter or apprentice shall be employed York New SaLC the of by at double then In all cas, the holiys described hctin WilL be observed on the d’ay and data established On jobs shut down for safety reasons by a govtramental agency and beyond the control of the Union and the employer. steamfitters shall be paid oniy fbr hours worked at the time of thu shul down. If thejnh remains shut down for safrty reasons for 48 hours or more steanifltters may be transfered to tinother job or laid off by telephone. If a lay off occurs due to ajob being shut down for safety reasons. the stcamfittcr shall not receive compensation for any hours not worked. hi the evenL ajob she is closed for a holiday not specified herein the Employer can either transfer the Employees to anotherjob site or arrange for overtime work to cutnpcnsatt the Employee tbr any Unie lost. If the Employees are not transferred or pa14 overtinie then the Employees shall be paid regular time wages for the time lost. Overtime will be made available within nc(S) working days preceding or tbIILIWhIg the holiday or holy day. No overtime shall be paid for labor performed during (be regW.ar working day. Section II. Except for Sprinkler Shift Work when it is not convenient to start work until between the houra of eleven (11:00) o’clock P.M. and four (4:00) o’clock A.M., then the steamfiller’s lime shall commence at eleven (11:00) o’clock P.M. and continue until said work is completed. Under thne conditions, no steamfitter shall receive less than one (1) day’s poy regular time. Section lIT. The Employer will give Employees 24 hours notice nfscheduled overtime requirements for weekend work. All emergency overtime will be wurkcd as rvquireil. Rule IV. METUOD OF PAYMENT Sectloa I. AU steanifiuers and apprentices shall be paid at quitting time in cash on Thursday or by check on Wednesday for the week ending the Tuesday prior at the option of the employer. A two hour penalty of wages and benefits wiLt be paid in the event a stearnfittcr does not receive wages due him on pay day, except for extenuating circumstances as agreed by the Joint Trade Board. If wages are paid by check, the Etnploycr must be in compliance with the requirements of Rule XXIV of this Agreement. Paynieiits to be made at the option of the Employer; either on thejob or at the shop. When a steamfitta or apprentice is laid oil or discharged or nor put to work, he shall at once be paid the wacs due him in cash, Wan Employer has pennission to pay b.’ check, they shall have authorization to lay off by check. Section IL The Union may refuse to petmil employees to work for any employer who is delinquent in either wage or fund payments or who fails to submit signed and timely reporting fQrms to 11w Fund Office in the fnrmat and at the times required by the Trustees, or who tails to permit the Fund Office to conduct a payroll audit within tOdays from the receipt of written demand by the Fund Oflice, mailed to the Employer by registered mail, return receipt requested, to conduct such audit or who is delinquent in the furnishing of a bond or certified check, required under this Agreement. When an cniplsyefl delinquency in find payments causes the Union to remove employees from that ernployeñjobsiws more than once in a ninety (90) day pcriod, said employer shall pay one day’s wages iiicluding fringc benefits to each employee who was removed from The job. PflR-l7-sgig 14:5j From: To: 5157421755 by check shall meet the followuig rs who have received permission to pay loye Emp all by s wage for d issue Section Iii, The checks Rule XXIV conditions: in compliance with thc nquiremems of A. The Employer’s bond shall be Now York bunk. B. Checks must be drawn on a checks within 48 hours. Fund will guarantee the payment of elI bad amount of $200 for any inconvenience due to a bad otion Prom crs mtht Stea The C. the Fund will issuc an udditional check in P. the Steamfitters Promotion apprentice. e-half of their bond Will have their check issued to the steawtttter or payments under this coaLtact in ccccss ofc,n fit bene e ting in t quen delin EL Employers who are e Board. d until reapproved by the Joint Trad work dues from Building Vades check payment privilege suspende ftüscer a checkoff system for payment of adm shaU and e gniz reco rs in the form pmvided by thc Uniog,. Section LV. The Employe voluntarily sign a written authorization card who n Unio the to ters mfit srea. wages may be paid by direct beak journeyman and apprentice approval of the atcatufilter or apprentice the to ect subj r, loye emp the of Section V. At the option od. layoff may be paid by the same meth transfer. Ifso electe4 wages due aL Rule V. ITS OF TWO STEAMFITTERS TO WORK IN UN journeymen, sreansfitwrs or rprise Association must be performed by Ente of on dicti juris the in with All work to be performed . A unit ihall consist of: one of whom must be a steamfitter two, of units in in& s wock entiz appr , oi A. Steanilitter with a steamfitter e. entic appr B. Sreamfitter with an Rule VI. APPRENTICES ARE TO BE AT STARTING TIME within the the job shanty at the beginning of work be paid from the time at which he leaves vddng WHERE STEAMFITTERS AND fitters or apprentices Each steamfitter and apprentice shall sbnll be no board or carfare paid to steam there and d Islan Long of all and territory of Greater New York ng either of the extreme in said territory d lenitory shall take the boar, train or car leavi note e abov the of ide outs to work returning cake the boat, A sreamfbter who i sent train or ear leaving nearest starting time and 4 boat g on goin , ycr cplo his by points of the terrilor3c as directed train or car arriving nearest quitting Dint. RuirVil, AMFITTERS EXPENSES ALLOWED TO STE loyer rnvcling expenses to and from ribed in Rule VI shaH receive from his emp desc s limit the of ide outs ing tcr work Each sceamfit He shall also receive a reasonable amount as he is directed by his cmplr.iyer to make. trips y man as for ed local is the work h the place at whic d in traveling. regular ges for all regular tune consume so. of board paid by him and he shall rceeivc employer, it shall be at his own time and etpen ofhis en cuns pleted and without the com is it re lly befo essM work simc his i for rs lcave r dolla ricte 0) 1(11w stesm threc.hundrcd (S30 shall pay to Steamfitters the total sum of Fund n iotto l’ron swy Lndu ting mfit The Stea stry Training Center. during The regular working day at the Indu passing the wlden certification cCst taken Rule VIII. his work to the shop, a distance In going from his shop to his work, or from fare. shall receive from his employer the necessary or more than one mile, each sleamfitter or apprentice Rule IX. AND FIRE STOPPING CUTTJNG,MAKTNG UP FITTINGS threaded, grooved branches and coil connections. may bc CUT, ector conv , ches bran tur , rudia work kler sprin n of direct employer. If the ion 1. All pipe except Sect loyer at the optio ine na the job or in the shop of the direct emp mad or hand by shall be done e up mad gs fittin have and outing and threading machinery, then the work pipe lled insta tly anen perm pped with equi , such work shall said shop is a pennanent shop, tly installed pipe cutting machinery in his shop anen penn no has r loye emp t a direc n Whe by a steamfhtcrworking alone. b. e direct employer be done in accordance with Rule V on Ihejo r. may be cut, threaded or grooved in the shop ohh loye cmp t direc ofthe n optio the a ovcr and Pipe (Wa (5”) Ladies accordmice with Rule V. be at a minimum four (4”) inches or in a shop employing 638 steamfitters wurking in a supply house cut Lu a coiwcnientlangth shall from red be orde can eters diam ofall Pipe groovc. The other end sb II Specialty have a maxhnum atone (1) mill bevel, thread or will red orde so Pipe th. leng cated fabri rmal supply house in baillengibs longer then its or heavier, 4” inches and under, can be ordered t’rorn a 40 dule sche pipe C BVA cut. ed or burn zincd ntacl have a -3 tca-17-2e10 14:51 From: To:5167421765 P.8’19 fire hose stations and conntcting pipe Section 11. All comburiafion spriokler/standpipc systems exclusive ofeross mains, stringers and of direct employer. If the said shop at option thejob the on to same may be cut, threaded or grooved, in the shop of the direct employeror then the work shall be done by a machinery, threading and cutting is a pennanenr shop, equipped with pcrrr2ncntly installed pipe cutting machinery in hk shop. such work shall be steamfitter working alone. When a direct employer has no permanently installed pipe done in accordance with Rule V on the job or in a shop employing steamfiuters. V. MI tktings on sprinkler work five (5”) inches and under shall be made up aecording to Rule and/or apprentices. steamfnters journeyman by performed be to work the is All types of chiiical fire protection s$’tems Welded outlets on dnkler mains in Nassau and Suffolk counties rtay be fabricated with UA. yellow labels. leaving the shop. Thejounleyrnan Section IlL All pipe £ubñcacion performed En a shop wider Sections 1 and II must be labeled before number, name and address of the shop performing the work TTILISL attach label to the pipe showing thejourneyman’s name, signature, book umt and and date when work was performed to deanonskare that such work was done by ajoumcyrnan tcamfitt.er within this bargvuning under the terms of’ this Agreement Reproductions of thejourneyrnan’s signawre will not he acceptable. he deLivered by Labels shall be obtained by written application to Local Union 638 from individual employers. These labels shall labels. these of disthbudon tht proper the Union to the steanifiter in charge of each shop, and he shall be [bIb’ rcpontble for any Section IV. Radiator branches, convecLor branches and coil connections shall be cut, threaded, welded, brazed. glued, soldered or fan the by engineet specified Where so V. Rule with other method ofjoining shall be done an the job by hand or machine in accordance valve pacbges. coil units may be delivered to the jobsite wWi fictory pre-piped Section V. Thc erection and assembly of all pipe hangers and the erection only oIsuppons and manufactured or fabricated strnctural V. to back attachments for work covered by this Agreement is die work otthc sreamfitrcr and apprentice in accordance with Rule Back structural channels and back to back angle iron suspended from attachments may be cut and/or welded in the shop of the direct employer or on the job in accordance with Rule V. All threaded hanger rods shall be cut on the jab or in die shop of the direct employer. Where plain hanger rods are utilized, the cutting and threading of rods under three quarter inch will be done on the job or in the shop of the direct cmployer. to Section VI. Pipc trail diameters can be ordered from a supply house cut intu pieces for esise of access or handling and dcflvcred end the job site. Pipe so ordered will not be cut to sketch and will have a rnaxinusm of one (I) mill bevel, thread or groove. The other shall have a machined or burned cut. Section VII. All pipe used rot temporary heal which has been cut in the shop crop diejOb and subsequently removed m’ be used again. Section VIII. All disconnecting and dropping to the floor of temporary piping used in construction is the work of the stcamfiaer. Section I)L Fire Stopping of uninsulated pipe Is the work or the Steamfilter. Rule X. WELDING Acetylene, fusion, clectrie or other forms of cutting or weldins fabrication shall be done on the job or in a shop at the option of the Employer in accordance with the conditions as set forth herewith. Section L All welding fabrication exXpt for electric power generating plant installations shall be done by a steanifitter working alone in the shop of the direct employer, orshall be done in ccon1anct with Rule V either on (hcjob orin any other shop employing Local 638 Szcamfhtcrs and/or Apprentices. On electric power generarin 2 plant instalistions over 100 megawatts all welding fabrIcaüon eight (8”) incheS sad over Shall be done an the shop of the direct emplt’er or arty other shop employing Local 63R Steamlitters and/or Apprentices using Sicamfiners working alone or in any other pipe fabrication shop hnvia a signed agreement with the United Association of Jouracynzcn and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada. Welding fabrication ix (6”) inches and under shall he done in the shop of the direct employer using Steanifttzers workins alone or in accordance with Rule V either on the job or in ny other shop employing Local 638 Steamfitters and/or Apprentices. A direct employer is a contractor who bids on ajob directly tot a public or private letting agency. If a direct employer bids and wins ajob forerection and fabrication, ft shall be donc in accordance with Section 1. Section II. All pipe fabrication performed in a shop under this Agreement musi be labeled before leaving the shop. Thejourtisyman perfomnung the work must attach labels to the pipe showing the journeyman’s name, signaturc, book number, name and address of tht shop and date when workwas performed to demonstrate that such work was done by ajoumneyman stearnfitter within this bargaining unit and under the terms of thu Agreement. Reproductions of thejourneymati’s signature will not be acceptable. Labels shall be obtained by written application to Local Union 638 from individual employers. These labels hal1 be delivered by the Union to the steanifiner in charse of each shop, and he shall be fully respotisible for the proper distribution of these labels. Section III. The fabrication of’van sroncjoints, the making of hammer welds, or the welding of boiler headers. street steam headers, circular coils, trombone coils, zigzag coils, trunk coils, double pipe refrigerating machine coils, atmospheric type condensers, absorbers, weak ltquor coolers and rectifiers of’ reftigerating machines may be done by the employer without reference to any jurisdiction by Enterprise Association. All other pipe welding it to be performed by journeymen steamfitters. Sectloa IV. There shall be no exception to this Rule unless an employer makes a specific request on a specific job which must be submitted to the Beard of Arbitration for review, prior to start orjob. If approved by the Board of Arbitration, approval shall be for that job onLy and shall not prejudice this Rule on any other work, To:5167421755 NRR-1?-2010 14:52 From: P.9’19 Ride Xl. Y SERVICES ORAR TEMP shall havejurisdiction in the opcraIionandlormaintenanee Section 1. Exccptas described in Sectioi Vii, steamfitters workiugalonc less of the source of heat supply If the fire is of all rewpur.iry heat work at all times whenever temporary heat is on a building regard operation and/or rnaintcnance. Stsaznfittcrs heat tempcirurv for banked or if no heat is in the radiators. stcatnrittcrs shall have no claim in any building or structure or addition rhcccto that WiN have a total shall have no claim for temporary heat operation andfor mauttenanec installed in said building or structure or addition thereto ot’ 1,500 sq. ft. ofequivalent direct rddiation çr less, exclusive of mains and risers when compCetcd. ing heating or air conditioning on a project utilizing Section II. Before the commencement of any temporary services for provid s conference shall be held, with thc Owner/General systems installed under this agreement, a pru-temporary service ss Agent to establish the basic guidelines, rules and Contractor/Consthzetion Manager, the Contractor tind appropriate Local 638 Busine Said conference shall be held at such time as to give all procedures with regard to any temporary seflices requirements for the project . appropñare pattiEs ample time to provide those services needed of shifts provided for each job and shall report Lu his predecessor on the le the schedu to m confor shall itter Section [IL Each steamf Fitter shall leave his shift until he is relieved. The steamficters shall not job at least fifteen (15) minutes before the shift changes and no in a twenty-four hour day. do any other work and shalt not be permitted to work more than one shift the best of his ability and with the object of protecting Section IV. The steamlitter on a shift th&l meet any emcrgency arising to and intorests of his empl’er. interests oF security and safebc those people required to Section V. Jr is agreed that when temporary services are required, that in the ary “logs”. maintain remponiry services shall sign in with an appropriate pasty and keep all necess an Owner. General CuntractoWconsrruction Manager c as until suchtim ued Section VI. Teniponry services, ifrequired, shall be contin ntial part of the building. A temporary certificate obtains a certificate of’ occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy for a substa not suffice if it does not coca mechanical equipment spaces and of occupancy ofanelevaror, lobby, sanitary facilities and staiztasc shall equipment use pcrmhs. t on the job during the regular working day, no Section VII. When steamfitters employed by the mechanical contractor are presen temporary services stoamfirter will be required. d model apartments on the floor are not subject Section VIII. ALL coiistruction.oftic, cilgincers offices, sales offices and finishe to temporary air conditioning services. /Cierteral ContraerorlConMruction Manager must Section IX. Before temporary servicesshall be terminated for a project. the Owner letter stating that he accepts the mechanical obtain a cettthcatc of occupancy per Section vi above and pmvide the Contractor with a project system for the project and agrees to operate and maintain the mechanical system for the ctor/Construction Manager for hours other Contra al /Gener Owner d an by rcquire is oning air condiU rary Section X. When tempo d. than normal temporary heat shift hos, then a mhiiniujp of two shifts will be require ttee and will inter petiothcally to review any commi g standin a shed as establi is ttee commi s rary service tempo Section Xl. The disputes in this area and wfll make recommejujatiogs to the Joint Trade Board. nance or temporary air conditioning who Section XII. An employer will not engage a sreainfutcr on the above type heating lnaintc nce. experie cannot produce satisfactory evidence that tile steamfitter bas rifteen (15) years of Rule XLI. TOOLS AND SHANTIES stesmfitter shalL SectIon 1. The Employer shall providq all necessary tools required for the steamfiner to pertbrm the work. The g, destroyed, or missin that tly are promp any report tools, and complywith alt Employer mica and regulatIons in the use and care of these in need of repair. shall be heated during winter Section II. The Employer shall provide suitable shanties for dressing facilities on all jobs. These atters. steamf led by assemb be they shaU ly, job months. Where these are prefabricated forob assemb other than Section III, In the event an employee’s working clothes arc dcst’oyed by fire or water during , but in no event shall the amount for articles these of ment replace ee the for employ the working hours, the mploycr shall cornpcnsate ng sitter or dress clothes of an ty, replacement ezceed Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars per man. In the event personal proper includi d (flUO.OO) employee, are destroyed due to fire or waler, during working hours, the amount of damage shall be limited to No Ifundre dollam. Rule XIII. EFFICIENCY OF STEAMFITTERS ment in In as much as renter efficiency is desimble, both parties will encourage efficiency and diseuuage any discrimination employ itter do. Steamf can of workers on the bicis “Iage and unreasonable limitations on the amount of work a - To:5167421?65 F’-17-2Ø1Ø 14:53 From: P.10-is Rule XIV. DUTIES OFA STEAMFIrIER The duties ala Stea*nfitter shall be such as are described under the heading Tuties of a Steamfitter” in thc agrtettent made and hereto anached. entered into by and between the tinftedAssociation and the €nterpnse Association, March 24th, 1914. and copy Rub XV. SPRINKLER SHIFT WORK (Existing Buildings) Dry Section 1. When Automatic Sprinkler Work, Hi’e Protection Systems, Fin Conml Systems. C02 Systems, Cnrdox Systems. hose and standpipes hydrant mains, and hydrants Chemical and Foam Systems including both overhead and underground water mains, fire connections to sprinkler systems. sprinkLer tank healers, sir tines and thermal systems used itt connection with sprinkler and alarm systems and i’ll zimb and pumps connected to Lhoác Systems are to be installed in accordance with Local Law #5 or any other laws requiring Sptiêler Work in existing buildings wtich are or Inve been occupied, Shift work may be perfinmed at the option of the Employer outside of the regular work day except Sanirday, Sunday, and Holidays, in accordance with the following: a) A shift shall consist of seven (7) working hours. ALT work performed iii excess of seven (7) hours bhall be paid at double the rate for regular time. No shift shall commence after 7M0 P.M. on Friday or 7:00 P.M. the day before holidays. All work performed after 12:01 Saturday or 12:01 the day of a holiday will be paid at double the rate for regular time, Scarring time rot each shift Shah be designated by the Empl’eit A steamlitier or apprentice who ha5 worked during the same regular workday shall nnt he assigned to shift work. The Empl’er shalt notil’ the Union 24 hours prior to the start of shift work. A steamfitter orappretnice shall not work more than one shifi in a 24 hour period, f) Pay for shift work shalL be in accordance with Rule II, Seccioti [V b) c) d) c) Rule 70/-A RIGGING Steamfiucts Will do all rigging of their pipc-finings-valves-equipmcnt and all appurtenances and set all eqvipmciit when no license is required. If a master rigging license is required by mw and if the contractor who is party to tIlts agreement holds a master riggers liccnsc and is the direct bidder or sub contractor on the job, this work will be done by steamfitters. 1(11w said conUactur has no license, steamfittcra will work in composite crews with the trade holding the license when requred by law, Once the equipment sad appurtenances are landed on the tloorand in a safe position, the steanilitLers will move and set this equipment to its final destination. Truck deliveries will be taken from the sidewalk ortruek dock by the eantitta hue the building. ‘[here shail be no exception to this Rule unless an employer makes a spccit’ic request on a specific job which niList be submitted to the Board ofAibitrazion for revievç prior to start ofjob. If approved by the Board ofArbitration, approval shall be for that job only and shall not prejudice this Rule on any other work. Rule XV-B. SUB-CONTRACTING I. Al) work covered under this agreement if sub-contracted, will be sub-eonactcd to a contractor signatory to this Agreement. 2. Any work that has been sub-contracted fiom signatories to this Agreement shall no: be re-subcontracted. 3. Itis the intent of this Agreeinesn that sub-coiitractgd work shall be aLl inclusive of labor, materinls, tooLs, etc., rcquircd for thus watt and not be labor only’ contracts. Where testing, flushing, or chemical treatment is included in the prime contract then it shall be included in the ubcoatractcd piping work. 4. The letting contractor shall noti, the Fund Office, in writing. on a form provided by the Fund Office of his intent to sub. contract work. 5. The contractor who opts Lu sub-contract will assure compliance of Rule XXIV of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 6. The Fund Office shall notify the letting contractor and the Union if the aub.contractor becomes delinquent. 7. Fabrication sub-contracting shall be subject to Rules IX and K MPt—1?-2Ø1Ø 14:54 From: To:51E?431765 - P.11’IS Rule XVflI. WELFARE FUND From JuLy 1. 2008 to June 30, 2011 iqclusive, all employers shall pay to the Steamtirrers’ Industry Welfare Fund twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per hour for regular time as set forth in Rule I, and twenty-five dollars ($25 .00) per hour for LMCE11111C 5$ set forth in Rules land III for work pcrtbmicd by each journeyman atwunfitter. Apprenticos shall be paid in accordance with Rule H, Section ILl. These payment; shall be made for work performed by them in the City of New York and in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, N.Y.. before any deductions are made for withholding or other taxes. Such Fund wat estabLished by an Agrtcmcnl and Declaratiou of Trust dared May 15, 1946. to which the Coonctors’ Association and Eiuerjxise Associaticn were parties and all employers aglec to make the Jbnsaid payments in accordance with the mies and regulations established by the Tculees of said Trust, front time to time, and to be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration of Trust as the same exists or may during the term of this Agreement be amended in accordance with its terms. The Welfarefund’irustcc shall allocate from cmptoycr conthbutioris to the Wclfarc Fund such amounts as they detennine from time to time to establish accounts for participants in the Ekakh Rcintbursement Account Fund of the Stenmri tiers’ industry Welfare Fund. The Weljre Fund Trustees shall establish a ceiling on the amounts to be so allocated which shall initially be $5,000. Rule XVIII-B. HEALTH REIMBURSEMENTACCOUNT FUND OF THE STEAMFITTERS’ INDUSTRY WELFARE FUND The parties hereto agree Lu establish by an Agreement and Declaration of Trust, The Health 1einiburscurnL Account Fund of the Steajofitrers’ Industry VhIfare Fund (“HRA Fund”), which shall tie a sub.-tnist or the Steamficters’ Industry Welfare Fund. The purpose of the tiM Fund is to provide reiniburseniem ci’ medical care expenses to Steamfiners and Apprvntices employed under the Trade Agreement, and their spouses and dependents. The I lBS Fund shall be jointly administrated by three (3) Employer Trustecs and three (3) Union Trustees. The Fund Truatces are authorized to contribute to the account of a participant in the HRA Fund amounts previously contributed wider Rule XVIII and allocated to the account uf a Participant under a plan providing health benefits. The Fund Trustees are authorized to enter in an agrccmcnt with the Trustees of the Steanifitfen’ Industry Supplemental Retirement Fund to direct a portion of amounts to be paid to the Trustees pursuant Lo Rule xviii (including amounts allocated to Participants in the NRA Fund in excess of $5,000) to be directed to the Steamfitters’ lAduscry Supplemental Retirement Fund. Any such agreement shall only apply to amounts paid subsequent to such agreement. Any such hmounl shall be considered an anwunt which was directly contributed to the Steamfitters’ Industry Supplememal Retirement Fund. Rule XIX PENSION FUND From July 1.200810 June 30, 2011 inclusive, all employers shall pay to the Steainfitte& Industry Pension Fund nine dol1ar and ten cents ($9.10) per hour regular time as set forth in Rule I and eighteen dollars and twenty coils (518.20) jn hour for overtime as set forth in Rules land III flit work performed by each journeyman steamfitter. Apprentices shall be paid in accordance with Rule [I, Section III. These payments shall be made for work performed by them in the City of New York and in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, N.Y., before any deductions arc tna& fur withholding or other taxes. Such Fund was established by an Agreement and Dcdaration of Trust dated November I, 1950, to which the Contractors’ Association and Enterprise Association were parties and all employers agree to malts the akresaid p’ments in accordance with the risks and regulations established by the Trustees of said Trust, from tune to time, and to be bound by and compLy with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration ofTrust as the same exists or may during the term of this Agreement be amended La accordance with its terms. Rule XIX-B. SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN From July 1, 2008 to June 30. 2011 inclusive, all empl’ees shall pay to the Sceamfitters’ Industry Supplemental Retircinent Plan five dollars and eighty cents (55.80) per hour regubr time as set forth iii Rule land eleven dollars and sixty cents (511.60) per hour for overnnle as set forthm Rules land III for work performed by each journeyman steaniflner. Apprentices shall be paid in accordance with Rule tr, Section in These payments shall be made rot work performed by them in the City of New York and in Nassau and Sufibik Counties, NY, before any deductions arc made for withholding or other taxes. Such Fund was established by an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated January 24. 1997, to which the Contracltrsa Association arid Enterprise Association were parties and all employers agree to make the aloresaid payrnerLis in accordance with the Riles and regulations established by the Trustees of said Tnist, from time to time. arid be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration ofTrust as the same cists or may during the term ofthis Agreement to be amended in accordance with its terms. MAR-17-2010 14:54 From: P. 12’lS To:5157421765 . RuIeXX, EDUCATIONAL FUND From July 1,2008 to June 30.201 1 iticlusive. all employers shall pay to Ike Steainflttea’ Industry Educaticnsj Fund thirzy-fovr(J4) cents perhour for each and every hour woiked by journeymen and apprentice steamuiners cmpl’ed in the City of NewYoric, Nassau arid Sultolk Counties, N.Y. Such Fund was established under date orAugust 14, 1952 and by Agreement and Dedaration ofTrust, dated May 1, 196010 which (he Contractors’ Association and Enterprise Association were parties and at] employers agree to make the albresnid payments in accordance with the rules and regulations establishod by the Trustees of said Trust, from time to time, and to be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration alTrust as the same exists or may during the term of this Agreement be amended in accordance with us terms. Each apprentice will attend classes for eight (8) hours on one (1) day every other week in compliance with the requirements of said Educational Fund and the employer of each such apprentice Will pay to the apprentice who attenth such classes forthe requtaLte CLght (8) houts, a total of five (5) hours wages based on the following percentages of the wage rate paid to journeymen steamfitter,: - 1st year 2nd year 3rd, 4th & 5th years . . - 40% 6! a journeyman stcanifinen rate of wage 50% of ajourneyman stcamrttrers mate of wage 65% of a journeyman steamfiuers md rate of wage Rule XXI. VACATION PLAN From July 1,2008 to June 30, 2011 inclusive, all employers shall pay to every journeyman steainfltteremplnyed by them an additional wage in the sum of rwc dollars ($5.00) per hour regular time as set forth in Rule I and ten dollars ($10.00) per hour for overtime as forth in Rules [and 111. Apprentices shall be paid itt accordance with Rule II. Sectiouffi. This additional wage, less any requisite withholdings or deduction therefrom as required by la thall be paid to the Trustees ofthe Sceamfitters’ Vacation Plan to be established tbr the account of the respeenve steamfruer orapprentice and in accordancewith the appropriate rules and regulations to be established by suchTrustees; which payments shall be disbursed by saizl’flustees only to die steamfitter or apprentice with respect to whoni such payment have been made (less actual expense of forznuiatirtg and administering the bust) as a vacation payment to said stcamfitter or apprentice, and in accordance with slJcb rules and rcgulations as may be adopted by the Trustees in furtherance of the objectives set forth in this rule. Such Plan was established by an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated July 1, 1953, to which the Contractors’ Association and Enterpdse.Association were parties and all Employers agree to make the aforesaid payments in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Trustees of said Plan, from time to time, and to be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration of Trust as (he imc exists or may during the term otthis Agreement be amended in accordance with its terms. Rule XXII, SECURITY BENEFTT From July 1,2008 to lime 30, 2011 inclusjve, all employers shall pay into thc Steamfiuers’ Industry Security Benefit Fund which was established by an Agreement and Declaration of Tru dated September 1,1961 as a trusteed fundjointly administered in compliance with bwthesurn chuive doUars($5.0C)perLiuurrcgiiJarti,e as setforch inRule land tendollars (Sl0.00)pcrhourforovenirne asset forth in Rules land ill for work performed by each journeyman. Apprentices shall be paid in accorthoce with Rule II. Scction Ill. Said slims less actual expenses of administering the trust shall be held by the Trustees of said Fund for the benefit of the steamfltter or apprenliec with respect to whom such payments have been made and applied in accordance wiTh such plan as may be adopted the by Trustees. Such plan shall quali’ under appficable provisions of the Interimi Revenue Code to insure deductibility of add payments rm taxable income of the employer. Such Pued was established by an Agreement and Declaration of Trust, dated September I, 1961, to which the Cuntractors’ Association and Enterprise Association were parties and all employers agree En make the aforesaid payLncnL in accordance with the ruLes and regulabons estabhshed by the Trustees of said Trust, from time to time, and to be bound by and comply with all of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaration ofTrust as the same exists or may during the teczn of this Agreement be amended in accordance with its terms. Rule X)(IIL. INDUSTRY PROMOTiON FUND Every employer shall during the term of this Agreement pay one perceut (1%) per hour ofthejuurneyman steamfitter wage rate less fnnge benefits to the Stearnfining IndUaLty flmd of New York and Long island for each and every hour worked by journeymen and apprentice steamfitters for work performed by them in the City of New York and in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. NY. Such Fund was originated by an agreement dated July 6, 1966, to which the Contractors’ Association and Enterprise Msociation wart parties. Such Fund was established by a Declaration of Trust, dared September 30, 1966, and all employers agree to make the aibresaid payments in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Trustees of said Trusç from time to time, and to be bound by arid comply with all provisions ofsaid Agreement and Declaration ofTrust. MPR-17-2ø1 14:55 From: To:516?4a1765 P.13’lS Rule XXIIf-A. LABOR-MANAGEMENT COOPERATION COMMITTEE Prom July 1,2009 to June 30,2011 nclusivc, all employers shall pay into the Labor-Management Coopcratiun Committee, wbich was established by an Agreement and Declaration ofTrust dated July 1,2008 as a trusteed fund jointly adnilnistered in compliance with law the sum of three cents ($0.03) per hour worked a set forth in Rules Ii and 111 fur work performed by each journeyman. Said sums loss actual expcuscs of administering the trust shall be held by the Trustees of said Committee for the benefit of the industry. Such Fund was established by an Agreemenc and Declaraton ofInw. dated July 1,2008, to which the Contractors’ Association and Entecprisc Association were parties and all employers agree to make the aforesaid Itaylileots in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Tntstees of said Trust, from time to time, and to be bound by and comply with ciii of the provisions of said Agreement and Declaradon of Trust as the same exists or may during the tent of this Agreement be amended in accordance with its terms, Rule XXIU-B. From July 1,2008 to June 30,2011 inclusive, all employers shall pay into the linitedAssociation Training Fund the sum of five cents ($0.05) per hour wo&cd as set Forth in kale 11 and 111. Rule XXIV. BONDING AND FUND PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ADMINISTRATION Section 1. Each £znploycr shall fbrnish a bond or an equivalent amount in cash to the joint benefit ofte Trustees of the Stcantfttten? Industry Welfare Fund, the Steamfitters’ Industry Pension Fun4 the Stearnfitters Supplemental Retirement Plan, the Stcamfitters’ Industry Educational Fund, the Steamfirters’ Indus;ry¼cation Plan, the Steamfitters’ Iadustty Security Benefit Fund, and the Stcarnfitting Industry Fund of New York and Long Island (the “Funds”), guaranteeing payment to said Trustees, juindy and severally, of any an 4 all amounts due from said Employer to ouch or all of the Funds, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Such bond shall be in form and substance, and shall be issued by a surely, saiistbctory to the said Trustees.jointly. Such bonds shaD provide that The coimlics ofNewYork and Nassau arc proper venue. The aggregate amount of the bond shAh be determined by the following: 0 to 6 Local 638 Employees $ 30,000.00 7to 14 Local63S Employees 60,000.00 15 to 30 Local :638 Employees 85,000.00 31 to 60 Local 638 Employees 150,000.00 61 ro 90 Local Ø38 Employees 250,000.00 Over 91 Local 638 Employees 500,000.00 Settlea IL Each Employer will make 0 ie required Fund payments provided for in this Agreement within fourteen (14) calendar days following dt dose of the work week, ix. for a work week axting on Tuesday, the Fund payments must be received by the Fund Office no later than the second Iollowingtuesday except where Trustees haw, hi writing, authorized ordircctcd other tents; with respect to ati payments not made within the required time, an Employer will pay interest at 16% (sixteen potent) p imnum. or the maximum rate, if any, fixed by Section 5-501 of the New York General Obligations Law (herethafter “the Maximum Rate of Entereal”) Iitm the date tie. and, as Liquidated damaga an ackUdonal amount equal to 20%f& unpaid ctzm’bwions as &tamincd by a court ofcompetentjurisdictioo, and wifl mimburse the Finds forte reasooabc expense ofcollettion including attorneys’ kcs and audit fees. In the event that an Empk’er iS delinquent fourteen daysaltcr iiaitten notice of delinquency addressed to the Employer has been deposited in the U.S. mail by certified maiL renirn receipt requested, the said Employer shall be required thereafter for the remaining term of this Agreement to furnish a bond for double the amount ftquired in Section I, and ifthe said Employer is thereafter delinquent at any time during the term of tills Agreement of fourteen days after written notice ofdelinquency addressed to die said Employer has been deposited in the US. mail by certified mail. rchzn receiptreqtstc4 the said Employex shall be required thereafter for the remnirilng term of this eerrent to furnish a bond for quadruple the amount required in Section!. The Thistees may, in their sole discretion, accept or require a pcrsnnal bond, certified check, or guarantee of payment of one or mote stockholders or officers ofthe Employer in lieu of the additional amounts which may be required of an Employer pursuant to this paragnph. Application for such less frequent payments must be made inwricing by the Employer and shall, upon apprtval, require a bond fordouble the amount required in Scctioa I but in rc case shall the bond be more LhW $500,000.00. Stich less frequent payments are described as monthly. Payment must be made within fifleen (IS) calendar days following the close ofthe prior work month, Ifsaid ençloyer has not remitted paypicm of funds For the prior month by the 15Th of the following month, he shall be considered delinquent The Trustees, acting through Chairman and Co-Chairman or a sub-committee ofTrustees designated by them, or the Administrator. have the authority to direct, In writing, an Employer that is unbonded and/or on the del’mqttcncy list more than three (3) times during the term of this Aveement to make its payments to the Funds within three (3) calendar days from the close of the workweek, i.e., fora work week ending on ibesday, the Fund paymcn must be received by the Fund Office no later than the Friday of the same calendar week. The Trustees, as to any Employer so ftquired to make Fund payments within three (3) days, may initiate arbitration and/or any other remedy available to them, at any time alter the third calendar day from the close of the work week, without further notice. In addition, where a contractor is unbonded and/or on tilt deLinquency list more than three (3) times during the term of this Agreement end/os issues a check to the Funds which is returned “unpaid ror insufficient funds,” “uncleared funds’ or as to which the Employer stopped payment, t4Dc’-17-2ia 1456 Fran: - To:516?421?E5 P. 14’19 the Trustees, through Chairman and Co-Chairman or a sub’conunittee of Trustees designated by them, have the author to ity direct an Employer to make Fund payments by nitans of Certified Chcc)ç Bank Cheek or Money Ordct Any Employer that fails to meet a three (3) day payment schedule that may be directed pursuant to this Pangraph, imdior fails to pay by Certified Check, Bank Check or Money Order when so directed, shall be deemed delinquent within the meaning of Rule IV. Section II, and the Union may reliise to permit employees to work for such Employer. Reporting of Fund payments by employee’s narno shall be submif led rat the same time as payments are due. In addition to any other action the Finds may be empowered to take, the Funds may bring an action pursuant to Sections 502(0) (2) and 515 ofthe Emplcqee Retirementlncome SecurityAct of 1974, as pmended. to enforce the Employeñ obligation to make contributions. Lii any action under cha preceding sentence in which judgem ent is awarded in fnvor of the Funds, such jugement shall award the Funds: the unpaid contributions, and interestatthe Maximum Rate of (nierest, and as liquidated damages an amount equal tn2O percent of the said unpaid contribulions as determined by (he court, and reason able attorneys fees, audit fees and casts or the action, and such other legal or equitable idle! as the coud deems appropriate. Nothing in the foregoing two sentences shall be constnaed as a waiver or limitat ion on the Funac’ or the Truscee rights to enforce an Employer’s obligation to contribute in any othertype of proceeding against the Employer and/OF its shareholders and/or its otflccri. In the bvcnt an Euiployer is delinquent hereunder as defined in Rule IV, Section 11, the Funds, in their sole discretion, may initiate arbitmtion pmeccdings to obtain appropriate relief The parties specifically agree that any claim made by the Funds based upon any such delinquency may be inibated.by the Funds upon fourtee n (14) days written notice of intention to arbitrrnc by registe red mail or cerrificd nail to the last address of the employer dci record with the Fund Office, and to Edward Nolan, as Arbitra tor, or such other Arbitrator as the Board ofkrbitration may from dine to time select, to be settled by arbitrafion in aecordsn*rn with the ‘khintary Labor Arbiin tioo Rules of theAnicdcanAsin-ation Association, xccpc as otherw ise provided herein and judgement upon (he award rendered by the Arbitrator may be entri’ed in any court having jurisdiction thereof mid shall be final and binding upon the paflies. Should the Employer fail to appear, together with his payroll records for the period of delinquency in question, the Arbitrator may find against the Emplo yer by default. In any ease in which the Arbitrator finds that the employer is indebted to the Funds, the award shall include: Ihe unpaid conthbutions. and interest on unpaid or ia&lily paid contrib utions at the Maximum Rate of Interest; and as liquidated damag es an amount equal to 20% (twenty percent) of the unpaid contrib utions as well as any sums due pursuant to Sccdon IV of this Rule and reason able attorney’s fees, audit fees and costs of collection, and such other legal and equitable relief as the Asbttxator deems appwp riate. It is specifically agreed by the Employer that iii any case in which the Funds serve a notice of intention to arbitrate (ordem and Ibrarbitration) which results in a notice of hearing being issued by the Arbitrator, contributions fbi all weeks which are claimed as due by the Funds as of the notice of intenticin to arbitrate as well as contrib utions for all weeks claimed as due by the Funds throug the h date of the arbitration hearing or adjourned date, if pity shall be subject to such arbitration. Once the novice of the hearing is issued, payment of the sums claimed in the notice of intention to arbitrate and all sums claimed as bccomin8 due thereafter in accordance with the preceding sentence, will urn be deemed to have been made until the Fund Office receives such sums in the form of cash, certified check, or an uncertified check which the Fund Office determines has cleared prior to the arbitration hearing; the Fund’s judgment as to the time of dicatin cheek shall be conclusive. An Employer to whom a g of a demand tbr arbitration has been mailed shall pay cancellation Ice for legal. administrative andlor arbitration costs as follows: it’ all fringe benefits claimed in the demand for arbitration are paid, with interest, prior to the arbitrator mailing a notice ofhearing, the cancellation fee is TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200); if the notice of hearing has been issued by the arbitratoc; and all fringe benefits claimed by the Funds as due as of the date of hearing have been paid, with interest, the cancellation lee is FOUR hUNDRED DOLLARS ($400), if paid morc than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the schedu led staffing time of the hearing acid SIX HUNbRI3D DOLLARS ($600) if paid prior to. but less than twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled starting time of the hearing. Inidation of the aforesaid arbitra tion procedure shall not preclude the Funds from pursuing any other remedy or remedies available to them including other remedies agains t the Employer and/or its officers and/or its shareh olders. It is e.’prcssly understood end agreed that the arbitration provision herein shall not be an eaclusive reniedy At the option of the Funds, suit may be brought by the Funds against the Employer (a) in the Southern District or Eastcm Distric New York in the case of Federal court action by the t of Funds, or (b) in the courts of the State of New York, in which event the Counties of New York or Nassau we deemed proper venue, and the law of the State of New York shall apply except that federal law shall apply as to the remedies available through arbitration. It is agreed that the Funds may sue ccl lectively or individually in their own name or, alternately, in thc name of the Administrator and at least one Emplo yer Trustee and one Union Tnistee from each of the Funds. The Funds, in their own name or, alternatively, in the name of the Administrator and at least one Employer Tnistee Trustee from each f the Funds, may ilk mechønic’s and one Union respect to any contribution due such employee and liens on behalf of each and every employee who works under this Agreement. with not paid in accordance hettwith. Sectiop IlL Each Employer who chooses to exercise the option of paying wages by check, as provided in Rule IV shall, submit a written request for permission to ofthts Agreement, pay by check with the Board of Arbitration. The Board ofArbiltadon shall withhoLd approval from any Employee who, has been delinquent in any wage or Fund payments during the preceding twelvo ofArbitrations will recommend to the Stearn’fittcrs months. The Board Industry Fund Trustees, the name of such qualified Emplo yer and after written approval by the Steamfiners’ Industry Fund Trustees, the Employer may commence paying by check. The Stoamfitters’ Industry Fund Trustees will withhold any appcoval until the bond requirv d in Section I is reissued in the following amounts and revised to include the guarantee to the Steamfitters’ Industry Fund of wages paid by check. MAR-17-2010 14:57 From: To:5167421765 P.15’S Thu aggregate amount of the bond shall be detennined by the following: Lncal 638 EmpLwees 0 to 6 $ 60,000.00 7 to 14 LocAl 638 Employees 120,000.00 IS to 30 Local 638 Employees 170,000.00 31 to 60 Local 638 Employees 300,000.00 61 to more Local 638 Employees 500,00000 Aai Employer whose check tbr wage fails to clear in due course agrees forthwith to pay to the Steaznfiuing Industry Fund of New York and Long Island Trustees the face amowir of such check together with intcrcst at the Maximum Raze of interest per annum 11am the date said Trustees paid such sum on behalf of the Employer together with the reasonable expense of qolleccion. Section JV.Themistees may at any time direct a payruil audit of any Employer to veri& the Fund payments. Failure by any Employer to permit such audit within a reasonable time from receipt of written demand by the Fund Office, mailed to the Employer by registered mail, return re2cipt requested, to conduct such audit, or to submit the reports of payments due to die fund 01Th3c in accordance with the requirements of this Rule XXIV. shall cocstitute a breach of this Agreement and the rules attached for which Employer shall be liable to the Funds for liquidated damages in the wti of $500 per day for each day of delay in permftting such audit beyond the said LU duys, or in suhmitdng the said reports in accordance with the Rule XXIV The Trustees shall notd5r the approprnte EnterpriseAssoviation officiais of all delinquent Employers. including Employers who are not n compliance with thc bonding, auditing and reporting requirements hereof, for action as provided for i RuIc IV. All bonds furnished under this Rule shall provide for the bonding of the Employer’s obligation to pay the Maximum Rate of Jntercst per annum of any delinquent Fund pqmcnts or wages and for the reasonable cKpcflSC for collection irichiding liquidatcd damages, audit fbes and attorney fees in addidon to the principal amount. UNITED ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS OF UNITED STATES AND CANADA To Whom It May Co icern: On March 24th, 1914, agreement was made between tbe United Association of Plumbers, Steam Fitters and Steam Fitters’ Helpers ofthe United States and Canada mid the Enterprise Association of Steam, Hot Water, Lfydraulic, SprinkIer Pneuznadc Tube, Ice Machine and General Pipe Fitters of New York and Vicinity and the Progress Association of Steam. Hot Water and General Pipe fitters’ Helpers olNew York and Vieinit which resulted in flit admission of the above-mentioned Bnrerprisc and Progress AssociMions into the aforesaid UnitedAssocjation of Plumbers, Steam Fiacc, and Steam Fitters’ Helvexs of the United States and Canada, Wnich agreement entitles the aforesaid Enterprise and Progits Associations to all constitutional rights and privileges of the United Associatioa ThIs agreement providiss and is so understood that the Enterprise Association. known additionally as Local Union No. 638 of the United Association, shall have jurisdiction over all steamfirrers in the City of New York, and that the Progress Association, known additionally as Local Union No. 639 of the United Association, shall have jurisdiction over all steajuficters’ helpers in the City of New York and such othcr territory as may be hereinafter referred 1q It is understood, and contained in the terms oldie agrccmenr referred to, that the Enterprise Association and the Progress t%ssociation shall have territorial jurisdiction ovcr such territory as is contained in the City of New York, all of Long Island and such other adjacent tcrritoiy as may hcrvafter be agreed upon between the said Enterprise and Progress Associations and other Local Unions of die United Associations in the vicinity of New York City. It is fiurther underslood and agreed that the said Enterprise and Pzpgress Associations shall continue to observe all teuns and conditions of agreements now exiadn between said Enterprise and Progress Associations and any cmployer or employers’ association, without objection or interference on the part of the t,JnitedAssocjatjon of Plumbers, Steam Fitters and Steam Fitters’ Helpers of the United States and Canada, or of any Local Union or Local Unions thereof ft is understood and agreed that the members of the Entcrprise and Progress Associations while working for employers located in the City ofNew York, shalt, without hindrance, tie privileged to work at the Steam Pitting Lraalc in the coimlies of Hudson, Essex, Union, Bergen and Morris, in the State of New 3ersec and at the trades of Steam Fitting and Sprinkler Fihing in the County of Westchester, State of New York, without depositing clearance cards in the usual maimer. Members of rcgularly constituted United Association Locals, while working for employers located the aforesaid New in Jersey tert tory, and the county of Westchcstz Stare of New York, shall have a reciprocal privilege as to the City of New York, provided such members receive a scale of wage prevailing in the City of New York. The following plan of mdc jurisdictiod as indicating the work of a steamfiner and a stcamritters’ helper is hereby accepted by the United Association through its general board of olTicers, and by the Enterprise Association and Progress Association. MAR-17-2010 14:56 From: To:5167421?SS P.16’ 19 DUTIES OFA STEAMFITTER (I) Wherever any apparanis, titcnsil or iippurtenanco erected or installed by the sceamfirtex- shall itquire a connec Rupply old: building, or from any pipthg erected tion from the water by the plumber, such supply or wase connection shall he rruide by the steamfitrer. The plumber shau leave in the water supply piping and the in waste or sewer piping, suitable outlets, at practic al and convenient points, and 11w steamfittershaU sun all necessary piping from such outlets to the apparams erected or installed t’ him and from such appattisto such outlets. Piping of every description, together with its accompanying fittings, valves and appurtenances (expecting, only, air piping for thermostatic valves) which joins together the several pasts of apparatus erected or installed by the steamfitter, in accordance with the jurisdiction ala steamfitter as herein described, inclu ding regardless of whether such piping conv’s steam, wate by-passes, shall be erected, installed and connected by rho stejimlitter, and this r air-brine ammonia, oil or other liquids or any commercial product or any product in course of mannfacmro. (2) All steam, pneumatic and hydraulic poser piping other than the piping for LLIcrmQSIaLic valves. (3) ALL steam and hot-water heating apparatus and all steam boilers connected to hot-water heating apparatus and all steam boilers connected to hot-wiser tanks. (4) All heat regulatin syste g ms, excepting piping for thermostatic valves. (5)•ALl vacuum heating systems arc the work of the steamficter. All vacuum cleaning systems are the work of 11w plumber, provided, howevez that sante does not include any form of piping fur cleanins electrical and other qppu mtus and machinery as provided for in paragraph No. 10. (6) All pneumatic tube systems. (7) All ice-making, refrigetadng and ecioling appa ratus of every description This does not inclu de piping for aunamitting ice water for drinking purposes. (8) All hydraulic piping for elevator, and for the operation of curtains. presses mid machinery . (9) All oil piping in connection with power or heating apparatus, provided, however, that pipin g used for the transmission of liquid gusoline in garages. dye houses and cleaning establishments shall be the work of’ the plumber. (10) All air piping for power work, cleaning of electrical and other apparatus and machinery. (11) Placing, erecting and resting oral! fan coils. humidifiers and air washers in conn ection with beating and ventilating apparatus and connecting together the parts there of, (12) Setting of all fixtures, pumps. tank s and heaters in connection with steam power apparatus or with steani or ho; water heating apparatus. (13) All swain connections lbr hot wate r tanks shall be the work of the steamuitter. The employees of the contractor ftsrnisbing the tank shall place it with all necessary bang ers or supports, and the plumber shall make nil water connections to the tank. Hot Water tanks and heaters for domestic purposes, which have no steam cotinoctio ns, shall he installed by the plumber. (14) All air piping for window or door opening devices or for switch or signal syste or I’r like purposes. m (15) Building and repairing of water yates for power or beating. (I 6)AlJ sprinkler systems including all fire stand-pipes connected thereto shnll be installed, complete, by the stcamfittcr, excepting only, that the plumber shafi set the mete , r and do all piping (torn the meter to the writer supply main in the street (Il) Al] fire stand-pipes not connected with the sprinkler system. nor with the water supp ly of the sprinkler system, shall be the work of the plumber. (la) All steam and return connections of all kitchen ritonsils. (19) All steam ejectors and all piping in conn ection therewith. (20) All piping for the transmission ofgk icose. syrup, liquid sugar, ink or other liquids in manufacturing or commercial plants or for the transmissions of such other com mod ities as pass lhrotLgh piping from one poin to t another in manufacuthng or eonuncrc when such liquids or coriunodities lal plants, are pnt of the product otruch plants, and all piping utilized for railings and racks and shall be the work of either the steam similar piping fittcr orthe phimbe; provided, however, that pipc railings in engine rooms and boilerroom the work of the steajnflger. s shall be In all matters as to which decisions have, heretofore, heen rendered by the Arbitration Boar decisions shall govern the jurisdiction d of the NcwYork Building Trades, such ofthe plumber and steamfiucr. Rcpwsendng the linictd Association of Plum bers and Steamfitters of the United States and Canadu; JOHN R. ALPINE, ThOMAS 8. BURKE, E.W. LEONARD. Gcaera! President Genera] Secret’-Treaourcr General Organizer MAR-17-2010 14:58 From: Tc:5167421765 P.17’lS THE PRINCIPLES FOR TRADE AGREEMENTS As referred to in ArticLe X of the agreement dared July 1.2008 herccn the Mechanical Cantrictors Association ot New York, [tic,, and the Enterprise Association of Steam, Hot ter, Hydrvulie. Sprinkler. Pneumatic Tub:, icc Maclime and General Pipefitters of New York City and Vicinjc)c Local Union No. 638 of United Association of Journeymen and Appreitticc of the Plumbing M Pipe Fitting iridusty of the Linked States and Canada, PRINCIPLES UPON WHiCH TRADE AGREEMENTS SHOULD BE BASED 1. That shall be no soikes or lockouts or stoppage of work, neither shall members of a union collectively leave the wock of a member orthe BuildingTrndes Employers’ Association. Trade agreements made by the Employers’ Associations, members ofthe Building Trades Employers’Association, and trade unions shall provide that all disputes arising in the trade shall be settled by trade boards of arbitration, with an umpire if necessary, and the decisions of trade boards and umpires shall be final and binding. 2, There shalt be no agrecment providing for discrimination against building materials, raw or manufactured. 3. The amount of work a man may pafbrm shall not be resthcred by a union nor by the representative, officers or members era union; and the use of machinery, tools, appliances or methods shall nut he restricted or interfered with. 4. The employer shall be at liberty to empLoy and discharge whoinsoeverhe sees fit; and the members of the unions shall be BE libcrty to work for whomsoever they shall see fit 5. The foreman shall tie the agent of the employer and shall not be tried for any of his acts as foreman wjthou due notice of the trial, accompanied by n written statement of the charges against him, being given to the Joint Trade Board. 6. The trade associations and unions thall jointly maintain a system which will provide an adequate tbrce uIskillcd mechanics. The Apprenticeship Plan of the New Yoi’k Building Congress is endorsed. 7. Overtime shall not tic worked, wcept when unavoidable. S. There shall be no provision, in any trade agreement, having for its object the collection of debts. 9. There shall be no provisions, in any bade agreement, which will prevent the doing of cutting by the trade which installs the work for which the cutting is done. 10. Unskilled work, as defined in th trade agreements, may he performed by the laborers or helpers. Thc work thai has been heretofore recognized to be in the possession of a trade shall not be submitted to arbitration, unless possession is claimed by a party or parties to a jurisdiction of trade dispute. II. All contractors party ‘a this agreeMent, agree to be bound by decisions of& United Association, the B.T.E.A. ofNewYork City or the National Joint Board. 12. The Employers recognize that the Union had a lcg;tinrnte goal of preserving bargaining unit work opportunities for the Steamfitters who me or have been regularly employed under the Trade Agreement. The Employers also recognize that the above goal can sometimes best be achieved through the fl&bility of modifying work rules (other than those pertaining to wages. benefit ftnd contribution rates, or apprentice ratios) r S particular projcet. Therefore, if modifications are approved by the Joint Trade Board to preserve bargaining unit work, the Employers agree that they will not invoke the Most Pavorcd Nations Clause, Arttele X, second paragraph, based on the Trade Board’s modification of Work Rules (other tItan those pertaining to wages, benefit fluid contribution rates, or apprentice ratios) lbr a particular job project. PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLEMENT SCOPE This Public Works SuppTemenr is limited to public works projects (Federal, Swte, City) be to performed under prevailing rate laws (Davis-BaconAct and)or Labor Law Section 220), and is applicable to HVAC and mechanical public works contracts with a doflar value not to exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000) mid to fire protection/sp rinkler public works contracts with a dollar value ‘tot to exceed Onc Million Five Hundred Tliousgmtl Dollars (S I .500)000). TERM •Lbe Supplement is for a one (1) year petiod commencing July 1, 2008 to June 30. 2009; the Supplcment is to he evaluated by the JorntTrath board and can be ertendcd for one (1) year periods only if agreed to by the Joint Trade Board (there shall be no arbuirution to resolve any lack of agreement). Ifajob is bid under the Supplement tiwn the terms of the Supplcment remain in effect for that job until its completion RULE I SectIon 1: Hours of labor shalt be S hours per day to be performed between 7:00 seven o’clock A.M. to 4:30 four thirty P.M. Section VI: Panics agree to a shift plan for all work at a 30% differential, to be performed in compliance with Rule XV To :5167421765 1 MA R-1 0 7-20 14:59 Fçom: P.18’ 19 RULE 111 RATE FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS Section IV. On transit pmjeccs, wiere work is perfo rmed in the vicinity of tracks all shift work on weekends and perfonned at regular shift rales. holidays may be RULE V Section It All work to be performed under this agreenwn t within thejurisdiction of the Enterprise Associtition by Journeymen Steamfiters, Apprentices or Trainees, must be performed The crew size shall be any nurttbcrofmcn required to safely perkrm the work, and shall be increased or decr eased at the discretion of the employer. Hiring of Steomfnters shall be in 4vcn eumbers. An even number of Stuanifitten shall be employed onthejob at all time time will the amount of Apprentices and/or Train s. At no ees exceed the number of Journeymen on the job. (The work of all Apprentices and Tminees will be supervised by a StoamfitterJounieyma n). Section II: ft is the employer’s discretion to designate a foreman who must. be a Journeyman Szeandittcr. A forem thai] be allowed to work with tools. si so designated RULE IX cunING AND MATGNG UP FITITINGS Section I: Al] pipe may be Cu; threaded, groo ved and have fittings made ip by hand or machine on the job or in the shop of the direct employer at the option of direct employe r. If the said shop is a permanent shop. equipped with permanently installed pipe cutting and threading machinery, then the work shall done be by a Sreamtittcr working alone. When a direct emp loyer has no permanently installed pipe cutting machinery in his shop. suqh work shall be done in accordnnec with Rule Von the job, or in any shop emp Steainfitters. loying 638 Section 11: All sprinkler and combination sprinkler/ standpipe systems inclusive of cross mains, stringers connecting pipe to same may be cut, threaded or and fire hose stations grooved in a shop or on the job at the option of direct emp loyer. All fittings above 2” on sprinkler work m’ be mad e up in the shop ofthc direct employer by a Steanifit job at the option of the employer. The makeup ter working alone or on the of fittings up to and including 2” in diameter can be orde 1km red Alt types of chemical fire protection syste any shop. ths is the work to be performed by Journeymen Stea mfitters and/or Apprentices. $cctioo LU: All Pipe Fabrieationpciformed in a shop under Section! and II must be labeled befo re leaving the shop. The Journeyman performing the work tnust attach labels to the pipe showing the Journeyman’s mime, signature, book shop end date when work was performed number, name and address of the to demonstrate that such work was done by a Jown eytnan Stesinfittet within this baiaiuing unit and under die terms of this Agreemen t. Rqmdactions of the Journeyman’s signamre will not be acceptable. Public works labels shall be obtained by written application to Local (felon 638 from individua delivered by the Union to the Steamfitter in char l employers. These labels shall be ge ofea Section IV: Radiator branches, convcctor bran ch shop, and he shall be My responsible tbr the proper distribution of these labels. ches gad coil connections shall bc cut, threaded, weld any other method ofjoining shall be done on the ed, brazed, glued, soldered or job by hand or machine in accordance with Rile V or at the option oldie contractor in a shop employing 638 steamfitters, Scedon VI: Pipe of all diameters can be ordered from a supply house cut into pieces for ease of the shop of the direct employer or thojob access or handling and delivered to sire. Half lengths of pipe ordered front a supply house may have a mill bevel, thread or groove on each end. Pipe up to and including 12” diameter may be ordered cut to length with both ends prepared from any supply house. This nile does not apply to combination standpipe . Section VII: All pipe used for temporary servi ces which has been cut in the shop or on the uted again. job and subsequontly removed may be RULE X WELDING Section V: Pipe up to and including 12” in diameter may be ordered cut ‘flils rule does not apply to combination standpipe. ti> length with both ends prepared frum any supp ly house. RTJLEXI Section VI: Whim Steam fitters are working n the building no temporary service personnel Section VIII: Temporary air art requirect conditioningservices will only be required for central chiller plant operation. Section Xliii When temporary services are required the number of Steamfiners requ ired shall be determined by the employer and the Union for the safe operation of the ystern. in To:51E?421?S5 1 MA R-1 0 7-20 15:00 From: P. 19’lS RTJLEXV SHIFT WORK Section 1: Shift work may be pertbrmed at the option of the employer outside of the Holidays, in accordance with the follo regular woi’k day except Saturday, Sunday, wing: and a) A shift shalt cqnstst of tight (8) work ing hours. Al) work pertbrmed in oxce ss of eight () bouts shall be paid at doub rate for regular time. No shift shall conu Lc the nence after 7:00 p.m. on Frid ay or 7:00 perlbnncd.after 12;ol Saturday or 12:0 1 the day bekrt a Holiday will be paid at p.m. the day bcforc holidays. All work b) Smiting time for each shifi shall double the rule for regular time. be designated by the employer. a) A Steamiitter or Apprentice who has work ed during the same regular workday shall d) The employer shall notify the Union not be assigned to shift work. 24 hours prior to the start of shift work. e) A Steaxnfltter or Apprentice shall not work more titan one shift in a 24 hour period. f) When shift work is performed, Stesinfit iers and/orApprentices shall be paidtlie wage rate for regular tune worked plus a 30% premium, together With the fringe bcnefit contributions. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT It is Junker mutually agreed that no change in this agreement shall be askcd for by either party hereto, to take effect prior to the day of July, 2011. first ARTICLE FIVE ii is understood and agreed that this agre ement is based upon the Principles for Trade Agreements as set forth in the print to this agreement, and nothing in the ed annex Rules of thc Enterprise Association attac hed hereto, or within this agreement, Lu contadiet or nullify any of shall be interpreted the said Prin4ptcs. It is agreed that the Favored Nation Clause as stated in the existing eade agrecinern is not is understood and agreed that in case applicable to the Public Works Supplenient any prbvision of this agreement shall be foun li d to Way affect the odin provisions of this be cont rary to law, such finding shall not in any agreement, which shall. notwithstanding, continue in full force and effect and the parti ten (10) days after wocipt otwritte es shall within n notice by one party to the other, nego tiate in an attempt to arrive at an appropriate in light of such nilbg. substitute provisions lii the event of change of appl icable Fedpral Laws affecting this agreemen t, by virtue of whicb change it shall beco Enterprise Association to demand that me legal for the only members of Enterprise Associati on be employed in the performance or jurisdiction, or to institute what is com work tinder its monly known as the “closed shop,” the Empl’er agrees that in such event (10) days notice to the Employer by Umerpris and on the giving of ten e Association in writing by registered end that on and afterthe conclusion mail, this agreement shall be deemed amen ordw said ten (10) days period only mem ded to the bers of the Enterprise Association shall be Employer in the performance of employed by the rk coming within the jurisdiction of Enterprise Association and only mem Branch ofLocal Union 638 shall becm bers of the Metal Trades ploycd at the perfonnance olservice work more panicularly described in Rule XVI of this agreement iv,