Structuring Organizing space Partitioning walls


Structuring Organizing space Partitioning walls
Organizing space
Partitioning walls
Working in new open-plan spaces
B R E A K S , P R I VA C Y,
Mobile, networked, open, interdisciplinary: the evolution of the working world
requires new ways of thinking when it comes to designing open-plan spaces.
Driven by the digital transformation and the demands of a new generation of
employees, the working world is currently undergoing a radical transformation.
Work, communication and relaxation come together as one. The environment
determines the working mode. Good offices have areas that allow employees
to focus on their work, as well as areas for teamwork and discussion, meetings
and privacy.
Open-plan spaces require systems that organize and provide protection from
noise and movement. ophelis meets all the requirements of modern office
design with its space organization systems, paravento and syntax, as well as
with the partitioning systems tangens and tangens loft.
paravento 4 / paravento hub 22 / syntax 36 / tangens 46
We would like to thank our strategic manufacturing partners Zeitraum Möbel, kvadrat with
Kinnasand and Danskina, camira Fabrics, Foscarini, K.B. Form, Dauphin/Züco, Wilkhahn,
and Object Carpet for their kind support.
The paravento space organization system from ophelis offers many possibilities
to create excellent working atmospheres. paravento’s unique selling point is
the fusion of high technical functionality and a cosy look and feel.
The system acts as a visual link between the areas of communication, work
and relaxation. With its wide variety of options for optical and acoustic shielding, it addresses the need for spaces of relaxation even in open-plan spaces.
paravento may stand freely in a space and – as the paravento screen – can
also be used at a table. paravento is available in three different thicknesses:
S, M and L. S (slim) is exclusively for visual shielding, M (medium) blocks out
noise effectively and offers organizational design options, while L (large)
offers the option of connecting to the grid.
The system is supplemented by paravento air (ceiling mounted) and the
freestanding paravento hub modules.
paravento creates a pleasant open-plan setting and fits into other areas of
the office with its unique style and material appearance.
Design: 45 Kilo, Berlin
paravento S screen / think tank hub standing height / air, U4 series bench, S series two-way sliding door cabinet
paravento S screen, Z series bench, S series Link
paravento M screen, CN series workstation system with UpDownLight, orga.cube, sliding door cabinet system glider
paravento M table back partition height adjustable, CN series workstation system, slimline mobile pedestal
paravento M, CN series workstation system, orga.cube, S series Link, ophelis docks
paravento M, CN series workstation system, ophelis docks stool
ophelis docks, paravento M, M series workstation system, facett shelf system
paravento L with electrical connection, CN series workstation system, slimline mobile pedestal,
ophelis docks two-seater with U-partition
paravento hub
With paravento hub, areas with different functions can be formed in open-plan
spaces. The modules function as think tanks, meeting areas, telephone
booths, wardrobes or service points. paravento hub takes into account the
sound­proofing that is necessary in open-plan spaces – inwards and outwards.
The paravento hub modules enable open-plan spaces to be split into areas for
specific functions, while at the same time creating a productive and pleasant
working atmosphere.
When combined with ophelis docks, the hub modules form a two- or four-person
cube including a table or even seating areas for relaxation and meetings.
paravento hub think tank, Z series bench, slimline mobile pedestal
paravento hub 2-person cube, ophelis docks standing bench
paravento hub 4-person cube with table, paravento hub service point, Z series bench
paravento hub service point
paravento hub 4-person cube with table
paravento hub wardrobe, Z series cafeteria tables
paravento hub phone booth, ophelis docks highbench and upholstered bench 60 deep
Different areas in an open-plan space can be defined with the space
organization system syntax so that employees can work and communicate
independently as well as in teams in a concentrated manner, while being
shielded from movement and noise.
The syntax individual modules can be freely combined to enable space to
be used in many ways. Furthermore, a wide range of colours allows the design
to be adapted to specific requirements.
syntax distinguishes itself through its technical expression in form and
function. Depending on the version, the system provides convenient cable
storage and guiding to the table. Additional free space at the workstation
is provided through optional organization rail.
syntax Q30, S series two-way sliding door cabinet, Z series workstation system, slimline mobile pedestal
syntax Q30 space organization elements, CN series workstation system, facett shelf system
syntax Q60 with electrical connection, orga.cube, U4 series workstation system
About syntax
The dimensions of the syntax space organization
system have been adapted to the ophelis storage
solutions as well as the various worktable systems.
The unrestricted compatibility of the individual
modules allows the space to be used in many
ways, while the wide range of colours offers the
highest degree of creative freedom.
With additional organization rails, the workstation
can be fully organized and therefore benefit from
even more free space. syntax-a provides noise
reduction and shielding, starting at a height of 140
centimetres, thus allowing users to work in openplan spaces undisturbed and at the same time
promoting communication.
Hidden electrical connections also deliver
power and data right to the table without proving
an eyesore.
tangens and tangens loft
The partitioning wall system tangens adapts to new users and uses as well as
to the building’s architecture. Office and meeting spaces, think tanks or
break zones that are perfectly adapted to the working environment emerge
with the room-in-room system.
With regard to preventative fire protection, tangens meets the structural
requirements. The foundation of tangens is a supporting aluminium outer
frame with prefabricated double-shell partitioning elements that can be
attached with a click-and-lock system. This construction enables structures
with a height of up to six metres.
Whether round or square profile shapes, glass on glass, made of solid material
or fabric: tangens opens the door for many design possibilities, both vertically
and horizontally. Moreover, tangens loft offers a particularly exceptional design:
in the all-glass, single-partition system, only the narrow top and bottom profiles
are visible.
Numerous accessories as well as universal electrification options expand the
design scope even further. For an integrated spatial effect, tangens is
com­patible with both ophelis wall unit systems as well as the S series furniture.
tangens loft, ophelis docks, CN series electric height-adjustable conference table, glider “big screen”
tangens loft, S series “orga.regal”, ophelis docks
tangens partition wall system, pinboard elements, ophelis docks standing bench
About tangens and tangens loft
Various types of doors made
of wood and glass, as well as
revolving and sliding doors allow
the space to be adapted to
specific needs.
Reduced profile thickness provides an elegant
appearance. Sophisticated connections to the floor,
wall and ceiling create perfect transitions. What’s
more, materials such as wood, glass and textilecovered pinboard elements combine seamlessly.
ophelis GmbH
Dr.-Alfred-Weckesser-Straße 1 D-76669 Bad Schönborn
Phone: +49(0)72 53.83-0 Fax: +49(0)72 53.83-338 [email protected]