Plant Name Plant Description Price Acacia baileyana `Purpurea
Plant Name Plant Description Price Acacia baileyana `Purpurea
Catalogue 2013 Plant Name Plant Description Beautiful form of Wattle with finely bipinnate fern-like foliage. New foliage is deep purple contrasting with the glaucous older leaves. Only hardy in the most sheltered garden, but a good conservatory plant. Acacia covenyi - Blue A rare large shrub or small tree with distinct, blue narrow foliage and masses of golden fluffy flowers in early spring. Hardy to Bush 10°C. Fr New South Wales, Australia. Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ AGM Page 1 Price £8.75 £18.50 £4.50 Acaena microphylla 'Kupferteppich' (Copper Carpet) Acanthus sennii Acanthus spinosus Acanthus spinosus ‘Spinosissimus' Acer griseum Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’ Acer palmatum ‘Garnet’ AGM Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' Acer palmatum 'Katsura' AGM Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Brilliantissimum’ AGM Low-growing evergreen groundcover plant with a metallic bronze sheen to the small toothed leaves. Small round greenish flower clusters. Excellent cover for banks and rockeries. A native of the Ethiopian Highlands, this rare evergreen has hollylike leaves and spikes of burnt orange flowers are produced in late summer and autumn.. Scrambling habit. Grows well in containers. To 6ft. A plant of classical beauty. Great basal clumps of dark shiny green, deeply divided spiny leaves, topped by stout spires of hooded foxglove flowers in Aug/Sept. To 5ft. Of architectural value. Prefer sun and soil not too damp. A form with more dissected and spiny foliage marked silver-grey. Cinnamon coloured peeling bark. Good autumn colour. Slowly grows into a small to medium sized tree. Stunning! Beautiful form of Japanese Maple with pale green lacy filigree foliage on a small mushroom-shaped bush . Finely divided rich purple foliage retains its colour all season. Small slow growing bush, like the above. Deep purple-red leaves that turn bright red in autumn on a large shrub or small tree to 15ft. Sun or part shade. One of the most lovely of Japanese Maples, with new leaves opening in syrupy orange peel colours against bright green bark, to turn deep yellow in autumn. Slow growing to 10ft. Leaves open yellow with pink margins, to turn a soft green and then brightest orange in autumn. Slowly to 20ft. Small plants. Remarkable small tree, grafted on a 5ft stem. Forms a neat bunshaped head. Leaves open bright shrimp-pink, change through reddish pink to orange, to yellow fading to white and then turn dark green, the colour changes last for 2 months. Invaluable for brightening a corner. Hardy, undemanding and good in shade. £12.75 £6.50 £6.50 £9.75 £18.50 £18.50 £12.75 £12.75 £7.50 £30.00 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset' Striking variegation on this handsome Sycamore. Leaf unfurls orange-pink and turns tri-coloured - white-pink-green. Leaf backs are deep pink. Slow growing mop-headed tree; 12ft in 10 years. £12.75 Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ Glossy green leaves give long-lasting, intense red autumn colour. Medium sized tree to 50ft. Easily grown in a range of conditions. Small plants. £24.50 Catalogue 2013 Acer x conspicuum 'Red Flamingo' Striking Snake Bark Maple with deep red shots and brightly variegated leaves - pink-white-green! Large shrub to 10 or 12ft. Achillea Flat flower heads composed of miniature daisy-like flowers on stout stems over clumps of fern-like foliage, often grey or greyishgreen. Most useful plants for colour schemes and mixed plantings. Drought-tolerant and preferring a sunny position. Page 2 £16.50 Clear lemon yellow flower heads and grey-green foliage. 3ft or more. A prolific long-lasting show of flowers in fire colours - a mix of oranges,reds and ochres, in beautiful contrast to healthy green fronds of, fern-like foliage. Unlike many red varieties, ‘Feuerland' keeps its brilliant colours all season! Achillea filipendulina A strong perennial with large, rich yellow flat-topped umbels of flowers on a stout stem; grey-green ferny leaves in a neat clump. 'Gold Plate' AGM Wonderful combined with blue Salvias or Aconitum. Flat heads of sulphur-yellow on stout stems above clumps of Achillea filipendula feathery grey foliage. 2 ft. Flowers in June/July. 'Moonshine' Achillea millefolium Brilliant red flower heads and grey-green, feathery foliage. 2ft. 'Paprika' Achillea millefolium Crimson flower heads on a low growing plant. To 18 inches. 'Red Beauty' Achillea millefolium Flowers a rich dark magenta that lasts unusually well. 1½ -2ft. A beautiful plant, not widely available. 'Sammetriese' Pale lilac-pink flowers. Selected by Madrona Nursery. 3ft. Achillea 'Oldways' Achillea 'Red Velvet' Pure red flowers from June to Sept, retain their colour all season. 2ft. Even darker flowers than 'Sammetriese'. Beautiful! 2½ft . Achillea 'Summerwine' Achillea 'Terracotta' Rusty orange-brown flowers with grey foliage. 3ft Strange hooded flowers on erect stems, attractive to bees. Aconitum Handsome deeply lobed foliage. Easily grown in most soils, sun Monkshood or part shade. The roots of Aconitum are poisonous. Very attractive two-tone flowers, white with a blue rim. Deeply Aconitum x cammarum 'Bicolor' cut, fine foliage. 3-4ft. £3.75 Aconitum carmichaelii Spikes of hooded, deep blue flowers produced in autumn above divided leaves. 5ft. 'Arendsii' AGM £6.50 Achillea 'Credo' AGM Achillea 'Feuerland' Aconitum 'Spark's Variety' AGM Aconitum 'Stainless Steel' Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’ £3.75 £6.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £3.75 £4.75 Tall spikes of intense dark violet-blue flowers in summer. 4ft. £6.50 The name is very apt - the stout spike of hooded flowers are a steely grey-blue. In stature most like A. c. 'Arendsii' . Very desireable, combines beautifully with many other flowers. Graceful arching grass-like plant with unusual one-sided tufts of foliage brightly striped gold and cream. Compact to 12 inches. Easily grown. £6.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Actaea - includes former Cimicifuga species Actaea pachypoda Page 3 Woodland dwellers with handsome, deeply divided foliage and spires or clusters of white or pink flowers. Some species have spectacular berries. Glistening white berries on lacquer-red stalks. Dark green fernlike foliage. Blue-washed elegantly divided leaves and shining white berries Actaea pachypoda on red stalks sets this woodlander apart! Suitable for a cool 'Misty Blue' position in the shade. To 3ft. An elegant clump of finely-cut foliage producing fluffy white Actaea rubra heads of flowers followed by spires of pea-sized glistening scarlet berries. 3ft. Cool shaded position. Aeonium tabuliformae Bizarre looking succulent, an absolutely flat evenly spaced rosette of apple-green leaves, that can grow to a considerable AGM size, up to 1ft or more across. Prefers sunlight and very well drained, gritty soil. Best in a container, as requiring winter protection. Min 5°C. Aeonium 'Zwartkop' Dramatic succulent bearing tightly packed glossy rosettes of deepest purple-black. Spikes of many yellow flowers on 2-3 year old stems in spring. Prefers sun or light shade and well drained soil.Hardy to 5°C, requiring winter protection. 2ft. Aesculus - Horse Easily grown handsome foliaged trees with tall upright flower panicles. £6.50 Leaflets often reduced to needle-like jagged remnants from the midrib. A curious form, leaflets sometimes up to nine per leaf. £24.50 A large shrubby mound freely producing large white candles with whiskery red anthers in July/Aug. An excellent lawn specimen. £24.50 New growth carmine red turning shrimp-pink then green. Slow Aesculus x neglecta 'Erythroblastos' AGM growing. £24.50 £7.50 £6.50 £7.50 £5.75 Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum 'Laciniata' Aesculus parviflora AGM Agapanthus Blue African Lily Agapanthus caulescens subsp. angustifolius Agapanthus 'Back in Black' Agapanthus 'Jack's Blue' Agapanthus 'Navy Blue' (syn. 'Midnight Star') Agapanthus 'Purple Cloud' Mostly originating from South Africa, these lilies look exotic and extravagant in a border or in a tub. Stout stems support bunches of blue or white tubular bells well above rosettes of glossy green, strap-like foliage. A tall plant with large mid-blue flower heads. 4-6ft. Hardy down to -6°C. New Agapanthus with almost black stems and dark violet-blue flowers, followed by black seed heads. Can be cut for dried flower arrangements. Mulch in winter, or grow in large pot. Deep purple-blue flowers from July-October on 5ft stems. Vigorous form producing many flowers each season. Hardy. One of the best! Deep blue flowers on very strong stems over semi-evergreen leaves. Form large clumps in the border. Hardy. To 3ft. Large form with deep purple flower heads. £6.75 £7.50 £6.75 £7.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 4 Intense dark blue flower umbels on a plant with slender leaves. Quite stunning! Decidious, 18ins to 2ft. Large heads of pure white flowers. Very elegant! Semievergreen, needs winter mulch, or grow in a large pot and move under cover. 3ft. Stout spikes of blue flowers that emerge from dark purple calyces. An aromatic perennial for a sunny position with a long flowering period. 18ins. Feathery spires of fiery red flowers produced all summer. £6.75 Spectacular large rosette of thick grey fleshy leaves dangerously spine-tipped. Becomes hardier with age but may need protection during cold weather. Native of Central America but widely naturalized in the Mediterranean. The flower spike appears after 10 or 15 years and grows to 20ft. Leaves are brightly margined yellow. A striking combination! £12.75 New and extremely exciting Agave with leaves striped in four colours - broad creamy-gold margins, with dark and light green centre stripes - very sought after and rare! Up to 2ft across. £9.50 Extremely rare Mexican species; stiff, sharply spined and pointed leaves with red tips arranged in a spherical shape. Very attracive and reasonably hardy in the UK. An exceptionally attractive grass. Growing to 18 inches, it Agrostis montevidensis - Flying produces billowing clouds of purple-pink seed heads. Grass Quick growing ground cover for sun or shade and any soil not Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin's Giant’AGM too dry. Blue flower spikes in May. Large bold evergreen leaves are rich glossy purple. 12ins. Handsome climber with palmate leaves, brown-purple flowers Akebia quinata and peculiar light violet sausage-shaped fruits. To 30ft. As above but with leaves generously splashed cream. A very rare Akebia quinata form. 'Variegata' Black flowered Hollyhock. Alcea rosea ‘Nigra’ Attractive rounded downy leaves topped by lax long-lasting Alchemilla mollis feathery sprays of yellow stars. Easily grown and very effective AGM - Lady's ground cover, sun or shade. 18ins by 2ft spread. Mantle New compact Lady's Mantle with deeply lobed silvery green Alchemilla sericata leaves topped by masses of bright chartreuse flowers. Sun or 'Gold Strike' shade. 12ins by 12ins. The Onion family provides many garden-worthy ornamentals, all Allium requiring full sun and good drainage. The leaves of most die off during or soon after flowering. Deep garnet coloured dense globular heads, 1 inch diameter, on Allium sphaerowiry stems to 2ft. July and August. Beautiful for its intense cephalon colour, easily grown and loved by bees. £8.75 Agapanthus 'Taw Valley' Agapanthus 'White Heaven' Agastache 'Blue Fortune' AGM Agastache mexicana 'Red Fortune' Agave americana AGM Agave americana 'Variegata' AGM Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor' Agave montana £7.50 £6.50 £6.75 £8.75 £5.75 £5.75 £7.50 £12.75 £3.75 £4.50 £4.75 £3.75 Catalogue 2013 Aloe cosmo 'Green Pearl' Aloe striatula Aloe vera Alstroemeria 'Freedom' Page 5 Globe-shaped succulent with darkest green fleshy leaves and a £4.50 spire of red flowers in late summer. Really exotic looking plant that is not all that tender - survived with us this winter in an unheated tunnel down to -10°C! Fleshy dark green leaves lined with jagged teeth and a vivd £7.50 orange flower spike in summer. Half-hardy, down to -5°C. Good drainage and sun essential. The wellknown, truly amazing healing plant! Have an instant from 4.75 treatment for burns and scratches ready growing on your kitchen window sill. Just break a succulent green leaf and squeeze the jelly inside onto the sore spot for instant relief! Several sizes plants Recent superb form with soft rose-madder flowers with a touch £7.50 of coral and a bold white pattern and carmine speckles.Short, sturdy growth habit, does not run. Long flowering. 18ins to 2ft. Abundant racemes of large white flowers are produced in spring amongst bronze-tinted new foliage. Brilliant red autumn colour. A large upright growing shrub or may be trained into a small tree. Easily grown on a range of lime-free soils including here on heavy Wealden clay. A form with pink flowers which fade to white. Compact upright habit. Forms a small tree. Tall stems shoot up from the base furnished with lush bright green leaves that emerge from between purple-veined stipules. After a hot summer, yellow pea flowers flushed purple are borne in the leaf axils. To 6ft in a sheltered, sunny spot. £12.75 A large, evergreen clump of arching, bright green leaves, bold and imposing grass to 5ft. Hardy and easily grown, even in dry soils . Slow growing, clump forming perennials from the US and S. Amsonia Africa. Fine, needle-shaped leaves. Mid-blue panicles of funnel-shaped Amsonia hubrictii flowers. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. Full sun 2ft. Pale blue heads of tubular flowers are produced in summer above Amsonia tabernaemontana ssp narrow, willow-like leaves. Full sun or semi-shade. This species salicifolia prefers moist soil. 2ft. Evergreen fountain-shaped grass in a range of brown and auburn Anemanthele colours, deepening to orange and russet as the autumn sets in. lessoniana (Stipa arundinacea) Soft reddish feathery inflorescens add to its good looks. Easily Pheasant Grass grown, border or pot. 2ft. A most diverse group of plants. Japanese anemones are tall Anemone growing, late flowering perennials, producing rounded blooms on Windflower wiry stems for weeks. Reliable and tolerant of shade and most soils. Other species, see description. Creamy yellow flowers rise above divided foliage from April to Anemone palmata June. 6ins. £6.75 Amelanchier ‘Ballerina’ AGM Amelanchier ‘Robin Hill’ Amicia zygomeris Ampelodesmos mauritanica £22.00 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 £4.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 6 Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' AGM Anemone x hybrida 'Queen Charlotte' AGM Anemonopsis macrophylla Large pure white blooms with yellow stamens. 5ft . £6.50 Silvery pink semi-double blooms. A robust form. 3ft. £6.50 Elegant nodding flower heads of waxy white deepening to purple in the centre. Divided, fresh green leaf forms a delicate clump. A woodland plant with a rarefied air of quiet mystery. 18ins. £8.50 Angelica Summer flowering umbelliferous plants with large basal foliage. Stunning display of large purple umbels in late summer. 4ft. Selfseeding biennial. Creamy yellow daisies with darker yellow centres produced in Anthemis 'Sauce great profusion all summer over a mound of finely divided dark Hollandaise' green foliage. Sun and good drainage. 2ft. Anthemis ‘Tetworth’ A hybrid between A. tinctoria and A. cupaniana with the pure white flowers and grey foliage of the latter and the upright habit of the former. Flowers all summer. Full sun in a well drained soil. A first rate garden plant. 2 ft. Aralia cachemiriana Large mounds of handsomely divided basal foliage and green flowers in striking umbels on an unsual and very rare large wooldland perennial. 4-5ft. Araucaria angustifolia Somewhat softer and narrower leaves than A. araucana , the x araucana - Hybrid Monkey Puzzle, itself. A. angustifolia is a Brazilian species. Monkey Puzzle Eventually a large Conifer with a very distinctive outline. Angelica gigas Araucaria araucana - Whorled branches radiate out from a strong central stem and are densely set with dark green pointed evergreen foliage. Easily Monkey Puzzle grown and a good focal point in a garden. Slowly to a great height. £4.75 £4.75 £4.75 £7.50 £20.00 £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 7 (Probably a hybrid between A. x andrachnoides and A. canariensis). Large panicles of rose pink flowers, beautiful peeling bark similar to the Madrona, robust and easily grown. Smooth, satiny, cinnamon coloured bark, peeling off in rough strips to reveal the smooth pale green under-bark, most resembling the Madrona. It may be grown as a multi-stemmed specimen or trained on a single stem. Foliage is leathery dark green, similar to Arbutus unedo but larger and unfurling with a distinct orange-red blush. The flower clusters are in drooping racemes up to 6 inches long. Each raceme may contain 100 individual rose-red flowers. A tree in full bloom during autumn and winter is a stunning sight. Bright red strawberry fruits are about 1 inch in diameter. Arbutus 'Marina' is easily grown and fairly easy to establish. It is necessary to ensure that the planting site is adequately drained, it will tolerate some lime. Flowers will be produced most prolifically in full sun. Plants have withstood temperatures down to -15°C. £19.75 The Nursery’s namesake. Magnificent evergreen tree with large Arbutus menziesii AGM - Madrona glossy deep green leaves. Bark peels off leaving yellow-pink areas, turns to smooth orange-red in winter. Native of the West coast of America, it grows in abundance and to its finest development, sometimes exceeding 100ft in height in the rich valleys of Northern California. W.L. Jepson describes the Madrona thus: ‘No other tree makes so strong an appeal to man’s imagination, and wherever it grows one is held by the spell of its crown of flowers and mass of red fruits; its terracotta bark and burnished foliage.’ Green above thy scarlet hose How thy velvet mantle shows Never tree like thee arrayed O thou gallant of the glade . Plant in its final site while a small plant as it transplants badly. Arbutus unedo AGM Small evergreen tree, slow to 20ft. Bark gnarled, dark and shedding. White flowers in autumn, strawberry-like fruit. Plants - Killarney trained on a single stem as a tree. Strawberry Tree As above, but flowers a beautiful rosy pink. Delightful! Arbutus unedo f. rubra A hybrid between A. andrachne and A. unedo and bearing Arbutus x andrachnoides AGM features of both. Beautiful cinnamon-red, slightly flaking bark. Flowers in late autumn and winter. Armoracia rusticana Variegated form of Horse Radish. Leaves splashed and streaked cream. ‘Variegata’ Valuable garden plants mainly grown for foliage effect. All Artemisia require full sun and well drained soil and benefit from hard Wormwood spring pruning. £19.75 Arbutus 'Marina' £19.75 £8.75 £29.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 8 Artemisia abrotanum Old cottage garden shrub. Planted by a path it releases it's sweet aroma when brushed. Grey-green soft filigree foliage. 3ft. AGM - Lad's Love £6.75 Artemisia absinthium Fine, very silvery example of the well known medicinal plant, the flavouring of the drink Absinthe, so popular in the 19th Century. 'Lambrook Silver' Now a valuable silver addition to many planting schemes in full sun with good drainage. 2½ft. Artemisia ludoviciana A beautiful form with broad jagged silver leaves . Vigorous and 'Valerie Finnis' AGM reliable. 2ft. £5.75 Beautiful evergreen filigree silver foliage . Quick growing and very effective. Best results if hard pruned in spring. Jack-in-the-pulpit. Particularly good form with large shieldshaped leaves having a silvered centre section. Handsome woodland perennials, that also thrive in the shady Aruncus border. Leaves pinnate, of a fresh green, and flowers creamy white in airy, elegant sprays. Aruncus dioicus AGM Forming a hummock of fem-like deep green leaves, topped by great creamy plumes of starry flowers in summer. Makes a fine specimen. 6ft high by 4ft. A more dense, tighter form with an overall brownish tone to the Aruncus dioicus whole plant. As the name suggests, it has an ephemeral, shadowy 'Zweiweltenkind' ('Child of Two character, with the whiteness of the flowers, that are produced Worlds') later than the type, shining against the dark foliage . A. aethusifolius x A. dioicus. Bronze-tinted elegant foliage and Aruncus 'Horatio' creamy spires. Easily grown, undemanding, sun or shade. 2½ft. £6.50 A giant reed with elegant drooping blue-grey leaves on stems to 10 ft. Happy in most soils including very damp. Available in a range of sizes. Leaves striped boldly gold. A unique plant first named by Liam Mackenzie of Madrona Nursery. Leaves striped gold. Beautiful variegated form with broad white striped leaves. Only hardy in the warmest gardens but makes a wonderful specimen plant in a large container. 6ft Glossy rounded evergreen leaves and a curious brown flower, much like an insect. Good for ground cover in shady positions. Invaluable under shrubs. Large dark evergreen leaves are heavily marked silver. Somewhat like a good form of Cyclamen hederifolium . Brown and white banded flowers in early summer. 6 inches. Grows well in shade. Bright orange-red flowers produced in late summer. Prefers well drained soil in full sun and a sheltered position. 18ins. Conspicous rosettes of soft blue-grey grass-like foliage and tall spires of large starry warm yellow flowers in early summer, followed by long lasting attractive seed heads. Sun and drainage. To 5ft. £18.50 Artemisia 'Powis Castle' AGM Arum italicum ssp. negl. 'Chameleon' Arundo donax Spanish Reed Arundo donax 'Golden Chain' Arundo donax 'Versicolor' Asarum europaeum AGM Asarum splendens Asclepias tuberosa Silkweed Asphodeline lutea £5.75 £6.50 £7.50 £6.75 £6.75 £12.75 £9.75 £3.75 £4.50 £6.75 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 9 Popular in Victorian times as a houseplant, tolerating well shady and dry conditions and very long lived. The broad evergreen leaves are also useful in the garden.Prefers a shady sheltered spot. 2ft . Broad rich green strap-like fronds provide a good contrast to Asplenium scolopendrium AGM - ferns with delicate lacy fronds. Hardy and easily grown. Evergreen. 1ft. Harts Tongue Fern £7.50 Trim looking, neat fern with black leaf stalks and tiny rounded pinnae. On walls and rock faces. Evergreen. 8ins. Evergreen plant with bold spear-like leaves of a good silver in a central rosette. A striking accent plant and good in a tub. Grow in full sun to part-shade in humid but drained soil. Grows best in cooler parts of the country. 3ft. A diverse range of useful garden plants. Most are of easy culture. £4.50 Aspidistra elatior AGM Asplenium trichomanes AGM Astelia chathamica ‘Silver Spear’ Aster Michelmas Daisy £6.75 £12.75/ large plants £19.75 Very good form with sprays of violet flowers with a golden eye. Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow' AGM Healthy and strong growing to 3ft. £6.50 Large shade loving Aster that will grow even in a dry-ish spot. Large heart-shaped leaves and wide umbels of white flowers. To 7ft, but height depending on location. From Hokkaido, Japan. £6.75 Beautiful Aster with very full sprays of lavender with a paler eye on a sturdy plant with good mildew resistance. A Piet Oudolf introduction! 4ft. Aster lateriflorus var A mound of narrow black leaves is covered in the autumn with horizontalis 'Lady in masses of small white flowers with deep pink centres. Eye Black' catching! 2-3ft. Aster laevis 'Calliope' A lovely plant. 6ft tall with almost black leaves and stems and countless small blue stars appearing in autumn - a marvellous combination! Tall erect stems clothed with narrow dark green leaves are topped Aster tradescantii by airy clouds of tiny white flowers with a yellow centre. Very late flowering contrasting well with red berries and autumn colour. 4ft. The finest Aster. Beautiful rayed, clear lavender-blue flowers Aster x frikartii from July to October on stout upright branched stems. Best in full 'Mönch' AGM sun. 3 ft . Invaluable hardy perennials making dense leafy clumps of Astilbe foliage. Tapering flower panicles on tall stems during summer. Will grow on most soils including very damp. Astilbe 'Fanal' AGM Dark crimson red panicles on short spikes above bronzy foliage. 2ft. (Syn 'Ostrich Plume') Most elegant Astilbe with tall drooping Astilbe 'Straussenpale salmon pink flowers and rich green ferny foliage. 3½ft. feder' AGM £6.75 Aster glehnii 'Agleni' Aster 'Herfstweelde' £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 10 (Syn 'Purple Candle') Dense spires of rich red-purple over dark green glossy foliage. More tolerant of sun and drought than other Astilbes. To 4ft. Dark green, stiffly crimped foliage and small dense pink flower spikes makes this Astilbe stand out. Low growing to 1ft. £6.75 £6.75 Astrantia Motherwort Tall and dense but feathery spires of bright magenta pink over glossy vivid green foliage. More tolerant of sun and drought than other Astilbes. To 4ft. A superb hardy plant of architectural value for moist soil. Enormous round leaves up to 3ft in diameter of a soft light green are topped by 5ft spikes of white flowers in July. Sun or part shade. Dense clumps of fresh green divided foliage above which rise wiry stems topped by posies of pink or white florets with a pale green collar. Sun or part shade. Excellent for flower arranging. Astrantia 'Buckland' A form with pale pink flowers and green bracts. Very handsome! £6.50 Astilbe chinensis 'Purpurkerze' Astilbe x crispa 'Perkeo' Astilbe chinensis var taquetii 'Superba' AGM Astilboides tabularis (Rodgersia tabularis) £6.75 £6.75 A most striking form of Astrantia major . Loose heads of darkest red flowers are held above clumps of deeply lobed and toothed leaves in summer. Astrantia major subsp A form with an extra large silvery-white collar involucrata 'Shaggy' £6.50 New, very attractive Astrantia with large green veined pale pink collar and a swarm of rose pink star-shaped flowers. Very free flowering. 18ins. Very large flowers with a broad pink collar . 18 inches. £7.50 New, very floriferous form with darkest red flowers and a healthy neat mound of leaves. 18ins. This amazing fern looks very similar to parsley! Adds texture to a shady bed or pot, lovely fresh green colour. Small plants. £6.00 Athyrium nipponicum Beautiful fern with wine-red leaf stalks and metallic grey-blue fronds. 2ft. pictum AGM Japanese Painted Fern £5.75 Athyrium nipponicum As above, leaves even more pronounced silvery with maroon veins. 'Silver Falls' £5.75 Handsome evergreen shrub with very striking variegation - dark green leaves splashed and splattered all over with gold. Will grow in the darkest corner, where it brings much needed light. Toletrates poor soil. To 8ft. A large clump of blue grey leaves topped by Lupin like flower spikes of indigo blue rising 1½ft above the foliage in June/July. The leaves turn coal black in autumn. 4ft. Sun and good drainage. £6.75 Astrantia major 'Hadspen Blood' Astrantia major 'Roma' Astrantia maxima AGM Astrantia 'Moulin Rouge' Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Lace' Aucuba japonica 'Goldstrike' Baptisia australis AGM £6.75 £6.75 £7.50 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 This remarkable plant grows well with Hostas, Ferns and other Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana 'Pink Begonia flowers from summer to frosts. It looks as though it Parasol' would be more at home on a window-sill in the house, but is quite hardy in zone 5. 2ft . Tender Begonia with large lush fingered leaves which lend a Begonia luxurians tropical look to any planting! Upright to 5ft, or more under glass. AGM Spring flowering shrubs, usually of easy cultivation, enjoys most soils, sun or shade. Berberis 'Goldilocks' Large evergreen shrub with lovely golden flowers produced in dense racemes in spring. Blue-black berries in autumn. 12ft x 12ft. Berberis x stenophylla Rich orange flowers flushed scarlet and narrow evergreen leaves that emerge bronze on a compact shrub to 4ft. Grows in most 'Claret Cascade' soils and sun or part shade. Glaucous leaves with a white bloom and very upright powdery Berberis temolaica white shoots makes this decidious Berberis a wonderful accent AGM plant or backdrop to perennial borders. To 10ft. Quite rare in cultivation. Striking foliage, purple mottled silver, pink and rose. Compact to Berberis thunbergii 4ft. Good autumn colour and red berries . ‘Rose Glow’ One of the most handsome Berberis. Large leathery leaves are Berberis valdiviana smooth glossy deep green, almost spineless. Drooping clusters of AGM yellow flowers in spring. Difficult to propagate and rarely available. Betula - Birch A group of trees grown for their graceful habit, and decorative bark which is often peeling. Grows well on most soils - avoid shallow soil over chalk. Graceful vigorous tree with stout, smooth, creamy white flushed Betula ermanii pink branches. An exceptional form from Grayswood Hill in 'Grayswood Hill' Surrey. AGM Betula ermanii 'Polar Heavily branched strong growing tree with pure white branches and trunk. Bear' Vigorous, broadly conical tree with very white bark. Catkins are Betula utilis var. spectacular, up to 7 inches long. jacquemontii 'Jermyn's' AGM Very attractive, rich yellow large single flowers with a pure white Bidens aurea tip to each petal. Fern-like foliage. To 5ft. Needs no support. 'Hannay's Lemon Drop' Beautiful large pale yellow single flowers on an upright plant that Bidens integrifolia looks like a tender annual but is a hardy perennial! 4ft. Extremely tall - 8 - 10ft - Aster-like perennial for the back of the Boltonia asteroides border. Forms a strong clump of willowy stems topped by many var. latisquama white daisies in autumn. Delightful with monkshood, Eupatorium and Vernonia! Bouteleoua gracilis - Short evergreen blue-tinted grass with funny-looking horizontal flower heads, looking like insects, hence the common name. The Mosquito Grass or Blue Grama blades of grasss are thin and give the plant a refined look. Clump forming and happy on well drained soils. 18ins. Page 11 £6.75 £7.50 Berberis £8.75 £7.50 £18.50 £6.75 £16.50 £16.50 £24.50 £28.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 12 A native of North America where it grows in mountain woods, it prefers a moist, humus-rich soil in partial shade. Clumps of rounded, deeply cut or lobed leaves. Dense heads of small creamy flowers with yellow eyes in June and July. Height to 2ft. £6.75 Briza media 'Golden Compact form of Quaking grass, with golden-green flowers and a Bee' - Quaking Grass neat habit. 15ins. Small plants £4.50 Briza media 'Limouzi' Endearingly beautiful perennial grass, flowers with masses of little heart-shaped green lockets with a purple tinge in summer. - Quaking Grass Clump forming, does not run. 18ins. Extraordinary plant with deeply lobed leaves in which each lobe Broussnetia papyrifera 'Laciniata' is reduced to a long hairlike segment, grey-purple in colour. Not a strong grower, but reliable. We have a plant 20 y old, 6 ft tall. Prefers shelter from strong winds. A stunning plant to brighten up a shady corner, with leaves Brunnera almost completely silver, delicately laced with green veins and macrophylla 'Jack margins. Bright blue forget-me-not flowers with yellow centres. Frost' AGM Easily grown, a spring flowering woodlant plant, for sun or shade. Good ground cover. 18ins. Small plants £6.50 Boykinia aconitifolia Robust plants of great garden value, thriving in most soils, preferring sunny sites and will grow in coastal gardens. Flowers scented and attractive to butterflies. Buddleja alternifolia Long wreaths of scented lilac flowers in May. Delicate-looking foliage on arching branches. May be trained up to form a small AGM tree to good effect. Darkest ink-blue racemes and large healthy foliage. Can be cut Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' AGM right back for larger flower trusses and a more managable sized shrub. Honey-scented and attractive to butterflies. South African native plant with bright two-tone orange and Bulbine fruticosa yellow flower spikes over strap-like succulent leaves, constantly in flower all summer! Most attracive for a well drained sunny spot, or grow in pot to move into an unheated greenhouse over winter. 8-10ins. Evergreen shrub covered with acid yellow umbels midsummer Bupleurum onwards. Blue-green shiny foliage. Seaside plant, bushy shrub up fruticosum to 3ft. Buxus sempervirens - A native evergreen small tree, slow growing and tolerant of most soils and fairly dense shade. It withstands intensive clipping and Box is widely used for topiary and hedges. Plants available in a variety of sizes and shapes, please contact us for a quote. £18.50 £4.50 Buddleja Buxus sempervirens 'Longifolia' Calamagrostis emodensis A form of the Common Box; dark green narrowly-oblong leaves. Pendulous branches. Very effective trained as a small tree. Small plants available. Spectacular grass with tall silver-green pendent plumes to 5ft. £6.75 £6.75 £4.50 £6.75 p.o.a. £8.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 13 Bolt upright stems provide a vertical accent in the garden. Showy brown flower heads in July/Aug. Easily grown and hardy. To 6ft. £6.75 Brilliant crop of bright violet-purple berries on a medium sized shrub for sun or dappled shade. Best berry production when planted in small groups. A real stunner for the autumn garden! To 8ft. Callirhoe involucrata A quick growing ground cover plant, studded with silky-satiny cerise flowers, produced all through the summer. Easily mistaken for a particularly fine Geranium, this is really an American member of the Malvaceae family from the Texan prairies! A treasure for the front of a warm sunny border. 9ins high by 3ft spread. A larger form of Marsh Marigold for stream and pond sides, or Caltha palustris ssp any fairly wet location. Vigorous , shining green plant with polypetala rounded, crenate leaves and golden flowers, 8-10 cm across. Flowers March to May. If grown by water will reach out floating on the surface for 3ft or more from the bank. Calystegia hederacea Double form of Japanese Bindweed. Large flesh coloured Camellia-like flowers with densely set ruffled petals. Twining ‘Flore Pleno’ climber with attractive narrow sagitate leaves. Probably best grown in a tub to restrict its wandering roots. 4ft. Spires of beautiful mid-light blue starry flowers in early summer, Camassia leichtlinii ssp suksdorfii above strap-like leaves. Full sun and moist soil. 2½ft. Caerulea Group Indispensable group of perennials easily grown on well-drained Campanula soil, sun or part shade. £9.75 Campanula lactiflora Violet blue open bell flowers from early summer to late autumn. Wonderful with roses! 4ft . 'Prichard's Variety' AGM £6.50 Campanula lactiflora As above, but deeper blue flowers and strong upright growth. 'Superba' AGM £6.75 Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ Callicarpa bodnieri var. giraldii 'Profusion' AGM £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 Bell flower Canna 'Pretoria' (C. 'Striata') AGM Bold foliage striped yellow-and-green, with orange flowers streaked red. Stunning! Provides that sought after, lush tropical look. Hardy in a sheltered garden, or lift in autumn. 6ft. £8.75 Cardiocrinum giganteum Immense heart-shaped leaves arranged round an upright, stout stalk, from the top of which hang long narrow trumpets, creamywhite with a red throat. A spectacular plant requiring a moist, rich, acid soil and partial shade. May take two or three years to flower. To 8ft. A diverse family of grass-like evergreen, rhizomatous perennials which grow in dense tufts. £9.75 Carex - Sedge Catalogue 2013 Page 14 Carex elata 'Aurea' (Carex stricta 'Aurea') AGM - Bowles Golden Grass Not to be confused with Milium effusum 'Aureum' which also shares this name. Arching leaves are a deep warm golden yellow, especially bright in early summer. Plant in sun where the soil does not dry out. 2ft . £6.50 Carex muskingumensis Carex oshimensis 'Everest' Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' AGM Tufts of bright green arching leaves. A plant of architectural quality suitable for mass planting. 2ft. Dark green leaves with pure white margins, very clean and neat looking evergreen grass for sun or shade. 18ins. Neat rounded clumps of evergreen leaves brightly striped creamy gold and dark green. Easily grown, sun or shade. 18ins. £5.75 Bright golden evergreen foliage, the exact same shade as Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade', with which it can be very effectively combined. A wonderful new grass for sun or shade. 18ins. Carex pendula - Giant Arching broad green leaves form clumps topped by long pendulous flower spikes in summer. 4ft. Enjoys cool shady spots Drooping Sedge and wet soils. A native plant, striking when in flower. Can be invasive. Form with 1inch wide golden leaves thinly margined green. Carex siderosticha Deciduous. 8-12 ins. 'Banana Boat' Rich orange golden leaves radiate out from a central clump. Carex testacea 18inches. Evergreen. 'Prairie Fire' Carlina acaulis subsp. Dark bronzed spiky leaves in a central rosette are topped by one or several large golden-white daisy flowers with radiating petals Simplex 'Bronze' and a big central boss. Good as a dried flower . Bright green whorls of leafless stems bear clusters of sweetly Carmichaelia petrie scented violet purple flowers in summer. Usually hardy in a sunny site on well-drained soil. 4ft. Neatly pyramidal small tree with handsome deeply and densely Carpinus japonica Japanese Hornbeam veined leaves and hop-like large catkins held on horizontal branches. A beautiful and hardy tree that is rarely planted. £6.75 Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' Caryopteris x clandonensis Caryopteris x clan. 'Grand Bleu' Caryopteris x clan.'Heavenly Blue' Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ Cautleya spicata ‘Robusta’ £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 £4.50 £6.50 £5.75 £9.50 £24.50 Compact sun-loving shrubs with dove-grey aromatic foliage and blue flowers in late summer. Require good drainage and thrive on chalk. Full sun. Hard prune in spring. New form with very deep blue flowers on a compact shrub. £7.50 Sky blue flowers. A bit more open and elegant. To 2ft. £6.75 Magnificent, fairly slow growing small tree. Large velvety leaves held like plates, holds a rich golden colour all summer. Plant with shelter from strong winds. Magnificent perennial forming an exotic-looking clump of broad, upright sheaf-like leaves from which appear spikes of yellow flowers emerging from purple bracts. Quite striking in flower. 2 ft. Warm sheltered spot. £25.00 £8.75 Catalogue 2013 Ceanothus Fast growing bushy plants, excelling in dry soil and full sun and happy by the sea. Inland they should be grown against a wall. The following are all evergreen, bar one (C. d. 'Henri Desfosse'). Smothrered in the richest blue flowers emerging from reddish buds, and dark green neat foliage. A chance hybrid seedling from Berkely, California. Makes a rounded large shrub to 10ft. Highly recommended! This a decidious Ceanothus, covered in sky blue flowers form Ceanothus x mid July onwards. Vigourous and easily grown, an attractive delileanus 'Henri Desfosse' backdrop to fiery Dahlias and Crocosmias. 5ft. Ceanothus prostratus - Dark evergreen toothed leaves on ground hugging stems. Forms a mat 6ft across but only a few inches high. Blue flower clusters in Squaw Carpet spring. Vigorous mound-forming plant covered in Cambridge-blue Ceanothus flowers in June. 3ft high by 6ft spread . thyrsiflorus repens Noble trees form a massive trunk with upswept branches and a Cedrus flat topped canopy, magnificent on the largest scale. For several decades they make excellent garden plants. Silver blue needles and a feathery soft outline makes this Cedar a Cedrus atlantica beautiful tree already when young. As it matures it becomes glauca - Blue Atlas Cedar evermore sculptural, with some branches sweeping to the ground. Grows to 4m in 10 years. Fertile and well drained soil. Ceanothus 'Cynthia Postan' Beautiful weeping tree. Initially requires training upwards then branches may be allowed to arch out from, from which curtains of glaucous blue branchlets will trail to the ground. Old specimens often cover large areas. This tree is much revered in India and Pakistan, where it is the Cedrus deodara national tree. Its soft long glaucous needles and drooping leader Himalayan Cedar, Deodar makes it instantly recognisable. Eventually a very large tree, it makes 5m in 10 years. Dwarf Cedar with outstanding blue foliage and a low, weeping Cedrus deodara habit. Slow growing, 3ft wide in 10 years. 'Feelin Blue' A group of plants producing flowers with a thistle-like centre Centaurea surrounded by a ring of narrow shaped petals. Best in full sun and Knapweed well-drained soil. Robust leafy plant bearing large terminal buds as large as a hen’s Centaurea egg which open to reveal a bright yellow thistle flower. Dries macrocephala well. 3ft. New form having yellow leaves and sharply contrasting bright Centaurea montana blue flowers. 'Gold Bullion' Cephalaria gigantea A large clump of dark green divided leaves topped by wiry branching stems with large pale primrose yellow scabious flowers in June/July. Easily grown in sun. 6ft . Creeping low perennial Plumbago with clear deep blue flowers Ceratostigma plumbaginoides AGM and stunning autumn colours of red and purple. Good ground cover and front-of-border plant. 6-8 inches. Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Page 15 £6.75 £7.50 £6.75 £6.75 £12.75 £12.75 £12.75 £12.75 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £4.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 16 Rich blue flowers produced from July to October, neat shrub to Ceratostigma willmottianum AGM 3ft. Red autumn tints. Best in sun on well-drained soil . £6.75 Exquisite weeping form of Katsura Tree with long streaming shoots all the way to the ground covered with light green round leaves turning butter yellow and pink in autumn.. Magnificent large shrub with elegantly Cercis canadensis new ‘Forest Pansy’ AGM poised large deep purple, almost black leaves on horizontal branches. There is a good plant in the RHS garden at Wisley. Different sized plants usually available. Bright cerise pea flowers smother the naked stems in spring, Cercis chinensis then give way to large yellow-green heart-shaped leaves, which 'Avondale' turn golden yellow in autumn. All the loveliness of a Judas tree, but in a compact shrub to 10 ft. Cestrum parqui AGM Sweetly scented greenish yellow flowers in short terminal panicles in June and July are fragrant at night. Shrub to 8ft in a sunny sheltered site . Bright red flowers with prominent golden stamens followed by Chaenomeles yellow apple-like fruits on a robust and easily grown shrub to 'Crimson and Gold' 12ft. Will grow in sun or part shade, and on poor soils. AGM - Flowering Quince For lovers of pendulous whipcord conifers, this is simply the Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Imbricata best! Streamers up to 3ft long cascade down from arching Pendula' branches. Forms an upright plant, 8ft in 10 years. Difficulties in propagating this cultivar has made it very rare. A woodland grass with arching large pale green oat-like flowers Chasmanthium over a tuft of bright green broad soft foliage. Whole plant turns latifolium - Wood Oats bronze in autumn. Easily grown where not too dry. 2ft. Chelonopsis moschata An unusual member of the Lamium family from Japan. Purplepink, tubular flowers on slender stems are complemented by redflushed leaves July/Aug. Sun or part shade. 1ft. Group of grasses, mostly from N Zeeland, which form dense Chionochloa clumps of arching leaves like a pampas grass, but more open and refined. Ideal for a sunny situation with well-drained soil. £18.50 Chionochloa flavicans - Deep green foliage with creamy yellow plumes, very attractive. Green-leaved Tussock Prefers a hot, dry position. 3ft. Evergreen. Grass £6.75 Clumps of evergreen foxy-red, rolled leaves and loose panicles of flowers of the same colour. Moist conditions help to produce good leaf colour. 3ft. Choisya ‘Aztec Pearl’ New hybrid forming a small compact evergreen shrub with deep glossy green slender leaves and white flowers flushed pink in (C. arizonica x C. May and Sept . ternata) AGM Bright golden evergreen foliage and sweetly scented clusters of Choisya ternata white flowers, May to June. Hardy but prefers some shelter. 3ft in ‘Sundance’ AGM 10 years. £6.75 Cercidiphyllum jap. 'Morioka Weeping' Chionochloa rubra Red Tussock Grass from £22.50 £14.50 £6.75 £6.75 £25.00 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Choisya ternata AGM Glossy evergreen foliage and scented white flowers May. Forms a neat shrub to 5ft . A fabulous hardy Chrysanthemum, in constant flower from June Chrysanthemum to November! Profilic peachy pink semi-double flowers, some 'Esther' with a golden eye. 3ft. Chrysanthemum rub. Soft silver-pink broad petallled flowers. 2ft. ‘Clara Curtis' Dense compact clumps of foliage freely produce beautiful, Chrysanthemum rubellum ‘Winning’s narrow-petalled, single red daisy flowers in late summer/autumn. Red’ Reliable and easily grown. 2ft. Purple thistle flowers produced March - June then August Cirsium rivulare December. Easily grown. 3ft. ‘Atropurureum’ Large white flowers with a dark maroon-red heart, dark green Cistus x aguilarii evergreen leaves. Excellent in sunny well-drained border. 'Maculatus' 3-4ft. Bright magenta flowers with slightly crinkly petals, golden Cistus x purpureus stamens and a dark red blotch at the bottom of each petal. Dark green evergreen foliage. 4ft. Clematis ‘Multi Blue’ Spectacular new Clematis. Double blue flowers open out to reveal a mass of narrow central petals, blue with a white edge . A healthy climber to 8ft. Also looks good grown in a pot. Clerodendrum bungei Large heart-shaped leaves on dark coloured stems topped by bold clusters of rosy-red flowers in Aug/Sept. Forms a thicket of stems to 8ft. The leaves emit an unsavoury odour when crushed while the flowers are sweetly fragrant. A striking new form with large heart-shaped leaves variegated Clerodendrum green, white and yellow. Small plants. trichotomum 'Carnival' Fragrant maroon and white flowers in August Clerodendrum berries trichotomum fargesii followed by startling bright blue with maroon calyces. Quick growing large shrub or small tree colouring well in autumn. There is a magnificent plant in Appledore High Street. Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Rose pink buds open to shell pink, very fragrant bottle brush spikes. Leaf is shiny dark green, lightly veined, turning orange Spire' and crimson in autumn. A wonderful small to medium-sized shrub for a reasonably moist site which is chalk free. Sun or part shade, to 5ft. Small plants Curious and distinct spiny shrubs from South America. Plants are Colletia almost leafless and produce small white flowers in late autumn with a strong fragrance of marzipan. Generally hardy but best not in exposed cold areas. This hybrid is intermediate between the other two species listed. Colletia cruciata x spinosa Branches are formed into long stout spikes. A vigorous shrub. Colletia hystrix (C. 6ft. Small plants. armata) Colletia paradoxa (C. A garden oddity. The plant is almost entirely composed of flat triangular plates armed with spines. Slow-growing to 8ft. cruciata) Page 17 £6.75 £6.50 £5.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.50 £6.50 £5.00 £8.75 £5.00 £8.75 £8.75 £14.50 £6.75 £12.75 Catalogue 2013 Three gentian blue petals sit in a boat-like spathe, forming a curious flower over bright green lance shaped leaves. Small eye catching tuberous perennial from New Mexico. 6-12ins. Lily-of-the Valley. Dark green leaves are striped bright gold down their length. White very fragrant bells in spring. Clump forming low perennial for sun or part shade. Small plants Convolvulus cneorum Intensely silver, silky leaves. Large trumpet-shaped pink flowers in May. Small ever-green shrub for sunny well-drained site. 2ft. AGM Commelina dianthifolia - Birdbill Dayflower Convallaria majalis 'Variegata' Coreopsis Tickseed Upright stems bearing light, large yellow daisy-like flowers with a dark centre in late summer. Growing to 6ft it is ideal for a back of border position in partial shade. Coreopsis verticillata Masses of ruby red daisies over needle-like dark green leaves. Sun and good drainage essential. Flowers from June to 'Ruby Red' September. 12ins. A wide group of shrubs and trees, mainly easily grown, some of Cornus which have large showy bracts. Those grown for their winter stem colour should be hard pruned every spring. Leaves broadly margined white against red stems, very effective. Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’ AGM Will grow in shade. To 5ft . Cornus kousa var. chinensis AGM Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' Cornus 'Norman Hadden' AGM Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' Cornus sericea 'White Gold' Cortaderia fulvida - Toe-Toe Cortaderia richardii AGM £4.50 £5.75 £6.75 This group of plants is grown for its daisy-like flowers. Most prefer full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. Coreopsis tripteris Tall Tickseed Cornus alba 'Sibirica' AGM Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea' AGM Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder' AGM Page 18 Brilliant crimson stems. £6.75 £4.50 £6.75 £6.75 Small creamy-white margined leaves hang on horizontally tiered branches. A choice architectural plant growing to 6ft. Superb new hybrid freely producing large white bracts in spring. Brilliant autumn leaf colour. Forms a large shrub. Not for shallow chalk. Large white "flowers" smother the branches in June followed by strawberry-llike fruits. Rich crimson autumn colour. To 10ft. £14.50 Leaves grey-green with a broad white margin. Very showy! £18.50 Large cream coloured bracts which turn pink. Berries are very showy. Strong growing and semi evergreen. Branches are yellow at the base deepening to fiery orange at the tips. Soft green leaves turn orange and yellow in autumn. Lovely clean white variegated leaf over bright yellow stems. An attractive combination, and not often seen in cultivation. Pampas grass from New Zealand. In mid-summer drooping, onesided, tawny coloured plumes are produced on tall, arching stems. To 5ft. A native of New Zealand forming large mounds of broad, arching leaves. 8ft stems are produced in early to mid-summer, bearing one-sided plumes that open cream, becoming white. Needs moist soil. £14.50 £8.75 £16.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana 'Evita' Cortaderia selloana 'Monstrosa' Cortaderia selloana 'Splendid Star' Cortaderia 'Sunningdale Silver' AGM Corydalis solida ssp solida 'Beth Evans' Cosmos atrosanguineus Cotinus coggygria 'Golden Spirit' The most noble of grasses, useful for planting with shrubs, as an accent plant for border corners or as the focus of a narrow vista. Several plants, planted at 4ft intervals, can be made to form enormous clumps or screens. Seed-raised plants may give poor results. New dwarf form - perfect for the smaller gardens. The flower stems are upright and strong and it is very free flowering. 5ft. An improvement on C. s. 'Pumila'. Largest form - 10ft tall! Enormous plumes like large flags. Page 19 £7.50 £8.75 Arching blades striped boldly yellow, this plant stands out from a distance. Compact mound of leaves to 3ft. Very feathery creamy-white vertical plumes in dense clusters. Prolific and reliable. 7ft incl flowers. £7.50 Pink flowers, like a bunch of keys, in a short spike over glaucous foliage. Forms a mat of flowers early in spring under trees. Mix with small spring bulbs. Part shade and a little moisture. 6ins. £2.75 Deep maroon-crimson flowers produced throughout the summer and autumn, richly scented of chocolate. Requires full sun and winter mulch. To 2ft . Bright golden lush foliage on a handsome shrub that turns amber, burgundy and scarlet in autumn. Can be hard pruned for larger leaves, or left to reach 10ft. New excellent selection! £6.75 £7.50 £11.50 Deep purple foliage, wine red in autumn. Pink inflorescences Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ AGM give smoky effect. 10ft. £7.50 Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' Compact form of Smoke Bush, with soft green leaves and pale pink "smoke". Red, pink and orange autumn colours. 6ft x 6ft. £8.75 Cotinus ‘Grace’ Large rounded leaves are soft purple, turning red in autumn. Pink, smoky inflorescences in late summer. Vigorous and quickgrowing to 10ft. The best of the Dummer Hybrids. Easily grown. £8.75 Crambe cordifolia AGM A mound of large, dark green deeply-cut leaves, topped by clouds of thousands of tiny, strongly scented white stars in June. 6ft tall by 4ft spread. A magnificent large plant for a sunny spot . £6.75 Crambe maritima AGM Undulating, blue-grey leaves with edible purple shoots emerging in spring. Growing well in coastal situations. Large heads of small white flowers from May to July. 2ft. Rose pink frgrant trumpets on an Amaryllis-type bulb with straplike leaves. Hardy outdoors in a sheltered position. 4ft. As above, but flowers pure white. A noble plant, much treasured at Sissinghurst. Upright sword-like foliage and arching sprays of flowers in late summer. Easily grown in sun or part shade. £6.50 Crinum x powellii AGM Crinum x powellii 'Album' AGM Crocosmia £7.50 £8.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 20 (syn. C.'Dark Leaf Apricot ') Apricot flowers combine beautifully with dark bronze-green foliage. 3ft. New beautiful cultivar with very large copper orange flowers with reflexed petals. Stunning! From Mark Walsh at Trecanna in Cornwall. Bright flame-coloured sprays of open flared flowers give a real Crocosmia x crocosmiflora 'Carmin impact! Strong healthy plants in full clumps, but not invasive. 2ft. Brilliant' Sprays of very large nodding flowers, dark orange with a red Crocosmia 'Emily splashed throat. Clumps of strong foliage. 2ft. Beautiful freeMcKenzie' flowering Crocosmia. Crocosmia 'Hellfire' New form, vigorous and tall with pleated foliage, much like C. 'Lucifer' but flowers are darker purer red with no hint of yellow. 3-4ft. Strong growing and tall with pleated foliage and vibrant red Crocosmia 'Lucifer' flowers. 4ft. Flowers early July onwards. AGM Crocosmia 'Malahide Full sprays of smaller warm-red flowers over quite narrow, grasslike foliage. 3ft. Castle Red' £4.50 Large pure warm yellow flowers really stand out, even from a distance. Foliage is healthy and bright green. 3-4ft. Strong growing with large bright red flowers. 3ft £4.75 Outward-facing sprays of large warm yellow flowers with a hint of orange. Long flowering and reliable. 3ft. Strong growing Conifer with upward swept branches and a dominant leader. Needles are spirally arranged as in the dwarf conifer C .j.’Spiralis’ . Distinctive form up to 25ft. Rarely grown Conifer with long glossy dark green needles densely arranged in two ranks along the branch and a lovely broadly conical outline. Somewhat like a monkey puzzle, but the needles are softer. Blue flowing foliage streams off the branches of this the most elegant of Conifers, like water cascading down a cliff face. Native to the eastern Himalayas, it is only hardy in the very mildest parts of Britain - otherwise a suitable conservatory specimen. 3m in 10 years. Can be pruned, if needed. Cycads are a very old group of plants, they were around at the same time as dinosaurs roamed the earth! Looking like a slowgrowing palm, with a whorl of strong evergreen foliage and a curious scaly middle, like a giant pine cone, they have an intriguing air. Grow in a pot, or outside in sheltered position. Gritty, open compost and sun to part shade. Older plants hardy to 11°C. Various sizes normally available. Please contact us for a quote. Magnificent large perennial with deeply divided silver leaves 4ft long. Stout stems bear immense purple thistle heads 6ft tall. Sunny well-drained site . Very similar to C. involucratus. £5.00 Crocosmia 'Coleton Fishacre' Crocosmia 'Cornish Copper' Crocosmia 'Paul's Best Yellow' Crocosmia 'Walberton Red' Crocosmia 'Walberton Yellow' Cryptomeria japonica ‘Rasen-sugi’ Cunninghamia lanceolata Cupressus cashmeriana AGM Kashmir Cypress Cycas revoluta Cycad, King Sago Palm Cynara cardunculus AGM - Cardoon Cyperus alternifolius £4.50 £3.75 £4.50 £4.50 £3.75 £4.75 £4.50 £21.50 £21.50 £16.50 £20.00 £6.75 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Cyperus involucratus AGM - Umbrella Plant x Cupessoocyparis leylandii 'Gold Rider' AGM Cytisus battandieri AGM - Pineapple Broom Daphne odora 'Marianna' Daphniphyllum himalayense ssp. macropodum Darmera peltata AGM Dasylirion miquihuanense Datisca cannabina Decaisnea fargesii Deinanthe bifida Delosperma congestum Dianella tasmanica Grass with lush green umbrellas on stems up to 3ft. Ours are grown from self-collected seed from a park in Folkestone, so should be hardy in milder areas or sheltered spots. Bright golden green form of Leylandii - unrivalled for winter interest and as a backdrop for shrub and perennial borders. A rare form, much brighter coloured than the variety 'Caslewellan'! Fast growing to 35m. Magnificent deciduous shrub unlike any other broom. Trifoliate, blue-washed leaves covered in fine silky silver hairs. Yellow flowers in erect tightly packed cones scented of pineapples. Best against a sunny wall, but generally hardy. Vigorous to 12ft if tied in. Striking creamy gold broad leaf margins make this Daphne really stand out, especially in winter! Delisciously fragrant pale pink flowers in winter and early spring. Evergreen shrub, best grown away from cold winds. To 3ft. Handsome large leaved evergreen resembling Rhododendron decorum. The leaves are pale green above, bluish white beneath with a red petiole and midrib. Fragrant green flowers produced in late spring. Will grow on most soils including chalk, and forms a tall shrub to 10ft, preferring part-shade. Starry, rounded panicles of pink flowers on stout stalks appear before the leaves, which are bold, rounded, up to 1 ft across and shiny green. Thrives in marshy ground, sun or part shade. To 3ft . A unique architectural plant with narrow lance-shaped grey-green leaves that shoot off stiffly in all dierctions, forming a near perfect sphere. Hardy down to -10C or more, if grown with good drainage in full sun. To 6ft. Tall imposing perennial with Fraxinus -like leaves and small yellow-green flowers in long pendulous racemes. Easily grown, to 6ft. Tall erect stems furnished with enormous pinnate leaves. Drooping clusters of bell-shaped greenish flowers followed by broad bean shaped pods with a metallic blue bloom. 10ft Large plants. Charming woodlander from Japan with Hydrangea-like leaves, notched at the end, delicate white nodding flowers, sometimes with a hint of pink, and fluffy stamens. For a cool spot with adequate moisture. 18ins. A low mat of fleshy cylindrical leaves studded with bright yellow flowers. Free flowering and hardy given a well drained sunny site. Evergreen with arching, grass-like, dark green leaves. Branched sprays of pale blue, starry flowers in June, followed by spectacular dark, glossy purple berries. Plant in acid soil in a sheltered spot. 4ft. Page 21 £6.75 £16.50 £22.50 £12.75 £14.50 £6.75 £19.75 £7.50 £9.75 £7.50 £3.75 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Dicentra Dicentra 'King of Hearts' Dicentra 'Red Fountain' Dicentra spectabilis AGM - Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' AGM Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine' Dierama Angel's Fishing Rod Dierama dracomontanum x pulcherrimum Dierama pulcherrimum Dierama pulcherrimum 'Blackbird Seedling' Dierama pulcherrimum 'Slieve Donard Hybrids' Dierama pulcherrimum 'Snowbells' Dierama robustum Disporum flavens Yellow Fairy Bells Drimys lanceolata Spring or summer flowering plants with heart-shaped flowers, hanging like tear drops from arching stems. Fern-like, glaucous or pale green foliage. Happily grown in sun to part-shade, pretty together with other woodland plants. Rich rose pink lockets over a mound of light blue-green ferny foliage.Slightly shaded position with adequate moisture. Long flowering season in spring and early summer. To 12ins. New plant, which causes quite a stir, wherever it is seen! Dark red lockets above a mound of silvery blue fern-like foliage. Likes moist but well drained soil and sun to part shade. Often flowers for an extensive period in spring and summer, and can re-bloom in autumn, if given adequate moisture. 8-12 inches. Large, rosy red flowers with a white tip, over fresh green foliage. 2ft . Page 22 £6.75 £7.50 £6.50 Light green foliage and cool white flowers. A lovely combination! New selection with cherry red flowers, dark stems and blue grey ferny foliage. Very attractive! Upright sheaves of grassy evergreen leaves from which wiry arching stems shoot up in summer from which hang beautifully formed waxy bells suspended by almost invisible threads. The following forms are available: Dwarf form, very vigorous and free flowering. Oversized pink trumpets are borne on delicate arching stems. To 2ft. £6.50 Rose-pink bells on arching stems. The most commanly grown species.5ft. Seedlings from a form with very dark purple flowers. £5.75 A variety of pink and red shades, all bred for the British climate. 5ft. £8.75 A variety with pure white bells. £6.75 Mauve-pink bells on 7ft tall stems. Hardy and impressing! Delightful new woodland perennial with hanging lemon yellow bells along the whole stem in spring. Foliage reminiscent of Salomon's Seal. Clump forming and robust. Semi shade and a humus rich soil. 2ft. Upright, evergreen shrub or small tree. Young shoots are a beautiful deep red with pungent, oblong dark green leaves. Clusters of white star shaped flowers in mid to late spring followed by glossy black berries. Prefers sun or semi-shade. Frost hardy. To 12ft. £8.75 £4.50 £7.50 £4.50 £6.75 £12.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 23 Dryopteris erythrosora AGM Dryopteris wallichiana Echeveria 'Perle von Nürnberg' AGM Bronzy red new fronds against dark green older leaves Evergreen. 2ft. Handome large fern with golden tinted fronds in spring. 5ft. £6.75 Perfect rosette of pink overlaid with grey succulent leaves. Beautiful in pots, hardy to -7°C, at least. Various sizes available. from £3.75 Echinacea Cone Flower Leafy clumps of dark green foliage topped by stout branching stems bearing large daisy flowers with a prominent central boss. Summer flowering perennials preferring full sun and humus-rich soil. New spectacular double Echinacea with masses of bright orange red petals! Flowers last a very long time. 2-3ft. White petals and a warm honey-brown central boss. 3ft. Echinacea 'Hot Papaya' Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Echinacea 'Southern Belle' A runaway success in the last two years, this Echinacea really stands out! Fully double deep fuchsia pink large flower heads with reflexed outer petals and a big boss of petals for a centre. Unique and highly sought after - the best of the double Echinaceas by far! Fully hardy and easily grown in any sunny border. 3ft. Echinops bannaticus Tall vigorous clumps of jagged grey-backed leaves topped by 'Taplow Blue' AGM - large deep steel-blue globular flower heads in August. An imposing plant for a sunny site. 6ft. Globe Thistle Short dainty selection with stunning blue globes. 2ft. Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue' Spectacular and very rare relative of Daphne. Slow growing Edgeworthia shrub covered in golden intensely fragrant flowers in winter. chrysantha 'Grandiflora' Later large light green leaves lend an exotic look. A unique shrub to treasure in a sheltered corner, perhaps close to a door, where it can be readily admired. Sun or part shade. Slowly to 3 or 4ft. Elaeagnus 'Quicksilver' AGM Elymus magellanicus Bright silver foliage on a quick growing shrub to 10ft. Sweetly fragrant small creamy yellow flowers in July followed by silvery berries. Very useful as a back drop for perennial borders, or use as a specimen shrub or small tree. Decidious and hardy. Sunny position, reasonable drainage. From South America, the most intensely blue of all grasses. Clump forming with narrow blue leaves, deeply ridged beneath. The flower is a wheat-like spike, initially blue, fading to beige in winter. Best in full sun and well drained soil in a sheltered position. 6 ins. £8.75 £7.50 £6.50 £8.50 £6.50 £6.50 £18.50 £8.75 £4.50 Catalogue 2013 Emmenopterys henryi A rare large shrub discovered in China in 1907 by Wilson who described it as “one of the most strikingly beautiful trees of the Chinese forests”. Handsome large leaves unfold bronze. On mature plants large terminal panicles of white flowers. On a proportion of the flowers one lobe of the calyx becomes extraordinarily enlarged-up to 2 inches long giving a very showy appearance. Large plants. Epilobium Steel Rose Willowherb. Stunning colour way with pale pink angustifolium'Stahl flowers backed by dark red calyces in upright racemes over Rose' narrow green foliage . Looks good in a mass planting, but can be quite invasive, so site with care. 3½ft. Slowly increasing clumps of attractively shaped and coloured Epimedium leaves, flowers in spring. Good ground cover for shady spots. Large, exuisitely shaped mauve flowers on delicate stems. Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee' Foliage heart shaped and attractively bronzed when new. Decidious. 8 inches. Smaller pale pink flowers and pale- to mid green evergreen Epimedium foliage. 8-12 inches. pauciflorum Clear golden-yellow starry flowers above large evergreen leaves Epimedium x beautifully marked & tinted in spring. perralchicum 'Frohnleiten' Epimedium x rubrum Red flowers and red veining and a red edge to the emerging leaf. Very good dense grouncover. Red and orange flowers on wiry stems. Mid green, quite large Epimedium x evergreen leaves with an reddish edge. Good ground cover in dry warleyense shade. 18 inches. Evergreen rush-like stems are bright pale green with black nodes Equisetum From a primitive group of plants, it provides a striking architectural feature and contrasts with more conventional foliage and forms. Deep questing roots and invasive rhizomes make it suitable only for wild damp areas or in a container. As above, but less robust and having light yellow, horizontal Equisetum stripes across stems which have a more lax habit. 'Bandit' Evergreen, upright stems are bright pale green with black nodes. Equisetum Can attain 6ft in height. Beautiful in a pot. Sun or shade. Several camtschatcense size plants available from Equisetum telmateia - A native giant Horsetail, very decorative with soft whorls of light green foliage on tall stems. Enjoys moisture and looks lovely next Giant Horsetail to water or in a damp corner . Vigorous spreader, sink in a container or grow in a pot, if space is precious. Evergreen mats of grey-green leaves, topped by pink daisy Erigeron glaucus flowers all summer. Thrives in seaside areas and can be seen growing in abundance forming large mats in many gardens along the seafront at Sandgate. Charming low-growing mat-forming plant producing a mass of Erigeron karvinskianus AGM - daisy flowers on slender stems which dance in the wind. Flowers open white and fade pink giving a beautiful effect of two Dancing Daisy flower colours. Very floriferous. Dry, sunny site. Will seed itself in cracks in paving or walls. Page 24 £25.00 £3.75 £4.75 £6.50 £5.75 £4.75 £5.75 £4.50 £4.75 £7.50 £5.75 £3.75 Catalogue 2013 Thistle like flower heads are useful for drying. Many species have very handsome foliage. Easily grown on well drained soil in an open position. Eryngium agavifolium Forms a large rosette of long narrow bright green leaves edged with sharp (Tall form) teeth. Green thistle like flowers, August on stout stems. An arresting plant. 5ft. Large steely blue finely cut ruff, big central Eryngium alpinum cone and dark blue stems makes this 'Blue Star' Eryngium really stand out! Heart shaped glossy green leaf. 2ft. Eryngium 'Big Blue' Big electric blue ruff surrounds a dark blue cone, the plant suffused a deep purplish blue and silver. New variety, a real stunner! 2½ft. Silver-blue deeply cut leaves form a mound. Deep violet Eryngium bourgatii coloured flower heads from June to August. To 2ft. Graham Stuart Thomas's Selection Branching upright stems bear elongated purplish flowers. Forms Eryngium ebracteatum Phoenix a clump of yucca-like foliage. 2ft. Plants Form Page 25 Eryngium £6.75 £6.75 £7.50 £6.50 £6.75 Masses of smaller creamy green cones on every stem, structural and interesting. 4ft. Highly sought after hybrid, with distinct large deep silver blue Eryngium x flowers on strong stems. Combines beautifully with Crocosmia oliverianum AGM 'Lucifer'! 3ft. A plant of the highest architectural merit. Blue-green strap-like Eryngium pandanifolium AGM leaves, some 4-6 feet long, with spiny edges, topped in late summer by several enormous branched flower stems with hundreds of purplish red clusters of thistle flowers. Needs plenty of space. To 8ft. Rare and extremely desireable plant with wide silver-white ruff Eryngium round a large green cone. Green strap-like leaves. From Mexico, proteiflorum requires winter protection. 2ft. Eryngium variifolium Beautiful evergreen forming neat rosettes of round leaves, dark shiny green with white veining. In midsummer stiff spiny deeply cut leaves are produced from which the flower spike emerges bearing grey-white flower heads with a broad white collar. 18 inches. Eryngium venustum Uniquely shaped, deeply divided spiny leaves in a basal rosette. Flower green. Very rare! 18ins. The flowers and stems are the most intense steel blue of all the Eryngium x Eryngiums held above clumps of silver veined foliage in Juneoliverianum July. To 2ft. Steely blue ruffs and dark blue cones. Hardy and reliable. 2-3ft. Eryngium x zabelii £6.75 One of the best and most desireable blues with well balanced heads and broad bracts. Very showy. 2ft. £7.50 Eryngium eburneum Eryngium x zabelii 'Jos Eijking' £6.75 £8.75 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Sometimes listed as Cheiranthes 'Bowles Mauve' . Bushy Erysimum 'Bowles perennial clumps of grey-green narrow leaves. Clusters of rich Mauve' AGM Perennial Wall Flower mauve flowers prroduced continously from May onwards. Easily grown in a sunny postiion. 12-18 inches. Erysimum linifolium Clean and bright cream variegated leaves and purple flowers with a russet tinge suddenly come into their own in early spring. 'Variegatum' Evergreen shrubby perennial to 18ins. Eucalyptus pauciflora Beautiful small tree. Large, leathery, sickle-shaped leaves on ssp niphophila AGM polished red twigs. Green, cream and grey patchwork bark. One of the hardiest Eucalypts. From a clump of dark green leaves, a tall upright spike, massed Eucomis comosa with starry creamy-green flowers with a hint of lilac, violet stamens and pistils, topped by a pineapple-like tuft of pale green leaves, appears in late summer. A striking plant in flower, easily grown in a sheltered sunny wall site or a good tub plant . 18ins. The whole plant is burgundy red; leaves, flowers and stems. Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' Produces pineapple-like flower spikes. Flowers August to November. Hardy. 1½ft. Euonymus europaeus Spindle Tree.Vigorous and easily grown shrub. Spectacular in ‘Red Cascade’ AGM late summer when the branches are laden with scarlet fruit . Capsules split open to reveal orange seeds. Rich scarlet autumn colour. 8ft. This form self pollinates. Versatile and attractive shrubs for sun or shade and any soil. Euonymus Evergreen foliage, can be used as ground cover, but will climb if fortunei grown against a wall. The following forms are available: A form with dark green leaves heavily mottled and streaked Euonymus fortunei cream. Particularly attractive in spring as new foliage is flushed 'Harlequin' pink. Dense low growth habit, can be clipped for a carpet-like effect. A vigorous form which will climb strongly if against a wall. Up Euonymus fortunei to 10ft. 'Silver Queen' Branches packed with bright pink fruits split open to reveal Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Rising orange berries in autumn. Large shrub/ small tree, which is hardy Sun' and easily grown. To 15ft. A similar plant to E. p 'Glutball', but slightly more compact at 5Eupatorium purpureum 'Gateway' 6ft. A spectacular plant. Strong purple flushed stems furnished with Eupatorium purpureum 'Glutball' whorls of foliage rise up to 8ft in good soil and are topped by enormous flat heads of rich purple flowers which are the highlight of the late summer garden. Easy and robust but best results in a rich soil which is not to dry. Short selection with huge flower heads, only 3ft! Can even be Eupatorium grown in a container! 'Phantom' Narrow leaves radially arranged round stems, topped by attractive Euphorbia yellowish or red bracts. Suitable for well-drained soil in sun or part shade. Page 26 £4.75 £5.75 £19.75 £6.75 £6.50 £9.75 £5.75 £6.50 £21.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Evergreen leaves in a dark green whorl topped by acid yellow flowers in spring. Excellent ground cover for a shady dry spot, spreads by stolons to form a healthy carpet. 2ft. Tall willowy stems with long narrow glaucous green leaves topped by wide heads of green-yellow flowers. Remarkably long flowering period, from June to October. To 5ft. Euphorbia characias Striking evergreen plant of architectural merit. Bold dense whorls subsp. wulfenii AGM of foliage topped by terminal panicles of yellow-green flowers in spring. The flowering stems should be cut to the ground by midsummer to allow new shoots to develop. Easily grown but best in sun with well-drained soil. The following forms are available: Euphorbia characias Green flowers with a black eye in a dense spike. Blue-green subsp. wulfenii 'Black leaves. Pearl' Euphorbia characias Selected by Margery Fish of East Lambrook Manor, this form has large heads of golden yellow flowers in late winter/early subsp. wulfenii 'Lambrook Gold' spring. 4ft. Euphorbia characias The best of the variegated E. characias to have come on the market. Clean, bright white leaf margins and dark green mid rib. 'Tasmanian Tiger' Flower is white and green as well, with a lime green centre. Strong healthy growth to 3ft. Remarkable late spring flowering Spurge with bright orange-red Euphorbia griffithii bracts and olive green foliage with red midribs. Red stems and 'Fireglow' red and orange autumn colour makes this a plant for three seasons! Goes well with Alliums, late tulips and variegated foliage. To 3ft. Euphorbia x martinii Dark green leaves with a hint of red and red stems makes this Spurge really stand out in winter. Flowers in early summer are green with a red eye. Neater than E. characias, which is one of its parents. Combines well with spring bulbs. 2ft. Euphorbia mellifera - Long narrow sea-green leaves on stout stems. Forms a neat domeshaped bush with heads of yellow honey scented flowers in Honey Spurge spring. Sheltered site. New to cultivation, tall upright plants to 4ft, mid-green leaves Euphorbia and acid yellow flower heads, sun to part shade. Like a sarawschanica turbocharged E. palustris. Euphorbia schillingii Perennial with narrow, deep green leaves with conspicuous white mid-ribs. Erect stems bears cluster of scented bright AGM chartreuse-yellow flowers in summer and autumn. 3ft. Euphorbia x pasteurii Recent hybrid between E. mellifera and E. stygiana.Outstanding evergreen dark green leaves with prominent silver midribs. 'John Phillips' Forms a dense rounded dome. Sun and reasonable drainage. This plant was selected for its vigour growing to 5ft tall. Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae AGM Euphorbia ceratocarpa Exochorda x macrantha ‘The Bride’ AGM Upright shrub with arching branches. Pure white large flowers in long racemes, stamens are like a golden brush. Plant in sun with good drainage. Very showy indeed! 5-7ft. Page 27 £6.50 £6.75 £6.50 £7.50 £6.75 £5.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £7.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Farfugium japonicum Leathery dark glossy green rounded leaves have a bold and irregular cream maragin. Heads of large orange-yellow daisy ‘Argenteum’ flowers in winter when grown under cover. Evergreen. Will withstand some frost, but winter cover advisable. Unusual and much sought after. Fargesia dracocephala This new and very rare Bamboo is the only varie-gated Fargesia. Bold white variegation in spring fades a little as the season 'White Dragon' progresses. To 8ft. Graceful arching yellow stems bear sprays of apple-green leaves. Fargesia murielae (Arundinaria Excellent specimen or in a large tub. Requires moist soil and murieliae) shelter from strong wind. 10ft. A most ornamental bamboo, with greyish green bloom to canes Fargesia nitida (Arundinaria nitida) and foliage. Leaves bright green, silvery beneath, canes to 10 ft. Evergreen. Rosettes of narrow, prickly leaves with small pale blue flowers Fascicularia bicolor appearing, stemless, in the centre. The base of the leaves turns bright red when the buds and flowers are present giving a bright central circle of colour. Prefers poor, stony soil in sun or shade. Hardy in mild areas, particularly coastal. Fascicularia littoralis (Syn. Ochagavia littoralis) Glaucous rosettes with bright pink flower cone and stem-less orange flowers and red leaf bases. (Syn. Ochagavia sp) Similar to F. bicolor but larger. Fascicularia pitcairniifolia Fatsia japonica AGM Large polished dark green palmate leaves give a sub-tropical effect yet this is a very tough, generally hardy shrub, suitable for sun or shade and poor soils. Globular white flowers in Oct. Often grown as a houseplant but much more useful in the garden; 6ft or more. Intense blue - the name says it all! This is the bluest grass, a soft Festuca glauca mound of ice blue thin needle-like leaves. Blue-green flower 'Intense Blue' heads turn wheat coloured later on. 18ins. Ficus carica ‘Brown Large glossy deeply-lobed leaves on a stout shrub to 10ft. Best with some shelter. Brown Turkey is a good fruiting fig but the Turkey’ AGM - Fig handsome foliage makes this plant worth growing on that count alone. A large mound of fine, bronze, lacy foliage up to 4 ft. When well Foeniculum vulgare established, tall stems bear flat heads of yellow flowers. Foliage ‘Purpureum’ colour best in full sun. Spectacular variegation; large pale yellow cental blotch and Forsythia 'Fiesta' yellow veining make the shrub stand out from a distance, especially in spring and early summer. Masses of golden flowers smother the reddish branches in spring. Small to medium shrub to 4ft. Striking new plant. Powder-blue foliage on a compact shrub to Fothergilla gardenii 3ft. Acid soil. Golden yellow autumn colour and white downy ‘Blue Mist’ flowers in spring before the leaves. Page 28 £8.75 £12.75 £22.50 £20.00 £8.75 £8.75 £8.75 £9.75 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 £6.75 £9.50 Catalogue 2013 (syn. Rhamnus frangula A.) Very fine-cut, almost needle-like leaves - a fresh soft green in summer and bronze in autumn. Large shrub to 10ft, or small tree. Lovely foliage plant, ideal as back drop for perennial border. Fuchsia magellanica Grey green foliage with an overlay of cream and pink makes this a wonderful foliage shrub. Red elegantly hanging tear drop'Versicolor' shaped flowers add to the attraction from mid summer onwards. 34ft. Can freeze back in very cold winters, but always grows back. Full sun to part shade. Furcraea bedinghausii Enormous blue-green rosettes of pointy strap-like leaves support a tall branched flower spike with hundreds of creamy-green flowers. This plant is best grown in a large pot, as it is borderline hardy. From the deserts of New Mexico. Monocarpic, but forms bulbils on the branches, that fall to the ground and take root. Frangula alnus 'Asplenifolia' Gaura lindheimeri ‘Siskiyou Pink’ Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterlies’ Genista aetnensis Genista lydia AGM Gentiana lutea Yellow Gentian Geranium Geranium 'Blue Cloud' AGM Geranium cinereum 'Ballerina' AGM Geranium clarkei 'Mount Stewart' Geranium 'Havana Blues' Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's Variety' Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' AGM Page 29 £16.50 £5.75 £16.50 Bright sugar-pink flowers on willowy stems. An elegant plant for a sunny well-drained spot. The leaves have attractive dark markings. 3 ft . Compact form with a slightly more upright habit. White flowers with faint pink markings. 3 ft. £3.75 Can be trained into a small tree 12ft tall with showers of goldenyellow flowers in spring. Elegant weeping habit, sunny site.Plants trained up to make small trees. Arching branches of grey green are held rigidly. Looks good in a large pot or cascading over a wall or rock. Bright yellow flowers in early summer. Sunny site. 18ins by 3ft. An impressive, stoutly upright perennial, multistemmed with glaucous, parallel-nerved leaves that clasp the stem in pairs. Yellow bell-shaped flowers in whorls. To 5ft. Easily grown perennials, beautiful of flower and dense foliage. Many are excellent ground cover, tolerant of most soils, sun or shade. Masses of pale blue flowers delicately veined crimson. Long flowering period May-Sept. Hardy. 1½ - 2ft. Mat forming, large flowers blotched and lined crimson. Likes a sunny, well-drained position. 4-6 inches. Tall handsome clump with large white or shell pink flowers heavily veined deep pink in June and July. 3-4ft. Graham Stuart Thomas selection fr M Stewart Gardens in N Ireland. Stunning, very distinct NEW Geranium with big violet blue, purple veined flowers with a large, marked white eye, contrasted with lime green foliage. Long flowering, and very freely, from June to first frost. 16ins by 20ins hummock. Dense, weed-proof ground cover with light green, aromatic semievergreen foliage and crimson-purple flowers in June/July. Vigorous even in dense shade. 1ft. Carpets of grey-green leaves, densely studded with pastel pink blooms. Flowers continously from June to November. Ideal groundcover or front of border plant. 9 inches x 3ft. £11.50 £3.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 £6.75 £7.50 £5.75 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 30 Tall plant bearing many large white flowers heavily veined in deep pink in June-July. Finely cut foliage. A Graham Stuart Thomas selection, which comes via Mt Stewart garden in Ireland. 3-4ft. Deeply dissected rounded leaves are attractively marbled with Geranium orientalitwo shades of green. Deep pink flowers with a paler centre in tibeticum summer. Low-growing habit. Plant in full sun . Geranium palmatum Not commonly grown. Large, dark green glossy, lobed palmate leaves with sprays of single purple-red flowers in late summer. AGM Vigorous, growing to 2-3 ft. A selection with dark purple, almost black, nodding flowers on Geranium phaeum wiry upright stems, above clumps of lobed leaves with attractive 'Samobor' dark chocolate brown markings. Useful for its tolerance of deep shade. 2ft. Geranium psilistemon Large handsome clump of elegant deeply cut leaves bearing a profusion of comparatively large magenta-crimson flowers with a dark centre in summer. 4ft . Geranium 'Rozanne' Outstanding selection, deep spode-blue flowers with a white (formerly known as G. centre produced continously, June to Nov! Healthy dense foliage 'Jolly Bee') makes it a good groundcover, 3ft x 3ft. Wide mats of deeply divided dark green leaves are studded with Geranium deep magenta flowers for many weeks in summer. Easily grown sanguineum 'Max Frei' and tolerant of shade. Carpets of grey-green leaves, densely studded with cerise pink Geranium x riverslianum 'Russell blooms. Flowers continously from June to November. Ideal groundcover or front of border plant. 9 inches x 3ft. Prichard' AGM £6.75 Geum ‘Borisii’ £6.50 Geranium clarkei 'Mount Stewart' Gillenia trifoliata AGM Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba 'Barabit's Fastigiate' Dense clumps of hairy leaves and wiry stems support warm, pure orange single flowers from June onwards. Easily grown. Happy in sun or part shade. 1ft. Sprays of dainty white flowers are beautifully complimented by red wiry stems and calyces and dark green foliage. Summer flowering. 3-4ft. Sun or shade. Unique deciduous conifer with fan-shaped leaves, forms a narrow pyramid. Clear yellow autumn colour. Slow growing, reaching 15ft in 10 years. Available cultivars: Very narrow, upright Ginkgo, best used as an accent plant or focus point. Ginkgo biloba 'Broom Very different looking plant, with many of the leaves forming tubes or funnels. Slowly forms a shrub up to 3m, perfect for a with Tubes' large container. A broadly columnar male form. Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Interesting pendulous foliage on a large shrub to 10ft. Perfect for Ginkgo biloba a pot. 'Saratoga' Another very unusual Ginkgo, with many narrow and and Ginkgo biloba assymetric leaves in bunches. Slow growing to a medium-sized 'Survivor' shrub. £4.75 £6.75 £5.75 £6.75 £6.75 £4.75 £6.50 £6.50 £19.75 £14.50 £19.75 £22.50 £22.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 31 New dwarf form, round head and very dense growth. Leaf rounded. Good in a container. Grafted on a short stem. New exciting colour break in this hardy Gladiolus - large deep ruby-red flowers. Exquisite! New promising evergreen silver-leaved shrub from S. Africa, where it grows by the water's edge. Willow-like leaves and sprays of pure white flowers in summer. To 6ft. Seems hardy and grows happily on many soils, incl heavy clay! Can be hard pruned in spring like it's relative, the Buddleja, to rejuvenate. Dense mats of 2 inch diameter rounded leaves and upright stems of brownish flowers followed by orange fruits. Creeping habit. 4 inches . Enormous perennial plant with vast deeply lobed bristly leaves up to 6ft in diameter on strong prickly leaf stalks, proportionately sized besom-like flower spikes. Unequalled as a landscape plant. Best in marshy ground, but crown must not be in water. Different size plants available from Large bipinnate leaves unfurl pink and fall clear yellow leaving long stalks on thick gaunt branches, that stand out against the winter sky. Grows into a well shaped specimen, capable of growing in adverse conditions and on poor soils. To 15m. From £16.50 £8.50 Gypsophila paniculata Huge mounds of frothy double white flowers in July. Full sun and a well drained site. 5ft. ‘Bristol Fairy’ £6.75 For a more subdued colour scheme the green form is just as elegant of habit as the more wellknown H. m. 'Aureola'. Beautiful grass with graceful arching leaves striped bright yellow and green becoming red tinged towards autumn and dying off with glorious autumn tints. An easily grown grass which makes a spectacular container plant. 1ft. This form has completely golden foliage that brightens up any corner. It has more upright habit habit than the type but is still very very graceful. Evergreen climbers, self-clinging by aerial roots. Will grow in virtually any soil and in dense shade. Can be used as a dense ground cover for difficult places. Large leaves are heavily suffused cream, some are almost entirely white. Rare and slow growing Ivy but probably the most showy of all! Small plants Grey green variegated foliage with silvery highlights. Small to medium sized well shaped leaves. Great for lightening a dark spot. Superb near hardy Ginger Lily with a gorgeous orange flower spike and lush leaf. £6.75 Ginkgo biloba 'Troll' Gladiolus papilio 'Ruby' Gomphostigma virgatum - River Star Gunnera magellanica Gunnera manicata AGM Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee Tree Hakonechloa macra Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ AGM Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Hedera - Ivy Hedera canariensis 'Marginomaculata' AGM Hedera helix 'Mona Lisa' Hedychium densiflorum 'Assam Orange' Helenium Upward facing flowers with prominently protruding central dark cones on stout, erect stems from August to October. Easily grown in most soils. £8.75 £6.75 £8.75 £14.50 £6.75 £3.75 £6.50 £5.75 £8.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 32 Pure yellow daisy flowers with yellow-green - later brown centres on an upright clump forming perennial. Easily grown and very hardy. 3ft. Helenium 'Red Jewel' New variety with clean dark red daisies with a dark central boss. Foliage lush and healthy. 3ft. Ruby red flowers on a compact and healthy plant. 2½ft. Helenium 'Ruby Tuesday' Orange and yellow flowers in June-July. 1½ft. Helenium 'Sahin's Early Flowerer' AGM £6.50 Helianthella quinquenervis £6.50 Helenium 'Pumilum Magnificum' Helianthemum ‘Henfield Brilliant’ Helianthus Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' AGM Helianthus occidentalis Little Sunflower. Wild sunflower fr N America. Large heads of lemon yellow ray florets with a darker yellow centre. Easily grown, full sun. 3-4ft. Dwarf evergreen forming wide mats studded with deep orange flowers during summer. Useful front of the border groundcover for dry sunny sites. This particular form is rarely grown which is surprising considering its striking warm flower colour and larger leaves than most, providing better ground cover. Tall plants with coarse leaves topped by strong stems carrying yellow daisy flowers in late summer and autumn. Cool lemon-coloured flowers on a medium-sized plant. To 4ft . £6.50 £6.50 £5.75 £4.75 £6.75 Short North American wild Sunflower, with single yellow daisies on almost leafless stalks. Grows happily on a wide range of soils in full sun. Divide every few years. Perfect for prairie plantings! 2-4ft. Helianthus salicifolius Striking large architectural plant that is little known. Tall stout stems curve up from the rootstock, clothed with long, drooping, deep green linear leaves. By late summer when it may be 8 ft tall, the stems are topped by heads of yellow daisies. An exotic looking wild perennial. Easily grown in full sun with good drainage. Spiky blue foliage in a rounded clump 2ft high. Elegant tall Helictotrichon flower stems. One of the best medium-sized blue grasses. Nonsempervirens AGM invasive. Bushy perennial with many fully double,warm golden miniature Heliopsis helianthoides 'Asahi' sunflowers over a long period in summer and autumn. Very attractive, to 3ft. Strikingly variegated leaves - white with green veins! - and Heliopsis helianthoides 'Loraine golden yellow daisies combine prettily. Forms a large healthy Sunshine' clump, can be divided to keep in check. 2-3ft. Small plants Helleborus orientalis Single flowered Lenten Rose in a pretty mid-pink. 'Pretty Ellen Pink' £6.75 Heloniopsis orientalis Rose pink flowered woodland perennial with an evergreen rosette of fleshy fresh green leaves and a bunch of drooping pink var breviscapa "keys" with prominent pink stamens in early spring. New and enchanting introduction from the Far East! 8 inches. £5.75 £7.50 £5.75 £5.00 £5.00 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Hemerocallis Day Lily Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbery' Dense clumps of arching grassy bright green leaves. Stout stems bear a cluster of large lily-like flowers, each one only lasting a day but there is a long succession of bloom. Trouble-free and tolerating most soils not too dry, sun or part shade. Largest deep purple flowers with a green throat on a strong plant with broad leaves. 2ft. Soft pink with a green throat. 2ft Page 33 £6.50 £6.50 Striking flowers with alternating yellow and orange petals, with a broad yellow stripe down the middle of each orange petal. Looks like it belongs in a Dutch Renaissance painting! 2½ft. £6.50 (formerly H. Kwanso Flore Pleno) Robust bold clumps topped with sumptuous bright orange double flowers which last longer than single flowered Hemerocallis. Not pretty but spectacular, consisting of a flower within a flower . Broad strong leaves boldly striped in cleanest white, often more Hemerocallis fulva 'Variegated Kwanso' white than green. Double orange flowers. 3ft. Hemerocallis 'Golden Chrome yellow flowers with bronze petal backs. Free flowering. 2ft Chimes' Sixteenth-century garden plant. Clear yellow flowers with an Hemerocallis liliounforgetable fragrance produced in late spring. 2½ft. asphodelus AGM Dainty Day Lily with rounded clear warm yellow flowers Hemerocallis 'Stella produced over a long period. 12-18ins. d'Oro' Large, rounded bright orange flowers with a yellow strip down Hemerocallis the middle of each petal. Broad, lush foliage. 'Tuscawilla Tigress' Blush pink to cream very large but shapely flowers with a deep Hemerocallis 'Wild wine coloured centre and contrasting green throat. 3ft. Horses' Fragrant white flowers are borne in late summer. A vigorous Heptacodium hardy large shrub which has attractive peeling bark. jasminoides Dense clumps of rounded evergreen foliage. Wiry stems arise in Heuchera summer bearing numerous tiny flowers. Good ground cover for sun or part shade on well drained soil. Plants normally available in 2L and 9cm. Other varieties also available. New, especially large growing deep red Heuchera with ruffled Heuchera 'Berry leaves with a silver sheen. Very rapid, dense ground cover Marmalade' without many flowers, makes it tidy and attractive. Small plants £7.50 Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' Hemerocallis fulva 'Green Kwanso' Heuchera 'Electra' Striking electrical yellow foliage with the veins picked out in orange. Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Glowing deep fiery red leaves on a medium sized plant with nicely contrasting white-pink flowers on red stems; keeps flowering all season. Dense foliage. Heuchera 'Ginger Ale' A new, unique colour - ginger with pewter underlay! Particularly healthy, abundant foliage. Highly decorative mixture of cool green and silver with purpleHeuchera 'Green red veins. Great for large scale groundcover! Spice' £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £8.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.50 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 34 The name is very descriptive - the leaves really remind you of lime marmalade with their bright acid green rounded lobes and slightly wavy margins. Similar to the above, but with more deeply ruffled leaves with frilly edges. Incredibly large leaved Heuchera with purple black rounded foliage heavily overlayed and veined with silver. Deepest purple leaves heavily spotted and splashed with rose pink. Purple leaves almost entirely suffused with silver. Large dark slate-coloured leaves heavily blotched with silver. £6.50 Wonderful new foliage plant with lush handsome deeply lobed leaves, acid yellow with deep red veining. Silver veiled purple-grey leaves with dark veins. £6.50 Orange-brown highly decorative leaves, a wonderful contrast to other Heucheras and to Tiarellas, such as T. 'Sugar and Spice'. £6.50 This lovely shrubby perennial Hibiscus grows wild in moist places in parts of the USA. It has huge scarlet flowers, very elegant, and slender palmate leaves. Fully hardy despite its delicate looks. About 5-6ft tall. Copper coloured deeply dissected leaves provide an ideal foil for Hibiscus 'Kopper enormous pale pink flowers with a strawberry red eye. Compact King' at 3-4ft, ideal for a container or bedding out. Hardy in mild areas, otherwise best with some winter protection. Hibiscus moscheutos - Heart -shaped soft felty leaves and plate-sized pink Mallow Swamp Rose Mallow flowers on this shrubby hardy perennial, which grows in swampy regions of America. Will grow on most soils, as long as not too dry. To 6ft. Large plants Very rare deciduous shrub with large white flowers up to 5ins Hibiscus across with a red blotch at the base of each petal. Free flowering paramutabilis and quite stunning. In flower it could be mistaken for a tender tropical plant but is hardy. To 10ft. Large plants. £10.00 Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' Heuchera 'Lime Ricky' Heuchera 'Magnum' Heuchera 'Midnight Rose Select' Heuchera 'Shanghai' Heuchera 'Velvet Night' x Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise' x Heucherella 'Gunsmoke' x Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' Hibiscus coccineus Scarlet Rose Mallow Hibiscus syriacus Magnificent long lived hardy shrubs. One of the glories of the late summer garden. A succession of large trumpet-shaped flowers from July to Oct. Flowers best in full sun. Forms an upright bush to 8ft. The following cultivars are available: The best single blue. Lilac blue flowers with a red heart . Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu' (Blue Bird) Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Pure white single flower with a red eye. Heart' Fast-growing evergreen with glossy dark green foliage. Forms a Hoheria sexstylosa densely columnar shrub which is covered in white flowers in July ‘Stardust’ AGM and August. 'Stardust' is a recent selection with larger flowers produced at an early age. £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £9.75 £14.50 £25.00 £8.75 £8.75 £22.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 35 Feathery drooping panicles of creamy white flowers in early summer on a large, easily grown shrub. Small toothed leaves.10ft . Clump forming broad leaved perennials with stately stems of lilylike flowers in June. Prefer moisture and happy in shade. Plants will take a few years to settle down and produce full leaf size. Largest leaves are obtained by planting in a sheltered shady position with a rich soil which is drained but never dries out. However, they are survivors and can tolerate some neglect. £14.50 Hosta 'Cherry Berry' Cherry red flower stalks and seed pods set off elongated green and white variegated leaves. Flowers are lavender. Charming dwarf Hosta, a perfect miniature, the flower stem in Hosta kikutii var. proportion to the tiny leaves. 3ins. yakusimensis Unusually large pure white fragrant flowers and heart shaped Hosta plantaginea green leaves. To 18ins. 'Grandiflora' Hosta 'Red October' Stunning red leaf stalks carry blue-green narrow upright leaves with pronounced veining. Vase shaped small to medium Hosta. Unique! One of the largest and most sumptuously foliaged Hostas. Hosta sieboldiana Rounded blue-grey leaves are crinkled and deeply veined and can elegans AGM be 1ft wide. Dense heads of lilac white flowers. To 3ft. Striking yellow margin to large glaucous crinkled leaves. Colour Hosta sieboldiana deepens through the season. 2½ft. 'Frances Williams'AGM Enormous pleated leaves of a rich golden chartreuse. Lavender Hosta 'Sum and flowers. One of the best golden hostas. Not susceptible to slug Substance' AGM damage. 3ft. Hosta 'White Feather' Entirely white leaves emerge in the spring to later become streaked with green - a unique Hosta, can cope with quite a lot of (undulata) sun. Lavender flowers. Small to moderately sized. Graceful mound of neat silver-grey leaves. Smoky-lilac flowers Hosta x tardiana July/August. 18ins. 'Halcyon' AGM Brightly coloured heart-shaped leaves edged yellow and red. Houttuynia cordata Small white flowers June to September. Low growing and ‘Chameleon’ spreading. Leaves smell of oranges. Prefers a moist spot. Useful shrubs easily cultivated if soil not too dry. Most will grow Hydrangea in sun or part shade and are happy by the sea. Blue forms will only be blue in acid soil. Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea. Self-clinging climber, large heads of white flowers in June. Invaluable for a shady wall or makes an ssp petiolaris AGM attractive hummock as an open ground shrub. Large globular heads of creamy-white sterile florets cause the Hydrangea upright sterns to arch over creating a rolling mass of white. arborescens Forms a small bush to 4ft. H. a. 'Annabelle' is a form with 'Annabelle' AGM exceptionally large flower heads. Hydrangea aspera ssp Huge velvety moss-green leaves on bristly stems. Large lavender lace cap flowers in July/August. Requires a sheltered site and sargentiana AGM shelter from strong winds. To 10ft. £6.50 Holodiscus discolor Hosta £4.50 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £4.75 £8.75 £7.50 £14.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 36 Hydrangea aspera 'Villosa' AGM Wide lace-cap flowers - mauve with a ring of lilac-white sterile flowers produced in Aug/Sept. on a wide shrub with exfoliating stems and dark green softly hairy leaves. 4ft high by 6ft. £8.75 Hydrangea involucrata 'Hortensis' AGM Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' Hydrangea quercifolia AGM Soft green felted heart-shaped leaves and clusters of cream, pink and green flowers in Aug/ Sept. Sun or part shade and moist soil. 3ft. A real miniature Hydrangea, only 6 inches high. Red-pink flowers in a small mophead. Textured large scalloped leaves colour red and purple in autumn. Panicles of white flowers in July/August. To 4ft . Hollies provide some of the best garden shrubs, most are evergreen and there is a great variety of form and colour of leaf. Tolerant of shade but grow more densely in the open. Thick leathery leaves are narrow and curled, edged with broad spines. One of the most interesting leaf variants of all Hollies. Neat, narrow, sharply-spined dark green leaves on a narrow, upright shrub. With slight help will form a narrow 'pole' making a striking vertical feature. Elegant slender upright leaves are light green stained red, deepening as the season advances. By September, they are the colour of blackberry juice. 18 inches. Ground covering Bamboo from China. Mass of large, long spearshaped leaves grow in a leafy mound to 3ft. Spreads, but not excessively. Does not normally flower in the UK. Easily grown and reliable perennials with strap-like leaves and spectacular flowers. A highly sought after beardless Sibrican Iris with silky deep purple, almost black flowers above grey-green leaves. Full sun or part shade. 2ft. Palm-like fans of Iris-leaves are borne at the top of erect, bamboolike stems. Flowers are white with yellow and purple spots around a yellow crest on each fall, with up to 30 held on each flower stem over a long period. Needs a warm, sheltered position. £16.50 Ilex Ilex aquifolium 'Crassifolia' Ilex aquifolium 'Myrtifolia' Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ Indocalamus tessellatus AGM Iris Iris chrysographes 'Black Knight' Iris confusa AGM £6.75 £8.75 £24.50 £12.50/ £19.75 £6.50 £15.75 £6.75 £6.75 Iris japonica 'Ledger's White flowers with purple markings and crinkled edges have an orange crest, produced during summer. Evergreen fans of broad Variety' shiny green leaves rise on stems from creeping rhizomes. 18 inches. Grows and flowers well in sun or shade. £6.75 Similar to the above but with beautifully striped creamy-white leaves. Beautiful yellow striped leaves in spring and early summer. Yellow flowers marked brown. Vigorous and can grow in shallow water or ordinary soil. 3ft. £6.50 Iris japonica 'Variegata' AGM Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' AGM £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 37 Strong-growing, twining climber. Deliciously fragrant white Jasminum flower clusters June-Sept officinale Summer Jasmine A striking new introduction! Red young growth and dark red flower buds that keep their colour once opened, giving an interesting contrast with the pure white inner of the flower . Charming pale violet flowers with dark purple markings and a yellow throat in summer on an open sub-shrub, evergreen in mild winters. Requires a sunny sheltered spot, or some winter protection. 18ins to 2ft. Spectacular pineapple-like flowers of a vivid pink on dark stems; flower bracts and undersides of leaves dark purple - very effective! Flowers produced in Aug/Sept. Not hardy but worth looking after in winter. Kept frost-free it dies to the base in winter, growing to about 4ft. A woodland plant from Japan. Prefers a moist, lime free soil and partial shade. A beautiful plant producing terminal sprays of yellow shuttlecock shaped flowers in late summer above vinelike leaves. Dense basal clumps of foliage from which rise wiry stems bearing rich dark crimson pin-cushion flowers in summer. 2ft. Clumps of grass-like foliage and 'poker' flowers on stout stems. They prefer a sunny site. Bold heads of lemon yellow with a green top. Strong and reliable. 3ft. Shorter and tidier than the species, flowers June-July, so a whole lot earlier than the type. 2½ft. Blue grey leaves and coral red flowers from bronze buds. Late flowering in Oct-Nov. 2ft. £6.75 Clear acid yellow pokers over dark leaves. 3ft. Easily grown and very reliable. Cream flowers from apricot buds. The name comes from it's distinct habit of producing one large flower head and upto 8 smaller secondary heads. 2-3ft. Kniphofia 'Ice Queen' Creamy white flowers on stout stems up to 4ft. £8.75 Vivid translucent orange flowers are uniform in colour from bud to open bloom, held on slender stems above clumps of narrow heraceous foliage. 2ft. Charming dwarf with narrow grassy foliage and ivory-white pokers in summer. 2ft . Large heads of slender tightly held vivid scarlet flowers, not fading. 5ft. Slender dusky deep coral red flowers July to Oct. Compact habit. 2ft. £6.75 Jasminum officinale 'Inverleith' AGM Jovellana violacea AGM Justicia carnea 'Radiant' (syn. J.c. 'Huntington') Kirengeshoma palmata Knautia macedonica Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker Kniphofia 'Bee's Lemon' Kniphofia caulescens 'Coral Breakers' Kniphofia caulescens 'John May's Form' Kniphofia 'Dorset Sentry' Kniphofia 'Hen and Chickens' Kniphofia 'Light of the World' Kniphofia 'Little Maid' Kniphofia 'Lord Roberts' Kniphofia 'Nancy's Red' £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £8.75 £7.50 £7.50 £6.75 £6.75 £8.75 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 38 Broad blue-grey leaves and strong, upright pokers in pale red and white. The only Kniphofia without a keel to the leaf. Dramatic foliage effect. Moist soil and sun. 5ft. Late-flowering tall species Kniphofia with distinct broad short heads of luminous glowing orange flowers. Lovely with berries and autumn foliage, or with Michelmas daisies and Salvia uliginosa. 5ft or more. Exquisite Kniphofia with softly apricot colored buds opening to pink then cream. Bred by Gräfin von Zeppelin in her nursery in Freiburg. Medium sized at 2½ft. Long flowering period JuneNov. Unusual and rare! Rare cultivar recently rescued from extinction.Very large bold heads of bronzy yellow on a big, bold clump. To 5ft. Warm brown flower buds open to cream on top of dark brown stems. Dense flower heads and healthy dark green foliage. Recommended! 3½ft. From August to September orange buds open to produce bold spikes of orange flowers an amazing 6½ to 13ft tall! Also called "Pride of India". A small round headed tree with beautiful large pinnate leaves that unfolds red, turn pale yellow, then green. Long trusses of golden yellow flowers in August followed by bladder-like, heart-shaped fruit in clusters. Easily grown in a sunny position. Small plants Curious graft hybrid between Laburnum and broom. Forms a small tree with hanging panicles of yellow flowers on some branches while other branches bear purple broom-like flowers. £14.50/ £18.50 Laburnum x watereri Very free flowering hybrid Laburnum with long racemes of yellow flowers in late spring. Easily grown. ‘Vossii’ AGM £24.50 Lamium orvala A good ground cover plant for shade or semi-shade with moist but well drained soil. Clusters of purple-pink flowers are produced in leaf axils in late spring. Mid-green leaves. 1ft. £5.75 Larix decidua Europaean Larch Deciduous Conifer with softest green needle-like foliage in spring, turning butter yellow in autumn. Tall quick growing tree with a straight trunk. Easily to 60ft. Small plants A form of Bay laurel with golden leaves, particularly bright in winter. May be used in cooking. Small plants. Aromatic dwarf shrubs for sunny well-drained sites. Make good low hedges. The following forms are available: £7.50 Rich purple flowers, silver grey leaves. Compact habit. Aromatic dwarf shrub for sunny well-drained sites. 18ins. £5.75 Long spikes of pure white flowers and grey-green aromatic foliage. 2½ ft. £5.75 Kniphofia northiae Kniphofia rooperi Kniphofia 'Safranvogel' Kniphofia 'Star of Baden-Baden' Kniphofia 'Tawny King' Kniphofia uvaria 'Nobilis' AGM Koelreuteria paniculata AGM Golden Rain Tree Laburnocytisus 'Adamii' Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’ AGM Lavandula Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' AGM - English Lavender Lavandula x intermedia 'Edelweiss' £6.75 £8.75 £8.75 £6.75 £7.50 £11.50 £35.00 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Large whorls of bright orange flowers in the upper leaf axils of upright square stems. Very showy but requires a very sheltered site or conservatory. Low NZ evergreen groundcover, little rosettes of black-bronze Leptinella squalida feather like foliage spread and make a mat. An interesting feature 'Platt's Black' between rocks or at the front of borders or containers. Good drainage. Sun to partial shade. Up to 6ins. Lespedeza thunbergii Slender stems up to 5ft elegantly sweep outwards bowed down by masses of rose-purple flower panicles in Sept. Beautiful late AGM flowering shrub of easy culture. Sunny site and good drainage. Leonotis leonorus Lespedeza thunbergii Very rare white flowered form of the above. Small plants 'Albiflora' Page 39 £12.00 £4.75 £9.75 £6.75 Related to Chrysanthemums . Late display of large white daisies on 5ft stems. Vigorous. Strong growing and free flowering reliable plants, indispensable in the summer border. Easily grown in most soils. £6.75 Well filled feathery large white flowers. 3ft. £6.75 Superb new Shasta Daisy- masses of pale lemon yellow daisies on a compact and healthy plant. 18 inches. £6.75 Masses of narrow petals and a clear golden eye. Charming and reliable. 3ft. £6.75 Many pure white narrow frilled petals give the flowers a shaggy Leucanthemum x appearance. 3ft. superbum 'Phyllis Smith' Libertia caerulescens Compact basal leaves with incredibly pale china-blue flowers. 18ins. Libertia grandiflora Dark green clumps of grassy leaves and sprays of pure snowwhite flowers with yellow stamens in June/July. Sun and a wellAGM drained site. 2ft. Libertia ixioides 'Gold Leaves are deep golden with a dark olive stripe running down them, colours deepening in winter. 2ft. Finger' Libertia peregrinans Leaves are bright orange-gold. Sprays of white flowers in summer are followed by orange seed pods. Well drained soil. 'Gold Leaf' 18ins. Small plants As above but with green leaves and palest blue flowers. Compact Libertia sessiliflora to 1ft. Large bold perennials preferring moist soil. Ligularia £6.75 Smaller Ligularia with purple-flushed cut and wavy foliage. Bright red stems and orange-yellow flowers. 18inches. Large jagged-edged leaves and stout spires of yellow flowers. 5ft. £6.75 Leucanthemella serotina AGM Leucanthemum x superbum - Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum 'Aglaia' AGM Leucanthemum x superbum 'Broadway Lights' Leucanthemum x superbum 'Old Court' Ligularia 'Osiris Fantasie' Ligularia 'The Rocket' AGM £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £4.50 £5.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Ligustrum quihoui AGM Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua 'Gumball' Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' AGM Liriope muscari - Lily Turf Page 40 Long slender racemes of fragrant white flowers in autumn. Open growth habit. Elegant shrub to 8ft. Medium sized cone-shaped trees with large shiny rich green starlike leaves giving a glorious autumn display. Parts of the crown colour in advance of others giving a grand marbling of various shades. Best results are on rich deep damp soils. The following selections are available: Forms a dense rounded bush - fine autumn colour. To 8ft. £24.50 Extremely narrow outline - lovely autumn colour. 60ft x 6ft. A very useful landscape feature. Small plants. £9.75 Orange and yellow autumn colour . Small plants. £9.75 £21.50 Evergreen tufts of dark green leathery grass-like leaves. Stout spikes of bright violet-blue flowers appear in late summer. Easily grown in sun or shade. Their dense habit of growth makes them good for ground cover. 12ins . Liriope muscari 'John Leaves are striped and edged gold. 1½ft. Burch' Liriope muscari 'Gold Broad leaves are distinctly margined gold. Band' Curious plant from Japan, where the leaves emerge totally white, Liriope muscari with no green speck whatsoever, to gradually turn green as they 'Okina' mature. Superb planted in contrast with the black leaves of Ophiopogon planiscapus'Nigrescens'. New introduction - broad ribbons of pure gold and blue flowers. Liriope platyphylla'Goldfingers' (Syn. L. muscari 'Silver Dragon') Dark green leaves are striped Liriope spicata 'Gin silver. ryu' Forms a tight evergreen ball with broad blades which turn Luzula pilosa 'Igel' reddish in winter. Good in a pot. Its tight formal shape makes it look as if it has been trimmed. Delightful sugar pink frilly double flowers in a wand over a Lychnis flos-cuculi rosette of lanceolate fresh green foliage. Remarkably long 'Jenny' - Ragged Robin flowering period, from June to August. 2½ft. A plant for the bog garden. Perfumed arum flowers produced in Lysichiton early spring are followed by large leaves which remain until autumn. Lysichiton americanus Flowers are yellow with green spadices, leaves are huge—up to 4ft x 1ft. The scent is heavy and not to everyone’s taste! AGM - Bog Arum £5.75 Slightly smaller than the above, pure white flowers and sweetly Lysichiton camtschatcensis AGM scented. £7.50 £6.50 £6.50 £7.50 £5.75 £5.75 £6.50 £6.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 White racemes of flowers bend over gracefully. Vigourous perennial forming a large clump. Can spread aggressively in damp soil, better behaved in lighter soil and part shade. Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife. Bright magenta purple flowers in dense 'Robin' spikes over dark green foliage. Dampish soil. 18ins. Upright stems topped by terminal racemes of beautiful dusky Lythrum virgatum purple flowers produced mid to late summer. Soil not too dry. ‘Dropmore Purple' 3ft. Macleaya microcarpa Coral pink feathery plumes above handsome grey-green rounded lobed leaves with silvery undersides.. Beautiful and unexpected 'Kelways' Coral member of the Poppy family. Fleshy rootstock is invasive, Plume' AGM especially in a lighter soil, so careful siting is advised. 6-8ft. Lysimachia clethroides Mainly spring flowering shrubs and trees. Grow best on rich soil and with some shelter. Magnolia grandiflora Large shiny evergreen leaves with a felted reverse. Large creamywhite fragrant globular flowers throughout summer. Often grown 'Exmouth' AGM as a wall shrub but hardy in the open with full sun. Eventually a medium sized tree. May be pruned. Small compact Magnolia forming a dense dome-shaped bush to Magnolia stellata 4ft. White flowers produced unfailingly and profusely in March and April, even on young plants. The most popular of the so called "Girl Magnolias". Dusky Magnolia 'Susan' purple pink upright vase shaped flowers are freely produced on a medium sized shrub to 10ft. Easy and unfussy. Graceful and incredibly rare Mahonia from China; elegant blueMahonia gracilipes green foliage with chalky white undersides and red-and-cream flowers in autumn, black berries. Humus-rich moist, but drained, soil in semi-shade. Slow growing to 5ft. Bold evergreen shrub with long leaves bearing spiny leaflets Mahonia x media topped by deep golden-yellow erect racemes up to 6ins long in ‘Lionel Fortescue’ autumn and early winter. Tough and easily grown in most soils, AGM sun or shade. 6ft . Deeply dissected soft green leaves and pure pink bowl-shaped Malva moschata flowers on branching stems produced all summer. Tolerant of sun or shade. To 3ft . This is the Mandrake of folk tales and superstition. Coarse hairy Mandragora leaves and stalk-less green-and-purple flowers are followed by officinarum Mandrake yellow tomato-like fruits. In time gone by the thick, fleshy root was dressed up as a person and kept in the home, where it was said to bring good luck, if treated with due reverence. If tried today, it should be borne in mind that the root is said to emit a shriek when pulled out of the ground. Anyone who hears this noise, will die. The recommended method is to sacrifice a small dog by tying it to the plant, tempting it to run forward with a piece of meat, and stand out of earshot. Page 41 £3.75 £5.75 £6.50 £6.50 Magnolia £8.75 £14.50 £14.50 £14.50 £12.75 £4.75 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 42 Bright green fronds unfurl in spring to form upright 'shuttlecocks'. Slowly forms a trunk. Prefers a moist soil, even boggy. 3ft . Grey-green Magnificentevergreen large boldrosettes foliage.of silky leaves on a short stem Grey-green, deeply fingered and beautifully poised leaves give a tropical effect. Maroon flower sprays in August. Worth finding a sheltered spot for. To 6ft . £6.75 Deciduous Conifer. Feathery pinnate leaves are a bright green Metasequoia turning old gold in autumn. Neat conical habit. Hardy and glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood AGM succeeds on most soils, even heavy wet. 25 ft in 10 years. £22.50 Striking golden foliage turn cream and pale gold before leaf fall Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Gold in autumn. Growth rate two-thirds of the species. Foliage does Rush' not "burn" in the sun. A recent sport from Japan, it is a rare and exciting addition to cultivated Conifers. Very recently introduced variegated Metasequoia - first flush is Metasequoia green, second white, variegation varies year on year, slightly glyptostroboides 'Snowflurry' (aka M. slower growing than the species. Seedling selection from North g. 'Pat McCracken') America. Interesting! Tall grasses of architectural value. Upright stems bear arching Miscanthus leaves. Silky, glistening brown sprays in autumn. Clumpforming, not invasive and tolerates all soils, sun or shade but may need staking if in too much shade. Short cultivar with pink tinged plumes and quite narrow foliage. Miscanthus sinensis Very free flowering! To 5ft. 'Adagio' £24.50 Deep wine-red flowers produced in summer. Elegant and well proportioned. 5ft. Pink feathery plumes makes this grass live up to its cultivar name. Beautiful fiery autumn tints. 5ft. Large growing Miscanthus with tall billowing plumes that soon turn a colour that suits it's name - 'Thundercloud'! Broad healthy foliage and real presence. To 7ft. Vigorous with longer than normal leaves which arch out giving the apperance of a fountain. Flowers red flushed on opening. 6ft. £6.75 Dwarf form of M. s. 'Zebrinus', makes a compact, rounded mound of yellow banded leaves, no more than 3ft tall. Purplish plumes in the autumn. Beautiful form. Bronze tinted foliage, rich red-purple plumes. 6ft. £7.50 Matteuccia struthopteris AGM Shuttlecock Fern Matthiola Melianthusincana majorf AGM Miscanthus sinensis 'Ferner Osten' Miscanthus sinensis 'Flamingo' AGM Miscanthus sinensis 'Gewitterwolke' AGM Miscanthus sinensis 'Grosse Fontäne' AGM Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' £5.75 £8.75 £18.75 £7.50 £6.75 £8.75 £7.50 Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus' Compact clump of narrow arching leaves, each with a white Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' AGM margin. From a distance the plant appears silvery. 4ft £6.75 Showy pink plumes and very good autumn colour. Newer cultivar. Very large growing to 10ft. £8.75 Miscanthus sinensis 'Poseidon' £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 43 Resembling M s.‘Zebrinus’, with good contrast yellow bands across the leaf and loose, elegant pink-coppery plumes in autumn. Dense, upright culms to 5ft. One of the largest of them all, growing to a whopping 8-9ft! Pink inflorescence and a broad leaf; strong upright habit. Showy broad leaves striped cleanly white and dark green. Tall strikingly handsome clumps stand out from afar. 6-8ft. £7.50 Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' AGM Miscanthus x giganteus Bands of yellow across the leaves. 6ft . £7.50 (Syn. M. floridulus) Sterile hybrid between M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus. Very large clump-forming, non-invasive grass with a look like sugar cane, excellent for screening. 10-12ft. £7.50 Miscanthus yakushimensis Free-flowering dwarf. Upright clumps of graceful narrow leaves. 3ft. Clump forming perennial grasses with strong architectural form and airy flowers. The tallest form, growing upright to 8ft. £6.75 Upright panicles with small sparsely spread flower heads which enable one to see right through. To 6ft. £6.75 Miscanthus sinensis 'Pünktchen' Miscanthus sinensis 'Roland' Miscanthus sinensis var condensatus 'Cosmopolitan' AGM Molinia Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 'Skyracer' Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 'Transparent' Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Moorhexe' Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Variegata' AGM Monarda Bergamot £7.50 £7.50 £6.75 Compact form with upright stems with dark flower heads densely set, together giving a very solid appearance. 2ft. Dense tufts of narrow cream-striped leaves, with spikes of purpletinted flowers in autumn. A bright and eye-catching grass, charming as an accent or in small groups. Acid soil. 2ft. Strange hooded sage-like flowers in whorls on erect square stems are loved by bees. Aromatic leaves may be used to make tea. Prefer soil not too dry and a sunny site. Approximate height 3ft. £5.75 Monarda 'Beauty of Pale pink with purple calyses. 2ft. Cobham' AGM Monarda 'Cambridge Vivid scarlet. Strong grower, fresh green foliage. Scarlet' AGM £3.75 Monarda 'Hartswood Deepest purle-mauve. Wine' Monarda 'Ou Charm' Ice-pink flowers with dark purple calyces. £4.50 Monarda 'Ruby Glow' Deep ruby red flowers. 2½ft. £4.50 Moraea huttonii A succession of Iris-like flowers, yellow with brown markings, are born on 2.5 ft stems `during summer. Basal leaves are long, narrow and semi-erect. £3.75 £3.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 44 Bright pink billowing clouds of feathery flowers make this grass an almost unreal sight when in flower! £5.75 Soft green feathery inflorescences bend over and sway, making this excellent tall grass look much like a clump of very fine Bamboo. To 6ft. Dry conditions and sun. From Mexico and Arizona. A white-flowered plant forming clumps of deeply lobed leaves to Mukdenia rossii (Aceriphyllum rossii) 12 inches in height. New leaves are an attractive reddish colour, becoming shiny green and leathery as the season progresses. Resembles Bergenia. Flowers in April and May and prefers a cool, moist soil, Beautiful autumn tints. Plant in sun or semishade. Hardy. Musa basjoo AGM - A hardy Banana. Tall, with tropical-looking sheaves of foliage. Best sheltered from strong winds to preserve its broad leaves. Japanese Banana Cover base with a thick mulch in winter. Will re-sprout if cut down by frost. (Muscari armeniacum ‘Baby’s Breath’ ) Very pale blue flowers Muscari 'Jenny in June in a broadly symmetrical raceme. A delightful bulbous Robinson' AGM plant for a sunny site on well drained soil. 18 ins. Myrtus communis ssp Fragrant flowers are white with pink flushed petals and prominent stames, profusely borne in autumn. A neat bushy plant tarentina AGM much used for hedging in Mediterranean gardens. 3ft. Common Myrtle Low-growing evergreen shrub with bright red and green foliage Nandina domestica in winter. Really stands out and brings a welcome splash of 'Fire Power' colour! Slightly sheltered site in sun or semi-shade. 18ins. Slender pointed leaves on an upright shrub. The stems terminate Neillia thibetica in racemes of slender pink tubular flowers in summer. Easily grown and showy. To 5ft. Sprays of lavender-blue flowers produced all summer on clumps Nepeta ‘Six Hills of aromatic grey foliage, which is best cut hard back at the end of Giant’ - Catnip June, to keep it fresh. Evergreen and drought tolerant, grows best with sun and good drainage. 18 ins. Glistening pink lily-like flowers held on tall stout stems in late Nerine bowdenii autumn above strap-like foliage. Sun and good drainage. AGM Sheltered position against a wall recommended. 18ins. A slow growing, deciduous shrub or tree of broadly columnar Nyssa sylvatica form. Large, dark green, oval leaves provide rich scarlet, orange 'Wisley Bonfire' Tupelo and yellow autumn colour. Greenish flowers are produced in June, but are of little ornamental value. It resents root disturbance and is best when planted young. Prefers moist, lime-free soil. £12.75 New leaves emerge in spring yellow and white speckled pink. A quite extraordinary leaf colour. Bright yellow flowers in terminal racemes during July and August. 1ft. Low growing with a creeping habit. Pale pink flowers produced in profusion during summer, day and night. Well drained soil and full sun. 1ft. £5.75 Muhlenbergia capillaris - Pink Cloud Satin Grass Muhlenbergia dumosa - Bamboo Muhly Oenothera fruticosa glauca ‘Erica Robin’ Oenothera speciosa ‘Siskiyou’ £6.75 £8.75 £4.75 £8.75 £8.75 £8.75 £4.75 £6.75 £14.50 £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 45 Unusual plant with long narrow black leaves, lilac flowers and black berries. Forms low clumps. Sun or shade. Can be used to great effect as underplanting. 6ins. Stunning pink-and-green bracts form papery cones. Grey-green rounded foliage. Sprawling dwarf shrub for a sunny and very well drained site. 12ins. Orthrosanthus laxus Pale wedgwood-blue starry flowers above clumps of grassy foliage. 2ft. Similar to Libertia. Osmanthus delavayi One of the finest shrubs for fragrance. A profusion of white jasmine flowers scent the garden in April. Forms a neat dense AGM shrub to 6ft. Small dark evergreen leaves. Omanthus x fortunei Attractive holly-like foliage, evergreen and broad, with toothed edge, combines with intensely fragrant small white flowers in August. Slow growing evergreen shrub to 20ft. Largest hardy fern. Elegant fronds unfurl with a coppery tint in Osmunda regalis spring. Forms a large handsome clump. Prefers moist soil, not chalk. 4ft . Purple-hued form of the above. Elegant fronds unfurl with a Osmunda regalis purple-coppery tint in spring and remain dusky. 'Purpurascens' Well known evergreen ground cover plant - shiny dark green Pachysandra foliage, good spreader under shrubs in semi-shade/ shade. Not for terminalis lime. Stunningly beautiful flowers, the outer petals are fuchsia-pink Paeonia lactiflora making a bowl filled with narrow petal-like creamy white 'Bowl of Beauty' stamens. 3ft. AGM Fully double rose pink flowers with frilly inner petals. Lovely Paeonia lactiflora fragrance! A very healthy, long-lived clump forming perennial to 'Sarah Bernhardt' 3ft. Spring foliage a pretty dark red. AGM A 'Bowl of Beauty' with an extra layer of ruffled pink petals on Paeonia lactiflora top - like an ice cream sundae! 'Sorbet' Brilliant scarlet flowers with black centres in the middle of fine Paeonia tenuifolia dark green Dill-like foliage. Very rare and choice and not often available. Flowers May/June. 2ft. Paeonia wittmanniana Species Peony with single cream coloured flowers with prominent golden stamens, sometimes with a lemon or pink tint. Closely related to Paeonia mlokosevitchii , which it resembles. Flowers in late spring or early summer. To 2½ft. Clump forming grass with wonderfully open, airy growth. Stiff, Panicum virgatum - Switch slender stems, arching leaves and clouds of tiny purple spikelets produced in panicles from mid-summer on. £8.75 Very upright accent grass, with broad olive-green blades with glaucous backs, topped later by strongly vertical flower heads, all together forming a strong, columnar shape. 5ft. Vigorous selection with huge heads of purplish spikelets and intense red and purple leaf colouring in autumn. 4-5ft. £7.50 Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens AGM Origanum 'Kent Beauty' AGM £5.75 £6.75 £7.50 £7.50 £8.75 £8.75 £2.50 £8.75 £8.75 £8.75 £9.75 £8.50 Grass Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Panicum virgatum 'Squaw' £6.75 Catalogue 2013 The Poppies here are Oriental Poppies, robust perennials with rough hairy leaves that come into bloom in early summer, sporting huge brightly coloured flowewrs that later turn to finelooking seed heads, ideal for using in dried flower arrangements. Easily grown in almost any soil with a bit of drainage, preferring a sunny position. The foliage dies down after flowering leaving space for later flowering plants. A particularly fine Oriental Poppy with very large single flowers Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermere' of rich crimson-scarlet with a black basal blotch on each petal. Strong stems to 4ft. Also known as P. o. 'Goliath'. AGM Rich plum-coloured blooms May to July. Unique and valuable! Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum' Frilled petals, white with deep purple basal blotch. Lovely Papaver orientale combination! 'Snow Goose' A small tree with a wide spreading crown, it should be trained up Parrotia persica on a single stem to display its brown and grey patchwork bark. AGM - Persian Small red flowers with dark red stamens in mid winter. One of Ironwood the best trees for autumn colour; the crown changes in stages through shades of gold and crimson. Larger plants trained to make a tree. Paulownia kawakamii -A similar tree to the more well known P. tomentosa described Sapphire Dragon Tree below, but with paler lavender-blue flowers. Paulownias are fast growing trees much used for shade in hotter climates. They produce a light, easy-to-work timber much priced for furniture in the Far East. Paulownia tomentosa Magnificent large tree producing erect panicles of purple AGM - Foxglove Tree foxglove-like flowers which are spotted and marked yellow at the base, produced in spring. May also be grown as a large shrub by pruning to the ground in sprung. The resulting shoot produces enormous leaves and may grow to 10ft in one season. Page 46 Papaver Poppy Pennisetum Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Woodside' Pennisetum macrourum Pennisetum orientale AGM A group of warm season growing evergreen grasses, appreciated for their long soft fox tail-like flower heads and their beautiful arching habit. A loose tuft of dark green leaves crowned with beautifully shaped flower heads with long hairy white whiskers, bright red at the tips, arching out like sprays of water. Free-flowering and extraordinarily attractive. Free flowering in a sunny site. 3ft. Purple bristled bottle brushes (try saying that over and over again!) This form flowers better in cool summers, July to October. 3ft. Long, thin bottle brushes of white flowers are produced in late summer. Tall, upright stems which sway gently. Clump forming habit. 5ft. Gently nodding cylindrical pink flower heads on handsome clumps. Exceptionally long flowering period often from June to September. £6.50 £6.75 £6.50 £14.50 £16.50 £8.75 £6.75 £7.50 £7.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' AGM Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum villosum AGM - Egyptian Fountain Grass A beautiful grass with flowers, leaves and stalks a rich burgundy colour. Flowers are produced in late summer. Tender, but can be over wintered in a conservatory or on a sunny window sill. Available from June. Stunning grass covered in thick ivory white plumes that cascade over path or front of border to great effect. Grows well at Sissinghurst. Hardy down to -5C°. 18ins to 2ft. Page 47 £6.75 £6.75 Perovskia atriplicifolia Delicate deeply cut silvery-grey foliage topped by slender panicles of deep blue lavender-like flowers August to September ‘Blue Spire’ AGM to 3ft. Prefers sun and good drainage. A beautiful, stately plant. Creamy white frothy Persicaria plumes arch slightly, giving this giant, polymorpha (Polygonum with its large green leaves an almost polymorpha) tropical appearance. Clump forming, not a spreader like other knotweeds. 6ft. £6.50 Very decorative heart-shaped bright green leaves speckled and veined with purple and white, and dark red stems. An excellent foliage plant, can be used as groundcover. 18ins. Large brightly variegated leaves in cream, green and pink are marked with a brown chevron that looks like it has been painted on. Long red rat's tail flowers. Non-invasive and prefers shade and soil not too dry. Hardy and easy. 2ft. Vigorous spreading plants, idea for providing ground cover in very large areas. Deeply indented rounded leaves. White flowers in April. 18 ins. Rapid ground cover. 18ins. £6.50 Persicaria 'Purple Fantasy' Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette' (Tovara 'P. P.') Petasites Petasites frigidus var palmatus JLS 86317 CLOR (P.j var g. 'Variegatus') Large, round, yellow- variegated leaves Petasites japonicus var giganteus 'Nishiki- up to 18 ins diameter, are held on 3ft stems providing dense and buki' effective ground-cover in damp areas. Heads of pale yellow appear in late winter before the leaves emerge. A vigorous spreader. Phalaris arundinacea Spectacular grass. Leaves of purest white with pale green stripes. Easily grown. An excellent contrast to darker coloured plants. ‘Feesey’ ‘Feesey' has more white and is less invasive. 4ft. Useful garden shrubs producing scented white flowers in early summer. They are hardy and undemanding, easily grown on most soils, incl shallow chalk. Sun/ semi-shade. Beautiful broad clean cream edges to the leaves, some leaves are Philadelphus nearly all cream. Single white flowers with a rich fragrance. coronarius Great foliage shrub for the mixed border. 8ft. 'Variegatus' AGM Charming dwarf shrub smothered in long-lasting small creamy Philadelphus 'Manteau d'Hermine' white, filled blooms. 3ft. AGM Phlomis cashmeriana Pale pink flower spikes and corrugated leaves. Charming and rare herbacious Phlomis from Kashmir, 2ft. £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.50 Philadelphus Mock Orange £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Page 48 Handsome large rough leaves form good dense ground-cover. Stout stems bear soft yellow hooded flowers in whorls during summer. Seed heads remain decorative through winter. 3ft. Easy and vigorous in a sunny well-drained spot. Large heart-shaped corrugated leaves are topped by tall spikes of Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’ - Perennial mauve flowers in whorls. Beautiful! 5ft. Phlomis Colourful and fragrant perennials, divided into Border Phlox and Phlox Alpine Phlox. Alpine Phlox are small, matforming sub-shrubs for rockeries and pots, flowering in spring. Here we concern ourselves with varieties of Border Phlox, which flower in summer, and are easily grown. Wonderful eye-catching and fragrant cultivar in Phlox carolina a shade of lilac pink that changes with the light 'Magnificence' mauve, pink, purplish. Very healthy plentiful foliage, resistant to mildew and heat. 3ft. Striking form with white flowers on which Phlox maculata each petal has a central stripe of lilac-purple. 'Natascha' The flowers are borne in cylindrical heads in summer on tall willowy stems with narrow pointed leaves. Self-supporting and fragrant. 3ft. Very attractive tricoloured variegated large leaves on an easy to Photinia x fraseri grow evergreen shrub to 5ft. ‘Pink Marble' Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Brilliant red new leaves. Vigorous evergreen shrub. 5ft. Robin’ AGM Phragmites australis Striped leaves, suffused rich gold fading to white. A variegated version of Reed, can be invasive. A wet location or pond suits it ‘Variegatus’ best. 4ft . Phyteuma scheuchzeri Delicate spiky, rich blue flowers in late spring. Easily grown alpine plant for a sunny well drained spot. 6ins. - Horned Rampion £6.50 Pimpinella major 'Rosea' - Greater Burnet Pinellia ternata Crow-dipper Pretty pink cow parsley flowers and neat bipinnate foliage on a really exceptionally attractive umbellifer. 3ft. Rare! £6.75 Curious Arum-type green spathe with a long drawn out "antenna"like black spadix on a short woodland plant with three distinct leaves, set in a triangular shape. From China. 6-12ins. £2.75 Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty' Extra-ordinary new plant grown chiefly for its foliage - strangely attractive, covered in mad dark spots and bumps, like a toad's skin! Dark red bell flowers and- sometimes - large green fruits add to its appeal! Shade and soil not too dry. 12ins. £9.75 Polemonium yezoense A Japb's Ladder with dark purple-flushed foliage, especially in 'Bressingham Purple' the earlier part of the year, paired with violet blue flowers with golden stamens. Easily grown perennial, flowers in early summer, any site not too dry, sun or dappled shade. To 2ft. £6.75 Phlomis russeliana £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £8.75 £6.75 £5.75 £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Polemonium caeruleum 'Brise d'Anjou' Polygonatum biflorum - Solomon's Seal Polygonatum verticillatum Polylepsis australis Page 49 Variegated Jacob's Ladder. Spectacular cream edged foliage and royal blue flowers! 2ft. Sun or part shade. £6.75 Vertical shoots arch over at the top and bear hanging clusters of lightly fragrant greenish white bells in May. Easily grown, sun or shade. 5ft. Upright stems from which radiate whorls of narrow leaves. Under each whorl of foliage hangs a cluster of small greenish white flowers. 2ft. Very rare hardy shrub with spectacular peeling pale brown bark on craggy stems giving an aged appearance. Tufts of small pinnate leaves are semi evergreen. Greenish purple flowers in pendant racemes in early summer. Another curiosity from the South American continent, it can be found growing high in the Andes and has proved hardy in the UK. Has surprised us by settling in well on our heavy wet clay.To 6ft. £6.75 £6.75 £28.50 Shiny dark green evergreen bipinnate fronds grow from a central Polystichum polyblepharum AGM - rosette, 1 to 2ft tall. As the croziers unfurl the tips flip backwards Japanese Tassel Fern and droop, forming a tassel before resuming normal growth. Best in full or part shade. £6.75 Polystichum setiferum Fresh green fronds segments are densely arranged giving a sculptured appearance. Evergreen. 2ft. Very decorative and 'Congestum' versatile. Interesting and handsome deciduous shrub closely related to Poncirus trifoliata Citrus. Ferociously armed with dagger-like thorns and sparsely clad with small dark green leaves. Large sweetly scented 'orange blossom' flowers are produced in spring followed by 2 inch diameter yellow fruits, bitter and acrid, but may be used to make a conserve. It has been used to make a hedge, tolerates clipping well and makes a formidable barrier but it takes a brave heart to gather up the clippings. To 10ft. Contorted form in which the claw-like spines are hooked Poncirus trifoliata backwards. Small plants. 'Flying Dragon' New striking Poplar with enormous dark purple leaves when Populus deltoides young, the size of small dinner plates! Will form an upright tree, 'Purple Tower' 10 m tall, or can be pollarded to keep the large leaves. Cool lemon yellow drooping fragrant bells set on stems well Primula florindae above rosettes of healthy green rounded foliage. A beautiful, AGM easily grown plant for moist or wet soil in sun or shade. Flowers in June/July for weeks. Good combined with Hostas. 2ft. £6.75 Pseudolarix amabilis - Broadly conical, slow growing decidious Conifer with bold, light green soft needles, larger than any Larch's. Autumn colour is Golden Larch warm yellow, changing to orange over a long period. Hardy, but best with winter protection when young. Small plants. £8.75 £8.75 £18.50 £6.50 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Pseudosasa japonica AGM (Arundinaria japonica) Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea' - Golden Common Hop Tree The most hardy and easily grown of big bamboos. Forms a dense thicket of olive-green culms with broad leaves of a deep, shiny green with yellow midrib. Evergreen. To 12ft. . Different size plants usually available from Small deciduous tree with beautiful lime green trifoliate foliage, emerging soft yellow in spring. Golden autumn colour. Small greenish white flowers in early summer carry an orange blossom scent. Followed by bitter winged fruit loved by birds, which were once used as a hop substitute by brewers. 10ft. Pulmonaria Lungwort Most useful, attractive semi-evergreen, lush grondcover for part shade or shade. Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign' Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' Long, narrow leaves in bold clumps with sprays of luminous pure dark blue flowers in spring. 18 inches. A vigorous form, flowering from Feb to May. The large, violetblue flowers of this variety has a longitudinal purple stripe. The long, pointed leaves, indicationg its P. longifolia heritage, are spotted when young, becoming almost pure silver later. 10ins. Pulmonaria 'Majeste' Completely silver foliage and blue flowers. Gorgeous! Pyracantha 'Molten Lava' - Firethorn Quercus - Oak Shining red berries in great profusion. Tough, easy -to- grow shrub. A group of magnificent, mainly large growing, deciduous and evergreen trees. Page 50 £12.75 £12.75 £6.50 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 Variegated leaves, having cream margins. £26.50 Quercus cerris 'Curly Peculiar grafted dwarf form with small curly leaves on a dense bush with a distinct trunk. Interesting feature in bed or pot. Easily Head' trimmed, and should make a good starting point for a bonsai. Eventually to 10ft. A particularly good form of the Scarlet Oak. Handsome deeply Quercus coccinea lobed leaves on a large-growing, dome-shaped tree, colouring 'Splendens' AGM brilliant rich scarlet in autumn. An especially good form of Hungarian Oak. Quercus frainetto 'Tortworth' Tiny, somewhat hard, silver foliage slowly creates an ever Raoulia australis growing hummock, that looks like a sheep from a distance. Vegetable Sheep Sharp drainage and open conditions for this Southern hemispere rockery plant. Rich red pendent flower clusters densely covers a vigourous Ribes sanguineum 'Pulborough Scarlet' spring flowering shrub. Good for sun or semi-shade. Fresh green foliage. To 10ft. AGM - Flowering Currant Handsome perennial with large Horse Chestnut-like leaves and Rodgersia pinnata fluffy heads of sweetly scented, creamy-pink flowers in summer. Prefers moist soil. Sun or shade. 3ft . £25.00 Quercus cerris 'Argenteovariegata' £24.50 £28.50 £4.50 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 New form with very firm textured leaves, which are burnished purple in spring and autumn. Tall spires of cream flowers. 3ft. Handsome perennial with large Horse Chestnut-like leaves. In this particular species the big jagged lobes are bronze tinted, and the fluffy heads of sweetly scented flowers in summer, are creamy-green . Prefers moist soil. Sun or shade. 3ft. A mixture of shrubs and climbing or rambling plants, all of outstanding beauty and intrigue, and mostly with exquisite fragrance. We make a very careful choice, wishing to bring you a wide selection of really worthwhile and unique Roses for you to grow and enjoy! Rosa 'Alberic Barbier' Strong-growing with repeat flushes of large double lemon yellow flowers fading to cream with a fresh, fruity fragrance. Shiny, AGM (Rambler) deep green, nearly evergreen foliage. Performs well even in shade and poor soil. 15ft. Clusters of loosely shaped flowers are lobster pink flushed gold Rosa 'Albertine' at the base. Very fragrant, strong growing and vigorous. 12 to AGM (Rambler) 15ft. Rosa 'Ballerina' AGM Large clusters of small blush pink single flowers on a short robust rounded shrub. Musk perfumed. One of the most reliable (Hybrid Musk/ and longest flowering of shrub roses! 4ft x 4ft. Polyantha) Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ Unusual and beautiful vigorous semi-evergreen climbing rose. 30ft. Requires a warm wall. Hanging clusters of deep yellow, AGM (Climber) slightly fragrant, double flowers, May/June. Large plants. Rodgersia pinnata 'Grizzly Bear' Rodgersia podophylla AGM Page 51 £7.50 £6.75 Roses £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £20.00 Rosa 'Belle de Crecy' Deep cerise fully double flowers fade to a lovely mauve; wonderful Old Rose fragrance. Almost thornless bushy shrub to (Gallica) 4ft with an arching growth habit. Flowers June - July. Rosa 'Bleu Magenta' Dark wine purple flowers in small clusters fading to violet on a rambler with shining foliage and very few thorns. Late (Rambler) flowering.15ft. Rosa 'Blossom Time' Lovely finely scented soft-pink double flowers with deep pink (Hybrid Tea Climber) petal reverse. Repeat flowering and disease resistant.15ft. £9.75 Warm apricot-yellow blooms fading to cream are held in large Rosa 'Buff Beauty' AGM (Hybrid Musk) trusses through the summer. Tea Rose scent.Strong-growing with healthy, rich green foliage. 5ft x 5ft. Rosa 'Burgundy Ice' Deep plum purple velvety petals with a pale reverse - very special! An offspring of R. 'Iceberg', this rose never stops (Floribunda) flowering. Scented and disease resistant. 3ft. Darkest purple fragrant rounded flowers and dark green foliage Rosa 'Cardinal de combine to great affect in this old-fashioned shrub rose, intr in Richelieu' (Gallica) 1840. To 4ft. A 16th century rose with a beautiful elegant habit. Clear fuchsiaRosa x centifolia pink globular flowers are shaped like a tight cabbage and are (Shrub) - Old Cabbage Rose richly fragrant. Found in the paintings of the old Dutch Masters. To 5ft. £8.75 £8.75 £7.50 £9.75 £11.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 52 Trusses of creamy pink well formed flowers, beautifully fragrant, Rosa 'Champagne Moment' (Floribunda) with apricot centres. Glossy dark green foliage. Repeat flowering and exceptionally disease resistant. 3ft. Spectacular Rose with large striped blooms, light pink base with Rosa 'Commandant stripes and blotches of dark pink, purple and crimson. Well Beaurepaire' (Bourbon) scented and abundant flowers. Vigourous shrub to 5ft. Introduced in 1874. Strong growing climbing rose with clusters of dark pure red fully Rosa 'Crimson double flowers with a good fragrance.Repeat flowering, 10ft. Cascade' (Climber) Will grow on a north facing wall and in poorer soil. Rosa 'Fantin-Latour' Clusters of fully double, blush pink flowers 4ins across in midsummer. Healthy dark green foliage. Strongly fragrant. Very few AGM (Shrub) thorns. 6ft x 5ft. An older variety. Clusters of white, fully double flowers, pink when in bud, Rosa smothers a semi-evergreen vigourous rambler with deep green 'Felicite`Perpetue`' (Rambler) shiny foliage. To 20ft. Large pale pink roses are wonderfully striped crimson and Rosa 'Ferdinand purple. Strong, rich fragrance. Repeat flowering and vigourous Pichard' (Hybrid Perpetual) shrub to 4ft. One of the finest striped Roses! Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' Large and extremely vigorous Rose, capable of growing to 30ft or more. Clusters of small single white flowers followed by small AGM (Rambler) bright red hips. Grow up a tree or cover a whole wall! £8.75 An outstanding Rugosa Rose with wonderful Old Rose scent and large pale pink single flowers throughout the whole season! Healthy Rugosa-type foliage and large decorative bright orange hips. Lovely autumn colour and excellent disease resistance. 35ft. Large single fragrant flowers, cherry-pink with cream centre and Rosa 'Frühlingsand a prominent centre of golden-red stamens. Large healthy morgen' (Pimpinellifolia shrub that flowers early - late May/ early June. Pretty hips. 6ft x Hybrid Shrub) 6ft. Set to replace R. 'Golden Showers ' as THE yellow climber, R. Rosa 'Gardener's 'Gardener's Glory' is everything you could wish for: fragrant Glory' (Climber) pure golden blooms, free-flowering and repeating, with abundant, healthy foliage. Rosa 'Gentle Touch' Pale pink well-formed small roses in dainty clusters on a low shrub to 18ins. (Patio) Rosa 'Hot Chocolate' Rich russet, brown and orange blooms - a unique colour! Repeat flowering, tough and healthy, and with old rose scent, this (Floribunda) American bred shrub rose really has it all. 3ft. New vibrant colour blend - orange, with hints of salmon and Rosa 'Jam and gold. Large wellformed scented flowers are borne in trusses on a Jerusalem' (Floribunda) neat shrub, 2½ft tall. Named for Cheshire's WI in 2010. Rosa 'Maigold' AGM Large open semi-double bronze-yellow flowers with golden stamens open early in the season. Disease free glossy foliage. (Climber/ Modern Powerfully fragrant. Tolerates poor soil. Can be grown as a Shrub Rose) climber or a free -standing shrub. To 8ft. £8.75 Rosa 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' AGM (Rugosa Shrub) £7.50 £8.75 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 £8.75 £7.50 £8.75 £7.50 £9.75 £9.75 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 53 £7.50 Rosa 'Open Arms' AGM (Dwarf Rambler) Rosa 'Paul's Himalayan Musk' AGM (Rambler) Old-fashioned large cup-shaped blooms are ivory-white, tinted pink. Sweetly fragrant, reliable and continual flowering. Disease resistant. 20ft. Strong-growing rose with enormous madder-crimson flowers with a rich, powerful Old Rose fragrance. To 5ft. May be used as a short climber. Unforgettable large single rose in a unique colour - apricotorange, with dark red stamens! Tall shrub with reddish foliage and red shoots - truly special! 5-6ft. One of the best and most well known climbers of all time! Fully double, shell pink blooms with a good scent produced throughout the season. Strong and vigorous to 20ft. Cascades of shell pink open flowers with prominent golden stamens, repeats through thew season. Shiny, dark green foliage. 6-10ft. Strong-growing Hybrid Musk rambler with billowing masses of blush-lilac-pink semi-filled flowers in clusters. Looks wonderful growing through an old fruit tree or over a garden wall. To 30ft. Rosa 'Paul's Lemon Pillar' (Climber) Large lemon-white well-shaped and fragrant roses on a strong growing and extremely healthy climber. Large decorative hips. £8.75 Rosa 'Penelope' AGM One of the very best of Pemberton's Hybrid Musk shrub roses! (Hybrid Musk Shrub) Cream to palest shell-pink semi-double roses in clusters, with golden stamens and a sweet musk scent, repeat flowers during summer and autumn. Abundant dark green shiny foliage. 3ft x 3ft. A delightful miniature Hybrid Tea, with nankin-yellow, dollRosa 'Perle D'Or' sized roses, perfectly shaped and sweetly fragrant. Flowers all AGM (Polyantha) summer on a neat bush that needs little pruning. 3ft. A profusion of large clusters of small fragrant creamy-white semi Rosa 'Rambling double flowers followed by good red hips. To 20ft or more. Rector' AGM (Rambler) Completely unique rose - semi-double flowers are deep purple Rosa 'Rhapsody in with the odd white streak, fading to inky blue, offset by golden Blue' (Shrub) stamens and lush, abundant foliage. Sweetly perfumed, healthy, repeat-flowering and vigorous, to 5ft. Wine coloured loosely filled flowers with a strong rugosa-scent Rosa 'Roseraie de on a healthy vigorous shrub with apple green shiny foliage. Good l'Hay' (Shrub) autumn colour. To 7ft. Excellent for colour foliage schemes, grey-mauve leaves on Rosa rubrifolia purple-flushedstems. Clear pink single flowers on a tough shrub (Shrub) to 6ft. Modern shrub rose with and abundance of single cream flowers Rosa 'Sally Holmes' held in clusters offset by apricot buds and shiny foliage. Flowers (Shrub) constantly from June to November. Can be used as a short climber. To 8ft. Rosa 'Sarah van Fleet' Strongly fragrant, large semi-double clear pink flowers with gold stamens freely produced. Repeat flowering. Apple scented rugosa (Shrub) foliage. 7ft x 5ft. £8.75 Rosa 'Mme Alfred Carriere' AGM (Noisette Climber) Rosa 'Mme Isaac Pereire' AGM (Bourbon) Rosa 'Mrs Oakley Fisher' (Hybrid Tea) Rosa 'New Dawn' AGM (Climber) £7.50 £9.75 £8.75 £8.75 £8.75 £8.50 £8.75 £9.75 £8.75 £6.75 £7.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Rosa 'Seagull' AGM (Rambler) Rosa 'Super Fairy' (Rambler) Page 54 A rambler smothered in a profusion of large trusses of very fragrant, single white flowers. 20ft. An excellent short rambler, smothered in small light pink double roses in long trusses from June to October. Disease resistant and vigorous. 10-15ft. Peachy-apricot clusters of flowers covers a low bushy plant all summer - this patio rose is rightly hugely popular! 18ins. Large trusses of tiny soft pink double flowers are produced with great freedom throughout the summer. An easily grown reliable shrub rose. To 2ft. Violet-blue to dark magenta semi-double flowers with a pale eye and white streaks are borne in large clusters on a handsome, almost thornless rambler with ample fresh green foliage. Rich orange scent. 15ft. Exciting new breakthrough in Rose breeding - a miniature climber to 6ft. Brilliant orange flowers all summer and red flushed purple new growth. £8.75 Semi-double cerise-pink powerfully fragrant flowers are produced in great profusion continuously throughout the season. Happy on a north wall. To 12ft. Thornless. Forms large dense prostrate mats of aromatic evergreen needleRosmarinus x like foliage with clusters of blue flowers in late spring. Will trail lavandulaceus (R. prostratus) - Prostrate over wall or bank tops to great effect. Good in cooking! Rosemary Strange leaf-less low shrub with dark green tangled stems and Rubus squarrosus decorative ivory white thorns. Forms thick impenetrable mounds up to 18ins. Small plants. Pinnate silver -grey foliage on bristly upright Rubus thibetanicus stems with ghostly white bloom. Good in the 'Silver Fern' AGM winter garden. Effective and easily grown summer border plants with large daisy Rudbeckia flowers mostly with a prominent central cone. New Rudbeckia fulgida cultivar, which starts flowering up to Rudbeckia fulgida two months earlier than 'Goldsturm', and flowers up until the first 'Early Bird Gold' frost. Otherwise similar, as it was selected from that variety. 2ft. £8.75 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' AGM Indispensable perennial, reliably and prolifically producing vivid yellow daisies with large black centre cone. Aug/Oct. 2ft . £6.50 Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle' AGM Fully double lemon-yellow flowerheads look akin to Dahlias. Striking perennial, wonderful with Aconitum or blue Salvia. 3ft. £6.75 Rudbeckia maxima Large glaucous paddle-shaped leaves and tall stems bearing drooping petalled yellow daisies with protruding black cones. 4ft. Plant in a sunny spot with good rich soil . Single yellow daisies on stout leafy stems. Robust, large flowered and tall. To 6ft . No staking required. £7.50 Rosa 'Sweet Dream' AGM (Patio) Rosa 'The Fairy' AGM (Polyantha) Rosa 'Veilchenblau' (Rambler) Rosa 'Warm Welcome' AGM (Miniature Climber) Rosa 'Zepherine Drouhin' (Climber) Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' AGM £8.75 £7.50 £7.50 £8.75 £8.75 £5.75 £4.75 £8.75 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers' Ruscus acuelatus 'Hermaphrodite Form' - Butcher's Broom Unique quilled flowers of pure yellow with a dark eye. 5 or 6ft. A plant collected from the wild in Arkansas, N America, by Mr Eilers. Very striking! The small, densely arranged, sharp leaves are actually flattened stems. Bright red berries follow insignificant flowers. Forms a dense thicket. Will grow in dense dry shade. 3ft. A wide and diverse genus including large trees and small alpines. Most are easily grown. A curious form which has the leaves neatly curled into rings Salix babylonica giving a most odd appearance. Best cut hard back every winter, 'Crispa' (S.b. 'Annularis') for the best leaf display. Different size plants available from Salix exigua - Coyote Elegant narrow leaves, intensely silver on grey stems. Adaptable to most situations. To 10ft . Willow Attractive in winter with reddish bronze stout shoots and red Salix fargesii buds. Large handsome dark green glossy leaves. Up to 10ft. Salmon pink new shoots in spring turn silvery white, then Salix integra speckled green. Red barked shoots give a lovely winter display. . 'Albomaculata To 6ft, but best pruned hard each spring . Salix integra 'Hakuro- A small tree formed by grafting S. integra 'Albomaculata' onto a stout 3-5ft stem. Very effective; looks like the tree is in flower all nishiki' through the season! Varying sizes, from Aromatic perennials, sometimes shrubby, with mostly hairy Salvia - Sage leaves and lipped flowers in bright colours, often held in spires. Most want a well-drained spot in full sun. Some are frost tender, others are fully hardy. Salvia argentea AGM Large, woolly-white leaves topped by candelabra branching stems, bearing white, hooded flowers 3ft. A spectacular plant for a sunny, well-drained site. (S. n. 'East Friesland') Intense deep purple flowers on stout erect Salvia nemerosa 'Ostfriesland' AGM stems for weeks during summer. Easily grown reliable perennial for a sunny site. 2ft. Large growing form of Salvia patens with dark leaf markings Salvia patens and flowers of an intense blue in summer and autumn. Requires a 'Guanajuato' warm, sheltered site. 5ft. Many upright spikes of darkest ink blue over a mound of dark Salvia x sylvestris green foliage. Flowers early summer onwards - returns a second 'May Night' (S. s. flush if cut back. Sun and reasonable drainage. 18ins. 'Mainacht') AGM Salvia uliginosa AGM Graceful tall stems bear waving sprays of clear azure blue flowers. Lovely late flowering perennial for sheltered sunny spot, not too dry. To 5ft. Requires no staking. Graceful arching spikes of rich purple flowers with darker Salvia verticillata calyces from July to September. Dense leafy clumps of hairy 'Purple Rain' foliage. Good at the front of a border. 12-18ins. Larger selection with more intense flower colour. 2ft x 2ft. Salvia verticillata 'Smouldering Torches' Page 55 £6.50 £14.50 Salix - Willow £7.50 £6.75/ £24.50 £8.75 £6.50 £8.75 £5.75 £5.75 £8.75 £5.75 £6.75 £5.75 £6.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 56 Sambucus canadensis A remarkable form of the American Elder. Enormous pinnate leaves are topped by equally large flower clusters up to 18 inches ‘Maxima’ across. Vigorous and robust. Largest leaves and flowers are achieved by hard pruning in spring . An herbaceous Elderberry - sending up straight shoots terminated Sambucus ebulis by flat heads of white flowers tinted pink in September. Shoots radiate out from the ground and form new plants. A rapid colonizer for the wild garden. Sambucus nigra - Hardy shrub or small tree able to grow in the darkest, dampest or driest corner of the garden. Native to Britain, in the past it held Elderberry an honoured place in the domestic pharmacy. From its berries, a wine or syrup may be prepared by boiling with sugar. If diluted with hot water and taken just before bedtime, rural folk claim it to be an excellent remedy for colds and chills. Sambucus may be allowed to grow into large shrubs or exceptionally small trees but they may be pruned each spring which provides a finer show from those grown for their foliage characteristics. £9.75 A striking form with glistening black purple leaves and ruby pink flower heads. A fantastic new form with almost black, dissected foliage and creamy-pink buds and flowers followed by blackish-red berries in autumn. Bright golden variegation on a really striking foliage shrub that Sambucus nigra will brighten any shady corner. Very hardy and easy to grow, sun 'Madonna' or shade. 6-8ft. Sanguisorba - Sanguisorbas are meadow plants, often growing in slightly wetter locations. They enjoy a fertile soil, but will adapt to drier and less Burnet rich conditions. They go well with other perennials in a mixed border and look good with grasses. Fluffy rose-pink flower heads drooping over lush green rosettes Sanguisorba of Burnet leaves. 4ft. hakusanensis Sanguisorba menziesii Handsome species. Upright, deep purple-red flower heads MayJuly. Blue-green scalloped leaves form an attractive mound. 2½ft. Sanguisorba tenuifolia A giant with rich pink bottlebrush flowers topping upright wiry stems over a large mound of elegant cut foliage. 7ft. 'Pink Elephant' £8.50 Tall slender stems are topped with elegantly drooping greeny white bottle brush flowers. Finely cut foliage. A most strikingly handsome perennial. 6ft. A small, evergreen shrub with pointed leaves suitable for a shady area. Highly fragrant white flowers produced in late winter, ideal for use as cut stems, followed by black berries. Any fertile soil, particularly chalk. This new variety from Japan. has almost black leaves that turn red in autumn, and are contrasted by ruby red flowers 8ins. Small plants. £6.75 Sambucus nigra 'Black Beauty' Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace' Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. alba 'Korean Snow' Sarcoccoca confusa AGM Saxifraga fortunei 'Black Ruby' £4.75 £7.50 £7.50 £6.75 £6.50 £6.75 £6.75 £5.00 Catalogue 2013 Page 57 Saxifraga fortunei 'Rubrifolia' Airy sprays carry clouds of white flowers September to November above rosettes of broad shining scalloped leaves with bright red reverse. Prefer some shade and good soil. 12ins. £6.75 Saxifraga 'Southside Seedling' AGM Rockery plant with tumbling sprays of white flowers with an arresting red eye. Leaves in a neat rosette with silver hair on the edge of each leaf. 8-10ins. Evergreen spreading rosettes of darkgreen fleshy leaves boldly splashed with yellow and cream. Airy sprays of pink flowers in June. One of the very best groundcovers in dark corners. 12ins. £6.50 Creamy yellow flower with pincushion centres held on wiry stems above toothed leaves in late summer. Very striking en masse. Full sun. 18ins. Rich orange-salmon cup shaped flowers on slender spikes in Sept/Oct above grassy clumps of foliage. 2ft. £5.75 Large rosettes of fleshy bright green leaves are topped by a dense pyramidal flower head of brilliant blue flowers with long stamens. More like a Hyacinth than a Squill. Late spring. 12ins. £6.50 Scleranthus uniflorus Small tightly packed soft leaves form a moss-like bright green hummock with small white flowers in summer. An excellent rockery plant, or alternative to real moss in a Japanese style planting. Sharp drainage and regular water is essential. 4-6ins. Sedum 'Herbstfreude' Ice Plant. Large flat heads of rich pink, turning salmon pink (S.'Autumn Joy') flowers that attract butterflies in August/September. A compact mound to 18 inches of fleshy grey-green leaves. Any soil. AGM £6.75 A striking plant with deep red flowers and grey-purple foliage. 18ins. A bizarre plant with evergreen shoots flattened and resembling a cockscomb. Yellow flowers in July. 6ins. £5.75 NEW! Bright yellow needle like leaves clothe curved shoots on a low dense plant. Effective container, groundcover or rockery plant. Evergreen. 4-6ins. White-flowered Ice Plant, sometimes with some pink flower corymbs. Grey green foliage. Sturdy, disease free and reliable. £3.75 Tight rosettes are netted with a fine web of silvery hairs, giving the appearance of a spider's web. Bright red flowers . Prefers a dry position. (Other Sempervivums always available.) £3.75 Saxifraga x urbium 'Variegata' Variegated London Pride Scaboiosa c. ssp ochroleuca 'Moon Dance' Schizostylis coccinea 'Major' AGM - Kaffir Lily Scilla peruviana Portuguese Squill Sedum 'Purple Emperor' Sedum reflexum 'Monstrosum Cristatum' Sedum reflexum 'Lemon Ball' Sedum spectabile 'Stardust' Sempervivum arachnoideum Cobwebbed House Leek £6.50 £6.50 £5.75 £3.75 £5.75 Catalogue 2013 Sequoiadendron giganteum Sequoiadendron giganteum 'Barabit's Requiem' Sequoiadendron giganteum 'Pendulum' The largest tree in the world. Native to the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California, the largest plants are up to 270ft high, may weigh 6,000 tons and some are estimated to be 3,500 yrs. old. It was introduced to this country in the mid 19th century and the largest plants are now 160ft tall. It adapts to most soil types and never blows down. For several decades it makes an excellent garden conifer forming a neat cone shape, the perfectly tapered spongy fibrous red bole is just visable through the foliage. The following cultivars are available: A beautiful Hungarian selection . Branches asweep down and up towards the tip and are draped with pendulous branches rather like Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Pendula' in outline. Ultimately of a large size. Remarkable conifer with branches hanging down closely to the trunk. Tall growing North American perennials with starry yellow sunflower-like flowers on stout often leafless stems. Of botanical interest because the two types here orientate their leaves so they stand upright with edges pointing north and south. This is a heat reducing method as the midday sun strikes the narrow edges of the leaves. Most soils in a sunny position. The following species are available: Silphium integrifolium N American plant with large paddle-shaped leaves held upright so that the edge points south-north. This is to reduce evaporation - Compass Plant in the midday sun. Yellow daisies on upright stems . 3ft. Page 58 £24.50 £28.50 Silphium Much divided flat leaves looking much like a large aquatic bird’s foot. 6ft. Sisyrinchium douglasii Blue-eyed Grass. Perfect miniature Sisyrinchium with intense 'E.K. Balls' blue flowers with a yellow eye. For rockery or trough. Flowers all through the season. 6ins. Graceful arching stems terminate in a fluffy creamy white spike, Smilacina racemosa deliciously scented. Bright red berries. A shade-loving plant for an acid soil. 2½ ft Clusters of white flowers delicately flushed blue produced all Solanum laxum summer on a twining climber with dark green leaves flushed 'Coldham' purple. Sheltered wall in full sun. This beautiful plant comes to us courtesy of the late plantsman Jack Elliot, in whose garden 'Coldham' at Little Chart Forstal it grew. Tiny round bright green leaves on thin translucent stems form a Soleirolia soleirolii Baby's Tears, Mind- dense creeping mat in a moist corner. Can cover large areas. your-own-business Good filler for shady crevices, under ferns or Hostas. Can become a little bit of a nuisance, but is easily removed. Somewhat frost tender, so best against a wall or building. Evergreen. 4ins. Silphium laciniatum £7.50 £8.75 £3.75 £6.75 £7.50 £3.75 Catalogue 2013 Magnificent shrub of the largest size. Erect stems clad with luxuriant foliage reach up to 20ft, arching out at the top under the weight of enormous panicles of white flowers. A spectacular lawn specimen. Semi-pendulous slender branches from which droop unusually Sorbus folgneri soft leaves, white beneath. In the slightest breeze, the shimmering 'Lemon Drop' leaves give the tree a silver appearance. Golden-pink autumn colour. ‘Lemon Drop’ is a form with yellow berries and more pendulous branches. Spodiopogon sibiricus - Clump-forming grass with erect terminal panicles of mauvish flowers in late summer. Leaves are held horizontally and mature Old Man's Beard to give rich red in autumn colour. 5ft. Sporobolus airoides - Open arching pinkish panicles, later turning silver, similarly fragranced to S. heterolepis, over butter yellow autumn foliage. Alkali Dropseed This plant's seeds where eaten by the Hopi people in times of famine! Easily grown and long lived tussocks, growing happily on a range of soils, from heavy to light, and tolerant of alkaline contions. Extremely drought tolerant once established. 2½ft. Sorbaria kirilowii (S. arborea) Tall mounds of grey-green foliage topped for many months with 5ft golden-bronze airy flower panicles. Very beautiful, and tolerant of etreme drought and alkaline conditions. Stachyurus salicifolius Rare and very elegant arching shrub from China. Cascades of pale lemon yellow bead-like flowers in spring give way to extremely long narrow leaves - just like a willow, as the name indicates. Sheltered site. To 10ft. Staphylea holocarpa An elegant large shrub with spreading branches hung with clusters of soft pink flowers and bronze tinted young growth. To ‘Rosea’ - Chinese Bladdernut 15ft. A diverse genus, from needle grasses to feather grasses. Prefers Stipa an open, well drained site. Stipa extremiorientalis Broad, yellow-green leaves mature to yellow then beige in autumn.Tall panicles of silvery green flowers tower over the leaf 'Tall Form' mound, and stay into winter. This is our own selection, a much more impressive plant than the ordinary plant. 5ft! Stipa gigantea AGM Tall stems bear huge heads of flowers opening purple and turning harvest yellow. Dense, weed-proof clumps of evergreen foliage. 6ft. One of the loveliest of all grasses! An exceptional form. Larger panicles on taller, stronger stems, Stipa gigantea flowers are more golden coloured and arch gently. Small plants 'Goldfontäne' Sporobolus wrightii Stipa tenuissima Styrax japonica 'Pendula' Graceful upright clumps of thin leaves arch, fountain-like. Fine wispy inflorescences in midsummer, that move and ripple like silk with every breath of air. 2ft. Rare weeping form of the Japanese Snowbell Tree, with a profusion of little white fragrant bells on elegant downswept branches in June. Small tree, slowly growing to 12ft. Page 59 £8.75 £28.50 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 £16.50 £8.75 £6.75 £6.75 £5.75 £5.75 £16.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 60 Elegant arching shrub with large racemes of rose-pink fragrant flowers in early summer. A Lilac with a difference, this needs to be given enough space to show off its outline to best effect. 12ft. £6.75 Golden feathery foliage on strong upright stems bearing heads of yellow flowers in summer. The whole plant is strongly aromatic and is used for medicinal purposes. A striking splash of colour and easily grown to 3ft. More compact than the species, this form makes a good garden Tanacetum vulgare plant, providing excellent ground cover. Exquisitely cut leaves var. crispum and yellow button flowers. 2ft Taxodium distichum Delicate pinnate foliage on a narrow conic deciduous tree able to grow in swamps, but happy in ordinary soils. Orange brown AGM - Swamp autumn colour. 12 ft in 10 years. Cypress Taxodium distichum Distinct form with tiny leaves giving a sparse look. Moderate grower - 10ft in 10 years. 'Little Leaf' Dark evergreen foliage tolerating clipping well and growing on Taxus baccata the poorest soils except waterlogged and coping with dense shade AGM - Yew makes this one of the finest plants for hedging. It can grow fast initially and a 5ft high hedge is possible in 5years but when established, requires only one cut a year. Dark black green foliage provides a good contrast for brighter plant colours. Available in several sizes and price depends on quantity. Please contact us for a quote. Tetrapanax papyrifer Enormously large incredibly elegant and tropical-looking palmate leaves are held on stalks covered with russet granular dust. 'Rex' - Rice Paper Plant Reminds one of a splendid Fatsia. Slightly frost tender, but able to survive in an unheated green house, or cover with a thick mulch or fleece. Regular water and sun to semi-shade suits it best. Mostly decidious, but can be evergreen in milder parts of the country. 10-15ft. Stems and leaf undersides are covered in a dense white down, Teucrium fruticans which gives this evergreen shrub a silvery appearance. Deep blue 'Azureum' AGM tubular flowers with prominent satens produced in summer. Full sun, good drainage and some shelter suits it best. Can be grown as a wall shrub, to 6ft. A variety of T. aquilegifolium , this Meadow Rue is tall, with Thalictrum 'Black fluffy lilac flowers and jet black flower stems. Blue-green Stockings' foliage, similar in shape to Columbine's. To 7ft. Thalictrum delavayi Dainty maidenhair fern-like foliage and large tall airy heads made up of hundreds of tiny flowers - mauve with cream AGM coloured stamens. 5ft. Thalictrum delavayi Exquisite form with pure white flowers and pale green leaves. 5ft. 'Album' Tiny pure lilac double flowers. A charming form. Thalictrum del.'Hewitt's Double' AGM Like a larger form of T. delavayi in all parts, growing to 6ft. Thalictrum rochebrunianum £5.75 Syringa x josiflexa 'Bellicent' AGM Lilac 'Bellicent' Tanacetum vulgare ‘Golden Feather' £5.75 £28.50 £19.75 p.o.a. £9.75 £8.75 £7.50 £6.50 £7.50 £7.50 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Themeda triandra var. japonica Hardy and easily grown grass forming a sculptured fountain of bright fresh green, turning rich golden yellow-orange in autumn, giving best colour when grown in full sun. 2ft. Bright golden foliage on this rarely grown Arborvitae Conifer really makes this plant stand out. To 15m. Nice clear marking on bright green foliage, especially deeply cut. Thuja plicata 'Irish Gold' Tiarella 'Iron Butterfly' - Foam Flower Beautifully shaped and marked leaves - deeply palmate with Tiarella 'Sugar and Spice' - Foam Flower purple central zone. Flowers a soft pale pink cloud, hence the common name. Excellent evergreen ground cover, very pretty with Heuchera and x Heucherellas, together they form a "persian carpet" effect. 18ins. Evergreen twining climber freely producing clusters of white Trachelospermum flowers which scent the air with sweet perfume. One of the finest jasminoides AGM fragrances of any plant. The flowers are set against glossy green foliage. A warm sunny wall usually works best. Trachycarpus fortunei One of the only palms reliably hardy in Britain. Slow growing, AGM Chusan Palm forming a single trunk topped with large fan-shaped leaves. Will grow in sun or part shade. In a good soil it can grow fast. Trifolium ochroleucon A pale yellow large Clover, with large flower heads over a clump of trifoliate leaves. Long flowering period in the summer. Much - Sulphur Clover admired at the Nursery! To 18ins. Trifolium rubens 'Red One of the largest flowered clovers with cylindrical red-pink flower-heads up to 2 inches long. Forms a very neat and Feathers' attractive clump to 2ft. Sunny site and well drained soil. Triosteum August sees large rosy red berries adorn this unsuual shade erythrocarpum loving perennial with coarse textured leaves in pairs on upright Feverwort stems. From the Himalayas. 3ft. Soft pink open bells on a graceful wand over sword-like foliage. Tritonia disticha ssp Close relative of Crocosmia with similar habits. To 3ft. rubrolucens Large but slow growing evergreen shrub with leathery, lustrous Trochodendron green toothed leaves and unusual petal-less, vivid chartreuse aralioides green flowers. Handsome, fairly hardy plant, much sought after by flower arrangers. Slowly to 10ft. Trollius - Globe Perennials for moist areas, but will also grow in borders, which do not dry out. Sun or dappled shade. Elegant leaf and large, Flower bright flowers in early summer. First cupped, then open golden orange flowers with prominent Trollius 'Etna' stamens over finely cut foliage. 2½ft. Beautiful, globe-shaped, ivory-white flowers on upright stems Trollius x cultorum over leafy clumps of foliage in May. Easily grown in any soil 'Alabaster' which does not dry out. 3ft. Orange flowers produced from April to June. Trollius x cultorum 'Orange Glow' Delicate stems with neat, lobed, fresh green leaves scramble over Tropaeoleum other plants or a support. Scarlet butterfly-like flowers over a speciosum AGM long period July to Sept.. Prefers a cool shady site and moist, peaty soil. Beautiful on the north side of a yew hedge! Page 61 £6.50 £25.00 £3.75 £3.75 £16.50 £16.50 £6.50 £6.50 £7.50 £4.50 £16.50 £5.75 £6.50 £5.75 £7.50 Catalogue 2013 Page 62 A giant tree. Quickly forms a pyramid of dense elegant drooping foliage with narrow-spired crown. Fastest start obtained in light shade, most soils except chalk. 25 ft in 10 years. Good specimens grow at Bedgebury Pinetum. Ulex europaeus 'Flore Double-flowered Gorse. The fragrant and very full flowers Pleno' smother the plant in spring. A very prickly shrub to 5ft. A rare Epimedium relative with evergreen bronze-tinted leaves Vancouveria chrysantha - Golden and yellow flowers. Good groundcover for cool shade. 12ins. Inside-out Flower A white-flowered Veratrum with a candelabra covered in many Veratrum hundreds of greenish white flowers. Bold pleated leaves, height californicum varies between 1-8ft depending on location. Rare. Large broad pleated tapering leaves alternate on stout stems Veratrum nigrum topped by a branching plume of maroon-black flowers. A bold AGM plant for a cool shady spot with good soil. 9cm, 1L and 2L available. Verbena bonariensis Fragrant lavender-blue flowers in clusters on branched stems with dark green leaves. Long flowering period. 5ft. Prefers a AGM sunny, dry spot. Provides a strong, vertical accent . Tall back-of-border perennials useful in the autumn garden. Vernonia £19.75 Newly introduced Vernonia - Rich purple daisies top a tall plant that grows best with some moisture. Flowers Sept and Oct. Native to the USA. 6ft. Tall stiff stems surmounted with flat heads of rich crimsonVernonia gigantea purple daisies. Very effective with other late flowerers. Easily grown in sun or shade. 6ft. N. American native, a shorter alternative to the two above, with Vernonia violet daisies to 4 or 5ft. A slightly moist place suits it best. noveboracensis Flowers Sept -Oct. Veronica gentianoides Palest wedgwood blue flowers in short spikes over deep green, glossy evergreen foliage in late spring and early summer. Spreads by rosettes to form a low carpet. Site not too dry in sun or part shade. Combines beuatifully with other spring flowers and bulbs. To 18ins. (formerly known as V. peduncularis 'G.B.') Recent discovery Veronica umbrosa which forms a dense mat of evergreen foliage tinged bronze ‘Georgia Blue’ purple and a long succession of rich blue flowers in spring. Hardy and easy. 6ins.x 2ft wide. Veronicastrum Erect stems with whorls of horizontal, dark green leaves, terminated by tall spikes of flowers. Clump forming, easily virginicum grown perennials, they add height and a vertical accent to any planting scheme. Pure white spires, a wonderful contrast and accent plant. 5-6ft. Veronicastrum virginicum 'Album' Lilac flower spikes. 5ft or more. Veronicastrum virginicum 'Apollo' Soft blue-mauve flowers in summer. 6ft. Spectacular and Veronicastrum vigorous plant. virginicum 'Fascination' £7.50 Tsuga heteropylla AGM Vernonia crinita 'Mammoth' £7.50 £3.75 £4.75 £4.50/ £6.50/ £8.75 £4.50 £7.50 £6.75 £5.75 £4.75 £6.75 £6.75 £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Viburnum Viburnum odoratissimum 'Emerald Lustre' Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' A diverse range of useful garden shrubs. Mostly easy to grow and tolerant of most soils and positions. The following forms are available: Large polished evergreen leaves on a pyramidal shrub. Large scented white flower in August on established plants. Needs a sheltered site. Hardy down to -5°C. To 10ft. Strong-growing, upright shrub with large lobed maple-like leaves which on new growth are flushed dark purple and provide a splendid contrast to the lace-cap heads of white flowers. To 8ft Weigela Hardy, easily grown shrubs with tubular foxglove-like flowers in May and June. The following varieties are available: Weigela florida 'Foliis Purpureis' Weigela florida 'Variegata' Weigela middendorffiana Compact small shrub to 3ft. with pink flowers in May against purple flushed foliage . One of the best variegated shrubs. Leaves edged cream, rosy pink flowers. To 4ft . Bell-shaped sulphur-yellow flowers with orange markings appear in April/May on a compact shrub with peeling bark. 4ft Wisteria Exceedingly ornamental twining climbers producing long racemes of pea flowers in spring. Handsome pinnate foliage. Best grown in full sun, and suitable for walls or pergolas. May also be trained and pruned into small trees. Tolerant of most soils. Wisteria floribunda 'Multijuga' AGM (Syn. W.f.'Macrobotrys') This wisteria has the longest racemes, up to 3ft long, lilac tinged purple. Fragrant, produced in the late spring . (syn. 'Black Dragon ') Fragrant dark purple double flowers in long racemes . Dense spikes of palest porcelain blue flowers and evergreen rosettes of pale green ribbon-like leaves. Very rare new introduction from China. Woodland and part shade. Flowers March to April. 8ins. Large heart-shaped to paddle-like leaves and curious looking flowers consisting of one large coloured bract - the spathe surrounding a small yellow column called the spadix. This is in fact the fertile flowers, later on followed by orange berries. Splendid impressive plant for a pondside or bog garden! Frost hardy, benefits from mulching in winter. Spathes are green with white markings in the throat. 4ft . Wisteria x formosa 'Kokkuryu' Ypsilandra thibetica Zantedeschia aethiopica Arum Lily Zantedeschia aeth. 'Green Goddess' AGM Zantedeschia aeth. 'Little Gem' Zantedeschia aeth. 'Mr Martin' Zantedeschia aeth. 'Pink Mist' Page 63 £7.50 £7.50 £8.75 £12.75/ large £20.00 £12.75 £7.50 £6.50 A dwarf form with white spathes produced in summer. 2ft. £6.75 Form with very large white spathes. 2½ft. £8.50 New form with large white spathes flushed pink. 3ft. Reputedly hardy. £6.75 Catalogue 2013 Spiny decidious shrub with dark green, glossy, aromatic Zanthoxylum piperitum purpureum compound foliage. Tiny greenish-yellow flowers in spring are followed by small red fruit. Rarely grown, small very decorative tree with elm-like serrated Zelkova serrata leaves with a clear white margin. Very showy autumn colours. 'Variegata' Slow growing to 15ft. Creamy-green star-like flowers are marked yellow-green within Zigadenus elegans and held on grey stems June to Aug. Long narrow strap-like leaves. 2ft .Small plants. The Shade House. Page 64 £16.50 £16.50 £5.00