What moves us - CDA Foundation


What moves us - CDA Foundation
2012 Year in Review
What moves us
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
To have a profound impact on the lives of Californians, that’s why I’m involved with the
CDA Foundation. It provides me the opportunity to work side by side with my peers to
make a difference in the lives of others.
In a single weekend, CDA Cares provides essential dental care for thousands who
would otherwise go without. What’s more, the media presence at each event shines a
bright light on the tremendous amount of pro bono work dentists do in their communities
as well as the incredible need for dental treatment throughout the state. Even more
importantly, these events allow government officials to see firsthand the human toll of
budget cuts.
The Student Loan Repayment Grant lessens the burden of student loan debt so that a
new dentist can practice in public health or an underserved community. A decision that
otherwise would often be impossible. A sad fact given that a single dentist can help
thousands of patients and provide upward of $1 million in care every year.
Finally, we work tirelessly to bring the benefits of community water fluoridation to every
Californian because it’s one of the best defenses against tooth decay. Every dollar
invested in this preventive measure yields approximately $38 in savings in dental
treatment costs.
These efforts are paying enormous dividends for our state and its people. Not only in
the nearly $88 million in care provided since 2002, but in thousands and thousands of
smiles each year. I urge you to join us.
It’s a moving experience you won’t soon forget.
Donald P. Rollofson, DMD
Smiles express confidence and happiness,
self-esteem and pride. But for the 10 million
Californians who experience barriers to
dental care, their smiles are often a source
of pain, physically and emotionally.
Being the force that changes — that is
what moves us. It moves us to act, by
holding two free dental clinics across the
state and helping dentists to embrace a
career in public health and practice in
areas of extreme need. It moves us to shine
a light on the effect of cuts in government
programs. And often, when we see the
smiles on the faces of those whose lives
have been changed by our efforts, it can
move us to tears.
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
“All of us who volunteer are ‘paying it forward,’
and we leave more blessed than when we arrived.”
— CDA Foundation Chair Donald Rollofson, DMD
CDA Cares Free Dental Clinics
Attend a CDA Cares free dental clinic and you can’t help but walk away
touched by the experience. It’s humbling to witness hundreds of people
who camp overnight to see a dentist, often for the first time in years.
Heartwarming to see the profession respond with compassion and skill
as they selflessly care for the thousands in need. Awe-inspiring to witness
the sheer magnitude of turning a cavernous, empty building into a facility
that houses X-ray, sterilization, triage, pediatric, oral surgery, hygiene,
anesthesia, restorative, dental lab and pharmacy areas. Gratifying to
see the end result — a patient walking away knowing that another cared
enough to help.
Turning pain into joy
Launched in 2012 to assist the estimated 10 million Californians who
experience barriers to care, CDA Cares free dental clinics will be held
in two California communities each year, with the hope of reaching
those around the state who reside in both rural and urban environments.
The first CDA Cares events, held in Modesto and Sacramento, provided
essential dental services to more than 3,600 Californians. In addition
to receiving cleanings, fillings, extractions, and in some cases, full or
partial dentures, patients were educated on the importance of good
oral health and volunteers helped them find a local dentist or clinic for
continued treatment.
CDA Cares Total Impact
$2.8 million in needed services
17,288 dental procedures
2,901 volunteers
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Inspiring a community
CDA Cares Free Dental Clinics
Corporate Sponsors
The beauty of an event such as CDA Cares is the fact that the
patients aren’t the only ones transformed. Everyone who makes
the event possible is touched and somehow changed. Case in
point, the people of Benco Dental. An early and critical sponsor,
the company provided more than $200,000, in-kind, for the
Modesto CDA Cares event and was so moved by the thousands
of lives dramatically changed by the event, they volunteered to
sponsor the Sacramento CDA Cares as well.
And they weren’t alone.
Public Awareness
Carestream Dental provided each of the Modesto and
Sacramento clinics with three panorex digital X-ray machines
vital to the swift and accurate images used for diagnosis.
Because of the generosity of the more than 80 sponsors,
including Capital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, DentaQuest
and Straine Dental Consulting, the Modesto and Sacramento
clinics were a tremendous success.
A weekend of dental services twice a year cannot begin to address
the oral health needs of the estimated 10 million Californians who
experience barriers to dental care, a number that swelled after
the elimination of school-based programs as well as adult dental
services through Denti-Cal for 3 million poor, disabled and elderly
CDA Cares was visited by local and elected officials, as well as the
media, providing a first-hand glimpse of the desperate need in their
communities and, hopefully, provided food for thought about how
these challenges can be better met in the future. It is an important
goal for the Foundation to help educate the public about the
importance of good oral health and the value of preventive care.
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Student Loan Repayment Grant
“In a gentle way,
you can shake
the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Coming to the U.S. from war-torn Laos, Dr. Hatlavongsa’s family
had to overcome a number of cultural, economic and social
obstacles. But even though they were poor, his parents always
stressed that their status was only transitional. Their formula for
success was hard work, higher education and optimism. And it
worked. Dr. Hatlavongsa graduated from the UC Berkeley Boalt
Hall School of Law, and later, UCSF School of Dentistry. He
made the difficult decision to change careers from a successful
law practice to dentistry after he saw in dentistry an opportunity
to help more people, especially the underserved.
Turning hope into reality
After graduating from dental school, he returned to his
childhood community of Fresno, California, for general
practice residency training. When he completed his
GPR in June 2012, he accepted a job with the United
Health Centers in Mendota, a suburb of Fresno, where
50 percent of all the children and 37.5 percent of the
population live in poverty.
Student Loan Repayment Grant
Total Impact
patients served
13 dentists placed in community clinics
$16 million in needed services
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
“As a teacher, it is extremely important that my students
are competent, compassionate and confident. The best
way to teach is by being a good role model, and I work
every day to teach from my heart as well as my brain.”
Thomas Allen Levy, DDS, MS
Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni Faculty Award
It’s clear what moves Dr. Thomas Levy: a passion for teaching
and traveling worldwide to provide dental care and research.
Themes that are woven throughout an outstanding career
deserving of the Dugoni Faculty Award.
A recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award by the USC
School of Dentistry’s 2006-2008 graduating classes, Dr. Levy
works diligently to understand his students. In fact, he frequently
presents on the topic of how today’s students learn and how
millennial students will apply their education to their future
practice in dentistry.
What’s more, because he understands his students, he knows
it’s vital that they learn to serve a diverse population, which is
why he organized 15 trips to El Salvador, Honduras and Costa
Rica, giving 60 endodontic residents an opportunity to perform
surgeries, conduct research and help a society in need. He was
also the driving force behind two access-to-care events with the
LA Veterans in Pleasanton and Compton. He wrote and received
the $550,000 annual Ryan White Grant of Los Angeles,
offering students an opportunity to provide HIV-positive and
AIDS patients with a high level of dental care.
Encouraging a generation
With all that, Dr. Levy still somehow finds time for research.
While in El Salvador he collaborated with an El Salvadorian
dental school to develop the research on Platelet Derived
Growth Factor role in osseous repair in Central America. At
USC he introduced and implemented the use of operating
microscopes in the undergraduate endodontic clinics, created
the Mock Board Preparation Lab and Lecture for the Western
Regional Boards, and wrote the Graduate and Undergraduate
Endodontic Manuals for USC. It seems that he’s embraced the
academic setting, in fact, he says, “Being an instructor at USC is
without a doubt the most fulfilling experience of my life.”
The CDA Foundation established the Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni
Faculty Award in recognition of Dr. Dugoni’s vast
accomplishments in dental education and organized dentistry.
The award acknowledges and supports eligible faculty
affiliated with the state’s six dental schools for their exceptional
leadership, innovation, collaboration, compassion, philanthropic
spirit and integrity in dental education.
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Caries Management by Risk Assessment
A paradigm shift in dental practice occurred nearly 10 years ago, when the CDA
Foundation, in partnership with the UCSF School of Dentistry, published evidence in
the Journal of the California Dental Association that caries could be prevented and
managed through risk assessment.
The following years have been spent educating dentists on the findings. The
Foundation hosted forums and workshops at CDA Presents and made plans to
engage decision-makers in health policy and financing to embrace and support this
disease management model.
To expand on those efforts, the Foundation entered into a multiyear collaboration with
the UCSF School of Dentistry to replicate the results of university-based clinical studies
in dental offices. To accomplish that task, they assembled a Practice-Based Research
Network (PBRN) of dentists and community health centers to collect data on changes
in risk level and disease status by practicing CAMBRA protocols.
In 2012 the Foundation hosted a CAMBRA symposium in San Francisco. This
comprehensive gathering of stakeholders included dentists, researchers, policy
advocates and insurers, charged with developing a strategy to guide the CAMBRA
movement forward.
Program supporters: 3M Preventive Care, CariFree, Delta Dental, DentaQuest Foundation,
GC America, Ivoclar Vivodent, Johnson & Johnson, Philips Oral Healthcare, Premier Dental,
Procter & Gamble, Ultradent, UnitedHealthcare
Ensuring a healthier future
Direct Care Programs
CDA and the CDA Foundation have a long history in support
of community water fluoridation, and they aren’t alone. Nearly
100 national and international organizations recognize its health
benefits. In fact, in 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention proclaimed community water fluoridation as one of
the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. And
no wonder, it’s one of the reasons half of all children in the U.S.
ages 5 to 17 have never had a cavity in their permanent teeth.
What’s more, every dollar spent on fluoridation saves $38 in
dental services.
Those statistics are why the CDA Foundation has passionately
championed fluoridation, heightened by the knowledge that
in the early 1990s, only 17 percent of Californians benefitted
from fluoridated water. Today, thanks to the Foundation’s
leadership, and the hard work of local community dentists and
organizations, that number has swelled to 62.5 percent and
growing. Case in point, Santa Clara, California.
In late 2012, the CDA Foundation approved $500,000 from
its fluoridation funds to support the Santa Clara Valley Water
District, the largest community in the country without fluoridated
drinking water, in their efforts to construct a fluoridation system.
Along with support from The Health Trust and FIRST 5 Santa
Clara County, this will become a reality.
Program supporters: FIRST 5 San Diego, The California Endowment,
The Health Trust
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Dental Student Scholarship
Encourages dental student achievement
through an award of up to $5,000 —
with the goal of providing one award
each year at every California dental
Latinos for Dental Careers
Provides scholarships to eligible dental,
dental hygiene and international dental
students of Latino descent currently
enrolled or accepted in a California
dental school.
Bettie Underwood Dental
Assisting Scholarship
Supports dental assisting students in
pursuit of their educational goals and
provides up to $1,000 to a student
enrolled in a California dental assisting
Increasing our impact
Grants and Scholarships
Every year, the CDA Foundation receives many grant
requests from deserving organizations across the
state. While it’s impossible to fund every request, we
do embrace the opportunity to extend our impact
across the state with those selected at right.
Dental Materials & Supplies Grant
Henry Schein Cares has a long-standing commitment to
help the underserved throughout the country. Just one of
the many reasons they partner with the CDA Foundation in
California. Since the grant’s inception, more than 100 nonprofit
organizations have received upwards of $4.6 million in
supplies generously donated by Henry
Schein Cares, which has helped provide
300,000 people with more than
$45 million in dental services.
2012 HSC Grant Recipients
UC San Diego (UCSD) Student-Run Free Dental Clinic
St. Mary’s Interfaith Community Services
PDI Surgery Center
Queen of the Valley Medical Center; Mobile Dental Clinic
Assistance League San Bernardino
Partnership for the Children of SLO County/La Clinica de Tolosa
Northeast Valley Health Corporation
Vista Community Clinic
Kids Community (Dental) Clinic of Burbank
Sonrisas Community Dental Center
Salud Para La Gente
UCLA Wilson-Jennings-Bloomfield Venice Dental Center
Crowns for Kids Grant
The metals used in crowns and fillings are precious for
many reasons, especially when they help kids smile
brighter. By donating those metals through Crowns for
Kids, dentists helped generate $53,000 to fund community
oral health projects for
underserved children.
Program Supporter:
Star Group
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Providing Support
You funded the following essential areas in oral health:
Community programs and training
Student assistance 310,8733,410,537
Research —
Caring for others, that’s what moves us.
Audited financial statements are available upon request.
88 cents of every dollar goes
to funding programs
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport 17
Cda Foundation Board of Advisors
Leadership volunteers
are essential
connectors to our
donors. The Board of
Advisors supports the
fundraising efforts of
the Foundation.
Your commitment, kindness and caring are what
move us. You gave of your time and skill and spirit
to help thousands of Californians. You enabled
a young dentist to follow his heart and choose
a career in public health. You lit a spark that is
transforming lives across the state.
And for that, we thank you.
Russell Webb, DDS
Board of Advisors–
Friends of the Foundation
Philip Abeldt, DDS Gary Ackerman, DDS Ali Alijanian, DDS Ronald Antimarino, DMD
Joel Berick, DDS Ruth Bol, DDS John Boland III, DDS, MSD Brian Brady
Cynthia Brattesani, DDS R. Del Brunner, DDS
Thien Bui, DDS
D. Douglas Cassat, DDS Alma Clark, DDS
Steven Cohen, DDS
Santos Cortez Jr., DDS Jean Creasey, DDS Gracia Cua, DMD
Elizabeth Demichelis, DDS Gary Dougan, DDS, MPH Vicki Drent
Gail Duffala, DDS Clelan Ehrler, DDS Nava Fathi, DDS John Featherstone, MSC, PhD
Alan Felsenfeld, DDS Roger Fieldman, DDS Debra Finney, DDS Donald Fisher, DDS Michael French, DDS Penny Gage Douglas Gordon, DDS Newton Gordon, DDS Kimberly Haas, DDS Denise Habjan, DDS LaJuan Hall, DDS Robert Hanlon Jr., DMD
Henrik Hansen, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS Irene Hilton, DDS Ronald Hunter, DDS Robert Ibsen, DDS Jeffrey Jones, DDS Terrence Jones, DDS Kevin Keating, DDS, MS
M. Saleh Kholaki, DDS
Huong Le, DDS Irving Lebovics, DDS Thomas Lenhart II, DMD
Oariona Lowe, DDS Cindy Lyon, RDH, DDS
David Maahs, DDS
Ronald Mead, DDS Ashok Mehta, DDS Geralyn Menold, DDS William Meyer, DDS Bonnie Morehead, DDS
M. Sadegh Namazikhah, DMD, MSEd
Rick Nichols, DDS Joyce Oates
Jim Oates, DDS
Donald Orme, DDS
Sanjay Patel, DDS Anthony Perez, DDS, EdD
John Pisacane, DMD
Curtis Raff, DDS Leonard Raimondo, DDS Robert Reed, DDS Lindsey Robinson, DDS
Blake Robison, DDS
Sean Rockwell, DDS Tiana Rockwell
Christy Rollofson, DDS Donald Rollofson, DMD
David Rothman, DDS Charlotte Senseny, DMD
Paul Schaffer, DDS
Michael Schneider, DDS Janice Scott, DDS Amy Scriven-Lapointe, DDS Charlotte Senseny, DMD
Dennis Shinbori, DDS Roger Simonian, DDS Andrew Soderstrom, DDS Sidney Spector, DDS James Stephens, DDS Robert Stevenson, DDS Thomas Stewart, DDS
Scott Szotko, DDS Mark Taira, DDS Ariane Terlet, DDS Bruce Toy, DDS James Van Sicklen Jr., DDS
Kenneth Wallis, DDS Kathi Webb
Rita Weisberg, DDS Bruce Whitcher, DDS
James Withers, DDS Debra Woo, DDS Rex Yanase, DDS Craig Yarborough, DDS
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Campaign Supporters Since 2006
Legacy Society
Individual Lifetime Giving
Advised Funds
Program Supporters
Anonymous Donors
Glenn Arima, DDS & Judy Arima
Wai Chan, DDS & Ruby Yu, MD
Santos Cortez Jr., DDS & Susan Cortez
Ralph Crenshaw, DDS
Laurence Darrow, DDS
Asmita Dharia, DDS
D. Douglas Cassat, DDS
Peter A. DuBois &
Leslie Zimmerman, MD
Nava Fathi, DDS
Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS
Newton Gordon, DDS
LaJuan Hall, DDS
Charles Halterman, DDS &
Gwendolyn Halterman, DDS
George Kawahara, DDS
Cindy Lyon, RDH, DDS, EdD &
John Muller, DDS
M. Sadegh Namazikhah, DMD, MSEd
Michael O’Donahue
James Oates, DDS & Joyce Oates
Sanjay Patel, DDS
Lindsey Robinson, DDS & Parker White
Donald Rollofson, DMD & Janet Rollofson
Richard Rounsavelle, DDS
Jack Saroyan, DDS
Donald Schinnerer, DDS
Michael Schneider, DDS
Brian Scott, DDS & Janice Scott, DDS
Albert Seguy, DDS
Andrew Severson, DDS &
Kathleen Severson
Tom Stewart, DDS
Carol G. Summerhays, DDS
Bruce G. Toy, DDS
Ken Wallis, DDS
Russell Webb, DDS & Kathi Webb
Wai Chan, DDS & Ruby Yu, MD
Carol G. Summerhays, DDS
Bettie Underwood Dental Assisting Fund
Carol G. Summerhays, DDS
Fresno-Madera Children’s Fund
Latinos for Dental Careers
Monterey Bay Dental Society
San Francisco Dental Society
San Joaquin Dental Society
Tri-County Give Kids A Smile
USC School of Dentistry Fund
FIRST 5 San Diego
The Health Trust
Henry Schein Cares
Russ Webb, DDS & Kathi Webb
Anonymous Donors
M. Sadegh Namazikhah, DMD, MSEd
Peter A. DuBois &
Leslie Zimmerman, MD
Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS
Newton Gordon, DDS
LaJuan Hall, DDS
Cindy Lyon, RDH, DDS, EdD &
John Muller, DDS
James Oates, DDS & Joyce Oates
Lindsey Robinson, DDS & Parker White
Richard Rounsavelle, DDS
Santos Cortez Jr., DDS
Jack Saroyan, DDS
Donald Schinnerer, DDS
Michael Schneider, DDS
Brian Scott, DDS & Janice Scott, DDS
Andrew Severson, DDS &
Kathleen Severson
Tom Stewart, DDS
Bruce Toy, DDS
Glenn Arima, DDS & Judy Arima
D. Douglas Cassat, DDS
Ralph Crenshaw, DDS
Laurence Darrow, DDS
Asmita Dharia, DDS
Nava Fathi, DDS
Charles Halterman, DDS &
Gwendolyn Halterman, DDS
Michael O’Donahue
Donald Rollofson, DMD &
Janet Rollofson
Albert Seguy, DDS
Ken Wallis, DDS
George Kawahara, DDS
Sanjay Patel, DDS
Arthur A. Dugoni, DDS
Russ Webb, DDS & Kathi Webb Family
Corporate Supporters
The Dentist Insurance Company
California Dental Association
The Health Trust
Benco Dental
CareStream Dental
TDIC Insurance Solutions
Delta Dental
California Dental Political Action
Capital Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Henry Schein Dental
Straine Dental Consulting
McKenzie Management
Procter & Gamble
Philips Sonicare
RK Associates Inc.
Roquette America Inc.
Archstone Foundation
Star Group
Ultralight Optics
5.11 Tactical
Dental Trade Alliance Foundation
DentaQuest Foundation
Sonoma County Department of Health
The Green Foundation
The Maurice Amado Foundation
The SCAN Foundation
California HealthCare Foundation
May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
Doubletree Hotel Modesto
Modesto Centre Plaza
Paradise Valley Community Health Fund
of The San Diego Foundation
Patterson Dental Supply
Ultradent Products Inc.
Dental Specialist Info
Elk Grove Orthodontics
GC America Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
KaVo America Corp.
San Diego Dental Health Foundation
Patterson Dental Foundation
Burkhart Dental
Crisp Catering
Dentsply Caulk
Discus Dental Inc.
DUX Dental
Milestone Technologies
Old Spaghetti Factory
Paramount Equity
Wells Fargo Foundation
Dental Organizations
Alameda County Dental Society
Association of Filipino Dentists,
San Diego
Berkeley Dental Society
Butte-Sierra District Dental Society
California Association of Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgeons
California Society of Periodontists
California State Association of
Central Coast Dental Society
Filipino Dental Practitioners of California
Fresno-Madera Dental Society
Hispanic Dental Association of Los
Humboldt-Del Norte Dental Society
Indian Dental Association of California
Kern County Dental Society
Marin County Dental Society
Mid-Peninsula Dental Society
Napa-Solano Dental Society
Northern California Dental Society
Orange County Dental Society
Sacramento District Dental Society
San Diego County Dental Society
San Francisco Dental Society
San Gabriel Valley Dental Society
San Joaquin Dental Society
San Mateo County Dental Society
Santa Clara County Dental Society
Stanislaus Dental Foundation
Tulare-Kings Dental Society
Tri-County Dental Society
Western Los Angeles Dental Society
Yosemite Dental Society
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Friends of the CDA Foundation
contribute an annual donation of
$1,000 or more. Friends provide
funding for essential programs such
as CDA Cares and the Student Loan
Repayment Grant Program.
PLATINUM ($15,000+)
Donald Rollofson, DMD &
Janet Rollofson p
GOLD ($10,000-$14,999)
Ali Alijanian, DDS
Daniel G. Davidson, DMD
SILVER ($5,000-$9,999)
Peter A. DuBoisp
Ronald B. Mead, DDS
Lindsey A. Robinson, DDSp
The Sanford Family
Brian Scott, DDS & Janice Scott, DDS
James Stephens, DDS &
Susan Park, DDS p
Tom Stewart, DDS
BRONZE ($2,500-$4,999)
Philip J. Abeldt, DDSp
Nelson Artiga-Diaz, DDSp
Fella Benyammi, DDS
Dennis C. De Tomasi, DDSp
Gail H. Duffala, DDS
Donald A. Ellis, DDS
Marlene Godoy, DDS
LaJuan Hall, DDS &
Michael Schneider, DDSp
Irene Hilton, DDS
Loma Linda University, School of
Bradley Louie, DDSp
Oariona Lowe, DDS
Cathy Mudge p
Howard H. Park, DMD, MD
Jim Richardson p
Elizabeth Snow p
Mark I. Taira, DDS p
Bruce G. Toy, DDS p
Trent Westernoff, DMD
Debra A. Woo, DDS
BENEFACTORS ($1,000-$2,499)
Gary R. Ackerman, DDS p
Arsalan Ahani, DDS
Robyn Alongi p
Pamela S. Alston, DDS p
Mark Amundsen, DDS
Ronald Antimarino, DMD
Donna Arase, DDS
Nancy Archibald, DDS p
Gregory Armi, DDS p
Rommel Bal, BDS p
Belinda Balais, DMD p
Michael P. Belluscio, DDS
Nannette Benedict, DDS
Henry Bennett, DDS
Ruth Bol, DDS p
John E. Boland III, DDS
Cynthia K. Brattesani, DDS
Carolyn Brown, DDS & Mark Dumolien
Jeffrey J. Brucia, DDS
R. Del Brunner, DDS p
Brenda Buzby, DDS p
Donald Call, DDS
Kerry Carney, DDS
Marvin Carnow, DDS p
Bob Carr
Diane Casey, DDS p
D. Douglas Cassat, DDS p
Wai Chan, DDS p
William Chen, DDS
Benjamin Chew, DDS p
Douglas Christiansen, DDS p
Eric Chu, DDS p
Darrell Chun, DDS
Alma Clark, DDS
Thomas Clonch, DDS p
Steven Cohen, DDS
Matthew Comfort, DDS p
Jaymie Coria, DDS
Marileth D. Coria, DDS
Martin Courtney, DDS p
R. Bruce Coye, DDS p
Jean Creasey, DDS
Steven Crowson, DMD p
Yasmi Crystal, DMD
Robert C. Daby, DDS
Gerald Danielson, DDS p
Laurence A. Darrow, DDS
Elizabeth A. Demichelis, DDS p
Joan Dendinger, DDS p
Nita Dixit, DDS p
Patricia Donnelly, DDS
Gary L. Dougan, DDS
John P. Ducar, DDS p
Arthur A. Dugoni, DDS
Stafford J. Duhn, DDS
Darnise Edwards
Clelan G. Ehrler, DDS p
Naomi L. Ellison, DDS
Nava Fathi, DDS p
John Featherstone, MSc, PhD
Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS p
Roger P. Fieldman, DDS
Debra Finney, MS, DDS
Donald J. Fisher, DDS p
Steven Fong, DDS
Kevin Frawley, DDS p
Michele Frawley, DDS
Michael French, DDS p
Penny Gage p
Arthur Gage, DDS
Robert Gandola, DDS p
Mahfouz M. Gereis, DDS p
Kelly Giannetti, DMD p
Robert Gillis Jr., DMD, MSD p
Gary Glasband, DDS p
Carrie Gordon
Newton C. Gordon, DDS
Philip Gordon, PhD
Russell Haag, DDS
Kimberly Haas, DDS p
Denise A. Habjan, DDS
Eric Haney, DDS p
Robert Hanlon Jr., DMD p
Henrik Hansen, DDS p
Victor L. Hawkins, DDS p
Donald Hermansen, DDS p
Erlyn Hernandez, DDS
Misako Hirota, DMD p
Virginia Hughson-Otte, DDS
Donna Hurowitz, DDS
Jeffrey Huston, DDS p
Robert Ibsen, DDS
Kenneth Jacobs, DDS
Jason Jeter, DDS p
Jeffrey Jones, DDS p
Terrence W. Jones, DDS p
Fariba Kalantari, DDS p
Richard T. Kao, DDS, PhD p
George Kawahara, DDS
Steven J. Kend, DDS
M. Kholaki, DDS p
Robert Kiger, DDS
Donna Klauser, DDS
Beverly Kodama, DDS
Huong Le, DDS p
Irving S. Lebovics, DDS
D. Harvey Lee, DDS p
Natasha Lee, DDS p
Steve Leighty, DDS
Thomas Lenhart II, DMD p
Michael W. Lew, DMD
Lester H. Low, DDS
Robert D. Lynds, DDS
Cindy J. Lyon, DDS, RDH, EdD p
Mohammed Mapara, DDS
George A. Maranon, DDS
Carliza Marcos, DDS p
Vivian Maung, DDS
Carol McCutcheon, DDS p
Ayme McMillan p
Ashok Mehta, DDS p
Geralyn Menold, DDS p
William T. Meyer, DDS p
Gerald M. Middleton, DDS p
David G. Milder, DDS, MD
Donald Montano, DDS
Bonnie Morehead, DDS
William Morgan, DDS p
Simon Morris, DDS
Richard Mungo, DDS
Robert Murphy, DDS
M. Sadegh Namazikhah, DMD, MSEd
Teresa Newell p
Rick J. Nichols, DDS p
W. Craig Noblett, DDS
Kathleen J. Nuckles, DDS p
Dennis Nutter, DDS
Lynn Oakleaf, DDS p
James Oates, DDS & Joyce Oates p
David Okawachi, DDS
Donald J. Orme, DDS
Neda Oromchian
Virenchandra Patel, DDS p
W. Thomas Pelton, DDS
Darren J. Penny p
Anthony L. Perez, DDS
Michael Perry, DDS p
William Perry, DDS p
Mark Phillips, DDS p
John Pisacane, DMD p
Ana Planells, DDS
Corene Poelman, DDS p
Stacey Quo, DDS
Curtis D. Raff, DDS p
Leonard J. Raimondo, DDS p
Russell Webb, DDS p
Walter Weber, DDS p
Rita Weisberg, DDS p
Bruce L. Whitcher, DDS p
John Wilson, DDS p
Judy Wipf, DDS p
James C. Withers, DDS p
Laura Wittenauer, DDS p
Rex R. Yanase, DDS p
Craig S. Yarborough, DDS
Thomas Ying, DDS
Robert E. Reed, DDS
Richard Reich, DDS
David Richards, DDS p
Angelina Ring, DDS p
Michelle Rivas p
Kevin Roach p
Christy K. Rollofson, DDS p
Mark Romanelli, DDS
David Rothman, DDS
Bert Rouleau, DMD p
Richard Rounsavelle, DDS
Salida Surgery Center Dental Group
Estela Sanchez, DDS p
Alison Sandman p
Lynn Sayre-Carstairs, DDS p
Donald M. Schinnerer, DDS
Amy Scriven-Lapointe, DDS p
Charlotte Senseny, DMD
Saro Setian, DDS p
Bradley Seto, DDS p
Stephanie Settimi, DDS
Michael Shaw, DDS p
Casey Shimane, DDS p
Dennis D. Shinbori, DDS p
Roger Simonian, DDS p
Andrew P. Soderstrom, DDS p
Dennis Song, DDS
Norman C. Spalding, DDS p
Robert Spinelli, CPA p
Alan Stein, DDS p
Ann L. Steiner, DMD p
Robert D. Stevenson, DDS p
Thomas Stewart, DDS
Kerry Straine
Janice M. Sugiyama, DDS p
Carol G. Summerhays, DDS p
Michael Tanaka, DDS
John Taylor, DDS p
Robyn Taylor
Ariane Terlet, DDS
Michael Thomas, DDS p
John Tomaich, DDS p
Bruce Valentine, DDS
James H. Van Sicklen Jr., DDS p
Elizabeth Van Tassell, DDS
Ashish Vashi, DDS p
Ashish Vyas, DDS p
Eric Waits, DMD p
Kim Wallace, DDS p
Kenneth G. Wallis, DDS p
Chuck Wang, DDS p
Carey Weatherholt, DDS
NEW DENTISTS ($100-$999)
Karin Irani, DDS p
Alvaro Ochoa, DDS
Sean M. Rockwell, DDS p
Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Ostrow School of Dentistry of University
of Southern California
University of California Los Angeles
School of Dentistry
University of California San Francisco
School of Dentistry
University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni
School of Dentistry
Student Body – 100% Participation
Western University School of Dental
Arbi Abbolian-Massihi
Nader Abu-Seraj
Kristen Adams
Tareq Afifi
Kiavash Aghajani
Sharon Agsao
Nichole Ahrendsen
Maryam Ajami
Bertha Alarcon
Steven Alexander
Antonio Alfonso
Farnaz Amini
Evergreen Friends contribute $100 or more
per month on an automatic recurring schedule.
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Dalia Ammsso
Nikhil Anand
Diane Anthony
Jed Antolin
Scott Arceneaux
Sina Arhamsadr
Annalee Asbury
Omar Ashraf
Khan Askarzoi
Amy Au
Geon Bae
Kareen Balian
Wade Banner
Neeraj Bansal
Joe Barher
Joe Barker
Albina Batchaeva
Allison Baylis
Erica Becker
Elena Bedilo
Bahareh Behdad
Kristina Beljean
James Bell
Travis Bellicchi
Maria Bisquera
Eric Blasingame
David Bo
Buki Boluro-Ajayi
Angela Botero
Shyam Brahmbhatt
Susan Braih
Shyam Brammbhatt
Benjamin Brooks
Chad Brown
Tiffany Brown
Vanessa Browne
Matthew Burns
Jedediah Burton
Jose Cabrera
Jesse Cardenas
Justin Carl
Josh Carpenter
Alice Chan
Marvin Chan
Soo Chang
Tzu Chang
Christopher Charles
Harpreet Chauhan
Alan Chee
Farnaz Chegini
Grace Chen
Thomas Chen
Albert Cheng
Erin Cherry
William Chiueh
Craig Chlebicki
Ellen Cho
Peter Chung
Ronald Chung
Debra Church
Michael Cicaorelli
Jeffrey Clawson
Benjamin Cluff
Kellie Cramm
Javier De La Cruz
Brandon Del Toro
Kruti Desai
Andrew Dinh
Vy Dinh
David Do
Ann Dokoupil
Michael Drake
Samantha Dubin
Chris Dudzik
Kiranjot Dyal
Lucas Ebaugh
Lawrence Ebel
Jonathon Einowski
Scott Ellenburg
Rana Eloubaidy
Ahmad Eltejaye
Nasrin Ergash
Soma Esmailian
Lindsay Essenmacher
Babajide Faseyi
Tina Feng
Lara Ferraris
John Feusier
Christine Fortmann
Sandra Franco
Christina Freitas
Chad Gage
Martin Galstyan
Gregory Gardener
Maryse Gellad
Civon Gewelber
Parisa Gheidarour
Sher Gill
Jonathan Gluck
Kurt Goodell
Brian Gradinger
Glenn Gregory
Chris Guerisoli
Stacy Gulland
Neha Gupta
Nidhi Gupta
Blake Gutierrez
Marshall Hamblin
Sahar Hamedani
Eugene Han
Pamela Han
Dannielle Hankins
Kristen Hann
John Hardy
Stepan Harufyunyan
Angela Hastings
Brian Hathcoat
Graham Hearn
Enos Heinzen
Marjan Hessamian
Micael Hilario
Elmer Hilo
Cherish Hirano
Jeong Ho Seo
Anne Hoang
Lily Hoang
Michael Hoang
Michael Holub
Titus Hou
Christina Hsieh
Jia Huang
Tammy Huang
Tea Hoang
George Ibrahim
Kevin Isenhower
Faryal Ismatt
Matt Johnson
Jonathan Kahn
Gagandeep Kandola
Jiyung Kang
Shahbaz Katebzadeh
Priyanka Keith
Nicole Kemena
Suzan Khajavi
Anna Khapchik
Morvarid Khatibian
Melissa Khurasany
Phillip Kieu
Charles Kim
Dustin Kim
Jane Kim
Nataliya Knap
Natalya Komissarova
Nicholas Koury
Zenitra Kumar
Linda Kuo
Jason Lee
Karen Lee
Samuel Lee
Rosemary Liao
Jason Lim
Jacqueline Lim
Yunqi Lin
Josh Liu
Colby Livingston
Kurtis Louie
Derrick Low
Jennifer Low
Kirstin Low
Natalie Luu
Jessica Ma
Vinay Madavan
Kimberly Malotky
Ian Marion
Wade Markert
Craig Martin
James Mashni
Sina Masoudi
Myron Massey
Lauren Mathews
Malay Mathur
Erik Matson
John Maveli
Farzad Mazloomi
Ryan McGary
Greer McMichael
Michelle Meador
Neema Mehrkhodavandi
Karen Mei
Benjamin Meshkinfam
Kenley Michaud
Sahar Mirfarsi
Mari Miyamoto
Rosemary Monehen
Sora Moon
Kerolos Morkos
Sally Moser
Ehsan Mossavi
Pasha Mostowfi
Victoria Mouradian
Anamaria Muresan
Ian Murray
Han Na Seo
Shivam Nand
Derrick Nelson
Benita Ng
Anh Nguyen
Ben Nguyen
Brian Nguyen
Emilyann Nguyen
Lan Nguyen
Paul Nguyen
Tin Nguyen
Kyle Nishimura
William Noh
Chad Nosek
Vinni Oberoi
Lauren Odono
Oluwasegun Olabode
Felix Onuegbu
Nissa Ophaso
Michael Ortega
Merat Ostovar
Shreyas Oza
Jared Packard
Rachel Paik
Gagandeep Pandher
Cedric Papa
Eunji Park
So Park
Laura Pashkowsky
Neena Patel
Neil Patel
Sameer Patel
Shilpi Patel
Scott Peterson
Corey Pham
Hoa Pham
Bryan Phan
Sheena Phan
Erik Pleitez
Marisa Podesto
Kim Pomierski
Swathi Ponugati
Prashant Poplai
Mackenzie Porter
Kyle Poulsen
Shweta Prabhakar
Fnu Priyadarshini
Luis Pulido
Shibani Rajadhyksha
Thomas Randall
Krystle Rapisura
Jeffrey Rector
Ryan Reid
Brielle Renz
Esther Rhee
Michael Rice
Kevin Robertson
Brady Robles
Loeta Robles
Mojdeh Roboubi
Ana Isabel Rodriguez
Timothy Roettger
Naseem Rowther
Mike Saade
Kendall Saffner
Randall Sagisi
Ladan Sahabi
Preet Sandhu
Giancario Santos
Harkeet Sappal
Brandon Schiffner
Primal Sekhon
Richard Sellen
Ryan Senft
Ashini Shah
Margi Shah
Samir Shah
Nida Shakil
Aashima Sharma
Mithila Sharma
Mahmoud Sheikh
Krunal Sherathiya
Steve Shiflett
Tyler Shumway
Preetkamal Sidhu
Cristian Sierra
Othman Sijicmassi
Jennifer Silvers
Ryan Simarro
Julianne Siu
Luisa Snyder
Nathan Snyder
Henry Sobol
Jose Soto-Rodriguez
Stanislav Spasov
Emanuel Staes
James Standring
Thomas Stater
James Stirland
Charles Stolanovici
Kristina Svensson
Michael Sychrava
Andrew Tadros
Ashley Takiguchi
Jennifer Talbott
Stella Tam
Oualid Tellissi
Amy Tran
Andy Tran
Cathy Tran
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Phung Tran
Stephanie Tran
Thinh Tran
Tuan Tran
Huong Tran
Ngoc-Bich Tran
John Truong
Minh Truong
Hsiangh-Hsin Tseng
Shawn Tseng
Jamie Tsukamaki
Jeffrey Tulett
Emily Tung
Janese Turla
Sakya Uch
Daniel Unzicker
Sina Vahdatinia
Armin Vahidnia
Chirag Vaid
Veena Vaidyanathan
David Vaysleyb
Dominick Ventresca
Karla Verzola
Torres Verzola
Melanie Villalobos
Andrew Vu
Christina Vu
Patrick Vuong
Kevin Walker
Eric Walters
Cameron Warner
Easte Warnick
Karen Watanakerree
Kory West
David Westerhaus
Brandon Wisely
Eric Wong
Paige Woods
Andrea Yaley
Sidra Yaseen
Fabiana Yee
Jeffrey Yui
Payam Zamani
Soseh Zamani
Zegor Zegar
Lindley Zerbe
(UP TO $999)
Robin Abari, DDS
Mehran Abbassian, DDS
Arbi Abbolian-Massihi
Lorna Abdon, DDS
Kenneth Abe, DDS
Nader Abu-Seraj
Michael Acosta, DDS
Terry Adair, DDS
Nicolo Addario, DDS
Robert Agnoletti, DDS
Bank of Agriculture and Commerce
Nichole Ahrendsen
Mahmoud Al Sheikh Ali
Bertha Alarcon-Vargas, DDS
Antonio Alfonso
Laurie Alias
Diane Allen, DDS
Eric Alltucker, DDS
Craig Alpha, DDS
Pamela Alston, DDS
Hala Al-Tarifi, DDS
Lori Alvi
Ana Amaya, DDS
Farnaz Amini, DDS
Urmi Amin, DDS
Samira Amini, DDS
Frederick Ammon
Nikhil Anand, DDS
Diane Anderson, DDS
Lisa Anderson, DDS
Elizabeth Andrews, DDS, MS
Michael Antonini, DDS
Gregory Apostle, DDS
Melissa Aquino
Gregory Armi, DDS
Debbie Armstrong
Thomas Armstrong, DDS
Melissa Arnold
William Asbury, DDS
Omar Ashraf
Paul Atkinson, DDS, PhD
Alex Avanessian, DDS
Ann Azama, DDS, MS
Judy Babcock
Maria C. Balagtas, DDS
Belinda Balais, DMD
Edward Balasanian, DDS
Arnold Balber, DDS
Kareen Balian
Orest Balytsky, DDS
Wade Banner
Neeraj Bansal
Joe Barker
Curtis Barmby, DDS
David Barnes, DDS
Robert Barrington, DDS
Trish Barsanti, DDS
Alan Barton, DDS
Albina Batchaeva
Amit Batheja, DDS
Joseph Bauer, DDS
Gary Baughman, DDS
Rex Baumgartner, DDS
Sonia Bautista, DMD
Allison Baylis
Ishkhan Bayrakdarian, DDS
Roy Beam, DDS
Jeffrey Bean, DDS
Erica Becker
Ruth Becker, DDS
Cynthia Belgum, DDS
Kristina Beljean
James Bell
Robert Bell
Wallace Bellamy, DMD
Travis Bellicchi
Olga Belova, DDS
Lynda Benedetto, DDS
Kimberly Benton, DDS
Joel Berick, DDS
Rick Berrios, DDS
John Bettinger, DDS
Stephen Beveridge, DDS
Norman Beyer, DDS
Paul Bianchi, DDS
Thomas Bianchi, DDS
Nikolin Bimbli, DDS
Michael Bird, DDS
Maria Bisquera
Ronald Blanchette, DDS
Steven Bo, DDS
William Bohannan, DDS
John Bolenbaugh, DDS
Thomas Bond
Keith Boxerman, DDS
Thomas Boyce, DDS
J. Boyd, DDS
Christine Boyer, DDS
Donald Boyle, DDS
Michele Braatz
Nicholas Brajevich, DDS
Shyam Brammbhatt
Dale Brandon, DDS
Thomas Brant, DDS
Girard Brenneman, DDS
Douglas Bressler, DDS
John Bristow Jr., DDS
Vivian Broadway, DDS
Warren Brooks, DDS
Robert Brosi, DDS
Jack Broussard Jr., DDS
Tiffany Brown
Vanessa Browne
Frank Brucia, DDS
Michael Brugos, DDS
Mark Buchman, DDS
Morris Budak, DDS
Alan Budenz, MS, DDS, MBA
Thien Bui, DDS
Rex Bullock, DDS
Frederick Bunch, DDS
Ralph Buoncristiani, DDS
Grant Burdick, DDS
Daniel Burk, DDS
David Burke, DDS
Matthew Burns
Jedediah Burton
Robert Bussey
Steve Byun, DDS
Jose Cabrera
Gilbert Cacho, DDS
Jeannie Cagulangan, DMD
Luis Cambero, DDS
Matthew Campbell Jr., DDS
Hon Cao, DDS
Nicholas Caplanis, DMD
Jonathan Cardenas
Michael Carl, DDS
Dean Carlston, DDS
Dana Carlton, DDS
Marvin Carnow, DDS
Gary Carr, DDS
Robert Carr
Thomas Carr, DDS
Charles Carter, DDS
Casa Flores Mexican Restaurant
Steven Cavagnolo, DDS
Roger Cedillo, DMD
Marvin Chan
Wesley Chan, DDS
Victor Chaney, DDS
Russell Chang, DDS
Soo Jin Chang
Tzu Fei Chang
Douglas Chase, DDS
Harpreet Chauhan
Monica Chavez
Ellen Chen, DMD
James Chen, DDS
Vijaya Cherukuri, DDS
Harry Chess, DDS
Regina Cheung, DDS
Benjamin Chew, DDS
Tony Chi, DMD
Allen Chien, DDS
Melissa Chin, DDS
Mark Chintala, DDS
William Chiueh
Leland Cho, DDS
Christine Choi, DDS
Janice Chou, DDS
David Chow, DDS
Russell Choy, DDS
Robert Christoffersen, DDS
Eric Chu, DDS
Lawrence Chu, DDS
Michael Chu, DDS
Raymond Chu, DDS
Peter John Chung
Richard Chung, DDS
Debra Church
Michael Ciccarelli
Michael Clapper, DDS
Dean Clark, DDS
Tamara Clauson, DDS
Jeffrey Clawson
Amy Coeler, DDS
Lou Cohen, DDS
Donald Coluzzi, DDS
William Comport, DDS
Jack Conley, DDS
Michael Cook, DMD
William Coombs, DMD
Marileth Coria, DDS
Philip Corneliuson, DDS
Sergio Correa, DDS
Kejen Corsa, DDS
Cory Costanzo, DDS
Martin Cotler, DDS
Richard Couk, DDS
Suzanne Coulter, DDS
Martin Courtney, DDS
Harold Cox, DDS
James Cox, DDS
Bryan Cramm, DDS
Steven Crane, DDS
Paul Cripe, DDS
Craig Crispin, DDS
David Crockett, DDS
Norman Crow, DDS
Steven Crowson, DMD
Mark Cruz, DDS
Antonio Cucalon III, DDS
Richard Curotto, DDS
Frank Curry, DDS
Steve Czekala, DDS
Michael Dab, DDS
Robert Daby, DDS
Carol Daderian, DDS
Tony Daher, DDS
Chris Dalis, DDS
Nancy Damgaard Wahl
Gerald Danielson, DDS
Lowell Daun, DDS
Eduard Davidov, DDS
Robert Davidson
W. Davis, DDS
Javier De La Cruz
Victor De Los Santos, DDS
Michelle De Marta, DMD
Edmond De St Georges, DDS
Genevieve Rose Dee, DDS
Wayne Del Carlo, DDS
John Dell, DDS
Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS
Paul Denzler, DDS
William Dern, DDS
Pasqualino Di Ciccio, DDS
Debra Diaz, RDA
Shaina DiMariano, DDS
Andrew Dinh
Thuy Tien Dinh, DMD
Michael Dinius, DDS
Gerard Dinkel
Douglas Disraeli, DDS
Lisa Dobak, DDS
Dorian Dodds, DDS
Carla Dodge, DDS
Elizabeth Doi, DDS
Ann Dokoupil
Peter Dolas, DDS
Bruce Donald, DDS
Mark Douglas, DDS
Gerald Douglass, DDS
Kevin Dowd, DDS
Thomas Downing, DDS
Michael Drake
Charles Dressman Jr., DDS
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Elizabeth Driver-Harmon, DDS
Jane Drooz
Jack Dubin, DDS
Samantha Dubin
Chris Dudzik
Richard Durando, DDS
Kiranjot Dyal
Robert Dyer, DDS
Lucas Ebaugh
Lawrence Ebel
Daniel Edwards
David Eggleston, DDS
Wiley Elick, DDS
Naomi Ellison, DDS
Zakar Elloway, DDS
Jeffrey Elo, DDS
Ahmad Eltejaye
Grant Elwood, DDS
Enayda Enabe, DDS
Lawrence Endo, DDS
Frank Enriquez, DDS
George Epperson, DDS
Nasrin Ergash
Concepcion Escalada
Soma Esmailian
James Everhart, DDS
Gregory Evrigenis, DDS
Richard Ewing, DDS
Theodore Falk, DDS
Dave Famili, DDS
Christina Fantino, DDS
Sandra Farah, DDS
Kent Farnsworth, DDS
Lynn Fasnacht, DDS
Nava Fathi, DDS
Tyler Faulkner, DDS
Tony Favrat
Raed Fawaz, DDS
Ted Feder, DDS
Alfred Fehling II, DDS
Roddy Feldman, DDS
Randall Felkel
Cheng-Po Feng, DDS
Donald Fisher, DDS
James Fisher, DDS
Dennis Fitch
Courtney Fitzpatrick, DDS
David Fong, DDS
John Fong, DDS
Steven Fong, DDS
Thomas Fong, DDS
Rosalyn Fontabla, DMD
Michael Foondos
Christine Ford, DDS
James Forester, DDS
T. Forester, DDS
James Forni, DDS
Rikard Forsberg, DDS
Michael Foster, DDS
Barbara Fox, DDS
Stephen Fox, DDS
Kasi Franck, DDS
Adel Fransis, DDS
Kevin Frawley, DDS
Michele Frawley, DDS
Kenneth Freer, DDS
Robert Fritz, DDS
Norman Fuller III, DDS
Michael Furumoto, DDS
Chad Gage
Carlos Garcia, DDS
Emilio Garcia, DDS
Douglas Gedestad, DMD
Spencer Gedestad, DDS
John Geis Sr., DDS
Jeffrey Geissberger, DDS
Marc Geissberger, DDS
Gerald Gelfand, DDS
Jennifer George
Janice Gerber, DDS
Mahfouz Gereis, DDS
Darya Ghafourpour, DDS
Parisa Gheidarour
Abraham Ghorbanian, DDS
Andrew Gianulias
David Gibson, DDS
Teri Gibson, DDS
Richard Gill, DDS
Nicholas Gistaro, DMD
Jerry Glass, DDS
Linda Glassman, DDS
James Glen, DDS
James R. Glidewell
Richard Goble, DDS
Mark Goodfellow, DDS
Elaine Gorelik, DDS
Gregory Gorman, DDS
Brian Gradinges
Ronald Grafton, DDS
Edward Graham, DDS
Richard Graham, DDS
Joseph Gray, DDS
Gray Foundation
James Green, DDS
Julie Greenlaw-O’Toole, DDS
Melvin Greenspan, DDS
Glenn Gregory
Jeffrey Gressard, DDS
Philip Griffin, DDS
Carl Griffith, DDS
R. Peter Griffith, DDS
Gail Grimm
Albert Grosnick, DDS
Chris Guerisoli
David Guichet, DDS
Niles Guichet, DDS
Harold Gulbransen, DDS
Neha Gupta
Nidhi Gupta
Frank Guthrie, DDS
Luis Gutierrez Pulido
David Guyot, DDS
Denise Habjan, DDS
Peggy Hafenberg
Gregory Hailey, DDS
Darryn Hall
John Hall, DDS
Paul Hall, DDS
Randall Halliday, DDS
Scott Hallsted, DDS
Marshall Hamblin
Sahar Hamedani
Pamela Han
Eric Haney, DDS
Scott Hanham
Dannielle Hankins
Lauren Hanschu, DDS
Ralph Hansen, DMD
John Hardy
Alan Harlan, DDS
Gordon Harris, DDS
Mark Harris, DDS
Wyatt Harris, DDS
Kenneth Harrison, DDS
Andrew Harsany, DDS
Rebecca Hart, DDS
Armen Hartoonian, DDS
Stepan Harufyunyan
Angela Hastings
Leslie Hata, DDS
Kongsab Hatlavongsa, DDS
Thavisab Hatlavongsa, DDS
David Hauss, DMD
Christine Hayashi, DDS
James Hayashi, DDS
Eddie Hayashida, DDS
Robert Hays, DDS
Richard Healy, DDS
Jagdev Heir, DDS
Paul Henning
Donald Hermansen, DDS
Jerry Hernandez, DDS
Marjan Hessamian
Elmer Hilo
Cherish Hirano
Robert Hlavac, DDS
Dennis Hobby, DDS
James Hoch, DDS
Mark Hochhalter, DDS
Richard Hoedt Jr., DDS
Robert Hoffman, DDS
Keith Hoffmann, DDS
Charles Holman, DDS
Burt Holstein, DDS
Gregory Holve, DDS
Stephen Hook, DDS
Herbert Hooper, DDS
William Hoskins, DDS
Scott Howell, DDS
George Hsieh, DDS
Chester Hsu, DDS
Donald Hszieh, DDS
Donald Huang, DDS
Donald Hugh, DDS
Lidia Hulshof, DDS
Barbara Hunter
J. Hunter, DDS
John Hurley, DDS
Scott Huseth, DDS
Maisy Ibrahim, DDS
Wayne Ichikawa, DDS
Robert Iezman, DDS
Edward Ines, DDS
Karin Irani, DDS
Debi Irwin
Steven Irwin, DDS
Phyllis Ishida, DDS
Mona Iskandar, DDS
Lisa Itaya, DDS
Scott Jacks, DDS
Richard Jackson, DDS
Murray Jacobs, DDS
John Jansheski, DDS
Gerald Jeffry, DDS
Randy Jelmini, DMD
Daniel Jenkins, DDS
Herbert Jensen Jr., DDS
Jason Jeter, DDS
Scott Jett, DMD
Stanley Jitsumyo, DDS
JNJ Ortho Lab
S. Johanson, DDS
Eric Johns
David Johnson, DDS
James Johnson, DDS
Matt Johnson
Paul Johnson, DDS
Steven Johnson, DDS
Dale Johnstone, DDS
Daniel Jones, DDS
Dennis Jones, DDS
Griffith Jones, DDS
Margaret Jones
Ron Joseph, DDS
Bhaskar Joshi, BDS
Helen Jow, DDS
Clifford Jue, DDS
Robert Jung, DDS
Barry Kadowaki, DDS
Jonathan Kahn
Fariba Kalantari, DDS
Dennis Kalebjian, DDS
Stephen Kallaos, DDS
Barry Kami, DDS
Heidi Kamrath, DDS
Brad Kane, DDS
Christopher Kane, DDS
Kurtis Kanemaru, DMD
Jiyung Kang
Amarilda Kano, DDS
Keith Kano, DDS
Hilda Kanon, DDS
Brian Kar, DMD
Kian Kar, DDS
Judith Karinen, DDS
Shahbaz Katebzadeh
Kimberly Kato, DDS
Steven Kato, DDS
Nathan Kaufman, DDS
Irvin Kaw, DDS
Harry Kawilarang, DDS
Jeffrey Kawilarang, DDS
Mark Kay, DDS
Alan Kaye, DDS
Priyanka Keith
Scott Keith, DDS
Scott Keithley, DDS
Steven Keller, DDS
Antranig Kelleyan, DDS
Steven Kend, DDS
Sam Kennedy, DDS
Karen Kent, DDS
Richard Kent, DDS
Chris Kezzler
Morvarid Khatibian
Melissa Esmaraldeh Khurasany
Dustin Kim
Kihyo Kim, DDS
Peter Kim, DDS
Ray Kimura, DDS
Mark Kinnsch, DMD
Donald Kinosian, DDS
James Kirkpatrick, DDS
Grace Kirtlley
Rick Kleinsasser, DDS
Arthur Koebel, DDS
Heda Koh, DDS
Peter Kono, DDS
Matthew Korn, DDS
Brooke Kozak
Peter Krakowiak, DDS
Joseph Krauss, DDS
Jonathan Kristianto, DDS
Reed Kuratomi, DDS
Kevin Kurio, DDS
Walter Kuzma, DDS
Laurie La Dow, DDS
John La Joy, DDS
Michael La Puma, DDS
Arlen Lackey, DDS
Sunjay Lad, DDS
Laura Lam, DDS
Dave Lamar
Michael Lambert, DMD
Kevin Landon, DDS
Kenneth Lange, DDS
William Langstaff, DDS
Jerry Lanier, DDS
Thomas Larson, DDS
Ronald Lascoe, DMD
Jill Lasky, DDS
Michael Lasky, DDS
Adam Lautt, DDS
Joseph Lawrence, DDS
Robert Laxineta, DDS
Hamilton Le, DMD
Brian Le Sage, DDS
I. Leavitt, DDS
Irving Lebovics, DDS
Callin Lee, DDS
Dora Lee, DDS
James Lee, DMD
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Karen Lee
Leland Lee, DDS
Linda Lee, DMD
Margaret Lee, DDS
Samuel Lee
Young Lee, DDS
Alan Leider, DDS
Steve Leighty, DDS
Rush Lenroot, DDS
Janet Lent, DDS
Roger Lent, DDS
Alan Lewis, DDS
David Lewis, DMD
Thomas Lewis, DDS
Carla Lidner, DDS
Anthony Lieu, DDS
Randy Ligh, DDS
Martin Liljenback
Lester Lim, DDS
Ben Lin, DDS
Fu Lin, DDS
Po-Jen Lin, DDS
Taisen Lin, DDS
Yunqi Lin
Robert Ling, DMD
Chris Liu, DDS
Jonathan Livne, DDS
Jeffrey Lloyd, DDS
Stephen Lockwood, DMD
Rolande Loftus
Steve Longoria, DDS
Elliot Lopez
Kenneth Louie, DDS
Kurtis Louie
Aury Lourenco, DDS
Derrick Low
Wendy Lu, DDS
Lawrence Ludwigsen Jr., DDS
Helyn Luechauer, DDS
John Luther, DDS
Robert Lynds, DDS
Jessica Ma
Francisco Mabbayad, DMD
G. MacKenzie, DDS
Vinay Madavan
Thomas Madill, DDS
Patrice Magliola
Michael Maher, DMD
Kimberly Mahood, DDS
Stanley Malamed, DDS
George Malkemus, DDS
Paul Mallouk, DDS
Huzaifa Maloo, DDS
Alan Malouf, DDS
Corazon Manaloto, DDS
Guy Mangia, DDS
Natalie Mansour, DMD
Yahya Mansour, DDS
Mohammed Mapara, DDS
Carliza Marcos, DDS
Mark Mardahl
Clifford Marks, DDS
Lynn Marks
Jill Martenson, DDS
Christopher Martin, DDS
Clark Martin, DMD
Craig Martin
Daniel Martin, DDS
Leo Martin, DDS
Michele Martin, DDS
Rigoberto Martin, DDS
Max Martinez, DDS
William Marweg, DDS
James Mashni
Myron Massey
Antonette Masters, DDS
Gayle Mathe
Sarah Mathias, DDS
Malay Mathur
John Maveli
Mark Maxwell, DDS
David Mayeda, DDS
Farzad Mazloomi
Bobbi Mazzone
John McBirney, DDS
Terrence McCarthy, DDS
Kathleen McClintock, DDS
Lance McCollough
Glenn McCormick, DDS
Ryan McGary
John Mckee
Timothy McNeely
James McNerney, DMD
Michelle Meador
Robert Meckstroth, DDS
Myrna Medina, DDS
Karen Mei
James Meinert, DDS
Evangeline Memoracion, DDS
Matthew Menasco, DMD
James Mertzel, DDS
Steve Micheli
Jon Miller, DDS
Stanley Miller, DDS
Timothy Miller, DDS
Brian Mills, DMD
Jack Mills, DDS
Loyal Miner, DDS
Michael Minnich, DDS
Noel Miranda, DMD
Sahar Mirfarsi, DDS
Arthur Misischia
Ronald Mito, DDS
Daniel Miyasaki, DDS
Albert Mizrahi, DDS
Greg Mlynarczyk, DDS
Bijan Modjtahedi, DDS
Amir Mojaver, DDS
Niloufar Molayen, DDS
David Molina, DDS
Sonia Molina, DDS
Raul Montalvo, DDS
Miguel Montoya, DDS
Paul Moon, DDS
Sora Moon
Harry Moordigian, DDS
Larry Moore, DDS
William Moore, DDS
Alice Moran, DDS
KJ & BJ Mork
Kerolos Morkos
D. Morton, DDS
Sally Moser
Joseph Moss, DDS
Pasha Mostowfi
Victoria Mouradian
Michael Mulvehill III, DDS
Craig Mundy, DDS
Richard Mungo, DDS
Anamaria Muresan
Anne Murray, DDS
Ian Murray
Randall Murray, DDS
Theodore Murray Jr., DDS
Nagaraja Murthy, DDS
James Musser, DDS
Bob Nagano, DDS
Devinderpal Nagra, DDS
Richard Nagy, DDS
Martin Nahigian, DDS
Wayne Nakamura, DDS
Yoshio Nakashima, DDS
Shivam Nand
Lawrence Napolitano, DDS
Kenneth Natsuhara, DDS
Lloyd Nattkemper, DDS
Derrick Nelson
John Nelson, DDS
Dorene Neri, DDS
A. Neuenschwander, DDS
Nyeland Newel
Sue Newman
Andrew Nguyen, DDS
Ben Nguyen
Emilyann Nguyen
Lan Thi Ngoc Nguyen
Ngoc-Lien Nguyen, DDS
Si Nguyen, DDS
Susan Nguyen, DDS
Tuan Nguyen, DDS
Laura Nichols, DDS
Rick Nichols, DDS
Russell Niles
Dee Nishimine, DDS
Franklin Niver, DMD
Pamela Nomura, DDS
Shahab Noorvash, DDS
Chad Nosek
James Oates, DDS
George Oatis Jr., DDS
Michael O’Brien, DDS
Stephen O’Brien, DDS
Jan O’Dell
Toshiyuki Okuda, DDS
Linda Onyeador, DDS
Nissa Ophaso
Lia Ortega, DDS
Merat Ostovar
Stephen Ostwald, DDS
Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH
Gregory Owyang, DDS
Shreyas Oza K
Rosaura Pacheco, DDS
Young Paek, DDS
Milton Pagonis, DDS
Rachel Paik
David Pair, DMD
Jason Pair, DDS
Gagandeep Pandher
Melanie Parker, DDS
Michael Parrett, DDS
Jonathan Pascarella, DDS
Laura Pashkowsky
Bindi Patel, DDS
Neena Patel
Neil Patel
Nilima Patel, DDS
Sameer Patel
Sanjay Patel, DDS
Gordon Pattison, DDS
Daryl Payne, DDS
Jeffrey Payne, DDS
James Pearlstein, DMD
Melvin Pearson, DMD
James Peck, DDS
Erin Peet
Charles Pelletier, DDS
Carmen Pemberton
Joseph Pennisi, DMD
Darren Penny
Donald Pepper, DDS
David Perry, DDS
Jeffry Persons, DDS
Francisco Pestana, DDS
Scott Peters, DDS
Jerome Peterson, DDS
T. Peterson, DDS
Eric Pettersen, DDS
Brad Pezoldt, DDS
David Pfeifer, DDS
Kevin Pham, DDS
Quyen Pham, DDS
Bryan Phan
Sonny Phang, DDS
John Phillips, DDS
Mark Phillips, DDS
Robert Phillips, DDS
Sarah Phillips, DDS
Alice Picker
Daniel Pierre, DDS
John Pierson, DDS
Ana Planells, DDS
Erik Pleitez
Kenneth Plumer
Corene Poelman, DDS
Parvathi Pokala, DDS
Jose Carlos Polido, DDS, MS
Howard Pollick, DDS
Swathi Ponugati
Prashant Poplai
Mary Porteous
Kyle Poulsen
Shweta Prabhakar
L. Pragasam, DDS
Fausto Prato, DDS
Michael Preskar, DDS
Melissa Primus, DDS
Kenneth Prince, DDS
John Pruett, DDS
Law Offices of Quinn & Kronlund LLP
Christine Quinn, DDS
Lisa Quinn, DDS
Brian Quo, DDS
Mary Jean Rabadam, DMD
Gregory Rabitz, DDS
Mojtaba Radi, DDS
Mamal Rahimi, DDS
Houman Rahnama, DDS
Khaldoon Rammo, DDS
Thomas Randall
Krystle Rapisura
Gabrielle Rasi, DDS
Garry Rayant, DDS
Rafat Razi, DMD
H. Reed, DDS
Paul Reggiardo, DDS
Dan Rehart
Justin Reich, DDS
Ryan Reid
Patrick Reilly
Robin Reisz, DDS
Ronald Reitz, DDS
Nida Rioga Relativo, DDS
Brielle Renz
Denine Rice, DDS
Bill Richmond
Charles Ricks, DDS
Melissa Rinck, DDS
Robert Ripley, DDS
Luis Rivera, DDS
Lance Robinson, DDS
Brady Robles
Loeta Robles
Mojdeh Roboubi
Fariborz Rodefshalem, DDS
Sarah Rodriguez
David Roecker, DDS
Timothy Roettger
Laura Rogers
Roberta Rohde-Karner
Thomas Rolfes, DDS
Mark Romanelli, DDS
Steven Rome, DDS
Steven Roscelli, DDS
Jeffrey Rosenberg, DDS
Evangelos Rossopoulos, DDS
Sean Roth, DDS
John Row Jr., DDS
Melvin Rowan, DDS
Alan Rubenstein, DDS
Benton Runquist, DDS
Peter Russo, DDS
2 0 12 C DA F ou ndation A nnu al R eport
Friends of the CDA Foundation – Annual Giving Campaign
Patricia Ryan, DDS
Charles Sackett IV, DDS
Robert Sada, DDS
Stephen Saffold, DDS
Ruchi Sahota, DDS
Edwin Sakurai, DDS
Kenneth Sakurai, DDS
Gary Salenger, DDS
Philip Sales, DDS
Sima Salimi, DDS
Voltaire Sambajon, DDS
San Joaquin Valley College Inc.
Kevin Sands, DDS
Ronald Sani, DDS
Richard Sasaki, DDS
Victor Savage, DDS
M. Paul Schafer, DDS
Jeffrey Scharlat
Paul Schauer Jr., DDS
Ronald Scheinbach, DDS
Christopher Schiappa, DDS
Eric Schmidt, DDS
Eugene Schmidt, DDS
Michael Schneider, DDS
Paul Schoenbaum, DDS
Steven Schonfeld, DDS, PhD
Louis Schwarzbach, DMD
Joseph Sciarra, DDS
Michael Seastrom, DDS
David Seccombe, DDS
Samira Seini, DDS
Jill Sekiguchi, DDS
David Seman, DDS
Han Na Seo
Jeong Ho Seo
Margi Shah
Samir Shah
Uday Shah, DDS
Dennis Shamlian, DDS
Mithila Sharma
William Sharp, DDS
Frank Shay, DDS
James Shenberg, DDS
Cristopher Shepard, DDS
Krunal Sherathiya
Frederic Sherman, DDS
Deborah Shiba, DDS
Nancy Shiba, DDS
Kanoknuch Shiflett, DDS
Steve Shiflett
Fnu Shilpi Priyadarshini
Gregory Shinkwin, DDS
Richard Shipp, DDS
Preetkamal Sidhu
Kathryn Siemens, DDS
Cristian Sierra
Mike Sigman
Othman Sijicmassi
Ryan Simarro
Richard Simms, DDS
Phoenix Sinclair, DDS
Kulwant Sisodia, DDS
Kathleen Siu, DMD
Ward Skinner, DDS
Antigone Skoulas, DDS
Ronald Sloan, DDS
Leonard Smith, DDS
Pieter Smith, DDS
R. Smith, DDS
Richard Smith, DDS
Scott Smith, DDS
Luisa Snyder
Nathan Snyder
Steven Soares, DDS
Richard Sobel, DDS
Burton Sobelman, DDS
Henry Sobol
Peter Soderstrom, DDS
Susan Soderstrom, DDS
Norma Solarz, DDS
Joshua Solomon, DDS
Jose Soto-Rodriguez
Stanislav Spasov
Sidney Spector, DDS
Steven Stanley, DDS
Matthew Stefanac, DDS
Timothy Stegelvik, DDS
Martin Steigner, DDS
David Allan Stein, DMD
Cathrine Steinborn, DDS
Rob Stevenson, DDS
Michael Stewart, DDS
James Stich, DDS
James Stirland
Dale Stocking, DDS
Michael Stokes, DDS
Charles Stolanovici
Jennifer Stolo
Kurt Stormberg, DDS
Robin Su, DDS
John Sudick, DDS
Jeffrey Sue, DDS
Michelle Sue, DDS
Eugene Sugita, DDS
Janice Sugiyama, DDS
John Sulak, DDS
Carol Summerhays, DDS
Stanley Surabian, DDS
Max Swancutt Jr., DDS
Gordon Swanstrom, DDS
Kevin Swartzberg, DDS
Matthew Swatman, DDS
John Swearingen, DDS
Patrick Sweeney, DDS
Cheryl Swenson
Farhan Syed, DMD
Larry Sylva, DDS
Scott Szotko, DDS
Faye Tada, DDS
David Tagge, DDS
Stella Tam
Michael Tanaka, DDS
Terry Tanaka, DDS
Daniel Tanita, DDS
Milena Tasic, DDS
David Tassey, DDS
Sara Tawata-Min, DDS
David Taylor, DDS
Marshall Taylor, DDS
Michael Teichman, DDS
Oualid Tellissi
Ernest Terao, DDS
Sharine Thenard, DDS
Samuel Thomas, DDS
H. Thompson, DDS
J. Thompson, DDS
V. Roger Tibbetts, DDS
Paul Tiernan, DDS
Paul Ting, DDS
Judee Tippett-Whyte, DDS
Lori Title
Thomas Toffoli, DDS
Leandra Tolosa, DDS
Karla Torres Verzola
TP Orthodontics Inc.
Ailan Tran, DDS
Andy Tran
Cathy Tran
Don Tran, DDS
Phung Tran
Tuan Tran
Ronald Tremmel, DDS
Robert Trifilo, DDS
John Trueb, DDS
John Truong
Jayson Tsuchiya, DDS
Glen Tueller, DDS
Jeffrey Tulett
Tuolumne Me-Wuk Indian Health Center
Janese Turla
Barry Turner, DMD
Theodore Uyemoto, DDS
Kazuya Uyesugi, DDS
Sina Vahdatinia
William Vainer, DDS
Robert Valdez, DDS
Lucy Valencia, DDS
Oscar Valenzuela, DDS
William Van Dyk, DDS
Stefan Van Harmelen, DDS
Paul Van Horne, DDS
Virginia Van Osdel, DDS
James Van Sicklen Jr., DDS
Janet Van Sicklen
Reed Van Wagenen, DDS
Jorge Vasquez-garcia, DDS
Ellen Venton, DDS
R. Verceles, DDS
Douglas Vierra, DDS
Alma Vilkas-Stockus, DDS
Melanie Villalobos
Chris Vitakes, DDS
Bobbie Volker
Andrew Vu
Trang Vu, DDS
Patrick Vuong
Narendra Vyas, DDS
Karen Wager, DDS
Roger Wahlman, DDS
Ronald Wake, DDS
Patrick Walker, DDS
Douglas Wall, DDS
Eric Walters
Wayne Walters, DDS
Glen Warganich, DDS
Ronald Watanabe, DDS
Scott Watanabe, DDS
Ernest Watson, DDS
Russell Weaver, DDS
David Webb, DDS
Cynthia Weideman, DDS
Michael Weideman, DDS
Arthur Weiss, DDS
Edward Weiss, DDS
David Westerhaus
Earl Whetstone II, DDS
Bruce Whitcher, DDS
Shawn Widick, DDS
Kim Wiedeman
Wesley Wieman, DDS
Steven Wilburn, DMD
Gregory Wilcox, DDS
Jeremy Wilgus, DDS
Stephen Willens, DDS
Kathelene Williams-Turk, DDS
Sarah Winter, DMD
James Witcher, DDS
James Withers, DDS
Allen Wong, DDS
Carol Wong, DDS
Eric Wong
Gordon Wong, DDS
Mark Wong, DDS
Po-Ping Wong, DDS
David Woodruff, DDS
James Wood Jr., DDS
Paige Woods
Tai Wu, DDS
Valjean Xaiz
Andrea Yaley
Jason Yamada, DDS
David Yamaguchi, DDS
Thomas Yamamoto, DDS
Rex Yanase, DDS
Bexter Yang, DDS
James Yang, DDS
Chris Yaros
Kenneth Yates, DDS
Bradley Yee, DDS
H. Yee, DDS
Dana Yeoman, DDS
Raffi Yessayantz, DDS
Kenneth Yi, DDS
Thomas Ying, DDS
Donna Yock, DMD
Donald Yoshioka, DDS
Bruce Young, DDS
Douglas Young, DDS, MBA
Glen Young, DDS
Jeremy Young, DDS
Richard Young, DDS
Parisa Zarbafian, DDS
Zegor Zegar
Julie-Anne Zerne, DDS
Jinying Zhang, DDS
Siri Ziese, DDS
Laurie Alias
Lori Alvi
Melissa Aquino
Roy Carothers
Tony Favrat
Terry Fong
Sue Gardner
Jennifer George
Gail Grimm
Brooke Kozak
Lynn Marks
Conor McNulty
Erin Peet
Sarah Rodriguez
Roberta Rohde-Karner
Cheryl Swenson
Bobbie Volker
Kim Wiedeman
2012 Tribute Gifts
In honor of Robyn Alongi
Santos Cortez Jr., DDS
In honor of Darren Penny
Frederick Ammon
In honor of Judy Babcock
California Society of Periodontists
In honor of John Pisacane, DMD
Arsalan Ahani, DDS
George Barghouth, DDS
William Bohannan, DDS
Thien Bui, DDS
Thomas Carr, DDS
David Chow, DDS
Raymond Chu, DDS
William Comport, DDS
Jean Creasey, DDS
Laurence Darrow, DDS
R. Peter Griffith, DDS
Wayne Ichikawa, DDS
Grace Kirtlley
Mark Mardahl
Bobbi Mazzone
Lance McCollough
Steve Micheli
Teresa Newell
Alvaro Ochoa, DDS
Joseph Pennisi, DMD
Donald Pepper, DDS
Mike Sigman
Pieter Smith, DDS
Andrew Soderstrom, DDS
Robert Trifilo, DDS
William Vainer, DDS
Bexter Yang, DDS
Chris Yaros
Jinying Zhang, DDS
In memory of William Bradford Burch
California Dental Association
In honor of Anne Toy Chin
Bruce Toy, DDS
In honor of Daniel Eckhard, DMD
Robert Iezman, DDS
In memory of Nancy Fanucchi
Dennis De Tomasi, DDS
In honor of Douglas Gordon, DDS
Philip Gordon, PhD
In honor of LaJuan Hall, DDS
Thomas Bond
Wai Chan, DDS
Craig Crispin, DDS
Gary Dougan, DDS
Concepcion Escalada
Darryn Hall
Scott Hanham
Donna Hurowitz, DDS
Steven Kend, DDS
Heda Koh, DDS
Oariona Lowe, DDS
Richard Mungo, DDS
Dennis Nutter, DDS
Neda Oromchian, DDS
Sanjay Patel, DDS
Donald Rollofson, DMD
James Stephens, DDS
Michael Stokes, DDS
Sharine Thenard, DDS
Kenneth Wallis, DDS
In honor of Bev Kodama, DDS
Donald Rollofson, DMD
In honor of Cathy Levering
Donald Rollofson, DMD
In memory of Beverly Miyasaki
Daniel Miyasaki, DDS
In honor of Monterey Bay Dental Society
Richard Kent, DDS
In honor of Mary M. Murakawa, DDS
Peggy Hafenberg
In honor of Donald Rollofson, DMD
Robert Bussey
Matthew Campbell Jr., DDS
Darrell Chun, DDS
Robert Daby, DDS
Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS
Mark Douglas, DDS
Gregory Evrigenis, DDS
Alan Felsenfeld, DDS
Debra Finney, DDS
Michael Foondos
Andrew Gianulias
Gordon Harris, DDS
Jagdev Heir, DDS
Paul Henning
Richard Jackson, DDS
Herbert Jensen Jr., DDS
Eric Johns
Christopher Kane, DDS
Steve Leighty, DDS
KJ & BJ Mork
James Musser, DDS
Russell Niles
George Oatis Jr., DDS
James Peck, DDS
Michael Preskar, DDS
Mary Jean Rabadam, DMD
Justin Reich, DDS
Patrick Reilly
Bill Richmond
Stephen Saffold, DDS
Kerry Straine
In honor of Ken Sanford, DDS
Ronald Mead, DDS
Marshall Taylor, DDS
In honor of Dr. & Mrs. Gerald M.
Schneider, DDS
Mrs. Lori Title
In honor of Andrew Soderstrom, DDS
Dennis Hobby, DDS
Brian Scott, DDS
Susan Soderstrom, DDS
In honor of James Stephens, DDS
California Dental Association
In honor of Carol Summerhays, DDS
Michele Braatz
Nancy Damgaard Wahl
Robert Davidson
Gerard Dinkel
Jane Drooz
Barbara Hunter
Margaret Jones
Martin Liljenback
Alice Picker
In honor of James Van Sicklen Jr., DDS
Randall Felkel
Richard Goble, DDS
Evergreen Friends contribute $100 or
more per month on an automatic
recurring schedule.
**As of March 6, 2013. Every effort was
made to ensure the accuracy of the list
of the CDA Foundation contributors. If
you discover an error, please accept our
apology and contact us at 916.554.5913
or [email protected]. Thank you.
To learn more about the programs
or to make a contribution,
please contact:
CDA Foundation
1201 K Street, Suite 1511
Sacramento, CA 95814
t. 916.554.4916
f. 916.498.6182
[email protected]
Tax ID 68-0411536