Agenda Packet - Calaveras County, California
Agenda Packet - Calaveras County, California
1i i 0. /~ CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PRELIMINARY AGENDA, SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 BILL CLAUDINO STEVE IHLEN SKY I Chair MERITA CALLAWAY THOMAS TRYON RUSSELL THOMAS, V-Chair DIST. DIST. DIST. DIST. DIST. KAREN VARNI, l 2 ROBERT c. LAWTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 3 1 5 JAMES JONES COUNTY COUNSEL SUPERVISORS CHAMBERS COURTS & LEGAL BUILDING GOVERNMEN'f CENTER 891 MT. RANCH ROAD SAN ANDREAS, CA 95249 COUNTY CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD (209) 754-6370 FAX (209) 754-6733 "CALAVERAS COUNTY GOVERNMENT'S MISSION STATEMENT" The Mission of Calaveras County Government is to provide service, infrastructure, leadership, and vision necessary to advance a safe community, maintain a high quality of life, while preserving local history and culture, and to protect personal liberties for all of its citizens. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WELCOt"ES YOU TO THEIR MEETINGS WHICH ARE SCHEDULED EACH TUESDAY. YOUR INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION IS ENCOURAGED AND APPRECIATED. * * * PLEASE l'URN OFF CELL PHONES IN BOARD CHA~~ER.~S_ _,_·_*_* IF ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE WISHES TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON AN AGENDA ITEM, PLEASE COME '1'0 THE ROSTRUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME AND YOUR COMMENTS OR QUES'l'IONS. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO 'IHE SPECIFIC SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION. TIME LIMITS SHALL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF' THE CHAIR. 0 P E N I N G 9:00 A.M.: CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS C 0 N S E N T A G E N D A THEY WILL BE ACTED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE EXPECTED TO BE ROUTINE AND NON-CONTROVERSIAL. ANY BOARD MEMBER, STAFF MEMBER OR UPON BY THE BOARD AT ONE TIME WITHOUT' DISCUSSION. INTEHESTED PARTY t"AY REQUEST REMOVAL OF AN ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR LATER DISCUSSION. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MINUTES of a Board of Supervisors meetings held on August 12, 2008 and a meeting held on August 19, 2008 - Board action: CORRESPONDENCE: August 15-21, 2008 - (see attached) Board action: MINUTE ORDER authorizing Board Chair to sign a letter of support for a Sierra Nevada Conservancy grant proposal that will study the viability of an ecosystems services market to support the economy of Calaveras County; Supervisors Wilensky & Callaway - Board action: EESOLUTION to acknowledge September 2008 as prostate cancer awareness month in Calaveras County; Supervisor Wilensky - Board action: RESOLUTION authorizing additions, deletions and changes to County Fees, effective October 1, 2008; Administration - Board action: (Page 1 of 4) 9/2/2008 AGENDA C 0 R R E S P 0 N D E N C E THE BOARD MAY TAKE ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE: August 15, 2008 1. From: James Irvine Foundation, re: annual report; cc: Board 2. From: CA Chamber of Commerce, re: August 8th edition of the ALERT Newsletter; Board as addressed 3. From: CA Energy Commission, re: Notice of completion of Draft EIR regarding Lighting Efficiency Standards; cc: Board, Environmental Health & post 4. From: Western Counties Alliance; re: Newsletter; cc: Board 5. From: CSAC, re: Legislative bulletin; cc: Board 6. From: Park & Rec Trades, re: periodical; route to Board August 18, 2008 7. From: CSAC, re: Annual conference; cc: Board 8. From: Darcy Zimmerman, re: Flood ordinance concerns; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, Sheriff & Environmental Health 9. From: David Davis, re: library concerns; cc: Board, Admin. & County Counsel 10. From: CA Hispanic Commission, re: report on substance abuse; cc: Supervisor Wilensky as addressed 11. From: Tuolumne Utility Dist., re: Integrated Regional Water Magmt. Plan Aug 20th meeting agenda; cc: Board, Environmental Health, CDA & post 12. From: California Oaks Foundation; re: Oak resources & climate change; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, & Environmental Health 13. From: CA Chamber of Commerce, re; August 15th edition of the ALERT newsletter; Board as addressed 14. From: Mark Twain St. Joseph Hospital, re:; 2008 Community Report; Board as addressed August 19, 2008 No Mail August 20, 2008 15. From: Royal Mtn. King Mine Reclamation, re: Sept. 13 open house; Board as addressed 16. From: Sol uri Emrick & Meserve Law Corp., re: August 26th Board agenda item 12 for California Asbestos Monofill; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, Public Works, Environmental Health & CDA 17. From: Leslie & Jean Martin, Valley Springs; re: Billboards; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel & CDA Jim Branham, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, re: reducing fire 18. From: risks; cc: Board (Page 3 of 4) (J j i l/' CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PRELIMINARY AGENDA, SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 BILL CLAUDINO STEVE WILENSKY, Chair MERITA CALLAWAY THOMAS TRYON RUSSELL THOMAS, V-Chair DIST. 1 DIST. 2 DIST. 3 DIST. 4 DIST. 5 KAREN VARNI, ROBERT c. LAW'l'ON COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER JAMES JONES COUNTY COUNSEL SUPERVISORS CHAMBERS COURTS & LEGAL BUII,OING GOVERNMEN'r CENTER 891 MT. RANCH ROAD SAN ANDREAS, CA 95249 COUNTY CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD (209) 754-6370 FAX (209) 754-6733 "CALAVERAS COUNTY GOVERNMENT'S MISSION STATEMENT" The Mission of Calaveras County Government .is to provide service, infrastructure, leadership, and vision necessary to advance a safe community, maintain a high quality of life, while preserving local history and culture, and to protect personal liberties for all of its citizens. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VIELCOMES YOU TO THEIR ~1EETINGS \;HICH ARE SCHEDULED EACH TUESDAY. YOUR INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION IS ENCOURAGED AND APPRECIATED. '}. · * * PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES IN BOARD CHAMBE00 • R-"S'--'-*-* IF ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE WISHES TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON AN AGENDA ITEM, PLEASE COME '1'0 THE ROSTRUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME AND YOUR COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS. PLEASE J,IMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION. 'l'IME LIMITS SHALL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF TilE CHAIR. OPENING 9:00 A.M.: CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS C 0 N S E N T A G E N D A THEY WILL BE ACTED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE EXPECTED TO BE ROUTINE AND NON-CONTROVERSIAl,. ANY BOARD MEMBER, STAFF MEMBER OR UPON BY THE BOARD AT ONE TIME viiTHOUT DISCUSSION. INTERESTED PARTY MAY REQUEST REMOVAL OF AN ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR LA1'ER DISCUSSION. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MINUTES of a Board of Supervisors meetings held on August 12, 2008 and a meeting held on August 19, 2008 - Board action: CORRESPONDENCE: August 15-21, 2008 - (see attached) Board action: MINUTE ORDER authorizing Board Chair to sign a letter of support for a Sierra Nevada Conservancy grant proposal that will study the viability of an ecosystems services market to support the economy of Calaveras County; Supervisors Wilensky & Callaway - Board action: RESOLUTION to acknowledge September 2008 as prostate cancer awareness month in Calaveras County; Supervisor Wilensky - Board action: RESOLUTION authorizing additions, deletions and changes to County Fees, effective October 1, 2008; Administration - Board action: (Page 1 of 4) 6. 7. 9/2/2008 AGENDA RESOLUTION accepting as complete all road improvements and authorizing release of security for Fairway Village Subdivision, TSTM 02-07; Public Works-Board Action RESOLUTION approving final map for Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract 2003-148; Public Works-Board Action R E G U L A R 9:10A.M.: 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS: 9:30 A.M.: AGENDA 5 minutes per person; 15 minutes per topic BOARD MATTERS/CLOSED SESSION 9. Review of correspondence, reports and various matters of concern. 10. CLOSED SESSION: pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9: conference with legal counsel re: existing litigation; Hartsock v. County, Case No. CV33932; County Counsel; Board action. 10:30 STUDY SESSION 11. Discussion re: Parks and Recreation Commission Capita Grant Projects Proposition 40 Per (Page 2 of 4) 9/2/2008 AGENDA C 0 R R E S P 0 N D E N C E THE BOARD MAY TAKE ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE: August 15, 2008 1. From: James Irvine Foundation, re: annual report; cc: Board 2. From: CA Chamber of Commerce, re: August 8th edition of the ALERT Newsletter; Board as addressed 3. From: CA Energy Commission, re: Notice of completion of Draft EIR regarding Lighting Efficiency Standards; cc: Board, Environmental Health & post 4. From: Western Counties Alliance; re: Newsletter; cc: Board 5. From: CSAC, re: Legislative bulletin; cc: Board 6. From: Park & Rec Trades, re: periodical; route to Board August 18, 2008 7. From: CSAC, re: Annual conference; cc: Board 8. From: Darcy Zimmerman, re: Flood ordinance concerns; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, Sheriff & Environmental Health 9. From: David Davis, re: library concerns; cc: Board, Admin. & County Counsel 10. From: CA Hispanic Commission, re: report on substance abuse; cc: Supervisor Wilensky as addressed 11. From: Tuolumne Utility Dist., re: Integrated Regional Water Magmt. Plan Aug 20th meeting agenda; cc: Board, Environmental Health, CDA & post 12. From: California Oaks Foundation; re: Oak resources & climate change; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, & Environmental Health From: CA Chamber of Commerce, re; August 15th edition of the ALERT 13. newsletter; Board as addressed From: Mark Twain St. Joseph Hospital, re:; 2008 Community Eeport; 14. Board as addressed August 19, 2008 No Mail August 20, 2008 Sept. 13 open house; 15. From: Eoyal Mtn. King Mine Reclamation, re: Board as addressed From: Sol uri Emrick & Meserve Law Corp., re: August 26th Board 16. cc: Board, Admin., agenda i tern 12 for California Asbestos Monofill; County Counsel, Public Works, Environmental Health & CDA Leslie & Jean Martin, Valley Springs; re: Billboards; cc: From: 17. Board, Admin., County Counsel & CDA Jim Branham, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, re: reducing fire From: 18. risks; cc: Board (Page 3 of 4) 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 9/2/2008 AGENDA From: Karen Anderson, Copperopolis, re: approval of Lake Tulloch project; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, Public Works, Environmental Health & Sheriff From: CA Dept. of Forestry, re: Notice of Intent to Harvest Timber for Sierra Pacific Industries at Hermit Springs; cc: Supervisors Wilensky & Callaway & Post From: State Farm Ins., re: Community Connections newsletter; cc: Board From: Better Roads, re: August periodical; route to Board American City & County, re: August periodical; route to From: Board August 21, 2008 24. 25. 26. From: CA Administrative Office of the Courts, re: youth & elders poetry in the court system; Board as addressed From: Bernadette Abramson, re: Villa Del Lago revised TVSTM 30 docks & public access; cc: Board, Admin., County Counsel, CDA, Public Works, Environmental Health & Sheriff From: CSAC, Budget Action Bulletin NO. 8; cc: Board (Page 4 of 4) NOTE: ITEM# 3 IS A CONTINUED MATTER FROM THE s~. D2..0, .:l.Oo ?{ AND NO MEETING OF ADDITIONAL INFORMA . ON HAS BEEN RECEIVED. CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 891 Mountain Ranch Road San Andreas, California 95249 (209) 754-6370 FAX (209) 754-6733 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Steve Wilensky, Supervisor District II DATE: August 14, 2008 SUBJECT: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month September 2008 DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Approve a resolution acknowledging September 2008 as Prostate Awareness Month. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this report is to request a resolution declaring September 2008 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. This proposed resolution is in keeping with the historical national practice of recognizing the month of September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Each year, the President of the United States, The United States Senate, and the Governors of most States issue Proclamations declaring September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Many counties and cities also recognize Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September by issuing their own Proclamations. Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in the USA today, second only to skin cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. Men have a 33% higher rate of developing prostate cancer than women have of developing breast cancer. In the average American family, the husband is more·at risk of developing prostate cancer than the wife is of developing breast cancer. Men also have a 9% higher death rate from prostate cancer than women have from breast cancer. Every 18 minutes, 2417, an American man dies from prostate cancer. The early stages of prostate cancer usually show no symptoms. Early detection is the key to prostate cancer survival. The 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer is 100% if the disease is treated early. The 5-year survival rate drops to 32% if the cancer has metastasized. Bill Claudina Steve Wilensky District 1 754-3754 District 2 293-7907 Merita Callaway District 3 728-3800 Thomas Tryon Hussell L. Thomas District 4 District 5 736-4845 785-2020 In California, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men in almost all race/ethic groups. More men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in California than any other state. California also has the highest number of deaths from the disease. This year, 22,600 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the state and 2,970 men will die of the disease. FISCAL IMPACTS: There is no fiscal impact to the Calaveras County IMPACT ON OTHER DEPARTMENTS: No other departments are impacted. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF CALAVERAS STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month- September 2008 A Resolution to designate September 2008 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. WHEREAS, prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in America, exceeded only by skin cancer and the second most cause of death in men, exceeded only by lung cancer; and WHEREAS, the American Cancer Society estimates I in 6 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime and there will be 186,320 new cases of the disease in the USA in 2008, resulting in 28,660 deaths; and WHEREAS, in California, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in almost all race and ethnic groups and African-American men are 50% more likely to develop this disease than any other group of men; and WHEREAS, 22,600 men in California will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and each day more than 8 California men will die from this disease; and WHEREAS, prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths in men and little is known about this disease and there are usually no symptoms in the early stages; and WHEREAS, the survival rate approaches 100% when prostate cancer is diagnosed and treated early, but drops to 32% when the disease spreads to the other parts of the body; and WHEREAS, early detection is the key to survival and the American Cancer Society recommends that every man should be offered an annual prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test and digital rectal examination (ORE) determined by his age and risk factor; and WHEREAS, men who have several close relatives who were diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age could begin their testing at age 40; and WHEREAS, men who have a father, son, or brother who had prostate cancer before age 65 and African-Americans should begin their testing at age 45; and WHEREAS, all other men who have a life expectancy of at least 10 years should begin their testing at age 50; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Calaveras County joins communities across our nation to increase the awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of this disease, and now, therefore be it THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Calaveras, State of California, do hereby designate September 2008 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. ON A MOTION by Supervisor , seconded by Supervisor , the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Calaveras, State of California, September 2, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENT: C hair, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Calaveras CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA SUBMITTAL ITEM TITLE Resolution Authorizing Additions, Deletions and Changes to County Fees Per the Attached Schedule A, Effective October 1, 2008 County Administrative Office Dept: Shirley Ryan, Assistant CAO Contact: 754-6304 Phone: Published Notice Required? Public Hearing Required? BOARD MEETING DATE AGENDA NUMBER September 2, 2008 Supervisorial District Number All Yes: Yes: No: No: X X DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution authorizing additions, deletions and changes to County Fees per attached Schedule. SUMMARY: The adoption of this resolution with authorize the attached changes to the County Master Fee Schedule per the direction of the Board of Supervisors at the August 19, 2008 Study Session. FINANCING: Revenues will be adjusted accordingly for the FY2008/09 Final Budget. The revisions to the Master Fee Schedule will be effective October 1, 2008. DISCUSSION: On August 19, 2008, the County Administrator's Office held its annual Study Session with the Board of Supervisors to review all current County Fees as part of the budget process. In preparation for that study session, the Master Fee Schedule was distributed to all Department Heads for their review. Those departments requesting additions, deletions or revisions to the current Master Fee Schedule submitted their proposals to the Administrator's Office. The Administrator's Office compiled those requests for the Board's review and comments during the 1 August 19 h Study Session. Based on the direction of the Board at this study session, staff is recommending the adoption of a resolution authorizing the attached changes to the Master Fee Schedule. ALTERNATIVES: The Board of Supervisors may choose not to adopt the attached resolution. If that is the decision of the Board, then fees will remain the same and associated revenues will be budgeted at the lower levels for FY 2008/09. Board of Supervisors Agenda Submittal Subject: County Fees Resolution Date: September 2, 2008 - Page 2 OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: All Department Heads received a copy of the current Master Fee Schedule. They had the opportunity to review and submit proposed changes to the County Administrator's Office for inclusion in the August 19th study session for the Board's consideration. DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGNATURE: Robert C. Lawton, County Administrator Date ATTACHMENT A: Resolution Authorizing Additions, Deletions and Changes to County Fees ATTACHMENT 8: Schedule A- Proposed Changes to County Master Fee Schedule 1 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF CALAVERAS STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2 3 Authorize Additions, Deletions and Changes to County Fees Per the Attached Schednle A Effective October I, 2008 RESOLUTION 4 08- 5 WHEREAS, County fees are established under a variety of Authorities, but are set by the 6 7 8 County by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, in preparation for Final Budget, has reviewed 9 proposed changes to County Fees during a Study Session on August 19, 2008. 10 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors authorizes the 11 additions, deletions and changes to County Fees as put forth in the attached Schedule A effective 12 October 1, 2008. 13 14 ON A MOTION BY Supervisor , seconded by Supervisor , the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted this 15 , 2008, by the following vote: 16 17 AYES: 18 NOES: 19 ABSENT: 20 ABSTAINED: 21 22 Chair, Board of Supervisors 23 24 TTEST: ounty Clerk and Ex -Officio Clerk to the Board 26 f Supervisors, County of Calaveras, State of 27 28 alifornia day of Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August 12, 2008 Fee Fee Itemization Categor Jrd Appraisal Record Fax 1cteristics on CO Entire County lcteristics on CD Quarterly Update Comparable Sales ales ps Assessor's Maps Base List & Formatting ps-AutoCAD format Assessor's Maps 18"X24" Labels 24" X 36" 36" X II olleeVper fool l Verification Request Addtl Standardized Layers/per layer Addtl Custom Layers/per layer Square Footge Verification SpliVCombine ~Request Tax Clearance lo per parcel Tax Default Information )S earch lesearch Electronic Maps - per Page Prop 58 or Prop 60 Claim filed Late Cadastral Research - hourly rate Assessment Research - hourly rate eserve Fees eserve Fees Request for lot line adjustmenVper parcel Request for lot line adjustmenVper parcel-over 4 hours, addt! per Hr ration Marina, park or complex owning utility meters-Location Fee Utility submeter fee-Device Fee Scales other than Livestock, Capacity ;::.1 0,000#-Location Fee Scales other than Livestock, Capacity 2::1 0,000#"-Device Fee Scales other than Livestock, Capacity 2,000-1 0,0003-Location Fee Scales other than Livestock, Capacity 2,000·1 0,0003-Device Fee Propane truck or dispenser-Location Fee Propane truck or dispenser-Device Fee Wholesale and vehicle meters-Location Fee Wholesale and vehicle meters-Device Fee All other commercial weighin or measuring devices-Location Fee All other commercial weighin or measuring devices-Device Inspection/per hr App. For New Ag. Preserve App. For New Ag. Preserve-Over 7 hours, additional per hour 1p 60 Claim Late File Fee ration ration ration ration ration ration ration ration ration ration ration ·eserve Fees ·eserve Fees Schedule A Authority by Fees Effective Proposed Fees Other Fee which established 7/1/2007 8/12/2008 Information GC6253b & R& T 40812 GC6253b & R& T 409 R&T 408.3 GC6253.9b & R& T 408.3 GC6253b & R& T 409 GC6253b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R&T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 41 0 GC6253.9b & R& T 412 GC6253.9b & R& T 413 GC6253.9b & R& T 414 GC6253.9b & R& T 415 GC6253.9b & R& T 416 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R& T 409 GC6253.9b & R&T 409 7/1/2007 6/21/2004 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2007 7/1/2002 7/1/2007 7/1/2005 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 New New BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 06-150 84-09 75-489 06-150 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 6/21/2004 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 $10.00 $2.00 $4,000.00 $500.00 $25.00 $2.00 $35.00 $0.15 $12,500.00 $10.00 $15.00 $7.50 $2.00 $7.50 $6.00 $125.00 $75.00 $8.00 $5.00 $100.00 $60.00 $48.00 New New $80.00 $1.60 $80.00 $200.00 $80.00 $120.00 $80.00 $140.00 $80.00 $20.00 $80.00 $16.00 $85.00 $549.50 $78.50 $10.25 $3.00 $4,400.00 $525.00 $30.00 $2.50 $50.00 $0.20 $14,500.00 $20.00 $30.00 $9.00 $4.00 $9.00 $6.25 $135.00 $90.00 $9.25 $5.25 $150.00 $65.00 $50.00 $344.00 $86.00 $100.00 Late Fee-50% of fee $2.00 Late Fee-50% of fee $100.00 Late Fee-50% of fee $250.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 Late Late Late Late Fee-50% Fee-50% Fee-50% Fee-50% of of of of fee lee lee lee $175.00 Late Fee-50% of fee $100.00 $25.00 $100.00 $20.00 $86.00 $602.00 $86.00 Late Late Late Late Fee-50% Fee-50% Fee-50% Fee-50% of of of of lee lee lee lee Schedule A Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August 12, 2008 Fee Cateaorv eserve Fees eserve Fees eserve Fees eserve Fees eserve Fees eserve Fees eserve Fees I Fee Itemization App. To Divide Existing Ag Preserve/per parcel App To Divide Existing Ag Presrve/per parcel-Over 4 hr, addtl per Hr Request to amend existing Preserve Request to amend existing Preserve-Over 4 hrs, additional per hour Request to Non-renew Ag. Preserve Change of Ownership Change of Ownership-Over 4 hours, additional per hour Authority by which established Ord. 1938 BOS Resolution BOS Resolution BOS Resolution BOS Resolution BOS Resolution BOS Resolution 06-150 75-489 06-150 06-150 04-158 06-150 Other Food Prep Temporary Food Facility- Annual Permit Mobile Food Facility - Annual Permit ~Oversight s s s s s s s s s s s s ·s ·s Vending Machines PHF 1-3 machines Vending Machines PHF 4-6 machines Contaminated Site Remediation /per hour Plan check (9 hour minimum) Plan check (9 hour minimum) Plan check (5 hour minimum) Plan check (2 hour minimum) Annual Operating Permit Annual Operating Permit Annual Operating Permit Annual Operating Permit Annual Operating Permit Annual Operating Permit Enforcement Actions (one hour minimum) Amendments - hourly rate Applications - hourly rate Public Works (50% hourly rate) Bed & Breakfast Annual Permit Restaurant (<375 sq ft) Annual Permit Restaurant (>375 sq ft) Annual Permit Restaurant w/Bar-Addtl Annual Fee Bar Only Annual Permit Market (<2000 sq ft) Annual Permit Market (>2000 sq ft) Annual Permit Market w/Food Prep Facilities Addtl Annual Fee Bakery Annual Permit Special Event Permit (1 hr. Minimum) Pre-Packaged Plan Check-New Facility Plan Check-New Facility-Over 3 hr. addtllper hr Plan Check-Remodel/per hour 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New Catering 'ater System r System i-14 Connections) aiance, Exemption or Waiver rater System, "15-24 Connections 'ater System, 25-99 Connections 'ater System, 100-199 Connections t Non-Community Water System 1-Community Water System later System Actions Jments ation ication Fees Effective Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98·205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 BOS Res. 07-099 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 $314.00 $78.50 $314.00 $78.50 $157.00 $314.00 $78.50 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New $174.00 $261.00 $305.00 $87.00 $174.00 $261.00 $348.00 $87.00 $261.00 $87.00 $131.00 $348.00 $87.00 $87.00 Proposed Fees 8/12/2008 Other Fee Information $344.00 $86.00 $344.00 $86.00 $172.00 $344.00 $86.00 $89.00 Late fee 50% of fee $69.00 Late fee 50% of fee $178.00 Late fee 50% of fee $89.00 Late fee 50% of fee $89.00 $134.00 $89.00 $801.00 $801.00 $445.00 $178.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $445.00 $276.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $45.00 $178.00 Late fee 50% of fee $267.00 Late Late Late Late Late Late Late Late $312.00 $89.00 $178.00 $267.00 $356.00 $89.00 $267.00 $89.00 $134.00 $356.00 $89.00 $89.00 fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee 50% of of of of of of of of 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee Late fee 50% of fee Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August 12, 2008 Fee Cateaor Fee Itemization Other Plan Check/Review/per hour am One Time Registration Fee am Annual Permit a Permits Public Pool/Spa Annual PermiVper pool/spa a Plan Checks Public Pool/Spa Plan Check Public Pool/Spa Plan Check-Over 4 hr addtl/per hr a Plan Checks )US Waste Generator Element Geneerate Waste Oil and Antifreeze Only/per site )US Waste Generator Element Generate<1 00 kg/mo. )US Waste Generator Element Generate>100 kg/mo, but <1000 kg/mo )US Waste Generator Element Generate >1000 kg/mo )US Waste Generator Element Tiered Permit-Conditionally Exempt Stand Alone JUS Waste Generator Element Tiered Permit*Conditionally Auth. Stand Alone Jus Waste Generator Element Tiered Permit*Permit by Rule (PBR) JUS Waste Generator Element Tiered Permit-Permit by Rule-Temporary HHW JUS Waste Generator Element Tiered Permt-Permit by Rule-Permanent HHW round Storane Tank Prog (LIA} Temporary Closure Permit/per tank Permanent Closure Permit/per tank round Stora~Je Tank Prog (UA) eplacement Change of Ownership-per site eplacement Separate Tank Plan Chedk & Install-1st tank Separate Tank Plan Check & lnstall*ea addtl tank eplacement Separate Piping Plan Check & Install-per facility eplacement eplacement Separate Dispenser Plan Ck & Install-per facility eplacement Full Tank System PlanCk & Install-per facility eplacement Over 1o Hours-additional/per hour Tank Fee Annual Tank Fee/per tank anks <11 00 gal capacity (Non-LIA} Permanent Closure PermiVper tank 1 Oil Tanks <11 00 gal capacity (Non·l Permanent Closure Permit/per tank 1P Element Farm Only/per facility 1P Element UST Facility 1P Element 1-5 Chemicals per facility 1P Element 6-10 Chemicals per facility iP Element 11-15 Chemicals per facility 1P Element 16-20 Chemicals per facility 1P Element 21+ Chemicals per facility 1P Element Change of Ownership over 1.5/per hour 1P RMP Plan Review-per site 1P RMP Plan Review-Over 6 hours additional-per hour iP CaiARP Annual Fee 1P CUPA Enforcement Acitivity fee/per hour iervice Charge Other CUPA Plan Ck!Wkplan Review/Site mitgtn >ervice Charge Meth Lab Remediation/hourly rate (AB 1078) onse Service Response Services Well Permit Application Well Abandonment/Destruction Well Deepening/Modification Permit Granted After Failure to Apply Schedule A Fees Effective 7/1/2007 Authority by which established Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Health & Safety 119303 Health & Safety 119303 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 BOS Resolution 02-1 9 BOS Resolution 02-19 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 BOS Resolution 02-19 BOS Resolution 02-19 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 04-175 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Resolution 02-19 Resolution 04-175 Resolution 06-150 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 $87.00 $87.00 $174.00 $218.00 $435.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $131.00 $174.00 $174.00 $261.00 $261.00 $174.00 $261.00 $174.00 $435.00 $348.00 $609.00 $87.00 $522.00 $435.00 $870.00 $87.00 $218.00 $174.00 $174.00 $87.00 $87.00 $174.00 $218.00 $261.00 $305.00 $348.00 $87.00 $522.00 $87.00 $348.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $348.00 $174.00 $174.00 $696.00 Proposed Fees 8/12/2008 $89.00 $89.00 $178.00 $223.00 $445.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $134.00 $178.00 $178.00 $267.00 $267.00 $178.00 $267.00 $178.00 $445.00 $356.00 $623.00 $89.00 $534.00 $445.00 $890.00 $89.00 $223.00 $178.00 $178.00 $89.00 $45.00 $178.00 $223.00 $267.00 $312.00 $356.00 $89.00 $534.00 $89.00 $356.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $356.00 $178.00 $178.00 $712.00 Other Fee Information Late Late Late Late fee fee fee fee 50% 50% 50% 50% of of of of fee fee fee fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee Late fee 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% of of of of of of of of of fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee Late Late Late Late Late Late 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% of of of of of of fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee fee Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August12,2008 Fee Gate or Fee Itemization Well Permit Renewal Well Re-lnspection Monitoring We!! Permit/per site 1forcement Prog. (LEA) 1forcement Prog. (LEA) later System (LIA) 1 fehicles nent Fees nent Fees nentFees nent Fees nent Fees nent Fees nent Fees nent Fees nent Fees nent Fees and Services and Services and Services arch Fee Fees Fees. Fees Fees Other Temporary/Mobile~Annual Permit ~ ~ Office Office - Office - Office - Office - Office ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;) Monitoring Well Permit/each addtl Well Test Hole Canst/Destruct 1~5 holes/per parcel Welt Test Hole ConsVDestruct6-1 o holes/per parcel Well Test Hole Const!Destruct 11·20 holes/site/per parcel Cathodic Well Permit Geothermal Heat Exchange Well Permit Public Water System Well Permit Vapor Recovery Weii-Undergrd Star. Tank-pr site Vapor Recovery Well-Undergrd Star. Tank-each addtl Integrated Waste Mgmt Program (LEA)/per hour Solid Waste Vehicle Annual Permit/per vehicle Small Public Water System Program/per hour CURFFUCai-Code Water System Liquid Waste Vehicle Annual Permit/per vehicle Tentative Parcel Map Tentative Subdivision Tract Map Zone Changes Conditional Use Permits Variances General Plan Changes Planned Development Accessory Dwelling Administrative Use Permt Environmental Impact Report Organized Camp Annual Permit/per camp Organized Camp Plan Check/per Camp Organized Camp Plan Check-Over 4 hr Addtl/per hr All Programs Administrative-Appeal/Office Hearings Refund Request Processing Charge On~Site Consultation/Special Inspection Request File Review Requests~ Time Spenet (per 1/2 hour) Review Review Review Review Review Review Tentative Parcel Map~ 1 hour minimum Tentative Subdivision Tract Map~ 1 hr minimum Zone Changes Conditional Use Permits Variances General Plan Changes Schedule A Authority by Fees Effective 7/1/2007 which established BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Res. 07-099 Resolution 06· 150 Resolution 06·150 Minute Order Minute Order BOS Res. 07-099 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BOS 98-205 Ord. 2415, BDS 98-205 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 BOS Res. 07-099 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/t/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 $87.00 $174.00 $348.00 $87.00 $348.00 $435.00 $522.00 $435.00 $435.00 $348.00 $348.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $174.00 $174.00 $261.00 $435.00 $87.00 $174.00 $87.00 $435.00 $174.00 $174.00 $174.00 $348.00 $522.00 $522.00 $55.00 $87.00 $174.00 $25.00 $87.00 $43.50 Ord. 2415, BDS 98-205 7/1/2007 $261.00 Resolution 06-150 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 BOS Resolution 98-205 Resolution 04-175 BOS Res. 07-099 Minute Order New New New New New New New New New New New New Proposed Fees Other Fee 8/12/2008 Information $89.00 $178.00 $356.00 $89.00 $356.00 $445.00 $534.00 $445.00 $445.00 $356.00 $356.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 $178.00 $i78.00 $267.00 $445.00 $89.00 $178.00 $89.00 $445.00 $178.00 $178.00 $178.00 $356.00 $534.00 $534.00 $89.00 $89.00 $178.00 $25.00 $89.00 $45.00 Late fee 50% of fee Late fee 50% of fee Late fee 50% of fee Late fee 50% of fee Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Late fee 50% of fee Late fee 50% of fee Delete $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Collected by Planning Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August12,2008 Fee Gate or - Office Review , - Office Review , - Office Review , - Office Review lS review rmll rmit al al ion ment ion Variance on cation cation 1rch Fee , ~ On-site , · On-site · · On-site 1 - On-site Fee Itemization Planned Development Accessory Dwelling Administrative Use Permit Environmental Impact Report Experimental System Monitoring Other New New New New New New Soil morphology, 3 hour minimum Soil morphology, Over 3 hours Soil morphology, 2 hours Standard System Engineered System Standard System Engineered System Extension of Time Replacement of Tank Destruction of Tank Administrative Variance Re-inspection Other Engineered Engineered Additional Public Works Building Department Research fee, per hour 1 hr minimum Tentative Parcel Map· 4 hour minimum Tentative Subdivision Tract Map~5 hr minimum Tentative Parcel Map- Over 4 hours Tentative Subdivision Tract Map~ Over 5 hours :uments Copy Fees ;uments Copy Fees ees tiner Assistant (UDA) ont Assistant (LDA) Certified Birth Record Certified Death Certificate Recording Bond of Prof. Photocopier-1st page Recording UDA-1st page Recording UDA-1 st page ElR Documentary Handling Fee d Replacement Fees Jan Fee ;ms Library Card Replacement Replace lost Interlibrary loan paperwork Not in the Calaveras or 49-99 collections Fees Effective 7/1/2007 Authority by which established 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 12/18/2007 H Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Schedule A H&S Code 10605 H&S Code 10605 B&P 22352 B&P 6405b,c B&P 6405b,c F&G 711.4d & e New New New New New New New New New Proposed Fees 8/12/2008 $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 $77.00 $924.00 $77.00 $225.00 $75/hr $150.00 $375.00 $450.00 $188.00 $263.00 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $150.00 $75/hr $150.00 $75/hr $75/hr $38.00 $38.00 $75/hr $300.00 $375.00 $75/hr $375.00 $231.00 $77/hr $154.00 $385.00 $462.00 $193.00 $231.00 $77.00 $154.00 $154.00 $308.00 $154.00 $77/hr $154.00 $77/hr $77/hr $39.00 $39.00 $77/hr $308.00 $385.00 $77/hr $385.00 $15.00 $13.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $25.00 $14.00 $12.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $50.00 New New New $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 Other Fee Information Collected Collected Collected Collected by by by by Planning Planning Planning Planning Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August 12, 2008 Fee Cate(JOr Fee Itemization Schedule A Authority by which established Fees Effective 7/1/2007 :h day library is open j Replacement Fees Pamphlets/per day (max. fine $1) Pamphlets As set by BOS As set by BOS rator License Vehicle ual Renewal Fee Dealer Licensing Licensing Fee Each Vehicle Fee Annual Renewal Fee Renewal Fee - every two years Daily Vehicle Storage Fee Ord. No. 2561 Ord. No. 2561 Ord. No. 2561 B&P Code 21641 & 21642 Ord. 10.28.030 Administrative Parolee Dentention County Fee 4024 P.C. & BOS Resolutic State of California ~ntion aled Weapon mit mit I Copies I Copies tse Fee >Use Juse Juse Juse Juse Juse Juse ::es ::es ces ces ces ces ces ces Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs New New New New New $0.20 $1.00 New New New New New Other Fee 8/12/2008 Information Delete Delete $100.00 $15.00 $50.00 $15.00 $30.00 Fingerprinting Clearance Letter Release towed vehicles County BOS County BOS County BOS BOS Res 87-411, Gov Cod BOS Res 87·411, Gov Cod Resolution 06-150 7/1/2005 2002. 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2006 $20.00 $59.00 $50.00 $70.00 $70.00 $16.00 $20.00 $60.00 Per weekend Courts 7/1/2005 $30.00 Intensive Out Patient Program (lOP) Phase I- per month Intensive Out Patient Program (lOP) Phase II -per month Intensive Out Patient Program (lOP) Phase Ill- per month Aftercare Program - per month Primary Intervention Program Individual Session Fee- per hour to per half hour Youth Treatment Program- per month CCR, Health & Safety, & CCR, Health & Safety, & CCR, Health & Safety, & CCR, Health & Safety, & CCR, Health & Safety, & BOS Resolution 06·150 BOS Resolution 07·099 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $400.00 $20/half hr $65.00 $88.00 $88.00 $88.00 $88.00 $440.00 $22/per half hr $72.00 Hepatitis Alper shot Hepatitis B/per shot Twinrix Combination Hepatitis A & B/per shot Tetanus/Diptheria/per shot Pediatric Vaccine Administration, per dose Tuberculin Skin Test Influenza Vaccine Administration, per dose Pregnancy Test Medical Marijuana ID Card BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 4/3/2006 $41.00 $47.00 $61.00 $42.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $30.00 $45.00 $43.00 $50.00 $65.00 $45.00 $14.00 $15.00 $15.00 $31.00 $102.00 Under 100 lbs Over 100 lbs. (SAP) (SAP) (SAP) (SAP) (SAP) (SAP) (SAP) 11/1/2001 11/1/2001 Proposed Fees Res 04-158 Res 04·158 Res 05-115 Res 05-115 Res 05-115 Res 05·115 - Minute Order PC PC PC PC PC $30.00 $77.17 $53.00 $74.00 $74.00 $17.00 $21.00 $63.00 Delete Schedule A Proposed Changes To County Master Fee Schedule August 12, 2008 Fee Cateaor Fee Itemization Minor Grading: plan review & inspection Engineered Grading; plan review & inspection =ees =ees Fees Fees Fees !S !S !S !S Encroachment Permit License Agreements Reinspection Fee Extension of Time Road Abandonment Parcel Map Checking Final Map Checking Record of Survey Public Use Easement Vacation IS Summary Vacation IS Lot Line Adjustment Application Certificate of Compliance Estimated Costs <$10,000 Estimated Costs <$10,000 Estimated Costs $10,000-$49,999 Estimated Costs $10,000-$49,999 Estimated Costs $50,000·$99,999 Estimated Costs $50,000-$99,999 Estimated Costs $100,000-$399,999 U or HS to resource zones or PS U or HS to all other zones All Others Development Agreement Tentative Subdivision Tract Map Two Parcels Three Parcels Four Parcels Conditional Use Permit Planned Development Permit Accessory Dwelling Permit Planning Dept. As-Built (Planning Commission) Environmental Impact Report Administrative Use Permit IS ment Plan Check ment Inspection ment Plan Check ment Inspection -ment Plan Check ·ment Inspection 'ment Inspection Jment Jment Jment Jment division Tract Map oel Map oel Map oel Map se Permit :lopment Permit lfelling Permit II Impact Report :Use Permit =>Ianning Photocopies, per copy for 3 copies or more Fees Effective 7/1/2007 Authority by which established New New G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 New G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2449 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2559 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 &. Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 G.C 54985 & Co. Ord 2181 New New Proposed Fees 8/12/2008 $900.00 Deposit: Time & Matis $1,250.00 Deposit: Time & Matis 6/21/2004 $200.00 $500.00 7/1/2005 $200.00 $500.00 1/17/1991 $50.00 $75.00/per hr 6/21/2004 $15.00 $38.00/per 1/2 hr 6/21/2004 $510.00 $1,275.00 6/21/2004 $560.00 $1,020.00 6/21/2004 $820+ $20 per lot $1640+ $40 per lot 6/21/2004 $200.00 $500.00 6/21/2004 $465.00 $1,162.50 6/21/2004 $215.00 $537.50 6/21/2004 $170.00 $425.00 6/21/200410+ $60 per parcel $800+ $120 per parcel 11/20/1995 $300.00 $600.00 11/20/1995 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 11/20/1995 $500.00 $1,000.00 11/20/1995 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 11/20/1995 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 11/20/1995 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 11/20/1995 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 7/1/2005 $125.00 $250.00 7/1/2005 $125.00 $250.00 7/1/2005 $125.00 $250.00 7/1/2005 $125.00 $250.00 7/1/2005 $1500/Actual Cst $3000/Actual Cost 7/1/2005 $BOO/Actual Cst $1600/Actual Cost 7/1/2005 $BOO/Actual Cst $1600/Actual Cost 7/1/2005 $BOO/Actual Cst $1600/Actual Cost 7/1/2005 $380.00 $760.00 7/1/2005 $350.00 $700.00 7/1/2005 $170.00 $340.00 7/1/2005 $210.00 $420.00 7/1/2005 $210.00 $420.00 7/1/2005 $1400/Actual Cst $2800/Actual Cost 7/1/2005 $125.00 $250.00 $0.25 Other Fee Information $0.50 Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis . Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis Deposit: Time & Matis iP'U!JB;;L.!C ~ CALAV'E~AS; w o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael H. Miller, Interim Director August 11, 2008 TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Michael H. Millet1fn.terim Director Prepared by Deborah Mullen, Public Works Analys~ SUBJECT: Resolution Accepting as Complete All Road Improvements and Authorizing Release of Security for Fairway Village Subdivision, TSTM 02-07 !1ft'• R£COMM£NDA TION The Department recommends the Board adopt the attached resolution accepting as complete all road improvements and authorizing release of security for Fairway Village Subdivision, TSTM02-07. DISCUSSION On Januaty 13, 2003, the Board approved TSTM 02-07 for Fairway Village Subdivision. The project consists of dividing 2.49 acres into 24lots, and a common area. Pursuant to Section 66462 of the Government Code and Resolution 04-255 the developer entered into a Subdivision Agreement and posted security to guarantee completion of all required road improvements. All of the required road improvements have been constructed in substantial conformance with the approved plans, and to the satisfaction of Public Works. The security can now be released. FISCAL IMPACT All staff costs associated with this action are reimbursed by the applicant. Adoption of the recommended action will have no impact to the general fund. 0TH£R D£PARTM£NT IN VOL V£M£NT None. MM/DM/tw 891 Mou11tai11 Ra11ch Road ~ Sa11 A11dreas ~ CA ~ 95249-9709 Customer Service (209) 754-6402 ~ Fax (209) 754-6664 ~ Email: [email protected]/ Web: http:// 1V1V1JJ. co. calaveras. ca. us/ departments/ public _JPorks. asp H:IBOS\HOAD MAitm02·07 TSTM FAIHWAY VlllAGE_SECURITY HELEASE_SRDOC BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2 COUNTY OF CALAVERAS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO., _ _ __ ACCEPTING AS COMPLETE ALL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF SECURITY FOR FAIRWAY VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, TSTM 02-07 6 7 WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors by Resolution 04-255, dated August 23, 2004, 8 approved a Subdivision Agreement to guarantee completion of road improvements for 9 Fairway Village Subdivision, Tentative Subdivision Tract Map 02-07; and, 10 WHEREAS, the Developer provided acceptable security in the form of a letter of 11 credit from 1" National Bank of Nevada, for "Labor and Materials" and for "Performance" 12 each in the amount of $388,354.00; and, 13 14 15 WHEREAS, all road improvements have been constructed in substantial conformance with the approved plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County 16 of Calaveras, State of California does hereby accept as complete road improvements for 17 Fairway Village Subdivision, Tentative Subdivision Tract Map 02-07. 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that security issued by 1'' National Bank of Nevada, 19 for Fairway Village Subdivision Tract Map 02-07 is hereby released. 20 I II I II 23 IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII 24 II I II I 21 22 25 26 21 28 IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII R:\BOS\Road Maiut\02-07 TSTM Fairway Villagc_Security Rclcasc_RESO.doc Resolution No. 2 Page 2 ON A MOTION BY Supervisor--------~ seconded by Supervisor 3 ---------~ 4 Board of Supervisors of the County of Calaveras, State of California, this ___ day of the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the 2008, by the following vote: 5 6 AYES: 7 NOES: 8 ABSENT: 9 ABSTAIN: 10 Chair, Board of Supervisors 11 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 16 County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, County of Calaveras, California 17 18 19 MHM/DM/tw 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R:\BOS\Road Maint\02·07 TSTM Fairway Village_Security Rclease_RESO.doc II =·- I! III I t I =n:: A !€VAD/l. COOPORATKW. WANAG(R LOU A. PAPAIS AN0 JJDt£ CAJN-PM'NS TRUSl!ES r:F TH< CAIN-PAPI.I$ ll!UST r:E 2002 BENEFlOARIES IJiiOER lHE DUD Cf" ffiUST RECQRDE!li<S WST. HO. 21Xn-24270 "6f'.._..._LL BY: F/<JR:f/AY \'IU).G(.ltC. A CAlJFffiNIA tMTED UAllll.lTY COI.!P»>Y B'I':HA.~ctlNSlR'JCi!Cfl, "'"~; ik.; -&? ; JJ1liE CAIN--f'AP.'JS, 'IRliS FIRST WlliCf./.11. 8.001 r:£ ARlZI)IA I3ENEf'l(lAA'( IJ!it!a! THE OCIDS Of lRUST RECQRDE!l AS ilSTS. NO. 2004--15969, WDH:,Ib&@rn: DATED OWNERS: SToUE Cf ~..V£wf1><9 COOiffi' a- "'11-Htttf" COUNTY SURVEYOR'S SfA1EMENT l BRUa.: R. CHnD .R, HEREBY CERTifY lHAT I 1JI lHE COOUlY Sl.IR\Otfl r:F. CALA'>Ul.OS CCIU!ITY. CAIJFORNIA; THAT I HA'IE OWl:!IED THE "11\THI)( )!,o.p NlD THAT THE SUBOIVISlOO .OS SHO"Ii!l THffiEIN tiES 'A\THFH »> UNrnCORI'OR.O.ltO AREA W0 IS SUSST.o.NTIAU.Y THE SAllE AS IT APP£.I.Rf1) 00 lH( IDITATM SUBO!v.setl ~~~ J"Wt~~wr~.~~~lif.Ji?ll~~~m.IFPUCIJJl[ ENGlli"EER: FMIWAY llt.!AG£. llC 826 RQ.Kl liAY ~Jill_fJ~Jn £Uri t8i:3.~mt:::.-& ~~W' ~OMR AT THE 1M r:F. loPf"R(NAJ.. Of THE TUHATII£ l.l.o.P HA'IE BWl COUPUEO 1'111H I JJI. SATISFlEO THAT 1HE ~,o.p IS U:O!I«..JJ.Y CORRfCT. lOOE ENGNURftlG INC. P.O. SOX 10 AlTA'f.U.E. CA. 95221 ~IIV.~\0 SAliSFACTCfff EW:lEIICE TO 8E M PERSON 'fiHOSt: WJ.IE IS SIJBSCII:IB[D TO M 'MTliiN INSTlAAIEHT Mtl A~ TO ME THAT liE o:ECUIDI iHt S.I.Lit IN IllS ~CAPACITY. 00 THAT SY tGS SIGNATURE: 00 TIE INSTRI!Ioi<NT M PERS00. CR THE OOlTY ti?Cfl OCH.W if 'lltllOl THf.: PERSON ACJU), D:£CUIDI THE ~ENT. SY: NOi"AAI'S.PRiNTID 1W.1E ::dl'duJ&l&:;b · "£k~"~'>,f!'~~S~="--- ~lJrr~{J"CM"&:li\rer.w. ~"'.l'olf'~~ci:i~~!!'!~-~~;!_~~ . 2004 BEFCflE 1.1£. :f. Ger!'Mil PEI'SCWUY .1mAAED tOO A. P.o.Pm &: ..1JOiE CAIN-P.o.PJJS, PROW TO I.!E 00 THE oo Jup! po I ~ 'U{( ~" ott, ~ Gu"'~~ 0 "r~ = "'"'"'"' ( NOTES ri'/.J:U1 10. -:J..tJo _..,- ~·~· :~~~~ .. cJ DATED: N®CU: ff~.?-(Jif CO UNIT CLERK'S STA1EMENT l KARON VARW, H!JlE1lY CERTifY 1HAT l 1JI ll-1£ afRK (:f TrlE B0AA0 (:f SJPUlVISCRS Of C\l..I,\I£RAS CCUtilY: THAT THE BOAAO BElNG li-IE l'llCP£F! Al'i'ROVING SCXJY, llA$ .I.PPRO\otD M: \llllllN" Of FAIRWAY llli.AGE ~'<ISlON. TRACT ~-~s :~?UB~i~M~!~'Ust,'fo~\I'Cfnit~~~ ::U"M~~ OFF£R$ ~ DEOIO.TICIN FOO $10'!~ ORAIW.GE AA£ RU:CliD AT lKS llllt BY:~ XAA£!,1 VAA!ll CCi:!Mffb..ERK ~IT 0 l.TOTAl~ISz.S<~ .;:r..._g, DATe: ~ O'PIRES !II'-··-'\'~ '\.! "' ~:,~~ \:t~D /!) ~ COOI<TY I)' COI.IJ.IlSSIW W -::t-1 .2004BUOREI.If. €w.t .:r..ts•£XM PERSONAl.!.Y Wf'f.IJliD 08-lf!IS 0. HARWS.. PROVED TO II£ 00 THE !lAStS {J" SATtSfACTCRY N.OOIO:: TlJ 8E lHE PERSON 'OHOSE IWoiE IS SUBSCR&II TO THE "1!\TH!!< INSTIMIENT ANO ACKNOVUOGED TO loiE THAT HE DEOJ1'ED THE SAil( 9<1 filS AIJTHCl<IZD> CAPWTY. Rl[) THAT SY !GS SlGNATI.IRE 00 THE INSIRUI.IDlT lH£ PmSCtl. !R TI£ ENTITY U'OO StJl'.lf (:f "MilO! M: PERSON ACTID. D:ECUTID Til( INSTiMIE:NT. NOTAAYS~ ~ i'" ~Y'"4.5 {J" ~...v'tro~A.I>o'l' COONlY (:f 1• 1.&:!, ....,- £:~~· "'"""' NOTAA"f"S ~liD IWoiE SM1'E - IOWI.O. COUNTY REDEMPTION OffiCER'S STATEMENT VIONITYMAP NOTARY'SSI'A1EMENT ~,.,I : 8i I. t'!NETIE /ICNFQK. IIEREBY CERTifY ·THAT 1 JJ.I THE REIJ(II?TIQl OffiCE:R Cf" CAU.I'Dl.IS CCI..INTY. CAUI'oo:NIA. lHAT ACCOR()If«; 10 Til( R(CORO (:f THIS oma:. THER£ AA£ /10 UENS AGA!NST THE REAl PRCI'ERlY POfffRA"IEO 00 THE 'MTHFH ll.o.P OR J.NY PORTION 1l!ffi£0( fOR lo.~Y U/1-P}.C() SMTf. IIUlliOPAl 00 LOCAL TJ.X£"5 OR SPEOIJ.. ~ COll.£l:lill .O.S TAl!S. £Xal'T TJ..XE:S OR SI'EO!.l. .osstS$IoiEIITS NOT TET PAYABlE """"""' Wi~l/(. Og' ~c~~ IN TilER .WTHORIZED CAPACITY. Al<tl THAT PERSCf!S. CR n£ ENTITY UPm Bf.ll.IJf if .J :~~! L.S.SWJ * Ef~14 Tk~1.USA:/ NOTARY'S STATEMENT DATE caaas:900 Sl.l~ OAIID"~ ~~;""£ lUi& ~~I All() .·t:\1~?"~"''"~ ~ R.e&ff f!Cs. "ia'fl• CIL\VW.S CCl..IN!Y liT HAlf}. II- ;i.o- :I.Oo7 :; ZB zoo4 JULY,2004 DEED REFERENCE: INST. NO: 2003-024275 NOTARY'S STATE.\fENT NOTAA"(S SQ!.I.TUR( .:;!'.tit.. Y :~ AND THE N.W. 1/4 OF SEGnON 35, T. 4 N., R 14 E., M.D.M~ BEING LOT A OF FOREST MEADOWS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN ON 20 ROS 75, CA1A VERAS COU!'.'TY, CAUFORNIA DENNIS D. HAAL!S, SENIM Y.a; PRESIOCNT ;:r~v.v n~ .G4fftt oc.o.'tlrcfc:am ' TRACT NO. 2002-07 AI. '~ARY"f -~ ?!l '§? OF A PORTION OFTHES.W.l/4 OF SECTION 26 2001-15971. 2004-1~5975 llln."ESS I. EUGOI£ L DfA\'8(. aJWfY 1\!AT! W A RE:QSltREO OW.. EOONEER ~ THE: STAT£ r:F. CAIJF!RNI.I.: THAT TH£ 0\MR AUlHOOIZED YE TO IJAJ<E THt: SlJR\18" OESC>IATED 00 lH( "MlWI I-lAP; THAT THE: SJfi\E"f IS TRVE mfJ CQI,jf'I.Dl: AS $1101\N 00 SIJJ I-lAP AHO WAS 1.4AOC UNE>ffi MY OCR<:CTION : ! 00 fURll!ER CERTifY "!HAT THE lletM.!t}ITS SHOll!< IIEREOO "fi'IU. at SET PRlOR TO OCCEI.!BDI 31. 2004 AH0 YIIU. 8E SUFfiCIUIT TO EN.~&£ THE SR\'EY TO 8( RElRACro. ,~n ~UJJr:ID!QJDWD~D©IM "-tfw, 0..<ZWft$ LOOr~~ffiUS """"""""' """""' [f£Drn1~£W s::: ,.., .~i SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THE t!llOERSCNID. S£lN(; 1HE PA.~TY llCIJl'.'lG A RECOOO nru: llilERBT IN 1HE WlOS ~ 00 THIS loW'. HERffiY o:.NSENT TO Til£ PR£PARAill)l AN0 REC®JAlnl r:£ THIS fl'l/.1. U,o.P mD !iEREII'f IRR[V()C.IlltY mil IN P£RPEJUITT CfFIR fal llEOICAilet< TH( EA5IIDiTS AAO SIII!TI R!Gii1S "Cf" WAY SHO'IItl !!!'REm FOO PUSUC Vra..mES .oJitl llRAIHAGC. llf.: Sli!fl)S IN THIS SUBDMSiOI'I AAE liOT CIFilRm FOO DmO.lJCtl fa! PUSUC US( ~ iH£Y ARE IHTENOCD TO BE I.WNTA!Nto 1<$ PRIV.O.l'E: SIRU:i RlCHTS r:F vtl'<'f "filL\. BE DEED-:0 TO.TI-i( FJ.lfr:IIAY VUJ.GE. UC ~ER$ ,j}_ J ~ OWNER'SSTA1EMENT BY: II Ea/1: T..-:xt.u(£1 NOTAA"f"S I'RII!IID WJ.IE W'A-:sh"''~ COONlY Of WoilllSSlCIN l.IIIH:IIJWI.OTSIZEISI929Sl:l.FT. "'• RECORDER'S SfA1EMENT t'>.. 3. NOAA£J.S.l80\Elll£1<'lll!>.TCREUVATICti(J'HI.MW, !J!WIA(;( ~All!: St&tl TO STCI!II ..-.o.TER oo..t<Oo\UCH. fU{) ~- ww~~~~~~~'13.~ IN 8()();....8.__0F S.IOOIII!lCNS AT MS__22__0AY Of~· 5.1l!EREI$£o.J811ttS(J'PRIVATE!!O.O.DS"IItll«NillS~S>::N. OU.I'ffiAS COONTY SJRVWR 6. T()TI.I.IUII:IOI Cf I.OIS IS :15 l)OCUI,<E}IT ~ro.200':I- lf{1olb KARW VARNI ~NTY~rooorn .;2:'18 2004. PAGE~AT Til( ~T...f.Y. ~ d c. REOIA:ST OF THE (J) SY: a~ -"0 ~lY 0 S>O:H ,:or~ I Q} .,Ji L 1111 .· : I II ' l - / / ----.._/ Ip ! ) / SCALE lH= 200' /..-/ / ,/ ,/ / ~~ /,,_,/;>\ ( .p::,m1 ~' !fi11s' e;,"- }' <{ / " 1 12<' / ---; / .... -.. /____ .,. ---,.. ----- I ;;:.~-r--r--r-f\,.,;; \;~.~ \ ~ \.";..>< '-. {.;1!.1 ~d:r \'!,'-\>"" \ /.,.--- ' . . ;:\; ; ( ...~_~, 'l I \ : \--- ,.~,....... 1 .-" \ -.....L ... ..v ................................... ___________ /' I 1 /' r~~ //" // ------~-----..) \ / ' '' ! / ' ' '' ' '' "-...---""- JULY,2004 FAIRWAY \1\lLAG<:. LLC !NST. NO. 2003 024275 ~~ :~~ . . _ ""t· I<:U,826"1: ~.,~ ', 34<2" / LOT A \.~ AC+/- >:..,.S> '' LEGEND 18"<5"W£ OI:NOll:S CAlCVU.tro PO!><T C«!.Y, 0 .19.J6" (R&I.<) LOT ,/ ~- ~~.,-- O"..NOll:S fli:CORO AN0 LOT 13' TH!: ~::.S. Of' OCARIN(;S Of' nilS SJR\>(Y IS 20 R0S 7:1. oW~ ~~· '".:;,;<'.7· ~·oo~ 23.50" EI.!C. !NC. O.R. 9206{51 NOTE: CAIN PAPAl$ TRUST IN$T. NO. 2002 26501 <;: LOT 12 •.' PO< 20 ROS 75. OWOll:S P\JBUC UTiliTY (ASI;UQIT . LOT 14 -~'='..;. ~o.= OO<OT£S DRAAI-.GE EASn<D<T. P.U.!:. .. •.M 2 LOT 1 ' ' '' g.;. LOT 3 / '' LOT 4 , J .' .' ~;_?;:, ~· f<:>:JNC OR SO". OC!<Oll:$ ro>J~Q 5/e" OiA. REEAA CAP!'(O ll.C.!:. 1e~· PO'< 20 RO$ 7:>. 0 1 LOT 5 ~"{)THIN(; DfJ"lOll:S 5% 01A. RUIAA cos><'Etl ll.C.!:. 1e.<'n. SO" T>0S S>!I!VI:Y. LOT 7 LOT 6 .• •. ••~ ~~ ·:~ ~- "~ ;g,':> ·• / ' if"' m :i {$" \ 123 ,~'· -~~ / '; I ''' '' ,§~~~ -:,f ~ff'" ,•• : '•~ f ,...-----.__,,_/ ~.PQ ! J.!;.SS(R , ) ------~............ o/<(j ,0 "' <¥,· ~n ,~= DEED REFERENCE: INST. NO: 2003 024275 o.c "\.'- --- ~$" ' ~q ' <S ' •" ' : ! I \ () , <..o«' ,."/ :' __~·· .#.;:. ",.~s·J:,tw ' ............ ' // '' !' ' \ / '',,/.:<:~;; / / .. ) \lS ' N~5"00".7;<l"1: \ / 1 '' '\ / / / / / / </"-...; ' // ,/ / 1 ,' /,- y / / ,.") -......._ '-, ./ / \ .. -. \' ( I ' '' ,." 'I>= J J \ ,_/ ,-" ~~ OF A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECI10N 26 ANDTHEN.W. Il4 OFSECfiON35, T.4N.,R 14E.,M.D.M., BEING LOT A OF FOREST MEADOWS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN ON 20 ROS 75, CALAVERAS COU!'.ffY, CALIFORNIA. .// .... "-- / Wft \ \ """' su:~s _,.-- I \,./ \ 211-?J __ -.., ! I / /"--..o P.U.£. ~!I TRAIT NO. 2002-07 ,/"' ,. _ .... -.... SU:OETAILA I AT RIGHT FOR / LOT A DIMENSIONS. / SEESHEE1"S3AND4 / FOR LOT DI~ENSlONS / 1 / _,--.r..-;,\ "t \ ~. . . -- e .~"" ~GJJ [ID[Q)D~D~D@!M -;- ... ;ro ROS ~ / /--.._ 2!!-5-.,.._, I'-...... I 'yj 1.01 / /1/ WTA. ;( 29-'' .,." A,21H ";:" ----,.<._,<&--1-y" _..... ....... ---- .-<..-\2s-1i'y" 20 ::;:~ V /' / ./; •t~' /;.:._~--?' / ,_5 ,/ ____ J ./ --- ,,.-'" / / / -.., z! / I:U / 1 /-, ·~ /"1 l " X /1221 /,. ,/ ) : /.:::. 2!!-V 1 / y -,, I /./ -1 \ '-,Ill <v?"' ,!'_~#1'19 "' """' ,. ) o0 1l2 ,$0( ~... , / _, 00 (_ ~~)(I /y / / .J',--'-#.~',,// I' ,-.... .<..'' / I / / ·~~ ;;:~ [f£D!%~&W ~DD:,D:o£@[g -----. /' '>- / , / 0 ,.--'( _,/ / / JL - J / / ,/ )I .J.'{,- (" ,- <f:' _,/ !"\ \' ------ / J <O " !'( ~- / --......, ~-/' ~-- // / I\I! I 0 "• ~"' ~ ror Cp~ <'"; ·:'c. ..., ~ 0 0 SIUT20f'S ----~--~-------- - I C2 -----.;:::.:-- Michael H. Miller, Interim Director August 11, 2008 TO: Board of Supervisors ;-11t . FROM: Michael H. Miller~terim Director Eugen~e::~ Surveyor SUBJECT: Appr~f the Final Map for Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract 2003-148 RECOMMENDA T/ON The Department recommends the Board adopt the attached final map for Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract 2003-148. DISCUSSION On April26, 2004, the Board conditionally approved the tentative map for Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract 2003-148. This subdivision lies in Darrington, northwest of Sierra Parkway, and creates twelve, residential lots. All the conditions of approvals have been completed as determined by our Planning Department and property taxes have been cleared by our Tax Collector as evidenced by the attached forms, and the map is complete. FISCAL IMPACT None. OTHER DEPARTMENT INVOLVEMENT We have clearance from our Planning Department as to conditions of approval of the tentative and the Tax Collector as to property taxes, attached hereto. Following Board approval, the map will be delivered to the Recorder for recording. EW/dr 891 Mountain Ranch Road I San A11dreas # CA I 95249-9709 Customer Service (209) 754-6402 # Fax (209) 754-6664 # Ev111il: [email protected]/ lPeb: http: I/ JVJVIV. co. calaveras. / departmeltls /pub li c_Jvorks. asp I~:\BQSISuJ\'CYorl03·1481'ini1l Map.J3if} Treos Est Su!Jdiviskln_SR.doc BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2 COUNTY OF CALAVERAS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3 4 5 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR BIG TREES NO. ESTATES SUBDIVISION, TRACT 2003-148 6 7 WHEREAS, on April 26, 2004, by the Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 04-105, conditionally approved Tentative Map 2003-148, for Big Trees Subdivision; and, 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the subdivider has satisfied all the conditions of approval set forth by the Planning Commission have been completed per the Planning Department, and the Tax Collector has cleared property taxes; and, II 12 13 WHEREAS, based on the facts as stated above, the Final Map of Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract No. 2003-148, is in substantial compliance with the conditioned tentative approval and is adequate for filing; and, 14 15 WHEREAS, there are irrevocably and in perpetuity offers for dedication to the public for public use any and all rights of way and easements that appear on this final map. 16 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the final map for Big Trees Estates Subdivision, Tract 2003-148 is hereby approved for filing; and, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors hereby directs the Recorde to record the Final Map. IIIII/ IIIII/ IIIII/ IIIII/ IIIII/ /IIIII /IIIII IIIII/ 28 R:\BOS\Surveyor\03- 148 Final Map_Big Trees Est Subdivision_RESO.doc RESOLUTION 2 No. Page 2 of2 ON A MOTION BY Supervisor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , seconded by Supervisor 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the 4 5 Board of Supervisors of the County of Calaveras, State of California, this ___ day of 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2008, by the following vote: 7 AYES: 8 NOES: 9 ABSENT: 10 1I ABSTAIN: 12 Chair, Board of Supervisors 13 14 ATTEST: 15 16 17 18 19 County Clerk and Ex -Officio Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, County of Calaveras, California GW/dr 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 R:\BOS\Surveyor\03-148 Final Map~Big Trees Est Subdivision... RESO.doc 0"-1007\TRIOLQ-FlNAU.DWG BIG TREES ESTATES SUBDIVISION T.S.T.M. 2003·148 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT t. EUG£NE L DEAVER COlllfY TH"T! AAI A REQSTERED 0\lll ENQNEER Of Tl"lE STATE OF CIIUFORNI"- TH"T THE OI'INERS AUTHORIZED ME TO MAA( THE "StJR\IEY DESIGNATED ON THE Vrtllil.'l U1.P; TilAT THE SURVEY IS "!RUE AND COMP!.£TE AS SHOWN ON SAID MM> AND WAS MADE lJNO€R MY DIRECTION: 1 00 F\IRTl"lER CERTIFY THAT Tl"lE MONUMENTS SHO\\N HEREON HAVE BEe! SET AND ARE $tJffiCIENT TO ENABLE Tl"lE SUR\o£'1' TO BE RE"!RACEO. i f"~ .. ' ,/' 41_, ::E L. DEAVER f<.C.E. 18299 EU DATED: #·!.Y " 2? ZCt:JS BEING A PORTION OF Tiffi S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 12 T.S N., R.l5 E., M.D.M. CALAVERAS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA APRIL.2008 OWNER'S STATEMENT OWNERJSUBDIVIDER: PRE.PARED.BY: THE Ut."O£F!SIGN(D, 00NG "!HE PARTIES HctDING A RECORD Tin£ INTEREST IN Tl"lE LANDS SHO- ON THIS MAP, HERESY CONSENT TO TliE PR£PAAATION AND RECORDATION Of' THIS FINAL MAP AND H€REBY IRRtYOCASLY AND IN PEI'!P8U1TY OFFER FOR OEO!CATION TO Tl"lE PUBUC FOR PUSL!C USE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS Of' WAY AND tAso.IENTS TH"T AI'?£AR ON Tl"liS WAP. J~ES MOTHER LOOE ENQNEERING INC. P.O. SOX 10 ,I.LTAVILLE. CA. 95221 TEL (209) 738-4545 & ELAINE "!RI!X.O 23200 vt.O.. SP!..ENOOR #31 OJP€Rl1NO, C.lo.. 950H TEL (209) 728-2956 "' JtANNE T. WURPHY, TRUSTEE Of' Tl"lE 2006 RESTATEMENT OF Tl"lE JWES S. TRIOLO AND Et.AINE M. TRIOLO TRUST DATED OCTOOER 13, 2006, I'BO JA.IIES S. TRIOLO AND ElAINE M. TRIOLO "' ~'Z/?1"1"!rJ, ""'""' E T. MURPHY (. ! t;;,-t;,' ~/; ON 2008 BEFORE ,"',<;;·bo.~~<,iS"""""""""""-;;- •1\Jl9 1:6 , WE. NOTARY ~C. P£RSONMLY AP?:EAREO .£ANNE T. MURPHY, P£RSONALL Y KNOWN TO liE {OR PR0\£0 TO IIIE ON Tl"lE Sf\SIS OF S....TISF....CTORY EVIDENCE) TO BE TH£ PERSON 'M-!OSl:: NAAIE IS SUBSCRIBED TO Tl"lE 'MTHIN INSTRUMENT AND AC!<NO\\ '!0 WE THAT 51-!E EXECUTED rnt: $"'-!£ IN 1-!ER AUTHOR!ZEO CAPACITY, AND THAT BY HER SIGN ....lURE ON TliE INS"IRI.JMENT TliE PERSON OR Tl"lE ENTITY UPON S€HAI.F OF" M;{C!-1 THE PERSON "CTEO, ~OJTEO THE !NSTRIJWENT. 9v/;al~.~ ""~' \0' d-010 DATE COt.!WISSION EXPIRES RCE 1+774 COUNTY CLERK'S STATEME!'."'T ~ ~~ECOe~om>;;;;;cao;<su;;;;;,o;"';;"~>ORo;;;;:,;---6'1'~"""""'"';------- "" COUNTY REDEMPTION OFFICER'S STA1EMENT \'IllNESS WY Hoi.NO &: OFRCIAL SEAL NOTARY$ SfGNATURE SRUCE R. CHllO JR. LS. 5889 CALA\IER-'S COUNTY SURVEYOR I. KAREN VARNI. H€REBY CERTIFY Tl"l"T I AA1 THE a.ERK Of" THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CAlAVERAS COUNTY; THAT THE 80-'RO BEING THE PROPER 1.PPRO\oiNG BOO'!' HAS APPR0\£0 THE VrtTHIN FlNAL I.!AP OF BIG TR!XS £$TATES SUSOIVISION. T.S.T.I.!. 2003-1-48 ANO HEREBY ACCEPT ON SEHAI.F OF THE PUBUC, ALL PUSUC UTIUTY EASFJ,IENTS Of"f"tRED HeREON. OEOICATION OF ROAD AND ORAA-!.O.GE E.'SBIENTS ARE R£JEC1"ED AT THIS TIME 'MTH THE UNOER$TAND1NG THAT THEY r.4AY BE ACCE:l"TED AT A LA.1£R O"lE. BY W ORDER DULY NAO£ ON 2008. NOTARY'S CERTIFICATE: ~~TYOFOFcy,wrJ~m& COU!'i"TY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. SRUCE R. CHILD JR •. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT t AM THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF CALA"ffioi.S COUNTY, CAUf"ORNIA; THAT I HAVE EXAI.!INEO "llfE ¥!!THIN MAP AND THAT THE SUBOI\IlSION AS SHOYIN THE':REJN UES Vrtll"liN AN UNINCORPORA"!EO AREA. AND IS SUSST~llALLY THE SAlliE AS 1T M'PEAREO <lH TH£ iOHATI'<f; NAP MID ANY APPRO\itO AUIRATKlNS THt:REOF; THAT ...ll. PRO\IISICf.IS CF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND ANY LOCAL ORDINANCE:S A?P"IJCASLE AT THE TIM€ Of APPROVAL Of" THE TENTATIVE l.llo.P HAVE BEEN COMPUEO VrtTH AND I AM $ATISF1ED TliAT THE 1.!1.? IS T"ECHNICAU.Y CORRECT. S.l:x>vis NOTAAY'$ PR!NTED NWE -'* Ill''> Bo I \ C()l,jUISS!ON NUMBER NOTES 1. TOTAL ACREAGE IS 14.5'1- ACRES. 2. TOTAL NlJI.tSER Cf' LOTS 1$ 12 3. IIINri.IU\I LOT SIZE IS >1-7,801 SO. FT. 4. NO ARE"-S ABOIJE THE HIGI W"TER a£VAT10N OF "THE NATURAL DRAINAGE CHANNUS ARE SUS.E:CT TO STOR!.I WAT8'1 INUN{)ATIC\'1. 5. THE l£NTAT1VE UAP OF THIS SUSOIVISION WAS APPROVED BY 11-lE CALAVERAS COO!'(TY BOARO OF SU?ERVISORS ON APRil. 26. 2004 6. THERE ARE 0.2"- Mli..ES OF PU8UC ROADS YllTHIN THIS SUSOIVISION. 7. S"SIS OF SE.ARINGJ PER SUS 3-32. (SEE SHEET S) I, LYN.ETTE NORFOLK, HEREBY CERTlFY Tl"lAT! J,JJ. THE REOD.!PTICN OFF1C£R OF CAl.AVERio$ COUNTY. CAI.JFORNIA. TilAT ACCOROING TO Tl"lE RECORD Of" <HlS OFfiCE. THmE AAf. NO UENS "GAINST lHE REAL PR~lY P~TRA YEO ON Ttl£ 'Will"l!N 1/.M> ~ ANY PORTION Tl"lEREOf FOR fiJi'!' UN-PA!O STAlE. I.IUN!OPAL OR LOCAL TAXE:S OR SPE:aAL ASSESSWENT$ COU£C"!ID AS TAXES, EXC£PT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASS£SSI,tOITS NOT YET PAYASU:. BY· ~I'...fh@L ''" " NORFOLK ;.._.' COUNTY REDEWPTION OFFlCER L COUNTY RECORDER'S STA1EMENT AUll TI<O_ _ _ QAY Of 008, AT _ _ _ .M. lN BOOI< _ _ OF SU80l'I1SIONS AT PAGE--AT Tl"lE REQUEST OF THE CALA.VER"S COUNlY SURVEYOR OOOJI/.ENT NO.: KAREN VARNI COUNTY RECOROER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ''~;~~""'~-----------SHEET I Of S 25-4-0-C ----, j • " w w "' u • ~ " ~ iii " ,), ~ ~ " ffi i ~ ~ • ~, ~ < ~ ~ ~ -m "•• "" ~ o~ ' "' i """ w ~ ~ "' "' "' 0 SHEET3 ti • ' II I " ii5 ~., " ~0 u• "' ~ 8• '" !lJo "" @ ! ' ~ ! I II I . l !!! I 041007\ ffiiOlO-FlNAU.OWC \ \ \ \ \ \ \ >< N~-~·:a."E \ WTJ \\ LOT~ \ ?4.94' {!o!EASlJREO) , S~2"'18'00''<~ 101.00 ~G' = "G \ _ 49 "l:ty,."E lo0·9 ~ r--, N52"1S~~c-1l 7~~ I I I I r ___ ' ~ ' ~ N31"20'~"W : 1·86 I I sc...!..£ I I I 1"~20" '' ' ------l r---L- 0 DENOTES CAl..OJLA1Ul PO!r<f ONLY, NOlliiNG FOUND OR SU. • DENOTE'S 5/8" 01" RE9AR CAPPED R.C.£. 1829S S(T THIS SURVE:Y. 0 DENOT'ES FOUNO J/4" Ol,t, REBAR 1 I I 01 OENOTt:S 1 I I : I N22'"'1>'15"W: 0.09' I 1 I I L---~-~C!:!_E____ L.---~~~~£ ___ _j DETAIL A LEGEND ' 'l_ ------, I I I APRIL. 2008 I \ ' '' ~ BEING A PORTIONOFTHES.E. 1/4 OFSEcrJON 12 T.5 N., R.l5 E., M.D.M. CALAVERASCOU1'iTY,CAUFORNIA .J I I I \ .J ,I NS:Z"'IS(REC-1) 0 L 1 'E ~S.s.4\ NS:Z"'G ~·e: :-,65.)9 1 -------- / 0 ' . 8 . J'c::uo' --~-----=~-------- BIG TREES ESTATES !,,,,,;:~;" I/ SUBDIVISION f 52 T .S.T .M. 2003·148 1 ~ ~ ~~z_,;H-~~ ("'£""" 53·~;~~~~~~-5:. N52"'1<'>~~c: 1 t· .. I (,loi~~O~o.oO' - - -- =' : "'TI' \ L (RE:C-1) I !I 1I 1 1 I ~OUNO TA(;~O sua (REC-1) DENOTE:S RECCRO DATA PER J (REC-2) OENOTE:S Rt:CORO DATA PER 4 SVB 3 .J ~EASUREO (R&Io!) O£NOTE:S RECORO 6: f>.U.E. O£NOTE:S F>UeUC unUTY EASO.!ENT O.E. LS 3110 PER 3 SUB 32 J/"-" DIA RESAA TA(;GED lS J!!O POl 4 SUl:! 3 32 POl 3 sua 32 D€N0Tf:S OfiAIN.O.GE: EASOIENT NOTt:S 1.) . ,...--,-. 7 ::~;;;:(i • /1>'1?;"0131 'c:itlL- ------ b-19'5\"J)" LR-16500 L-6719 ~ t.-o\~SJ" ,_.,, -----~~~o.;.-! __ • R•\6500 -- ~. .• ':::.. LOT 8 • • \ ~ ~15"0£ ""b. /-<" ~,., i?v' 0 \. boo2'JI'08" ':}. R-400.00" ·~. L•I7.S8" • t.-o31J"40" r:';i'~ "'"'1511.16. R•165.~" 7 L•43.74 -- I • 6m31"02"2!. /-. R~~~~:~~~ ::~ir.--- - /:at;~ \ ---- ______,,.,, ,,.,--- " L~IS.Ot' 6~1S"11J,"!" lP512"38" R~\65.00" L'"'15.01" LOT 10 ••"I; .:!l: :::~ ·(J)·~ 6~-{~t.c-') 57'1~'« {>~.~ n•y.iOO • S7"' 1> ll-10"38'27" ~ __.e.---._ I.,__..- \..,.74.68;----.. "' Bs. 1>... "....'{:, 'b,"'b_ R~165.00" o. l•30.64" .-:>Ji ~A.'"! ';"~~ ';::!,..,..: :;_~1. ~);~_ <»-: I 8::; . LHE BASIS OF SEAAmGS IS P£R SVa 3-32. SEE SHUT S . ,,_ "" ~:.«"',"t•, 15" DE._...-, ~~ 'j} ~ii. .,_ ~~ ~4. \-------151.Q.}"-----.l '--------318.27" 16.!0". 170.87" ---------! ~* -- o_o>. '?-'S.i. !31.30" * -"" ~~ * ;::.~% ~-';?,· ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , S 5 9 ' 4 5 " 5 J " W -1.69.30" ( R & I o ! ) - - - - - - - - - - - - j DETAILC SCAI.£: 1"~30" DETAILS SCAI.£' NONE SHEET 4 OF 5 254{)-C I I I..!I' II ' 0{1007\TRIQO-FINALJ.OWG \ 0 50 T.S N., R.15 E., M.D.M. .•. tOO CALAVERAS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA '""~ -.; 200 APRIL, 2008 'o' ~-r~f ( !X f~>t0l I . .,In: , .· g. -~ ·~'- f:· "' .c ~-t..;.r. .!'4,_'b''b,.'7'/~ if ~·· -~·:-~-.c b' ,.,......., ....._"> ~' \o.'<-~"LI ~ -~~ ..,,:-:.'~- ., "?-0\t- &<¢ ~ ;.--.<:>f) -~!:!i f':'4~~(, " :"7' ~.,"' . <o'<->">'<:f ~ '~'<; ;::,.'? ~~~f;~~~~" ~··"' ifff .• y; . ..,..,., ~.,_;:f .,_~-'<- .-t ...... ~~.!" ,._i."~o, "' .· of~ '!~~%~ ~1~1-~,, ~"$~:,1 ·- .J .· N3810'00"W 10.00' -...'b7 $' NJ810'00"W "'/~'& 1o.oo· (Rtc-1) LEGEND 0 CENOTES C,o.t.CULATED POI~T ONLY. ~OTHING FOIJ~D OR SE:T• DENOTES S/8- DlA REBAA CM"PE.D R.C.E. 18299 SH THIS SUR\£Y. 0 DENOTES FOONO 3/4- DlA REBAR TAGGED LS 3110 PER 3 SUS 32 01 DENOTES FOO~O 3/4- OIA REBAA TAGGED LS 3110 PER 4 SUS 3 (REC-1) OfNOITS RECORD DATA PER 3 SUB 32 (REC-2) D€NOTES RECORD DATA PER 4 SUB 3 ~,j£ASURED PER 3 SUB 32 (R&M) DENOTES RECORD o5: P.U.E . DENOTES PUSUC UTlUTY E.A.SE:MOIT D. E. DENOTES ORAINAG£ EAS8.!ENT 9>~ ~ . "'"'0; ~errs 1.) "'" .· I BEING A PORTION OF THE S.E. l/4 OF SECfiON 12 ~'I .· III ' I BIG TREES ESTATES SUBDIVISION T.S.T.M. 2003·148 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 II THE BASIS Of' BEARI~GS !S PER SUB 3-32, SU: SHEET 5. R~wo.oo' 6->19"50'09" t.-ls-so·n· RM...oo.ocr (RCC-1) SJS"SS'++"W 11238' ~~) ,...,_IJlS'IT (looo1319'18" R=300.00' R~300.00' L"'6S.75' L-69.75' (Rl::C-1) SJ.6'-4.5'00"E 10.00' (Rt&l.) t:35::&:85: ~=~:gg: ~::m:~~: (REC-1) b-3'08'58" 6<>314'04" R-135.00' R•135.1Xf (RtC-1) L-7.~2' L.,7.6:t , 1 S19'34'57-w 105.93' Sl9'35'oo•w 105.99' (REC-1) L~>-7~·46'01. R~so.oo· L~>-79'4t>o2• (~l5!{f' L,.69.61' L•69.6D' SHEET 5 Of' 5 25-<0-C UPDATED CALAVERAS COUNTY SURVEYOR'S TAX INQUIRY AND CLEARANCE July 18, 2008 TO: LYNETTE NORFOLK, CO. REDEMPTION OFFICER FROM: BRUCE CHILD, DEPUTY CO. SURVEYOR RE: BIG TREES ESTATES SUBDIVISION RECEIVED JUL 3 1 2008 CALAVERAS COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS T.S.T.M. 2003-148 !he attached Assessor's Parcel Map correctly indicates lands proposed to be subdivided or adjusted. What amount would be required for the sub divider to meet the obligation imposed by Government Code Section 66492. Ail!1,N"'23Yilil6•022 .& 023, 23-037-001 & 002 TO: BRUCE CHILD, DEPUTY CO. SURVEYOR DATE 07/21108 FROM: LYNETTE NORFOLK, CO. REDEMPTION OFFICER RE T.S.T.M. 2003-148 Estimated Taxes Assessor Fees The amount required for the above referenced parcel(s) is: This amount will be valid until December 31, 2008 due if the map has not recorded. $1,844.63 75.00 $1,919.63 after which more money will be COMMENTS: PLEASE REMIT TO THE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 891 MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, SAN ANDREAS, CA. 95249 DO NOT SEND PAYMENT TO THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE REDEMPTION OFFICER'S CLEARANCE STATEMENT DATE SURVEYOR: DEAVER Calaveras County Community Development Agency Stephanie Moreno + Director of Community Development Michael Rodriguez+ Interim Chief Building Official Robert Sellman + Planning Director Date: June 25, 2008 To: Bruce Child, County Surveyor From: Gina Kathan, Planner II, Planning Department, CDA Subject: Final Map for TSTM 2003-148, Triolo (Big Trees Estates Subdivision) Transmission by E-mail, hard copy to follow. ~ MAP CLEARANCE The Planning Department has received memorandum from all Departments that the conditions have been met. The Planning Department hereby gives clearance to record to the map. Government Center, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249-9709 Planning Department + Building Department (209) 754-6394 Fax (209) 754-6540 + (209) 754-6390 Fax (209) 754-6396 Website: RECORDING REQUESTED BY Order No. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Name Address City& State r l Calaveras County Public Works 891 Mountain Ranch Road San Andreas, CA 95249 J L DECLARATION CREATING ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS BIG TREES ESTATES SUBDIVISION This Declaration is made by Jeanne T. Murphy, Trustee of the 2006 restatement of the James S. Triolo and Elaine M. Triolo Trust dated October 13, 2006, FBO James S, Triolo and Elaine M. Triolo, herein referred to as "Declarant." RECITALS: (a) Declarant is the owner of the real properly hereinafter described and wishes to impose thereon the requirement to maintain certain roads and related improvements, to the end that they remain in good and serviceable condition. (b) The real property which is and shall be held, conveyed, used and occupied subject to the provisions of the Declaration (hereinafter called "tract," which term shall also include any additional lots made subject to the terms of this declaration under paragraph 13 below) is more particularly described as follows: Lots I through 12 of Big Trees Estates Subdivision NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares and imposes thereon the following requirements to assure maintenance of said roads and improvements. Said requirements shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and enforceable by the owner or owners of each lot subject hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. Triolo road mal11tcnancc agreement Rl.wpd I. Roads Included. This Agreement shall provide for maintenance of the following roads: Timber Trail Court By a majority vote, the owners of lots included in the tract may include additional roads or portions thereof to the roads set forth above 2. Maintenance. Upon completion of the above described roads to required standards, said roads shall be maintained to those standards and in a good and serviceable condition by the owners of lots within the tract. 3. Drainage Swales alt([ Facilities. Drainage swales and facilities which are within the road right-of-ways and are an integral part of said roads shall be maintained in the same manner as the roadways as provided herein. 4. Road Shoulders and Right-ofWav That portion of the private roads not surfaced will be maintained free of weeds, trash and debris. Each property owner has primary responsibility for maintenance of his frontage. However, if not maintained, said maintenance will be accomplished under this Declaration. 5. Cost Share. The total cost of compliance with this Declaration shall be borne equally by each lot included in the tract, regardless of whether the owners of said lots have concurred in the maintenance and/or repair undertaken. 6. Votes. For all elections required by this Declaration, each lot in the tract shall have one vote. A 'Majority' shall mean a vote of a majority of the lots included in the tract. 7. Determination o[Need (or Maintenance. Upon written notice by the owner of any of the above-described lots to the other owners, a meeting will be called within fourteen (14) days. Said meeting will be conducted within the tract either at a time and place mutually acceptable, or, if agreement cannot be reached, the meeting will be held on the fourteenth day from the date of notice at 7:00p.m. at a location within the tract designated by the person who gave initial notice. 8. Extent of Maintenance Required. The determination of the extent of maintenance will be by majority vote oflots in the tract. 9. Improvements. A majority of the lots in the tract may authorize road improvements to be made and financed by funds collected hereunder for that purpose. 10. Contracting and Performance o[Work. The contracting and performance of work shall be by majority vote of the lots in the tract. 2 II. Collection o(Funds. The funds required to perform any work shall be placed in trust by each lot owner within thirty (30) days after the final determination of need and contracting costs have been determined. Upon failure to deposit required funds by one or more owners, one or more of the contributing owners may seck whatever legal recourse may be available for enforcement of this Declaration. The Court in any such action may award the successful party reasonable expenses in prosecuting such action, including attomey's fees. 12. Encroachments. The owners of lots included within the tract may, by majority vote, establish standards for the constmction and maintenance of encroachments on the roads subject to this Agreement. Each lot owner subject to this Agreement shall be bound by such standards and shall be responsible to constmct and maintain his/her encroachment in compliance with such standards. Should any lot owner refuse to comply with standards established pursuant to this section, by majority vote the remaining lot owners may cause such improvements and maintenance to be done at the expense of the noncomplying lot owner. Upon refusal of such lot owner to pay such expenses, one or more of the remaining lot owners may seek legal recourse as set forth in Section II. 13. Additional Lots. Owners of any additional deriving access from the roads described in (!) above may at any time execute and record a declaration of their intention to be bound by this Declr.ration. Upon recordation of such a declaration the additional lots shall become subject to the terms and conditions hereof which shall be binding upon and enforceable by the declarants, their heirs, successors and assigns. Owners of such additional lots shall notify existing tract lot owners of their election to participate and shall have the right to vote as granted them. 14. Contiguity. Lots included in the tract subject hereto need to be contiguous. 15. Association. The owners of lots included in the tract may establish an association or cmporation and elect officers and directors and adopt bylaws for the administration hereof. 16. Severabilitv. The provisions hereof shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity or partial invalidity or unenforceability of any one provision or portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of other provisions hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, declarant has executed this Declaration the day and year written below. 3 CAT.NO. NN0!496 TO 2930 (12-90) (General Acknowledgment) State of California County of :i@l!R Utrrv/k } ss personally appeared ' personally k-R~-10-rne (or proved to me on the bas1s of satisfactory evidence) to be the person~ whose name() is/. re subscribed t~~within instrument and acknowlet ged to me that h~hey executed the same lll[li@heir authorized capacity~and that by hi~eir signature.{e;) on the instrument the persony0; or the entity upon behalf of which the persoi#acted, ROMULO D. BUENVIAJE executed the instrument. COMM. #175557> WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC· CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY (This area for official notarial seal) Requested Board Meeting Date: IJ_~_-02-08 Meeting Date: Agenda Item il CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -REQUEST TO HOLD PLACE ON AGENDA 1. Name of person, department, or group appearing before board: R<::bert C._ Lawton Phone: 754-6422 2. Name of person submitting Agenda Form: Robert C. Lawton, County Administrator Phone: 754-6422 STUDY SESSION ~ 3. CONSENT AGENDA [] REGULAR AGENDA [] 4. Subject (as it is to appear on agenda): Parks and Recreation Commission Study Session - Proposition 40 Per Capita Grant Projects 5. DEPARTMENT HEAD'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL: Initial 6. COUNTY ADMINISTRP.TIVE OFFICE FINANCIAL APPROVAL: Initial 7. COUNTY COUNSEL APPROVAL: Initial 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) APPROVAL: Initial 9. The above described matter requires approval or adoption of: []RESOLUTION []ORDINANCE []MINUTE ORDER []AGREEMENT []BUDGET TRANSFER (Must be signed by Auditor) []OTHER (specify) 10. Estimated time required for agenda item: §Q MIN Must document be recorded in the Recorder's Official Records? []yes ~no Hard copies of documents will be provided only if certification is required and the following is completed. Number of certified copies requested Certified copies will be sent to the person or department presenting the agenda item. Further distribution will be that department 1 S responsibility. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. 00-~Ii.ot submit agenda i terns to the Clerk of the Board until i terns 5 through 8 have been initialed. 2. To be placed on a Board agenda, a 11 COmplete packet 11 must be submitted to Counsel and CAO by noon on Wednesday, and to the Clerk of the Board prior to 4:00p.m. on the second Thursday preceding each Tuesday Board meeting (subject to change during holidays). A complete packet consists of the following: (a) One copy of this completed form, including Department Head 1 s, County Administrative Office's Financial Division, Counsel 1 s and CA0 1 s initials. (b)An original packet including the original of any resolution, ordinance, contract, budget transfer, etc., requiring Board approval. 11 11 (c) 1 original & 8 copies of the complete "board packet 11 • Copies will be distributed to the Board, staff, press and for County records. 3. ADDENDUMS: Submit the additional form justifying addendum request. CALAVERAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA SUBMITTAL ITEM TITLE Parks and Session on Projects Dept: Contact: Phone: Recreation Commission Study Proposition 40 Per Capita Grant County Administrative Office Shirley Ryan, Assistant CAO 754-6304 Published Notice Required? Public Hearing Required? BOARD MEETING DATE AGENDA NUMBER September 2, 2008 Supervisorial District Number All Yes: Yes: No: No: X X DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors review the status of the Proposition 40 Per Capita Program Projects as presented by the Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission and provide staff with direction regarding the reallocation of project funds. Staff also asks the Board to review the current membership of the Commission and consider reducing the number of commissioners from seven to five per the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation. SUMMARY: The County Park and Recreation Commission have been working with community organizations and reviewing applications and requests for Proposition 40 Per Capita Grant funds. The Commission requested this study session to present to the Board their recommendation for project funding under the Per Capita Grant Program. They also wish to present a proposal to change the membership of the County Parks and Recreation Commission. Based on direction from the Board, the County Administrative Office will return on September 23 with a Minute Order reallocating Per Capita Program funds to specific projects and with a resolution revising the membership of the Commission. FINANCING: The County Administrative Office will work with the Parks and Recreation Commission on the preparation of the required State applications for allocated projects and oversee the construction of such projects. It is important to note, that under the grant guidelines, the County is the applicant for these projects. As such it is ultimately the County's responsibility to ensure that project construction meets State guidelines and that the project is maintained and available to the general public according to the time frames set forth in the grant. Time spent by County staff on the administration of these projects will be paid from the General Fund. Under the Proposition 40 Per Capita Grant Program, up to 10% of grant funds may be used to offset the administrative costs associated with the project. However, at the Board's directions, no grant funds have been allocated to cover such costs. It is also important to remember that the State deadline for project completion and reimbursement by the State is June 30, 2010. Board of SupeNisors Agenda Submittal Subject: Parks and Recreation Commission Study Session Date: September 2, 2008 - Page 2 DISCUSSION: ON January 15, 2008, the County Administrative Office and the Parks and Recreation Commission held a study session to update the Board of Supervisors on the status of the Proposition 40 Per Capita Grant projects. In 2004, the Board of Supervisors allocated $1,135,000 of $1,200,000 in funds available to Calaveras County under this program to provide a continuing investment in parks and recreation facilities. The deadline for completion of these projects and reimbursement by the State of California is June 30, 2010. With the deadline fast approaching, both the Commission and the Administrative Office thought it imperative that the Board review the status, viability and issues that might prevent completion of each project. The Board gave direction during that study session, to continue with all but two of the projects that were allocated funds in 2004. Those two projects were the Mark Twain Elementary School Joint-use Gymnasium, funded under the Proposition 12 grant, and Sierra Logging Museum, as the project was withdrawn at the request of the applicant. The Board also directed the Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission to assist and facilitate the remaining community groups with the preparation of the State-required application packet. The Board also directed the Commissioners to return to the Board with an update and further recommendations for the continued funding of existing projects and/or a reallocation of funds to new projects in their districts. Attached for the Board's review is the Park and Recreation Commission's report (Attachment A), spreadsheet outlining new and existing projects (Attachment B), additional information on recommended new projects (Attachment C). Attachment B, lists a total of nineteen new and existing projects for the Board to consider. It is staff's recommendation to combine projects where possible in an effort to limit the number of projects submitted to the State. To date, only three Per Capita Grant projects have been approved by the State. They are projects for the Bret Harte Sports Complex, C.B Hobbs Field, and Feeney Park. As discussed in previous study sessions, the application approval process has been lengthy and time-consuming. This can be contributed to a number of issues. One of the major issues has been ensuring the required land tenure for these projects. Another is gathering the required components of the projects, i.e. maps, CEQA documents, construction cost, from the community organizations. Finally, significant staff time is required to administer and monitor these projects. The Parks and Recreation Commission have been diligent in their efforts to assist both the community groups and the County Administrative Office in moving projects forward. However, it is ultimately the County's responsibility to ensure that the applications, with all required documents, are submitted to the State for consideration, and that the construction of these projects is completed according to State guidelines. With less than two years remaining in the grant period, we believe that limiting the number of projects will provide a better chance for successful completion of projects prior to the grant deadline of June 30, 2010. The Parks and Recreation Commission suggested in their attached memo that due to limited staffing in the County Administrative Office, Proposition 40 projects may benefit if they were assigned to another departments. Staff believes that most county departments face similar staffing and work load issues. The County Administrative Office is most familiar with the issues of the Per Capita Grant and therefore recommends the administration of the grants remain in the Administrative Office. As mentioned above, up to ten percent of a project grant may be Board of Supervisors Agenda Submittal Subject: Parks and Recreation Commission Study Session Date: September 2, 2008 - Page 3 used for administration of Per Capita Projects. These funds could be used to hire a part-time extra-hire dedicated to working on the Per Capita Grant projects. The Parks and Recreation Commission is also requesting that the Board of Supervisors review the current composition of the Commission (Attachment D). On May 22, 2007, the Board adopted Resolution 07-083 creating a Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission based on the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Task Force. The Board established membership of the Commission to include seven members, one commissioner appointed by each County Supervisor from within his or her supervisorial district, one appointed by the Board of Directors of the Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) and one appointed by the Directors of the San Andreas Recreation and Parks District. The Commission is recommending that the membership be reduced to five members, appointed by each County Supervisor. ALTERNATIVES: The Board of Supervisors may provide direction to staff to allocate funds to any or all the attached recommended projects. The County Administrative Office will return to the Board with a Minute Order allocating funds to projects as directed. Additionally, the Board, based on a recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, may choose to move responsibility for administration of the Per Capita Grant program to another department. However, they may choose to allocate 10% of Per Capita Funds for the hiring of a part-time extra-hire position in the Administrative Office to work solely on Prop. 40 projects. If the Board chooses to change the membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the County Administrative Office witt return with the appropriate resolution. No action wilt be required should the Board wish to leave the membership of the commission as established. OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: All attachments were provided by the Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission. DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGNATURE: Datd ATTACHMENT A: Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission Memo ATTACHMENT B: Prop 40 Projects Spreadsheet Board of Supervisors Agenda Submittal Subject: Parks and Recreation Commission Study Session Date: September 2, 2008 - Page 4 ATTACHMENT C: New Project Information ATTACHMENT D: Parks and Recreation Commission's Comment on Membership [ CALAVERAS COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Information Page for September 2. 2008 Board of Supervisors Study Session regarding Prop 40 Projects As per the direction of the County Board of Supervisors, the Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission has tracked the progress and assisted groups in the processes involved in obtaining Prop 40 Grant monies from the state. Each commissioner has engaged in this process with the groups in their supervisorial district, and their activities have been specific to the needs of the projects in their district. This includes both the Board Approved Projects that were part of the original Prop 40 Resolution, as well as new projects in districts that have unallocated funds under the original resolution. It should be noted that several original projects have been abandoned for various reasons, and another was funded by the State of California through alternative grant funds. Prop 40 has been on the agenda at each of our monthly meetings with each commissioner reporting the details of projects in their district, and we have collaborated and developed action plans at our meetings for how best to proceed through the labyrinth of issues that each project presents. This process has helped us recognize common themes among projects throughout the county, and allowed us all to gain collective wisdom. In recognizing the characteristics of both successful and unsuccessful projects, and to better serve groups interested in developing recreation projects, we have developed Application Guidelines for Recreation Facilities Projects. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for interested parties so they may avoid the problems associated with projects and move more quickly toward a successful outcome. This document has been posted on the Calaveras County website, and a copy is included in this board packet. Please note that while our Prop 40 experience helped us establish the guidelines, we have established them independent of any specific grant or statute. The availability of this information will assist local groups to develop parks projects in the future, and will help the county to continue to advocate for parks development. The spreadsheet entitled "Prop 40 Projects" included in this packet has been developed by the commission to track progress and identify needs for each of the projects, and to document and verify the funding breakdown. Please be mindful that this has been and remains a working document. It is as accurate as the most current data available to the commission as of today's date (8/12/08). The original projects are not highlighted. The new projects and new funding for existing projects requiring a board resolution are highlighted in green. The terminology used to describe status and for column headers is not binding, and is easily amended if there are concerns it may be misleading. It is likely that some projects will have changed status by the study session scheduled for September 2"d Our commission recommends the board approve a new resolution for all new projects listed and updating the funding amounts for the existing projects. We have included project applications for the new projects. These are not formal Prop 40 applications that will go to the state, although they may include some of the same documents that will be included in the state application. The purpose of the applications is so that scope of work and information about the new projects is specifically noted as per our guidelines, and is included for Board review. The commission believes our attentiveness toward Prop 40 will result in positive outcomes for our projects, both existing and new. It should be noted that the timeline for every project is now short, with the state required completion date of July 1, 2010. The board will easily recall the frustration of the original applicants as the application process ensued. We believe we have helped mitigate many of these issues. It is our view that the county should consider the burden the GAO's office will be under as these new project applications are processed, and all projects move toward completion. If the assignment of the tasks involving Prop 40 and the interfacing with the state could be redirected to an alternative office or department, it is likely that our projects will benefit. Respectfully Submitted Mason Goodale Chairman, Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission Attachment B Green: New projects requiring BOS approval; White: existing BOS approved projects. Ltr from State to proceed received Jenny Lind :Veterans Memorial District i Send State: ! Mokelumne 5 6 consensus @ July 31 mtg. State new project for 'notice to proceed'. signed construction contract & jpayment request form to State for release 80% of Veterans District Veterans Sandy Gulch Park Evidence of signed contract for construction & Payment Request Form for State to release 80% of Property rezoned. Waiting for [ County-CCWD sales agreement $240,000 2 'CCWD Lease signed by CCWD Board & BOSon 15 July. 3 9 CCWD Need Facilities Control MOU between & White Pines Project abandoried to 03 2007 IFoundation has supplied County with necessary Feeney Park i 4 i Foundation Idocuments to submit Pave for 80% of - · reimbursement rec'd 5 IMTUESO 4-$70,000 5-$70,000 ;MTUESO I Site Control MOU Project paid by Prop 12; BOS redirected: 1. ?OK to 04 Bret Harte Angels project; 2. ?OK to 05 for allocation bv Suoervisor Thomas. D1 I I ·- ' I D2 . -- I I D3 I i r I I I r i I I I .. I I I I 1-----i r-------' I I I 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 I I I I I I 240,000 60,000 30,000 8,670 31,050 8,000 17,280 50,000 35,ooo I 14 15 16 I i' I I I I I' 70,000 100,000 70,000 i I D5 15,000 15,000 35,ooo 30,000 i i I - I 14o,OOO I D4 ! ' I' 6 I 1- 1 2 3 4 5 1 17 19 - i I '' I I 1 I 'i I I I I I' I I I 1 I I ! I 14o,OOO I 160,000 175,000 210,000 240,000 I 24o,ooo 60,000 90,000 98,670 129,720 137,720 155,000 205,000 240,000 ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i i I ! I _l I I I 70,000 170,000 240,000 ! II I I I ! I l I 145,000 25,000 70,000 I I _l '' l I 145,000 170,000 240,000 ! i I I I i ' I I 3 August 2008 Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail INTRODUCTION The Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail (MCCT) starts in San Francisco and ends at Ebbetts Pass on SR 4 (Figure 1.). This proposal focuses on the eastern stretch of the MCCT inside the Stanislaus National Forest from Moore Creek on the North Fork Mokelumne River to Ebbetts Pass (Figure 2.). Most segments in this stretch have been completed while others are in various stages of development from exploration and mapping to construction. The final task will be the installation of trailheads, signage and spring development and when these tasks are met, the MCCT can commission a route that is over 53 miles. The goal of current project proposal is to seek funding for the purchase of the materials required to install the trailheads and signs. The Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail -· ··-'- . ~omplei(.\d Traii Seg-!1lcJtts Figure I. Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail connects San Francisco with Ebbetts Pass. t N 3 August 2008 MCCT Alignment Moors Creek to EbbeHs Pass legend MCCT -Troi -s.o:ol1..,..,•1~ - Ro.1d1_1M'o {.;(:_?,: SPI_loll<it; f~ PG~E; Propo~r c:Je;.ur.ry_~y PubKc l-oMI> .,.., &usF<>rci!Sr""<• i·.,L · us~s W.l<l<loo" Aro>< A ' ~. Figure 2. The MCCT inside the Stanislaus National Forest- 53 miles of trail. CALAVERAS COUNTY SUPPORT This project supports the Goals of Calaveras County for the following reasons: I. The General Plan supports the MCCT: Goal V -7: Conserve national, state and regional recreation areas in the County. Policy V-7A: Support public and private entities in their efforts to maintain and improve recreation facilities in the County. lrru2lcmentation Measure V -7 A-1: Encourage support of the construction of the Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail. 2. The Board of Supervisors supports the MCCT: The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors created Resolution 91.499 in which they further endorsed the concept of the MCCT and encouraged both County Departments and citizen groups to participate in the planning and implementation of the trail. 3. The Visitors Bureau The first Calaveras trails map was created in 2008 and it displays 155 miles of public trails that are currently available to the public. Completion of this sign project will 2 3 August 2008 provide access to world-class landscapes in rural Calaveras including the North Fork Mokelumne River, Salt Springs Reservoir, Mokelumne Wilderness and Calaveras Dome. The beauty of these features is second to none, including those in Yosemite. At this point, the Visitors Bureau can package Calaveras Trails in its promotion literature. APPLICANTS This signage project will be a collaborative effort between the following organizations with the Stanislaus National Forest taking the lead role: Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras District (STFl Patty Clarey, Stanislaus National Forest Recreation Officer, [email protected], 209-795-1381 x315 Dave Vosti, Recreation Specialist, [email protected], 209.795.1381 ex 322 (http://www.fs.fed. us/r5/stanislaus/ ) The Calaveras County Park & Recreation Commission (CCPRC) Mary Boblet, District 3 Commissioner, [email protected] or 209.795.7818 ( us/commissions/parksandrec/parks and rec l.asp ) The Mokelumne Coast to Crest Council (MCCTC) Steve Diers, MCCT Council, [email protected], 209.772.8260 Jean Tarabck, MCCT Council, [email protected], ( RESPONSIBILITY The CCPRC has the responsibility for writing the project proposal and securing Prop 40 funding. The NFS has the responsibility for the installation and long-term maintenance of the signs at their cost. The MCCTC has responsibility for installation and project coordination. MAPS Trail details from Moore Creek to Ebbetts Pass are shown on ll maps that follow this proposal. [Note that only two of these maps are attached to this draft as examples.] SIGN DESCRIPTIONS There are two types of signs, directional and trailhead. l. Directional signposts will be placed at intersections with other trails and roads. Each post will be manufactured with a 5"x5"x6' recycled plastic reinforced with fiberglass rebar (I'igure l; ). Depending on the configuration of the intersection, a post will have 3", informational plaques on one, two, three or four faces of the post. The plaques will be attached to the post with vandal proof screws. Two types of information will be needed. a. STF Road Plaques. The STF road names will be placed at the top of the sign using STF colors, green on white. Beneath the road name will be a double- 3 3 August 2008 headed arrow, either straight or L-shaped, indicating the alignment of the road. STF colors will be used, green lettering on a white background. b. MCCT Trail Plaques. MCCT information will be attached below the STF road sign. The MCCT logo will be placed on top and the trail alignment beneath it (Figure 2). The alignment will be depicted with a black arrow on a white background. 2. Trailheads will be placed at the access points to the MCCT near a parking lot. Both STF regulations and a trail map will be displayed (Figure 3). Figure 3. 5" x 5" x 6', sandstone brown, recycled plastic post with an MCCT logo on top and a directional arrow below. This sign docs not show the STF information described in paragraph l a above. The STF information would be displayed above the MCCT information. 4 3 August 2008 Figure 4. Example of the trailhead kiosk to be used on the MCCT. This particular trailhead is posted at Tryon Meadow. DIRECTIONAL SIGNS The position of each signpost on the trail is shown on the 11 segment maps in the Power Point presentation. These maps were used to determine the number posts as shown below. Number of Directional Signs Trail Segment Number Calaveras County Moore Creek to Calaveras Dome Calaveras Dome to road 7N 14 7Nl4 to Mattley Creek Mattley Creek to 7N35 7N35 to Blood's Ridge Calaveras Total 15% Contingency 7 12 10 6 5 40 7 TOTAL 47 The II trail segment maps were also used to determine the number of plaques and their information content. This project is complicated because of the need to display the name of each road. A list of required plaques is shown below. Note that extra road name plaques have are not listed. Instead, X blank plaques have been ordered for f1rture use the road name will be printed on them when required for future maintenance. TOTAL COST OF PROJECT IS $11,409. 5 3 August 2008 PROJECT TIMELINE September 2008 Project approval by the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Submit Prop 40 application to County Submit application to State October 2008 Receive approval from State with a "Notice to Proceed" Submit purchase requests to State with request for and 80% distribution of funds to County. November 2008 County passes 80% distribution of funds to the STF. December 2008 Appoint STF Project/Grant Manager Purchase materials Prepare trail marker posts and plaques Begin construction of \railheads January 2009 Schedule installation of the signposts and !railheads Spring 2009 Begin installation of the signposts and tJ·ailheads Fall2009 Complete installation of the signposts and trailheads Send Final Report to County for submission to State Request final inspection from State before snow Winter 2010 County requests final 20% distribution and passes it to the STF COMMUNITY SUPI'ORT & OPPOSITION The proposed segment of trail is inside remote areas of the SNF and far away from local communities; citizen opposition is not expected. However, community support was polled favorably at a public meeting on August 3rd. LAND TENURE Since the total budget for this project is less that $100,000, Proposition 40 Guidelines require that the signs be in service for at least l 0 years. The durability of the recycled plastic material guarantees service at I 0 years or beyond without maintenance. The County will receive Prop 40 funding ii·om State and pass it to the STF for implementation. To guarantee public use of the facilities, Slate Parks & Recreation requires an MOU between the County and the STF. An Forest Service agreement form was recommended by the State Parks and Recreation Project Officer. It guarantees public use for I 0 years and was prepared by the Stanislaus National Forest Recreation Officer and approved by County Counsel. 6 3 August 2008 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS County zoning ordinance is not applicable. This project will be submitted to the County's Planning Department for a notice of exemption. The trails area to receive signage is NEP A compliant. Patty Clarey Stanislaus National Forest Recreation Officer Calaveras District Stanislaus National Forest Mary Bob let Commissioner, District III Calaveras County Parks & Recreation Commission Steve Diers Chair Mokelumne Coast to Crest Council 7 Jsigns: MooreCk to Calaveras Dome I 00 Sig'ns ~ Diiectlonal fiJ Tr<iiiQead ~ 1/'.eter -u•• MGCT- - - Road:S_Stanisl.::ius '-" c> qg "'0t0" 0 co 3 August 2008 ..,.. zt;.:.• 0 ,.... <iJ E .0 Cl Cl1 ta '"" .0) ·~ ro u N t)) !:: .0'1 (/) 9 Emerson-Courtwright Memorial Ballfield Cost Estimate AMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Prepare parking area for gravel, furnish and spread road base for 50K square feet Tot lot Fencing barrier Bleacher improvements SUBTOTAL OTHER PROJECT-RELATED COSTS $21,200 $8,000 $1850 $750 $31,050 AMOUNT Design Administration Contingencies 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES Sierra Pacific Foundation George Reed Brad Sutton Emerson Excavating Scott McReynolds & Todd O'Connor $750 Emerson Courtwright Ballfield Enhancement Project Ebbetts Pass corridor adults have the opportunity to recreate every summer at the Emerson Courtwright Ballfield. Four nights a week, up to 50 vehicles are parked in the lot as women's, men's and co-ed teams play ball. This project will enhance recreational offerings in the Ebbetts Pass corridor. This project supports the Goals of Calaveras County as stated in the General Plan and the interim Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 1. The Calaveras County General Plan: Goal V-7: Conserve national, state and regional recreation areas in the County. Policy V-7 A: Support public and private entities in their efforts to maintain and improve recreation facilities in the County. This enhancement project will be a collaborative effort between the following organizations with the Ballfield committee taking the lead role: Emerson-Courtwright Ballfield Tom Owens, Ballfield Chairperson The Calaveras County Park & Recreation Commission (CCPRC) Mary Boblet, District 3 Commissioner Sien·a Pacific Industries Mark Luster, Public Relations Director, 916-812-4894 Steve Kafka, local SPI contact SCOPE OF WORK This project will improve major components of the ball field to allow secure, safe and enjoyable recreation for all ages. Specifically it will improve: 1. Ball field parking lot The existing parking lot is marked with severe potholes and is extremely dusty. Funds will purchase road gravel and labor to eliminate potholes and level the parking lot. 2. Spectator seating Seating is broken and needs replacement. New seating will be stained and painted along with existing seating. 3. Children's play area A small tot lot will be created and structure will be purchased and installed. 4. Fencing Prepared by M. Boblet 8/18/2008 A waist-high safety fence will be installed between the parking lot and the ball field. LAND TENURE The landowner is Calaveras County Water District. The Emerson Courtwright Ballfield Committee currently holds a 10-year lease. The committee is led by Tom Owens, a middle school teacher at Mark Twain Elementary School in Angels Camp and resident of Avery. This current lease agreement will need to change to qualify this project for proposition 40 funding. As of July 15, 2008 the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors passed a minute order approving the White Pines Park lease agreement between Calaveras County and CCWD. Calaveras County will next enter in to an MOU with White Pines Park Committee to manage White Pines Park. A similar lease arrangement is needed to for the Ballfield to qualify for proposition 40 funding. The ball field committee is in negotiation with CCWD to relinquish its current lease and replace it with a lease similar to the White Pines Park lease. COMMUNITY SUPPORT Community support exists in the form of donated parking lot construction asphalt from George Reed Construction. A percentage of road base will be donated by Brad Sutton. Emerson Excavating will provide some labor. Two county employees, Scott McReynolds and Todd O'Connor, will provide asphalting labor at no charge. Labor will be donated to install bleachers. The Sierra Pacific Foundation contributed $750 to replace worn out bleachers. Inquir·ies are underway to determine if an asphalt-paving vehicle can be donated as well. Ballplayers and members of the community will also provide volunteer labor to complete the bleacher replacement and some of the parking lot improvements. A community meeting was held August 3, 2008 and consensus was achieved with no issues raised. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Zoning is not affected. Regulatory requirements are not applicable. It is expected this project will receive a notice of exemption from the County's Planning department, similar to the exemption received by White Pines Park children's playground. FACILITIES TENURE Since the total budget for this project is less that $100,000, Proposition 40 Guidelines require that the Ballfield be in service for at least 10 years. Prepared by M. Boblet 8/18/2008 Arnold Rim Trail Community Meeting April 22, Tuesday 6-Spm Avery Middle School Library, Avery, CA Interested community members are invited to attend the first in a series of meetings to inform and gather input on the Arnold Rim Trail, a local volunteer and agency collaboration project to enhance non-motorized recreational and educational opportunities for Arnold and adjacent towns and communities. Many residents and those who enjoy quiet recreation in the National Forest are pitching in to enhance existing non-motorized trails as part of a greater Arnold Rim Trail (A.R.T.) that will one day circle around mid-elevation Hwy 4 communities. Key staff from Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras County leaders and local citizens arc seeking resources, including Prop 40 funding, to improve and enhance the first segment of A.R.T and are seeking community engagement and ideas for how best to make this a safe and accessible outdoor classroom for learners of all ages, while meeting the growing need for quality hiking, biking and equestrian ·trails near growing populations. 69 Nuggets Rallying 'round the Rim Trail By Jan Hovey This community truly rocks! Out of all the beautiful places I have had the pleasure to live -Yosemite, Sun Valley, Idaho, Yellowstone and Napa Valley (did I mention San Fernando Valley?)- Calaveras is the place I have grown to love most. What an idyllic setting amid oak-dotted foothills, crystal clear Jakes, sprawling ranches and rows of burgeoning vineyards for such an incredible group of people to find each other. Everyone has different stories on how they got here. Some were lucky enough to be born in Calaveras. Some moved from the big city to big country life. Many vacationed here and returned to put down roots. My reason for moving here was a blind date. It's true. I met my then-future husband, Chuck, on a blind date at Charles Krug Winery when I was working in Calistoga. (Ask me about mud baths.) I had just given up on having a man in my life, and wham- here comes Chuck. And the woman who put us together also introduced Chuck to Barden Stevenot a few years before. So, Chuck's reason for being here was an old girlfriend and a job at Stevenot Winery. Gathering stories of how we all met here would make a pretty interesting book, but that's not the purpose of this week's Nuggets. A spirited community group in the greater Arnold area has been pooling their talents and passion to make a dream come true. That dream is the Arnold Rim Trail. The Arnold Rim Trail Committee invites you to the first of many public comment arid planning meetings starting Tuesday, April 22, at the Avery Middle School Library from 6 to 8 p.m. The Rim Trail is the brainchild of Warren Alford, a fourth-generation county resident. l-Ie said, "We are beginning to see many in our community rally behind what can become one of the greatest legacies we leave our children. We need to involve both those who already live ncar the forest, as well as seasonal visitors, in the projects that will make our forests safe from fire and erosion, provide an outdoor classroom for local students and an accessible through-trail for hikers, bicyclists and equestrians." Arnold Rim Trail Committee Chair, Randy Crutcher, joins Alford in this cause. "I am so pleased to see that other volunteers like myself living in this area care so much about this beautiful place we live and recreate in. They want to protect, enjoy and share it with others in a way that respects residents and the forest groves, streams, waterfalls, grand vistas and other features this non-motorized trail will link together." The Arnold Rim Trail is a proposed non-motorized, multi-use trail adjacent to the communities of Arnold and Avery along Highway 4. Still in the concept stage but gaining steam, the trail would link public lands including Calaveras Big Trees State Park, the Stanislaus River, White Pines Community Park and Lake and the 8,000-acre U.S. Forest Service Interface area. The entire segment from White Pines Lake to Cougar Rock has been flagged in and preparations are under way to establish a signed route. During the April22 meeting, the history of the trail will be given, as well as ample time to hear community input and work on problem solving. "This is an opportunity for the public to participate in the planning process, designed with mechanisms to listen to suggestions and concerns carefully," said Steve Lauterbach, committee member and meeting planner. Key staff from U.S. Forest Service Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras County leaders and interested individuals are seeking community acknowledgement to use money from Proposition 40 to improve and enhance what will become a distinctive community asset among Sierra towns and neighborhoods. Rock on Rim Trail! For more information on this community nugget-to-be, contact Randy Crutcher at 7953127 and visit online at Arnold Rim Trail Sign Project The Ebbetts Pass corridor area includes a named trail system called the Arnold Rim Trail, located in the Stanislaus National Forest property also known as the Interface. The area is a well-known hiking area to property owners, visitors and community residents who like to mountain bike, run, hike and camp in it. This project will make improvements by placing signposts and kiosks on a portion of this trail, providing directional and route information. The website address is This project supports the Goals of Calaveras County as stated in the General Plan. 1. The Calaveras County General Plan: Goal V-7: Conserve national, state and regional recreation areas in the County. Policy V-7A: Support public and private entities in their efforts to maintain and improve recreation facilities in the County. The Calaveras County economic element is currently under construction and it lists tourism as a leading industry. Few people realize that Calaveras includes world-class landscapes. This trail segment in the STF will provide access to world-class landscapes in the County including San Antonio Falls. The beauty of the Falls and other features is beyond compare for their easy access within the wildland-urban interface areas of Calaveras County. This signage project will be a collaborative effort between the following organizations with the Stanislaus National Forest taking the lead role: Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras District (STF) Patty Clarey, STF Recreation Officer, [email protected], 209-795-1381 x315 County of Calaveras Mike Miller, County Administration, [email protected], 209-754-6302 Arnold Rim Trail Committee Tyler Summersett, Proposition 40 Coordinator SCOPE OF WORK This project will make improvements by placing signposts and kiosks on a portion of this trail, providing directional and route information. The ART committee website address is LAND TENURE The landowner is Stanislaus National Forest. Calaveras County will partner with the National Forest Service to purchase and install signage. The Arnold Rim Trail Committee will partner to provide design preferences, project management and volunteer labor. The MOU consists of a 10 year USDA Forest Service agreement suggested by the State Parks and Recreation Department. The agreement was prepared by the Stanislaus National For·est Recreation Officer and then reviewed and approved by County Counsel with Prepared by M. Boblet 8/18/2008 minor changes. The MOU is back with the State Parks and Recreation Department for final review. SIGN DESCRIPTION There are two types of signs, directional and trailhead. Kiosks will be placed at parking areas. Directional Signs will be placed at intersections with other trails and forest service roads. Each sign will be supported with a 5"x5"x6' recycled plastic post reinforced with fiberglass rebar (see ). Depending on the configuration ofthe intersection, a post will have disks on two, three or all four faces of the post. Both informational and directional information printed on 4" metal disks will be attached to the post with screws in a routed in manner to deter vandalism. Road names will be routed in to the posts. COMMUNITY SUPPORT Community support was secured at a community meeting attended by 27 people on August 3, 2008. Vallecito Conservation Camp will be approached to provide volunteer labor. The Arnold Rim Trail Committee has been providing ongoing trail maintenance Stanislaus National Forest (STF) sponsored trail maintenance days. Over 428 hours of community volunteer time is credited to arranging meetings, holding an ART introduction community meeting, and providing trail maintenance. Planning meetings take place each month, attended by the Arnold Rim Trail Committee, STF Recreation Officer and Trail Coordinator, and periodically by the District Ranger. Total STF financial support supplied in terms of labor totals $2469.94. The Forest Service intends to collaboratively work with the Arnold Rim Trail Committee to design, purchase, install and maintain signage and manage their use to maximize the enjoyment of the Interface area for residents and visitors. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Zoning is not affected. Regulatory r·equirements are not applicable. The trails area to receive signage is NEPA compliant. This project received a notice of exemption from the County's Planning department and will be recorded with the County Recorder shortly. LAND TENURE Since the total budget for this project is less that $100,000, Proposition 40 Guidelines require that the signs be in service for at least 10 years. The durability of the recycled plastic materials guarantees service at or beyond 10 years without maintenance. Prepared by M. Boblet 8/18/2008 The recycled plastic post (5x5x6) is reinforced with fiberglass rebar. It will withstand 10 years of wet weather conditions as required by Proposition 40. Kiosks will be installed at parking lots, providing a site for posting safety information and other recreational information which guides visitors to enjoy other venues within the region and county. Prepared by M. Boblet 8/18/2008 Definition Scope of Project for Prop 40 application This document is provided as submitted as a supplement to the application completed by Mary Boblet. It contains a definition of the scope of the project for which Prop 40 funds are being sought for the Arnold Rim Trail, and under separate cover includes mitigations to concerns raised by the Park and Recreation Commission. The US Forest Service working with the Arnold Rim Trail Committee has fulfilled all environmental review requirements to place signs in the US Forest Service Interface area between Avery Sheep ranch road and the Sierra Nevada Logging Museum in Nevada. The trail mileage is 10.46 miles. Patty Clarey and Lonnie Allison ofthe US FS, Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras Ranger District have confirmed that placing this signage within the two year window of the Prop 40 funding requirement is reasonable, practical, and fully achievable. The Arnold Rim Trail Committee is therefore requesting funding for signage on this 10.64 miles of trail. Three kiosks will be placed at locations away from homeowners associations in publicly accessible areas. The cost of the kiosks is for materials only. Labor for their construction shall be provided by volunteers. Please note that the US Forest Service in consultation with the Arnold Rim Trail Committee has selected a kiosk design that matches the ones used on the Tahoe Rim Trail (see attached picture and minutes from May, 2008, meeting). Signs using Trex composite posts will be used. Attached to the posts will be metal signs that are not wider than the post. They will use the Arnold Rim Trail logo in a similar fashion that the Coast to Crest logo will be use on that trail's sign posts. Directional arrows will also be attached to the posts. These will be placed at strategic locations along the trail where needed to assist users to stay on the Arnold Rim Trail. The interface area has an extensive number of paths and trails that cross the Arnold Rim Trail in the Interface area. Posts will need to be placed to ensure that those following the Arnold Rim Trail will not get lost. The signs will be placed for Forest Service and Arnold Rim Trail volunteers. It may also be necessary to place accessory signs in some locations on side trails to ensure clarity regarding the location and direction of the Arnold Rim Trail. The request for Prop 40 funding for signage in the 10.64 mile section of trail in the Forest Service Interface plus the three kiosks is a total of $8,670. Arnold Rim Trail Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Final minutes Meeting called to order: 5:40pm at Hathaway Pines US Forest Service Headquarters. Attendance: Lonnie Allison, Mary Boblet, Jim Boyer, Rod Cummins, Paul Gehres, Steve Lauterbach, Paul & Sharon Lienhart, Sid Marsh, Tyler Summersett Review last meeting's minutes: The March 25, 08 minutes were reviewed. Mary indicated that she needed to revise the section on "Parks and Recreation Update". We approved the other sections of the minutes, and Mary will submit the Park and Rec revision subsequently. Debriefing of April 22nd Community Meeting: At the Apri122nd community meeting, a list of "Challenges/Concerns" and "Opportunities" were generated by those who attended. At today's meeting we began the process of studying this list to ensure that we followed up on the suggestions. One concern mentioned at the April 22nd meeting was that Valley View Road needed grading since it was not currently easily passable due to rnts and degradation. This road will provide access at several points to the Arnold Rim Trail, but the condition of the road is also a safety issue for the local community, since this road represents an escape route in case of fire. Shortly after the Apri122nd meeting, Valley View Rd was graded. The need to incorporate a number of communities and entities into the Arnold Rim Trail planning process was identified. This includes CCWD, SPJ, the community of White Pines, White Pines Park, the community ofl-Iathaway Pines, CalTrans, Calaveras Big Trees State Park, and others. Steve will contact CCWD, SPl, Calaveras Big Trees State Park before the June meeting. Others will also be contacted in the ncar future. Selection of type of signs and trailhead kiosks for ART in Interface section: The various options for types of signs, posts, and kiosks to be placed in the Interface Area of the US Forest Service was made by Mary Boblet, District 3 Park and Rec Commissioner. An application for funding these items through the usc of Prop 40 money is being made. The decision about what sign age to use that was made at this meeting is important, because it will eventually set the standard for signs, posts, and kiosks through the entire twenty five miles of the Arnold Rim Trail system. After consideration of the options, which included input for the Forest Service on whose property most of the Arnold Rim Trail will be eventually located and who will have responsibility for maintenance and upkeep of these section of signs, the following decision was made by consensus: 1) The Arnold Rim Trail signs will be attached to 4x4 wooden posts. 2) The ART signs will be aluminum similar in size to those being considered for the Coast the Crest Mokelumne signs. They will feature the Arnold Rim Trail logo, and will be no wider than the post so that they may be inlaid on the post. The directional arrows on the posts will be also inlaid (routed) if possible, or attached without routing if necessary. 3) Trailhead kiosks will be similar to those used on the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail. They are substantially constructed and are similar to kiosks found in a number of US Forest Service settings. A picture of such a kiosk from the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail was shown at the meeting and it was this 1ype of kiosk that was approved. 4) Trail signs indicated side routes will be attached to fiberglass posts. Mmy had done costing calculations and estimates the signage, posts, and kiosks for the section of trail in the Interface Area will be $5,300. Consider adoption of Arnold Rim Trail "By Line": The Arnold Rim Trail will be multi-use with hikers, bicyclists, and equestrians. There are guidelines that indicate the proper etiquette when hikers, bikers, and equestrians encounter each other on the trail. It is also important for trail users to be good neighbors to those who live in the communities near the Arnold Rim Trail. These rules of etiquette will be included on the trailhead kiosks and in literature about the trail. The idea of adopting a "by-line" for the Arnold Rim Trail to highlight the value of the trail to the communi1y and the emphasize the importance of courteous trail use has been useful in other similar settings. At this meeting the concept of adopting such a by-line was introduced and briefly discussed. As an example, a by line could be "The Good Neighbor Trail". It could convey the meaning and value of the Trail in a positive light and spirit. We decided to take this topic up again at the next meeting to more fully explore the option. Schedule next Trail work day: We decided that the next trail maintenance day would be Saturday, May 31st, and that we would have another trail day in July, although that date remains to be determined. For the Saturday, May 31st, work day, we will gather at the Hathaway Pine Forest Service office at 8:30a.m. and carpool from there. We will finish by 1 pm. Notice will be sent out separately from the minutes with details about the work day. Consider inviting Meadowmont, Lakemont, and Millwoods to formally identify representatives to attend ART meeting: We discussed asking Meadowmont, Lakemont, and Mill woods to identify a permanent representative to the Arnold Rim Trail Committee. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that Meadowmont had already made this decision and that Rod Cummins was attending this meeting in that capacity. Steve will contact Lakemont and Millwoods and ask them if they wish to identify a representative. Other business: Rod offered to help with any ADA language or issues that we encounter in the development of the Trail. Confirm next meeting date and time, and select top two or three agenda items for next meeting: The next ART Committee meeting was set for Tuesday, June 17th, from 5:30 pm7:15pm at the Forest Service Office in Hathaway Pines. Agenda items to include: 1) f/u report on Prop 40 application 2) continued discussion of possible ART "by line". 3) continued review of April 22nd community input. Adjoumment: 7:08pm Respectfully submitted, Steve Lauterbach ART Meeting Scheduler (also Chair of today's meeting in Randy Crutcher's absence) Arnold Rim Trail Committee Responses/Actions consequent to the open community meeting April 22"" with Stanislaus Forest Service officials, 3"1 District Parks and Recreation Commissioner and members of the Amold Rim Trail Committee providing information about funding sources and projects, status of trail enhancement, update on community presentations about ART and solicitation of input from community members present. Representatives of CCWD, SPI, and the SherifPs office attended the meeting .. This meeting was advertised ahead of time with a press release that included the fact that Prop 40 money under discussion. This was also included in a Calaveras Enterprise Lodestar article before the meeting, and public flyers posted widely in the community included this information about Prop 40 (see attached Lodes tea article and a copy of the flyers). Background The following are Arnold Rim Trail (ART) Committee responses to and actions taken in response to a list of issues presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission by 3"1District Parks and Recreation Commissioner Mary Bob let. The items on the list were generated at the community meeting of approximately 60 people on April22, 2008 at the Avery Middle School Library. The list was shared in a Commission discussion about ART's Prop 40 funding request for partial signage on the Arnold Rim Trail segment located in the Interface Forest of the Stanislaus National Forest. The following list was excerpted from a larger list that included ART Opportunities, which are included at the end of list of Challenges/Concerns. At that meeting, it was exciting to see the community process at work. Please note that citizens who attended the meeting began to share mitigations to the concerns that were being raised by their fellow participants, and these are reflected in some instances in the "opportunities list" that was also developed. It was a community meeting in the best sense, citizens were actively asked to identify their concerns, and working together with their neighbors, began to problem solve. Below arc further mitigations to the specific items on the "concerns" list. Please also note that this list of concerns was an agenda item at the May meeting (see May, 2008, minutes). The Arnold Rim Trail committee has continued to work on the list of concerns at subsequent meetings and in discussions with homeowners associations. It is important to note that early on the Arnold Rim Trail Committee mndc a consensus agreement that signage, if any, on access points in the subdivisions would be at the sole discretion ofthe homeowner association boards. Furthermore, it has been a cornerstone principle of the Arnold Rim Trail philosophy to bring stakeholders to the table at every opportunity so that publicly raised issues are addressed and mitigation solutions sought. Challenges/Concerns Item: Mapping)Jeedsto clearly reflect motorizcd/nol:t.1Jl'2torizcd rgut<oUQ,g. Distinguish..'LeL\Iice roads for forest service ve]1icles vs. O!:!.Y,'U Respo1~.2/1i Lonnie Allison made the recommended mapping changes that addressed the community concerns and made avnilable new Interim Interface Trails Area Guide, available at the Calaveras Ranger District Office, Stanislaus National Forest. New maps will be made available over time reflecting any chnngcs or improvements in ART. Item: Safety ancj_Access to me>lical services Response/s Paramedics, local clinic and heliport for immediate evacuation readily available. Deputy Sheriff available in immediate area. Increased signage as per Prop 40 proposal will ensure users stay on well-designed trails that will take them to their destination, decreasing the risk of getting lost. Item: Not enough disability access Response/s Trails currently being improved to accommodate full spectrum of abilities. Grant applications for state Rural Trails Program includes request to design and construct 9/10 of a mile of wheel chair access with safe rest and vista points adjacent trail. Other opp01tunities will be investigated. Item: Fees might deter Qeople from using trails Response/s The Interface trails network portion and all portions of ART are planned as free-use areas. Fees could be considered in the future to provide for maintenance and facilities development, but are not planned at this time or in the foreseeable future Item: Include other stakeholders as project progresses (CCWD and White Pines Park Committee) Response/s The ART Committee has an established record of contacting homeowners associations, nonmotorized recreationists and other stakeholders affected by the Prop 40 signage project proposal. The steering committee has also established contact with SPI, CCWD, CalTrans, Calaveras Big Trees State Park, and Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company to gain specific information about areas beyond the Prop 40 project proposal for the Interface trails segment of ART. Item: Safe Crossings ofHwy ± )Zesponse/s There are no Hwy 4 crossings involved in Prop 40 signage project application. ART is developing a working relationship with Cal Trans for future trail segments requiring highway crossings. F. CSRQ!l~e_i~ Valley View Rd was graded consequent to April 22'"1 meeting facilitating two-wheel drive travel. Item: Garbage and Trail Maintenance Response/s_ In coordination with Forest Service employees, ART promotes community volunteer clean up and improvement days. Signage will help educate community about "having a light footprint," and other guidelines for respectful and cooperative trail behavior. Item: ART access n.Q.i.nts mill__parking in neighborhoods-cag't accommodate now \Y)lat about the fntlJre? Project signage is only for the Arnold Rim trail itself and trail heads in public areas away from homeowners associations, not in neighborhoods. Public lands parking provided with improved access trails on public land. As opportunities arise, will make more public parking available. Item: Unrestricted camping/shooting Response/s By law, camping is allowed on US Forest Service prope1ty; this is true nationwide. The Penny Pines portion of the Interface has no target shooting allowed. Can legally hunt but must shoot away from homes within 150 yards. Cannot shoot across a roadway. This is established by California Department of Fish and Game law. Neither the camping nor shooting regulations are changed by the marking of the Arnold Rim Trail Item: Don't advertise ART until facilities are in place Response/s Publicity to date has focused on informing the public about the opportunity to help further develop existing trails and public access, gathering input about community desires and concerns in multiple meetings with HOA's and stakeholders along with large open community meeting in April. Opportunities (This list of items was generated along with the list of concerns at the April, 2008, public meeting. Now have another good reason to improve county Valley View Drive/Rei (A.R.T. access and fire escape route) Eligibility for Prop 40 funds Symbiotic relationship between trail users and homeowners-Good Citizenship Create trail without alienating stakeholders Immediate trail patrol of existing trails Nature walks/star gazing/interpretation "Wednesday night hike" guided tour Brochures/signagc- trail etiquette Trail "ownership" and pride through volunteer labor (emotional involvement) Learn in a unique environment (students) Camping Participation in the Fomth of July Parade Make GPS coordinates available ADA accessibility/wheelchair Generate revenues through "user fees" Donations from other recreation clubs Fundraisers Safety/bonding/community building in #'s ART community watch group Share resources/responsibilities with other enthusiasts It's a community focus Advertise through Ebbetts Pass- The Movie Involve other local communities/advocates Involve youth groups: Scouts (various), schools, probation (community service), church Service projects for local students Hiking Club Free! No one-upmanship Creativity/activity stimulator Disc golf facility between Timber Trails and Lakemont Attachment D Notes regarding the discussion and possible proposal to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission (CPRC) be restructured to only include the appointed members from the five supervisorial districts, eliminating the voting member positions representing CCWD and the San Andreas Recreation and Parks District. • As the CPRC grows in stature and influence, it is important that we move forward as a unified entity without other influences. • The Commission is a county government entity. The business that has been addressed and will be addressed by the Commission in the foreseeable future is Calaveras County business. It is inappropriate for other governmental agencies or districts to have a voting voice for the county government, even in an advisory capacity. This is not to say that the Commission or the County Government does wish to partner and/or enter into agreements with CCWD, San Andreas Recreation and Parks, or any other public or private entity involved with our mission. In fact, the inclusion of other entities directly in our decision making process could alter our advisory positions, or the perception of our positions, in certain circumstances. • The inclusion of CCWD and the San Andreas Park & Recreation District in the CPRC could cause and imbalance of influence in the future as other special districts form or existing entities become more involved in park facilities or recreation services in the future. For example, why doesn't the Copperopolis Parks and Rec group have a separate voting seat on our commission right now? Or the Veterans Districts who do so much for recreation in our county? • Having fewer commission members will allow us to more easily have a quorum at meetings. • It is also important for us to keep an odd number of commissioners to ensure a majority vote on motions. To eliminate just one of the two outside entities would be impractical, and fail to fully address the issues noted above. Respectfully submitted by Mason Goodale, District 4 Commissioner