Magazine 2 2011
Magazine 2 2011
MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR from Celia Here are seven authors who have something to say about the new directions subtle energies research must take – and is taking. Perhaps you’ve experienced times when the right things just seemed to appear and fall into place. That’s the way this issue came about – through a collection of chance events. A book arrived or a title caught my attention, an article was submitted, or a conversation took place, creating ideas that developed and grew together. Although Bridges Magazine does not usually have a central focus, it does this time. In 2009 I came across A New Science Of The Paranormal by psychologist and parapsychologist Lawrence LeShan. For decades he has written groundbreaking, best-selling books about healing, mysticism, meditation, and psychic events. His latest book is another of his pioneering statements, one that I read with delight and then set aside. In January it became obvious that his book should be taken off the shelf so his call to action could lead this issue. LeShan and his late wife, Eda, made everyday use of psi, as in this story she told long ago: One day after work Larry kept seeing images of cows in his mind, so when he got home he asked, “Eda, why were you sending me pictures of cows?” She answered, “Well, I wanted you to stop and pick up a quart of milk. “ Many, many people have had experiences of non-material reality (the paranormal), but mainstream science has not considered it a subject worthy of research. William Kautz has written an article that details steps that science must take in order to deal with the existence of subtle energies and our “other ways of knowing.” He says that rather than dismissing the effects of mind as a distraction while conducting research, as is done now, they must be included. And, he recommends that we first concentrate our new, inclusive research on healing. I read Dream Healer by Adam (he uses just one name), and found this prediction: “In the future, being able to heal by thought will be the norm.” I believe he’s naming a far from ordinary kind of thought, one that in different ways both William Bengston and Joseph Pierce Farrell describe as they write about their experiences with the powerful role of mental events in healing. Working both as researcher and healer, Bengston has developed a technique for “cycling” images of greatly desired outcomes, a hyper-energized visualization that can bring about real changes when practiced over time. It opens us to a non-ordinary state of consciousness, one that I think Farrell experienced spontaneously when, with profound and intense longing, he envisioned healing the faces of disfigured children. Bengston has been told that he has touched Source, a description that might also fit Farrell’s having been touched by another level of being. Bengston is now researching whether healing can be taught, and Farrell is documenting his work to counter the usual criticism of skeptics. In his article, Gary Schwartz describes calling out to Spirit – and receiving an answer. He is a researcher who has been bridging science and Spirit for many years. Now he writes that it is not enough to leave research to the experts, we must also develop “self-science” and use the living laboratory that each one of us is to discover what is true. As soon as I read the term “consciousness medicine” in Farrell’s book, it seemed the obvious right name for the next great step - the one predicted by Adam. Consciousness medicine goes beyond the mind-body medicine that opened us to the reality that the mind and body form an interacting whole and moderated our purely biological approach to health. Consciousness medicine even goes beyond the mind-body-spirit approaches that take into account the positive effect spirituality can have on a person’s overall health. I believe that it will bring healing back into medicine through teaching us about an expanded state of consciousness that has been known for millennia but not honored in our materialistic times. Many voices have been calling for new approaches in mainstream science and in the study of healing. There’s a double demand in this – not only must the experts and professionals explore non-material reality, but each one of us must discover how to bridge from what we know to the subtle levels of reality currently dismissed in our culture. As more and more of us discover that we are multi-dimensional beings in a multi-dimensional universe we may be able to renew science - and life in this world. EXCERPTS FROM A NEW SCIENCE OF THE PARANORMAL Lawrence LeShan, who was born in 1920, has long been a pioneer in the study of both healing and the paranormal. He is the author of many articles and books including A New Science Of The Paranormal which was published in 2009. Here are some of his thoughts on what we must do now. page 4 We desperately need a new concept of what a human being is if we are to learn how to stop killing each other and poisoning our only planet. The old, materialistic worldview has not enabled us to do this. Psychic research, however, does offer the opportunity for a new picture of the world. page 3 There is a tremendous hope and great promise in psychical research – the study of the paranormal. In spite of where the field appears to be now, this promise is close to fulfillment. We know far more about the paranormal than is generally believed. BRIDGES Magazine page 3 In 1 9 3 0 , a o n e - e ye d p i l o t n a m e d Hi n c h l i f f e w a s attempting the first east-west transatlantic flight. He had intended to fly alone. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, his financial sponsor insisted on a woman copilot. Several hundred miles away, on an ocean liner, unaware that Hinchliffe was making a crossing attempt at this time, or that there were any plans for anyone to be with him, two old friends of his, Air Force Colonel Henderson and Squadron Leader Rivers Oldmeadow, were asleep. In the middle of the night, Henderson, in his pajamas, opened the door of Oldmeadow’s cabin and said, ‘God Rivers, something ghastly has just happened. Hinch has just been in my cabin. Eyepatch and all. It was ghastly. He kept repeating over and over again. ‘Hendy, what am I going to do? I’ve got the woman with me and I’m lost. I’m lost.’ Then he disappeared in front of my eyes. Just disappeared.” It was during that very night that Hinchliffe’s plane crashed, and he and the woman copilot were killed. This is the type of data that historically has been the primary concern of psychical research. The information that Henderson reported was both meaningful and important. Unfortunately, very little progress has been made in the past hundred years to increase our understanding of this type of phenomenon. It is with the meaning and implications of these occurrences that my book is concerned. 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 3 8 E XCEPRTS FROM : A N EW S CIENCE OF THE PARANORMAL page 4 The scientific study of paranormal phenomena - ESP, poltergeists, hauntings, deathbed apparitions – is in complete disarray. The major laboratories have closed, and scientific journals in the field have shown nothing importantly new for many years. The few libraries dealing with the subject are deserted on an average afternoon, and this at a time when there is tremendous and widespread public interest in the paranormal. This book tells why this is so. It explains why psychical researchers have abandoned the study of large, well-attested psychic events…and limited themselves largely to studying statistical analyses of people guessing thousands of cards being turned over in the next room or next country, or of people trying to influence by mental means the long lists of numbers produced by an electronic random-number generator. This approach has shown scientifically that ESP exists, but it has been unconvincing to the mainline scientific establishment and, moreover, of little interest to the public at large. The book then proceeds to show how a real science can be made out of the large, exciting events – such as the (Hinchclife) incident … – that brought most of the psychical researchers into the field. If this can be done, it would bring mainline science into the study of psi and thus revitalize the whole field. Our culture would be changed in a positive way as the reality of the paranormal became part of our general worldview and of what it means to be a human being. BY L AWRENCE L E S HAN 8 page 25 Many people become anxious when they hear or read of examples of psi, or encounter affirmations of the existence of psi. The strength of this anxiety should not be underestimated. It has led to the wholesale rejection of the data of parapsychological research by a large number of people in terms far more extreme than they would use in other areas. Consider, for example, the early nineteenth century natural philosopher Alexander von Humboldt, one of the greatest scientists of recent centuries. He stated that no matter what the evidence for the existence of psi was, he would not believe it: ‘Neither the testimony of all the Fellows of the Royal Society nor even the evidence of my own senses, could lead me to believe in the transmission of thought from one person to another independently of the recognized channels of sensation. It is clearly impossible.’ He chose to give up his lifelong attitudes toward science and the scientific method rather than consider changing them. Here is a great scientist stating that he knows so much about reality that the universe holds no more surprises for him. No doubt that is a comforting and reassuring belief, but it is an astonishing one for a scientist to hold. page 15 Today we have another method of distancing ourselves from the implications of what we are observing. We can decide that, since the science of quantum mechanics is so full of mysterious concepts, the ‘explanation’ of psi must be there. Thus there is really no problem: everything about psi has already been explained by quantum science, or will be very soon. Forty years ago, I was one of the people who started the idea that psi could be explained in terms of quantum mechanics or relativity theory. I now believe that we were wrong and I regret my part in it. Dignity, love, loyalty, awe and psi must be dealt with on their own terms in a science built on these observables, not one built on the observables of subatomic particles. page 18 Psi is a terribly important adventure. It is the wild card in our seemingly hopeless attempt to get the human race off the endangered-species list. As the physicist and psychic researcher Robert McConnell showed at the hundredth anniversary meeting of the Society for Psychical Research in 1982, we treat something according to how we perceive and define it. …. Psychic research has the data to give us a new way to view ourselves and each other. Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D., is author of the best-selling How To Meditate and many other books on psychotherapy, cancer treatment, and mysticism. He has appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America. Exceprts from: Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D. A New Science of the Paranormal: The Promise of Psychical Research, Quest Books (2009) This Material Was Reproduced By Permission Of Quest Books, The Imprint Of The Theosophical Society. BRIDGES Magazine 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 4 TRUE DISBELIEVERS When I asked if he knew all the laws of the universe, he replied heatedly that he still would not participate. It did not help when I complained that he was a strange scientist, ready to write a final report before we even conducted the experiment, and that he sounded like the medieval Cardinal who would not look through Galileo’s telescope because he already knew that the moons of Jupiter could not be there. I maintained that I was a neutral investigator (though hopeful), where he was a ‘true disbeliever,’ as unscientific in his way as a ‘true believer’ could be in another way.” Elmer Green Elmer Green tells this story about doubt and resistance to new ideas from the time when studies of Swami Rama were being conducted in the voluntary controls of internal states research program at the Menninger Foundation. BRIDGES Magazine foolish experiment. I pointed out that the Swami could only succeed or fail. If the Swami said he could demonstrate something we had nothing to lose by watching him succeed or fail, and if he succeeded we could inquire further. My colleague still refused and said there was no use in conducting the test. It was bound to fail, he said, ‘because it breaks all the laws of the universe.’ “An esteemed friend, a ‘hardheaded’ scientist, was asked if he would participate in testing one of the Swami’s more ‘far-out’ proposals, and he bluntly said no. When I asked why he said that he did not want to be This story comes from Vol 10 connected with such a of Subtle Energies. 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 5 SCIENCE AND HANDS-ON HEALING William Bengston THOUGH MY INITIAL RESPONSE TO THE VALIDITY OF HANDSON HEALING WAS ONE OF INCREDULITY, THE ACCUMULATION OF REPLICABLE SCIENTIFIC DATA HAS OVERWHELMED MY OWN DISBELIEF. I HAVE BECOME A FAILED SKEPTIC. BRIDGES Magazine I discovered my own hands-on ability through a mentor who was a natural healer. We met in Long Island, New York, during the summer of 1971, when I was twenty-one. Though Bennett Mayrick was in his late forties, he had only recently discovered that he had psychic abilities. By his own testimony, he could hold an object belonging to someone he had never met and give detailed information abut its owner. In parapsychological literature, that’s known as ‘psychometry.’ For months I tested him with objects provided by friends, determined either to debunk his alleged abilities or to understand scientifically how they worked. Even when I designed doubleblind studies to outfox him, using protocols that I considered flawless, Ben always beat me. 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) While conducting readings, Ben began to pick up physical sensations corresponding to the medical problems of the object’s owner. His initial impulse was to draft me to help him banish these unwelcome effects. Instead, I became his first patient. He cured me of chronic back pain that has never returned. Through trial and error, Ben morphed into a hands-on healer without either of us knowing what was happening. Through word of mouth, people would come to him with their afflictions. Ben would put his hands on each one, for thirty minutes to an hour, curing or improving conditions previously considered incurable. He had some unexpected failures. He could not make warts disappear, and as far as the Page 6 8 S CIENCE AND H ANDS - ON H EALING common cold is concerned, you’d probably do just as well with an inhaler. With cancers we would often learn later through blood work and CAT scans that the disease had retreated, then disappeared. Most of our patients’ doctors classified these unexpected cures as spontaneous remission, a rare but medically recognized phenomenon. By contrast, we were routinely observing such remissions, involving a wide variety of cancers. What was happening in each case? What tied these cases together? Despite gratifying results, I was growing increasingly frustrated from a scientific viewpoint. Each and every patient came with complex physical and psychological issues that made it difficult to isolate the results of Ben’s work. Perhaps one might be taking massive doses of vitamin C, or visiting an acupuncturist, or undergoing more orthodox medical treatments. As a scientist, this problem confounds me even today. My relentless need for answers drove me into the controlled world of the laboratory in search of ironclad, replicable validation. Our first experiment was to be conducted with mice in 1975 in the biology department of Queens College of the City University of New York. At the last moment Ben, who abhorred formal testing, refused to participate. Since I had been healing together with him for several years, I reluctantly substituted. In the initial experiment, which became the template, mice bred for research were injected with a particularly lethal strain of mammary cancer that always resulted in 100 percent fatality within fourteen to twenty-seven days. Through hands-on healing, these results were completely reversed: 100 percent of the mice survived the disease to become cancer free and to live a normal two-year lifespan! This experiment was replicated once more at Queens College with the same 100 percent success. Eight other replications, with minor BRIDGES Magazine BY W ILLIAM B ENGSTON 8 variations, at four other biological and medical laboratories produced comparable results. Just as amazing, mice that were re-injected did not get cancer, suggesting they had developed an immunity. I wish to remind readers that my animal research findings reverse the classic experimental model. I did not begin by healing be learned by others using techniques that I have developed?” Hands-on healing has emerged independently as a tradition in most cultures, including the West, despite having been severely repressed here for the last three hundred years. Since most cultures have independently produced a tradition of hands-on healing, it seems “Unraveling the mystery of hands-on healing has been the passion driving much of my work over the past three decades.” testing mice in a lab, producing a theory that now awaits human application. I went into the lab to verify and gain insight into a procedure that I had already successfully used to cure many people of a variety of medical problems, especially cancer. Unraveling the mystery of hands-on healing has been the passion driving much of my work over the past three decades. Like most high-stakes, life-anddeath stories, this one has not always proceeded smoothly. Along with exhilarating triumphs, I have encountered perverse roadblocks, strange anomalies, and – most discouraging of all – the arbitrary rejection of hard scientific data on the grounds that it is too good to be true. I have also gained intriguing insights into the complexities of human nature, the tragedy of selfsabotage, and the yawning gap between stated desire and behavior. Over the years I peppered Ben with questions, hoping to find ways to reproduce his experiences. In between discussions on horse racing, astronomy, and politics and our ordering pizza, we evolved what began to look like a process. Recently, I have directed my curiosity toward a question with broad clinical application, “Can hands-on 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) reasonable to assume that this ability may be distributed throughout any population, much like artistic or musical talent. In Western culture, Jesus is still the preeminent model of a hands-on healer, suggesting that this ability is the overflow of a wise, compassionate, highly evolved consciousness. The word consciousness does not have a plural and that may be instinctive wisdom built into the language, reflecting our awareness that all consciousness is connected. When I met Ben I would say I was open-minded about psychic phenomena in principle, but was intensely skeptical of those claiming to produce it. As a teenager, I had had a number of dreams around death that had proven startlingly prophetic. This motivated me to read some of the popular paranormal literature, most of which was anecdotal and little of which impressed me. I had also taken a noncredit, adult education course on the paranormal at Buffalo State University, with instructor Douglas Dean, a well-respected parapsychology researcher. In the course, Dean reviewed laboratory experiments, conducted with strict protocols, into such phenomena as telepathy and Page 7 8 S CIENCE AND H ANDS - ON H EALING energy healing. Those did impress me, and I was puzzled as to why so many scientists were hostile toward what appeared to be legitimate results. Unfortunately, I was to find tunnel vision within the whole scientific community, and the bigger the picture became, the more certain the experts were to miss it. “I was puzzled as to why so many scientists were hostile toward what appeared to be legitimate results.” An obvious problem with energy healing is determining who is qualified to practice. Currently anyone can claim to be a healer, whether through genuine ability, fraud, or self-delusion. I would like to see the development of tests that can show ‘something’ relevant is happening when healing is supposed to be occurring. For example, after I held a beaker of water for several minutes, a chemist friend reported that the water’s oxygenization had increased 25 percent. When he tested other healers, increased oxygenization also occurred, but only by about 1 percent. Does this have anything to do with healing? The field is still too mysterious for us to know. Perhaps all Creation as we know it is an extraction from a totality, which I have chosen to call the ‘Source. Three psychics have told me the same thing: ‘You’ve touched Source energy.’ Though I don’t know what that means, sometimes I do have an experience of traveling to a place in which everything I need for healing is in infinite supply. My mind moves into super- BRIDGES Magazine BY W ILLIAM B ENGSTON 8 consciousness and a sense of higher intelligence, then past that into peace, and past that into Nothingness – a place of pure potential where all possibilities exist at the same time. The higher I go, the less I feel. The Source doesn’t do anything, it just is. The best way I can describe the Nothing that contains Everything is through the metaphor of white light. Physicists tell us it contains all other colors: when we see red or green or yellow, that’s a subtraction from white. Perhaps by touching the Source I can give my patients what they need to heal, because the Source offers an infinite number of simultaneous existences transcending time and space. Just as I speculate that Creation may be a subtraction from the perfection of Nothingness, I see disease as a subtraction from perfect health. I find that I am unconsciously drawn to physical need in others, and that somehow I’m able to offer a patient what he or she requires. Instead of time travel backward or forward perhaps I’m able to access some kind of universal energy, intelligence, awareness, or information beyond my perception. I can’t describe any of this more clearly – that’s why we have poets! What I am sure of, through personal experience, is that this kind of healing is a natural system, not a magical one, which is why it’s also an imperfect one. Sometimes I can help, and sometimes I can’t. What I endeavor to do is to offer patients the whole spectrum – metaphorically, white light – in hopes they can subtract from it what they need in order to return to health. That’s different from my healing them, though out of habit I still use that word. It’s also why I’m always surprised when patients thank me for restoring them to health. While those were my hands moving around, I never feel as if I was the healer. But is it really necessary for me to tell you these things? In a national survey forty percent of all Americans admitted 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) to having had at least one profound mystical experience that took them beyond time and space, with many others perhaps too shy to report such experiences. That was touching the Source. And the Source doesn’t pay attention to national borders. In countries where the spiritual is woven more firmly into daily life, the numbers are likely to be much higher. My hope is that all those who read my book take from it an expanded sense of the resources offered by the Universe, along with a greater awareness of their own potential in calling upon that abundance, not only for healing, but for all aspects of life. The possibilities are infinite. The limitations are our own and we need not faith, not belief, but trust. William F. Bengston is a professor of sociolog y at St. Joseph's College in New York, and President of the Society for Scientific Exploration, an international group of scientists who study anomalies. His areas of specialization include research methods and statistics. For over twenty five years, Dr. Bengston has been doing research into anomalous healing and has numerous publications in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Explore. In addition, he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe. His research has produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas in experimental mice by laying-on-of-hands techniques that he helped to develop. He has also investigated assorted correlates to healing such as geomagnetic micropulsations and EEG harmonics and entrainment. He has recently published a memoir, The Energy Cure, with Sounds True, along with a 6 CD set Hands On Healing: A Training Course in the Energ y Cure, which describes his healing techniques. Page 8 ADVANCING CONSCIOUSNESS-BASED HEALTHCARE Joseph Pierce Farrell IT WAS JANUARY OF 2000, THE DAWN OF A NEW MILLENNIUM, AND CHANGE WAS IN THE AIR. It was a time when people around the world, individually and collectively, paused to look inside, to examine and question who they were, how far they had progressed, and where they were BRIDGES Magazine heading. I was no exception. I was working in a corporate business environment and miserable having abandoned my childhood dreams. When I was a child, my dad, a New York City firefighter, was injured on the job fighting a fire. Afterwards, as he lay languishing in the hospital, my mother implored the physicians for an answer as to when he would be back on his feet, but no one could provide a prognosis. From witnessing my mother’s pain and feeling her anxiety, a seed was planted in my heart: a desire to advance healthcare and restore people’s lives. For the first 30 years of my life that was not to be. When I revealed my heart’s aspiration to work in healthcare, my high school guidance counselor delivered the painful news that, on paper, I was ill equipped to realize my calling – this was primarily due to a childhood learning disability, later diagnosed as dyslexia. His well2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) intentioned, albeit conventional, advice for me was to seek a less competitive and demanding career, where I would be more likely to succeed. I did just that and for a decade I worked in the real estate market until several soulstripping events prompted me to quit my job. I had to find something to do so I could pay the bills and while walking on 71st St. in Manhattan I noticed a sign on an interior design shop that said, “Transforming Ordinary into Extraordinary.” I rang the bell and went into the office. After the owner learned that I knew something about working with wood, we agreed that I would do restoration work for him. About a month later, I was asked to restore a pair of antique carvings from an old European church. After working Page 9 8 A DVANCING C ONSCIOUSNESS -B ASED through the evening and into the early morning hours restoring the facial features of the broken statues, I took a moment to look over my work. The thought occurred to me that, although God hadn’t blessed me with the fast reading skills necessary to get through med school, He had given me the artistic prowess to breathe new life into a broken sculpture. I hadn’t experienced so much joy since I was a child. For a moment I allowed my imagination free reign. In my mind’s eye I saw the disfigured faces of children I had watched leaving the hospital nearby. As my imagination soared, I dreamed.... Wouldn’t it be great if doctors could restore these children’s faces seamlessly to blend skin grafts and prosthetic ears and noses with the same God-given artistry that permitted me to restore a statue seamlessly? HEALTHCARE BY J OSEPH P IERCE FARRELL 8 And then it happened. Before my eyes, less than two feet away, a shape started to appear like little bits of iridescent sand forming into a solid mass. I was transfixed as the shape gradually took form, growing denser, until it resembled a freshwater pearl. This pearl of light rolled upon itself as if around an unseen center. And then it pulsed. It seemed as though a tiny chick were trying to break out of its shell with its beak. Suddenly, a ray of illumination shot straight up and down and to the left and right, forming a pair of axes. My heart began to beat very fast, yet I didn’t blink. I couldn’t have taken my eyes off what I was seeing if I had wanted to. “The truth that subtle energies can alter pathology runs in direct opposition to strongly held beliefs of mainstream science and medicine.” Then my boldness grew as my heart expanded in the joy of the moment. Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could shape and restore the faces of children with my hands the way my gift to sculpt allowed me to shape wood? As I held the sensation of that thought in my heart, a smile grew on my lips and I began to feel immense happiness and joy. I imagined that my joy was akin to what disfigured children would feel if they could be healed, and their joy became my joy as I imagined them walking the streets unnoticed. I guessed that for many of them the greatest wish was to be unremarkable, to look so ordinary that nobody would give them a second glance. BRIDGES Magazine Then the pearl pulsed again and exploded, like a cloud in a lightning storm, the energy passing through my face and into my skull, searing the backs of my eyes with energetic lightning. My hair seemed to stand up on my scalp and the back of my neck, and then BOOM! Everything went pitch black. There was not even a faint glow, nothing but complete darkness. I could not see anything. Eventually the blindness vanished and the relief I felt gave way to curiosity and wonder. What had just happened to me? I learned in the weeks that followed that something momentous had happened I had developed a healing ability. I found that I had been gifted with the ability to alter the facial features of disfigured children and adults. It was as though I had developed the capacity to 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) direct non-local mind to alter human tissue, similar to the workings of a medical grade laser. The truth that subtle energies can alter pathology is not in accord with the current paradigm and, in fact, runs in direct opposition to strongly held beliefs of mainstream science and medicine. I realized that humankind has been hoodwinked about our true potential. That, in fact, the mechanistic paradigm had swung the pendulum so far, that it had effectively relegated our true capacities to that of myth. Within a few years I joined with a crossdisciplinary team of brave doctors, scientists, and theologians who were as eager as I to study, record, and educate the public about the profound potential of the mind-body-spirit connection. In 2003, the interdisciplinary team drafted a mission statement for what would become the Global Health Institute, a not-for-profit educational and research foundation. Since that time, the team at GHI has been engaged in furthering research in the application of Consciousness Based Healthcare in clinical care and the archiving of a body of evidence. As I observed Joseph work, through my scientific clinical eyes, my perception permanently shifted as I witnessed the effective intervention of a modality not known by Western medicine. Joseph was transforming human tissue, through intention, within a matter of minutes. - Frank Salvatore, M.D. (Quoted in Manifesting Michelangelo) Page 10 8 A DVANCING C ONSCIOUSNESS -B ASED HEALTHCARE BY J OSEPH P IERCE FARRELL 8 “MY LIFE HAS BEEN IRREVOCABLY TRANSFORMED: MY DREAM OF HELPING PEOPLE HAS BEEN REALIZED.” I continue to demonstrate subtle energy healing before medical doctors in an effort to further truth and understanding and to benefit health and wellbeing, not only for the patient but also for the community. Clinical outcome studies have produced evidence of dramatic improvements in the physical state of participants who have had the benefit of this intervention. These include restoring the disfigured face of Sammy, a young man born with a craniofacial birth defect, as well as mending shattered bones, and substantially decreasing the size of an inoperable Grade IV glioma the same type of brain tumor that affected Ted Kennedy. Images of faces that have received treatment have been rated by blinded board certified plastic surgeons to demonstrate an efficacy rate of greater than 90%. These outcomes have been peer-reviewed and painstakingly documented in the form of pre and post intervention photographs, x-rays, MRIs, and recorded testimony from eyewitness medical doctors. They have been published in the “Body of Evidence” chapter of my book and also featured in the short film Pioneers in Integrative Healthcare: Exploring the Relationship BRIDGES Magazine of Consciousness and Healthcare (debuted in 2008 in New York at the Yale Club & Fordham University and in Aspen at the Women’s Health & Wellness Forum). A challenge faces us that Dr. Larry Dossey describes well: ‘What I am saying is that the psyche has ways of manifesting far beyond anything known to materialistic science,’ he wrote. ‘You need to get a feel for what’s at stake here. The reason that many of the dedicated materialistic scientists are so infuriated over the mere discussion of prayer and distant healing is that it really begins to call into question their worldview. It calls into question the adequacy of materialistic science, upon which these people have staked their careers, self-identity and self-esteem.’ My life has been irrevocably transformed; my dream of helping people has been realized. Collectively, as a species, we are standing at the precipice of a new paradigm where the old mechanistic world view will have to give way to the truth that we as humans have the capacity to intentionally wield subtle energy to alter the environment around us. In the near future, the world will embrace an expanded view of our 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) latent potential, shatter the limitations of the old paradigm, redefine what it truly means to be human, and be opened to consciousness-based healthcare. Joseph Pierce Farrell is a Founding Board Member and the Director of the Global Health Institute (New York). He is the Ambassador’s Chair in Consciousness Studies, spearheading research on the efficacy of Consciousness Based Healthcare in clinical care. In addition, he is a Representative to the United Nation’s and appointed Special Advisor on Scientific Dimensions of Spirituality and Consciousness. He is a lecturer at the university level and author of Manifesting Michelangelo: the Story of a Modern-Day Miracle that May Make All Change Possible (Simon & Schuster, 2011). Page 11 ON CHARLES TART DIRECT OBSERVATION described in detail in The End Of Materialism. It’s not scientism – the blind belief that science can know everything. And I’m not claiming that science is the only way to better approximations of the truth, only that it’s a good one, especially in the long run. About subtle energies: I’m convinced there are some real things happening under that label, important things. I would also be absolutely amazed if we human beings weren’t fooling ourselves about it a lot of the time. This presents a unique role for ISSSEEM. We are supportive of research and application, but we are not a bunch of naïve “believers.” We can support constructive criticism and examine, correct, and refine what we think is out there What makes it especially insidious is without automatically dismissing the uring an e-mail dialogue a that it’s not just intellectual. It’s not whole study of subtle energies as question was asked: “Can our own experience be that you observe something adherents of scientism do.” wrong?” Charles Tart wrote in ambiguous and consciously decide to interpret it in a certain way. Our Dr. Charles T. response, beliefs automatically affect our Tart has been perceptions, so we often ‘see’ our involved with “Sadly to say, yes. As the great beliefs directly. The old model that research and spiritual traditions say, we live in theory in the “maya,” “samsara,” a Fallen State our eyes are like cameras producing accurate images that then connect to fields of and so on. mental interpretation, no longer Hypnosis, works. We know that (generally Psychology, As I’ve put it in modern scientific unconscious) parts of our minds are Transpersonal terms, we don’t live directly in “photoshopping” a lot of those images Psychology, reality, we live in a biologicalParapsychology, Consciousness and psychological virtual reality before we see them. Mindfulness since 1963. He has (BPVR), an active, ongoing, internal simulation of reality, fed by One corrective is the virtue of authored over a dozen books, two of zillions of automated, usually not- humility, so you can just admit, which became widely-used textbooks; consciously evaluated or chosen, “This is the best I can make of this he has had more than 250 articles beliefs, biases, hopes and fears, and now, but I should hold it lightly published in professional journals and so a lot of the time our apparent since it may not be the final truth.” books, including lead articles in such direct experience of things is a It’s a virtue often preached and prestigious scientific journals as Science and Nature, and provides highly selected and biased seldom practiced. regular public speaking appearances. construction embodying us and our A second corrective is properly done culture, with little reference to science, using methods I’ve what’s actually out there. D BRIDGES Magazine 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 12 SPIRIT AND SELF-SCIENCE Gary E. Schwartz Either Spirit exists, or it does not. Either Spirit is here, helping to direct this work, or it is not. Either Spirit is calling upon us to wake up, to discover our true identity and reality, and to join with it to heal, grow, and transform, or it is not. If the answers to these questions happen to be no, so be it. We will hopefully learn to live our lives in harmony with nature and each other whether or not a larger spiritual reality exists. However, if the answer is yes, and we can establish this scientifically, the Universe is more marvelous and exciting – and filled with more wonders and opportunities – than most of us can imagine. About twenty-five years ago, when I was a professor at Yale, I did something that was really foolish. I had purchased a sixfoot tall wooden grandfather clock and decided I would try to carry it down a small flight of stairs, by myself. As I leaned BRIDGES Magazine over, holding the huge clock cabinet, I felt something snap in my back, followed by excruciating pain. A medical examination of my back suggested that I might have pulled a ligament and/or ruptured a disk. I was encouraged to take muscle relaxants and to put as little strain on my back as possible. Though my back recovered, it was left weakened and wounded. In the following years it would go out again from time to time. It was January 1, 2000. I had just made what I called my millennium resolution – a resolution for the next one thousand years. It was simple, yet profound. I made the decision that I would choose to live the rest of my life as if survival of consciousness were true. I was not drawing a scientific conclusion prematurely about the truth or fiction of life after death. What I was doing was mindfully considering the options and consciously choosing to make certain decisions with the understanding that survival of consciousness might be true. Little did I realize that I would immediately be tested on my resolution. On January 2, 2000, I was bending down to put a book on a lower shelf, and my back went out. Just like that, and I 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 13 8 S PIRIT AND S ELF -S CIENCE BY was in severe pain. It then occurred to me that I had not implemented my millennium resolution. By this time I had received training in various healing techniques, including healing touch, Reiki and Johrei, and I was familiar with the claims that experienced healers often invited Spirit assistance in the form of deceased people, angels, and divine energy. I had never thought to ask for Spirit assistance for myself – or anyone else for that matter. I said to myself, “If anyone in Spirit can help my back, I would greatly appreciate it.” I sent my request to various beings that I knew of, including Sam, short for Shemuel, in Hebrew the name of God. After about five minutes I was shocked to experience that my back pain had decreased a good 80 percent. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being severe pain, my back pain had gone from 8 or 9 to a 1 or 2. I could not believe it. This had never happened before. I began considering possible alternative explanations for the abrupt and dramatic reduction in my pain. How did I know that this was not a placebo response? What I heard next completely took me by surprise. I quietly yet clearly heard in my head, “Very simple, we will take our support away.” Upon hearing the words “take our support away,” I immediately experienced the most severe back pain I could remember. On the scale of 0 to 10, it was least a 12. G ARY S CHWARTZ 8 validate our experiences and beliefs, and hopefully in the process advance our knowledge and its practical applications. I use the word ‘Spirit’ generically here and it can be likened to the word frequency in physics. Conceptually it refers to a wide spectrum of possible spiritual frequencies of energy that potentially can have an effect in the world. It follows that the word “spirits” is more specific and can be thought of as being at least figuratively (and possibly literally) similar to particular bands or patterns of frequencies such as radio waves, light waves, or gamma waves in that they can be clearly distinguished one from another. Are there sources of invisible information and guidance waiting to be tapped and harnessed if we are just willing to listen? The fact is that the media, as well as academia and even organized religion, is on the whole super-phobic about these possibilities being provable. But I believe that science can address this question and in the process might help increase our ability to receive spiritual information accurately, and we can then act upon it safely and wisely. If we continue to ignore our true spiritual nature and act in unhealthy ways, we will miss the opportunity to make corrective and wise choices in virtually all aspects of our individual and collective lives. “The fact is that the media, as well as academia and even organized religion, is on the whole super-phobic about these possibilities being provable.” If you are a skeptic, and/or a conventional psychologist, you will presume that what I experienced was either a rare chance event or some sort of double-placebo (mindbody) effect. Either way, the explanation would have nothing to do with Spirit. But what if it is in our power to sincerely ask for additional Spirit assistance, and then actually receive it? The history of science reminds us that we have the power of possibility to make these kinds of discoveries and transform our minds and hearts in the process. Many peoples and cultures around the world have believed, and continue to believe, that Spirit is real and plays a fundamental role in our lives and the life of the planet. What science may finally be able to do is to address and BRIDGES Magazine 2011 Issue 2 I may be working in the realm of new science, but my findings are real science and true science. I am not alone in contemplating the existence of a zero point, where all memory and all energy continue to exist forever. For example, Dr. Ervin Laszlo has done pioneering work in contemplating the relationship from a variety of disciplines creating experiments to test and verify the role of Spirit in everyday life. The totality of the evidence indicates that science is on the path to proving that a greater spirituality does exist. Two kinds of investigations are not officially considered research. The reasoning is that these investigations are not, by themselves, generalizable – for example, they are often based on a single instance – and they are frequently not systematic. Hence (1) careful observations made in one’s personal life and (2) exploratory investigations where university scientists pretest themselves before performing subsequent controlled research with recruited subjects are not (volume 21 number 2) Page 14 8 S PIRIT AND S ELF -S CIENCE BY G ARY S CHWARTZ 8 considered research in the eyes of the federal government or the institutional review boards of universities. living laboratory and some discoveries can only be made by us as individuals. However, the restricted use of the word ‘research’ does not mean that these observations are either unimportant or uninformative and should therefore be dismissed. Quite the contrary, what we are calling self-science – conducted in the living laboratories of our personal lives – sometimes uncovers essential proof-of-concept evidence that provides the foundation for advancing science and society. In The Sacred Promise I have collected experiments and investigations conducted in the university laboratory as well as the laboratory of my personal life and that of others – including pretests where the researchers conducted preliminary investigations on themselves – which all point inexorably to the existence of Spirit and our collaboration with a larger spiritual reality. None of the experiments or investigations are definitive by themselves. Moreover, many of them are too exploratory, as well as controversial, to be published in mainstream scientific journals (and I have published hundreds of scientific papers in such journals). Every now and again science discovers that something is reliable and true, even if the scientists do not know precisely how it works or why. Let’s consider the case of gravity. You However, this does not mean that the findings reported in my book lack scientific validity and utility. Quite the contrary, they are significant and offer meaningful conclusions and raise important questions for future research. Again, we are at the proof-of-concept stage in this exploration of Spirit and its possible relationship with us. Note that it is the combination of these daring and unorthodox experiments and investigations – and the synergistic nature of their conclusions – that together establishes a compelling case for science to address these fundamental questions creatively, comprehensively, and definitively. “It is one thing to observe a phenomenon in a basic science laboratory, it is another to observe it in our daily lives.” experience this every day when you step out of a vehicle or walk down a flight of stairs. Physicists and engineers have made tremendous progress in studying the effects of gravity, to the point where we can launch and position stationary satellites in space and even land robotic probes on the moon, Mars, and places beyond. However, it is important to note that, while we can achieve these incredible feats of technology, we still do not know for sure whether gravity is a physical force, the bending of space-time, or a property of superstrings that actually creates mass (rather than the other way around); and there are additional credible theories about gravity still in contention. The analogy here is realizing that we can investigate whether something exists or does not by its effects alone even if we are unable, with complete assurance, to come up with an ultimate theory to explain it. Self–science is similar to what we all do every day when we follow our hunches and intuitions, but it adds the objectivity of the scientific method, that is, questioning everything and looking for independent confirmation. Each of our lives is a BRIDGES Magazine It is one thing to observe a phenomenon in a basic science laboratory and it is another to observe it in our daily lives. It is one thing to have a medium confirm facts about the deceased in a double-blind experiment; it’s another to hear a voice telling us to pull off the freeway and ride out a thunderstorm that creates a pileup two miles down the road. When the types of evidence converge, and do so repeatedly, we not only have more reason to believe in the reality of the phenomenon, but we also have reason to incorporate this knowledge into our personal lives and act upon it. John Dewey wrote, “Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.” We need both audacity and imagination to take the next step in science. Gary E. Schwartz is Professor of Psycholog y, Medicine, Neurolog y, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona, and Director of its Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. He is also Corporate Director of Development of Energy Healing at Canyon Ranch. He completed his PhD at Harvard University and was a Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at Yale University. He has published more than 450 scientific papers; his books include The Sacred Promise and The Energy Healing Experiments. 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 15 Science and Subtle Energies: Is There Another Way of Knowing? William H. Kautz Early in the 1970s I met some psychics, channels, clairvoyants and healers and noticed that they sometimes brought forth information, both personal and general, which they did not have any ordinary way of knowing. As a young scientist I found this incredible. All I had been taught said such things were not supposed to happen! BRIDGES Magazine I tried to verify that the information they gave was accurate and that they had not derived it from prior knowledge or by guessing it. I knew how to conduct such an investigation and did so. I discovered that their statements were indeed genuine. I was forced to conclude that there has to be a faculty by which information can be obtained outside the familiar channels of reasoning, sensing, and remembering. It did not take long to discover that the capacity for ‘direct knowing’ has been around for a long time – throughout recorded history, in fact. It is called INTUITION. It is not mentioned by scientists or discussed i n p s y c h o l o g y t e x t b o o k s . Ho w could a human capacity so crucial 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) for generating overlooked? knowledge be So I began to try to systematically answer basic questions about the intuitive process. The resulting investigation, fifteen years in duration, turned around my inner world and career, led to the creation of an organization for research, education, and application (The Center for Applied Intuition), nudged me out of science and technology, and resolved for me many technical, societal and personal problems. Today, thirty-five years later, I cannot imagine living my life without the active presence of intuition. Moreover, it still holds the same promise for all of us that I imagined at the beginning of my search. Page 16 8 S CIENCE AND S UBTLE E NERGIES We will do well to examine this ‘other way of knowing’ more closely.' But let's look first at science, the field most in need of it. Those of us in the subtle energies community generally assume that the grand institution of science, our society's principal instrument for generating new knowledge, will be our main means for understanding subtle energies. But we must ask, is contemporary science really up to the task? To be sure, most of us who are active in the field are not researchers or scientists but prefer to make practical discoveries to benefit ourselves and others. Still, we have a great interest in seeing the field of subtle energies raised to the status it deserves in medicine, science, spirituality, and the understanding of human potential. BY W ILLIAM H. K AUTZ 8 The methodology of science involves discovery and verification. Discovery includes observation, the collection and organization of data into conceptual models, and then the formulation of tentative knowledge in the form of hypotheses, claims and theories. Verification involves demonstrating that this tentative knowledge is true. It normally involves a tight protocol for testing the collected data, hypotheses, and claims. While less creative than the discovery phase it has been science's main strength in the face of i g n o r a n c e , superstition, religious pressure and sloppy thinking. Its purpose is to provide the certainty that enables new knowledge to become consensual and accepted by both scientists and the general public. “..most of us who are active in the field are not researchers or scientists but prefer to make practical discoveries to benefit ourselves and others.” Science is not merely a huge body of accumulated knowledge with a large cultural institution to support it: it is a methodology for developing new knowledge. It is based on a set of assumptions and beliefs contained w i t hin a larger paradigm that underlies modern man’s entire way of viewing and interpreting the world. Paradigms are not static but change s l owly as societies evolve. The paradigm that has prevailed over the last three centuries supports and is largely suppor ted by mainstream science, which is highly materialistic, based as it is upon rationality and dependent upon measurable data perceived through the five physical senses. Our ancestors saw the world very differently – but that is another story. BRIDGES Magazine Modern science is firmly based upon a set of fundamental metaphysical assumptions about the nature of reality. Stated very simply: 1) All reality is external to man himself but may be observed. (objectivity) 2) All reality is quantifiable and can be perceived with our senses and instruments. (positivism) 3) Results are valid only if they can be obtained repeatedly by anyone at any time. (reproducibility) 4) The complex can be understood in terms of the simple. (reductionism) 5) Every effect has a cause, and this cause must precede any of its effects. (causality) These assumptions have proven to work well when studying the material, sensebased world. Indeed, science's applications have been remarkably successful, as we all know. But these assumptions do not necessarily hold well when investigating and explaining 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) subtle energies. They exclude the relevance of subjective experience, for example, as well as inner sensing and the non-material, unquantifiable, nonrepeated and acausal aspects of the human mind. Contemporary science has effectively separated itself from the reality it seeks to describe. It has moved beyond the days when these very human factors could be safely neglected, and they are now missing from science's perspective and methodology. Modern science is therefore not so much wrong as incomplete, and it is being seriously hampered by this incompleteness. This incompleteness can be seen clearly in the limitations science is facing today. Modern physics is being confronted with fundamental contradictions in its understanding of the nature of physical reality. An impressive body of data on anomalous human experience is showing that the human mind alone is able to significantly modify solid matter, the cells of animals and living human bodies. It is revealing that the mind has the capacity to obtain many kinds of information not accessible through ordinary thought, scientific instruments or perception through the five senses. And, sometimes results precede their causes. We all know that science has never been as successful at explaining human-related phenomena as those found in the material world. Science's methodology, and eventually its knowledge base, will have to be enlarged sooner or later to embrace these mind-related activities. It must somehow be based in human experience and thus be participative, subjective and not so heavily quantified. It must allow for more connectedness and holism instead of separateness. It must include consciousness as a contributing agency and embody a deeper understanding of causality. The huge task of shifting the paradigm and creating a new science is already happening, albeit slowly. However, we who are occupied with subtle energies are not in a position to effect this change by ourselves. Neither can we Page 17 8 S CIENCE AND S UBTLE E NERGIES wait for a new science to come along to help us generate new and useful knowledge about subtle energies. We must find an extension of science that we can work with – or discover an alternative means for probing the mysteries of subtle energies. The positive practices of scientific inquiry do not need to be challenged: we can retain open inquiry, careful observation, empirical exploration, healthy skepticism, logical reasoning, critical analysis, accountability and the public validation of knowledge. We may keep its practices of clear, accurate and unrestricted communication, giving due credit to others, the freedom to explore, and honesty and integrity, of course. We can safely build upon most of science's mammoth knowledge base. However, when the mind is intimately involved, as it can be, either as an unintended intrusion into our explorations or as an active agent being explored for itself, the scientific requirements of objectivity and measurability cannot be retained. An alternative must be found. Perhaps even more important, the subtle energy systems we are studying are often affected by higher-level as well as lower-level causes. That is, the system is a part of something larger which is significantly affecting its behavior. In the new physics and new biology such downward causation has already been recognized as an essential consideration: observation of a phenomenon or even thinking about it can affect the phenomenon itself. Allowance for downward causation will be essential when mind influences are taken into account. Data collection on subtle energy effects seems easy enough, though we still need to learn how better to gather subjective data within an otherwise objective framework and to draw valid conclusions from them. We would also like to have better means for making discoveries about the mysteries of subtle energies within BRIDGES Magazine BY W ILLIAM H. K AUTZ 8 the mind – what a successful healer actually does mentally to remove a tumor, for example, or what are the remarkable processes involved in dreaming. This is a deeper problem of discovery since we do not have a sufficient understanding of mind function. Brain studies are abundant these days but they offer negligible Imagine the scenario in which you have set up an RCT in the usual way, and your study team happens to include someone who has telepathic or clairvoyant knowledge. Dozens of experiments have established an unconscious sense among remote viewers, including the general population, which reveal that no one is “...observation of a phenomenon or even thinking about it can affect the phenomenon itself.” insight into the mind that is behind and beyond the brain. In contrast to discovery, it appears that science’s verification methods cannot be carried out at all reliably in the presence of these mind influences. Science insists that data must be discarded upon the least hint of the very influences we are most interested in! Verification is the very backbone of science; to give it up would be tantamount to giving up science itself. Effective collaboration with science will not be possible unless we can work out a new way to verify hypotheses and preliminary findings when intended or unintended mind influences are present. Science's insistence on reproducibility – that findings are valid only when they can be obtained by others under the same conditions – cannot be satisfied when exploring phenomena that are one-time or one-of-a-kind events, as mind-generated and other subtle energy phenomena often are. It seems impossible at this point to bypass this reproducibility requirement entirely unless we can somehow move verification to the general public in the form of personal experiments and say, for example, "Look, check it out for yourself." Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) are commonly used for verification. 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) truly “unknowing” or "blind." If someone is in a position to affect the results of the trials, he may be doing so without anyone knowing, including himself. Similar limitations apply for unintentional influences on random event generators and for precognition of research results. The only possibility for transcending traditional verification is that the mind itself must become involved in the verification process. We must somehow learn to use the mind to monitor and control the mind. We are going to have to draw the information we seek from a realm of knowledge that lies behind and beyond the familiar, largely scientific one. Achieving separation of observer from observed is the central obstacle when trying to study how the mind can study the mind. To drop the assumption of objectivity is to accept the fact that we are an inherent part of the very mystery we are trying to solve. Just as has been discovered in quantum physics, we cannot separate ourselves from the phenomena being explored, because we are assisting in producing them at the same time that we are observing and interacting with them. Those of us in the healing community already know, for example, that we cannot resolve the problems of physical health at the physical level alone because the mind is Page 18 8 S CIENCE AND S UBTLE E NERGIES the primary factor governing health and illness in the first place. The great wisdom teachers from all major cultures and times were aware of this seeming impasse, and they have much to say about it. In Western philosophy it is called the "mind-body problem" and in esoteric philosophy the problem of “duality.” These teachers assert that all conceivable knowledge already exists within the mind, or is at least directly accessible to it. Thus, in the search for understanding we do not so much generate new knowledge as recognize it. Once again, the mind itself is the doorway. The idea that this knowledge is omnipresent and eternal and that we are omniscient has been around for centuries. It is recognized in the esoteric core of every major religion and philosophy in the world. Moreover, a long esoteric tradition suggests that this ubiquitous source of knowledge is one and the same with the non-physical realm from which subtle energies and similar phenomena arise. Certain shamans, prophets and enlightened beings, including Jesus, manifested the two skills of exceptional wisdom and genuine healing. We are still somewhat uncertain about the connection between the two but may be guided by it as we search for an understanding of subtle energies. Intuition is the access process or "link" to this non-physical realm. It is broadly recognized even though it is usually taken lightly as just “intuitive hunches,” or “gut feelings.” Intuition is actually the innate and universal human capacity to acquire knowledge and understanding apart from ordinary reasoning, sensing and remembering. Individuals who have learned how to utilize this link effectively have a skill that provides them with an effective BY W ILLIAM H. K AUTZ 8 bridge between levels so they can "download" whatever needed information they can understand well enough to use themselves or communicate to others. The record of accomplishments of expert intuitives for obtaining accurate, new, and useful information – personal, societal, and scientific – is well established. Carefully conducted experiments in clairvoyance, mediumship, precognition, and telepathy provide excellent evidence for the power of intuition. The most persuasive recent examples are found in remote viewing, where dozens of experiments have shown its validity even with untrained subjects. Many artistic creations and some of science's finest discoveries (to name just two areas) were made through sudden intuitive insights rather than reasoned deduction and analysis. Intuitive inquiry requires only a committed and sometimes courageous shifting of one's consciousness into a deeper, normally hidden level of the mind. It is a learnable art anyone can undertake, though not everyone is willing. Thousands of people have already done so. It requires only that you set aside strictly personal desires, any conflicting beliefs and normal thinking activity and simply “let go” of control so your mind can enter into an open but focused state of receptivity. This is quite the opposite of the goaldriven mental effort preferred by most of us, especially by scientists, which is the main reason so few of them have intentionally reached this inner level of receptivity. Intuitive inquiry is a viable "other way of knowing" besides the scientific one. It is therefore a ready and proven alternative for generating new knowledge about subtle energies. There appear to be very few constraints on the kinds of information accessible by intuitive means. Extensive experience suggests that the superconscious source is unlimited in both breadth and depth. The only limits seem to be those imposed by the habits and beliefs of the receiver. Intuitive inquiry will be most directly useful during the discovery phase for probing the depths of the energetic healing process, for creating new ideas and hypotheses and for broadening one's perspective. For verification intuition will unfortunately be of little direct or immediate help because the criteria are firmly prescribed by the prevailing scientific/societal paradigm, which accepts only a narrow kind of "proof" and does not honor intuition even as an aid to verification. The situation is not hopeless, however. Experiments with intuitive inquiry have shown that the ideas and hypotheses that emerge are often simpler and clearer than typical scientific hypotheses and are therefore more readily verified. The credibility of intuitive information may also be increased through corroboration among several expert intuitives rather than relying on only one – a well-tested method called intuitive consensus. Also, computer automation of test procedures can sometimes be employed to bypass human interference. Nevertheless, no generally valid and direct way to verify intuitively derived information is available within the existing paradigm of science and society. Looking farther ahead it makes good sense that we humans will eventually rely more and more upon our intuitive faculties for discriminating the relevant from the irrelevant and the true from the false. Each of us will find it possible to verify new intuitive information by "The idea that this knowledge is omnipresent and eternal and that we are omniscient has been around for centuries." BRIDGES Magazine 2011 Issue 2 (volume 21 number 2) Page 19 8 S CIENCE AND S UBTLE E NERGIES relying upon our own intuition and other inner faculties instead of relying solely on external sources such as scientific proof. The resulting knowledge is then private, not consensual, but it is still useful to the individual and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge. Eventually the paradigm must change, as social belief systems always do. More flexible verification criteria will emerge and enable discoveries in subtle energies and consciousness to be more readily accepted. For the time being we may ask, “Might we leave unverified our new discoveries about subtle energies?” This option is not as drastic as it sounds. We may choose to release some of our finest discoveries directly to the public, trusting that the valid portions will gradually be accepted and the invalid portions rejected. Such a process has already happened in alternative medicine, for example. After sixty years in the public domain it has reached a certain measure of public acceptance and medical respectability despite the lack of firm scientific evidence. It is respected because it is needed, and it works well enough. In conclusion, while our work with subtle energies will both aid and be aided by the coming changes in science and its paradigm, we must proceed almost independently by engaging ourselves, intuitively and experientially, in discovering the mysteries of subtle energies. How can we translate these findings into action? We may do so through collective endeavors as well as through individual effort. Here are some initial steps ISSSEEM can profitably undertake or sponsor: 1) Adopt a policy and a program of activities consistent with the inclusion of an intuitive approach toward discovery. 2) Support the individual exploration of subtle energies and continue to verify BY W ILLIAM H. K AUTZ 8 “There appear to be very few constraints on the kinds of information accessible by intuitive means.” discoveries as may be possible through controlled scientific experiments. 2. 3) Develop conceptual models for particular underlying subjective factors such as belief, intention, and suggestibility, which are already known to be involved in the flow of subtle energies, and evolve from them an acceptable protocol for collecting and verifying subjective, immeasurable and one-time data. 4) Devise a practical way to carry out key experiments in subtle energies in the presence of unintended mind influences. However, the principal effort must be individual and personal. We can: 1) Give top priority to acquiring knowledge and understanding of subtle energies through our own intuitive and experiential efforts. 2) Apply what is truly useful from standard science but avoid being diverted by its limited methods and criteria. 3) Focus our efforts on health and healing, rather than consciousness and the full range of subtle energy mysteries. “Remember the deep root of your being. … Experience where you came from. Listen to what's knocking from the inside. … You have the energy of the sun in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine. … Work on the invisible world at least as hard as you do in the visible.” - Rumi 3. 4. 5. Practical Application Of Intuition (New York: iUniverse). Harman, Willis W., & Jane E. Clark (1994), New Metaphysical Foundations Of Modern Science (San Francisco, CA: Institute of Noetic Sciences). J. P. Bisaha and B. J. Dunne (1979), "Multiple Subject and Long-Distance Precognitive Remote Viewing of Geographical Locations," Mind at Large, C. T. Tart, H. E. Puthoff and R. Targ, Eds. (New York: Praeger), p.107ff. Palmer, Helen, Ed. (1998), Inner Knowing: Creativity, Consciousness, Insight And Intuition (New York: Tarcher/Putnam). Tarnas, Richard. (1991), The Passion Of The Western Mind: Understanding The Ideas That Have Shaped Our Worldview (New York, NY: Ballentine). William H. Kautz, Sc.D., was Founder and Director of the Center for Applied Intuition (CAI), a San Francisco organization devoted to research, consulting and public education in intuition and its practical applications. He was previously Staff Scientist at SRI International where he carried out research in computer science, geophysics and communications. RECOMMENDED READING: 1. Kautz, William H. (2005, Opening The Inner Eye: Explorations On The BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 3 Page 20 BRIDGES Magazine Volume 21, Number 2 the ISSSEEM magazine, explores leading ideas in the fields of subtle energies and energy healing. Its interdisciplinary focus creates an open forum for healers, teachers, researchers, pioneers and all interested and involved – within the ISSSEEM membership and the world at large – to exchange information and discuss new discoveries. Published and delivered to subscribers in digital format three times a year , Bridges Magazine presents articles, reports, reviews, and interviews with a personal, clinical or experiential perspective in order to further our understanding of the great range of human capacities and to expand our inquiry into the subtle realms of existence. The articles presented are provided for informational purposes and are not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own health professional. Visit to submit relevant (500 to 2500 words) written pieces to be considered for publication. Past issues and subscriptions can be purchased on our online store at Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Design Editor Celia Coates, [email protected] Lucia Thornton, [email protected] Denise Lewis Premschak Justin Block The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine is a non-profit public benefit corporation based in Colorado. © 2011 by The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, all rights reserved. No reproduction or other use without the permission of the publisher. Mailing Address: 2770 Arapaho Rd, Suite 132 Lafayette, CO 80026 Phone: (303) 425-4625 Email: [email protected] THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SUBTLE ENERGIES AND ENERGY MEDICINE Bridging Science and Spirit As a member you assist ISSSEEM to continue to be the leader in the field of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. You can support discovery and application in the increasing body of knowledge about consciousness, healing and the subtle levels of reality, not only through your membership dollars, but also by contributing your own participation. Members receive: • A discounted general admission to the Annual Conference where you can network with other pioneers in this field • Bridges Magazine, published electronically three times a year • Online access to: – Bridges Magazine – eSeem, our electronic newsletter – member profiles • A reduced rate for Subtle Energies, our peer-reviewed scientific journal • The opportunity to present in the “Member's Choice Forum” at the annual Conference • And the opportunity to start or to join an Independent Exploration Group either on line, or in your own neighborhood Basic ISSSEEM membership is $75 per year, and the International rate is $84. Telephone or visit our website to join or to renew your membership. An annual subscription for Bridges can be purchased separately for $25. ISSSEEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jacob Liberman, Ph.D., O.D. President Kate Hastings, Th.M. Director Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Director Hendrick Treuget, M.D. Director Scott Anderson, M.D., Director Gilah Yelin Hirsch, MFA Director Claude Swanson, Ph.D. Director Lynn Van Buren, M.A. Treasurer Puran Bair, M.S. Director Karen Malik, M.A. Director Charles Tart, Ph.D. Past President Bernard Williams, Ph.D. Chair of the Board, Journal Editor Lilly Coniglio, M.A. Director Karl Maret, M.D. Director Shin-ichiro Terayama, B.S. Director
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