OUR LADY OF FATIMA FESTIVAL - Portuguese Canadian Social Club
OUR LADY OF FATIMA FESTIVAL - Portuguese Canadian Social Club
Annual Festival in Honour of our L ady of Fatima 2008 Saturday & Sunday June 28 & 29 2008 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso obrigado pela S p o n s omuito r e d b y t h e C h a t h a m & W a l l a c e b u rg vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. Portuguese Commu n i t i e s www.ckportugueseclub.ca ~ A COMISSAO DE 2008 Left to right: José & Ana Machado; Tony & Jeannot Vilaranda; Joe & Silvia Leggiero; Albertino, Jackalynn & Hewson Machado; José Braz & Deodete Santos Quer agradecer a todos que nos ajudaram na organizaçao da festa de nossa Senhora de Fátima The Committee Members of 2008 would like to thank all of you who helped withLthe Festival Our LadyFofestival Fátima Our ady of of Fatima En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca COMMISSÃO DA FESTAS DA NOSSA SENHORA DE FÁTIMA do Portuguese Canadian Social Club Fundada em 1979 Pelas Comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg 346 Grand Ave. East, P.O. Box 313, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K4 THE OUR LADY OF FÁTIMA FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Of Portuguese Canadian Social Club Founded in 1979 by the Communities of Chatham and Wallaceburg 346 Grand Ave. East, P.O. Box 313, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K4 PROGRAMA/progRam SÁBADO, DIA 21 JUNHO DE 2008 • SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2008 9:00 am Torneio de Tiro ao Prato no Kent Clover Leaf Club Trapshooting Tournament at the Kent Clover Leaf Club SÁBADO, DIA 28 JUNHO DE 2008 • SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2008 9:00 am Torneio de Futebol na Kinsmen Auditorium Soccer Tournament at the Kinsmen Auditorium 3:00 pm Jogo do Torneio Feature Soccer Championship Game 6:00 pm Jantar para os Jogadores Dinner for Soccer Players/Trapshooters 8:00 pm Baile com Conjunto - NOSSA MODA Dance with Live Band - NOSSA MODA DOMINGO, DIA 29 DE JUNHO DE 2008 • SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2008 12:00 pm Procissão de Nossa Senhora de Fátima Our Lady of Fátima Procession 1:00 pm Missa Solone, celebrada na Igreja da Paróqia de St. Joseph’s Celebratory Mass at St. Joseph’s Parish 3:00 pm Jantar para todos presentes no Kinsmen Auditorium Complimentary dinner at the Kinsmen Auditorium 5:00 pm Rancho Folclórico Portuguêse de Chatham Portuguese Folk Dancers from Chatham Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome comunidades Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela MODA 7:00 pm das Baile con Conjuntode - NOSSA ajuda e tambem nossos generosos patrocinadores. vossa Dance with Live Bandobrigado - NOSSAaos MODA www.ckportugueseclub.ca SATURDAY, JUNE 21 at 9 a.m. Place: KENT CLOVERLEAF GUN CLUB English Side Road, Chatham Price per person $35.00 This Includes 50 Shells and an All You Can Eat Dinner, Dance with Live Band (NOSSA MODA) at the Portuguese Canadian Social Club The Trophies for Trapshooting and Soccer are sponsored by: Portuguese Canadian Social Club West Brick Layer Chatham Varao Masonry Chatham CP Drywall Chatham Kent Clover Leaf Conservation Club Chatham José Mendes Toronto Winmar Dave Constancio Portuguese Canadian Social Club Hall & Banquet Rooms For All Occasions Weddings • Stag & Doe • Banquets • Parties 346 Grand Ave. E. • P.O. Box 313 Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K4 Phone 519-436-0040 • Fax 519-436-0636 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca VILTECH WELDING Custom Built Trailers M.O.T. Trailer Inspections Trailer Hitches Equipment Repairs Custom Trophies & Awards • Since 1982 • 519-354-1907 23419 Prince Albert Rd. Chatham, Ontario N7M 5J1 20 Years In Business 415 Park Street, Chatham, Ontario 519-351-2646 Owner: Firmino Vilaranda 45 Keil Drive South, Chatham, Ontario N7M 3G7 Phone: 519-354-7655 Fax: 519-354-1330 Email: [email protected] Conjunto NOSSA MODA Festas ~ Casamentos ~ etc. Contact Jack Gonçalves 519-736-7544 The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Simple Creations Portuguese and English Wedding Invitations _______ 151 King Street West, Chatham, Ontario 519.360.9200 www.simplecreationsinvitations.com INVITATIONS • FAVOURS • PROGAMS • SEATING CHARTS • TABLE NUMBERS • THANK YOU CARDS BUSINESS HOME AUTO LIFE 794 Ouellette Ave. Windsor, ON N9A 1C2 INSURANCE BROKERS INC. 519-397-9333 Dan Desbiens toll free 1-800-539-1265 fax 519-397-9332 825 Park Ave. West, Unit C, Chatham, ON N7M 5J6 Email: [email protected] www.advancedinsurancebrokers.com ABOUT US OUR MENUS 3Advanced Choices 3Advanced Service Come visit "Tiago's at the Market" coming spring 2008 at the GALLERYMarket Downtown AFFILIATES LondonCONTACT US Covent Garden TESTIMONIALS WELCOME TO TIAGO'S OF LONDON For a free catering consultation give Tiago Soares a call at 519-857-8811 Come visit "Tiago's at the Market" coming mid May 2008 at the Covent Garden Market Mobile catering and barbecue service available For more information about our catering services please contact us via the Contact page. www.tiagosoflondon.com ©Tiago's of London | e-mail: [email protected] A division of TLS Hospitality Corp. Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Your PowerChef dealer: 485 Riverview Drive Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 519-351-4445 The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Chatham-Kent Realty Inc., Realtor Independently Owned and Operated “ We Shop the World for You!” Manuel Dos Santos • Unique Home Decor • Imported Gifts • Sterling Silver Jewellery Sales Representative Kathy Barrett ph/fax 519-354-4040 90 Park Ave., Chatham, ON N7M 3V4 www.birdiesnest.on.ca • email: [email protected] MOBILE: 519.436.3366 382 Wellington Street West Chatham, Ontario N7M 1K4 Fax: 519.352.2489 Email: [email protected] DA SILVA & SONS BAKERY & VARIETY STORE Specializing in: Portuguese & Italian Bread CHOCOLATIER Rye, Corn, Farmers, French, Panine, Sweet Bread, Pastries & Tarts Yeast Free Bread Has To Be Ordered 2 Days In Advance Yeast Free Rye, Yeast Free White, Yeast Free Soya, Wholewheat & Sourdough Breads. Chocolates, Truffles, Candy, Unique Gifts, Party Favours Specializing in Custom Gift Baskets Anne-Marie Ceccacci 157 King Street W. Tel. 519-355-1544 Chatham, Ontario Email: [email protected] N7M 1E4 Paul Da Silva ~ Proprietor 561 Park Ave. W., Chatham Phone 519-358-1770 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Experience the difference caring makes… Mendes Fine Foods Ltd. Alexander Funeral Home SPECIALIZING: Cold Cuts, Fresh and Frozen Meats, etc. Dan & Anne Houle SERVING: Hotels, Restaurants, Institutions, Take-Out and Stores Owners “HIGHEST CLASS IN MEATS” 245 Wellington Street West, Chatham, N7M 1J9 519-352-2710 www.alexanderfuneralhome.ca 1346 Dundas St. W. (Rear) Toronto, Ontario M6J 1Y2 St. Croix Memorials Inc. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICES: SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO • Monuments ~ Markers • Cemetery Lettering • Computer Designs, Etchings [email protected] 403 Queen St., Chatham, ON (519) 354-3310 1 North River Line, Wallaceburg, ON (519) 627-6340 Home: 273-4067 Car: 520-8992 Fax: 539-0478 SCOTT B. STANLEY Agent Bus: 519-354-7977 166 Richmond Street Fax: 519-354-5788 Chatham, Ontario N7M 1P2 Toll Free: 1-800-451-0223 Email: [email protected] “Holding Forth the WORD of LIFE” Philippians 2:16 56 Grand Ave. E., Chatham, ON phone 519.352.5190 toll free 1.888.429.4441 DR. FRANK W. LITTLE Chiropractor 217 Queen Street On 519-358-7373 o tari Chatham, ON N7M 2H2 388 Gregory Dr. E. The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Exceptional Food Since 1977 BLOOR WEST VILLAGE CHIROPRACTIC Catering & Banquet Facilities Available 24 King Street West CHATHAM, Ontario N7M 1C6 DR. PATRICIA A. TAVARES B.Sc., D.C., FCCO(C), CAFCI Specialist in Orthopedics Hosts: Mike & Rhonda Phone (519) 352-2190 Fax (519) 352-2786 The Instant Print Shoppe (Chatham) Ltd. 2373 Bloor St. W. Ste D. Toronto, Ontario M6S 1P6 (416) 766 - 0304 111 Richmond Street Phone: (519) 352-6813 Chatham, Ontario N7M 1P1 Fax: (519) 352-6957 EMAIL: [email protected] VAN HOOF Siding Place Riviera Hair Place and Ear Piercing Fred Zinga A Div. of Van Hoof Construction (Chatham) Inc. Phone: 519-354-6800 Wednesday to Saturday Kevin Dolson • Siding • Windows • Eavestrough SACWAL 747 St. Clair St. Ext. CHATHAM, ONTARIO Satisfaction, wall to wall… 519-354-0368 FAX 519-354-8712 ® FLOORING CENTRES John Langan Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Tony Matteis “THE CEMENT SPECIALIST” • DRIVEWAYS • SIDEWALKS • PATIOS • PORCHES • FLOORS • CURBS • CARPORTS • BRICKWORK • GARAGES, ETC. ~ Quality Work ~ • STAMPED CONCRETE RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Free Estimates 519-352-7074 Res. 519-351-7523 619 Lacroix St., Chatham Varao Masonary David Matteis Nancy Pereira Matteis Alessandra Grace Pereira Matteis INSTANT CASH LOANS 630 Grand Ave. E. Chatham, Ontario N7L 1X6 Phone: 519-352-2000 Fax: 519-352-2000 WE BUY JEWELLERY, TOOLS, DVD'S, CD'S, ART, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SPORTING GOODS, CARS, BOATS, MOTORCYCLES, COMPUTERS, CAMERAS, ANTIQUES…JUST ABOUT ANYTHING! INC. We Care About Your Comfort Carlos Vilaranda 20226 Communications Road R R #5 Blenheim, Ontario N0P 1A0 Phone: 519-676-5825 email: [email protected] 519-351-9883 www.handybros.com Fax: 519-676-8029 33 Viscount Rd. Chatham, ON N7L 5J3 Phone 519-352-4628 Cell 519-360-0549 or 519-355-6382 Forno's Travel Agency Inc. Res. (519) 352-7873 54 ERIE STREET S. Bus. (519) 326-2426 LEAMINGTON, ON Fax (519) 326-0778 N8H 3A9Toll Free 1-800-265-5341 HomePage - http://www.fornos-travel.com Email - [email protected] The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca JOHN “PuttingThe theBeauty beautyand andDurability durabilityofofStone stoneIninYour yourHome” home” “Putting DOUB REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE John Doub - Broker of Record Marble & Granite Products AGRICULTURAL REAL ESTATE SALES BUYING OR SELLING FARMS FARMS FARMS Over 30 years experience 7 7Maple MapleLeaf LeafDrive, Drive,Chatham, Chatham, ON ON N7M N7M 6H2 6H2 GraniteCounter CounterTops Tops –- Tables Surrounds & Hearths Granite Tables- –Fire FirePlace Place Surrounds & Hearths WeSupply Supplyand andInstall Install We Phone (519) 351-2395 Toll Free 1-877-789-9921 Fax (519) 351-7193 Dennis DennisBrewer Brewer General Manager General Manager A.D. Renovations CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING KEN KOPKO 1-800-996-6027 519-351-7200 554 St. Clair Street N., Chatham, ON N7L 5M9 Tel:(519) (519)354-3930 354-3930 Tel: Fax: (519) 354-6760 Fax: (519) 354-6760 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ~ Free Estimates ~ ~ Quality Work ~ Antonio Deabreu 228 Elizabeth St. Chatham, Ont. N7L 2Y7 Banquets ~ Weddings ~ Parties Tina Mesquita • Len Acampora Tina Mesquita Barra Y Restaurante 250 National Rd. Chatham, ON N7M 5K8 Phone 519-355-0806 Fax 519-355-0810 231 King Street West Chatham, ON N7M 1E6 Len Acampora Tapas Blues Cell (519) 809-1270 Res. (519) 351-4599 Phone: 519-360-1600 Fax: 519-360-1404 Phone: 519-355-0074 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca MACEDO WINE GRAPE JUICE LTD. Tel. (416) 652-0416 Fax (416) 652-0114 50 Caledonia Park Road Toronto, Ontario M6H 4A8 Specializing in California and Canadian Grapes for Wine and Grape Juice R g Di WRIGHT Basements Sewers Waterlines Septic Systems Mini Excavator FREE ESTIMATES • Excavating • Bulldozing • Trucking Eugene Hoekstra Tel: (519) 352-3805 Fax: (519) 360-9144 Mailing Address: RR 1, 9410 McNaughton Line Chatham, ON N7M 5J1 F A M I L Y H A I R C A R E 425 St. Clair Street Chatham, Ontario N7L 3K4 519-352-3411 Ferrari Plaza 4096 Walker Rd. Windsor, Ontario 519-967-1932 Thanks to all of our advertisers for your support! Our Lady of Fatima Festival Committee The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Richmond Motors (Chatham) Limited 90 Keil Drive, North Chatham, Ont. N7L 3W1 Telephone (519) 352-8890 Fax (519) 351-2371 Email [email protected] Come and experience the Automax difference where customer service is our priority! Don Gerry Peterson President Rob 586 St. Clair St., Chatham, ON N7L 3L4 Peixe Fresco e Congelado Artigos de Mercearia 519-352-0232 * Fresh & Frozen Seafood Groceries (519) 452-7511 www.automaxteam.com 708 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario N5Z 1T6 Fab Therrien Franchise Owner Gerry Peterson Richmond Motors (Chatham) Limited 90 Keil Drive, North Chatham, Ont. N7L 3W1 Telephone (519) 352-8890 Fax (519) 351-2371 [email protected] President Krogman Auto Sales 519-627-2212 1317498 Ontario Inc. McNaughton Plaza 30 McNaughton Ave., Unit 12 Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 1R9 www.petvalu.com www.performatrinultra.com Tel: (519) 627-2419 Store Hours: Mon-Wed & Sat. 9-7 Thu-Fri 9-9 Sun 10-5 LINDA UZONYI MANAGER Sunoco Gas Bar & Car Wash David / Ron Wallaceburg, On 63 McNaughton Ave. Wallaceburg, Ontario Canada, N8A 1R7 Phone: (519) 627-1113 Email: [email protected] Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Quo Vadis Pizzeria “Memorials of Distinction” “Putting The Beauty and Durability of Stone In Your Home” Coupon Card Large 3 item (16 Slice) Pizza 1 lb. of Wings 519-351-2333 10 Grand Ave. W. (Beside 7 Eleven) 18.99 $ + tax MEMORIALS 7 7Maple MapleLeaf LeafDrive, Drive,Chatham, Chatham, ON ON N7M N7M 6H2 6H2 Granite Counter Tops - Tables - Fire Place Surrounds & Hearths MONUMENTS – MARKERS – CEMETERY LETTERING We Supply and Install Dennis Brewer General Manager Tel: (519) 354-3930 Fax:(519) (519)354-3930 354-6760 Tel: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (519) 354-6760 E-mail: [email protected] Dennis Brewer General Manager Lighting & Accent Gallery JIM KELLY Owner 699 St. Clair St. Ext. Chatham, Ontario N7M 5J7 PH. 519-354-4456 FAX 519-354-9116 1-888-741-1247 General Manager Mark Triembacher P: 519-436-1430 F: 519-436-0027 E: [email protected] W:myvictoryford.com 370 Richmond Street, Chatham, ON N7M 1P8 Derek White Optician / General Manager 155 Grand Avenue West • Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B9 Tel. 519-354-2340 / Fax 519-354-0366 Email: [email protected] Cork 'N Keg Mike & Sally Mahoney 519-358-1425 222 Wellington Street Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2X9 Ph: 519-627-4222 Fax: 519-627-9490 E-mail: [email protected] The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca www.mckinlayfuneralhome.com email: [email protected] 76 MAIN ST. E. RIDGETOWN 459 ST. CLAIR ST. CHATHAM 141 PARK ST. BLENHEIM 519-674-3141 519-351-2040 519-676-3451 General Insurance Since 1910 A. DaCosta Masonry Brick • Block Work O'NEILL INSURANCE INCORPORATED TEL: (519) 352-1126 FAX: (519) 436-0794 BLOOMFIELD ROAD, CHATHAM, ONTARIO N7M 5J6 HOME, AUTO, FARM, COMMERCIAL 187 Selkirk St. Chatham, Ontario s Jack’ Used Cars and Auto Body Antonio Res. (519) 354-8208 Mob. (519) 360-7946 (519) 351-2405 Quality Used Car Sales ~ Complete Auto Body Repairs & Painting ~ 526 Park Ave. E Chatham, Ontario N7M 5J4 CANADA sal provenza Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca WEST BRICK LAYER RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • Brick • Stone • Block • Chimneys Paulo Carneiro Vergilio Carneiro Bus. 519-352-4379 222 McNaughton Ave. W. Chatham, Ontario N7L 1R6 The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca 28 HP ins Cumm gine l En Diese New “00” Series “Special Features” • hydrostat transmission option • 21,24 or 28 HP options • 60" belly mower 10 Engine Sizes from 21-65 hp • 4 wheel drive • Heavier frame offers power and durability • Cummins diesel engines • Quick attachment of implements Four year limited ••Three-year limitedwarranty warranty Branson Tractors Designed with “Versatility” and “You” in mind. See Your Local Branson Dealer and Compare For Yourself Boomer Creek Farms Ltd. FURLAN Office:519-698-2853 Fax: 519-698-2564 BROS. 5000 Ament Line, R.R. #1 Linwood, ON N0B 2A0 Sales & Rentals Inc. FURLAN BROS. 10858 Longwoods Road SalesChatham, & RentalsON Inc. 10858 Longwoods Road Office: 519-352-4581 Chatham, ON Fax: 519-352-7406 Office:519-352-4581 Fax: 519-352-7406 www.furlanbros.com www.furlanbros.com Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca WESTBROOK'S FLOWER SHOPPE Ravata Drywall & Accoustics Ltd. Unique • Elegant • Creative • Home Accents • • Drywall • Taping • Metal Framing • Accoustic Celings • RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL 603 James Street Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2P2 Phone 519-627-4633 After Hours 519-627-8457 Fax 519-627-2510 Owner Mark Persyn Box 1091, 23 McGregor Place, Chatham, ON N7M 5L6 “Your only approved custom design applicator for Dryvit Stucco finishes in Chatham-Kent” Phone: 519-354-4282 or 354-1201 Cell: 519-436-3423 Fax: 519-354-2525 Email: [email protected] Roger Alarie Owner BENKA Tina DaSilva CONSTRUCTION Owner-Operator Hair Stylist/Master Colourist Residential & Commercial Construction All Interior & Exterior Renovations Roofing & Siding Ontario New Home Warranty Program Free Estimates 429 James Street Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 2N8 519-627-0227 Tel. 519-351-6165 Cell 519-355-8842 Haycock-Cavanagh • prescription eyewear • safety eyewear • contact lenses • sunglasses 455 James Street Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 2N8 Brad Eggett Optician, Contact Lens Fitter phone/fax 519-627-9380 Business Hours Mon. & Tues. 9:00-6:00 • Wed. Closed • Thurs. & Fri. 9:00-8:00 • Sat. 9:00-3:00 European Groceries Ltd. 359 Horton Street, London, ON N6B 1L6 Funeral Home & Reception Centre We Cater or Choose Your Own Caterer Michael & Kevin Cavanagh, Funeral Directors 409 Nelson Street, Wallaceburg 519-627-3231 519-438-7696 Fax 519-438-6680 Prop: Manuel A. DeMelo & Sons • Fresh Meats, Vegetables, Fruit, Cheese, Fish and other Products from Europe • Homemade Sausages and Frozen Seafood The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca chatham-kent's Newest Ferritti Dealer Collingwood Create a room of Elegance in our Custom Order Gallery One Year! Canada’s Only Furniture SuperStores * O.A.C. All applicable taxes and a processing fee ($55 for 2 years/$45 for 1 year option) are due at the time of purchase (e.g.. $1500 purchase with $55 PF and 2 years to pay equals an APR of 1.83%; $1500 purchase with $45 and one year to pay equals an APR of 3.0%). Balance is divided into 24 equal monthly payments with 2 year option or due one year from the date of purchase with 1 year option. Not applicable to previous purchases and markdown items. All items available while quantities last. Prices, items and conditions may vary according to region. Selection may vary from store to store. Pick-up discounts not available on some items. See store for delivery included offer. See store for other convenient payment options. Custom orders require 25% deposit. *Prices shown exclude taxes. ➡ To Wallaceburg 519-351-4616 Wheelchair accessible Pioneer Line Home Depot ➡ Hours: Mon.-Fri. ~ 9-9; Sat. ~ 9-6; Sun. ~ 12-5 St. Clair St. Chatham Store Only, Hwy 40 North • No Down Payment* • No Interest • No Monthly Payments To Chatham Pay Nothing For Our Lady of Fatima Festival Leon’s North Maple Mall Walmart En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca mediterranean restaurant P.O. BOX 728, 755 GRAND AVENUE W., CHATHAM, ONTARIO N7M 5L1 Felipe Gomes tel: 519.435.0616 www.fginternationalcorp.com BUS: 519-352-9200 FAX: 519-352-5080 RES: 519-358-1750 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.heuvelmanschev.gmcanada.com SCOTT HEUVELMANS Dealer Principal Time… State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Canadian Head Office, Aurora, Ontario Karen Bosazzi Insurance Agency Ltd. 252 Wellington Street West Chatham, ON N7M 5K1 519 354 7475 Fax 519 354 3161 Toll Free 1 877 230 2701 [email protected] to think about balancing career and family. Be your own boss and take control of your life. At Investors Group, we are ready to help you build your own practice as a professional Consultant. We offer… THE BEST TRAINING IN THE BUSINESS MENTORING AND COACHING PROGRAM OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT INTERESTED CANDIDATES SHOULD CALL: Melanie Machado Executive Assistant to Gary Van Hooren Phone: 519-358-1115, ext. 209 • Fax: 519-358-1934 [email protected] “Great Harvest Foods makes it easy to put “FRESH TASTE” back on your menu” Tel. 519-352-2931 519-352-1570 FAX 519-352-1571 Restaurant Nova Lisboa Bringing you back to the ocean! Specializing in BBQ MEATS • SEAFOOD • COD FISH “First in Men’s Fashion” EDDIE MARICONDA 143 King St. W. Chatham, Ontario N7M 1E4 Catering to parties & banquets in Southwestern Ontario Fully Licenced L.C.B.O. Manager-Owner: Rosa G. Da Cruz 519-680-2332 3 Glenroy Rd., Units #2 & 3 London, ON N5Z 4H2 The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Nicholls Funeral Home Serving Wallaceburg and Area since 1945 Funeral Directors: l Scott Burritt l Leigh Anne VanDamme A Life Lived ~ A Life Remembered 639 Elgin Street Phone 519-627-2861 535 GRAND AVE. EAST CHATHAM, ONTARIO N7L 3Z2 HELENA GANHADEIRO FURNITURE SALES 519-351-6034 FAX 519-351-3452 535 GRAND AVE. EAST CHATHAM, ONTARIO N7L 3Z2 519-351-6034 1-877-777-5754 FAX 519-351-3452 www.teppermans.com WE FIT THE LIFESTYLE OF YOUR HOME Consultations available in portuguese LOUISA VALIHORA GENERAL MANAGER email: [email protected] www.teppermans.com WE FIT THE LIFESTYLE OF YOUR HOME COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT Established in 1950 Old Time Home-Style Cooking Breakfast Anytime • Daily Lunch Specials Just 1/2 mile from Wheels Inn TUES. to Fri. open 6 am - 2 pm Sat. 6 am - 2 pm • Sun. 7 am - 2 pm 519-354-3320 415 Richmond St. Parking for 50 cars 25 Lisgar St., Wallaceburg, ON Ph. 519-627-1277 Fax: 519-627-9293 Brian Shaw Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca David Constancio Property Loss Appraiser Ph: 519-351-0225 Fax: 519-351-1171 Cell: 519-809-0650 100 Byng Avenue Chatham, ON N7M 3E2 www.winmar.on.ca TOLL FREE 1-800-4-WINMAR The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca INTREPID GENERAL LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTORS Project Management Design Build • Lease Back Machine Foundations Veolia Environmental Services New Waste Processing Facility Bloomfield Industrial Park DOWLER-KARN Dave Desjardins SARNIA PROPANE A DIVISION OF DOWLER-KARN LIMITED Tel: 519-351-8000 Fax: 519-351-5153 725 St. Clair Ext. Chatham, Ontario N7M 5J7 Industrial • Commercial • Municipal Specializing In Concrete Since 1970 519-354-5167 FOR ALL YOUR PROPANE NEEDS 51 SASS ROAD, CHATHAM www.intrepidgeneral.ca • [email protected] Tom Peseski Funeral Director Ron Peseski Funeral Director Dan Peseski Funeral Director Dick Stevens Funeral Director Jeff McGivern Funeral Director Tel.: 519-352-5120 • 156 William St. S., Chatham, www.peseski.com We thank all the families who have placed their trust and confidence in our family Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Peppino’s Joe Leggiero chef / owner ITALAN RESTAURANT 519-351-2772 196 King Street West, Chatham, Ontario N7M 1E5 Catering by With a taste of Italy We can cater for a wide range of functions, for both small and large groups Wedding Receptions, Receptions,Retirement Retirement party, Business BusinessMeetings, meetings, Family events, Wedding Parties, Family Events, Batism, Graduation party, First communion. We are here to cater to Baptisms, Graduation Parties, First Communion. We are here to cater toyou you on and off premises please call 519-351-2772 on and off premises. Please call 519-351-2772. Towell’s Auto Body collision & rust repair restoration & custom work oil coating rust protection Earl Towell, founder; Mike Fox, apprentice; Jordan Breakey, apprentice; Mike deBakker, owner Serving the Community for Over 50 Years COLLISION & RUST OUR SPECIALTY 1258 Lambton Rd. #1 Wallaceburg, ON 519-627-6592 Email: [email protected] Owned & Operated by Mike de Bakker & Earl Towell The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Transportation Service Victoria Thompson AFFILIATED COMPANIES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES HELPING HANDS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS • 24/7 Medical Appointment Transportation • Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles • Compliant With Most Government Programs ______________ LOGISTICS WIND RIDE LOGISTICS • Can/USA Expedite • Customer Specific • 24/365 Dispatch & Delivery VIP VIP LIMO SHUTTLE SERVICE • Limousines • Luxury Sedans • Mini Vans • Mini Buses • Airport Services • Weddings • Conventions • Special Occasions LIMO SHUTTLE SERVICE RADIO CABS • Debit Cards Accepted • Corporate Accounts Welcome Ph: 519-974-LIMO (5466) Fax: 519-974-2990 Toll Free: 1-866-255-9998 [email protected] Cell: 519-984-5889 Web: www.vipwindsorshuttle.com Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Dining Around The County featuring… Chatham's Breakfast House & Grille The Staff of Chatham's Breakfast House & Grille Churrascaria would like to thank the residents of Chatham-Kent for their great support. Come experience the European Flare. C Chatham's Breakfast House & Grille Churrascaria For Weddings, Business Functions and Family Events Please Phone 519-355-1279 Takehomechefs Catering Company Free event consultation from 50 to 1000 people Grille Churrascaria Steak House 525 Grand Avenue East 519-355-1279 Chatham Hours of Operation Mon. 7 am - 3 pm; Tues. 7 am - 8 pm Wed. 7 am - 8 pm; Thurs. 7 am - 8 pm Fri. 7 am - 9 pm; Sat. 7:30 am to 9 pm Sun. 7:30 am to 2 pm The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Bob Demaray Ph. 519-354-4446 Fax 519-354-4448 Cell 519-360-0609 “San Padre Pio” says “Pray, Hope & Don’t Worry” diz “Rezar, Esperar e Não Preocupar-se” dit “Prier, Espérer et Ne Pas Préoccuper” dice “Pregose, Esperare e non Preocuupar-se” Rosalie Caron Côté Louise Roy Vincent André Caron H HARRIS JOHN HARRIS CONCRETE LTD. 180 Queen St. Chatham, ON N7M 2G8 www.automo.ca Email: [email protected] • Contracting • Equipment Rentals • Excavating 7937 HERON LINE R.R. #8, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, N7M 5J8 519-354-5150 Cards by Silvia Handmade and customized to suit your personality and event! All Occasion Greeting Cards Invitations Announcements Thank you cards Silvia Leggiero 519-354-5240 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca rmassage a d therapy i a n&cspae 42 Eugenie St. • Chatham, ON • N7M 3Z1 • 519.354.7684 Serving Chatham-Kent for 30 Years McMath Realty Ltd. Scott McMath BROKER OF RECORD Office: (519) 351-3933 Res: (519) 351-4366 www.mcmathrealty.ca Fax: (519) 351-5498 Cell: (519) 358-8809 [email protected] Albertino Machado Albertino Machado Graphic Communications Custom invitations from Birth Announcements, Wedding Invitations, Baby Shower, Birthdays, Engagement cards, Logo design and on site photography to catch that special picture for your custom design. Phone: 519.354.6290 email: [email protected] Graphic Communications The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Wallpaper Station 12 Churchill Street Chatham, Ontario N7L 3T1 519.436.1333 Rita Biskey Owner Current In Stock Wallcoverings Fabric & Window Treatments Sico Supreme Paints Interior Designer On Staff A. JEANNOT VILARANDA CERTIFIED INTERIOR DESIGNER Renovation planning & design Colour consultations Furniture selection & placement Space planning Window treatments 12 CHURCHILL STREET CHATHAM, ONTARIO 1-519-436-1333 Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca He was Hewas was He amazed amazed amazed By our Byour our By prices prices prices too! too! too! Check out the Bread Store. You will Checkout outthe thethe Bread Store. You will Check Store. You will be amazed by Bread quality and price bewhat amazed bythe the quality and price be amazed and price of we by have inquality store. ofwhat whatwe wehave haveininstore. store. of ® The Bread Store ® ® The Bread Store The Bread Store MUCH MORE THAN A BREAD STORE! MUCH BREAD MUCH MORE 4 2 9 SMORE t C l aTHAN i THAN r S t rAeA e BREAD t , C hSTORE! a tSTORE! ham 442299 SSt t CCl al ai ri rS S t rter ee te, t ,C hCaht ah tahma m 519-351-5945 519-351-5945 519-351-5945 The Portuguese Festival Committee TheBreadStore_Portuguese Ad.indd1 1 6/13/2008 3:27:20 PM TheBreadStore_Portuguese Ad.indd1 1 6/13/2008 3:27:20 PM TheBreadStore_Portuguese Ad.indd1 1 6/13/2008 3:27:20 PM would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca The Portuguese Festival Committee would like to express our thanks to all of you for your support, as well as all of our generous advertisers. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Our Lady of Fatima Festival En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda e tambem obrigado aos nossos generosos patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca Rancho Folclorico de Chatham Para mais informação ou para registrar os desempenhos contactam-nos. For more information or to book performances contact us. Our [email protected] of Fatima Festival John Branco 519-351-8011 Fatima Pisquem 519-354-8035 En nome das comunidades de Chatham e Wallaceburg o nosso muito obrigado pela 346 Grand Avenue East. Chatham, obrigado On. N7L 1W6 vossa ajuda e tambem aos519.436.0040 nossos generososwww.ckportugueseclub.ca patrocinadores. www.ckportugueseclub.ca HOLLYWOOD STYLE FX COMES TO CHATHAM-KENT Affordable Web and T.V. Commercials With our ‘30 SECOND AD WORKOUT’ businesses, actors and trainers can record a commercial either personally or with a spokes model. A variety of images or video you supply may be then used in the background along with graphics and music to finish your video to suit your needs. We then prepare the video for distribution online. Depending on your needs we can then also prepare in a format for DVD, Television or other uses. 1 2 1) Green Screen Photography 2) Post-production to Environment 3) Final Ad Layout 3 Call us today so we can discuss how we can help take your marketing to the next level! VIDEO | GRAPHIC DESIGN | WEB DESIGN | PRODUCT INTEGRATION 20 Currie Street, Chatham ON N7M 6L9 519-354-0118 www.itmstudios.com