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BUSINESS FUELFIX The wheeling and dealing in the oil patch got off to a fast start this year. Page D26 Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | and Section D HOME PRICE SURVEY For a detailed look at how local subdivisions stack up, search the database and explore the interactive maps at A list of prices by subdivision starts on Page D9. The high hurdle for buyers is low, low inventory Sellers in many desirable Houston neighborhoods have the advantage in a blistering housing market By Nancy Sarnoff One morning last month, Melissa Levin dropped off her two young children at school, drove back home and sat down at her computer to create a flier advertising her house in Old Braeswood, an established neighborhood near the Texas Medical Center with large homes on oversized lots. Next to photos of the stacked flagstone fireplace in the living room and the earthy stone-covered wall in the redone kitchen, Levin, a former New York publicist, described the 1950s ranch as “modernized and remodeled for luxury,” with a “swanky Sinatra-worthy Martini Happy Hour design.” She attached her personally designed creation to an email, typed in addresses of neighbors, Shaunessy Bostic and her fiance, Jordan Riddick, started looking at houses about a month ago. They say they don’t want to be forced into making a hasty decision. friends and acquaintances on the PTO and hit send. The subject line: “Not listed yet!! Old Braeswood house for sale.” Levin was eager for someone to buy her house, but she wasn’t ready to list it publicly because she was concerned it would sell before she and her family of four were ready to move. They recently bought a house in Bellaire Many continues on D4 Gary Fountain NEIGHBORHOODS Cody Duty / Houston Chronicle The Lam family — Meadow, Herman, Autumn and Carrie — walks to Oak Forest Elementary School. The Lams, who moved from Sugar Land, had a house built in Oak Forest near the Heights. They’re happy being closer to inside-the-Loop attractions. Real estate hot spots warm up the areas around them By Ford Gunter A growing population and a strong real estate market mean new “hot” neighborhoods are popping up almost as frequently as new houses, mostly in areas of town that are adjacent to already desirable spots. “It’s proximity to all the better stuff,” said Andy Weber of John Daugherty, Realtors, who calls it the “bleeder effect.” “People want to be in the Heights, but they can’t afford it,” he said. “So what’s the next closest thing to that that they can afford? That would be Oak The same factors making the Heights popular raise values nearby as well Forest or Shady Acres.” David Beck, president of Horace Homes, a local builder that has done a lot of work in neighborhoods surrounding the Heights, agreed that “the closer in, the better.” “So anywhere inside the Loop is out-of-control hot right now.” The poster child for neighborhoods that get hot and spark more of the same is the Heights. The nearby Garden Oaks-Oak Forest area gained popularity over the last decade precisely because of its location, schools and easy access to Loop 610. “This seemed like a gem,” said Herman Lam, 35, who moved his wife and two young daughters to a 3,050-square-foot house with a huge backyard in Oak Forest in December. The Lams liked Sugar Land, he said, but they often found themselves coming to Houston for Friday happy hours or weekend family outings to the zoo or museums. The house they had built, for more than $600,000, is also closer to Lam’s Galleriaarea job as a consultant to energy companies. A visit to the neighborhood Oak Forest Elementary School sealed the deal. Lam said he was thrilled to find about 30 other parents at the school on the day he toured. The teachers, he said, were passionate. And he likes that there’s a public library across the road. He and his wife now walk their daughter Meadow to kindergarten each morning. “Certainly, there are a lot Realtor continues on D4 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? Visit ©2014 RE/MAX, LLC. Each office is independently owned and operated. Created on Adobe Document Server 2.0 Inside ››The mortgage rate picture. Page D3. ››Masterplanned choices. Page D5. ››The very top of the market. Page D6. ››Plunging in to remodeling. Page D19. ››Condos and townhouses. Page D22. D2 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY How the area fared 2013 was a record year for Houston housing. The Houston Association of Realtors analyzed 73,232 single-family home sales handled through its Multiple Listing Service, representing a 17.7 percent rise over the 62,229 single-family sales in 2012. The median sales price jumped to $180,000, up 9.4 percent over the median of $164,500 in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Stafford *-"'$, %.',) %%'") Tomball *,+'&# -'$) %-'$) Willis *,%'-& %&'%) -'$) "&: 146 "$7 'C 45 "&& '.(<4.@( &4)7*? Aldine UMSJNP CLJRP @DDV "9F50>;CE '9/ "7& ":$ TJPG WPSE RMSJNP Spring Branch "<$ 6 288 #!& 10 ': <7 @DB> KPQLSJ HELRP HPE CF?SEP OIIA Magnolia "$% "' TZ\a YX^Ra VXa[QW `ZX ]ZRS] WR_ZZ] Q^WVX^RVWU Goose Creek $!" 1960 <$ =@'$.*? &4)7*? $"< $<$ :: #' 8 :# 10 #<! :! !# #& #7$ $:: !: #%7 #$$ $:" $:! $<7 #:# :47*"4:$.? &4)7*? $:' $:7 $<" $<< ##< $'% 45 $:% $<% *+ $)'##% (&$"!&)" "!: "&< "7' "(=D$,*47 &4)7*? 0E +E> 8F9 !"' Most active neighborhoods ""$ "!$ F+5 1 9A ""' Subdivisions with the highest number of sales in ""& ""# 2013 in the Houston area. The V^\ U`d d_Y`\ median price per square foot in "$# $J3OB3LG 51LJ23 V^\ U`d d_Y`\ "&" 2013 and percentage gain over 0J .340LJ 1I.3 HG053 "9F50>;CE 36 $J3OB3LG 51LJ23 .340LJ #:! @>F9E3 2012 are also0Jshown. 0J @MK?8 1I.3 HG053 0J @MK?8 35 The Woodlands-Village Alden "8F- CBridge: 562 sales, $110.90 per square PH .IG3 E1LJ @M' PH .IG3 E1LJ @M' "$& :02+6C foot, up 9.1% PH 63EC33J K>' O @M' PH 63EC33J K>' O @M' The Woodlands-Village of Sterling Ridge: #:' "!! 497, $125.44, up 6.5% PH 63EC33J :' OK>' PH 63EC33J :' OK>' "#& H:3C6 GAC 53NDJ Oak Forest: 402, $190.49, up 14.4% #%% @<E?NDC5 5F?C5 97@=F7@?J PH /3FF E1LJ :' PH /3FF E1LJ :' @< 47F>:7@F; 2:73 4C<D; The Woodlands-Village of Cochrans Crossing: MF?LC53:<; KF77@5 +ICJ 337, $118.41 1,+ICJ up 1.3% F<D I:<3B:=C7J E:N<3@C58 Cinco Ranch Southwest: 312, $107.68, up 13.7% )JFD,503JE 4LEL )JFD,503JE 4LEL Shadow Creek Ranch: 305, $81.42, up 6.5% Walden: 296, $86.47, up 4.1% Cinco Ranch West: 272, $102.94, up 9.1% The Woodlands-Village of Grogans Mill: 238, $101.73, up 15.7% Eagle Springs: 217, $76.49, up 6.5% Sales trends Foreclosure sales Coles Crossing: 212, $91.99, up 8.1% Sales of foreclosure properties in the Houston area Figures for sales of single-family homes handled through the Houston Association of Realtors: Houston Heights: 207, $251.72, up 12.4% in the Houston area: Average price The Woodlands-Village of Panther Creek: 201, Median price Number of sales per square foot 11,205 11,217 10,977 10,553 $107.87, up 11.0% $200 thousand 80 thousand $120 $101 Westbury: 186, $113.62, up 11.0% 73,232 100 12,000 6,995 150 60 Newport: 181, $65.36, up 8.6% 80 10,000 $180,000 Gleannloch Farms: 174, $86.56, up 6.3% 100 40 60 8,000 Imperial Oaks Park: 168, $84.88, up 10% 9.4% 17.7% 9.8% 6,000 40 Spring Trails: 165, $90.12, up 5.2% 50 20 Increase over Increase over Increase over The Woodlands-Village of Indian Springs: 4,000 20 2012 2012 2012 161, $119.88, up 10.6% 2,000 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Nottingham Country: 153, $85.67, up 11.5% ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 0 "<< #$' "&' "9F50>;CE '9/ "9F50>;CE '9/ "8F- C:02+6C "8F- C:02+6C 36 W]c`d\ _Zc] [bac X_ac ^]bec\ 71LJ23 0J .340LJ HG053! @MM9O@MK?8 &340LJ FL/3F HG053F 0J @MK?8 PH .IG3 E1LJ @M' PH 63EC33J :' OK>' +ICJ (3FF E1LJ *:M!MMM *K=M!MMM EI *@>9!999 &IG3 E1LJ *=MM!MMM PH 63EC33J K>' O @M' PH /3FF E1LJ :' )JFD,503JE 4LEL *:M!MMM EI *K>9!999 *@=M!MMM EI *>99!999 )JFD,503JE 4LEL Source: Houston Association of Realtors Ken Ellis and Katherine Feser / Houston Chronicle xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D3 HOME PRICE SURVEY Mortgage rates up, but market zips ahead By Katherine Feser Mortgage rates are rising, but not rapidly enough to shut most Houston buyers out of the market, realty experts say. “This market is probably going to stay hot, no matter whether they raise the interest rates or not,” said Buddy Trotter, president of the Houston Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. “Right now, the problem is the availability of houses for sale. There are way more buyers than sellers.” The rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has averaged below 5 percent each year since 2010, according to’s weekly survey of lenders. Rates are far below the double-digit days of the 1980s and early 1990s. “People have gotten used to seeing rates just at the bottom,” said Polyana da Costa, a senior mortgage analyst with “Now that they’re going back up to what’s supposed to be the norm, a lot of people will perceive Mortgage rates Average 30-year mortgage rate based on a survey of lenders each week: Year Rate 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Recent 5.38% 4.86% 4.65% 3.88% 4.16% 4.3% to 4.5% Source: Buddy Trotter says rising rates likely won’t sink the market. them as high. But they’re not high.” A bigger concern is that incomes aren’t keeping pace with rising home prices in markets like Houston, making houses more difficult to afford, da Costa said. Nearly 70 percent of homebuyers finance their purchases with mortgages, according to the National Association of Realtors. Right now, borrowers getting 30-year loans are paying about a full point higher than the recent low of 3.5 percent in late 2012, according to Bankrate. com. Fora$200,000mortgage, that translates to a payment of just over $1,000 a month for a 30-year mortgage. The monthly payment would have been about $900 at the low point. “Would somebody not buy a house because of a $100 a month increase? I don’t think so,” da Costa said. “If that’s the case, maybe you should think twice about buying a house.” Da Costa predicts the 30year average mortgage rate will hit 5 percent by yearend but thinks it will have primarily a psychological effect on buyers. Trotter, the Houston ap- Katherine Feser / Houston Chronicle More than 73,000 buyers closed on homes in the Houston area in 2013, an 18 percent rise over 2012. Borrowers who are getting 30-year loans are paying about a point more than the recent low of 3.5 percent in late 2012, according to praiser, thinks buyers will adjust to higher rates by settling on smaller homes or different neighborhoods. But he sees the $100 monthly increase a little differently. “That’s a pretty big hunk out of the family budget,” Trotter said. “While some people may not be able to purchase the house of their dreams if mortgage rates are raised, they’ll probably find a slightly less desirable house that they can afford.” The sustained low interest rates of the past few years have enabled buyers to get a lot of house for their money. “They’re buying more square footage now than they could have,” said David Jarvis, regional director for housing consulting firm Metrostudy. “I don’t think 5 percent is a big deal when the 20year average is 6.5 percent,” Jarvis said. “If they go from 4.5 percent to 7.5 percent, that would dampen things for a while.” He added, “For people who can afford a home and want a home, these 4.5 percent rates are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” [email protected] GREENWOOD KING 3201 KIRBY DRIVE - 713.524.0888 > = 616 S. VOSS, SUITE 900 - 713.784.0888 > = 801 HEIGHTS BLVD. - 713.864.0888 HEIDI DUGAN CATHY BLUM COLLEEN SHERLOCK The Strength of Experience #1 Top Producer Greenwood King 2013 #3 in sales volume by HBJ for all of Houston for 2013 HBJ Top Residential Realtor list for 14 years #1 2013 Top Producer Kirby Office Specializing in your neighborhood for 35 years. Ranked as the #5 top agent by The Houston Business Journal in 2013. A consistent leader year after year. A GK Top Producer Kirby Office 2013 Established specialist of Shadyside, River Oaks, Avalon, Southampton, West University, Tanglewood & Memorial 713.822.3895 [email protected] 713.725.9239 [email protected] 713.320.9050 [email protected] 713.942.6848 [email protected] CLINT SIMPSON TIM SURRATT PAMA ABERCROMBIE CAROL ROWLEY Named by the HBJ as one of The Top 25 Real Estate Individuals for 2013. A consistent market leader in Memorial & Surrounding Areas year after year Twice named #1 HBJ agent. HAR Realtor of the Year 1999. Ranked by HBJ as one of the Top 25 Realtors for 18 years. A consistent market leader year after year. A GK Top Producer Over 30 Years of Experience A Top Producer Specializing in West University, Southgate, Southampton, Braes Heights, Bellaire & Surrounding Areas 713.914.8781 [email protected] 713.320.5881 [email protected] 832.715.7995 [email protected] 832.277.1552 [email protected] SHARON BALLAS D4 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Many homebuyers are ready to act fast Many from page D1 but can’t move in until late summer. “If the market is truly that desperate and that aggressive … we should be able to write our own ticket,” Levin said. Her plan worked. It represents one of many unconventional strategies Houstonians are using to navigate the blistering housing market, which saw record sales and price gains in 2013 and continues to stand out among the strongest in the country, a new analysis of housing trends in nearly 2,800 neighborhoods across the area shows. Exactly one week after she began her marketing efforts, Levin received a contract for full asking price: $985,000. The buyer has agreed to lease the house back to her family until their new one is ready. Stories like those of the Levins speak to perhaps the most critical issue facing the local housing market: a remarkably low inventory of homes for sale. On one hand, the scant supply has put Houston in a seller’s market, with prices continuing to escalate and owners often having their pick of buyers once the for-sale sign goes up. Lack of options Alternatively, those shopping for homes are exasperated by the lack of options. Many have been on the hunt for a long time and are ready to act fast once they find a place. That’s why Levin didn’t want to put her property on the Multiple Listing System before she was ready to move. She figured she’d get offers on the house, but she couldn’t be sure the buyers would let her lease the home back. “I didn’t want it to accrue days on the MLS,” she said. Buyers are using new tactics, too, to help things go their way in a wildly competitive market where bidding wars are now the norm on good properties. Some are writing letters to sellers, including personal details and family photos, in hopes of swaying a decision in their favor when there are multiple offers. The number of cash bids is growing, and appraisal and contingencies are being crossed off contracts James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle Real estate agent Craig Henry II just listed a townhouse in Montrose for $474,900. He doesn’t expect it to be on the market long. Tight market An inventory of six months is considered a balanced market, in which neither buyer nor seller has the upper hand. These are the 10 local neighborhoods with the tightest inventory. Area Inventory Humble Area South Oak Forest West Area Katy/Southeast Timbergrove/Lazybrook Energy Corridor Willow Meadows Area Braeswood Place 1960/Cypress Garden Oaks Kingwood West 0.5 month 0.9 month 0.9 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1.1 months 1.1 months 1.1 months Source: Houston Association of Realtors, March 2014 by the most determined buyers. The concern over Houston’s housing shortage began more than a year ago when inventory levels, a measure of how long it would take to sell all the houses listed for sale based on recent sales trends, fell into the four-month range. The economy was booming, and a steady stream of buyers was coming to town and snapping up homes. So were locals who felt good enough about their jobs to stop renting and buy. Highend buyers were propping up the market, too. Custom homes started rising on vacant lots in pricey neighborhoods. While buying activity soared to pre-recession levels, supply wasn’t keeping up with demand. Owners weren’t listing their homes like they had been, and builders who had cut back during the downturn were also struggling to keep up. The supply of housing continued to dwindle, hitting a new low in December of last year at 2.6 months. Experts consider a six- to 6.5-month supply of housing to represent a balanced market where neither buyers nor sellers have the upper hand. Inventory has remained at its historical low since the end of last year, and some neighborhoods have an even lower supply, according to the Houston Association of Realtors, which prepared the analysis of home sales, prices and inventory for the Houston Chronicle. West University, Bellaire and Braeswood have less than two months worth of inventory each, said Chaille Ralph, who chairs the local realty association. During the first three months of the year, she said, there were 98 sales in those areas combined — 37 percent of which were over $1 million. Almost half sold in under two weeks. “The weakness right now is the supply,” Ralph said. When Lynn Fanelli, a recent transplant from Fairfax, Va., arrived in Houston last fall, she started looking for a traditional home with at least four bedrooms in comfortable surroundings and near good schools. Fanelli, an executive for Exxon Mobil Corp., is relocating with about 2,000 others who are being transferred from Virginia to a new campus near The Woodlands. She and her husband knew they would likely end up in the masterplanned community on the area’s northern fringe, but they asked their real estate agent to take them through other neighborhoods like the Heights, River Oaks and Memorial. Available for a reason It seemed to Fanelli that the only available houses had been sitting on the market awhile, and for good reason. “We never even found a house that we wanted to make an offer on,” said Fanelli, who ended up buying a lot in a new neighborhood called The Woodlands Reserve, where she and her husband are building a custom home. Marie D. De Jesús / Houston Chronicle Lynn Fanelli takes a photo of the reserved sign on a lot where her home is being built. Fanelli and her husband, Mark Fanelli, decided to construct a house to their own specifications in The Woodlands Reserve. Real estate agent Craig Henry II just listed a townhouse in Montrose with 20-foot ceilings and a twostory wall of living-room windows for $474,900. He’s discounting the commission he would normally charge from 3 percent to 1 percent because of the high value of the home, which he doesn’t expect to be on the market long. He acknowledges that it’s also a good way to get listings. “It’s not something I would do on a $100,000 listing, but this is a halfa-million-dollar listing,” Henry said. “When a seller can appreciate you’re willing to do this, the referrals can come back in multitude.” Not letting up Experts don’t see the supply constraints letting up any time soon. The low inventory has caused prices to shoot up, leaving those who may want to sell their homes without a place to go and unable to afford another house even if they found one. “There is an incentive not to sell your house, because where would you move?” said Luis Bernardo Torres, a research economist with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M. Ultra-low interest rates are also playing a role in the short supply, as homeowners who recently refinanced their mortgages to lower rates are now reluctant to sell. Shaunessy Bostic and her fiance, Jordan Riddick, started looking at houses about a month ago. They love the Heights area and see themselves in a townhouse there, but they’ve found that properties don’t stay on the market long. Inventory in the Greater Heights area is less than three months, and homes have been known to sell within days. But this would be the couple’s first house — they now rent in a townhouse complex off Harwin — and they don’t want to be forced into making a hasty decision. Riddick also worries about getting a mortgage because of rising prices. They’re saving for a down payment, but they feel like the pressure is on. “The Heights, it’s on the rise,” he said. “If we don’t act now, we’ll miss out.” [email protected] Realtor says more people with kids fine with being inside Loop Realtor from page D1 more people who know about it now,” Lam said of the neighborhood, where his home already has been appraised for more than he paid. “But you can still find something affordable — i.e., not in the millions.” Bleeder neighborhoods are also usually unencumbered with historic buildings like the bungalows of the Heights, which can be challenging to remodel and even trickier to tear down, lest the new owners upset their neighbors with a McMansion or a cluster of townhomes that clashes with the rest of the neighborhood aesthetic. That, of course, makes them ripe for new construction, and thus attractive to builders as well as buyers. Both Oak Forest and Shady Acres have seen their median price per square foot rise from $128 and $150, respectively, in 2008, to $190 and $209 in 2013, figures from the Houston Association of Realtors show. “Oak Forest is really popping with all that new construction in the $800,000 range,” Weber said. Likewise, he added, “People that can’t afford Memorial go to Spring Valley. It’s an older neighborhood, mostly teardown, Billy Smith II / Houston Chronicle Recess at Oak Forest Elementary School finds the playground busy with children. Oak Forest has seen big increases in its home values. and they’re building the mini-mansions like they did in Bellaire.” While the market hasn’t always been great — it declined slightly each of the few years before 2012 — Weber suggested part of the reason is young couples are more willing to raise children inside the Loop. “People are OK staying here with kids now,” the real estate agent said of the Inner Loop. “That never used to be the deal. There’s not this compulsion to get the heck out of Dodge if they get pregnant. … I look at the parents of students now versus 10 years ago. The schools have more parents now who are better educated and have more money, so the schools get better. And of course a lot of people can afford private school, too.” Renewed interest in pockets of Montrose like Winlow Place, for example, is driven more by location and price. A lack of deed restrictions also helps. That is perhaps most evident in the areas adjacent to River Oaks Shopping Center, where Weber said town- homes are sprouting up. Horace Homes has been building 3,500- to 5,000-square-foot houses his entire career, Beck said. They now sell for $1 million to $1.5 million, about 15 percent more than they did in 2010. “At this point, for a new construction inside the Loop, $1 million is about as cheap as you’re going to get,” he said. “It’s really mostly the lot cost, though construction costs go up every year, too. All the costs are going up and up and up, but I’m continually building the same size house.” Ronnie Crocker contributed reporting. Ford Gunter is a freelance writer in Houston. xxx HOME PRICE SURVEY Craig H. Hartley photos Jorge Sesin, with his newly adopted rescue dog Bella, talks with his neighbor Vince Cangolosi in Johnson Development’s Cross Creek Ranch in Fulshear. Michelle Braud and her family threw a block party for their new neighbors. Master-planned communities hold allure for many By Erin Mulvaney Master-planned communities continue to attract homebuyers to the edges of the region where order, conformity and suburban amenities provide an alternative to the untamed city center. The communities continue to be a major part of Houston’s housing market, even now as demand outpaces supply. National reports and homes sales last year show that the Houston region remains one of the top places in the country to build the carefully laid-out communities, representing about 30 percent of new-home sales in the region. Michelle and Parrish Braud moved with their boys, Taylor and Connor, from Florida last year to Fulshear’s Cross Creek Ranch. The Houston-based Johnson Development Corp.’s master-planned community saw 509 home sales last year, a 69 percent increase from 2012, according to John Burns Real Estate Consulting data. From the beginning The family was attracted to the master-planned community in part because strict homeowner rules maintain standards by controlling what can be built. These types of communities are planned from inception, incorporating not just residential but also retail, commercial and other amenities built on large Houston area has major share of biggest such neighborhoods tracts of undeveloped land. Even the color schemes homeowners may choose are restricted. “We really like the fact that it’s laid out,” Michelle Braud said. “We want to be in one central location, and everything is kind of like us. It stays nice and neat and clean and kept up.” She said the family was also attracted to the school district and the available amenities, like a fitness center and pool. But the fact that the neighborhood was pre-planned was one of the main draws, she said. “You don’t want to be the biggest house on the block or the smallest house on the block,” Braud said. “The conformity helps values. You don’t want to buy a $500,000 house and have someone put up a trailer or a high-rise next to you.” Area prominent on list Last year, Metrostudy, which conducts industry analyses, showed that eight of the country’s 20 biggest master-planned communities in 2013 are in the Houston area, six in Fort Bend County alone. No other region had more neighborhoods on the list. Another annual report showed Houston with nine of the 20 top-selling Parrish Braud and Michelle Braud and children Connor and Taylor find Cross Creek Ranch to their liking. “It stays nice and neat and clean and kept up,” Michelle Braud says. neighborhoods for 2013. RCLCO, which compiled that annual ranking based on number of sales by each community, said 30 percent of all new-home sales in the Houston area are in master-planned communities, and that number has been growing. Most of the local communities that made this year’s RCLCO list are far-flung and fast-growing. Fulshear, more than 30 miles from downtown Houston, is represented twice, with No. 12 Cross Creek Ranch and No. 20 Firethorne. City officials say the town’s population has swelled to an estimated 5,000, from 400 just a decade ago. ‘A safe haven’ Doug Goff, chief operating officer of Johnson Development, said lax regulation from local government makes the Houston region an attractive place to build. “It’s been a place where today, as opposed to anywhere else, masterplanned-community developers can feel it’s a safe haven,” Goff said. “In times of difficult economic conditions, buyers gravitate toward a flight to quality.” Goff said with the supply of land at an all-time low, developers of masterplanned communities are accelerating programs to bring as many to the market as possible. New communities The new communities include Johnson’s 2,700 planned homes on 1,300 acres at the intersection of Grand Parkway and West Airport Boulevard. Earlier this year, a developer announced plans to expand Johnson’s Sienna Planation. Luxury home builder Toll Brothers and New York-based private equity firm GTIS Partners acquired 3,700 acres just south of Sienna Plantation to build another 6,500 homes over the next 15 to 20 years. Also under development are a 1,000-acre community in Manvel, from Dallas-based Hillwood, and a 993-acre project just south of Kingwood, from Charlotte, N.C.-based Crescent Communities. [email protected] Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D5 D6 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Deep pockets come in handy to buy the poshest and priciest properties By Nancy Sarnoff A high-rise condominium that once belonged to Enron’s former chairman and CEO, the late Ken Lay, was one of the most expensive homes to have traded hands in the Houston area in 2013, a year in which luxury property sales were about as common as young energy millionaires. The number of Houstonians who plunked down $1 million or more on abodes was up 41 percent last year over 2012 to 1,416. During the summer, a nearly 12,000-squarefoot estate along the posh River Oaks Boulevard made history for being the most expensive house sold through the Multiple Listing Service. With its five wood-burning fireplaces, 17th-century French mantle and a slate roof that was cut in Spain, the property was listed for $14 million. The buyer, Houston trial attorney Tony Buzbee, paid an undisclosed sum in cash. Sales prices are not public record in Texas. The following homes represent the most expensive listings in order of price that sold here last year through the Houston Association of Realtors’ Multiple Listing Service. [email protected] 5 Briarwood Court Houston Association of Realtors This River Oaks mansion purchased by attorney Tony Buzbee set a sales record, according to the Houston Association of Realtors. 1722 River Oaks Blvd. List price: $14 million Sales price range: More than $10 million Neighborhood: River Oaks Space: 11,815 square feet with five bedrooms and five bathrooms John Daugherty, Realtors List price: $9.25 million Sales price range: $7,805,001-$9 million Neighborhood: River Oaks Space: 6,824 square feet with four bedrooms and six bathrooms Lot size: 2.2 acres Days it took to sell: 305 Year built: 1938 Listing agent: Claire Wilkins, John Daugherty, Realtors Selling agent: Steve Baumgardner, John Daugherty, Realtors 3689 Del Monte Lot size: 1 acre Days it took to sell: 258 Year built: 2005 Listing agent: Jeanne Turner, Greenwood King Properties Selling agent: Peree Griffin 3734 Willowick John Daugherty, Realtors List price: $7.995 million Sales price range: $6,767,001-$7,805,000 Neighborhood: River Oaks, Tall Timbers Space: 8,196 square feet with four bedrooms and six bathrooms Lot size: 1 acre Days it took to sell: 305 Year built: 1965 Listing agent: Claire Wilkins, John Daugherty, Realtors Selling agent: Claire Wilkins, John Daugherty, Realtors John Daugherty, Realtors List price: $6.55 million Sales price range: $5,864,001-$6,767,000 Neighborhood: River Oaks Space: 8,210 square feet, with five bedrooms and six bathrooms Lot size: 19,026 square feet Days it took to sell: 4 Year built: 2006 Listing agent: Laura Sakowitz Sweeney, John Daugherty, Realtors Selling agent: Pene Moore, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty RE/MAX Carlton Woods Sales 6 Fleury Way List price: $6.4 million Sales price range: $5,081,001-$5,864,000 Neighborhood: The Woodlands, Village of Carlton Woods Space: 9,776 square feet with six bedrooms and six bathrooms Lot size: 3.1 acres Days it took to sell: 153 Year built: 2000 Listing agent: Aaron Harris, Re/Max Carlton Woods Sales Selling agent: Kelly Davis, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty 126 Tranquil Path MORE PHOTOS: PAGE D8 List price: $5.9 million Sales price range: $4,418,001-$5,081,000 Neighborhood: The Woodlands, Village of Grogan’s Mill Space: 10,527 square feet, with six bedrooms and eight bathrooms Lot size: 8.9 acres Days it took to sell: 428 Year built: 2004 Listing agent: James Pichette, Keller Williams Realty Conroe/Lake Conroe Selling agent: Glory Crafts, Re/Max Heritage Source: Houston Association of Realtors’ Multiple Listing Service Keller Williams Realty Conroe/Lake Conroe D8 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Continued from page D6 4 W. Rivercrest Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty List price: $5.9 million Sales price range: $5,081,001-$5,864,000 Neighborhood: Rivercrest Space: 16,532 square feet, with eight bedrooms and eight bathrooms Lot size: 3.8 acres Days it took to sell: 318* Year built: 2005 Listing agent: Susan Boss, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty Selling agent: Sushila Patel, Re/Max Heritage John Daugherty, Realtors 5429 Sturbridge List price: $5.6 million Sales price range: $4,418,001-$5,081,000 Neighborhood: Tanglewood Space: 9,088 square feet, with four bedrooms and five bathrooms Lot size: 34,050 square feet Days it took to sell: 166 Year built: 2013 Listing agent: Laura Sakowitz Sweeney, John Daugherty, Realtors Selling agent: Martha Adger, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty RRH Investments 2121 Kirby, No. 33 List price: $5.399 million Sales price range: $5,081,001-$5,864,000 Neighborhood: Huntingdon high-rise condominium Space: 12,827 square feet, with four bedrooms and four bathrooms Days it took to sell: 24 Year built: 1983 Listing agent: Robert Herrold, RRH Investments Selling agent: Mary Elizabeth Hahnfeld, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty 5615 Doliver** Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty List price: $4.995 million Sales price range: $4,418,001-$5,081,000 Neighborhood: Tanglewood Space: 9,498 square feet with five bedrooms and five bathrooms Lot size: 42,170 square feet Days it took to sell: 30* Year built: 2003 Listing agent: Ruth Porterfield, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty Selling agent: Ann Lerner, John Daugherty, Realtors 745 Marchmont** Greenwood King Properties List price: $4.995 million Sales price range: $4,418,001-$5,081,000 Neighborhood: Piney Point Space: 9,451 square feet, with six bedrooms and seven bathrooms Lot size: 40,012 square feet Days it took to sell: 42* Year built: 2013 Listing agent: Sharon Ballas, Greenwood King Properties Selling agent: Vickie Driscoll, John Daugherty, Realtors Source: Houston Association of Realtors’ Multiple Listing Service *Home had previously been listed within the past six months, so the amount of time it took to sell may not be the true cumulative days on the market. **Listing tied for 10th most expensive. xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D9 HOME PRICE SURVEY About Harris County Northeast Region the home Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Arbor Trails 71 Atasca Woods 905 Atascocita Meadows 190 Atascocita North 748 Atascocita Park 136 Atascocita Shores 386 Atascocita South 1,481 Atascocita Timbers 231 Atascocita Trails 772 Atascocita West 274 Atascocita Forest 1,591 Atascocita Trace 233 Barrington 67 Belleau Wood East 131 Benders 195 Claytons Corner 412 Common of Lake Houston 102 Commons of Lake Houston 549 Cypresswood Point 220 Deerbrook Estates 361 Eagle Springs 2,001 Forest Cove CC Estates 519 Forest Cove U/R 410 Forest Shadows 112 Foxwood 1,421 Golf Villas of Atascocita 57 Greensbrook 650 Houmont Park 349 Idleloch 130 Kenswick 1,330 Kenswick Forest 562 Kenswick Glen 143 Kenswick Meadows 354 Kings Lake Forest 312 Kings Manor Patio Homes 266 Kings River Estates 80 Kingspoint Village 130 Kingwood Bear Branch Village 1,090 Elm Grove Village 1,417 Fosters Mill Village 548 Kingwood Glen 520 Greens Village 218 Greentree Village 1,761 Hunters Ridge Village 1,028 Kings Crossing 489 Kings Forest 252 Kings Point Village 1,423 Kings River Village 1,152 Kingwood Place Village 395 Lake Village U/R 256 Mills Branch Village 1,213 Mills Creek Village 695 Sand Creek Village 1,081 Sherwood Trails Village 928 Trailwood Village 834 Woodland Hills Village 1,584 Lake Forest Village 415 Lakeland 173 Lakeshore 756 Lakewood Cove 234 Lakewood Heights 649 Lakewood Village Estates 86 Lochshire 94 Mill Creek 280 North Kingwood Forest 107 Northshire 437 Oak Hill Estates 95 Oaks Atascocita 990 Park at Atascocita Forest 203 Parkside at Kingwood Glen 142 Parkway Forest 857 Pine Meadows 49 Pinehurst of Atascocita 1,516 Pines of Atascocita 431 Riverchase 466 Rolling Hills 109 Royal Shores 93 Saddle Ridge 176 Sierra Ranch 165 Stonefield Manor 301 Stonefield Terrace 511 Summerwood 1,337 Summerwood Edgewater Vlg. 113 Summerwood Lakes Village 87 Summerwood Seven Oaks Vlg. 166 Sunrise Pines 136 Timber Forest 442 Tour 18 27 Village of Kings Lake 127 Walden on Lake Houston Champions Village 459 Golfers Village 203 Marathon Village 196 Olympic Village 483 Sportsman Village 504 Sprinters Village 138 Trophy Village 139 Waters Edge 137 Werrington 291 Woodspring Forest 226 1,839 2,213 2,006 1,608 1,878 2,947 1,994 2,235 1,781 1,538 1,884 1,630 3,897 1,937 1,252 2,133 3,047 2,886 2,743 1,751 2,454 2,241 2,545 1,853 1,698 1,824 1,189 1,512 1,366 1,524 1,972 1,799 1,577 1,190 2,075 4,663 3,475 2007 2003 2003 1980 1999 1984 1992 1997 1983 1977 1993 2006 2007 1983 1940 2004 2001 2002 2006 2005 2005 1975 1970 1974 1983 1990 2003 1966 1978 1982 2005 2005 2006 1980 2005 2005 2004 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $88,516 4 4 $52.60 $137,279 46 55 $64.11 $107,375 12 9 $44.89 $82,986 27 35 $38.22 $110,505 8 8 $57.18 $264,315 18 29 $77.92 $112,891 58 92 $54.61 $130,658 13 12 $57.52 $101,958 30 53 $56.81 $85,934 8 13 $43.21 $102,703 69 95 $48.61 $77,021 15 11 $35.19 $361,000 17 7 $125.51 $134,711 5 5 $51.43 $78,106 4 4 $78.38 $95,185 17 26 $50.69 $297,649 6 3 $106.31 $278,949 25 38 $104.64 $118,900 4 8 $44.33 $78,537 18 29 $46.08 $159,941 154 217 $71.83 $152,905 19 23 $69.58 $204,755 15 18 $73.72 $116,300 6 4 $70.89 $76,573 46 58 $41.44 $122,601 3 3 $68.90 $30,102 18 17 $35.94 $87,692 3 6 $77.78 $69,098 7 7 $32.57 $64,114 41 48 $42.77 $80,500 22 24 $38.73 $73,319 6 5 $47.99 $64,510 24 16 $38.48 $56,898 6 6 $41.87 $140,000 16 16 $69.19 $600,131 6 4 $195.06 $347,078 12 9 $103.85 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $48.47 $66.65 $57.27 $53.31 $65.37 $86.67 $62.03 $62.05 $61.29 $50.72 $57.95 $44.18 $136.58 $65.54 $42.83 $57.68 $102.69 $111.57 $55.27 $59.95 $76.49 $70.35 $82.60 $55.83 $49.28 $65.83 $47.98 $91.86 $56.03 $53.13 $54.65 $58.60 $41.89 $42.85 $74.74 $170.88 $108.23 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 -8% -5% 4% 0% 28% 9% 39% 24% 14% -2% 11% -1% 14% 7% 8% 4% 8% 6% 17% -23% 19% 1% 26% -1% 9% 16% 27% -17% -45% -30% 14% 12% -3% NA 7% 10% 25% 7% 30% -14% 6% -2% 1% 0% 12% 2% -21% -19% 19% 7% -4% 17% 34% 17% 18% 6% 72% 34% 24% 27% 41% 16% 22% 17% 9% -14% 2% 30% 8% -9% -12% 24% 4% NA 2,752 1,880 3,290 2,194 4,082 2,778 2,188 2,336 3,663 3,811 2,456 2,139 3,184 2,329 2,964 3,010 1,487 2,538 2,104 2,482 1,552 2,666 1,737 1,612 1,305 2,669 1,570 2,202 1,974 1,568 2,535 2,478 1,590 1,385 1,812 2,792 1,944 3,493 1,535 4,717 1,862 1,687 1,700 1,829 2,888 3,210 3,371 2,410 1,808 2,324 2,488 2,259 1978 1982 1982 1999 1998 1988 1983 1989 1978 1990 1998 1997 1978 1991 1999 1985 1983 1974 1977 2003 1965 2007 2006 1971 2004 1973 1980 2006 1978 1999 1981 2000 2001 1980 2006 1982 1992 1998 1972 2006 2006 2007 2003 2005 2005 2000 1997 1997 2007 1999 2008 2006 $176,800 $116,172 $247,035 $139,634 $520,000 $193,949 $133,464 $196,000 $334,670 $349,883 $172,612 $155,000 $294,000 $154,220 $205,364 $217,926 $97,569 $152,888 $120,865 $160,960 $86,416 $172,613 $100,919 $89,361 $83,998 $142,936 $69,283 $105,105 $111,438 $45,764 $129,151 $143,000 $108,000 $59,929 $119,287 $160,852 $118,907 $292,500 $60,064 $506,732 $80,140 $96,035 $72,341 $88,349 $195,537 $209,536 $217,662 $163,518 $85,139 $103,441 $185,916 $92,544 47 74 27 24 13 92 29 30 13 90 64 23 5 64 45 64 54 33 67 31 5 49 9 22 3 4 12 11 14 5 49 12 11 8 3 76 18 23 3 6 7 8 14 28 122 8 3 8 17 21 3 9 69 86 41 35 14 106 47 23 18 111 95 28 17 99 49 68 64 50 93 46 5 71 16 18 6 6 10 11 19 8 47 7 18 13 8 74 24 36 5 5 5 4 3 9 133 9 6 6 8 20 6 4 $66.11 $65.11 $82.86 $62.92 $146.36 $70.54 $62.98 $88.58 $96.28 $93.74 $72.52 $73.09 $84.57 $66.28 $73.93 $78.80 $74.27 $62.87 $61.69 $66.25 $59.01 $69.02 $52.50 $58.17 $56.21 $68.15 $41.99 $51.78 $47.82 $29.02 $49.97 $62.41 $71.23 $28.37 $80.53 $59.40 $65.43 $88.02 $28.26 $199.05 $42.75 $52.14 $45.45 $42.68 $72.90 $68.74 $66.07 $61.47 $58.20 $50.14 $76.92 $38.95 $76.38 $67.73 $92.77 $66.09 $159.20 $77.73 $69.10 $91.21 $100.65 $101.91 $79.02 $77.45 $94.42 $70.87 $83.82 $83.14 $78.23 $67.16 $65.54 $73.90 $63.84 $77.27 $68.45 $61.36 $62.00 $46.10 $47.38 $69.80 $55.20 $29.88 $58.91 $63.54 $72.77 $40.37 $76.82 $64.51 $61.95 $94.33 $52.68 $113.66 $52.29 $54.60 $52.90 $50.86 $80.67 $74.88 $67.80 $77.70 $57.26 $50.69 $83.64 $49.66 16% 4% 12% 5% 9% 10% 10% 3% 5% 9% 9% 6% 12% 7% 13% 6% 5% 7% 6% 12% 8% 12% 30% 5% 10% -32% 13% 35% 15% 3% 18% 2% 2% 42% -5% 9% -5% 7% 86% -43% 22% 5% 16% 19% 11% 9% 3% 26% -2% 1% 9% 27% 23% 4% 14% 0% 23% 14% 6% 0% 6% 10% 0% -3% 6% 1% 13% 2% 4% 5% 7% 5% 7% 2% 20% 2% -30% 29% 6% 48% 1% 8% 13% -2% -2% -27% NA 4% 0% 7% -2% -15% 2% -22% 5% 5% -1% NA 6% 24% -4% 2% NA 30% 3,004 3,009 3,053 2,711 2,531 2,908 2,889 3,450 1,871 2,240 2004 1985 1995 1999 1999 1998 2000 2008 2006 2005 $188,000 $179,140 $201,831 $160,000 $162,443 $187,150 $189,395 $247,106 $81,628 $139,847 16 7 10 32 28 7 9 11 23 11 35 16 20 32 42 14 9 22 14 14 $67.07 $51.58 $72.35 $63.39 $63.60 $59.30 $62.22 $74.67 $41.95 $65.93 $70.38 $61.65 $72.88 $62.32 $71.99 $74.91 $75.01 $83.89 $44.73 $71.66 5% 20% 1% -2% 13% 26% 21% 12% 7% 9% 4% -1% 4% -6% 0% 15% 7% -5% -20% -4% Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $323,000 4 3 $138.43 $326,421 19 21 $181.71 $94,721 4 5 $35.84 $114,080 13 14 $32.12 $160,500 15 14 $77.05 $201,121 25 32 $107.91 $83,160 5 4 $62.78 $159,991 8 11 $98.94 $184,310 6 15 $98.83 $109,171 53 48 $56.15 $143,000 22 32 $89.97 $177,669 14 20 $96.27 $143,686 19 22 $84.99 $123,800 3 3 $31.37 $162,561 13 12 $57.84 $65,767 4 5 $50.92 $86,934 36 33 $46.88 $102,082 6 6 $49.71 $105,654 16 12 $44.50 $299,000 14 17 $112.06 $150,420 26 51 $62.25 $90,299 3 6 $54.26 $80,051 47 41 $48.85 $119,648 28 35 $58.04 $105,944 71 104 $54.95 $81,627 11 12 $36.04 $54,279 9 4 $34.25 $137,146 4 3 $62.35 $115,000 3 3 $54.38 $58,919 12 3 $38.03 $70,505 6 4 $39.10 $77,275 32 41 $45.95 $174,710 25 29 $65.98 $124,860 22 17 $72.92 $108,024 4 5 $47.77 $379,100 8 7 $231.70 $103,496 16 10 $57.91 $87,642 7 15 $35.62 $115,000 11 20 $95.05 $160,449 32 45 $62.47 $97,596 29 24 $37.13 $132,143 4 5 $76.82 $89,836 26 33 $39.97 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $148.72 $187.87 $62.81 $54.48 $88.15 $119.37 $83.17 $94.85 $101.05 $60.87 $99.08 $110.95 $97.43 $62.20 $67.43 $63.74 $55.09 $57.41 $54.54 $119.10 $67.66 $58.79 $63.93 $61.29 $61.70 $44.88 $43.01 $67.53 $55.97 $51.53 $55.92 $52.40 $72.55 $93.69 $84.27 $258.09 $64.30 $43.86 $103.81 $74.69 $49.53 $91.77 $45.28 For a detailed look at how local subdivisions stack up, search the database and explore the interactive maps at homepricedata. price survey HOUSTON CHRONICLE The Houston Association of Realtors provided an analysis of Houstonarea subdivisions based on residential property sales handled through the Multiple Listing Service. The list of neighborhoods contains 2,766 subdivisions with three or more sales in 2013. Neighborhoods with only one or two sales were excluded. The list was derived by analyzing sales of 73,232 single-family homes and 6,651 townhouse/condos in the Houston area in 2013. The data analyzed sales of 62,229 single-family homes and 5,432 townhouse condo/sales in 2012. The vast majority of the neighborhoods — 97 percent — are made up of single-family homes, according to the Houston Association of Realtors. The study is designed to show price trends by neighborhood. However, in neighborhoods with few sales, the change in the median price from year to year may be more of a reflection of the type of house that sold rather than the price direction for the neighborhood as a whole. The price per square foot can vary within a neighborhood, for example, when one is on a golf course and another is not, or one was sold for lot value and another was renovated. The table category headings are explained as follows. Subdivision: Name of the neighborhood. 735-"37$1> ^d _^ `db 50.@6=8,@ 9;'$1-> 50.@68:,@ e ab )8,@* /0?@6=8,@ db %!##$" ab $:,@* /0?@68:,@ ]ab &82@.:4 e &!(7'$1/ ^d #31'$5% _^ `ee '1(<31;( "(9+$/-35 64@ 8AAB= : 7?;=<?@ 93>?@B5A4 Homes in subdivision: The number of properties in the subdivision, based on local appraisal district records. The number may not reflect recently built houses. Median square feet: The median size house in a neighborhood based on appraisal district records. The median is the middle number, meaning half of the houses are larger and half are smaller. Median year built: The median year built in a neighborhood based on appraisal district records. Median home value: The median home value in a neighborhood based on appraisal district records. Sales 2012, Sales 2013: The number of proper- ties that sold through the Houston Association of Realtors’ Multiple Listing Service in a given year. Median price per square foot in 2012, 2013: The median home price per square foot of houses that sold during a given year based on Houston Association of Realtors records. The median is the midpoint so half of the houses sold for a higher price, and half for a lower price. Percent change 20122013: Change in the median price per square foot in a neighborhood from 2012 to 2013. Percent change 20092013: Change in the median price per square foot in a neighborhood from 2009 to 2013. Harris County West/SW Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Afton Place Afton Village Alief Village Patio Homes Altamira April Village Ashford Forest Ashford Gardens Ashford Hills Ashford Hollow Ashford Park Ashford South Ashford Village Ashford West Ashley Grove Ashton Village Autumn Chase Autumn Run Barker Village Barkers Branch Barkers Landing Barkers Ridge Bayou Place Bear Creek Meadows Bear Creek Plantation Bear Creek Village Beckford Place Beckford West Beechnut Landing Beechnut Meadows Beechnut Park Beekman Place 2nd Bellaire West Berkshire Binglewood Bonham Acres Bonnie Oaks Bradford Colony Braeburn Glen Braeburn Terrace Braeburn Valley Braeburn Valley West Braes Timbers Braewood Glen 16 269 97 298 252 606 189 139 224 803 394 361 347 88 286 97 712 134 405 362 761 261 1,066 535 2,039 447 300 162 96 182 102 1,405 630 712 154 98 260 380 476 631 1,074 169 922 2,387 2,144 1,545 2,638 2,225 2,266 1,490 1,882 2,286 2,078 1,829 2,235 1,807 1,974 2,773 1,259 1,581 2,202 2,628 3,217 2,560 1,724 1,679 2,368 1,881 1,787 1,313 1,999 1,950 1,566 1,760 1,640 2,688 1,703 1,792 1,903 1,598 1,738 1,459 2,356 1,828 1,811 2,010 2004 1956 1982 1984 1979 1969 2006 1983 1981 1982 1969 1975 1969 1992 1982 1976 1984 2005 2006 1981 1992 1982 2004 1994 1977 1978 1980 2005 2003 1997 1973 1969 2004 1959 1958 1954 1991 1960 1954 1963 1971 1958 1978 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 7% NA 3% 6% 75% 19% 70% 54% 14% 23% 11% 15% 32% 30% -4% 8% 2% 15% 8% 3% 10% 4% 15% 23% 15% 11% 98% 162% 17% 11% 25% NA 18% 6% 15% 0% 23% 13% 6% 23% 9% 14% 8% 62% 31% 27% 6% 8% 12% 3% 25% -5% 26% 35% 8% 0% 3% 18% 35% 31% 43% NA 14% 28% 10% -1% 28% 30% 76% 19% 11% 18% 11% 3% 23% 28% 9% 31% 20% 1% 33% -10% 19% 24% 13% 2% West region continues on D10 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? Find a RE/MAX agent. ® ©2014 RE/MAX, LLC. Each office is independently owned and operated. James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle Home sales and prices have soared inside the 610 Loop in areas such as Montrose as demand for close-in properties grows amid a strong economy. D10 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Subdivision West region from page D9 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Branch Forest 354 Branford Park 187 Brays Village 870 Brays Village East 648 Brenwood 943 Brenwood Park 171 Brenwood Trails 138 Briar Court 115 Briar Hills 671 Briar Lake 210 Briar Park U/R 189 Briar Village 569 Briar Wood 213 Briarcroft 296 Briargrove 983 Briargrove Park 1,350 Briarwalk 153 Bridgewater Meadow 115 Bridgewater Pointe 198 Bridgewater Village 154 Brighton Place 112 Broad Oaks 63 Brookfield 523 Brookhollow Crossing 201 Campbell Woods 475 Castle Rock 404 Catalina Square 449 Catalina Village 285 Cedarwood 207 Charlestown Colony 257 Charlton Park 49 Chesterfield 109 Chestwood 49 Cimarron 1,499 Cinco Ranch Equestrian Village 337 Cinco Ranch Meadow Place 473 Cinco Ranch North Lake Village 312 Clayton 507 Clayton Oaks 104 Concord Colony 302 Cornerstone Place 199 Country Village 478 Coventry Meadows 88 Craig Woods 69 Creek Bend Estates 456 Creekside 77 Creekside Villas of Memorial 55 Creekstone 666 Crescent Park 177 Crescent Park Village 641 Crestwater 139 Cross Creek 267 Crossing at Stone Creek 363 Crown Colony 295 Cypress Falls 297 Cypress Meadow 1,426 Cypress Place 69 Deerfield Village 943 Deerfield Village Patio Homes 121 Del Monte 111 Eagle Ranch West 368 Eldridge View 283 Emnora Heights 42 Enclave at Bridgewater 168 Epernay 228 Estates at Cullen Park 143 Estates of Highland Creek 423 Ethans Glen 284 Falcon Rock 167 Fawnlake 101 Feste Park at Bear Creek Village 50 Flack Estates 67 Fleetwood 515 Fondren Grove 186 Fondren Park 888 Fondren SW Bellfort Patio 39 Fondren SW Northfield 998 Fondren SW Northfield Patio 187 Fondren SW Southmeadow 746 Fondren SW Sthmdw Patio 415 Fonmeadow 517 Fonn Villas 348 Forestview 606 Frostwood 337 Gaywood 116 Georgetown Colony 222 Glencairn 1,741 Glencairn Park 227 Glencairn South 192 Glencairn Village 474 Glenmore 162 Glenshannon 357 Glenshire 1,252 Glenshire Patio Homes 170 Golf Green Garden Homes 86 Governors Place 489 Grand Oaks 80 Green Trails 226 Green Trails Crossing 195 Green Trails Forest 52 Green Trails Oaks 92 Green Trails Park 1,468 Green Trails Village 155 H & T C Rr Co Sec 370 Hearthstone Place 264 Heritage Meadows 251 Heritage Park West 2,165 Heritage Square 240 High Star 159 Highland Creek Ranch 470 Highland Creek Village 420 Highland Trails 216 Hilshire Lakes 71 Holley Terrace 348 Hollister Place 80 Hudson Forest 74 Hunters Terrace 194 Huntington Village 1,333 Huntington Village Patio 197 Huntleigh 73 Imperial Point 840 Indian Trail 113 Jamestown Colony 419 Katy 105 Katy Heights 184 Katyland 425 Keegans Glen 1,052 Keegans Wood 513 Kelliwood 197 Kelliwood Enclave 91 Kelliwood Gardens 281 Kelliwood Lakes 85 Kelliwood Nottingham Cntry 528 Kelliwood Place 209 Kelliwood Trails 57 Kempwood North 234 Kingspoint 200 Kingsville Park 176 Kirkwood Country 514 Kirkwood Village 128 Krystal Lake Estates 179 La Cour Du Rol 1 39 Lafayette Pl 60 Lake at Stonehenge 96 Lake Ridge 430 Lakecrest 595 Lakeforest of Kelliwood 50 Lakes at Grand Harbor 86 Lakes at Mason Park 195 Lakes of Bellaire 412 Lakes of Bridgewater 905 Lks of Buckingham Kelliwood 146 Lakes of Fondren SW 155 Lakes of Parkway 706 Lakes of Pine Forest 337 Lakeside Forest 299 Lakeside Place 564 Lakeview 109 Lakeview Forest 120 Lakeville 734 1,695 2,375 1,620 1,760 1,833 1,530 1,556 2,424 2,373 2,298 1,728 2,038 2,073 2,638 2,488 2,493 1,344 2,214 1,912 1,892 2,782 4,107 1,762 2,132 1,483 2,224 1,664 1,537 2,097 2,274 2,755 3,407 3,408 1,758 2,243 2,456 3,530 1,652 2,228 1,809 2,368 2,483 2,301 1,504 2,416 1,752 3,533 1,860 2,072 1,652 3,122 2,075 1,804 1,330 2,145 1,396 1,600 2,728 1,939 3,009 1,868 2,713 2,477 1,788 2,068 2,804 2,463 1,718 2,048 2,338 1,904 2,133 3,258 2,458 1,693 1,881 2,652 2,148 1,925 1,662 2,037 2,542 1,653 3,103 3,018 2,268 1,785 1,632 1,457 1,543 1,453 1,640 2,030 1,766 2,078 2,566 2,495 3,564 2,332 4,219 2,288 2,977 2,928 2,125 2,040 1,817 2,180 2,528 2,129 1,657 1,451 2,602 2,356 1,642 1,519 3,131 2,366 1,824 2,108 3,500 1,315 4,423 2,195 1,646 1,647 1,456 1,796 1,669 4,193 3,583 3,327 4,985 4,001 2,922 2,326 1,800 2,647 1,744 1,641 1,729 2,504 2,328 2,616 2,202 2,318 2,239 5,616 3,013 2,016 1,800 2,370 4,056 3,652 4,036 2,252 3,063 2,765 3,842 2,453 1,440 1976 2003 1978 1980 2001 2004 2006 1979 1980 1973 1971 1973 1983 1954 1959 1967 1981 2005 1999 2001 1979 1971 1975 2003 1957 2005 1968 1982 1956 1990 1996 1985 1962 1978 1999 1995 1997 1979 1996 1981 1986 1975 2003 1950 2000 2004 2007 1986 2002 2005 1998 2004 2003 1977 2004 1983 2006 1983 1982 1957 2006 2002 2007 2003 1977 1998 1999 1977 2005 2002 1992 1955 1978 1991 1966 1982 1978 1979 1977 1982 1983 1964 1981 1962 1962 1990 1977 1977 1976 1981 1957 1972 1973 1977 1998 1990 2005 1987 1997 1997 1998 1995 1989 1981 1997 1994 1997 1994 2004 2004 1983 1998 2008 1966 1960 1976 1996 1974 1979 1960 1968 1975 1990 1953 1972 1977 1982 1982 1989 2002 1993 1993 1988 1996 1997 1970 1998 2002 1982 1980 2002 1977 1968 1994 2004 2005 2003 2006 2008 2005 2001 2002 1989 2003 2005 1973 1977 1963 1980 2005 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $76,302 10 6 $44.24 $141,853 6 4 $72.53 $75,790 32 22 $46.32 $83,996 18 16 $39.87 $92,424 33 44 $52.10 $74,484 6 10 $51.48 $77,275 6 8 $44.78 $225,245 11 6 $101.48 $179,715 30 48 $100.97 $159,255 12 7 $90.41 $107,823 6 10 $69.65 $138,200 29 29 $71.88 $147,941 12 15 $63.15 $450,002 14 22 $229.61 $517,900 93 52 $244.84 $334,997 88 84 $167.33 $73,327 12 7 $48.83 $99,928 3 8 $37.04 $95,089 11 11 $48.33 $93,380 4 3 $43.62 $488,483 4 7 $208.67 $950,000 3 6 $213.11 $89,225 7 13 $20.80 $119,132 7 5 $56.07 $110,142 9 21 $64.89 $113,641 21 19 $58.08 $91,218 9 11 $43.13 $74,877 7 4 $37.88 $375,194 14 7 $228.52 $123,986 10 15 $48.74 $279,048 3 6 $116.89 $246,697 6 6 $80.29 $715,000 3 5 $256.28 $106,397 60 75 $64.60 $176,220 19 22 $85.73 $181,000 33 30 $79.16 $305,641 22 18 $98.10 $77,193 12 15 $36.60 $126,389 4 3 $60.16 $108,716 9 10 $45.40 $160,000 9 9 $79.22 $217,021 26 37 $84.67 $125,500 6 6 $54.05 $191,500 3 3 $100.12 $130,364 18 22 $62.07 $92,707 6 3 $49.66 $642,056 10 6 $202.93 $120,198 35 36 $68.13 $120,041 8 3 $57.69 $82,810 35 26 $54.81 $259,400 3 3 $71.67 $110,382 11 20 $57.70 $91,240 16 13 $56.28 $47,320 16 11 $35.66 $114,201 15 24 $51.30 $81,377 57 52 $46.58 $91,877 3 6 $50.00 $171,163 37 44 $60.82 $112,608 9 6 $71.89 $520,445 9 3 $225.58 $96,500 17 22 $49.60 $164,000 6 8 $58.09 $146,300 8 7 $87.69 $93,199 5 14 $63.35 $153,991 6 13 $57.36 $191,303 7 13 $67.07 $119,448 19 21 $48.14 $191,000 18 21 $139.25 $141,299 17 12 $79.42 $164,136 7 7 $74.24 $116,620 4 7 $59.65 $273,628 3 7 $146.25 $320,000 21 28 $103.77 $122,967 5 8 $36.68 $76,000 22 13 $37.82 $88,597 4 4 $47.40 $144,573 31 29 $52.25 $104,487 4 7 $52.21 $89,141 16 27 $35.19 $72,769 11 10 $34.66 $68,458 16 15 $30.59 $453,300 14 14 $232.01 $85,099 18 24 $39.62 $597,588 13 14 $241.90 $528,962 3 3 $202.23 $129,306 10 13 $48.49 $86,561 54 56 $43.90 $65,048 7 8 $35.98 $68,772 7 4 $39.17 $87,123 21 16 $48.18 $198,307 6 9 $184.35 $90,181 5 9 $38.13 $120,915 33 38 $55.84 $119,489 10 11 $64.54 $153,500 3 3 $73.63 $159,433 24 36 $72.53 $124,027 6 8 $61.28 $321,681 13 12 $97.91 $217,453 7 11 $103.11 $402,000 5 5 $97.48 $188,602 8 5 $98.62 $253,916 84 76 $101.13 $231,954 11 5 $97.19 $194,041 5 7 $115.07 $123,771 5 17 $55.56 $121,367 11 9 $71.43 $147,352 109 117 $70.61 $161,362 12 16 $72.10 $117,000 5 4 $53.06 $94,074 35 16 $48.19 $84,813 26 24 $53.61 $160,311 10 14 $67.93 $256,497 17 17 $126.22 $121,262 7 10 $66.70 $96,673 5 3 $66.30 $337,700 3 3 $193.23 $173,000 7 10 $79.75 $81,840 38 36 $45.67 $84,971 7 9 $30.68 $743,543 4 4 $234.32 $67,872 23 9 $44.78 $968,541 6 7 $289.32 $129,697 11 19 $67.54 $131,808 3 5 $97.89 $96,042 6 4 $55.50 $94,098 10 16 $69.72 $75,994 23 20 $42.67 $77,374 9 8 $34.27 $333,739 13 17 $93.40 $261,776 8 8 $86.20 $241,300 12 15 $89.45 $480,000 6 9 $109.31 $305,315 30 16 $90.14 $212,649 4 15 $80.51 $166,176 4 8 $88.33 $121,130 6 9 $68.98 $138,850 5 5 $47.01 $122,700 3 5 $69.82 $79,433 14 15 $42.39 $97,378 6 4 $39.19 $193,815 11 10 $85.62 $199,542 4 3 $108.41 $277,472 3 4 $111.54 $248,400 5 4 $120.83 $117,062 13 10 $55.27 $139,618 25 49 $68.71 $985,185 5 6 $163.87 $161,849 4 6 $53.26 $130,071 21 15 $71.35 $98,700 19 16 $51.60 $105,796 42 38 $48.48 $399,300 4 6 $103.28 $220,000 4 5 $47.17 $543,000 94 76 $159.59 $150,701 11 19 $67.42 $282,996 22 16 $115.04 $238,510 22 38 $102.92 $901,852 5 4 $205.83 $190,386 3 6 $74.55 $74,386 47 51 $46.20 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $48.31 $63.93 $54.27 $57.92 $58.42 $61.19 $60.43 $119.17 $115.94 $105.17 $77.50 $80.98 $82.58 $252.29 $267.28 $187.84 $66.30 $57.10 $57.66 $55.10 $238.52 $290.37 $50.11 $56.37 $75.75 $73.43 $50.00 $40.42 $237.84 $59.48 $137.75 $89.28 $267.42 $72.67 $98.79 $91.41 $111.85 $53.01 $73.45 $61.89 $84.70 $102.62 $55.86 $126.34 $65.89 $69.63 $215.35 $72.65 $57.67 $59.03 $92.19 $64.93 $63.97 $33.59 $63.37 $61.90 $79.98 $74.44 $85.03 $227.27 $65.08 $72.14 $91.35 $60.30 $88.97 $81.57 $59.61 $161.71 $85.70 $80.14 $65.10 $148.59 $120.01 $53.65 $43.04 $57.09 $54.60 $47.10 $44.46 $47.05 $41.35 $261.85 $57.00 $288.66 $279.67 $55.40 $53.32 $57.69 $48.93 $55.99 $193.70 $57.47 $65.40 $63.42 $61.99 $75.71 $64.16 $112.41 $113.46 $115.45 $105.82 $115.15 $92.44 $99.03 $66.31 $77.37 $77.07 $80.35 $63.84 $62.97 $63.85 $78.67 $129.83 $74.48 $85.69 $172.71 $82.95 $50.00 $38.25 $288.71 $55.74 $255.39 $64.36 $95.63 $75.69 $76.08 $53.24 $51.04 $106.25 $91.99 $96.62 $109.85 $94.02 $89.88 $84.38 $88.84 $61.73 $74.66 $52.34 $64.68 $99.78 $116.75 $144.96 $150.63 $60.51 $74.83 $182.07 $77.72 $68.65 $65.99 $53.38 $128.57 $46.29 $175.21 $77.38 $132.11 $115.68 $345.71 $103.36 $60.29 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 9% -34% -12% -1% 17% 26% 45% 47% 12% 3% 19% 21% 35% 9% 17% 18% 15% 42% 16% 23% 11% 9% 13% 8% 31% 10% 10% 9% 9% 18% 12% 24% 36% NA 54% 21% 19% 12% 26% 13% 14% 42% 36% 48% 141% -5% 1% -10% 17% -12% 26% 22% 16% 35% 7% -29% 4% 17% 22% 4% 18% 15% 11% -2% 4% 28% 12% 14% 15% 23% 15% 23% 14% 19% 45% 28% 22% -2% 36% -2% 7% 27% 21% 11% 3% -8% 26% -1% 6% 14% 40% 41% 6% 12% 7% 10% 0% NA 8% 18% 29% 7% 13% 5% 14% 17% -6% NA 24% 7% 33% 34% 60% 33% 22% 15% 18% 54% 1% 11% 31% 7% 24% 5% 4% 78% -5% 19% 55% 19% 22% 14% 24% 7% 16% NA 8% 26% 8% -1% 9% 28% 2% 35% 16% 23% 46% 6% 14% -15% 20% -4% 4% 3% -10% -4% 26% 19% 36% 9% 35% -17% 13% 49% 44% 3% 19% 53% 38% 18% 14% -12% 21% 3% 60% 46% 25% -1% 16% 0% 5% 48% 51% -2% 17% 11% -2% 4% -16% -27% 4% 17% 5% 47% 15% 23% 10% 30% 18% 18% 7% 22% 14% 27% -5% 6% -14% NA 19% -1% 8% 21% 9% 28% 11% 18% 20% -21% 31% 10% 19% 26% 16% 14% 3% 17% 12% 5% 29% 38% -11% NA 4% -2% 9% 18% 25% 31% 23% NA 24% 13% -12% NA -5% 9% -2% NA 36% 46% 9% 14% 25% 0% 49% 39% 14% 25% 7% 8% 8% 24% 0% 15% 4% 21% 12% 32% -4% 34% 29% 40% 31% 15% 7% 16% 23% 13% 65% 29% 17% 14% 8% NA 30% NA 25% 14% 9% 9% 9% 6% 11% -20% 46% 21% -4% -6% 28% 19% 10% 1% 24% 26% -2% 8% 10% 12% 15% 5% 15% 39% 12% 22% 68% NA 39% 12% 30% 23% Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Lamar Terrace 332 Langham Creek Colony 156 Larchmont 278 Larkwood 217 Lazywood U/R Abst 72 24 Leader Crossing 114 Leawood 618 Long Point Woods 388 Mac Gregor West 125 Maple Trace 151 Maplewood West 247 Marian Oaks 47 Mason Creek Park 43 Mason Creek Village 98 Mason Lakes 298 Mayde Creek Farms 221 Meadow Briar 121 Meadow Village 350 Meadow Wood 70 Memorial Bend 354 Memorial Drive Acres 129 Memorial Forest 278 Memorial Glen (Houston) 171 Memorial Hollow 233 Memorial Meadows 180 Memorial Parkway 2,381 Memorial Plaza 223 Memorial Thicket 159 Memorial Way 76 Memorial Woods 67 Milan Place 37 Mission Bend 1,524 Mission Bend Cabildo Square 247 Mission Bend Estates 183 Mission Bend Los Patios 179 Mission Bend Mission Leona 320 Mission Bend North 424 Mission Bend San Gabriel 167 Monarch Oaks 147 Morton Ranch 198 Northglen 1,766 Nottingham 462 Nottingham Country 2,246 Nottingham Forest 923 Nottingham West 346 Oak Park Place 134 Oak Park Ridge 189 Oak Park Trails 883 Oak Ridge Place 435 Olive Hill Court 56 Olympia 135 Outpost Estates 242 Park at Fairdale 25 Park at Meadowglen 37 Park at Shady Villa 70 Park Harbor Estates 150 Parkglen 641 Parkglen West 723 Parkhollow Place 513 Parklake Village 98 Parkridge 385 Parkway Plaza 42 Parkway Villages 552 Parkway West 257 Pheasant Run 802 Pheasant Trace Village 336 Pine Forest 90 Pine Forest Green 80 Pine Lakes 112 Pine Ridge Terrace 32 Pine Terrace 389 Pine Village 109 Pine Wood Estates 81 Plantation Lakes 626 Post Oak Green 27 Rainier Forest 15 Raintree Village 1,232 Ranch Estates U/R Abst 332 326 Reflections 177 Regents Village 82 Ricewood Village 162 Richmond Plaza 212 Richmond Trace Patio Homes 82 Ridgecrest 622 Ridgeley Place 67 River Forest 65 Robindell 612 Rolling Creek 512 Rolling Green 444 Rosemont Terrace 52 Rosewood Manor 54 Royal Oaks 436 Royal Oaks Country Club 818 Royal Oaks Court 106 Royal Palms 90 Sage Square 50 Sandalwood 172 Settlers Village 1,046 Shadow Oaks 486 Shadowbriar 401 Shadowlake 865 Shadyvilla Annex 61 Sharpstown 3,033 Sharpstown CC 451 Sharpstown CC Terrace 2,835 Shenandoah 230 Shepherd Trace 71 Sherwood Forest 118 Sherwood Forest Glen 20 Sherwood Oaks 315 Sherwood Terrace 66 Silvermill 839 Silverstone 288 Skyline Court 36 Somerset Place 159 Southlake 232 Spring Branch Estates 322 Spring Branch Oaks 244 Spring Branch Valley 403 Spring Branch Woods 383 Spring Lea 163 Spring Meadows 421 Spring Oaks 347 Spring Shadows 1,954 Springdale 188 Springwood 78 Square R/P Windwater Village A69 Stone Creek 487 Stone Crest 179 Stonehenge 360 Stonelodge 95 Strathmore Park 169 Suffolk Chase Patio Homes 107 Summerhill 142 Sundown 552 Sundown Glen 814 Sunset Meadow 102 Tanglelane 54 Tanglewest Townhouses 140 Tanglewood 1,181 Terra Del Sol 141 Terraces on Memorial 266 Thornwood 389 Timber Creek 168 Timber Hill Manor 15 Timber Oaks 239 Town Park 208 Traditions at Clayton Park 200 Two Worlds 401 Tynewood 79 Village Green West 206 3,183 1,826 1,610 1,418 3,984 2,253 1,336 1,517 1,787 2,210 2,404 3,165 2,597 1,317 1,935 1,803 3,212 1,810 1,800 2,130 3,195 2,809 2,656 2,421 2,276 2,058 2,495 3,691 2,140 2,649 2,494 1,978 2,256 2,698 1,680 2,439 1,435 1,571 2,144 3,056 1,409 2,462 2,648 2,800 1,868 2,560 2,225 2,538 3,132 2,716 2,088 1,789 2,726 2,039 2,448 2,793 1,632 1,534 2,242 4,504 1,759 3,670 2,756 1,160 1,837 2,114 2,582 2,195 2,232 3,432 1,216 1,691 3,648 1,855 2,813 3,224 1,846 1,656 2,633 1,744 2,583 1,661 2,122 1,395 3,162 3,015 1,555 2,191 1,533 1,593 1,140 2,020 3,896 2,598 2,232 2,444 4,041 1,575 1,809 2,480 2,744 1,426 1,452 2,243 1,865 1,586 2,892 6,506 2,397 2,337 2,421 1,553 1,296 1,730 2,145 1,729 1,500 1,828 1,573 1,785 1,681 1,677 1,812 2,230 1,454 2,097 2,312 1,816 2,356 1,974 2,404 1,766 2,160 1,670 1,674 1,808 2,123 4,298 1,512 4,576 1,876 2,822 2,790 1,931 3,126 1,785 1,798 1,620 1,309 4,157 1,490 1999 1998 1955 1955 1961 2001 1969 1955 1968 2002 1969 1962 1983 2007 2005 1981 1992 1981 2006 1958 1978 1959 1963 1962 1965 1979 1960 1982 1965 1963 1997 1979 1978 1996 1981 1983 1981 1983 1958 2005 1981 1965 1980 1967 1965 1998 2002 2001 2004 2007 1981 1958 2003 2005 2003 2000 1971 1972 1982 2002 1981 1995 1997 1983 1983 1991 1979 2006 2004 2006 1950 1952 1954 2006 2009 1959 2000 1990 1982 2005 2006 1950 2009 1952 1965 1968 1955 2002 1989 1966 1984 1960 2002 2008 2003 1995 1960 1997 1958 1982 1998 1950 1959 1968 1967 1959 1983 1989 2004 1967 2006 1984 1979 2005 1978 1974 1977 1953 1979 1958 1965 1980 1953 1970 1956 1956 2000 1984 2007 1982 2002 2004 1982 1979 1982 1995 2005 1997 1975 1968 2006 2007 1968 1954 1958 1962 1994 1999 1977 1962 1983 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $455,708 24 26 $160.40 $117,466 5 5 $45.61 $279,004 16 18 $189.21 $96,700 6 8 $49.50 $917,888 3 3 $291.69 $142,752 3 3 $58.89 $76,434 11 7 $48.39 $155,461 18 20 $117.44 $133,547 4 4 $84.45 $127,696 4 5 $59.43 $169,967 9 19 $70.52 $581,225 3 3 $306.06 $177,619 4 4 $75.43 $119,928 8 12 $100.23 $106,841 18 16 $54.24 $88,000 6 8 $42.89 $289,180 8 3 $109.76 $90,928 11 9 $43.85 $75,431 5 6 $47.43 $317,157 15 24 $189.72 $429,901 6 6 $136.43 $566,904 8 22 $265.61 $484,500 5 7 $230.72 $424,734 6 10 $238.65 $374,000 8 6 $198.41 $118,308 108 137 $63.19 $386,147 10 13 $191.63 $385,735 6 7 $114.20 $282,025 3 3 $180.32 $499,472 5 4 $234.82 $407,351 3 3 $157.19 $95,770 64 63 $42.15 $106,543 12 13 $36.88 $144,012 5 3 $52.73 $82,450 15 6 $36.77 $125,731 12 18 $43.61 $84,950 12 10 $39.37 $76,485 3 4 $26.10 $274,402 7 6 $171.90 $127,468 3 15 $42.92 $79,329 40 56 $49.39 $360,000 21 28 $176.86 $180,000 115 153 $76.86 $365,000 46 35 $166.56 $236,095 25 19 $152.19 $141,867 7 8 $54.02 $126,500 6 9 $56.20 $155,100 43 48 $68.03 $153,829 12 23 $50.45 $272,977 11 5 $113.03 $110,447 4 4 $32.45 $180,000 8 9 $100.95 $271,000 5 4 $100.37 $169,792 4 8 $90.37 $292,635 8 9 $111.54 $151,508 10 6 $57.73 $84,417 12 13 $48.93 $80,794 17 17 $46.45 $105,059 20 26 $34.41 $430,200 6 10 $129.83 $94,553 7 20 $41.49 $429,912 4 3 $109.20 $342,276 29 34 $148.13 $57,731 10 9 $64.67 $91,389 17 13 $43.40 $109,363 5 10 $44.05 $190,477 3 3 $80.60 $151,245 3 4 $92.56 $157,100 11 8 $68.02 $443,239 3 3 $156.10 $90,734 11 12 $89.70 $151,685 4 5 $105.29 $840,839 5 6 $281.57 $89,937 22 43 $48.57 $412,487 3 4 $158.02 $823,953 4 3 $313.38 $106,422 52 63 $60.64 $135,681 7 9 $96.56 $215,662 11 18 $84.38 $92,483 6 3 $46.17 $122,504 8 10 $47.55 $305,001 9 18 $173.16 $198,926 10 5 $80.72 $90,044 14 12 $75.54 $642,772 5 7 $255.60 $390,000 6 3 $197.84 $118,718 22 33 $82.51 $123,573 27 32 $58.09 $89,829 12 17 $57.45 $114,478 3 4 $55.63 $54,367 4 6 $26.52 $155,758 23 17 $85.19 $636,659 67 88 $168.40 $251,285 6 11 $115.40 $180,505 6 9 $97.74 $330,800 4 4 $149.62 $1,100,000 4 4 $248.16 $94,369 44 45 $56.46 $135,490 19 23 $90.36 $209,361 22 21 $95.93 $228,176 55 44 $87.01 $199,599 5 4 $142.61 $87,749 77 61 $58.06 $136,000 8 13 $61.35 $111,581 67 94 $65.68 $109,742 3 5 $43.88 $260,028 9 3 $104.12 $2,370,186 4 3 $291.65 $263,392 4 4 $108.72 $173,955 12 18 $77.41 $246,426 4 14 $119.90 $88,751 23 36 $47.34 $79,864 15 17 $56.22 $177,945 3 4 $95.46 $227,601 4 3 $157.38 $144,924 14 17 $79.47 $101,127 6 8 $73.90 $166,000 12 17 $113.65 $107,683 6 6 $59.45 $136,189 11 22 $90.52 $137,480 4 3 $77.42 $101,034 10 16 $55.98 $343,000 13 23 $183.15 $168,000 62 93 $84.85 $100,254 3 5 $71.58 $268,716 4 4 $170.29 $200,000 4 4 $90.09 $100,405 22 29 $47.97 $143,912 11 15 $56.47 $154,483 16 20 $85.94 $168,591 3 3 $90.66 $89,766 8 5 $41.90 $159,775 4 10 $82.26 $101,941 9 14 $66.94 $78,578 12 25 $54.18 $100,099 32 41 $57.22 $125,161 5 5 $63.01 $933,698 4 7 $256.37 $153,230 12 7 $118.06 $1,085,169 78 68 $292.88 $111,009 3 14 $55.86 $281,300 20 20 $126.79 $251,867 15 23 $123.66 $298,089 9 9 $190.82 $643,104 3 4 $212.86 $135,778 8 12 $86.82 $101,128 7 9 $46.70 $82,150 7 8 $41.17 $52,390 12 11 $33.65 $990,000 7 3 $346.35 $91,667 9 9 $60.51 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $199.77 $59.35 $211.40 $46.95 $315.28 $55.94 $44.30 $166.23 $88.15 $56.43 $80.26 $286.50 $79.35 $108.24 $66.35 $61.66 $132.25 $55.05 $51.75 $248.29 $147.02 $286.80 $273.90 $267.17 $227.77 $69.20 $234.53 $145.55 $208.35 $283.30 $163.58 $54.69 $47.05 $52.22 $55.43 $59.27 $53.09 $52.05 $200.55 $69.96 $56.97 $227.76 $85.67 $182.96 $192.53 $64.24 $56.70 $77.11 $61.51 $131.78 $44.98 $84.54 $105.44 $81.47 $128.89 $61.81 $51.16 $48.57 $53.62 $125.89 $55.65 $130.98 $158.94 $72.13 $51.01 $58.82 $99.83 $72.30 $86.39 $142.16 $115.29 $135.64 $301.96 $58.01 $175.83 $377.49 $67.02 $95.94 $101.85 $49.13 $56.95 $207.88 $92.36 $89.30 $240.13 $178.33 $103.25 $68.64 $63.87 $77.55 $43.26 $88.42 $185.45 $124.12 $93.24 $167.31 $347.45 $64.66 $96.98 $100.81 $93.71 $172.39 $66.54 $76.28 $72.45 $65.44 $116.07 $422.06 $130.51 $99.04 $127.30 $53.79 $65.10 $130.10 $168.81 $95.42 $90.14 $122.14 $83.68 $125.13 $101.93 $71.53 $226.71 $102.60 $77.22 $266.67 $97.81 $59.09 $74.36 $98.82 $92.80 $54.95 $89.34 $79.84 $55.44 $64.65 $65.13 $262.11 $134.58 $331.73 $72.14 $134.08 $139.64 $205.32 $285.00 $90.41 $72.45 $60.63 $46.64 $309.52 $81.69 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 25% 11% 30% -2% 12% 14% -5% 19% 8% NA -5% -5% -8% 8% 42% 70% 4% 10% -5% -15% 14% 23% -6% 20% 5% 16% 8% NA 22% -1% 44% 47% 20% 43% 26% -11% 9% 4% 31% 36% 8% 22% 8% 36% 19% 39% 12% 52% 15% 56% 10% 16% 22% 42% 27% 28% 16% 64% 21% 22% 4% 18% 30% 34% 28% 8% -1% -3% 51% 21% 36% 36% 35% 8% 99% 2% 17% 29% 63% 21% 15% 9% 29% 50% 11% 15% 10% 38% 27% 54% 19% 8% 1% 5% 13% 15% 22% 4% 17% 19% 39% 33% -16% NA 5% 10% -10% NA 16% 10% 7% 15% 5% -9% 5% -9% 56% 25% -3% 28% 34% -10% 20% 13% 7% 20% 12% 57% 18% 8% 34% 9% 24% 43% -22% -1% 27% 13% -9% 12% 29% 18% 29% 26% 7% 24% 19% 0% 11% NA 20% NA 11% 18% -1% NA 21% 17% 6% -11% 20% 4% 20% 6% 14% -15% 18% 19% -6% 15% -10% 13% 25% 4% 18% 17% 11% 20% 39% NA 63% NA 4% 11% 10% 9% 8% NA -5% 1% 12% NA 40% 35% 15% 4% 7% 7% 5% 22% 8% 3% 21% NA 15% 0% 24% 29% 10% 9% 49% 2% 11% 15% 45% 29% 20% 31% 28% 16% 6% 10% 14% 67% 16% 5% 36% NA 7% 7% 20% 10% 22% 6% 7% 22% 41% 5% 38% 30% 32% 22% 28% 16% 24% 18% 21% 30% 8% 6% 57% 180% 9% NA 23% -1% 32% 11% 15% 23% 2% 22% 31% NA 9% 15% 19% NA 2% -10% 13% 11% 3% -8% 2% 17% 14% NA 13% 25% 29% 11% 6% 21% 13% 41% 8% 17% 34% NA 4% 11% 55% 11% 47% 47% 39% 18% -11% -11% 35% 11% West region continues on D11 Bernstein Realty has been committed to our clients, the real estate industry and the City of Houston since 1985. Our core values of service, integrity, dedication and commitment to excellence continue to set us apart. 713.932.1032 Sales · Leasing · Corporate Relocation · Property Management xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D11 HOME PRICE SURVEY Harris County Central Region West region from page D10 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Village of Afton Woods 139 Village of Sawyers Crossing 193 Village Place 229 Village West 424 Villages of Bear Creek 455 Villages of Langham Creek 387 Villas at Ashford Point 60 Villas at Tanglewood Park 14 Vineyard Meadow 148 Walnut Bend 838 Waterhill Villas Queen Annes 24 Wellington Park Patio Homes 444 West Bend 293 West Fondren Place 290 West Hampton Estates 146 West Memorial 1,146 West Memorial South 135 West Oaks Park 142 Westchase Trails 69 Westchester 487 Western Oaks 91 Westfield 1,304 Westfield Est 83 Westfield Pines 142 Westfield Terra 822 Westfield Village 578 Westglen 507 Westgreen 726 Westgreen Park 463 Westhaven Estates 828 Westheimer Estates 44 Westheimer Place 385 Westhollow Village 248 Westlake 522 Westlake Forest 489 Westlake Place 467 Westlake Village 244 Westland Creek Village 352 Westminster Village 463 Westpark Village 373 Westview Terrace 543 Westwick 275 Westwind 163 Westwood Patio Homes 206 Westwood South Patio 236 Westwood Village 305 Whispering Oaks 231 Wilchester 603 Wilchester West 519 Williamsburg Colony 975 Williamsburg Hamlet 528 Williamsburg Parish 756 Williamsburg Settlement 762 Williamschase 248 Willowick 99 Windsong 1,126 Windsong Place 166 Windsor Park Estates 116 Windsor Park Lakes 135 Windstone Colony 910 Windwater Vill. Regency Sq. 31 Wingate 458 Wood Fern 164 Woodbend Springs 18 Woods at Hudson 71 Woods of Lakeside 88 Woodstone 209 Yorkshire 158 Yorktown Colony 336 2,295 2,660 1,647 2,342 2,249 2,196 1,860 3,780 1,822 2,269 2,994 1,382 1,836 2,055 2,457 1,826 1,890 1,808 2,678 2,672 2,102 2,215 2,274 1,873 2,299 1,958 1,674 1,266 2,353 2,736 2,112 1,224 1,732 1,637 1,715 1,636 1,758 1,452 1,980 1,720 1,153 2,659 2,200 1,891 1,810 1,640 3,121 2,883 2,869 1,490 1,435 2,251 2,382 2,109 4,706 1,722 2,199 4,296 4,384 2,022 1,712 1,634 1,348 2,854 1,992 3,130 2,668 3,791 1,711 1995 1995 1978 1978 2000 2002 2006 2007 2008 1967 2006 1977 1981 1993 1995 1976 1984 2006 2006 1969 1964 2002 2000 1997 1999 1999 1996 1981 2004 1982 1977 1983 1983 1975 1980 1983 1983 1983 2002 1981 1949 1987 1980 1979 1991 1977 1961 1965 1967 1982 1981 1999 1981 1994 1964 1985 2005 1991 1999 2003 2000 1980 1982 2005 1979 1982 1979 1966 1982 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $327,000 5 5 $171.19 $130,905 9 8 $56.06 $106,784 7 12 $48.39 $193,454 20 21 $88.28 $111,862 18 17 $51.04 $134,142 25 31 $57.04 $118,102 10 6 $61.75 $820,900 3 3 $271.14 $121,075 8 10 $66.15 $202,000 42 63 $114.27 $437,663 5 6 $179.37 $47,225 15 24 $33.06 $84,501 13 12 $43.05 $113,414 5 9 $51.34 $150,000 3 6 $71.17 $98,781 49 43 $59.10 $116,161 8 9 $66.65 $103,664 5 8 $52.16 $259,273 5 5 $106.52 $298,387 17 27 $156.94 $209,182 7 14 $99.35 $112,681 56 63 $55.77 $128,829 3 10 $55.28 $101,382 9 11 $48.99 $128,807 35 46 $60.00 $100,948 15 19 $47.76 $92,429 12 14 $55.68 $65,049 11 19 $45.45 $150,340 17 35 $71.29 $337,223 61 57 $146.83 $195,853 3 4 $142.92 $59,235 8 13 $59.30 $102,490 15 14 $54.78 $87,469 23 18 $55.99 $82,272 14 15 $42.02 $78,848 18 12 $43.95 $82,655 9 10 $32.57 $79,754 13 15 $48.37 $96,201 23 18 $49.97 $91,142 9 17 $54.41 $110,000 13 15 $101.59 $230,000 13 18 $93.45 $93,604 11 5 $32.27 $100,784 5 6 $50.59 $101,945 7 6 $41.88 $62,684 9 18 $38.95 $619,200 4 11 $286.00 $402,052 31 22 $180.03 $479,638 22 19 $214.90 $88,232 36 43 $51.10 $74,742 17 18 $52.63 $116,848 28 43 $59.28 $149,006 32 40 $67.36 $104,308 12 16 $57.48 $1,257,397 6 6 $281.17 $104,784 30 60 $53.56 $97,816 6 6 $47.90 $468,979 5 3 $125.63 $616,800 10 6 $159.59 $118,000 44 69 $61.22 $172,660 4 3 $87.33 $75,206 14 18 $46.94 $80,922 3 5 $66.91 $310,862 3 3 $117.03 $264,497 4 3 $149.62 $317,193 3 3 $98.21 $326,588 9 10 $168.13 $613,317 4 6 $191.05 $91,318 9 13 $64.47 Median Pct. Pct. price chg. chg.sq.ft. 2012- 20092013 2013 2013 $182.76 7% 18% $63.37 13% 20% $68.15 41% NA $101.46 15% 13% $59.70 17% 11% $61.27 7% -3% $60.28 -2% -16% $303.88 12% NA $65.08 -2% 4% $132.22 16% 29% $153.16 -15% NA $38.86 18% -6% $51.42 19% -5% $54.79 7% -7% $71.23 0% 6% $66.23 12% 8% $71.43 7% 72% $69.69 34% 14% $118.03 11% NA $165.35 5% 32% $161.32 62% -4% $61.77 11% 9% $63.59 15% NA $62.14 27% 4% $64.12 7% 13% $62.77 31% 21% $67.61 21% 19% $57.48 26% -2% $75.63 6% 16% $152.60 4% -14% $116.81 -18% NA $61.52 4% 7% $59.43 8% -3% $62.16 11% 16% $49.90 19% -6% $58.41 33% 15% $65.26 100% 26% $68.21 41% 21% $56.08 12% 28% $43.77 -20% 25% $115.33 14% 48% $103.28 11% 16% $57.79 79% 58% $61.92 22% 18% $48.68 16% 21% $39.68 2% NA $268.69 -6% NA $220.10 22% 26% $252.55 18% 46% $61.48 20% 2% $61.77 17% 10% $65.45 10% 4% $67.56 0% -4% $61.87 8% 8% $362.06 29% 7% $62.28 16% 4% $56.85 19% 20% $153.60 22% 27% $167.06 5% 19% $65.50 7% 10% $101.74 17% 9% $49.25 5% 9% $69.90 4% 17% $137.07 17% NA $147.99 -1% NA $145.27 48% 29% $172.60 3% NA $192.87 1% 17% $66.91 4% 27% Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Afton Oaks Albrecht Wm Alden Place Aldine Village Almeda Plaza Antoine Forest Estates Arlington Terrace Austin Lee Autumn Glen Avalon Place Ayrshire Baker NSBB Baker W R NSBB Baldwin Court Baldwin Square Barkley Square South Bayou Estates Bayou Oaks Beall Street-Heights Bedford Falls Belfort Park Bellaire Bellaire Oaks Bellmar Addn Berkley Place Beverly Place Birdsall Townhouses Bissonnet Place Blue Creek Blueridge Bonner Street Plaza Brady Place Braeburn CC Estates Braeburn Gardens Braes Heights Braes Manor Braes Oaks Braes Terrace Braes View Terrace Braesmont Braeswood Brantwood Brentwood Briarbend Briarmeadow Briarwick Bridgegate Broadmoor Brook Woods Estates Brooke Smith Brunner Brunswick Lakes Brunswick Meadows Calumet Drive Lofts Camp Logan Candlelight Estates Candlelight Forest Candlelight Oaks Candlelight Oaks Village Candlelight Plaza Candlelight Woods Carver Crest Castle Court Castlewood Cave E W Central Park Charnwood 446 14 62 305 518 108 67 35 130 253 643 284 173 35 113 249 108 340 47 217 1,238 486 270 266 245 321 42 72 543 687 39 219 443 205 885 82 121 251 129 186 347 132 619 136 683 813 595 422 170 844 26 344 181 48 215 311 160 281 182 306 68 96 104 327 64 1,399 83 2,278 2,070 1,400 1,380 1,355 2,370 4,025 2,189 2,190 3,334 2,373 1,142 1,400 1,843 1,980 2,184 1,473 1,800 2,172 2,148 1,216 3,195 3,084 1,220 1,207 1,056 1,491 3,016 1,980 1,124 1,296 1,208 3,914 1,750 2,725 2,070 2,922 1,782 1,912 1,990 3,084 2,035 1,579 2,189 2,370 1,239 2,050 1,216 1,800 1,096 2,461 1,902 1,724 1,906 2,359 2,111 2,090 2,772 1,575 2,324 2,231 1,150 1,936 1,772 1,340 1,104 2,922 1955 1970 1934 1979 1960 1983 1994 1995 2005 1940 1955 1930 1900 1999 1999 1962 2003 1970 2009 2005 1952 1991 1990 1963 1948 1945 1954 1989 2003 1955 2005 1935 1974 1955 1956 1955 1983 1952 1959 1960 1948 1940 1960 1960 1963 1970 2000 1935 1954 1925 1999 2004 2005 2005 1985 1962 1970 1970 1977 1966 1964 1952 1935 1970 1922 1936 1959 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $516,000 34 32 $247.59 $366,135 3 3 $199.52 $249,928 5 10 $133.59 $65,000 7 5 $36.35 $52,701 4 3 $24.31 $111,094 6 5 $54.82 $1,015,000 5 4 $250.96 $282,210 4 8 $190.29 $90,080 9 3 $45.56 $952,830 13 10 $255.72 $380,732 31 24 $206.32 $134,598 10 20 $94.13 $234,609 6 7 $239.60 $206,520 5 3 $126.14 $214,131 10 17 $118.09 $224,823 12 9 $112.97 $69,726 3 4 $34.03 $94,969 6 3 $59.69 $268,850 8 4 $150.20 $231,362 12 24 $118.61 $53,963 17 16 $20.58 $564,667 24 25 $207.81 $580,000 16 16 $196.34 $66,591 5 4 $47.79 $68,784 3 3 $35.37 $73,603 4 3 $100.55 $280,500 4 5 $172.16 $698,500 5 3 $281.35 $87,367 21 11 $39.71 $53,415 9 10 $22.28 $198,024 9 4 $159.31 $78,848 3 4 $79.08 $809,896 13 19 $234.67 $260,395 10 7 $223.88 $511,480 53 60 $219.49 $246,400 7 4 $148.79 $559,232 4 6 $233.03 $260,300 9 16 $190.32 $229,212 5 5 $128.17 $234,694 4 3 $167.74 $614,803 20 17 $244.11 $480,896 3 9 $208.75 $59,417 7 7 $23.77 $362,000 13 14 $199.18 $253,000 37 62 $131.52 $43,888 5 4 $27.97 $114,537 13 19 $54.06 $102,231 6 8 $77.85 $184,000 6 9 $117.77 $142,198 30 49 $154.32 $278,354 4 5 $142.22 $95,171 24 12 $55.88 $89,970 7 16 $57.48 $156,334 4 4 $94.96 $414,015 10 12 $427.26 $240,170 17 20 $145.28 $100,974 9 6 $49.87 $156,386 6 18 $67.06 $103,993 13 10 $45.51 $240,674 16 17 $130.85 $215,000 3 3 $115.59 $76,580 3 3 $94.67 $324,287 6 7 $208.33 $96,400 10 8 $47.53 $253,130 8 4 $239.81 $48,985 3 9 $46.15 $502,348 5 6 $205.39 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $287.27 $253.33 $188.15 $43.79 $41.79 $60.11 $302.62 $156.77 $53.64 $329.54 $234.09 $158.20 $197.12 $125.25 $140.97 $151.41 $48.66 $57.64 $154.42 $130.02 $34.92 $229.42 $241.00 $54.14 $48.80 $63.36 $240.33 $315.14 $52.63 $27.57 $196.34 $81.53 $256.53 $241.24 $250.67 $212.98 $253.54 $184.02 $162.36 $199.41 $225.99 $262.91 $45.64 $227.27 $154.03 $47.66 $60.62 $110.99 $175.48 $204.65 $149.74 $60.05 $64.49 $106.02 $204.04 $187.85 $54.78 $67.12 $64.00 $166.78 $198.13 $94.54 $186.62 $45.17 $109.36 $53.19 $241.17 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 16% 23% 27% NA 41% 14% 20% 78% 72% 63% 10% 51% 21% 8% -18% NA 18% -12% 29% 15% 13% 14% 68% 45% -18% 7% -1% NA 19% NA 34% 7% 43% -10% -3% 3% 3% NA 10% 4% 70% 27% 10% 16% 23% 25% 13% -27% 38% 26% -37% 61% 40% NA 12% 25% 33% 27% 24% 14% 23% NA 3% 78% 9% 13% 8% 13% 14% 13% 43% 11% 9% 21% -3% 2% 27% 14% 19% 45% -7% 16% 26% 6% 92% 65% 14% 16% 17% 19% 70% 70% 12% -3% 43% 120% 49% 46% 33% 50% 5% -19% 7% -10% 12% -14% 12% NA -52% -5% 29% 25% 10% 48% 0% 19% 41% -23% 27% 35% 71% 53% 0% -18% -10% 0% -5% -14% -54% -57% 15% 67% 17% 52% Central region continues on D12 GREENWOOD KING 3201 KIRBY DRIVE - 713.524.0888 > =616 S. VOSS, SUITE 900 - 713.784.0888 > =801 HEIGHTS BLVD. - 713.864.0888 SHARON BRIER KRISTIN TILLMAN JANA BRUCE SOO KIM 2013 Top Producer A GK Top Producer Selling the neighborhoods you love to live in exclusive real estate sponsor of cote de texas Gracious Homes. Sterling Service. A Greenwood King Top Producer 2013 Specializing inside the loop & surrounding areas 713.882.9800 [email protected] 281.785.3566 [email protected] 713.444.0180 [email protected] 832.545.0849 [email protected] TOM PLANT PATTI MILLER BECKY ANDRESS A consistent Top Producer with in-depth knowledge of the upper-end market from the Memorial area to the Museum District When experience and expertise count! With me, Real Estate is ALL Business. 10 year top producer Recognized.Respected.Established SBISD Good Neighbor Award 2010-2013 Memorial, Tanglewood & Spring Branch Specialist Memorial High School Mom 713.914.8713 [email protected] 713.942.6895 [email protected] 713.914.8721 [email protected] 832.443.4418 Everyone Deserves a Good Home MARGARET STEWART D12 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Subdivision Central region from page D11 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Chateau Forest 520 Chatwood Place 917 Cherryhurst 139 Chevy Chase 179 Cielo 131 City Park 465 City Park West 244 City Place 124 Clairmont Place 560 Clearwood Crossing 618 Clearwood Landing 100 Cline Street Place 52 Cloverland 461 Cole Creek Manor 398 College Court Place 399 Collegeview 696 Colonial Terrace 413 Columbus 52 Contemporary Main 49 Contemporary Plaza 195 Corinthian Pointe 442 Cottage Grove 527 Cottages at Shady Acres 47 Crestmont 412 Crestmont Park 1,216 Crestwood 123 Cullen Estates 134 Denver 1,307 Detering H E 75 Dissen Heights 200 Dominion Estates 84 Dumbarton Oaks 297 Dumbarton Village 270 Durham Park 468 East Norhill 290 East Sunnyside Court 436 Eastlawn 93 Eastridge Terrace 362 Eastwood 687 Edgewood 1,184 Edgewood Terrace 645 Edmundson 358 Ella Lee Forest 152 Enclave at Shady Acres 46 Enclave on T C Jester 78 Evergreen 56 Evergreen Plaza 124 Fairgreen 988 Fairhaven 122 Fairview 52 Fallbrook 1,502 Fondren SW Northbrook 243 Fondren SW Northbrook Vlg. 254 Forest Oaks 717 Forest Pines 514 Forest West 604 Forestwood 582 Foster Place 712 Fowler Place Twnhses 186 Freeway 316 Garden Oaks 1,409 Garden Oaks Patio Homes 41 Garden Oaks Plaza 65 Garden Villas 1,079 Glen Cove 174 Glen Iris 1,285 Glenbrook Valley 1,257 Glenburnie 329 Glenwood Forest 450 Golfcrest 536 Green Park 286 Green Ridge North 1,185 Greenbriar 67 Greenbriar Colony Townhouses 378 Greenpark 494 Greenway 482 Gulf Freeway Oaks 303 Gulf Meadows 805 Haden Terrace 115 Hammersmith 221 Harding Heights 88 Hawthorne Place 999 Heart of Bellaire 68 Heather Glen 951 Heathercrest 191 Heights 29 Heights of Shadyacres 48 Helena Park 26 Heritage Creek 57 Hermann Lake 95 Hidden Valley 835 Hidden Valley West 430 High Meadows 1,940 Highland Heights 268 Highland Heights Annex 881 Highland Village 83 Holly Park 112 Homestead 274 Houston Harbor 1,076 Houston Heights 3,078 Houston Heights Annex 330 Houston Skyscraper Shadows 1,242 Hutchins Street Square 62 Hyde Park 111 Hyde Park Court 100 Hyde Park Extn 42 Hyde Park Main 178 Idylwood 319 Imperial Valley 572 Independence Heights Park 186 Inwood Forest 1,132 Inwood Forest Village 454 Inwood North 1,943 Inwood Northwest 339 Inwood Pines 634 Inwood Terrace 1,082 Inwood West 415 Irvington 720 Kashmere Gardens 906 Kennedy Heights 431 Kettering Oaks 57 King Estates 807 Kingdom Come Place 124 Kingston Terrace 80 Kirby W A 100 Knollwood Village 548 Koehler 28 Kutschbach 92 Lacy-Malone Townhouse 79 Lake Forest 425 Lancaster Place 160 Langwood 1,634 Lazybrook 664 Leeland Gardens 33 Lincoln City 818 Lincoln Green South 188 Lindale Park 1,207 Linkwood 146 Lum Terrace 292 Lynn Park 116 Macgregor Palms 381 Macgregor Place 303 Macgregor Terrace 616 Magnolia Park 2,107 Mangum Manor 412 Maple Ridge Place 204 Maplewood 524 Maplewood North 182 Maplewood South 1,170 Marilyn Estates 438 Mason Park Terrace 343 Mathews Place 57 Mayerling Meadows 55 Mayfair Park 205 Meadowbrook 1,224 Meadowbrook Freeway 483 Meadowcreek Village 1,327 Meadows of Northwest Park 518 Melrose Park 519 Memorial Heights 293 Memorial Park Village 98 Meredith Manor 452 Meyerland 2,283 Midtown Lofts 60 Midtown Village 120 Millennium Homes at Birdsall 38 Millennium Homes on Bomar Av 33 Milroy Place 109 Montclair 103 Monticello 451 Montrose 129 1,264 1,166 1,567 2,319 1,910 1,602 1,932 1,556 1,066 1,934 1,884 1,880 1,222 1,451 2,321 3,190 3,108 2,060 2,040 2,256 1,548 1,036 1,380 1,238 1,358 3,823 1,576 1,055 1,968 1,080 1,825 1,698 1,388 1,915 1,223 1,162 1,328 1,196 1,396 1,298 1,345 1,103 2,017 2,508 2,387 3,312 3,709 1,488 3,423 2,088 1,353 2,434 1,626 1,148 1,451 1,827 1,671 1,132 1,092 1,274 1,690 2,233 1,800 1,614 3,300 1,214 1,942 1,352 1,554 1,256 1,298 1,352 1,795 1,564 1,703 1,208 1,260 1,650 1,817 2,422 992 1,140 3,026 1,303 1,396 2,038 1,948 2,534 2,696 3,219 1,585 1,360 1,338 1,104 1,100 2,264 1,366 1,226 992 1,395 1,176 1,540 2,246 2,036 2,027 2,071 2,326 1,564 1,644 982 2,106 1,694 1,804 1,872 1,703 1,150 1,810 1,144 1,008 1,339 2,919 1,476 1,686 2,240 1,166 1,729 1,012 1,140 1,991 1,158 1,528 1,194 1,715 1,759 1,126 1,222 1,323 2,159 1,280 1,982 1,168 1,350 1,155 934 1,577 2,108 2,145 2,045 2,283 2,319 1,188 2,176 2,199 1,278 1,172 2,014 1,552 1,885 1,338 2,324 1,663 1,403 2,477 1,783 1,516 2,171 2,270 971 2,274 2,619 2,318 1969 1955 1935 1938 2002 2005 2007 1980 1950 2005 2006 2005 1956 1964 1990 1990 1989 1998 2007 2003 2002 1940 2005 1956 1965 1994 2004 1947 1996 1939 2005 1959 1965 2005 1924 1953 1935 1958 1938 1952 1959 1938 1959 2007 2004 1990 1992 1971 1991 1998 1975 1974 1973 1952 1971 1970 2000 1949 1930 1950 1942 2007 1955 1945 1993 1982 1959 1955 1973 1950 2000 1970 1939 1981 2004 1950 1956 1965 1950 1972 1925 1950 1989 1975 1962 2007 2006 2003 2003 2004 1967 1968 1971 1950 1949 1950 1960 1955 1948 1930 1940 1980 2007 1973 1958 1938 1992 1940 1970 1946 1970 1996 1979 1995 1975 1955 1979 1945 1948 1975 1955 1979 2006 1962 1935 1952 1923 1925 1992 1953 1925 1955 1960 2006 1950 1983 1940 1953 1942 1951 1950 1950 1952 1936 1959 2006 1960 1964 1964 1962 1949 1940 1961 1979 1947 1961 1956 2000 1964 2002 2006 1962 1960 2001 2005 2002 2003 1920 1953 1945 1932 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $76,991 8 12 $44.68 $28,964 11 14 $29.76 $315,000 4 5 $298.71 $455,500 7 6 $276.72 $83,780 4 3 $36.91 $82,356 21 29 $48.13 $146,258 9 18 $72.01 $138,972 8 10 $100.76 $24,230 4 3 $34.77 $106,404 27 16 $55.80 $116,482 3 4 $60.71 $173,979 4 6 $102.66 $34,514 3 4 $19.33 $93,775 15 7 $52.08 $384,000 22 26 $225.00 $744,000 46 41 $270.82 $708,462 28 24 $246.55 $269,000 8 6 $136.03 $187,591 6 5 $96.40 $193,312 19 11 $85.71 $107,024 11 10 $66.59 $133,870 42 46 $139.55 $214,264 4 4 $159.48 $50,772 5 7 $27.22 $42,696 12 17 $19.21 $1,030,981 5 10 $340.00 $67,104 8 7 $41.28 $57,174 12 7 $51.94 $283,900 7 6 $182.00 $70,325 3 4 $69.11 $147,900 6 8 $102.60 $76,158 5 6 $18.14 $74,158 3 9 $37.08 $102,883 21 13 $51.01 $271,412 21 14 $258.56 $42,437 4 3 $67.42 $84,398 4 3 $35.17 $65,160 6 11 $39.59 $143,866 12 18 $96.70 $36,057 15 15 $20.49 $48,879 8 9 $23.16 $65,085 7 6 $49.02 $222,944 7 7 $106.80 $264,576 5 6 $107.14 $250,465 6 11 $109.22 $568,099 7 3 $188.51 $683,284 5 6 $241.44 $73,329 17 17 $41.45 $811,523 6 8 $290.03 $262,602 8 5 $167.62 $66,481 24 20 $34.81 $111,965 9 14 $66.64 $30,567 9 7 $24.67 $69,611 10 9 $37.12 $125,237 15 22 $89.10 $125,487 25 23 $72.03 $70,265 16 9 $40.95 $28,112 6 13 $17.37 $151,168 11 10 $160.05 $77,214 3 4 $39.74 $258,536 79 72 $168.99 $249,000 7 3 $114.94 $235,449 3 5 $150.13 $101,900 17 19 $50.83 $940,638 15 16 $327.01 $62,041 13 10 $28.12 $104,941 32 26 $50.61 $60,360 4 10 $33.95 $50,258 7 4 $22.77 $69,448 10 6 $33.99 $96,000 4 3 $39.75 $72,796 27 19 $46.27 $430,056 4 4 $363.57 $28,454 12 9 $25.71 $85,896 11 4 $42.36 $66,094 3 4 $49.69 $68,678 9 5 $51.55 $73,780 16 12 $50.08 $100,655 6 4 $48.76 $264,690 12 10 $128.82 $148,477 5 5 $142.13 $58,170 12 11 $46.61 $449,000 4 6 $205.05 $68,885 10 8 $48.58 $68,548 5 3 $31.49 $267,000 9 8 $142.15 $247,463 4 5 $144.89 $322,436 3 3 $136.15 $262,910 5 7 $93.38 $423,019 8 8 $146.68 $83,416 21 24 $43.40 $79,065 7 8 $41.07 $64,592 19 20 $37.68 $41,429 4 5 $30.53 $43,238 8 4 $42.81 $462,301 5 6 $250.33 $197,258 3 5 $152.66 $31,349 5 3 $18.12 $50,514 4 6 $40.75 $285,238 162 207 $223.99 $203,700 29 23 $162.92 $91,178 19 22 $64.12 $231,034 10 8 $110.34 $284,199 7 12 $148.84 $363,000 3 6 $262.39 $298,000 4 6 $240.75 $342,000 15 14 $241.53 $183,000 12 16 $128.32 $80,909 17 12 $45.87 $33,119 6 11 $37.88 $96,649 42 68 $41.58 $81,105 12 8 $36.19 $74,423 61 57 $39.04 $87,979 13 8 $41.86 $65,633 7 15 $34.00 $41,613 12 16 $21.01 $80,264 8 4 $46.04 $75,660 10 5 $76.62 $50,694 6 6 $25.81 $62,812 7 6 $31.52 $620,000 3 3 $297.35 $65,935 13 16 $30.93 $81,115 5 3 $49.06 $243,165 3 8 $126.76 $78,948 3 3 $38.35 $255,000 34 39 $170.95 $128,593 3 6 $128.43 $250,593 6 9 $248.29 $302,449 3 7 $235.48 $25,391 3 6 $20.16 $311,960 5 5 $227.61 $79,070 24 32 $64.60 $251,456 36 45 $179.53 $220,731 4 5 $139.83 $41,860 9 9 $20.43 $65,515 9 8 $32.37 $141,269 19 38 $104.02 $276,100 6 8 $134.15 $70,437 7 4 $32.10 $456,910 3 3 $232.12 $54,719 6 10 $23.69 $65,260 3 3 $29.49 $34,213 4 3 $22.12 $60,000 10 11 $45.16 $136,635 17 26 $97.27 $81,388 11 4 $36.26 $220,500 29 19 $125.73 $226,172 9 13 $114.36 $215,000 56 75 $103.89 $241,386 19 26 $111.62 $80,823 6 7 $72.57 $547,663 4 3 $315.13 $248,091 4 4 $112.58 $41,227 7 4 $27.64 $68,270 21 15 $51.67 $114,028 11 17 $47.10 $89,502 32 29 $59.18 $73,185 19 10 $45.94 $71,070 9 11 $46.62 $332,915 27 31 $153.61 $242,005 18 9 $153.70 $62,271 4 3 $26.49 $316,700 108 120 $150.21 $212,149 3 4 $103.90 $176,294 10 12 $120.53 $317,500 3 5 $151.36 $292,034 3 4 $149.13 $206,253 11 13 $210.16 $460,000 11 3 $271.11 $643,726 28 22 $290.29 $377,970 4 10 $232.85 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $51.15 $35.71 $312.45 $356.33 $51.40 $71.77 $80.35 $100.35 $16.67 $70.05 $51.76 $131.14 $34.71 $67.02 $219.88 $301.05 $292.14 $148.06 $100.49 $94.27 $72.07 $153.27 $177.23 $22.96 $26.22 $318.82 $63.31 $43.37 $176.71 $63.27 $106.92 $28.31 $46.58 $59.82 $276.58 $18.95 $68.66 $65.59 $117.46 $25.39 $26.20 $45.91 $167.02 $129.04 $127.58 $226.90 $244.84 $49.26 $305.45 $162.84 $48.85 $60.94 $19.77 $38.24 $104.66 $85.13 $46.30 $17.19 $158.49 $53.89 $211.81 $157.19 $143.46 $56.30 $333.96 $49.46 $69.07 $45.33 $34.70 $46.70 $72.36 $47.29 $395.59 $24.12 $64.89 $40.59 $48.62 $48.75 $95.42 $151.73 $200.00 $50.14 $240.55 $44.22 $37.31 $174.19 $170.90 $164.10 $123.46 $148.13 $49.84 $63.53 $50.34 $63.11 $28.39 $309.75 $193.57 $31.25 $30.90 $251.72 $176.47 $63.75 $130.29 $153.36 $253.78 $169.58 $227.09 $143.59 $49.03 $94.75 $48.52 $45.48 $47.19 $53.98 $46.10 $16.64 $50.43 $51.05 $19.63 $45.54 $265.65 $30.63 $45.11 $161.04 $31.10 $192.54 $163.36 $241.13 $187.21 $34.45 $273.57 $74.11 $200.41 $151.95 $43.96 $36.13 $133.86 $176.65 $59.11 $347.06 $24.84 $45.82 $26.60 $39.94 $117.90 $50.98 $162.07 $141.68 $129.19 $152.96 $77.68 $306.93 $155.39 $39.10 $58.33 $46.95 $53.25 $52.11 $50.32 $166.21 $180.43 $24.22 $166.92 $142.95 $150.65 $183.79 $171.90 $270.94 $302.64 $314.64 $182.29 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 14% -12% 20% 41% 5% 22% 29% 40% 39% -32% 49% 34% 12% 5% 0% NA -52% -55% 26% 21% -15% -28% 28% 39% 80% 10% 29% 7% -2% 1% 11% 25% 18% 24% 9% NA 4% 2% 10% 3% 8% 10% 10% 14% 11% 14% -16% 7% 36% 1% -6% -1% 53% 50% -16% -12% -3% -4% -8% NA 4% 11% 56% 9% 26% 45% 17% -15% 7% 24% -72% 5% 95% 45% 66% 2% 21% 20% 24% -2% 13% -25% -6% -33% 56% 42% 20% NA 17% NA 20% NA 1% 15% 19% 8% 5% 44% -3% NA 40% 8% -9% -5% -20% -31% 3% 1% 17% 4% 18% 11% 13% 10% -1% -53% -1% NA 36% 19% 25% 24% 37% 56% -4% -19% 11% 2% 2% 19% 76% 84% 36% 31% 34% 29% 52% 4% 37% 10% 82% 32% 2% -8% 9% 35% -6% NA 53% 11% -18% -19% -6% -17% -3% 0% 96% 15% 18% NA 41% 33% 8% 23% 17% NA -9% 23% 18% 49% 23% NA 18% 27% 21% 23% 32% 20% 1% 7% 15% -11% 55% 11% 34% 16% 107% 25% -34% -23% 24% 32% 27% 44% 72% -42% -24% 21% 12% 29% 8% 17% -1% 8% 18% NA 3% 5% -3% NA -30% -8% -6% 6% 12% 4% 7% -4% 150% 342% 17% 16% 26% 20% 21% 14% 29% -2% 36% 28% -21% -31% 10% 22% -33% -29% -24% 23% 44% 2% -11% NA -1% 1% -8% -20% 27% 36% -19% -19% 13% 13% 27% NA -3% 16% -20% NA 71% 24% 20% 5% 15% 9% 12% 29% 9% NA 115% 18% 12% 26% 29% 19% 32% 10% 84% -6% 50% 36% 5% -14% 55% 92% 20% -38% -12% -8% 21% 18% 41% 3% 29% 21% 24% 9% 24% 20% 37% 25% 7% 15% -3% 15% 38% 28% 41% 36% 13% 31% 0% -4% -10% -16% 13% -12% 8% 37% 8% 8% 17% 18% -9% -22% 11% 12% 38% NA 25% 17% 21% 14% 15% 19% 29% 47% 12% 22% 8% 8% -22% 3% Moreland Court 64 Morningside Place 447 Mount Royal Village 232 Mulberry Manor 112 Naomi Place 50 Norhill 404 Normanor 105 North Boulevard Park 35 North Edgemont 91 North Norhill 575 Northline Terrace 973 Northwest Park 1,871 Northwest Park Place 366 Oak Estates 137 Oak Forest 5,492 Oak Meadows 1,454 Oakdale 84 Oaks of Inwood 303 Oakwilde 1,009 Overbrook 804 Palm Court 39 Palm Springs 136 Pamela Heights 405 Park at Clearview 124 Park at Hartman 24 Park at Prince 40 Park North 319 Park Place - Houston 453 Park Place Country Club 173 Parkland Place 233 Parkwest 956 Parkwood Estates 290 Pawl Terrace 23 Peaceful Valley 275 Pecan Park 832 Pemberton 181 Pembroke Place 379 Pierce Junction Village 88 Pine Valley Meadows 110 Pinelawn 132 Pinemont Plaza 353 Pinewood Village 449 Piney Point Estates 58 Plainview 89 Plaza at Center 88 Post Oak Court 51 Post Oak Manor 504 Post Oak Place 516 Post Oak Plaza 112 Post Oak Terrace 294 Prairieview Terrace 296 Quensell Lawn 66 Reedwood 492 Regal Oaks 504 Reynolds A C 49 Rice Court 350 Rice Military 102 Ridgemont 282 Ridgewood 200 Rittenhouse Square 83 River Oaks 1,368 River Oaks Country Club Estate 199 Riverbend 67 Riverhollow 41 Riverside 125 Riverside Terrace 1,472 Riverwood Estates 387 Rosedale 78 Rosemont Heights 113 Rosewood Estates 394 Royden Oaks 211 Ryon 1,517 San Pablo 252 Santa Rosa 501 Scott Terrace 414 Sequoia Estates 340 Shady Acres 489 Shady Acres Annex 37 Shady Acres Landing 51 Shady Park 167 Shearn 90 Shepherd Forest 917 Shepherd Park Plaza 728 Shepherd Park Terrace 397 Sheraton Oaks 129 Sierra Vista 208 Sky View Park 121 Skyview Park 89 South Acres Estates 1,273 South Crest 1,108 South Gate 585 South Glen 468 South Houston Gardens 178 South Main Estates 202 South Main Plaza 329 South Park 1,586 South Union 289 Southampton Place 677 Southampton Place Extn 142 Southbridge 500 Southbrook 163 Southdale 763 Southern Oaks 296 Southern Village 277 Southland Terrace 126 Southridge Crossing 100 Southside Place 386 Southwest Crossing 398 Southwood 216 Southwood Place 346 Stones Throw 134 Stude 535 Summerlyn 147 Summit Place 48 Sunnyland Farms 180 Sunnyside Courts 345 Sunnyside Gardens 559 Sunnyside Place 636 Sunset Heights 946 Sunset Terrace 481 Sylvania Courts 27 Tanglewilde 685 Taylor Dale U/R 223 Teas Garden 84 Ten Twelve Heights Blvd Patio 583 Terrace Oaks 70 Thirty Three Hundred Whitney T98 Timbergrove Manor 1,642 Timbergrove Terrace 42 Timberside Circle 43 Townhouse Manor 180 Tropicana Village 201 University Oaks 215 Upper West End 27 Usener 48 Verde Forest 342 Victoria Park 134 Village of Oak Forest 19 Villas at Clearview 56 Villas on Wynnwood 34 Virginia Court 186 Washington Heights North 39 Washington Terrace 474 Waterhill Homes on Lillian 48 Waterhill Homes on Rusk 38 Weslayan Plaza 146 Wessex 107 West Eighteenth Street Twnh 63 West Heights 166 West Lane Place 62 West Lawn Terrace 106 West Orem Place 317 West Twenty Fourth Street Sqr 34 West University Place 1,264 Westbury 3,395 Westbury South 572 Westfield Estates 723 Westmont 256 Westmoreland 39 Westmoreland Farms 192 Weston 64 Westridge 218 Westwood 749 White 96 Wildheather 281 Wildrose Gardens 353 Wilfran Place 73 Willow Bend 731 Willow Glen 361 Willow Meadows 810 Willow Run 934 Willow Springs 387 LOOKING FOR A HOME? Search ©2014 RE/MAX, LLC. Each office is independently owned and operated. Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built 3,267 1,899 1,763 2,708 1,402 1,350 3,240 2,916 2,136 1,145 1,304 1,624 2,350 3,041 1,358 1,221 3,500 2,885 1,188 1,299 3,429 1,280 1,392 1,760 2,310 1,912 1,104 1,353 1,594 1,915 2,201 1,120 2,402 3,558 1,176 2,751 1,122 2,065 1,456 1,143 1,234 1,184 4,330 1,784 1,277 2,301 1,563 1,590 4,233 2,375 984 1,038 1,215 1,580 1,040 2,499 2,372 1,402 1,355 1,194 4,097 5,816 3,979 3,404 1,960 2,088 1,334 1,320 1,328 1,070 3,881 964 1,758 1,253 1,236 1,437 1,104 1,149 2,352 1,385 1,076 1,295 2,334 2,128 2,075 1,964 2,004 1,904 1,244 1,234 2,320 1,434 1,570 1,292 1,380 1,036 1,084 2,887 2,511 1,500 1,447 2,917 2,414 1,172 1,483 1,981 3,795 1,914 2,115 1,665 1,472 1,224 1,595 2,452 1,176 1,084 1,095 1,123 1,072 3,482 6,047 1,695 4,836 3,936 1,508 1,226 1,668 1,764 2,433 2,903 1,996 1,672 2,036 1,846 1,052 1,268 1,807 2,200 2,087 2,108 2,492 2,374 1,490 2,288 1,892 1,623 2,345 1,966 1,152 3,343 1,564 1,639 1,616 3,706 1,811 1,546 952 1,664 2,408 3,434 1,598 1,584 1,450 982 1,370 1,210 1,844 2,008 1,376 2,331 1,214 2,026 1991 1998 2006 1993 2006 1926 1994 1997 1930 1928 1966 1978 2002 1955 1952 1954 1998 1984 1961 1955 1991 1970 1958 2008 2001 2006 1972 1939 1942 2005 1960 1976 2006 1993 1946 1939 1952 2007 2003 1929 1972 1953 1990 1945 2005 1990 1956 2003 1993 1955 1946 1940 1955 2006 1985 1939 1999 1995 1929 1956 1945 1945 1960 1974 1935 1949 1967 1926 1935 1949 1984 1945 2006 1947 1952 1970 1945 1950 2002 1950 1930 1955 1965 1969 1969 2005 2006 2005 1962 1950 1940 1962 1960 1965 1996 1950 1950 1938 1940 1992 1961 1993 1984 1941 1945 2007 1989 1986 1945 1978 1980 1928 2005 1993 1947 1955 1947 1950 1922 1987 2004 1960 1980 1993 1920 1948 1930 1957 2006 1999 1969 1960 1950 2008 1920 1975 2003 2006 2008 2008 1950 2008 1940 2004 2006 1950 1940 2003 1935 1990 1935 2006 2004 1987 1960 1960 1947 1964 1920 1992 1929 1951 1953 1940 1965 1956 1983 1955 2003 1957 1968 2006 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $630,000 3 5 $196.43 $106,101 16 16 $51.98 $92,829 17 7 $51.65 $425,026 5 8 $200.11 $163,957 3 5 $108.56 $303,000 19 20 $272.06 $600,000 9 7 $211.69 $425,000 3 4 $156.09 $442,276 5 3 $272.48 $244,525 31 49 $246.70 $78,352 20 20 $52.95 $64,273 39 43 $37.58 $75,430 9 12 $34.08 $834,181 10 10 $338.04 $161,416 330 402 $166.47 $74,680 19 20 $50.22 $619,784 3 4 $265.32 $164,311 9 8 $60.19 $77,038 10 8 $31.43 $60,232 11 5 $34.85 $658,792 4 3 $212.66 $87,182 7 3 $63.52 $65,899 3 6 $24.17 $192,664 10 16 $116.67 $305,257 3 4 $131.24 $242,405 4 10 $131.61 $23,817 4 3 $17.66 $89,000 3 3 $35.06 $103,520 3 3 $40.97 $95,925 5 17 $50.53 $179,000 49 52 $105.95 $55,227 4 3 $61.74 $331,573 8 3 $168.46 $645,047 16 18 $208.99 $75,971 6 9 $81.08 $758,975 9 7 $293.78 $59,785 3 5 $55.41 $79,727 5 8 $26.51 $30,929 3 5 $23.94 $229,023 5 14 $227.89 $60,425 3 7 $45.60 $65,361 5 3 $31.42 $848,207 3 4 $178.91 $337,272 8 12 $166.67 $200,000 11 13 $169.15 $453,953 4 3 $190.05 $154,000 21 22 $113.88 $87,848 14 10 $45.30 $757,512 6 4 $217.54 $436,216 13 10 $209.26 $48,848 4 4 $28.63 $176,201 3 4 $150.04 $45,051 5 7 $53.22 $83,054 25 32 $50.51 $153,704 3 3 $147.69 $649,776 18 19 $320.44 $328,575 10 8 $157.15 $85,844 5 4 $175.68 $218,937 9 15 $241.20 $58,665 3 4 $40.32 $1,364,713 67 48 $366.37 $2,900,334 9 4 $498.35 $831,813 4 3 $244.58 $459,988 6 4 $174.65 $122,459 3 6 $29.91 $168,352 26 37 $50.55 $37,292 4 5 $23.62 $284,248 4 7 $280.82 $300,029 6 7 $214.08 $57,000 3 3 $22.39 $995,465 11 12 $284.22 $62,000 11 13 $45.20 $89,677 10 3 $49.02 $73,121 3 9 $75.46 $40,180 6 5 $20.75 $69,833 5 5 $40.55 $183,958 20 24 $145.16 $170,412 3 4 $136.40 $283,700 4 7 $140.06 $53,842 4 3 $28.37 $123,684 4 7 $137.11 $144,028 36 42 $112.67 $253,844 26 44 $136.99 $144,254 11 8 $61.26 $96,272 5 5 $45.73 $95,987 10 8 $52.30 $87,170 8 6 $44.66 $84,004 7 4 $47.95 $49,938 16 8 $17.59 $35,726 10 12 $27.87 $530,000 34 23 $260.48 $62,833 4 3 $28.95 $123,576 4 4 $66.54 $78,211 3 5 $31.28 $72,514 4 3 $58.55 $40,741 18 20 $17.89 $50,117 6 3 $27.44 $753,752 30 36 $283.69 $611,050 6 8 $286.89 $105,053 12 10 $62.99 $72,700 4 9 $50.87 $497,920 33 44 $195.79 $406,841 15 17 $214.01 $40,240 4 3 $24.77 $105,936 6 3 $56.23 $134,205 8 5 $64.71 $992,722 18 16 $294.37 $95,561 7 4 $48.92 $136,229 4 11 $97.49 $74,039 11 8 $25.84 $80,763 4 3 $47.21 $229,362 28 29 $236.77 $79,966 14 3 $45.78 $320,452 4 5 $236.36 $85,596 5 4 $46.28 $34,468 4 3 $66.36 $41,566 5 3 $16.47 $38,527 6 14 $67.69 $170,562 57 50 $185.63 $860,750 18 17 $289.02 $1,404,268 3 3 $282.31 $148,092 43 48 $86.67 $1,287,949 12 10 $317.74 $688,873 5 7 $202.19 $312,172 40 35 $220.25 $79,710 5 6 $65.27 $380,000 8 5 $231.04 $254,200 104 98 $176.96 $271,712 4 4 $119.14 $389,493 3 3 $143.15 $160,000 7 7 $77.44 $76,973 4 5 $64.58 $214,520 5 6 $116.69 $244,900 3 4 $157.78 $225,000 4 4 $210.08 $34,906 9 10 $23.14 $82,842 5 7 $51.48 $164,539 4 8 $96.44 $213,222 5 5 $111.33 $232,244 6 7 $110.82 $643,700 12 6 $271.12 $300,000 6 5 $135.22 $84,029 14 25 $56.19 $331,000 6 7 $173.57 $209,322 4 6 $130.34 $349,249 9 6 $231.63 $559,922 6 6 $286.62 $201,370 9 6 $106.23 $188,821 11 13 $206.41 $556,463 5 3 $207.90 $342,900 4 6 $183.37 $85,497 17 7 $48.27 $192,000 4 6 $124.37 $951,460 54 74 $294.46 $146,580 133 186 $102.33 $81,794 13 28 $45.23 $52,855 3 3 $65.48 $150,603 13 11 $104.67 $348,642 3 3 $264.29 $824,360 8 11 $277.12 $295,663 7 6 $183.11 $211,798 7 15 $143.88 $138,227 13 26 $93.81 $80,433 3 3 $62.54 $64,000 4 3 $31.51 $70,472 4 7 $80.17 $365,000 5 4 $225.85 $205,906 34 56 $123.68 $72,239 4 3 $48.57 $256,000 37 48 $117.23 $47,307 6 8 $33.33 $89,934 21 18 $35.34 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $224.46 $61.83 $53.95 $208.39 $131.34 $270.37 $209.99 $185.12 $236.48 $285.71 $61.12 $46.08 $48.34 $336.30 $190.49 $45.76 $240.64 $68.98 $51.77 $45.68 $226.24 $61.45 $25.35 $126.82 $162.85 $163.61 $28.64 $45.42 $56.55 $55.01 $116.05 $55.05 $181.10 $223.78 $67.34 $338.24 $58.18 $33.49 $24.04 $279.58 $35.30 $35.86 $277.02 $205.46 $184.13 $205.08 $134.48 $67.56 $228.89 $221.35 $28.73 $167.16 $25.64 $58.45 $196.39 $323.86 $173.48 $118.54 $254.76 $53.86 $398.76 $547.12 $343.22 $170.22 $84.23 $81.60 $28.08 $277.78 $235.77 $23.08 $338.00 $71.61 $46.74 $71.93 $26.98 $61.84 $208.95 $192.85 $164.20 $58.00 $160.72 $150.86 $164.19 $76.96 $55.56 $61.68 $56.26 $50.61 $20.60 $17.96 $300.64 $30.83 $56.40 $55.04 $47.74 $24.19 $20.90 $341.39 $342.41 $69.51 $56.64 $222.26 $205.04 $20.00 $40.63 $66.94 $305.29 $56.18 $96.63 $36.46 $66.47 $271.52 $49.19 $193.69 $52.52 $21.43 $16.77 $71.35 $227.32 $307.85 $256.49 $108.84 $350.25 $215.21 $271.24 $117.94 $173.09 $211.72 $128.44 $159.38 $98.48 $49.47 $128.28 $162.99 $266.38 $33.87 $68.21 $120.93 $124.19 $146.01 $323.90 $147.86 $86.69 $169.15 $128.46 $248.27 $317.66 $122.43 $232.36 $213.11 $283.16 $54.90 $142.05 $327.85 $113.62 $69.40 $32.10 $128.69 $180.01 $220.32 $194.41 $174.59 $101.94 $55.91 $41.21 $55.66 $264.21 $154.05 $56.32 $163.74 $39.96 $50.20 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 14% 19% 19% 20% 4% -11% 4% 20% 21% 4% -1% 25% -1% NA 19% NA -13% -16% 16% 26% 15% 5% 23% 14% 42% 10% -1% 23% 14% 38% -9% 4% -9% 2% 15% 66% 65% -5% 31% 16% 6% -2% -3% -12% 5% -28% 9% 10% 24% NA 24% 25% 62% 13% 30% NA 38% NA 9% -10% 10% 24% -11% -21% 8% NA 7% 21% -17% 11% 15% 24% 5% 27% 26% -55% 0% -36% 23% 43% -23% -23% 14% -4% 55% 68% 23% -1% 9% NA 8% 11% 18% 32% 49% 38% 5% 23% 6% 9% 0% NA 11% NA -52% -44% 16% 13% 33% NA 1% 16% 10% 16% -33% -10% 6% 26% 34% 60% 9% 11% 10% 41% 40% 11% -3% NA 182% 64% 61% 30% 19% 27% -1% 24% 10% 9% 3% -8% 19% 38% 58% 15% -5% -5% -5% 10% 30% -56% 53% 30% 44% 55% 41% 14% 17% 41% 104% -2% 17% 51% 34% 18% 20% 24% 26% 2% 21% 41% 18% -8% 26% 0% 6% -4% 17% -29% -36% -21% 15% 27% 6% 23% -15% -5% 76% 38% -18% -17% 35% 25% -24% -5% 20% 28% 19% 69% 10% -2% 11% 30% 14% 20% -4% -9% -19% -20% -28% 15% 3% -3% 4% 17% 15% 19% -1% 98% 41% 38% 41% 23% 15% 33% 7% -14% -18% NA 13% -32% -68% -36% 2% 9% 5% -6% 22% 29% 7% 26% -9% 4% 26% 12% 10% 133% 6% 13% 23% NA 81% 184% -25% NA 20% 25% 8% 23% 11% 18% 27% NA -23% 49% 10% 4% 3% NA 27% 40% 46% 10% 32% 6% 25% 46% 12% NA 32% NA 19% 20% 9% 11% 54% 64% -3% 7% -1% NA 7% 30% 11% 2% 15% NA 13% 75% 3% 3% 54% NA 14% -18% 14% NA 11% 22% 11% 23% 53% 7% -51% -41% 23% 22% -32% -13% -20% -9% 6% 1% 21% 5% 9% -4% -11% NA 31% -19% -31% 0% 17% -9% 25% 17% 16% 17% 40% 40% 20% 23% 42% 2% Central region continues on D13 xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D13 HOME PRICE SURVEY Subdivision Central region from page D12 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Willowbrook Willowick Place Patio Homes Willowood Windermere Windsor Village Winlow Place Wood Glen Woodcrest-Rice Military Woodgate Woodlake Forest Woodland Heights Woodland Heights Annex Woodland Terrace Woodridge Woodshire Woodside Woodson Place 506 47 1,379 202 882 82 452 16 675 388 502 140 219 303 310 483 207 1,483 2,248 1,464 2,140 1,532 1,914 1,084 2,568 1,482 2,435 1,625 1,318 1,334 1,276 2,288 2,173 1,330 1956 1979 1976 1940 1962 1934 1981 2005 1976 1979 1920 1920 1920 1948 1956 1957 1925 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $169,700 13 21 $131.17 $360,000 3 4 $145.00 $58,956 24 19 $37.07 $490,404 11 11 $234.06 $69,267 8 8 $38.51 $396,761 7 8 $258.08 $35,356 6 7 $21.58 $281,635 3 4 $121.25 $55,221 11 15 $33.94 $262,053 13 23 $146.85 $355,835 21 23 $251.73 $280,075 11 10 $251.80 $272,337 11 10 $250.79 $76,663 3 4 $52.59 $254,831 12 14 $134.43 $286,300 22 27 $160.67 $297,943 12 11 $248.14 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $144.82 $222.53 $47.78 $270.34 $41.44 $244.01 $50.65 $139.83 $45.42 $126.14 $273.82 $261.14 $247.23 $44.62 $139.43 $181.97 $302.16 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 10% 13% 53% 17% 29% 29% 16% -1% 8% -15% -5% 44% 135% 110% 15% NA 34% 7% -14% 6% 9% 38% 4% 24% -1% 14% -15% 0% 4% -5% 13% 30% 22% 30% Harris County East/SE Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Airport Boulevard Estates 16 Allenbrook 255 Alta Vista Terrace 274 Arlington Heights 464 Autumn Creek 482 Autumn Lakes 80 Bal Harbor Cove 237 Bay Colony 155 Bay Forest 836 Bay Front To La Porte 477 Bay Glen 1,389 Bay Knoll 660 Bay Oaks (Clear Lake City) 1,056 Bay Oaks (La Porte) 135 Bay Pointe 84 Bay Pointe 477 Bay River Colony 179 Baybrook 260 Baybrook Place 98 Bayou Bend (Deer Park) 182 Bayou Glen (La Porte) 62 Bayou Oaks Estates 68 Bayside Terrace 126 Baywood Oaks 245 Baywood Oaks Village 220 Baywood Oaks West 375 Baywood Shadows 330 Beaumont Place 557 Bellavita at Green Tee 570 Bennett Estates 694 Berkshire Village 482 Beverly Hills 953 Birnham Woods 106 Bliss Meadows 182 Bowling Green 288 Bramley 157 Briarcreek of Baytown 167 Britton Cravens 390 Brook Forest 938 Brookglen 604 Brookwood 904 Burke Meadow 376 Burkeshire 140 Camino Park 87 Camino South 1,229 Carpenters Landing 221 Cary Creek Estates 52 Channelwood 594 Chaparral Village 486 Clear Brook Crossing 342 Clear Brook Landing 192 Clear Brook Meadows 435 Clear Lake City 1,070 Clear Lake City Core B 128 Clear Lake Forest 802 Clinton Park 537 Clover Leaf 1,384 College Park 528 College Place 82 College View Estates 84 Country Briar 472 Country Club Cove 185 Country Club Estates 103 Country Club Manor 240 Country Club Oaks 655 Craigmont Place 271 Creekmont 476 Crest Haven Estates 182 Crestwood (Deer Park) 116 Crosby Village 60 Decker Terrace 173 Deepwater Terrace 294 Deer Creek 132 Deer Meadows 405 Deer Park Gardens 565 Deer Park Manor 103 Deer Park Terrace 174 East Haven 616 East Park 88 Eastpoint 345 Eastraven 141 El Cary Estates 92 El Jardin 366 El Lago 407 El Lago Estates 311 Elena Fruit & Cotton Farms A 243 Elena Fruit & Cotton Farms B 372 Erin Glen 448 Eva Maud 318 Evergreen Fairways 90 Fairmont Estates 583 Fairmont Heights 153 Fairmont Park 586 Fairmont Park East 1,323 Fairmont Park West 1,132 Fidelity 389 Forest Bend 932 Fourplex Partition U/R 210 Freeway Manor 1,894 Frontier East 440 Galena Manor 319 Galena Terrace 188 Ginger Creek Estates 173 Glen Arbor 443 Glen Meadows (La Porte) 720 Golden Acres 466 Graywood 208 Green Tee Terrace 662 Gulf Palms 564 Gulfway Terrace 565 Happy Hide A Way U/R 260 Harbour Cove Estates 147 Heritage 297 Heritage Park 2,335 Highland Acres 210 Highland Farms 355 Highland Meadow 425 Highland Woods 256 Highlands Crossing 86 Highlands Townsite 383 Home Owned Estates 1,734 House 298 Hunters Ridge 62 Hunterwood Village 485 Huntington 215 Independence Place 161 Indian Shores 576 Industrial 1,360 Kings Bend 108 Kirby Lake 151 Kirby Place 74 Kirbybend 138 Kirkmont 767 Kirkwood 675 Kirkwood South 807 La Porte 1,356 Lake Country 104 Lake Cove 487 Lake Shadows 493 Lakepointe Forest 256 Lakewood 833 Liberty Lakes 331 Mangum Place 311 Marlen Terrace 200 Maurice 121 Meadow Green 927 Meadow Lake 699 Meadow Park 90 Meadow Village La Porte 161 Meadowcrest 308 Meadows of Clear Creek 244 Merilyn Place 314 Middlebrook 990 Milby Dale 244 Miramar 274 Mount Vernon 168 Mystic Village at Lake Mija 179 Nassau Bay 774 New Forest 314 Newport 2,746 Northfork 1,016 Oak Cliff 97 Oakbrook West 862 Obrien Heights 104 Old River Acres 253 Old River Terrace 735 1,630 1,603 1,660 1,932 3,297 2,953 2,435 1,736 2,776 1,322 2,016 2,451 3,834 3,545 2,064 2,149 1,860 1,978 2,078 1,808 1,441 3,418 1,659 2,504 2,544 2,462 1,986 1,200 2,075 1,251 1,405 1,323 1,400 1,575 1,398 1,260 1,448 1,346 2,545 1,648 3,092 1,278 2,143 2,072 1,696 1,733 1,490 1,280 1,557 2,121 2,092 2,385 2,071 2,157 2,528 1,010 1,063 1,622 2,100 1,076 1,450 2,262 2,841 2,284 2,434 1,299 1,568 1,603 2,208 1,669 1,196 1,206 1,807 1,896 1,788 1,484 1,244 1,272 1,965 1,628 1,318 1,780 1,288 2,268 2,120 1,608 1,452 1,943 1,948 2,355 1,376 1,762 1,755 1,883 1,526 1,032 1,492 1,164 1,290 1,164 1,291 1,474 1,274 1,528 1,838 1,280 2,022 2,912 1,276 1,278 1,232 2,376 1,592 1,651 1,758 1,316 1,266 1,795 2,117 1,240 1,216 2,150 1,890 1,352 1,538 1,656 2,044 1,072 1,786 2,270 2,863 2,771 1,470 1,650 1,770 1,364 2,838 3,131 1,850 2,685 1,909 2,272 1,129 1,279 1,977 1,990 1,696 1,295 1,550 1,568 3,307 1,137 1,863 1,558 1,534 2,404 2,798 2,434 3,096 1,878 2,638 1,843 2,280 1,309 1,380 1,400 2011 1978 1955 1963 2001 2006 1978 1967 1987 1969 1988 1989 1993 1999 1997 1994 2008 1990 2003 1989 1993 2002 1962 1995 1997 2003 1983 1964 2005 1959 1955 1961 1997 1977 1974 1971 1984 1948 1977 1983 1991 1975 2002 1994 1969 2007 2007 1966 1976 2002 2005 2001 1965 1966 1972 1946 1965 1967 2005 1982 1981 2002 2002 2004 1978 1965 1982 1975 2006 2007 1981 1954 2005 1975 1971 1968 1955 1971 2006 1998 1953 1963 1979 1964 1968 1979 1973 1984 1960 2002 1979 1983 1965 1987 1978 1940 1973 1972 1955 1954 1951 1950 1981 1960 1982 1956 1960 1987 1955 1955 1974 1996 1976 1981 1967 1958 1983 1984 2007 1947 1953 1977 2005 1983 1965 1979 1979 1950 1973 2002 1998 1995 1978 1970 1977 1961 1988 1999 1999 1993 1960 2005 1960 1955 1964 1982 1984 1984 1979 1978 2002 1950 1976 1950 1965 1963 2001 1966 2006 1984 1995 1956 1974 1964 1975 1960 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $103,466 8 13 $64.96 $95,059 7 11 $49.81 $109,642 12 5 $58.71 $95,950 15 15 $48.11 $249,129 29 20 $83.49 $228,860 6 4 $81.52 $182,348 9 16 $105.99 $103,000 6 3 $61.07 $246,512 23 35 $100.26 $70,261 6 8 $46.63 $152,933 71 77 $80.53 $178,000 33 31 $76.45 $400,000 48 43 $105.35 $397,545 6 5 $110.83 $169,646 4 3 $89.39 $172,400 15 31 $91.49 $104,750 11 6 $42.70 $134,000 14 7 $60.82 $117,034 5 5 $42.43 $128,350 4 5 $65.57 $110,349 8 5 $63.87 $255,177 4 3 $92.80 $95,767 3 4 $49.11 $197,972 10 12 $75.44 $166,720 4 10 $78.63 $174,121 13 17 $81.31 $158,304 11 10 $84.57 $39,593 4 4 $27.15 $172,300 36 33 $91.57 $64,098 12 11 $51.16 $73,376 9 5 $48.98 $80,306 25 26 $49.13 $69,394 4 4 $47.67 $94,135 3 3 $62.82 $90,696 9 12 $64.55 $77,674 6 5 $66.56 $84,076 7 7 $49.39 $47,645 8 3 $23.48 $184,476 31 49 $74.72 $108,910 27 28 $54.26 $260,000 45 48 $85.43 $94,392 9 13 $64.83 $159,235 9 8 $78.07 $136,111 5 5 $63.81 $111,578 43 49 $65.58 $126,614 4 8 $50.15 $80,450 7 6 $52.35 $60,910 23 16 $39.77 $91,963 15 22 $51.24 $139,177 10 8 $66.57 $144,637 4 7 $62.09 $165,658 7 12 $65.78 $130,273 38 39 $63.71 $125,063 4 9 $75.89 $168,790 33 40 $68.76 $34,200 5 10 $18.10 $44,250 7 9 $37.93 $99,910 17 20 $52.43 $154,126 4 3 $83.73 $88,244 3 4 $80.56 $103,009 16 14 $75.34 $130,260 6 5 $65.04 $224,288 8 4 $78.42 $128,814 10 16 $53.36 $134,783 41 28 $55.84 $62,000 6 8 $36.85 $103,205 16 19 $69.34 $91,794 3 4 $60.72 $159,412 3 3 $68.56 $109,425 3 5 $73.62 $58,288 3 6 $27.63 $63,683 13 14 $40.85 $107,787 10 3 $58.65 $129,758 10 17 $69.89 $116,397 14 24 $69.89 $110,997 5 3 $71.13 $72,244 6 5 $39.49 $61,621 10 8 $46.67 $160,000 3 5 $73.79 $94,710 9 11 $47.06 $84,415 3 5 $62.25 $125,712 4 4 $63.87 $89,790 11 14 $70.08 $153,101 13 17 $59.49 $150,006 8 13 $83.29 $99,275 3 3 $53.15 $63,199 4 4 $58.56 $136,367 15 21 $80.43 $96,366 11 14 $43.45 $136,556 6 3 $73.56 $99,251 19 24 $71.19 $125,255 4 6 $67.80 $112,725 26 26 $57.52 $134,093 45 56 $70.09 $109,360 42 48 $66.35 $24,821 5 3 $17.82 $98,019 29 51 $72.30 $78,036 6 7 $38.60 $74,896 37 33 $46.20 $58,760 6 12 $30.01 $37,186 4 4 $30.38 $73,696 3 6 $30.32 $75,179 3 10 $58.39 $63,094 10 13 $32.30 $125,281 27 29 $66.49 $77,500 6 7 $58.59 $81,804 6 4 $37.81 $196,014 31 26 $73.41 $69,487 11 16 $43.67 $70,000 10 10 $41.64 $55,218 5 5 $34.14 $154,212 7 10 $64.50 $115,825 16 7 $73.16 $119,989 98 100 $74.06 $125,584 6 4 $84.62 $60,821 3 3 $21.43 $82,007 14 13 $58.61 $109,628 15 12 $56.67 $116,202 8 4 $45.59 $50,826 9 4 $38.25 $53,457 32 32 $37.18 $170,453 7 11 $88.03 $89,562 4 4 $53.28 $58,901 7 8 $42.35 $104,463 5 9 $65.33 $102,454 8 9 $66.55 $127,833 27 15 $65.20 $43,250 14 20 $51.98 $102,250 6 3 $40.69 $169,202 8 9 $75.35 $162,482 3 3 $73.24 $198,000 6 7 $75.78 $91,794 16 12 $66.29 $90,769 16 24 $63.25 $107,564 39 26 $54.46 $74,248 25 23 $45.04 $210,143 3 7 $86.36 $208,353 13 29 $89.67 $136,126 25 24 $81.17 $178,750 15 8 $68.06 $93,900 18 29 $50.88 $102,028 19 12 $49.44 $65,387 7 4 $27.32 $67,750 5 5 $37.79 $101,345 5 6 $58.72 $140,000 28 37 $68.67 $88,051 23 30 $48.85 $112,318 3 3 $81.00 $111,826 5 8 $59.42 $110,708 13 13 $63.87 $225,000 8 7 $73.70 $57,425 3 4 $41.50 $134,810 38 54 $70.77 $66,837 3 10 $55.58 $96,905 9 8 $61.18 $139,311 6 8 $52.48 $201,593 9 17 $80.38 $180,160 31 37 $72.58 $182,709 16 5 $52.85 $112,365 128 181 $60.19 $200,165 41 52 $77.32 $88,955 3 4 $62.00 $148,900 24 48 $68.94 $92,442 5 3 $77.51 $67,666 4 7 $46.43 $83,809 6 14 $66.73 Median Pct. Pct. price chg. chg.sq.ft. 2012- 20092013 2013 2013 $76.92 18% NA $59.77 20% -2% $69.47 18% 15% $51.95 8% -9% $85.59 3% -6% $87.66 8% 11% $84.08 -21% NA $72.50 19% 177% $99.31 -1% 4% $51.18 10% 34% $82.25 2% 0% $81.87 7% 7% $124.77 18% 2% $109.96 -1% 159% $90.34 1% NA $85.63 -6% -2% $76.63 79% 23% $68.12 12% 4% $67.19 58% 41% $60.89 -7% -26% $78.21 22% 26% $87.93 -5% 9% $76.33 55% 15% $90.92 21% 8% $85.51 9% 0% $77.77 -4% 13% $83.84 -1% 3% $65.73 142% 32% $103.89 13% 0% $53.72 5% -11% $60.16 23% -1% $59.20 20% -16% $42.52 -11% NA $78.34 25% 28% $52.67 -18% -10% $67.62 2% 13% $54.36 10% -16% $33.18 41% -9% $77.27 3% -3% $67.74 25% -7% $88.85 4% 0% $62.14 -4% -27% $85.35 9% 0% $62.16 -3% NA $74.25 13% -7% $50.72 1% -40% $51.21 -2% -18% $53.62 35% -1% $59.26 16% -2% $75.73 14% 19% $73.61 19% -5% $78.68 20% 3% $63.09 -1% -3% $69.97 -8% 5% $70.78 3% -3% $18.68 3% -14% $48.83 29% 16% $59.73 14% -11% $81.86 -2% -4% $77.71 -4% -4% $78.42 4% -11% $60.52 -7% -17% $78.26 0% -10% $64.05 20% -14% $57.16 2% 1% $27.64 -25% -45% $69.21 0% -8% $59.63 -2% -10% $90.18 32% 36% $63.34 -14% -14% $58.28 111% 8% $51.82 27% -18% $69.05 18% 0% $70.49 1% 12% $66.26 -5% 4% $83.86 18% NA $61.87 57% 28% $56.24 20% -9% $85.19 15% NA $65.41 39% -5% $50.90 -18% -4% $63.03 -1% NA $71.74 2% 17% $70.63 19% 1% $81.91 -2% 7% $116.99 120% 40% $42.45 -28% NA $82.98 3% 4% $52.20 20% 1% $71.56 -3% 10% $72.40 2% -4% $71.28 5% 15% $69.81 21% 16% $75.56 8% -1% $70.51 6% -7% $13.44 -25% -72% $73.25 1% -6% $66.29 72% NA $55.51 20% 6% $59.02 97% 17% $32.78 8% 22% $48.43 60% -9% $58.35 0% -15% $32.26 0% -36% $70.25 6% -3% $62.04 6% -20% $39.17 4% -22% $73.62 0% 3% $45.22 4% -16% $53.27 28% 4% $60.85 78% 36% $72.50 12% -11% $62.48 -15% -22% $79.36 7% 2% $83.04 -2% -13% $72.54 238% 102% $70.26 20% -7% $61.76 9% -3% $49.58 9% -19% $43.43 14% 44% $50.48 36% -9% $82.25 -7% NA $60.46 13% NA $43.64 3% 7% $63.09 -3% -13% $61.21 -8% -14% $84.95 30% 26% $33.01 -37% -13% $63.53 56% 4% $74.97 -1% -12% $59.68 -19% 6% $87.03 15% 22% $64.41 -3% -9% $65.26 3% -2% $60.14 10% -6% $59.74 33% -30% $80.29 -7% -5% $83.76 -7% 7% $81.52 0% -5% $72.51 7% -6% $57.59 13% 2% $49.44 0% -7% $42.43 55% -21% $63.53 68% 46% $62.29 6% 28% $71.62 4% 0% $60.96 25% -1% $81.27 0% -4% $75.57 27% NA $59.25 -7% 1% $69.90 -5% -1% $50.13 21% 17% $77.76 10% -5% $44.20 -20% -7% $58.99 -4% 65% $59.06 13% -7% $80.32 0% -1% $78.38 8% 1% $50.66 -4% -13% $65.36 9% 0% $86.59 12% 6% $43.83 -29% -2% $74.27 8% 6% $57.73 -26% -32% $71.83 55% 82% $81.53 22% 37% Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Palm Terrace 205 Park at Fuqua 88 Park Meadows - Deer Park 673 Park Place - Deer Park 338 Park Ridge Estates 222 Park View Manor 739 Parkgate 634 Parkgate North 156 Parkland Village 355 Parkview Estates 344 Parkview South 472 Parkview West 115 Parkwood 462 Parkwood Place 96 Pasadena Gardens 692 Pasadena Oaks 373 Pecan Crossing 236 Pine Brook 985 Pine Trails 1,827 Piney Point 103 Pipers Meadow 931 Plantation at Woodforest 322 Pleasant View 315 Pleasantville 730 Plumwood 311 Preston Place 289 Preston Trails 106 Pruett Estates 117 Quail Hollow 412 Queens Court Sec 3 Par R/P 69 Queens Oaks 163 Rancho Verde 144 Red Bluff Terrace 1,632 Red Cedar 121 Regency Park 323 Ridge Way 186 Rivergrove Garden Home 109 Riverstone Ranch 849 Riviera East 661 Roseland Oaks 109 Royalwood 274 Runningbrook 157 Sageglen 1,102 Sagemeadow 1,159 Sagemont 1,770 Sagemont Park 323 San Jacinto Homes 77 Scarsdale 1,068 Seabrook Island 363 Seafarer 136 Searidge 92 Seascape 202 Shadowglen 587 Shady Hill Villa 68 Shady River 174 Shaver Place 308 Sheldon Woods 386 Shell City 155 Shoreacres 522 Singleton J W 254 Skylark Terrace 191 Smith 392 Songwood 665 Sonoma Ranch 809 South Houston 2,445 South Pasadena Plaza 598 South Pasadena Villas 507 Southdown Trace 146 Southmore Plaza 474 Southway 260 Spanish Cove 198 Spencer Highway Gardens 228 Spencer Landing 212 Springfield Estates 464 Stadium Estates 404 Sterling Forest 455 Sterling Green 2,210 Sterling Green South 1,625 Sterling Knoll 337 Strawberry Glen 148 Strawberry Hills 442 Summer Winds 143 Sun Valley 854 Sunset Terrace (Pasadena) 394 Sycamore Valley 421 Tanglebriar 568 Tarrytown 292 Taylorcrest 215 Terra Bella 27 Tierra Glen 388 Timber Cove 233 Toby Thos 286 Turtle Creek 139 Twin Villas at Red Bluff 121 Universal City 488 University Green 868 University Park Patio Homes 167 Villa D’Este 60 Villa Verde 369 Village Grove 914 Village Grove East 455 Village of College Place 106 Vince Heights 477 Vista Villas 326 Wedgewood Village 1,053 West Meadows 185 Westover (Pasadena) 366 Westside Manor 325 Whispering Pines 270 Whitney Estates Patio Homes 48 Wildwood Village 50 Wilshire Park (Pasadena) 207 Wimberly 122 Wincrest 170 Wood Bayou 620 Wood Meadows 661 Woodforest 2,894 Woodforest North 1,149 Woodland 452 Woodland Acres Annex 1,019 Woodlawn 135 Wright J W 209 Wynfield Estates 121 1,443 1,787 1,685 2,462 2,059 1,544 1,765 1,821 1,088 2,097 1,575 1,598 1,323 3,018 853 1,571 1,899 3,458 1,605 3,122 1,562 3,149 1,250 1,196 1,566 2,104 2,224 1,718 1,476 1,755 1,705 2,390 1,163 1,292 1,771 1,504 2,109 2,139 1,625 2,714 1,402 2,554 2,264 2,020 1,821 1,955 1,210 1,257 3,513 1,343 2,312 1,785 1,207 1,650 2,509 1,263 1,245 1,208 1,905 1,450 1,650 1,511 1,384 1,974 1,260 1,396 1,404 1,945 1,286 1,468 2,133 1,504 2,147 2,045 1,296 1,320 1,535 1,560 1,691 2,240 1,281 2,620 1,448 1,278 1,598 1,287 1,265 2,663 2,377 1,740 2,486 1,708 2,546 1,638 1,136 1,560 1,998 3,786 2,759 2,308 2,775 1,575 1,442 2,588 1,704 1,968 1,088 1,662 2,380 1,952 1,568 1,761 2,155 2,260 1,413 1,569 1,764 1,815 1,053 1,188 1,530 1,238 2,638 1966 2004 1978 2002 2002 1962 1976 1978 1971 1967 1979 1978 1958 1997 1944 1953 1999 1996 1978 2004 1982 2000 1956 1955 1961 2003 1997 1952 1979 1971 1957 2005 1953 2002 1983 1964 1991 2003 1979 1961 1968 1990 1978 1975 1967 1973 1948 1973 2003 1982 2006 1970 1963 1978 1973 1953 1963 1949 1968 1959 1956 1957 1960 2004 1961 1963 1953 2007 1954 2005 1994 1957 2000 2004 1954 1970 1980 1995 1979 2005 1955 1999 1959 1950 1980 1957 1957 1985 2009 2002 1963 1980 2002 2006 1950 1982 1998 2002 2003 1989 2001 2005 1953 1976 1974 2010 1950 1982 1979 2003 1999 1959 2005 2004 1976 1978 1972 1986 1947 1951 1950 1948 1994 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $95,497 7 7 $72.31 $104,600 3 4 $63.12 $116,867 17 29 $67.25 $190,227 11 13 $91.05 $154,534 6 5 $80.47 $90,000 32 28 $45.11 $114,433 14 21 $74.60 $126,920 4 4 $71.12 $82,556 9 11 $61.73 $124,102 9 15 $62.21 $110,371 8 15 $62.32 $112,172 4 5 $81.94 $78,903 12 9 $68.22 $184,553 3 6 $76.06 $50,962 5 9 $25.72 $87,901 7 5 $44.07 $138,000 12 12 $76.64 $319,833 47 50 $94.86 $58,861 25 30 $32.90 $215,000 7 4 $75.56 $107,434 28 48 $74.94 $165,000 7 8 $53.31 $45,659 7 6 $43.39 $43,254 6 12 $41.45 $73,181 8 14 $43.10 $109,170 12 14 $71.01 $161,700 3 8 $71.88 $61,365 5 5 $41.35 $76,842 10 14 $32.62 $130,358 3 3 $73.74 $94,156 5 3 $43.24 $111,322 5 10 $42.42 $49,354 21 23 $40.61 $90,600 6 3 $73.53 $125,846 9 12 $78.56 $93,162 5 8 $46.19 $111,196 6 3 $58.61 $149,513 27 29 $72.49 $82,041 12 15 $47.17 $156,853 8 6 $51.92 $71,373 11 6 $39.73 $170,481 5 7 $70.48 $130,790 23 34 $53.90 $123,385 26 50 $62.21 $103,921 77 78 $45.34 $101,495 10 15 $41.64 $59,967 6 3 $34.72 $70,539 18 21 $49.16 $251,255 22 27 $78.91 $98,168 12 13 $78.18 $180,835 23 15 $85.62 $115,941 10 9 $57.72 $57,508 6 11 $42.23 $73,086 5 5 $38.46 $139,980 7 12 $58.05 $63,439 3 7 $48.12 $36,534 4 6 $38.71 $64,343 3 4 $40.62 $121,137 15 14 $65.87 $84,573 4 4 $69.55 $93,022 9 6 $59.28 $81,829 9 5 $64.59 $82,375 7 11 $63.00 $98,449 29 34 $54.05 $70,437 31 32 $50.93 $81,022 10 16 $42.67 $63,662 14 18 $37.38 $104,950 5 14 $58.69 $57,864 11 8 $22.19 $90,522 21 8 $52.27 $201,760 5 9 $91.63 $88,860 3 5 $42.33 $144,476 3 14 $58.33 $102,626 34 28 $54.58 $73,190 9 4 $46.33 $56,894 5 5 $44.36 $72,046 46 54 $36.58 $71,707 33 35 $40.53 $114,419 17 12 $63.32 $161,353 3 5 $70.74 $66,000 15 9 $49.73 $177,863 7 4 $68.51 $88,925 19 18 $59.85 $52,426 4 4 $44.78 $108,996 13 17 $66.09 $68,075 14 23 $52.10 $62,646 6 12 $37.87 $174,252 8 14 $69.36 $221,084 3 4 $78.30 $92,125 13 7 $55.09 $155,168 6 11 $66.15 $105,326 3 3 $65.31 $201,724 4 3 $81.97 $97,200 3 9 $52.91 $49,885 4 5 $50.34 $123,650 43 61 $85.39 $188,456 5 9 $90.60 $291,942 3 3 $87.01 $186,956 14 23 $67.63 $154,043 23 36 $69.32 $189,000 20 18 $71.20 $99,626 6 3 $63.81 $72,967 11 11 $36.45 $155,564 19 11 $63.90 $107,447 36 39 $66.33 $134,200 3 7 $41.89 $53,652 6 7 $34.45 $120,000 14 11 $82.22 $133,008 9 14 $60.70 $206,000 4 4 $105.59 $129,879 4 4 $61.54 $93,731 6 6 $39.70 $158,497 6 6 $73.26 $157,329 5 10 $76.34 $81,354 5 8 $37.81 $99,046 19 26 $46.44 $90,042 81 82 $53.09 $90,836 37 36 $51.49 $50,577 4 7 $34.35 $49,606 14 12 $43.35 $64,755 3 3 $49.79 $57,128 5 3 $35.42 $173,895 3 3 $75.68 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $76.69 $50.23 $73.41 $86.64 $75.83 $55.79 $73.99 $74.40 $73.10 $58.37 $75.79 $78.86 $38.82 $76.28 $69.69 $38.55 $78.73 $100.67 $39.25 $80.33 $79.20 $61.52 $28.73 $25.52 $48.84 $72.25 $83.06 $34.19 $39.49 $63.56 $51.52 $55.99 $37.96 $65.05 $78.34 $58.17 $48.73 $74.02 $55.30 $55.80 $48.95 $73.83 $58.19 $63.25 $58.49 $51.29 $48.31 $59.56 $83.36 $82.65 $89.24 $69.44 $41.05 $17.53 $70.69 $48.70 $26.91 $46.69 $80.69 $76.08 $67.26 $62.64 $56.37 $55.82 $52.93 $58.79 $40.41 $72.72 $38.70 $67.72 $113.39 $59.88 $79.39 $59.69 $40.55 $58.92 $52.90 $46.22 $64.38 $78.31 $49.30 $75.26 $52.33 $40.74 $66.37 $61.28 $43.93 $75.73 $89.18 $65.30 $74.29 $143.88 $94.38 $59.52 $31.91 $78.87 $98.41 $94.00 $67.13 $72.24 $75.01 $80.30 $45.60 $65.37 $73.80 $64.54 $43.01 $79.13 $59.85 $96.32 $89.51 $59.22 $84.41 $82.85 $52.75 $63.71 $59.20 $56.32 $36.76 $40.64 $39.93 $34.78 $83.48 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 6% 6% -20% -16% 9% -2% -5% -5% -6% -10% 24% -22% -1% 2% 5% 5% 18% -8% -6% -8% 22% 15% -4% 5% -43% -43% 0% NA 171% 117% -13% -31% 3% -2% 6% -7% 19% -17% 6% 18% 6% -3% 15% 1% -34% 10% -38% 35% 13% -13% 2% -64% 16% 22% -17% -15% 21% -35% -14% NA 19% -7% 32% -14% -7% -10% -12% -23% 0% -7% 26% -22% -17% -19% 2% 2% 17% 12% 7% -12% 23% 5% 5% -2% 8% 3% 2% 9% 29% 7% 23% -14% 39% NA 21% -11% 6% -4% 6% NA 4% 3% 20% 60% -3% 11% -54% -64% 22% -4% 1% 17% -30% -21% 15% -25% 22% 144% 9% NA 13% 6% -3% NA -11% -20% 3% -15% 4% 7% 38% -8% 8% -2% 24% 6% 74% -2% 30% -7% 24% 26% 41% -12% 36% 15% 9% 12% -12% -31% 33% 20% 45% -3% 14% 2% 2% -17% 11% 3% -1% -15% 10% -3% -13% -10% -9% 35% 0% -5% 18% 8% 16% -46% 9% -3% 14% NA 19% -2% 12% 16% 120% NA 15% NA 12% NA -37% -31% -8% -17% 9% 7% 8% 39% -1% -2% 4% -8% 5% -3% 26% NA 25% -17% 2% 6% 11% 5% 54% NA 25% 66% -4% -5% -1% -11% -9% -5% 45% NA 49% -8% 15% 18% 9% 9% 40% 3% 37% -7% 12% 6% 9% 25% 7% -14% -6% -17% -20% 3% -2% -30% 10% 12% Harris County Northwest Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Aberdeen Green 607 Aberdeen Trails 389 Albury Manor UR Ab 70 E Smith 69 Albury Trails Estates 39 Amhurst 211 Anderson Woods 205 Ashcreek 328 Ashford Place 175 Ashley Grove 88 Atascocita Forest 1,591 Atascocita Trace 233 Audubon Park 822 Augusta Pines 300 Bainbridge Estates 61 Bammel Forest 280 Barker Lake 297 Barkers Branch 405 Barkers Ridge 761 Barwood 506 Bear Creek Village 2,039 Bella Sera 170 Birnam Wood 1,500 Blackhorse Ranch 167 Blackhorse Ranch South 494 Blackstone Creek 46 Boardwalk 103 Bonaire 1,173 Boudreaux Est. U/R Abst 722 144 Bradbury Forest 278 Breckenridge Forest 512 Briarchase 171 Briarcreek-Aldine 423 Bridgeland 516 Bridgestone 1,605 Bridgestone Lakes 161 Bridgestone Ranch 70 Bridgestone West 497 Brookside Court 92 Brown 192 Camden Park 1,165 Candlelight Forest West 151 Candlelight Hills 472 Candlelight Park Estates 106 Canterbury Forest 176 Canyon Gate at Northpointe 1,088 Canyon Gate at Park Lakes 187 Canyon Lakes at Stonegate 2,003 Canyon Lakes Village 500 Canyon Lakes West 134 Canyon Village at Cypress Spr 758 Canyon Village at Park Lakes 446 Capistrano Villas N (TH) 132 Carverdale 548 Cashel Forest 125 Champion Forest 1,692 Champion Springs 333 Champion Woods at Colony Ck 142 Champions Centre Estates 99 Champions Colony 134 Champions Creek 252 Champions Crossing 182 Champions East U/R 208 2,236 2,704 3,243 3,120 1,545 2,542 1,742 1,602 1,974 1,884 1,630 1,526 3,547 4,351 2,325 2,863 2,628 2,560 1,990 1,881 1,910 1,511 4,224 2,957 1,732 2,743 1,554 2,258 2,644 2,169 2,739 1,435 3,338 1,622 2,897 1,734 1,586 2,616 1,640 1,520 2,485 2,787 2,022 2,197 2,534 2,924 2,427 2,163 2,163 2,120 2,196 1,104 1,075 2,122 3,266 2,461 2,120 3,739 2,021 1,996 1,875 2,705 2000 1998 1989 2008 1994 1999 1986 2006 1992 1993 2006 1978 2005 2000 1970 2005 2006 1992 1977 1977 2006 1979 2001 2005 2007 1991 1978 1990 2005 2005 2001 1981 2009 1982 2005 2000 1990 2000 1978 1982 1971 1977 2001 1978 2001 2006 2005 2002 2006 2006 2005 1973 1960 1984 1983 1998 1990 1996 1978 1993 2006 1972 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $131,454 24 34 $60.07 $174,762 13 26 $68.62 $270,337 4 6 $78.65 $233,936 12 19 $80.68 $90,834 10 16 $51.62 $166,366 15 11 $65.10 $88,970 10 5 $34.21 $90,819 11 7 $51.17 $123,800 3 3 $31.37 $102,703 69 95 $48.61 $77,021 15 11 $35.19 $55,487 17 19 $34.38 $282,173 29 31 $94.06 $380,000 3 6 $85.08 $130,000 13 17 $55.47 $170,943 15 14 $56.28 $105,654 16 12 $44.50 $150,420 26 51 $62.25 $101,613 12 15 $58.49 $105,944 71 104 $54.95 $100,770 13 10 $58.12 $53,839 65 54 $40.70 $352,496 6 15 $83.09 $215,000 33 33 $79.62 $85,102 9 5 $58.89 $151,069 3 3 $60.98 $86,370 37 41 $55.01 $183,000 8 5 $100.76 $151,451 24 17 $63.58 $114,021 28 30 $55.18 $138,834 7 8 $38.68 $55,816 3 8 $34.06 $283,000 35 42 $89.46 $86,836 63 94 $51.14 $165,776 8 13 $65.02 $121,426 5 3 $51.86 $106,307 24 31 $66.58 $152,000 5 4 $56.87 $134,343 3 5 $70.98 $66,677 25 27 $43.52 $103,707 10 7 $42.46 $144,495 18 31 $58.60 $126,673 8 3 $73.66 $123,919 4 8 $61.72 $159,072 72 63 $65.78 $172,347 17 16 $57.98 $147,000 90 145 $63.99 $115,470 25 22 $57.26 $118,123 11 15 $63.77 $103,495 48 31 $46.56 $111,151 26 25 $53.84 $55,126 9 6 $43.48 $51,554 7 6 $55.49 $116,468 5 6 $49.37 $229,747 106 92 $76.97 $164,947 19 24 $67.99 $133,185 8 6 $50.28 $310,912 7 8 $88.86 $125,105 6 14 $62.99 $152,989 12 26 $80.31 $131,000 6 4 $59.82 $154,676 10 21 $65.74 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $70.72 $72.32 $115.10 $88.06 $63.86 $73.88 $49.96 $63.94 $62.20 $57.95 $44.18 $44.89 $100.35 $95.34 $61.99 $69.37 $54.54 $67.66 $67.64 $61.70 $80.87 $47.40 $101.86 $86.58 $63.67 $64.56 $54.73 $107.06 $62.93 $64.11 $54.07 $45.66 $101.08 $63.10 $67.31 $78.03 $77.32 $70.50 $95.08 $47.13 $51.62 $61.51 $78.05 $69.47 $70.55 $68.41 $69.57 $72.62 $70.35 $54.34 $65.02 $49.82 $62.83 $53.17 $80.13 $69.82 $62.92 $91.79 $74.09 $76.66 $55.54 $62.79 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 18% 13% 5% 10% 46% 27% 9% 4% 24% 1% 13% 11% 46% 4% 25% -5% 98% 162% 19% 1% 26% -1% 31% 24% 7% 5% 12% 8% 12% 12% 23% 8% 23% 13% 9% 14% 16% 35% 12% 3% 39% 11% 16% 17% 23% 14% 9% 6% 8% -3% 6% 3% -1% -3% 6% 32% -1% -3% 16% -4% 40% 23% 34% 2% 13% NA 23% 2% 4% 0% 50% 14% 16% 7% 24% 8% 34% NA 8% 6% 22% 15% 5% 18% 6% 5% 13% 7% 7% 5% 18% -8% 9% 3% 27% 27% 10% 4% 17% 4% 21% -2% 15% NA 13% 59% 8% -6% 4% 7% 3% -6% 25% -29% 3% 8% 18% 19% -5% 0% -7% -29% -4% -6% Northwest region continues on D14 D14 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Fairfield Northwest region from page D13 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Champions Glen U/R 94 Champions Park 408 Champions Park North/Dunn 126 Champions Place 203 Champions Point Village 433 Champions Racquet Club 172 Champions South 175 Champions West 201 Charterwood 919 Chimney Hill 1,226 Coles Crossing 2,578 Colony Creek Village 946 Concord Bridge 1,402 Concord Bridge North 246 Copper Creek 328 Copper Grove 550 Copper Lakes 1,196 Copper Village 633 Copperbrook 288 Copperfield Middlegate Vlg 791 Copperfield Northmead Vlg 956 Copperfield Place Village 263 Copperfield Southcreek Vlg 1,377 Copperfield Southdown Vlg 617 Copperfield Southpoint 196 Copperfield Westcreek Vlg 941 Country Club Greens 97 Country Lake Estates 413 Country Meadows 119 Courtyard Homes 371 Coventry 351 Covington Bridge 208 Cranbrook 658 Creekside Park 66 Creekside Place 190 Creekstone Village 62 Crossbend Village 126 Crossroads Park 317 Cutten Green 628 Cypress Chase 106 Cypress Creek Lakes 658 Cypress Creek Ranch 88 Cypress Falls Estates 44 Cypress Forest 184 Cypress Forest Lakes 43 Cypress Glen 60 Cypress Landing 86 Cypress Landing Park 28 Cypress Mill 405 Cypress Mill Estates 349 Cypress Mill Park 752 Cypress Point 987 Cypress Point Lake Estates 355 Cypress Ridge 481 Cypress Springs 746 Cypress Terrace 200 Cypress Trace 40 Cypress Trails of Timberlane 504 Cypress Villas 110 Cypressdale 776 Cypresswood 1,708 Cypresswood Glen 272 Cypresswood Glen Estates 129 Cypresswood Green 250 Cypresswood Lake 587 Cypresswood Place 47 Devonshire Woods 417 Dove Meadows 757 Eagle Landing 374 Eastex Oaks Village 375 Easton Commons 250 Edinburgh Estates 83 Eldridge Meadow 223 Eldridge Park 460 Ella Crossing 138 Enchanted Oaks 777 Enchanted Valley 388 Enclave By Texas Casador 85 Estates at Champions Park N 60 Estates at Creeks End 98 Estates at Windrush 70 Estates of Holly Lake 203 Fairfax 607 Fairfield Chappell Ridge 296 Fairfield Garden Grove 404 Fairfield Inwood Park 795 Fairfield Village North 172 Fairfield Village South 525 Fairfield Village West 1,173 Fairway West 107 Fairwood 764 Fall Creek 1,179 Fallbrook Greens 107 Falls at Champion Forest 128 Ferndale Estates 138 Forest Creek Farms 227 Forest Lakes 93 Forest North 667 Forest Ridge 124 Fountainhead 523 Fox Hollow 123 Foxhollow South 119 Foxhollow West 207 Gettysburg 225 Gleannloch Farms 2,325 Glen Lee Place 274 Glenloch 452 Glenn Haven Estates 179 Gosling Pines 206 Grant Meadows 48 Grants Trace 163 Green Oak Park 376 Greenfield Village 559 Greengate Place 1,294 Greenwood Forest 1,595 Hambledon 324 Hampton Oaks Abst 554 113 Hannover Estates 138 Hannover Forest 186 Hannover Springs 160 Hannover Village 395 Harvest Bend 971 Harvest Bend The Meadow 297 Harvest Bend The Village 1,064 Hastings Green 333 Hearthstone 1,007 Hearthstone Green 291 Heather Ridge Village 266 Heatherwood Village 548 Heritage Village 829 Heron Nest 203 Highland Glen 192 Highland Timbers 183 Hunterwood (Tomball) 67 Hunterwood Forest 581 Huntwick Forest 829 Imperial Garden 93 Imperial Green 204 Imperial Ridge 345 Imperial Trace 393 Inverness Estates 200 Inverness Forest 469 Jersey Village 632 Jersey Village Cc Estates 991 Klein Meadows 127 Kleinbrook 768 Kleinwood 443 Lakes at Avalon Village 132 Lakes at Northpointe 186 Lakes of Cypress Forest 85 Lakes of Fairfield 143 Lakes of Fairhaven 188 Lakes of Jersey Village 181 Lakes of Rosehill 400 Lakes on Eldridge 742 Lakes on Eldridge North 1,027 Lakeside Estates 272 Lakewood Crossing 239 Lakewood Forest 2,423 Lakewood Forest North 87 Lakewood Forest Patio Homes 179 Lakewood Glen 378 Lakewood Glen Trails 161 Lakewood Grove 854 Lakewood Oaks Estates 256 Lakewood Park 194 Lakewood Place 149 Lakewood Trails 94 Lakewood Village 124 Lancaster 573 2,346 3,225 3,840 2,398 1,998 3,323 3,351 2,340 1,620 1,360 3,098 1,904 1,703 2,577 1,765 2,807 3,038 2,652 2,201 2,220 1,686 2,597 2,272 2,835 1,942 2,480 3,479 2,907 2,119 1,281 2,290 2,009 1,972 2,905 2,319 1,856 2,161 2,383 2,308 2,862 3,521 3,654 3,212 2,322 3,566 1,847 2,313 2,152 2,108 2,477 2,097 1,989 3,134 2,170 2,079 1,705 1,986 1,072 2,284 1,825 2,473 3,034 3,064 2,432 2,216 2,228 2,360 1,716 1,960 1,390 2,514 3,301 1,828 2,578 1,744 2,394 2,225 2,258 4,154 3,566 4,479 2,662 1,474 3,152 2,568 2,049 3,683 2,605 2,400 2,205 1,925 3,242 2,005 4,683 2,284 1,687 1,768 1,552 1,880 2,295 2,075 1,757 1,258 2,810 3,119 1,119 1,789 3,766 2,112 2,617 2,100 2,280 1,835 1,546 2,720 2,286 2,621 2,297 2,307 1,885 2,152 1,810 1,821 1,513 1,618 2,524 2,684 1,524 1,917 1,961 2,536 1,764 2,679 3,388 2,609 3,097 2,152 2,012 1,892 1,621 2,883 2,426 2,245 2,437 2,269 1,928 2,189 2,876 2,406 3,654 3,632 3,960 2,668 3,958 3,303 3,592 2,473 2,955 2,894 3,094 2,588 3,089 2,800 2,962 4,155 2,469 1,646 3,400 1,949 1,305 1985 1982 1993 1985 1998 1990 1972 1970 1980 1980 2002 1986 1985 1999 1995 1999 2001 2000 1998 1983 1983 1998 1988 1988 1989 1992 2004 2005 2000 1983 1999 2001 1991 2008 2004 2002 2007 1994 1980 2006 2006 2002 2003 1973 2007 1995 2009 2011 1996 2000 2002 1996 2003 2005 2005 2006 2005 1983 1980 1976 1979 1996 2001 2003 2003 1994 1994 1983 2006 1962 1988 2004 1999 1995 2006 1972 1973 2003 2000 2005 1997 1985 1976 1992 1992 1994 2007 2006 2003 1977 1991 2004 1996 2005 2005 2006 1976 1979 2006 1976 1977 2005 1983 1986 2003 1960 1973 2004 2006 2006 2007 2003 1982 1978 1972 1993 1996 1998 2000 2006 2004 1981 1986 1989 1981 1983 1983 1984 1979 1998 2003 2005 2002 1993 1982 1976 2005 2006 2004 2006 2006 1969 1974 1978 2006 1985 1977 2007 2006 2006 1999 2005 2005 2001 1997 2003 1971 1998 1980 1999 1992 1988 1997 2000 1997 1990 2007 2001 1984 1983 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $179,000 7 7 $80.80 $185,701 19 26 $69.05 $293,754 6 8 $87.98 $165,593 6 15 $68.75 $107,539 15 18 $54.00 $250,000 14 14 $75.55 $320,841 4 9 $127.28 $156,354 15 13 $62.83 $85,364 48 45 $62.65 $82,075 24 31 $49.28 $250,000 138 212 $85.06 $106,140 47 57 $61.56 $109,588 30 48 $57.63 $149,982 5 9 $55.32 $82,781 6 9 $45.66 $164,979 18 31 $63.22 $207,956 70 62 $72.76 $177,700 27 32 $70.49 $135,000 15 14 $64.03 $128,131 36 35 $55.76 $108,185 49 64 $62.85 $150,960 12 11 $67.24 $142,081 76 97 $64.71 $179,448 20 24 $67.69 $130,388 13 8 $68.59 $155,000 46 45 $67.58 $177,493 3 4 $65.84 $199,035 26 33 $71.37 $150,162 8 12 $67.01 $75,910 13 14 $62.98 $142,749 14 43 $66.61 $116,371 13 11 $60.46 $76,928 16 17 $44.79 $268,235 6 6 $99.50 $121,453 11 5 $56.69 $123,270 3 4 $73.92 $130,273 3 4 $66.82 $164,993 8 19 $69.00 $120,823 22 30 $48.62 $149,181 5 9 $37.81 $255,908 53 42 $78.87 $322,091 6 4 $96.44 $216,000 4 3 $71.43 $154,563 3 6 $60.05 $275,969 8 10 $95.55 $115,797 4 4 $65.50 $156,229 6 3 $64.00 $149,172 6 6 $71.65 $126,366 20 28 $62.72 $164,481 10 18 $78.84 $124,232 41 44 $66.76 $120,314 40 50 $57.62 $158,235 10 20 $59.40 $108,054 30 34 $47.61 $80,733 38 34 $38.25 $67,291 15 11 $45.32 $152,910 4 4 $90.26 $44,917 20 24 $38.99 $70,000 4 6 $35.80 $81,547 27 35 $50.84 $134,606 79 75 $57.58 $194,593 8 16 $66.88 $196,233 11 9 $69.27 $112,635 6 18 $51.71 $129,841 28 41 $57.74 $143,000 3 3 $65.08 $144,832 17 15 $65.65 $81,277 24 33 $60.94 $97,057 24 18 $45.43 $66,692 7 11 $33.15 $144,931 9 15 $61.00 $188,874 3 4 $57.91 $99,603 8 5 $52.13 $168,987 17 33 $72.27 $80,000 16 4 $41.71 $119,460 28 30 $52.43 $126,385 11 16 $53.89 $141,393 8 8 $66.67 $457,000 5 4 $110.38 $208,891 3 4 $60.91 $416,255 5 7 $94.28 $257,400 4 7 $129.16 $46,655 32 18 $30.99 $197,280 21 11 $64.72 $172,027 19 15 $70.51 $134,118 41 58 $66.63 $291,724 6 15 $82.31 $176,139 36 49 $69.94 $152,378 81 90 $73.02 $150,839 4 9 $50.41 $119,998 26 62 $63.16 $233,396 95 104 $77.29 $115,770 5 3 $59.94 $591,375 8 6 $135.87 $99,480 7 5 $54.97 $91,162 12 12 $60.82 $134,000 8 3 $70.75 $81,378 22 32 $52.24 $96,682 10 16 $55.30 $100,066 19 26 $39.95 $104,812 9 4 $49.46 $79,868 4 6 $50.18 $58,050 14 14 $46.09 $150,028 10 14 $64.41 $250,999 164 174 $81.40 $45,469 3 6 $23.84 $91,459 20 21 $50.18 $256,804 11 10 $74.70 $124,927 8 19 $64.77 $125,551 14 8 $68.24 $120,417 9 6 $50.21 $83,049 13 10 $30.98 $62,047 16 19 $29.01 $70,354 44 72 $38.78 $135,000 62 69 $51.57 $93,272 11 6 $50.52 $256,300 3 4 $90.38 $138,800 6 6 $65.01 $141,627 10 12 $68.72 $107,729 15 4 $61.03 $133,609 23 18 $67.90 $97,353 24 51 $53.10 $103,797 10 12 $57.77 $90,233 28 43 $63.09 $95,890 8 17 $56.44 $152,943 50 61 $66.94 $188,581 14 17 $73.08 $73,163 7 6 $50.33 $118,000 26 25 $64.37 $78,000 31 22 $38.09 $146,867 5 8 $61.69 $94,982 7 8 $47.34 $197,262 11 13 $73.97 $315,084 3 3 $91.60 $163,000 21 48 $65.32 $200,987 55 41 $68.41 $99,475 10 3 $42.55 $85,938 12 10 $40.87 $71,298 9 12 $43.53 $77,292 20 14 $40.49 $180,000 12 16 $70.85 $120,978 20 21 $47.98 $156,672 25 19 $71.89 $170,215 24 45 $83.17 $97,252 7 5 $46.58 $86,174 23 24 $40.36 $118,676 22 19 $58.02 $181,529 14 12 $70.75 $166,402 22 15 $65.54 $352,478 8 11 $100.83 $265,200 6 13 $76.59 $412,690 12 11 $102.26 $229,500 6 17 $104.76 $368,477 30 14 $101.82 $315,000 49 36 $112.51 $384,850 75 65 $124.34 $215,029 15 23 $102.12 $204,463 7 17 $82.35 $171,600 97 144 $62.63 $173,937 6 8 $61.42 $174,500 6 7 $84.40 $220,934 23 22 $71.72 $190,489 6 3 $83.00 $205,000 39 58 $73.61 $363,646 16 22 $92.04 $149,198 11 9 $61.96 $112,440 4 21 $50.29 $199,469 8 3 $64.17 $114,438 7 5 $62.34 $65,635 21 28 $41.77 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $82.16 $72.59 $74.30 $73.42 $65.01 $81.48 $93.82 $75.36 $67.26 $58.04 $91.99 $67.93 $69.30 $60.04 $50.48 $67.15 $81.63 $74.04 $72.36 $66.11 $69.41 $68.12 $70.32 $70.86 $75.37 $72.31 $73.70 $75.92 $76.36 $69.28 $73.61 $69.08 $48.40 $114.03 $68.40 $73.16 $63.70 $75.94 $59.04 $79.26 $89.69 $107.14 $69.90 $75.65 $98.79 $69.60 $68.33 $79.71 $71.39 $77.57 $76.00 $64.42 $55.83 $63.14 $59.90 $55.74 $56.59 $54.31 $39.42 $50.20 $61.93 $75.84 $74.06 $64.51 $62.39 $69.57 $70.58 $66.45 $46.13 $56.05 $60.89 $75.00 $65.86 $74.33 $48.51 $59.03 $64.03 $74.43 $113.75 $71.57 $88.20 $106.23 $44.64 $74.38 $74.69 $76.50 $96.18 $79.40 $80.04 $84.97 $62.68 $83.56 $52.61 $130.37 $57.75 $69.87 $75.80 $60.29 $67.07 $51.93 $65.87 $63.57 $62.49 $67.16 $86.56 $62.32 $59.76 $80.69 $70.81 $71.48 $61.53 $44.85 $44.23 $51.51 $55.16 $47.82 $96.34 $73.51 $78.49 $66.58 $75.20 $58.97 $75.95 $66.85 $56.71 $72.00 $77.16 $48.85 $67.19 $48.36 $63.19 $58.59 $81.10 $107.47 $67.32 $69.76 $41.48 $48.07 $45.31 $45.28 $81.51 $51.85 $78.28 $80.67 $64.02 $54.72 $69.22 $86.24 $83.18 $107.60 $84.26 $100.53 $107.73 $104.99 $131.38 $131.54 $116.05 $84.45 $66.14 $68.87 $78.50 $83.32 $77.42 $80.33 $96.70 $72.48 $79.25 $82.43 $57.24 $59.89 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 2% 5% 5% 15% -16% NA 7% 6% 20% 21% 8% 0% -26% 0% 20% 7% 7% 11% 18% 17% 8% 8% 10% 6% 20% 7% 9% 6% 11% 33% 6% -1% 12% -4% 5% 6% 13% 19% 19% 6% 10% 4% 1% 4% 9% 2% 5% 6% 10% 7% 7% 9% 12% 12% 6% 7% 14% 2% 10% 33% 11% 20% 14% -1% 8% 20% 15% NA 21% 16% -1% 1% -5% -19% 10% 1% 21% 5% 110% 81% 14% 11% 11% 18% -2% NA 26% 7% 3% 12% 6% 1% 7% NA 11% 29% 14% 8% -2% 15% 14% 6% 12% 9% -6% 3% 33% 24% 57% 46% 23% -6% -37% -22% 39% 18% 10% 49% -1% -9% 8% 12% 13% 5% 7% 2% 25% 35% 8% -3% 7% -1% 8% 8% 9% 13% 2% -12% 69% 40% 0% 5% 30% 27% 26% 23% 3% 7% 16% 10% 13% 24% 19% 20% 12% NA 3% NA 18% 33% -6% 0% -18% -17% 44% 12% 15% 6% 6% 6% 15% 6% 17% 6% 14% 1% 10% 8% 69% 35% -1% -1% 8% -5% -12% -8% -4% 9% 5% 14% 15% 4% 7% 129% 15% -4% 21% 12% 30% 0% 33% 25% 27% 57% 36% -6% 4% 10% 6% 2% 161% 118% 19% 7% 8% 7% 9% 6% 5% 40% 23% -7% 45% -1% 52% 12% 33% 14% 7% 4% -5% 1% 7% -12% 13% 8% 14% 13% 9% 9% 11% 8% 11% 2% 31% 16% 6% 0% 0% -7% 8% -4% 6% -1% -3% 37% 4% 0% 27% 15% 2% 8% 24% 8% 10% 4% 17% 5% 3% 8% 2% 5% -3% -15% 18% -15% 4% -8% 12% -1% 15% 10% 8% 24% 9% 8% -3% 0% 37% 13% 36% 7% 19% 24% 22% 18% 27% 18% 7% 2% 10% 8% -2% -3% 3% 15% 3% 4% 17% 31% 6% 16% 14% 25% 3% 12% 6% 5% 12% 27% -7% 15% 16% 6% -7% 4% 9% 9% 5% 12% 17% 3% 58% NA 28% 22% -8% -11% 43% 26% Katherine Feser / Houston Chronicle Several neighborhoods in the Fairfield master-planned community off of U.S. 290 and Mason Road in the northwest Houston area gained in price in 2013. Subdivision Laurel Creek 306 Laurel Oaks 583 Laurel Place 117 Lexington Woods 1,080 Lexington Woods North 411 Lincoln Green East 596 Lincoln Green Estates 251 Lincoln Green Place 193 Linnfield 318 Lismore Lake Estates 121 Londonderry 440 Lone Oak Village 367 Longwood Village 1,426 Louetta Glen 167 Louetta Lakes 381 Louetta Woods 130 Majestic Oaks 126 Mandolin Park 154 Mandolin Village 284 Maple Terrace 93 Marwood Village 96 Mckendree Park 225 Meadow Hill Run 224 Meadowview Farms 245 Meisterwood 282 Memorial Chase 849 Memorial Creek 245 Memorial Creek Estates 233 Memorial Hills 274 Memorial Northwest 2,068 Memorial Northwest Estates 151 Memorial Springs 684 Middlecreek Village 109 Mill Ridge North 512 Miller Joseph 195 Mills Crossing 114 Mills Landing 101 Mills Walk 166 Miramar Lake 231 Norchester 599 Norchester South 101 Normandy Forest 524 North Forest 491 North Hill Estates 457 North Spring 1,490 North Star Estates 184 North View 660 Northampton 1,041 Northampton Estates 240 Northampton Forest 229 Northborough Village 164 Northcliffe 533 Northcliffe Manor 979 Northcrest Village 185 Northern Point 518 Northlake Forest 433 Northpointe East 470 Northridge Park 228 Northridge Park West 362 Northview Place 509 Northwest Place Estates 143 Northwood Park 198 Northwood Pines 388 Oak Cliff Place 492 Oak Creek Village 659 Oak Lake Pointe 70 Oak Landing 209 Oakcrest North 134 Oakmont Village 50 Oaks of Devonshire 248 Oaktree Place 70 Oakwood Forest 203 Oakwood Glen 902 Oakwood Glen West 271 Old Bridge Lake 102 Olde Oaks 1,441 Paddock 452 Park at Glen Arbor 285 Park at Meadowhill Run 54 Park at Northgate Crossing 531 Park Creek 160 Park Spring 231 Parkside at Perry 168 Pine Trace Village 34 Pinecrest Forest 649 Pinelakes Eagle Bend 114 Pinelakes Pinaster Pointe 172 Ponderosa Forest 1,299 Ponderosa Trails 35 Post Wood 1,074 Powder Mill Estates 112 Preserve 180 Prestonwood Forest 784 Prestonwood Park 152 Princeton Place 143 Quail Forest 278 Ranch Country 817 Ravensway 245 Ravensway Estates 73 Ravensway Lake 123 Ravensway South 263 Remington Grove 297 Remington Ranch 1,337 Reserve at Cypress Creek 165 Retreat at Gleannloch Farms 134 Rhodes Landing 191 Riata Ranch 1,022 Riata West 53 Rock Creek 390 Rolling Fork 738 LOOKING FOR A HOME? Find a RE/MAX agent. ® ©2014 RE/MAX, LLC. Each office is independently owned and operated. Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built 2,590 2,413 1,909 1,893 1,850 1,584 1,698 2,069 2,155 3,272 2,141 2,704 2,852 2,511 2,552 2,231 2,317 1,709 2,457 1,983 2,452 2,894 1,715 1,690 1,756 1,625 3,363 3,432 1,855 3,311 3,048 2,417 2,221 2,236 1,695 1,820 1,834 2,027 2,840 2,790 2,178 2,872 1,593 2,221 1,680 3,025 1,690 2,658 3,655 3,196 1,684 1,534 1,198 2,177 2,058 3,087 2,198 2,107 2,107 2,264 1,979 1,631 1,855 1,732 2,472 3,056 1,864 2,177 2,574 2,651 2,434 2,300 1,893 2,089 2,265 3,048 1,386 2,582 1,316 2,460 1,932 1,953 1,620 1,963 2,101 3,197 2,478 2,806 4,568 1,594 3,587 3,750 2,329 1,968 2,228 2,688 1,260 2,243 2,368 2,296 1,887 1,603 1,941 2,608 1,712 1,818 2,460 1,655 4,278 2,146 1999 1998 2005 1978 1982 1981 1996 2002 2004 2003 1983 2005 1997 2006 2004 2000 1993 2003 2001 2006 2000 2004 2007 2005 1978 1980 1996 2001 1970 1983 1986 2004 2007 1983 1977 2005 2007 1984 2005 1972 1979 2001 1972 1972 1981 1999 1983 1973 1992 1999 2004 1978 1982 2007 2006 2001 2002 2001 2003 2004 2006 1975 2003 1982 1974 1999 2006 2008 2005 1990 1997 1991 1978 1982 1977 1980 1983 2000 2007 2006 2006 2005 2001 2008 2002 2000 1998 1972 1989 1978 1997 2005 1974 2003 2005 1989 1981 1975 1983 2004 1984 2005 2005 2006 2007 2003 2000 2007 2003 1977 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $206,500 14 24 $83.30 $114,835 16 17 $51.39 $88,544 6 7 $45.43 $100,000 43 53 $49.38 $97,654 14 16 $41.08 $53,601 11 11 $35.14 $81,770 6 6 $45.71 $66,943 4 7 $44.86 $128,254 13 10 $61.78 $270,000 7 9 $92.50 $121,832 19 34 $62.89 $162,827 11 28 $56.30 $235,495 91 99 $84.79 $129,152 7 10 $52.69 $164,500 19 24 $70.11 $135,516 5 4 $66.56 $139,400 10 11 $57.69 $126,475 9 9 $66.74 $178,204 17 13 $72.32 $101,567 10 7 $43.08 $146,315 5 6 $72.18 $206,953 17 10 $79.22 $96,942 5 10 $57.78 $70,507 19 9 $44.61 $93,936 11 12 $52.75 $90,182 33 33 $57.54 $185,545 7 12 $67.68 $198,712 5 9 $71.06 $87,006 9 11 $34.54 $181,860 101 108 $57.14 $159,979 5 7 $55.93 $141,881 38 44 $65.76 $145,033 6 8 $75.07 $129,534 20 41 $56.11 $127,049 5 3 $95.83 $100,507 9 5 $54.02 $129,312 9 7 $61.69 $122,686 7 13 $58.35 $139,676 6 7 $43.74 $145,000 23 25 $51.35 $127,134 7 7 $73.58 $172,729 21 26 $62.07 $74,410 15 14 $38.94 $144,735 15 22 $59.80 $79,273 58 80 $43.95 $205,700 9 9 $70.76 $67,753 18 38 $38.85 $152,912 47 59 $64.18 $340,074 8 13 $98.26 $230,892 13 13 $88.58 $61,406 9 7 $37.53 $71,036 5 10 $42.28 $59,355 14 15 $36.74 $141,205 14 20 $71.14 $88,935 24 32 $46.66 $221,748 17 29 $73.11 $123,803 31 29 $56.34 $92,987 11 10 $44.12 $89,987 11 10 $40.92 $89,942 13 8 $36.02 $133,814 4 4 $63.56 $101,465 3 3 $40.14 $97,841 26 25 $55.66 $89,834 11 17 $56.38 $124,040 35 41 $48.73 $220,840 4 5 $79.32 $121,639 11 17 $55.46 $128,315 7 11 $66.50 $166,944 3 11 $64.74 $168,041 10 12 $66.47 $194,325 3 3 $62.53 $152,631 13 16 $68.83 $98,893 49 47 $54.81 $98,541 20 11 $54.91 $104,801 8 6 $51.52 $147,486 86 106 $52.17 $77,628 11 16 $43.22 $171,837 15 20 $69.49 $78,228 3 12 $62.91 $121,600 18 34 $56.30 $133,001 10 21 $71.28 $94,385 9 11 $42.82 $87,562 8 12 $54.51 $122,157 4 4 $71.56 $123,576 41 52 $63.24 $230,676 6 5 $78.43 $172,984 6 14 $76.10 $133,990 87 91 $44.23 $352,563 3 3 $73.66 $54,730 34 45 $38.58 $311,077 5 7 $109.67 $246,865 18 11 $78.53 $132,779 36 39 $57.68 $121,493 7 8 $56.25 $127,764 7 20 $65.67 $176,204 10 17 $67.89 $43,831 19 32 $37.73 $139,021 13 6 $58.41 $133,683 6 3 $62.68 $144,820 7 5 $59.93 $122,234 8 13 $68.38 $73,709 23 11 $47.61 $71,064 71 55 $39.46 $183,674 10 12 $76.68 $124,871 10 15 $79.12 $91,964 4 5 $64.00 $155,596 51 74 $66.64 $129,267 3 5 $84.72 $475,000 20 29 $124.42 $124,661 19 35 $57.22 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $87.11 $49.24 $63.15 $58.05 $57.81 $44.90 $52.36 $51.35 $71.47 $100.82 $65.49 $65.13 $93.69 $60.65 $73.27 $68.48 $64.51 $70.67 $71.94 $62.98 $74.00 $75.74 $81.59 $51.21 $57.46 $67.49 $67.38 $69.39 $46.52 $63.76 $57.42 $67.81 $73.63 $61.89 $103.64 $74.02 $67.09 $69.70 $66.45 $58.07 $67.98 $63.81 $49.60 $64.25 $56.44 $73.48 $54.01 $69.97 $91.22 $94.91 $46.60 $52.65 $47.17 $77.87 $53.52 $81.84 $71.61 $54.68 $56.79 $38.32 $66.86 $74.20 $69.87 $51.19 $52.24 $83.62 $67.47 $76.09 $76.69 $66.53 $77.85 $59.06 $60.34 $59.54 $45.22 $55.68 $60.68 $75.25 $82.02 $60.02 $82.17 $51.13 $62.40 $72.47 $66.28 $79.61 $82.26 $51.45 $86.50 $46.41 $109.78 $100.56 $63.79 $66.04 $74.18 $73.86 $40.40 $58.74 $50.70 $74.18 $67.35 $65.07 $46.68 $76.33 $82.80 $66.50 $73.28 $60.79 $133.04 $60.45 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 5% 9% -4% 3% 39% -11% 18% 7% 41% 7% 28% 30% 15% 53% 14% 41% 16% 5% 9% 21% 4% 18% 16% -10% 10% 10% 15% 8% 5% 6% 3% -11% 12% 1% 6% -13% -1% -5% 46% -1% 3% 8% -4% -6% 41% 13% 15% 5% 9% 33% 17% 11% 0% 3% -2% 4% 35% 20% 12% 18% 3% -4% 3% 2% -2% 8% 10% -2% 8% NA 37% 15% 9% -15% 19% 17% 52% 33% 13% 11% -8% -2% 3% -5% 27% -2% 7% 6% 28% 25% 4% -8% 39% 7% 9% 13% -7% 9% 7% 18% 24% 14% 25% 29% 28% -3% 9% 6% 15% -5% 12% 6% 27% 17% 24% 26% 39% 31% 6% -23% 5% -16% 85% 200% 26% 17% -9% -12% 7% -8% 5% 15% 22% 1% 14% 4% 18% 24% 0% 4% 25% 5% -14% -12% 10% 14% 8% 8% -12% 17% 7% 1% 40% 9% 8% 1% 30% 22% 7% 13% 15% 9% 19% 8% 14% 16% 1% NA 5% 5% 2% 7% 8% 24% 16% -2% 17% 13% 20% 29% 0% 13% 28% 34% 11% 11% 17% 2% 13% 9% 9% 15% 7% 21% 1% -11% -19% -15% 24% 0% -2% -3% 37% 16% 18% -2% 0% 3% 5% NA 4% 21% 10% 8% -28% -19% 7% 15% 6% 3% Northwest region continues on D15 xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D15 HOME PRICE SURVEY Tuscan Lakes Northwest from page D14 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Rosewood Hill 285 Rushwood 1,350 Sablechase 571 Sableridge 491 Saddlebrook Village 96 Sandpiper 220 Sandpiper Village 98 Saracen Park 147 Schroeder Oaks Village 175 Senterra Lakes 52 Shannon Forest 141 Sheffield 92 Sheffield Estates 278 Sherwood Forest-Tomball U/R 126 Shores 555 Silver Oak Trails 486 Silver Pines 102 Silverglen 209 Silverglen Estates 144 Silverglen North 442 Smith 152 Sommerall 1,169 Sommerall West 241 Southdown Village 335 Spring Creek Court 101 Spring Creek Estates 81 Spring Creek Forest 582 Spring Creek Oaks 876 Spring Creek Oaks Patio Homes 47 Spring Crossing 280 Spring Lakes 710 Spring Landing 182 Spring Park Village 160 Spring Place 76 Spring Terrace 327 Springbrook 543 Springridge 376 Springwood (Tomball) 88 Stable Gate 230 Stablewood Farms 301 Steeplechase 1,639 Stillwater Village 24 Stone Forest 301 Stone Gate 1,827 Stone Lake 57 Stonebridge Village 209 Stonehedge 147 Stonepine 235 Stoneyway Village 95 Sugarberry Place 534 Sunset Ridge 337 Sunset Ridge West 92 Sycamore Bend 187 Sydney Harbour 248 Tallow Wood 995 Tealbrook 295 Terrace Brook 198 Terranova 425 Terranova West 622 Terravista 33 The Estates at Willow Creek 95 The Reserve at Cypress Creek 132 The Woodlands Creekside Park 90 Thicket at Cypresswood 253 Three Lakes 315 Three Lakes East 555 Timber Lane 2,061 Timberhills 479 Timberlake Estates 229 Timberwood 867 Tomball 462 Tomball Hills 135 Torrey Pines 446 Tower Oaks 369 Tower Oaks Meadows 489 Tower Oaks Plaza U/R 243 Towne Lake 394 Traces 232 Traditions 104 Trails of Cypress Lake 141 Trails of Fairfield 461 Turtle Lake 400 Tuscany 109 Twin Lakes 378 Village Creek 740 Village of Auburn Lakes 169 Village of Indian Trails 368 Village of New Kentucky 134 Villages at Lakepointe 375 Villages Northgate Crossing 94 Villages of Cypress Lakes 1,167 Villages of Northgate Crossing 548 Villages of Northpointe 572 Villages of Northpointe West 236 Villages of Spring Oaks 366 Villages on Grant 206 Villas at Lakewood Park 161 Villas of Oakwood Glen 52 Waterford Park 99 Waterstone 12 Westador 696 Westbank 1,263 Westbourne 795 Westbranch 929 Westbridge 251 Westbrook Lakes 292 Westfield Glen 192 Westfield Glen Village 133 Westgate 618 Westway Courtyard Homes 329 Westwood Gardens 111 Wheatstone Estates 172 Wheatstone Vill. Cloverfield 159 Wheatstone Vill. Coppercreek 230 Wheatstone Vill. Copperstone 125 White Oak Bend 445 White Oak Falls 362 White Oak Landing 334 Willow Dell 241 Willow Falls 305 Willow Forest 561 Willow Park Village 52 Willow Pointe 579 Willow Trace 142 Willow West 237 Willowbridge 618 Willowick Forest 121 Willowlake 502 Wimbledon Cent. Ct. Garden 104 Wimbledon Champions 240 Wimbledon Country 177 Wimbledon Country North 84 Wimbledon Ests & Racq Cl 557 Winchester Country 1,585 Winchester Country Trails 543 Winchester Village 218 Windermere Lakes 386 Windfern 112 Windfern Forest 426 Windfern Gardens 222 Windfern Trace 159 Windhaven 85 Windrose 102 Windrose Auburn Ridge 141 Windrose Eagle Bend 112 Windrose Eaglewood 140 Windrose West 936 Woodbriar Place 127 Woodcreek 549 Woodedge Village 467 Woodland Oaks 1,057 Woodland Pines 358 Woodland Trails 552 Woodland Trails North 1,432 Woodland Trails West 800 Woods of Wimbledon 215 Woodwind Lakes 628 Wortham Estates 260 Wortham Falls 244 Wortham Grove 292 Wortham Landing 261 Wortham Park 522 Wyndham Lake 40 Yaupon Place 96 Yaupon Ranch 790 2,562 1,537 1,112 1,790 2,173 1,432 1,478 2,361 2,063 3,412 2,785 2,421 2,384 1,808 3,505 2,476 2,305 2,466 2,953 2,277 2,216 1,510 1,902 2,695 3,728 3,677 2,598 3,322 2,334 1,440 3,000 1,892 2,282 2,005 2,542 2,196 1,551 2,447 3,806 2,318 1,767 2,876 2,373 3,048 3,106 2,872 2,220 1,729 2,472 1,515 1,842 2,204 1,843 3,210 1,383 1,693 2,418 2,560 2,812 3,703 1,958 2,932 4,551 3,528 1,572 1,706 1,649 1,403 1,901 1,738 1,213 1,874 2,695 2,295 1,546 2,441 3,073 1,751 2,205 3,053 2,397 1,676 3,700 4,300 3,029 3,222 2,437 2,665 2,879 2,634 2,406 2,884 2,798 1,986 1,850 1,826 1,625 1,703 3,772 4,358 2,863 1,488 1,383 1,600 2,361 2,492 2,004 2,046 2,207 1,316 1,934 2,601 2,145 2,628 2,488 1,470 2,306 2,390 1,776 1,975 1,797 1,567 2,313 2,084 2,072 2,746 3,865 2,252 2,671 3,553 3,003 2,484 2,990 1,800 2,565 2,404 3,257 2,990 1,660 1,520 1,655 2,171 2,536 2,438 3,067 3,622 2,864 1,520 2,521 2,048 1,500 1,970 1,576 1,176 1,512 3,553 2,745 3,140 2,179 2,602 2,053 2,644 3,765 2,000 1,976 1984 1978 1985 1983 2007 1982 1998 1978 2000 2007 1983 2001 2004 1981 2007 2004 1997 1998 1999 2004 1983 1984 1988 1986 2006 2005 1978 1986 1999 2005 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 1984 2000 2003 2004 1984 2007 2004 2002 2002 1997 2007 2005 2004 2004 2005 2006 2005 2006 1982 2004 2006 1978 1983 2009 2008 2003 2010 1996 1982 2002 1978 1983 1969 1993 1950 1982 1992 1967 1973 1973 2009 1993 1994 2009 2000 1983 2003 1993 2003 2005 2006 1994 2001 2000 2005 2003 2005 2008 2003 2006 2005 2006 1999 2010 1972 1978 1995 1982 1997 2002 1998 2003 2003 1978 2008 2002 1986 1991 1990 1980 2005 1992 2002 2005 1981 2005 1999 2007 1996 1994 1999 1997 1978 1999 1993 2005 1978 1985 1989 1995 2000 2004 1980 1979 2005 2009 2000 2001 2002 2002 2004 1983 1983 1976 1983 2005 1972 1974 1982 1981 1996 1993 2004 2000 2001 1994 2006 2005 2005 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $213,032 9 11 $94.06 $64,041 25 23 $35.61 $58,015 16 11 $53.28 $86,071 23 9 $45.45 $142,113 10 8 $66.55 $64,040 9 7 $34.17 $83,635 4 8 $44.28 $146,145 6 5 $67.09 $129,050 6 11 $75.04 $229,317 4 4 $76.65 $165,000 7 8 $62.13 $150,000 3 5 $61.11 $153,603 14 12 $66.79 $138,479 3 8 $91.53 $272,654 32 59 $82.98 $148,764 15 29 $71.58 $137,868 6 5 $56.26 $106,176 5 13 $42.48 $121,318 3 3 $47.33 $104,744 19 9 $43.37 $225,996 3 4 $82.82 $81,533 38 43 $57.74 $123,000 13 15 $61.64 $168,701 21 16 $68.33 $241,177 4 10 $75.56 $349,113 7 7 $98.34 $157,279 22 18 $59.38 $210,818 53 50 $73.93 $176,689 4 4 $70.65 $75,635 17 21 $50.51 $187,008 45 55 $64.88 $124,364 10 5 $59.02 $124,985 8 16 $62.96 $79,076 6 8 $41.49 $121,518 10 19 $54.52 $112,128 32 35 $47.94 $75,736 9 18 $42.14 $160,363 5 3 $68.81 $317,763 16 21 $103.72 $134,877 13 23 $60.48 $109,157 62 64 $61.44 $224,490 3 3 $82.08 $149,564 14 29 $64.29 $191,800 85 136 $70.05 $366,911 3 4 $112.66 $207,196 10 11 $76.03 $139,731 8 19 $46.43 $98,571 16 6 $57.32 $168,265 8 19 $100.88 $53,554 21 24 $38.54 $80,636 25 13 $47.83 $98,654 3 5 $59.08 $77,643 14 3 $43.74 $229,000 17 21 $82.93 $78,688 35 38 $45.83 $61,462 12 15 $45.04 $176,500 13 9 $67.43 $120,600 15 29 $52.32 $163,046 31 51 $58.18 $294,061 3 3 $89.72 $143,578 11 22 $80.12 $215,154 9 8 $82.68 $490,292 12 7 $135.70 $233,668 13 10 $71.79 $74,244 14 18 $55.75 $86,953 39 26 $52.26 $73,855 86 115 $43.01 $61,877 6 16 $38.46 $132,143 4 12 $95.07 $90,794 20 25 $49.05 $86,128 13 21 $61.06 $115,948 8 8 $73.78 $124,546 13 10 $47.99 $191,000 9 10 $73.75 $104,174 20 20 $59.09 $171,132 4 5 $77.83 $266,470 30 33 $99.02 $77,866 7 7 $39.33 $136,373 8 6 $69.44 $209,978 9 17 $74.26 $170,558 25 29 $74.49 $96,360 15 9 $50.71 $259,215 6 6 $89.63 $385,000 25 26 $100.63 $218,305 49 63 $77.63 $214,505 15 17 $77.84 $145,678 16 23 $68.81 $235,000 11 4 $97.88 $221,000 23 23 $81.85 $143,031 5 9 $53.67 $129,545 50 82 $56.42 $149,747 29 30 $56.46 $190,708 40 49 $72.90 $140,288 41 37 $77.13 $95,628 15 23 $49.25 $131,171 7 19 $67.39 $130,200 12 15 $90.86 $105,537 3 4 $61.22 $281,193 3 6 $77.08 $433,151 6 3 $92.36 $117,545 35 42 $40.97 $74,840 18 23 $49.02 $83,286 27 58 $57.06 $109,767 22 24 $60.34 $152,900 8 6 $71.29 $160,711 18 17 $64.68 $105,927 6 10 $39.48 $99,969 8 4 $42.29 $144,065 47 47 $59.77 $76,456 10 13 $50.06 $110,900 13 11 $69.85 $147,359 4 9 $64.37 $106,668 13 6 $55.70 $149,126 8 8 $54.61 $147,375 6 9 $62.61 $85,220 18 17 $48.51 $138,000 16 17 $55.23 $130,631 15 17 $51.99 $110,056 12 17 $66.19 $111,821 21 28 $60.01 $94,232 33 28 $50.56 $88,884 5 8 $51.31 $153,409 19 16 $62.61 $113,861 13 15 $56.99 $79,418 17 4 $34.31 $205,000 31 32 $79.10 $257,641 9 8 $64.11 $158,271 15 20 $68.84 $152,835 4 3 $65.45 $254,636 6 15 $84.92 $157,493 8 10 $63.65 $153,418 4 7 $73.10 $165,000 33 37 $55.68 $99,283 53 56 $62.08 $164,893 26 22 $73.56 $151,618 12 11 $72.29 $236,882 18 26 $70.77 $145,248 4 4 $49.74 $96,903 8 15 $58.72 $94,552 6 6 $56.58 $97,953 8 9 $61.85 $160,619 3 9 $71.52 $154,105 11 7 $73.45 $156,300 11 12 $71.78 $236,926 9 12 $76.88 $253,213 9 8 $80.49 $201,891 73 69 $80.28 $89,814 5 8 $66.08 $110,111 22 20 $44.38 $108,241 20 20 $55.23 $98,369 21 21 $54.19 $85,416 18 12 $50.70 $93,298 11 18 $55.70 $61,320 21 32 $44.47 $90,948 23 18 $46.71 $186,485 12 22 $59.30 $217,046 37 29 $85.46 $192,379 7 8 $64.03 $156,465 18 16 $75.05 $167,465 17 14 $68.42 $140,106 4 19 $68.68 $174,783 25 20 $70.93 $307,400 13 5 $90.69 $82,416 4 6 $50.36 $91,757 35 41 $45.34 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $98.85 $41.02 $52.39 $54.04 $74.97 $56.35 $63.52 $63.78 $75.96 $78.43 $67.76 $69.99 $73.58 $78.39 $93.99 $71.65 $73.85 $49.58 $49.41 $45.44 $145.20 $61.49 $69.66 $74.37 $75.82 $107.04 $63.41 $77.50 $73.85 $55.63 $70.59 $68.01 $70.14 $45.75 $69.15 $64.83 $51.90 $74.31 $95.34 $71.65 $67.37 $93.89 $77.02 $75.88 $107.96 $83.08 $61.71 $65.40 $85.11 $45.49 $60.94 $59.31 $56.79 $89.71 $59.99 $48.03 $73.66 $61.15 $66.82 $83.57 $96.23 $81.76 $156.47 $72.20 $59.48 $63.82 $46.68 $46.28 $80.54 $52.60 $77.57 $75.50 $53.24 $91.34 $71.00 $62.50 $105.08 $54.64 $63.46 $91.35 $79.54 $63.94 $81.70 $113.81 $80.62 $85.96 $71.59 $109.64 $88.59 $64.26 $64.40 $65.38 $77.83 $87.94 $66.67 $78.95 $94.12 $55.12 $73.91 $107.17 $44.42 $54.98 $72.32 $69.58 $70.97 $70.22 $54.70 $43.36 $70.85 $58.66 $70.55 $69.95 $68.41 $62.19 $63.46 $67.92 $63.09 $58.67 $64.97 $65.80 $59.62 $79.46 $72.64 $61.40 $49.83 $90.52 $74.09 $76.23 $76.44 $95.86 $70.15 $76.51 $65.79 $68.10 $77.44 $72.11 $86.62 $60.61 $65.02 $70.40 $73.87 $77.36 $78.48 $74.68 $89.90 $78.14 $84.09 $63.84 $52.01 $51.45 $60.19 $60.25 $56.83 $52.00 $59.41 $71.03 $90.32 $74.45 $80.88 $65.45 $74.04 $72.59 $100.08 $59.95 $55.92 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 5% 11% 15% 8% -2% 2% 19% -4% 13% 7% 65% 62% 43% 18% -5% -3% 1% 4% 2% 19% 9% 9% 15% NA 10% 7% -14% 9% 13% 5% 0% 5% 31% 14% 17% 0% 4% 5% 5% -18% 75% NA 6% 20% 13% 7% 9% NA 0% -1% 9% 0% 7% 1% 5% 13% 5% 50% 10% 16% 9% 2% 15% -4% 11% 8% 10% -1% 27% 13% 35% 17% 23% 9% 8% NA -8% 4% 18% 3% 10% 8% 14% NA 20% 14% 8% 7% -4% 5% 9% -31% 33% -14% 14% -10% -16% NA 18% 15% 27% -6% 0% 5% 30% 30% 8% 6% 31% 9% 7% 14% 9% 5% 17% 8% 15% 6% -7% -1% 20% 27% -1% 11% 15% 50% 1% 9% 7% -6% 22% 11% 9% 1% 20% -5% -15% 17% 7% -4% 27% 46% 2% 9% 11% 7% 24% -4% 20% 25% -20% -18% 6% 11% 39% 4% -9% 2% 23% NA 7% 6% 26% 10% -9% 7% 13% 11% 4% 9% 10% 25% 4% 2% 12% 21% 8% 2% 20% NA 14% 10% 16% 14% 7% 1% 14% 21% 35% 22% 17% 0% 4% 12% -10% NA -4% 0% 16% NA 8% 0% 12% 20% 27% 14% 15% 3% 0% 6% 9% -3% 39% 3% 3% -13% 19% 10% 17% -6% 1% 9% 9% 18% 23% 33% 14% 1% 1% 2% 40% 16% 14% 0% 13% -1% -2% 20% 10% -7% 18% -7% 55% 23% 16% 5% 8% -8% 45% 3% 14% 16% 16% 18% 11% 0% 17% 17% 13% 25% 10% 6% 5% 3% 18% 22% 10% 8% 5% 9% 0% 8% 22% 11% 22% 18% 11% -2% 24% 13% 19% 18% 8% NA 7% -28% 4% 2% 17% 9% -3% -18% 5% 5% -3% 0% 17% 1% -7% 5% 11% 29% 19% 25% 2% 5% 17% 12% 27% 41% 20% 27% 6% 6% 16% 18% 8% 8% -4% -3% 8% 17% 2% 10% 10% -4% 19% 29% 23% 0% Galveston County Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Airport Homesites 109 Alta Loma Outlots 1749 Alta Loma Townsites 313 Amburn Oaks 264 Angell Runge 366 Annalea Kingspark/Whitehall A553 Arcadia Townsite 300 Austin Park 86 Bacliff 230 Bacliff Villas 94 Bacliff Villas S/D 125 Bay Colony Meadows West 158 Bay Colony Northpointe 138 Bay Colony Parkside 149 Bay Colony Pointe 42 Bay Colony Pointe West 1018 Bay Harbor U/R 167 Bay Ridge 357 Bay View 55 1,922 1,660 1,334 1,949 1,604 1,345 1,535 1,851 1,072 1,277 1,101 2,092 1,828 1,480 2,011 1,844 1,020 1,397 2,282 1982 1980 1973 2005 1980 1970 1970 2005 1972 1979 1975 2007 2007 2003 1999 2004 1972 1980 2009 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $214,730 4 3 $229.01 $109,660 45 56 $60.12 $76,900 7 10 $52.08 $122,530 15 10 $45.51 $103,360 10 7 $89.05 $95,420 28 21 $71.60 $87,780 10 8 $86.72 $162,600 6 7 $90.34 $44,290 4 4 $50.00 $65,610 3 3 $47.23 $56,260 3 4 $45.13 $150,000 12 13 $73.47 $132,240 7 6 $68.88 $114,500 8 14 $57.11 $128,530 5 7 $65.03 $136,110 80 97 $69.45 $77,990 7 6 $143.41 $102,500 19 16 $60.48 $175,240 7 5 $77.72 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $227.72 $86.15 $66.22 $51.42 $51.26 $70.42 $39.03 $92.13 $38.59 $31.39 $59.73 $74.34 $78.57 $78.83 $71.54 $76.80 $125.95 $70.58 $89.48 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 -1% NA 43% 8% 27% -10% 13% -20% -42% -12% -2% -4% -55% -54% 2% 9% -23% NA -34% -31% 32% NA 1% 2% 14% 23% 38% -6% 10% -12% 11% -2% -12% NA 17% 1% 15% 12% Pin Lim / For the Chronicle An aqueduct graces the entrance to the development at Tuscan Lakes in the League City area. Tuscan Lakes, home to 730 houses, has a median home value of $211,260. The subdivision’s median price per square foot increased by 6 percent from 2012 to 2013. Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Bayou Brae 122 Bayou Chantilly 169 Bayou Lakes (2005) 150 Bayou Village 56 Bayside Landing 93 Bentwood at Bay Colony 209 Bermuda Beach 107 Borden’s Gully 46 Briar Glen S/D 253 Brittany Bay 376 Brittany Lakes 1278 Campeche Cove Sub 56 Campeche Cove Townhomes 104 Carmel Village Sub 123 Castle Estates 95 Cedar Landing 366 Cedar Lawn 62 Centerfield In Bay Colony S/D 117 Centerfield Lakes In Bay Colony 179 Centerpointe 436 Chase Park 447 Cheyenne Sub 277 Clairmont Addn 197 Claremont Park 483 Clear Creek Heights 251 Clear Creek Meadows 114 Clear Creek Village 277 Clear Lake Shores 441 Clifton By The Sea 668 Colonial Estates 82 Colony Park 116 Cook & Steward Sub 428 Countryside 1437 Coward Creek Sub 169 Creekside at West Ranch 139 Delany Cove 126 Denver 1734 Denver Court 99 Dickinson Addn 222 Dickinson Bayshore 47 Dove Meadows S/D 181 Driftwood 154 Dunbar Estates 132 Eagle Lakes 290 Edgewater Park 27 Ellis Landing 188 Emerald Beach 213 Enclave at Bay Colony 68 Evia Phase One (2005) 85 Falcon Ridge 314 Flakes Addn 169 Friendswood Lakes 228 Friendswood Lakes Garden Hm 40 Galveston Outlots 3232 Galveston Townsite 2281 Glen Cove 98 Glen Cove Park 196 Glenshannon 142 Godard Park 106 Golf Crest 85 Green Caye Village 110 Greenridge Sub 70 Gulf Shores 85 Harbor View 83 Harborwalk 60 Harbour Park 595 Harbour Pointe 185 Hardy Sub 331 Havre Lafitte 231 Indian Beach 116 Inter City Place 185 Isla Del Sol 172 Jamaica Beach 1171 Kemah Oaks 236 Kemah Village (2005) 80 Lakes In Bay Colony 234 Lakes of Falcon Ridge 176 Lakeside Subd 108 Laurelfield 45 League City 216 Lenz 52 Lindale Park 214 Lyncrest Manor 133 Magnolia Creek 742 Magnolia Estates 187 Mainland Park 1099 Mar Bella 448 Marina Bay Park 355 Mariner’s Cove 22 McGregors 129 Meadow Bend 1290 Meadowicke 71 Mission Estates 248 Nantucket Landing 29 New Bayou Vista 1063 Newport 631 Nicholstone 663 Northfield Estates 77 Northside 538 Oak Creek 174 Oak Forest 100 Oak Park 161 Oak Ridge 67 Oakcrest Manor 81 Oaklawn Sub 113 Omega Bay (Lettered) 64 Omega Bay (Numbered) 186 Painted Meadows 223 Palm Beach 142 Palm Cove 86 Park on Clear Creek 171 Park Place South 156 Parkwood Village 79 Pecan Forest 175 Pelican Harbour 108 Pirates Beach 686 Pirates Cove 546 Pirates Cove Town. Lake Como 37 Plantation Estates 103 Pointe West 64 Polly Ranch Estates 193 Prairie Knoll Estates 94 Quakers Landing 76 Rainsong 108 Regatta Townhomes Sub 70 Regency Estates 281 Retreat In Bay Colony 212 Rosewood 170 Rustic Oaks 73 Saltgrass Crossing 137 San Leon 1019 San Leon Farm Home 334 San Marino Sub 59 Sand Castle Beach 55 Santa Fe Trails 122 Scotts Acre Home 117 Sea Isle 1085 Sedona 290 Sherwood Forest West S/D 106 Sherwood Oaks 77 Shore View 144 Snug Harbor 293 South Acre Manor 532 South Point Estates 367 South Shore Harbour 1101 S. Shore Harbour Marina Town 55 South Shore Harbour SF 850 South Shore Park 147 South Shore Village 484 1,659 2,036 3,427 2,371 1,930 1,933 1,206 2,209 1,490 2,154 2,630 1,563 1,918 2,288 2,038 2,390 2,983 2,324 2,151 3,132 1,769 1,412 1,170 2,368 1,372 2,554 2,290 1,597 1,198 2,492 2,617 1,204 1,664 3,244 3,931 2,431 1,204 2,194 2,070 1,320 1,616 1,669 2,043 3,307 2,142 2,357 1,224 1,765 2,216 2,985 1,152 3,726 2,531 1,394 1,584 1,351 1,412 2,013 1,872 1,611 1,430 2,315 1,104 2,415 3,407 2,496 2,839 2,528 2,538 2,076 1,153 1,616 1,200 2,139 1,316 2,620 3,540 1,484 3,332 1,834 1,265 1,365 1,396 3,107 2,369 1,740 2,759 3,016 2,647 1,902 1,800 1,438 2,454 1,665 1,428 1,614 1,358 4,143 1,306 3,088 1,445 1,576 1,638 1,789 1,335 1,610 1,450 1,769 912 3,406 3,520 2,072 1,908 1,687 2,776 1,735 2,410 1,159 1,810 1,760 2,963 1,883 2,364 2,167 2,152 1,824 1,702 1,443 2,818 1,750 1,191 1,604 1,600 1,560 1,504 1,325 1,162 2,872 2,295 2,466 1,288 957 1,372 1,441 2,791 1,906 2,751 3,231 2,298 1970 1975 2007 2005 2005 2006 1979 2009 1983 1990 2004 1979 1978 1986 2000 2001 2003 1996 2000 2006 2003 1993 1967 2000 1973 2001 1976 1984 1972 1978 1984 1960 1980 1983 2008 2007 1960 1965 1980 1979 1990 1983 1980 1993 2009 1979 2009 2004 2006 1993 1974 2004 2005 1960 1959 1978 1970 1983 1988 1965 2005 2000 1977 1970 2005 1991 1999 1993 1975 1998 1964 1999 1980 1996 2006 2003 2004 1989 1990 1973 1960 1962 1965 2005 2005 1979 2009 1993 2000 1982 1984 1968 1991 1981 1982 1970 1977 2008 1980 2002 1975 1970 1979 1999 1960 1988 1994 2007 1970 2000 2006 1995 1998 1971 2004 1991 1996 1992 1982 2006 1982 2004 1977 2007 1997 1983 2006 1968 1998 2008 1985 1996 1975 2003 2003 1960 1983 2010 1988 1976 1970 1962 1979 2004 1990 1983 2005 1993 1996 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $100,330 6 6 $59.26 $112,200 5 7 $39.12 $202,970 4 10 $62.10 $167,000 3 3 $56.72 $158,120 5 4 $58.17 $155,130 15 14 $74.10 $174,590 6 4 $224.07 $160,910 8 3 $72.43 $96,070 6 11 $69.96 $143,660 6 16 $74.33 $186,180 65 98 $71.88 $128,230 3 5 $90.20 $161,000 3 5 $84.27 $158,950 5 14 $68.64 $178,480 4 3 $102.26 $157,480 22 29 $72.05 $229,160 4 6 $118.33 $142,410 5 8 $60.57 $141,810 6 12 $67.58 $220,810 23 16 $73.67 $123,820 17 30 $57.09 $100,000 14 21 $68.60 $55,300 6 3 $31.33 $167,560 27 26 $75.56 $82,740 6 5 $49.35 $169,830 5 7 $71.00 $155,010 9 15 $75.31 $186,970 22 11 $137.14 $52,280 16 8 $42.32 $136,840 3 4 $37.08 $197,867 3 3 $102.86 $44,130 11 7 $17.18 $119,920 61 87 $77.38 $315,180 8 6 $115.70 $377,000 12 18 $100.99 $153,180 4 6 $56.25 $70,080 21 26 $67.16 $176,800 3 3 $119.84 $110,140 5 5 $66.69 $99,250 3 3 $142.18 $128,050 10 6 $75.76 $129,540 4 3 $159.33 $135,070 6 4 $66.49 $254,770 15 18 $90.75 $171,550 5 10 $75.62 $137,010 4 13 $61.13 $161,650 3 12 $185.06 $135,580 5 3 $60.97 $304,490 6 10 $152.03 $226,170 20 17 $83.37 $38,540 4 3 $60.77 $334,010 17 9 $91.78 $252,890 3 3 $102.94 $80,710 82 98 $84.27 $69,100 77 80 $73.14 $101,440 5 3 $100.12 $88,670 4 7 $55.14 $143,190 3 11 $90.95 $130,730 3 3 $67.31 $98,121 3 6 $84.47 $80,910 4 5 $51.99 $174,800 3 5 $86.53 $66,620 5 5 $100.26 $140,470 6 9 $98.99 $527,990 3 5 $127.89 $170,320 39 41 $74.65 $218,780 5 6 $78.96 $159,750 19 22 $70.79 $204,175 7 11 $93.92 $339,980 6 12 $187.27 $37,340 3 7 $15.74 $235,850 5 14 $218.53 $155,600 68 68 $156.98 $144,200 12 14 $72.68 $120,740 4 9 $92.58 $179,000 13 17 $69.33 $282,100 8 17 $89.43 $125,790 7 9 $94.53 $242,160 4 4 $85.45 $134,937 4 4 $145.94 $46,230 3 3 $41.67 $97,860 15 12 $91.63 $111,540 3 6 $91.89 $258,960 58 57 $84.52 $174,120 12 12 $74.47 $80,790 26 27 $44.27 $232,320 34 47 $89.09 $193,130 22 25 $71.74 $274,730 3 3 $163.29 $139,980 5 5 $77.86 $130,240 47 71 $78.78 $94,230 3 5 $76.50 $171,500 16 19 $75.50 $194,150 3 3 $94.94 $142,530 64 68 $138.89 $108,680 17 34 $54.89 $70,440 13 21 $39.96 $435,390 7 4 $105.94 $68,110 15 12 $48.83 $225,650 7 10 $73.97 $73,930 5 3 $60.06 $71,840 4 7 $26.91 $86,400 4 4 $32.18 $140,890 3 9 $78.86 $58,060 4 5 $38.68 $178,260 3 7 $125.21 $162,970 8 16 $122.00 $129,960 9 18 $62.35 $102,810 4 6 $167.41 $302,410 5 6 $95.98 $282,000 11 18 $82.15 $136,330 3 10 $59.94 $185,720 4 9 $110.70 $119,750 7 12 $64.94 $209,800 4 4 $73.50 $314,530 47 51 $187.89 $462,880 26 32 $259.06 $138,740 6 7 $100.50 $104,430 3 5 $63.93 $246,920 3 6 $157.39 $269,940 4 7 $137.04 $156,260 5 4 $75.81 $149,190 3 7 $88.18 $126,150 12 6 $57.75 $192,950 5 7 $114.47 $157,660 18 15 $89.93 $117,020 14 11 $61.69 $60,330 5 6 $33.84 $198,000 4 4 $79.67 $102,740 6 7 $40.62 $56,570 23 25 $48.49 $90,260 10 10 $70.04 $80,460 3 3 $93.35 $222,062 4 5 $175.00 $128,830 12 4 $95.38 $55,030 5 4 $44.78 $176,680 72 75 $190.84 $228,200 18 15 $85.31 $154,290 4 8 $67.63 $130,610 3 3 $60.00 $59,520 4 3 $86.24 $41,000 6 6 $24.95 $52,360 4 5 $28.77 $98,180 19 16 $50.00 $206,630 54 87 $78.47 $178,120 4 3 $116.86 $220,740 59 82 $83.66 $214,770 6 6 $77.82 $163,870 25 31 $76.19 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $62.93 $54.30 $66.95 $81.60 $75.23 $85.93 $197.60 $84.50 $70.73 $74.09 $78.98 $89.04 $95.92 $83.01 $107.70 $80.09 $123.15 $67.69 $70.99 $74.25 $71.49 $68.92 $47.34 $79.58 $67.49 $82.61 $69.53 $179.56 $40.65 $59.44 $105.11 $31.76 $79.68 $105.53 $97.97 $57.21 $75.15 $55.62 $83.25 $116.07 $83.71 $88.47 $72.88 $91.00 $80.25 $62.79 $173.50 $76.38 $166.16 $89.71 $34.58 $89.38 $98.47 $89.02 $87.77 $122.45 $82.14 $88.06 $48.97 $86.27 $66.82 $77.99 $101.99 $108.49 $198.28 $75.87 $88.80 $76.64 $100.94 $181.30 $25.76 $186.81 $161.77 $69.80 $93.67 $77.40 $92.13 $95.36 $74.27 $112.16 $28.46 $102.65 $85.02 $91.31 $78.98 $45.64 $93.19 $76.46 $90.36 $76.03 $80.37 $53.32 $72.89 $98.66 $128.43 $68.49 $52.54 $124.94 $62.78 $80.27 $60.16 $38.98 $57.61 $78.96 $27.09 $145.68 $148.33 $71.56 $192.26 $84.93 $89.40 $60.44 $105.30 $68.09 $78.01 $204.52 $214.62 $137.76 $62.25 $174.33 $106.42 $87.74 $81.47 $65.34 $98.44 $90.97 $70.51 $46.95 $83.77 $59.22 $82.97 $119.42 $90.24 $191.12 $98.63 $23.94 $183.57 $86.53 $81.71 $54.83 $64.27 $44.98 $33.05 $59.28 $88.64 $112.84 $87.04 $70.38 $78.31 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 6% -12% 39% 20% 8% -2% 44% 39% 29% -11% 16% 6% -12% 25% 17% 18% 1% -7% 0% 10% 10% 5% -1% NA 14% NA 21% 4% 5% 10% 11% 10% 4% 28% 12% -5% 5% 12% 1% 0% 25% -1% 0% -18% 51% -3% 5% 3% 37% -6% 16% 2% -8% -7% 31% 27% -4% -24% 60% -3% 2% 82% 85% 27% 3% -2% -9% -7% -3% 4% 2% -20% 12% 31% -54% -38% 25% NA -18% 228% 10% -7% -44% 37% 10% 3% 0% 0% 6% NA 3% 12% -6% 15% 25% -10% 9% -8% 8% 6% -43% -38% -3% -3% -4% NA 6% NA 20% 76% 22% -18% 49% 3% -3% 6% -27% -24% 2% 131% 29% NA -10% -2% 2% 62% 10% 86% 55% 48% 2% 1% 12% 8% 8% NA 7% 121% -3% 84% 64% -37% -15% -19% 3% 5% -4% -11% 1% NA 12% 12% 3% 5% 1% 77% -13% -4% -23% -50% -32% -34% 12% -1% -7% 66% 8% 1% 6% -2% 3% -27% 5% -2% 7% -2% -45% -20% -2% -17% 2% -6% -30% -27% -3% -1% 4% NA -8% 8% 25% NA 31% 30% 18% 8% 29% -7% 9% -4% 0% NA 45% -38% 79% NA 0% -9% -30% -56% 16% 13% 22% 20% 15% -10% 15% NA -12% -7% 9% 7% 1% 4% -5% -10% 5% -17% 6% 6% 9% 11% -17% 8% 37% NA -3% -10% 11% 15% -22% NA 16% 0% -8% 20% 13% -6% -14% NA 1% -3% 14% NA 39% 32% 5% 12% 46% -17% 71% 11% 70% 66% -3% NA 9% NA 3% -1% -47% -59% -4% 29% 1% 10% 21% -1% -9% -12% -25% 129% 80% -4% 15% -15% 19% -12% 13% 5% -3% NA 4% NA -10% 0% 3% -2% Galveston County region continues on D16 D16 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY New Territory Galveston County region from page D15 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Spanish Grant St Edmunds Green Stafford Standard Dredging Stonecreek at West Ranch Sunmeadow Sunset Terrace Sycamore Terrace Terramar Beach Texas City Thamans 1St Sub The Arbors Waterford Harbor The Dunes of West Beach The Forest The Highlands The Lakes at San Joaquin The Landing The Meadows The Meadows In Bay Colony The Oaks of Clear Creek Tidelands Addn Tiki Island Trimble & Lindsey Triple Bar Estates Tuscan Lakes Twin Oaks Sub Victory Lakes Village at Tuscan Lakes Villages of Oak Creek Colony Water Wonderland Waterford Harbor Villas Wayside Place Westlawn Westover Park Westview Westwood Sub Wharf at Clear Lake Town. Whispering Lakes Ranch Wilderness Trails Wilshire Place Windsor Estates Youpon Cove S/D 214 141 176 138 118 535 97 39 323 1558 561 49 32 624 434 52 873 506 298 411 52 846 245 145 730 123 538 103 244 108 54 537 68 961 554 123 122 309 499 132 203 43 1,645 2,673 1,182 1,271 3,485 1,989 1,484 1,722 1,236 1,184 1,790 2,671 2,927 3,506 1,484 4,112 1,409 2,872 2,017 2,452 1,280 1,990 1,853 1,566 2,636 2,552 3,588 1,970 2,569 1,764 3,276 1,240 1,252 2,615 1,567 2,623 1,499 4,673 2,490 2,468 3,466 1,374 1994 2004 1964 1965 2008 1979 1966 1979 1991 1959 1978 1999 2001 2000 1963 2009 1982 2005 2003 1994 2009 1992 1975 1978 2008 2006 2003 2008 2000 1980 1997 1970 1963 2006 1971 1994 1979 2006 1990 2007 2001 1979 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $254,070 10 17 $203.41 $189,580 5 4 $67.81 $42,820 3 4 $49.45 $55,110 3 3 $55.08 $289,980 6 9 $94.55 $122,590 21 26 $61.76 $69,770 3 3 $36.96 $99,940 3 3 $83.33 $171,840 21 24 $158.17 $37,630 30 36 $34.31 $123,680 16 15 $87.39 $316,770 4 3 $199.42 $844,170 3 4 $332.32 $343,520 35 34 $95.79 $62,350 12 10 $34.38 $352,520 11 7 $96.32 $109,390 35 61 $70.46 $211,010 26 15 $76.89 $148,000 26 18 $62.82 $155,000 18 21 $67.28 $176,990 3 3 $186.63 $309,090 57 55 $176.78 $112,280 5 4 $91.98 $97,530 6 10 $79.23 $211,260 69 67 $82.90 $211,980 3 13 $77.76 $303,800 44 44 $81.63 $194,370 6 9 $104.20 $172,500 11 14 $75.73 $99,260 4 9 $38.58 $500,000 6 6 $180.02 $48,680 11 15 $45.36 $56,700 3 3 $48.00 $203,480 81 69 $79.72 $93,870 19 13 $47.33 $197,590 8 14 $84.22 $124,100 6 10 $85.80 $468,760 20 26 $101.00 $194,560 16 24 $83.31 $176,640 7 4 $74.71 $275,690 9 10 $68.24 $80,570 6 3 $67.00 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $190.58 $71.20 $21.00 $60.40 $96.91 $71.98 $32.54 $45.72 $172.01 $39.00 $87.68 $169.91 $309.74 $109.33 $34.74 $94.18 $79.48 $82.34 $69.02 $66.03 $195.12 $195.53 $146.16 $76.74 $87.57 $99.88 $91.55 $111.57 $72.28 $49.13 $181.37 $42.20 $33.54 $85.31 $53.51 $87.48 $93.61 $111.21 $88.16 $78.80 $85.02 $68.28 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 -6% 3% 5% -14% -58% 0% 10% 200% 2% 10% 17% 5% -12% 6% -45% NA 9% 32% 14% -2% 0% NA -15% 38% -7% NA 14% -4% 1% -25% -2% 6% 13% -8% 7% -1% 10% -8% -2% -4% 5% NA 11% 18% 59% NA -3% 5% 6% 1% 28% 32% 12% 10% 7% 30% -5% -5% 27% -34% 1% 12% -7% 1% -30% 11% 7% 1% 13% -6% 4% -14% 9% NA 10% 4% 6% 3% 5% -6% 25% -1% 2% NA Fort Bend County Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Alcorn Bend 99 Aliana 262 Andover Farms 547 Applecreek Bend 90 Ashford Lakes 461 Austin Meadow 218 Austin Park 275 Autumn Ridge 121 Avalon Enclave Waters of Avalon 72 Gardens of Avalon 189 Villages of Avalon 295 Waters of Avalon 120 Avalon at Seven Meadows 296 Barrington Place 1074 Bayou Crossing 44 Blakely Bend 152 Bonbrook Plantation North 200 Bonbrook Plantation South 304 Bradford on The Bend 121 Bradford Park 354 Bradford Village 116 Brazos Landing 248 Brazos Valley 328 Brazos Village 175 Briar Villa 477 Briar Villa South 312 Briargate 2432 Bridgewater 281 Bridlewood Estates 335 Brookside Addn 143 Brookside at Riverstone 50 Cambridge Falls 239 Cambridge Village 235 Canyon Gate The Brazos 848 Canyon Gate Westheimer Lks 292 Canyon Lakes Cardiff Ranch 49 Canyon Lakes The Brazos 179 Canyon Lakes Westheimer Lks 261 Canyon Springs Westheimer Lks294 Canyon Vill. Westheimer Lks 208 Chelsea at Mission Bend 239 Chelsea Harbour 353 Chimneystone 565 Cinco Ranch Canyon Gate 721 Cinco Ranch Cinco Forest 418 Cinco Ranch Equestrian Village 149 Cinco Ranch FM 1093 Tract 102 Cinco Ranch Fountain View 138 Cinco Ranch Greenway Village 1346 Cinco Ranch Institutional Core 122 Cinco Ranch Meadow Place 259 Cinco Ranch North Lake Vill. 594 Cinco Ranch South Lake Vill. 483 Cinco Ranch Southpark 379 Cinco Ranch Southwest 3255 Cinco Ranch Town Center 124 Cinco Ranch West 2994 Cinco Ranch Willow Fork 194 Cinco West at Seven Meadows 717 Clayton’s Bend 155 Colony Bend 876 Colony Grant 131 Colony Lake Estates 317 Colony Lakes 531 Colony Meadows 238 Colony Park 116 Commonwealth Estates 131 Commonwealth Park 218 Cottonwood 234 Country Club Estates 128 Country Lakes 224 Country Lakes at Grayson Lks 306 Covington West 156 Covington Woods 926 Creekmont 299 Creekshire 235 Creekside Cross Creek Ranch 383 Creekstone Vill. at Riverstone 510 Crescent Lakes 226 Crescent Oak Vill. Lk. Olympia 268 Crescents on The Green 57 Crossing Cove at Riverstone 172 Del Webb Richmond 123 Dove Country 297 Dover 286 Eaglewood 868 Edgewater 116 Eldridge Lake 145 Eldridge Park Village 228 Estates of Teal Run 406 Fairpark Village 209 Falcon Landing 612 Falcon Point 516 Falcon Ranch 848 Fieldstone 357 Firethorne 1290 Firethorne West 43 First Colony Mud #5 182 Foster’s Green 107 Fountains at Jane Long Farms 77 Fred E Klauke Addn 153 Freeway Manor 229 Fulbrook 198 Fulshear Creek Crossing 40 Gannoway Lake Estates 182 Glen Laurel 536 Grand Lakes 985 Grand Lakes Phase Four 402 Grand Lakes Phase Three 1072 Grand Lakes Phase Two 280 Grand Meadow 258 Grand Mission 1053 Grand Mission Estates 157 Great Oaks 325 Great Oaks South 214 Greatwood Arbor 101 Greatwood B-170 69 Greatwood Bend 145 Greatwood Brooks Mill 196 Greatwood Crossing 260 Greatwood Fairview 95 Greatwood Forest 247 Greatwood Glen 217 Greatwood Highland Park 154 Greatwood Knoll 375 Greatwood Manor 148 Greatwood Shores 239 Greatwood Stonebridge 361 Greatwood Terrace 189 Greatwood Trails 318 Greatwood Tuscany Place 152 Greatwood Village 236 Greatwood Wood Creek 114 Greatwood Woodhaven 89 Green Valley Estates 510 Greenbriar Addn 208 Greens at Willow Fork 94 Greenwood 426 Grove West 228 Heritage Colony 540 Hickory Creek 283 4,660 3,151 1,944 2,461 3,603 3,304 2,590 2,554 1995 2010 2005 2005 2002 1989 1985 1995 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $671,500 6 4 $147.34 $265,130 21 22 $89.08 $115,090 26 20 $45.15 $187,570 3 3 $75.83 $246,660 8 9 $82.80 $328,240 10 11 $108.38 $246,780 8 14 $90.55 $163,320 7 7 $82.67 5,448 3,894 3,295 4,964 4,233 1,904 1,831 3,292 2,272 2,473 2,654 2,217 2,184 3,737 2,282 1,437 1,256 1,670 1,581 3,125 3,638 1,935 4,379 2,145 1,625 2,751 3,269 3,759 3,315 2,308 2,308 1,891 2,200 3,369 1,271 2,510 3,913 2,189 1,913 2,378 2,996 2,574 2,854 3,583 3,498 2,204 3,253 2,222 2,760 3,592 2,402 3,546 2,288 2,595 2,941 2,852 2,851 3,646 4,923 3,647 2,090 2,176 3,520 3,392 1,696 1,735 2,490 1,749 3,032 2,914 3,343 3,031 3,211 3,923 1,950 1,500 1,604 2,209 2,971 3,154 2,166 2,330 2,384 2,330 3,265 2,756 2,613 3,098 2,495 3,814 3,722 2,494 1,246 1,361 3,671 3,575 3,260 2,667 2,852 4,331 3,006 4,219 2,314 2,260 3,364 2,082 2,099 3,606 2,634 2,639 3,128 2,300 2,896 3,598 2,628 3,436 2,302 3,578 3,989 2,451 2,356 3,162 3,798 2,466 3,437 4,037 1,799 1,335 3,060 1,272 2,528 2,650 1,913 2002 2000 1999 1999 2006 1986 2007 1992 2007 2007 2001 2006 2005 2000 1975 2003 1984 1985 1978 1993 2001 1969 2007 2007 1978 2002 2007 2010 2004 2007 2007 2007 1992 2004 1982 1999 2001 2000 2001 1999 1997 2000 1999 1997 1992 1996 2009 1997 2004 2001 2006 1992 1981 1982 2005 2000 1989 1988 1991 1989 2006 1973 2003 2006 1977 1975 2008 1985 2010 2008 1994 2002 1990 2006 2011 1980 1982 2002 1996 2003 1999 2003 2009 1999 2001 2005 2008 2008 2011 1993 1994 2007 1964 1978 2003 2010 2004 2001 2000 2006 2004 2002 2006 2006 2007 2006 2002 1997 2002 1996 2002 1995 2002 1996 1993 2003 1992 1998 1995 2001 1997 1992 2001 1990 2000 2004 1998 1970 2000 1983 1998 1999 1987 $959,820 $434,060 $363,630 $843,100 $595,060 $134,390 $139,880 $285,260 $165,280 $172,390 $266,330 $104,370 $129,470 $370,950 $119,490 $104,280 $47,520 $89,600 $59,210 $318,170 $372,870 $172,510 $464,510 $152,290 $111,230 $174,530 $248,700 $292,410 $199,870 $160,810 $168,890 $149,220 $103,290 $277,410 $128,400 $169,450 $380,950 $192,820 $133,350 $194,510 $256,590 $229,830 $212,830 $335,660 $325,580 $175,410 $300,100 $195,600 $254,270 $347,080 $206,950 $301,920 $188,940 $205,020 $208,840 $215,450 $279,390 $438,680 $501,580 $329,400 $114,920 $132,070 $326,060 $275,090 $124,960 $124,170 $182,970 $167,370 $270,500 $262,110 $353,890 $168,560 $375,660 $359,560 $208,800 $82,690 $105,220 $118,150 $275,460 $244,860 $125,530 $116,620 $125,810 $178,810 $270,830 $200,230 $169,540 $260,460 $207,880 $506,230 $346,290 $139,250 $81,490 $85,990 $528,100 $394,590 $251,260 $214,720 $242,250 $472,010 $277,160 $438,120 $157,110 $159,320 $260,400 $131,250 $116,900 $353,680 $259,680 $227,820 $270,470 $191,620 $277,180 $301,750 $227,230 $330,330 $184,670 $292,910 $409,200 $210,460 $194,160 $267,740 $365,190 $210,900 $294,960 $374,380 $93,200 $100,870 $309,580 $73,090 $210,790 $219,150 $138,370 4 9 17 10 22 28 4 5 9 18 12 11 11 9 9 7 5 7 45 12 16 4 3 12 7 50 31 8 9 24 19 21 10 10 27 47 26 9 8 5 78 6 18 27 34 23 217 4 258 16 45 4 33 5 5 20 7 4 8 8 15 3 15 15 4 24 8 3 17 16 7 6 3 5 5 6 11 34 5 7 7 13 8 40 35 45 48 94 11 10 10 5 4 3 8 4 4 13 62 43 69 19 15 61 10 20 14 6 6 8 8 9 3 12 8 11 24 8 16 26 11 15 12 12 5 3 8 8 3 9 7 28 9 4 8 13 4 26 41 3 8 14 33 10 12 4 20 6 12 6 4 47 18 17 10 3 13 5 44 43 14 10 30 40 84 3 19 26 28 30 8 5 3 91 10 14 31 28 31 312 4 272 19 61 8 40 6 8 14 11 8 6 13 12 7 15 31 3 35 11 6 52 24 12 13 5 6 5 7 14 26 3 5 4 16 12 52 36 54 41 111 6 8 6 5 4 6 11 4 6 17 65 24 80 19 15 80 11 16 8 4 7 6 15 18 7 19 12 8 25 5 18 26 7 21 10 14 6 3 13 10 3 9 16 34 12 $206.97 $131.66 $121.01 $176.49 $147.40 $74.71 $54.64 $99.10 $67.24 $74.44 $109.86 $41.97 $50.33 $107.96 $75.67 $66.93 $36.76 $31.10 $27.66 $112.83 $110.28 $96.25 $103.11 $55.99 $47.09 $61.81 $73.46 $84.83 $72.68 $77.37 $68.30 $78.50 $45.56 $81.68 $103.12 $72.32 $102.71 $85.13 $74.88 $87.43 $86.68 $99.78 $84.59 $104.06 $102.75 $82.35 $94.73 $92.97 $94.35 $103.26 $89.04 $97.83 $86.48 $88.37 $78.70 $76.44 $99.67 $132.95 $108.98 $89.03 $53.90 $58.28 $104.87 $94.15 $83.28 $73.67 $63.78 $104.39 $86.49 $92.41 $105.26 $71.61 $132.76 $92.81 $113.28 $56.96 $51.43 $53.37 $82.06 $68.13 $61.12 $45.52 $51.29 $83.82 $85.79 $75.79 $72.22 $88.97 $86.74 $141.63 $98.43 $68.53 $49.14 $77.63 $156.01 $119.59 $71.41 $81.05 $93.89 $109.79 $95.82 $111.98 $74.48 $68.67 $68.62 $61.16 $60.74 $102.80 $105.04 $90.18 $91.62 $84.21 $95.58 $94.95 $85.67 $102.06 $85.24 $87.31 $106.65 $89.25 $83.83 $87.85 $111.56 $89.47 $87.86 $123.29 $41.53 $61.45 $113.95 $48.39 $78.09 $81.60 $62.36 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $157.81 $99.07 $53.05 $87.36 $75.04 $116.81 $106.77 $83.07 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 7% 17% 11% 14% 17% -4% 15% -2% -9% 3% 8% 17% 18% 8% 0% 4% $184.33 $140.90 $129.68 $185.77 $159.08 $79.31 $67.79 $116.14 $78.69 $72.54 $110.68 $58.42 $49.94 $116.95 $92.88 $79.33 $49.21 $39.26 $43.94 $120.27 $108.99 $97.41 $102.48 $68.61 $66.35 $66.85 $82.72 $91.48 $69.09 $80.93 $84.31 $90.68 $78.46 $92.70 $117.49 $81.32 $114.02 $92.81 $82.07 $102.04 $104.43 $108.72 $96.06 $113.92 $113.46 $92.87 $107.68 $96.99 $102.94 $116.00 $98.06 $101.83 $89.40 $92.72 $85.96 $90.18 $111.35 $133.57 $119.69 $100.09 $57.22 $61.72 $94.70 $101.67 $78.02 $77.14 $66.18 $94.66 $99.18 $103.23 $117.68 $79.90 $129.19 $102.19 $126.08 $66.10 $62.92 $60.29 $96.72 $79.52 $66.43 $50.30 $53.88 $91.52 $96.02 $86.60 $74.72 $96.13 $91.02 $139.97 $113.10 $57.91 $47.06 $66.19 $138.55 $122.55 $85.80 $89.67 $105.44 $126.83 $107.93 $121.75 $76.88 $76.96 $75.97 $65.24 $59.04 $104.31 $110.86 $90.46 $97.85 $94.15 $102.57 $100.29 $89.61 $104.92 $90.10 $94.60 $122.18 $99.93 $100.31 $94.66 $118.08 $94.78 $94.96 $103.23 $54.76 $79.03 $116.23 $56.18 $84.44 $90.72 $84.59 -11% 7% 7% 5% 8% 6% 24% 17% 17% -3% 1% 39% -1% 8% 23% 19% 34% 26% 59% 7% -1% 1% -1% 23% 41% 8% 13% 8% -5% 5% 23% 16% 72% 13% 14% 12% 11% 9% 10% 17% 20% 9% 14% 9% 10% 13% 14% 4% 9% 12% 10% 4% 3% 5% 9% 18% 12% 0% 10% 12% 6% 6% -10% 8% -6% 5% 4% -9% 15% 12% 12% 12% -3% 10% 11% 16% 22% 13% 18% 17% 9% 11% 5% 9% 12% 14% 3% 8% 5% -1% 15% -15% -4% -15% -11% 2% 20% 11% 12% 16% 13% 9% 3% 12% 11% 7% -3% 1% 6% 0% 7% 12% 7% 6% 5% 3% 6% 8% 15% 12% 20% 8% 6% 6% 8% -16% 32% 29% 2% 16% 8% 11% 36% 14% 7% 23% -2% 9% 8% -20% 32% 19% 0% 21% -12% -11% 9% 32% 12% 27% 13% 24% 15% 12% NA -10% -12% -15% -3% 7% NA 0% 5% 15% 25% 39% 5% 11% 18% 8% 9% 17% 25% 23% 29% 19% 14% 16% 15% 12% 17% 12% 12% 12% 13% 4% 16% 11% 20% 15% 27% 6% 8% 7% 11% 2% 1% -1% 2% -16% 9% 8% 4% 14% 22% 0% 3% NA 47% 1% 1% 4% 16% -6% -1% -5% 13% 13% 9% 9% 12% NA -4% 9% -24% -31% 35% 8% NA 11% 5% 21% 18% 13% 11% 10% -1% -14% 4% 5% 24% 9% 5% 10% 9% 8% 12% 8% 14% 9% 10% 19% 15% 18% 17% 25% 16% 18% 2% 23% 6% 26% 19% 5% 1% 18% Katherine Feser / Houston Chronicle Mature trees line the streets of New Territory in Sugar Land. Home values are up there, with the median price rising 18 percent to $99.06 per square foot in 2013, according to the Houston Association of Realtors. Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built High Meadows 227 Hunters Glen 2093 Hunters Green 354 Huntington Village 206 Imperial Woods 144 Katy Creek Ranch 477 Keegans Ridge 329 Keegans Wood 199 Kelliwood Greens 185 Kelliwood Links 78 Kelliwood Park 99 Kelliwood Terrace 190 King Lakes 273 Kingdom Heights 255 Kingsbridge Court 251 Kingsbridge Place 309 Kingsbridge Village 449 Kingsway 284 Lake Colony 399 Lake Pointe 123 Lake Pointe Estates 84 Lake Shore Harbour 338 Lakefield 433 Lakemont 699 Lakemont Court 103 Lakemont Cove 155 Lakemont Grove 86 Lakemont Manor 169 Lakemont Meadows 191 Lakemont Ridge 165 Lakemont Shores 67 Lakemont Terrace 249 Lakes of Austin Park 239 Lakes of Bella Terra 309 Lakes of Edgewater 159 Lakeshore at Brightwater 147 Lakeshore Forest at Lk Olympia 84 Lakeshore Park at Brightwater 117 Lakeshore Point at Brightwater 93 Lakeside Meadow 257 Lamar Estates 83 Laurel Oaks 84 Legacy at Cross Creek Ranch 181 Lexington Colony 527 Lexington Meadows 96 Lexington Point 125 Lexington Settlement 257 Lexington Square 291 Long Meadow Farms 1080 Long Woods 167 Lost Creek 439 Lucille K Dyer 151 Magnolia Plantation 199 Mayfair Park 596 Meadow Crest 128 Meadow Lakes 123 Meadowcreek 697 Meadowglen 437 Meadows of Parkway Lakes 91 Mills Pointe 107 Mission Bend 804 Mission Bend North 115 Mission Bend San Miguel 1070 Mission Bend South 753 Mission Glen 802 Mission Glen Estates 410 Mission Green North 210 Mission Oaks 234 Mission Sierra 512 Mission West 673 Morningside 74 Mustang Crossing at Lake Olympia57 New Territory 2635 Oak Lake Court 151 Oak Lake Estates 259 Oaks of Alcorn 262 Old Orchard 572 Olympia Estates 242 Orchard Lake Estates 530 Oxford 133 Oyster Creek Plantation 202 Oyster Creek Vill. at Lk Olympia 115 Palmer Plantation Lk Olympia 238 Park at Mission Glen 233 Park Pointe 387 Parkview Vill. Lake Olympia 142 Parkway Lakes 274 Parkway Oaks 439 Parkway Trails 176 Pecan Grove Plantation 2067 Pecan Lakes 327 Peninsulas at Lake Olympia 124 Pheasant Creek 755 Pin Oak Village 443 Pine Mill Ranch 779 Plantation Bend 375 Plantation Colony 227 Plantation Creek 436 Plantation Park 96 Plantation Place 96 Plantation Settle. First Colony 138 Plantation Trails First Colony 204 Providence 660 Quail Glen 544 Quail Green 449 Quail Green South 153 Quail Green West 740 Quail Run 993 Quail Valley East 1047 Quail Valley Eldorado 491 Quail Valley Glenn Lakes 682 Quail Valley La Quinta 285 Quail Valley North 186 Quail Valley Patio Homes 114 Quail Valley Thunderbird 453 Quail Valley Thunderbird N. 581 Quail Valley Thunderbird Patio 232 Quail Valley Thunderbird West 420 Quail Valley Thun. W. Courtyard 141 Ragus Lake Estates 228 Ridgegate S/D 653 Ridgemont 1634 Ridgemont Reserves D & G 286 Rio Vista 216 River Run at The Brazos 254 Riverbend North 212 Riverbend South 106 Riverpark 1173 Riverpark West 815 Rivers Edge 473 Riverside Ranch 49 Riverwood Forest Weston Lks 183 Riverwood Village 177 Robinson’s Landing 309 Rose Ranch 156 Rosehaven 132 Rosemeadow 158 Royal Lake Estates 216 Seabourne Meadows 121 Sedona Creek 239 Settlers Grove 183 Settlers Park 785 Seven Meadows 1716 Shadow Creek Ranch 480 Sienna - Steep Bank Village 1351 Sienna Acreage Estates 105 2,286 1,772 1,788 1,778 2,005 2,199 2,256 1,663 4,535 2,842 4,190 2,789 2,695 2,330 1,800 2,844 2,313 1,916 2,482 3,248 4,979 3,521 1,721 2,330 1,499 3,534 3,170 2,024 2,330 2,651 3,460 2,055 2,929 2,868 2,811 3,292 2,328 3,322 3,258 2,976 1,972 1,883 4,142 2,218 3,010 2,448 2,099 2,439 3,069 2,012 2,169 1,216 3,016 1,242 1,668 3,599 2,212 2,142 2,074 2,092 1,762 1,280 1,740 1,518 1,479 2,428 1,861 1,884 2,334 1,252 2,961 2,442 2,909 1,800 2,378 3,304 3,210 2,174 3,351 3,252 2,490 2,844 2,420 2,543 2,535 2,803 3,368 2,204 2,053 2,734 2,162 3,709 1,510 3,395 3,195 2,920 2,577 2,363 2,729 2,778 3,068 2,872 2,388 1,570 1,830 2,546 1,601 1,662 1,819 2,700 2,616 2,708 2,122 2,234 2,787 1,814 2,289 2,210 2,011 1,516 1,641 1,328 1,221 1,720 2,108 2,804 2,526 3,058 3,016 2,683 3,218 3,754 1,153 2,448 1,882 1,772 1,781 4,065 1,729 2,849 1,932 1,812 3,113 3,102 2,684 4,986 1992 1979 1987 1975 1972 2008 2003 1985 1992 1998 2007 1994 2010 2009 2003 2000 2003 1981 1987 1994 2003 2007 1984 2004 2007 2008 2007 2009 2006 2009 2010 2006 1987 2009 1989 1991 1994 1997 1995 1996 1975 1970 2009 1990 1993 1989 1991 2003 2006 1976 2007 1952 1994 1964 2006 1998 1978 1984 2003 2005 1981 1978 1982 1979 1985 1998 1989 2005 2008 1982 1993 2000 1997 2005 1996 1990 2009 2005 2003 1988 1997 1991 1988 2002 1999 1993 2006 2006 2008 1986 2000 1995 1983 1991 2009 1994 1992 1993 1994 1994 2006 2002 1984 1979 1984 2003 1981 1980 1975 1972 1977 1973 1973 1974 1978 1977 1981 1976 1981 1983 1978 1976 1972 2008 2009 1988 1986 2001 2005 2006 2005 2005 1983 1990 2007 2008 2004 2002 2007 2003 1983 1980 2006 2009 2002 2004 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $178,240 8 10 $81.80 $69,100 40 39 $36.06 $83,870 3 6 $37.88 $94,930 7 4 $38.40 $128,940 3 3 $61.27 $150,600 46 53 $79.21 $131,860 9 16 $61.97 $79,220 13 4 $44.72 $404,640 10 12 $98.12 $197,150 4 3 $89.67 $435,940 4 4 $120.10 $224,360 10 10 $96.45 $216,110 14 19 $84.09 $164,300 20 26 $76.00 $106,210 6 6 $55.50 $164,580 7 11 $50.09 $127,940 14 22 $52.92 $116,820 9 15 $62.58 $185,360 17 24 $74.34 $310,930 9 9 $118.55 $603,950 4 4 $141.10 $233,210 23 17 $77.99 $139,710 14 25 $90.74 $148,240 35 40 $63.24 $116,310 8 6 $78.08 $225,910 5 7 $61.65 $223,130 4 8 $63.20 $160,260 10 16 $69.33 $156,730 5 22 $70.15 $186,900 12 9 $71.14 $267,370 15 16 $77.03 $137,420 9 14 $72.18 $288,070 7 8 $100.67 $231,800 21 36 $78.62 $266,460 7 9 $84.04 $235,150 8 10 $76.19 $197,580 5 5 $71.08 $265,510 7 6 $75.29 $263,540 5 4 $82.20 $220,490 6 12 $86.32 $113,890 4 5 $59.25 $103,710 3 6 $62.63 $380,980 12 14 $103.70 $164,880 22 33 $75.47 $292,320 3 5 $109.05 $169,130 5 4 $68.71 $132,520 5 10 $68.26 $144,370 4 9 $60.48 $235,680 56 82 $83.16 $117,850 6 3 $71.43 $157,440 17 34 $78.16 $68,390 3 3 $62.95 $235,590 7 8 $78.90 $54,120 4 6 $91.70 $86,320 9 5 $60.29 $332,840 7 8 $88.00 $119,520 22 25 $54.11 $143,950 6 12 $76.26 $154,620 7 4 $63.81 $150,990 5 5 $77.77 $87,370 35 25 $40.71 $84,040 3 3 $56.64 $88,260 28 40 $50.90 $76,980 33 16 $39.65 $81,490 28 27 $46.93 $129,040 16 10 $45.26 $101,010 4 6 $53.20 $106,940 10 7 $59.37 $157,600 20 25 $65.00 $65,790 23 21 $44.21 $255,440 3 3 $99.70 $163,680 3 4 $53.02 $235,430 115 121 $84.24 $134,870 5 8 $66.02 $156,680 10 8 $67.33 $349,880 9 13 $105.03 $250,880 38 27 $82.81 $136,940 4 19 $61.66 $250,540 23 27 $77.55 $276,370 6 9 $104.17 $188,720 6 11 $85.69 $190,560 4 5 $64.51 $144,840 6 17 $55.94 $135,790 10 11 $51.31 $145,560 11 9 $58.59 $191,400 7 12 $71.35 $206,320 33 20 $59.78 $162,620 17 38 $77.53 $113,940 4 3 $62.15 $209,060 110 109 $79.03 $168,710 18 14 $76.63 $276,720 3 10 $76.04 $89,630 26 30 $63.74 $252,000 23 19 $83.88 $229,900 37 74 $75.93 $243,740 13 17 $86.45 $221,290 3 12 $91.19 $191,720 16 20 $86.15 $206,060 3 5 $74.77 $231,490 5 4 $71.95 $215,230 6 4 $65.96 $191,770 7 7 $72.13 $131,290 31 31 $53.32 $66,100 8 16 $39.21 $79,860 13 7 $40.10 $115,450 5 6 $41.42 $75,430 14 12 $35.54 $68,230 19 22 $30.26 $69,980 33 46 $41.23 $179,740 13 18 $62.60 $156,750 26 30 $62.09 $161,200 12 20 $52.54 $127,120 4 8 $60.97 $124,190 5 6 $58.26 $177,890 14 24 $71.41 $88,790 9 14 $53.27 $147,270 6 11 $64.44 $137,050 16 18 $60.79 $101,970 3 6 $60.95 $123,630 8 6 $78.91 $71,120 9 9 $32.62 $65,000 26 23 $32.49 $75,370 4 10 $18.96 $137,850 9 20 $64.94 $146,170 8 24 $69.50 $215,410 8 9 $85.50 $182,420 6 3 $76.32 $194,580 48 66 $65.31 $208,240 55 50 $72.67 $188,240 30 30 $68.10 $355,530 3 4 $109.45 $398,440 11 14 $112.06 $41,440 3 4 $39.29 $179,420 13 13 $80.28 $126,090 5 9 $66.17 $129,450 15 5 $68.60 $133,960 11 5 $74.57 $389,180 17 11 $95.73 $115,620 14 9 $44.56 $137,440 14 9 $44.67 $166,000 8 6 $89.62 $154,190 33 40 $84.69 $280,160 106 125 $90.63 $223,680 115 120 $79.11 $198,410 83 90 $78.00 $634,250 5 4 $126.19 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $85.40 $44.67 $56.28 $54.15 $66.74 $88.85 $63.18 $42.90 $107.50 $93.70 $120.82 $87.40 $91.47 $72.51 $64.04 $63.06 $57.30 $55.47 $84.26 $139.33 $154.61 $76.67 $96.51 $76.20 $85.33 $70.30 $73.32 $80.66 $75.73 $80.30 $80.25 $77.66 $100.49 $91.91 $98.06 $80.54 $67.52 $84.30 $93.42 $86.09 $81.39 $61.87 $101.37 $75.74 $123.39 $74.79 $71.98 $68.16 $89.13 $63.32 $79.81 $39.98 $94.46 $42.91 $58.90 $100.26 $50.89 $69.14 $68.78 $91.65 $52.73 $69.45 $58.88 $51.35 $57.27 $58.66 $61.58 $64.28 $76.35 $59.50 $114.58 $73.38 $99.06 $80.16 $67.13 $123.31 $88.94 $70.89 $92.33 $93.01 $86.90 $68.23 $65.59 $60.95 $68.15 $79.07 $69.21 $86.74 $61.54 $82.01 $80.66 $95.34 $74.29 $85.59 $87.48 $100.18 $94.49 $89.81 $80.03 $78.52 $75.14 $77.47 $62.71 $41.01 $43.26 $51.02 $50.06 $41.00 $54.85 $70.99 $70.43 $63.26 $59.43 $58.98 $73.68 $48.18 $74.78 $72.41 $57.22 $90.56 $41.60 $41.28 $32.94 $81.90 $78.65 $91.09 $88.83 $68.68 $76.38 $74.69 $105.54 $124.76 $43.54 $86.14 $61.95 $82.17 $45.15 $98.75 $52.06 $49.92 $111.52 $90.54 $105.63 $89.63 $83.73 $129.01 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 4% 10% 24% 21% 49% 2% 41% 53% 9% 30% 12% 10% 2% 10% -4% -15% 10% 13% 4% 12% 1% 17% -9% 3% 9% 16% -5% 5% 15% 6% 26% 7% 8% -5% -11% -5% 13% 7% 18% 14% 10% 21% -2% 0% 6% 14% 20% 0% 9% 4% 14% -6% 16% -5% 16% 3% 8% 7% 13% 5% 4% NA 8% 1% 0% 5% 17% 0% 17% 21% 6% 3% -5% -20% 12% 5% 14% 1% 0% 8% 37% 64% -1% -11% -2% NA 0% -5% 13% NA 9% 4% 5% 6% 13% 21% 7% 9% -11% 0% 2% 1% -36% -29% 20% 19% -53% -10% -2% -9% 14% 9% -6% -9% -9% -5% 8% -11% 18% 12% 30% 18% 23% 41% 16% 11% 29% -21% 22% 6% 30% 3% 16% 15% 8% 4% 17% 0% 35% 32% 15% 20% 38% NA 18% 11% 21% 15% 0% -6% 17% 8% 7% 10% 15% 12% 19% 9% -11% -9% 1% 15% 6% -6% 17% 3% 19% 11% 16% 7% 11% 9% 16% 14% 12% 12% -1% -6% 4% 7% 5% 2% 25% 26% 17% 16% 2% 12% 15% 13% 16% 8% 4% 2% 4% 14% 7% -3% 9% -4% 14% 17% 7% 14% 18% 8% 5% 28% 8% -19% 23% -4% 41% 7% 35% 5% 33% 12% 13% 19% 13% 10% 20% 7% -3% -4% 1% 4% 3% 23% -10% -7% 16% 18% 19% 13% -6% 1% 15% 13% 28% 42% 27% 39% 74% NA 26% 0% 13% 5% 7% 18% 16% 14% 5% 6% 5% 5% 10% 0% -4% -4% 11% 9% 11% 14% 7% 14% -6% -18% 20% -6% -39% 42% 3% 4% 17% -13% 12% -4% 24% 32% 7% 6% 17% 11% 13% 13% 7% 3% 2% 0% Fort Bend continues on D17 xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D17 HOME PRICE SURVEY Pearland Fort Bend County region from page D16 Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Sienna Point 167 Sienna Vill. Anderson Springs 1231 Sienna Village Bees Creek 112 Sienna Vill. Shipman’s Lding 1407 Sienna Vill. Waters Lake 1324 Silver Ranch 387 Silver Ridge 90 Skrabanek Meadows 136 Southern Colony 230 Southland Terrace 115 Southmeadow 332 Stafford Run 371 Stonebrook at Riverstone 96 Stonehaven 72 Stratford Park Village 329 Sugar Creek 1646 Sugar Grove 385 Sugar Lakes 443 Sugarmill 1036 Sugarwood R/P 261 Summer Lakes 320 Summerfield 477 Sunrise Bay at Lake Olympia 166 Sunrise Meadow 647 Sutton Forest 178 Sutton Park 76 Sweetbriar at Riverstone 65 Sweetwater 561 Tara 1284 Tara Colony 130 Teal Run 1676 Teal Run Meadows 298 Tealbriar 129 Telfair 2287 Texana Plantation 204 The Crossing at Riverstone 141 The Enclave 70 The Greens at Pecan Grove 52 The Grove 1802 The Highlands 908 The Lakes 161 The Landing at Greatwood 72 The Meadows 1116 The Oaks of Rosenberg 245 The Promenade Stafford Run 447 The Reserve Brazos Town Center 61 The Reserve at Glen Laurel 181 The Terrace at Riverstone 148 The Woods 139 Tobola S/D 180 Townewest 1966 Travis Park 60 Twin Oaks Village 1408 Vaccaro Manor 226 Venetian Estates 226 Vicksburg Vill. of Cumberland 308 Vicksburg Village of Shiloh 202 Village of Oak Lake 881 Villages of Town Center 634 Walker’s Station 126 Waterford 141 Waters Cove at Riverstone 60 Water’s Edge at Colony Lakes 88 Waterside Estates 968 Waterside Village 338 Waterview Estates 685 West Oaks Village 659 Westbury Village 158 Westcreek Subdivision 34 Westheimer Lakes North 948 Weston Lakes 697 Westpark Lakes 192 Wilkins Crossing 106 Williams Glen 107 Williams Grant 187 Willow Park 326 Willow Park Greens 116 Winfield Lakes 1011 Withers Ridge 228 Woodbridge of FBC 1111 Woodcreek Reserve 235 Woodland West 267 Woodstream 432 4,496 2,586 5,229 2,854 3,971 2,832 3,781 1,124 2,082 1,682 2,049 2,275 2,868 1,988 2,182 2,903 2,251 3,274 2,423 3,092 2,469 2,177 2,417 1,352 4,080 3,518 2,928 5,013 1,528 2,018 2,159 1,914 3,147 3,520 4,235 4,303 2,414 2,801 2,002 1,823 3,154 2,379 1,919 2,359 2,563 3,344 2,636 3,903 1,746 1,325 1,383 3,196 2,036 1,712 2,748 2,565 2,920 2,422 2,002 3,011 3,309 5,481 2,920 2,950 2,141 2,265 2,165 1,343 3,795 2,477 3,559 2,246 2,706 3,779 2,654 1,654 2,391 2,207 2,110 2,705 3,930 1,660 2,281 2004 2007 2007 2003 2006 2009 1998 1985 2006 1967 1986 1994 2010 1995 1999 1977 2003 1987 1984 1982 2007 1997 1996 2008 1993 1992 2011 1989 1983 2001 2000 2002 1992 2008 2003 2005 2000 1990 1984 1981 1996 1996 1973 2008 1998 2010 2005 2003 2003 1959 1980 1989 2004 1978 1968 1990 1990 1993 1999 1990 1989 2005 1998 2003 2002 2006 1997 1995 2007 2008 2001 2000 1991 1991 1980 1979 2002 2006 2006 2001 2006 1971 1983 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $488,670 7 8 $131.37 $199,260 77 102 $78.54 $675,250 12 12 $151.45 $233,060 105 129 $83.33 $350,620 94 102 $97.30 $202,650 19 37 $75.01 $385,640 3 3 $85.24 $72,380 3 6 $90.13 $110,760 12 14 $41.07 $99,700 3 5 $72.15 $130,560 8 7 $63.38 $126,450 5 8 $61.07 $245,010 5 9 $83.12 $184,280 5 5 $98.09 $151,470 11 14 $65.56 $243,250 68 73 $89.65 $142,710 15 15 $65.75 $300,500 13 16 $98.08 $207,250 32 38 $86.50 $264,740 10 8 $85.13 $156,250 28 22 $64.13 $143,320 14 27 $65.94 $177,260 10 11 $71.30 $97,140 43 34 $54.61 $394,460 10 13 $101.36 $356,160 4 5 $124.68 $258,000 3 6 $89.25 $653,000 32 34 $138.38 $87,490 45 53 $45.87 $128,100 7 8 $69.00 $107,500 62 63 $45.58 $101,560 12 15 $46.81 $188,480 6 3 $48.29 $373,130 76 104 $112.75 $488,760 13 8 $120.18 $433,570 5 10 $115.77 $170,040 6 12 $93.69 $218,800 3 4 $82.55 $128,520 94 105 $65.64 $138,920 28 30 $85.02 $309,150 9 5 $85.24 $252,320 3 3 $109.20 $128,670 25 42 $67.90 $171,040 10 33 $82.01 $164,040 13 16 $67.31 $241,990 19 16 $78.56 $222,270 8 5 $85.97 $318,410 5 7 $84.78 $93,180 5 11 $57.53 $82,660 6 5 $61.36 $82,350 71 61 $50.39 $347,140 3 3 $127.12 $123,270 63 61 $59.16 $107,660 8 7 $68.64 $465,800 5 5 $144.61 $129,410 17 10 $48.75 $161,840 9 7 $49.58 $151,790 54 36 $62.38 $111,490 29 29 $50.94 $261,500 12 5 $90.50 $192,160 8 6 $52.68 $843,710 4 3 $171.66 $212,040 3 6 $78.01 $220,650 54 83 $76.89 $147,250 27 19 $73.45 $158,900 66 66 $71.67 $125,980 30 28 $61.92 $70,000 3 4 $25.52 $424,050 3 3 $129.15 $175,260 78 139 $76.03 $363,060 76 58 $110.99 $124,430 8 14 $60.50 $242,620 8 4 $95.49 $370,880 4 5 $109.85 $229,290 5 3 $83.97 $95,130 6 19 $22.41 $200,090 9 7 $92.73 $120,430 45 57 $45.64 $114,910 9 9 $53.08 $193,150 37 43 $75.88 $358,470 21 25 $100.62 $62,460 7 9 $51.41 $198,750 14 21 $94.75 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $136.01 $89.56 $154.54 $86.01 $97.06 $85.14 $115.09 $74.27 $54.12 $70.00 $73.08 $63.06 $96.40 $98.20 $68.97 $98.74 $72.75 $114.29 $91.75 $92.82 $72.53 $73.34 $73.98 $62.53 $122.96 $119.22 $108.61 $154.75 $65.26 $70.73 $52.85 $51.28 $54.27 $124.72 $133.99 $111.74 $82.21 $79.89 $71.71 $93.05 $100.62 $120.56 $71.48 $84.03 $78.59 $88.41 $93.75 $96.11 $59.58 $66.00 $60.92 $145.08 $68.86 $72.44 $214.94 $53.34 $55.98 $68.69 $57.65 $100.11 $64.48 $164.90 $83.56 $82.22 $78.00 $78.28 $68.53 $39.89 $125.95 $85.81 $120.96 $61.38 $107.41 $127.14 $108.77 $29.88 $100.90 $58.55 $61.77 $79.37 $102.03 $53.28 $97.35 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 4% 0% 14% 12% 2% 9% 3% -2% 0% 5% 14% 18% 35% 16% -18% 20% 32% 19% -3% 17% 15% 13% 3% 7% 16% NA 0% 6% 5% -8% 10% 6% 11% 10% 17% 28% 6% 9% 9% 7% 13% 11% 11% 3% 4% 2% 14% -7% 21% 20% -4% 2% 22% NA 12% 35% 42% 8% 3% -20% 16% 10% 10% 2% 12% -17% 11% 14% 11% 12% -3% -7% -12% 14% -3% 7% 9% -2% 9% 11% 18% 7% 10% 17% 5% 7% 2% 13% 17% 12% 13% 15% 9% 13% 13% 4% 4% -6% 8% -2% 21% 8% 14% 18% 16% 7% 6% 38% 49% 22% 9% -10% 13% 14% 10% 3% 13% 4% 11% 7% 22% 2% -4% -4% 7% 19% 7% 8% 6% 0% 9% 7% 11% 3% 56% 2% -2% 17% 13% 14% 9% 22% 1% -3% 12% 21% 16% 25% 30% 20% 33% -50% 9% 13% 28% 9% 16% 9% 5% -1% 1% 3% 4% 14% 3% 17% Brazoria County Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Alexander Landing 166 Alvin No 1 164 Area B-C-D-E-G-H-J-K-L Etc 1,565 Ashford Cove at Silverlake 110 Ashton Park 135 Audubon Woods Sub 254 Autumn Lake 411 Avalon Terrace 312 B C I C Div 1 107 Banbury Cross 324 Bar X Ranch 259 Brazos Crossing 7 Brazos Oaks (Lake Jackson) 290 Briarglen 150 Bridge Harbor 90 Brighton Place 102 Buffalo Camp Farms 220 Cabot Cove 215 Callaway Heights 183 Cambridge Cove at Silverlake 100 Cambridge Lake 165 Canterbury Park 162 Centennial Village 84 Chevy Chase 356 Clear Creek Manor 168 Clear Creek Park 151 Cobblestone 159 Cold River Ranch 287 College Park Estates 247 Columbia Lakes 634 Corrigan 412 Corrigan North 145 Country Grove Townhomes 166 Countryplace 668 Creekside 193 Creekstone at Silverlake 87 Crystal Lake 137 Cypress Village 341 Dixie Hollow 119 Dixie Woods 283 Easton 398 Fairway Village at Silverlake 247 Fieldstone Village at Silverlake 255 Flagridge 291 Flagridge Estates 372 Forest Bend 99 Forest Heights 148 Foxwood Sub 63 Freeport 1,365 Garden Acres 239 Glenwood Bayou 303 Hamilton Square 116 Hazeldale Estates 75 Heritage Green 129 Heritage Oaks 124 Hide-A-Way on Gulf 168 Jackson Oaks Ii 35 Kendall Lakes 41 Kings Park 65 Kings Row 130 Kingswood Estates 70 Lake Forest 320 Lakepointe at Silverlake 138 Leedy Estates 230 Linwood 115 Manvel Outlots 339 Meadow Creek 135 Meadowview at Silverlake 92 Morgan’s Landing 66 Mustang Crossing 117 Mustang Heights 65 North Pointe Trails 133 Northridge (Angleton) 169 Northwood Estates 159 Oak Forest 472 Oakbrook 330 Oakbrook Estates 442 Park Crest 68 Park Village Estates 335 Parks at Walnut Bend 243 Parkside at Silverlake 89 Parkview 349 Parkwood Terrace 322 Pearland 332 Pearland Farms 49 Pearland Park Estates 134 Pine Hollow 454 Pine Shadows 78 Plantation North 151 Plantation Oaks (Lake Jackson)162 Plantation Village 458 Rancho Isabella 447 Ravenwood Estates 68 River Mist 243 Riverwalk 123 Rodeo Palms, Palm Court 116 Rodeo Palms, Palm Shore 155 Rodeo Palms, The Colony 216 Savannah Bend 99 Savannah Cove 89 1,972 1,337 1,317 2,394 2,731 1,737 2,470 2,150 1,360 1,940 2,135 1,568 1,242 2,581 1,384 2,192 2,350 2,733 1,770 3,503 1,908 2,479 1,680 1,254 1,896 2,643 1,975 1,379 1,977 2,011 1,595 1,548 1,546 1,832 2,093 3,150 2,899 2,151 1,327 2,666 1,122 2,409 2,690 1,545 2,500 1,648 2,012 1,800 1,271 1,586 1,543 1,715 2,180 1,609 2,476 1,386 3,224 2,214 2,052 1,699 2,051 2,330 3,590 1,624 2,018 1,691 1,424 3,038 1,691 2,018 1,167 1,696 1,861 2,947 2,270 2,343 2,194 1,477 1,967 2,073 3,000 1,708 1,351 1,142 2,892 3,451 3,044 2,105 1,570 2,586 1,635 1,501 3,423 1,854 1,378 2,218 1,923 1,768 2,385 2,996 1993 1944 1950 1997 2000 2004 2004 2007 1997 1992 2004 2008 1954 1996 1984 1984 1978 2005 1968 1997 2007 2006 2002 1952 1965 2002 1997 2006 2002 1979 1973 1979 1989 1991 2005 2002 1998 2006 1978 1996 1962 1998 2001 1984 1990 1979 2006 1997 1946 1968 1970 2005 1986 1979 2004 1990 2005 2009 1974 1970 1971 1967 1996 1986 1972 1982 1982 1996 2005 2008 1973 2008 1973 2004 1980 1993 2003 1975 2002 2004 1995 1983 1956 1960 2005 2007 2000 1981 1979 1995 1991 1984 2002 2001 1984 2007 2007 2007 2007 2009 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $152,690 4 10 $73.68 $65,330 5 7 $42.90 $77,550 23 39 $54.33 $177,960 4 7 $75.62 $187,880 7 12 $66.55 $162,490 17 20 $89.31 $173,590 15 26 $71.77 $179,940 15 27 $76.56 $228,760 10 7 $169.35 $136,120 13 19 $75.60 $193,860 4 9 $90.41 $155,160 4 7 $104.26 $78,930 5 10 $47.74 $192,790 4 5 $72.65 $163,770 8 7 $151.85 $152,970 4 5 $73.83 $166,770 4 8 $85.00 $195,900 13 19 $71.14 $113,720 3 9 $37.35 $281,480 6 4 $74.47 $146,440 14 16 $74.91 $166,890 11 8 $69.98 $124,760 5 3 $65.48 $71,460 8 5 $65.71 $131,700 4 7 $71.77 $200,500 7 9 $68.32 $139,780 11 5 $56.90 $84,500 16 20 $45.37 $177,890 7 15 $93.15 $134,410 17 33 $79.72 $110,560 16 14 $69.76 $116,540 6 11 $81.17 $118,380 11 14 $72.45 $142,140 34 56 $75.08 $165,050 7 18 $79.79 $247,870 4 4 $83.30 $213,420 7 3 $80.29 $145,460 20 16 $75.30 $94,870 9 3 $74.95 $176,390 14 20 $65.19 $48,880 3 5 $45.34 $181,900 12 16 $76.78 $195,430 14 17 $73.24 $119,970 9 7 $72.25 $199,750 15 13 $78.53 $113,150 3 6 $67.99 $138,320 11 3 $68.43 $129,860 5 5 $65.50 $43,130 4 14 $40.90 $94,480 8 7 $56.62 $98,060 6 5 $62.41 $135,600 5 7 $77.66 $142,880 5 4 $73.19 $117,810 5 9 $55.31 $265,940 7 8 $107.80 $158,850 7 5 $125.72 $303,110 3 3 $103.76 $155,820 14 16 $76.83 $126,440 3 3 $67.79 $108,330 4 4 $76.72 $126,550 3 5 $57.03 $149,270 3 6 $80.72 $282,800 7 7 $67.58 $118,640 4 6 $84.13 $129,010 9 3 $64.14 $131,790 12 7 $76.34 $106,900 3 4 $60.66 $217,870 8 3 $74.29 $121,530 7 3 $76.18 $141,350 17 15 $71.00 $76,060 4 5 $74.55 $141,810 6 12 $66.55 $122,170 5 4 $43.80 $303,910 12 10 $111.55 $150,360 8 18 $67.66 $163,470 16 16 $72.35 $166,320 28 35 $78.53 $98,640 4 4 $65.16 $142,800 21 17 $73.01 $149,200 15 19 $78.20 $215,910 3 6 $66.56 $120,720 8 24 $67.38 $93,780 3 9 $54.37 $71,840 7 6 $75.05 $202,730 13 13 $81.33 $249,000 11 8 $67.03 $195,050 23 34 $69.26 $143,000 4 3 $77.97 $109,560 4 4 $87.74 $211,430 11 9 $86.73 $132,580 12 18 $80.24 $108,950 12 11 $62.74 $295,510 5 5 $106.08 $136,450 14 12 $58.25 $111,280 6 5 $78.34 $153,800 8 7 $59.82 $139,800 4 9 $58.39 $131,810 11 12 $60.04 $171,570 5 6 $70.27 $222,000 9 9 $78.15 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $71.33 $42.18 $65.63 $78.81 $73.89 $99.15 $73.79 $77.91 $195.40 $75.08 $111.44 $110.10 $69.88 $76.49 $148.30 $82.58 $73.65 $76.31 $71.49 $82.07 $86.90 $70.82 $71.37 $63.27 $87.45 $78.50 $65.37 $63.14 $95.73 $83.33 $74.47 $78.66 $72.21 $82.59 $86.50 $81.65 $75.59 $71.83 $82.62 $72.05 $46.30 $82.63 $81.81 $88.79 $83.25 $69.88 $67.97 $75.68 $25.04 $50.70 $72.63 $93.47 $73.08 $80.90 $105.78 $124.11 $103.80 $80.82 $80.60 $71.93 $69.18 $71.24 $120.35 $46.01 $65.20 $73.24 $83.09 $79.73 $84.84 $69.63 $49.23 $86.59 $67.49 $112.70 $79.62 $74.44 $82.21 $78.90 $80.06 $73.95 $77.89 $73.80 $77.39 $87.89 $84.16 $67.60 $70.46 $78.01 $77.32 $82.06 $83.37 $79.62 $106.51 $77.78 $90.95 $73.16 $64.48 $78.68 $74.32 $74.21 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 -3% -5% -2% -32% 21% 20% 4% -4% 11% 7% 11% 8% 3% -7% 2% -17% 15% 65% -1% 10% 23% 7% 6% 10% 46% 34% 5% 3% -2% 14% 12% -6% -13% -12% 7% 2% 91% 34% 10% -5% 16% 1% 1% -11% 9% 8% -4% -1% 22% 4% 15% -5% 15% -8% 39% 37% 3% -3% 5% 11% 7% -8% -3% 5% 0% NA 10% -5% 8% 3% -2% 1% -6% -14% -5% 2% 10% 9% 11% 5% 2% -33% 8% 1% 12% -2% 23% -5% 6% -16% 3% 19% -1% -11% 16% -2% -39% 2% -10% -42% 16% 15% 20% 21% 0% -1% 46% 5% -2% 3% -1% -5% 0% 2% 5% 10% 19% 7% -6% 15% 21% 10% -12% 0% 78% 45% -45% -49% 2% -7% -4% -18% 37% 7% 7% -4% 11% 3% -2% -7% -34% 3% 30% -2% 54% -4% 1% -8% 18% 1% 3% 8% 5% 6% 21% 1% 10% 3% -5% -2% 17% 3% 10% -3% 42% 6% 17% 17% 3% NA 1% -6% 2% 11% 0% NA -12% 2% -5% NA 4% 11% 27% -1% 0% 15% 34% -3% 16% 7% 22% -12% 10% -30% 31% -3% 6% 6% -5% -7% Johnny Hanson / Houston Chronicle A new housing development is advertised at Silverlake Parkway and Summer Breeze Drive just west of Texas 288 in Brazoria County. Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Savannah Landing 108 Savannah Meadows 467 Savannah Plantation 40 Savannah Ridge 227 Savannah Trace 224 Scofield 112 Sedgefield at Silverlake 387 Sedona Lakes 109 Shadow Creek Ranch 4,245 Sherwood 142 Shywood 319 Silvercreek 739 Silverlake Townhomes 57 Sleepy Hollow (Pearland) 164 Somerset Place 161 South Hampton 178 South Parkwood 274 Southdown S/D 1,494 Southern Trails 392 Southern Trails West 211 Southfork 521 Southgate 438 Southwyck 1,666 Springbrook at Silverlake 179 Springfield 301 Sterling Lakes at Iowa Colony 313 Stonebridge 156 Stonebridge at Silverlake 255 Summerfield at Silverlake 50 Suncreek Estates 73 Sunrise Lakes 700 Sunset Lakes 220 Sunset Meadows-Nasawood 259 Surfside 271 Surfside Townsite 110 Tanglewood 429 The Lakes at Countryplace 487 The Lakes at Highland Glen 827 The Plantation S/D 67 The Villages at Mary’s Creek 290 Timbercreek 217 Towne Lake Estates 209 Treasure Island 216 Turner 62 Twin Lakes (Pearland) 129 Twin Wood S/D 120 Village Grove 197 Village Trace 136 Villages of Edgewater Estates 424 Waterbury Estates 110 Weatherford at Silverlake 126 West Friendswood 273 West Lea 169 West Oaks 385 West Oaks Village 450 Westchester Estates 114 Westwood Village 279 Willowcrest 262 Willowick 222 Winfield at Silverlake 63 Woodbend at Silverlake 163 Woodcreek 474 Yaupon Place 152 3,548 2,082 2,789 2,332 3,147 3,146 2,053 3,526 2,825 1,891 1,766 3,057 2,041 2,303 1,624 2,278 1,798 1,910 3,263 2,207 2,788 3,088 2,240 3,595 2,006 2,134 4,016 2,115 3,336 3,190 2,729 2,350 2,417 852 1,024 1,864 2,966 2,943 2,765 3,458 3,326 3,182 1,248 1,219 2,365 2,358 2,099 1,180 2,946 4,011 3,098 2,143 2,116 2,760 2,262 1,661 2,256 1,524 1,946 1,822 3,512 1,729 2,269 2005 2004 2002 2003 2005 2000 1999 2010 2005 1965 1984 2003 2004 1977 1983 2001 1966 1994 2007 2008 2007 2006 1994 2002 1990 2010 2008 2003 2001 2006 2002 1999 1990 1965 1965 1980 2001 2006 1988 2006 1991 2004 1984 1962 2006 1999 2007 1996 2000 2000 1998 1983 1974 1998 2000 1976 1992 1969 1994 1997 1999 1978 1988 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $215,420 10 14 $62.44 $143,260 29 49 $57.67 $209,200 3 3 $92.85 $137,220 16 13 $64.17 $179,000 12 14 $53.01 $235,000 5 5 $75.57 $162,500 23 35 $79.62 $343,460 23 20 $92.79 $215,540 262 305 $76.44 $120,860 4 4 $76.11 $134,990 8 15 $77.61 $255,600 38 40 $86.14 $210,820 5 4 $75.06 $153,960 4 4 $84.35 $110,030 11 6 $67.48 $148,400 6 13 $74.17 $119,850 4 6 $79.89 $140,390 67 81 $67.40 $266,970 29 54 $84.19 $185,330 27 25 $86.25 $188,370 17 35 $60.95 $205,770 16 9 $68.01 $149,990 82 78 $69.75 $273,160 11 9 $78.35 $133,180 13 16 $61.64 $157,010 55 63 $78.07 $291,440 32 17 $77.84 $172,380 26 22 $81.74 $236,830 5 3 $69.75 $267,810 3 6 $99.85 $181,140 36 36 $65.93 $176,570 10 17 $79.32 $151,790 12 15 $66.91 $81,720 9 9 $108.05 $159,890 4 4 $168.94 $140,020 8 13 $67.66 $223,420 23 32 $75.31 $229,220 49 59 $80.74 $269,970 3 4 $97.37 $261,400 11 16 $85.33 $310,210 6 8 $97.78 $197,810 11 12 $67.64 $190,000 14 15 $172.22 $79,290 3 3 $60.87 $147,290 6 16 $61.35 $181,460 4 4 $67.81 $149,530 23 29 $71.02 $70,130 4 3 $58.94 $204,000 18 22 $72.62 $375,230 6 4 $92.13 $238,370 7 6 $73.03 $210,640 5 6 $104.12 $159,070 6 4 $89.38 $187,000 17 16 $64.59 $158,290 14 36 $65.14 $110,610 3 4 $66.70 $144,330 8 16 $63.39 $109,810 11 8 $66.09 $129,890 9 11 $72.97 $146,710 3 3 $83.33 $283,000 10 10 $72.04 $126,580 17 23 $70.14 $179,180 6 5 $91.24 Median price sq.ft. 2013 $65.43 $70.89 $81.63 $69.75 $66.43 $82.68 $80.71 $103.90 $81.42 $66.77 $78.15 $90.24 $92.34 $84.50 $60.06 $77.75 $66.39 $75.63 $88.13 $81.33 $71.23 $74.33 $75.68 $81.31 $73.10 $79.70 $78.91 $83.05 $86.71 $112.37 $74.52 $77.14 $68.37 $118.22 $183.60 $84.45 $80.51 $83.47 $94.45 $95.85 $106.92 $75.81 $178.13 $79.45 $73.28 $65.57 $76.19 $77.26 $77.51 $97.36 $79.81 $103.44 $79.02 $74.40 $73.68 $56.72 $72.37 $74.97 $73.70 $82.88 $86.28 $77.50 $84.82 Pct. Pct. chg. chg.2012- 20092013 2013 5% -2% 23% -2% -12% 7% 9% 9% 25% 13% 9% 3% 1% -1% 12% NA 7% -4% -12% -7% 1% -3% 5% -2% 23% NA 0% 3% -11% -29% 5% 21% -17% -11% 12% -2% 5% -10% -6% -14% 17% -1% 9% 3% 9% 1% 4% -1% 19% -3% 2% 0% 1% -7% 2% -4% 24% 16% 13% -23% 13% 2% -3% -3% 2% 0% 9% -1% 9% 56% 25% 6% 7% -2% 3% -7% -3% 0% 12% 15% 9% -3% 12% 17% 3% 15% 31% 87% 19% 8% -3% -17% 7% 11% 31% 9% 7% 3% 6% -5% 9% 3% -1% 9% -12% 27% 15% -1% 13% -4% -15% -31% 14% 6% 13% -10% 1% -1% -1% -6% 20% 0% 10% 0% -7% 32% D18 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Montgomery County Region Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built 177 Lake Estates 200 Allenwood 88 April Sound 1746 Arbor Place 139 Arbors at Jacobs Reserve 80 Artesian Lake Estates 91 Artesian Oaks 228 Auburn Trails at Oakhurst 41 Benders Landing 533 Benders Landing Estates 339 Bennette J O H-Owens 168 Bentwater 1776 Bentwood 184 Big Tree Estates 76 Blue Heron Bay 44 Briar Grove 153 Brushy Oaks 65 Caddo Village 395 Canyon Falls 40 Canyon Gate at Legends Ranch944 Canyon Lakes at Legends Ranch489 Canyon Lakes at Spring Trails 107 Cape Conroe 721 Cape Malibu 113 Carriage Hills 614 Champion Forest 63 Champion Lake 123 Chateau Woods 102 Cimarron Country 270 Clear Creek Forest 951 Clear Water Cove 87 Clovercreek 143 Colony Place 58 Conroe Bay 103 Convenient Country Estates 184 Corinthian Point 264 Country Club Forest 54 Country Colony (A535) 212 Country Village 90 Creekside Village 759 Crighton Ridge 293 Crighton Woods 174 Cripple Creek Farms 116 Crockett Trace 105 Crown Oaks 484 Crown Ranch 45 Cumberland 314 Cumberland Crossing 132 Decker Hills 316 Decker Oaks Estates 159 Deer Run 115 Deer Trail 82 Del Lago 201 Diamondhead 96 Dominion Ridge 43 Durango Creek 227 Eaglewood at Oakhurst 26 Emerson Estates 273 Enclave at Oakhurst 115 Estates of Clear Creek 140 Estates of Legends Ranch 195 Estates of Legends Trace 44 Far Hills 46 Forest at Jacobs Reserve 125 Forest Colony 286 Forest Creek 68 Forest Crossing 104 Forest Estates 101 Forest of Wedgewood 46 Forest Village 344 Forest West 53 Foster Glen 104 Foster Oaks 121 Founders Reserve 59 Fowler William E 122 Fox Run 1318 Freeway Forest 136 French Quarter on Lake Conroe 46 Frontier Lakes 159 Glen Oaks 139 Gleneagles 563 Golden Trails 183 Grand Harbor 478 Grand Lake Estates 216 Graystone Hills 419 Green Oak 70 Greenfield Forest Estates 91 Grove at Jacobs Reserve 61 Harbor Side 67 Harbour Town Club 68 Harper’s Preserve 49 Hazy Hollow East Estates 661 Hidden Creek (Abstract 539) 181 Hidden Lake Estates 188 High Meadow Ranch 454 Highland Hollow 63 Highland Ranch 59 Hills of Montgomery 64 Hilltop Ranch 41 Holly Hills 86 Holly Terrace 63 Hunters Glen 119 Hunters Landing 49 Hunter’s Place 65 Imperial Lakes 79 Imperial Oaks 1657 Imperial Oaks Estates 224 Imperial Oaks Forest 251 Imperial Oaks Park 1670 Imperial Oaks Village 248 Indigo Lake Estates 543 Indigo Ranch 112 Inverness Crossing 180 Iron Gate 72 Kellyn Oaks 75 Kings Manor 619 Kings Mill 382 Kipling Oaks 208 La Salle Crossing (Westlake) 202 Lake Bonanza 210 Lake Chateau Woods 535 Lake Conroe Forest 473 Lake Conroe Hills 473 Lake Conroe Village 233 Lake Creek Forest 248 Lake Forest Falls 182 Lake View Village 100 Lake Windcrest 788 Lakes of Magnolia 157 Legends Run 1213 Legends Trace 109 Lockeridge Farms 156 Lone Star Ranch 501 Longmire on Lake Conroe 111 Mansions Villas 41 Mill Creek Landing 61 Montgomery Creek Ranch 565 Montgomery Place 56 Montgomery Trace 390 Mosswood 114 Mostyn Manor 161 North Country 71 North Woods 170 Northcrest Ranch 326 Oak Hollow 69 Oak Ridge North 1273 Oak Tree 32 Oakhurst Fairways 143 Oakhurst Greens 142 Oakhurst Terrace 37 Oakridge Forest 224 Olde Oaks 101 Panorama-Green Briar 108 Panorama-Hiwon 214 Panorama-Quail Creek 174 Panorama-Thunderbird 141 Panorama-Westchester 65 Park at Kings Manor 91 Park at Oakhurst 317 Parkland Community 36 Parkside of Panorama 88 1,248 2,271 2,244 1,783 2,948 1,422 1,727 2,342 4,101 4,480 1,533 3,324 3,176 2,419 3,240 1,806 440 1,498 1,939 2,212 3,292 3,611 1,700 2,124 2,315 1,468 2,600 1,820 2,424 1,928 1,552 2,011 1,342 1,104 1,200 2,268 1,873 1,396 2,238 1,410 3,735 3,885 1,979 NA 3,179 3,632 1,720 1,920 1,307 2,051 1,311 1,881 2,407 2,039 3,272 1,815 4,404 1,149 2,518 2,531 4,132 3,034 2,034 2,762 1,750 2,047 1,702 2,304 2,548 2,083 NA 1,701 1,392 3,230 1,028 1,670 1,500 3,317 944 2,074 1,451 1,598 3,607 3,173 3,037 1,577 2,114 2,192 3,734 2,204 3,097 1,180 1,838 2,117 4,038 2,302 2,779 2,561 2,758 1,861 1,972 1,949 2,677 1,201 3,966 1,994 2,872 3,446 2,389 1,995 2,853 2,797 1,792 1,519 1,357 2,154 2,463 1,967 1,944 960 1,548 1,228 1,627 1,252 2,443 1,363 1,440 3,542 2,087 1,966 2,462 1,990 NA 3,104 2,523 2,004 2,355 2,302 2,851 1,758 3,090 1,672 1,416 2,726 1,804 2,172 2,217 3,038 3,728 3,098 2,136 1,766 2,366 2,078 1,820 1,549 2,515 1,576 2,313 2,019 1,707 1978 1984 1994 2005 2009 1972 1974 2011 2005 2008 1972 2001 2004 1992 2004 2006 2008 2006 2007 2006 2006 2010 1997 1992 1996 1981 1992 2010 1996 2001 1994 1997 1983 1984 1996 1990 1965 1979 1998 2007 2002 2007 1978 NA 2005 2008 1999 2007 2003 2004 2004 2008 1997 1990 2005 2007 2008 2001 2006 2001 2006 2008 1990 2009 2004 2007 2007 1968 1999 2008 NA 2006 1978 2011 1985 1993 1976 2007 1970 2006 1982 1971 2005 2003 2008 2002 2005 2009 2004 1998 2011 1976 2009 2005 2004 1980 2004 2002 2004 1968 1982 2006 2004 2004 2007 1994 2001 2006 2006 1997 2000 2005 2001 1984 2003 2003 2008 1978 1998 1970 1987 1975 1996 1998 1998 1974 1979 2001 2007 2007 2009 2009 NA 2000 2005 1996 2009 1989 2002 1978 2005 1976 1994 2002 1970 1970 2008 2006 2007 2010 2001 2004 1976 1982 1976 1976 1995 2004 2007 2006 2003 Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $65,480 11 4 $61.07 $199,010 3 4 $89.33 $176,980 103 130 $83.28 $98,250 17 7 $61.00 $261,880 5 8 $94.27 $97,730 3 4 $61.50 $114,430 11 11 $67.09 $153,520 14 10 $88.68 $457,910 24 44 $127.81 $540,520 24 47 $131.06 $37,530 7 3 $58.60 $325,440 104 114 $98.93 $233,140 13 17 $77.24 $246,260 4 4 $131.55 $404,280 3 3 $167.47 $94,150 6 10 $56.74 $67,990 5 3 $49.11 $78,870 14 25 $57.54 $119,680 9 8 $51.15 $153,870 60 96 $67.81 $221,540 33 44 $68.08 $269,720 27 34 $82.02 $118,780 37 52 $74.94 $206,310 6 4 $75.34 $211,430 25 23 $103.24 $115,800 3 5 $113.32 $220,080 3 8 $81.94 $149,790 35 6 $81.10 $221,950 8 6 $103.19 $180,500 54 65 $101.27 $139,430 7 5 $88.20 $134,320 8 3 $65.10 $34,670 4 3 $111.05 $100,420 6 4 $120.36 $80,430 5 8 $71.21 $157,920 14 26 $73.53 $150,000 4 3 $73.35 $82,080 14 18 $58.69 $188,310 4 7 $83.24 $91,530 40 49 $56.22 $352,800 21 27 $100.76 $391,890 29 21 $94.40 $122,400 3 3 $60.47 $34,180 7 3 $25.89 $326,240 23 42 $106.64 $404,220 4 3 $118.46 $101,720 20 19 $63.37 $114,580 5 15 $84.63 $24,270 5 10 $19.67 $130,380 8 18 $75.03 $122,190 4 10 $92.62 $177,130 6 5 $113.77 $184,750 13 15 $75.71 $181,630 4 5 $190.15 $340,950 5 3 $119.50 $153,860 16 24 $82.94 $526,060 4 4 $129.05 $26,030 13 11 $24.35 $222,180 8 8 $89.91 $266,710 3 11 $109.95 $336,380 18 13 $85.51 $214,970 8 22 $72.69 $154,580 4 8 $161.69 $250,190 9 14 $85.86 $114,380 16 30 $58.30 $177,950 3 9 $63.70 $99,690 8 10 $64.03 $139,550 3 3 $61.34 $245,000 7 4 $93.08 $115,940 18 29 $66.42 $55,410 3 4 $24.73 $93,940 7 9 $54.59 $83,700 4 5 $50.45 $346,380 5 4 $137.29 $69,760 5 6 $60.34 $76,480 59 50 $53.46 $44,040 3 3 $63.86 $314,840 5 3 $93.99 $18,750 5 3 $36.34 $117,850 7 14 $54.59 $76,690 17 21 $52.07 $69,280 3 5 $48.78 $385,500 46 64 $108.99 $272,830 20 24 $95.03 $237,650 43 48 $82.69 $111,660 5 8 $45.97 $172,730 11 6 $87.08 $187,120 4 6 $97.75 $412,730 5 9 $115.71 $230,300 4 6 $105.13 $224,260 10 9 $87.99 $14,620 6 14 $26.79 $124,730 37 37 $79.86 $142,680 19 21 $65.56 $495,260 28 30 $130.43 $164,970 3 5 $64.72 $262,130 4 5 $105.00 $275,810 7 5 $124.80 $302,660 4 3 $121.16 $102,980 5 3 $61.30 $80,750 8 4 $122.42 $98,390 3 11 $48.77 $282,090 6 4 $152.98 $64,170 7 5 $52.59 $322,810 7 3 $85.27 $134,860 80 128 $69.63 $180,620 10 7 $71.72 $244,540 13 15 $77.44 $164,060 131 168 $77.15 $128,180 11 19 $69.86 $321,080 27 32 $109.58 $278,630 9 9 $100.50 $32,060 4 5 $29.17 $53,240 3 3 $100.33 $78,720 5 6 $54.66 $148,540 43 57 $70.80 $155,000 30 47 $69.60 $154,820 5 6 $68.07 $115,990 9 11 $57.03 $49,230 7 7 $31.98 $109,650 15 26 $69.56 $60,580 10 13 $68.38 $107,840 24 26 $74.41 $28,520 5 11 $34.54 $249,650 13 14 $101.95 $104,840 5 6 $94.96 $137,090 3 7 $222.65 $400,200 65 68 $121.84 $134,480 14 13 $73.24 $106,560 55 81 $60.24 $164,850 21 32 $74.51 $148,350 15 13 $70.32 $36,810 24 34 $38.39 $400,000 4 7 $99.89 $182,490 5 4 $65.75 $165,400 4 4 $111.07 $118,980 22 32 $52.43 $199,960 3 4 $104.13 $271,840 19 21 $100.04 $115,000 6 6 $67.14 $294,270 22 23 $103.98 $103,220 3 3 $55.56 $60,650 3 5 $78.52 $281,140 17 21 $104.30 $115,570 3 3 $56.43 $143,350 43 44 $65.41 $217,750 8 6 $100.14 $222,030 8 19 $83.36 $292,010 14 13 $75.49 $235,990 3 3 $84.17 $138,000 10 21 $70.54 $94,650 9 10 $69.39 $134,000 7 8 $64.24 $140,970 5 12 $73.35 $113,100 8 18 $69.16 $95,510 10 10 $70.75 $206,950 4 5 $88.25 $111,430 3 5 $69.44 $180,550 29 23 $76.95 $197,090 5 6 $85.62 $138,690 5 4 $80.45 Median Pct. Pct. price chg. chg.sq.ft. 2012- 20092013 2013 2013 $65.16 7% 17% $99.35 11% 5% $88.75 7% 4% $72.21 18% 47% $116.07 23% 17% $71.44 16% 2% $62.65 -7% 0% $82.64 -7% NA $137.23 7% 20% $139.30 6% 20% $106.67 82% NA $103.24 4% 13% $89.08 15% 24% $120.72 -8% 6% $165.37 -1% 24% $60.00 6% -22% $34.14 -30% 4% $60.47 5% 7% $74.69 46% 9% $81.56 20% 9% $79.06 16% 14% $92.48 13% NA $84.14 12% 6% $86.57 15% 55% $99.91 -3% 3% $75.23 -34% -4% $97.58 19% 20% $84.79 5% NA $102.88 0% 12% $104.45 3% 8% $93.58 6% 5% $70.73 9% 17% $116.22 5% NA $66.64 -45% -14% $55.95 -21% 55% $89.08 21% 31% $58.60 -20% NA $67.70 15% 30% $99.93 20% 17% $76.75 37% 30% $102.05 1% 3% $101.84 8% 10% $66.08 9% -9% $33.07 28% 9% $119.74 12% 21% $122.65 4% -6% $60.95 -4% -5% $84.86 0% 39% $35.61 81% 14% $72.38 -4% -4% $106.81 15% 33% $108.23 -5% 9% $81.73 8% -4% $88.90 -53% NA $109.45 -8% -1% $88.60 7% -5% $160.86 25% 15% $28.70 18% 24% $97.84 9% 16% $114.96 5% -3% $100.14 17% 20% $77.13 6% -2% $97.26 -40% -43% $115.63 35% 10% $82.78 42% 20% $92.97 46% 16% $77.82 22% -3% $73.11 19% 16% $100.20 8% 0% $69.13 4% 15% $41.94 70% NA $79.19 45% 40% $53.28 6% -1% $167.34 22% NA $55.11 -9% -13% $63.07 18% 16% $110.00 72% 263% $124.76 33% 25% $24.82 -32% -51% $71.45 31% 14% $60.39 16% 4% $63.59 30% 22% $110.28 1% 9% $109.04 15% 20% $90.52 9% -1% $74.68 62% 13% $97.78 12% 33% $100.09 2% 16% $109.01 -6% 2% $48.35 -54% NA $93.86 7% NA $39.54 48% 48% $78.76 -1% 6% $78.50 20% 45% $143.26 10% 0% $67.86 5% 18% $112.06 7% 23% $112.28 -10% 2% $148.00 22% 24% $59.55 -3% -1% $105.14 -14% NA $51.75 6% -3% $138.88 -9% -4% $61.73 17% NA $88.03 3% -1% $77.65 12% 11% $79.54 11% 21% $80.28 4% -7% $84.88 10% 9% $74.20 6% -2% $117.17 7% 17% $121.18 21% 24% $44.64 53% 54% $93.44 -7% -8% $55.01 1% 7% $75.44 7% 4% $78.31 13% 10% $85.43 26% 4% $65.14 14% 11% $50.34 57% -15% $78.19 12% -4% $64.47 -6% -13% $79.26 7% 3% $36.27 5% 36% $114.07 12% 12% $80.91 -15% -8% $87.50 -61% -42% $133.82 10% 15% $77.83 6% 4% $67.00 11% 12% $87.98 18% 7% $76.37 9% 12% $41.73 9% NA $127.43 28% -3% $92.47 41% 42% $124.72 12% 16% $62.78 20% 23% $95.80 -8% 34% $105.00 5% 2% $52.55 -22% -23% $110.21 6% 14% $38.69 -30% -21% $88.67 13% 15% $112.50 8% 6% $55.96 -1% -13% $76.28 17% 15% $100.50 0% 6% $80.73 -3% 10% $95.38 26% 30% $84.13 0% NA $71.63 2% 17% $72.24 4% 18% $71.15 11% 9% $72.88 -1% 1% $70.98 3% 4% $71.56 1% 0% $77.70 -12% 2% $70.99 2% -4% $78.69 2% 6% $93.02 9% 1% $84.40 5% 0% The Woodlands East Shore Chronicle file Homes in the East Shore neighborhood on Lake Woodlands sold for a median price of $236.50 per square foot in 2013. The community is in the garden district of The Woodlands Town Center. Subdivision Homes Median. Median in subsq. year division ft. built Peach Creek Forest 405 Pelican Bay 72 Pin Oak 184 Pine Crest 99 Pines at Jacobs Reserve 70 Pinewood Forest 78 Piney Point 92 Point Aquarius 677 Point at Oakhurst 90 Ranch Crest 218 Rancho Escondido 44 Rayford Ridge 188 Red Oak Ranch 59 Ridge at Oakhurst 87 Ridgelake Shores 191 River Park Ranch 83 River Plantation 1267 Riverbrook-Forest Hills 146 Rivershire 565 Riverwalk 524 Riverwood at Oakhurst 133 Robinwood 262 Roman Forest 607 Royal Forest 537 Sendera Lake Estates 127 Sendera Ranch 183 Seven Coves 615 Shadow Bay 301 Shady Oak Estates 150 Shady Woods 150 Shenandoah Valley 500 Silverstone 125 Silverwood Ranch 68 Sonoma Ridge 23 South Shore Estates 94 Southwind Ridge 104 Spring Forest 168 Spring Hills North 106 Spring Trails 1613 Stagecoach Farms 195 Sterling Place 43 Stewarts Forest 372 Stone Ranch 69 Stonecreek Courts 80 Summer Hills 548 Summer Wood 92 Summerchase 19 Summerset Estates 337 Sunrise Ranch 91 Sunset Ridge 197 Tanglewood 127 Tanglewood East 113 Teas Lakes 343 Teaswood (The Reserve) 83 Tejas Creek 168 Terrace at Oakhurst 80 Texas National 164 The Village at High Meadow 94 The Villages at Crockett Trace 50 Thousand Oaks 312 Timber Lakes 525 Timber Line Estates 155 Timber Ridge 532 Timber Switch Subdivision 41 Timbergreen 194 Timberlane Acres 373 Timberloch Estates 215 Tri Lake Estate 136 Tuscany Longmire Town Homes 9 Tuscany Woods 51 Twin Shores 151 Valley Ranch 335 Vicksburg 157 Village Hills 46 Village of Decker Oaks 244 Village of Oak Ridge Grove 63 Walden 2662 Walnut Cove 680 Walnut Springs 126 Waterford Estates 50 Wdlnds Ashbury Square 44 Wedgewood 136 West Fork 105 Westwood 1319 Whispering Oaks 99 Whispering Pines 118 White Oak Estates 275 White Oak Hills 99 White Oak Plantation 193 White Oak Ranch 54 Wiggins Village 184 Wood Hollow 140 Woodbranch 317 Woodcrest 232 Woodforest 256 Woodhaven Forest 71 Woodland Lakes 210 Woodland Oaks 457 The Woodlands Grogans Forest 503 Harper’s Lnd & College Park 1346 Lake Woodlands East Shore 139 Alden Bridge 7258 Carlton Woods 351 Cochrans Crossing 5292 Creekside Park 66 Grogans Mill 4039 Indian Springs 2254 Panther Creek 3662 Sterling Ridge 4799 Windsor Hills 437 Windsor Lakes 572 Sterling Ridge Cheswd Manor 52 Woodlane Forest 100 Woods at Jacobs 29 Woodway Forest 134 1,200 2,203 1,286 1,332 2,481 1,965 1,378 2,130 2,103 2,002 3,311 2,273 3,516 2,267 2,894 3,048 2,516 2,366 2,168 2,874 2,339 1,523 2,056 1,107 3,005 2,631 1,990 1,440 1,813 1,658 2,076 3,824 3,264 2,673 2,747 2,069 1,968 1,934 2,548 2,190 1,743 2,728 1,686 1,475 1,534 2,165 1,977 1,383 1,629 1,610 1,860 1,705 1,769 3,927 1,729 3,219 1,812 3,604 1,347 3,564 1,605 1,960 1,406 1,866 3,247 1,352 1,500 1,270 1,955 2,600 2,088 1,878 2,278 3,537 1,724 2,729 2,064 837 1,320 3,195 1,963 2,861 3,210 2,076 2,250 1,576 3,088 NA 1,590 3,386 1,377 1,799 1,617 1,500 3,083 2,083 1,440 2,213 1980 1994 2007 1970 2010 2007 1973 1999 2006 2006 1990 2006 1999 2009 2005 2004 1974 1970 1978 2005 2008 1984 1980 2004 1996 1998 1998 1987 2008 2006 1972 2005 2008 2007 1997 2004 1976 1979 2007 1982 2009 2006 2006 2002 2002 2007 2007 2003 2005 1972 1965 1981 2004 1998 2003 2009 2005 2007 2006 2004 1970 2006 1972 2007 1998 1970 1990 1979 2007 2010 1991 2008 1974 1982 2003 2007 2001 1986 1982 1995 2003 1992 2005 2001 1974 1974 2004 NA 1983 2006 1970 1981 1974 1981 2011 2009 1978 2001 2,745 2,342 4,296 2,437 6,244 2,760 2,905 2,016 2,898 2,379 3,222 2,156 2,104 1,952 2,488 3,983 1,445 2005 $382,970 2002 $181,400 2009 $757,670 1999 $228,130 2005 $1,384,620 1991 $272,150 2008 $268,235 1981 $148,470 1996 $277,690 1982 $196,030 2005 $353,880 2001 $207,460 2005 $198,760 2011 $179,380 1997 $282,750 2009 $383,450 1978 $86,640 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? Visit ©2014 RE/MAX, LLC. Each office is independently owned and operated. Median Sales Sales Median home 2012 2013 price taxable sq.ft. value 2012 $28,400 3 3 $17.80 $261,950 3 3 $156.41 $34,800 8 11 $36.78 $73,690 4 7 $57.00 $192,100 6 3 $91.72 $94,090 8 11 $63.28 $63,620 5 8 $66.69 $176,450 35 57 $87.76 $133,830 4 8 $66.65 $131,730 13 19 $68.38 $575,850 3 3 $172.35 $146,850 9 9 $60.29 $405,280 4 4 $131.20 $192,470 8 9 $85.90 $271,490 8 14 $102.40 $339,880 6 6 $116.24 $139,210 64 65 $58.30 $132,980 6 6 $57.23 $135,800 27 36 $62.94 $251,090 38 52 $97.56 $163,490 22 32 $87.55 $85,190 9 12 $56.05 $139,660 22 38 $87.34 $62,410 25 36 $54.79 $327,280 11 9 $125.41 $256,350 9 8 $105.96 $157,840 23 38 $92.59 $40,770 8 7 $31.08 $59,630 5 12 $27.26 $81,430 9 14 $54.85 $134,010 12 20 $67.24 $334,150 11 13 $93.72 $347,170 6 4 $119.49 $278,770 3 4 $105.94 $376,170 5 7 $132.88 $148,520 4 7 $83.95 $137,000 7 8 $78.38 $144,040 4 5 $80.19 $197,820 142 165 $85.64 $137,690 8 9 $82.64 $122,170 4 8 $83.33 $168,270 22 68 $74.32 $149,030 3 5 $101.65 $135,880 5 8 $92.20 $43,300 12 12 $62.39 $131,410 3 7 $83.93 $169,560 4 4 $90.69 $71,010 15 19 $53.73 $101,970 13 20 $78.32 $106,280 9 6 $67.61 $119,690 6 8 $50.35 $96,570 6 5 $46.42 $130,560 19 32 $66.77 $439,540 5 9 $118.32 $127,490 10 14 $80.69 $241,400 14 9 $81.29 $139,370 11 12 $64.86 $421,730 5 4 $118.84 $66,410 7 3 $46.08 $327,150 31 37 $100.36 $83,040 7 20 $63.33 $223,800 12 13 $109.06 $76,480 19 19 $63.41 $138,700 5 4 $88.89 $304,290 6 11 $98.52 $44,360 5 3 $51.43 $40,540 11 10 $22.14 $60,780 3 8 $70.75 $130,220 3 4 $68.15 $257,670 15 14 $119.83 $172,360 4 13 $92.10 $144,090 30 34 $78.33 $138,350 10 8 $61.02 $232,640 5 3 $79.36 $103,100 12 17 $66.63 $206,240 4 6 $103.73 $164,490 264 296 $83.09 $17,630 6 7 $51.08 $107,990 4 5 $85.55 $543,240 6 4 $157.67 $225,490 4 5 $121.42 $240,700 6 4 $80.50 $253,960 8 24 $78.58 $179,590 95 110 $95.28 $102,410 3 3 $38.23 $86,830 3 7 $69.21 $278,520 9 14 $90.50 $62,680 3 3 $21.96 $70,110 9 9 $40.09 $466,100 5 4 $142.61 $59,930 4 6 $37.28 $112,640 10 3 $59.55 $108,620 8 9 $76.50 $85,460 13 10 $60.93 $247,200 47 30 $91.38 $166,210 4 13 $80.16 $94,780 10 5 $79.95 $146,970 24 39 $70.66 40 106 11 569 24 313 6 158 144 158 449 34 21 3 9 4 3 47 94 14 562 28 337 6 238 161 201 497 22 42 4 5 4 6 $161.99 $79.55 $262.68 $101.66 $238.22 $106.43 $99.50 $87.91 $108.35 $97.15 $117.82 $99.19 $101.51 $112.71 $122.37 $111.60 $73.24 Median Pct. Pct. price chg. chg.sq.ft. 2012- 20092013 2013 2013 $61.15 244% 9% $114.75 -27% -21% $36.60 0% 45% $58.87 3% 48% $109.60 19% NA $81.82 29% 72% $71.61 7% -5% $91.91 5% 5% $84.84 27% 33% $79.40 16% 1% $161.26 -6% -10% $64.60 7% -14% $153.63 17% 35% $87.52 2% -2% $110.86 8% 25% $114.86 -1% -3% $64.40 10% 10% $60.24 5% -22% $66.98 6% 9% $99.80 2% 17% $98.62 13% 32% $67.32 20% 12% $81.23 -7% 2% $75.14 37% 8% $118.43 -6% 5% $129.43 22% 5% $88.73 -4% 5% $30.08 -3% 29% $52.33 92% 17% $62.23 13% 8% $74.27 10% 24% $103.97 11% 22% $119.83 0% -6% $110.32 4% 15% $106.32 -20% -14% $90.55 8% 18% $81.30 4% -5% $72.70 -9% 40% $90.12 5% 8% $101.72 23% 18% $68.26 -18% -11% $88.76 19% 21% $97.02 -5% 4% $103.84 13% NA $44.64 -28% -11% $70.83 -16% -1% $92.25 2% 2% $60.43 12% 10% $85.73 9% 35% $62.05 -8% 6% $61.96 23% 0% $62.81 35% -7% $77.59 16% 0% $118.69 0% -28% $79.16 -2% 10% $84.21 4% 3% $82.12 27% 10% $121.30 2% -12% $50.64 10% 8% $107.87 7% 19% $65.88 4% 8% $112.36 3% 0% $67.04 6% 79% $102.28 15% 4% $101.64 3% 21% $72.82 42% 31% $26.30 19% -34% $87.02 23% -3% $91.57 34% NA $125.00 4% 19% $93.78 2% 8% $79.66 2% 15% $79.39 30% 24% $63.50 -20% 6% $73.12 10% 4% $109.88 6% 27% $86.47 4% 4% $42.24 -17% -6% $76.30 -11% -14% $156.99 0% 11% $127.91 5% NA $101.08 26% 20% $104.30 33% 21% $101.94 7% 13% $38.10 0% 9% $65.96 -5% NA $114.00 26% 2% $22.45 2% -23% $58.82 47% 23% $198.67 39% 24% $57.52 54% 26% $74.95 26% 27% $77.68 2% 2% $63.37 4% -3% $103.38 13% NA $76.07 -5% NA $77.32 -3% 27% $80.79 14% 10% $159.64 $88.90 $236.51 $110.90 $259.36 $118.41 $114.03 $101.73 $119.88 $107.87 $125.44 $111.33 $111.83 $110.85 $149.45 $116.13 $70.08 -1% 12% -10% 9% 9% 11% 15% 16% 11% 11% 6% 12% 10% -2% 22% 4% -4% 19% 10% NA 13% 23% 18% NA 13% 20% 18% 14% 6% 2% NA 33% NA -3% Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | xxx D19 BUSINESS HOME PRICE SURVEY For a detailed look at how local subdivisions stack up, search the database and explore the interactive maps at homepricedata. Most active school districts School districts with the most single-family home sales in 2013, with change from 2012: District Sales Change District Sales Change Houston Cypress-Fairbanks Katy Fort Bend Conroe Klein Humble Clear Creek 10,014 8,005 6,066 5,550 4,826 3,948 3,729 3,312 15.3% 19.3% 20.6% 18.7% 20.1% 16.8% 21.3% 18.6% Lamar Consolidated Spring Pearland Spring Branch Tomball Pasadena Alvin 2,513 1,880 1,522 1,501 1,496 1,407 1,297 22.2% 8.4% 16.7% 15.6% 23.5% 14.3% 17.6% Sometimes the answer is clear: Remodel Overhauls grow in popularity in Texas as more owners find revamps pay off in home values By Nancy Sarnoff Katherine DeLaune and her husband often talked about remodeling their 20-year-old house in the Upper Kirby neighborhood, but something always kept them from moving forward. “Part of it was putting a plan together and deciding what all we wanted to do. Part of it was finding a great builder,” DeLaune said. “We talked about it and went round and round. Were we going to live there or move out?” In February, the couple and their 9-year-old daughter moved into a twobedroom apartment where they’ll stay through July while their 3,800-squarefoot house gets a major overhaul: a new kitchen, updated bathrooms, hardwood floors and a new laundry room upstairs. Homes in DeLaune’s small subdivision near Kirby and Westheimer are getting pricey. But they’re still lower than nearby subdivisions Royden Oaks and Avalon Place, a couple of areas where DeLaune said she looked before deciding to fix up the existing house. “To get exactly what we wanted was much more doable remodeling than moving to a different neighborhood,” she said. “The other neighborhoods were just pricier. And we love our house. It just needed some tweaking.” Home remodeling projects grew more popular across Texas last year, a recent study of the industry shows. They also became more profitable, with Houston and other major Texas cities showing significantly higher investment returns in the Texas Association of Realtors’ Extensive continues on D20 J. Patric Schneider Katherine DeLaune and Lee Steely and their daughter, Ava, are living in an apartment while their house gets a new kitchen, redone bathrooms and wood floors. GREENWOOD KING 3201 KIRBY DRIVE - 713.524.0888 > =616 S. VOSS, SUITE 900 - 713.784.0888 > =801 HEIGHTS BLVD. - 713.864.0888 AMANDA ANHORN CAROLINE SCHLEMMER BRIAN SPACK MELINDA NOEL A Greenwood King Top Producer 2004-2013 Heights and Inner-Loop Specialist Five-Star Real Estate Agent by Texas Monthly Exceptional Homes. Extraordinary Service. Perennial Top Producer Experienced & Professional Among the highest standards of client service Recognized Top Producer by the HBJ for 12 years and consistently a top producer for 21 years 713.256.5123 [email protected] 832.476.4107 [email protected] 713.542.5374 [email protected] 713.201.7400 [email protected] CHERYL COOPER LYNN RUSSELL GEORGE SUTHERLAND JOAN LOTZOF A GK Top Producer Specializing in Bellaire, West University & close-in neighborhoods A Top Producer for over 30 consecutive years Specializing in Tanglewood, Briargrove Memorial & River Oaks A Greenwood King Top Producer with honed negotiating skills 30+ years of experience and a Top Producer for over 20 years. Specializes in Memorial, River Oaks, Tanglewood, Rice/Medical Areas 713.254.4984 [email protected] 713.914.8750 [email protected] 832.435.7942 [email protected] 713.858.3676 [email protected] D20 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Extensive renovations can bump up house values Extensive from page D19 2014 Texas Remodel Valuation Report. Darel Daik, founder and CEO of Noble Mortgage, a company that makes short-term loans to investors who buy and renovate homes, said he’s been seeing extensive renovations by those he lends money to. “Most of the deals we’ve done in the last year are substantial renovations where they bring the house down to the studs,” Daik said. “It’s not a carpet and paint type deal.” He has made several loans for properties in the Heights, Brooke Smith, Oak Forest and Westbury, popular neighborhoods where values are rapidly rising. “They’ve just gone crazy,” Daik said, noting that renovated houses in Brooke Smith, an offshoot of the Heights, are selling for more than $400,000. Daik said builders are renovating instead of tearing down in some neighborhoods where the housing stock has historical character. After touring an older house in Westbury, he shared a picture on Facebook of the bathroom with its original “Pepto-Bismol tile.” His comment: “Think Ronnie Crocker photos / Houston Chronicle A remodeling project on this 1925 Heights bungalow is giving the house an asking price of $1.25 million. The Harris County Appraisal District last year valued the original house at $260,876. it’s time to update?” “A bunch of my customers said, ‘Don’t touch it! People like that old school This remodeling project is on Omar in the Woodland Heights. In the Texas Association of Realtors’ 2014 Texas Remodel Valuation Report, Houston and other big cities in the state posted high investment returns from remodeling. - -4%)0 26 % * $ + ( #%/.+/4) '.%& 4!132," $.2 5 D >RP: NK.1,1!S#NS1FJ IJJ E1// MJ L2N#HJK ', N// %O#L2N!J! look,’ ” Daik said. Melissa Kubala, a real estate agent and partowner of a renovation and construction company, said building restrictions in historic districts where teardowns are forbidden are driving many of the renovations she’s seeing. Kubala is preparing to list a 1925 bungalow being renovated in the Heights that her company, the Modern Bungalow Co., is turning into a two-story home with four bedrooms and a game room. Kubala plans to ask $1.25 million for the property. The original 1,077-square-foot house on a 6,250-square-foot lot was valued by the Harris County Appraisal District DOLS1',JJ#!@ &(T ;(?)(- B 85 $1L6 3<"G> &DT-9 =4-99 B 85 $1L6 QPP* +'# T'#J (,I'#.NS1', ?N// ?2N#/J! 7N.%/J# NS <*<BC>PB<*QQ '# F1!1S EEER0#O!JJ,J#HARL'. last year at $260,876. The house is not in a city-designated historic district, but the facade is being saved, she said, because buyers like the old bungalow style. “The neighborhood in general, especially the Woodland Heights, has very strong opinions of what builders should do,” Kubala said. According to the Texas Association of Realtors’ remodeling report, major renovations were popular in kitchens and bathrooms. Kitchen remodels ranked among the five best investments in all five Texas metro areas, with homeowners seeing their home value increase by up to 143.9 percent of the total remodeling cost. “As demand for Texas homes continues to rise, homeowners and sellers can significantly contribute to their homes’ resale value through small projects and smart additions,” association chairman Dan Hatfield said in a statement. For DeLaune, her renovation is about designing a space tailored to her family. But she’s not doing anything drastic that might hurt the home’s resale value. “We’ll be here for a while,” she said. “Probably not forever, but for the foreseeable future.” [email protected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ouston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | xxx D21 HOME PRICE SURVEY Q&A: How long will the upswing last? By Nancy Sarnoff Houston’s housing market never experienced serious declines during the downturn, but the upswing has been fierce. Single-family home sales have risen for 34 straight months, and prices have been climbing for two years, as a growing economy continues to fuel homebuying in many parts of town. Even as a historically low inventory has made it tough to nab a piece of the American dream, more than 73,000 buyers closed on homes last year. That was up 18 percent over 2012, according to an analysis prepared by the Houston Association of Realtors. The median sales price for a home was $180,000, a 9 percent jump. Though the industry appears healthy, there are concerns about rising interest rates, affordability and persistently low supply. To get an indication of where the market is headed, we asked four housing experts to weigh in on some of the key issues. Their edited remarks follow: Q: What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of Houston’s real estate market? A: “We’re still quite affordable compared to other places around the country,” said Shad Bogany of Better Homes & Gardens Gary Greene in Bellaire and 2014 immediate past chairman for the Texas Association of Realtors. “The weakness of the market is — it sounds contradictory — but I think we’re becoming less affordable for the first-time homebuyer. They’re being priced out because of rising costs.” Builders indeed have focused on providing housing for the upper end of the market, where there’s been growing demand. “If you’re in the lower end of the housing market, there’s just so little inventory,” said Chaille Ralph of Heritage Texas Properties and chairwoman of the Houston Association of Realtors. The high end, however, is also facing shortages. There are less than two months’ worth of inventory in the West University, Bellaire and Braeswood neighborhoods, Ralph said. “Inventory is a challenge,” she said, noting a recent weekly sales meeting at her office where agents presented 23 new listings. “Close to half of them are already pending.” Smiley N. Pool / Houston Chronicle A parking structure on the Exxon Mobil campus blends in near The Woodlands. The huge campus is helping drive growth in the area. Q: When will the firsttime-buyer market return? A: “We believe that’s actually happening right now,” said Josh Askins, BBVA Compass’ area mortgage sales manager for south and east Texas. Houston homeownership rates are relatively low, he said, but there are strong indications the market is there. “Houston is growing about three times the national average. A lot of those folks will need to buy a home,” Askins said. Consumer confidence is coming back, he added. Luis Bernardo Torres Shad Bogany “Consumers are much more confident than they were even a year ago,” he said. First-time buyers will come back once the market becomes more stable in terms of inventory and pricing, said Luis Bernardo Torres, a research economist with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. He points to the large millennial population. “When they get married and start having kids, that’ll change their perspective, and they’ll want to buy houses,” Torres said. Chaille Ralph Josh Askins Q: Will prices start to ease any time soon? A: Prices will continue to rise through 2015, but perhaps not at the same pace they’ve been growing, Ralph said. Additional supply will lead to moderation in prices, too. “Once the builders catch up, it will slow it down a little bit,” Bogany said. “The market is just moving at a pace I’ve never seen since I’ve been in real estate, and I’ve been here the last 30 years. This is probably the best market. We’re at the 2005, 2006 peak and rising.” Q: Geographically, where do you see the future housing growth? A: The Woodlands, Katy and the Inner Loop are the hottest growth areas. “Today we’re seeing growth all over Houston with very few exceptions,” Askins said. “A lot of the growth will happen where there’s room to grow. You see a lot of that in some of the suburbs: Sugar Land, Katy and The Woodlands.” Bogany said growth will continue in popular Inner Loop neighborhoods like the Heights, Oak Forest, West University, Bellaire and River Oaks. But the east side of town has more affordable real estate with strong upside potential, he said. “If I’m buying, that’s the area I’m going to buy in because it’s the most affordable inside-the-Loop area where the growth has not been pushed to the limits,” Bogany said. “There’s room to grow based on the rail system and the UH expansion. To me that’s the diamond in the rough.” Q: How will rising mortgage rates affect the market? A: Historically speaking, rates are still very low, and there are not any strong indicators they’ll sharply rise anytime soon, Askins said. He said if they did, the increase would be slow and steady. Inflation is a key reason rates go up, Torres said, and “right now inflation is really low. The Fed is more worried about deflation.” Still, higher rates could hurt demand, but “just a little bit,” Bogany said. He added that consumers have gotten so used to low rates that they don’t realize “this has been uncommon.” “In their minds, this is normal. People think 3, 4, 5 percent is normal, and it’s not. It’s abnormal,” he said. Q: What worries you about the market? A: “The supply has to kick in,” Torres said. “The builders have to build houses so it continues to be affordable.” Lack of inventory and off-the-market transactions are Ralph’s biggest concern. Not offering homes for sale on the Multiple Listing Service “limits the value you may receive for it,” she said. “Viable, potential buyers in the marketplace aren’t able to see it because maybe they’re selling it to a friend of a neighbor,” she said. Bogany worries about affordability. “A lot of the jobs are lowpaying jobs. If you make $35,000 a year and you’ve got a car note of $300 a month, how do you afford a house? How many builders are building $120,000 houses? Most aren’t because the cost of building is going up, the cost of labor,” he said. Askins pointed to one potential risk. “If we saw a sharp decline in the oil and gas market, that could create a risk,” he said. “However, Houston’s economy is more diverse than it’s probably ever been. We’re seeing growth in health care, biotech, transportation and finance, to name a few.” [email protected] The numbers tell the story of high achievers in real estate Most expensive school districts Area school districts ranked by median single-family home sales price in 2013, with one-year price change: District Median price Change Spring Branch Houston Friendswood Montgomery Magnolia Katy Conroe Tomball Fort Bend Lamar Consolidated Alvin Clear Creek Humble New Caney Pearland $435,000 $299,000 $295,000 $244,950 $238,250 $235,000 $230,000 $227,843 $217,500 $210,755 $188,000 $188,000 $183,000 $175,000 $175,000 7.5% 16.7% 10.9% 15.0% 9.0% 8.8% 9.5% 6.0% 18.2% 10.9% 10.6% 4.4% 9.2% 9.0% 5.9% In the Katy Independent School District, the median single-family home sales price last year was $235,000. James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle Most expensive ZIP codes Below are the 10 most expensive ZIP codes in Houston ranked by the median price of single-family homes sold in 2013. The median price per square foot is shown for some representative neighborhoods. 77024: Down 0.2% 77056: Up 3.8% Median price: $910,000 Area of town: Uptown, Galleria Sampling of subdivisions: Tanglewood ($331.73) Lamar Terrace ($199.77) Larchmont ($211.40) 77027: Up 7.6% Median price: $753,000 Area of town: Inner Loop near Highland Village Sampling of subdivisions: Afton Oaks ($287.27) Royden Oaks ( $338.00) Oak Estates ($336.30) 77019: Down 9.1% 77098: Up 13.3% 77005: Up 16.2% 77401: Up 11.6% Median price: $815,000 Area of town: Bellaire Sampling of subdivisions: Southdale ($222.26) Braeburn Country Club Estates ($256.53) Post Oak Terrace ($221.35) 77057: Up 14.3% 77030: Up 8.4% 77079: Up 15.6% Median price: $1.1 million Area of town: Memorial Villages Sampling of subdivisions: Sherwood Forest ($422.06) Frostwood ($288.66) Memorial Forest ($286.80) Median price: $950,500 Area of town: West University, Rice Village Sampling of subdivisions: West University Place ($327.85) Southampton Place ($341.39) Southside Place ($305.29) Median price: $720,000 Area of town: San Felipe, Fountain View, west of Galleria Sampling of subdivisions: Briargrove ($267.28) Westhaven Estates ($152.60) Indian Trail ($255.39) Median price: $652,500 Description: River Oaks, West Dallas Street Sampling of subdivisions: River Oaks ($398.76) Hyde Park Main ($227.09) Avalon Place ($329.54) Median price: $650,000 Description: Texas Medical Center, Rice University Sampling of subdivisions: Braeswood ($225.99) Southgate ($300.64) Windermere ($270.34) Median price: $599,500 Description: Upper Kirby, Southwest Freeway and Shepherd Sampling of subdivisions: Chevy Chase ($356.33) Winlow Place ($244.01) Greenbriar ($395.58) Median price: $499,000, Description: Memorial Drive, between Texas 6 and Beltway 8 Sampling of subdivisions: Wilchester ($220.10) Nottingham Forest ($182.96) Fleetwood ($120.01) D22 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x HOME PRICE SURVEY Employment hubs guide regional growth Smiley N. Pool / Houston Chronicle The Woodlands started as primarily a bedroom community. Today only 30 percent of residents commute into Houston, David Crossley of Houston Tomorrow says. By Erin Mulvaney Employment hubs scattered throughout the Houston region attract not only workers but also homebuyers, influencing how the area grows, observers say. Town centers, complete with retail, residential and commercial developments with walkable designs, have sprung up around employment centers such as The Woodlands, Sugar Land and Pearland. Data from Houston Tomorrow, a nonprofit group that deals with quality-oflife issues, show that 3 out of 4 jobs in the region are clustered in about 25 job centers. The areas around these centers are home to about 55 percent of all the people in the region, based on 2010 census data. These include the Energy Corridor, the Texas Medical Center, Greenspoint, Westchase and Uptown. “That’s one of the reasons that jobs have definitely moved out to the suburbs,” said David Jarvis, regional director Developers and urban planners are responding to demands for more housing near where people work for housing research firm Metrostudy. “Thank goodness in Houston we don’t all have to drive downtown to our jobs.” Jarvis, who works and lives in Westchase, said people are looking for homes in the suburbs near their jobs and in the school districts they want. Jeff Taebel, director of community and environmental planning at the Houston-Galveston Area Council, said people have a wider variety of housing choices in and around where they work than in the past. He said more housing options are available throughout the region, not just around downtown. “You are seeing that demand is considerable,” Taebel said. He said developers and urban planners are taking this demand into consideration. He said retail and jobs are increasing with the residential developments. “You see different levels of intensity with development,” he said. “Where we cluster employment, we see residential coming.” One of the most prominent examples is in the northern part of the region, where Exxon Mobil Corp. is building a campus to move 10,000 employees by 2015. Builders are confidently breaking ground on thousands of home projects, and property values are soaring. Nearby, The Woodlands is an established example. The Woodlands started off as primarily a residential development. When it first took off, 80 percent of the people who lived there commuted down Interstate 45 every day, said David Crossley, president of Houston Tomorrow. He said that is down to about 30 percent today. “These important job centers keep growing,” Jerry Baker Master-planned communities, like Woodforest, are springing up all around the Houston region. Crossley said. “They are big cities in their own right. No other region has so many of them as we do. It’s an interesting dynamic that we have all these job centers where people can choose to live near their job and not downtown.” In some cases, the steady growth outward leads to greater distances between homes and workplaces. Traffic congestion, therefore, can spread farther from the urban core. Houston commuters endure some of the worst traffic delays in the country, according to the 2012 Urban Mobility Report by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. Area drivers wasted more than two days a year, on average, in traffic congestion, costing them each $1,090 in lost time and fuel. Crossley said nearly all the jobs in the region are in tightly focused areas, and most people live close to those jobs. He said planners need to address transportation when considering this phenomenon. He suggested a light rail system between the various job centers to cut down on the congestion. He said the sprawl situation in the region has evolved. “So, how would you do a regional transit plan? No one is thinking about that,” he said. [email protected] Townhouse and condo prices ride the updraft in a hot market By Ford Gunter Rising prices for singlefamily homes last year boosted the market for townhouses and condos as well. The number of transactions involving townhomes and condominiums increased by more than 22 percent last year, and the median sales price rose by 4.5 percent, Houston Association of Realtors data show. Inside Loop 610 and in some desirable areas immediately outside it, the increase was even greater. “It was a big year, absolutely,” said Andy Weber of John Daugherty, Realtors. “The prices went up almost 30 percent, I would say.” The reason is simple: supply and demand. “The population is changing. People moving from other cities are used to living downtown,” said Weber, who focuses on In- Bret Taylor and Matt Arp recently purchased a townhouse in the Heights. Says Arp: “It’s pretty intimidating, actually. You have to find a house you like and then be prepared to make an offer in 15 minutes.” Dave Rossman ner Loop properties. “For the price, there’s nothing available besides townhouses.” For now. Weber said first-time homebuyers used to be able to find townhouses in popular neighborhoods for $230,000 to $275,000. “In 2013, literally, the new $250,000 became like $320,000,” he said. For Carrie and James Ephraim, who bought a new 3,500-square-foot townhouse in Hyde Park last year, that difference was even greater. “The market was warm when we first started looking, then it just exploded,” Carrie Ephraim, 35, said. “So the budget we decided on, we had to increase it by almost $300,000. It was either do that or not get a home in the area we were looking.” “The market moves fast,” agreed Matt Arp, who recently bought a Eric Kayne James and Carrie Ephraim noted the fast-moving market when they bought their Hyde Park town home. They had to increase their budget by nearly $300,000 to get their choice. townhouse in the Heights with his partner, Bret Taylor. “It’s pretty intimidating, actually. You have to find a house you like and then be prepared to make an offer in 15 minutes.” Like may prospective buyers, Arp, 28, and Taylor, 24, were open to singlefamily homes but were wary of all the work that would have to be done to one in their price range. “I wasn’t locked in either way, but (our townhouse) is newer construction, so there are less unknowns about what’s behind that wall,” Arp said. Both couples cite quality and diversity of city life as the driving factor. In fact, Arp, Taylor and James Ephraim all reverse-commute to the suburbs for their jobs. “We love the city and Townhouse /condo sales trends Figures for sales of townhouse/condos in the Houston area: Median price Number of sales Av. price per sq.ft. 6,651 $116 $140,000 Source: Houston Association of Realtors the city feel,” said James Ephraim, 35. For the newly married couple, a townhouse was the perfect mix of a highrise and a single-family home. “We wanted to get something in a high-rise, but the space wasn’t feasible to both of us,” James Ephraim said. “For me, it’s more like a single-family home,” Car- Houston Chronicle rie Ephraim said of their townhouse. “I wanted first-floor living. It has a young, contemporary kind of feel, and I like the feeling of walking into your living space. It felt homier.” Weber said most of the action on the townhouse market is not from people moving in from the suburbs, but Inner Loop renters buying in the same area. Buyers who used to fret about the resale value of townhomes and condos are not so concerned anymore. “We’re in such a great area, I don’t think we’ll have a problem reselling when the time comes,” Taylor said. “The townhouses are booming because it’s such a fluid market,” Weber said. “And they are three and four stories. Empty nesters can’t take the stairs, and young professionals with money get pregnant and can’t deal with three stories and the baby. “People are always moving in and out of these, as opposed to a big house on a big lot. Then you’re just counting on the economy moving people in and out of town.” Ford Gunter is a freelance writer in Houston. xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D23 HOME PRICE SURVEY New residences getting smarter about energy use and entertainment By Ford Gunter The strongest trends in new-home design are not throwbacks. They’re not classics, they’re not retro. Instead, these trends represent the cutting edge of what technology has to offer. Perhaps the most affordable, and thus the most popular, are WiFi thermostats, which monitor usage and are controlled wirelessly through smartphones or tablets, and cost about $250, as opposed to a standard $150 digital readout thermostat. “I think these thermostats will be in every house soon,” said David Beck, presidentofHoraceHomes, a local builder. “They’re affordable, they’re sleek and clean with a small little display, they’re sold at Apple stores and Amazon.” The dominant manufacturer thus far has been Nest, a company devoted to turning necessary but often overlooked appliances like thermostats and smoke detectors into wireless energy-savers, though other manufacturers have taken note of the success and jumped on board. Going wireless Nonessentials like home entertainment and security systems are also going wireless. “A lot of people are starting to do wireless speakers like Sonos or completely automated home entertainment systems like Control4,” said Matt Moriarty, owner of Moriarty Construction. “Most buyers are less concerned with what’s in the walls as far as cable,” Beck said. “If someone is not a techie person, they know they can just hire someone who is.” Beck is also putting foam insulation in the walls and attics of all his new houses instead of the more traditional forms. “If you go in your attic in the summer, it’s only going to be 5 to 10 degrees warmer Mayra Beltrán photos / Houston Chronicle David Beck, president of Horace Homes, says many new houses have cutting-edge technology, including WiFi thermostats that are controlled wirelessly. than the rest of your house, so the entire envelope of the house is closed,” Beck said of homes insulated with foam insulation. “It essentially creates an Igloo cooler effect. You cool your house down, and it stays Adolfo Guerra, right, and other painters work in the kitchen and living room in a Horace Homes property in the West University area. Lighter colors are in high demand for the open floor plans, including large kitchens, that are popular today, builder David Beck says. NEW PRICE cool. And your equipment in the attic isn’t straining as much in the heat.” Beck said that while foam insulation is about twice as expensive as the traditional forms, it can lower your electricity bill by at least 20 percent. “If you’re living in a house for 10 years, it more than pays for itself,” he said. LED cans Beck’s customers are also showing more interest in LED lighting in cans in the ceiling since recent improvements have helped the aesthetic go from a harsh, white light to a warmer, richer glow. Right now, the higherend LED can lights still cost four times as much to buy and install as traditional incandescent bulbs, but the price is coming down. Once installed, the LED bulbs cost very little to power and don’t give off the heat of incandescent bulbs, which helps with air-conditioning costs. “With EPA regulations NEW LISTING KATY SPRING Call: Bob Christian (832)875-8555 Call: David McCampbell (281)808-8011 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING HEIGHTS KATY Call: Terri Guerra (713)598-3043 Call: Nancy Lee (713)298-6326 and new energy codes coming out, everything is pushing toward this,” Beck said. “The sooner manufacturers get on board that this is the new reality, the costs will come down,” Beck added. From an aesthetic standpoint, lighter colors are in high demand for the open floor plans, including large kitchens, that are popular today. People like contrasting cabinets, tiles and backsplashes painted in neutral whites and light grays with dark hardwood floors throughout the entire first floor, Beck said. “The lighter colors make it look bigger, but it also has a homier, more traditional feel,” he said. “The contrast of the white and dark really pops and gives an open feel with a dark, rich floor.” Retro bathtubs In the bathroom, it seems that reports of the demise of bathtubs have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, bathtubs are one place where retro is in. Beck said buyers are getting away from deckmounted tubs in favor of free-standing tubs. “It’s purely a look people want,” Beck said. And are willing to pay for, since the deck-mounted tubs — with all plumbing components stashed easily from view instead of under the floor — are cheaper. Finally, with land at a premium and square footage in high demand, people are trying to make the most of their often-limited yard space. “People have to come to grips with the fact that they’re not going to get the yard they want,” Beck said. “Most try to maximize space and tie it into a porch.” Ford Gunter is a freelance writer in Houston. NEW CONSTRUCTION SPRING HEIGHTS 4018 SKIPPING FALLS LN, 77494 6210 GLENHILL DR, 77389 2612 MICHAUX ST, 77009 23210 WINDING KNOLL, 77494 6010 VALHALLA DR, 77379 349 HEIGHTS BLVD, 77007 Recent build, Spacious, 5/4.5/3.. 2-story entry, curved Nestled in North Hampton this 4/3.5/2 is on a lovely Curb appeal galore on a 6250 sq. ft. lot! Elegant dining Lovely 3/2.5/2, large cul-de-sac corner lot. Many upGreat 1.5 story Mediterranean/Tuscan style stucco/stone Gracious & stately w/modern amenities. Vast living room. staircase, formal dining, cook’s dream kitchen! Pool, patio. wooded lot. Spacious rooms, study, large yard, pool & spa. room, great kitchen, sparkling heated pool, green space. dates, some HDWDs, family & game rooms, parks nearby. home on Spring filled lake, 4/3.5/3. Media + game rooms. Elegant dining, SubZero fridge, roof terrace, quarters. $499,900 MLS#43417924 $327,500 MLS#51304449 $525,000 MLS#29371646 $255,000 MLS#11194574 $479,900 MLS#91253171 $980,000 MLS#97781478 INVESTORS ONLY KATY NEW PRICE NEW CONSTRUCTION Call: Johnny Pack (281)387-9739 NEW CONSTRUCTION Call: Terri Guerra (713)598-3043 NEW LISTING CYPRESS CREEK SUNSET HEIGHTS KATY SPRING HEIGHTS AREA Call: Sharon Higgins (281)655-4443 Call: Stephen Hallmark (832)228-1659 Call: Edward Ware (713)882-4547 Call: Johnny Pack (281)387-9739 Call: Stephen Hallmark (832)228-1659 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING 25607 SPRINGWOOD LAKE DR, 77494 4906 WILDERNESS GLEN CT, 77449 3614 FERNGLADE, 77068 828 29, 77009 6114 VALHALLA, 77379 822 ALEXANDER, 77007 Beautiful 2-story 5/3.5/2 + media & game rooms. Master PRICED TO SELL! Great family home 5/3.5/2 on large This new 2-story home has a Great OPEN floor plan Beautiful Trendmaker on Oversized Secluded Lot, sparkling Great two story Tuscan style stucco and stone on a Spring Recently built 3/2.5/2. Custom finishes incl. Plantation filled lake! 4/4.5/3, game + media rooms, lake views! Shutters, HDWDs, bookshelves, large moulding, and more! down, open floor plan, nice back yard. Tenant occupied. lot. Master down w/pvt study + built-ins. Island kitchen. designed to enjoy the outside as much as the inside. pool, patio. Elegant formals, firplace, large master suite. $215,000 MLS#56449446 $595,990 MLS#93149174 $475,000 MLS#36353713 $225,000 MLS#25655374 $430,000 MLS#78444068 $539,900 MLS#64214887 Call: Linda Piazza (281)770-1765 NEW LISTING SHADY ACRES RICE MILITARY HEIGHTS HEIGHTS HEIGHTS HEIGHTS Call: David Hille (713)551-1350 Call: Joanna Lewis (713)539-9869 Call: Robert McCreight (713)553-4333 Call: Richard Martin (713)868-9008 Call: Richard Martin (713)868-9008 Call: Richard Martin (713)868-9008 843 25TH ST, 77008 5015 LILLIAN ST, 77007 2406 NICHOLSON ST, 77008 1845 HARVARD, 77008 1843 HARVARD, 77008 1539 RUTLAND, 77008 3/2.5/2, light & airy living w/20’ ceiling, master retreat Immaculately maintained free standing home, HDWDs 3BR/2BA + 2 car garage, gourmet kitchen w/high appls, 3/3.5/2 renovated home. Original arched windows Master suite down w/multiple living areas. Great room has Masterful renovation/expansion of 1920 Victorian by HDT. on living level, deck off kitchen, full length windows. granite counters, glass front cabs. Inviting backyard/porch. & doorways, wine room, pine floors, high-end appls. F/P & bookshelves. Side porches, high-end appls and more! Master down as is guest BR. Open family dining & kitchen. has vaulted ceiling, common outdoor area, no HOA! $459,900 MLS#1644450 $1,245,000 MLS#16778327 $330,000 MLS#2493448 $527,000 MLS#42209164 $1,366,000 MLS#84126274 $1,435,000 MLS#98934740 NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW LISTING HEIGHTS KATY WEST U SPRING NE SPRING MEMORIAL Call: Ray Walker (281)687-8429 Call: Stacy Thompson (832)630-1909 Call: Ray Walker (281)687-8429 Call: Jennifer Breedlove (281)734-9183 Call: David McCampbell (281)808-8011 Call: Renee Davy Oakum (713)456-9861 417 OXFORD, 77007 26002 SUMMER SAVORY LN, 77494 4208 DRAKE ST, 77005 110 LAURA LN, 77385 25502 PAR POINT CT, 77389 9010 MEMORIAL DR, 77024 Fabulous New Orleans-Creole inspired home! Main living area Gently lived in executive level home full of upgraded Here is a fantastic family home zoned to West U Elementary! Great location! 5/3/2 on cul-de-sac. Open floor plan, New Patio Home across from the golf course at Augusta Fabulous wooded lot, approximately 1 Acre on first level, high ceilings, covered terrace. Elevator shaft. features. Formals, granite, some HDWDs, iron balusters. Elegant 2-story entry with balcony. Formals, large patio. formals, large family room, game room and more! Pines. Beautiful corner lot. 3/2/2. Awesome house! (42,228 per HCAD) in prestigious Bayou Woods. $378,000 MLS#2387008 $835,000 MLS#66914097 $289,000 MLS#20567508 $349,500 MLS#28663334 $2,395,000 MLS#58361404 $665,000 MLS#51603611 xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D25 BUSINESS Swiss chief of finance visits U.S. as bank is scrutinized She meets with attorney general amid investigation into whether Credit Suisse helped tax evaders By Eric Tucker ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Amid an ongoing investigation into international banking giant Credit Suisse Group, Attorney General Eric Holder met with Switzerland’s finance minister in Washington last week. A U.S. law enforcement official said the meeting with Eveline WidmerSchlumpf came as the Justice Department weighs criminal charges against Zurich-based Credit Suisse. U.S. authorities are investigating whether the bank helped wealthy American clients evade taxes by keeping money in secret accounts. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. Credit Suisse said in 2011 that it had been informed of the investigation and would cooperate with U.S. authorities within the limits set by Swiss banking secrecy laws. An investigation by a Senate subcommittee in February found that the bank, Switzerland’s second-largest, provided accounts in that country for more than 22,000 U.S. clients totaling $10 billion to $12 billion. The U.S. government has received only 238 names of U.S. citizens with secret accounts at Credit Suisse, or just 1 percent of the estimated total, according to a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Credit Suisse recruited U.S. clients to open Eveline WidmerSchlumpf met late last week with Eric Holder. Swiss accounts from 2001 through 2008, helped them conceal the accounts from the Internal Revenue Service and enabled misconduct by bank employees, the subcommittee said. The panel has for five years been examining Swiss banks’ use of secrecy laws to enable tax evasion by Americans. The bank stopped providing private banking services outside the U.S. to Americans in 2008. Credit Suisse spokesman Calvin Mitchell in New York declined to comment. The Justice Department said in February that it was investigating as many as 14 Swiss financial institutions, “and we won’t hesitate to indict if and when circumstances merit.” It didn’t name the banks. Charges from U.S. prosecutors could accuse the Swiss banks of failing to properly report deposits they hold belonging to U.S. citizens. In a related case, the Justice Department threatened Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS, with criminal prosecution. UBS entered a deferred prosecution agreement with the department in 2009. It agreed to pay $780 million in fines and turn over 4,400 names of customers suspected of evading U.S. taxes. AUTO INDUSTRY For new Ford CEO, aluminum truck is key to success By Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin ASSOCIATED PRESS DETROIT — For all the miracles Alan Mulally pulled off at Ford Motor Co., one eluded him. He couldn’t make the stock price leap. Soon, the problem of boosting Ford’s stock will fall to Mark Fields. Last week, Ford officially announced that Mulally would retire on July 1 and Fields would replace him as CEO. Fields was widely seen as the heir apparent after being named chief operating officer late in 2012. Under Mulally, Ford underwent a massive restructuring, resumed paying a dividend and ran off a string of highly profitable quarters. While the stock has doubled from around $8 when Mulally took over in 2006, it hasn’t closed above $18 for more than two years. For the past three months, it’s been stuck between $14.50 and $16.50 as harsh winter weather kept buyers away from showrooms. The stock could stay in limbo for a while. Ford has warned that its pretax profit will fall to between $7 billion and $8 billion this year from $8.5 billion in 2013, as it launches a record 23 vehicles worldwide and builds seven plants, including four in China. Investors don’t often embrace reports of lower profits. Analysts don’t see much upside for the stock until Ford starts selling a revolutionary new aluminumbody F-150 pickup late this year. The truck, which will be 700 pounds lighter than the current version, could get close to 30 miles per gallon of gas on the highway, far better than its competition. But Ford faces the gargantuan tasks of retooling factories to produce such a large body out of something other than steel, and of convincing skeptical buyers that an alloy version of the nation’s top-selling vehicle is just as tough as the old one. “If they can pull it off, I think it could sure be good for Ford, and that stock will take off and go,” said Gary Bradshaw, a portfolio manager with Hodges Capital in Dallas. “I guess if you get 30 miles per gallon, we’ll all be driving one.” Many analysts say Ford’s stock is now undervalued. The dividend yields just over 3 percent per year, better than 10year U.S. Treasury bills, and the company’s balance sheet has been cleaned up. Its debt is now investment grade. Standard & Poors analyst Efriam Levy put an $18 price target on the stock and reiterated his “Buy” opinion. D26 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x BUSINESS THE WORLD OF ENERGY FROM FUELFIX.COM ACQUISITIONS Fast start for Big Oil in deals this year By Collin Eaton First-quarter oil and gas dealmaking in the U.S. reached its highest level in more than a decade, as Big Oil companies discarded assets to focus on their core operations. From January to March, typically a slow period for mergers and acquisitions, foreign investors and private equity buyers drove a surge of deals for small or more mature oil-producing assets in the onshore United States and the Gulf of Mexico, according to a recent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The New York-based accounting firm reported 43 oil and gas deals worth a combined $19.8 billion in the first quarter — a higher number of deals than the first quarter of 2013 but a decrease in combined value as larger oil companies hive off smaller chunks of their U.S. assets. “Divestitures are driving activities as companies continue to back their core operations,” said Doug Meier, the U.S. energy sector deals leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers. “They’re shedding those non-core assets to reinvest in their core business or make profits available to shareholders.” Matthew Staver / Bloomberg file First-quarter oil and gas deal-making in the United States included agreements in North Dakota’s Bakken Shale valued at $863 million. Permian Basin deals were worth a combined $276 million. Deals for oil-producing assets accounted for 63 percent of the activity, and $14.2 billion in value. Four deals for pipeline and energy storage assets brought in $1.3 billion. Meanwhile, oil field services deals picked up, accounting for $2.3 billion in activity — about four times its value in the same period last year. Three deals in the petroleum refining and chemical manufacturing sector were worth a combined $2 billion, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. The buyers, mostly private investment funds and international firms, are taking advantage of the buyers’ market, finding prices that work strategically for their portfolios, Meier said. Private equity firms, he said, are dispatching more capital to oil fields because the opportunity to sharpen operations and make profitable returns has increased. Private equity-backed Fieldwood Energy, for instance, bought oil reserves in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico for $750 million in February, adding to the $3.8 billion in assets that it bought from Apache Corp. last year. There were five Gulf deals worth $3.9 billion in the first quarter, compared with two in the same period last year. The Gulf outpaced even the most active U.S. shale play, the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas, which had five deals worth $3 billion in the first quarter. The Eagle Ford was followed by the Bakken Shale in North Dakota and the Permian Basin in West Texas, which each had three deals. The Bakken deals were valued at $863 million all together, while the Permian Basin deals were worth a combined $276 million. Foreign buyers made 12 deals worth a combined $8.3 billion, about 42 percent of the deal activity in the U.S., the firm reported. That’s about twice the money the international companies paid for U.S. oil land in the first quarter of 2013. For Big Oil companies hawking small or unprofitable property, “it’s all about maximizing shareholder value,” Meier said. [email protected] CHEMICALS Westlake will spin off ethylene facilities By Collin Eaton Fotolia Westlake Chemical is planning to spin its ethylene production business into a master limited partnership in a $271 million debut on Wall Street. A pipeline and three facilities that turn natural gas liquids into the chemical building block ethylene will form the backbone of the $2.1 billion MLP, called Westlake Chemical Partners, the Houston chemical maker said in regulatory documents filed last week. Together, the plants in Louisiana and Kentucky have an annual capacity of 3.37 billion pounds. Ethylene is used to make plastics and cleaning products. Master limited partnerships are tax-advan- taged corporate structures that typically pay their net income to unit holders in cash distributions. Westlake Chemical Partners would be one of a handful of downstream refining and chemical manufacturing companies that have become MLPs in recent years, such as activist investor Carl Icahn’s CVR Refining in Sugar Land. The Westlake MLP would trade under the symbol WLKP on the New York Stock Exchange. Westlake Chemical did not say how many units it would offer at what price in its initial public offering, which has not been scheduled. [email protected] xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D27 BUSINESS Through unlikely partnerships, smaller ventures gain momentum Large companies provide guidance along with cash to entrepreneurs By Joseph Pisani ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — When Psyche Terry’s lingerie business needed a lift, she got it from a retailing giant. Terry started Urban Intimates, a lingerie line for curvy women, in 2009. At first, its lacy bras and panties were sold only on the company’s website. She wanted to get them into stores. A small business association told her about the Workshop at Macy’s, a training program that teaches women and minority entrepreneurs how to get their products into major retail stores. Terry, who lives in Dallas, took the weeklong course in New York in 2011. The yellow, green and animal print lingerie had to go, Macy’s told her. Shoppers preferred them in red, black and pink. Other changes were made to the business, and last year, Macy’s started selling Urban Intimates at 10 of its stores in Texas, California, Georgia, Maryland, South Carolina and Virginia. Another department store, J.C. Penney, began selling the line on its website around the same time. Sales jumped 700 percent in 2013 from the year before and are expected to grow again this year. Without the Macy’s program Terry says, “I’d still be a little dot-comer. “It’s definitely lifechanging,” she says. “They really held my hand through the entire process.” Unlikely pairings of large and small companies are making a difference for small businesses. Small companies often struggle with a lack of funding and little experience. About half fail within the first five years. Some large companies are coming to the rescue, providing mentorship, formal instruction and cash in the form of loans or prizes to help give small companies a leg up. LM Otero / Associated Press Psyche Terry of Dallas, owner of Urban Intimates, arranges her products at the Indulge Your Senses boutique in Little Elm. Terry took part in the Workshop at Macy’s, which teaches women and minority entrepreneurs how to get their products into big stores. For the big companies, it’s not just about being nice. Giving back can polish their reputations and may boost profits. People are more likely to support a company they know is giving back to the community, says Scott Davis, chief growth officer of brand and marketing company Prophet. Working with smaller companies also exposes the big brand to the customers of the small business, Davis says. The entrepreneurs are likely to talk to their customers about a company that helped them when they were starting out. “Storytelling is such a big part of brand building today,” Davis says. There’s more. Some say working with small businesses inspires their own employees and helps them attract and retain top talent. It can even help them identify hot products. More than 60 businesses have been through the Workshop at Macy’s since it launched in 2010. Small businesses accepted into the program have no obligation to work with the retailer, but a few, like Urban Intimates, have. The program gives Macy’s access to new products to sell. “We’re looking for the next great thing,” says Shawn Outler, a vice president at the company. Lighting a path Investment bank Goldman Sachs helped Ryan Walsh see his electrical company’s future. Walsh, who took over New Yorkbased Walsh Electrical Contracting from his father, was accepted into the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, which provides a free business course, spread out over several weeks, for entrepreneurs. Walsh says it forced him to come up with a five-year plan. Another benefit is networking. A business owner in the class hired Walsh’s company to install lights and electrical equipment. Walsh paid another classmate to redesign his company’s website, brochures and business cards. A restaurant owner from his class caters Walsh’s lunch meetings and even his child’s christening. “You meet some good people,” he says. Many of the small businesses that have participated have had good results. Sixty-four percent of 572 small businesses that have completed the Goldman program said they increased their revenue six months after graduating, and 45 percent added new jobs, according to a survey conducted by Babson College. Babson, a business school in Wellesley, Mass., helped develop the program. “It’s like a mini-MBA,” says Nneka Mosley, who owns Philadelphia-based Nneka Saran, which makes colorful purses and leather bags. Mosley applied for the Goldman Sachs class through the Tory Burch Foundation, which partners with the investment bank. The foundation, launched by high-end fashion company Tory Burch in 2009, helps women entrepreneurs secure loans and offers mentoring. A taste of success When the owners of ice pop maker Brewla Bars are in need of business advice, they email a contact at Boston Beer who connects them with an employee who can help them out. Brewla Bars, started by New York-based siblings Daniel Dengrove and Rebecca Dengrove in 2011, became involved with the maker of Samuel Adams beer after taking out a $10,000 loan two years ago from its Brewing the American Dream program. They used it to help pay for packaging for the lowcalorie treats, which are made with brewed teas, root beer and espresso. At the time, the Degroves TECHNOLOGY Microsoft chooses Miami for first U.S. innovation center By Laura Wides-Munoz ASSOCIATED PRESS MIAMI — Microsoft is opening a state-of-the-art training facility in Miami, its first within the U.S., the company announced Friday. The company is eyeing Houston for its second site. The tech giant already has some 100 innovation centers in 80 countries worldwide in countries like Uganda and Greece. These centers aim to help governments, academic institutions, community leaders and startups better use technology to innovate and develop more collaborative learning — with the goal of spurring economic development. Along the way, of course, the company is cultivating a new generation of Microsoft loyalists. A Microsoft vice president, Sanket Akerkarm, said the company looked at Miami as an excellent hub for tech in the Southern United States. “Miami is a great destination in and of itself,” he said. “We’ve got forward thinking government leaders.” The Latin American connection also sets the city apart. Microsoft is working with city and county officials to open the center next month. It will be housed at the new downtown entrepreneurial institute Venture Hive. The Hive, which opened last year thanks in part to city and country grants, already serves as an incubator and accelerator for some 35 companies from around the globe. Venture Hive founder Susan Amat said public, private and academic partnerships are key to developing the region’s entrepreneurial and technology scene. Including Microsoft is part of the broader goal of “bringing the world to Miami,” she said. Akerkar said he hopes to start offering training for teachers and professors this summer on the “app economy” so they can help students learn how to design their own apps. The announcement comes as investors, startups and global companies descend on Miami for the new eMerge Americas Techweek conference, part of a broad effort to promote technology and innovation in South Florida. Akerkar acknowledged Miami’s tech scene is still in the startup stage itself. “What we’re thinking about is maybe more Venture Hive founder Susan Amat says public, private and academic partnerships are essential to developing the Miami area’s technology scene. Alan Diaz / Associated Press of the potential and the place it can go,” he said, adding the company eschewed other cities for its first U.S. site because those regions already have robust technology support systems in place. “In places where there’s already a tech hub, there’s already support systems,” he said. “We want to add to the investments being made in Miami.” were selling the frozen bars at street fairs. The loan helped get them into stores around the country. They heard about the program through Accion, a nonprofit that provides small loans to entrepreneurs. Accion partners with Brewing the American Dream to administer loans using money donated by the beer company. Along with the loan, Boston Beer gives entrepreneurs advice. The Dengroves have received advice on everything from how to design a trade show booth to buying supplies more cheaply. Brewla Bars had revenue of nearly $100,000 last year. In the first three months of 2014, revenue is up 50 percent from the same period a year ago. Boston Beer gets something out of it, too. Jim Koch, who started the company in 1984, says the passion and drive from small-business owners breathe new life into the company. D28 | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x SMALL BUSINESS Q&A If it ain’t broke, better fix it anyway Q: My business environment has gotten a lot more difficult — sales are flat and costs are increasing. We are pretty good at what we do, but what can we do to start growing again? A: Smallbusiness owners today know one thing for sure: RON Conditions CONSOLINO on the business playing field can change rapidly. Buyer moods can shift, and proven marketing strategies may not seem to work anymore. The technology that seemed cutting edge at one point is now outdated or obsolete. An important key to piloting a small business successfully now and in the years ahead will be embracing new ways of thinking. Irwin Miller, my SCORE colleague and successful businessman, puts it this way: “If it ain’t broke, fix it!” If it works today, it may not work tomorrow because the environment is always changing. You need the attitude that whatever is done today can always be done better. Anticipating trends can be valuable in keeping you current on everything from sales strategies and customer desires to technology tools and the general economy. As your business grows, change will be inevitable and small-business owners should constantly look ahead and seek out ways to shake things up. The more you test the winds of change, the better your chances of success down the road. Truisms like “stick to what your business does best” are outmoded. If you want your business to grow or even just survive, consider that past business traditions and processes might only hold you back. Trying new approaches is vital. Not all customers are created equal. Some are more valuable and loyal than others, and those are the ones on whom you should lavish the most attention with special savings and service offers. Just as your customers put pressure on you, you should challenge your suppliers to find ways to reduce their prices, improve their delivery times or evolve their materials or services to better meet your changing requirements. Advances in technology will continue to change how small companies do business. You will need to keep up. Small-business owners who learn how to acquire and manage information will achieve the most success. Capturing and analyzing data about customer needs, wants and how they use your product or service is becoming increasingly critical. To get ideas about new products, services or markets, talk to your customers and suppliers, attend trade association meetings, and read trade journals and other materials. Anticipating trends in business is not easy, but it is essential. Ron Consolino is a business counselor for SCORE, a nonprofit association, whose volunteers help start and improve small businesses. Send questions or volunteer inquiries to scorehouston@ 5!?' 0 >9$>$'6<' cf\ M(>FYT*F(T O&*FYe IT]i AX .``G%RA(C `&)%GRAV RA>G cA]X2%Z&%&X.,X EZ&) X%G`A.,R: XQcV`&(RZ.`R&ZX .(] XQ%%,AGZX E&Z RBG ZGV B.cA,AR.RA&( &E RBG cf\ M(W >FYT*F(T O&*FY ,&`.RG] .R .]]ZGXXGX ,AXRG] cGV ,&=f N.ZZAX m&Q(R:f bG;.Xi 5A] jRF, H.: O9f T'Oe .R T+'' %)i 5/YAY &E 5A]Y, IQ)% dQ)i bBAX %Z&@G`R =A,, cG EG]GZV .,,: EQ(]G] c: RBG _idi N&QXA(C .(] _Zc.( lG>G,V &%)G(R 1N_ln lG%.ZRV )G(R RBZ&QCB RBG bG;.X hG(GZ., I.(] 3EEA`G 1hI3nf .(] .])A(AXRGZG] c: RBG N.ZZAX m&Q(R: m&))Q(AR: dGZ>A`GX lGV %.ZR)G(R 1Nmmdlni 7%%,AV `.c,G ZG$QAZG)G(RX A(V `,Q]Gf cQR .ZG (&R ,A)ARG] R& `&)%,A.(`G =ARB RBG l.>AXV4.`&( .(] *G,.RG] 7`RX 1hG(GZ., lG`AXA&( b6Oe''oof *kdMlkDbM7If H&]AEA`.RA&( 'f /Qc,A`.V RA&( l.RG 'O2'!2T'Oenf j.AZ I.c&Z dR.(].Z]Xf k$Q., k)%,&:)G(R 3%%&ZRQ(AR:f 7EEAZ).RA>G 7`RA&(f dG`V RA&( ! &E RBG N_l 7`R &E Oo9Uf .(] `&(RZ.`RA(C =ARB X).,,f )A(&ZAR:f .(] ]AX.]>.(R.CG EAZ)Xf .X ]GR.A,G] A( RBG %Z&@G`R ).(Q.,i 5A] cRb*AYYA&(+ dG.,G] cA]X XB.,, cG XQc)ARRG] R& RBG &EEA`GX .R F!TF J.R: jZGG=.:f dQARG 3(Gf N&QXV R&(f b6 aa''af 7RR(+ L&: d`B.GEGZ %ZA&Z R& RBG ]QG ].RG .(] RA)Gi bBG 3=(GZ .(] hG(GZ., m&(RZ.`R&Z ZGXGZ>G RBG ZACBR R& =.A>G AZZGCQ,.ZARAGX .(] R& ZGV @G`R cA]Xi 4A]]GZX =A,, cG ZG$QAZG] R& EQZ(AXB >GZAEAV .c,G ZGEGZG(`GX =ARB RBGAZ cA]X2%Z&%&X.,Xi 4A]]GZX E&Z Z&&EA(C .(] N\7m =A,, cG ZG$QAZG] R& B.>G . %.:V )G(R .(] %GZE&Z).(`G c&(]i 7 D&(VH.(].R&Z: /ZGVcA] =A,, cG BG,] &( 7%ZA, TUf T'Oe .R O'+!' .i)if ,&`.RG] .R OFTFF jGZ(GXX I.(Gf mB.((G,V >AG=f b6 aaF!'i \&,Q(R.Z: A(X%G`RA&(X &E RBG &``QV %AG] Q(ARX0 OVF' E&Z cA]V ]A(C %QZ%&XG =A,, cG BG,] &( 7%ZA, !'f T'Oe .R U+!' .i)if >&,Q(R.Z: A(X%G`V RA&(X &E RBG &``Q%AG] Q(ARX0 FOVO'' =A,, cG BG,] &( H.: Of T'Oe .R U+!' .i)if >&,Q(R.Z: A(X%G`V RA&(X &E RBG &``Q%AG] Q(ARX0 O'OVOF' =A,, cG BG,] &( H.: Tf T'Oe .R U+!' .i)i 7,, %GZX&(X A(RGZV GXRG] A( >AG=A(C RBG B&)GX =A,, )GGR .R OFTFF jGZ(GXXf mB.((G,>AG=f b6 aaF!'i /,G.XG ]&=(,&.] cA] ]&`Q)G(RX &Z >AG= ]&`Q)G(RX .R BTT%Y,22 &[]F[gF/[_g_&*2/[_i3k2 ;^%[&@F_Tg/Y%S]F)'"HPP hHJW"'JUWdUdiW5kkdW5kJ UH8aJ!Jjk QXA(C /Z&@G`R 0*YN^O9dh\ MD\kdbV HkDb N3Hkd .(] /.XXV =&Z]+ /_4IMmi 4A] ]&`QV )G(RX ).: .,X& cG %QZV `B.XG] E&Z `&XR EZ&) *A]CG=.:XVl.`&). .R aO!V9U9VaoFai ME :&Q ZGV $QAZG .]]ARA&(., A(E&Z).V RA&(f %,G.XG `&(R.`R L&: d`B.GEGZf dh\ M(>GXR)G(R N&)GXf IR]if .R aO!VUaOV ''9!i OFO'9 hZ.XXA(CR&(f oe! 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Q% (Q)cGZ+ ' ,GC., G).A, xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Sunday, May 4, 2014 | D29 BUSINESS MARKETPLACE FOOD INDUSTRY 67=:E+ G?@@E FIBC@ jGJJ\Dq FXD [\DDXJl *&%' &&' &'' -' .88*>A .' /' "' MJ J A S O N D J 5/2 F M AM Year ago 4/25 Merc light cr *--(-" *&''("' *-#(-Spot sour cr *-%('& *-&("$ *-!(!- 4HEBIH3 =HG jGJJ\Dq FXD ILJJLGH kDLfLqU fUXDI\J eHLfql */ " $ ! # .'*A>' % & ' MJ J A S O N D J 5/2 Merc F M AM Year ago 4/25 *!("/! *!("!/ *!('%$ !91740( &)99:607. 07= FJB1E ]SgS YDLJJLHV \ZfLdLfa c\q YGcH o DLVq \f QTnMN DLVqS jDLJJLHV LH ^Xb\q c\q YGcH P DLVq \f nmP DLVqS ^UX G_qUGDX DLV I\DKXfXY efLJL`\fLGH D\fX LH fUX ieJW c\q mRSm FXDZXHfT YGcH WDGI mpSO FXDZXHf \ aX\D \VGS )(!%#' $%&" ]SgS fGf\Jl %''' )+;D' &-$' &-'' &.$' &.'' &/$' &/'' &"$' MJ J A S O N D J Rigs drilling 5/2 F M AM Year ago 4/25 Texas .-% .-! .#& Colorado "! "! "# Louisiana &&! &&% &'. New Mexico -' -& /. North Dakota &/" &/- &/! Oklahoma &-$ &-% &.. Pennsylvania $. "& "' Wyoming !$' !& U.S. total &).$! &)."& &)/"! Canada &"# &". &%& !91740( &8*07 %1.,05 U.S. Gas U.S. Horizontal +, %/" +, +, &)%&% +, !91740( $%! "+. '43+/+3- Marketed rigs under contract U.S. Gulf .' .& /- !91740( $%! #03792838 /-2,G @1@I=9 GEJF5 71C@<@G hLJ \HY V\q XbFJGD\fLGH \HY FDGYeZfLGH ZGIF\HLXq "/$ "'' A>8*D( $%$ !$' #/$ MJ J A S O N D J F M AM hLJ \HY V\q XEeLFIXHf LHYXb /'' Marketing packaged produce bears fruit to tune of $4.8 billion By Lynn Brezosky NatureSweet’s catchy new three-packs for its bite-size Cherriot tomatoes may cause sticker shock — they’re selling for $2.98. At about a dozen per pack, that works out to about 8 cents per tomato. That is, unless the shopper thinks like “Anna,” the hypothetical 38-year-old mother of two who is the San Antonio-based greenhouse grower’s target customer. She may make up only 8 to 10 percent of households, but she’s 25 percent of the purchasing power at the grocery store. “We test everything against Anna,” said Michael Joergensen, NatureSweet’s marketing director. “We generally find that if something resonates with Anna, then it will be kind of aspirational for the general population.” The patented packs are just one product in a produce packaging industry that’s growing faster than produce production itself. The industry, valued at $4.8 billion in 2012, is projected to increase 3.3 percent a year to $5.7 billion in 2017. Its growth is “supported by population growth, trends toward healthier eating and the increased availability of ready-to-eat fruit marketed for convenience and as a healthy snack option,” said Esther Palevsky, an analyst at Freedonia Group. Among the top trends: peel and reseal lidding film, clear clamshells with button locks (replacing the old plastic green berry baskets), mixing items for added color appeal, pre-cut for stir-fries or grilling, packaging aimed at children, and product placement to stoke the imagination, such as muffin mix next to the blueberries and caramel dip above the apples. Market research There’s a wealth of market research behind it all. “We don’t crank out a package design,” Joergensen said. “When we start looking at designs, all the way through to testing and prototypes, it’s a good nine- to 12-month kind of process.” Schools including Michigan State University, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and San Jose State University have a reputation for turning out packaging engineers that work for packaging giants such as Sambrailo Packaging in Watsonville, Calif. "'' $'' >(D*88 !'' #'' MJ J A S O N D J F M AM !91740( &)99:607. Plastic clamshell Sambrailo, which specializes in berries, holds patents on about 100 items. The rigid plastic clamshell, developed in 1987 for Driscoll’s, revolution- ized the industry. “You could do several things. You could stack them in the retail chain and save on space; you could protect the berries so that there was less mechanical damaging to the fruit both at the pack, cooling, transportation and retail level,” said Jim Scattini, Sambrailo’s vice president of sales and marketing. While more expensive, retailers made up for the price with less loss from damaged fruit. Consumers liked it, too. For one thing, they could see the fruit. There are “green” producers and retailers who won’t buy plastic packaging — Sambrailo got a line of compostable sugar-cane fiber based packaging for them. But the products are recyclable, and waste and over-packaging arguments don’t seem to have hurt sales. “The numbers bear out that when something is in a rigid plastic container, it outsells something that’s a loose commodity,” Scattini said. “So you’ve got the vocal concerns and then you’ve got the numbers. So now you see the paradox.” Recipes are big Kathy Means, vice president of industry relations for the Produce Marketing Association, said the marketing aspect is “even bigger than the technology.” “When you have packaging, you have marketing real estate, if you will,” she said. Recipes and serving suggestions are big, as is nutrition information. PMA currently has a program that allows members to use “Sesame Street” characters royalty-free. “The goal is to get kids 3 to 5 and their millennial families eating more produce so that we can build consumers for life,” Means said. It’s marketing at the store level, and the industry knows it’s got to move beyond the health message. People know fruits and vegetables are good for them, but consumption hasn’t been rising. Means said the industry is moving toward creativity and convenience. Hence strategies like crepes and shortcakes next to strawberries, packages of broccoli macaroni and cheese, guacamole seasoning next to the avocados and vegetable mixes for the wok. “Some people, during the week, they don’t want to mess with anything,” she said. “Come the weekend, they feel like cooking ... during the week, make it fast, make it easy and make it something my kids will like.”Convenience also means having a presence at convenience stores, dol- William Luther photos / San Antonio Express-News Produce packaging, an industry valued at $4.8 billion in 2012, is projected to increase 3.3 percent a year to $5.7 billion in 2017. Product placement is a trend in marketing packaged produce, such as stocking caramel dip next to the apples, or muffin mix near the blueberries. lar stores and drugstores. Walgreens is currently testing produce in Chicago. “Whether it’s convenience or a mobility issue, there are a lot of reasons people are choosing different outlets,” Means said. “Produce marketers are sending their product wherever consumers want to buy it.” Brand name key NatureSweet is one of a growing number of producers that see their brand name as key to the marketing. Names such as Sunkist, Dole and Chiquita have long been around, but for the most part, the produce department has been an anonymous assortment of products. “In produce, it’s kind of an unspoken truth that consumers don’t always know what they’re going to get,” NatureSweet’s Joergensen said. “They go New York Stock Exchange to pay penalty ASSOCIATED PRESS The New York Stock Exchange and three affiliates have agreed to pay a $4.5 million penalty to settle federal regulators’ charges that they repeatedly violated rules governing the handling of orders and other practices. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced last week the settlement with the NYSE, its trading platforms NYSE Arca and NYSE MKT, and affiliated brokerage Archipelago Securities. The organizations also agreed to hire an independent consultant. The NYSE and the three affiliates neither admitted nor denied the SEC allegations. The SEC said the rule violations occurred from 2008 to 2012. They included operating a facility for trading blocks of stocks in a manner that didn’t comply with the rules for a period of time, according to the SEC. In another case, the NYSE allegedly allowed some customers to operate their computer trading systems under different terms from others. The NYSE “failed to live up to its obligations” by failing to comply with its own rules in some cases and not having rules in other cases where it should, SEC Enforcement Director Andrew Ceresny said told reporters in a conference call. The NYSE operates as a so-called self-regulatory organization, which requires it to comply with operating rules and also to monitor the compliance of companies that are members of the exchange. The SEC did not allege the conduct harmed investors. But it said some of the alleged violations, such as the differing terms for trading systems, could unfairly benefit some traders over others in the absence of a rule to ensure fair treatment. Growth of produce packaging, such as individually wrapped potatoes, is supported by a demand for healthy and convenient foods, one analyst says. in and they pick it up and they squeeze it. They sniff it. They’re trying to get a feel for it. ... They’ll try to pop the label and sneak one because they’re just kind of hoping that it’s good. We think consumers shouldn’t have to hope.” The name also gives consumers a place to go for some on-the-go research. Recipes are the most visited section of the NatureSweet website, and the company recently redesigned and re-launched its site for ease of use. “What Anna’s doing now, she’s not searching from home and then going to the store. She’s searching in the store,” Joergensen said. [email protected]
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