Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz
Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz
Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II 1 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II KIT – die Kooperation vonEngineering Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universit ät Karlsruhe (TH) State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Overview Introduction Parallel Graph Partitioning (KaPPa) n-Level Graph Partitioning (KaSPar) Experimental Evaluation Future Work 2 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Simulation - FEM Simulation space is discretized into a mesh Solution of partitial differential equations are approximated by linear equations Number of vertices can become quite large → time and memory Parallel processing required 3 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) The Common Parallel Approach Mesh partitioned via dual graph 1. Each volume (data, calculation) is represented by a vertex 2. Interdependencies are represented by edges All PE’s get same amount of work Communication is expensive Graph Partitioning Problem: Partition a graph into (almost) equally sized blocks, such that the number of edges connecting vertices from different blocks is minimal. 4 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) e-Balanced Graph Partitioning Partition graph G = (V , E , c : V → R>0 , ω : E → R>0 ) into k disjoint blocks s.t. 1+e total node weight total node weight of each block ≤ k total weight of cut edges as small as possible Applications: finite element simulations, VLSI design, route planning, . . . 5 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Multi-Level Graph Partitioning Successful in existing systems: DiBaP, Chaco, Jostle, Metis, Scotch,. . . 6 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Multi-Level Graph Partitioning Edge Contraction u, v x ω ({x , z }) = ω ({u , z }) + ω ({v , z }). c (x ) = c (u ) + c (v ) 7 Nov. 30, 2010 z z u v x Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Why Yet Another MGP Algorithms? Karlsruhe Parallel Partitioner Karlsruhe Sequential Partitioner scalable parallel algorithm for the case k =# of processors large inputs high quality (better (even parallel) than other seq. algorithms) understand / engineer multi level method bridge gaps theory ↔ practice 8 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Matching Selection Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. input graph large edge weights sparsify large #edges few levels uniform node weights “represent” input small node degrees “represent” input unclear objective gap to approx. weighted matching which only considers 1.,2. ... match contract Our Solution: Apply approx. weighted matching to general edge rating function 9 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Edge Ratings Tried ω ({u , v }) ω ({u , v }) c (u ) + c (v ) ω ({u , v }) expansion∗ ({u , v }) := c (u )c (v ) expansion({u , v }) := ω ({u , v })2 c (u )c (v ) ω ({u , v }) innerOuter({u , v }) := Out(v ) + Out(u ) − 2ω (u , v ) expansion∗2 ({u , v }) := where c = node weight, ω =edge weight, Out(u ) := ∑{u ,v }∈E ω ({u , v }) 10 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Approx. Weighted Matching Use parallel prepartitioner (optional) currently geometric recursive bipartitioning when coords. available Global Path Algorithm [MaueSanders 2007] locally parallel [ManneBisseling 2007] for border nodes 11 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Initial Partitioning Every PE can perform initial partitioning using different seeds Compared PARTY, P M ETIS, and S COTCH S COTCH yielded best results input graph output partition ... local improvement ... match contract initial uncontract partitioning 12 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Local Improvement – Basic Approach Use linear time local search [Fiduccia Mattheyses 82] on multiple pairs of blocks in parallel input graph output partition ... local improvement ... match contract initial uncontract partitioning 13 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Finding Pairs of Blocks Color edges of quotient graph Q several parallel algorithms tried Each color → matching in Q → independent block pairs 14 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Pairwise Local Search exchange boundaries two local searches adopt best New queue selection strategy topGain 15 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Karlsruhe Sequential Partitioner 1. Contraction contract a single edge between two levels possibly n levels finegrained contraction consequtive levels are very similar no matching algorithm required use of different edge ratings uniform distribution of node weights priority queue defines the order of edges to be contracted 2. Local Search efficent stopping criterion avoid quadratic runtime 3. General Trial Trees 16 Nov. 30, 2010 improve quality by independent trials Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Contraction edge rating - expansion∗ ({u , v }) = ω ({u ,v }) c (u )c (v ) addressable priority queue based on pairing heaps dynamic graph data structure 17 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Local Search Nodes z unmarked, z active, marked active nodes compute gains of moving from one block x v u to another choose the maximum gain u v when moved active marked can’t become active anymore unmarked neighbours of marked active u v 18 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Local Search - Stopping Criteria touching each node on each level z z to Ω (n2 ) would lead runtime ⇒ need flexible stopping criteria x v step u each gains in identically distributed, independent random variables u v expectation µ variance σ2 compute µ and σ2 from previous steps stop after p steps if pµ2 > ασ2 + β u v 19 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Results – Example Street network Europe |V | = 18M , |E | = 44M, k = 16, KaSPar↔ParMetis 20 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 500 Scalablity 100 50 5 10 20 total time [s] 200 KaPPa−Strong KaPPa−Fast KaPPa−Minimal scotch kmetis parmetis 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 k Street network Europe (|V | = 18M , |E | = 44M) 21 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Quality Comparison with Other Systems Geometric mean, imbalance e = 0.03: 11 graphs (78K–18M nodes) ×k ∈ {2, 4, 8, 16, 64} algorithm KaSPar strong KaPPa strong Scotch kMetis large graphs best avg. t[s] 12 450 12 584 87.12 13 323 +8% 28.16 14 475 +19% 3.83 15 540 +32% 0.71 Repeating scotch as long as KasPar strong run and choosing the best result 12.1% larger cuts Walshaw instances, road networks, Florida Sparse Matrix Collection, random Delaunay triangulations, random geometric graphs, social networks. 22 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Sources of Quality Improvement 1. edge ratings largest effect by far 2. more localized refinement. Surprise! previous parallelizations caused worse quality 3. better queue selection 4. better matching algorithms 5. more time invested 23 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Future Work 1. try other pairwise improvers (Flows or Diffusion) and try V-Cycles (or F-Cycles) graph partitioning ⇒ KaFFPa 2. better initial partitioning for large k 3. integration into Meta-heuristic 4. exploit shared memory parallelism 24 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) DIMACS Implementation Challenge Announcement someitem 25 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Thank you! 26 Nov. 30, 2010 Vitaly Osipov, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz – Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithmics II Engineering State-of-the-Art Graph Partitioning Libraries @KIT KIT – die Kooperation von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH und Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
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