MAy - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
MAy - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Fo us A monthly publication of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Volume 8 | Number 5 | May 2015 One on One with Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. 9 Photo Gallery 10 Member Events 13 The prompt way you are responded to, the compassion you are shown, and the respect you are given - all contribute to your patient experience. Here’s proof it is of utmost importance to us that your experience is nothing less than Nationally-Recognized Hospital. outstanding. 985-493-4326 Calendar Contact Us! Officers: APRIL 2015: Chairman of the Board Stephanie Hebert 4/27 Economic Development & Infrastructure Committee 12:00 Noon - Chamber office 4/28 General Membership Luncheon Chairman-Elect Earl J. Eues, Jr. 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Courtyard by Marriott - 142 Library Drive - $25/person Sponsored by Houma’s Town & Country Real Estate, Inc. Speaker: Will French, President Louisiana Film and Entertainment Association May 2015: 5/12 Executive Committee 8:00 a.m. - Chamber office 8:00 a.m. - Chamber office 8:00 a.m. - Chamber office 5/20 Government Activities 5/21 Education Committee 8:00 a.m. - Chamber office 12:00 Noon - Chamber office 12:00 Noon - Chamber office KEE Environmental Services, LLC Treasurer Kate Theriot Coaching for Change, LLC Vice Chairman-Community Development Division Chad Hebert 5/19 Board Meeting Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency Workforce Logistics Vice Chairman-Chamber Development Division Paul Labat Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center Vice Chairman-Infrastructure & Economic Develop. Div. Stephen Smith Healthcare Committee All South Consulting Engineers, LLC Vice Chairman-Government Activities Division Jason Bergeron 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Homewood Suites - 143 Citi Place Drive Technology Professionals, LLC 5/25 Economic Development & Infrastructure Committee Immediate Past Chairman Donald A. Hingle, II Business First Bank Business After-Hours 5/26 General Membership Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Courtyard Marriott - 142 Library Drive - $25/person Sponsored by Technology Professionals Speaker: Chris John, President, Louisiana MId-Continent Oil and Gas Association For more information about Chamber Events call (985) 876-5600 or Email: [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS: Ann Barker Terrebonne Ford Joseph Boudreaux in memory of Blackhawk Specialty Tools Natalie Campbell Campbell Technology Consultants, LLC Mona Martin Christen Mona & Company, Inc. Reggie Dupre Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District William Eroche Watkins, Walker & Eroche, APLC Michael J. Garcia, M.D. colonel james edmond gueydan South LA Medical Associates Leroy Guidry september 6,1916 - march 14, 2015 Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC 1986 president of the houma-terrebonne chamber of commerce Baymont Inn & Suites Cindy Landeche H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 3 Mike LaRussa LaRussa Real Estate Agency, Inc Mike Lewis Big Mike’s BBQ Smokehouse Mitchell Marmande Delta Coast Consultants, LLC David Rabalais Terrebonne Port Commission Janel Ricca Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center Darlene Rodrigue The Courier Brian Rushing Rushing Media Kimi Walker Chauvin Brothers, Inc. Chuck Weaver Jr. South LA Financial Services, LLC w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Chairman’s Message “Give Bayou” Supports the Work of Our Local Nonprofits When it comes to moving a community forward, everyone has a role to play. Sure, there are services that we rely on government to provide, such as roads and bridges, public safety, and education for our young people, but government cannot and should not do it all. There are many ways that we, as business people and private citizens, contribute to the welfare of our community. The Chamber, for example, works to bring local businesses together to promote issues that concern us all like coastal protection, education, economic development, and health care. And our local nonprofit organizations, many of which are Chamber members, do an extraordinary job of serving the unmet needs of our community and our fellow residents with their work in human services, education, and coastal preservation. On May 5, all of us in Terrebonne Parish will have an opportunity to support this great work of our nonprofits through an exciting new event known as “GiveNOLA Day for the Bayou Region, or “Give Bayou” for short. Now in its second year, GiveNOLA Day is a 24-hour online giving event sponsored by the Greater New Orleans Foundation that aims to inspire us to give generously to the nonprofit organizations that make our region stronger. Here in Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, the Bayou Community Foundation is coordinating a local component to GiveNOLA to specifically promote the 40 nonprofit organizations in our Bayou Region that are participating in the May 5 online giving event. Give Bayou will include a “Giving Celebration” on Tuesday, May 5 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Bayou Waterlife Museum in downtown Houma sponsored by Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government. Volunteer-prepared lunches will be sold for $5, with all proceeds going to a Lagniappe Fund to be shared by Bayou Region participating nonprofits. Representatives of the participating nonprofits will also be there to share information about their work with visitors and laptops will be available if visitors want to make online donations to their favorite charities. For a complete list of “Give Bayou” nonprofits and to learn more, I encourage you to visit And if you can’t make it out to the Waterlife Museum for lunch on May 5, log on to between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m to make your online donation. For as little as $10, everyone can be a philanthropist on GiveNOLA Day! Terrebonne Parish has grown and prospered over the years because of the unrivaled passion our residents have for our unique parish. There is nothing like our Terrebonne spirit! I urge you to join me on May 5 as we come together as one Terrebonne community to demonstrate this great passion and tremendous generosity by participating in “Give Bayou!” may 5, 2015 Non-Profit members of the houma-terrebonne chamber of commerce who are participating in “give nola day for the bayou region” are: Stephanie Hebert 2015 Board Chair Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency Terrebonne Parish A Place of Restoration CASA of Terrebonne Hope Extreme MacDonnell United Methodist Children’s Services Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC Options for Independence Project Learn La-Terre Terrebonne Children’s Advocacy Center Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence in Public Education The Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center United Way for South Louisiana Lafourche Parish Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Foundation Bayou Country Children’s Museum Restore or Retreat, Inc. United Houma Nation staff: Suzanne Nolfo Carlos President and CEO [email protected] Chantell Pepper Administrative Assistant [email protected] Betsy Breerwood Events & Communication Coordinator [email protected] Kay Thibodeaux Membership Account Executive [email protected] Heidi Ohmer Intern [email protected] 6133 Hwy.311 | Houma, LA 70360 | 985.876.5600 | 985.876.5611 fax H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 4 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m notes from the President Louisiana’s Infrastructure – Grade C- Suzanne Nolfo Carlos President/CEO Two Louisiana highways that I frequently must drive along are Louisiana Highway 311 and Martin Luther King Boulevard. You know as well as I that you take your life in your hands when traveling on these roads. The traffic is heavy during most of the day, and if you can, it’s better to avoid them during morning commute, lunchtime, and afternoon commute. I wish you lots of luck with that! Park and Main aren’t much better. In addition, because of the heavy traffic, these Louisiana highways begin to show the wear and deterioration of the asphalt re-surfacing very quickly, meaning large cracks and potholes that wreak havoc on our tires and suspension. Former Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Secretary, Dr. Kam Movassaghi, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, recently spoke here in Houma at an event co-sponsored by the South Central Planning and Development Commission and Terrebonne Parish. Dr. Movassaghi presented information on the awful condition Louisiana’s transportation infrastructure is in and offered some solutions. His objectives in providing this information are to outline Louisiana’s critical highway transportation issues, to offer strategies that address these issues, and ultimately start meaningful conversations towards a grade ‘A’ for Louisiana’s infrastructure. In 2012, the American Society of Civil Engineers rated Louisiana’s roads a D and our bridges received a D+. Overall, our infrastructure received a C-. You can learn more at www.asce. org. •62% of Louisiana’s 61,635 miles of roads are in either poor or mediocre condition •Louisiana ranks 41st in the condition of rural interstate pavement •Driving on Louisiana roads costs motorists $1.2 billion a year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs – $408 per motorist •Annual auto insurance cost in Louisiana is the highest in the nation: $1,277 versus the lowest in the country, Iowa, at $630 •Louisiana needs over $12 billion to address the backlog of needs for our roads •Average age of bridges in Louisiana is 34.9 years. Bridges are normally designed for a life span of 50 years. •29% of Louisiana’s 13,050 bridges are either Structurally Deficient or Functionally Obsolete •Louisiana needs $2.7 billion to address its Structurally Deficient bridges The reasons we are in this situation, according to Dr. Movassaghi, is that we have inadequate funding at the federal, state, and local levels; the management structure of the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD); and that local communities are unable to raise revenue for their transportation needs. To address the funding issue Movassaghi has some interesting and sensible proposals. First, replace the current 16 cents fuel Excise Tax with an 8% Sales Tax on all fuels. It would only cost the average driver an additional $3.65 per month. Then give 25% of these revenues to local governments for their local and regional highway networks. Next, provide tax incentives for private investment in major transportation projects, and provide opportunity for local governments to raise revenue for local transportation projects. Finally, revenues derived from the fuel tax must be restricted to transportation improvement use only. Movassaghi goes on to propose restructuring the DOTD’s management by replacing the Cabinet Structure with a Commission, consolidating the nine Districts into seven Regions, and the reclassification and distribution of the highway network. To strengthen the communities’ role, Movassaghi suggests giving the Metropolitan Planning Organizations more decision-making authority, and having Regional DOTD offices collaborate with rural communities on planning, allocating resources, and the development of infrastructure. I found Dr. Movassaghi’s presentation interesting and very informative. You may read his complete report and PowerPoint presentation on our website at www.houmachamber. com. Click on “A New Model for Louisiana’s Transportation System” at the bottom of our homepage under Chamber News. The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Invites You To Join! A few of the benefits: We would love to have you join our Website listing—$150 value team and become a member of the Membership Directory—$200 value Ribbon Cutting—$200 value Chamber. There are many benefits to New Member Advertising—$250 value take advantage of and we would be "When consumers know that a small business is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, happy to answer any questions you they are 44% more likely to think favorably of might have. Give us a call at (985) it and 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the fu876-5600 or visit our website ture." (Research Study by: The Schapiro Group, for more Inc., 2007) info or to fill out an application. 6133 Hwy 311, Houma, Louisiana 70360 Email: [email protected] H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 5 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Focus on the Parish Parish Government Bond Rating Among Best in State by Michel Claudet Terrebonne Parish President We are pleased to announce that the bond rating for Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government is listed as being the third best rating among Louisiana’s 64 parishes. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service (S&P) has Terrebonne Parish’s bond rating listed as an AA. This ranks Terrebonne only behind Caddo Parish and St. Martin Parish. Our strong bond rating is the result of the careful management of taxpayer funds as well as our strong economy. A lot of recognition goes to our Parish Council and Finance staff for their leadership in ensuring the stable finances of Terrebonne Parish. Houma Earns District Cleanest City Award We are proud that Houma has been named the Cleanest City among Louisiana cities with a population ranging from 15,000 to 44,999 resi- There really is no place like houma. dents in our region. In winning this award, Houma will now compete for the state of Louisiana Cleanest City title with other cities having comparable populations. The date was April 17 for the state level contest; however, the results were not available by this publication deadline. The annual Cleanest City Contest is sponsored by the Louisiana Garden Club Federation with the goal of increasing civic pride and improving the visual appeal of towns and cities in the state. Winning the Cleanest City contest for our region was truly a team effort. I want to thank everyone involved in making this contest a success as we look forward to winning the state level competition. Westside Boulevard Bridge to be Widened In the coming weeks work will get underway to widen the existing bridge that connects Park Avenue and Main Street at Westside Boulevard. The existing bridge was restricted to one-way traffic with the extension of Westside Boulevard from Main Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard. Once this project is completed, the bridge will once again allow two-way traffic. Unfortunately this upgrade will require us to close the bridge to all traffic for approximately 6 months. The Westside Boulevard Bridge is another piece of our long term plan to connect St. Louis Canal Road to LA Highway 311 via this thoroughfare. Residents will soon see significant progress on the extension of Westside Boulevard from Martin Luther King Boulevard to the Equity Bridge. The construction of the base of the roadway has be- gun and will require 10 to 12 months to settle. Once the base is fully settled and compacted, work will begin on a four lane roadway with a grass median and a bike/ pedestrian lane. A traffic signal will also be added to the intersection of Martin Luther King and Westside Boulevard. Not only will this road allow for improved traffic flow, but it will open large tracts of real estate for future development. When we became part of the community here in Houma, we did it with the promise to offer each of our neighbors the best in service, knowledge and guidance. We have carried out that promise each year since. Today we are one of the state’s top accounting and consulting firms offering a myriad of services from tax planning for businesses and individuals and audit and assurance to litigation and forensic accounting. Our experts are eager to share our accumulated knowledge and help you reach your goals or prepare for the unexpected. Call us today and let us show you how we can help you thrive in the place we call home. New Orleans 504.831.4949 | North Shore 985.246.3022 | Houma 985.868.0139 | Thibodaux 985.447.5243 H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 6 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Welcome New Members BOARD SPOTLIGHT Cox Media Steve Blair (504) 358-6418 2121 Airline Drive, 5th Floor Metairie, Louisiana 70001 Categories: Advertising Mona Martin Christen Real Estate Broker/Owner/Agent Mona & Company Inc. Valpak of Lafourche & Terrebonne Jan Wiseman Phone: (985) 226-5042 (337) 445-9035 7910 Main Street, Suite 428 Houma, Louisiana 70360 Areas of Expertise: Residential Real Estate, Luxury Homes Sales, Commercial Real Estate, New Construction & Development. Categories: Advertising, Marketing Other Interests: I love spending time with my new grandson, William, and my two children Kelli and Dylan! Singing with the St. Lucy’s Gospel choir, Fishing, Cooking, Gardening and traveling. Southwest Funding Theresa Boudreaux (985) 293-7456 114 Enterprise Drive, Suite C Houma, Louisiana 70360 Why did you join the Chamber? To network with all business people, small and big. Also, to keep up with everything going on in our local parish as well as state projects that impact us locally. Categories: Mortgage Loans, Loans Wayfarer Environmental Technologies Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? To have a voice in our community and to better serve Terrebonne Parish. Michael Turley (225) 916-6382 P.O. Box 11937 New Iberia, LA 70563 What is the Chamber’s role in the business community? To support local businesses by helping them strengthen and grow their business through events and programs. Categories: Manufacturing Divinity Home Health Services Ella Kliebert (985) 262-0445 200 East 6th Street Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301 Categories: Home Health Care Progressive Coastal Consultants 985-746-4747 Jerome Zeringue (985) 709-1099 Categories: Environmental Consulting, Consultant H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 LA Lic #46925 Plb#1666 7 Serving Customers Since 1988 Mold Certified Mech. Engineer on Staff 24/7 Service all brands LA Bryant Dealer of the Year Residential and Commercial Serving Houma and Thibodaux Daily Comet Readers Choice 2014 Now Offering Plumbing Service w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Join Us ! With Allstate life insurance, love wins. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LU NC H EO N Tuesday, April 28 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott - 142 Library Drive Sponsored by: Houma’s Town & Country Real Estate, Inc. Speaker: Will French President Louisiana Film and Entertainment Association Admission is $25 per person in advance and $30 per person at the door for members. General public is invited to attend, call the Chamber at (985) 876-5600 for admission fees. Tuesday, May 26 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott - 142 Library Drive Sponsored by: Technology Professionals I can help you protect your growing family at an affordable price. Do you have enough life insurance? It’s one of the best ways to provide for your family if something happens to you. With the right coverage, love wins. Call me today for affordable options. Speaker: Chris John President, Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association Admission is $25 per person in advance and $30 per person at the door for members. General public is invited to attend, call the Chamber at (985) 876-5600 for admission fees. AFTER BUSINESS H URS Stephanie Hebert 985-872-0201 Networking at its best! Business After Hours is held each month for Chamber members and their employees to network and enjoy food, drinks and door prizes. 854 Grand Caillou Rd. Houma [email protected] Thursday, May 21 • 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sponsored by: Homewood Suites 142 Citi Place Drive FREE It’s Hot Outside! A/C KEEP COOL IN YOUR CAR! (985) 879-4700 • 326 S Van Avenue Houma, LA 70363 H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 Availability from a particular company varies by product. Subject to availability and qualifications. Life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, and Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE. In New York life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Co. 30 Day warranty on parts and labor. Financing available. 8 111499 INSPECTION w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m One on One with Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. The Chamber selects member businesses to interview and highlight in this monthly publication. Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. was selected to be featured as a benefit of their Ruby sponsorship for the Annual Banquet. Earlier this month we interviewed Tommy Kilbride to learn more about him and Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. In your own words, describe Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. is a small business providing primarily marine dredging/construction services to clients throughout the Southeastern U.S. Our focus is primarily on wetlands restoration and mitigation, oilfield channels, habitat enhancement, levee construction, pile driving and installation of water control structures. Tell us a little about the history of Coastal Dredging Company, Inc. We have been in business for 19 years and we are locally owned and operated. The founders and incorporators of CDC have more than 50 years of experience in the marine construction/dredging industry. CDC was formed and incorporated in September 1996 with the sole purpose of performing marine related construction projects. Where is the main office located? We are headquartered in Slidell, La. (St. Tammany Parish) located along Bayou Bonfouca. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of What is the company’s specialty? Our primary specialty is marine dredging. How many people are employed by Coastal Dredging Company, Inc.? We have 22 employees. CDC’s success is due to its employees’ dedication to excellent work, customer service that exceeds expectations, and a safety program that has led to thousands of zero accident work hours. In what ways has your company changed the most over the years? Our company’s continual growth and expansion, coupled with our proven record of consistently providing timely, quality services and customer satisfaction has led to our current bonding capacity of $25 million, and a reputation as an honest dependable contractor. What do your clients like best about Coastal Dredging Company, Inc.? Our one-on-one service. Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 9 What is the one experience you want for the clients of Coastal Dredging Company, Inc.? A job well done. Our goal is to not only provide exceptional services, but to cultivate and maintain strong relationships with our customers. What is your title? President/Owner What are your primary responsibilities? Keeping my employees with a steady and dependable job and future. How long have you been in the industry? How long with Coastal Dredging Company, Inc.? In the industry for 25 years, and with CDC for 19 years. What do you like best about Coastal Dredging Company, Inc.? Family orientation What is your favorite part of your job? Pleasing the customer. Do you have a fundamental philosophy for life or business that you can share? Arriving at ones destination is far more important than the road traveled on. w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Blane Comeaux, Acadian Total Security President (center holding scissors) is joined with staff, friends and Chamber members at a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in March. Acadian Total Security, a division of Acadian Companies, recently acquired Houma based Safeguard Alarm Systems, Inc., after a more than 12-year partnership. As part of the acquisition, Safeguard’s employees joined the other 4,000 employee-owners of Acadian. Acadian Total Securities is located at 272 Enterprise Drive. For more information visit page 18 of this publication or http://www. Bret Means and Marla Porche of Synergy Bank, Stephanie Hebert, Chamber Board Chair and Stephanie Hebert Insurance Company, and Tim Blanchard, Assurance Financial visit at the Stella Learning Center’s Business After Hours. Special thanks to Stella Leaning Center for hosting the March Business After-Hours. The following Board members and staff were on-hand to visit and welcome Chamber members to the event: (from left to right) Michelle Marcel, Cathy Bergeron, Daisy Alviar, April Moore, Tammy Degruise, Beryl Amedee and Susan Gregoire. Enjoying the March Business After Hours hosted by Stella Learning Center are Anh Tran of Spahr’s Seafood Company, Kimi Walker of Chauvin Brothers and Chamber Board member, and Richard Walker. Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, Chamber President and CEO, Ann Barker, Terrebonne Ford and Chamber Board member, and Tyler Blanchard, Classic Business Products attend March’s Business After-Hours hosted by Stella Learning Center. Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency and Chamber Board Chair, Royal Richoux, Kate Theriot, Coaching for Change and Chamber Board Treasurer, Kimi Walker, Chauvin Brothers and Chamber Board member, and Richard Walker pose at the Business After-Hours at Stella Learning Center. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 10 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, Chamber President and CEO, Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency and Chamber Board Chair, Brenda Leroux-Babin, Busy Bee Clinic and Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) Chair, and Michele Vedros, Crown Marketing and WBA Steering Committee member enjoy the WBA’s Reveal Party at the Chamber office. Mary Wayne, Holiday Inn, Janel Ricca, Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center and Chamber Board member, DeNeil Brown, Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) Steering Committee member, and Meggie Benoit, Houma Area Convention and Visitors Bureau and WBA Steering Committee member visit during the WBA’s Reveal Party at the Chamber office. WBA recently went through a make-over and revealed its plans for 2015. For more information or to join WBA please visit Ann Dupre, Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), Mary Miller, TGMC, and Terrolyn Mitchell, Homewood Suites by Hilton-Houma attend the Women’s Business Alliance Reveal Party at the Chamber office. Denise Guidry of City Court of Houma and Bianca Dorazil of Unitech Training Academy attend the Women’s Business Alliance Reveal Party at the Chamber office. Angie LeBlanc, ABL Ventures, LLC, Laura Bourgeois, Coastal Commerce Bank, and Karen Rousse, Ramada Inn visit during the Women’s Business Alliance Reveal Party at the Chamber office. Stephen Waguespack, President of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry addressed the Chamber membership at the March General Membership Luncheon. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 11 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Houma-Terrebonne Chamber Golf Classic The Chamber and its Board of Directors would like to thank our sponsors, teams, volunteers, and committee members for making the Seventh Annual Golf Classic a SUCCESS! SP136681 Visit for more Golf Classic photos H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 12 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Member Events APRIL 2015: 4/29 Mary Bird Perkins at TGMC Colorectal, Oral and Skin Cancer Screenings 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Save-a-Lot - 836 Grand Caillou Road For more information: (225) 215-1234, (888) 616-4687 or MAY 2015: 5/5 Give NOLA Day for the Bayou Region EVERYONE CAN BE A PHILANTHROPIST Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, Chamber President/CEO, Angie Rome-Walsh, Executive Director of the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence (TFAE), George Robichaux, South Louisiana Bank and President of TFAE, Stephen Waguespack, President of Louisiana Association of Business & Industry, Lionel Lagarde, Regions Bank and TFAE board member, and Rene’ Williams, Brown & Williams and TFAE board member attend the General Membership Luncheon in March. Special thanks to George Robichaux and the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence for attending and sponsoring the event. Midnight to Midnight Support your favorite Bayou Region non-profits during this 24-hour online giving event 5/9 TGMC Community Sports Institute TFAE Run for Excellence 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 .m. - Downtown Houma For more information: (985) 868-5881 or 5/13 Hospice of South LA Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 10:00 a.m. For more information: (985) 876-5600 Adult Education Graduation For more information: 5/16 Vandebilt Catholic High School Graduation For more information: 5/18 Ellender Memorial High School Graduation For more information: 5/19 H.L. Bourgeois High School Graduation For more information: 5/20 South Terrebonne High School Graduation For more information: 5/21 Terrebonne High School Graduation For more information: TO INCLUDE YOUR EVENT INFORMATION IN THIS LISTING EMAIL: [email protected] (Chamber Members Only.) Firehouse Subs franchisees Kevin Morvant and Tommy Morvant are joined by staff members, Bayou Cane Fire Protection District representatives, and Chamber members for a ribbon cutting ceremony in April. Firehouse Subs® is a fast casual restaurant chain with a passion for Hearty and Flavorful Food, Heartfelt Service and Public Safety. Founded by brothers and former firefighters Chris Sorensen and Robin Sorensen, Firehouse Subs is a brand built on decades of fire and police service, steaming hot subs piled higher with the highest quality meats and cheeses, and its commitment to saving lives through the creation of Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation®. The restaurant is located at 1826 Martin Luther King Blvd. Suite I. USI Recognizes Top Producer & Leader Mr. Michael J. Sicard, President/CEO of USI Insurance Services recognized Mr. Edward J. Daigle, CIC, PresidentLouisiana Operations, as one of its top 5 producers for 2014 in the Southwest Region and ranked 29th in the country. Daigle has been with USI for 26 years and will be recognized by the company at its annual celebration in Park City, Utah. Daigle serves as President and oversees operations in three USI offices located in Louisiana. USI Insurance Services, Inc. is a leader in insurance brokerage and consult- Sam’s Club Manager Chris Lotz, Center holding scissors is joined by Co Manager Denise Thomason, Assistant Manager Leah Chiasson, Sam’s Associate Team and Houma and Lafourche Parish Chamber members to celebrate the remodel of the Houma store on located at 2174 Martin Luther King Boulevard. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 13 ing with over 4,400 dedicated, experienced, and innovative p ro fe s s i o n a l s . USI is the third largest privatelyheld insurance broker in the nation with over 140 offices throughout the United States. w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Louisiana Cat and Caterpillar, Inc. Donates $50,000 to Fletcher A check for $50,000 was presented to Fletcher Technical Community College. $25,000 was donated by Louisiana Cat and another $25,000 was matched by the Caterpillar Foundation Matching Grant. The investments are allocated to the College’s Marine Diesel Engine program in order to enhance equipment used for training students. Representatives from both Louisiana Cat and Fletcher College were present at the check presentation. Pictured from left to right are: Jason Campbell; Louisiana Cat HR Manager, Dr. Steve Berrien; Fletcher Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Faye Williams; Fletcher Dean of Technical Education; Andy Roy, Fletcher Marine Diesel Instructor; Earl Meador, Fletcher Chancellor; Lonnie Latiolais, Louisiana Cat Safety & Training Manager; Troy Matherne, Louisiana Cat General Product Support Manager, Mike Truxillo; Louisiana Cat Engine Technical Services Manager, Sally Boyce; Louisiana Cat Marketing Manager, and Ivan Acosta; Louisiana Cat Morgan City Branch Manager “This industry is in need of safe, qualified technicians and we are counting on our partnership with Fletcher to help fulfill that void,” stated Mr. Troy Matherne, Louisiana Cat’s General Product Support Manager. The Marine Diesel Engine Technician program prepares students to diagnose, service, and repair marine diesel engines. Students are instructed on how to overhaul engines and their component systems, repair marine transmission and hydraulic systems, welding, and rigging. Students employed in the maritime industry earn a starting salary ranging from $40,000 - $50,000 and after five years in the workforce, the range increases to $80,000 - $90,000. Chancellor Earl Meador commented, “Because of the maritime industry being one of the strongest economic drivers of the state, this program plays a vital role in filling the workforce needs of the region and the State of Louisiana as a whole.” The Chamber invites and encourages its members to join at least one of our five committees: Government Activities, Chamber Development, Health Care, Education, Economic Development and Infrastructure. Please contact the Chamber at (985) 876-5600 for more information Saturday, May 30 | Noon - 10:00pm G I V E A W A Y Your B Connected card must be inserted in a machine and be playing at the time of the drawing to participate. Amelia Belle Casino 2015. Photo for illustration purposes only. See the actual grill set up on the casino floor. Management reserves the right to issue gift cards or Slot Dollars in lieu of grill once grill inventory is depleted. See B Connected staff for full details. Management reserves all rights. HWY 90 EXIT 181 | GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1.877.770.STOP H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 14 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m MBPCC at TGMC Announces New Clinical Research Director and Chief of Physics State-of-the-art Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC has named Cyndi Knox, MBA, BSN, RN, OCN, CCRC, director of clinical research and Jonas Fontenot, Ph.D., chief of physics. In this role, Knox is charged with setting the overall direction and development of the Cancer Center’s clinical research program. This includes the design and implementation of a portfolio containing clinical research projects to help cancer patients and physicians more easily and effectively access leading-edge clinical trials. Knox will also take a leadership role in the National Cancer Institute Gulf South-Minority Based Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), an initiative to help provide more Gulf South residents with advanced cancer treatments. “The goal of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC has always been to provide the very best in cancer treatment and demonstrate Terrebonne General Medical Center’s (TGMC) commitment to creating a healthier community,” stated Phyllis Peoples, president and CEO at TGMC. “Expanding access to advanced clinical trials for residents in the area is another way we are leading the region in the very best in advanced, state-of-the-art cancer care available right here in our community.” Additionally, Jonas Fontenot, Ph.D., has been named chief of physics, providing oversight of the medical physics program at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC. In this role, Dr. Fontenot is responsible for the overall management and oversight of the Cancer Center’s physics and dosimetry teams, in support of research, clinical and educational activities. Medical physicists are a vital component of the cancer treatment team, collaborating with radiation oncologists to design treatment plans and monitor equipment and procedures to ensure patients receive the prescribed dose of radiation to the correct location. Their assistance to other healthcare professionals is crucial in optimizing the balance between the beneficial and harmful effects of radiation and assuring compliance with applicable federal and state regulations. Jennifer Hamilton named Library Journal’s 2015 Movers and Shakers The Terrebonne Parish Library System is excited to announce that community librarian Jennifer Hamilton has been named one of Library Journal’s 2015 Movers and Shakers. Jennifer’s work with FLAG (Future Leaders of America’s Gulf) as well as her programs and partnerships with various community organizations throughout Terrebonne Parish and the region have created lasting relationships and successful achievements for the library system and its patrons. In fact, her job and its title as “community librarian” is a testament to the need the community has for libraries, and libraries have for the community. Jennifer’s Mover and Shakers honor falls under the Community Builder category, and we here at the library could not be more proud. Jennifer will be honored at a luncheon at the annual H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of national conference for the American Library Association this summer in San Francisco. For inquiries or to speak with Jen, please contact her at 985-876-5861 ext 126. Now Selling Lots And Dreams! Custom Home Builders Available! 4463 West Park Ave. Hwy. 24 close to Hwy. 90 Gray, LA. Terrebonne Parish JoAnn LeBoeuf Photography, 2015 Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 15 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m TGMC Raises Patient Care Standards by offering Electronic Patient Health Records Award Winning TGMC Appoints New 2015 Chief of Medical Staff Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), nationally recognized healthcare organization, has appointed Edgar Feinberg II, MD, cardiovascular surgeon, as Chief of Medical Staff for 2015-2016. As Chief of Staff, Dr. Feinberg will provide medical leadership and direction to TGMC’s highly specialized medical staff. He will oversee medical staff activities related to improving the quality of clinical services and all other functions of the medical staff. TGMC has over 250 physicians and medical specialists offering a variety of expertise from family practice to world-renowned cardiovascular surgery. Dr. Feinberg is a progressive cardiovascular thoracic surgeon with vast knowledge and proficiency in cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery. In January of 2009, Dr. Feinberg joined TGMC and the Cardiovascular Clinic of Houma in providing outstanding, state-of-the- art cardiac care to our community. “We are proud to have Dr. Feinberg serving as our Chief of medical staff this year,” said Phyllis Peoples, president and CEO of TGMC. “His knowledge and expertise will provide great leadership to our dedicated medical team.” Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), a nationally recognized healthcare organization, continues to be on the cutting- edge of introducing advanced technology to elevate our patients experience with healthcare services. TGMC is providing patients a safe and easy way to access their medical information with a new state- of- theart patient portal called “TGMC Connect”. “TGMC Connect” is an electronic patient health record that can be obtained by patients to manage and maintain their health information. “TGMC Connect” streamlines a patient’s health records, right to their fingertips. Patients will be able to access lab and other diagnostic test results, as well as manage their list of medications and other aspects of their medical information. TGMC has implemented this breakthrough technology to help ensure that patients have a secure and convenient way to access their medical records. This program allows the patient complete control of their medical history. “TGMC Connect” helps support TGMC’s Continuity of Care by making the patient’s health information accessible. Patients will no longer have to make numerous phone calls or office visits to receive their records; they will be only a click away. Nicholls College of Business Renews Prestigious AACSB Accreditation The College of Business Administration and accounting program at Nicholls State University have undergone a successful accreditation review and received an extension of accreditation by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). AACSB accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in business education and has been earned by less than five percent of the world’s business programs. “AACSB accreditation ensures that we have made a commitment to continuously improving our academic programs in business in order to provide a high-quality, innovative business education. It is truly a testament to the hard work of our Executive Advisory Board and the quality of students, faculty and staff in the College of Business,” said Dr. Shawn Mauldin, dean of the Nicholls College of Business Administration. “The message is clear — you can receive a top-notch business education at Nicholls State University.” Offering six undergraduate and two graduate degree programs, the College H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of of Business Administration is among the most popular areas of academic study at Nicholls. Student enrollment in the Nicholls business program has grown 7.5 percent since spring 2014. In addition to traditional degree offerings, the College of Business added an online degree in business administration, which attracted more than 90 students its first year. AACSB accreditation, which Nicholls has held since 1983, confirms that the university is delivering accredited degree programs that prepare students for careers regionally and globally. “The fact that the Nicholls business and accounting programs each received reaccreditation without recommendations for improvement is evidence of our dedicated business faculty’s commitment to excellence,” said Dr. Bruce Murphy, president of Nicholls. “Thanks to their efforts, our business graduates receive the highest quality education and prove it by consistently setting the benchmark as leaders and visionaries in the competitive business and accounting fields.” Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 16 Registering for “TGMC Connect” can be done during patient registration. Patients will provide their email address and be given an informative brochure with stepby-step instructions. There are no fees associated with this exceptional service. TGMC regards health records and information as exceedingly private. “TGMC Connect” is a secure network that requires the use of a login and password and is regulated through the hospital. “TGMC is taking an active role to improving the health of our community by investing in this state-of-the-art technology that provides our patients the ability to view their medical records safely and conveniently,” said Phyllis Peoples, President and CEO. “We encourage patients to take advantage of this service as we continue to offer the latest modern technology while providing exceptional healthcare at TGMC” VISIT FOR CHAMBER EVENT PHOTOS We treat everyonelike family. People you know. A nameyou trust. Choose Quality. Choose Divinity Divinity. Only Home Health Care Company raked in the By Decision Health and National Bayou Region Research Corporation Owned by your Neighbors Dan and Amie Falgout,APRN FNP-C 200 E. 6th Street | Thibodaux | 985.262.0445 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Fletcher Inducts 40 Members into Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Fletcher Technical Community College (Fletcher) recently held its Chartering Ceremony to become the official Beta Tau Rho Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. At the ceremony, the College inducted 40 members. Guest speakers included Earl Meador; Chancellor, Dr. Derrick Manns; Executive Vice Chancellor, Dr. Steve Berrien; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Ryan Ruckel; Louisiana and Mississippi Phi Theta Kappa Regional Coordinator, and Holly Cheramie; Fletcher Math Instructor and Phi Theta Kappa Advisor. Inductees into the Beta Tau Chapter include: Icy Abraham, Lauren Barfield, Donna Bennett, Inndia Benoit, Annette Bergeron, Haley Bergeron, Tiffany Berthelot, Makayla Bonvillain, Kimberly Boudreaux, Simone Bourg, Kaitlin Brown, Crystal Brunet, Lori Crais, Mia Crotwell, Megan Deroche, Kelsi Galliano, Sarah Gaudet, Tiffany Gisclair, Darian Granier, Kerry Lapeyrouse, Tina Levron, Scottie Liner, Lacey Lirette, Savannah Loupe, Shelby McCarty, Steven Navarrette, Nicole Orgeron, Callie Pitre, Taylor Pitre, Angela Portier, Shelly Robinson, Kira Rosenberger, Melissa Sanders, Shelby McCarty, Steven Navarrette, Nicole Orgeron, Callie Pitre, Taylor Pitre, Angela Portier, Shelly Robinson, Kira Rosenberger, Melissa Sanders, Shelby Shay, Brittany Soileau, Travis Sparks, Angie Thibodaux, Holly Trosclair, Marissa Trosclair, and Hunter White. Lofton Staffing Services Wins Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Award Business First Bancshares, Inc. Completes Acquisition of American Gateway Financial Corporation Business First Bancshares, Inc., holding company of Business First Bank (www.b1bank. com), announced that on March 31, 2015, it completed its acquisition of American Gateway Financial Corporation, the holding company of American Gateway Bank. As part of this transaction, American Gateway Financial Corporation has been merged with and into Business First Bancshares, Inc., and American Gateway Bank has been merged with and into Business First Bank. The combined company begins operations with total assets of approximately $1.10 billion, total gross loans of approximately $730 million and total deposits of approximately $918 million. Jude Melville, President and Chief Executive Officer of Business First Bank, commented, “We are so excited and proud to embark upon this next stage of our journey with our new employees, clients and shareholders. With this partnership, Business First will be unique among community banks in combining depth of coverage in the capital region and breadth of a state-wide footprint. We look forward to working together over the coming years to deepen the commercial and personal relationships each of our institutions have developed independently and, as a result, contribute meaningfully to the long-term success of our state.” The combined institution is the largest com- H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Lofton Staffing Services, a leading staffing agency in the staffing industry, announced today they have won Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Award for providing superior service to their clients and employees (talent). Presented in partnership with CareerBuilder, Inavero’s Best of Staffing winners have proven to be industry leaders in service quality based completely on the ratings given to them by their clients and talent. With satisfaction scores more than three times higher than the industry average, award winners make up less than 2% of all staffing agencies in the U.S. and Canada who earned the Best of Staffing Award for service excellence. Focused on helping companies find the right people for their job openings, Lofton Staffing Services received satisfaction scores of 9 or 10 out of 10 from 71% of their clients, significantly higher than the industry’s average of 32%. “Lofton’s success has always been measured by the people we employ, from our internal staff to our assignment employees,” said Bart Lofton, CoPresident. “There are three traits we look for in people: 1. Do you care? 2. munity bank headquartered in Baton Rouge and one of the top ten institutions by size headquartered in Louisiana. Business First Bank now operates 16 offices, including 15 banking centers and one loan production office in six markets across Louisiana. Business First Bank provides commercial and personal banking, treasury management, and wealth solutions services to private businesses and their owners, operators, executives, and employees. It was chosen as one of American Banker Magazine’s Top 40 Banks to Work For in 2014. Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 17 Can I trust you? 3. Do you want to do better? This provides a foundation of service to our employees, customers, and to our community. We are truly honored to receive this prestigious award from Inavero. We are very appreciative of those who helped us to achieve it, including our inside team, our assignment employees and our clients.” “With a tightening labor market and a need for growing companies to stay flexible, staffing agencies are placing more people into employment opportunities than at any other point in U.S. history,” said Inavero’s CEO, Eric Gregg. “More companies than ever before need a staffing agency with a proven commitment to service excellence. is the place to find winning agencies that place talent with the skills you need in your city or state. We are incredibly proud of the accomplishment of our 2015 award recipients.” w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m CIS Clinics Earn CT Testing Accreditation by the American College of Radiology Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS) clinics in Houma, Thibodaux and Lafayette have been awarded a threeyear term of accreditation in computed tomography (CT) by the American College of Radiology (ACR). CT scanning — sometimes called CAT scanning — is a non-invasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and tailor treatments for various medical conditions. This ACR gold seal of accreditation demonstrates that CIS provides the highest level of image quality and patient safety. CIS earned this accreditation following a peer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field. Image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures, and quality assurance programs were all assessed. The ACR is a national professional organization serving more than 36,000 diagnostic/interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and medical physicists with programs focusing on the practice of medical imaging and radiation oncology and the delivery of comprehensive health care services. CIS is one of the most respected groups of cardiologists, representing nearly every specialty in heart and circulatory medicine. With a team of nearly 500 dedicated team members, CIS serves communities throughout Louisiana, as well as national and international patients, at its 14 clinics. CIS consistently positions itself at the forefront of technology by providing the most up-to-date technology coupled with compassionate care. This mission has guided the institute for more than 31 years of service to south Louisiana. For more information about CIS, call 1-800-425-2565 or visit www.cardio. com. Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation donated thirteen automated external defibrillators, worth more than $17,000 to the Bayou Cane Fire Protection District. The donated devices will ensure the organization is prepared to provide life-saving assistance if a citizen goes into cardiac arrest. Firehouse Subs franchisees Kevin Morvant and Tommy Morvant are joined by Assistance Chief John Poiencot, Fire Chief Ken Himel and other representatives of Bayou Cane Fire Protection District. Award Winning TGMC Appoints New 2015 Vice Chief of Medical Staff Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), nationally recognized healthcare organization, has appointed Ben Adams, DO, cardiothoracic anesthesiologist, as Vice Chief of Medical Staff for 2015-2016. As Vice Chief of Medical staff, Dr. Adams will support the Chief of Medical Staff, Dr. Feinberg, in encouraging the medical staff to promote health and wellness to their patients, as well as throughout the community. TGMC has over 250 physicians and medical specialists offering a variety of expertise from family practice to world-renowned cardiovascular surgery. Dr. Adams received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Pikeville College School of Osteopathic Medicine in Pikeville, Kentucky and began his career at TGMC in November of 2009. He completed his residency in Anesthesiology at Virginia Commonwealth University/ Medical College of Virginia followed by a fellowship in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Ochsner Clinic Foundation. He is board certified in Anesthesiology by the American Board of Anesthesiology. Dr. Adams is Acadian Total Security Holds Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening Ceremony Acadian Total Security, a division of Acadian Companies, recently acquired Houma based Safeguard Alarm Systems, Inc., after a more than 12-year partnership. As part of the acquisition, Safeguard’s employees joined the other 4,000 employee-owners of Acadian. Acadian Total Security celebrated their grand opening on March 11, 2015, at 272 Enterprise Drive. A ribbon cutting was held with the HoumaTerrebonne Chamber of Commerce at 1:00 p.m., and door prize drawings were held from noon to 6:00 p.m. Visitors had the chance to meet with Acadian Total Security employees. “The transition is a win-win for the Tri-Parish area,” said Rick Morales, former owner of Safeguard. “Our people and our company deserve the very best safety and security services and, with Acadian Total Security, that is what they will get.” Blane Comeaux, president of Acadian Total Security, addressed the positive move forward. “Our goal is to continue to administer the same exceptional service Safeguard has been H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of providing the Tri-Parish region since 1973. We are proud to be the area’s only local, full-service security, fire, medical alert, and video guard services provider. We look forward to bringing the latest and most advanced safety and security systems on the market to homes and businesses in the area.” Acadian Total Security has been protecting more than 150,000 homes and businesses by providing expert monitoring services for alarm companies across the nation since 1999. With more than 40 years of emergency response experience, each of Acadian’s six divisions is centered on the lifesafety and security industry. Since 1971, Acadian has been committed to providing the highest level of emergency medical care and transportation possible. In the past decade, the company has expanded to include a diverse suite of services in health, safety, and transportation. Acadian’s six divisions are Acadian Ambulance Service, Acadian Total Security, Air Med, Executive Aircraft Charter Service, National EMS Academy, and Safety Management Systems. Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 18 one of the only anesthesiologist with this highly specialized cardiothoracic fellowship which makes him an expert in his field. “We are proud to have Dr. Adams serving as our Vice Chief of medical staff this year,” said Phyllis Peoples, President and CEO of TGMC. “His dedication to providing outstanding healthcare as well as his expertise will provide great leadership to our medical team.” w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m GOLF CLASSIC SPONSORS Special thanks to the 2015 HOUMA-TERREBONNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOLF CLASSIC SPONSORS Exclusive Hole Sponsor TandemHole Hole Sponsors Sponsors Exclusive Hole Sponsor Tandem Charles A. Page & Sons BourgeoisBennett, Bennett, LLC Charles A. Insurance Page & Sons Bourgeois LLCCPAs CPAs Agency, Inc. Campbell Technology Insurance Agency, Inc. Campbell Technology Consultants, LLC Coastal Commerce Bank Consultants, LLC Coastal Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Coastal Commerce Bank DL Wealth Management Coastal Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Danos Duplantis Design Group, P.C. DL Wealth Management Homewood FMT Group, Aggregates, DanosSuites Duplantis Design P.C.LLC Bret Allain, Louisiana State Senator Lofton Staffing & Security Homewood Suites FMT Aggregates, LLC Mike’s Filter and Supply, Inc. Morrison Terrebonne Bret Allain, Louisiana Senator Lofton Staffing & Security Lumber/Home Hardware Progressive WasteState Solutions Louisiana Bank Mike’s FilterParish and Sheriff’s Supply,Office Inc. Terrebonne Morrison South Terrebonne Lumber/Home Hardware State Farm Travis Gravois Progressive Waste Solutions In-Kind Sponsors Insurance Agency South Louisiana Bank Coburn SupplySheriff’s CompanyOffice Terrebonne Parish Synergy Bank Community Coffee Company, Inc. State Farm Travis Gravois In-Kind Sponsors Technology Professionals, LLC. Pelican Waste & Debris Insurance Agency TGMC Healthy Lifestyles Center Coburn Supply Company Superior Ice Company, LLC Synergy Bank Agency, Inc./ Trinity Insurance Community Coffee Inc. Cajun Meat Company, Market Southwest Funding Technology Professionals, LLC. Subs PelicanFirehouse Waste & Debris Community Bank TGMC HealthyUnited Lifestyles Center EMR Superior Ice Company, LLC Trinity Insurance Agency, Inc./ Clubhouse Sponsor Cajun Meat Market Southwest Funding ASLR - Alford Staples Lapeyre & Firehouse Subs RobichauxBank Insurance United Community EMR Clubhouse Sponsor ASLR - Alford Staples Lapeyre & Robichaux Insurance H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/April 26, 2015 19 w w w. 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