Symbol Certified Trademark Rules
Symbol Certified Trademark Rules
REGISTERED TAX PRACTITIONER SYMBOL CERTIFIED TRADE MARK RULES Rules lodged with ACCC via Registrar of Trademarks on 21 September 2015 L\315276770.1 Page 1 of 62 Table of contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4 Certification requirements that goods and/or services must meet for the certification trade mark to be applied to them .................................................................................... 5 Certification requirement 1 – The services are lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner ................................................................................................................... 6 Certification requirement 2 – The service must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions ................. 6 Certification requirement 3 – The services must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has met all of the relevant requirements and must not have been directed by the TPB not to use the symbol ................................................................. 6 The process for determining whether goods and/ or services meet the certification requirements ................................................................................................................... 7 Processes for ensuring that services are lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner (Certification requirement 1)..................................................................... 7 Processes for ensuring ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions by registered tax practitioners (Certification requirement 2)............................................ 9 Processes for ensuring services are provided by registered tax practitioners who have not been directed not to use the symbol (Certification requirement 3)............ 10 The attributes that a person must have to become a person (an approved certifier) approved to assess whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements ................................................................................................................. 10 Functions of the TPB ................................................................................................. 10 Assistance to the Board in the performance of functions or its powers ................... 11 The requirements that the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user must meet to use the certification trade mark in relation to goods and/or services ... 12 Eligibility requirements for registration as a tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser........................................................................................................................ 13 Other requirements about the use of the certification trade mark by the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user................................................................ 17 The procedure for resolving a dispute about whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements ............................................................................................. 19 L\315276770.1 Page 2 of 62 The procedure for resolving a dispute about any other issue relating to the certification trade mark …………………………………………………………………………………..20 Appendix 1: Terms and conditions for use of the symbol............................................21 Appendix 2: Eligibility for registration as a BAS agent – prescribed requirements in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TASR ………………………………………………………..31 Appendix 3: Eligibility for registration as a tax agent – prescribed requirements in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the TASR………………………………………………………………33 Appendix 4: Eligibility for registration as a tax (financial) adviser – prescribed requirements in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the TASR ……………………………………..37 Appendix 5: Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines ……………………………40 L\315276770.1 Page 3 of 62 Registered tax practitioner symbol certification trade mark rules Introduction 1. The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) is responsible for the administration of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA) and the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (TASR). 2. The object of the TASA is to ensure that tax agent services, which include BAS (Business Activity Statement) services and tax (financial) advice services, are provided to the public in accordance with appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. 3. Under the TASA, the TPB is responsible for administering the system for the registration tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers), (referred to as tax practitioners) and investigating conduct that may breach the TASA, including breaches of the civil penalty provisions. 4. The TPB has developed a Registered tax practitioner symbol (symbol), which is a visual indicator used by registered tax practitioners. This symbol is registered as a certification trade mark (CTM) with the Registrar of Trade Marks. 5. This document contains the rules governing use of the CTM for the symbol (CTM rules), including the terms and conditions of use. These rules form part of the TPB’s CTM application for the symbol with the Registrar of Trade Marks. 6. The CTM rules set out the following information, in accordance with subsection 173(2) of the Trade Marks Act 1995 (TM Act): (a) the requirements (the certification requirements) that goods and/or services must meet for the certification trade mark to be applied to them; and (b) the process for determining whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements; and (c) the attributes that a person must have to become a person (an approved certifier) approved to assess whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements; and (d) the requirements that a person, who is the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user, must meet to use the certification trade mark in relation to goods and/or services; and (e) the other requirements about the use of the certification trade mark by a person who is the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user; and (f) the procedure for resolving a dispute about whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements; and L\315276770.1 Page 4 of 62 (g) the procedure for resolving a dispute about any other issue relating to the certification trade mark. 7. These CTM rules also contain the following appendices: • Appendix 1: The Terms and conditions for use (terms and conditions) of the symbol by registered tax practitioners • Appendix 2: Eligibility for registration as a BAS agent – prescribed requirements in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TASR • Appendix 3: Eligibility for registration as a tax agent – prescribed requirements in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the TASR • Appendix 4: Eligibility for registration as a tax (financial) adviser – prescribed requirements in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the TASR. • Appendix 5: Registered Tax Practitioner Symbol Guidelines A. The requirements (certification requirements) that goods and/or services must meet for the certification trade mark to be applied to them (paragraph 173(2)(a) of the TM Act) 8. The symbol, as a CTM, provides public recognition that a tax practitioner is registered and obliged to meet appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. Use of the symbol does not certify the quality or accuracy of the services performed by a registered tax practitioner. 9. Certification requirements that services must meet in order for the certification trade mark to be applied to them are that: • • • the services are lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner; and the registered tax practitioner providing the services has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions (noting the terms and conditions include a requirement that a tax practitioner must agree to abide by the CTM rules); and the registered tax practitioner has not been directed by the TPB not to use the symbol. 10. These certification requirements are detailed in paragraphs 12 to 21. 11. When a registered tax practitioner agrees to the terms and conditions, the TPB grants the tax practitioner a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, revocable licence to use the symbol in Australia in accordance with the terms and conditions. L\315276770.1 Page 5 of 62 Certification requirement 1 – The services are lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner 12. It is a certification requirement that services must be lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner for the certification trade mark to be applied to them. 13. A person will be a registered tax agent, registered BAS agent, or registered tax (financial) adviser if they have been registered as such by the TPB and that registration has not ceased for any reason. 14. All registered tax agents, registered BAS agents and registered tax (financial) advisers will appear on the Register of registered and deregistered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers (TPB Register). 15. If an entity ceases to be a registered tax practitioner, any tax agent service, BAS service, or tax (financial) advice service provided by that entity will no longer meet the certification requirements for the symbol. The provision of a tax agent service by an unregistered entity will have legal consequences, including the possible contravention of a civil penalty provision in the TASA. 16. A tax practitioner who ceases to be a registered tax practitioner is not permitted to use the symbol. Any licence granted to the tax practitioner will be cancelled, in accordance with the terms and conditions. Certification requirement 2 – The service must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions 17. It is a certification requirement that services must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions, for the certification trade mark to be applied to them. 18. Appendix 1 outlines the terms and conditions. Certification requirement 3 – The services must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has met all of the relevant requirements and must not have been directed by the TPB not to use the symbol 19. It is a certification requirement that services must be provided by a registered tax practitioner who has not been directed by the TPB not to use the symbol so that the certification trade mark can be applied to them. 20. To be eligible to use the symbol, registered tax practitioners must have met all of the relevant requirements in section 20-5 of the TASA in relation to the grant of their registration and have been notified of the TPB’s decision to grant the registration under section 20-30 of the TASA. This excludes entities that are currently registered, or taken to be registered, as a tax (financial) adviser by virtue of Items 49 and 50 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Act 2013. L\315276770.1 Page 6 of 62 21. The terms and conditions contain clauses that enable the TPB to direct a registered tax practitioner not to use the symbol. See, for example, subclauses 3.2 and 3.7 and clause 14. The TPB monitors the conduct of registered tax practitioners to ensure that they comply with directions from the TPB not to use the symbol. B. The process for determining whether goods and/ or services meet the certification requirements (subsection 173(2)(b) of the TM Act) 22. The TPB’s processes for determining whether the tax agent services, BAS services or tax (financial) advice services that an entity provides, or will provide, meet the certification requirements are set out below. Processes for ensuring that services are lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner (Certification requirement 1) 23. The TPB maintains a Register of registered and deregistered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers (TPB Register) as required by the TASA. Specifically, section 60-135 of the TASA provides: '(1) The Board must establish and maintain a register of: (a) registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers; and (b) each entity who was a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser and whose registration has been terminated other than because of a reason prescribed by the regulations. (2) The regulations may prescribe the details that the Board must enter on the register in respect of each entity who is entered on the register. (3) Details of an entity who was a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser must only be kept on the register for the 12 month period starting on the day on which the entity’s registration as a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser was terminated. (4) The register is to be made available for inspection on the internet.' 24. The TPB Register is published on the TPB’s website ( and available for inspection by the public. 25. Regulation 12 of the TASR provides the following additional requirements in respect of the TPB Register: '(1) For subsection 60-135 (2) of the Act, the register of registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers required by paragraph 60-135 (1) (a) of the Act must include the following information for each registered tax agent, BAS agent and tax (financial) adviser: (a) the name of the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser; L\315276770.1 Page 7 of 62 (b) the contact details of the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser; (c) any relevant professional affiliation of the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser; (d) the duration of the registration of the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser; (e) any condition to which the registration of the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser is subject; (f) any sanction (other than a caution or termination) that has been imposed by the Board on the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser. Note Subregulation (3) explains the information that must be placed on the register of entities in relation to the termination of the registration of a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser. (2) Information on the register of registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers that relates to a sanction (other than a caution or termination) that has been imposed by the Board on a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser must be kept on the register for the longer of: (a) 12 months starting on the day on which the sanction is imposed; and (b) the period during which the sanction has effect. (3) For subsection 60-135 (2) of the Act, the register of entities who were registered tax agents, BAS agents or tax (financial) advisers, and whose registration has been terminated in certain circumstances required by paragraph 60-135 (1) (b) of the Act, must include the following information for each entity: (a) the name of the entity; (b) the contact details of the entity; (c) the date of effect of the termination of the entity’s registration; (d) the reason for the termination of the entity’s registration. (4) The register of registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers may include other information that is relevant to the operation of the arrangements for the registration of tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers.' 26. By maintaining the TPB Register, the TPB provides the public with information relating to a tax practitioner’s registration status, which verifies whether the tax practitioner meets Certification requirement 1. 27. The processes the TPB has implemented to ensure services are provided lawfully by a registered tax practitioner, as required by Certification requirement 1, include the following: • The TPB receives, risk assesses, enquires into, and escalates medium to high risk complaints it receives from the public about the conduct of registered tax practitioners. L\315276770.1 Page 8 of 62 • Where it is permitted by law to do so, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) refers information to the TPB for the purposes of assisting the TPB to exercise its functions and powers, including information relevant to a registered tax practitioner’s ongoing compliance with the TASA. • Where it is permitted by law to do so, the TPB may request information from the ATO, ASIC and other government agencies, relevant to a tax practitioner’s compliance with the TASA. • The TPB monitors the media, receives information from professional associations, and makes relevant enquiries to identify and determine conduct that may contravene the TASA. • The TPB may, in appropriate circumstances, investigate the conduct of a registered tax practitioner under Subdivision 60-E of the TASA to determine if the conduct breaches the TASA. If the TPB finds that the conduct breaches the TASA, the TPB must either make a decision that no further action will be taken, or take one or more of the actions mentioned in subsection 60-125(2)(b) of the TASA. • The TPB may, in appropriate circumstances, apply to the Federal Court for an order that an entity has contravened a civil penalty provision in Subdivisions 50-A or 50-B of the TASA. • Where it is permitted by law to do so, and in accordance with the exceptions to the disclosure of official information outlined in sections 70-40 and 70-45 of the TASA, the TPB may disclose information to the: • o Commissioner of Taxation for the purpose of administering a taxation law, and o ASIC for the purpose of the Commission performing any of its functions or exercising any of its powers. Where permitted by law to do so, and in accordance with the exceptions to the disclosure of official information outlined in sections 70-40 and 70-45 of the TASA, the TPB may disclose information about the lawfulness of conduct by registered tax practitioners to other authorised government representatives. For example, in appropriate circumstances, the TPB may disclose relevant information to the Commissioner of Taxation or to an authorised law enforcement agency officer. Processes for ensuring ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions by registered tax practitioners (Certification requirement 2) 28. To meet the certification requirements for the symbol, tax agent services, BAS services or tax (financial) advice services must be provided by a registered tax L\315276770.1 Page 9 of 62 practitioner who has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions (noting that the terms and conditions also require registered tax practitioners to comply with these CTM rules). 29. Registered tax practitioners must provide their consent to the terms and conditions before they download the symbol from the TPB’s website. If a tax practitioner does not consent to the terms and conditions, the tax practitioner is not permitted to download or use the symbol. 30. Through its regulatory assurance function, the TPB monitors the conduct of registered tax practitioners to ensure they continue to comply with the terms and conditions and also ensure the TPB’s rights in respect of the symbol are protected. 31. In appropriate circumstances, the TPB may take remedial action (for example, infringement proceedings) to enforce its rights under the terms and conditions and its other legal rights in respect of the symbol. Processes for ensuring services are provided by registered tax practitioners who have not been directed not to use the symbol (Certification requirement 3) 32. Through its regulatory assurance function, the TPB monitors the conduct of registered tax practitioners to ensure they comply with any directions from the TPB regarding their use of the symbol, including any direction related to the modification or cancellation of the licence granted to the tax practitioner under the terms and conditions. 33. In appropriate circumstances, the TPB may take remedial action against a tax practitioner for not complying with a direction from the TPB about use of the symbol. C. The attributes that a person must have to become a person (an approved certifier) approved to assess whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements (paragraph 173(2)(c) of the TM Act) 34. The owner of the symbol is the Crown in the right of the Commonwealth of Australia c/- the Tax Practitioners Board. 35. The Tax Practitioners Board is the approved certifier for the purposes of determining if a tax practitioner - in providing the tax agent services, BAS services or tax (financial) advice services - meets the certification requirements in relation to the symbol. Functions of the TPB 36. The Tax Practitioners Board is responsible for the general administration of the TASA. The object of the TASA is to ensure that tax agent services, BAS services L\315276770.1 Page 10 of 62 and tax (financial) advice services are provided to the public in accordance with appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. 37. Section 60-15 of the TASA provides that the functions of the Tax Practitioners Board are: '(a) to administer the system for the registration of registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers; and (b) to investigate: (i) applications for registration; and (ii) conduct that may breach this Act; and (c) to impose sanctions for non-compliance with the Code of Professional Conduct; and (d) to issue, by legislative instrument, guidelines to assist in achieving the functions mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c); and (e) such other functions as are conferred on the Board by this Act, the regulations or any other law of the Commonwealth; and (f) to do anything incidental or conducive to the performance of its functions.' 38. Section 60-20 of the TASA provides that the TPB has the power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the performance of its functions. Assistance to the Board in the performance of functions or its powers 39. The Board is assisted in the performance of its functions and powers by Australian Public Service employees, including the Secretary of the TPB, whose services are made available to the Board by the Commissioner of Taxation: section 60-80 of the TASA and Regulation 11 of the TASR. 40. To assist the Board in the performance of its functions and powers, the Board also establishes committees, which consist of such persons as the Board determines (whether Board members or not): section 60-85 of the TASA. 41. To assist the Board in the performance of its functions and powers, the Board may also delegate all or any of its functions and powers to a Board member or to a committee, other than its function of issuing guidelines and its power to establish a committee: subsection 70-30(1) of the TASA. 42. The Board may only delegate to a committee a power to make a decision in respect of which an application for review may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal under section 70-10 of the TASA, if the committee has three or more members, all of who are Board members: subsection 70-30(2) of the TASA. L\315276770.1 Page 11 of 62 43. A delegate in the exercise of a delegated function or power is subject to the directions of the Board: subsection 70-30(3) of the TASA. 44. In accordance with subregulation 11(4) of the TASR, the Secretary of the TPB may, in writing, delegate any of his or her powers and functions (other than the power of delegation itself in subregulation 11(4)) to a person who has been made available to the Board under subregulation 11(1)(b) of the TASR. 45. In summary, the relevant attributes that a person must have to certify that services meet the certification requirements are that: • the person is the Chair of the TPB or a person performing the duties of the Chair from time to time • the person is another Board member who the Board has validly authorised to certify that services meet the certification requirements • the person has otherwise been provided with the power to certify that services meet the certification requirements pursuant to a valid authorisation from the Board • the person is the Secretary of the TPB or a person performing the duties of the Secretary from time to time. D. The requirements that a person, who is the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user, must meet to use the certification trade mark in relation to goods and/or services (subsection 173(2)(d) of the TM Act) 46. To use the certification trademark in relation to providing tax agent services, BAS services or tax (financial) advice services, a person must meet the following requirements: • the person is a registered tax agent, registered BAS agent, or registered tax (financial) adviser • the person has agreed to, and abides by, the terms and conditions • the person has not been directed by the TPB to cease using the symbol. 47. It is a prerequisite that a person must be registered as a tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser to comply with Certification requirement 1 (i.e. the requirement that services must be lawfully provided by a registered tax practitioner) in relation to the services they provide. 48. To be, and to remain a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser, an entity must meet, and continue to meet, the tax practitioner registration requirements. 49. The tax practitioner registration requirements are those matters, outlined in Subdivision 20-A of the TASA, about which the TPB must be satisfied before the L\315276770.1 Page 12 of 62 TPB is obliged to grant an application for registration or renewal of registration under the TASA. 50. It is an ongoing requirement to be regarded as a registered tax practitioner under the TASA that an entity meets the eligibility requirements for registration in Subdivision 20-A of the TASA, and these requirements are summarised in paragraphs 51 to 62. Eligibility requirements for registration as a tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser Individuals 51. Under subsection 20-5(1) of the TASA, an individual is eligible for registration, if the individual is aged 18 years or more and the TPB is satisfied that: • the individual is a fit and proper person within the meaning of the TASA (see subsection 20-5(1)(a) of the TASA); and • the individual meets the requirements prescribed by the TASR including, but not limited to, the requirements relating to qualifications and experience (see subsection 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). The prescribed requirements in the TASR are set out in Appendices 2, 3 and 4. 52. Note that individuals who were registered as a tax agent or nominee for the purposes of Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, immediately before 1 November 1988 and immediately before 1 March 2010, are not required to meet the requirements prescribed by the TASR (including, but not limited to, the requirements relating to qualifications and experience) in assessing their eligibility for registration under subsection 20-5(1) of the TASA (see subsection 20-5(4) of the TASA). Partnerships 53. Under subsection 20-5(2) of the TASA, a partnership is eligible for registration as a tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser, if the TPB is satisfied that: • • each partner who is an individual is: o aged 18 years or more; and o is a fit an proper person; and if a company is a partner: L\315276770.1 o each director of the company is a fit and proper person; o the company is not under external administration; and Page 13 of 62 o the company has not been convicted of a serious taxation offence or an offence involving fraud or dishonesty during the previous five years; and • in the case of registration as a registered tax agent – the partnership has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax agents, to provide tax agent services to a competent standard, and to carry out supervisory arrangements; and • in the case of registration as a registered BAS agent – the partnership has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax or BAS agents, to provide BAS services to a competent standard, and to carry out supervisory arrangements; and • in the case of registration as a registered tax (financial) adviser – taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 912A(1)(d) to (f) of the Corporations Act 2001, the partnership has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax agents or registered tax (financial) advisers, to provide tax (financial) advice services to a competent standard, and to carry out supervisory arrangements. Companies 54. Under subsection 20-5(3) of the TASA, a company is eligible for registration as a tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser, if the TPB is satisfied that: • each director of the company is a fit and proper person; and • the company is not under external administration; and • the company has not been convicted of a serious taxation offence or an offence involving fraud or dishonesty during the previous five years; and • in the case of registration as a registered tax agent – the company has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax agents, to provide tax agent services to a competent standard and to carry out supervisory arrangements; and • in the case of registration as a registered BAS agent – the company has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax or BAS agents, to provide BAS services to a competent standard and to carry out supervisory arrangements; and • in the case of registration as a registered tax (financial) adviser – taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 912A(1)(d) to (f) of the Corporations Act 2001, the company has a sufficient number of individuals, being registered tax agents or registered tax (financial) advisers, to provide tax (financial) advice services to a competent standard, and to carry out supervisory arrangements. L\315276770.1 Page 14 of 62 Fit and proper person requirement 55. Section 20-15 of the TASA provides that in deciding whether it is satisfied that an individual is a fit and proper person, the TPB must have regard to: • whether the individual is of good fame, integrity and character; and • without limiting the above, whether at any time in the previous five years: o an event described in section 20-45 of the TASA has occurred; and o the individual had the status of an undischarged bankrupt; and o the individual served a term of imprisonment, in whole or in part. 56. Section 20-45 of the TASA provides that the following events may affect a registered tax practitioner’s continued registration: • conviction of a serious taxation offence; • conviction of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; • being penalised for being a promoter of tax exploitation scheme; • being penalised for implementing a scheme that has been promoted on the basis of conformity with a product ruling in a way that is materially different from that described in the product ruling; • becoming an undischarged bankrupt or going into external administration; • being sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Professional indemnity insurance and continuing professional education requirements 57. Section 20-5 of the TASA provides that: • It is an eligibility requirement for registration and renewal of registration that applicants maintain, or will be able to maintain, professional indemnity insurance that meets the TPB’s requirements; and • upon renewal of registration, registered tax practitioners are required to demonstrate that they have completed continuing professional education that meets the TPB’s requirements. Prescribed requirements in the TASR 58. One of the eligibility requirements for registration as an individual tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser is that the individual meets the requirements prescribed by the TASR, including, but not limited to, the requirements relating to qualifications and experience (see paragraph 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). 59. An exception to this requirement exists for individuals who were registered as a tax agent or nominee immediately before 1 November 1988 and immediately before 1 March 2010. L\315276770.1 Page 15 of 62 60. Regulation 7 of the TASR requires that an individual seeking registration as a BAS agent must satisfy one of the items prescribed in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of paragraph 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). These requirements are set out in Appendix 2. 61. Regulation 8 of the TASR requires that an individual seeking registration as a tax agent must satisfy one of the items prescribed in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of paragraph 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). These requirements are set out in Appendix 3. 62. Regulation 8A of the TASR requires that an individual seeking registration as a tax (financial) adviser must satisfy one of the items prescribed in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of paragraph 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). These requirements are set out in Appendix 4. Transitional provisions for tax (financial) advice services 63. An entity which seeks registration as a tax (financial) adviser during the ‘notification period’ (beginning on 1 July 2014 and ending on 31 December 2015), may be registered in accordance with the Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Act 2013 (Amendment Act), including Items 49 and 51. 64. An entity which seeks registration as a tax (financial) adviser during the ‘transitional period’ (beginning on 1 January 2016 and ending on 30 June 2017), may be registered in accordance with the Amendment Act, including Items 50 and 51. 65. To be eligible to use the symbol, registered tax practitioners must have met all of the relevant requirements in section 20-5 of the TASA in relation to the grant of their registration and have been notified of the TPB’s decision to grant the registration under section 20-30 of the TASA. This excludes entities that are currently registered, or taken to be registered, as a tax (financial) adviser by virtue of Items 49 and 50 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Act 2013. Ceasing to be a registered tax practitioner 66. A tax practitioner will cease to be a registered tax practitioner where: • the tax practitioner’s registration lapses (see Subdivision 20-B of the TASA); • the tax practitioner submits an application for renewal of their registration and the TPB rejects that renewal application; • the tax practitioner surrenders their registration; • the tax practitioner dies; • the tax practitioner ceases to exist (where the tax practitioner is a company); or • the tax practitioner is suspended or terminated as a registered agent by the TPB pursuant to the TPB’s powers under the TASA (for example, for a breach of the Code of Professional Conduct in section 30-10 of the TASA). In the case of suspension, the tax practitioner will be taken not to be a registered tax L\315276770.1 Page 16 of 62 agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser (except for the purposes of certain provisions in the TASA) for the period of suspension. E. Other requirements about the use of the certification trade mark by a person who is the owner of the certification trade mark or an approved user (subsection 173(2)(e) of the TM Act) 67. Additional requirements registered tax practitioners must satisfy to use the CTM for the symbol, relate to the following matters: • Registered Tax Practitioner Symbol Guidelines • authorised use of the symbol • restrictions on using the symbol • alteration of the symbol; and • circumstances in which a tax practitioner must refrain from using the symbol. 68. These additional requirements are explained in paragraphs 73 to 85 below (noting that many are also set out in the terms and conditions in Appendix 1). Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines 69. It is a requirement for an approved user of the certification trade mark to comply with the Registered Tax Practitioner Symbol Guidelines (symbol guidelines). 70. The symbol guidelines explain and demonstrate different ways registered tax practitioners may use the symbol. 71. The symbol guidelines are contained in Appendix 5. Authorised use of the symbol 72. The symbol must only be used by registered tax practitioners who satisfy the certification requirements. If, for example, a registered tax practitioner has not agreed to abide by the terms and conditions, then the tax practitioner is not authorised to use the symbol. 73. A registered tax practitioner must only use the symbol in a manner that is consistent with the terms and conditions (see Appendix 1), the Registered Tax Practitioner Symbol Guidelines (see Appendix 5), and in accordance with any other directions from the TPB published from time to time on the TPB’s web site. 74. A registered tax practitioner must only use the symbol if it is accompanied by the tax practitioner’s registration number. 75. Where a registered tax practitioner partnership contracts with another entity to provide a tax agent service, BAS service or tax (financial) advice service, the L\315276770.1 Page 17 of 62 partnership must use its' registration number in conjunction with the symbol in the provision of those services, and not the registration number of any registered tax practitioner partner associated with the partnership. 76. Where a registered tax practitioner company contracts with another entity to provide a tax agent service, BAS service or tax (financial) advice service, the company must use its' registration number in conjunction with the symbol in the provision of those services, and not the registration number of any other registered tax practitioner associated with the company. Restrictions on using the symbol 77. The symbol must not be used inappropriately including, without limiting the generality of this restriction, as follows: • the symbol must not be used in a manner that contravenes the terms and conditions (which includes the requirement that a tax practitioner is required to comply with the CTM rules, the Registered Tax Practitioner Symbol Guidelines, and any directions from the TPB about its use) • the symbol must not be used without a tax practitioner’s registration number • the symbol must only be used in, or in connection with, the provision of tax agent services, BAS services or tax (financial) advice services for a fee or other reward by, or on behalf of, a registered tax practitioner • the symbol must not be included on any written materials without the name of the registered tax practitioner • the symbol must not be used in a manner that infringes the TPB’s intellectual property and other rights in the symbol (for example, the TPB’s registered rights in relation to the symbol as a CTM) • the symbol must not be used in a misleading or deceptive manner, or in any way which is illegal (for example, in relation to any intellectual property or consumer protection laws) • the symbol must not be used in a way that is likely to damage the reputation of the symbol or that of the TPB • the symbol must not be used or modified in a manner that makes improper or undesirable associations with the symbol (for example, the symbol must not be displayed on inappropriate websites, for example gambling or adult entertainment websites) • if a tax practitioner sells their business, or the tax practitioner relocates their business premises, the tax practitioner must not permit the symbol to remain on signs, awnings or other visual displays at their former business premises and must remove the symbol from any signs, awnings or other visual displays, at their own expense, when leaving the premises or if directed to do so by the TPB. L\315276770.1 Page 18 of 62 Alteration of the symbol 78. A registered tax practitioner must not alter the symbol in any manner other than that permitted by the terms and conditions, the symbol guidelines, or any other directions from the TPB. 79. Examples of unauthorised alteration of the symbol are contained in the symbol guidelines in Appendix 5. Circumstances in which a tax practitioner must refrain from using the symbol 80. The symbol must not be used where the tax practitioner: • has failed to apply to renew their tax practitioner registration within the required timeframe (see Subdivision 20-B of the TASA); • submits an application for renewal of their registration and the TPB rejects that renewal application; • surrenders their registration; • dies (noting that the executor or administrator of a deceased person’s estate, or any other person, must not use the deceased person’s version of the symbol with their registration number); • goes into external administration or is wound up (where the tax practitioner is a company); or • is suspended or terminated as a registered tax practitioner by the TPB pursuant to the TPB’s powers under the TASA. 81. A tax practitioner must also refrain from using the symbol where, in accordance with the terms and conditions, the TPB has directed the tax practitioner to refrain from using the symbol. F. The procedure for resolving a dispute about whether goods and/or services meet the certification requirements (paragraph 173(2)(f) of the TM Act) 82. The CTM for the symbol certifies the registration status of a tax practitioner and not the quality or accuracy of the services performed by the tax practitioner. 83. Services will meet the certification requirements if they are provided by a registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser who has agreed to, and abides by, these CTM Rules. Further, to meet the certification requirements, a registered tax practitioner must not have been directed by the TPB to not use the symbol. 84. In the event that a tax practitioner wishes to dispute a decision made by the TPB in relation to its services meeting the certification requirements, the process set out in clause 16 of the terms and conditions contained in Appendix 1 is to apply. L\315276770.1 Page 19 of 62 G. The procedure for resolving a dispute about any other issue relating to the certification trade mark (subsection 173(2)(g) of the TM Act) 85. In addition to disputing a decision in relation to whether services meet the certification requirements as set out above, if a tax practitioner wishes to dispute a decision made by the TPB in relation to any other issue relating to the symbol, including a dispute after the tax practitioner is approved to use the symbol, the process set out in clause 16 of the terms and conditions contained in Appendix 1 is to apply. L\315276770.1 Page 20 of 62 Appendix 1: Terms and conditions for use of the Registered tax practitioner symbol 1. Purpose 1.1 The Registered tax practitioner symbol (symbol) is for use in relation to your provision of a tax agent service, BAS service, or tax (financial) advice service. 1.2 By seeking to use the symbol you warrant that you are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) as a registered tax agent, a registered BAS agent, or a registered tax (financial) adviser, to use the symbol. 1.3 You may only use the symbol if you: • • • • have agreed to abide by these terms and conditions declare that you agree to and will adhere to the certification trade mark rules, and the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines, relating to the symbol declare that you agree that the Commonwealth and the TPB do not endorse, certify, warrant or, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any good/s or service/s (direct, indirect or consequential) provided by you (or your subcontractors, officers, employees or agents), arising from or in your use of the symbol (or that of your subcontractors, officers, employees or agents) and have not been directed by the TPB not to use the symbol. 2. Definitions 2.1 For the purpose of these terms and conditions, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply (regardless of whether they are capitalised or not): BAS service has the same meaning as a BAS service set out in section 90-10 of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA) Business day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday Certification trade mark rules means the rules governing the symbol and set out in the document titled Registered tax practitioner symbol certification trade mark rules Commonwealth means the Commonwealth of Australia Commonwealth branding means the Commonwealth branding set out in the Australian Government Branding Design Guidelines 2009 and associated documentation Law means any applicable statute, regulation, by-law, ordinance, subordinate legislation or legislative instrument in force from time to time in Australia, whether L\315276770.1 Page 21 of 62 made by a State, Territory, the Commonwealth, a government agency, public authority or a local government, including the common law and rules of equity as applicable from time to time LEADR means the Association of Dispute Resolution known as LEADR, a company limited by guarantee, ACN 008 651 232: ABN 69 008 651 232 Loss or losses means any loss, damage (whether direct or indirect), liability, compensation, cost or expense including legal expenses on a party/party basis Parties means you and the TPB Registration number means the registration number given to the registered tax agent, BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser, as applicable, by the TPB Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines means the guidelines in Appendix 5 of the Registered tax practitioner symbol certification trade mark rules Registered BAS agent has the meaning set out in section 90-1 of the TASA Registered tax agent has the meaning set out in section 90-1 of the TASA Registered tax (financial) adviser has the meaning set out in section 90-1 of the TASA Symbol means the TPB's trade mark set out in Item 1 to these terms and conditions Symbol registrations means any or all current or future trade mark registrations for the symbol, or related to the symbol, owned by or on behalf of the TPB Symbol trade mark applications means any or all current or future applications for trade mark registration of the symbol made by or on behalf of the TPB Terms and conditions means these terms and conditions and any attachment to, or document referenced in, these terms and conditions TASA means the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 Tax agent service has the same meaning as a tax agent service set out in section 90-5 of the TASA Tax (financial) advice service has the same meaning as a tax (financial) advice service set out in section 90-15 of the TASA Territory has the same meaning as set out in section 1-10 of the TASA TPB means the Tax Practitioners Board established under the TASA L\315276770.1 Page 22 of 62 You or your means the person or entity seeking a licence to use the symbol in accordance with these terms and conditions. 3. Grant of licence 3.1 The TPB grants you a royalty free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to use the symbol in accordance with these terms and conditions. You must not distribute any materials that use the symbol outside of your organisation (excluding any service provider you may engage to facilitate your use of the symbol, for example printers and graphic designers) until you have complied with all the requirements of clauses 1.2 and 1.3 above. 3.2 The symbol must only be used in, or in connection with, the provision of a tax agent service, BAS service or tax (financial) advice service (as appropriate according to your registration type and any conditions imposed on your registration by the TPB), provided for a fee or other reward by you, or on your behalf. A registered tax practitioner must have met all of the relevant requirements in section 20-5 of the TASA and have been notified of the TPB’s decision to grant the registration under section 20-30 of the TASA. A tax (financial) adviser entity is not entitled to use the symbol until they have been notified of the Board’s decision to grant the registration under section 20-30 of the TASA. 3.3 You must only use the symbol if it is accompanied by your registration number. 3.4 The licence granted under clause 3.1 is limited to the symbol only and does not extend to any of the TPB's registered or unregistered trademarks or Commonwealth branding. 3.5 You will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions as long as you remain a registered tax agent, a registered BAS agent, or a registered tax (financial) adviser. 3.6 For clarity, you agree that your initial consent to these terms and conditions is taken to continue while you remain a registered tax agent, a registered BAS agent, or a registered tax (financial) adviser. For example, you will not need to agree to these terms and conditions again in the event you renew your registration. However, if your registration with the TPB is terminated or suspended under the TASA then, in accordance with clause 14 in the case of termination, or clause 14A in the case of suspension, you must agree to these terms and conditions again should you become re-registered or once any period of suspension ends, and if you wish to again use the symbol. 3.7 Notwithstanding any other clause in these terms and conditions, you agree that the licence granted under clause 3.1 is granted at the discretion of the TPB and that the TPB may, if you are in breach of the certification trade mark rules (including these terms and conditions), cancel that licence one month after issuing you with a written notice informing you of the breach and of the intention to cancel the licence. L\315276770.1 Page 23 of 62 4. Ownership, registration and administration 4.1 The Crown in the right of the Commonwealth of Australia c/- the Tax Practitioners Board is the owner of the symbol, and all rights in the symbol granted by law (including copyright in the symbol), and is the applicant for the symbol trade mark applications. 4.2 You acknowledge and agree that your use of the symbol is at your sole risk and that such use does not rely upon the TPB obtaining trade mark registration of the symbol. 4.3 You acknowledge and agree that the TPB will not be liable for any loss that you may incur, directly or indirectly, for any: • changes that the TPB may require you to make to your use of the symbol in accordance with these terms and conditions • suspension or termination of the licence granted under clause 3.1 • variations made to these terms and conditions. 4.3A The parties acknowledge and agree that: • these terms and conditions form part of the certification trade mark rules • that any variation to the certification trade mark rules (including these terms and conditions) may only be varied with approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. 4.4 You acknowledge and agree that all images and representations of the symbol are proprietary to the Commonwealth and the TPB. 5. Use of the symbol 5.1 You must: (a) only use the symbol in accordance with these terms and conditions, the certification trade mark rules, the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines, and any other direction about the symbol provided in any other manner, to you, by the TPB (b) conform to any policies for the use of the symbol developed by the TPB which may be communicated to you from time to time by whatever means the TPB deems acceptable (c) ensure that any written materials provided by you, which contain the symbol, also include your name (d) only obtain the symbol from the TPB's website ( and, subject to clauses 5.1(e) and 5.1(f), use the provided files without modification (except modifications permitted by these terms and conditions and the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines) (e) ensure that all reproductions of the symbol are accurate reproductions of the symbol provided to you by the TPB, without any skewing or stretching of the symbol, and without changes or substitutions to the colours, text, L\315276770.1 Page 24 of 62 (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) graphical images and other visual elements, except changes that are permitted by the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines not alter the size of the symbol except as permitted by the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines alter or discontinue your use or proposed use of the symbol as directed by the TPB in accordance with these terms and conditions, within 10 business days of the TPB issuing you with a written notice advise the TPB of any complaints that arise as a result of your use of, or in connection with, the symbol within two business days of you becoming aware of the complaint ensure that your use of the symbol is not misleading or deceptive and that it does not falsely represent the status of, or any characteristic of, your goods or services or any other product or service supplied directly or indirectly by you ensure that if you sell your business, or you relocate your business premises, you will remove the symbol from any signs, awnings or other visual displays, at your expense, when you leave the premises or if directed to do so by the TPB provide the TPB with photographs of your signs, awnings or other visual displays, if requested by the TPB, at your own expense and within 10 business days. 6. Reputation and goodwill 6.1 You agree that all reputation and goodwill attached to the use of the symbol by you, will endure for the benefit of the Commonwealth and the TPB. 7. Powers of authorised users 7.1 Except where expressly provided under these terms and conditions, any statutory or common law rights otherwise granted to you as an authorised user of the symbol in the Territory are hereby excluded. 8. Illegal use 8.1 You agree: • • • • not to directly or indirectly use the symbol in any way that is illegal, in particular, without limitation, in relation to any intellectual property or consumer protection laws, or, is likely to damage the image, reputation or value of the symbol or the reputation and goodwill of the TPB not to use the symbol in any manner that disparages the TPB or that makes improper or undesirable associations with the symbol to report immediately any suspected or actual unauthorised use of the symbol that you become aware of to cooperate fully with the TPB in the conduct of any trade mark or copyright infringement, or other legal proceedings relating to the symbol brought by the TPB if requested to do so. L\315276770.1 Page 25 of 62 8.2 The TPB will be under no obligation to bring infringement proceedings in respect of the symbol or to defend proceedings arising out of the use of the symbol under these terms and conditions. 8.3 You agree that you must pay any reasonable costs incurred by the TPB arising from any enforcement action it undertakes in relation to any breach by you of these terms and conditions. 8A Limitation on liability and indemnification 8A.1 You agree that the TPB, and the Commonwealth, are in no way liable for any action or loss that arises in relation to your use of the symbol. 8A.2 You indemnify the TPB, and the Commonwealth, and any of their officers, employees, agents, licensees or sub-licensees against any loss (including the cost of any settlement and legal costs and expenses on a solicitor and own client basis) sustained or incurred by the TPB, the Commonwealth, or any of their officers, employees, agents, licensees or sub-licensees which arises out of any action, claim, dispute, suit or proceeding brought by any third party in respect of any breach or alleged breach of any duty owed to that third party, when the breach is caused by any act or omission on your part or any of your officers, employees, subcontractors, or agents (whether or not such act or omission constitutes a breach of these terms and conditions). 9. Assignment and sub-licensing to other parties 9.1 You agree not to assign or sub-license your rights to use the symbol. 10. Registration of other marks 10.1 You agree not to directly or indirectly register, or apply to register, or use any unregistered trade mark, business name, company name, domain name, trading name or other name that includes the symbol, or that is substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, the symbol. 11. Variation of terms and conditions 11.1 The TPB may from time to time notify you, by any means it deems acceptable, of any amendments it may make to these terms and conditions. You agree to be bound by any such amendments if you continue to use the symbol. 11.2 The Commonwealth and the TPB are not liable for any loss incurred by you that result from any variation made to these terms and conditions by the TPB in accordance with clause 11.1. L\315276770.1 Page 26 of 62 12. Preservation of trade marks 12.1 You undertake that neither you, nor any of your officers, employees, subcontractors or agents will directly or indirectly: • • challenge the validity of the symbol registrations or any future trade mark registrations incorporating the symbol or any similar marks by the TPB; or oppose the symbol trade mark applications or any current or future trade mark applications incorporating the symbol by the TPB. 13. Disclaimer 13.1 To the extent permissible by law and in addition to any other disclaimers in these terms and conditions, the TPB expressly excludes any warranty or representation relating to: • the symbol trade mark applications and symbol registrations • the validity of any future registrations relating to the symbol • the non-infringement of third party rights arising from your use of the symbol • any loss you may incur directly or indirectly relating to your use of the symbol (irrespective of whether the TPB has pre-approved such use of the symbol) • any loss you may incur relating to the TPB suspending, cancelling, or modifying your licence to use the symbol. 14. Cancellation and modification of use 14.1 Without limiting clause 3.7, the TPB may cancel or modify the licence granted under clause 3.1 immediately by written notice to you if: (a) you fail to perform or observe any of the obligations in these terms and conditions or fail to remedy the default where it is able to be remedied within 10 business days of the TPB issuing a written notice to you (b) being an individual you become bankrupt (c) being a corporation, as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), you: (i) become insolvent (ii) become subject to one of the forms of external administration provided for in Chapter 5 of the Corporations Act 2001, including: A. the appointment of a person to administer a scheme or compromise in relation to the body in accordance with Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001 B. the appointment of a controller or managing controller to the whole or any part of its assets or undertakings in accordance with Part 5.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 L\315276770.1 Page 27 of 62 C. the appointment of an administrator under Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 D. the appointment of a liquidator in relation to the body (iii) are wound up by resolution or an order of the court (iv) make an assignment of your estate for the benefit of creditors or enter into any arrangement or composition with your creditors (v) become insolvent under administration (vi) become subject to any form of administration under the laws of a nonAustralian jurisdiction, which is the same as, or substantially equivalent to, one of those referred to in clause 14.1(c)(i) to (v) above. 14.2 In the event your registration as a registered tax agent, registered BAS agent, or a registered tax (financial) adviser is terminated under the TASA, for any reason, the licence granted under clause 3.1 is cancelled immediately upon the decision by the TPB to terminate your registration taking effect. 14.3 If the TPB elects to modify the licence granted to you in accordance with clauses 14.1, the TPB will set out the modified Terms and conditions for use of the symbol in the relevant notice outlined in clause 14. You agree to comply with the modified terms and conditions. 14.4 Subject to any agreement to the contrary, on cancellation of the licence granted under clause 3.1, you have no further rights to use the symbol and must: • • destroy all digital copies you hold of the symbol, and provide reasonable proof to the TPB that such files have been destroyed remove the symbol from all goods and in connection with all relevant services within 30 days of the cancellation of that licence, or such other period as specified by the TPB. 14A Suspension 14A.1 If your registration as a registered tax agent, registered BAS agent, or registered tax (financial) adviser is suspended under the TASA, for any reason, the licence granted under clause 3.1 is cancelled immediately upon the TPB’s decision to suspend your registration taking effect. You must reapply to again use the symbol when the period of suspension ends. L\315276770.1 Page 28 of 62 15. Survival 15.1 Without limiting the clauses that by their nature survive termination of these terms and conditions, the following clauses survive termination of the terms and conditions: • clause 4 (Ownership, registration and administration) • clause 6 (Reputation and goodwill) • clause 10 (Registration of other marks) • clause 12 (Preservation of trade marks) • clause 13 (Disclaimer). 16. Dispute resolution 16.1 If a dispute arises in relation to the certification trade mark rules, including these terms and conditions, the parties must comply with clause 16 before starting court proceedings (except proceedings for urgent interlocutory relief). After a party has sought or obtained any urgent interlocutory relief, that party must follow this clause 16. 16.2 A party claiming a dispute has arisen, must give the other party to the dispute a notice setting out details of the dispute. 16.3 Within 15 business days after a notice is given under clause 16.2 (or longer period if the parties agree in writing), representatives of the parties must meet to resolve the dispute. 16.4 If the parties cannot resolve the dispute within 25 business days after a notice is given under clause 16.3 (or longer period if the parties agree in writing), they must refer the dispute to either a mediator or an expert if one of them requests such a referral. 16.5 If the parties cannot agree on a mediator or an expert within seven days after a request under clause 16.4, the chairperson of LEADR or the chairperson's nominee will appoint a mediator or an expert. 16.6 The role of a mediator is to assist in negotiating a resolution of the dispute. A mediator may not make a binding decision on a party to the dispute except if the party agrees in writing. 16.7 Unless agreed by the mediator and the parties, mediation must be held within 15 business days of the request for mediation in clause 16.4. The parties must attend the mediation and act in good faith to genuinely attempt to resolve the dispute. 16.7A The role of an expert is to issue an opinion on the dispute which must be taken into account by the TPB in reaching its decision. L\315276770.1 Page 29 of 62 16.7B Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the dispute must be referred to an expert within 15 business days of a request made pursuant to clause 16.4. The parties must act in good faith in providing relevant information to the expert in order for the expert to issue an opinion. 16.8 Any information or documents disclosed by a party under this clause 16: • • must be kept confidential may only be used to attempt to resolve the dispute. 16.9 A party to a dispute may terminate the dispute resolution process by giving notice to each other party after it has complied with clauses 16.1 to 16.3, and the dispute has been referred to and considered by either a mediator or an expert in accordance with clauses 16.4 to 16.7B. 16.10 If a party breaches any of clauses 16.1 to 16.7B, the other party does not have to comply with those clauses in relation to the dispute. 16.11 If no resolution is reached after compliance with clauses 16.1 to 16.7B, either party may commence court proceedings. Each party to a dispute must pay its own costs of complying with clause 16. The parties must equally pay the costs of any mediator or expert. Item 1 – Symbol L\315276770.1 Page 30 of 62 Appendix 2 – Eligibility for registration as a BAS agent – prescribed requirements in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 Regulation 7 of the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (TASR) requires that an individual seeking registration as a BAS agent must meet at least one of the requirements prescribed in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of subsection 20-5(1)(b) of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009). The items in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TASR are set out below. Part 1 BAS agents Division 1 Requirements Accounting qualifications 101 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded at least a Certificate IV Bookkeeping or a Certificate IV Accounting, from: (i) a registered training organisation; or (ii) an equivalent institution; and (b) has successfully completed a course in basic GST/BAS taxation principles that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has undertaken at least 1 400 hours of relevant experience in the past 4 years. Note: The Board may approve a course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. Membership of professional association 102 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded at least a Certificate IV Financial Services (Bookkeeping), or a Certificate IV Financial Services (Accounting), from: (i) a registered training organisation; or (ii) an equivalent institution; and (b) has successfully completed a course in basic GST/BAS taxation principles that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual is a voting member of: (i) a recognised BAS agent association; or (ii) a recognised tax agent association; and (d) the individual has undertaken at least 1 000 hours of relevant experience in the past 4 years. L\315276770.1 Page 31 of 62 Note 1: The Board may approve a course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. Note 2: A recognised BAS agent association is explained in regulation 4. A recognised tax agent association is explained in regulation 5. Division 2 Meaning of relevant experience 103 For Division 1, relevant experience means work by an individual: (a) as a tax agent registered under the Act or a BAS agent registered under the Act; or (b) as a tax agent registered under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; or (c) under the supervision and control of a tax agent registered under the Act or a BAS agent registered under the Act; or (d) under the supervision and control of a tax agent registered under the previous regulatory regime contained in Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; or (e) of another kind approved by the Board; in the course of which the individual’s work has included substantial involvement in 1 or more of the kinds of BAS services described in section 90-10 of the Act. L\315276770.1 Page 32 of 62 Appendix 3: Eligibility for registration as a tax agent prescribed requirements in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 Regulation 8 of the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (TASR) requires that an individual seeking registration as a tax agent must meet at least one of the requirements prescribed in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of subsection 205(1)(b) of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009). The items in Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the TASR are set out below. Part 2 Tax agents Division 1 Requirements Tertiary qualifications in accountancy 201 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded: (i) a degree or a post-graduate award from an Australian tertiary institution in the discipline of accountancy; or (ii) a degree or award that is approved by the Board from an equivalent institution in the discipline of accountancy; and (b) the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (d) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 12 months of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years. Tertiary qualifications in another discipline—specialists 202 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded: (i) a degree or a post-graduate award from an Australian tertiary institution in a discipline other than accountancy that is relevant to the tax agent services to which the application relates; or (ii) a degree or award that is approved by the Board from an equivalent institution in a discipline other than accountancy that is relevant to the tax agent services to which the application relates; and (b) if the Board considers it relevant to the tax agent services to which the application relates—the individual has also successfully completed as many of the following courses as the Board considers necessary: L\315276770.1 Page 33 of 62 (i) a course in basic accountancy principles that is approved by the Board; (ii) a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; (iii) a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 12 months of full-time, relevant experience in the past 5 years. Note: The Board may approve a degree, award or course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. Diploma or higher award 203 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded a diploma or higher award from: (i) a registered training organisation; or (ii) an equivalent institution; in the discipline of accountancy; and (b) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 2 years of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years; and (d) if the application is made on or after 1 March 2013, and the individual was not previously registered under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board. Note: 1 March 2013 is 3 years after the day Part 2 of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 commenced. Tertiary qualifications in law 204 A requirement is that: (a) the individual: (i) has the academic qualifications required to be an Australian legal practitioner; and (ii) has successfully completed a course in basic accountancy principles that is approved by the Board; and (iii) has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (b) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 12 months of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years. Note: The Board may approve a course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. L\315276770.1 Page 34 of 62 Work experience 205 A requirement is that: (a) each of the following applies: (i) the individual has successfully completed a course in basic accountancy principles that is approved by the Board; (ii) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; (iii) if the application is made on or after 1 March 2013, and the individual was not previously registered under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; and Note: 1 March 2013 is 3 years after the day Part 2 of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 commenced. (b) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 8 years of full-time, relevant experience in the past 10 years. Note: The Board may approve a course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. Membership of professional association 206 A requirement is that: (a) the individual is a voting member of a recognised tax agent association; and (b) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 8 years of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 10 years. Note: A recognised tax agent association is explained in regulation 5. Division 2 Meaning of relevant experience 207 For Division 1, relevant experience means work by an individual: (a) as a tax agent registered under the Act; or (b) as a tax agent registered under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; or (c) under the supervision and control of a tax agent registered under the Act; or (d) under the supervision and control of a tax agent registered under the previous regulatory regime contained in Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; or (e) as an Australian legal practitioner; or (f) of another kind approved by the Board; L\315276770.1 Page 35 of 62 in the course of which the individual’s work has included substantial involvement in 1 or more of the types of tax agent services described in section 90-5 of the Act, or substantial involvement in a particular area of taxation law to which 1 or more of those types of tax agent services relate. L\315276770.1 Page 36 of 62 Appendix 4: Eligibility for registration as a tax (financial) adviser - prescribed requirements in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the Tax Agent Services Regulations Regulation 8A of the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (TASR) requires that an individual seeking registration as a tax (financial) adviser must meet at least one of the requirements prescribed in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the TASR (for the purposes of subsection 20-5(1)(b) of the TASA). The items in Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the TASR are set out below. Part 3 Tax (financial) advisers Division 1 Requirements Tertiary qualifications 301 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded: (i) a degree or a post-graduate award from an Australian tertiary institution in a relevant discipline; or (ii) a degree or award that is approved by the Board from an equivalent institution in a relevant discipline; and (b) the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (d) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 12 months of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years; and (e) the individual is, or was within the preceding 90 days: (i) a financial services licensee within the meaning of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001; or (ii) a representative of a financial services licensee within the meaning of paragraph 910A(a) of the Corporations Act 2001. Diploma or higher award 302 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has been awarded a diploma or higher award from: (i) a registered training organisation; or (ii) an equivalent institution; in a relevant discipline; and (b) the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; and L\315276770.1 Page 37 of 62 (c) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (d) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 18 months of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years; and (e) the individual is, or was within the preceding 90 days: (i) a financial services licensee within the meaning of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001; or (ii) a representative of a financial services licensee within the meaning of paragraph 910A(a) of the Corporations Act 2001. Work experience 303 A requirement is that: (a) the individual has successfully completed a course in commercial law that is approved by the Board; and (b) the individual has successfully completed a course in Australian taxation law that is approved by the Board; and (c) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 3 years of full-time, relevant experience in the preceding 5 years; and (d) the individual is, or was within the preceding 90 days: (i) a financial services licensee within the meaning of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001; or (ii) a representative of a financial services licensee within the meaning of paragraph 910A(a) of the Corporations Act 2001. Note: The Board may approve a course by an approval process, an accreditation scheme, or by other means. Membership of professional association 304 A requirement is that: (a) the individual is a voting member of a recognised tax (financial) adviser association or a recognised tax agent association; and (b) the individual has been engaged in the equivalent of 6 years of full-time relevant experience in the preceding 8 years; and (c) the individual is, or was within the preceding 90 days: (i) a financial services licensee within the meaning of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001; or (ii) a representative of a financial services licensee within the meaning of paragraph 910A(a) of the Corporations Act 2001. L\315276770.1 Page 38 of 62 Division 2 Definitions 305 For Division 1: relevant discipline includes a discipline related to finance, financial planning, commerce, economics, business, tax, accountancy, or law. relevant experience means work by an individual: (a) as a tax (financial) adviser registered under the Act; or (b) as a tax agent registered under the Act, or under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 as in force immediately before 1 March 2010; or (c) under the supervision and control of a tax (financial) adviser registered under the Act; or (d) under the supervision and control of a tax agent registered under the Act, or under Part VIIA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 as in force immediately before 1 March 2010; or (e) of another kind approved by the Board; that included substantial involvement in one or more of the types of tax (financial) advice services described in section 90-15 of the Act, or substantial involvement in a particular area of taxation law to which one or more of those types of tax (financial) advice services relate. L\315276770.1 Page 39 of 62 REGISTERED TAX PRACTITIONER SYMBOL Guidelines for tax and BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers JS 33876 Page 40 of 62 TAX PRACTITIONERS BOARD The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) regulates tax and BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers to protect consumers under the Tax Agents Services Act 2009 (TASA). The Act aims to assure the community that tax agent, BAS and tax (financial) advice services meet appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. The TPB’s vision is to bring all registered tax practitioners together under an effective regulatory framework for the benefit of the Australian community. The TPB takes consumer protection seriously and regulates registered tax and BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers, who provide a wide range of services to taxpayers. LEGAL NOTICE The copyright in these materials is owned by the Crown in the right of the Commonwealth of Australia, c/o the Tax Practitioners Board (Commonwealth) 2015. All rights reserved. Save and except for third‑party content, all content in these materials is owned by or licensed to the Commonwealth. All trade marks are proprietary to the Commonwealth. For permission to reproduce any material, a request in writing must be made to the Tax Practitioners Board Legal Unit, GPO Box 1200, Brisbane QLD 4001. In compiling the content of these materials, the TPB has used reasonable care and skill. However, the Board makes no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of any information in these materials. No part of these materials are intended to be advice, whether legal or professional, and you are advised to undertake your own research or to seek professional advice to keep abreast of any relevant developments in the law that may impact on the content of these materials. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Commonwealth and the TPB, and the TPB’s employees, agents, licensees and contractors, exclude all liability, loss, damage, cost (including legal costs), compensation or expense (whether direct, indirect, or consequential), arising out of the information contained in these materials. Page 41 of 62 CONTENTS 01Introduction 02 Visual requirements 03 Accessing the symbol 04Co-branding 05File formats, colour models and usage 08Examples 17 Authorised use of the symbol 18 Examples of incorrect use 19 For more information Page 42 of 62 INTRODUCTION Overview Who can use the symbol – eligibility criteria The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has developed a Registered tax practitioner symbol (symbol) for use by registered tax practitioners who have agreed to the Terms and conditions of use. The symbol is designed to provide registered practitioners with public recognition that they are registered, have met the eligibility requirements and are obliged to meet appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct in providing tax agent, BAS or tax (financial) advice services to clients. Registered tax agents, BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers who meet the following eligibility criteria are permitted to use the registered tax practitioner symbol under a licence from the TPB: • you are registered with the TPB as a tax agent or BAS agent or a tax (financial) adviser, have met all of the relevant requirements in section 20-5 of the TASA in relation to the grant of your registration and have been notified of the Board’s decision to grant your registration under section 20-30 of the TASA. This excludes entities that are currently registered, or taken to be registered, as a tax (financial) adviser by virtue of Items 49 and 50 of the Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Act 2013. • you have agreed to the symbol’s Terms and conditions of use, and abide by them, including the requirement to follow the certified trade mark rules relating to the symbol • you are not a registered practitioner whose licence to use the symbol has been cancelled by the TPB. All registered tax practitioners who meet the eligibility criteria are permitted to use the symbol under a licence granted to the agent by the TPB. These tax practitioners may use the symbol to advertise their tax agent, BAS or tax (financial) advice services, thereby promoting confidence among consumers. Registered tax practitioners who meet the eligibility criteria must use the symbol in conjunction with their registration number. This enables people using the services of tax agents, BAS agents or tax (financial) advisers to refer to the TPB’s Register of registered and deregistered tax agents and BAS agents and tax (financial) advisers (TPB Register) to verify that their tax practitioner: • is registered for the services offered • is not suspended or deregistered • has not had sanctions imposed on them by the TPB. The licence is granted at the absolute discretion of the TPB and may be cancelled by the TPB where, for example, a tax practitioner does not comply with the Terms and conditions of use. For further details, refer to for the Terms and conditions of use. The symbol is registered as a certified trade mark, providing authenticity to it and ensuring that the TPB has registered rights in it. Registered tax practitioners who use the symbol are required to comply with the Terms and conditions of use and the Certified trade mark rules. The TPB recommends that these are read in conjunction with these guidelines. These guidelines explain and demonstrate the ways you, as a registered tax practitioner, may use the symbol, once you have agreed to the Terms and conditions of use. The guidelines, the Terms and conditions of use, and the Certified trade mark rules ensure consistent and professional use of the symbol to build and maintain its integrity. Refer to the TPB’s website at for access to the: • TPB Register • Terms and conditions of use • Certified trade mark rules. Page 43 of 62 1 ISTERE IO TIT NER R D VISUAL REQUIREMENTS R EG ISTERE R D TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A PR TA X P R A AX x T TA X P R A TA X P R A x T A X P R AT A X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A T A X P R AT A X P R A TA X P R A EG TA X P RA TA X P RA TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P RA ISTER ITIONER R ISTERE EG ISTERE 12345678 D Tax agent 12345678 D Tax agent ITIONER 12345678 CT ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 R E D GIS ERE T TA X P R A EG TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R CT BOARD D S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE S EG EG BOARD R R S ITIONER ISTER ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A ITIONE S R CT CT BOARD TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A I Tax (finan 123 The Dsymbol must never be placed over photographic, patterned or complicated backgrounds. S TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD TA X P R A S ARD EG D IT ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R Ax TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD S B O A R DB O TA X P R A S S CT BAS agent 12345678R 12345678 S GIS ER T ED BBOO A RRDD EG ISTERE 12345678 BOARD 12345678 D BAS 123 The ‘x’ height is not a fixed width and will scale Tax (financial) adviser proportionally with the symbol. ITIONER I IONER ISTE 12345678 S D Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 I SR TE E R E EG BAS agent TIT E Tax (fin 1 R D BOARD EG ISTERE R S R GIS ERE T BOARD ISTER ED C S EG BOARD BOARD R C BOARD D IO T I TR E N E R EG C R Tax agent C T I T 12345678 BAS agent 12345678 12345678 IONER I Tax (finan 123 D R REG E G I S T E R EE D ISTER D EG R Minimum size 30mm wide size 18mm CT beMinimum placed onwide a white background wherever possible. If the background can not be white, Minimum size 18mm wide Minimum size 30mm wide Tax (financial) adviser Tax (financial) ITIONER it must be uncluttered12345678 andC T provide enough contrast to ITIONER CT 12345678 R ensure Radequate legibility. EG EG Tax agent ED ED S ISTERE S EG IO TIT NER SS R ITIONER ITIONER R Tax agent ITIONER CT The symbol should 12345678 S BOARD 2 S R CT BOARD D D RE CT Minimum size for electronic 44.5mm (168 pixels) width BAS agent 12345678 ISTERE ISTE Tax agent 12345678 CT EG D R R R D EG of the symbol’s green circle. EG E DE G Einner Tax (financial) Tax (financial) R adviser Radviser Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER ISTERE I T I OON E C TC T I T I N ERR R Tax (financial) Radviser D D EG EG BAS agent ISTERE ISTERE The ‘x’ height is calculated using half the diameter 12345678 12345678 Inline version CT S ISTE S ISTERE EG agent 12345678 AR BOARD BO D S Tax agent 12345678 EG R EG ED I T I O N EI RS T E R Tax S ISTE R EG R D ISTERE Tax(financial) (financial)adviser adviser Tax 12345678 C T I T I O N E R 12345678 BOARD R EG E GR E I Minimum S EG I O ITIONE T I T C TN E R R BOARD R D BOARD D RE D C ISTERE S Tax agent 12345678 BOARD ISTERE S BOARD EG ITIONER EG S S CT BOARD BOARD ITIONER R D ITIONER TIT S S ISTERE R ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 I Tax BI T CT 1231 C The clearC space exclusion zone applies to all sides ITIONER T of the symbol (top, bottom and either side). It Iapplies C O I N T TIONER ER I CT CT to graphics, text, page edges, and other elements. TIONE BOARD BOARD R CT EG BOA R D BOARD ITI NER I R R T I (financial) Stacked version adviser Tax (financial) adviser CTax CT 12345678 12345678 R R Tax (financial) adviser D Minimum size for electronic D Minimum size for EG EG ISTERE ISTERE 22mm (136 pixels) 12345678 width print 18mm width R 12345678 IT EG R D ISTERE x = half of the diameter of the symbol’s inner green circle S S TIONE x BAS agent 12345678 The registered tax practitioner symbol must meet minimum size requirements: • 22 mm wide (136 pixels) for electronic media and • 18mm wide for print media. O CT R D S ISTERE BOARD EG S R D R CT EG CT BAS 123 x = half of the diameter R D ofE Gthe inner RE I S T Esymbol’s Tax ONE Iagent T I R green circle CT BOARD ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 CT CT x R D E IT CT C S EG BOARD R D S BOARD ISTERE D RE BOARD BOARD S S S EG ISTE ISTERE D BOARD R D EG BOARD ISTERE S BOARD ITIONER EG S EG Minimum size CT R C IO TIT NER BAS agent BAS agentI T I O N E R T 12345678 12345678C Symbol/graphic Tax agent Type of registration Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Registration number 12345678 x BAS and agentspacing BAS agent are BAS agent The size relationship of components 12345678 12345678 fixed, and must not12345678 be altered. ISTERE x ITIONER ITIONER S BOARD BOARD EG R D CT CT R ITIONER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S ITIONER 12345678 D RE CT The symbol must: Tax (financial) adviser • state whether you are a tax or BAS agent or a tax 12345678 R (financial) adviser, and D EG ITIONER I S T E R ET I T I O N E R ITIONER • contain your registration number. CT C CT S R CT Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 S ISTERE BOARD ISTE x S BOARD EG BOARD ITIONER EG C R ISTER IO TIT NER C T 1 D You can see examples on page 4R EofG these Eguidelines. R E D ED Tax agent I S T E R EG I S T E R EG S R CT R R ISTE S 12345678 D RE BOARD E Tax ED G I S agent TER R D 12345678 D RE I Tax 123 The minimum ‘clear space’ surrounding the Registered symbol is defined by the area ‘x’, shown below in ITIONER the tax agent example. This exclusion ensures C T zone the symbol has adequate visibility and prominence BAS agent on all communications. I T I O N E RT I T I O N E R C CT S Tax agentI T I O N E R CT 12345678 EG BOARD IO TIT NER BOARD ISTE R R S BOARD EG BOARD IONER 12345678 D RE S R IT CT C ISTE S S The Registered symbol includes three elements: 1 the Isymbol/graphic IT ONE ITIONE C T typeR of tax practitioner – that is, tax orC TBAS R 2 the agent or tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 3 the registration number of the tax practitioner EG ISTERE EG Minimum clear space or exclusion zones Components R EG R D ISTERE Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 BOARD BOARD Tax agent 12345678 C EG IO TIT NER S S C EG TA X P R A R D x ISTERE TA X P R A EG TA X P R A R Tax agent 12345678 Page 44 of 62 R CT EG ITION IST Tax ag ACCESSING THE SYMBOL To access the Registered tax practitioner symbol, registered tax practitioners need to firstly read and agree to the Terms and conditions of use and request that we create the symbol using the Registered tax practitioners symbol request form. The symbol may be accessed by following the instructions on the Board’s website at After you have agreed to the Terms and conditions of use and submitted the form you will receive a message advising that: • your symbol is being created • when the symbol is available, you will receive an email with instructions on how it can be downloaded. We offer the symbol in a number of file formats. We explain the various formats in detail, see page 5. Page 45 of 62 3 Our preference is for the symbol to be positioned to the right of your practice logo with the bottom edges aligned, as shown in the example below. TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A D R ISTERE TA X P RA R D C EG ISTERE D R Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 46 of 62 CT C E BA 1 ITIONER EG ISTERE D TA X P R A EG ITIONER TA X P R A CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A EG S BAS agent 12345678 BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER D BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE S TA X P R A EG S TA X P R A BOARD TA X P R A R CT BOARD D S G I S RE R E T E S BOARD CT C T 1 D S TA X P R A BOARD CT ISTERE D S EG BOARD BOARD R ISTERE Minimum size 18mm wide ITIONER BOARD D S S R S TA X P R A BOARD BOARD BAS agent 12345678 IRTEI O N E BOARD ISTERE CT EG R ITIONER S BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 4 CT BOARD ITIONER ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 GIS ERE T S CT S R BOARD ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S EG ED BOARD ITIONER D CT BAS agent 12345678 T E D GIS ERE T S ISTE D RE BOARD R CT ISTERE BOARD ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 EG EG C D If you are covered by a scheme approved under state or Tax (financial) adviser territory Tax (financial) adviser ITIONER ITIONER standards legislation, you can make use C T professional CT 12345678 12345678 ofR Ethe optional Cover of excellence® logo withR Ethe registered BAS agent D D GIS ERE GIS ERE T ® T 12345678 term, tax practitioners symbol. The Cover of Excellence R R D D EG EG ISTERE ISTERE logo and trade device is a registered tradeTax mark of the (financial) adviser Professional Standards Council and you must ensure BAS agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 with any rules 12345678 you comply regarding its use. For further information, contact the Professional Standards Council in your state or territory. S BOARD EG ED R BOARD ITIONER S CT ISTE D RE R ITIONER ISTERE R EI T I O N E ED C T G I S RER R Tax agent 12345678 R ITIONER Optional ‘Cover of Excellence’ logo and trade device IO IO TIT NER TIT NER IO TIT NER S EG BAS agent 12345678 CT EG CT GIS ERE Tax Eagent T 12345678 BAS agent Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R 12345678 D E Tax agent 12345678 ED EG S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S BOARD R ITIONER S R CT R ISTER 12345678 R BOARD I S T ED ISTERE D RE Mi Tax agent ITIONER 12345678 CT Tax agent ITIONER ITIONER CT R C ED S EG D ITIONER D BOARD EG BOARD R BOARD R S D R I T I O NI TEI O N E CT CT R R CT S E I T I O N E GR I S T E R ISTERE ISTERE BOARD z CT S 12345678 S ISTERE EG EG S R BOARD R CT ITIONER S z D ITIONER Tax agent BOARD D CT CT Minimum size 30mm wide 12345678 S 12345678 Tax (financial)zadviser D BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 12345678 EG GIS ERE T S D R I S TE GER IR E R E D D ESGT E ISTERE BOARD ISTERE YOUR LOGO BOARD BOARD BOARD EG R D ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER ITIONER C TR E Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 R S EG Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 S S R S ISTE D RE ITIONER D I T I OI NTEI O N E R R I S T E R CE T C T CT BOARD EG EG S BOARD R S BOARD Tax (financial) adviser Tax agent 12345678 12345678 BOARD R IONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT EG ITIONER BOARD E ISTERE BASG agent 12345678 CT D 12345678 ITIONER S S IT CT CT z S BOARD ISTERE R BOARD S EG R C IO TIT NER S ITIONER ITIONER R ITIONER Tax agent BOARD 12345678 CT Minimum size 18mm wide 12345678 YOUR LOGO S D CT CT R z placing the symbol inD the bottom right R R D E EG ISTERE ISTERE corner, ensuring you apply the Gminimum exclusion zones. See ‘Minimum clear space or BAS exclusion zones’ on page 2. agent BAS agent IONER D R Tax agent 12345678 DE D EG EGI I S T SE TREER Tax agent 12345678 12345678 GIS ERE T ER BOARD SB O A R D BOARD ISTERE D Eagent S BAS TER BOARD EG R I T I O N EERG I S BOARD R I S ITIONER CT CT IO TIT NER BOARD S BAS agent 12345678 We recommend R S CT I T I OTNI OE NR Align bottom Tax agent edges 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 C CT z = the diameter of the green inner circle S BOARD IONER Tax agent 12345678 D D E GR E I SGTI ESR E E R E T YOUR LOGO YOUR LOGO BOARD R S BOARD Tax agent 12345678 D D ITIONER I TCITO N E R S S CT TA X P R A IONER GIS ERE T TIT Ensure the clear space between your practice logo and the symbol meet the minimum standards. The minimum clear space is determined by the diameter of the symbol’s inner green circle, shown below as ‘z’. Alignment GIS ERE T TIT Clear space As a registered tax practitioner you are entitled to co-brand your stationery and marketing materials with the Registered tax practitioner symbol and your practice logo. You can see examples of co-branding on pages 8–16. TA X P R A TIT CO-BRANDING R C E Tax (fin 1 FILE FORMATS, COLOUR MODELS AND USAGE Types of files we supply We supply the Registered tax practitioner symbol in file types to suit general office users, professional designers and publishers. You can download the symbol in EPS, JPG and PNG file formats. All are compatible with both PC and Macintosh platforms. We offer colour, and black and white versions of the symbol. The colour version should be used wherever possible. You should only ever use an original, unaltered file downloaded from our website. Do not attempt to redesign or amend the symbol. File format definitions Vector graphics (EPS) For printed material, print advertisements, brochures and billboards, where high resolution and large logo size are crucial. EPS is the most widely accepted vector, or line based format. Special design software is usually required to be able to use EPS files. Any publisher or designer should have the required software. Raster graphics (JPG and PNG) A raster image is a photograph or picture made up of pixels. Raster files are suitable for emailing, placing in Word documents and for web use. JPG – Usually suitable for many applications including printed materials, provided there is an appropriate resolution for the purpose. It can also be used for lower resolution internet and web graphics and on computer presentations in the RGB format. See Colour models description on page 6. PNG – Perfect for internet and web graphics, or for use in presentations for display on a computer screen. PNG images have the option of assigning a transparent background, which allows the image to float over other graphic backgrounds. PNG format is not suitable for print use. Page 47 of 62 5 CT R ITIONER EG ISTERE TA X P R A R D CT TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A AX PR T TA X P R A TA X P R A R EG A ITIONE C TI T I O N E R R CT I O NBAS E R agent adviser NTEI TR(financial) I T I OCTax CT TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD TA X P R A S BOARD TA X P R A D CT B OBAORADR D S S I T I O N E RT I T I O N E R C S BOARD B O A R DS TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BOARD BOARD TA X P R A S S TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BOARD E E G I S E12345678 T GE IRS T E R I I S S S CT I TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R T A X P R AA TA X P R TA X P R A A TA X P R A T AA XX PP R A T RA AX PR T TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A PR TA X P R A AX T TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A A TA X P R TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BOARD TA X P R A D I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD E STER S CT S BOARD BOARD BASBAS agent agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 EG ISTERE BOARD BOARD BOARD S T ES T E White reverse Page 48 of 62 R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E S C D S C S C S TA X P R A D BAS agent R D I S TTI TEI ORT NI ETEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R R R R D D 12345678 EG EG E I I R E GR IE S S BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C EG S S TA X P R A S EG S ONE TIONER Tax I T I(financial) R C T Iadviser 12345678 R BASBAS agent agent BAS agent TaxTax (financial) (financial) Tax (financial) adviser adviseradviser Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E S BOARD BOARD BOARD R I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C S S S S CT R S R CT S BOARD BOARD BOARD TA X P R A BOARD TA X P R A S TA X P R A BOARD BAS agent D E G ION I T I S TEER R E CT CT BOARD ISTER ED CT T 1 S ITIONER S CT BOARD EG BOARD S BOARD R R D D EG EG I I E RT EE R E I T ISO NTES R R S S TA X P R A BOARD R BOARD S BOARD S Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 BAS12345678 agent 12345678 ITIONER ITIONER GIS ER T I T I OI TNIEORN E R CT CT S RD B O AA R D S BO S BOARD TA X P R A BOARD BOARD CT IDO N E BOARD S BOARD S S BOARD BSO A R D S BOARD CT IT I S T EC TR E R R D D E GE G I SI TS ET RE ER E IONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D EG Tax (financial) Tax (financial) adviser advise 12345678 R 12345678 E S ISTERE s BOARD S BOARD EG IONER I TMinimum S TA X P R A BOARD BOARD R Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 BAS Tax agent CT I T II TOINOENRE R C TC T ITIONER ED R RG I D E GS T E R E D E GIS ERE ISTER T IT CT BOARD BAS agent BAS agent Tax agent D12345678 12345678 12345678 ISTERE 12345678 CT S EG S S TA X P R A BOARD BOARD D R E GD ED ISTERE ISTER BOARD BOARD S ISTERE S S S BOARD BOARD EG 12345678 ITIONER R EG S TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BOARD BOARD S S TA X P R A S S BOARD BOARD S BOARD CT ITIONER R ITIONE C T I T I O NRE R CT D D RE EG 12345678 S S Tax Tax agent agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 IONER I T I O N E RC T I T C T Tax agent R D RD R RD R D D E E E E 12345678D E G 12345678 I S T E R EG I S T E R E G I S T E R E ISTERE GISTERE GISTERE D R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E ISTER BAS agent Tax agent BAS agent BASTax agent (financial) advis Tax (financial) adviser ITIONER ITIONER CT CT 1234567812345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 I SN ETTRI TEI OR NEE R I T I OT N I TGEI RO C C I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C R R 12345678 12345678 E D I S T E R E Tax (financial) adviser E EG R Tax D adviser E G (financial) ISTERE 12345678 G I S E R ETax (financial) adviser T S BOARD BOARD EG ED S S BOARD S EG S Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD R R I TE IGO INSE R E R E D T CT CT CT Tax (financial) adviser O(financial) N EBAS I T I12345678 Tax adviser R agent CT S BOARD BOARD ISTER BOARD S BOARD S BAS agent R D T I ODN E G12345678 R E C TEI R E E R DI S T E I S T I TI TI OI ONNE ER R C TC T 12345678 ED S BOARD BOARD S D R D E D I S T E R GE I S T E R E S S EG S R 1234567812345678 E E IONER ITIONER G I S T E R CT R R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E CT ED R Tax agent100% ISTE Black 12345678 12345678 12345678 RR R D D D EG G EG E E TaxE(financial) adviser RR II ISTERE I T I O N ESRST TE E CT 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser Tax Tax agent agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 R R BOARD BOARD EG 12345678 BOARD R CT EG R R Tax agent 12345678 BOARD S BOARD IONER D Tax (financial) adviser BAS I T I O N Eagent R CT 12345678 12345678 IONER BAS agent O O I T I O N EBAS R agent C T I T I N E R C T I T I N E R 12345678 CT D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 6 BOARD D IT CT S ISTERE D ISTERE II TSI OT NE ERR C T I T S TA X P R A S S D CT Tax (financial) BASadviser agent Minimum size 18mm w 12345678 12345678 BAS agent O N ETax agentBAS agent I T I O NTEI TR I12345678 R CT C CT S EG ISTERE EG BOARD EG BOARD R ITIONER S R CT R IONER IT CT D I S T E R E TITIONER C S IT CT BOARD D ISTER BOARD TA X P R A BOARD I 12345678 D Tax agent BAS agent R12345678 R D E ISTERE 12345678 R R EO N E I S TTax EI TR Iagent R CT R EG ISTERE GIS ER T BAS agent ITIONER CT 12345678 ED R MONO REVERSE E Tax (financial) adviser ED EG ED E E G I T I O N E RG I S T E R E I S T E R 1234567812345678 R D D E I S T E R EG I S T E R E EG R 12345678 S R S ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 IONER CT EG ED E BOARD D RE BOARD BOARD TA X P R A S EG E GT I T I O N IETREI OD NTax E R agent C I S TC ET R R BOARD EG ITIONER S R D E G Tax (financial) adviser ISTERE G I S E R E Tax (financial) adviser T I O N E R G IITSI OT NE ERR CT R IO TIT NER EG IONER S IT CT IT CT EG S R EG R Tax (financial) Tax (financial) adviser BASTadviser agent NER I T I OMinimum size 18mm wide C 12345678 12345678 12345678 R D E S ISTE R S EG C R S E I T I ODN E E D I S TC GTE IRSET E RR BOARD R BAS agent 12345678 R ITIONER TITIONER C R R 12345678 R R D(financial) D EG Eadviser E Tax GIS ERE I S T E R ITIONE T R CT 12345678 R BOARD D RE S BOARD BAS agent 12345678 C IO TIT NER BOARD R S D RE S ISTE ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED Tax (financial) adviser O N E BAS agent I T I12345678 Tax agent R CT IT CT BOARD ISTE Tax agent 12345678 ED EG S EG S EG IONER BOARD R R E GD Tax agent BAS Tagent ITIONER C 12345678 R 12345678 D E S ITIONER ITIONER BOARD BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT BOARD R Tax (financial) adviser Tax agent 12345678 12345678 IT CT BOARD E S ISTER R GIS ERE ISTER T Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD EG S S r D E ED I S T GE IRSET E R E T I O N RE D agent Tax agent I T I OCNGTEII RS T E ERBAS CT S ED 1234567812345678 S R R D IONER BOARD R BOARD BOARD R EG CT R I O N EERG I S T E R E Tax (financial) adviser BAS NER I T I Oagent CT 12345678 12345678 R BAS agent O N EagentBAS agent O NIET I Tax I T I12345678 R T CT R C S BOARD S OARD B S R S S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 E I T I O N E RC T I T R R CT S BOARD R G 216 B 47 Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 ITIO I TNI OE RN E R CT CT CT D D D EG D EG I T I ODN E R E G practitioner The Registered tax symbol isE Gavailable ISTERE I S IT SE TR EE R E in I S TC TE R E colour, mono and mono reverse. GIS ERE T CT Tax agent GIS ERE T MONO ITIONER BOARD R 193 Tax agent 12345678 CT ED ED BOARD BOARD S R D S R ITIONER BOARD BOARD BOARD BAS agent 12345678 CT S ITIONER S S STER ED BOARD S BOARD BOARD BOARD ISTERE 12345678 Red 193 Green 216 Blue 47 IEODN E R R E ITIONER EG S S S S EG CT CT IT CT Tax agent BAS agent ONE I T I12345678 12345678 R T C BOARD S BOARD BOARD 12345678 Web use colour onlyR for screen. D R D 12345678 ISTERE ISTER to produce R 1234567812345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 E DR REGI R R R R D R D E G S T E RE D E EG EG E EE G EED ED ED GI screens. Sources of RGB images digital cameras, ISTER ISTERE E ER G I S T E R STER TN ITIONER I S T E R II TSI O Tax (financial)are adviser Tax (financial)G Iadviser R CT CT BAS agent BAS agent Tax agent scanners, video capture12345678 and web pages. RGB images are 12345678Tax agent Minimum size Tax 18mm wide agent Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 R R R 12345678 R Tax agent D 12345678 When colour is not available, the mono or mono Rreversed not appropriate forD 12345678 print use. D D R R EG EG R E G12345678 E12345678 G I SE D E R E 12345678 EG EG EG EG ITIONER I D RE I SE TD E R E I SE TD TEI TR IEO N E R ITIONER T T T R R R R I I R I S T E R SE T E ISTE STE D S T E Dmust C C a level of contrast version may be used. However, C EG EG ISTERE ISTERE ITIONER CT be maintained for maximum legibility. RGB colours BAS agent BAS agent IONER E STER R ITIONER I T I OCNTE R images on computer CT D ITI NER E G I T I OCNTE R ISTERE TheseC Tare the colours used EG S S S Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 RGB (Red, Green and Blue) R O ED E ONE I12345678 R IT CT D GIS ERE T adviser Tax (financial) Tax agent 12345678 12345678 R R Tax agent K 0% 12345678 BOARD Y 100% R I O Nagent ER I T I OD NIETTax I S TC ET R E C T R EG R S MI O N0% E IT CT ITIONER BOARD C 29% I OENR E R I T II OT N CTCT R R D D E GE I GS ITSETREER E D CT S E 12345678 R BOARD 12345678 GIS ER GIS ERE GIS ERE GIS ERE T 100 Black T29 Magenta T T 0 Cyan 0 Yellow R D I TIONE S R ED E EG ISTERE CT BAS agent BOARD S BOARD S R BOARD D E 12345678 Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 BOARD Tax agent S BOARD BOARD BOARD R D E S S S R R EG BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD D ITIONER ITIONE S S S E STER 12345678 R D R R TI C T symbol Con The colour version of the should be used12345678 a white background whenever possible. ITIONER These are the colours of the traditional four colour print 12345678 12345678 R process (full-colour). RGB imagesT I have T I O N E RR to EG E G be converted I T I OD N E R ITIONER IRTEI OD N E R T T C I S TC ET R E I TC E C to CMYK in the pre-press process in order Sto run on a Tax (financial) adviser printing BAS agent Tax agent press. Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 D CT S CT CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) IONER ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 COLOUR ITIONER Tax agent EG BAS agent 12345678 S Colour models description CT R D ISTERE BOARD EG S BOARD R S FILE FORMATS, COLOUR MODELS AND USAGE BAS agent 12345678 E I T I O GN EI SR T E R E TA X P R A D T ATXA XP RPA R ISTERE TA X P R A TA X P R A EG ITIONER BOARD R ITIONER CT S CT Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD D CT S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD EG CT S BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER S R CT R R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E TaxTax (financial) (financial) Tax (financial) adviser adviseradviser 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R T A X P R AA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A I T I O N E RCT IT TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R T A X P R AA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A T ATXA XP RPA R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A T AA XX PP R A T RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A AX PR T TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A AX P TTA X PR AR A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R A TTAA XX PPR R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A PR T A X P R AT A X TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A BOARD EG TaxTax (financial) (financial) Tax (financial) adviser adviseradviser 12345678 12345678 12345678 R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E TaxTax (financial) (financial) Tax (financial) adviser adviseradviser 12345678 12345678 12345678 Page 49 of 62 ISTERE R EG ITIONER S BOARD BOARD R BOARD TA X P R A S TA X P R A CT BOARD R CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S TA X P R A R I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C BOARD TA X P R A R D 12345678 DE E IS S TTEER S TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A D S TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A S ER G EG R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E S BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E BASBAS agent agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 CT S S S S S S S I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C R EG ISTE Tax age 123456 IONER B BOARD R I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C S BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BOARD BASBAS agent agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E IT CT S BOARD S BOARD BOARD BOARD CT S S I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C S S S S R CT R CT ITION S R S IONER CT Tax (financial) ad Minim 12345678 I T I OCNT I TEI ORN E R TIT ISTERE EG R D D EGE I SG TI SE TR EE R E CT EG BAS agent 12345678 R C TaxBAS (financial) agent adviser Tax (financial) advi 12345678 12345678 12345678 Tax agent S S BOARD TA X P R A R D ISTERE ITIONER Minimum size 1 BOARD S OARD B S BOARD RD T I T I O N E R R D D EC E ISTERE GISTERE GISTERE BOARD S TA X P R A EG CT S C BOARD TA X P R A D I ST TI TEI OR NE E R S TA X P R A D S EG 12345678 ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 IONER ITIONER I T I O N E R BAS I Tagent CT CT ITIONER Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 BOARD EG EG ITIONER S CT BOARD D ISTERE R EG E GI CT CT S TA X P R A S R R D CT EG S BOARD R I T I O N E R12345678 Tax agent 12345678 D ED ED E RT E R S R EG Tax (fina 12 I T I OI TNI EORN E R CT CT BOARD TA X P R A BOARD DI O N ER I S T EC RT IET S ITIONER GIS ERE T BOARD ISTERE S S BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BO TA X P R A S S R agent TaxBAS (financial) adviser Minimum size 18mm wide 12345678 12345678 ED R Tax (financial) adviser S CT CT Tax 123 D TaxBA (fi Min 12 BAS agent Minimum size 30mm wide 12345678 E G I O N G IE G I I T I S TEER R S T CT EG R GIS ERE T Minimum size 30mm wide CT R Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D EG Tax agent 12345678 S R ER I T I O N12345678 EG BOARD S BOARD S E ITIONER B S BOARD D R IONER R CT Tax agent 12345678 R D C BAS agent 12345678 R CT ARD BOARD R BOARD S BOARD S BOARD TIT S BOARD TA X P R A R BAS agent ISTERE ISTERE EG Minimum size 30mm Tax (financial) adviser Tax agent 12345678 R D EG 12345678 ISTERE D CT Ta 12 BOARD S BOARD S BOARD TA X P R A D E G ION ED T R C T I I S TEER RD EG ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A BOARD BOARD BOARD S ISTERE D ITIONER CT ITIONER R S TA X P R A S S S BOARD BOARD S TA X P R A BOARD ISTERE R R D D E GE G I SI TS ET RE ER E CT I T I OI TNIEORN E R CT CT BOARD ISTERE S BOARD BOARD BOARD R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E S S EG ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax Tax agent agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 Tax Tax agent agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 12345678 EG R D RBAS agent BAS agent Tax agent RBAS agent DTax (financial) adviser Tax (financial) adviser EG E G TaxE D(financial) adviser ISTERE ISTER 1234567812345678 12345678 12345678 1234567812345678 12345678 I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C I T I OT N I TEI RO N ETRI T I O N E R C C 12345678 I TIITOI NOENRE R C TC T S EG D Tax (financial) adviser R 12345678 E S CT R R R D RD T I T I O N E R D D EG EG E EC ISTERE I S T E R EG I S T E R E G I S T E R E D I S T E R E Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTERE Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 IONER I T I O N E R T I T I O N E R BAS I Tagent C CT 12345678 S S CT EG ISTE ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser I T I O N E R12345678 C T Tax agent 12345678 R R D D E GE G I SI TS ET RE ER E S IONER D BOARD R EG BOARD BOARD RD B O AA R D S BO S C EG CT B OBAORADR D S S S ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser R 12345678 E BOARD BOARD R ISTERE R ITIONER BAS agent Tax agent D 12345678 12345678 RE ITIONER ITIONER CT ITIONER I T II TOINOENRE R C TC T IONER 12345678 RR R DD D E EGD G EG I SI ST TE ER RE E ISTERE IO TIT NER ISTERE EG EG R CT ONE I T I Tax Ragent CT ITIONER R ISTE D S BOARD BSO A R D S S BOARD EG S BOARD BOARD R CT S EG ED R RG I D E GS T E R E D E GIS ERE ISTER T I TI TI OI ONNE ER R C TC T R R BOARD R ISTERE IT CT S BOARD BOARD ISTER CT ITIONER BAS agent Tax agent D12345678 12345678 RE Tax agent Tax agent EG ISTERE S ITIONER BOARD R EG CT ITIONER 12345678 12345678 ED S R ISTER D S BOARD S S N EBAS I T I O(financial) Tax adviser R agent R 12345678 12345678 E CT R D E D I S T E R GE I S T E R E EG R R D D D EG EG E I S T IE SR TE E GR IES T E R E CT S BOARD BOARD EG ISTERE S CT ITIONE C T I T I O NRE R CT IONER ITIONER CT CT BAS agent 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide Tax agent 12345678 ED ITIONER R EG R CT EG IONER BOARD S BOARD BOARD BOARD IT CT EG S IT CT S CT S S S BAS agent D E G R E 12345678 ED G RE DI S T E I S T E R S IT CT ITIONER BOARD R BOARD BOARD BOARD R ISTERE Tax agent R E G I R E D Tax agent STE Tax (financial)12345678 adviser 12345678 12345678 CT BOARD BOARD ISTER ED S BOARD D 12345678 TIONER D CTI ISTERE R EG S S EG D D RE S EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S BOARD BOARD S BOARD E Minimum size 18mm wide Tax agent 12345678D S D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R ITION IETRI O N ETax R agent CT 12345678 ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A BOARD ISTERE Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 D 12345678 RE E S E R BOARD CT D ER S ITIONER BOARD S B O A R DS R S BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 BAS agent ISTE S BOARD S BOARD S R BOARD S R EG GIS E Tax agent T 12345678 TaxI O(financial) adviser N T E I R CT 12345678 BOARD C ITIONER E DR G D E G I S T E RE D E GIS ERE ISTER T R GIS ERE T R ITIONE C TI T I O N E R R CT I O NBAS E R agent TaxI T(financial) adviser R 12345678 12345678 E CT R D E D I S T E RR GEEI S T E R E EG S BOARD CT C EG BOARD S S BOARD BOARD R S BOARD BOARD PNG S D BOARD BOARD ISTERE D S S ISTERE BOARD R BOARD ITIONER EG EG BOARD R CT ITIONER S T E RI T I O N E R T IT I S T TEI TR I O N E R C S CT S BAS agent 12345678 EPS R OARD ISTE R 12345678 R D D EG R I S ETG EI SRT EE R E D I T I O N E ISTERE R T D RE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 For reversed background only. For web only. EG IONER D S EG TIT I T I O N E R TCI T I O N E R C 12345678 12345678 ED R Tax (financial) Tax (financial) adviser BASadviser agent Minimum size 18mm wide 12345678 12345678 12345678 R CT D BAS agent D E G R E12345678 ED G RE D I S T EI S T E R Tax (financial) adviser Tax (financial) adviser ITIONER ITIONER CT CT 12345678 12345678 Tax agent Tax agent BAS Tax agent R E G Tax (financial) adviser adviser ED 12345678 Tax (financial) 12345678 12345678 I S12345678 TER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 R CT ED ITIONER CT BAS agent 12345678BAS agent RE M BAS agent 12345678 ISTERE I O N E12345678 R I D Tax (financial) adviser Tax (financial) BASadviser agent Minimum size 18mm wide 12345678 12345678 12345678 R ITIONER Tax agent CT Tax agent 12345678 I T I O N E RG I S T E R E 1234567812345678 S R IONER EG DI CT R CT I T I O N E R BAS agent Tax agent BOARD ED CT EG ISTERE EG CT ITIONER ITION E R agent IETRI O NTax CT 12345678 BAS agent G I S T E R ETax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 R D 12345678 12345678 EG ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ION R IONER ITIONER CT S ISTER IT CT D E EG ED I S T GE IRSET E R S EG R BOARD R CT EG 12345678 R D D E I S T E R EG I S T E R E R S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D R IT CT EG R O N Eagent I T I O TNIETRI Tax R C D R E T ITIONER 12345678 S R PNG ITIONE BOARD For reversed background only. For printing only. CT CT S BAS agent 12345678 R CT D ISTERE S Tax agent 12345678 D GIS ERE T Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED EG EG D E G Tax (financial) adviser ISTERE ITIONER CT CT E GN S T E E D IO EI SR E R IT CT D I S T E R E Tax (financial) adviser Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 IONER E ITIONER EG BOARD R CT R R D IT C TE D R S JPG IT CT R CT ITIONER CT R 1234567812345678 E ISTER D ER E S White ISTER IT R BOARD tpb_registered_adviser_Inline_white ITIONER ISTERE EG R S tpb_registered_tax_Inline_white EG R CT EG 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ION Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER For black and white web use. R R D D E GE I GS ITSETREER E BOARD tpb_registered_bas_Inline_white R D D BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D CT CT ISTERE I S T E R ED GIS ERE Tadviser Tax (financial) 12345678 S ISTERE S BOARD ISTERE ISTER BOARD S BOARD S EG EG For black and white printing and web use. BOARD ITIONER I OENR E R I T II OT N CTCT ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 S CT BOARD R S EG R CT ITIONER ITIONER Tax agent CT 12345678 ED EPS BOARD ISTER BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER R EG ED Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED D tpb_registered_adviser_white Tax agent 12345678 D 12345678 I T I O N E RG I S T E R E I T I O N EBAS Tax agent R agent GIS ERE T BAS agent 12345678 BAS agent EG C CT R D EG EE G ED E I S T E R I S DT E R R B ARD BS O BAS agent 12345678 D S D tpb_registered_bas_white CT tpb_registered_tax_white BOARD ISTERE S ISTERE EG R ITIONER ITIONER BOARD BOARD EG EG CT S ITIONER R CT S R D BAS agent 12345678 Black tpb_registered_tax_Inline_black CT ISTERE R ITIONER BOARD EG tpb_registered_bas_Inline_black tpb_registered_adviser_Inline_black CT S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE tpb_registered_adviser_black R CT S EG BOARD R Tax agent 12345678 S ITIONER S CT D IONER CT C R ISTERE CT ITIONE C TTI T I O N E R TRI T I O N E R ISTERE R tpb_registered_tax_black EG D E ED I S T GE IRSET E R G I S EI TR IEO N E Tax agent TC T R 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser IONER T I CT 12345678 R ITIONER BOARD EG R S Tax (financial) adviser EG ISTER 12345678 R For black and white printing. tpb_registered_bas_black BOARD ISTERE R R BOARD EG PNG IONER IT CT R S R S R IT CT Tax agent 12345678 S D ITIONER CT R EG ISTERE S E R Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 12345678 BOARD ISTERE ITIONER BASC Tagent 12345678 D S ED D BAS agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 BOARD Tax (financial) adviser EG ISTER 12345678 R EG ISTERE IONER S ISTERE BOARD BOARD EG R IONER EG D S ITIONER IT CT ISTERE BOARD D IT CT EG JPG S Tax agent 12345678 S R CT R ITIONER BOARD R CT D GIS ERE T adviser Tax (financial) 12345678 R Tax agent 12345678 R E ED STER Tax (financial)G Iadviser 12345678 S ISTERE CT For web/screen use only. IONER BOARD D BAS agent 12345678 D ITIONER S ISTERE CT ITIONER Tax agent CT 12345678 D Tax (financial) adviserR E G ISTERE 12345678 BOARD tpb_registered_adviser_Inline_rgb S EG BOARD ISTERE BOARD R EG D S tpb_registered_tax_Inline_rgb IT CT R RGB EG ISTERE ITIONER BOARD R tpb_registered_bas_Inline_rgb CT ITIONER S tpb_registered_adviser_rgb EG CT BOARD ISTER R R D D E GE I GS ITSETREER E 12345678 BOARD ED I O Nagent ER I T I O TNIETTax C R CT S Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 EG R S R I OENR E R I T II OT N CTCT ITIONER ITIONER CT BOARD ISTE D RE Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 ISTERE D EG D BAS agent 12345678 BOARD S BOARD S Tax agent 12345678 EG CT E I T I O GN EI SR T E R E EG ISTERE S ITIONER ITIONER S R tpb_registered_tax_rgb CT R EG ITIONER ITIONER BOARD R CT ITIONER EPS CT CT CT Tax agent 12345678 S D BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 CT BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 tpb_registered_bas_rgb R D ISTERE S BOARD R D EG S BAS agent 12345678 R ITIONER CT ITIONER CT R D ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 BOARD D ITIONER EG S Tax agent 12345678 BOARD R ISTERE CT S R ITIONER S ISTER ED EG BOARD BAS agent 12345678 EG ISTERE S ISTER R ED R ITIONER BOARD EG ITIONER EG BOARD R CT S ISTER Tax agent 12345678 ED ITIONER BOARD EG CT S BOARD R ITIONER S tpb_registered_adviser_Inline_cmyk CT Tax agent 12345678 D ISTERE Sample S tpb_registered_tax_Inline_cmyk CT CT BOARD D R tpb_registered_bas_Inline_cmyk EG S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 For four‑colour process or digital printing. CMYK R BOARD ITIONER BOARD EG tpb_registered_tax_cmyk Tax agent 12345678 D S R CT ISTERE File format (MAC + PC) Use tpb_registered_bas_cmyk tpb_registered_adviser_cmyk EG ITIONER CT S Colour BOARD File name ITIONER S R CT S FILE FORMATS, COLOUR MODELS AND USAGE 7 EG ISTERE IS D EXAMPLES The following examples show recommended uses of the symbol with your practice stationery. Example of letterhead Size: 210mm x 297mm Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width YOUR LOGO Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000, or 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Phone: 9200 4300 Email: [email protected] Fax: 9200 4301 web: Date Name Surname Position Address 1 Address 2 Dear Sir/Madam Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Ficae paribea rchilicium quamus es quatur? Qui odis eium necearit eaque mod quo tem aliquam uscitas alique coneseque pa corem ea sunt re vit mo exerspe rsperum harcit laborrorum alictaquia doloritatur suntotate la cum voluptas non precusciet rem aliquae cepernatem qui doluptio. Sime eicae sita ent est, sentibusdae coreser umquae omnimin ctotat. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ficius consequo verum sequatio cus, conesserum asin corum etus, earum ipsus es dolorum voluptatius eost, aperum es sinctur repelest, conemporum reris doluptat eum fuga. Ur maios eumquat iberumq uatendit exeruntiam eos nime doluptu sandeni entiis adis a veliasperum. As everior eperem reperum faccupita voloreped qui ut omnis ex eveles ad eiciento id que cum quid quibeaqui di volupta tquodit emposa volorro eatemodiae. Yours sincerely, D EG ISTERE TA X P R A TA X P R A R R D CT ITIONER BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S EG CT BOARD R Tax agent 12345678 S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG Tax agent 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD R CT S TA X P R A Your name Your position EG ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 Minimum size 1 TA X P RA Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 ISTERE D EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R ITIONER R CT ITIONER BOARD EG CT Page 50 of 62 EG ISTERE EG ITION ISTE Tax age 123456 S R BAS agent 12345678 BOARD D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 S R ITIONER BOARD 8 CT S TA X P R A R CT D BAS agent 12345678 EXAMPLES OF ALTERNATIVE LETTERHEADS Example 1 Example 2 Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 Name Surname Position Address 1 Address 2 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: Dear Sir/Madam Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Ficae paribea rchilicium quamus es quatur? Qui odis eium necearit eaque mod quo tem aliquam uscitas alique coneseque pa corem ea sunt re vit mo exerspe rsperum harcit laborrorum alictaquia doloritatur suntotate la cum voluptas non precusciet rem aliquae cepernatem qui doluptio. Sime eicae sita ent est, sentibusdae coreser umquae omnimin ctotat. Ficae paribea rchilicium quamus es quatur? Qui odis eium necearit eaque mod quo tem aliquam uscitas alique coneseque pa corem ea sunt re vit mo exerspe rsperum harcit laborrorum alictaquia doloritatur suntotate la cum voluptas non precusciet rem aliquae cepernatem qui doluptio. Sime eicae sita ent est, sentibusdae coreser umquae omnimin ctotat. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ficius consequo verum sequatio cus, conesserum asin corum etus, earum ipsus es dolorum voluptatius eost, aperum es sinctur repelest, conemporum reris doluptat eum fuga. Ur maios eumquat iberumq uatendit exeruntiam eos nime doluptu sandeni entiis adis a veliasperum. Ficius consequo verum sequatio cus, conesserum asin corum etus, earum ipsus es dolorum voluptatius eost, aperum es sinctur repelest, conemporum reris doluptat eum fuga. Ur maios eumquat iberumq uatendit exeruntiam eos nime doluptu sandeni entiis adis a veliasperum. As everior eperem reperum faccupita voloreped qui ut omnis ex eveles ad eiciento id que cum quid quibeaqui di volupta tquodit emposa volorro eatemodiae. As everior eperem reperum faccupita voloreped qui ut omnis ex eveles ad eiciento id que cum quid quibeaqui di volupta tquodit emposa volorro eatemodiae. TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 R D EG D ISTERE TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R EG ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER R CT ITIONER EG ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 YOUR LOGO R ED CT EG EG ITIONER ED ISTER Phone: 9200 4300 adviser Fax: 9200 4301Tax (financial) 12345678 Email: [email protected] web: ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER D ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE EG R CT ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A EG CT ITIONER BOARD R ITIONER CT S TA X P R A Minimum size 18mm wide S TA X P R A D ISTERE BOARD D CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: ITIONER S BAS agent 12345678 D CT BOARD R YOUR LOGO 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 ISTERE ITIONER Example 4 ITIONER ISTERE CT EG Tax agent 12345678 S EG EG CT BOARD Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 R D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R BAS agent 12345678 BOARD R D CT D ISTERE R R S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT S R D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT ITIONER Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Tax agent 12345678 S ITIONER S R CT CT EG D D BAS agent 12345678 R BOARD Example 3 ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D S BAS agent 12345678 EG ISTERE BOARD R D ITIONER S ISTERE ISTERE BOARD EG EG S R R D BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D CT EG Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER R ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT ISTERE CT S EG ITIONER BOARD R CT S BAS agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S BOARD EG CT EG Tax agent 12345678 D S ITIONER S R CT ITIONER BOARD R ISTERE Minimum size 30mm wide S Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 CT ITIONER BOARD Your name Your position Minimum size 18mm wide CT EG S R BOARD Yours sincerely, D S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 YOUR LOGO EG BOARD R D S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD Your name Your position EG CT S R D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD R D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 S TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD R CT S Yours sincerely, TA X P R A Dear Sir/Madam TA X P R A Name Surname Position Address 1 Address 2 YOUR LOGO Date Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: TA X P R A 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Date EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Date Date Name Surname Position Address 1 Address 2 Name Surname Position Address 1 Address 2 Dear Sir/Madam Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Dear Sir/Madam Ficae paribea rchilicium quamus es quatur? Qui odis eium necearit eaque mod quo tem aliquam uscitas alique coneseque pa corem ea sunt re vit mo exerspe rsperum harcit laborrorum alictaquia doloritatur suntotate la cum voluptas non precusciet rem aliquae cepernatem qui doluptio. Sime eicae sita ent est, sentibusdae coreser umquae omnimin ctotat. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Ficae paribea rchilicium quamus es quatur? Qui odis eium necearit eaque mod quo tem aliquam uscitas alique coneseque pa corem ea sunt re vit mo exerspe rsperum harcit laborrorum alictaquia doloritatur suntotate la cum voluptas non precusciet rem aliquae cepernatem qui doluptio. Sime eicae sita ent est, sentibusdae coreser umquae omnimin ctotat. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ficius consequo verum sequatio cus, conesserum asin corum etus, earum ipsus es dolorum voluptatius eost, aperum es sinctur repelest, conemporum reris doluptat eum fuga. Ur maios eumquat iberumq uatendit exeruntiam eos nime doluptu sandeni entiis adis a veliasperum. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ficius consequo verum sequatio cus, conesserum asin corum etus, earum ipsus es dolorum voluptatius eost, aperum es sinctur repelest, conemporum reris doluptat eum fuga. Ur maios eumquat iberumq uatendit exeruntiam eos nime doluptu sandeni entiis adis a veliasperum. As everior eperem reperum faccupita voloreped qui ut omnis ex eveles ad eiciento id que cum quid quibeaqui di volupta tquodit emposa volorro eatemodiae. Yours sincerely, As everior eperem reperum faccupita voloreped qui ut omnis ex eveles ad eiciento id que cum quid quibeaqui di volupta tquodit emposa volorro eatemodiae. TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide TA X P RA D R R EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 Page 51 of 62 R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 9 CT ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A R S TA X P R A D BOARD D ISTERE S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 CT EG S R ITIONER R BOARD D ISTE Tax agent 12345678 D RE S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 CT EG S R ISTERE R Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Tax agent 12345678 BOARD BAS agent 12345678 EG ISTE Tax agent 12345678 D RE S D R ITIONER BOARD ISTERE D ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 BOARD EG CT ISTERE CT EG Tax agent 12345678 S R ITIONER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 CT S D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S BOARD EG CT EG CT R S ITIONER S R CT ITIONER BOARD R CT S Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Your name Minimum size 18mmYour wide position Minimum size 30mm wide BOARD Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 Yours sincerely, S D BOARD ISTERE TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT EG S R BOARD ISTER ED TA X P RA ITIONER TA X P R A CT EG S R BOARD ISTER Tax agent 12345678 ED TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG BOARD R S ISTER Tax agent 12345678 ED TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A Your name Your position EG ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D EXAMPLES OF ‘WITH COMPLIMENTS’ SLIPS ‘With compliments’ slip Size: 210mm x 90mm Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width Example 1 Example 2 With Compliments With Compliments YOUR LOGO ISTE ITIONER ISTE BAS agent 12345678 R D RE ISTERE D R ITIONER EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D ISTERE EG ISTERE D TA X P R A Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P RA EG ISTER R CT EG ITIONER ISTER ED TA X P R A TA X P R A Tax agent 12345678 ED R Tax agent 12345678 CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 Minimu D R IONER ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 D R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 D ITIONER ISTERE D R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 52 of 62 R CT ITIONER BOARD R S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD D BOARD BOARD ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A ISTER CT EG BAS agent 12345678 ED TA X P R A EG R TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT EG BOARD IT CT TA X P R A ISTERE TA X P R A EG TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTER ITIONER S TA X P R A EG CT BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER D R 10 D CT BOARD Tax agent 12345678 R S TA X P R A ISTERE R S TA X P R A EG BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 ED BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER S EG ITIONER S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT 12345678 ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 R D R S ISTER ED ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG R CT EG CT BOARD R R Minimum size 30mm wide IONER C Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] Tax agent web: S 2 Road nameMinimum size 18mm wide Suburb Town/City 0000 S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 TA X P R A D TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD ISTER ED CT TA X P R A CT BOARD EG ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 S R ITIONER ITIONER TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG IONER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 IT CT S ISTER ED IONER BOARD BOARD EG IT CT S S R IONER CT EG BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT S D D S R ITIONER ISTERE ISTE R D RE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD EG ITIONER EG BOARD R S R CT TA X P R A CT EG S D Tax agent 12345678 BAS agent 12345678 IT CT TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R D RE TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG Example 6 ISTERE BOARD D ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 R S ISTERE EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD EG CT R D ITIONER S R BAS agent 12345678 ISTERE CT D BOARD D EG Tax agent 12345678 web: S ISTERE ITIONER YOUR LOGO ITIONER BOARD D TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE BOARD CT EG S ISTERE TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R D ISTERE 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Email: [email protected] CT BOARD TA X P R A EG Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD R ITIONER BOARD BOARD EG D S TA X P R A R ITIONER BOARD CT EG 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 S S R CT ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER D ISTERE Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 IONER TIT ITIONER ISTE CT EG BOARD CT EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 CT R D RE S R ED BOARD Tax agent 12345678 D Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 ITIONER S R D BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER ISTER ITIONER ISTERE D CT BOARD TA X P R A ISTE CT EG BOARD R S CT EG CT ISTERE Fax: 9200 4301 S ITIONER ISTERE D S CT EG ISTERE S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D RE BOARD Phone: 9200 4300 EG EG Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 Minimum size 30mm wide Minimum size 18mm wide BOARD R EG Tax agent BOARD R D ISTERE IT CT ITIONER S EG S R BOARD BOARD Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ITIONER S R D ISTERE CT 12345678 With Compliments BOARD IONER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED S S ISTERE S CT EG YOUR LOGO ITIONER BOARD R BOARD ISTE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D RE With Compliments CT EG BAS agent 12345678 S EG With Compliments EG ITIONER S IT CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R BOARD ITIONER BOARD R ITIONER ISTER CT S CT EG ITIONER BOARD CT Tax agent 12345678 S R BOARD ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S ITIONER BOARD EG S CT S R S ISTER R BAS agent 12345678 Example 5 CT EG ED BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D ISTERE EG R ED S EG ITIONER YOUR LOGO D ISTERE BOARD R CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER S BAS agent 12345678 D ISTERE BOARD BOARD EG ISTER R S CT EG IONER S S R EG BAS agent 12345678 ED BOARD Example 4 R IONER R IT CT ITIONER S EG Tax agent 12345678 IONER CT BOARD IT CT BOARD With Compliments IT CT D D ISTERE BOARD R D ISTERE ISTER R S EG S Tax agent 12345678 BOARD EG EG BAS agent 12345678 ED S ITIONER S R D ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 ISTERE 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 S S R ITIONER ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: CT CT BOARD Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 ITIONER R S R ED Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 YOUR LOGO Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTER ISTERE S EG BOARD R C EG EG Tax agent 12345678 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 BOARD ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED R D S EG IONER BOARD R IT CT ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 BAS agent 12345678 S ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED IONER BOARD EG IT CT S BOARD R IONER S Example 3 IT CT C EG IO TIT NER S R D ISTERE R D Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: Minimum size 30mm wide IO TIT NER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 CT ISTERE ITIONER S Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 Minimum size 18mm wide BOARD R ITIONER EG CT S D ISTERE CT BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 BOARD D ISTERE ITIONER S EG S ITIONER R D ISTERE CT Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 S R D ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 S S R ITIONER EG Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER R CT R D ISTERE BOARD R D ISTERE EG ITIONER S EG Tax agent 12345678 CT CT BOARD R ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 S D ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD ITIONER S R D ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 S R ITIONER BOARD Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: R CT S 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 CT S Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 TA X P R A YOUR LOGO EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 EXAMPLES OF BUSINESS CARDS Standard business card Size: 90mm x 55mm Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width Example 1 Example 2 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA R EG ISTERE TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P RA R R D ITIONER EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE R D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A CT TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A D C CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 53 of 62 CT EG ITION ISTE Tax age 123456 IO TIT NER BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A Minimum size 1 S TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A D BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE S D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S EG BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R S D BOARD ISTERE C BOARD ISTERE ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S EG BAS agent 12345678 S EG CT CT EG IO TIT NER BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER D ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 BOARD R CT R D S R C IO TIT NER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D EG R S D ISTERE BOARD ITIONER ISTERE EG BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 BOARD EG R BOARD R ISTER ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER ISTERE ITIONE D ISTERE ED IO TIT NER S D D BOARD ISTERE ISTERE C EG EG ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 S EG CT BOARD R Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 EG ISTER EG R CT R CT Tax agent 12345678 S ITIONER S R CT R EG R ED CT BOARD D ITIONER D ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 EG ITIONER First Lastname BusinessR manager EG D E CT C CT Tax agen 1234567 IO TIT NER S ISTERE CT BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 R D E S R D ISTERE GIS ERE GIS ERE T T 9200 4301 Fax: Email: [email protected] Minimum size 18mm wide Minimum size 30mm wide web: BOARD D EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S R Minimum size 18 BAS agent 12345678 BOARD Tax agent 12345678 4300 Phone: 9200 S ISTERE BOARD EG C R Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER S R C BOARD D BAS agent 12345678 S ISTERE C BOARD BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 S S R C IO TIT NER R D ISTERE S D BOARD ISTERE D ISTERE BOARD EG EG ITIONER PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000T I T I O N E R ITIONER CT C 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 R C IO TIT NER S CT YOUR LOGO EG CT S R Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER D ISTERE BOARD R R IO TIT NER BAS agent 12345678 S D D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER ISTERE BOARD EG ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD R C IO TIT NER EG ITIONER S D EG CT D ISTERE R BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD E ISTER R D ISTERE EG Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT R D BOARD BOARD BOARD R ISTERE CT S S S D GIS ERE T Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 EG EG BOARD R R S YOUR LOGO S PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 ITIONER CT 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 ITIONER BOARD D D S ISTERE CT BOARD EG ITIONER Tax agent 9200 4300 Phone: 12345678 EG R D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTERE R D ISTERE ITIONER ED BAS agent 12345678 S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG CT S First Lastname Tax (financial) adviser Business 12345678 manager BOARD R CT ITIONER S R CT EG C BAS agent Example 4 12345678 EG CT IONER BOARD R D EG ITIONER S ISTERE D IO TIT NER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 R IT CT CT Tax agent 12345678 YOUR LOGO S R D ISTERE R D ISTERE Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD ISTERE BOARD EG C EG EG Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER S R D C BOARD ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 IO TIT NER S EG BOARD BOARD R CT S S CT BAS agent Example 3 12345678 ITIONER CT S R ITIONER R D ISTERE First Lastname Minimum size 18mm wide Business manager TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD R ITIONER S D Tax agent 12345678 CT BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 S YOUR LOGO EG ITIONER BOARD R D CT S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 CT S R D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD R D ITIONER Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: S ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 S BOARD R ITIONER S TA X P R A PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 CT PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: TA X P R A First Lastname Business manager 11 EXAMPLES OF ENVELOPE Standard DL envelope Size: 220mm x 110mm Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width Your company name 2 Road name Suburb Town City 0000 ITIONER ISTE D RE TA X P R A CT EG R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide ISTERE D ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A CT EG R CT EG ISTE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 12 IO TIT NER ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER D RE C ITIONER R CT ITIONER BOARD R R EG S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD D S ISTERE TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A C EG TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R CT BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D R BOARD ISTERE D S C EG ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 S R BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D IO TIT NER S ISTERE BOARD BOARD EG IO TIT NER S C S R IO TIT NER EG Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD R CT S TA X P RA Tax agent 12345678 TA X P RA R BOARD ISTE Tax agent 12345678 D RE TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG BOARD R S ISTE Tax agent 12345678 D RE TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A YOUR LOGO EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 54 of 62 EXAMPLES OF FAX COVER SHEETS Standard fax cover sheet Size: 210mm x 297mm Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width Example 1 Example 2 Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 YOUR LOGO Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: YOUR LOGO Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: Date: 01 March 2012 Fax number: (02) 6211 1234 Attention: First Lastname Company: The company name Total pages: 4 Date: 01 March 2012 Fax number: (02) 6211 1234 Attention: First Lastname Company: The company name Total pages: 4 Dear Sir/Madam Dear Sir/Madam Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Yours sincerely, Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Your name Your position Yours sincerely, TA X P R A ISTERE D ISTERE R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE TA X P R A Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D CT EG C TA X P R A C EG R D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D TA X P RA CT EG ITIONER ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER ISTERE ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER EG CT TA X P R A R TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 D YOUR LOGO R EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Phone: 9200 4300 Email: [email protected] Date: 01 March 2012 Fax number: (02) 6211 1234 Attention: First Lastname Company: The company name Total pages: 4 Fax: 9200 4301 web: Dear Sir/Madam Dear Sir/Madam Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Yours sincerely, Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Your name Your position ITIONER R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide Page 55 of 62 D R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE ED BAS agent 12345678 R CT E ITIONER ED BAS agent 12345678 R CT E ITIONER ED TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT E TA X P R A TA X P R A R R CT ITIONER BOARD D S ISTERE BAS agent Tax agent 12345678 E ED D Minimum size 30mm wide 13 TA X P RA D TA X P RA ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER ITIONER TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG R CT ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A R S TA X P R A Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE S TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG CT EG S R R BOARD D Tax agent 12345678 D S ISTERE ISTERE ISTERE BOARD EG BAS agent EG ITIONER S R R BOARD D D CT EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD ISTERE CT ISTERE ITIONER R S EG ITIONER BOARD R BAS agent 12345678 CT S D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 CT EG CT S ITIONER S R CT ITIONER BOARD R CT S Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Minimum size 30mm wide TA X P R A TA X P R A Minimum size 18mm wide BOARD D S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 BOARD Tax agent 12345678 CT EG S R BOARD D BOARD ISTERE TA X P RA ITIONER TA X P RA CT EG S R S Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A CT EG S R BOARD Tax agent 12345678 D S ISTERE TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A Yours sincerely, Your name Your position TA X P R A ITIONER TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A 4 ISTERE EG BOARD Total pages: C EG Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER S The company name R CT BOARD Company: Minimum size 18mm wide S First Lastname D BOARD Attention: ISTERE S 01 March 2012 ITIONER BOARD CT EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Phone: 9200 4300 Fax: 9200 4301 Email: [email protected] web: (02) 6211 1234 EG IO TIT NER BOARD R D RE 2 Road name Suburb Town/City 0000 Fax number: BAS agent 12345678 D Headoffice: PO BOX 000, Town/City 0000 Date: CT S ITIONER ISTE R Tax agent 12345678 S YOUR LOGO CT EG ISTER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R ISTERE IO TIT NER BOARD ISTE D RE EG ED S ITIONER C EG BOARD CT EG ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 BOARD R BOARD ISTE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D RE R IO TIT NER S ITIONER CT R Example 4 D R D S CT EG ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 S R BOARD ISTE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D RE ISTERE S ITIONER BOARD EG S CT S R C EG ISTER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 R EG BOARD D ISTERE EG Tax agent 12345678 ED S C EG ITIONER Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 Tax agent 12345678 S R CT ITIONER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE R D CT Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER ISTER R S C EG ISTERE EG Tax agent 12345678 ED Tax agent 12345678 S R BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D IO TIT NER S ISTERE BOARD BOARD EG IO TIT NER S C S Example 3 R IO TIT NER EG ITIONER Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD R CT S Cuda illorruptio te nonseque nimolut optatur. ABN: XXX000 XX000 TA X P RA Minimum size 18mm wide TA X P RA Tax agent 12345678 CT BOARD ISTER R ED BOARD Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER S CT EG BOARD R S ISTER ED BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG S R BOARD ISTER Tax agent 12345678 ED TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG BOARD R S ISTER Tax agent 12345678 ED TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A Your name Your position EG ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 EXAMPLES OF RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENTS Various size of advertisements Symbol size: Minimum 22mm width for web media Full colour example Full colour example YOUR LOGO YOUR LOGO Job Title Sub headling Job Title Sub headling Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. •Pos evelite vellis am. •Eumenih illaccus quo. •Omnis ut fugia parum reria. •Quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest. •Ut labora doluptatium fuga. •Sin consequunt. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. •Pos evelite vellis am. •Eumenih illaccus quo. •Omnis ut fugia parum reria. •Quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest. •Ut labora doluptatium fuga. •Sin consequunt. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. Ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin. Ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Please contact Director on (02) 6211 1234 or email [email protected] EG TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA D R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE EG ISTERE TA X P R A R D BAS agent 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D CT EG R D ISTERE D EG ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 D EG ISTERE D TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE D R CT ITIONER BOARD ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG CT Tax agent 12345678 S R BAS agent 12345678 BOARD D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 S S R ITIONER ISTER ED S 14 EG Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD R CT S TA X P RA Minimum size 18mm wide EG ISTERE ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D Page 56 of 62 D TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER TA X P RA EG TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R CT R D R CT CT ITIONER EG ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 S YOUR LOGO ISTERE BOARD R Tax agent 12345678 CT D ITIONER S CT BOARD D ISTERE BOARD EG S ISTERE EG BOARD R ITIONER BOARD EG CT S R BOARD BOARD D ITIONER S S ISTERE ITIONER S CT Please contact Director on (02) 6211 1234 or email director@ EG CT S Please contact Director on (02) 6211 1234 or email [email protected] Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. R D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Ullaccusam eturion nobitae velibus nate sit dolorio nsequis cimaxime paribus. Ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin. Tax agent 12345678 ISTERE Ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin. Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. CT ISTE Tax age 123456 IONER Non pos evelite vellis am, eumenih illaccus quo omnis ut fugia parum reria quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest ut labora doluptatium fuga. Simi, offic toria dolupicab istis es delibusae nobis aliam, nonsequi ut quam, tem ducid expel eos eles solleni minvell ibusda de sin consequunt. •Pos evelite vellis am. •Eumenih illaccus quo. •Omnis ut fugia parum reria. •Quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest. •Ut labora doluptatium fuga. •Sin consequunt. Tax agent 12345678 EG ITIONER ISTERE ITION BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R TA X P R A TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 D Sub headling Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE Job Title ITIONER ISTERE C EG IT CT CT EG •Pos evelite vellis am. •Eumenih illaccus quo. •Omnis ut fugia parum reria. •Quiat ex excepelictat ea dolest. •Ut labora doluptatium fuga. •Sin consequunt. Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur, inctibeatur, odit officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. ITIONER Minimum size 1 BOARD TA X P R A CT R Eles quaepernam, sit magnia sendam vid ma vel eum faccate possitatem nectatur,Taxinctibeatur, (financial) adviserodit 12345678 officidem fugitis sandi in prorerum autemosam int. Sub headling CT D S R D ISTERE BOARD ISTERE EG IONER BOARD EG ITIONER S ISTE BAS agent 12345678 D RE IT CT S Job Title R ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT Tax agent 12345678 BOARD D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTER S ISTERE EG IO TIT NER BOARD EG IONER S R IT CT BOARD YOUR LOGO EG R ED R BOARD D ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 S ISTERE CT D CT D R BOARD EG ISTERE Revised white example D RE S R CT ITIONER BOARD D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTE EG BAS agent 12345678 S ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER S S R CT ITIONER C EG ISTERE R S BAS agent 12345678 R EG Tax agent 12345678 IONER BOARD ISTE D RE ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 S C EG IT CT BOARD R BOARD ISTE BAS agent 12345678 D RE Tax agent 12345678 IO TIT NER D CT S C EG BOARD R IO TIT NER S ISTE BAS agent 12345678 D RE BOARD BOARD EG S C S R IO TIT NER R D ISTERE S Black and white (greyscale) example IO TIT NER EG ISTERE R Minimum size 30mm wide IONER BOARD R IT CT S TA X P RA Minimum size 18mm wide EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD D ITIONER S ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 CT BOARD EG R S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 CT S EG R BOARD D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG R BOARD R Tax agent 12345678 S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG Tax agent 12345678 S ITIONER BOARD R CT S TA X P R A Please contact Director on (02) 6211 1234 or email director@ EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 D EXAMPLES OF WEBSITES Various layout of websites Symbol size: Minimum 22mm width for web media Example 2 ITIONER D ITIONER R D Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 CT EG ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D Minimum size 18mm wide R D Example 4 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED R CT EG ISTER ED ITIONER R EG ISTERE Minimum size 18mm wide D ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER R CT EG TA X P R A ITIONER ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT EG ITIONER ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG D R CT ITIONER BOARD R ISTERE S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 BOARD D S ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT S R R D EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER R ITIONER EG BAS agent 12345678 D ITIONER ISTE D RE BAS agent 12345678 15 R CT ITIONER BOARD Page 57 of 62 CT ISTERE S Tax agent 12345678 R ITIONER BOARD ISTE D RE CT EG S BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 D S CT ISTERE BOARD EG S BOARD R CT S R TA X P R A ISTERE EG BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S R ITIONER Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D CT CT S ISTERE CT EG BOARD EG R S R ITIONER BOARD BAS agent 12345678 D CT S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD BOARD EG CT S S R ITIONER D D Tax agent 12345678 R CT ISTERE ITIONER TA X P RA Tax agent 12345678 CT EG TA X P R A D ITIONER TA X P R A ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D TA X P R A CT EG ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 TA X P R A R TA X P R A TA X P R A Tax agent 12345678 D TA X P RA ISTERE ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER CT EG S CT EG BOARD R S Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE S BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER S CT EG R BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER ISTER ISTERE CT D BOARD TA X P R A CT EG EG R ISTERE S R D BOARD ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ED ISTERE S TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG EG Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 S CT BOARD R S Example 3 R D ITIONER TA X P R A ISTERE TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A EG CT EG BOARD R Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER S D R BOARD GIS ERE T ITIONER S D CT BOARD ISTERE IONER S EG TIT BASC agent 12345678 BOARD R ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser R 12345678 E S GIS ERE T CT BOARD IONER BAS agent 12345678 S Tax (financial) adviser R 12345678 D E BOARD D TIT C BAS agent 12345678 S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG CT S ITIONER BOARD R CT S TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 CT TA X P RA ISTER ED BOARD EG ITIONER TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A Minimum size 30mm wide S TA X P R A D BOARD TA X P R A ISTERE S ISTER R ED ITIONER ITIONER BOARD EG CT ISTERE CT EG S ISTER R ITIONER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 ED CT S BOARD ISTER R ITIONER S BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 ED CT EG R BOARD ITIONER S R CT ITIONER S R Tax agent 12345678 CT BOARD ISTER Minimum size 18mm wide ED TA X P RA CT EG S R ED TA X P R A ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A CT EG BOARD ISTER R D S EG ISTERE BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER ITIONER S R ED CT BOARD ISTER Tax agent 12345678 CT EG TA X P R A R S TA X P R A Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG ITIONER S R CT CT EG S R BOARD Tax agent 12345678 D S ISTERE TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD EG S CT BOARD R S TA X P R A Example 1 EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) advis 12345678 EXAMPLES OF WINDOW SIGNAGES Window signages Please check signage print specification with the print company Symbol size: Minimum 18mm width for print media TA X P RA EG ISTERE D TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R CT ITIONER EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER EG ISTERE D Tax agent 12345678 EG ISTERE D EG ISTERE D TA X P R A Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT EG D TA X P R A ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER ISTERE EG R CT ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A ITIONER R S R CT BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R CT D ITIONER BOARD D ITIONER ISTERE CT S ISTERE CT EG YOUR LOGO Minimum size 30mm wide ITIONER BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 CT BOARD TA X P RA Minimum size 18mm wide TA X P RA TA X P R A CT EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 58 of 62 TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER S TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P RA D S TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 16 D CT Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S ITIONER BOARD D ISTERE R D D R CT ITIONER B EG R Tax agent 12345678 S ISTERE EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ITIONER BOARD R ITIONER BOARD EG ITIONER ISTERE S CT S D CT BOARD BAS agent 12345678 S R D CT BOARD ISTERE R ISTERE BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 EG BAS agent 12345678 S D R BAS agent 12345678 CT D R BOARD ISTERE S BOARD ISTERE ISTERE CT EG Minimum size ITIONER Tax agent 12345678 S EG Tax agent 12345678 BOARD ITIONER S EG EG R CT S ITIONER R R R ITIONE BOARD D R CT Minimum size 18mm wide S ISTERE CT BOARD EG R S ITIONER S D CT BOARD R S BOARD Tax agent 12345678 YOUR LOGO CT D BOARD ITIONER ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 ITIONE BOARD ITIONER D R ITIONER ISTERE ISTERE Example 4 S EG EG EG Tax agent 12345678 BAS agent 12345678 Example 3 CT R R Tax agent 12345678 S D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R D CT D S ISTERE BOARD ISTERE EG BAS agent 12345678 S EG R CT BOARD D ITIONER S ISTERE R CT BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D ITIONER ISTERE ITIONER D BAS agent 12345678 S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE R CT S BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTERE CT ISTERE BOARD ITIONER S R CT EG R EG EG Tax agent 12345678 CT IONER S D ITIONER IT CT BOARD ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 CT R D RE Tax agent 12345678 BOARD EG R ISTE R ITIONER S ITIONER EG D YOUR LOGO ITIONER S D CT BOARD ISTERE R S EG BAS agent 12345678 BOARD R D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD EG BAS agent 12345678 ISTERE Minimum size 30mm wide BOARD ITIONER S CT S R EG S R CT R TA X P R A D Minimum size 18mm wide CT BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 S EG ITIONER BOARD R CT S D Tax agent 12345678 BOARD ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 YOUR LOGO EG ITIONER S R D CT BOARD ISTERE ITIONER S EG CT BOARD R D ITIONER S ISTERE CT BOARD EG Tax agent 12345678 S R D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT S EG Tax agent 12345678 TA X P R A ITIONER BOARD R CT Example 2 S TA X P R A Example 1 EG ISTERE D AUTHORISED USE OF THE SYMBOL The Registered tax practitioner symbol may only be used: When the symbol must not be used • by registered tax practitioners who have agreed to and The Registered tax practitioner symbol must not be used where an entity: • is not registered with the TPB • does not apply to renew their tax or BAS agent or tax (financial) adviser registration within the required timeframe in the TASA • submits an application for renewal of their registration and the TPB rejects the renewal application • surrenders their registration • has died • goes into external administration or is wound up (where the entity is a company) • is suspended or terminated as a registered tax practitioner by the TPB • has been directed by the TPB to refrain from using the symbol. abide by the Terms and conditions of use for the symbol, including a requirement to comply with the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines • by a registered tax practitioner whose licence to use the symbol has not been cancelled by the TPB • if it is accompanied by the tax practitioner’s registration number • in accordance with any directions the TPB may publish from time to time on its website ( Where a registered tax practitioner partnership contracts with another entity to provide a tax agent or BAS service or tax (financial) advice, they must use the partnership’s registration number in conjunction with the symbol, not the registration number of any registered tax practitioner partner associated with the partnership. Where a registered tax practitioner company contracts with another entity to provide a tax agent or BAS service or tax (financial) advice, they must use the company’s registration number in conjunction with the symbol, not the registration number of any other registered tax practitioner associated with the company. Restrictions using the symbol The registered tax practitioner symbol must not be used inappropriately. Some examples of inappropriate use are using it: • in a manner that breaches the Terms and conditions of use, including a requirement to comply with the Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines • in a manner that breaches any directions from the TPB about its use • without a tax practitioner’s registration number • without any connection to the provision of tax agent or BAS or tax (financial) advice services by, or on behalf of, a registered tax practitioner • without the name of the registered tax practitioner on written materials • in a misleading or deceptive manner, or in any way that is illegal • in a manner that infringes the TPB’s intellectual property and other rights in the symbol –for example, the TPB’s registered rights in relation to the symbol as a certified trade mark • in a way that is likely to damage the reputation of the symbol or the TPB • in a manner that makes improper or undesirable associations with the symbol – for example, it must not be displayed on gambling or adult entertainment websites. If a tax practitioner sells their business, or relocates their business premises, the tax practitioner must not permit the symbol to remain on signs, awnings or other visual displays at their former business premises. They must remove the symbol from any signs, awnings or other visual displays, at their own expense when they leave the premises or if directed to do so by the TPB. Page 59 of 62 17 Minimum size 18mm wide EXAMPLES OF INCORRECT USE ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 D BOARD EG CT ITIONER S R TA X P RA Incorrect use EG TA X P R A Tax (financial) adviser D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTERE TA X P RA D D ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 R EG D Minimum size 18mm wide R IONER EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser ITIONER 12345678 CT TA X P RA IT CT ITIONER TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 CT CT EG ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER OARD S B TA X P R A ITIONER OARD S B BAS agent 12345678 CT OARD S B OARD S B 18 ITIONER ISTER Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R CT TA X P R A EG TA X P R A I T I O N E R TA X P R A TA X P R A Tax agent 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 ISTERE CT D TA X P R A D R Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 TA X P RA D ISTERE R CT EG R A A TA X P R TA X P R A BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONE TA X P R A D ISTERE R EG TA X P R Tax Aagent 12345678 TA X P R TA X P R A ITIONER A ISTERE EG EG Tax agent 12345678 ED OARD S B E GIS ERE Tax (financial) adviser T 12345678 X PR T A12345678 A CT R D E D E TA X P R A TA X P R A ITIONER D ISTERE ITIONER TA X P R TA X P R A A TA X P R A EG E X PRAC R D EG ISTERE TA ITIONER CT BAS agent 12345678 D A Tax agent 12345678 D E X PRAC TA TA X P R A CT X PRAC TA TA X P R X PRAC TA X P R A TA TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A CT EG BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A R BOARD S I T EI OG NI ESRT E R E BOARD D CT 5 S R R IONER ITIONER S Tax agent IONER I T12345678 CT BOARD D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT CT S D BAS agent 12345678 IT CT Minimum size 30mm wide R BOARD R Tax agent Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 12345678 R S ISTERE D OARD S B EG EG ISTERE D BOARD BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R ITIONER S ISTERE R BOARD D EG EG S D ER I CT ITIONER S I T EI OG N TI IESORNT E R E BOARD ISTERE CT BOARD ISTERE R R CT BAS agent 12345678 ITIONER BOARD EG EG ITIONER S CT S R D R IONER CT S 5 CT Tax BAS agentagent 12345678 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 Minimum size 18mm wide R OARD S B BOARD 12345678 D ISTERE 7 Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 D R D OARD E G RE RS B R D I SD T E EG E I S TG EI SR E E R E T S B O AERGDI S T E R E Tax3agent 12345678 IONER BOARD Tax BAS agentagent 12345678 12345678 S EG r advise IT CT I T I O NI TEIRO N E R T C BOARD D EG RE S D I S TG EI SR E E R E T BOARD R S ISTERE S BOARD BOARD BOARD 5 CT S S D S IONER EG S I T I O NI TEIRO N E R CT BOARD ISTERE R IT CT D IONER BOARD S IT CT BOARD ISTERE CT EG IONER S R D ITIONER BOARD EG ISTERE IT CT S R CT EG dviser cial) a n a n fi Tax ( 678 12345 Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER l) nancia 8 67 12345 Tax (fi OARD S B R R RE GISTE ARD D OARD S B ISTERE BOARD EG BO S dviser R ION I TBASE Ragent CT 12345678 CT IT CT x Tax agent 12345678 ARD N TIO ERS R E Tax agentI O N E R S T TI 12345678 R RE GISTE x nancia Tax (fi 78I T I O N E R 6 T 12345 C S B O A R DI S T E R BO 4 iser l) adv BOARD EG gent BAS a 78 6 5 4 3 12 TI S D ARD ISTERE gent BAS a 78 6 5 4 3 2 R 1 D Tax agent R R 12345678E G I S T E R x RE I O NR GC TI IST T E E R ARD EG ONERS BO BOARD R ITIONER S gent 5678 CT TI TI T x BO x ISTERE Tax agent 12345678 S 3 ONERS ITI R EG CT R D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 D ISTERE D ISTERE ER gent Tax a 78 6 12345 2 R EG CT ITIONER RE GIST Tax agent 12345678 TA X P R A D TA X PRAC BAS agent 12345678 E R EG ISTERE ITIONER BAS agent 12345678 D ISTERE R D ISTERE ITI NER CT TA X P R A O D E TA X P R A R X PRAC TA Tax agent 12345678 EG E EG CT EG D D ITIONER E ISTERE X PRAC TA D CT X PRAC R EG R GISTE BOARD gent Tax a 78 S 6 12345 ITIONER CT TIONERS BOARD R C TI x S ONERS IO TIT NER wide ARD RE BOARD S BOARD 2 TI TI wide ARD R RE GISTE 18mm BO gent Tax a 78 6 4 3 2 1 5 m size u Minim TA X P R A BOARD 0mm size 3 BO S um Minim S ARD TA ITIONER ISTERE ITIONER CT TA X P R A x R RE GISTE gent Tax a 78 6 4 3 12 5 TA X P R A x N TIO ERS ARD N TIO ERS BO TI Tax agent 12345678 D 7 TA X P R A 6 BO x TI placing the symbol on a patterned, photographic or complicated background allowing other elements within the exclusion zone or obscuring the symbol in any way RD B O A R Dthe symbol to fit a space B O Aor distorting application S S 5 TA X P R A The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of incorrect use of the Registered tax practitioner symbol: 1 attempting to redesign or amend the symbol 2 rotating the symbol or placing it onA Ran angle BO D 3 applying effects to the symbol –S for example, key lines, drop shadows, glows or outlines 4 altering the colour of the symbol Page 60 of 62 D CT EG BA 12 supplying the symbol to any external service provider or other entity without permission from the TPB (unless it is to an entity who is engaged in facilitating your use of the symbol) 9 using the symbol below the minimum size requirements 10 re-positioning the registration number 11 using the symbol without the registration number 12 using coloured text for the registered registration 8 TA X P RA TA X P RA TA X P RA D Tax (financial) adviser Tax (financial)12345678 adviser 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P RA PR T A X P R AT A X TA X P R A TA X P R A R C EG RTa 12E D Tax (fi 1 12345678 EG ISTERE D BAS agent 12345678 TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A T A X P AR XA PR T A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P RA TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A ISTERE CT ITIONER BOARD TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A A TA X P R A TA X P R TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A TA X P R A BOARD BOARD EG R Tax agent 12345678 S ISTERE D BOARD EG ISTERE R ISTER 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser S EG BOARD R ISTER EG ED ITIONER S Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 R C CT IO TIT NER I O N RE R ED B Minimum1 ITIONER ITIONER (financial) adviser CT R 12345678 ITIONER Tax (financial) adviser R D EG 12345678 ISTERE ISTER Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 BAS agent IT CT E S EG ISTER ED ED ITIONER CT S D I S T E RREE G Tax EG EG R BOARD R R CT S EG adviser 12345678 BOARD D I S TREE R E D GIS ERE T D EG ISTERE EG BOARD R NER Tax I T I Oagent CT I T I O N E R 12345678 CT T 1 Ta 12 IONER S IO TIT NER Tax C(financial) D ISTERE BAS agent Minimum BAS agentsize 18mm wide 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 12345678 ITIONER BOARD CT EG R S R R S Tax (financial) adviser BAS agent 12345678 12345678 CT BOARD R agent BAS D EG I S T E RE RE D GIS ERE 12345678 T D B O A R SD ISTERE Tax (financial) adviser I TR I O N E D 12345678 C T E G I S RT E R E S EG BOARD CT ITIONER BOARD I T I OR N E R CT S IONER BOARD CT ITIONER CT B O A RBDO A R D S 14 EG E S BOARD D ED G I S E GR IE STER T D EG ISTERE R IT CT 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser Minimum 12 D agent BAS agent Tax ISTERE 12345678 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 BAS agent R Tax agent 12345678 S C BAS agent R R 12345678 E E S C IO TIT NER BOARD B O A RODA R D S B I S RT EE R D GIS ERE T T I O N ETRI T I O N E R C O I N ER IT IT CT S BOARD TA X P R A Tax agent Tax agent Minimum size 18mm wide 12345678 12345678 S BOARD ED BOARD ED Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 IT CT R D Tax agent 12345678 D S D C IONER I T I O NREE GR D ISTERE CT S TA X P R A ISTERE IO TIT NER S ISTERE EG BOARD EG S 11 BOARD BOARD R D R EG D RE I S T E R EI S T E ITIONER S S ISTERE CT BOARD BOARD ITIONER S BOARD EG EG D S ISTER ISTERE BOARD D C Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser R D EG 12345678 ISTERE EG EG S ISTERE IO TIT NER R CT D Tax agent 12345678 ITIONER R wide Minimum size 30mm Minimum size 18mm wide IONER BOARD D BOARD ISTER ED EG BOARD EG R S BOARD R EG R ITIONER BOARD S BOARD D 12345678 S S E STER C Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 CT ISTERE S BAS agent D EG 12345678 ISTERE TIONER IO TIT NER D BOARD D ISTERE IO Tax (financial) adviser TIT NER BAS agentC 12345678 R EG IT CT 12345678 Tax (financial) adviser R ITIONER EG ED CT I S T E R12345678 S ISTERE ITIONER BOARD EG EG C S R D R BOARD GIS ERE T BOARD BOARD STER ED R 12345678 E ITIONER S B O A R DS S IO ncial) adviser TIT NER BAS agentC 8 CT CT BAS agent 12345678 BOARD ISTER ED CT E TIT I T I O N CE R BAS agent 12345678 IO TIT NER BOARD R S BOARD EG Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 IONER D S BOARD S I O NRE R S TIONER IT CT IT CT R BOARD BOARD 12345678 D EG RE I 12345678 ED STE I SR T E R D EG ISTERE ITIONER ISTERE N Tax E R(financial) adviser I T I Oagent BAS 12345678 CT BAS agent Tax12345678 agent 13 CT R D E G I S T EI SRTEE R EG Tax agent 12345678 12345678 S R S S D BOARD EG ITIONER BOARD Tax (financial) adviser ION S R R R S BOARD BAS agent 12345678 R Tax agent 12345678 CT R ER T I T 12345678 R NE C D ITIO R EG ISTERE CT ITIONER T agentC D D Tax agent BAS agent 12345678 x ISTERE Tax agent D RE I S T E 12345678 10 EG EG ITIONER S D EG BOARD IO TIT NER R CT R S C ISTERE BAS agent 12345678 S ISTERE BOARD BOARD ISTERE BOARD Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 S EG BOARD ITIONER CT R BOARD S BOARD EG EG IO TIT NER D RE D EG G12345678 I S T E R E 12345678 ISTERE R D EG E ISTER R R D ITIONER R Tax agent D 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 12345678 S C ISTERE CT BAS agent Tax 12345678 12345678 Tax agent S BOARD IONER Tax agent I TC I O N E R CT 12345678 R IONER S S ntS T E R E D 8 TIT IT CT EG BAS agent 12345678 S TIONER BOARD x 9 ITIONER S R CT ISTERE D CT S YOUR LOGO EG ISTERE C x IO TIT NER S R EG ITIONER BOARD R D ED I S T E R EE G I STER R CT BOARD Tax agent Tax agent 12345678 12345678 Tax agent 12345678 D C S EG ISTERE ITIONER S R EG CT IO TIT NER BOARD EG D ED I S T E R EI S T E R R C S D ITIONER BOARD ISTERE CT ITIONER BOARD R EG CT S BOARD Tax agent Tax agent Tax agent12345678 12345678 12345678 R C x IO TIT NER S ITIONER S CT IO TIT NER BB OOA RAD R D SS ITIONER BOARD EG CT S R CT BOARD nt 8 x ITIONER S TA X P R A x number 13 inserting the registration number at a font size smaller than seven point. 14 cobranding the symbol with the TPB or other logos EG ISTERE D Tax (financial) adviser 12345678 Page 61 of 62 19 FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information about the Registered tax practitioner symbol: • visit the TPB’s website at • phone 1300 362 829 between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. 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