3 Brownfield regeneration - B


3 Brownfield regeneration - B
Regeneration of Brownfield
Industrial and City Centre Sites
in Debrecen
Prepared by
Endre Csukás
Location of brownfield
industrial sites in Hungary
Location of brownfield
industrial sites in Debrecen
Industrial areas
City areas
Structural change of
industry in Debrecen
Traditional industries
Food processing
Argicultural machine manufacturing
Poultry processing
Canned food factory
Printing industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Block housing factory
Medical instruments production
Roller bearings factory
Tobacco factory
Knitwear manufacturing
(Mainly large companies)
Strucure of industry after the
change of system
Food processing
Canned food factory
Printing industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Medical instruments production
Roller bearings factory
High added vallue industries (electronics,
R&D etc.)
Shared Service Centres
(Increasing number of SME’s)
Types of regeneration of
brownfield industrial sites
in Debrecen
1) industrial site
industrial site
2) industrial site
commercial site
3) industrial site
residental site
4) industrial site
mixed use
1) industrial site
Medicor Medical Instruments Factory
Teva (Biogal) Pharmaceutical Plant
Alföldi Printing House
Debrecen Regional Industrial Park
industrial site
MEDICOR Medical Instruments Co.
Foundation: 1950
Year of regeneration:1998
No. of employees: 50
Teva Pharmaceutical Works
Foundation: 1960 (Biogal)
Year of regeneration: 1996, 2010
Size: 23 hectares
No. of employees: 1,300
Alföldi Printing House
Foundation: 1560
Year of regeneration: 1998
Size: 4 hectares
No. of employees: 350
Debrecen Regional and Innovation
Industrial Park
Former mining territory of brick factory
Year of regeneration: 1997
Size: 100 hectares
35 companies with over 5,000 employees
2) industrial site
commercial site
1. Tesco + Sports Direct
2. Malompark Shopping Centre
3. Lakáskultúra Furniture Retail Centre
Eastern Hungarian Construction Wholesaler +
Hajdú-Bihar County State Construction Works
Tesco, SportsDirect
Foundation: 1961
Year of regeneration: 1999
Size: 7,5 hectares
István Steam Mill
Shopping Centre
Foundation: 1847
Year of regeneration: 1998
Size: 30.700 sqm
Debrecen Bookbinding and Paper Box
Manufacturing Industrial Cooperative
Lakáskultúra Bútoráruház
Foundation: 1952
Year of regeneration: 1998
Only part of the area
has been regenerated
3) industrial site
residental site
1. Damjanich street residential area
2. Szoboszlói street residential area
3. Mediterranean residential area
Hajdú-Bihar County Bakery
Damjanich street residential area
Foundation: 1952
Year of regeneration: 2008
Size: 220 flats
Hajdú-Bihar County Textile Company
Mediterranean residential area
Foundation: 1955
Year of regeneration: 2005
Size: 100 apartments + retail and
service facilities
Szoboszlói street county bus depo
Szoboszlói street residential area
Foundation: 1952.
Year of regeneration: 2008
Size: 120 flats
4) industrial site
mixed use
1. West Industrial Park
2. Lion Office Center
Hajdú-Bihar County State Construction Works
(Prefab Blockhouse Factory)
West Industrial Park
Foundation: 1952
Year of regeneration: 1998
Size: 30 hectares,
80-100 SME’s
Debrecen Tobacco Factory
Lion Office Center
Foundation: 1887
Year of regeneration: 2007
Size: 60 458 sqm
Sites with temporary use
Debrecen unit of
Budapest Knitwear Works
(currently retailers)
Hajdú-Bihar County Food
and Chemical Works
(currently retailers)
Sites with temporary use
Debrecen Poultry
Processing Plant +
Milk Storage Plant
(currently second hand market)
Regeneration of City Centre
Brownfield Areas
New City Hall
Kölcsey Culture Centre
Hal Square
Fórum Shopping Centre
2 1
3 4
Hajdú-Bihar County Branch of the
State Construction Works
New City Hall
Foundation: 1952
Year of regeneration: 2005
Offices on 7 floors,
Local tax office,
Documents office
Kölcsey Culture Centre
Foundation: 1979
Year of regeneration: 2007
Kölcsey Culture Centre,
Hotel Lycium, MODEM Art Gallery
HOTEL Lycium:
4-star hotel for
192 guests with 88
double rooms and
4 apartments
Restaurant for 200
Business centre
with 4 meeting
rooms each for
20-30 people
Wellness centre
KÖLCSEY Culture Centre:
• Auditorium (750 sgm-780 seats)
• Section rooms (80 sqm-80 seats)
• Ball room (300 sqm-260 seats)
• Exhibition room (310 sqm-260 seats)
• Foyers (3414 sqm on 3 levels)
4650 sqm on
3 levels,
with over
3000 sqm
Debrecen Csapó street
Fórum Shopping Centre +
Pulykakakas Service Centre + Market
Year of regeneration: 2007, 2008
Size: 31 000 sqm
120 shops, 800 parking lots
Market, offices
Pedestrian area
Hal Square Pedestrian Area
Year of regeneration: 2010
Industrial heritage:
Hortobágy Mill
Foundation: 1864
Year of regeneration: 2011
Not yet completed because of
lack of investors
Plans available for a hotel with 24 rooms and
a restaurant for 100 persons
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