Serge Koutchmy - Some Historical and Mythical Aspects of the
Serge Koutchmy - Some Historical and Mythical Aspects of the
Library Libraryofof Alexandria Alexandria March March26, 26,2006 2006 Some Historical and Mythical Aspects of the Discovery of the Solar Corona Serge SergeKoutchmy Koutchmy Institut Institutd’Astrophysique d’Astrophysiquede deParis Paris CNRS CNRS&&UPMC UPMC(France) (France) 13/04/2006 1 Today, the solar corona is continuously analysed: Several space missions are involved (SoHO, Trace, Coronas, and others). In the very near future several missions will permanently analyse the corona in 3D: Solar-B; Stereo; Coronas-Ph.; Inter-Helios; Solar-Orbiter.. (also: Ground-based Solar Observatories) Coronal studies are now organized with great accuracy and have become part of Space Weather studies. But When, How and Why did Humanity discover this fundamental phenomenon ?? 13/04/2006 2 The Sun as a symbol and as an actor in Antiquity and today... Consequences: Consequences: -- Myths Myths (Earth (Earth ;; Atmosphere Atmosphere ;...) ;...) -- Religions Religions (Gods (Gods ;; Human Human being being ;...) ;...) -- Civilizations; Civilizations; traditions... traditions... 13/04/2006 3 The TheCreation Creation W. W.Blake Blake(1796) (1796) InInsearch searchofofunderstanding, understanding,man manfound foundininone one Creator Creator his hisreligions religionsand andthe thesource sourceofofhis hisorigins. origins. 13/04/2006 4 Akhénaton Akhénaton (Aménophis (AménophisIV) IV) v.v.1350 1350av. av.J.-C. J.-C.(Le (LeCaire) Caire)Aton Aton InInancient ancientEgypt, Egypt,the thesolar solardisk diskwas was proposed as a single divinity (preproposed as a single divinity (premonotheism) monotheism) 13/04/2006 5 A « NASA » image; Solar-Terrestrial relations Modern Modernman manstill stillconsiders considers the theSun Sunas ashaving havingthe thesame same ««magical » influence magical » influenceas as 3000 years ago. 3000 years ago. But Butwhat whatabout aboutits itscorona corona?? ?? Scarab Scaraband andthe the««winged winged»» Sun: Sun:symbol symbolofofthe thedaily daily rebirth of the Sun. rebirth of the Sun. Egypt Egyptca. ca.1330 1330B.J.-C. B.J.-C. 13/04/2006 7 Origin of the myth of the « winged » Sun ? Was the corona discovered during a total eclipse of the Sun ? Supernatural Supernaturalinterpretations interpretationsare arepresent present in in various variouscivilizations: civilizations: Egyptians, Egyptians, initially; initially; Assyrians; Assyrians;Chinese; Chinese; Indonesiens; Indonesiens;Incas; Incas; etc. etc.etc. etc. At Atleast least1400 1400years yearsB. B.J.-C. J.-C. 13/04/2006 8 Egypte Egypteancienne ancienne Wood Wood Louvre Louvre The The««winged winged»» Sun-disk Sun-disk 13/04/2006 9 Southern ceiling- Temple of Thèbes 13/04/2006 10 A.T. A.T.Moreux Moreux Gravure Gravure The Thewinged wingedSun Sun isisaa recurrent recurrenttheme themeinin the thevestiges vestigesofof many manycivilisations. civilisations. 13/04/2006 11 Modern Modernimage imageof ofthe thesolar solarcorona corona @ @Chr. Chr.Viladrich, Viladrich,1998 1998 13/04/2006 But Butisisititthe thetrue truecorona coronathat thatisis being beingunderstood understood?? ?? 12 Here the solar disk was represented with an edging and the head of a cobra which could describe what is seen in an annular/total eclipse. Le Leserpent serpent(qui (qui se mort la se mort la queue) queue)est estlele symbole symbole souvent souvent ««utilisé utilisé»» pour pour exprimer exprimerlala notion notionde de temps... temps... 13/04/2006 13 The Western limb of the Eclipse Corona of July 11, 1991 13/04/2006 14 Symbols Symbolsin in Assyria, Assyria, image imageof of the thecorona corona and and American AmericanPhoenix Phoenix The Thesymbol symbolofofthe theobscured obscuredand and winged Sun is found in many vestiges winged Sun is found in many vestiges ofoffamous famouscivilizations: civilizations:perhaps perhapsthis thisisis indeed indeedthe thesolar solarcorona coronawith withits itslarge large streamers, its prominences and polar streamers, its prominences and polar plumes plumesobserved observedatattotal totaleclipses eclipses?? (a(athesis thesisby byE.W. E.W.Maunder, Maunder,1883, 1883,and andagain again by Robin Edgar, 2000) by Robin Edgar, 2000) 13/04/2006 15 The solar corona is then « forgotten » for 2000 Years... Possible Possiblereasons: reasons: --Incompatibility Incompatibilitywith withcosmogony cosmogonyand and religion religion (biblical (biblicalbeliefs); beliefs); --Geocentric GeocentricModel Modelof ofthe theUniverse Universe(C. (C. Ptolémée); Ptolémée); -- Astrology Astrologywhich whichallots allotsto toplanets planetsaa dominant dominant role rolein inhuman humandestiny. destiny. 13/04/2006 Up Upto toat atleast least1600 1600A.J.-C. A.J.-C. 16 Cathedral Cathedralofof Padoue Padoue XIVth XIVthcentury century After AfterAristarchus AristarchusofofSamos Samos (-290) and (-290) and Plutarch (-50), Plutarch (-50),triumph triumphofofthe the philosophy of philosophy of Plato (-370) Plato (-370)and andespecially especiallyofof Aristotle Aristotle(-350); (-350); model modelofofC. C.Ptolemy Ptolemy(140); (140); founding of the biblical founding of the biblical cosmogony; cosmogony;birth birthofofthe the medieval astrology... medieval astrology... 13/04/2006 17 H. H.Schedel; Schedel;Nuremberg Nuremberg (1493) (1493) Geocentric Geocentric««models models»» and and cosmological cosmological dogmatism dogmatism 13/04/2006 18 End of 15th and 16th centuries: a new era starts with the great « discoveries »; then N. Copernicus who « rediscovers » the héliocentric cosmogony. Its model (1543) is improved by Képler (1600) , following Tycho Brahe and others. The true nature of planets and satellites, of the Sun and the Moon, is revealed thanks to the observations of Galileo (1610)... Then it is the triumph of celestial mechanics with Newton(1700), then Laplace (1800) and many others. 13/04/2006 18 18ème èmesiècle siècle 19 The Universe opens to the curiosity of the man; end of the Middle Ages ...?! Gravure Gravurefrom fromaa well-known well-known book bookby byC. C. Flammarion Flammarion (19th (19thcentury) century) 13/04/2006 20 A « revealed » corona -- Eclipses Eclipsesare arepredicted predictedwith withprecision precision(charts); (charts); -- But Buterrors errorsin ininterpreting interpretingthe theaureole aureoleobserved observed during duringtotality; totality; -- First First steps stepsin inrealizing realizingthe theexistence existenceof of aasolar solar corona coronaand and its itsinfluence influence:: Comets Comets;; Auroras Auroras;; Terrestrial Terrestrialmagnetism magnetism << 1900 1900 13/04/2006 21 The Theaureole aureoleappearing appearing during the totality during the totalityofof eclipses eclipsesisiswrongly wrongly interpreted: interpreted:Kepler Kepler was the 1st to suggest was the 1st to suggest effects effectsdue duean an atmosphere atmosphere surrounding surrounding the the Moon; Halley Moon; Halley ««confirms confirms»»using using micrometric micrometric measurements measurementsofofthe the aureole during the aureole during the 1715 1715eclipse. eclipse.Arago Arago proposed, just before proposed, just before the theeclipse eclipseofof1842, 1842,toto call callitit««the thelunar lunar corona » but corona » butthis this suggestion is quickly suggestion is quickly abandoned abandonedafter afterthe the eclipse. eclipse. 13/04/2006 Gravure Gravure (Flammarion) (Flammarion) Eclipse Eclipse1878 1878 22 Secchi Secchi Eclipse Eclipseofof1851 1851 The Thecorona coronaisis thought thoughttotobe bethe the result of diffraction result of diffraction effects effectson onthe theedges edges ofofthe Moon the Moon! ! Or Orpossibly possiblydue duetoto some somerefraction refraction effect in the effect in theEarth’s Earth’s atmosphere atmosphere 13/04/2006 23 Optical Opticaleffect effectobserved observedinin the theEarth’s Earth’satmosphere atmosphere after a sunset after a sunset 13/04/2006 24 Secchi Secchi Eclipse Eclipseofof1860 1860 ««Aigrettes Aigrettes»» and and prominences prominences 13/04/2006 25 Tempel Tempel Eclipse Eclipseofof1860 1860 Here Hereisisthe thesame samecorona coronaas as before ! It is indeed the 1st before ! It is indeed the 1st observation observationofofaaCME.... CME.... Liais already had Liais already haddrawn drawnthe the structures structuresofofthe thecorona coronaofof 1858 1858and andhad hadbrought broughtback back the 1st measurements of the 1st measurements ofthe the polarization of its light as polarization of its light as predicted predictedby byArago... Arago... 13/04/2006 26 Warren Warrende delalaRue Rue Eclipse Eclipseofof1860, 1860,drawing drawing after the 1st after the 1st photographic photographicplates plates Thanks Thankstoto photography, photography,the the prominences are observed prominences are observed ininan anobjective objectiveway wayand and almost simultaneously almost simultaneouslyby byatat least least22observers observerssituated situatedatat 22different differentplaces placeson onthe the Earth. The existence of Earth. The existence ofaa solar solaratmosphere atmospherelocated located well beyond the disk well beyond the diskofofthe the Moon Moonisisdemonstrated. demonstrated. 13/04/2006 27 Thanks Thanksto tophotometric photometricand andto topolarimetric polarimetricwork, work, the theobjective objectiveexistence existenceof ofaasolar solarcorona coronaseems seems established established(about (about1870). 1870).Nevertheless Neverthelessininhis his book bookon onthe theSun, Sun,written writteninin1883, 1883,p.p.179, 179,A.C. A.C. Young Youngwrote wroteabout aboutthe thecorona coronaatateclipses: eclipses: «« ...isthis thisaaphenomenon phenomenonof ofthe theSun, Sun,the theMoon Moonor or of ofour ouratmosphere, atmosphere,or orperhaps perhapsaasimple simpleoptical optical effect effectlike likeaarainbow rainbowor oraahalation halation??»» However, However,other otherobservations observationsmilitated militatedininfavour favour of ofthe theexistence existenceof ofan anextended extendedatmosphere atmosphereof of the theSun: Sun: --the thediscovery discoveryof ofthe thezodiacal zodiacalcloud; cloud; --the theorientation orientationof ofcomet comet(ionic) (ionic)tails; tails; --polar polarauroras aurorasand anddisturbances disturbancesof ofthe theterrestrial terrestrial magnetic magneticfield... field... 13/04/2006 28 The Theionic ionictails tailsofofcomets cometsinin orbit orbitaround aroundthe theSun Sun always deviate in always deviate inthe the direction directionopposed opposedtotothe the Sun. Sun. Bierman much Bierman muchlater laterwill will propose the solar wind. propose the solar wind. 13/04/2006 29 Polar Polarauroras aurorashad hadbeen been observed for a long time. observed for a long time.De De Mairan already proposed in Mairan already proposed in 1733 1733that thatthey theywere weredue duetoto emanations emanationsfrom fromthe theSun Sunofof comparable comparablenature naturetotothe the zodiacal light measured zodiacal light measuredby by Cassini in 1683. He suggested Cassini in 1683. He suggested for forthe the1st 1sttime timeaa««physical physical»» connection connectionbetween betweenthe theEarth Earth and the Sun. Much later, O. and the Sun. Much later, O.K.K. Birkeland Birkeland(1895) (1895)explained explainedthe the auroras by the flow of ionized auroras by the flow of ionized particles particlescoming comingfrom fromthe the Sun. Sun. 13/04/2006 30 willbe benecessary necessaryto toawait awaitprogress progressinin ItItwill spectroscopy and andthe thework workof ofJanssen, Janssen,Lockyer, Lockyer, spectroscopy Rayetand andYoung Young(about (about1870), 1870),so sothat thatnew new Rayet diagnosticsappear, appear,making makingititpossible possibleto toestablish establish diagnostics theexistence existenceof ofthe thesolar solarcorona: corona:identification identificationof of the helium;later laterof ofcoronium... coronium... helium; Nevertheless,even evenififthe thechromosphere chromosphereand and Nevertheless, prominencesare arewell wellobserved observedoutside outsideof oftotal total prominences eclipse,the theWhite-Light White-Lightcorona coronastill still eclipse, remainsquit quitmysterious. mysterious. remains Soon,other othernebulas nebulasare areobserved observedaround aroundother other Soon, stars(Menzel (Menzeland andothers). others). stars 1930,B. B.Lyot Lyotfinally finallyinvents inventsthe thecoronagraph coronagraphand and InIn1930, definitelyshows showsthe thesolar solarnature natureof ofthe thecorona corona definitely whichnow nowcan canbe bestudied studiedoutside outsideof oftotal totaleclipse. eclipse. which Theemission emissionspectra spectrabecome become reproducible reproducibleand andare are The studiedprecisely. precisely. studied 13/04/2006 31 B. B.Lyot Lyot(1936) (1936) invents inventsthe the solar solar coronagraph. coronagraph. He Heis isas aswell well the the greatest greatest french french astrophysicist astrophysicist of ofthe the20th 20th century. century. 13/04/2006 ««Coronium Coronium»» (the (the FeXIV XIV LyotFe forbidden forbiddenline) line) will be identified will be identified only onlyin in1941, 1941,by by 32 H. Edlen H. Edlen The Corona and Interplanetary Medium schematic representation of the phenomena seen during a solar total eclipse 13/04/2006 33 The TheSXR SXRcorona corona observed observed inin1992 in space 1992 in spaceby bythe the Japanese satellite Yohkoh Japanese satellite Yohkoh («(«the therising risingSun Sun»)»)shows shows the extraordinary nature the extraordinary natureofof the thecorona: corona:aaplasma plasmaatat several severalmillion millionkelvin kelvin temperature in perpetual temperature in perpetual renewal. renewal.The Theorigin originofofthis this corona still remains rather corona still remains rather mysterious mysteriousand andnot not established although established althoughititisis without withoutdoubt doubtofofmagnetic magnetic origin. origin. 13/04/2006 34 Conclusions One will have needed 3000 years to establish the existence of the solar corona. How long will it be necessary to understand its origin (heating problem) and its evolution (winds and loss of mass of the Sun) ? This is another story............ 13/04/2006 35 For the moment, the solar corona can still be accurately observed at the time of solar total eclipses. Soon such eclipse will occur over 4 continents, with rather good observing sites situated in Niger, Lybia, Egypt, Turkey etc. It is a rare (for a single country) but well predicted event. It is a great opportunity to perform scientic astrophysical experiments. 13/04/2006 36 13/04/2006 37 13/04/2006 38 Theoretical prediction for the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006, 10:40 UT By Zoran Mikic et al. 13/04/2006 39 Let’s be prepared ! and ... « shokran » for your attention. 13/04/2006 40
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