

Summer 2014
Annual Report
Keep Going, Keep Believing
Keep Going, Keep Believing
Alumni News
Annual Report
Honors and Memorials
Prayers and Remembrances
The Mission of Holy Name Catholic
Elementary School is to educate
children of diverse backgrounds
to be academically prepared,
compassionate toward others
and rooted in the Catholic
Christian Community.
2901 Fontenelle Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68104
It is with great excitement that we share this 2013-2014 Annual Report with our
community. Over the course of 96 years we have overcome great obstacles. The fruit
of the work has led us to our greatest achievement—a balanced budget. The loyalty
of the faculty, religious and lay staff for the children has never wavered. Year after year
the graduates of Holy Name High School and now Holy Name Elementary School
continue to move into the world with a solid foundation of faith and academics.
The academic rigor of the school upholds the mission of excellence in academics,
service born out of compassion and continuing the traditions built with the hands of
thousands of graduates since 1918. Our faith provides the strength to keep going and
keep believing in the words that Jesus taught us. We never forget the words of
Fr. John Morton, C.Ss.R as we look into the faces of our students, “There You Are!”
Fr. Morton meant that he was looking into the face of Jesus.
The challenge placed before us a few years ago has been met! You believe in us and
therefore allow us to continue to work even harder to produce strong, faith filled
adults. Lord, when did we see You? We saw You at events, at Masses and special
liturgies, volunteering, ministering to our poor, in notes with generous donations.
We see Him through you in each face everyday…all year.
We hope you take time to read the report and know that our prayers and thanks
go out to each one of you!
An expression of thanks can come in many different forms. I can say the words
to all of you our most generous benefactors. The children you support show
thankfulness in their smiles as they hurry into their classrooms each morning.
Their parents express gratitude as they confidently deliver their children to us
each day. This entire Holy Name School community sends a hearty “THANK YOU”
for all you have done to share in the education of our children and families. May
God Bless you for your generosity.
Sofia Kock,
Principal of Holy Name School
Alumni News
Kealinn Peterson G07 and Ozy Aloziem G07 spending time
together in Downtown Omaha. Kealinn is a student
at University Nebraska-Omaha, and Ozy is studying
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
at Creighton University.
Annual Report
In this issue of the Holy Name Rambler,
we invite you to look at our Annual Report
where we have listed all the generous
donations in support of Holy Name School
over the past year. We would like to
sincerely thank each of you for your gifts.
Listed below are Annual Report Donors that have graciously given to Holy Name School during the 2013-2014 school year.
Please forgive us if we missed your name and notify us at 402-451-5403 so we can correct our records.
St. Alphonsus Society
$100,000 or More
Mother Of Perpetual Help
Society $50,000 to $99,999
Broderson, Msgr. Charles
Dwyer, Robert & Rosemary
Memorial Foundation
Ricketts, J. Peter & Shore, Susanne
St. John Neumann Society
$10,000 to $49,999
Criss, Dr. C.C. & Mable
Memorial Foundation
Early, Patrick
Hahn, Kenneth & Kathleen
Maiefski, Thomas & Donna
Millington, Charles & Joan
Archdiocesan, Stewardship
and Development
Smith, Gary & Pam
Rosary Circle
$5,000 to $9,999
Bradley, Jenny & Andy
Carew, Thomas
Decker, Robert
Doeden, Margie,
J & J Drainage Products
HN Humble Jumble Store
Naylon, Dale & Patricia
Owen, Kathleen
Wingender, John & Miller, Mary Kay
Perpetual Circle
$2,500 to $4,999
Bettger, Rick & Jen
Butalla, Barth
Byrnes, Gerald & Clow, Nina
Chiesa, James & Colette
Chizek, Richard
Circo, Dennis
Clarke, Michael & Melanie
Cullinan, Kathleen & Thomas
Fitzgerald, Richard & Judy
Floersch, Mark & Stacey
Gates, Robert
Gutchewsky, Carol & Valentine, Les
Gutchewsky, Lois
Holy Name Men’s Club
Hopkins, Dennis & Ellen
Javlin Asset Management, LLC
Kock, Francis & Sofie
Kozol, Joseph & Chrystal
LaHood, Thomas & Jane
Lazure, Gertrude
Maiefski, Maurice
McGill, Gary & Denise
Pflug, Mark
Snodgrass, Darren & Denise
Union Pacific GivePlus Program
Wingender, Eleanor
Worthing, Marguerite
Hughes, Terry & Gayle
Huss, Darrell & Cheryl
Kellar, Robert & Maura
Kenney, Steven & Julia
Kirschbaum, Donald & Michaela
Kozol, Christopher & Ann
Kozol, Robert & Stacy
Lathrop, Steven
Masur, John & Kris
McCarthy, Scott & Laurie
McDermott, James F.
McGill, John & Sally
McGlade, Michael & Carol
McLeay, Tom & Colleen
Meyers, James
Mullin, James (Art) & Julia
O’Connor, Karen & Steve
Ori, Anthony & Heike
Pfannenstiel, Ernest & Carol
Pflug, Anthony & Annette
Powers, David & Shirley
Leadership Council
$1,000 to $2,499
Continued on Page 4
Anonymous (2)
Allison, Patricia
AON Foundation
Archibald, Robert & Jane
Crites, Mary & Stanley
Cuka, Rosella & Denis
Czerwinski, Vincent
Davlin, Michael
Dowd, Michael & Rose
Duffy, Dennis & Ruth
Dvorak, Kenneth & Susan
Dwyer, Robert & Marsha
Enterprise Products
Operating, LLC
Evans, Joseph & Shirley
Fagan, Donald & Nancy
Fitzgerald, Michael & Janelle
Fuchs, J.Michael & Charlene
Galles, Leroy & Ann
Hansen, Gerald
Holy Name School
continues to
prepare our students
for what comes next.
St. Benedict the Moor
Shoemaker, Brian & Susan
Sieczkowsk, Daniel & Karen
Soener Foundation
Sosso, Catherine & Lawrence
Thibodeau, Joseph & Theresa
Vaughan, Kevin & Ann Marie
Wieger, Lynette & Edward
Williams, Richard & Anne
Wingender, Andrew
Witt, Gary & Molly
Loyalty Club $500 to $999
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
American Express Charitable Fund
Andresen, Mary Jo & Joseph
Battiato, Terry & Judith
Bender, Fred & Betsy
Bergin, Edward & Joann
Bourne, Jack & Beverley
Bruggeman, Nicholas & Lisa
Buckley, Mary Patricia
Burks, Teresa
Chongo, Chisanga
Collins, Craig & Karen
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
Conroy, Patrick & Michelle
Davlin, Timothy & O’Connor, Ann
Decker, Robert & Linda
Dineen, John
D’Silva, Sharon & Collin
Edney, Mary Jane & John
Emery, Vincent & Rose
Enenbach, Mark & Jan
Ferry, Jack & Kate
Fitzgerald, James & Dianne
Flynn, William & Patricia
Forest Green Lawn and Landscaping
Frye, David & Valerie
Frye, Larry
Gibilisco, Phillip & Sandra
Gillin, Edward
Grandfield, John
Hable, Bill
Heider, Scott & Cindy
Holmes, Patricia
Holy Name Housing Corp.
Hruska, John & Patricia
Jareske, Michael & Beth
Joyce, Kevin & Liz
Jurgensen, William & Kathryn
King, Lawrence & Linda
Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O.
Koley, Pat
Kozol, Sue
Lawler, Michael & Sharon
Maiefski, James & Kristi Ann
Martin, Elaine
McDermott, Sherrie
McElligott, Mark & Laura
McGill, Christopher & Ascher, Beth
McGill, Richard
McGowan, Robert & Cathy
Merck Partnership for Giving
Moberg, Jeffrey & Elizabeth
Morgan, Anne & P.J.
Neary, Daniel & Shirley
Padmore, Timothy & Betsy
Peleska, Joseph & Tina
Phalen, Patricia & James
Pogge, P. Thomas & Anne
Poling, Angie & Clifton
Potmesil, Delbert & Mary
Rasmussen, Mark & Maureen
Rasnick, Vince & Eileen
Reznicek, David & Carol
Rudloff, Howard
Rush, Terry & Melissa
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
Simon, Curt & Julie
Smith, Carl & Sugar
Smith, Marise
Stoffel, Robert & Pamela
Swanson, Steven & Cindy
Tanner, Jane
Tulson, John & Mary
Watson, Paul & Katherine
White, Andrew
Wrigley Company Foundation
Rambler Club $250 to $499
Adams, Richard & Mary
Aloziem, Chidi & Anne
Ambrose, James & Jean
Andresen, Elizabeth
Anyanike, Rev. Vitalis
Barnard, William & Kelley
Bausch, James & Patricia
Begley, Brendan J.
Revenue – $1,144,764
Holy Name School Development & Alumni
Tuition & Registration Fees
Parish Support
Early Learning Center
Children's Scholarship Fund
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal Subsidy
Education Endowment Annual Interest Earnings
Berthiaume, Karen & Jeffrey
Bianchi, Robert & Sandra
Brommer, Brad & Shannan
Cartwright, Richard & Helene
Caruso, Suzanne
Cimpl, Donald & Joan
Cowart, Roy & Carol
Dieckman, Taylor & Ashley
Dixon, Joyce
Donovan, Paul & Irene
Drey, Shirley
Dundee Financial Services, LLC
Eby, Mary
Electrical Education Inc.
Ellsworth, John & Jane
Erftmier, Donald & Ann
Evans, Phyllis
Fitzgerald, Patricia
Fizzell, Karen & David
Haas, David & Joan
Harding, Peter & Sue
Hargis, Gary & Anne
Hays, Richard & Cathy
Heafey, Thomas & Joan
Hedrick, Kathleen & Daniel
Hefflinger, David & Julie
Hopkins, Richard & Jeanne
Horne, Derwin & Mary
Hospodka, Linda & Ronald
Kennison, Patrick & Higgins, Mary
Koch, Cloisa
Larson, Lucille
Latoza, Joe & Judy
Lavin, Mark & Ann
Luby, Thomas & Mary
Mama’s Pizza
Maxwell, Barbara
McAndrews, Michael & Elizabeth
McCormack, Mark & Jennifer
McElroy, Timothy & Karen
McGowan, Loretta
McMahon, Danny & Bridgett
Moran, Patrick & Ruth
Morley, James & Kathy
Moylan, James & Lila
Omaha Police Federal
Credit Union
O’Meara, Francis & Majorie
Pallesen, Michael & Kathleen
Patterson, Stephen & Dana
Peterson, Richard & Colleen
Pierson, Dick & Julie
Pietro, Vince & Megan
Ponto, Julie
Ramsey, Jeffrey & Cindy
Raynor, Stephen & Anne
Robb, Clyde & Nancy
Robinson, Paul & Kathryn
Ryan, John & Teresa
Schafer, Steven & Patty
Schmitz, Jeanette
Shepard, Theresa
Sieczkowski, Joan &
Johnston, William
Silberstein, Peter & Michele
Stanzel, Kirk & Kathleen
Stratman, Geri
Teal, Brian & Anne
Thurmond, Ann
Trouba, Thomas & Judy
Vaughan, Bonnie
Vazquez, Mario & Kelly
Watson, Gerald & Kathleen
Watson, Thomas & Veronica
Weber, Donald
Good Neighbor
$100 to $249
Anonymous (4)
Accredited Investors, Inc.
Ahern, William & Donna
Albright, Michael & Therese
Allen, M. Victoria
Allen, Mary
Alley, Michael & Laura
Allison, Scott
American Express Employee
Giving Program
Achley Ford
Baumert, Rev. Frank
Baye, Ann
Becker, Nancy & Gerald
Begley, Daniel F.
Benedict, Mother Lucia
Bjornberg, Betty
Blair, Mark & Abigail
Blesener, Kathryn
Boege, Annette & John
Continued on Page 6
Expenses – $1,144,764
$773,067 Salaries
Benefits, Taxes, Health, Workers Comp
Electricity, Gas & Telephone
Cleaning & Maintenance
Printing, postage, other, etc.
Property Insurance
Instructional Material
$6,778 Technology
Early Learning Center
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
Our 8th grade
graduates, graduate from
high school, on time,
98% of the time.
Bognich, Harry & Mary
Brich, Fred & Mary
Brown, Richard
Burkland, George
Burkland, Rose Mary
Chapman, Dennis & Roseanne
Christiansen, Margaret
CETAC Production Team
Ciurej, Jim & Kim
Cleaver, Mary Jo
Cleaves Temple Church
Cold, Christopher
Conn, Donna & Donald
Crossley, John & Cindi
Costello, James
Creighton Federal Credit Union
Delaney, Marguerite
Dineen, William & Parsla
Dlabal, Luke & Chrystal
Dolson, Maureen & Rodger
A Look Back—Winter 2014 Rambler
Eighth grade alumni currently attending area
high schools were invited back to Holy Name
for a pizza party.
Pictured from left to right: Nick Davis G11,
Damaion Falkner G10, Principal Sofia Kock,
Cole Davis G10
Donlan, Kevin
Donovan, Patrick & Cynthia
Drey, Crystal & Ronald
Dundee Bank
Dunlop, Peter
Dvorak, Marvin
Erdem, Rita
Erftmier, Donald & Adelaide
Evans, James & Dianne
Fahey, Kathleen
Fangman, Rev. Thomas
Fitzgerald, Edward & Nancy
Fitzharris, Donald
Floersch, Paul & Mary Lou
Floyd, Thomas & Joann
Ford, John
Forman, Margaret & Ronald
Forman, Joseph & Jean
Gallagher, Peg
Gambrel, Jane & Robert
Gatz, Joan
Gilroy, Joan & Harold
Gilroy, Mary Lou
Great Western Bank
Greco, Salvatore & Betty
Gruidel, Sally
Hahn, Jeffrey
Hahn, Jerry & Joan
Halbach, James
Haller, Philip & Carol
Halloran, Patrick & Anne
Haney, Bruce & Marlene
Hansen, Glenn & Toni
Harr, Lawrence & Susan
Harwood, Jeff & Paula
Hawley, Colleen
Hejkal, Rita & Thomas
Henry, Patricia
Herdzina, John & Jacque
Higgins, Brian & Anne
Higgins, Kathryn
Hilger, David & Mary
Hill, Bryan & Kimberly
Hitz, Daniel & Melanie
Hoarty, Margaret & Tom
Hohn, Dean
Holeman, Rosemary & Stephen
Holland Basham Architects
Holt, Eleanor
Hopkins, Thomas & Jan
Hospodka, John & Theresa
Horseman’s Park
Employees & Co-workers
Jackson, Gregory & Suzie
Jaworski, Mark & Mary
Jeffrey, Margaret
Continued on Page 8
Some members of the Holy Name
High School Class of 1979 got together
during Alumni Reunion weekend in
June. Such a great group of people!
Musician Meet-Up
Talent Competition
Quality Family Time
Traveling to go to a concert out
Talia Horne G10 and Audra Horne G09
Frank McGill H48, Patty McGill Smith
of town Marty Pflug H78 got the
competed and placed in the top 10 at
H53, spending some time with big
opportunity to meet musician
Showbiz National Talent Competition
sister, Mary Gen McGill Betterman H44.
James Taylor!
in Virginia Beach.
Are you ALL IN for Holy Name School?
Our 2014 Harvest chairs, Carol G72 and Mike McGlade and co-chairs Amber and Shane G92 Allen
invite you to join us for an exciting evening of great fun and food! We will gather in the beautiful
Truhlsen Event Center on the UNMC campus (42nd & Emile) for our Harvest event on Friday, October 3.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with planning the event please contact Lauren Weeks in
the Development Office at 402-451-5403 ext 108. We hope to see you there!
we’re all in for
friday, october 3, 2014
Johnson, Rita & Thomas
Johnson, Robert & Brenda
Kerrigan, David
Johnston, William
Kirchner, Rev. Donnell
Kiwanis Club Grant
“Holy Name is such
a hard working parish
and you have a wonderful
school helping many children.”
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
Rose Mary Ohri,
Past Parishioner
Knobbe, Noran & Dena
Kopfle, Daniel
Kornfuehrer, Sandra
Kotchian, William & Becky
Kraft, Marc & Joan
Kramer, Donald & Marie
Krelle, William & Jeanne
Kropp, Robert & Kim
Kruszynski, Rich & Angela
Kudlacz, Mary & Michael
Kuntz, Gilbert & Mary
Langan, John & Susan
Larsen, Charles & Kathy
Laughlin, Patricia
Lessor, Sue & Mark
Lilleskov, Thomas & Mary
Lynch, Chris
Marion Tire
Markey, Thomas & Suzanne
Martinez, Juan & Jeni
Mattas, Mary Ann
McAndrew, Robert
McCartney, Joe & Juanita
McDonald, Thomas & Judy
McGill, Edward & Beth
McGillicuddy, Michael
McGinty, Patrick
McGowan, Alice
McGowan, Richard
McLaughlin, Christopher & Laura
McLeay, John & Ruth
McMillan, Mike & Karen
Meires, Lou
Mendlick, Matt & Catherine
Mertz, Colleen & Kenneth
Meyers, John
Mikuls, Gregory & Janie
Milford, Ronald & Diann
Millea, David & Diane
Miller, James & Melissa
Mitchell, Kathleen
Molden, Alfred S. & Roseanne
Moore, Jacob & Elizabeth
Moran, Gerald & Maria
Morrissey Engineering, Inc.
Morrissey, John
Muelleman, Robert & Diane
Mullen, Matthew & Mary Jane
Mumm, Robert & Colleen
Murcek, Janet
Nebraska Medical Center
Nelson, James & Sheila
Nelson, Sanford & Amy
O’Brien, James & Barbara
Olsinski, Robert & Jennifer
Olson, Dr. Lynn
O’Malley, Patrick & Peggy
Orr, Mary & Roger
Otte, Dean
Owens, Heather & Larry
Pace, Regina & William
Parra, John & Janet
Paschang, Pamela & William
Patterson, David & Angela
Pattrin, Lynnee
Perrotto, Darlene
Pearson, Reta
Peleska, Joe & Tina
Peterson, Christopher
Peterson, Jo Ann
Peterson, Patrick
Peus, Joseph & Karen
Pflug, Joseph
Placek, Harriott & Timothy
Ploehn, Michele
Pogge, Alfred & Ann
Powell, Phillip & Kate
Powers, Amy
Pullen, Jim & KC
Ramm, Dorothy & Charles
Ramm, Edward
Ramm, Brenda
Ramm, Richard & Colleen
Rasmussen, Mary & Robert
Rauenbuhler, Peter & Max
Reed, James & Margaret
Reents, Jennifer
Reilly, Michaela & Obrist, Harold
Reinhardt, Linda
Ries, Gerald & Mary
Riggins, Katherine & Robert
Rinner, Rita
Robinson, Joan
Rogers, John & Marilyn
Rohr, Tom & Therese
Rotella’s Italian Bakery, Inc.
Royal, Jeff & Shannon
Ryan, Gerald
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Nancy
Sauter, Janet & Terry
Schaffart, Jack & Joanne
Schafer, Debra L.
Schekirke, Daniel & Patricia
Schulte, Thomas & Kathryn
Sedlacek, Edward
Shamrock Development
Sibbernsen, Edward T. & Kathleen
Sliva, Dan & Tracy L.
Sloan, Rita
Smith, Bernadette
Smith, James & Carolyn
Smith, James & Kathy
Smith, Madonna
Smith, Scott & Gloria
Smith, Thomas & Michele
Smith, Ron & Marianne
Smolinski, Richard & Karen
Snyder, Catherine
Spenceri, Frank
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Stauder, Tim & Kathy
Steier, James
Squire, Deborah
Steiner, Barbara
Strawhecker, Paul & Peggy
Sullivan, Deanie
Surgeon, Ann & Samuel
Sweeney, Donna & Dave
Swetnam, Larry & Mary Jo
Teal, Brian & Anne
Thiele, Teresa & Maurice
Tobin, Frank & Monika
Tewksbury, Rick & Lisa
Thompson, Marilou
Toohey, Kathleen & Patrick
Tuma, Dean & Dorothy
Vander Ploeg, Lynae & James
Vaughan, Kevin & Nancy
Vaughan, Leo & Kim
Vollmer, Harry & Alice
Wade, Thomas & Sharon
Wall, Jerald
Webb, William & Mary Lynn
Walet lll, C. Taylor & Jennifer A.
Wanning, Mark & Elizabeth
Weiss, Bernard & Anne
First Data/ Western Union
Gift Match Program
Wiehl, Ann
Wilken, Gregory & Mary
Wolff, Thadd & Melanie
Woods, Scott & Debra
Wooten, Jeffrey & Kirsten
Worth, Robert & Jane
Wurtz, Charles & Lynn
Yahnke, Scott & Leann
Friend – Up to $99.00
Anonymous (3)
Adams, Andrew
Adler, Joseph & Donna
Adler, William & Jean
Aerts, Steven & Beverly
Allen, Shane & Amber
Allison, Chad
Alvine, Andra
Ambrosia, Renee
Amenta, Vince & Myra
Ames, Karla
Andersen, Irmajean
Anderson, Carol
Anderson, Timothy & Elizabeth
Andresen, Judy
Andresen, Robert
Anthone, Gary & Ann Louise
Apayo, Anthony & Jackline
Aguada, Leyte C.
Archibald, James & Eileen
Arnone, Edward & Mary Ann
Asher, Nathan & Lori
Atkins, Diane & Thomas
Augustyn, Mike & Mary
Bachman, Howard & Roseanne
Bailey, Janet & Bert
Balak, Royce & Mary
Bailey, Joan F.
Bailey, John & Donna
Bavaresco, Anne
Banks, Jim & Debi
Baumann, Stuart, Kelley & Linda
Berg, Kathleen
Begley, Brian, Pam, Brett & Jack
Begley, Dorothy
Begley, Madeleine
Begley, Mark & Margaret
Bidrowski, Brigid
Bohnenkamp, Bernard & Nancy
Boone, John
Borelli, Mary & Eugene
Boyer, Evelyn
Continued on Page 11
A Look Back—Winter 2013 Rambler
Bridget Hospodka is a fourth grader with a genetic
skull condition. She has thrived at Holy Name and
has become a leader in her classroom. Bridget
hasn’t let her medical history stop her from
making friends, laughing, and enjoying school.
Pictured from left to right: Bridget Hospodka,
Delaney Casey, Riley Andrews, Emily Andrews
Class Reunion—1959
Some members of the Holy Name High School Class of 1959 got together during Alumni Reunion weekend in June.
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
It was a great turnout full of lots of stories and laughs.
Anniversary Get-Away
Family Gathering
35th Anniversary
Shirley and Dave Powers G65 recently
The women of the LaHood family
Congratulations to Richard
celebrated 42 years of marriage in
gathered over the summer at
Moody H72 and wife Michelle
Frisco, TX. Congratulations to the
Theresa LaHood Louiselle’s
who recently celebrated 35
both of you!
home in Minnesota.
years of marriage.
Back row left to right: Carol LaHood Maguire
G88, Paula LaHood Elgert HF90, Jane (Mom), Ann
LaHood Larsen H85, Marcia LaHood Galardi H87
Front row left to right: Marita LaHood H83, Sarah
LaHood Bohnenkamp G93, Theresa LaHood
Louiselle H80
We’d love to hear from you!
If you’d like to be featured on the Alumni News pages, please complete the form on the last page of this newsletter!
Bosilevac, Michael & Genevieve
Bradford & Coenen, LLC
Brandert, Kathleen & Corey
Brannen, Janet & Michael
Braxton, Jeffrey & Cathy
Bresnahan, William & Bernie
Briardy, Jean
Breeden, Connie & James
Bromley, Ruby
Brown, Judy
Brown, Michael & Karla
Broz, Greg & Kelly
Brunetti, Beth Ann & Mark
Buckley, Timothy & Elizabeth
Bulger, Charles & Georgia
Bullock, Steven & Drlynn
Burke, David & Mary Lou
Burks, Dale
Burks, James & Christina
Burns, Michael & Karen
Burns, William & Carol
Burr, Gary & Beverly
Bush, David
Butler, Timothy & Kimberly
Byrne, Eileen
Byrne, Vanessa
Cahalan, Dennis & Joan
Cahow, Lawrence & Barbara
Callahan, Harry & Jane
Caniglia, Charles & Randi
Carlin, Thomas
Carlson, Barbara
Carlson, James & Nora
Carlson, Marie
Carlson, Paul & Patty
Carlson, Richard & Karen
Carlson, Sally
Cerra, Mary Beth
Chamberlain, James & Mary
Casey, Daniel G.
Casey, Jr., Joseph & Nancy
Casey, Sr., Joseph & Catherine
Clark, Marsha V.
Clavin, Kathleen
Cleary, Barbara & Robert
Christoffels, D.L. & J.M.
Clifford, William
Cody, Cheri L.
Cold, Jefford
Cole, Marian
Coleman, Patricia A.
Connor, Carol & James
Connor, Mary
Conzett, Malori
Cooney, Jim
Cooney, Joan & Clare
Cordova, Katherine & John
Coulton, James & Mary
Cummins, Cathy
Curran, Robert & Cynthia
Curren, Frances
Cutkosky, Margaret
Daly, Michael & Catherine
Davis, Agnes
Davis, Colleen & Lee
Davis, Tanya & King, Perry
Davlin, Clare
De Roos, Jan & Kathleen
Delaney, John & Bernice
Demman, Florence & John
Dietrick, Sara
Digiacomo, Don & Linda
Dinan, Kenneth & Rosie
Dinan, Michael & Jayne
Dix, Clark & Susan
Dobel, Susan & Michael
Doran, Fred & Julie
Dore, Joseph & Eunice
Dougall, Nathan
Dougherty, Kathleen
Doyle, Sr. Mary Ellen
Ducey, John & Ann
Duffy, Blaine
Dunham, Thomas & Constance
Dwyer, P. Joseph
Dwyer, William & Janis
Earl, Terry & Teri
Early, John & Patricia
Eckel, Elaine
Eaton, Rodney & Debra
Edney, John & Pat
Eickholt, Robert & Ruth
Elhers, Lee & Ellen
Over 50% of our
faculty members hold
advanced degrees.
Egan, Joyce
Ellis, Brent & Debra
Elworth, Robert
Farha, Kathleen
Ferer, Mary
Finken, David
Continued on Page 12
“We are considered a “small” Catholic school,
yet we mingle with larger schools and accomplish great things!”
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
Fisher, Gerald M.
Fitch, Roger & Joyce
Fitzgerald, Terrence & Gwen
Fitzpatrick, Joan
Fitzsimmons, Marge
Fleming, Donna & Richard
Floersch RSM, Sr. Rosemary
Flohr, Jean & Gerald
Flynn, Diane
Fochek, Josue & Katie
Fogarty, Edward
Franco, Jim & Susan
Franco, Terry & Mary Lynn
Freberg, Thomas & Lora
Funke, Marvin & Rose
Gadola, Robert
Galyen, Jeff
Gamber, Dennis & Cindy
Gehringer, Raymond
Geiwitz, Paul & Jean
Gerding, Susan
Giblin, Barbara
Giles, William
Gillette, Christine
Gillogly, John
Gilroy, Helen
Gladson, Kevin & Lori
Gleason, Theresa & Timothy
Glenn, Robert
Golmanavich, Jerald & Elizabeth
Goodman, Mike & Patty
Grace, James L. & Catharine M.
Green, Loye & Karen
Green, Myril & Joan
Grier, Joseph
Grosekopf, Harold & Drake, Marilyn
Groat, Al & Barbara
Gubbels, Rita
Guidera, Louena
Haggas, Paul & Sheila
Hakel, Ralph & Charlotte
Hall, Jerry & Cecilia
Hallett, Barney & Marilyn
Hampton, Violet
Haniszewski, Matthew & Jane
Hanson, David & Susan
Hardick, Colleen
Harvey, Helen
Hayden, Ronald
Hazen, Gage & Andrea
Hearty, James M.
Hebenstreit, Joseph & Margaret
Hebrew, Michael Ann & Kenneth
Hebrew, Ronald B. & Debra K.
Heck, Martha
Hegarty, Mary Catherine
Helbling, Rosemarie
Heinrich, Roberta
Hematology & Oncology
Consultants, P.C.
Herndon-Papek, Patti
Heyden, Jeanette A.
Hoeppner, Bill
Hogya, Jerry & Nancy
Higgins, Marilyn
Holman, Mary Ann
Holmes, Keith & Alice
Holquist, Janet
Holst, David M. & Sherry H.
Holy Name Church Choir
Honz, Wayne & Betty
Hoody, Michael & Barbara
Houston, James & Cecilia
Huser, Phyllis
Hyatt, Gena & Todd
Insolera, Dorothy & Frank
Irlbeck, Sue & Bob
Ishii-Jordan, Sharon
Iwen, Linda
Jackson, Kathleen
Jackson, Sharon
Jacobsen, Hazel
Janousek, Pamala
Jansen, Dean & Julie
Jansen, Joan
Jenkins, Rebecca
Jones, Marie
Jordan, Billy
Jesz, Wayne & Judith
Johnson, Lois & Gregg
Johnson, Maria & David
Karstens Investment Council, Inc.
A Look Back—Winter 2013 Rambler
Sophomores from Skutt High School visited Holy Name
School as part of their annual day of service. The Holy
Name students loved eating lunch with the high schoolers,
but the highlight was playing together at recess.
Pictured: Telle Nyenga, 2nd grade Holy Name Student, and
Tori Gammel, Skutt Student
Katz, Janet
Kaufmann, Michael
Kawa, John & Mary
Keblesh, Mary Kay
Keene, Ruth
Keller, David & Marilyn
Kelly, Nancy
Kemp, Phil & Emily
Kepler, Tertius & Mary Frances
Kerrigan, Edward
Kessler, Frank & Marianne
Kilker, James & Pamela
Kind, Steve & Caroline
Kineen, Ann
Kirby, Kathleen M.
Kjar, Christi & Tom
Klahn, Trish
Klammer, Thomas
Knight, Dorothy
Kohanek, Theresa
Kohl, Patricia & William
Kohler, Donald W.
Koll, Thomas
Kot, Dorothy
Kouma, Marilyn L.
Kozeny, RSM, Sr. Mary Lucina
Kramper, Rev. James
Kubat, Dolly
Kubat, Marie
Kubat, Richard
Kuehl, David & Ruth
Kuhlmann, Rodney & Susan
Kukstys, Ignas & Mary
Kulas, Donna
Kush, Ambrose & Deborah
La Crosse, Gloria & Tom
LaHood Schroeder, Marita
Laird, William & Susan
Lamoureux, Maureen
Lanphier, Virginia & Robert
Larson, Mary & Doug
Larson, Thomas & Julene
Lauritsen, Boyd & Judy
Lazarus, Awadia
Leahy, Gerald
Lebeda, James & Cindy
Lechner, Michael & Karen
Lee, Dennis
Leo, Thomas & Jo Ann
Lesch, Joseph
Lien, Mary
Linden, Kate
Lindsay, William & Lesa
Livingston, Thomas
Locher, Thomas & Joni
Logsdon, Gregory & Mary
Long, John & Betty ‘Joan’
Loughran, John & Marjorie
Lusienski, Gerard & Stephanie
Macaitis, Margaret & Stanley
Malloy, Julie
Lusienski, Joan & Hass, David
Mandel, Donald & Susan
Manley, Mary & Joseph
Marcinski, Frank
Martinez, Mary
Martz, Roger & Debra
Masur, Dennis & Loretta
Mathena, Marianne & Robert
Matza, James & Rosemarie
Matza, Jeff & Lynette
McAndrew, Vincent & Katherine
McAndrew C.Ss.R, Rev. Michael
McAndrew, Gertrude
McCandless, John & Marianne
McCarthy, Patricia
McCarville, James & Nicole
McCormack, Bobby
McCormack, Michael
McCormack, Patricia
McCoy, James & Kathleen
McCusker, Thomas & Barbara
McDaniel, Glenn & Diane
McDonnell, Jim & Sandy
McGill, James & Ann
McGowan, James & Jeri
McGuire, Robert & Sharon
McLaughlin, Thomas & Linda
McLeay, Bart & Jane
McLochlin, James & Marie
McManus, Linda & Robert
McNabb, Mary
McMahon, Colleen Ann
McNeil, Barney & Julie
Mercer, Darlene
Milbrath, Randy & Kathleen
Millea, Nora
Miller, Joann
Meyer, Lou
Holy Name School
serves families from 19
zip codes in the Omaha
Metro area.
Milward, Donna
Missouri River Title
Mitchell, John & Annie
Mitten, Donna
Mlady, John & Jackie
Moderow, Ronald & Susanne
Moffatt, Clementine & Trudy
Monaghan, Peg & Michael
Monestero, Al & Nancy
Moore, Christine
Moreno, Doreen
Morrissey, George & Jill
Mollner, Jayne & Joe
Moslander, Megan
Moss, Dave & Jennifer
Mulcahy, Timothy & Janice
Muldoon, Kevin & Kay
Moriarty, Charles & Michele Ann
Continued on Page 14
Murphy, Charles & Joan
Murphy, Charles & Kathleen
Murray, Lawrence ‘Butch’
Naughton, Brenda
Neary, John
Nelson, Betty
Nelson, Camilla
Nelson, Darold
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
The 2013-2014 Annual
Fund campaign
exceeded $225,000 in
gifts to support
school operations.
Neneman, Joy
Nielsen, Brett
Nielsen, Mark & Sandy
Neeser, Kathryn & Timothy
Nicola, Donald & Marianne
O’Brien, William & Jeanette
O’Connor, John Robert
Oehm, Scott & Charlotte
O’Hanlon, Terry & Margie
O’Kane, Barbara
O’Leary, Brian
Ori, Carolyn
Oswald, Claire & Betty
Parker, Patrick
Pearson, George & Mary Katherine
Pearson, Steven & Jill
Perry, Arlene
Peterson, Mary
Peterson, Philip & Patty Jo
Pfeiffer, Larry & Caryn
Pflaum, Gregory & Barb
Pickens, Ralph & Karen
Piechota, Stephen
Pieper, Constance
Pierce, Al
Pignotti, Raymond & Theresa
Pohren, Edward & Elaine
Pommerening, Sandy
Pondelis, Nan
Powers, Christine
Price, J. Michael & Susie
Prince, Mason
Pringle, Larry & Teresa
Pugh, Gene R. & Verta L.
Pupkes, Betty L.
Quattrocchi, Mary V. & Joseph
Ramaekers, Daniel & Vickie
Ramm, Rita
Rea, Laurel
Redfield, Gene
Rensch, Jeffrey & Mari
Rensch, Richard & Connie
Reuther, Nancy
Reefe, Jr., John & Sharon
Rickert, Leighane
Robinson, Laura & Eric
Roccaforte Electric Co., Inc.
Rochford, Patricia
Riedmann, George
Roenfeld, Sharon & Kirby
Rose, Jane & Eric
Rose, Pat & Barb
Roseland, Conni
Rosenlof, Clark & Susan
Roy, Joseph & Mary Hall-Roy
Rumbaugh, David & Constance
Rumbaugh, John & Connie
Rumbaugh, Steven
Rushing, Clint & Angela
Rudloff, Geri L.
Rudloff, Gina & Matthew
Schaefer, John & Shirley
Schafer, Dennis A. & Kathleen A.
Schafer, Patricia & Scott
Schatz, Greg
Scheller, Joseph & Suzanne
Scheopner, Harold
Scherer, Thomas
Schmitz, Karmon & Jolene
Schropp, Robert & LouAnn
Schumacher, Libby
Schutte, Gerald & Carol
Schutz, Michael & Judy
Schwarzlander, Robert & Marlene
Scott, Gary & Marilyn
Searl, Christopher & Meg
A Look Back—Spring 2014 Rambler
The Holy Name Fish Fry is very fortunate to
have so many alumni and volunteers to make
it a success every year.
Seibel, Jean
Selzer, Jeanne & David
Sempek, Raymond & Glenda
Semper, Kathy & Fred
Sesto, Jeanine
Severson, Gregory & Claudette
Shea, Daniel
Sherman, Jennifer
Shrier, Betty
Sieczkowski, Paul & Susan
Silk, William & Laura
Sims, Mary Jean
Singles, Davis
Sinnett, Wayne & Lana
Slaight, Larry D. & Connie M.
Smalley, Beatrice
Smith, Helen
Smith, John & Jo Ann
Smith, Patricia
Smithson, Maritiza
Snell, Kathleen & Stan
Sobczyk, Louis & Donna
Sobetski, Rita
Sorensen, Madeline & Peter
Sorensen, Mary Lou
Spanel, Gary & Patricia
Sprunk, Brenda & Daniel
Stander, Ron & Toddy
Station, Claudia
Stibbs, Barbara
Stoof, Ron & Shirley
Stratman, John & Mary
Stratman OSM, Sr. Margaret
Starman, Kathy Turille
Struck, Patricia
Sturtevant, Jean
Sullivan, Michael J. & Kendra
Sundquist, Roberta
Swanson, Margaret
Swanson, Susan
Swanson, Warren & Margaret
Swiercek, Raymond & Molly
Talentowski, Richard & Linda
Tefft, Juliann & Scott
Terry, Anne & Dale
Thielen, Michael & Deborah
Thomas, Richard & Jessica
Thornton, James P. & Mary
Tierney, Thomas & Susan
Timmins, Lawrence
Tippery, Paula
Tripp, Patrick & Kathy
Tritsch, Louise
Tunning, Mary Lousie & Robert
Turek, Roman
Vankat, Kenneth & Suzanne
Van Winkle, Doug & Andrienne
Van Winkle, Liz
Vaughan, Julie
Villers, Connie
Vincent, Jody
Vogel, Daniel
Vogltanz, Anna Mae
Wachter, Colleen
Wade, William & Kathy
Wagner, Daniel & Patricia
Wagner, Mary Claire
Walsh, Madlynn
Wanetka, Michael & Lisa
Warton, George & Julia
Wass, Alan & Mary Beth
Weiss, Christie
Weiss, Jane
Weiss, John
Watson, James & Jean
Welch, Christine
Weissinger, Andrew & Stephanie
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wemhoff, James A. & Susan K.
West, Clayton & Katherine
West, Joan & Neil
Wester, Robert & Mary
Westerfield, Melba
White, Helen
White, John & Darlene
Whitelock, Ted & Heather
Wiehl, Christopher & Theresa
Williams, Mary Lois
Wilson, Robert & Rosemary
Wilson, William
Wiese, Matt & Conna
Wiese, Rand & Olson, Kathryn
Wurtz, Robert & Mary
Yasson, Rita J.
Yowell, Evelyn P.
Zimmerman, Jack & Geraldine
Zuerlein, John & Cecelia
Thank you for your
generous gifts!
A Look Back—Spring 2014 Rambler
An Idea Fair where third, fourth, and fifth grade
students presented their new ideas in the Harper
Ballroom on the Creighton University campus.
Pictured: Hailee Davis and Carly Evans, 3rd Grade
The Honor/Memorial Program is a beautiful way to honor or remember a loved one! Listed below are gifts received through
Honor/Memorial envelopes from April 26, 2014 to August 8, 2014. Please forgive us if we missed your name and notify us at
402-451-5403 (Ext. 108) so we can correct our records.
Betsy & Fred Bender
Gutchewsky, Lois
Pflug, Anthony & Annette
Sieczkowski, Joan & Johnston, William
John “Papa” Crossley
Gutchewsky, Lois
Pflug, Anthony & Annette
Station, Claudia
Vincent, Jody
Class of 1959
Class of 1963
Class of 1974
Mary Jane Edney
McGowan, Loretta
Darlene & David Greer
Crites, Mary & Stanley
Kay & Don Kirschbaum
Gutchewsky, Lois
Lazure, Gertrude
Fr. Mike McAndrew, CSsR
Gutchewsky, Lois
Laurel Rea
Gutchewsky, Lois
Kuhlmann, Rodney & Sue
LaHood, Thomas & Jane
Larson, Lucille
Lillian Vorse
Stander, Ron & Toddy
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
†Shirley Albright
Sweeney, Donna & Dave
†Jodi Allen
Gutchewsky, Lois
Kock, Frank & Sofie
Kuhlmann, Rodney & Sue
LaHood, Thomas & Jane
Mlady, John & Jackie
†Harold Andresen
Andresen, Mary Jo & Joseph
Bailey, Janet & Bert
Pieper, Constance
Rumbaugh, David & Constance
†Jerome Beckles
Prince, Mason
†Bill Bellinger
Prince, Mason
†Henrietta Lou Bendel
Buckley, Mary Patricia
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
†Madeline Benoit
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
†Darrell Bermel
Gutchewsky, Lois
Hoarty, Margaret & Tom
†Margaret Bermel
Hoarty, Margaret & Tom
†Margaret Rose Carlin
Lilleskov, Thomas & Mary
McAndrew, Gertrude
Pfeiffer, Larry & Caryn
Pogge, P. Thomas & Anne
Vogltanz, Anna Mae
†Marie Carlson
Adams, Richard & Mary
Adler, William & Jean
Albright, Michael & Therese
Allison, Patricia
Beat, David & Maureen
Bender, Fred & Betsy
Bermel, Kathleen
Blair, Robert & Mary
Boone, Deborah
Bradley, Jenny & Andy
Buchta, Richard & Jackie
Burks, Teresa
Campbell, Jane
Carlin, Michael & Joan
Carlin, Peggy Ann
Deichert, Jerome
Donovan, Paul & Irene
Dunn, Julie
Eberle, Catherine
Egger, James & Celeste
Evans Household
Fitch, Roger & Joyce
Gaffney, John & Jane
Gahan, John R.
Gaul, Ann
Green, Myril & Joan
Grode, Kevin & Mary
Gudenrath, Raymond
Gudenrath, John & Kris
Gunning, Roberta
Heikel, Douglas & Barbara
Heskett, Douglas & Julie
Kirby, Kathleen M.
Kirschbaum, Don & Kay
Knott, Julia
Kock, Frank & Sofie
Kozol, David
Kozol, Sue
LaHood, Thomas & Jane
Larson, Lucille
Lazure, Gertrude
Markey, Everett
Markey, Thomas & Suzanne
Mattas, Mary Ann
Maxwell, Barbara
McAndrew, Gertrude
McCrea James & Margaret
McCusker, Thomas & Barbara
McGowan, Alice
McLaughlin, Thomas & Linda
Meredith, James & Marcia
Moberg, Mary
Moore, Theresa
Muelleman, Robert & Diane
Nilius, Patricia
Ohri, Rose Mary
Peters, Michael & Mary Pat
Peterson, Jo Ann
Pohlmann, Raymond & Catherine
Pupkes, John & Jean
Quinn, Pricilla
Ramm, Edward
Rea, Laurel
Rice, Christine
Riggins, Katherine & Robert
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
Schaefer, John & Shirley
Schmitz, Jeanette
Shoemaker, Brian & Susan
Sieczkowski, Joan & Johnston, William
Sieczkowski, Paul & Susan
Simon, Curt & Julie
Smith, Helen
Smith, Marise
Smith, Nancy
Smith, Patricia L.
Vogltanz, Anna Mae
Wallerstedt, Kathleen
West, Clayton & Katherine
Wilkison, Bill & Mary
†Don Cason
Prince, Mason
†Dorsyl Chambers-Brown
Kubat, Marie
†Reno Chiesa
Boyer, Evelyn
Chiesa, James & Colette
Gude, Michael & Shirley
Janousek, Pamala
Leahy, Gerald
Locher, Thomas & Joni
McGill, Jeffrey & Nancy
Nelson, Darold
Nielsen, Mark & Sandy
Omaha Police Federal Credit Union
†Stephen Ciani
Hopkins, Thomas & Jan
†Ed Cloonan
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
†Joe Cruver
Rea, Laurel
†Mike Deleo
Howell, Danny & Barbara
†James Detoach
Prince, Mason
†Janet Kay Fitzpatrick
McGlade, Michael & Carol
Roenfeld, Sharon & Kirby
†Barbara Gillin
Gutchewsky, Lois
†Clarence Nicholas Gillott
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
†Bing Gong
Prince, Mason
†Marjorie Grandfield
Grandfield, John
†Frances Lynn Hendrickson
Connor, Mary Katherine
Ferer, Mary
McElroy, Timothy & Karen
Potmesil, Delbert & Mary
†Mary Henney
Andresen, Mary Jo & Joseph
Lauritsen, Boyd & Judy
†Delores & Ken Hopkins
Hopkins, Thomas & Jan
†Timothy Robert Hopkins
Hopkins, Dennis & Ellen
Schwietz, Greg & Mary Lynn
†Susan Christine Johnson
McGlade, Michael & Carol
†Duane Katz
Pace, Regina & William
†William Charles King
Lilleskov, Thomas & Mary
†Larell Kock
Gutchewsky, Lois
LaHood, Thomas & Jane
Mlady, John & Jackie
†Linda Kopfle
Andresen, Mary Jo & Joseph
Barmettler, Jeanne
Buckley, Mary Patricia
Buckley, Timothy & Elizabeth
Burr, Gary & Beverly
Daubert, Don
Flohr, Jean & Gerald
Hearty, James M.
Houlihan, Margaret
Hyatt, Gena & Todd
Kramer, Donald & Marie
Kuntz, Gilbert & Mary
Meyers, James
Meyers, John Francis
Peterson, Philip & Patty Jo
Pickens, Ralph & Karen
Swanson, Susan
Tritsch, Louise
Wagner, Daniel & Patricia
Whitelock, Ted & Heather
Woodward, Celia
†Donald Langston
Prince, Mason
†Betty Jean Lee
Rudloff, Howard
†Sheila & Maurie Maiefski
Maiefski, James & Kristi Ann
†Robert C. McGowan
McGowan, Alice
†Edith McMahon
Bourne, Jack & Beverley
†Nancy Ann Miller
Lilleskov, Thomas & Mary
McGlade, Michael & Carol
Sieczkowski, Joan & Johnston, William
†Mary Helen Moody
Burks, Teresa
†Virginia Muelleman
De Roos, Jan & Kathleen
Kirschbaum, Don & Kay
McLochlin, James & Marie
Muelleman, Robert & Diane
†Murle Nichols
Scheftic, Stephen & Mary
†Bill Olderog
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
†Karen O’Neal
Rea, Laurel
†Fr. Bill Parker, CSsR
Cowart, Roy & Carol
Gutchewsky, Lois
Kirschbaum, Don & Kay
Kornfuehrer, Sandra
Lilleskov, Thomas & Mary
McGowan, Alice
Rea, Laurel
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
Scherer, Thomas
†Josephine Perry
Prince, Mason
†Pete Sampson
Prince, Mason
†David Lee Potter
McGlade, Michael & Carol
Simon, Curt & Julie
†Winona Prince
Prince, Mason
†Charles Ramm
Ramm, Dorothy & Charles
†Thomas Ramm
Burks, Teresa
Coniglio, Luke & Shirley
Gutchewsky, Lois
McAndrew, Fr. Michael
McGill, John & Sally
Mullin, James (Art) & Julia
Rudloff, Howard
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
†Gerald Reznicek
Bruggeman, Nicholas & Lisa
†John Roach
Prince, Mason
†Kenneth Rochford
Rochford, Patricia
†Jerry Ryan
Dolson, Maureen & Rodger
Higgins, Brian & Anne
Ryan, Gerald
Ryan, John & Teresa
Ryan, Mary
†Fr. Jim Ryberg
Gutchewsky, Lois
Holt, Eleanor
†Marie Stander
Stander, Ron & Toddy
†Elizabeth Stanosheck
Galles, Leroy & Ann
†George Stoeckinger
Rea, Laurel
†William Traynor
Rutten, Raphael & Barbara
Worthing, Marguerite
Please pray for peace and healing for:
Jerry Bender H71
Patrick Early H50
Sr. Rosemary Floersch RSM G48
Mark Germany, husband of
Kathy Klein Germany H80
Annie Giblin, daughter of
Barb Gregg H54 and Jack Giblin
James Grimm HF45
Rae Grund Harding G55
Colleen Hegarty Hawley H66
Denny Hughes H54
Mike Keegan H59
Mary Frances Pflug Kepler H77
Daniel Langdon H53
Mike Larson H77
Mike Lynch H51
Joe McGovern G42
Alice McGowan, mother of Bob G63,
Marianne McGowan McCandless G64,
Loretta G65, Joan McGowan Cahalan
G68, Jane McGowan Gambrel G70, Dick
G72, Therese McGowan Rohr G73, and
Pat G75
Jerry Rudloff H52
Tom Rudloff H57
Richard and Carolyn Maher Sudyka H58
Carroll Lauritsen Thomas H61
THE RAMBLER • Holy Name School • Summer 2014
Please keep the family members of these
deceased in your thoughts and prayers:
†Harold Andresen H58, brother of
Robert H60, John H61, Clayton HF63,
and Leonard H67
†Henrietta Johnson Bendel H53, sister
of James Johnson and Mary Charlene
Johnson Peiffer H56
†Marie Carlson, mother of †Stephen
G64, Barb H69, Jim H71, Patty H72, Dick
H74, Paul H75, Mike H77, and Mary H81;
grandmother of Becky Carlson Dahlhauser
G95, Emily G99, and Clayton GF02
†Phil Cerra, husband of Beth Cerra G71
†Dorsyl Chambers-Brown, Great
Grandmother of Nick G11 and
Cole G10 Davis
†Lewis R. Cimino, father of Ray GF60,
Richard GF61, Margaret Cimino Wilson
GF63, Patricia Cimino Heller GF66,
Robert GF67, Peter, John, Mary Cimino
Dobleman, Jane, and William
†Richard Espelund, husband of
Lorraine Hradsky Espelund H67
†John Peter Evans H70, son of †Joseph
Evans H38; brother of Frank H69, Mary
Ann Evans Adams H72, Rosemary Evans
Hargrave H73, James H75, Joseph HF77,
Bernard H78, Joann Evans Straka H80,
Kay Evans Cordova H82, Ruth Evans
O’Callahan H85, Joseph GF90, Jarrod
GF93, and †Jesse G95
†Warren Flearl, brother of †Robert
E. Flearl, Jr. H42, Paula Flearl Meckna
HF64, and Mary Lou Flearl Zimmer GF67
†Richard Formico, father of Eileen Formico
Batchelder GF66, Martin GF67, Michele,
Kathleen Formico Forsman, and Christopher
†Clarence Gillott GF41, brother of
†Donald G45 and Roseanne Gillott
Molden GF46; father of Patricia Gillott
Shanley G63, Michael GF67, and
Kathleen Gillott Crooks
†John Gutchewsky H48, brother of
†Robert H49, †Ruth H51, Richard H56,
and †Thomas HF59
†Adolph “Buzz” Hakel H37, brother
of †Claire Hakel O’Connor H42, Sr.
Angeline Hakel, OSM H44, Ralph H49,
Mary Hakel Holman H53, Jo Ann Hakel
Donovan H56, and †Thomas G56
†Tom Hawley, husband of Colleen
Hegarty Hawley H66. Colleen is the
daughter of Mary Kay Dannehy Hegarty
H39 and Dan Hegarty H40; sister of Dan
HF64, Eileen G67, Tom H73, and Jim HF75
†Mary Ann Sinnott Hayes H47, wife of
Jack Hayes H47; sister of †Doris Sinnott
Christman H40, Rita Sinnott McManus
HF43, Margaret HF49, and Thomas
G49; sister-in-law of Marilyn Hayes
McAndrews H55
†Ramona Huston, mother of Phil H66,
†Carroll H70, and Rhonda Huston Walter
†Susan Pupkes Johnson H76, sister of
Linda Pupkes McManus H69, Patricia
Pupkes Schafer H71, Leonard H73, John
H74, Joseph H77, Kenneth H79, Mary
Pupkes Sutton H80, Katherine Pupkes
Riggins H82, and Nancy Pupkes Pehl HF83
†Joseph Keenan H57
†William James Keenan Jr HF53, father of
William James Keenan III GF74
†Bill King H64, brother of Mary Ann
King Kimball H63
†Linda Kopfle, wife of Daniel H60; sister-inlaw of †Ted H49, Martha Kopfle Rauth
H52, and M. Patricia Kopfle Buckley H53
†Mary Catherine Larsen Lashbrook
H55, sister of Carol Larsen Hegarty H56,
†Earnie H57, †Steve H61, and Bill H64
†Nancy Miller H73, sister of Barbara Miller
Hudson H66, Mary Lou Miller Hembree
H64, and Diane Miller Phillipee H71
†Mary Helen Moody, mother of Bob H69,
Dick HF72, and Joan Moody Rooney H74
†Murle Nichols, mother of John L. Nichols H70
†Mary Lou Padrnos, wife of Wayne Padrnos H59
†David Potter H69, brother of Daniel
H71, †Marian H72, Kathleen Potter
Schneider HF76, John GF77, and
Betsy Potter Lanphier GF79
†Irene Racine, mother of Ronald, H60,
Renae Racine Meyer G63, Joe GF69,
and James GF72
†Paul Ramm HF52, brother of
Gertrude Ramm McAndrew H39,
†Charles H40, †Rosemary Ramm
Hassett H41, †Alice Ramm Meyer H42,
Edward H44, Mary Ramm Rasmussen
H45, †Genevieve Ramm Stroesser H48,
†Joseph H48, and †Thomas H50
†Robert Sekera H45
†Emil E. Sekera, brother of †Robert Sekera
H45; father of Claudia Sekera Jeffrey H71,
Barbara Sekera G70, Dan HF77, and
Eddie HF78
†Major Patrick Tvrdick, Retired, son of
Janis Betterman Tvrdick H65
Harvest Chair Couple
Family Portrait
Mercy Graduates
Carol Farha McGlade G72 and Mike
McGlade are this year’s Harvest
chair couple. They are pictured
with Co-Chairs Amber and Shane
Allen G92 at the Harvest Patron
Party on August 1st.
Mary Frances Pflug Kepler H77
Mercy High School grads from Holy
pictured with her children Rachel
Name Grade School Class of 2010.
Grieb Nelan G93, Nicholas Grieb G97
Congratulations to all of our high
and Sarah Grieb Rowe G95.
school and college graduates!
From left to right: Ofelia Brachle, Erica Ellis,
Ashley Casey, Talia Horne
Allen (Vaughan) Family Reunion
The Allen (Vaughan) family got together for a family reunion over the summer. This picture is full of Holy Name tradition!
Holy Name graduates pictured from left to right: Justin Allen G96, Keelin Allen Geolingo G99, Judd Allen H84, Jonathan Allen G96, Brad Allen H85, Tanya
Allen Maller G85, Shane Allen G92, Vickie Vaughan Allen H62, Keara Allen G02, Alexis Allen Beller HF92, Vickie Allen Quattrocchi HF91, not pictured is the
photographer Thad Allen H87.
2901 Fontenelle Blvd.
Omaha, NE 68104
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Grad Year
High School
Grade School
What’s New?
Holy Name first grade students at their desks coloring.