Ambassadors of Song Membership


Ambassadors of Song Membership
Welcome to the
2016 Midwinter
Welcome to Reno and welcome to
the annual gathering of Barbershop
family and friends at the 2016
Midwinter Convention!
This city has an enormous amount to
offer us during our stay to complement
an expanded schedule of shows and
festival singing.
We welcome the youth choruses that
have scratched and clawed their way to Reno and have
spent a huge amount of energy to set aside the time and get
financials in place. They have also worked on their singing,
of course, in order to share some harmonies with us here.
The word in the halls is that they all have even learned brand
new tags (some they’ve even written) and want to share those.
What would they like in return? They want to meet and talk to
YOU about your past Barbershop experiences and how you
want to SHARE Barbershop in YOUR OWN future. Oh, and
teaching your favorite tag, arrangement, or Barberpole Cat
would be an additional gift to share as well!
The seniors quartets are here in force, so don’t miss the Seniors
Quartet Contest on Saturday. When I hear the seniors quartet
barbershoppers and the youth festival attendees share their
music with one another on stage and in the lobbies, I am
constantly amazed at how music transcends all age barriers.
It’s simply magical how singers can perform, reach out,
and engage any listener of any age in any story that is told
through song. It’s a powerful thing.
Don’t forget that our hotel/casino offers a great variety of
food choices and other entertainment, but keep the smoking
to the designated areas or else I’ll cough in the middle of that
fabulous baritone post. Western history is all around us in
museums near downtown. The gold rush of the 1840s made
Reno the “last” developed spot on the map where people
could get supplies they needed for the hard trek up and over
the mountains as they sought their fame and fortune by going
May you find fame and fortune this week through the joy of
singing! Our hope is that everyone revels in the gift of music
and shares their songs while in Reno. Let’s also celebrate
some of the performers getting their just rewards on stage.
Everyone is a winner!
If you see me, please come and say
hi. And don’t forget to SHARE YOUR
MUSIC in Reno!
Don and Linda Fuson
Wishing you a GREAT START in 2016 with the
Barbershop Harmony Society!
Credits & Thanks
The Barbershop Harmony Society thanks the following people
for their help with the Midwinter Convention:
Convention Committee Chairman: Ken Martin
Show Director: Carlos Barillo
Video Coordinator: Scott Wetle
Audio Coordinator: Tim Brooks
Stage Manager: Dave Duncan
Webcast: Adrian Leontovich
Table of Contents
Society President’s Welcome
Midwinter Convention Schedule
Peppermill Map
General Information
Harmony University Class Information
Thursday Night Show
International Youth Chorus Festival
Friday Night Show
International Seniors Quartet Contest
Saturday Night Show
Future Conventions
International Conventions
Nashville, TN
Las Vegas, NV
Orlando, FL
Salt Lake City, UT
Los Angeles, CA
July 3 – 10
July 2 – 9
July 1 – 8
June 30 – July 7
June 28 – July 5
Midwinter Conventions
San Antonio, TX
Jan 17 – 22
2016 Midwinter
Convention Survey
Tell us about your experience at this year’s
Midwinter convention by taking our convention
survey found at:
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Chairman Level
© Edmondson, Gayle and Patricia
Director Level
Bittle, Ed and Barbara
Advisor Level
Huyck, Rich
Knight, Rich
Counselor Level
Hagan, Don and Dottie
Kiser, Harvey and Janet
© Leslie, Jerry and Pat
Mathieu, Mike and Jan
Myers, Tim and Leslie
Swenson, Bob and Telva
Tisdall, Thom
Woodhams, Nancy
Partner Level
Bandy, Bruce and Leatte
© Beckman, Dean and Nancy
Brown, Ray
Burbank, Wendell and Vona Ann
Burdick, Bob and Sandy
Carlisle, Dave and Abby
Carlisle, Terry L. Carlisle
Cox, Brad and Mary
Dawdy, Brad
Eason, Mike and Claire
Fehlauer, Al and Maryellen
Fortino, Mark and Sarah
Fuson, Don and Linda
Gannon, Tom and Marilyn
Gunter, Donn and Royal
Guyton, Brandon
Hammel, David
Inghram, Jim and Jeri
Jeppesen, Micah
Kimball, Dick and Pat
Lamme, Bill
Latham, Win and Dawn
Leslie, Bill
Lewis, Alex and Joely
Malek, Jim and Mette
Maples, Halleck
Marshall, John and Ronda
Marshall, J.P.
Mathis, James and Jan
Moisio, Michael
Monson, Larry and LaVonne
Morden, Ron
Moynihan, James
Petry, Michael and Laura
Rubin, Mike
Satter, Bryan
Schleier, Tom and Janet
Schuerman, Bob and Nancy
Scott, Ted
Warrick, Larry
Weir, Randall
Williams, Stacy and Beth
Young, Denny and Anita
Advisor Level
© Balser, Bill
© Caldwell, Clarke and Esther
Elenteny, Trayce and Ray
Funderburg, Noah and Mary
Pifer, Peter and Sylvia
Becker, Danny and Melissa
Counselor Level
Brooks, Tim and Karen
Campbell, Bart and Audrey
D'Ambrosio, Steve
DeBusman, Jim and Barb
Hrach, Frank and Marilyn
Jordan, Jori
Martin, Ken and Scarlett
Morrison, Terry and Vicki
Royce, Dobbie
© Sams, Jim and Doris
Partner Level
Andrus, Duke and Nancy Gourley
Banks, Bill and Verna
Berkebile, Steven and Eve
Blazek, Paul and Lindy
Bowman, Tony and Kathleen
Checkoway, Stanley and Lois
Coward, Andrew and Svetlana
Davenport, Robert
Davis, Bob and Evelyn
Davis, Marcie
Deters, Larry and Diane
Dorn, Steve
Faulkenberry, Bret and Carolyn
Fuller, Chris and Ruth
Garrett, Charley
Gonzalez, Marco
Groat, Freeman
Hickman, Gayle
Hine, Clay and Becki
Holshouser, Tom and Sandra
Holt, Eddie and Laura
Holt, Sonny and Janet
Joesten, Mel and Maribel
Joslyn, George and Marianna
Killeen, Ryan and Cyndi
Modrall, Ryan
Montagne, Michelle
Moore, Jim and Barbara
O'Neill, Mike and Jennifer
Oxford, Dylan and Michelle
Phillips, Bert and Susan
Ransom, Jimmy and April
Reynolds, George and Betty
Sanders, Sandy
Semich, Daniel and Dixie
Siegel, Robert and Ann
Smith, Bob and Pamela
Strong, Robert & Cyndi Strong
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Strong, Robert & Cyndi Strong
Sukoff, Richard
Thomas, Harry
Walsh, Mike and Patsy
© Warner, Ann and Jim
Wey, Sam
Wietlisbach, Paul and Bridget
Williams, Brian and Brenda
Winfrey, Whit and Donna
Wood, Jerry
Wood, Susan
Young, Ed
Advisor Level
Pope, Jeremiah and Melissa
Counselor Level
Benson, Chuck
Mitchell, Bob
Partner Level
Aguayo, Carlos and Clara
Aitkins, Dick and Gayle
Ayers, Brian and Ann
Booth, Neal and Katherine
Brumfield, Bill and Vicky
Caldwell, Karen
Centamore, John and Eleni
Cox, Bob and Suzanne
Kahlke, James and Vickie
Levy, Brian
Mattson, Kevin and Julie
Nowik, George
Olguin, Paul
Parkinson, Bob and Linda
Peters, Ernie
Renschler, Chuck and Gloria
Rettenmayer, John
Rickertsen, NaVon and Maureen
Terrill-Nitz, Robert
Thomson, Blake
Thorn, Don
Wolfe, John
Chairman Level
© Miller, John and Sharon
Director Level
Hagerdon, Steve and Mary Louise
Advisor Level
© Bolles, Gary and Bridget Byrne
© Cale, Bill and Janet
Faulkner, Bill and Sue
Friedman, J
© Heron, Robert and Claire
Klopfleisch, Randy and Stephanie
Meyer, Randy and Diane
Ridout, Phil and Karen
Spooner, William and Vicki
Counselor Level
© Anderson, Brent and Sue
© Barger, Sam
Bennett, Pete and Shirley
Givens, Shel
Hill, Charlie
© Hunter, Chuck and Pat
Kirch, Steve
Kline, James and Marlene
Leedom, Jim and Susan
Lyon, Tom
McLees, Curt and Nancy
Newlove, Jim and Janice
O'Brien, Emily
© Palmquist, Joe and Jackie
Rague, Gene
© Rapp, Jim and Pat
Shreve, Mark and Charlene
Wolter, Al and Donna
Partner Level
Abrahamson, Clark & Rose Marie
Ashkenasy, Lance and Diana
Avidor, Amnon
Beck, Bill and Cecile
Bedford, Jamie
Benedict, Lou
Bergthold, Gordon and Betty
Bevitt, Chuck
Bishop, Steve and Jackie
Black, Ron and Joanne
Bloomquist, John and Deb
Breen, Jay and Susan
Briggs, Ken and Lynn
Brilhante, Ollie
Briner, David
Brown, Ross
Bunker, Steve & Sophia Momand
Bunting, Bruce
Campbell, James
Carlson, Norm
Carlson, John
Chase, Bill and Burma
Conlan, Don and Marilyn
Cowan, David and Nathalie
Darby, Mack
Day, Ken
DeChaine, Jim and Delain
DeLong, Dee and Shirley
Eastman, Paul and Sue
Eilers, John
Emmons, Eric
Engel, Paul and Barbara Allen
Ewing, Craig and Marie
Fawkes, Gordon and Christi
Feeney, Peter
Forbes, Bryan and Priscila
Fors, Marlin and Nancy Kraus
Freedkin, Mark and Shellie
Fry, Jack and Marjorie
Gile, Stan
Girard, Paul and Diana
Midwinter Convention Schedule
All event locations are at the Peppermill Resort
Tuesday, January 26th
District Presidents Meeting
7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Naples 7A-7B
Wednesday, January 27th
Ticket sales/Marketplace
Harmony Platoon
District Presidents Meeting
AISQC Board Meeting
AISQC Chorus rehearsal
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
9 a.m. - 10 p.m.
2 p.m. - 10 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
4 p.m. - 10 p.m.
5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Tuscany Foyer
Florence Chapel
Naples 7A-7B
Executive Board Room
Thursday, January 28th
Society Board Meeting
SCJC Meeting
Ticket sales/Marketplace
Marketplace (additional hours)
AHSOW room
Harmony Platoon
Mixed Harmony Meeting
AISQC Chorus rehearsal
Keynote Address: Cory Hunt
Youth Festival Particiant General Session
HU Class - Great Basin Songs & Dances The Washoe People
Thursday Night Show
Dixieland Band
All-Chapter Chorus Rehearsal #1
8:30 a.m.
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
9 a.m. - midnight
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
9 a.m. - noon
10 a.m. - noon
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
5 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
6 p.m. - 6:50 p.m.
Executive Board Room
Tuscany Foyer
Tuscany Foyer
Florence Chapel
Pisa Chapel
Naples 7A-7B
Naples 1-5
Sorrento 4
8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m. - midnight
The Terrace Lounge
Naples 4-5
Friday, January 29th
Ticket sales/Marketplace
Marketplace (additional hours)
HU Class - Saturday Evening Post:
“Old and Wise” Now …
but “Young and Crazy” then!
Youth Chorus Festival
Friday Night Show
All-Chapter Chorus Rehearsal #2
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
9 a.m. - midnight
9 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m. - midnight
Tuscany Foyer
Tuscany Foyer
Sorrento 4
Naples 4-5
Saturday, January 30th
AISQC Breakfast and Annual Meeting
AISQC Ladies Breakfast
AHSOW General Membership meeting
Ticket sales/Marketplace
Gold Medal Hour - Instant Classic
HU Class - Deke Sharon: Making
Barbershop Go Viral
HU Class - David Wright:
What’s so special about Barbershop?
Phi Mu Alpha Sing
International Seniors Quartet
All-Chapter Chorus Rehearsal #3
Saturday Night Show
President’s Reception (Open to Everyone)
8 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9 a.m. - 11a.m.
9 a.m. - noon
9 a.m. - midnight
9 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Noon - 5 p.m.
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
30 minutes following show
Sorrento 3-4
Island Buffet
Tuscany Foyer
Sorrento 1-2
Naples 4-5
Our Special
Westminster Chorus
2015 International Chorus Champion
Enough cannot be said about the incredible Westminster
Chorus from Westminster, CA. In addition to being a threetime International Chorus Champion (2007, 2010, and
2015), the chorus is also the 2009 ‘Choir of the World’
Pavatotti Trophy winner, proving to the world that Barbershop
as a choral artform can stand toe to toe with any artform in
the world.
Westminster Chorus is with us in Reno to give unforgettable
performances, share the stage with the All-Chapter
Chorus, engage with the Youth Chorus Festival
participants, and even take time out of their busy schedule
to do an educational outreach tour. The men of Westminster
Chorus are true champions, indeed.
Our Special
The Father of
Modern A Cappella
Thanks to Glee, Pitch Perfect, and The Sing-Off, we’re in a
golden age for a cappella in media, and Lifetime is about to
give us even more aca-awesome performances with their new
show, Pitch Slapped.
The docuseries will pit two rival New Jersey high school a
cappella teams against each other, each under the mentorship
of a superstar in the a cappella world.
The mentors will be Deke Sharon, the producer of The SingOff and music director and arranger for the Pitch Perfect films,
and Diana Preisler, a Broadway veteran and the manager
and lead singer for the a cappella group Blue Jupiter. Sharon
will work with the group Stay Tuned from Cherry Hill, while
Preisler will mentor The Voices from Allendale.
We’re extremely excited that Deke is with us this week in
Reno working with singers and emceeing the Youth Chorus
Festival. Also, Deke will be leading a class called “How to
make Barbershop music go viral” this Saturday at 10 a.m. in
Naples that you do not want to miss!.
General Information
Peppermill Resort - Tuscany Foyer
Wednesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - noon
Special Needs
For scooters or wheel chairs, ask at front desk
Hotel and All Venues
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
2707 South Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89502
Lost and Found
Peppermill Resort Front Desk
Contest/Festival Judges
Contest Administrators:
Woody Woods (RMD), Chris Buechler (MAD)
Music Judges:
John Brockman (FWD), Kevin Keller (CSD),
Paul Wigley (LOL)
Presentation Judges:
David Leeder (SWD), Marty Lovick (EVG),
Barry Towner (ONT)
Singing Judges:
Ig Jakovac (MAD), Rik Johnson (CSD),
David Mills (SUN)
Did you know that the events this
week in Reno are being webcast?
Tell your friends!
Also, do you want to relive any of the performances this week
online? Delayed viewing will be available
starting Monday, February 1st!
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Golden, Bill and Shirley
Goldsmith, Paul
Haggerty, Jim
Hale, David
Harmon, Brian and Monika
Hayes, Ron and Setsuko Ann
House, Bob and Maryanne
Hughes, Craig and Barbara
Hunter, Bruce and Janice
Isaacson, Lars and Tove
Johnson, Cliff
Kent, Jerry
Lally, Bob and Mikki
LaMar, Ron
Laurence, Bert and Barbara
Laursen, Don and Chriss
Leavitt, Chuck and Lynn
Levine, Lois
Manker, AJ and Carol
Mathews, Gary and Maggie
Michel, Nancy
Miller, Ben and Cathy
Miller, Carl and Sue
Moore, Terry and Edith
© Morgan, Bob and Hope
Morley, Dave
Moses, Dave and Georgia
Murphy, Michael and Ellen
Newman, Joanne
O'Shaughnessy, Terry & Willie Sue
Pazo, Raffi and Susan
Pence, Steve and Kristin
Phipps, John
Place, Dan and Gay
Poll, David
Pope, Doyle and Kim
Priceman, Bernard and Ruth
Queen, David
Quince, Joe
Reynolds, Blair and Loni
Richardson, Kent and Marge
Rohwer, Claude
Rollins, Steve and Peggy
Rosica, Bill and Mary
Salz, Don and Rosye
Salz, Joe
Sandorff, Paul
Sawyer, Carol
Schlesinger, Morrie and Sharon
Schumacher, Jim and Joanna
Smith, Kevin and Karen
Stephenson, Carol
Swart, Jeff and Nancy
Sylvia, Ken and Theresa
Tappan, Johathan
Taylor, Kerm
Thiesmeyer, Kirt and Dee
Tillmanns, Ken
Trumbull, Stanley M. Trumbull
Turner, Tyler
Turnmire, Jim
Van Bogelen, Doug and Carol
Wallin, Von and Jennifer
Warkentin, David and Jennifer
Warschauer, Dan and Irene
Webb, Allan and Kristine
Weiser, Les and Kathy
Weiss, Larry and Barbara
Willis, Gregg and Kimberly
Womac, Larry & Susan Boring
Yasuda, John
Young, Joe and Katherine
Advisor Level
Kraatz, Celia
Counselor Level
Fagan, Jack and Sharon
Graham, Dorothy
Roffelsen, Erik and Nelleke
Roll, James and Lee
Wells, Glenn and Garilyn
Partner Level
Betczynski, Mark and Carol
Bostick, Jim and Mary Ann
Bowyer, Jeff and Marsha
Brandt, Hank and Donna
Brooks, Ralph and Mary
Cearnal, Bob and Jo Reed
Chapman, Ed
Ferro, Trenton
Fourmont, Jim
Hadley, Stan
Kastens, Jules
Kicking Back to Barbershop
Kingdon, Dick and Lee
Lancaster, Craig
Lathom, Jeff and Debi
Mottesheard, Adam
Murahata, Rick and Renee
O'Connor, Jeanne
Rice, Dwayne and Sherry
Saeger, Mike and Wanda
Schwarzkopf, Raymond
Siebert, Rob
Smyth, Daniel and Marianne
Director Level
Formsma, Jerry and Connie
Advisor Level
McAlexander, Brad and Ann
Counselor Level
Hutchison, Scott and Christy
© Kropp, Skipp and Nancy
Shank, Lowell and Darlene
Partner Level
Bjork, Dave and Carol
Demler, Bob and Carol
Harmony University Class
Classes located in Sorrento 4:
“Great Basin Songs & Dances” The Washoe People (Thursday, 6 p.m. - 6:50 p.m.)
Washoe elders
Washoe people have lived here in the great basin area of Reno and the eastern Sierra Nevada
mountains for at least the last 6,000 years...six THOUSAND. Come learn about the culture,
music, unique language, and traditions of the people here in Reno.
“Old and Wise” Now … but “Young and Crazy” then! (Friday, 9 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.)
Bobby Gray Jr., Allen Gasper, Brian Beck, and Tom Wilkie
Get a behind the scenes look at the life and times of a top quartet by spending an hour with
2015 Senior champs Saturday Evening Post. This is not your typical quartet. With two quartet
gold medalists, several years in the top 10, and a lion in their midst, these guys have performed
in almost every domestic and foreign barbershop venue there is. Learn about the glamour, stories
of the road (The highs! The lows!), rehearsal techniques, song selection, coaching, how to
program, and what it takes to put on an entertaining show. They didn’t get to be “Old and Wise”
without first being “Young and Crazy”, so get ready for a great time!
Classes located in Naples:
Gold Medal Hour with Instant Classic (Saturday, 9 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.)
David Zimmerman, Theo Hicks, Kohl Kitzmiller, and Kyle Kitzmiller
The road to gold for this young group is filled with family, hard work, and a willingness to
change. Spend some time with David, Theo, and brothers Kohl and Kyle as they talk about their
journey, as well as all the little things you can do with your quartet to grow to your potential.
How to make Barbershop music go viral! (Saturday, 10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.)
Deke Sharon
Why did a barbershop quartet on an airplane get millions of hits online, while almost all of our
competition videos get only a few looks? How did Main Street end up on the top five Reddit
videos list? Deke Sharon has a few ideas about that, and about how to fill the internet with a
cappella music. Learn from the producer of Pitch Perfect and The Sing Off how to get barbershop
to millions of new viewers worldwide!
What’s so special about Barbershop? (Saturday, 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.)
Dr. David Wright
Learn about barbershop harmony and the hallmarks that make our style so unique. It’s more
than a time period, homophonic four-part chords, or an arranging style. Dr. David Wright will
share vintage and modern recordings and even have us sing to demonstrate. Be ready to ring
some chords.
All-Chapter Chorus
Thursday - Saturday
Located in Naples 4-5:
All-Chapter Chorus rehearsal #1 (Thursday, 10:30 p.m. - midnight)
Donny Rose and Justin Miller, instructors
Our 100-man chorus will begin full runs of our three All-Chapter songs, will work on challenging
spots in isolation, and enjoy some fellowship. Please bring your music to check every now and
then. The Westminster men will join us AFTER they finish their sound check on stage.
All-Chapter Chorus rehearsal #2 (Friday, 10:30 p.m. - midnight)
Justin Miller, instructor
Our 100-man chorus will dive deeper into finding that “Westminster” sound, as well as get more
comfortable with our new director.
All-Chapter Chorus rehearsal #3 (Saturday, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
Justin Miller, instructor
Our 100-man chorus will have our final rehearsal two hours before the show. Wear your white
shirt and black pants to rehearsal. No music on the risers, please.
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Ehringer, Michael
Farris, Lois
Geesa, Ben and Penny
Gelb, Dave and Sharon
Griggs, Phillip L. Griggs
Haines, Doc and Babs
Hawkins, Jay and Kathy
Henry, Duane and Micci
Higgins, Jim
Hughes, Mike and Beth
Kitzmiller, Scott
Klein, Lawrence
McPherson, Steve and Vicki
Pedowitz, Aaron and Jana
Schladand, Charlie
Trout, Scott and Kim
Troxel, Jerry and Pamela
Wittgren, Bruce and Della
Ensemble of Excellence
Instant Classic
Hicks, Theodore R. Hicks
Kitzmiller, Kyle
Kitzmiller, Kohl
Zimmerman, Dave
Director Level
© Gray, Don & Cindy Weygandt
Advisor Level
© Jenkins, Joe & Barbara Bruning
Counselor Level
Barford, Brian and Jean
Stevens, Ken and Sharon
Windnagle, Bill and Maxine
Witham, Walter and Ann
Partner Level
© Bushong, Lane and Nancy
Calland, David and Kim
Carper, Doc and Lois
Connelly, Mike and Christy
Courts, Bari and Carolyn
Duplaga, Tom
Everett, Chan and Marsha
Ferenc, Deborah
© Flinn, Darryl and Meredith
Fuller, John and Charlotte
Fuller, Ford and Kathy
Gilman, Paul and Deb
Grecni, Kathy
Gross, Bertram and Kathleen
Harnish, Bill
Hawkins, Tom & Mary Grace
Houser, Bob and Nancy
Icenogle, Larry and Mary
Johnson, David and Jo Ann
Kalb, Tim and Angela
Kelly, Gerald
Kleja, Stan and Lisa
Kracker, Dave and Diane
Krackhardt, David
Lapp, Alan and Susan
Lazar, Doug and Virginia
May, Ted
McPeek, Dave
Moorehead, Bob and Edie
Mucha, Mooch and Wilma
O'Dell, Brian and Shanno Wilson
Parsons, Casey and Dominique
Pendleton, Tom and Karen
© Ramsey, Jim and Bette
Reichenbach, Terry
Renner, Mike and Polly
Rettig, Nathan
Riddick, Frank and Pat
Rose, Ted and Steve Waggoner
Ross, Jacob and Jackie
Rothwell, John and Teresa
Rubin, Dave
Rumas, Chris
Scott, Brad and Susie
Sitter, Mike
Slife, Dave and Mary Lynne
Smeltz, Douglas and Shelley
Snyder, CC and Chrissy
Stauffer, Troy and Jane
Stombaugh, Ted and Joanne
Sutherland, Bill and Nell
Ulrich, Jeff and Mary
Vormelker, Richard
Wyszomierski, Steve and Beth
Yoder, Lamar and Dianne
Young, Jon
Zattau, Brian and Cindy
Ensemble of Excellence
The Ritz
Ayling, Ben and Mary Ann
Hiner, DJ and Barbara
Nichol, Nic and Suzie
Shisler, James
Chairman Level
© Lidstad, Dick and Peg
Advisor Level
Heike, Dan and Lisa
Lindberg, Kirk and Diane
Counselor Level
Bester, Ken
Hall, Jim and Pat
Jarnberg, Peter
Johnson, Steve and Linda
© Lee, Jim and Linda
Libsack, Syd and Abby
Ulriksen, Joshua
Partner Level
Thursday Night Show
Thursday, January 28th
Tuscany - 8 p.m.
Presenter: Saturday Evening Post
Marty Monson, Society CEO
Tonight’s show features the following performers,
in no particular order:
Saturday Evening Post
2015 Seniors Quartet Champion
Saturday Evening Post took
the 2015 Seniors Quartet Contest
by storm, setting a new record for
highest scoring Seniors Champ
quartet ever. These barbershop dignitaries bring a unique and
entertaining style of barbershop to the stage and will be serving
as our evening’s emcee.
Bobby Gray Jr., Tenor
Allen Gasper, Lead
Brian Beck, Baritone
Tommy Wilkie, Bass
AISQC Chorus
C’est La Vie
2015 Rising Star Champion
Joining us, from our sister organization
Sweet Adelines International, is the
lovely and talented quartet, C’est La
Vie. Caitlin, Melanie, Krista, and Taylor
formed C’est La Vie in October, 2013,
and have developed a sweet sound that rose to the top of the
2015 Rising Star Contest this past August.
Caitlin Tervo, Tenor
Melanie Barker, Lead
Krista Moller, Baritone
Taylor Daniels, Bass
Thursday Night Show cont...
2010 Seniors Champion
Bruce LaMarte, Tenor
Thomas Conner, Lead
Steven Warnaar, Baritone
TR Gerard, Bass
Chandler High School
Mixed Chorus
Directed by Lori Lyford
Rusty Pipes
2012 Seniors Champion
Dale Fetick, Tenor
Carl Taylor, Lead
Tom Rouse, Baritone
Jay Hawkins, Bass
2000 Seniors Champion
Gary Raze, Tenor
Jerry Harrison, Lead
Mel Knight, Baritone
Wilton Roberts, Bass
2015 International Collegiate Quartet Champion
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Albrecht, Bill and Kathleen
Bartkowiak, Bob and Laura
Benrud, Brent and Pamela
Born, Russ and Jeni
Bowen, David
© Challman, Don and Barbara
Donehower, John and Janet
Doss, Donald and Barbara
Dove, Erik and Tona
Fricke, Bob and Charlotte
Guthrie, Charles
Hubbell, Jym and Janet
Hurd, Rick and Vickie
Jaeger, Lou and Ruth
Knaus, Russell and Lani
Kunze, Tim
Lessard, Archie and Kathryn
Lietke, Mike and Carol
Lynch, Kevin
Lynch, Brian and Laura Bothe
Miller, Doug and Connie
Monson, Marty and Amy
© Orff, Judd and Angie
Peck, Lowell and Ann
Richards, Jim and Ebie
Slinde, Ken and Mary
Staedt, Dick and Dawn
Stoller, Laura
Taxdahl, Jeff and Wenda
Weiss, Harvey
Yahn, Jerry and Carol
Zarling, Rudy
Zenk, Mr. Zenk
Zorn, Steve and Eva
Director Level
© Lewis, Roger and Sue
Advisor Level
Hubbard, Joseph and Frances
Counselor Level
© Eubank, Ron and Marcia
Montera, David and Sally
Weaver, Douglas and Lynn
Partner Level
© Anderson, Dave and Pat
Balint, John and Judith
Burrill, Bud
Conner, T C and Tina
Cordle, Mike and Cathy
Ditto, Jerry and Cathy
Dumbauld, Ted and Marilyn
Dunckel, Brian and Pat
Fisk, Al and Bonnie
Gillingham, David and Linda
Glyshaw, Jack and Marge
Hansen, Mike
Hawley, Mark and Donna
Herge, David
Johnson, Jim and Julie
Johnson, Tim
© Kunz, Jim and Kristina
LeRoy, Ralph and Carol
Meyer, Gary and Bonnie
O'Donnell, Mike and Jan
Ryan, Robert and Lisa
Smeltzer, Martin
© Smith, Robb
Spizarny, David
Struyk, Curtis
Wallace, Robert
Winters, Bob and Kay
Director Level
Berger, Joe
© Harner, Chuck
Advisor Level
Fess, Ken and Kim
Hirsh, Bob and Dena
© Kempton, Dean & Marilynn
Knickerbocker, Ron and Lucy
McFarland, Sam
Pollack, Bob and Lynne
Counselor Level
Ashby, Rick and Claire
Bankard, Dave
Byrd, Jim and Barbara
Delehanty, Steve and Connie
© Hawthorne, Jim and Pearl
Herr, Eric and Fran
Johnson, Ross & Susan Williams
Kocher, Ellis and Miriam
Plaag, Gary
Quartarone, Rick and Kim
Reynolds, Terry
Whitman, Pete and Mary
Wile, Alan and Patricia
Partner Level
Agnew, Mal
Anderson, Kirk and Sandy
Andrus, Nick and Katherine
Ayers, Jon
Barnes, Walt and Judith
Bentley, Mark and Janet
Berkey, Tom and Ina
Bickford, Harry
Blount, Al and Melissa
Botts, Chuck and Gwendolyn
Brown, Doug and Jill
Buechler, Chris & Dixie Kennett
Cameron, Jack and Ermina
Carnes, Douglas
Cerutti, Joe
Cobb, Timothy
Cohen, Paul and Carol
© Colosimo, Bill and Linda
Cox, Will and Anna Ruth
Cullen, James
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Derstine, Larry
Dietrich, Gretchen
Duffy, Ned
Eamigh, Bob and Barbara
Eberius, Bill
Eckman, Bob and Maggie
Eliason, Randall and Cherie
Endy, Daniel and Elyse
Faircloth, Thom
© Fetterolf, Howard and Sharon
Galdi, Rich
Gilmore, Michael and Gigi
Hasib, Rafi
Heyer, Bill
Higgins, Richard W. Higgins
Hillier, Troy
Hirst, Al and Arlene
Hobbs, Jim and Nancy
Hordijk, Willem
Huber, Chris and Judy
Hunter, Chuck
Hunter, Joe and Diane
Jakovac, Ig and Anne
Jones, Keith
Klabbatz, Chester and Irma
Klein, Larry
Kraft, Hal and Dorothy
Kriebel, Wes and Jean
Lehman, Charles
Lynk, Braden
Mack, Joseph
Markel, John
Martin-Kirkland, Kahmai
Maurer, Rich and Jackie
Miller, Bud
Nasto, Tony
Niemann, Frank and Grace
Noble, Tom and June
Olson, Oley and Patricia
Patricia, Jamie and Jen
Patrick, Pat and Peggy
Peterson, Steve
Phillips, Glenn
Pitzer, Jack and Pat
Poulin, Ian
Powell, Dick and Roxanne
Pratt, Doug
Quinn, Brian
Robinson, Jeff
Ross, Charles
Rub, Ken
Santino, Paul
Santora, John and Kathi
Savard, Mike and Mary
Schnure, Calvin and Malathi
Sherman, Jim and Linda
Siegal, Neal
Sklans, Rob and Diana
Spero, Don and Nancy Chasen
Sticca, Angie
Taylor, Rich
Telford, Tom and Mary
Thomas, Dale and Bernie
Thompson, Donald
Tyson, Tom and Maria
Van Der Kolk, Don & Suzanne
Van Emburg, Bill
Wagner, Rick and Peggy
Wallen, Mike and Linda Harold
Watts, Dave
Weinstein, Stuart
Williams, Susan
Wilson, Bob and Beth
Winslow, Valorie
Wyant, Tim
Yates, John
Ensemble of Excellence
Dingle, Stephanie and Neil
Fellows, Matthew
Pinto, Mike
White, Ken
Advisor Level
Carter, Phil and Janet
Hayward, Roy and Rose
Counselor Level
© Arnone, Paul and Carmen
Haas, Guy
Henderson, Chris and Lisa
Lamson, Alan and Janet
Lumbard, Mark
Tramack, Steve and Renee
Partner Level
Bowdler, Daniel and Roberta
Costello, Dan
Dodge, Jim
Emmerich, Marc and Anne
Flock, Ron and Kathleen
Golenbock, Rob
Grace, Bill and Jan
Hewey, Don
Johansen, Ernie and Connie
Klinger, Roger and Ellen
Kopka, Joe and Shirley
Kopser, Matthew
Labrecque, Richard
Logozzo, Francesco
Manion, Bill
McAleesejergins, KJ & Emily
McElhoe, Glenn and Lili Silver
McGrath, Kevin and Anne
Naples, Donald
Nester, Steve and Helene Kassler
Newton, Dick and Nancy
Nolan, Jim and Jean
O'Leary, Brian and Mary
Thursday Night Show cont...
Vintage Mix
Quartet of Quadruplets Extraordinare
These fantastic young singers aren’t kidding when they say
harmony runs in the family. Quadruplets (that’s right… quadruplets)
Ian, Kelsey, Anika, and Julia make up the members of Vintage
Mix. Hailing from Milwaukee, their musical journey started with
“The Sound of Music” sung at a local talent show. It was then and
there that they realized that there was something “special in the
mix.” We’re fortunate to have them be a part of our incredible
lineup in Reno!
AISQC Chorus
with Lemon Squeezy
Friday, January 29th
Tuscany -10 a.m.
Presenter: Deke Sharon
Choruses are listed in order of appearance.
Plateau Criteria (by age):
Plateau A - 17 and under
Plateau AA - 18 to 20
Plateau AAA - 21 to 25
1. Cleveland Heights Barbershoppers (A)
(Cleveland, OH)
Directed by Jesse Lange, Asst. Director Kim Sudduth
2. Emerald City Sound (AAA)
(Bellevue Chapter in Mukilteo, WA)
Directed by Tim Marron
3. Mountain Standard Time (A)
(Boise Chordsmen Chapter in Boise, ID)
Directed by Rich Lapp, Asst. Director Sean Kane
Did you know that the events this
week in Reno are being webcast?
Tell your friends!
Delayed viewing will also be available
starting Monday, February 1st!
4. The Voice (AA)
(Area high schools and universities of
Farmington Hills, MI)
Directed by Aaron Pollard and Cody Harrell
5. Some Assembly Required (A)
(Mt. Zion High School in Mt. Zion, IL; Illinois District)
Directed by Rich Hansen
6. East Coast Sound (AA)
(Caldwell, NJ Chapter; Mid-Atlantic District)
Directed by David Ammirata
7. Reno Youth Chorus (A)
(Silver Dollar Chorus in Reno, NV; Far Western
Directed by David Gaunt
8. 3rd St. Sound (AA)
(University of La Verne in La Verne, CA)
Directed by Carol Stephenson
9. Chandler High School Men’s Choir (A)
(Chandler High School in Chandler, AZ)
Directed by Lori Lyford
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Padki, Manoj and Manisha
Patterson, David
Pierce, Don
Plumb, Steve and Barbara
Sauer, Shirley
Simpson, Jim and Karen
Ware, Nate
Zimmering, Stan
Chairman Level
Capenos, Warren
Advisor Level
McCollum, Chuck and Betty
McCollum, Deborah
Counselor Level
Sagrestano, Brian and Christine
Partner Level
Bergner, Louis and Lorna
© Hopkins, Rob and Kris
Thompson, Jerry
Votava, Ward and Debra
Counselor Level
Brennecke, Scot
Cooper, Dwayne and Barbara
Fullerton, Baxter and Michele
Parish, E. Royce and Marzelle
Parker, Gary and Ruth Ann
Rensi, Randy
Seay, Beverly
Partner Level
Acevedo-Gierbolini, Jorge
Anderson, Brent and Laura
Belcher, Robin
Bergmann, Tom and Angela
Buchaus, Eric and Shelley
Calderon, Bob and Rose Mary
Calvert, Bill and Marion
Christensen, Marty and Linda
Clancy, Greg and Grace
Coon, Steve and Donna Godbout
Coyner, Roger
Curtis, Bob
Denayer, John and Karen
Denton, Chuck
Devine, John and Sherry
Digges, Roy and Deborah
Driscoll, Denny and Ann
Elam, Greg and Becky
© Graham, Jim and Linda
Grundish, David and Linda
Hagan, Randy and Vennessa
© Hammer, Hank
Hammons, Michel
Hennerberg, Gary and LoCinda
Laverpool, Frank
Mahone, Mike and Anne
Maples, Landon
Martin, Randy and Carolyn
Mayo, Clay and Judeth
McCullough, Robert
Mercing, Terry and Jenny
Minnich, Dave & Martha Cooley
Minor, Austin
Morrison, Rich and Anne
Ott, Mike and Carole
Pivarnik, Hank and Mary-Jo
Quiat, Allan and Jean
Reavis, Paul and Marguerite
Rentz, John
Sanchez, Jonathan
Schneider, John and Lucy
Shaner, Russ and Michelle
Sitterly, Lewis and Cary
Smith, Baron
Stevens, Jack and Lesle
Tett, Hub and Pam
Thompson, Mike
Towry, John and Gretchen
Tweedy, Sam
Ward, Ed
Welsh, Fred
Worthington, John and Jackie
Director Level
© Loos, Randy and Jolene
Advisor Level
Bridgman, Bob and Jackie
© Brutsman, Bob and Ellen
© Hanrahan, Tim
Klym, Rich and Gina
Mills, David and Linda
Pennington, John and Lauren
Riches, Dave and Barbara
Themmen, Arne and Tammy
Counselor Level
Bennett, Gerry
Checca, Bruce
De Rosa, Tony
© Elswick, Becky and Shannon
© Haley, Pat and Jan
Wicker, Karen
Partner Level
Alden, Phil and Nancy
Anderson, Don and Ginny
Anderson, Dick and Patricia
Aucoin, Ed and Janet
Baird, Dick and Martha
Barbarisi, Charles and Cindy
Bechtel, Dick and Shelby Jean Cowles
Borts, Andrew and Dale
© Bowser, Bob and Judy
Breedon, Gabby
© Brinkmann, Dan and Barbara
Brown, Roy and Helen
Brown, Mac
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Brown, Jim and V-Ann
Brownell, Ann
Buckner, Ken and Hollie
Burg, Jim and Dottie
Byron, Robert and Sue
Campbell, Robert
Carnahan, Ron and Pat
Cartisano, Frank and Denise
Clapp, Larry and Roxanne
Cleveland, Brett and Debbie
Crisostomo, Matt and Shannon
Cullen, Bill and Ginger
Eccher, Stephen and Cynthia
Eckert, Roy and Shirley
Edwards, David and Teresa
Farrell, Fred and Kim
Fortune, Tony and Alexis
Gape, Ray
Gettig, Jay and Carol
Gilhousen, Larry and Julie
Glasgow, Bill and Carolyn
Hanser, David
Harner, Randy and Lauren
Hixson, Bob and Gena
James, Darrell and Karen
Janes, Steve
Johnston, Bob
Kannberg, Dave and Louisa
Lambert, Don and Lynn Lambert
Lawrence, Lee and Patti
Lenny, Charles
Leonard, Larry and Joan
Mansfield, Stan and Marion
Martin, Larry and Debbie
McCarthy, Joe and Kaye
McClean, Kent
McCreary, Clare and June
McKenzie, Ed
Messler, Don and Betty
Morrissey, Janis
Muir, Dick
Muzylo, Ross and Shelley
Nelson, Eric
Partlow, Rex and Cindy
Percy, Richard L. Percy
Pontoni, Ray and Debora
Poore, Byron and Jennifer
Rhodes, Dave and Diane
Richards, Dave and Barbara
Roberts, Dave and Dianne
Scalise, Ray and Pam
Schuman, Sanford
Schwob, Nick and Bobbie
© Shaw, Dick and Nancy
Slade, Bob
Smeds, Roger and Patricia
Smith, Ed and Maggie
Smith, Morgan
Sobolewski, Mike and Jan
Spang, John and Ann
Spence, Bob and Maria
Stoup, Jim and Janet Albright
Stump, Bob and Fran
Tarr, Ron and JoAnn
Teutenberg, Jay
Van Kampen, Robert
Walton, Tim and Kacy
Ward, Bill
Warner, Sterling and Rebecca
Wells, Peter and Barbara
Williamson, George
Woods, Jim and Karen
Wurmnest, Lou and Carol
Zarfos, Dick and Jetty
Advisor Level
Leinbach, Ted and Margie
Pope, Bill
Tweed, Bob and Lorraine
Counselor Level
Connors, John and Kathy
© Mallett, Jim and Anne
Partner Level
Adams, John and Jean
Burns, Bob
Clark, Bob
Cluett, Wally and Elizabeth
Davis, James and Michelle
Deacon, John
Diemer, Dave and Sandra
Doub, Joe and Juli
Fannin, Jim
Fowler, Jeff
Gorman, Matthew
Greene, Beverly
Holzwarth, Roy and Teresa
Horton, Frank
James, Jeff and Kathy
Ley, Bryson and Marsha
Miles, Wally
Moy, Roland and Barbara
Nappier, Jim and Judy
Patrick, Jason and Heather
Phillips, Seth
Rodda, Mark and Marcia
Rund, Robert
Russell, Curtis
© Smith, Gary and Sarah Jane
Stehlik, Mike and Susan
Stewart, Wallace and Sonya
Stock, Mark
Tarantino, Jim
Tremper, Steve
Director Level
Deputy, Mike and Sheila
10. 52Eighty (AAA)
(Denver Mile High Chapter in Denver, CO; Rocky
Mountain District)
Directed by Johnny Bugarin
11. Santa Maria Youth Chorus (A)
(Santa Maria, CA)
Directed by Matt Ringer, Asst. Director Dona Kintzi
12. Sounds of the Mouth (AA)
(Community of Chandler, AZ)
Directed by Mario Yniguez, Asst. Director
Christopher Keene
13. Harmonic Collective (A)
(Central New York)
Directed by Sky Harris
14. The OC Student Union (A)
(La Habra, CA)
Directed by Tom Nichols, Asst. Director Andrew
15. Open The Doors! (AA)
(Chapters and Schools of the Far Western District)
Directed by Gabe Caretto. Asst Director Ron Black
16. Wildcat Harmonizers (A)
(Quinton Township School of Salem County,
New Jersey)
Directed by John Wernega
17. Diocesan Boy’s School Choir (A)
(Hong Kong, China)
Directed by Mr. Felix Shuen
Harmony Foundation Remarks
Announcement of Results:
All choruses receiving the “Good” rating
All choruses receiving the “Excellent” rating
All choruses receiving the “Outstanding” rating
All choruses receiving the “Superior” rating
The Presenter’s Award
“Audience Favorite” Award
Don’t miss the 2016 International Youth Barbershop
Quartet Contest this summer in Nashville!
Qualifications for the Youth Barbershop
Quartet Contest have already begun
and continue through this winter
and spring. There are some exciting
changes for the YBQC this year, so
take a look at the YBQC page and
read all about them, and register today!
For more details and how to register, visit
Friday Night Show
Friday, January 29th
Tuscany - 8 p.m.
Presenter: Rick LaRosa
Tonight’s show features the following performers,
in no particular order:
Chinese National Anthem
Diocesan Boy’s School Choir
Swedish National Anthem
Lemon Squeezy and Trocadero
Washoe Native American
Tribe Ensemble
Lemon Squeezy
2015 Fourth Place Bronze Medalist
Lemon Squeezy, from beautiful
Stockholm, Sweden, has been on
a meteoric rise since winning the
collegiate gold medal in 2012.
They have now become a regular in the Top 5, finishing fourth
in Pittsburgh.
Alexander Löfstedt, Tenor
Victor Nilsson, Lead
Mattias Larsson, Baritone
Martin Jangö, Bass
Directed by Lori Lyford
2015 Fifth Place Bronze Medalist
Formed in 2010, Throwback Paul Saca, Tenor
has been a perrenial Top 10 Sean Devine, Lead
finalist, but finally broke into Alex Rubin, Baritone
Michael Skutt, Bass
the medalist rankings with firey
performances in Pittsburgh that brought the audiences to its feet.
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Woods, Woody and Darlene
Advisor Level
Cline, Doyle and Becky
Forsberg, Gary
Haines, Rick and Nancy
Kimball, Curt and Judy
Counselor Level
Benson, Kirk and Lynn
Blaschke, Michael and Edith
Bush, Stew and Helen
Clark, Dan and Mary Lynn
Coffin, John and Maureen
Dockter, Vern and Lindalin
Harlow, Felice and John
Ledbetter, Dennis and Joan
Miner, Gene
Ramsay, Greg and Sherri
Zimmermann, Steve
Partner Level
Anderson, Brad and Kelley
Anderson, Wayne and Sandy
Ayers, Brad and Arla
Biffle, Bill and Lillian
Blauwkamp, Rol and Samantha
Busse, Michael
Campbell, Jim and Karen
Clark, Dan and Jamalee
Curts, James
Davidson, George and Sally
Fox, Bob and Susan
Franklin, George and Sally
Gallagher, Jim and Judy
Gardner, Sharon
Greenwood, Frank and Gail
Hickenlooper, Gary and Debbie
Howe, Larry and Jane
Jennings, Mark
Jones, Larry and Kay
Kelts, Al
Lawson, Bob and Nancy
Lucey, Jim and Ruthanne
MacAlpine, Tim and Diane
Manion, John
Marsh, Brian
Mero, Ken and Susan
Middleton, Phil and Pat
Mondragon, Shawn and Darlene
Monson, Brad and Monique
Nelson, Evan
Palmer, Mark and Renae
Pape, Kevin and Toni
Paul, Ralph and Loretta
Polaski, Kenny
Porro, Gian and Colleen
Pranaitis, Tony and Nancy
Reed, Bob
Reimnitz, Adam and Heather
Rothhaupt, Lawrence
Simmons, Tim and Bobbie
Snyder, Charlie and Linda
Sparks, Tony
Tackett, Mary
Taylor, Lee and Judy
Taylor, Mike
Thorell, Dave and Lynette
Triggs, Gregg and Vivienne
Vaughn, Chris
Vertrees, Joe and Janet
West, Paul and Ruth
Wisdom, Bryan
Thorell, Dave and Lynette
Triggs, Gregg and Vivienne
Vaughn, Chris
Vertrees, Joe and Janet
West, Paul and Ruth
Wisdom, Bryan
Partner Level
Gallant, Doug and Linda
© Kirkham, Chris and Heather
© Santarelli, Frank and Dorene
Warner, John and Marci
Advisor Level
© MacDougall, Digger & Nancy
© Towner, Barry and Sharon
Verwey, Al
Counselor Level
© Borden, Gerry and Linda
© Ernst, Trinda
© Gordon, Macklin and
Jean Bohathiewicz
Hartley, Doreen
© Martens, Larry and Lise
© McTaggart, Doran
Peters, Randy and June Cooke
Phillips, Murray and Mary
Smith, David and Sally
© Sperry, Lee and Julia
Thexton, James and Barbara
Wilke, John and June
Partner Level
Arnold, Rob and Wendy
Bezaire, Dan
Bohlken, Keith and Rhonda
Drouillard, Michael
Flemming, Iam
Foster, Jonathan & Joanne Fong
Koehler, Ken and Barbara
MacDonald, Roband
Katharine Bondy
McGillivray, Rod and Lynda
Panter, Bill
Robertson, Bill & Darlene Jones
Roy, James and Dawn
Rozycki, David and Regina
Selano, Jules and Elizabeth
President’s Council Membership
Annual Leadership Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 968 members
Smith, Ian
Southam, Joanne and Lyle
Thexton, Lorraine
Vermue, Bill and BJ
Westin, Jan-Ake and Barbro
© Charter Member
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Mentor Level
Coleman, Gordon
Ehly, Marvin
Harre, Raymond
Robb, Mark
Wolff, Jeff and Corrie
Coach Level
Anderson, Bridget
Combs, Carter and Jeffi
Elefson, Tom and Peggy
Friesen, Merlin and Rita
Fritz, Brian
Hammer, Dwight
Johnson, Gregory
Pape, Rick and Pam
Purvis, Leonard and Sharon
Rivard, Rod and Gladys
Sill, Ralph
Stibor, Paul
Strub, Tony
Thomason, John and Stephanie
Westman, Tom
Wheeler, Troy
Sponsor Level
Anderson, Bruce
Anderson, Pete
Bagby, Jim and Joan
Battle, Robert
Beatty, Cameron and Jean
Beckman, Dean and Nancy
Bellof, Brian and Kimberly
Biddle, Donald
Bieber, Dale
Bishop, Randy and Sandy
Bittner, Matthew
Blake, Bill and Betty
Blank, Don and Jan
Blank, Jeff
Brandt, Alexander
Brott, Doug
Brown, Bill and Patti
Bugg, Tom
Bunyan, Bill and Marilyn
Burbank, Wendell and Vona Ann
Butler, Mark
Callahan, Michael
Carlisle, Dean
Chambers, Norm and Diane
Champion, John and Sarah
Childs, Edwin
Christensen, Jeffrey
Cornwell, Steven
Cross, Steve and Toni
de Neui, Jon
Downey, Ed
Dresher, Merlin and Sandra
Easter, Marie
Erickson, Allen
Erickson, Greg
Erikson, Mark
Erwine, John
Farr, Stephen
Fletchall, Steve
Forbes, Jerry
Foth, Lawrence
Francis, Richard
Frankenfeld, Karen
Fuerniss, Mark and Lonnie
Fuhrmann, Paul
Gibbons, James
Glanz, Amos and Cindy
Grape, William and Gayle
Green, Rich
Green, Nathan
Grimes, Eric
Guild, Maynard
Halsig, Mary
Hamilton, Mike
Harrington, Thomas
Hayden, John
Hedtke, Phil and Michelle
Hess, Arnold and Patricia
Hoffmeier, Bruce
Hunget, Grant
Hunget, Phil
Friday Night Show cont...
All Youth Chorus
With Deke Sharon
Main Street
2015 Third Place Bronze Medalist
Main Street has once again Roger Ross, Tenor
proven to be among the most Tony DeRosa, Lead
elite barbershop quartets in the Mike McGee, Baritone
world with its unique style of Myron Whittlesey, Bass
song, dance, and humor. But this year in particular, Main Street
struck a powerful pop culture nerve with its performance of Pop
Songs Medley that went viral when the video was released on
YouTube. It seems that many around the world quickly learned
what many Barbershoppers already knew: Main Street is
Westminster Chorus
2015 International Chorus Champion
The astounding Westminster Chorus from Westminster, CA,
did it again (for the third time) this past summer in Pittsburgh by
winning the International Chorus gold medal. And now they’ll
be joining us in Reno to give unforgettable performances, share
the stage with the All-Chapter Chorus, and engage with
the Youth Chorus Festival participants. This is your chance to
get up and close and personal with one of the best choruses in
the entire world.
International Seniors
Quartet Contest
Saturday, January 30th
Tuscany, Noon - 5 p.m.
Quartets are listed in order of appearance.
Names of quartet members are listed by voice part (tenor,
lead, baritone, bass) regardless of how they stand on stage.
Mic Tester. . . . . . . Saturday Evening Post
2015 Seniors Quartet Champion
1. Highpoint (LOL)
Harry Hanson, Mike Ziegler, Darryl Cremer,
Bob Wozniak
2. Continuum (RMD)
Bob Fox, Tom Bugg, Jeff Styer, Mike Kennedy
3. Silver Chords (EVG)
Daniel Tangarone, Robert Schmitt, David Brasher,
Dick Swanson
4. St. Croix Crossing (LOL)
Randy Lieble, Dan Heike, Steven Hardy,
Jared Hoke
5. Armchair Chorderbacks (CSD)
Carter Combs, Mike Mathieu, Jim Bagby,
David Stockard
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Huot, Cliff and Sherrie
Huyck, Rich
Irwin, Dick and Sheli
Johns, Dennis and Ella
Kaas, Mike
Kant, Kenny and Renelle
Kawa, Larry and Shari
Keever, Mark and Lynda
Kerdus, Bob and Lynn
Kiesey, Brad
Kimball, Dick and Pat
King, Bob and Sharon
Kinzie, Leonard & Nancy Wagner
Kleinschmidt, John
Klinkefus, Gerald
Knapp, David
Kohel, Edward
Kolden, Randy
Kready, Jon
Kreher, Al
Krondak, Bill and Anita
Lane, Don and Linda
Lawson, Duane
Lewis, Lisa
Long, Greg and Cheryl
Loomis, Carey
Lusk, Roger
Marshall, John and Ronda
Mathieu, Mike and Jan
Mays, Ron
Maytum, Mike and Tami
McClelland, Bob and Colleen
McCune, Darrell and Linda
McFarland, Kenneth
McGill, Mike and Maggie
McIntire, Ronald
Meier, Gerald
Merle, Morris
Meyer, Don
Miers, Larry
Miller, Kent
Mitchell, Torrey
Montgomery, David and Shirley
Morden, Ron
Mott, Gary
Neilsen, Victor and Nancy
Newman, Cliff
Ott, Donald
Owen, Keith
Owston, Richard
Perry, Vince
Pinkall, Dave and Kathleen
Powell, Lee and Julie
Price, Steve and Beverly
Rasmussen, Dan
Reddy, Herb and Kandace
Rembecki, Andrew
Renn, Daniel and Donna
Reynolds, John and Deloris
Richardson, Matt
Roberts, Mark and Janie
Rousser, Linda
Sabata, Rob and Mary
Sales, Adam and Jenn
Sanders, Barry
Sautter, Chet
Scheidegger, Doug and Carla
Schneider, James
Schulein, Tom and Vivian
Schumacher, Mike and Linda
Schweer, Keith
Schwery, Lyle and Jolene
Scott, Michael
Scott, Ted
Severt, Al
Shaffer, Wendell
Shapiro, Harvey
Shelton, Dane
Short, Mike
Sjostrom, James and Connie
Smith, Aaron
Smith, Jay
Smith, Ray and Lynda
Smith, Sean
Spangler, William
Stein, Dick and Marcia
Stephens, Larry and Lorna
Sternborg, Dave and Lori
Stock, Dave
Swarts, Harry
Tanis, Jim and Ruth
Temeyer, Floyd & Carol Wieneke
Templer, Mike and Lisa
Thomson, Don and Joan
Tingwald, David
Tipton, Thomas
Tritsch, Kevin
Turlin, Carl
VanDyke, Philip and Vicki
Velazquez, Bob
Veteto, Jeff
Weber, Jack and Johayne
Weddel, Gary
Weidler, Marlin and Beverly
Wentworth, Wayne
West, Jeremy
Whitney, Chester
Wilson, Fran and Jan
Wright, Harold
Yinger, Vince and Susan
Young, Jerry
Young, Ray and Diana
Mentor Level
Abbgy, David and Barbara
Brannon, Dennis
Davis, Bob and Evelyn
Hoffman, Jeffrey
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Lozeau, Bob and Eileen
Shurbutt, Bob and Donna
Taylor, Ray
Coach Level
Angles, Gordon
Bell, Russell & Claudia
Bowman, Tony and Kathleen
Brown, George
Curry, Mike
Doetsch, Andrew and Jan
Farrar, Bill
Freshour, Hal and Gail
Gordon, John and Rosemary
Guy, David
Hopeman, Doug and Amy-Ann
Hutcheson, Neil and Verda
Joy, Ed
Pennington, James and Annie
Pifer, Peter and Sylvia
Plotts, John
Puckett, A.J.
Strong, Jacob
Sukoff, Richard
Warner, Ann and Jim
Weldon, Jim
Sponsor Level
Adams, Bruce and Rita
Bagwell, Colin
Banks, Bill and Verna
Bennett, John
Berny, Chuck and Linda
Biccum, Bob and Audrey
Blazek, Paul and Lindy
Blazek, Melissa
Boyd, Tony and Brenda
Brown, Ignatius
Brown, V. Craig
Burdick, Chet and Marilyn
Bush, Larry
Cain, Jim and Linda
Caldwell, Clarke and Esther
Carey, Bob and Joyce
Charlton, John
Cohen, Scott
Colon, Bert
Conradi, Roy
D'Ambrosio, Steve
Davenport, Charles and Liz Cillo
Davis, Max and Sally
Davis, Eddie and Susan
Deters, Larry and Diane
DeWeese, Michael
Dorn, Tom and Judy
Duffy, JJ
Durden, Paul
Edgecomb, Herb and Marybeth
Edmondson, Wally and Shannon
Elvers, Dave
Ferguson, Neil and Debi
Fobart, David
Franks, Lee and Andrea
French, Rick
Gilsdorf, Leo
Green, Chuck
Grevstad, Lars
Grindley, Drew
Grubb, Steve
Grussing, Dan
Head, Bob
Hill, Farris and Sharon
Hine, Melody
Hitch, Robert
Hodges, RJ
Holmes, Frank
Holt, Sonny and Janet
Horne, J.D.
Justus, Drayton and Sue Ann
Kilpatrick, Tom
King, Shawn and Tamara
Kinney, John
Kohrs, Richard
Lantzman, Eyal and Irit
Leveille, Patty
Loadwick, James
Logan, Ron
Loi, Elio
Lowry, Mike and Doris
Macek, Tom and Karen
McAleese-Jergins, Bryan
Merry, Ted
Naddor, David
Nash, DC and Mary
Newcombe, Christine
Nixon, John
Norton, Toney
Nybo, Warren
Olander, Ken
Otwell, Vern
Overton, Jake and Cindy
Parker, Douglas
Pendley, Steve
Peppenhorst, Stan and Betty
Peters, Marilyn
Pettis, Charles
Phillips, Kenneth and Sandy
Phillips, John
Pigue, Larry
Pilch, Rich and Gayle
Pugh, Boss and Sandy
Riggle, Tom and June
Robert, Shelby
Rose, Donald
Savage, James
Schrader, Wayne and Toni
Schreiner, Bill
Schultz, Paul
Shultz, Erich and Cynthia
Snelling, Bob and Paula
Snodgrass, James
6. Spotlight (JAD)
Gary Wulf, Don Pullins, Matt Bridger,
Dave Kindinger
7. Horizon (JAD)
Don Gray, Jerome Wallman, Bayard Pelsor,
Dutch Speidel
8. ON Q! (ONT)
Richard Frenette, Bruce Marchant, John Wilkie,
Bill Vermue
Brad Wilcox, Wes Sorstokke, Chuck Landback,
Bruce Morgan
10. Blood, Sweat, and Years (FWD)
Paul Engel, Lester Weiser, Bob Cathaway,
Bill Myers
11. Port City Sound (NED)
Fred Moore, Walter Dowling, Jim Curtis,
Jim Simpson
12. Basses Unlimited (ONT)
Bill Wells, Rob Lamont, David Wallace, Ted Church
13. Social Insecurity (EVG)
Gary Raze, Kevin Stephens, Bob Martindale,
Marty Anderson
14. Leftover Parts (SLD)
Dennis Sokoloski, Bob Fuest, Ron Mason,
Eddie Moss
15. Trade Secret (NED)
Bill Wright, Bob O’Connell, Ralph St. George,
Mike Maino
16. Time Bandits (CAR)
Ken Limerick, Marco Crager, Thomas Rouse,
David Boo
17. Equinox (SUN)
Ralph Brown, Frank Bovino, Pat Bauer,
Ed McKenzie
18. Razzmatazz (MAD)
Bill Gable, Rick Ashby, Ed Ludwig, Don McElroy
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Snodgrass, James
Snook, Kyle
Spurlock, Bruce and Peggy
Stallcup, Leon
Thomas, Patrick
Tidwell, Jim
Towns, Richard and Jackie
Turner, John and Linda
Vencill, John and Kathy
Wade, Al and Sharon
Walker, Tessa
Watson, Caki
Wharton, Ed
White, Jimmy
Wilhoite, Jerry
Wilsher, Arlin and Nancy
Wooldridge, Bobby and Cathy
Wooten, Douglas
Wyman, Hutch and Sue
Mentor Level
Kari, Steve
Kelly, Kevin
Powell, Chris
Smith, Beth
Coach Level
Burbidge, Jim
Gale, J. David
Harris, Brent
Hill, Paul and Laura
Jones, Shirley
Lehman, Jack
Lovick, Marty
Macdonald, Rob
Mainot, Chester
Olson, Chuck and Bev
Petersen, Don and Judi
Picioccio, Matthew and Stephanie
Renhard, Paul
Ryder, Charles
Sheppard, John and Justina
Williams, Bubba
Sponsor Level
Allen, Ira
Berg, Dennis and Susan
Bergh, Philip
Beshore, Robert
Bissell, Bernard
Borah, Bill
Bose, Roger
Burri, John
Bush, William
Campbell, John
Caplan, Chuck
Caretto, Gabriel
Casberg, Jake
Cederwall, Richard
Cermak, Aaron
Cheasebro, Phil
Click, Jeff
Courtright, Michael
Crandall, Matt
Davi, Scott
Davies, Elizabeth
Derrig, Joe and Terry
Devitt, John
Dignan, Todd and Twyla
Foreman, Bruce and Paula
Foss, David and Kimberley
Gabel, Christopher
Gleason, Jack and Rhonda
Gode, Richard
Graham, Art
Gross, Mark
Handley, Richard
Hedeen, Keith
Hickman, Bill
Higham, Bill
Hobson, Conly
Hoem, Donald and Kathryn
Holdsworth, Jerry
Hommel, Larry
Hopper, Dan
Isley, Dotty
Jameson, Todd
Keating, Daniel
Kelly, Michael and Jen
King, Bob
Koppa, Scott
Krumbholz, Jay
Law, David and Jeanne
Lawson, Norm
LeClerc, Josh
Louden, Paul
Ludeman, John
Lyttle, John and Judy
Mason, Bill
McGuire, Charles
Mondau, Steve
Motteler, Del
Osborn, David
Osterman, Larry and Valorie
Outcalt, Ron and Kathy
Perkins, Laurence
Rants, Lauren
Rau, Don
Rebello, Rohan
Rinehart, Michael and Sally Ann
Ritchie, Ed
Robertson, Roy
Rogers, Jason and Elizabeth
Schmidt, Kirby
Schmidt, Wyman
Schrupp, Dave
Shevalier, Logan
St. Germain, Gene
Steckler, Ray
Steeds, J Roger
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Steeds, J Roger
Sward, Jen
Thomas, Robert
Turner, Lynn
Vigil, Samuel
Watson, J Douglas
Welsh, Jeff and Mary
Wilkinson, George and Sybil
Wolfe, Dan
Wolfe, Deena
Wright, John
Mentor Level
Bates, Max
D'Amore, Joe and Marcia
Drew, Peter
Elliott, Brian
Hughes, Grace
Rail, Dave
Sturke, Derick and Sue
Taylor, Steve
Ward, Allan
Coach Level
Amin, Shreyas
Andersen, Rog
Apple, Bob and Bobbi
Baertschi, Harry
Bauer, Michael
Bjornsen, Eric
Boeck, Bill and Sandy
Briner, David
Burgess, Russ and Ruth
Campbell, Jay and Mary
Czubiak, Bob and Joy
Darnell, Roe and Donna
Evans, Mike and Laura
Farmer, Chet
Frickey, Max and Judy
Giffen, Frank
Gray, Robert
Harris, Phil
Henry, Steve
Inenaga, Andrew and Eiri
Jones, Ty
Karlin, Robert
Laskey, Thomas
Maass, Jim and Nancy
May, Ron and Kris Powell
Miller, Pete
Palmquist, Joe and Jackie
Peacock, Steve
Plain, Colin
Plum, David and Barbara
Price, Greg
Remmers, Rich
Rogers, Neal and Joanna
Roth, Bill
Salaver, Tim and Arleen
Sevesind, Donald
Sherman, Jim and Jane
Smith, Kevin and Karen
Spencer, Rich
Tautkus, Dave and Cathy
Tieberg, Bill
Vaughn, Dale and Kim
Sponsor Level
Abbott, Richard
Ableman, Bob
Adler, Bud
Amblad, Bob
Anderson, Brent and Sue
Aumock, Tom
Austin, Mark
Bagby, Verne
Barber, Howard
Barron, Randy and Rachelle
Barry, Bob and Betty
Beacom, Bill and Joyce
Beckman, Judy
Berto, Ben
Betterton, Todd and Dianne
Beutel, Jim and Ruth
Bloom, Paul
Bolt, Millard and Nicole
Boutin, Kurt and Brenda
Browne, Jim and Patricia
Buehrer, Roger
Buice, Richard and Andrea
Buss, Joey
Callagher, Larry
Camp, David
Carstensen, Caryl
Cating, Michael
Cleaver, Joe
Clock, Lynn
Comingore, Edward
Conner, Mike and Darla
Crandall, Jane
Crawford, Phil and Bunny
Cudworth, Les
Cunningham, Kevin
Curran, Robert
Davidson, Mark
Daw, William
Diggins, James
Douglas, Scott
Dreyer, Greg
Duval, Tom
Dyer, Brandon
Dyer, Dennis
Elbert, Mike
Ellzey, Michael
Endersby, Nigel and Kelly
Engel, Irv and Monica
Erickson, David and Eileen
Esquivias, R.J.
Feenstra, Norma
19. Final Countdown (NSC)
David Mills, Chuck Villier, Mark Rodda,
Dale Comer
20. Rolls Voyce (PIO)
Bruce LaMarte, T.C. Conner, David Gillingham,
Tim Gerard
21. Take Note (ILL)
Rick Anthoney, Ralph Brooks, Dick Kingdon,
Ed Chapman
22. Replay! (SWD)
Frank Friedemann, Art Swanson, Bill Wilkinson,
John White
23. Youth Reclamation Project (MAD)
Mike Wallen, Roger Tarpy, Hardman Jones,
Vic Owen, Jr.
24. Harmony Grits (NSC)
Steve Tremper, Walter Miles, Jim Nappier,
Ted Leinbach
25. High Priority (FWD)
Ray Estes, Byron Bennett, Mark House,
Dan Davenport
Saturday Evening Post
2015 Seniors Quartet Champion
Bobby Gray Jr., Allen Gasper, Brian Beck, Tommy Wilkie
Seniors Quartet
Contest Results
Silver Medalist
3rd Place Bronze Medalist
4th Place Bronze Medalist
5th Place Bronze Medalist
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Fenrich, Eric
Fernandez, Rigo
Finetti, Dominick
Finn, Norm and Nilene
Foltz, Rob and
Fox, Braden
Francisco, Bond
Fredrickson, Charles
Freleaux, Maurice
Gassman, John
Gassman, Larry
Gilbreth, Jim
Goldberg, Fred
Goldman, Marshall and Sandra
Goldsmith, Paul
Graff, Ed and Marion
Graham, Brent
Greenberg, Dick and Carole
Haggerty, Jim
Hamilton, Mark
Handen, Joel
Hansen, Steve and Cheri
Hansen, Scott
Hanson, Alan
Harris, Jeffrey
Hartley, Rob
Hartline, Frank and Cherie
Hawes, John
Heald, Gary and Loraine
Healion, Jeff
Heather, John
Helmholz, Don
Herman, Shelley
Heron, Vance
Hinckley, Jonathan and Jacqueline
Hinkle, John and Sarah
Hintz, Lu and Mary
Holt, Earle and Marianne
House, Bob and Maryanne
Howard, Norm
Howd, Bob and Sherry
Hunt, Dean
Hunt, Steve
Hunter, Chuck and Pat
Huntsinger, Tim
Hutchinson, Scott
Ingram, Jim
Irvine, Bryce-William
Jantzen, Marc
Johnson, Ed and Anita
Johnson, Cliff
Johnson, Jordan
Johnson, Bill
Jones, John and Kathleen
Jones, Robert
Justice, Al
Kai, Gene and Bev
Kaiser, Richard
Kaufman, David
Kaufman, Adam and Cherie
Kaylor, Harry
Kellogg, Pat
Key, Dave
Kirby, Dave and Carol
Kleen, Willard
Klein, Bruce and Gloria
Klein, Ken
Kliewer, William
Knight, Wayne and Judy
Koehnlein, Denise and Dawn
Kolberg, Todd
Koutsky, Milos
Kramp, Gregory
Krizek, John and Kay
LaFollette, Kyle and Hattie Jo
Lambert, Ivan
Lapp, A Leroy
Lee, Jim and Mimi
Levin, Stan
Livingston, David
Llewelyn, Richard
Lockhart, Bill and Robin
Loper, Jeremy and Lara
Lowerre, Dave and Sheila
Madsen, Dan
Mathews, Stephen
Maurer, Bob
McGill, Jack
Mees, Wally
Melville, David
Menaker, Rob
Menicucci, Jeff
Merrick, Fred
Minkler, John
Mitnick, Marty
Mock, Trudy
Mollett, Charles
Mueser, Dick and Lynn
Nelson, Don
Niebrugge, Jackson
Nixon, Larry and Diane
Oldham, Bruce and Vicki
Olmstead, Thom and Sue
Overman, Arthur and Debbie
Palmer, Kevin
Patterson, Robert
Payton, Joe and Linda
Pence, Graham
Pennycook, Patty
Perkins, Roger
Pfizenmeier, Dave and Julie
Phillips, Corley and Patty
Prather, Kirk and Stephanie
Price, Taylor
Prowense, Tony
Read, Ben
Reed, Dick and Patricia
Reule, Wally
Rhoads, Doug
Saturday Night Show
Saturday, January 30th
Tuscany - 8 p.m.
Presenter: Rick LaRosa
Tonight’s show features the following performers,
in no particular order:
U.S. and Canadian National Anthems
Youth Chorus
Audience Favorite
Saturday Evening Post
2015 International Seniors Quartet Champion
2015 Silver Medalist
Forefront has firmly established
itself as one of the Society’s top
quartets with effortless virtuosic
singing and musical mastery.
Forefront finished second place in Pittsburgh after posting
its highest score to date, and is once again at Midwinter to
entertain our socks off.
Drew Wheaton, Tenor
Kevin Hughes, Lead
Aaron Hughes, Baritone
Brian O’Dell, Bass
2015 International Collegiate Quartet Champion
For the fourth time in eight years, David Holst, Tenor
a quartet from SNOBS (Society of Jakob Berggren, Lead
Nordic Barbershoppers) brought the Sam Andren, Baritone
collegiate trophy home to Stockholm. Filip Sibien, Bass
This summer at the beautiful Heinz
Hall in Pittsburgh, PA, Trocadero won the gold medal and
demonstrated once again the ever-growing reputation for vocal
excellence our SNOBS affiliate is delivering to audiences around
the world.
Saturday Night Show cont...
Instant Classic
2015 International Quartet Champion
In one of the biggest leaps in ranking
in recent memory, Instant Classic
jumped from an 8th place finish
in 2014 to winning it all in 2015.
With a smooth, vibrant, and youthful
sound, Instant Classic delivered consistently thrilling and heartfelt
performances, winning the hearts and minds of the audience as
well as earning the highest overall score by an esteemed panel of
judges over three rounds during one of the most intense and closest
quartet competitions seen in many years at International.
David Zimmerman, Tenor
Theo Hicks, Lead
Kohl Kitzmiller, Baritone
Kyle Kitzmiller, Bass
2016 Seniors
Quartet Champion
Medalist Chorus
All-Chapter Chorus
with Westminster Chorus
Directed by Justin Miller
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Rhymer, Ray and Sandy
Richardson, John
Rode, Craig
Rodriguez, Jim
Roggensack, Al
Roth, Phil and Phyllis
Salmon, Steven
Schackman, Edward
Scholtz, Kenneth
Schroffel, Bruce
Searcy, Wes
Sellers, James and Susan
Sellnow, Bruce and Nancy
Serdahely, Jim and Olivia
Shaw, Bill and Marsha
Sheldon, Scot
Shepard, Kelly
Shurtliff, Steve and Rita
Singer, Timothy
Slater, Keith and Wendy
Smith, Norman
Smurda, John
Snow, Austen
Soto, Kevin
Sousae, James and Joan
Speckman, Fred
Spence, G and Diane
Spero, Rick
Spinosa, Ray
Starcevich, David and Christine
Stevens, Mel
Stoddard, Roger
Stone, Joe and Barbara
Stone, Gary
Summer, Dale
Survine, Demaster and Hazel
Swafford, Harold
Swanson, John and Maureen
Szabo, Robert and Mary Beth
Taylor, Art
Thomas, Donald
Thompson, Charles
Tickner, Jake
Tillou, Frank
Tinkle, Stan and Barbara
Travis, Mark
Trenda, Cory and Janet
Tuell, Gary
Tuntland, Darrell
Turner, Jim and Constance
Vestal, Douglass
Walker, Earl
Walker, Jerry
Wallis, Tom
Walsh, Pat
Walton, Jack and Kathy
Warner, Edward
Weatherford, David
Webb, Allan and Kristine
White, John
Willard, Warren and Sharon
Wilson, Robert and Helen
Wines, Chuck
Wisniewski, Ryan
Wolf, Phillip
Wolven, Douglas
Woodson, Dennis and Betty
Wright, John
Yin, Burt
Youde, Charles
Young, Steven
Zuckerman, Lawrence & Alfreda
Coach Level
Bostick, Jim and Mary Ann
Bradley, Mark and Cheryl
Claussen, Pat and Linda
Engstrom, David
Gahl, Frederick
Kent, John and Kate
Kingdon, Dick and Lee
Schnitzler, Mike
Tomecek, Joseph
Welch, Ron
Wiggins, Edwin
Sponsor Level
Anderson, Al and Susan
Bagby, Mike and Sharon
Bieritz, Wesley and Sheila
Blair, Byron and Diana
Bradley, Donald
Brown, Jim and Kathy
Buck, Stan
Burdett, Herbert
Caccamo, Nicholas
Cain, John
Carlen, Matt
Condill, Bruce and Mary Beth
Conlin, Gery and Cherryl
Cook, Paul
Cowin, Dave
Crowther, Charles
Davia, Don
Davis, Gary and Karen
De Bord, Tom
Deegan, James
Dennis, Bob and Barbi
Dodds, Clinton
Dohogne, Mike
Eade, Richard
Erwin, Tom and Hortensia
Ferrier, Doug and Sanae
Giallombardo, Helen
Giallombardo, Jay and Helen
Gilmore, Jake
Greene, Geoffrey
Grossman, Lester and Beth
Hansen, Rich
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Hess, Dick and Diane
Howell, Rich and Judy
Isely, Mike and Vicki
Jarosz, Jim and Helga
Johnson, Niel
Johnson, Wayne
Kaap, Don
Kastens, Jules
Keever, Ken
Kinne, Andy
Knapcik, Keith
Lovell, Harry
Lutter, Dan
Marcotte, Carrie
Martin, David
McEvilly, Tim and Jan
McQueeny, Dave
Morris, John & Angelica Guerrero
Mulford, Brett and Sondra
Munneke, Allen
Murphy, Dan and Mary Beth
Neff, Drew
Nessler, Scott and Grace
Ota, Ken and Tomoko
Rhoades, Bruce
Schoultz, Steve
Schrof, Ed
Sherman, Leigh
Smit, Don
Styron, Harvey
Supple, Danny
Theile, David and Renita
Toftey, Tom
Tremble, Mark and Kathi
Ventura, Scott
Wahl, Bob
Waldorf, Jim
Woodward, Dan and Jan
Zinkel, Robert
Champions of Tomorrow
Boom! Shakalaka
Arizmendi, Josh
Patrick, Evan
Sell, David
Serrecchia, Nick
Mentor Level
Shank, Lowell and Darlene
Coach Level
Cline, Steve and Becky
Freeman, Randy
Johnson, Duane
Munn, William
Owen, Christopher and Erin
Richards, Steve
Roembke, Greg and Jane
Schrock, Dale and Patty
Sturgell, Paul
Uveges, Joe and Martha
Washburn, Alan and Jenny
Zaremba, Richard
Sponsor Level
Adams, Jerry and Suzanne
Adkins, Willard
Albert, Jeff
Anthony, Larry and Marti
Atherton, Hank
Batchelder, Rick and Shonagh
Benner, Robert
Bettler, Alan
Blume, Bob and Anita
Bradley, Thompson
Brodersen, Steve and Dawn
Brown, Gary and Lyne
Burke, Steve and Rhonda
Busch, Gregory and Karen
Christine, Bill
Cole, James and Barbara Jones
Conroy, Pat
DeMuth, Jeff and Kathleen
DeWitt, Paul and Cathline
DiBacco, T J. DiBacco
Disbrow, Charlie
Duke, Jim
Dunne-Powers, Susan
Foley, Kerry and Cindy
Ford, Roger
Fouts, Dave
Fox, Joe and Peg
Frederick, Franz and Susan
French, Mike and Paulette
French, Michael & Barbara
Frush, Jerry
Gabriel, Paul
Gano, Peter and Patricia
Garitson, Gary and Linda
Geesa, Ben and Penny
Glick, Bill
Graham, Darrell and Dorothy
Griffith, Sonny & Mary Anne
Grissom, James and Randi
Hansen, Larry
Hardman, Ed and Vickie
Hart, Tom
Heathman, Lewis
Hinson, Liston and Betsy
Hoffman, John and Sarah
Houchin, Thomas
Houk, George
Huber, Kenneth
Hughes, Aaron and Lynn
Hunstiger, Eric
Hutcherson, Coy and Amber
Johnson, Phil
Jones, Mike
Kendall, Bob
Kendall, Vic
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
King, Steve and Pat
Kingsley, Bubba and Nancy
Kropp, Skipp and Nancy
Larr, Joey
Lovejoy, Vic
Lyman, Julian
Lyon, Jim and Becky
Mangas, Richard
McAlexander, Pat
McBlain, Brian and Kathryn
McCullough, Steve and Cindy
McQuistion, John
Miller Photography
Montag, Joe
Moss, Doc and Sandy
Nagel, Phil
Nash, Dwight
Neie, Van
Newell, Brian
Nicholas, Jon
Ogden, David and Karen
Pape, Brad
Peters, Bob and Millie
Pettigrew, Lyle
Portteus, James
Powers, Douglas and Sue
Ramser, Steve and Kathy
Ramser, Andrew
Reagan, Chad
Rose, Charles
Roth, James and Peggy
Sauder, Jim
Sauer, Ken
Schick, Lloyd
Schmidt, Joe and Megan
Schneider, Tom and Leanne
Schroeder, Dave and Janet
Schulze, Dale and Melanie
Schumm, Al
Self, Charles
Stevens, Patrick
Sutton, Dick
Timmerman, Dick
Vogel, Kurt
Wasser, Larry
Weiss, John and Elaine
Wence, Terry and Mary
Champions of Tomorrow
The Rooftops
Gillespie, Erek
Gregory, Chris and Beth
Hughes, Bryan
Hughes, Josh
Mentor Level
Kracker, Dave and Diane
Morris, Mike
Morris, Mike
Ninnemann, Gene
Popernack, Steve
Coach Level
Bernard, Bill and Jeannette
Chaffin, Kenneth
Cook, Lee
Fleming, Paul
Foisy, Chris and Meghan
Gray, Don and Cindy Weygandt
Hilsinger, Garrett
Hopper, Matt
Jenkins, Joe and Barbara Bruning
Kline, Duane
Merrill, Jim
Price, Andrew
Ramerman, Herbert
Sherlock, Jim
Stark, James
Stombaugh, Ted and Joanne
Udeck, Bob and Diane
Watson, Doug and Carolyn
Witmer, Joe
Zimmerman, Clair and Karen
Sponsor Level
Alcorn, George
Anderson, Don and Marlene
Andres, Jim and Beth
Ankrom, Alexa
Baker, Richard
Beaudry, H. David
Beecher, Tom and Judy
Belka, Dave and Jan
Bell, Jon
Clunies, Jon
Coleman, Paul and Margie
Cook, Bob and Cindy
Cooperider, Enos
Courts, Bari and Carolyn
Craze, Mike and Judy
Crow, Dan and Carla
Cunningham, Tom
Daum, Denny and Carol
Deal, Glendon and Janice
Denino, George
Dudash, Dick
Duker, John
Edwards, Billy
Engler, Louis
Evans, Bill and Betty
Flinn, Darryl and Meredith
Forristell, John
Fraley, Joe
Fritz, John and Barb
Fry, Jim and Belen
Gehm, Jeffrey
Gordon, John and Jackie
Hadsell, Alan and Carol
Hardy, Tom & Debra Garverick
Hazlett, Michael and Carol
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Heilshorn, Michael
Henry, Bill and Katherine
Higginbotham, John
Hoffmann, Edward
Hopkins, Paul
Hopper, Cherisse
Howard, Richard
Iben, John and Linda
Jackson, Ernie
Jarrell, Ryan
Johnson, David and Jo Ann
Kapes, Willard
King, Steve and Annie
Knoll, Peter
Koeller, Eric and Kathan
Kujawski, Aaron
La Bine, Bud
Lang, Mark
Legters, James and Patricia
Lockwood, John and Sandy
Maggied, Allan and Paula
Maher, Edward and Judith
Mandator, Jake and Pat
Marquart, Zachary
McClelland, Jim
McGaffick, Alan
McSparran, Lloyd and Judy
Meyer, Dave and Judy
Michel, Patrick
Miller, Bill
Miller, Bob
Mills, Bob and Geri
Moore, Robert
Noda, Bryan
Novelly, Joe and Holli
Ostheimer, Mark and Paula
Parker, Keith
Paxton, James
Pelsor, Bayard and Pauletta
Pilat, Mike
Pistner, Ron
Polofka, John
Popp, Stan and Barb
Pummill, Fred and Barbara
Purdy, Dennis
Raab, Tom
Ramsey, Jim and Bette
Reed, Bob
Riddick, Frank and Pat
Ross, Jacob and Jackie
Rosser, Ron and Helen
Rubenstein, Jeff and Rebecca
Sagar, Denny and Patty
Sandmann, Fred
Schaefer, Fred and Beverly
Schaughency, Schaun & Catherine
Schilberg, Glenn
Schmidt, Fred and Tenesha
Seibert, Greg and Julie
Short, David
Smith, Verna
Stephens, Rick
Stevanus, Reno
Stone, Raymond
Thaxton, Larry
Thomas, Lowell
Thompson, Jim and Pam
Tietje, Jeremy
Tomlinson, Don and Joanie
Van Hesteren, Bruce & Della
Vislosky, Michael
Wallace, Robert
Walters, Nathan and Melissa
Walther, James
Warner, Bud and Louise
Wasser, Brian and Joyce
Weaver, Lorin and Judy
Webb, Tom and Joyce
Wendell, Steven
Wheeler, Willard
White, Donald
White, Larry
Wicker, Buck
Williams, Ron
Wittkowsky, David
Woodrow, Carlton
Young, Gary
Mentor Level
Dart, Chris
Renz, Eric
Sheldon, Roger and Carol
Teeters, Dick
Wentworth, Ken and Karen
Will, Randall
Coach Level
Agnew, Robert
Angell, Jim and Jane
Brey, Bob and Therese
Carlotto, John
Gibson, Jerry
Halverstadt, Mark
Kile, Jack
Larson, Curt
Meyer, Ronald
Quist, Carl
Reinhardt, Clary
Smith, Ty and Judy
Sylte, Dave and June
Van Gomple, Rick
Watson, Bruce
Sponsor Level
Anderson, Rick
Ansay, James
Barlass, Mac
Barnard, Norm and Lynnette
Bennes, Lowell
Betts, Pete and Susan
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Betts, Don
Beyer, Bruce and Jill
Boeldt, Benny
Boettcher, Paul
Brictson, Chuck and Jan
Bruss, Stan and Kathy
Buss, Jon
Cannella, Robert
Carow, Brett
Chapman, Doug
Charles, Brad
Cole, Dan and Sheila
Connor, Michael and Mickey
David, Betty
Dean, Lawrence
Derozier, Don
Dillett, James
Doerr, Carley
Donaldson, Alex
Dresen, James
Dreyer, David and Trudie
Dykstra, Bob and Lou Ann
Edgerton, Jack and Pat
Egertson, Darrell
Elsenpeter, Wayne
Ensrud, Ray
Erickson, James
Erickson, Scott and Harriett
Everest, Gordon
Felton, Ken and Carol
Foy, Jim and Kay
Franklin, Jim and Meta
Galbraith, Brandon
Gottschalk, Ken
Gray, Bruce and Sue
Griffith, Bob and Patricia
Gurr, Les
Hall, Duane
Hall, Thomas
Hazucha, John and Joy
Heinen, Dale and Carolee
Heinzen, Bill
Helgeson, Adam
Herbst, Jerry
Hettinga, Don
Hickman, Jeff
Hill, Tom and Pamela
Hoke, Jared and Melinda
Hughes, Wayne
Hutton, Duane and Linda
Kamo, Larry and Suzette
Kamo, Richard
Kelso, Bret and Jacklyn
Kirwin, Rich and Lorrie
Kleiber, John and Josephine
Knecht, Don
Koechel, Clark
Koepcke, John
Kolstad, Sparky and Libby
Krantz, Robert
Krueger, Joel
Kutscher, William
Langren, Bryan
LaPoint, Rog and Alegra
Larson, Gerald
Lemkuil, Robert
Lewellen, Don and Ellen
Lewis, Larry and Alice
McCoy, Mike
McKown, Charles
McNaughton, David
Mellem, Harlan
Mettler, Ken
Meyer, Tim
Montgomery, Dale and Karen
Mueller, Sean
Mueller, Todd
Myers, Jim
Nagel, Matt and Ann Elizabeth
Neubert, Lee
Norris, Michael
Olsen, Joan
Olson, Doc and Judy
Olson, Chuck
Ortenburger, Mark and Cathy
Park, John
Paschke, Dave
Paulson, Don
Peterson, James
Peterson, Chris and Tina
Peterson, Doug
Pijan, Rich
Plazek, John and Jodee
Prom, Al
Purvis, Johnathon
Pusateri, Leo
Rasmus, Jim and Martha
Richard, Mike
Richards, Jim and Ebie
Riemenschneider, Dick & Marge
Russell, Don and Chaque
Ryback, Jack
Schmidt, James
Schreiter, Anthony
Schubbe, Thom and Mary
Schubbe, Timothy
Schuh, Duane and Dianne
Schultz, Brian and Ellen
Schumacher, Carl
Shobe, Bryan
Sickels, Gene
Slattery, Daniel
Smith, Kaleb
Speidel, Spider
Starks, Norm and Phyllis
Street, Fred
Swanson, Paul
Treptow, Trep and Linda Sue
True, Daniel
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Umhoefer, Josh
Valentine, Dan and Jo
Veenhuis, Scott
Ver Bockel, John
Vitale, Bruce
Walsh, Larry
Warning, Grant and Linda
Weber, Tom and Polly
Weslander, Mark and Cindy
White, John
Wideman, Dan
Wilcox, Mark and Krista
Wilson, Warren
Wozniak, Bob and Pat
Zeien, Paul
Zellmer, Lee
Zimmerman, LeRoy and DiAnn
Champions of Tomorrow
Croix Four
Blegen, Adam
Delikowski, Adam & Emily
Hall, Matt
Roeber, John and Karen
Mentor Level
Phillips, Fred and Kelly
Coach Level
Berry, Chris
Brook, Roger and Pat
Dininny, Bob and Rosemary
Kill, Don
MacLaren, Randy and Maria
Meyer, Gary and Bonnie
Rayburn, Jeffrey
Slamka, Donald
Sturdy, Ray
Sutherland, Stephen
Wilson, Aaron
Sponsor Level
Bammert, Robert
Bax, Ed and Patricia
Berry, Sterling and Anne
Berry, Earl and Mimi
Bonn, Jeff
Boyer, Roger and Judy
Bulka, Gene
Burns, Sally
Chirgwin, Marty
Cole, Alan
Conn, Ed and Nora
Coombs, Alan
Cordle, Chris
Cowlishaw, John
Czupinski, Dave
Dake, Clifton
Davidson, Roger and Dolores
Ditto, Jerry and Cathy
Doyle, George
Dumbauld, Ted and Marilyn
Dunckel, Brian and Pat
Eagles, Jack
Ennis, Tom and Betty
Fisk, Al and Bonnie
George, Barry
Grogan, Jim and Barbara
Guldin, David
Gurney, Roy
Hall, James
Halsey, Rob and Nikki
Hanson, Dale
Harrell, Cody
Hartman, Jimbo and Kathy
Hartrick, Dick and Mary Beth
Hartrick, Mike
Hatch, Charles
Heaton, Hylon
Hensel, Elena
Holm, Roger and Janet
Horton, Don
Howe, Paul
Hunting, Bruce
Jackson, George
Jerzyk, Ben
Jonasz, Bruce
Kauppila, Walt
Kemp, David and Loretta
Keys, Carrie
Kramb, Mike and Janice
Kramb, Bob
Lamkin, Jim and Sandra
Lane, Arthur
Ledwith, Don
Lewis, Roger and Sue
Lewis, Steve and Kimberlie
Longroy, Robert
Maglione, Louis
Mann, Irwin
Markham, Jeff and Dawn
Martin, Charlie
Matson, Michael and Martha
Matthes, Wil and Peg
McAndrew, Bill
McCaffrey, Bob
McCall, Carleen
McCaskey, Roger
McNutt, Scott
Milkie, Gerald
Moerdyk, Charles
Monroe, Gary and Patricia
Moyer, Mike and Kathy
Netherton, Charles
Newman, Ed
Northey, John
Nugent, Neil and Linda
O'Dell, James and Jennifer
Oliver, Tim and Marcia
Ouzoonian, Ludwig
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Parker, Larry and Carole
Peters, Earle
Peterson, Jay
Pettigrew, Robert
Phillips, Russ
Proffitt, Michael
Quin, James and Dolores
Rayburn, David
Ridenour, Mike
Ryan, Hugh
Schlee, Richard
Schulte, Tony
Scott, Kel
Serwach, Joe
Shaver, Toby and Emilee
Smith, Al and Cynthia
Snoddy, Duane and Diane
Stiegemeyer, John and Grace
Strauss, John and Nancy
Stutts, William
Summers, Kathryn
Szewc, John and Elaine
Taphouse, Gene
Terpe, Donald
Tipton, Matthew
Todd, Joel
Turner, Scott and Kristin
VanWestrienen, John
Weaver, Douglas and Lynn
Weaver, Maude
Webner, Terry and Barbara
Whitten, Jim and Terese
Williams, RT and Leah
Williams, Dennis
Windak, James
Wissinger, Denny and Ruth Ann
Mentor Level
Beattie, Chris
Blount, Al and Melissa
Bridgeman, Peter
Devine, Sean
George, Dan and Mary
Harner, Chuck
Hunter, Chuck
Johnson, Ross and Susan Williams
Lewellen, Richard and Christina
Maderazo, John
Marcuss, Stanley
May, Bill
McFarland, Sam
Neal, Rollie
Pratt, Walt
Toffey, Bill and Kathy
Womer, Alice
Coach Level
Adams, Steven
Byram, Chas
Carroll, Charlie
Culotta, Charles
Deitch, Andy and Maritess
Dubivsky, Mark
Ehrisman, Sharon
Grimes, Gerry and Abbie
Heer, Roger and Linda
Landolt, David and Marilouise
Landon, Tom and Sue
Lewis, Maurice and Amy
McCook, Dennis
Meyer, Dan and Eileen Kelly
Murphy, Bob
Nelson, David
Obermeyer, Ron
O'Brien, Dan and Laura
Patton, Daniel and Silvia
Petro, Michael
Prevost, Terry and Kim
Rack, Bob
Ring, Dave and Fran
Sawin, Steve and Roni
Shelly, Patrick
Shipp, Frank and Susan
Sitter, Raymond
Smull, Dick and Anny
Stapleton, Pat
Wallenborn, White
Walsh, Tom and Margaret
Weiner, Tony and Nora
Wiener, Tom and Louise
Wile, Alan and Patricia
Williams, Susan
Wunsch, Ken
Sponsor Level
Ades, Louis
Albanese, Don and Sylvia
Albinson, Kenneth and Joyce
Aldinger, Bruce
Allen, Brian
Althof, Kyle
Alworth, John and Jacqueline
Ammerman, Brian and Christina
Ammirata, David
Arnett, Ed and Nina
Ashford, Philip
Baguley, Mike and Jo
Bailey, David and Ginger
Bailey, George
Baker, Ron
Bankart, William
Banker, Stephen and Susan
Barbee, Melvin
Barker, Bruce and Valerie
Bartell, Stephen
Bartholomew, Bob
Bauer, Tony
Baum, Pete and Beth
Beard, Carroll
Becker, John and Priscilla
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Carroll, Charlie
Beitman, Neal and Amy
Bell, Edward
Bell, Michael
Bender, Shana
Berger, Bob and Donna
Berkwits, Steven
Berlin, Gregory and Sandy
Berlin, Sheryl
Blair, Joseph
Bley, Denny
Boersma, Karel and Lynda
Bomback, Larry
Bordy, Ed and Nancy
Botelle, Jim
Brandt, Ron and Dorothy
Bratis, Ronald
Brictson, Stephanie
Brookreson, Joe
Brown, Phillip and Marian
Burger, Rich and Sue
Burke, Barry and Margee
Bush, Chris
Butala, Mark and Linda
Butterfield, Jay and Anne
Byers, Dave and Patricia
Byrd, Bill and Jill
Calabria, Philip and Suzanne
Celani, John
Chambers, William
Champion, James
Childers, Glen and Karen
Chouinard, Gerard
Ciccione, Joseph and Felice
Clark, Bill and Eleanor
Coakley, Raymond
Collins, Russ
Colosimo, Bill and Linda
Contzius, Erik and Moncia
Conway, Fred and Lesley
Cotton, Austin
Czepukaitis, Vince
Dangel, Dick
Davis, Gregory
Davis, Arlan
Day, William
De Bruin, Tom
De Vore, H. Stephen
Dechiario, Joe and Joy
Degan, Tom
Dehner, Gene
Dempsey, Joe
Denzler, Chas
Devine, Hugh and Bernice
DeVoe, Scott
Dillingham, Don
DiSalvo, Joe and Joanne
Downey, Will
Doyle, Ernie
Dukart, Gary and Marlene
Dunie, Stephen
Eberius, Bill and Doris
Echan, Clayton and Alberta
Edison, Mike
Ehrlich, Ken and Louise
Endy, Daniel and Elyse
Evans, Al and Joanie
Evans, Ike
Ewin, Jim
Fagerheim, Ken and Judith
Failor, Jim
Farabaugh, Donald
Fedarko, Frank and Kitty
Felker, Ross and Gail
Ferreira, Andy
Fisher, Fish and Jean
Fisher, Bob and Carol Smith
Fotia, John
France, Robert
Franek, Paul
Frazier, Jim
Freeman, Francis and Geraldine
French, Charles
Dechiario, Joe and Joy
Friedlander, Kenneth
Fuller, Drew
Garling, Scipio
Geipel, Mike and Lennie
Geldon, Fred and Anne
Gibbons, Damien and Melanie
Gillespie, Ralph
Gingrich, Ken and Barbara
Giovannitti, Ernest
Girard, Robert
Gordon, Brian
Graham, Gordan
Gray, Richard
Graybill, Dick
Greene, Jon
Greer, Bernie and Brenda
Greif, Richard and Victoria
Guterbock, Tom
Guy, Steve
Hacker, Kevin and Vesna
Harbove, David
Hardy, Alan and Laurie
Harrington, Mitchell
Hart, J. Charles
Hastings, Bob and Julianna
Hauler, Mandi
Hawthorne, Jim and Pearl
Haydon, Robert
Haynes, Vinny
Heginbotham, Erland
Heine, Walt
Herr, Fran
Herrick, Jim
Herring, Ed and Meg
Hertz, Kellen
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Hilfiker, Frank and Jean
Ho, Michael
Hobart, George
Horst, Greg
Horton, Tyler
Howard, Glenn and Angela
Howard, Kathleen
Hubbard, Bert and Carol
Huisenga, Ronald
Humes, Harry
Iturbides, Vick
Jefferson, M Franklin
Johnson, Cal and Carol
Johnson, Bert
Johnson, Brian
Jones, Bradley
Jones, Doug
Jones, W Hardman
Jordan, Terry and Ginger
Jordan, Tom and Kathy
Kaiser, Kevin
Kane, Edward
Kauffmann, Carl and Kathy
Kaufman, Lyn
Keady, Joe and Jane
Kellogg, Larry
Kellogg, Neal
Kempton, Dean and Marilynn
Kennery, Katherine
Kent, Gregory
Kindred, Jerry
Kirkland, Jim
Kirschner, Frank
Klaiss, Ron
Klemmer, Eric and Maryann
Koch, Wayne
Kriebel, Bob
Kruse, Bill and Kathleen
Kushto, Will and Karen
Lance, David and Gillian
Larsen, Joseph
LaTurno, Raymond
Laufer, Alex and Margaret
Laumann, Bud and Cheri
Lausch, Sundae
Lazear, Randy
Leaver, William
Lemieux, Roger
Lido, Victor
Liptak, Ray and Barbara
Louis, Arthur
Lower, Chuck
Ludwig, Ed
Lund, Carl and Maria
Lynch, Vince and Stacey
Macklin, Stan
Mallory, Rick and Laura
Manfre, Louis
Mann, Donald
Margolis, Barney
Martin, Chuck and Mary Ellen
Martin, Paul
Matthew, Matt and Gita
McConagha, Dave
McDonald, Bill and Gail
McGrew, Palmer
McKeever, Chuck
Mendez, Stephen
Miller, Larry and Judy
Millerick, Jack
Minnick, Bruce
Moller, Randy
Monfils, Mike
Montgomery, Rick and Jan
Morrison, Noah
Morton, Fred
Murane, Steven
Murtha, Bat and Andrea
Myers, Don
Neff, Ann
Nicharot, Lou
Nowak, Jay and Susan
Nutt, Robert
Obier, William
O'Connell, William
Ondish, John and Patricia
Owen, Vic
Page, Craig
Parr, Jerry and Marina
Patricia, John and Joan
Pearce, Don
Peck, Thomas
Peters, Fred
Pinto, Jack and Olga
Pitzer, Jack and Pat
Plummer, George and Hazel
Pollard, John
Poplaski, Amber
Popp, James and Susan
Porter, Jeff
Post, Boyd
Price, Doug
Purdin, Joe
Ranieri, Al
Reckenbeil, Don and Cathi
Ressler, Shaun
Rittenhouse, Walter
Roberts, Tom and Maria
Robinson, Jeff
Root, Chuck
Rosenbloom, Art
Ruppert, Dave and Barbara
Russell, Ed and Alice
Saunders, Jim and Joyce
Savage, Richard
Savalza, Nate
Schlott, Mike
Schreitmueller, Dick
Seelinger, George and Patricia
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Seibert, Dude
Sekula, Ed
Service, Tim and Susan
Servidio, Joe
Servidio, Joe
Sharkey, Thomas
Sharpe, Chuck and Cheryl
Shunk, William
Silverstein, Mike and Roseanne
Simolin, George
Skolnick, Steve and Donna
Smith, Bruce and Jane
Snyder, Allen
Sobrio, Dan
Spoerke, Glenn
Sponseller, Howie and Kathryn
Stamm, John and Linda
Stewart, Tom and Ida
Sticca, Angie
Stojowski, Stephen
Stueve, Burt
Sullivan, Charles
Sweigart, Don
Taber, John
Tallant, Shawn and Joanne
Taylor, Jim and Judith
Tellis, Ian
Thau, Bob and Rose
Thayer, Bradford
Thomas, Bob and Martha
Thomson, Kirk
Tilton, Bill and Barbara
Todd, Ronald
Toth, Jim
Valendo, Gene
Valles, Jorge
Van Der Kolk, Don and Suzanne
Van Gilder, Noah
Van Note, Herbert
Vasold, Tom
Vingelli, Louis
Volpetti, Louis
Wadley, Edward
Wagner, Alan
Walker, Ray
Walsh, John
Watts, Aaron
Weber, John
Weiss, Larry
Welter, David
Westin, Jan-Ake
White, Doug and Michelle
Whitehaus, Lori Jo
Wilderotter, Phil
Wilkins, Ross
Williams, Dan and Linda
Williams, Gwyn and Deborah Smith
Williams, Ira
Williamson, Jim and Judy
Wilson, George and Judy
Wilson, Gary
Wilson, Tom
Wlazlowski, Ed
Wolff, Richard
Wolff, Robert
Wood, Cy
Woolwine, Gene
Wright, John and Janet Smith
Zink, Frank
Champions of Tomorrow
Bird, Dale
Merkel, Phil
Shoemaker, Cliff & Gretchen
Susalka, Chris
Mentor Level
Lane, Walter
Nortz, Michael
Robillard, Dan
Sullivan, Scott
Coach Level
Andrews, David and Alexandra
Blank, Ted
Curtis, Jim and Betsy
Fritzen, Ed and Michele
Hutchinson, Dave and Carol
Klein, Michael
Lenehan, Richard
McElhoe, Glenn and Lili Silver
McGonegal, Bill
Moore, Fred and Ellen Corrigan
O'Malley, Tony and Marianne
Pierce, David and Avery
Rogers, Will
Washington, Dan
Weatherbee, Theresa
Wright, Bill and Sue
Coach Level
Adelmann, Wally
Anderson, Barbara
Anderson, Danny
Arico, Peter and Betty
Arnone, Paul and Carmen
Barrows, Granville
Batton, Tom
Batton, Samuel
Bayer, Andy
Bernard, Bob and Jean
Billings, Howard
Blackstone, Russ
Bowen, Jim
Boynton, Stan
Braden, John
Bradway, Terry and Jeff
Brazie, Reesie
Brooks, Emmy
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Brooks, Emmy
Brunner, Jim and Judy
Buerklin, Norm
Burger, George
Burgess, Edward and Nancy
Burke, Bob
Carlson, Don
Chestna, Jim
Church, Charles
Cilley, Art and Charlotte
Clauer, Lynn
Coates, Jim
Coates, Diane
Coffey, Alan and Patricia
Daley, Robert and Carole
Damon, Cotton
Daum, Lee
Davis, Don and Lois
Davis, Ted
Degan, Bill
Dickens, Jeff
Donovan, Dan
Dowling, Walt
Dubray, Gil
Duplessie, Wally and Faith
Dyer, Steve and Pamela
Eaker, Chuck
Englander, John
Falcone, Dan and Meg
Farmer, Tom and Patricia
Farnham, Bob and Jane
Feinberg, George
Fisher, Lou and Sarah
Frosch, Frosty & Bettie Jayne
Furtado, Andrew & Mary Ellen
Gervais, Richard
Gifford, Edward
Goebel, Bill
Grant, Joe and Jenna
Green, Russ
Gross, Kim
Gustafson, Al and Gloria
Hackett, Wayne and Betty
Hadigan, John
Haley, Sally
Halpern, Eric
Harrison, Warner
Hayes, Don and Nancy
Heines, Jesse and Bonnie
Hentchel, David and Melody
Higgins, James
Holbrook, George
Holtz, Steve and Jane
Hopper, Jim and Marti
Horhota, Steve
Hunt, Miles
Hutchinson, Edward
Israel, Raymond
Jolie, Don
Joy, Ed and Amy
Kehler, Tom and Lia
Keith, Ronald
Kerr, Ralph
Kettell, Charlie and Bettie
Kew, Jim
Kolda, Scott
Kraft, Phil and Peach
Larochelle, Larry & Mary Ann
Larson, Corbit
Lee, Doug
Lind, Don
Lipman, Harvey
Little, Jerry
Lively, Art and Natalie
Lombardi, Antonio
Long, Doug
Lopatin, Bruce
Loring, Steve and Sylvia
Lotterman, Steve
Maino, Mike
Malone, Joe
Marino, Joseph
Marstaller, David
Mason-Osann, Tim
Massa, Sebby
Maynard, Roger and Gail
McCarter, Duane
McCurdy, Ross
McQueeney, Tom and Nan
Medina, John
Meissner, Bob and Pat
Menard, Ronnie and Linda
Mercier, Matt
Milgram, Jerry
Mitchell, Jayde
Moriarty, Richard
Morse, Ian and Liz
Moss, Larry
Munnis, Rick
Murray, Jean and Vivian
Nachbar, Duke
Naples, Donald
Niquette, Alex
Noble, Linda
Oberg, Eric
O'Connor, John
Orenstein, David and Jane
Palonen, Chris
Parker, Earl
Patterson, David
Paul, Mark and Nancy Macagno
Pero, Edward
Peterson, Douglas
Prior, Mark and Abby
Rashid, Stanley and Mai
Reichert, Chris and Tenille
Reid, Glenn
Richards, John
Riel, Skip and Robin
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Romanchuk, Jim and Rebecca
Round, Scott
Salamin, Steve and Abby
Sandstrom, Harald
Sause, Doc and Donna
Sblendido, Frank and Barbara
Schaeffer, Richard
Secrest, Scott
Selander, Bill
Shea, Dick
Soderberg, Steve and Nev
Stearns, Bill and Deb
Stephens, Dunc
Stephens, Dunc
Sutherland, Joel
Takahashi, Antony
Taylor, Bradford
Taylor, Samuel
Topka, Terry
Tortorelli, Dianne
Tramack, Dave and Jerilynn
Trimby, Trim and Peggy
Wagner, Marshall
Washington, Steven
Wiley, Jay
Wistrom, Jerry and Maria
Woodhouse, John and Kathleen
Mentor Level
Barickman, Jim and Peg
Coach Level
Bell, Nathan
Bender, David and Deborah
Camp, Terry
Chorney, Craig and Mary
Holman, Jay
Honeyman, Mike and Jomary
Sabol, John
Tarquino, Bruce
Sponsor Level
Bahr, Glen
Bailey, Wayne
Berenguer, Skip and Susan
Bleiberg, Peter and Christine
DeMartino, Matt
Drake, Don and Jody
Evans, Don
Fabian, John
Frank, Peter
Fruth, Matt and Connie
Hart, Pete
Harter, Charles
Hunter, Al and Astrid
Irwin, Michael and Deborah
Jones, Tom
Kernahan, Jerry
King, Bob
Knickerbocker, Gerald
Larson, Gary and Jamie
Lewis, David
Lindsay, Edwin and Carol
Lyons, Edward and Betty
Mahan, Paul
Mamula, Milosh
Marmelstein, Phil
Martin, Stephen and Nancy
Moore, Brian
Nicholson, David
Norton, Daniel
Notaro, Andrew
Nuijens, David
O'Neil, Gerald
Rawcliffe, Jim and Gail
Reyes, Tito
Ritchey, Thomas
Rohlin, Bill
Rowlands, Bim and Marion
Schoonover, John and Wendy
Schramm, John and Mary
Talada, Butch and Kathy
Tesseyman, Francis
Updegraff, David
Zelows, Charles
Mentor Level
Brounoff, Nick and Barbara
Cook, Dwight
Duff, Will
Fleming, Jeff and Jane
Hasbrook, Pete
Hooten, Daniel
Mignoli, Frank
Moore, Alan
Swaney, Joseph
Welch, Howard
Coach Level
Brown, Hiram and Natasha
Foster, Jim
Good, Ben
Hairston, Brent
Hess, Greg
Hughes, Ivan and Wanda
Johnsrud, Steven and Laurie
Little, Jeffery and Daniela
Lunday, Duane and Margaret
Monroe, Scott and Rhonda
Moxley, Pete and Karen
Pinkston, Allan and Doris
Poynor, Ken and Dolores
Reifsnyder, Jeff
Roman, David and Becky
Scott, Jerry
Senstock, Martin
Shepard, John
Skinner, Jan and Bernie
Smith, Randy and Cindy
Smith, Austin
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Thurston, Jeff and Pat
Turner, Paul and Mari
Sponsor Level
Abbott, Brett and Naomi
Allenberg, Jack
Anderson, Philip
Arbuckle, Bob and Peggy
Baker, Bob and Barbara
Bartells, Paul and Sharon
Bartholomew, Anthony
Barton, Jerry
Bastian, Lloyd
Baylor, Scott and Carrie
Baylor, Zach
Beasley, Max
Beck, John and Kathleen
Bergenstock, Ron
Bergmann, Tom and Angela
Bierwagen, Don and Vivian
Bird, Tim
Blackshear, Harold
Boesdorfer, Gary and Sally
Bonesio, Mickey and Michaele
Boston, Fred
Bratcher, Laylan
Briody, Mark
Buell, Bart
Campbell, Jacob
Caswell, Nicholas
Chafetz, Ronald
Chapman, Terry
Connel, John and Lisa
Cooper, Dwayne and Barbara
Cooper, Daniel
Cox, Robert
Cross, Harvey
Crowl, Iva Jean
Davidson, Huggy and Martha
De Moor, Tom
Dercksen, Arthur
Dilling, Timm
Droegemueller, Adam
Dunklau, Bill and Brenda
Ebsen, Richard and Donna
Engelbrecht, Irvin
Fairchild, Maureen
Finklea, Hugh
Fly, Larry
Foris, Nan
Frederick, Marcia
Garrett, Jenn
Glass, Wendell and Rhonda
Glenn, Dennis and Lisa
Goerdel, Tim and Angela
Graham, Socko
Greene, Jerry and Lyrice
Griffin, Daniel and Darlene
Gutschke, Nathan and Dawn
Hammer, Hank
Hammons, Michel
Hannah, Gary and Donna
Hardgrave, Charles
Harris, Michael
Hayden, Ron and Anne
Henderson, Bill and Terry
Henderson, Caleb
Henderson, Dean
Hintermaier, Bob
Holdeman, Mark & Lindsay Chartier
Hood, Mike and Debra
Hoofnagle, Joe
Hopkins, Bryce
Hopper, Alan
Howard, Ed and Jessica
Huff, Dave and Patricia
Hurwitz, Lonny
Hutcheson, William
Ives, Bob and Shelia
Jackson, Jim and Barbara
James, Don and Elaine
Jordan, Kirk
Josephson, Al
Kang, Marcus
Knight, Charles and Sandy
Kuborn, John
Lafler, Seth
Lodge, Michael
Loerch, Wally
Lovitt, John
Lunden, K C
Marston, Jeremy
Martinez, Jonathan
McCullough, Robert
McDonald, John & Joan Bergstrom
McRae, Joel and Emilie
McShan, Phillip
Morton, Gary and Mary Ann
Moses, James
Newcomb, Kim
Nichols, Clark and Susan
Nienstadt, Ryan and Cheri
Olson, Jason
Patrin, George
Patterson, Jim
Penn, Bill
Pennington, Anthony
Phelps, Pat and Janis
Pickard, Tom and Krista
Pulver, Bryan
Rea, Joel
Rehus, Ronald
Riley, Damon and Anita
Roberts, Dave and Paula
Robinson, Robby
Rudd, Jim
Ruiz, Nick
Russell, Charles and Carolyn
Sadovsky, Brian
Sartor, Michael
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Schneider, John and Lucy
Seher, Ronald
Sense, Gregory
Simmons, Scott and Glenna
Smith, Arthur
Somerville, Don and Darla
Stallknecht, William
Taylor, C. Martin
Teel, Benjamin and Ariel
Tenczar, Bob and Nancy
Tett, Hub and Pam
Todd, Glenn and Kay
Trees, Bill
Trevino, Dan
Trevino, Matthew
Tudor, Jim and Dorothy
Turner, Claude
Vaughn, John
Walker, Craig
Walton, David
Ward, Don and Janice
Warschauer, Jason and Cindy
Weick, David
Wells, Mike and Cheryl
Wells, Mike and Cheryl
Westover, George and Karen
Weynand, John and Sharon
White, Rodney and Melody
Whitehead, Jeff
Wilson, Dennis and Peggy
Winder, Will and Rose
Winn, Mark and Amy
Witter, Steven
Wright, Luke
Young, Steve
Zink, Kelly
Champions of Tomorrow
Silver Statesmen
Cadwell, Don
Dove, Richard & Betty
Hoge, Jim
Wiegmann, Paul
Dunn, Bryan
Ehrhorn, Dan
Smith, William
Wisbrock, Mat
Mentor Level
Buehler, Jeff
De Rosa, Lois
Dignan, John
Helbig, Arnie and Denise
McCormack, Wayne and Peggy
Robinson, Larry and Barbara
Coach Level
Bame, Dick
Brinkmann, Dan and Barbara
Butler, Gordon and Donna
Carnahan, Ron and Pat
Doheny, Dave and Denise
Ganjamie, Charlie and Susan
Geers, Don
Gruber, Gabriella
Haley, Pat and Jan
Hanover, Paul and Marcia
James, Ron
Jones, Rosey and Barbara
Kirkpatrick, Don
Lamberti, Dominic
Mastrangelo, Al and Barbara
McKinnon, Jim and Nancy
Miller, Don
Quinn, Bob
Richards, David
Salladin, Scott
Tirk, Bob and Ann
Vockell, Bill and Sonia
Wilson, Kevin and Jonna
Zentner, Thom
Sponsor Level
Alexander, John and Margaret
Applegate, Doc
Banek, Merle
Barnes, Don and Debbie
Barton, Dave and Miriam
Barton, Dan
Beck, Richard
Becker, Jared
Bekkenhuis, Paul and Andrea
Bennett, Gerry
Bergstrom, Lee and Sara
Bierma, Brent
Blomeley, Stan and Charity
Borts, Andrew and Dale
Bourdeau, Ernie and Lynda
Bracy, Doug
Branch, Gary
Brunger, Robbie
Burns, Joseph
Burns, Rick
Busko, Jim and Cyd
Carlson, Ray and Catherine
Carter, Jay
Casanzio, Rich and Sandra
Castanien, Jim
Clancy, Matt
Codner, Ray and Sherry
Colleran, Bill and Valerie
Cooley, Reuben and Connie
Court, Richard
Cullen, Bill and Ginger
Cunniff, Sky and Lanita
Cunningham, Larry
De Angelis, Carmen & Patricia
Decker, Jeanne
Decker, Tom and Jennifer
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Detwiler, Det and Elizabeth
Dickman, Chuck and Jean
Donohoe, Fran and Barbara
Doughton, Connie
DuBois, Bill and Mitzi
Dunn, Steve
Eastlake, David
Feaster, Chris and Sharon
Felver, Jack
Fischer, Dick and Rosalyn
Fisher, Gary
Fitzgerald, Daniel and Pamela
Fleming, John and Rita
Foisy, Maurice
Ford, Bill and Betty
Frobose, Jack and Helenanne
Gammon, Jim and Margo Ann
Gape, Ray
Gehrlein, Jim and Susan
Geisinger, Ken
Gerould, Lon
Given, Jimmy
Glass, Brenda
Gonon, Pat
Gordon, Dick and Beverly
Griesemer, Bob and Lynn
Grillone, Adam
Guttenplan, Adam
Hall, Manson
Hankins, Tom
Harnish, John and Jan
Harrington, Scott
Henry, Sue
Hesketh, Ron and Joyce
Hineman, Lynn
Hixson, Bob and Gena
Hobson, J. Harvey
Hogshead, Tom
Hutchison, Brian and CC
Hyre, Marc
Jacobs, Dave and Cassie
Jacobsen, Steve
Johnson, Reed
Kealy, Tom
Kirkpatrick, Howard
Knight, John and Fran
Kopelke, Lee
La Due, Jerry and Evelyn
Ladd, Jim
Lambert, Don and Lynn Lambert
Lankes, Robert and Kimberly
Lavely, Chazz
LeBleu, Jim and Brinda
Lee, Jason
Leon, Lee and Patricia
Leslie, William
Lester, Dave
Longfellow, John and Sarah
Lord, Lucas
Fisher, GaryLujan, Andrew
Lux, Gretchen
Magnus, Allen and Linda
Mailhotte, Leo
Mann, David
Mather, Chuck
McCoy, Gene and Margaret
McCreary, Clare and June
McElravy, James and Judy
McGoff, John
Mendez, Kevin
Morin, Rick
Moritz, Chris and Judy
Moyer, Dick and Sue
Mullen, Keith
Murray, Charlie
Nantz, Harold
Nelson, John and Phyllis
Olesen, Jeffry
Ott, William and Laverne
Owens, Chris and Lana
Packer, Jeff and Jane
Page, Wayne and Kathy
Palmer, Jim and Faith
Parker, Dave and Marilynn
Parrish, Randall
Pascoe, Russ
Pearson-Martinez, Zachary
Pfeifer, Joe
Poehler, Gray
Prince, Bruce
Ray, Charles and Barbara
Reeves, Robert
Reinmiller, Rich
Reynolds, Jeremy and Barbara
Rhodes, Dave and Diane
Richards, Dave and Barbara
Riches, Dave and Barbara
Rocklein, Joe and Betty Lou
Rodrigues, Rod and Ann
Rohrs, Ronald
Ropp, Arlan
Rose, Robert
Rosen, Steve
Ross, Bruce and Ann
Russell, Howdy and Teresa
Sardo, Dave
Schafer, Roger
Schmidt, Ray
Schneider, Norb
Schubert, Dave and Karen
Schweller, James
Shaw, Dick and Nancy
Shearer, Joseph and Angela
Shubert, James and Kathleen
Shuss, Greg and Laurie
Slamka, John
Slaney, Bob and Amy
Snyder, Stirling
Solomon, Charles
Spencer, Al and Angela
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Stenback, Jan
Stevenson, Michael
Stoll, Ray
Storms, Jim
Stromenger, Hank
Swanson, Joel and Marion
Swenson, Chuck
Taylor, Kenneth
Tinney, Arthur
Tobin, Jerry
Tsark, Paul and Teresa
Tureski, Kenneth
VandeMark, Bart and Gail
Wakefield, Bob
Wantuck, Ken
Ward, Jason
Ward, Bill
Weisenreder, Jerry and Wanda
Werner, Scott
Whitcomb, Robert
Whittlesey, Paul
Willcox, Paul
Williams, Willy
Williams, Dick
Williams, Tom
Winkelmann, Bill
Wise, Dean and Patricia
Wood, Curt
Mentor Level
Benson, James
Curulla, Stephen
Fieffer, Warren
Gregg, Geoffrey
Long, John
Coach Level
Allison, Bill and Carol
Bennight, William
Bookman, Bernie
Boyd, Dave
Conway, William
Curl, Dick
Franklin, Dick
Gay, Jim
Giersch, Brian
Gilderoy, Marvin
Hanrahan, L. Robert
Lawler, Donald
McMurtry, George and Ann
Meisner, Jerry
Pfister, Eugene
Price, Dick and Sue
Ramsey, Joyce
Rhoades, Marty
Rich, Charles
Rumph, Harvey
Simpson, Joe
Vickers, Jon
Zinke, Gregory
Sponsor Level
Adams, Dave
Alexander, Rob
Angilello, Ronald and Marcia
Arnold, John
Beaver, Roger
Berube, Jim and Joan
Bishop, Roy and Joann
Bobo, Jay and Phyllis
Brewer, Rusty
Broadway, Jo
Buterbaugh, Gary
Campbell, Don
Cauble, David and Alice
Chandler, Mark
Chojnacki, Dennis
Clegg, William
Cluett, Elizabeth and Waldron
Cook, David and Elizabeth
Cooper, Steve and Alice
Daugherty, Blaine & Rose Marie
Davis, Gerry
Doheny, Michael
Doub, David
Eaton, Dennis and Anne
Eddings, Jim
Elliotte, Lon
Erwin, Russell
Fitch, Michael
Ford, Jim
Foster, Jeff and KerryAnn
Fulton, Bill
Fuson, Warren
Gans, George
Gatland, Ray
Gratton, George and Irene
Greene, Beverly
Greenlaw, Thom
Grove, David
Harbin, Charles
Harter, Laurence
Hunt, Larry and Sandra
Johnston, Russ
Kam, Dan
Kayler, Claude and Lorie
Kearns, Bob and Cathy
Kimbleton, Dennis
King, James
Kirchner, Pete
Kucheravy, Fran and Virginia
Langley, Alan and Maggie
Lankenau, Gordon
Lee, Bob and Mary Ann
Lesperance, Andy and Barbara
Logan, Jeff and Charlane
Loughlin, Joe and Marty
Luck, Dave and Mel
Lybrand, David and Heather
Magee, Paul and Jane
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Mancuso, Mikey and Ann
Mark, Steve
Martin, Paul
McAbee, Wilford
McCallus, John and Dee
McCann, Harrison
McCauley, John and Barbara
McDaniel, Craig
McGrath, Tim and Carol
McKenna, George
Millard, Richard and Ann
Mountjoy, Joe and Emilia
Norins, Michael and Kathy
Northup, Fred and Julie
Ogden, Glenn
O'Shea, Daryn and Laurie
Overby, Wesley and Esther
Pace, Steve
Palagyi, Zig and Anne
Parker, Dick
Pescarino, Phil
Pherson, Vern
Pixley, Annie
Price, Wayne and Emilie
Proctor, Bob and Bonnie
Propst, James
Reinhart, Larry and Becky
Rhoads, Gerry and June
Rogers, James
Ruegsegger, Roland
Russ, Juan
Ryan, Joseph
Sauer, Larry
Smith, Don
Stewart, Isaac and Robbin
Stivland, Greg
Stock, Carl
Sutherland, Taylor
Sutton, Ron and Sara
Tartock, Don
Thompson, Robert
Tilton, Squeak and Carol
Triplett, Larry
Tweed, Bob and Lorraine
Wiertel, F. James
Wilson, Jim and Janet
Zweighaft, John and Carol
Mentor Level
Mosser, Sandi
Wilton, Bill
Coach Level
Clague, Marty and Martha Brown
Forsberg, Gary
Gibson, Joe
Holt, Andy
Hopper, James
Jackson, Gray and Becki
Kennedy, Mike
McWilliams, David and Sandy
Nafziger, Ralph and Judi
Peterson, Pete
Plass, Robert
Pomasl, Chris
Ratcliff, Harold
Ridenour, Neil and Elda
Salcetti, Bob
Szymanski, Lon
Taylor, John and Lynn
Sponsor Level
Abelein, Rex and Anne
Andromidas, Mark
Arnold, Richard and Marty
Arrington, Doug and Mandy
Arrington, Jamie and Tina
Asmus, James
Asmus, Chelsea
Balsley, Toby
Biffle, Bill and Lillian
Biffle, John
Bosveld, Duane and Cindy
Hopper, James
Jackson, Gray and Becki
Kennedy, Mike
McWilliams, David and Sandy
Nafziger, Ralph and Judi
Peterson, Pete
Plass, Robert
Pomasl, Chris
Ratcliff, Harold
Ridenour, Neil and Elda
Salcetti, Bob
Szymanski, Lon
Taylor, John and Lynn
Sponsor Level
Abelein, Rex and Anne
Andromidas, Mark
Arnold, Richard and Marty
Arrington, Doug and Mandy
Arrington, Jamie and Tina
Asmus, James
Asmus, Chelsea
Balsley, Toby
Biffle, Bill and Lillian
Biffle, John
Bosveld, Duane and Cindy
Bracken, Gary
Bray, Roger and Betty
Bruce, Beth
Burgener, Robert
Byers, Kelly
Carlson, Oly and Diane
Chamberlain, Jon and Janet
Chambers, Bill
Christiansen, Nathan and Lise
Clouser, Ben and Carol
Colby, David and Mary
Collins, Farris
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Cutchen, J. Thomas
Dawson, Tom
Didier, Paul
Dockter, Vern and Lindalin
Dover, Paul and Deana
Duckett, Bob and Janet
Edquist, Tom and Linda
Edwards, David
Elving, John and Barbara
Erlander, Phil and Dee
Feller, Kim
Fitzgerald, Ed and Joan
Foster, Brett
Fowler, Jill
Franklin, George and Sally
George, Dan and Carol
Gibbs, Jack
Hayhurst, Glenn
Henry, TJ and Julie
Henson, Bruce and Nancy
Hill, Dallin and Rebecca
Hoffman, Geoffrey and Tammie
Hoffman, Mark
Holdridge, Kelly and Charlotte
Homan, JR
Hooper, Jerry and Marilyn
Hoskins, David and Sandy
Hudson, Hal and Carolyn
Humfeld, George and Diana
Hutchison, James
Hyland, Pete and Phyllis
Johnson, Daniel and Lauren
Johnson, Randy
Johnston, David
Kauffman, Keith and April
Keltner, Ned
Kinney, Jack
Koppenhaver, Larry and Eileen
Krebs, Barry
Langenwalter, Noah
Levy, Chuck
Little, Fred
Lockhart, Tracy
Lynch, Rick and Gina
Maen, Jeffrey
Martin, William
Mason, Fred
McDivitt, Terry and Carolyn
Megow, John
Middleton, Phil and Pat
Minear, Bruce and Tish
Muehler, Darron and Vicki
Muelle, Robert and Mary
Mullen, Jeffrey and Connie
Myers, David and Dorothy
Nelson, Arlo and Judy
Newton, Thomas
Nish, Devon
Nogrady, Michael
Norman, Douglas
Norris, Dave and Kay
Ostler, Blake and Elena
Phillips, Rich and Ellen
Preston, J.C. and Judy
Quintana, Jerry
Romine, Dick and Maureen
Sachs, William and Kay
Schacht, Bear
Schoemer, Jim and Susan
Shaw, Jeffrey
Shuster, Cy
Skaff, Mike and Shauna
Waddell, David
Wadsley, Mike and Cynthia
Wakefield, Michael
Wehlander, Oz
Westberg, Johan
Whalen, Gilbert
White, Al and Nancy
White, Randy and Marian
Wiesner, Del and Kay
Winters, Bruce and Marsha
Champions of Tomorrow
Storm Front
Clark, Jim and Rhonda
Drown, Darin and Jenny
Libsack, Syd and Abby
Selano, Jeff and Mary
Mentor Level
Darling, Bill
Enns, Roberta
Fisher, Ken
Gordon, Mac
Coach Level
Briand, Alan
Fulton, Rob
Holt, Jeff
Moker, Gord
Pearce, David
Puls, David
Sponsor Level
Achtymichuk, Mike
Alain, Alphonse
Arnold, Chris
Arnold, Juanita
Balkwill, Tom
Ball, Ron
Balys, Ed and Anne
Beattie, Fred
Belchamber, Frank
Billard, Raye
Billows, Gordon
Billows, Paula
Bird, Guy
Bond, Dave
Bradbury, Bill
Ambassadors of Song Membership
Monthly Giving Program of Harmony Foundation
as of 12/15/2015 – 2,781 members
Bright, Michael
Cameron, Brian
Carr, Dick
Casselman, Harold
Charles, Arnie
Clarke, Donald
Cleather, Ed
Coles, Peter
Collinson, Wendy
Conley, Geoffrey
Currie, Leslie
Devereux, Paul
Down, Elmer
Durward, Scott
Earle, David
Ebers, Robert
Ellis, Bill
Essex-McIntyre, James
Filyk, Gloria
Garrett, Walter
Gibson, Bob
Gray, Harry
Gross, Art
Hendry, George
Hendry, Pat
Hilchey, Joel
Hilko, Linda
Hockin, Ken
Jones, Maurice
Knox, Grant
Langille, Joan
LeFort, Helen
Livingston, Linda
Lynch, Bernie
MacDonald, Rob
MacGregor, Duncan
MacLean, Doug
Malinis, Anita
McAlpine, Judy
McCann, Andrew
Mendler, Elizabeth
Miles, Gary
Mirhady, Alex
Mirhady, David
Munro, Barry
Murray, Joe
Parkinson, Bob
Petch, Doug
Pinch, Frank
Pitcher, Joyce
Risley, Jane
Robertson, Doug
Robichaud, Judy
Robson, Bob
Rootes, James
Rutherford, Bob
Sanderson, Brian
Seedhouse, Jack
Selkirk, Gerry
Shackleton, Andrew
Siegel, Charlie
Simpson, Howard
Sinclair, Blake
Smith, Rob
Stephenson, Ken
Sutherland, Lorna
Sutton, June
Taillon, Marcel
Thielking, Bruce
Tibbutt, Ed
Vandervaart, Brian
Vargo, Eleanor
Wagg, Paul
Weber, Douglas
Werling, Katherine
Willis, Bill
Wilson, Jim
Zinnerman, Micah
Champions of Tomorrow
Ackerman, Rick
Marchant, Bruce
Streeter, David
Warne, Murray
Boone, Steve
Bright, Jonathan
Brown, Patrick
Booney, John
Hall, Steve
Misters, John
Moorcroft, Boyd
Young, Bob
Hatelt, Marv
Riddle, Norm
Rootes, Larry
Seedhouse, Jack
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