Publication PDF - Lake Shawnee Club
Publication PDF - Lake Shawnee Club
LAKE SHAWNEE NEWS August 2008 Volume 1 issue 8 Presidentʹs Message INSIDE STORY PRESIDENTS MESSAGE 1 BOARD MEMBERS 2 BABYSITTERS 6 CALENDAR 3 TOWN EVENTS 4 ECOLOGY 7 NEWS EDITOR 5 SOCIAL NEWS 5 TRADING POST 9 KIDS SAFE 11 BEACH RULES 12 CLUB PROPERTY 14 GOLF/RESULTS 13 August 2008 I hate to think that summer is half over, but summer is half over! But we still have a lot of summer left and much fun to be had! We had our first Carl Peterson Day on July 5th and what a great day it was. The day started out as a friendly pick up game of softball. When I got to Stanlick School I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out and the team spirit. Each team wore their red & blue, brought signs and banners and after 9 innings the West prevailed. I won’t mention the score since I was on the losing team! We have already lined up our ringers for next year. Did I mention I adopted Jackie Ubhaus! Later we enjoyed lunch at the clubhouse and continued with volleyball, horseshoes, a three legged race, balloon toss and sack races. The day ended in a tug of war and a tie for both sides. Many who have lived here for some time remember this day was called the East-West Games. Based on the turn out and fun had by all young and old, I see us continuing the tradition. The photos are posted on our web site. The lake will be hosting its first family overnight camp out at first beach this year. We combined it with our last movie night on August 29th. This will be a busy weekend and a great way to end the summer. Our annual pig roast is the same weekend on August 31st. I recommend that everyone start to set up tents after 6pm in the grass area by the docks. All children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. We will be providing s’mores after the movie, a light breakfast in the morning and of course a campfire. Check inside this edition of the LSC News for further upcoming events or as always check out our web site. Since this is a presidential election year, the club will be performing its major draw down of the lake. The purpose of the draw down is to allow lake front property owners the ability to repairs docks, retaining walls, etc. Please be sure to book your contractors early as Lake Hopatcong is drawing down as well. The draw down will begin on October 5th and the low level outlet will be shut on November 16th. • HIGHLIGHTS: Family Sundae & Kids Bingo Night Aug 6 • Texas Hold’em Aug 16 Last Movie Night & Campout Aug 29 • Pig Roast Aug 31 • Women’s Bass Tournament Sept 06 At it’s June meeting; the board established a property improvement committee. The purpose of this committee will be to come up with some long range plans for capital improvements to our properties. We did a property survey back in April and some ideas have already been kicked around. Enjoy what’s left of your summer. Eric Wilsusen Club President [email protected] Lake Shawnee Club 4 W. Shawnee Tr. Wharton, NJ 07885 Club House Phone 973-663-1307 Office Hours 8:30AM to 12:00 NOON Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday If you need information or have a question the following Officers may be able to help. CLUB OFFICERS BOARD MEMBERS President ………......Eric Wilsusen…………...0596 Executive V. P……..Lise Meisner..…………...4553 Membership V. P…..Milt Felter.……………...1565 Treasurer…………...Marc Sanderson….….…..9434 Secretary……….…..Patti Coombs….…….…..476-8777 Jeff Keith.. ………….………………..4230 Jim Benjamin………………………...8575 Al Gebhardt…………..………………0014 Vince Matrisciano…………………….5964 Heidi Fink…………….………………1857 Nick Kenyon………….………………2531 Standing Committees & Committee Heads First Beach – Eric Wilsusen ……….………..0596 Vince Matrisciano-Club House...…………....5964 Second Beach- Nick Kenyon………………...2531 Third Beach – Jim Benjamin ……………….8575 White’s Cove – Al Gebhardt………………...0014 Beaver Cove & North End – Milt Felter …...1565 News Editor— Patti Coombs…………….....476-8777 Lake ecology — Jeff Keith………………….4230 Swim Team —- Charla Buglino………….………….9549 Social Committee — Patti Coombs…………….476-8777 Life Guards —- Carolyn Sior………………………...4156 Fishing Committee —- John Policastro……………...4063 Summer Night Patrol —- Eric Wilsusen……..…. .....0596 Club Rentals — Club office…………..……………….1307 Office Manager- Lisa Peter……………………….OFFICE PHONE………...…...1307 Clubhouse Rental- Lisa Peter……………………………………………………...1307 LSC News Mail & Distribution- Club Office………………………………….…...1307 Web Site- Robert VanValer [email protected] Please free to contact the club office at 973-663-1307 or [email protected] for contact information for any of the above or on information on joining a committee. CLUB HOUSE RENTALS Members only Rental Rates Half Day $75.00 Mon-Fri only till 5PM. Eve. start at 6PM. Full Day $150.00 Page 2 Rental Terms 1. Signed agreement 2. Deposit of $175.00 Must receive with rental fee and signed agreement. Rental Agent At Clubhouse - 1307 Tues. - Thurs. - Sat. 8:30AM. - 12: 00 Board meetings first Friday of every month at 7:00PM members welcome website: CALENDAR OF HAPPENINGS Aug 6th Family Make Your own Sundae & Kids Bingo – starting at 7pm Aug 16th Texas Hold’em - starting at 7pm Aug 29th Last Movie Night and Campout - page 8 Aug 31st Pig Roast - starting at 1:30pm - page 15 Sept 06th Women’s Bass Tournament - page 10 LSC Adult Horseshoes & Volleyball Come on out and join the fun!! Volleyball -- Tuesday’s at 6:30pm till dark Horseshoes – Wednesday’s at 6:30pm till dark On the court/pits at 1st Beach Come any time and pick up a game… PET OWNERS Pets are not allowed on beach properties from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and as always please remember to clean up after your pet. Thank you Lake Shawnee Draw Down 2008 Every Presidential year we draw down the lake 4 feet for general repair and maintenance to be done on your properties. This year the draw down will run from October 5th to November 16th. Be sure to secure your contractors early as Lake Hopatcong will also have their draw down at the same time! Page 3 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP HEALTH DEPARTMENT MALE CANCER SCREENING WHEN: September 16, 2008 Time: 6-9PM MALE includes a digital rectal exam by a physician, a prostate specific antigen test, urinalysis, Hemoccult test and health education counseling. COST: $25.00 APPOINTMENTS ARE NECESSARY! CALL the Public Health Center at 973-663-0700 Outdoor Water Restrictions Just a reminder that the Township Municipal Utility has odd/even outdoor water restrictions in place within the Lake Hopatcong service area. Odd number houses can water on odd numbered days and even numbered houses on even days. Looking to Join the Board? It is that time of year again when we start the nominating process for the annual meeting. If you are interested in helping our lake community more, why not consider running for a board position. If you would like more information, or would like to submit your name to the nominating committee, please contact the office manager at 973-663-1307 or email [email protected]. Lakeland Senior Citizen Club Dates: Aug. 5 & 19 Meeting time: 1:00pm American Legion Espanong Road Lake Hopatcong NJ Refreshments, Socializing, Bingo to follow meeting Any resident 55 years or older are welcome to join. Contact Barbara 973-663-6214 or Vicky 973-208-9972 Lakeland Seniors Are hosting a Bus Trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on Aug 11th. Cost is $27.00 with $19.00 back Bus leaves at 8:45AM and returns at 900PM Bus leaves from the Health Center on Minnisink Rd, Lake Hopatcong, NJ Information and tickets call Emily 973-663-1294 or Janet 973-663-0841 Page 4 BAS Travel Service Barbara A. Smith Travel Consultant 7 Island Trail Lake Shawnee Wharton, NJ 07885 Phone: 973-663-5656 Fax: 973-663-5844 Email: [email protected] News from the Editor: Aug 2008 Patti Coombs [email protected] Summer is in full swing and there are lots of events going on around the lake. Be sure to check out the calendar of events and the Social Committee news for all the latest information. The Pig Roast is coming up and we will also be having some new additions such as Kids Bingo and a Beach Party Campout in August. Be sure to mark your calendars and come out for the fun! Social Committee News ….. Texas Hold’em will be held at the Clubhouse on Saturday, August 16th. Registration will begin at 7pm and we’ll start playing at 7:30pm. Cost is $10 for chips, snacks and drinks. Come out for a great night! The last Movie Night of the season will also be combined with a Beach Party Campout. This will be held on Friday, August 29 and will be a blast for everyone. Bring a flashlight & tent and campout at First Beach; bring sticks to roast marshmallows and make s’mores! Anyone under 18 MUST be accompanied by and adult to campout! Bagels, coffee & juice will be provided for breakfast the next morning. Desserts, marshmallows, and snacks will be provided. Come out and enjoy this fun night! Don’t forget our annual Pig Roast is coming up on August 31st!! We’ll start at 1:30pm and food will be served at 2pm. Please be on time for this very popular even to ensure you eat! On the menu is pig, hamburgers and hot dogs, sausage & peppers, chicken, salads and desserts. We will also be serving beer, wine and soda. $20 per person and children under 12 are free. Space is limited! Reservations are necessary and payment must be made in advance. Please call Karen at 663-9629 to reserve your spot!! Please let Karen know if you are brining a salad or dessert and if you are available to help set up that morning. Save the Date! We are planning a “Square Dance” for Sept. 27th. More news to follow. Page 5 Next Texas Hold’em will be held on August 16th!! 7pm registration, playing starts at 7:30pm. 92 West Shawnee Tr Wharton, New Jersey 973-989-5559 E-mail: [email protected] Whether you want to fly away or sail away, let us help you plan your vacation. We specialize in personalized service and we have over 30 years experience Page 6 Lake Ecology (Jeff Keith x4230) Weed Update At this point the lake has been surveyed 5 times and we finally treated last week on the18th. We treated for Urasian, Water Mifoil, Filamentous Algea, and a small section of lilies in the North End which had taken over. There is about an acre of bass weed in the middle of the lake that has become a nuisance over the past few weeks. That will be treated by the end of July. They did not have the proper herbicide with them at the time when they were here. The lake has warmed up over the last few weeks. This warming is caused by the lack of rain. The lake is almost a foot lower from normal depths. This warm temperature lowers our DO (dissolved oxygen) and promotes weed growth. In spite of this condition we are in pretty good shape as far as weeds. Just a note, in addition to Allied Biological surveying our lake, I go out myself several times to try and stay on top of weed growth which can take off very quickly. Our lake is very shallow and we must be vigilant about maintaining it. If you see a trouble spot, please call me so we can check it out. Septic update We talked last time about products you can buy that have low phosphorous levels (which contribute to weed growth) that you can buy. Good news - all laundry detergents have no phosphorous in them. The companies discovered it was a losing battle and eliminated them from all of their detergents (way to go consumers). A reminder when you go to buy fertilizers for your lawn look for that 2nd number on the package. There are many that do not have phosphorous. Incidentally, most lawns do not need phosphorous. There is an adequate amount of phosphorous already in the ground. There is a kit you can buy from the Rutgers Extension Service that cost 15 dollars to test your lawn to see what it needs. The Morris County number is 973-285-8300 ext 224.Just a reminderwhat goes on your lawn generally a portion of it winds up in the lake, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE IN THE LAKE. So please be mindful of what you use and how and when you use it Water Conservation Every month I will be reminding all resident about water conservation. It's a precious commodity we cannot take for granted. I still see people watering their lawns during the day. Half of your effort is lost to evaporation and you do not need to leave your sprinkler on for hours. An hour of watering in the morning or night is more than enough for your lawn (reminder we are on an odd and even house number schedule for watering for the town of Jefferson. People drive around to check, you can be fined). Did you know that 30% of the potable water on the East Coast is used for watering lawns? This is the same water we use for drinking and cooking. A couple tips, while waiting for your shower water to get hot, get a container and collect that water and water your house plants or outside plants. This could save hundreds of gallons a year in potable water. Don't leave that faucet running while brushing your teeth. It all starts with the homeowner and if everyone does their part it will make a difference Composting If you don't already know, Jefferson is one of the leaders in the county in recycling. Their numbers are up in the 60% range. We can assist that cause by composting. It's very simple. 25 to 30 % of all household trash can be composted. Such things as cut grass, household scraps (coffee grinds, salad cuttings, tea bags). Do not put in meat, oils or grease, dairy products. Leaves from your lawn are good. Turn the pile at least once a month. If it's working it shouldn’t smell and it makes great fertilizer for your plants. That's it for now, any questions about the lake or anything I have talked about please don't hesitate to call me. We live in a beautiful place that is environmentally sensitive so we must be cognizant about what we do. I feel very lucky to live in a place where most people would go on vacation. Let's all work together to keep it that way. Thank-you Page 7 BEACH PARTY CAMPOUT & MOVIE NIGHT!!! Friday, August 29th The last Movie Night of the season will also be combined with a Beach Party Campout. Bring a flashlight & tent and campout at First Beach; bring sticks to roast marshmallows and make s’mores! Bagels, coffee & juice will be provided for breakfast the next morning. Desserts, marshmallows, and snacks will be provided. Movie “The Waterhorse” Anyone under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult to campout! Page 8 FOCUS ON DATA - STOP! TAKE 3 TO SEE®/STOP MEANS STOP® The National Safe Kids Campaign issued a study conducted in partnership with FedEx Express on observance of Stop Signs (2003). In part, findings include: • More than a third (37 percent) of motorists rolled through stop signs at intersections and nearly a tenth (7 percent) did not even slow down before the stop sign. • At intersections with marked crosswalks, one quarter (25 percent) of vehicles stopped in or past the crosswalks. • When only child pedestrians were present, nearly a third (32 percent) of motorists violated the stop signs. • At intersections where pedestrians were crossing, nearly a quarter (24 percent) of drivers did not come to a complete stop. Each year, stop sign violations are associated with approximately 200 fatal crashes and 17,000 non-fatal injury crashes. Children are at risk of injury when stop sign and pedestrian right-of-way laws are violated.” DARE TO CARE! STOP! TAKE 3 TO SEE® Keep Kids Alive Drive 25® - A Non-Profit Organization 501(c)(3) 12418 C St. Omaha, NE 68144 (402) 334-1391 TRADING POST ARE YOU A CAMPER? WE HAVE A VARIETY OF TENT CAMPING EQUIPMENT IN VERY GOOD CONDITION FOR SALE, INCLUDING TWO TENTS, 30 FOOT TARP, EXTENDABLE POLES, AIR MATTRESSES, FRAME TO SUPPORT AIR MATTRESS OFF THE GROUND, TWO BURNER STOVE, LANTERNS, FOLDING CHAIRS, FOLDING ROCKING CHAIR, ETC. WE STILL CAMP BUT IN A POP-UP AND NO LONGER NEED THIS EQUIPMENT. IF YOU ARE INTERESTEDIN BARGAINS, CALL MARTE FOR A LOOK-SEE. Gig The Florist 5 Bowling Green Parkway Suite 5 Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 (973) 663-3062 Page 9 9th ANNUAL WOMEN’S BASS TOURNAMENT DATE: Saturday September 6th, 2008 CONTEST: Sign In: 7:00 AM Fishing Starts/Ends: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM NO LIVE BAIT! Hot dogs (all day), burgers and beer to follow event. Other dishes welcome. ADMISSION: $15.00 AWARDS: Cash Prizes to be announced Largest Bass (weight) Total Weight (limit 5) T-SHIRTS: Orders required by August 1st. CONTACT: Bobbie /Verny at 973 601-7343 for T-Shirt order and welcome dishes. To participate, you must be a member, or the guest of a member of Lake Shawnee Club Current New Jersey State Fishing Licenses suggested Page 10 Page 11 Lake Shawnee Beach Rules Summer is here and the children are home from school. This is a good time to remind everyone about the rules around our beaches and other Club properties: • Current ID badges must be worn at all times on all Club properties, including the beaches • The curfew on all properties is 10:00 PM. • Swim at your own risk when lifeguards are not on duty. • Children under 9 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. • No glass containers are allowed on beaches. • No bicycles or motorized vehicles are permitted on the beaches. • No pets are allowed on the beaches between Memorial Day and Labor Day. • Remember to take your garbage home Please also remember that the lifeguards are there for an important reason and that they are not babysitters! Also, when out on the Lake, please be mindful of others who may be in trouble while boating. Page 12 The Lake Shawnee Swim Team & their families would like to thank the Golfers and Sponsors who supported our 20th Annual Lake Shawnee Golf Outing. Without their support we would not be able to provide the kids with such a fun & active summer activity and we would not have had such a successful Outing. Please take the time to review our list of Sponsors and support their businesses throughout the year. Joel M. Moskowitz, DMD – Lake Hopatcong Pavolony Construction – Dover Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep – Rockaway, NJ A Pain in the Glass – Lake Hopatcong Ailish’s Alpine Paint Centre – Sparta, NJ “Greta” Melofchik – Weichert Realtors Lake Hopatcong Carolas’ Express - Oak Ridge State Farm Insurance – Vic Tafro – Franklin Lakes, NJ Ben Shaffer & Associates – Lake Shawnee APG Energy & Security Solutions – Lake Hopatcong Franks Pizza – Lake Hopatcong Sussex Franklin Auto Mall – Sussex, NJ Jefferson Dairy – Lake Hopatcong Embroider This – Lake Shawnee State Farm Insurance – Ed Barbieri, Agent – Caldwell, NJ Quigley Funeral Home – Dover Jefferson Diner – Lake Hopatcong State Farm Insurance – Dennis P. Lamb – Flanders, NJ Gordon & Sanderson – CPA’s – Lake Hopatcong Gatwyns II Restaurant & Bar – Lake Hopatcong Rt. 15 Chiropractic-Dr. Andrew J. Rajeckas – Lake Hopatcong Liquor Factory – Lake Hopatcong Charley’s Tavern – Lake Hopatcong True Value Hardware – Lake Hopatcong Mason Street Pub – Lake Hopatcong The Herberger’s – Lake Shawnee Kim Swim Pool Academy – Denville Bill’s Scenic Landscaping – Lake Hopatcong Hammers in Motion – Lake Hopatcong Curves – Lake Hopatcong Liquor Factory – Lake Hopatcong Gig The Florist – Lake Hopatcong Bowling Green Golf Club – Oak Ridge Elmi Machine & Tool Corp. – Fairfield, NJ The Reid Family – Lake Shawnee UPS Freight The Windlass – Lake Hopatcong Black Bear Fitness – Lake Hopatcong The Old Pine Shoppe – Oak Ridge California Beach Hut - Denville The Fulgoni’s – Lake Shawnee Ronni’s Golden Touch – Lake Hopatcong Waste Management Page 13 Keeping Your Club Clean Last month in my president message I requested the assistance of our members in helping to keep our properties clean. I thought I might see an improvement but I am sad to say I have not. I have seen it and many have complained of the problem. I hope more will help out. There is a reason why there are no garbage cans on the beach & properties, simply because those cans would have to be emptied each day and put out for the garbage each week. Who is going to take that responsibility? This is a volunteer run community. The club does not have someone or hire anyone who goes around picking up the garbage that is left by our members and guests who use the lake and its properties. Maybe its something to look at for the future, but it comes at a cost. Right now many of us as simple volunteers take pride in our lake community and make the effort to pick up all the debris that is left, especially after the weekends. I watched at a recent swim meet, a group of our own pre-teens throw candy wrappers on the beach. I proceeded to grab a garbage bag and politely asked them to help me clean up. Parents really need to do more to educate our children about this issue, especially with our little ones. The beach area at first beach is constantly littered with straw wrappers from juice boxes, etc and even worse cigarette butts. To add insult to injury, our security guard Carolyn Sior informed me that when checking the bathrooms at the clubhouse one afternoon, someone recently defecated outside the rear door! And the bathrooms were open. Another issue that makes me wonder even more is the amount of toys, clothes and towels that are left at the beach. I am thinking of opening a thrift shop! I could make some good money. This is our club and it is up to us to keep it clean and beautiful. I hope more people will pitch in to keep our club clean. Eric Wilsusen President Sue Miller Art Spring Art Classes Now Forming! 973-663-4120 Page 14 PAWS Pamper and Walking Service Kathleen Benjamin Dog Walking and Animal Care 92 East Shawnee Trail Wharton, NJ 07885 (973)219-3981 [email protected] Lake Shawnee Annual Pig Roast When: Sunday, August 31st Time: 1:30pm Menu: Pig, burgers, dogs, sausage & peppers, chicken, salads and desserts! We will also be serving beer, wine & soda. Price: $20 per person/kids under 12 are free **Reservations are necessary and payment must be made in advance!** Contact: Karen at 663-9629 and let her know if you’ll be bringing a salad or dessert and if your available to help out. Boats at Lake Shawnee By Al Gebhardt Board Member It has come to the boards attention that there are many boats, in the various boat racks around the lake that clearly have never been in the water for years. I believe many have just been abandoned as residents leave the lake and move away. As part of our membership, all residents have the ability to keep their boats on the racks provided. When originally built, the purpose of the racks was to store your boats close to the water during the summer months but remove them for winter storage on your own property. It seems like the current practice is to bring a boat down and store it for “life”. Most club properties are maxed out with boat racks. No more can be built without blocking lake views to surrounding houses. This is not an option. We would like to propose a gradual boat reclamation project starting this fall. The first property to be addressed is north end. The boat racks there are in disrepair and must be rebuilt. In order to do this ALL boats will have to be removed in the fall. (Exact dates to follow). This will allow us to rebuild the racks and clean up the area. Once complete, boats can be returned. We will continue around the lake with Whites Cove being the last area to be addressed because of the number of boats stored there. We will probably do one side per year. Any boats not moved will be sold at auction. If you currently have a boat that you want to sell call the clubhouse and Lisa will include it in the Lake Shawnee News. This project will allow us to clean up the areas and make it better for everybody. Page 15 WHARTON, NJ 07885 RURAL ROUTE #3 POSTAL CUSTOMER Wharton, NJ 07885 Permit# 72 Lake Shawnee Club Newsletter Standard Mail 4 West Shawnee Trail 07438 Postage Paid Visit my website at Broker/Sales Representative Weichert, Realtors Jefferson Office Direct: (973) 222-1464 Home: (973) 663-1269 Office: (973) 663-0977 Have A Great Summer! I’m just a phone call away! Contact me for a Free Price Trend Analysis! Why Hire Me? Jefferson Township $389,900 This Custom home in Lake Shawnee features a "possible" 5 bedrooms and 2 full baths! Living Room with fireplace and Dining Room has entrance to enclosed porch and deck. Large workshop over garage. Great for hobbyist. Septic for 3 bedroom, newer septic and furnace. Great lake community! •Jefferson Resident for 39 Years! •Full Time Real Estate Broker/Sales Person for 24 Years! •#1 Selling Agent in Jefferson Township with over 400 Transactions! •NJAR Distinguished Sales Club •Listing Agent of the Month Jan-May •Weichert Sales Club Award •Weichert Marketing Club Award •Past Vice-Chair of Jefferson Township Advisory Margareta “Greta” Melofchik