Specifications - Hubbell Wiring Device
Specifications - Hubbell Wiring Device
Hubbell Educational Solutions for Power, Voice and Data Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems and Hubbell Premise Wiring uniquely qualified to meet the challenges of educational institutions Hubbell makes the grade on power, voice, and data for education For today's students to fully succeed in the fast-paced 21st century, technology must be an integral part of the educational experience. Understanding and using technology improves teaching and learning, expands academic opportunities, and provides the critical skills needed in today's ever-changing global economy. Integrating emerging technologies that allow your educational facility to keep pace presents many unique challenges to administrators. Budgets, classroom sizes, building layouts, energy management, multimedia delivery, safety, security, power quality, and wireless needs must all be assessed and properly planned. No company is better positioned to service your unique requirements than Hubbell. Hubbell has assisted thousands of elementary, secondary, and higher educational facilities in understanding and solving their individual requirements for the delivery, management, and housing of voice-data-video and power applications. Hubbell has provided quality, innovative solutions to the educational market for over 100 years. The following solutions combine Hubbell Wiring DeviceKellems’ electrical wiring device products and Hubbell Premise Wiring's voice-datavideo connectivity products to assist you in solving your academic environment's unique challenges. 2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES STUDENT UNIONS The proliferation of computers and related peripherals has improved communication among faculty, staff, parents, students, and the community. Administrative offices use technology to improve productivity and organizational development. Solutions that include power quality protection and properly installed cabling infrastructure provide maximized system uptime for busy administrators. Student populated areas like cafeterias, bookstores, and gathering spaces have a multitude of power and datacom needs. From safe power connections in food preparation areas and data requirements at point-of-sale terminals, to wireless access for student commons and lighting control in unoccupied rooms - all demand modern day solutions. SCIENCE AND RESEARCH BUILDING Science and research centers are demanding environments for power and datacom connections, requiring protection against abuse and corrosion. Education facilities face the challenge of providing safe laboratories while delivering bandwidth to support highspeed, error-free network transmission for today's interactive experiments and data collection. ACADEMIC BUILDING DORMITORIES ATHLETIC FACILITIES Smart classrooms are collaborative environments where state-of-the-art interactive information systems, video conferencing, and multimedia technologies are used. Supporting technologies such as wireless and distance learning, allow students and teachers to reach beyond local resources. Energy management helps manage electricity costs required to power the buildings. In today's educational facilities, technology is integral from the classroom to student life, demonstrated by high-speed Internet access in almost every dormitory room. Also, security and safety requirements are paramount in living areas of educational facilities, whether it's GFCIs, durable receptacles, or tamper-proof voice-data-video connections, safe and reliable power and data delivery is critical. Delivering safety, convenience, power, and multimedia to rugged indoor arenas or harsh outdoor stadium environments poses a challenge for educational facilities. Ensuring spectator safety and providing power supplies and datacom connections for real-time transmission of major sporting events is essential to maintaining state-of-the-art athletic facilities. 3 Unique solutions for education Converged Voice-DataVideo Power Quality/ Protection With increased processing capabilities, computers have become more sensitive to transient voltage surges. About a third of power problems are caused by outside sources such as lighting and utility grids. Protecting valuable telecom and data equipment from damage is essential, especially when budgets are tight and equipment is scarce. Hubbell offers service entrance, branch, and point-ofuse protection products that shield equipment and sensitive data from damage caused by transients. SpikeShield® Panels SpikeShield® Surge Strips Enhanced Energy Efficiency Lighting costs represent a significant expenditure for educational facilities, presenting a concern for administrators. Several states have adopted the ASHRAE 90.1 standard or have implemented guidelines for managing lighting and energy usage. Hubbell is a recognized leader in the occupancy sensor market, offering a variety of sensors and technologies that provide efficient lighting to reduce unnecessary costs. Dual Technology (Ultrasonic and Passive Infrared) Ceiling and Wall Switch Sensors Extended Bandwidth Parallel networks are becoming a thing of the past. Schools and universities are converging voice, data, video, building controls, and other technologies over a single network infrastructure for efficiency. Hubbell solutions enable educational facilities to support multimedia, wireless access, and distance learning. Xcelerator™ Jacks NEXTSPEED®/ SPEEDGAIN® - Patch Panels - Patch Cords - Blocks Passive Infrared Ceiling and Wall Switch Sensors Surge Receptacles Outdoor Sensors Control Units Add-A-Relay Digital Timers The ability to support emerging applications such as 10GEnet, PoE, WLAN, VoIP, MPEG video, video-conferencing, and distance learning is the foundation for bringing technology into today's educational facilities. With Hubbell's complete line of multimode and singlemode fiber optic solutions designed to exceed standards requirements, you can rest assured the bandwidth will be there when you need it. Fiber Connectors OPTICHANNEL™ Enclosures Fiber Pigtails Patch Panels How to use this brochure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select your type of building. Review the space requiring applications. Select your solution. GO to line cards for product info. www.hubbell-ssolutions.com/edu Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems 4 Hubbell's broad offering of delivery system solutions route, store, and house power and voice-data-video cabling connections in a variety of campus buildings. Whether you are routing cabling along walls, through the-floor, or down from the ceiling, Hubbell has a solution that fits your need. Fiber Jumpers Ultrasonic Ceiling and Wall Switch Sensors Isolated Ground Receptacles Power and Data Delivery Non-Metallic Raceway Fire-Rated Poke-Through Devices Floor Boxes Raised Access Floor Boxes Service Poles Open Office Cable Management/ Organization Power Connections Demanding Environments From administrative offices to open common areas, providing connections for voicedata-video and WLAN access points requires a non-traditional approach. Many facilities are turning towards zone cabling for easy management. Hubbell's extensive offering of furniture plates, surface boxes, zone cabling, and wireless access enclosures are specifically designed to provide cabling connections in offices and open environments throughout educational facilities. Infin-e-Station™ Furniture Plates Infin-e-Station™ Surface Mount Boxes ZoBOX™ In-Ceiling and Access Floor Zone Boxes Wireless Access Enclosures MUTOA Patch Cords 110 Block Systems Outdoor stadiums exposed to extreme weather conditions, research laboratories with corrosive chemicals, and wash-down areas in food service locations require reliable and safe power and voice-data-video connections to maintain public safety in any educational facility. Hubbell offers a wide variety of impact, tamper, and corrosion resistant products designed to provide maximum safety in demanding environments. HiImpact Jacks HiImpact Plates HiImpact REBox® Enclosures Tamper Resistant Plates Proper cable management and administration can be a difficult task for network administrators at educational facilities. Telecommunication spaces and horizontal cabling closets are now being moved closer to the user with many located in hallways, classrooms, or temporary buildings. Hubbell's racks, enclosures, and cable management organizers can handle your application requirements. Hubbell's Labeling System allows you to properly label work area and closet locations for easier, errorfree moves, adds, and changes. Infin-e-Station™ Stainless Steel Plates Hubbell Labeling System Watertight Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® REBox® Enclosures Watertight Pin and Sleeve Personal and Facility Safety QuadCab® Wall Mount Cabinet Throughout an educational facility, reliable power connections are a critical component. Hubbell offers a wide range of products that eliminate strain on terminations for maximum reliability, provide consistent switching mechanisms, and prevent inadvertent switching or tampering. Hubbell power connections are designed to handle all educational facility applications. Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Twist-Lock® Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Single Pole Devices Pin and Sleeve Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Manual Motor Controllers Disconnect Switches Wall Switches Locking Switches Wall Plates Hubbell provides solutions that protect people from potential electrical dangers, which is a major concern for schools. Hubbell's offering includes devices that virtually eliminate contact with energized blades, prevent potential electrical shock during ground faults, limit unauthorized electrical usage, protect electrical cables, cords, and hoses, and deliver electricity for power and lighting applications. Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Cord Reels TredTrak® TrukTrak® FloorTrak® AccessTrak® Mechanical Interlock Enclosures Ground Fault Receptacles Portable GFCIs Lockout Devices NEXTFRAME® Cable Management and Racks 5 Academic Building Hubbell solutions make teaching and learning more effective Classrooms Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Enhanced Energy Efficiency Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Quality/Protection Power Connections Delivering power and technology for creative learning Today’s educators and students use state-ofthe-art interactive information systems, video conferencing, and multimedia technologies. A proper cabling infrastructure delivers emerging technologies to educational facilities, while power protection and energy management maintain safety and help control electricity costs. Converged Voice, Data and Video Xcelerator™ C5e and C6 Jacks Snap Fit™ Connectors Infin-e-Station™ Modular Plates Multimedia Panels Cable Management/ Organization Hubbell Labeling System Wireless Access Enclosures Power and Data Delivery Systems Raceway REBox® Enclosures Xcelerator™ C5e Jacks Floor Boxes QuadCab® Infin-e-Station™ Plates Fire-Rated Poke-Throughs Cabinet Wall Mount NEXTFRAME® Wall Mount Rack Patch Cords 6 Open Office www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Raceway Temporary Class Rooms Lecture Halls Converged Voice-Data-Video Open Office Power and Data Delivery Systems Enhanced Energy Efficiency Library Enhanced Energy Efficiency Power Quality/ Protection H-MOSS® Occupancy Sensors - Ceiling Sensors - Wall-mounted Sensors - Wall Switch Sensors Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Extended Bandwidth Power Connections Personal and Facility Safety Open Office Cable Management/ Organization Power Connections SpikeShield® Surge Strips Surge Receptacles SpikeShield® Panel Surge Isolated Ground Receptacles Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Power Connections Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Demanding Environments Watertight Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Wall Switches Watertight Pin and Sleeve Locking Switches Tamper Resistant Plates Wall Plates www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 7 Administration Building Hubbell connections put education first Administrative Offices Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Power and Data Delivery System Power Quality/Protection Enhanced Energy Efficiency Improving productivity with power protection and data connections Hubbell’s complete line of products brings extended bandwidth, easy management, and power protection to faculty and staff. Quality solutions for the open office, conference room, and back-office operations provide maximized system uptime for administrators, enabling improved budgeting, communication, and productivity. Cable Management/ Organization Open Office OPTICHANNEL™ Fiber Enclosures Infin-e-Station™ Furniture Plates OPTICHANNEL™ Fiber Connectors Infin-e-Station™ Surface Mount Boxes Full Size Enclosures 110 Blocks ZoBOX™ - Zone Boxes NEXTFRAME® Grounding and Bonding NEXTSPEED® NEXTFRAME® Racks NEXTFRAME® Racks 8 Extended Bandwidth Ladder Panels www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Category 6 110 Blocks and Patch Cords MUTOA Patch Cords Personal and Facility Safety Cord Reels TrukTrak® TrukTrak® AccessTrak® Mechanical Interlock Enclosure Ground Fault Receptacles GFCI Portables Lock-Out Devices Entrance Facility Conference Room Converged Voice-Data-Video Enhanced Energy Efficiency Cable Management/Organization Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Connections Converged Voice-Data-Video Power and Data Delivery Systems Extended Bandwidth Cable Management/Organization Power Quality/Protection Boiler Room Telecom Room Personal and Facility Safety Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Connections Demanding Environments Power and Data Delivery Systems Fire-Rated Poke-Throughs Raceway Floor Boxes Power Distribution System Service Poles Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Extended Bandwidth Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Quality/Protection Enhanced Energy Efficiency Power Quality/ Protection H-MOSS® Occupancy Sensors SpikeShield® Panel Surge - Ceiling Sensors - Wall-mounted Sensors - Wall Switch Sensors Surge Receptacles SpikeShield® Surge Strips Isolated Ground Receptacles Power Connections Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Twist-Lock® Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Manual Motor Controllers Disconnect Switches Wall Switches Watertight Pin and Sleeve Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 9 Athletic Facilities Hubbell holds the winning combination for the home team Stadium Demanding Environments Personal and Facility Safety Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Arena Converged Voice-Data-Video Power Connections Personal and Facility Safety Creating state-of-the-art facilities with safety and convenience Hubbell products provide safety, convenience, power and multimedia for demanding environments like outdoor stadiums and food service areas. From maintaining spectator safety to providing power and datacom connections, Hubbell’s winning combination is essential to maintaining state-of-the-art athletic facilities with real-time transmission of major sporting events. Demanding Environments Cable Management/ Organization Converged Voice-Data-Video HiImpact Jacks NEXTFRAME® Racks USOC and Cat 5e Jacks HiImpact Plates NEXTFRAME® Ladder Racks Infin-e-Station™ Fixed Plates Full Size Server Cabinets StyleLine Plate/Frames Hubbell Labeling System Quad 106 Frames HiImpact REBox® Enclosures Watertight Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Watertight Pin and Sleeve Tamper Resistant Plates 10 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Personal and Facility Safety TredTrak® TrukTrak® AccessTrak® Mechanical Interlock Enclosure Ground Fault Receptacles GFCI Portables SafetyShroud Twist-Lock® Cable Protectors Press Rooms Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Quality/Protection Power and Data Delivery Systems Food Service Concessions Demanding Environments Power Connections Personal and Facility Safety Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Quality/ Protection Spider® Temporary Power Box SpikeShield® Surge Strips Kellems® Grips Isolated Ground Receptacles Liquid Tight Conduit Fittings Raceway Floor Boxes Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Surge Receptacles SpikeShield® Panel Surge Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Plugs/Connectors Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Power Connections Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Pin and Sleeve Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Twist-Lock® Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Manual Motor Controllers Single Pole Devices Disconnect Switches Locking Switches www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 11 Dormitory Hubbell gives students all the safety and security of home Rooms/Apartments Converged Voice-Data-Video Demanding Environments Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Connections Personal and Facility Safety Bringing technology and well-being to student life Today’s students require voice and data connections for tougher workloads and guaranteed safety for the feeling of home. From wireless access in the common rooms to power connections in kitchenettes and bathrooms, Hubbell products provide a safe, reliable environment while delivering the technology students need. Open Office Xcelerator™ C5e Jacks Infin-e-Station™ Plates MediaTrak Raceway Wireless Access Enclosures 12 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Converged Voice, Data and Video Xcelerator™ C5e and C6 Jacks Snap Fit™ Connectors Infin-e-Station™ Modular Plates Infin-e-Station™ Surface Boxes Patch Cords Infin-e-Station™ Wall Phone Plates Power Connections Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Wall Switches Lock Switches Wall Plates Common Rooms Converged Voice-Data-Video Demanding Environments Shower Facilities Personal and Facility Safety Power and Data Delivery Systems Kitchenette Personal and Facility Safety Power Connections Power Quality/ Protection Personal and Facility Safety Raceway SpikeShield® Surge Strips Ground Fault Receptacles Floor Boxes Surge Receptacles AccessTrak® Isolated Ground Receptacles Mechanical Interlock Enclosure Tamper Resistant Wall Plate Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 13 Science and Research Building Hubbell delivers all the performance your labs will ever need Science Laboratory Demanding Environments Converged Voice-Data-Video Power and Data Delivery Systems Personal and Facility Safety Experimenting and collecting data is easier and safer From extended bandwidth requirements in computer labs to watertight corrosion resistance in laboratories, Hubbell has the solution to meet the requirements of your facility’s demanding environments. Hubbell products support high-speed, error-free network transmission, cable and power delivery management and facility safety for highperformance in the lab. Demanding Environments HiImpact Jacks HiImpact Plates HiImpact REBox® Enclosures Watertight Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Watertight Pin and Sleeve 14 Converged Voice, Data Video Xcelerator™ C5e and C6 Jacks OPTICHANNEL™ Fiber Adapters and Connectors Infin-e-Station™ Modular Plates NEXTSPEED® C6 Panel www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Extended Bandwidth OPTICHANNEL™ Fiber Enclosures Cable Management/ Organization NEXTFRAME® Racks OPTICHANNEL™ Fiber Connectors NEXTFRAME® Wall Mount Cabinets 110 Blocks and Patch Cords NEXTFRAME® Cable Management Organizers NEXTFRAME® Grounding and Bonding Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Computer/IT Laboratory Extended Bandwidth Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Engineering Laboratory Demanding Environments Extended Bandwidth Converged Voice-Data-Video Power and Data Delivery Systems Data Centers Extended Bandwidth Cable Management/Organization Power Quality/Protection Personal and Facility Safety Cord Reels FloorTrak® AccessTrak® Mechanical Interlock Enclosure Ground Fault Receptacles GFCI Portables Lock-Out Devices Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Quality/ Protection Fire-Rated Poke-Throughs SpikeShield® Surge Strips Raceway Surge Receptacles Floor Boxes Isolated Ground Receptacles Kellems® Grips Liquid Tight Conduit Fittings www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 15 Student Union Put Hubbell performance where the action is Kitchen/Cafeteria Auditorium Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Personal and Facility Safety Power and Data Delivery Systems Demanding Environments Converged Voice-Data-Video Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Connections Personal and Facility Safety Fostering interaction with modern day solutions With multimedia in auditoriums, wireless access in gathering spaces, and reliable connections for cafeterias and point-of-sale, student populated areas demand the modern day solutions that only Hubbell can provide. Whether it’s cutting costs with lighting control or maintaining public safety, Hubbell performs. Converged Voice-Data-Video Xcelerator™ C5e and C6 Jacks Snap Fit™ Connectors Infin-e-Station™ Modular Plates Multimedia Panel Patch Cords 16 Demanding Environments Cable Management/ Organization Open Office Xcelerator™ C5e Jacks HiImpact Jacks Hubbell Labeling System Infin-e-Station™ Plates HiImpact Plates REBox® Enclosures Raceway Watertight Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® QuadCab® Wall Mount Cabinets Wireless Access Enclosures Watertight Pin and Sleeve NEXTFRAME® Racks ZoBOX™ Zone Boxes Tamper Resistant Plates www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Product Key: Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Event Center Converged Voice-Data-Video Demanding Environments Power and Data Delivery Systems Stores/Shops Converged Voice-Data-Video Power and Data Delivery Systems Power Connections Broadcast Center Converged Voice-Data-Video Cable Management/Organization Power Connections Power Quality/Protection Power Connections Straight Blade Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Twist-Lock® Plugs, Connectors and Receptacles Manual Motor Controllers Single Pole Devices Personal and Facility Safety Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® TredTrak® TrukTrak® FloorTrak® AccessTrak® Mechanical Interlock Enclosure Ground Fault Receptacles GFCI Portables Energy Efficiency H-MOSS® Occupancy Sensors - Wall Switch Sensors - Wall-mounted Sensors - Ceiling Sensors Power and Data Delivery Systems Fire-Rated Poke-Throughs Raceway Floor Boxes www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu 17 Hubbell system matrix for the education market le ab C C on ve r ge d Vo ic M an e, O pe ag Da n em ta O Ex ffi en an ce te t/O d V nd id rg e D an eo em d B iz at an an io d d n w Pe in id g rs t h E on nv Po al iro a w nm er nd en F ac En an ts ha d D ilit y at nc ed a D Saf Po e el w er Ene iv ty e ry Po Qu rgy Sy al w E ity er ffi s c / C ie tem on Pro nc s ne tec y tio ct io n n This matrix summarizes applications by building, detailed throughout the brochure. Reference Hubbell educational system line cards for an overview of Hubbell product solutions by major application. Academic Building Classrooms Lecture halls Library Temporary Classrooms Administration Building Administration Office Conference Room Entrance Facilities Boiler Room Telecom Room Athletic Facilities Stadium Arena Press Rooms Food Service Concessions Dormitories Rooms/Apartments Common Rooms Kitchenette Shower Facilities Science and Research Building Science Laboratory IT Laboratory Engineering Laboratory Data Centers Student Union Auditorium Kitchen/Cafeteria Event Center Stores/Shops Broadcast Center Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems 18 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Find out more about your Hubbell Education Team. Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 185 Plains Road Milford, CT 06460-2420 Tel: (203) 882-4800 Fax: (800) 255-1031 www.hubbell-wiring.com H5143 12/03 Hubbell Premise Wiring Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 14 Lord’s Hill Road Stonington, CT 06378-0901 Tel: (860) 535-8326 Fax: (860) 535-8328 www.hubbell-premise.com B-EDU5 12/03 POWER QUALITY PROTECTION Isolated Ground Receptacles Full Line Catalog Section ‘J’ SpikeShield® Surge Receptacles Full Line Catalog Section ‘J’ SpikeShield® Panel Surge Full Line Catalog Section ‘J’ Duplex Receptacles, 15A/125V NEMA 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R Color Orange Ivory Red Gray Cat. No. IG5262 IG5262I IG5262R IG5262GY Duplex Receptacles, 20A/125V NEMA 5-20R 5-20R 5-20R 5-20R Color Orange Ivory Red Gray Cat. No. IG5362 IG5362I IG5362R IG5362GY 4-PLEX® Orange Receptacles Rating 15A/125V 20A/125V NEMA 5-15R 5-20R Cat. No. IG415 IG420 Surge Receptacles Full Line Catalog Section ‘J’ 6 Outlet 15A/125V AC Plug Strips Application 6’ Surge protection, alarm, industrial grade receptacles, metal housing 3’ Surge protection, w/o surge status LED 6’ Surge protection, w/surge status LED 6’ Surge and fax/modem protection, w/surge status LED 15’ Surge protection, w/ surge status LED Cat. No. HBL6PS HBL6PS100 HBL6PS370 HBL6PS370M HBL6PS37015 Isolated Ground, Surge Suppression Straight Blade Receptacles 7 Outlet 15A/125V AC Plug Strips Application 6’ Filtering and surge protection, w/surge status LED 6’ Filtering, surge and fax/ modem protection, w/surge status LED 15’ Filtering and surge protection, w/surge status LED Cat. No. HBL7PS900 HBL7PS900M HBL7PS90015 125V AC/60 Hz, with Light and Alarm 15 Amp 20 Amp Color Cat. No. Cat No. IG5362SA Blue IG5262SA Ivory IG5262ISA IG5362ISA IG5362GYSA Gray IG5262GYSA White IG5262WSA IG5362WSA Office White IG5262OWSA IG5362OWSA 4-PLEX®, Surge Suppression, Straight Blade Receptacles 15A/125V AC Color Blue Ivory 60 Hz Cat. No. HBL415S HBL415IS 4-PLEX®, Surge Suppression, Straight Blade Receptacles 20A/125V AC Color Blue Ivory 60 Hz Cat. No. HBL420S HBL420IS Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Voltage Single Phase 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 3∅ Delta 3∅ Wye 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 120/240V AC 120/208V AC 240V AC 240/120V AC 220/380V AC 277/480V AC 480V AC 347/600V AC 600V AC Branch Panel, Wired-in, 100kA Peak Amperage Surge Suppression, Straight Blade Receptacles, 125V AC/60 Hz, with Light and Alarm 15 Amp 20 Amp Color Cat No. Cat. No. Blue HBL5262SA HBL5362SA Ivory HBL5262ISA HBL5362ISA Gray HBL5262GYSA HBL5362GYSA White HBL5262WSA HBL5362WSA Office White HBL5262OWSA HBL5362OWSA Branch Panel, Panel-Mounted, 120kA Peak Amperage Voltage Single Phase 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 3∅ Delta 3∅ Wye 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 120/240V AC 120/208V AC 240V AC 240/120V AC 220/380V AC 277/480V AC 480V AC 347/600V AC 600V AC Branch Panel, Wired-in, 80kA Peak Amperage Voltage Single Phase 3∅ Wye 3∅ Wye 3∅ Wye 3∅ Delta 120/240V AC 120/208V AC 220/380V AC 277/480V AC 480V AC * Non-Metallic NEMA 4X housing Cat. No. HBL3P120 HBL4P120 HBL5P120 HBL6P120 HBL7P120 HBL8P120 HBL9P120 HBL10P120 HBL11P120 Cat. No. HBL3W100A HBL4W100A HBL5W100A HBL6W100A HBL7W100A HBL8W100A HBL9W100A HBL10W100A HBL11W100A Cat. No. HBL3W80* HBL4W80* HBL7W80* HBL8W80* HBL9W80* 8 Outlet 15A/125V AC Plug Strips Application Cat. No. 6’ Filtering, surge and fax/ HBL8PS1380M modem protection, alarm, w/surge status LED 6’ Filtering and surge HBL8PS1690D protection, alarm, for CATV and DSS systems Branch Panel, Wired-in, 40kA Peak Amperage Voltage Single Phase Single Phase Single Phase * With back nipple 120V AC 120/240V AC 120/240V AC Cat. No. HBL1W40 HBL3W40 HBL3W40B* H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu POWER CONNECTIONS Twist-Lock® Pin and Sleeve Full Line Catalog Section ‘B’ 2-Pole/3-Wire Connector Bodies Amps 15 20 20 Voltage 125V 125V 250V Cat. No. HBL4729C HBL2313 HBL2323 Plugs Amps Voltage 15 125V 20 125V 20 250V Receptacles Amps Voltage 15 125V 125V 20 20 250V * Duplex Cat. No. HBL4720C HBL2311 HBL2321 Cat. No. HBL4700* HBL2310 HBL2320 Isolated Ground Receptacles Amps Voltage 15 125V 20 125V 250V 20 * Duplex Cat. No. IG4700A* IG2310 IG2320 Plugs Amps Voltage 20 3∅480V 30 3∅480V Receptacles Amps Voltage 20 3∅480 30 3∅480 Cat. No. HBL2433 HBL2733 Cat. No. HBL2431 HBL2731 Cat. No. HBL2430 HBL2730 Amps 30 30 30 60 60 60 Poles/ Wires 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W Voltage 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 Cat. No. HBL430C7W HBL430C9W HBL430C12W HBL460C7W HBL460C9W HBL460C12W Female Plugs Amps 400A 400A 400A 400A 400A Color Black White Red Blue Green Cat. No. HBL400PTBK HBL400PTW HBL400PTR HBL400PTBL HBL400PTGN Cat. No. HBL400CTBK HBL400CTW HBL400CTR HBL400CTBL HBL400CTGN Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Body Type Straight Angled 90° Cat. No. HBL5266C HBL5266CA Amps 30 30 30 60 60 60 Poles/ Wires 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W Industrial Duplex Receptacles, Nylon Back and Side Wired Voltage 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 Cat. No. HBL430P7W HBL430P9W HBL430P12W HBL460P7W HBL460P9W HBL460P12W Receptacles Amps 30 30 30 60 60 60 Poles/ Wires 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W 3P/4W Voltage 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 3∅480 3∅250 125/250 Cat. No. HBL430R7W HBL430R9W HBL430R12W HBL460R7W HBL460R9W HBL460R12W Single Pole Receptacles & Accessories Full Line Catalog Section ‘F’ Color Black White Red Blue Green Color Brown Ivory Gray Red White Black 15A/125V Cat. No. HBL5262 HBL5262I HBL5262GY HBL5262R HBL5262W HBL5262BK 20A/125V Cat. No. HBL5362 HBL5362I HBL5362GY HBL5362R HBL5362W HBL5362BK Compact Industrial Duplex Receptacles Single Pole Plugs Color Black White Red Blue Green Plugs, 15A/125V Plugs Full Line Catalog Section ‘F’ Amps 400A 400A 400A 400A 400A HBL5269C Cat No. 400 Amp, Panel Mount Receptacles Male Plugs Full Line Catalog Section ‘A’ 2 Pole/3 Wire Connector Body, 15A/125V Connector Bodies 3 Pole/4 Wire Connector Bodies Amps Voltage 20 3∅480V 3∅480V 30 Straight Blade Devices Full Line Catalog Section ‘E’ Male Cat. No. HBLSITBK HBLSITW HBLSITR HBLSITBL HBLSITGN Female Cat. No. HBLSRTBK HBLSRTW HBLSRTR HBLSRTBL HBLSRTGN Accessories Color Brown Ivory Gray Red White Black Blue 15A/125V Cat. No. HBL5252 HBL5252I HBL5252GY HBL5252R HBL5252W HBL5252BK - Hospital Grade Duplex Receptacles, Tamper Resistant Color Brown Ivory Gray Red White 15A/125V Cat. No. HBL8200SGA HBL8200SGIA HBL8200SGGYA HBL8200SGRA HBL8200SGWA 20A/125V Cat. No. HBL5352 HBL5352I HBL5352GY HBL5352R HBL5352W HBL5352BK HBL5352BL 20A/125V Cat. No. HBL8300SGA HBL8300SGIA HBL8300SGGYA HBL8300SGRA HBL8300SGWA 4-PLEX® Receptacles Color Brown Ivory Gray White Black 15A/125V Cat. No. HBL415 HBL415I HBL415GY HBL415W HBL415BK 20A/125V Cat. No. HBL420 HBL420I HBL420GY HBL420W HBL420BK 4-PLEX® Adapter Plates Description Tapping T Tri-Tap Connector Distribution Block Cat. No. HBLTBK HBL3TAP HBL7DB Color Brown Ivory Gray White Cat. No. HBL4AP HBL4API HBL4APGY HBL4APW www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Wall Switches Lock Switches Full Line Catalog Section ‘C’ Full Line Catalog Section ‘C’ Style Line® Devices Full Line Catalog Sections ‘A’ & ‘C’ 20 Amp/120-277V AC Key Lock Switches & Plate Receptacles Above products have brown toggle. For alternate toggle colors, add suffix of GY(gray), I(ivory), W (white), R (red). 20 Amp/120-277V AC Color Brown Ivory Gray White Pole/Way Single Pole Double Pole 3-Way 4-Way Cat. No. HBL1221 HBL1222 HBL1223 HBL1224 20 Amp/120-277V AC Pilot Light (light on with load on) Pole/Way Cat. No. Single Pole HBL1221PL HBL1222PL Double Pole 3-Way HBL1223PL 20 Amp/120-277V AC Illuminated (light on with load off) Pole/ Toggle Way Color Single Ivory Single Clear Three Ivory Three Clear Cat. No. HBL1221IL HBL1221ILC HBL1223IL HBL1223ILC Pole/Way Single Double Three Four 1-Gang SS Plate Pole/Way Single-Pole Double-Pole 3-Way 4-Way Cat. No. HBL1557 HBL1385 HBL1386 Unfused Disconnect Switches Full Line Catalog Section ‘C’ Circuit-Lock® Switches Amps 30A 60A 100A Cat. No. HBLDS3 HBLDS6 HBLDS10 Cat. No. HBLDS3AC HBLDS6AC HBLDS10AC Fused Disconnect Switches Full Line Catalog Section ‘C’ Circuit-Lock Safety Enclosure Amps 30A 60A Cat. No. FDS30 FDS60 Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com 15 Amp Cat. No. HBL2152 HBL2152I HBL2152GY HBL2152WA 20 Amp Cat. No. HBL2162 HBL2162I HBL2162GY HBL2162WA Single Pole Switches 3-Position (center off) Type Cat. No. SPDT Momentary HBL1557L DPDT Maintained HBL1386L 20 Amp/120-277V AC, Double Pole, Double Throw Cat. No. HBL1386L Color Brown Ivory Gray White Full Line Catalog Section ‘K’ Toggle Switch Plates, Plastic Gang 1 2 3 Switches One Two Three Cat No. P1 P2 P3 Duplex Receptacle Plates Material Ivory Plastic Stainless Steel Ivory Plastic Stainless Steel Cat. No. P8 S8 P82 S82 Manual Motor Controllers Full Line Catalog Section ‘C’ Switches, 600V AC Amps 30 30 60 Poles Double Three Three Color Brown Ivory Gray White 20 Amp Cat. No. HBL2121 HBL2121I HBL2121GY HBL2121WA Cat. No. HBL2122 HBL2122I HBL2122GY HBL2122WA 3-Way Switches Above products are Ivory. For alternatetoggle colors, add suffix of G(gray), X (brown), W (white), R (red). Gang 1 1 2 2 15 Amp Cat. No. HBL2101 HBL2101I HBL2101GY HBL2101WA Double Pole Switches, 20 Amp Wall Plates Circuit-Lock® Switches with Aux. Contact Amps 30A 60A 100A Cat. No. HBL1221L HBL1222L HBL1223L HBL1224L 20 Amp/120-277V AC 20 Amp/120-277V AC 3-Position (center off) Type SPDT Momentary SPDT Maintained DPDT Maintained Cat. No. HBL1221RKL HBL1222RKL HBL1223RKL HBL1224RKL S12RKL Cat. No. HBL7832BW HBL7810BW HBL7863 Color Brown Ivory Gray White 15 Amp Cat. No. HBL2103 HBL2103I HBL2103GY HBL2103WA 20 Amp Cat. No. HBL2123 HBL2123I HBL2123GY HBL2123WA 4-Way Switches, 20 Amp Color Brown Ivory Gray White Cat. No. HBL2124 HBL2124I HBL2124GY HBL2124WA Weatherproof Plates Full Line Catalog Section ‘K’ Enclosures Use with HBL Switch 7810BW 7810BW 7810BW 7863FW Enclosure Type/material Type 1 non-metallic Type 1 metal Type 3R metal Type 3R metal Duplex or StyleLine® Opening, Non- Metallic Polycarbonate, Single Gang Cat No. Orientation Vertical WP826MP Horizontal WP826MHP Cat. No. HBL1389BW HBL1379BW HBL13R89BW HBL16R93 H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu POWER & DATA DELIVERY Raised Access Floor Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Large Capacity Recessed Floor Boxes Round Floor Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Cast Iron Floor Boxes Gang 4 4 8 Style Deep Shallow Deep Cat. No. HBLAFB301BASE HBLAFB401BASE HBLAFB501BASE Cover and Flange Assembly Color Granite Black Type Reversible Reversible Faceplates listed below. Cat. No. HBLTCGNT HBLTCGNTBK Concrete Recessed Floor Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Gang 4 4 8 Style Deep Shallow Deep Cat. No. HBLCFB301BASE HBLCFB401BASE HBLCFB501BASE Cover and Flange Assembly Color Granite Black Cat. No. HBLTCGNTSW HBLTCGNTBKSW Face Plates for Raised and Type Duplex StyleLine® Toggle Blank Hubbell Keystone Threaded Conduit Hub Sizes ¾” 4-way 1” 4-way Recessed Floor Boxes Cat. No. HBLST302SGY HBLDE301SGY HBLTO310SGY HBLBL300SGY HBL317SGY Stamped Steel Floor Box Style Stamped Steel Cast Iron Cat. No. LCFBSSA LCFBCA Covers for Large Capacity Floor Box Metallic Cover, Flange and Cable Door Color Brass Finish Aluminum Finish Gray Black Cat. No. LCFBCBRSC LCFBCALC LCFBCGYC LCFBCBKC Reinforced Nylon Cover, Thermoplastic (ABS) Flange Color Brown Gray Ivory Black and Cable Door Cat. No. LCFBCBRA LCFBCGYA LCFBCCIA LCFBCBKA Cover for Large Capacity Floor Box Tile Applications Color Brown Gray Ivory Black Cat. No. 3SFBCBRA 3SFBCGYA 3SFBCIA 3SFBCBKA Cat. No. 3SFBRP 3SFBTP 3SFBB 3SFBS Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Brass Round Individual Covers Cat. No. S3725 S3925 S2525 S2725 Carpet Flanges Material Brass Polycarbonate Diameter 6.25" Cat. No. S3082 Diameter 5.25" Cat. No. S3182 S3079 1-Piece Cover, Brass & Carpet Flange Type Duplex Flap 2 1/8” Single Receptacle Comb. 2 1/8” x 3/4” Comb. 2 1/8” x 1” Cat. No. SF3925 SF2925 SF2525 SF2725 Metallic Cover and Cable Door Color Brass Finish Aluminum Finish Gray Black Cat. No. LCFBCBRST LCFBCALT LCFBCGYT LCFBCBKT Large Capacity Face Plates Description Box with concrete cover and 4 reducers/closure plugs Adapter Low Voltage Divider “Y” adapter Cat. No. PFB1 PFBA1A PFBT1A PFBYA1 Covers, Round, Non-Metallic, Multi-Service Service Plates Type Duplex Voice/Data Blank Single Receptacle Cat. No. B2527 B2529 Floor Box, Round, Non-Metallic Fully Adjustable Concrete Cover and Carpet Flange Assembly Depth 3.88 2.91 Type Duplex Screw Duplex Flap Comb. 2 1/8” x 3/4” Comb. 2 1/8” x 1” Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Cat. No. 3SFBSS 3SFBC Type Deep Shallow Carpet applications Concealed 3-Service Floor Boxes Type Stamped Steel Cast Iron Cat. No. B2536 B253641 Opening Cat. No. Duplex LCFBP8 Style Line LCFBP26 Single Receptacle 1.56” dia. LCFBP720 Blank LCFBP14 Brown Ivory Gray Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. PFBCBRA PFBCIA PFBCGYA Cover, Round, Brass Description Cover Black Cat. No. PFBCBLA Cat. No. SF39253A www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu Rectangular Floor Boxes Recessed Wall Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Recessed Wall Box Flanges Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Cast Iron Threaded Conduit Hub Sizes ¾” 4-way 1” 4-way ¾” 6-way 1” 4-way and ¾” 2-way Deep Three ¾” 8-way Deep Three 1” 6-way Shallow Single ¾” 4-way Shallow Two ¾” 4-way Shallow Three ¾” 6-way Type Deep Deep Deep Deep Gang Single Single Two Two Stamped Steel Deep Box Cat. No. B2431 B2432 B2433 Gang Single Two Three Cat. No. B2436 B243641 B4233 B423341 B4333 B433361 B2414 B4214 B4314 Shallow Box Cat. No. B2421 B2422 B2423 Floor Boxes for Wooden Floors Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Type Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Round Gang Single Two Three Single Cat. No. B2481 B2482 B2483 B2588 Brass Covers for Rectangular Floor Boxes Trim Rings Gang One Drywall Applications Type Single-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Gang One Two Three Four Six Barrier Two Three Four Six Masonry Applications Type Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Multi-service Gang One Two Three Four Six Barrier Two Cat. No. HBLWSCS1 HBLWSCS2 HBLWSCS3 HBLWSCS4 HBLWSCS6 HBLSCSBW HBLWSCS2MMO HBLWSCS3MMO HBLWSCS4MMO HBLWSCS6MMO Cat. No. HBLWSCS1MBD HBLWSCS2MBD HBLWSCS3MBD HBLWSCS4MBD HBLWSCS6MBD HBLSCSBMBD Rectangular Non-Metallic Floor Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Gang Single Two Three Cat. No. PFBRG1 PFBRG2 PFBRG3 Carpet Flanges for Rectangular Floor Boxes Type Blank Duplex Screw Duplex Flap Combination 2 1/8” x 3/4” Combination 2 1/8” x 1” StyleLine® Cat. No. S3813 S3625 S3825 S2425 S2625 S3826 Carpet Flanges for Rectangular Floor Boxes Gang Type Brass Clear Poly Single Cat. No. SB3083 S3083 Two Cat. No. SB3084 S3084 Three Cat. No. SB3085 S3085 Gang Single Two Three Cat. No. PFBRFGY1 PFBRFGY2 PFBRFGY3 Tile Covers for Non-metallic Rectangular Floor Boxes Type Cat. No. Collar PFBRMC PFBRFRA Cover Frame Duplex/StyleLine PFBR826GYA Cover Plate Metallic Cover Requirements for Non-metallic Rectangular Floor Boxes Type Cat. No. Adapter Collar PFBRAC Brass Adapter Frame S5017G Use with brass rectangular floor box covers Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems 2 Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Three Four Six Color White Ivory Gray Black White Ivory Gray Black White Ivory Gray Black White Ivory Gray Black White Ivory Gray Black Cat. No. HBLTRIM1WWA HBLTRIM1WI HBLTRIM1WGY HBLTRIM1WBK HBLTRIM2WWA HBLTRIM2WI HBLTRIM2WGY HBLTRIM2WBK HBLTRIM3WWA HBLTRIM3WI HBLTRIM3GY HBLTRIM3BK HBLTRIM4WWA HBLTRIM4WI HBLTRIM4GY HBLTRIM4BK HBLTRIM6WWA HBLTRIM6WI HBLTRIM6GY HBLTRIM6BK Recessed Wall Box Face Plates Full Line Catalog Section ‘L’ Duplex Color White Ivory Gray Black StyleLine® Color White Ivory Gray Black Toggle Color White Ivory Gray Black Blank Color White Ivory Gray Black Cat. No. HBLST302SWA HBLST302SI HBLST302SGY HBLST302SBK Cat. No. HBLDE301SWA HBLDE301SI HBLDE301SGY HBLDE301SBK Cat. No. HBLTO310SWA HBLTO310SI HBLTO310SGY HBLTO310SBK Cat. No. HBLBL300SWA HBLBL300SI HBLBL300SGY HBLBL300SBK Hubbell - Keystone Color White Ivory Gray Black Cat. No. HBL317SWA HBL317SI HBL317SGY HBL317SBK Flush Poke Throughs Full Line Catalog Section ‘M’ Furniture Feed Poke Throughs 3-Service, Flush 4 x 4 Flush Mount FlangeType Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Solid Brass Solid Brass Full Line Catalog Section ‘M’ Through Floor Fitting Cat No. PT4X4GY PT4X4I PT4X4BL PT4X4BRS3 PT4X4BRS Includes four prewired 20A, 125V receptacles and four keystone openings for Hubbell jacks Type One-Piece One-Piece Cat No. PT73FFSDGY PT73FFSDI Single-Service, Flush Color Gray Ivory Aluminum Type One-Piece One-Piece Closure Plug Cat No. PT7FFSDGY PT7FFSDI FRP250 Pedestal, Satin Anodized Aluminum Color Brass Gray Black Face Plates for use with Pedestal Type Aluminum Flange Aluminum Flange Aluminum Flange Cat No. FF2BRS FF2GY FF2BK Opening Type Blank Duplex Style Line Single Receptacle 1.39” dia. Furniture Feed Aluminum Blank Voice/Data Through Floor Fitting, Two Piece, Low Voltage FlangeType Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Solid Brass Solid Brass Cat No. PT2X2GY PT2X2BL PT2X2BRS3 PT2X2BRS 2 x 2 Flush Mount, Isolated Ground Color Gray Black Black Brass FlangeType Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Solid Brass Solid Brass Cat No. PT2X2IGGY PT2X2IGBL PT2X2IGBRS3 PT2X2IGBRS Includes four prewired 20A, 125V receptacles and four keystone openings for Hubbell jacks. Flush, Standard Duplex FlangeType Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Solid Brass Partial Brass Flush, Isolated Ground Color Gray Ivory Brass FlangeType Painted Aluminum Painted Aluminum Solid Brass Cat No. PT7FSDBRA PT7FSDBLA PT7FSDGYA PT7FSDIA PT7FSDBRS2A PT7FSDBRS3A Cat No. PT7IGFSDGYA PT7IGFSDIA PT7IGFSDBRSA Includes one duplex receptacle and two low-voltage knockouts. Cat. No. SS309B SS309D SS309DS SS309S SS309SF SS309BF SS309T Service Poles Full Line Catalog Section ‘N’ Three-Service Pole Type Use with FF2BRS, FF2GY and FF2BK Cat No. PT2FIT Kellems Grips Full Line Catalog Section ‘T’ Strain Relief Grips Cable Dia. Range .43” - .54” .54” - .73” .73” - .97” Thread Size ½” ¾” 1” Cable Dia. Range .43” - .56” .56” - .73” .73” - .85” .85” - 1.00” Cat. No. 073041278 073041279 073041280 073041281 Thread Size ½” ¾” ¾” 1” 1” Form Size F2 F2 F3 F4 F4 2 Circuits, and 1 Ground Height Colors 10’ 2” Gray 10’ 2” Ivory Orange Isolated Cat. No. HBLPP10IGA HBLPP10IGAI Duplex Receptacle, 20A/125V 2 Orange Isolated Ground and 1 Isolated Ground Surge Suppression 20A/125V Duplex Receptacle, 1 Circuit Height Colors Cat. No. 10’ 2” Gray HBLPP10SA 10’ 2” Ivory HBLPP10SAI Deluxe Cord Grips Grip Dia. Range .500”-.625” .500”-.625” .625”-.750” .750”-.875” .875”-1.00” 2 Duplex Receptacles 20A/125V, 1 Circuit Height Colors Cat. No. 10’ 2” Gray HBLPP10A 10’ 2” Ivory HBLPP10AI 12’ 2” Gray HBLPP12A 12’ 2” Ivory HBLPP12AI 15’ 2” Gray HBLPP15A 15’ 2” Ivory HBLPP15AI Duplex Receptacle, 20A/125V Cat No. 073031202 073031203 073031204 Bus Drops, Single Eye, Wide Range Color Brown Black Gray Ivory Brass Brass FR80AL Cat. No. Two Piece, Low Voltage Cover 2 x 2 Flush Mount Color Gray Black Black Brass PT7XC Cat. No. Color Gray Ivory Color Gray Ivory Black Black Brass Pedestal Poke Throughs Full Line Catalog Section ‘M’ Cat. No. 07401010 07401017 07401018 07401023 07401025 Blank, Divided, Four Device Knockouts Height 10’ 2” 10’ 2” Colors Cat. No. Gray HBLPPOA Ivory HBLPPOAI Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com 3 Spider Boxes Full Line Catalog Section ‘S’ 50 Amp, 120/240V AC Type Straight Blade Twist-Lock® Twist-Lock (Inlet) Twist-Lock (Outlet) Straight Blade Twist-Lock Twist-Lock (Inlet) Twist-Lock (Outlet) Twist-Lock Twist-Lock Twist-Lock (Inlet) Twist-Lock (Outlet) Twist-Lock Twist-Lock Twist-Lock (Inlet) Twist-Lock (Outlet) Receptacle Qty Ratings 6 20A, 125V 1 30A, 250V 1 50A, 125/250V 1 50A, 125/250V 6 20A, 125V 1 30A, 250V 1 50A, 125/250V 1 50A, 125/250V 6 20A, 125V 1 30A, 250V 1 50A, 125/250V 1 50A, 125/250V 6 20A, 125V 1 30A, 250V 1 50A, 125/250V 1 50A, 125/250V 60 Amp, 3∅120/208V AC Type Twist-Lock Pin & Sleeve (Inlet) Pin & Sleeve (Outlet) Straight Blade Pin & Sleeve (Inlet) Pin & Sleeve (Outlet) Receptacle Qty Ratings 6 20A, 125V 1 60A, 3ÆY 120/208V 1 60A, 3ÆY 120/208V 6 20A, 125V 1 60A, 3ÆY 120/208V 1 60A, 3ÆY 120/208V Receptacle Protection Components Overload GFI HBL53R61 Yes Yes HBL2620SW Yes No HBL6375S No No CS6369 No No HBL53R61 Yes Yes HBL2620SW Yes Yes HBL6375S No No CS6369 No No HBL2310SW Yes Yes HBL2620SW Yes No HBL6375S No No CS6369 No No HBL2310SW Yes Yes HBL2620SW Yes Yes HBL6375S No No CS6369 No No Receptacle Components HBL2310SW HBL560B9R HBL560R9W HBL53R61 HBL560B9R HBL560R9W Protection Overload Yes No No Yes No No Cat No. SBSB1 SBSB2 SBTL1 SBTL2 Cable Sets and Receptacles GFI Yes No No Yes No No Description 50A Cord Set - 50’ Cable (input/output) 50A Pre-Wired Wall Mounted Receptacle 60A Cord Set - 6’ cable (input/output) 60A Cord Set - 50’ cable (input/output) 60A 3∅120/208V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle Cat No. SCTL0 SCSB0 Cat No. SCB50 SR50 SCC06 SCC50 HBL560R9W RACEWAY SYSTEMS Full Line Catalog Section ‘O’ POLYTRAK® Raceway Trak Series PT1 PP1 PL1 PW2 PB3 PS3 Base and Cover, 5’ Base and Cover, 5’ w/adhesive Base and Cover, 10’ Flat Elbow Flat Elbow* Internal Elbow Internal Elbow* External Elbow External Elbow* Tee Cover Tee Cover* Splice Cover End Cap Conduit Adapter/Ceiling Fitting Surface Panel Connector PT1BC5 PT1ABC5 PT1FE PT1IE PT1EE PT1TC PT1SC PT1EC PT12CA - PP1BC5 PP1ABC5 PP1FE PP1FEBC PP1IE PP1IEBC PP1EE PP1EEBC PP1TC PP1TCBC PP1SC PP1EC PLP1CACF - PL1BC5 PL1ABC5 PL1FE PL1FEBC PL1IE PL1IEBC PL1EE PL1EEBC PL1TC PL1TCBC PL1SC PL1EC PLP1CACF - PW2BC5 PW2ABC5 PW2FE PW2FEBC PW2IE PW2IEBC PW2EE PW2EEBC PW2TC PW2TCBC PW2SC PW2EC PW2CACF - PB3BC5 PB3BC10 PB3FE PB3FEBC PB3IE PB3IEBC PB3EE PB3EEBC PB3TCBC PB3SC PB3EC PB3CACF PB3SPC PSB3BC5 PS3BC10 PS3FE PS3FEBC PS3IE PS3IEBC PS3EE PS3EEBC PS3TCBC PS3SC PS3EC PS3CACF PS3SPC * Indicate base and cover Boxes Description Inline, 1-Gang Inline, 2-Gang Inline, 3-Gang Raised Inline, 1-Gang Raised Inline, 2-Gang Raised Inline, 3-Gang Low Profile, 1-Gang Std. Profile, 1-Gang Deep Profile, 1-Gang Deep Divided, 2-Gang Deep, 2-Gang PDB12LP PDB12S PDB12D PDB12TGD PDB12TGLV PT12LPB PT12SBA PT12DBA PT12TGB PDB12LP PDB12S PDB12D PDB12TGD PDB12TLV * See page O-8 in full line catalog to separate power and data/communication. Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com PDB12LP* PDB12S* PDB12D* PDB12TGD* PDB12TLV* PB3IND PB3IND2G PB3FCIB PB3FCIB2G PB3FCIB3G - PS3IND PS3FCIB PS3FCIB2G PS3FCIB3G - H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu ENHANCED ENERGY EFFICIENCY Wall Switch Sensors Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Passive Infared and Ultrasonic Wall Switches Ceiling Sensors Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Outdoor Sensors Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic Ceiling Sensors Requires a CU series control unit Lens Type Standard Standard Hard Hard Color Ivory White Ivory White Cat. No. ATD1277I ATD1277W ATD1277HI ATD1277HW Ultrasonic Wall Switches Isolated Relay and Photocell Yes No Yes No Yes No Cat. No. ATD500CRP ATD500C ATD1000CRP ATD1000C ATD2000CRP ATD2000C Passive Infrared Wall Switches Automatic time-delay adjustment, pushbutton ambient light level control Cat. No. ATP1277I ATP1277W ATP1277GY Coverage 500 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. Isolated Relay and Photocell Yes No Cat. No. ATU500CRP ATU500C Ultrasonic Ceiling Sensors, 32K Hz Coverage 1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 2000 sq. ft. 2000 sq. ft. Isolated Relay and Photocell Yes No Yes No Description Passive Infrared, 120V AC 1000 Watts, incadescent with photocell Cat. No. OS270BZ Wall Mount Sensors Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic Ceiling Sensors Ultrasonic Ceiling Sensors, 40K Hz Color Cat. No. Coverage 1000 sq. ft. Ivory ATU1277I 1000 sq. ft. White ATU1277W 1000 sq. ft. Ivory ATU1277RRI* 1000 sq. ft. White ATU1277RRW* * Restroom sensor (no override off switch) Color Ivory White Gray Coverage 500 sq. ft. 500 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 2000 sq. ft. 2000 sq. ft. Coverage 1600 sq. ft. 1600 sq. ft. Isolated Relay and Photocell Yes No Cat. No. ATD1600WRP ATD1600W Passive Infrared Ceiling Sensors Cat. No. ATU1000CRP ATU1000C ATU2000CRP ATU2000C Passive Infrared Ceiling Switches Requires a CU series control unit Coverage 1600 sq. ft. 1600 sq. ft. 120 linear ft. 120 linear ft. Isolated Relay and Photocell Yes No Yes No Cat. No. ATP1600WRP ATP1600W ATP120HBRP ATP120HB Passive Infrared Wall Switches Manual time delay, pushbutton ambient light level control Cat. No. WS1277I WS1277W Color Ivory White Isolated Relay Coverage and Photocell 600 sq. ft. Yes 600 sq. ft. No 1500 sq. ft. Yes 1500 sq. ft. No Digital Timers Cat. No. ATP600CRP ATP600C ATP1500CRP ATP1500C Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Description Ivory Cat. No. DT1277W Passive Infrared Wall Switches Dual level switching from one or two circuits Control Units Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ For use with CU series Control Units Power Supply, 24V DC Description Switch Adapter Plate Color White White Cat. No. WS1277W2 WSAP Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Voltage 120V AC, 60 Hz 277V AC, 60 Hz Add-A-Relay Full Line Catalog Section ‘D’ Cat. No CU120A CU277A Description Required for switching more than one circuit Cat. No AAR H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu DEMANDING ENVIRONMENTS HI-Impact™ Connectors Call for additional product information Stainless Steel Type Category 6 Connector Category 5e Connector Category 5e In-Line Coupler Category 5e Shielded Connector M12 Micro Quick, Male * Available Q2-2004. Cat. No. HBLHI6* HBLHI5E HBLHI5EC HBLHI5ESC Ports 1 2 2 4 MBMS14314* Thermoplastic, 4-Point, 1-Gang Gang 1 1 2 2 BK = Black GY = Gray OR = Orange W = White Cat. No. HBLHISF11 HBLHISF12 HBLHISF22 HBLHISF24 Knockout Size ½" ¾" EI = Electric Ivory OW = Office White TI = Telco Ivory Ports 1 2 1 2 Color Gray Gray Yellow Yellow Cat. No. HBLHI14GY HBLHI24GY HBLHI14PY HBLHI24PY ** Available Q3-2004. Color Gray Gray Cat. No. HBLHIFD1L* HBLHIFD2L* * Available Q2-2004. Cast Aluminum Weatherproof Device Box with Lugs Knockout Size ½" ¾" Color Gray Gray * Available Q2-2004. Cat. No. HBLHIWP05GY* HBLHIWP75GY* NEMA 4X Box Cat. No. HBLHIC Type Duplex 4-Point Orientation Vertical Vertical Cat. No. WP26 WPFS26 Flip-Cover, Thermoplastic, 1-Gang HI-Impact™ Frames Call for additional product information Cat. No. FCX244xx FCX344xx FCX444xx FCX644xx Port 1 2 4 6 1 2 Material Thermoplastic, Thermoplastic, Thermoplastic, Thermoplastic, Stainless steel Stainless steel * Available Q2-2004. StyleLine® Frames Ports 2 3 4 6 Cat. No. HBL60CM83 Cat. No. HBLHIF** Connector Cover Description Protective Cover Color Yellow Flip-Cover, Die-Cast Aluminum, 1-Gang Multimedia Connector Description F-type Knockout Size ¾" Cast Aluminum Device Box with Lugs Cat. No. HBL6XX HBL5EXX B = Blue GN = Green R = Red Y = Yellow Call for additional product information Fiberglass Weatherproof Device Box with Lugs Communication Jacks Description Category 6 Category 5e XX = Color HI-Impact™ Boxes HI-Impact™ Plates Call for additional product information Type Duplex 4-Point Orientation Horizontal Horizontal Cat. No. HBL5222 HBL5221 Gray Gray Gray Gray Cat. No. HBLHI14XGY* HBLHI24XGY* HBLHI44XGY* HBLHI64XGY* HBLHI1CBSS* HBLHI2CBSS* NEMA 4/12 Box Port Material Cat. No. 1 Gray HBLHI1CBG* 2 Gray HBLHI2CBG* * Available Q2-2004. Weatherproof, NEMA 3R Duplex Frames Ports 2 4 xx = Color BK = Black GY = Gray W = White Cat. No. DJOxx DJ106xx Portable Outlet with Strain Relief Kit EI = Electric Ivory OW = Office White Type Orientation Gang Cat. No. Bell®Box Horizontal 1 WP826MHP Bell®Box Vertical 1 WP826MP Bell®Box Vertical 2 WP8262MP Secure-IT™ Vertical 1 HBLTWPF1GY Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Port 1 Multiport * Available Q3-2004. Cat. No. HBLHI1POB* HBLHIPOB* www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu HI-Impact™ Cords Call for additional product information HI-Impact™ Enclosures Call for additional product information HI-Impact to HI-Impact Connector Type Category 6 Category 5e Category 5e, Shielded F-type M12, 4-P Female Cat. No. HBLHI6XXEE* HBLHI5EXXEE HBLHI5ESXXEE** HBLHIFXXEE** HBLHIM12XXEE** HI-Impact Connector to RJ-45 Type Category 6 Category 5e Category 5e, Shielded F-type M12, 4-P Female Cat. No. HBLHI6XXAE* HBLHI5EXXAE HBLHI5ESXXAE** HBLHIFXXAE** HBLHIM12XXAE** PolyTuff Conduit Size ½" ¾" Type Category 6 Category 5e Category 5e, Shielded XX = Length Height 24” 36” 48” 36” 48” 03 = 3' 05 = 5' 10 = 10' 12 = 12' 20 = 20' 25 = 25' * Available Q2-2004. 07 = 7' 15 = 15' ** Available Q3-2004. HI-Impact™ Plugs and Cable Call for additional product information Type Cat. No. Category 5e Plug HBLHI5EP Category 5e Patch Cable, 100' HBLHIPC100 F-type Connector HBLHIFP** RG-59 Patch Cable, 100' HBLHIFC100** ** Available Q3-2004. HI-Impact™ Cord Connectors & Grips Call for additional product information Cat. No. G1050 G1075 Cat. No. HBLIR2UG HBLIR3UG HBLIR4UG HBLIR3PG HBLIR4PG Type Unloaded Unloaded Unloaded Loaded Loaded LiquidTight, Metallic Fittings Size ½" ¾" Fitting Type Straight Male Straight Male Cat. No. H0501A H0751A REbox® NEMA 4X, Stainless Steel Height 24” 36” Height 24” 36” Cat. No. HBLHI6XXAA* HBLHI5EXXAA HBLHI5ESXXAA** Feet 100 100 REbox® NEMA 4/12/13, Gray Cat. No. HBLIR2USS* HBLIR3USS* Type Unloaded Unloaded REbox® NEMA 3R, Gray HI-Impact RJ-45 to RJ-45 HI-Impact™ Delivery Call for additional product information Cat. No. HBLIR2U2R HBLIR2U3R Type Unloaded Unloaded REbox® Accessories Cat. No. Description LiquidTight, Non-Metallic Fittings Size ½" ¾" ½" ¾" Fitting Type Straight Male Straight Male SwivelLok® Male SwivelLok® Male Cat. No. P050NGYA P075NGYA PS0509NGY PS0759NGY HBLREKBB20 Plywood Backboard 20”H x 19”W (for wall mounting) HBLREKBB30 Plywood Backboard 30”H x 19”W (for wall mounting) HBLREKBB40 Plywood Backboard 40”H x 19”W (for wall mounting) Equipment Mounting Bracket, 5U HBLREKZ 110/66 Block Mounting Rails (accepts five 100-pair/ 110-pair blocks) HBLREK110 Patch Panel Bracket Bottom-hinged, 4U HBLREK19 TredTrak, 5-Channel HBLREKFP Fiber Patch Panel Bracket (accepts 1 FSP adapter panel) Economy Power Supply Kit, 15A Description Track, 3' Section End Caps "X" Section "Y" Section Cat. No. HBLTRED5B HBLTRED5ECB HBLTRED5XB HBLTRED5YB HBLREKP DIN Rail Utility Box, Duplex Cord Connectors, 0.250" - 0.375" Description SS, ½" Aluminum, ½" Aluminum, ¾" Nylon, Gray, ¾" Cat. No. SHC1022SS SHC1022 SHC1032 SHC1022CR Description 15A, 5A Breaker Duplex, Communication * Available Q2-2004. ** Available Q3-2004. Cat. No. DRUBTVSS15* HBLHIDRUBC** TrukTrak, 5-Channel Description Track, 3' Section End Caps Right Turn Left Turn Deluxe Cord Connectors, 0.250" - 0.375" Description SS, ½" SS, ¾" Aluminum, ½" Nylon, Gray, ½" Cat. No. 07401006 07401013 CG406NM 074011332 Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com Consolidation Point Type SS Gray Size NEMA 4X NEMA 4/12 * Available Q2-2004. Cat. No. HBLTT5B HBLTT5ECB HBLTT545RB HBLTT545LB Cat. No. HBLHICPSS* HBLHICPG* H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu PERSONAL & FACILITY SAFETY Safety Shroud Twist-Lock® Trak Systems Full Line Catalog Section ‘B’ Plugs, 2-Pole, 3-Wire Amps 20A 20A 20A 30A 30A Volts 125V 250V 277V AC 125V 250V 5-Channel System Cat. No. HBL2311S HBL2321S HBL2331S HBL2611S HBL2621S Male/ Desc. Female Track End Cap 1M/1F End Cap 2F X Fitting Y Fitting - Volts 125/250V 3∅250V AC 3∅480V AC 125/250V 3∅250V AC 3∅480V AC Cat. No. HBL2411S HBL2421S HBL2431S HBL2711S HBL2721S HBL2731S 5-Channel System Unwired NEMA Twist-Lock® Cat. No. HBLTT5B HBLTT5ECB HBLTT545RB HBLTT545LB Cat. No. SE2720A SE2730A Lock-Out Devices Male/ Desc. Female Track End Cap 1M/1F HLDMP HLD HLD2 HSLDPK2 HLDKIT HKLD HLKLDPK2 Mechanical Interlock Enclosures Full Line Catalog Section ‘B’ & ‘E’ 3-Pole, 4-Wire, Unfused Amps 30A 30A 60A 60A 100A 100A Voltage 3∅240 3∅480 3∅240 3∅480 3∅240 3∅480 Cat. No. HBL430MI9W HBL430MI7W HBL460MI9W HBL460MI7W HBL4100MI9W HBL4100MI7W Color Blue/Yellow Yellow End Caps are sold in pairs only. Voltage 3∅240 3∅480 Cat. No. HBL430MIF9W HBL430MIF7W Twist-Lock Receptacle, Watertight Safety-Shroud Amps 20 or 30A Voltage 3∅480 Cat. No. HBLMITL Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems Hubbell Incorporated (Delaware) 1-203-882-4800 www.hubbell-wiring.com 20A/125V Color Brown Ivory Gray White Black Office White Red Cat. No. GFR5252A GFR5252IA GFR5252GYA GFR5252WA GFR5252BKA GFR5252OWA GFR5252RA Cat. No. GFR5352A GFR5352IA GFR5352GYA GFR5352WA GFR5352BKA GFR5352OWA GFR5352RA GFCI Portables Cat. No. HBLTT3B HBLTT3ECB Length 2’ 2’ 25’ 25’ Set Automatic Manual Automatic Manual Cat. No. GFP2CA GFP2CM GFP25CA GFP25CM 2-Channel System Desc. Track Male/ Female - Color Cat. No. Blue/Yellow HBLTT2B Triple Tap Outlet, 15A/120V AC AccessTrak® 5-Channel System Desc. Track Kit* Trough Trough End Rails** Ramps** Ramp End Rails** Color Gray/Blue Gray/Blue Gray Blue Gray Cat. No. HBLAT5KIT HBLAT5 HBLAT5ER HBLAT5RAMP HBLAT5RAMPER *Includes 1-HBLAT5, 1-HBLAT5ER, 1-HBLAT5RAMP, 2HBLRAMPER **Sold in sets FloorTrak® Floor Cable Cover 3-Pole, 4-Wire, Fused Amps 30A 30A Color Brown Ivory Gray White Black Office White Red Single Outlet, 15A/120V AC Full Line Catalog Section ‘U’ Description (key type) Cat. No. Small, lockout Medium, lockout Large, lockout Switchout Lockout kit Keyed PLUGOUT® (different) Keyed PLUGOUT® (alike) Full Line Catalog Section ‘H’ Full Line Catalog Section ‘H’ 3-Channel System SEHBL3 Voltage 3∅250V AC 3∅480V AC Male/ Desc. Female Color Track Blue/Yellow End Cap 1M/1F Yellow 45° Right Blue/Yellow 45° Left Blue/Yellow End Caps are sold in pairs only. Cat. No. SETL3 Prewired with Twist-Lock® Receptacle NEMA Configuration L15-30R L16-30R Cat. No. HBLTRED5B HBLTRED5ECB HBLTRED5ECFB HBLTRED5XB HBLTRED5YB TrukTrak® Switched Enclosures Use With 2P/3W to 4P/5W grounding receptacle 3P/4W Hubbellock receptacle Color Blue/Yellow Yellow Yellow Blue/Yellow Blue/Yellow End Caps are sold in pairs only Full Line Catalog Section ‘B’ Ground Fault Receptacles GFCI Duplex Receptacles, 15A/125V TredTrak® Plugs, 3-Pole, 4-Wire Amps 20A 20A 20A 30A 30A 30A Full Line Catalog Section ‘Q’ Color Black Brown Beige Gray Yellow FloorTrak 2 width 2.75” Cat. No. FT2BK10 FT2BR10 FT2BG10 FT2GY10 FT2Y10 FloorTrak 3 FloorTrak 4 width 3.00” width 3.25” Cat. No. Cat. No. FT3BKXX* FT4BKXX* FT3BRXX* FT3BGXX* FT3GYXX* FT4GY25 FT3YXX* FT4YXX * Last two digits indicate the length, change XX to 5 for 5’ or 25 for 25’. Length 2’ 2’ 25’ 25’ Set Automatic Manual Automatic Manual 30A GFCI Length 2’ 2’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 25’ 25’ Voltage 120V AC 240V AC 120/240V AC 3∅250V AC 3∅120/208V AC 120V AC 240V AC Cat. No. GFP2TTA GFP2TTM GFP25TTA GFP25TTM Manual Cat. No. GFP1301 GFP2301 GFP3305 GFP5305 GFP4305 GFP1302 GFP2302 Automatic Cat. No. GFP1311 GFP2311 GFP3315 GFP5315 GFP4315 GFP1312 GFP2312 Security Wall Plates Full Line Catalog Section ‘K’ Description Toggle Switch Duplex Receptacle Style Line® Cat. No. SWP1 SWP8 SWP8 H5143LC 03/04 www.hubbell-solutions.com/edu
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