Quality instruction convenience For Families
Quality instruction convenience For Families
Quality Instruction & Convenience For Families Fall 2012 SWIFT CREEK ACADEMY OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 804/744‐2801//2808 Fox Chase Lane,Midlothian,Va 23112 www.swiftcreekacademy.org. Registration Form Name___________________________________Birth Date _______________ Address _________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________State______Zip___________ Home Phone___________________________________Grade in School_____ Work/Cell(M)____________________Work/Cell(D)______________________ Email address____________________________________________________ Have you or siblings attended classes at Swift Creek Academy of the Performing Arts before? Yes____ No____ How did you hear about us?_________________________________________ st nd rd For private lessons, give 1 , 2 and 3 choice for day/time: 1____________________2____________________3____________________ Class Name Section# Tuition ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ Registration Fee (due at time of registration every semester) $25.00 Billing Fee (applies only to monthly installment payments) $30.00 Total Amount Due $______________ ___I will pay tuition in full at the time of registration. ___Check enclosed Amount $_______________ ___Charge my: ____MasterCard _____Visa Account #_______________________________________ Exp. Date________ Three digit security code on signature line ________ ___I will pay tuition in full on or before the first class. A valid MasterCard or Visa credit card number and expiration date MUST be listed above or registration WILL NOT BE COMPLETED. I understand payment not received on or before the first class will be charged to my credit card. ___I will pay in 5 (five) installments (Sept.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec., & Jan.). A valid MasterCard or Visa credit card number and expiration date MUST be listed above in order to choose monthly billing. If not listed, registration WILL NOT BE COMPLETED. I understand there will be a billing fee of $30 ($6 per month) included with installment payments and that all payments are due on st th the 1 of the month. Payments not received by the 20 of the month will be charged to my credit card. I have read the business policies in this brochure. I understand Swift Creek Academy of the Performing Arts assumes no responsibility for personal injury. I grant permission for any class photographs to be used in promotional literature. Signature __________________________________________ Date_________ Print Name ________________________________ SWIFT CREEK ACADEMY OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 804/744‐2801//2808 Fox Chase Lane,Midlothian,Va 23112 www.swiftcreekacademy.org CALENDAR 2012‐2013 August 1, 2012 – Registration begins for Fall semester classes August 10, 2012 – 11:00am to 1:00pm dancers may order dance attire & shoes and swap outgrown dance items August 10, 2012 – Last day of Summer session September 5, 2012 – First day of Fall semester classes November 21‐24, 2012 – Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays December 11, 2012 – Registration begins for Spring semester classes December 19, 2012 – January 1, 2013 – Closed for Christmas & New Year Holidays January 26, 2013 – Last day of Fall semester classes January 28, 2013 – First day of Spring semester classes March 2, 2013 – NFMC Spring Festival for piano at VCU March 9, 2013 – NFMC Spring Festival for guitar, strings and voice at SCAPA April 1‐5, 2013 – Closed for Spring Holidays April 15, 2013 – Registration begins for Summer session classes May 27, 2013 – Closed for Memorial Day Holiday June 8, 2013 – Last day of Spring semester classes Music Workshop weeks for Private Lesson Students: October 15‐18, December 3‐6, January 21‐24, March 4‐7, and April 22‐25 BUSINESS POLICIES A registration fee of $25.00 per student is due at the time of registration and secures class placement. This fee is non‐ refundable. Tuition payments are due at the time of registration and must be received before attending the first class. Tuition is non‐refundable. Financial arrangements may be made for 5 (five) monthly installment payments for tuition with a $6.00 per month billing fee (totaling $30.00). Monthly payment arrangements MUST be guaranteed with a valid MasterCard or Visa credit card. If not listed, registration will not be completed. Credit may be given to be applied in the next semester in cases of illness or uncontrollable circumstances. There is a $50.00 charge for returned checks. Classes may be added or dropped based on enrollment requirements. New classes are formed with a minimum of six students. Class schedule subject to change based on enrollment requirements. Students are expected to arrive for classes on time and be picked up promptly afterwards. The Academy will not be responsible for students after dismissal time. Makeup lessons will be considered on an individual basis. Private students who notify the receptionist of a cancellation 24 hours in advance will be given first choice on available time if space is available. Classes may be made up if similar level class time is available. No other arrangements can be made for makeups. OUR GOALS #1 Happy Faces! #2 Motivate students to strive to do their best in all endeavors #3 Quality instruction and convenience for families The enthusiasm of teachers, students and parents have made the past 31 years of music, dance and drama great fun! The quality of our instruction has prepared many of our students for acceptance and scholarships to outstanding colleges and universities leading to professional careers. Our performing companies have entertained for local community events and organizations, and internationally, representing Friendship Ambassadors Foundation. Many of our students have continued their enjoyment of the arts as a hobby and some as a means to contribute to the community by sharing their talents as volunteers in churches and youth organizations. An introduction to the arts can develop self‐expression, self‐ confidence, and a great appreciation for the work involved in becoming a performer. We accept the enjoyable responsibility of developing the future artists and the audiences who support them. DANCE Dance costumes for the recital are included in the tuition. Please note the leotards for each level will be available for order on August 10th. Maximum class size is 12 students. KINDER DANCE – Ballet, tap & creative movement. Class attire: Girls – pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, black one‐strap tap shoes. Boys – white t‐shirt, black pants, black ballet slippers, black tap oxfords. Level 1 – 3 year olds. Must be potty trained. Section 500 – Wednesdays, 3:15‐4:00pm, tuition $235. Level 2 – 4 and 5 year olds. Section 501 – Wednesdays, 4:00‐500pm, tuition $265. Level 3 – 5 year olds with previous dance experience. Includes an introduction to jazz. Section 502 – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $265. Primary and Primary Advanced classes – These classes may be combined for a discount. Two or three classes discounted 10%. Class attire: Girls – sky blue leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, black one‐strap tap shoes, black jazz oxfords. Boys – white t‐shirt, black pants, black ballet slippers, black tap oxfords, black jazz oxfords. Primary Ballet Section 503 – Wednesdays, 5:30‐6:00pm, tuition $180. Primary Jazz Section 504 – Wednesdays, 6:00‐6:30pm, tuition $180. Primary Tap Section 505 – Wednesdays, 5:00‐5:30pm, tuition $180. Primary Advanced Ballet Section 506 – Tuesdays, 5:45‐6:30pm, tuition $250. Primary Advanced Jazz Section 507 – Tuesdays, 6:30‐7:15pm, tuition $250. Primary Advanced Tap Section 508 – Tuesdays, 5:00‐5:45pm, tuition $250. All Elementary through Advanced level classes are by permission of the instructor. Elementary and Elementary Advanced classes Class attire: Girls – lavender leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, black tap oxfords. Boys – white t‐shirt, black pants, black ballet slippers, black tap oxfords, black jazz oxfords. Elementary Ballet Section 509 – Tuesdays, 8:00‐9:00pm, tuition $275. Elementary Jazz Section 510 – Thursdays, 4:30‐5:30pm, tuition $275. Elementary Tap Section 511 – Tuesdays, 7:15‐8:00pm, tuition $250. Elementary Advanced Ballet Section 512 – Mondays & Thursdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $520. Elementary Advanced Jazz Section 513 – Mondays, 5:30‐6:30pm, tuition $275. Elementary Advanced Tap Section 514 – Thursdays, 530‐6:30pm, tuition $275. Intermediate, Intermediate Advanced and Advanced classes Class attire: Ladies – black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, black tap oxfords. Gentlemen – white t‐shirt, black pants, black ballet slippers, black tap oxfords, black jazz oxfords. Intermediate/Intermediate Advanced Ballet Section 515 – Mondays & Thursdays, 7:30‐9:00pm, tuition $595. Intermediate Jazz Section 516 – Tuesdays, 7:30‐8:30pm, tuition $275. Intermediate Advanced Jazz Section 517 – Thursdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $275. Intermediate Tap Section 518 – Wednesday, 8:00‐9:00pm, tuition $275. Advanced Ballet Section 519 – Mondays & Thursdays, 5:00‐6:30pm, tuition $595. Advanced Tap Section 520 – Thursdays, 7:30‐8:30pm, tuition $275. Ballet for Teens – a beginning and brush up class Section 521 – Tuesdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $275. Tap for Teens – a beginning and brush up class featuring Rhythm Tap Section 522 – Wednesdays, 7:30‐8:00pm, tuition $180. Dance students may enroll for unlimited classes Section 523 – tuition $1595 for the Fall semester. Style classes Hip Hop Class attire: jazz sneakers, clothes comfortable for moving Hip Hop 1 for 7‐12 year olds Section 524 – Mondays, 7:30‐8:00pm, tuition $180. Hip Hop 2 for 7‐12 year olds – By permission of the instructor Section 525 – Mondays, 8:00‐9:00m, tuition $275. Hip Hop for Teens Section 526 – Tuesdays, 5:30‐6:30pm, tuition $275. Lyrical & Modern Class attire: solid color leotard, footless tights, bare feet Lyrical Section 527 – Tuesdays, 4:30‐5:30pm, tuition $275. Modern for 8‐12 year olds Section 528 – Mondays, 4:30‐5:30pm, tuition $275. Modern for Teens Section 529 – Mondays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $275. DANCE COMPANIES Dance company participation is by audition only. Junior SCAPS – Junior jazz/modern Company Section 530 – Saturdays, 9:30am Senior SCAPS – Senior jazz/modern Company Section 531 – Saturdays, 9:30am Company dancers must be enrolled in a minimum of two technique classes in addition to company. Our companies will offer a final audition in September for dancers who missed the June audition. New dancers interested in auditioning should call the academy for information. DRAMA Kinder Drama – Children 4‐7 years old learn character development, vocal projection and story telling. Creativity at its DRAMA best! Section 532 – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:15pm, tuition $245. Kinder Drama – Children 4‐7 years old learn character development, vocal projection and story telling. Creativity at its Acting Triple Threat – Children 8‐12 years old will develop skills best! for acting, musical theatre dance and singing using age‐ Section 532 – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:15pm, tuition $245. appropriate materials to enhance self‐confidence in performance skills. Learning to be in the moment and “think on Acting Triple Threat – Children 8‐12 years old will develop skills your feet,” to enable quick response to given situations. for acting, musical theatre dance and singing using age‐ Section 533 – Wednesdays, 7:15‐9:00pm, tuition $375. appropriate materials to enhance self‐confidence in performance skills. Learning to be in the moment and “think on your feet,” to enable quick response to given situations. Section 533 – Wednesdays, 7:15‐9:00pm, tuition $375. MUSIC Children’s Music – Children 4‐6 years old will develop a strong sense of rhythm through action songs. Introduction to violin MUSIC and keyboard, rhythmic notation using rhythm instruments, and pitch relationships through musical games and songs. Children’s Music – Children 4‐6 years old will develop a strong Emphasis on development of fine motor skills and fun! sense of rhythm through action songs. Introduction to violin Section 534 – Tuesdays, 6:30‐7:15pm, tuition $265. and keyboard, rhythmic notation using rhythm instruments, and pitch relationships through musical games and songs. Beginning Guitar – for students 8‐10 years old. Reading music, Emphasis on development of fine motor skills and fun! relating to the guitar, building correct technique for future Section 534 – Tuesdays, 6:30‐7:15pm, tuition $265. success. Section 535 – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $295. Beginning Guitar – for students 8‐10 years old. Reading music, relating to the guitar, building correct technique for future Beginning Piano/Keyboard – for students 8‐10 years old. success. Reading music, relating to the keyboard, building correct Section 535 – Wednesdays, 6:30‐7:30pm, tuition $295. technique for future success. Section 536 – Tuesdays,7:15‐8:15pm, tuition $300. Beginning Piano/Keyboard – for students 8‐10 years old. Reading music, relating to the keyboard, building correct technique for future success. Section 536 – Tuesdays,7:15‐8:15pm, tuition $300. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION – for cello, guitar, keyboard, organ, piano, violin, viola and voice. All materials furnished. Section 537 – 30 minute lessons, tuition $599. Section 538 – 45 minute lessons, tuition $895. Section 539 – 60 minute lessons, tuition $1185. New students will be called to schedule an interview with the Director for evaluation after receipt of registration form and fee. Private study is conditional upon satisfactory advancement during each semester. Arrangements for fewer than 18 lessons may be made on a spaceavailable basis at the rate of $45.00 per 30 minutes, $67.50 per 45 minutes, and $90.00 per 60 minutes. Suzuki Instruction is available for guitar and violin. Students may start as young as three years old. Suzuki instruction requires that the student have a parent with him or her at each lesson to help with practice at home. Private lesson rates above and section numbers as indicated with “Suzuki” listed with instrument desired on your registration form. FACULTY James R. Allen, B.M. Ed., Virginia Commonwealth University, Registered Suzuki Violin Teacher. Tim Allison, B.M., Virginia Commonwealth University, graduate studies George Mason University, Registered Suzuki Guitar Teacher. Rebecca A. Ferrell, B.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University, Master’s Certificate in Nonprofit Management, Arts Advocacy and Administration, M.F.A., Arizona State University, Artistic Director: FDANCE. Rai Anne I. Larkins, B.A., University of North Carolina‐ Greensboro. Jose Luis Reyes, M.A., Royal Conservatory of Music “Manual de Falla”. Anna Satalino, A.A. degree candidate, John Tyler Community College, Early Childhood Development Certificate. Terri Simpson, B.M., Virginia Commonwealth University. Laura Strukl, B.S. degree candidate, Virginia Commonwealth University. Director: Cassandra O. Lacey, B.A., Old Dominion University, graduate studies Peabody Conservatory, Virginia Commonwealth University. NOTES SWIFT CREEK ACADEMY OF THE PERFORMING ARTS 804/744‐2801//2808 Fox Chase Lane,Midlothian,Va 23112 www.swiftcreekacademy.org. Registration Form Name___________________________________Birth Date _______________ Address _________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________State______Zip___________ Home Phone___________________________________Grade in School_____ Work/Cell(M)____________________Work/Cell(D)______________________ Email address____________________________________________________ Have you or siblings attended classes at Swift Creek Academy of the Performing Arts before? Yes____ No____ How did you hear about us?_________________________________________ st nd rd For private lessons, give 1 , 2 and 3 choice for day/time: 1____________________2____________________3____________________ Class Name Section# Tuition ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ Registration Fee (due at time of registration every semester) $25.00 Billing Fee (applies only to monthly installment payments) $30.00 Total Amount Due $______________ ___I will pay tuition in full at the time of registration. ___Check enclosed Amount $_______________ ___Charge my: ____MasterCard _____Visa Account #_______________________________________ Exp. Date________ Three digit security code on signature line ________ ___I will pay tuition in full on or before the first class. A valid MasterCard or Visa credit card number and expiration date MUST be listed above or registration WILL NOT BE COMPLETED. I understand payment not received on or before the first class will be charged to my credit card. ___I will pay in 5 (five) installments (Sept.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec., & Jan.). A valid MasterCard or Visa credit card number and expiration date MUST be listed above in order to choose monthly billing. If not listed, registration WILL NOT BE COMPLETED. I understand there will be a billing fee of $30 ($6 per month) included with installment payments and that all payments are due on st th the 1 of the month. Payments not received by the 20 of the month will be charged to my credit card. I have read the business policies in this brochure. I understand Swift Creek Academy of the Performing Arts assumes no responsibility for personal injury. I grant permission for any class photographs to be used in promotional literature. Signature __________________________________________ Date_________ Print Name ________________________________ 31 Years ! 804.744.2801 www.swiftcreekacademy.org 2808 Fox Chase Lane Midlothian, VA 23112
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