November 2013 MacChUG Line_pages 09
November 2013 MacChUG Line_pages 09
The MacChUG Line The Official newsletter of the Chico Apple User Group In This Month’s Edition of the MacChUG Line Calendar of Events Page 2 The President’s Soapbox To update or not to update, that is the question. My dad always told me, “learn from the mistakes of others.” Well dad, your son didn’t follow your advice this time. This Month’s Guest Speaker Page 3 Guest Speaker Calendar Page 4 Pat Furr inspires at October meeting. Page 5 For those of you like me, the word FREE usually gets my attention. So when I heard that Apple was making its new OS X Mavericks a free upgrade I was a very happy Apple Head. iPhone - iPad SIG Page 6 Treasury News Page 7 Helpful Links Page 8 Website Of The Month Page 9 What’s On Your Home screen? Page 11 November 2013 Usually, when a new version of OS X hits the market, I do what all the experts say to do, I wait a few weeks to see what all the problems the other folks run into before leaping in myself. After watching Apple’s Mavericks announcement on October 22nd, I ran right to my computer and downloaded Mavericks to take advantage of all the goodness that Tim Cook and gang promised. How to Set Up Your New iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Running iOS 7 Page 13 I backed up my Mac (some rules are NEVER made to be broken) and dove into the cool blue waters of Mavericks. As advertised, the Mavericks download went smoothly and freely into my Mac. The system started up right away and I didn’t loose any of my data. A good start, right. Why (and how) I'm saying goodbye to Gmail Page 14 It wasn’t until after I updated my iWorks Suite that my dad’s words began to ring true. Buying A Refurbished Mac? Here’s What You Need To Know Page 15 I eagerly opened up the ‘new’ Pages and started playing around with the program. I liked the new UI and how it selected only the commands you need for what you are doing. For the life of me though, 1=C:2<MBN5C@3=CB6=EB=;/93;G1==:<3EA=4BE/@3>3@4=@;BE==4 the actions I use most; linking text boxes and reordering page thumbnails. This might not sound like big new to you, but for someone who organizes and produces the monthly newsletter, this was a pretty big problem. CONTINUED ON PG 7 How to make the most of Mavericks Finder Tags Page 12 Mavericks keyboard guide Page 17 Say What?? Page 19 Sponsors Pages 21-23 The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 1 MacChUG Board of Directors MacChUG Calendar of Events P resident / N ewsl et t er E dit or � Scott Evans Vic e-P re s ide nt � Dick Livesay Tr e asure r � Monday, November 18th Bob Huss Board meeting at the Cozy Diner on the Esplanade at 6:45 PM. S e creta ry � Debbie Evans Thursday, November 21st P r o g ra m Dire c t or / N o vi ce Ins truc tor � Regular meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Guest speaker will be Mr. Chris Breen, Author, Musician, and Senior Editor of Macworld Magazine. Ron Steinke P ub l i c R e la t ion s / L i b raria n � Tuesday, December 10th Ron Brooks Tech Tuesday at the Chico Branch of the Butte County Library, from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Come join us to help answer a few Apple technology questions and get the MacChUG word out to the public. Web si t e & F aceb ook Edito r � Vicki Tomatis G reeter � Hugh McGuigan We Our MacChUG Volunteers Te ch Support & H ardwa re Libr ar ian A ssistant Bill Peart Chuck Alldrin M e mb e r s h i p Ch a i r / Ho s p i t a l i t y T h i s c o u ld b e Kathy Brooks YOU! Beverly McGuigan The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 2 This month’s MacChUG Guest Speaker is Mr. Chris Breen Macworld senior editor Christopher Breen has been writing about technology since the mid-1980s for such publications as MacUser, MacWEEK, and Macworld. Breen is the author of Macworld's popular "Mac 911" tips and troubleshooting column, and he hosts the Macworld Podcast. livep age. Learn more about Chris at and on Twitter @BodyofBreen Breen is the author of numerous technology books, including Secrets of the iPod, The iPod and iTunes Pocket Guide, Mac 911, and My iMac. He has created a variety of video training courses for, including Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Tips and Tricks, Mac OS X Leopard Essential Training, Screen casting for the Mac, iPad Tips and Tricks, and Lion Essential Training. In addition to his technology career, Breen is also a musician who has performed professionally for two decades. Check out his album Of Eve on iTunes. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � livepag com Page 3 Chico Apple User Group 2013 - 2014 Guest Speaker Calendar September 19, 2013 February 20, 2014 Founding member of Apple’s Research and Development Team. World leader of Macintosh, diagnostic, troubleshooting and repair utilities. Mr. Bob Bishop Mr. Christian Pickman - Micromat October 17, 2013 March 20, 2014 Executive Director of Computers for Classrooms in Chico. Founder, Ms. Pat Furr Mr. Kyle Wiens November 21, 2013 April 17, 2014 Musician, Writer, Podcaster & Senior Editor of Macworld Magazine. Photographer, Photojournalist, Podcaster “The Digital Story.” Mr. Chris Breen Mr. Derrick Story December 19, 2013 May 20, 2014 Co-Author, The Macintosh Bible Senior Editor of Macworld Magazine. Mr. Randy Singer June 19, 2014 January 16, 2014 Mr. James Willis Mr. Dan Frakes Annual Fundraising Event Author of “Make a Movie Using Just Your iPad.” The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 4 Pat Furr inspires at October meeting. Chico program is a model for nation By Scott Evans, President & Newsletter Editor It only took a few minutes into Pat Furr’s talk Special Guest Speaker Ms. Pat Furr, Executive Director of Computers for Classrooms talks about to realize this woman is something special. her wonderful program. MacChUG members were treated to a excellent presentation about a wonderful program that started right here in Chico. .3/@A/5==</B@7>B=67</&/BA/EN@AB6/<26=E67<3A3ABC23<BAE3@3037<5B/C56B English and computer skills. Being a retired teacher, Pat knew students in California did not have access to computers in the classrooms. Pat came home and started Computers for Classrooms out of her garage. Since those early days, Computers for Classrooms has grown from her garage to a nationally known program housed in a 25,000 square foot warehouse in Chico. Computers for Classrooms not only provides computers for schools but also home computers for low income families. Pat even helps get low cost internet access for their home. =;>CB3@A4=@1:/AA@==;A7A/ 1<=<>@=NB1=;>/<G/<2/113>BAN</<17/:2=</B7=<A and contributions of any type of computers or accessories. Ron Brooks and Dennis Swaney enjoying a refreshment before the meeting begins. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Did Lon Haley win the big prize of the evening? Even though it looks like it, Lon won something just as good, the coveted white ream of paper. Table of Contents� � � � � Page 5 iPhone / iPad Special Interest Group By Scott Evans, Newsletter Editor This month in our iPhone / iPad SIG we will show you how to make a photo book using you iPad or iPhone. Photo books make great gifts and are a great way of documenting special moments or events. We will be running through Apple’s iPhoto 2.0 photo book application. Make sure you download some photos onto your iPad or iPhone so you can practice using the application. If there is time, we can discuss A>317N1?C3AB7=<AG=C;/G6/D3 Those wishing to help out at the SIG please contact Scott Evans at [email protected]. Bring your devices, your questions and a smile. See you there. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 6 The President’s Soapbox After scouring the web, I found out that the new and improved Pages had less features than it predecessor, not more. Tim and the gang forgot to tell us that when they were hyping the new, free, updated iWorks suite.�� � After a few days on the web reading about similar woes of all my other Page loving cohorts, I realized the subtraction of the major amenities I loved and used in Pages weren’t my issue alone. I hoped that someone would eventually shine some light on this issue in the upcoming days and was pleased to read Chris Breen’s article, on, that gave a work around for all of us Pages users. For me, in hindsight, I wish I had waited for a few weeks prior to downloading Mavericks to :3BB632CABA3BB:3N@AB/<2A33E6/B0C5AAC@4/132:793 <=@;/::G2= Dad, as usual, you were right. Perhaps now someone can learn from my mistake. Treasury Note From the vault of MacChUG Treasurer Bob Huss The MacChUG Board of Directors is undertaking to change the MacChUG schedule of dues payments. The new schedule does not change the amount of dues owed, but only the payment dates of those dues effected. This new schedule for dues payments will align the payment dates to January 1st of each year. Alignment will allow for easier 8, ,"( *.* ,,(,& 04$** 0%-/$" 01(,&-%(,"-+$ ,#$5.$,0$ management. The system is based on 10 meetings each year for $25.00, or $2.50 per meeting per member. -/$5 +.*$#2$01' 1 /$. 6 !*$ 11'$$.1$+!$/+$$1(,& /$ 1(+$0 meetings thru December). Dues payable in: October are $7.50, November are $5.00, December '$0$+$+!$/0" , ## 11(+$-%. 6+$,11-"-3$/ #2$0(%1'$64(0' When Jan 1st"-+$0 /-2,#+$+!$/0,-1./$. 6(,& #2$04(**-4$ #2$0-% Members whose dues are payable in January, will pay $25.00. If your dues are payable in February, you will owe $22.50; March will owe $20.00; April $17.50; May $15.00; and June $12.50. Completing this cycle will align dues to be payable to January 1st of each year. All dues for year 2015 will become due January 1, 2015. To make this transition go smoothly, we ask for member’s cooperation and promptly pay your dues as proposed. Thank you. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 7 MacChUG in the Community By Scott Evans, President, Newsletter Editor Helping others with questions and spreading the MacChUG word. Novice Group meeting at 6:30 pm with Ron Steinke This week Ron is talking about preference settings and answering any questions that attendees might bring. Links of Interest MacLifer Macnews Tech Tails MacMost Kirkville Cult of Mac MacChUG members are volunteering on the second Tuesday of each month to help answer Apple technology related questions and support our community library. macPro Video '$,-%7"( * Kindle Apple Weblog This is a great opportunity to give a little back to our community and also spread the word about our wonderful club. TWIT TV News Apple support Macworld Make Use Of The Mac Observer Mac Power Users - C/NET news & 5by5 reviews The MacChUG Line�� Tech Tuesday is a Scott Evans helps Mamie Dinani with her iPad Mini at program where people can come Tech Tuesday on November 12, 2013, at the Chico Library. to the library from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, ask questions and get answers about the computer related issues they have. 9to5Mac Apple Insider � � Do you know a little about Apple products and want to get involved for a good cause? If the answer is yes, sign up to volunteer an hour a month at the Chico branch of the Butte County Library for Tech Tuesday. At each MacChUG monthly general meeting there will be a volunteer sign up sheet for anyone wanting to get involved. For more information, please contact Scott Evans at [email protected]. � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 8 MacChUG Library News I'm pleased to let you 9<=E N</::G5=B;G hands on an iOS 7 book that will be available for checkout. It's entitled By Ron Brooks "iPhone for Beginners" and includes information on iOS 7. Also, O'Reilly Publishing is sending us a few good books (no titles yet) that should give us more directions for the new iOS operating system. I suspect the "iPhone for Beginners" will 5=4/AB/<2A7<137BAN@AB1=;3N@AB served", you might want to come early. Special Interest Groups Are They For Me? SIGs, or Specialized Interest Groups are a fun way of getting together a group of people who have a common interest in a certain subject matter. Other Mac User Groups have developed SIGs to learn more about genealogy, photography and the iPad as well as beginner through advanced Mac instruction. MacChUG would like to know if you are interested in participating or leading a SIG for our group. If you have an interest in being involved in a SIG, please contact me at [email protected] and let me know what interests you. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Web site of the month Reviewed by Scott Evans, MacChUG newsletter editor This month’s website of the month is MacMost is a video podcast and blog that teaches you how to use your Mac, iPhone, iPod and iPad. At #/1#=AB1=;G=CE7::N<2;=@3 than 500 videos, a weekly newsletter, tips, and a questions and answers forum The website is run by Gary Rosenzweig who gives viewers short but consise reviews, tips and tricks about a variety of cool topics. If you are a visual learner like me, Gary’s video collection is priceless. When I don’t know or have forgotten how to do something I always take look on the website /<2 CAC/::GN<2E6/B M;:==97<5 for. If you have a question you don’t see an answer to, you can write Gary an email at What I like about Gary’s videos is they are not too long in duration. They usually run from 3-6 minutes, depending on the subject matter. Even in that short period of time, Gary covers the information you need. Check out for a lot of cool videos, news, rumors and useful guides. If you have a website you think is really cool, just shoot me an email at [email protected] Table of Contents� � � � � Page 9 Got a Great Idea? Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell someone. If you have a great idea about making MacChUG even better than it is now, pass it along to: [email protected] Volunteers wanted (and needed) Ever wondered how everything gets done each month to make our club run so smoothly? It’s our volunteers. Several MacChUG members have already volunteered to share their time and positive energy to make our club fun and informative for everyone to enjoy. MacChUG is looking for volunteers to help with planing, organizing and The MacChUG Line�� � � � participating in all the activities we do and want to continue doing in the future. If you have a few minutes to spare, please consider volunteering. All of our volunteers will be working with established committees that just need a little bit of help. Look for our Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet at the monthly general meetings. Table of Contents� � � � � Page 10 What’s on your Home Screen? By Scott Evans, Newsletter Editor In this month’s segment of What’s on your Home Screen, MacChUG member Ron Brooks gives us a peek at his iPad’s home page. 1. #=<3G,7H4=@@31=@27<5/::=C@N</<17/:B@/<A/1B7=<A)67A/>>/CB=;/571/::G syncs with my wife' iPhone, my iPad, my laptop and desktop computers. 2. Gmail and Mail for obvious reasons. 3. &/AAE=@2E6716933>A/::>/AAE=@2A7</A31C@33<1@G>B32N:3=<;G7&/2 as well as on their website, because there's no way I could remember them /::&:CA7BN::A7<CA3@</;3/<2>/AAE=@2E7B6/1:719=4/0CBB=<B=A/D3 loads of time and potential mistakes. Do you have some cool and interesting apps on your iPhone or iPad? Send me a screen shot and a brief explanation of why your like them. Send your screen shots to [email protected] The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 11 How to make the most of Mavericks's Finder tags Christopher Breen @BodyofBreen November 1, 2013 Mavericks’s Finder tags feature gives you the ability to assign labels and keywords to your files and folders, which is a mighty fine thing if you’re organizationally inclined. However, regardless of how keen you are on the idea of tagging your files, the process requires time and effort, particularly if you intend to tag the nearly countless files already on your Mac. That doesn’t mean that Finder tags should become Mavericks’s “Mission Control”—a feature that can be helpful, but that few people touch. Rather, tagging requires a measure of will and some tools and techniques to make it as easy as possible. Let’s begin. Use Smart Folders to find old files worth tagging If you have thousands of files on your Mac and the idea of tagging them all makes you queasy, take a deep breath. You just need to be a little smarter about the task. Focus only on those files that really matter, because you want to more easily retrieve them at a later time. Smart folders can help you find the content you’re after. Click here to read the rest of the article. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 12 How to Set Up Your New iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Running iOS 7 POSTED IN HOW TO, IOS ON 20/09/2013 BY J. GLENN KÜNZLER If you just got your hands on a shiny new iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you might be wondering how best to set it up. Apple provides two ways to do this – either using iCloud or using iTunes. Here’s what you need to know. With iCloud and iOS 7 built into new iOS devices, setting up your device no longer requires the use of a computer at all. I recommend setting your device up using iCloud, as it presents the fastest and easiest way to get started, but we’ll also look at setting your new device up through iTunes. Click on any of the below images to see a larger version. Setting up your Device • Setup via iCloud %1.J;<==26.B8>=>;787B8>;7.@-.?2,.B8>I55<..*<,;..7=1*=<*B< “iPhone,” “iPad,” or “iPod.” Sliding the bar at the bottom of the screen and setting your preferred language preference begins the setup process. Once you’ve selected your language, tap the “next” button. Now, select your region. iOS provides a default country or region based on where your device was purchased, but more options are available if you tap “Show More.” Click here for the rest of the story The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 13 Why (and how) I'm saying goodbye to Gmail Joe Kissell @joekissell Oct 31, 2013 It was great while it 5*<=.-+>=J7*55B broke up with Gmail. Though I had relied on Google’s popular email service for years, my level of satisfaction had been dropping steadily for a while, and changes in the Mavericks version of Mail (about which I’ve ranted at some length) were the last straw. Now I’m returning to a good old-fashioned IMAP server, and I’m not looking back. Lots of people are blissfully content with Gmail. If you’re one of them, far be it from me to change your mind. But I want to tell you what I found problematic about Gmail—and exactly what I did about it. What’s wrong with Gmail 6*25-8.<*0;.*=38+8/J5=.;270<9*6*7-<.*;,1270/8;,87=.7=*7-8805. offers Gmail users a generous 15GB of free storage space (shared with other Google services). If you want to use your own domain name with your Gmail account (a necessity for me), you can sign up for Google Apps for Business, which starts at $5 per month per user and includes various additional features. At one time Google offered a free edition of Google Apps, and users like me who signed up while it was still free got to keep their accounts, for up to 10 users, at no charge. All in all, a pretty sweet deal. Click here to read the rest of the article. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 14 Buying A Refurbished Mac? Here’s What You Need To Know By Matt Smith on 18th October, 2013 | Mac OS X | 28 Comments Apple’s computers – like its phones and tablets – have continually topped customer satisfaction and reliability surveys, and often by no small margin. Though Macs don’t sell in the volume of other computers, their high prices make >>:3B63:/@53AB1=;>CB3@;/<C4/1BC@3@0G>@=NB=<AC;3@AE7B6/4/BE/::3B usually look towards a new iMac or MacBook. CG3@A=</B756B0C253B6=E3D3@N<23D3<B63;=AB/44=@2/0:3#/1 unobtainable. This often leads to the consideration of a refurbished model. No one wants to lay down a wad of cash for a dinged-up, battered second-hand computer – here’s what you need to know on your search for a pristine, but affordable, refurb. Click here to read the rest of the article. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 15 Courtesy of member Michael Hogan The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 16 Courtesy of member Michael Hogan The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 17 MacChUG Needs You! each other. To do this, we have to get out in the community and promote our club. Here at MacChUG, we are all about having fun and learning about about great Apple products and technology. We want to grow or club and let others in our community know we exist. We want everybody to know how much fun we all have sharing what we know with If you are a member of an social organization, own or work at a business, or have the opportunity to be connected with people in any way, let them know MacChUG exists and invite them to a monthly meeting. They are free to attend. The more people we talk to about our great club, the more we grow and the better the club becomes. TIPS iOS 7 tip How to make the text easier to read. iOS 7 uses Helvetica Light for most of the interface - this is challenging to read for many people. There is one quick fix you can do - make the text Bold - which can make it easier to read. You do this by going to Settings > General > Accessibility and then tap on Bold Text. Your iOS device will restart to apply this setting. Mac OS tip Are you using Time Machine to backup your files? If so go to the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Time Machine this panel will tell you how much room is left on your backup drive, when the original backup was created, when your last backup was and when the next one is due. All handy information. The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � Ronnie Roach Owner � � Page 18 Say What?? COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou. Submitted by member Ron Brooks ABBOTT: Your computer? To fully understand. this...........You have to be old enough to remember Abbott and Costello and you have to be old enough to not REALLY understand computers. For those of us who sometimes get flustered by our computers, please read on... COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou. ABBOTT: What about Windows? COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here? ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows? COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows? ABBOTT: Wallpaper. COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software. ABBOTT: Software for Windows? If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch, 'Who's on First?' might have turned out something like this: COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have? COSTELLO CALLS TO BUY A COMPUTER FROM ABBOTT ABBOTT: Office. ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer. ABBOTT: Mac? The MacChUG Line�� COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything? ABBOTT: I just did. COSTELLO: You just did what? ABBOTT: Recommend something. COSTELLO: You recommended something? � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 19 ABBOTT: Yes. COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have? COSTELLO: For my office? ABBOTT: Money. ABBOTT: Yes. COSTELLO: I need money to track my money? COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office? ABBOTT: Office. ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer. COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer? COSTELLO: Yes, for my office! ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows. ABBOTT: Money. COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need? COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer? ABBOTT: Yes. At no extra charge. ABBOTT: Word. COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much? COSTELLO: What word? ABBOTT: One copy. ABBOTT: Word in Office. COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money? COSTELLO: The only word in office is office. ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money. ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows. COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows? ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'. COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'W' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? Do you have anything I can track my money with? ABBOTT: Money. The MacChUG Line�� COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money? ABBOTT: Why not? THEY OWN IT! (A few days later) ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off? ABBOTT: Click on 'START.' � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 20 DAR Software The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 21 The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 22 The MacChUG Line�� � � � Table of Contents� � � � � Page 23