Map - Port Townsend Bicycle Association
Map - Port Townsend Bicycle Association
Eastern Jefferson County Bicycle Map Strait of Juan de Fuca POINT WILSON d Ot to S t Dis cov er y Old Gardiner Rd Jeffe rso Intl n Count Airp y ort Bay Four Co rner s d n Co op C o nt r Fir St Cherry St ’ r Co Rd South Indian Island Co. Park d rR r Sunset Lake n Va Tr o je nR d d yR W. Valle d yR Ba NW Kiwanis Camp i t e L a ke R u mo gle w Cr eek d Sno Rd Gib bs L ak eR d R nt a O ld E g le Po int ele O l Ea 840 rR au s nt e Be Ce Rd d Gibbs Lake Co. Park d Beausite Lake Delanty Lake Salmon Creek Egg & I Rd Mats Mats Bay m o u nt Rd Trapper Creek Should Peterson Lake er R um ble Str ip Crocker Lake Tr 8 Cre Boulton Tr 833 .3 Tr 830 Go ld o Rix k ree nC so nS R1 Viewpoint Hostel Grocery/Foodmart Airport Bike Shop Rural Bus Route School Off-Road Bike Trails 1 2 1 Inch = 1 Statute Mile 3 Port Ludlow 04 Tarboo Lake Larson Lake Hood Canal Larson Lake Rd Oa d yR k Ba Ludlow Lake D lley Va Rd Paradis e Ba yR d l Tea eR d ek Cre Lake Leland Co. Park La k ley Rip k Cree we Ho Rd ob ab Creek boo Tar Lel an d Bon Jon Pass 3,000 ft Campsite Swans o Rd reek Andrews C ek Narrow Bridge Rd Snow Creek Mt. Zion 4,273 ft Parking i lle nv er R iv 0 ess R 287 en F ng Caution: Sandy Shore Rd Du 8 36 Steep Hill ❚ Know your level of skill and comfort in sharing the roadways with motor vehicles and trucks. ❚ Use the legend to determine the route and destination that matches your skill and comfort level. ❚ Note that road conditions can change and construction schedules can impact cycling conditions. ❚ Be aware that morning and evening rush hours add considerable volumes of traffic to the roadways. Traffic volumes are also higher in the summer months. ❚ Follow the Rules of the Road. ❚ Ride at your own risk and ride safely. ak ek Sa l m o n C r e Tr 830 Hospital Using this Map O d Gold Creek Trailhead Hill 0 KINNEY POINT Rd elately Creek Woods R FR 2 Restrooms Scale 1:64,000 ey Vall ver Bea Chimacum Creek Ga City Lake nca s US Highway ay Old W. U Visitor Information Robbins Rd kB din e C re e k elately Oak Bay Co. Park H.J. Carroll Park Chimacum Park Oa Ji m m yco m gl e Jefferson County Scow Bay rR d Bob Bates Fields Anderson Lake Rd Jim myco m elately Rd FR 2 Lions Co. Park ner Rd Anderson Lake State Park FR 28 State Route Marrowstone Island Port Hadlock ac Nes s Clallam County Stream Meade Rd reek to Al Forest Roads East Beach Co. Park Nordland Fl a Pal o Powerlines E. Beach Rd Irondale t or Rd Chicke Mountain Bike Trail gate Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe C an De acu Chim m C r e ek Rd Indian Island Roads Not Classified Port Townsend Bicycle Association and the project partners disclaim responsibility for any injury, loss or damage suffered due to reliance on this map. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made as to the suitability of trail or road conditions for walking or bicycling or any other activity. k Moon Lake my co m Mystery Bay sC ree d Bl yn Hw y Ol ey R pect Ave Pros Kala Point D r Old Schoolhouse Rd Diamond Point Rd Dr dla Woo n d Gravel Road E. Marrowstone Rd Fireweed Rd Gardiner Be Palo Alto Rd Ji m KALA POINT tT ow Ba nse y nd Irondale Rd Woods Rd nC nso ry R aB ram Pa no Palo Alto Rd reek de pe Jo h Da wl The Sequim to Port Angeles segment of the trail is a traffic-separated, multi-user trail except for Fir Street in Sequim where the trail uses this low traffic volume street. East of Whitefeather Way the trail is currently (January 2008) under construction but will be open to Blyn in early 2008 with a gravel surface. This segment is scheduled to be paved in September of 2008. East of the Tribal Center towards Port Townsend, the trail uses existing roadways suitable for experienced cyclists. The trail will eventually extend from east to west approximately 150 miles from Port Townsend to the Pacific Ocean. cove lvd Schmuck Rd d Ha pp yV alle yR Rd Sta m Lakeview Rd Lou e l l a k d yR m Ba qui Se Olympic Discovery Trail e Cre E. Sequim Bay State Park Rd g le Ea ach Rd d yR Ba Happy Valley Rd Parkri dg e Po r Dr John Wayne Marina ui m eq .S W Doe Run Rd Douglas Way Jennifer Lake eat itef y rW he Wh Old Fort Townsend State Park r Sequim Bay Old Fort Townsend Rd Flagler Rd rbo Burling Rd Miller Rd San Juan Ave ve ok A Co C Holland Rd Gier in Wash in Cape G e BECKETT POINT Fort Flagler State Park Ha W. Sequim Bay Rd Seton Rd On-Road NOTE: The legend indicates general conditions, actual conditions and shoulder widths may vary unexpectedly. sut N. Rhodefer Rd Paradise Cove MARROWSTONE POINT Kili Larry Scott Memorial Trail under construction Visitor Information Center 360/385-2722 The bridge has no shoulders. The trail provides an alternative route around and under the bridge. Glen Cove Fredericks St Off-road Olympic Discovery Trail: SR 20 Bridge Detail Paper Company S. Dis Ln cox Wi l Sequim-Dungeness Wy N. Brown Rd IS SP TRAV Mill Rd Glen Cove Rd Port Townsend Ne Lan lsons din g Rd. ge or S. Sequim Ave Crutcher Rd St St DIAMOND POINT roe on IT reek Bell C Harbor Rd on gt Sims Way Caution Area: narrow roads, poor visibility or no shoulders HUDSON POINT Jefferson Transit Haines Place Park & Ride 800/371-0497 G High Speed & Heavy Traffic n Mo Washingt Ca pe Miller Peninsula State Park St ce St en ton r Lawshing a t W rS ate W Mille r Rd Carrie Blake Park Sequim Dis d Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce 360/683-6197 F St 19th St Rd S . J a co b E. Fir St ery cov Rd Old Olympic Hwy Strangers Lake rge eo i Will Por t R a ms Medium Traffic Washington State Ferries Port Townsend–Keystone Route 888/808-7977 t nS Hastings Ave CAPE GEORGE Low Traffic Medium to Heavy Traffic Walnut St kso Jac Cassalery C d Protection Island sA ve sR ab Woodcock Rd No Shoulder W St Port Townsend s ti ng Cr The roads have been coded with input from local bicycle commuters, recreational cyclists and transportation planners using criteria important to bicyclists. Grade, pavement condition, paved shoulder width, vehicle travel lane width, traffic volumes and speed were some of the factors used in determining the suitability of the roads. The suitability index of the roads should only k ree be used as a guide. Cyclists should be prepared to make their own evaluations; experienced cyclists may feel comfortable on medium and heavy traffic routes, while beginning and amateur riders may prefer to stick to routes with designated bike lanes or lower traffic volumes. Holland Rd 2ft to 4ft Shoulder Ferry to San Juan Islands 49th St Ha e re k 4ft + Shoulder P.S. Express 360/385-5288 Fort Worden State Park Sheridan St Th This map is intended to provide information to cyclists so that they can make their own decisions as to which route is suited for their skill level. Facilities on the Olympic Peninsula range from narrow roads with no shoulders to roads with bike lanes or wide shoulders, separated trails with no motorized traffic to off-road mountain bike trails. Likewise, vehicular traffic varies from low to high on the roads throughout the area. d Jamestow n R 3rd Ave North Beach Co. Park Introduction ree Map Legend Admiralty Inlet Horseshoe Lake © 2008 Port Townsend Bicycle Association P.O. Box 681 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Printed January 2008