,Aπ ηοι αι ′ as`%ル ηιfン sω πん〕 喚 ″ /29 げ 血 ↓ Carrle Allls Mn」 ohnson Enghsh lo4 15 Ap■ 2009 Dollble― sPaCC The Problems l■ th and Possibihues of Online ColxIIxlllmtieS 申 Indent nve The emergence of onhne social networks has raised controversial SPaCeS Or one― half illch. questions abOut the lneaning of identiサ and COltrllnmty in cyber― space.For example,to what extent do the identlties users craft for onhne coIIImuniCation nlatch their real identity?And to what extent does a virtual conlmunity approxillnate the traditions and values associated with real face― to― face conttmmties?These questions have prompted lrla■ ly researchers to pOint to the abuses of onhne commm― cation.However9 other researchers,while acknoMtteQttng the pOtential dangers of onhne co― ― cation,remain enthusiastic about the edu― cational value of social networks and their importance to democracy and citizensmp. Dollble― sPaCe be● leen ever、 ′ A mttor abuse often encountered in the、 ハrtual world is“ cyberbul― bパngP'Accortt to mll肛cKenna,cyberbtting iS``sendlng threatettg messages,cuspla"ぼ 瑶 pnvate messages,and posthg embarrassh、 ョv■ deo or photos onb“ ′ 'McKerlna expm thatby ass― mg a false identibら person can enter the supposett safe WVOrld of a chat room and spread an sOrts Of destrucuve in面 。rコ ■2uon abOut other members Of the online conHnunity Beca・ use the targets Of such cyberbuttg haVe nO Tlray to correct the destructlve量 』oEXlation,they can become exbremely depressed After being 00ntmually taunted m her ylySpace prome, a15下arr on grl frOm suburbm飢 .ms∞姉協sud“ “ 餌ab⑮ a lille ブ Aη ηο ι αttα S協 ルη ンs%π ん〕 喚 ″ /29 `ム P Jbl ↓ Carrle Ahls Mn」 ohnson Engush lo4 15 Ap皿 2oo9 Dolible‐ sPaCe The Problems l■ th and Possibihues of Onhne Conlnlumties 申 The emergence of ome social networks has raised controversial questions about the trxlealrlmg Of identity and conlllllllnlty in cyber― 11ldent ive SPaCeS Or one― half il,ch. space.For exanlple,to what extent do the identities users craft for online coxnlxlunication lnatch their real identity?And to M″ hat extent does a virtual conmmmty apprOxilIIlate the tradtions and values associated Mnth real face― to‐ face cominities?These questions have prompted maw researchers to point to the abuses of onhne comlnuni― cation.HoMreve■ other researchers,w帷 ile acknowleむ ng the potential dangers of onhne co― unication,remain enthusiastic about the edu― cational value of social networks and their importance to democracy and cltizenshp Double― sPace be● 17eCn eVerv A trllttor abuSe often encountered m tlle、 4rtual wvorld is“ cyberbul― 耽 ′ 'Accord力 agtO PЫ ■[cKenna,cyberbungis``sendmg threate― g messages,displarng pnvate messages,and posthg embarrasshg、 嗜deo or photos onhne"IИ cKenna expk五 ns that by ass― g a false identit a person can enter tlle suppOsettr safe Tlrorld of a chat room and spread a」 l sorts Of destロ ロcuve士 面Orn■ 2極 on about other members of the online comu『 it「 BeCause the targets Of such cyberb¨ g haVe no wvay to correct the destructlve t』 onllation,they can become extremely depressed.After being continua■ y taunted m her■ こySpaCe prome, a15下arr on an"om suburbm飢 .ms∞m協 sud“ “ 餌ab0 lille π ππ′ ルι οハ化 4 Dο ι 30/A6れ づ ttι づ Oη 血 s2 A related abuse is`tvわ erstang.''Accorф ng tO a report from the Uhited States Departinent of」 ustice,1999R"Ort Oれ C1/berstα ι lc― aル r La71D EψrCeれθれιαtt ″Цフ trLg,A Neω CIЮ ι t可 ,Omme L戯 stakmg “ is simllar to o量 hne stalklng BOth stalkers engage ln repeated and llnwelcome threatenmg sexual behavion However・ onhne stalkers can explore online colrnmurities,such as datlng sites,to galn extensive personal informatlon about their victiIIIIS The report acknowledges that M潰 五le onhne stalk力 ng lnay not involve physical contact,it lnay QuOtadOn: QuOte frOm governlnent docutnent on Web SeFVe aS a lprelude to more serious behaviorlincluttg physical violence."Tom Zene■ 」n reports a particularly slnster case of cyberstandngi the stalker not only bombalrded lis vicum,an innOcent 44-year‐ old publiShng executive in l肛 anhattan,Ⅵ 減th lnenaclng sextlal threats,but he also encouraged Others to stalk her by posting her QuOtatiOn: QuOte frOm onlne newsPaper Tfun name,address and phOne n1lTnbet along■ ■th a soncitauOn tO can and drOp by her home" The cause of these omne abuses and many other problerns associated Ⅵith on山 ヒЮ Social networks is“ Internet Attcuon.''Like other forms of adactiOn― drug abuse,alcohousm and gambhng lnternet AddlctiOn is a COmpulSiVe behav■ or caused by the need to escape everyday problems.3hmberly s Yolmg pOints out some of the signs Of lnternet AddlCtiOn: Qu。 ●■On from book 卜・ ― ― If ure feel isolated,Mre can pour out our repressed feemgs and act out h■ dden aspects of Ollrselves in nleeting rOOms Long QuCtaion: QuOtatiOn of and interactive galxles r we 10ng for love and affection, b■ es is set off but fear raection 9r ADS,we can crtllse for cybersex more■ an four from text andお ποιPlaced Ⅵi■h And if We are bored Mttth our faniv Or cymcal about quotation marks. socie、、we can retreat into a subCulture of lnternet 5 Aη ηο ι α″a 2ψ ″ /31 Sr27グ 御ι 」 シs′απん addcts who offer support,encouragement,excttement and intngue,and IIIrlaybe even an董 1、 itation to come Fun Doculnentadon: ne parendletical reference to Ыock awlray from it an (29_5o) quotationJら JJ● ωS tlle inal mark of wOrkmg Mnth the strate」 eS used to(hagnose Other cOmpulsive puncm● Oll. ぬ sorders,Wollng devised a quest1011ndre that asked lnternet users questions such as,“ Do you feel restless,moo、,depressed or irritable when attempting tO cut dowrn or stop lnteFnet uSe?"(3).RespOn― dents to the questiolllnaire who Young classned as addlcts attFnited that they``were lnvesthg more and more time onhne at greater a.nd greater cost to their real hves''(5). Although the accessibinけ Of Otte con】 宝mcauOn prOv■ des op― po■ 1瀾 饉ties for abuse and attction,IrllttQy researchers remtt con、 嗜nced that on■ me sodal netw7orks enend and enriCh the way users experience the world.In parucular9量 x五宙 dllnlS who are trapped Or excluded by dls― abilities express feemgs Of liberauon as a result of their abihty to com― xllumcate online.In Aι ttr Egο ′ 助 ι αrs α磁 ワ tr Cκ αι οrs,」 ason “ Rowe,a severeけ handCapped boy frolln Crosby TexaS,explaans how the― bud Doculnentadon: Cites b00k dde to idend,source world has changed hs sense ofidentittr and 00Π Hnmb「 Onhne it doesn't matter what you look hke. . In the real world,people can be llnco面 ortable arollnd me before they get tO know me and reahze that,apart frOnl my outer ap― pearance,I'm just like them ..The internet ehnlinates how you look in real ttfe,so you get tO knour a persOn by their lnind and personttt Coopen ._ _____‐ Long QuOtadOn: QuOte frOm book Ⅵ咀th no 一 In adduon to nberatiOn,researchers report that users of social networks fepl emched by their abiuty tO cOmmcate Mttth and lm― derstand people all over the urOrld Ntharrl C.Diehl and Esther Prins page numbers α′ 32/A Gπ づ zπ ′ α″Oη A狂 ノ 4 Dο ι 22ι `ο , Ahls 4 report that``participation in`SL'ISecOnd Lifel enllanced participants' intercultural hteracy"Their research revealed that``SL''participants gained a``greater awareness of insider cultural perspectives and Short QuotatiOn: QuOteヽ Юrked into"riter's K2- sentence Documentation: Author and Page number enclosed in Parentheses opelrlness toward new viewpoints" Many researchers argue that the most promising prospect for On‐ V hne social netTIJorks is their abihty to``revltahze cltizen based democ― racy''(Rheingold xxlx)A compelllng example of hoMr such networks can recoIInect ahenated cttizens to the pohtical proCess is the election of Barack Obama.ThroughOut lis campaign,obama's staff used the lnternet to form a comm― ty of suppOrters whO COmlnllmcated v直 th each other about the IIla」 or issues being debated in the campaign.Once he became President,Obalxla held the nrst lnternet town hall forlun llrhere citizens from across the country oontributed over 1 00,000 questions and then watched their president answer a Mnde range of He also answered a questlon Short QuotatiOn: thOughtful questlons about the econoN、 QuOte frOm about``Mぬ ether legahzコ ng mar」 uana might stimulate the econoコ Qy by onune ne、 vsPaper. nalne A■ lthor's enclosedぃ idin Parentheses a1loMang the gOvernllnent to re自 ュlate and tax the drug''(St01berg) The``rnarl」 uana question"suggests the possibihties and prob― lems in the virtual Mrorld may be no dlfferent than the possibihtieS and problems in the real Tlrorld.Both v″ orldS enable you to nnd ideas, share information,COnnect vnth other people and contribute to your comIIntlnit"Both M″ Orlds also enable you to(通 Sguse your ident雌 Documentaion: Au■ or's nalne used to introduce quote , abuse Other people,escape into fantasies and ask Silly questions HoMr you participate in bOth worlds is up to you Est卜 er Dyson argues that what you do onhne could or shOuld change your offline life“ by lnak― ing yOu less Mttlhng tO accept thngs the way they are and lnore sure Page numbers enclosed恥 i血 Parentheses of your abihty to bu■ ld a ltt tO sut yOurser and yOur family"(210) J Aη ηο ι α″グS`zdι ηιLsωπ力)喚″ /33 F I ▼ Ahtls 5 ]7orks Cied Coopet Robbie Aι ter Egο ′Jの αtars a7れ α Thetr Crea7tο rs London:Chais Dolible― sPat‐ e Boot,2007:lIPage.P五 nt Diehl,¬ ぬlhara C.,and Esther P■ ns ``l■ intended Consequences in`SL': 甲 Intercultural Llteracy and Cultural ldenuty in a、 La“ tOれ ι ra/ι Coれ れ れtCα ι αθθαれdIれ tercし ι “ “ “ Artual World" 82(May 2008): 101-18 ERIC.Web.16 Feb.2009. Indel〕 t■ ve SPaCeS・ Sample entry: υtng tれ ι れeDり ttα ιAge DysOn,Esthen Reteα se 2 0:A Destれ メ A book by one author 'r Lι New York:BroadMr銘 1997 Prmt Medium of Malone,Roy``Onhne Harassment一 =A Hoax,a Suicid― a」 ournalistic Dilenllna'St Lο しts c」oし れ θの αι お7れ Reυ ι pubLcation Dec 2007 BNET¬面eb 15 Feb.2009 McKenna,Phil.“ The]Ise of Cyberbullying。 ''New scteれ ιおt19」 uly 2007:26-7.Aca7de″ しtc RheLngOld,Howard.Thβ ルうrtし αιCoη ■η■開 Eι ectrο れtc lηoれ tar Web.16 Feb 2009 Sea7rch PreFし tty:Hoη 2estea7atれ gο れthe SalnPle enけ : Medillln of PubICation tter.Cmbndge,wヮ ゝ:]Ⅶ 11 2000 Prlnt l Gay“ Obama llfakes Histo=y in lttVe lnternetヽ ndeO Stolberg,she巧 ″ Chat"]輌 eの Yor7c 5勁 ″し cs 261Ⅶ an 2009 Web 26 Man 2009 mted states Dept.Of」 ustice Attorney General.1999R(pο rt Oれ Sample en●・y: Date of access dれ d“ str1/ Cυ berstα Lん trι κ ι engeメ ,rLα の Eれ ゎrce″ し eれ ιαれ 7:A rreの cれ αι Aug 1999.web.20 Feb 2009 Yollng,mmberly S.Cα れιι れι れettt,IOW “ tttθ ιAddicttO― att α耽 れれ切 げ ■し Sample en岬 tO Recogれ tだ eι んeSり れs PreSented in it』 Lcs Stra7teg1/ル r Recο υ悧 New York:¬ 直ley.1998 Pr廿 lt Zelle■ Toln,」 R`ソ L SiI五 ster Tlreb Entrapsヽ たctitrns of Cyberstalklng'' ル一TIP の Yor7c Ttrれ es Tide of book 17 Apn 2006.Web 18 Feb 2009. :