Capstone Engineering Society - The University of Alabama College


Capstone Engineering Society - The University of Alabama College
FALL 2005
The new dean of the College of Engineering,
Dr. Charles L. “Chuck” Karr, looks
to hit the ground running.
Engineering Society
L. Lamar Faulkner
Milton, Fla.
National Chair, Board of Directors
Angelia Knight
Capstone Engineering Society
Charles L. “Chuck” Karr
College of Engineering
t is an honor and privilege for me to serve as the dean of UA’s College of Engineering. I have
been associated with the College of Engineering for 25 years as an undergraduate and graduate student, a part-time instructor, a faculty member, and an administrator. I am proud of
many things that we do so well here in the College of Engineering, and I am a firm believer that
this is an outstanding place for students to receive a top-flight engineering education.
We have outstanding students. Our students are consistently recognized as some of the best in
the nation. This fact is evidenced by some of the awards our students have recently received:
USA Today All-American Academic Team members in 2004 and 2005 and a Goldwater Scholar in
2005. I am proud of the fact that we consistently attract the best and brightest students from
Karen Meshad Baldwin
Director of External Affairs & Development
Alabama and throughout the nation. One-third of our 2004 freshman class was eligible for UA’s
Honors College, and 18 percent of the class had ACT scores of 30 or above.
Mary Wymer
Caitlin Tudzin
CAREER Award winners. Many of our faculty have been recognized as Fellows in their respective
Assistant Editor
professional organizations and have received national teaching awards of excellence. But more
than just being talented, I find our faculty have a genuine interest in developing young people, in
Cover Story:
College of Engineering Welcomes Karr as Dean —
Looks Forward to Exciting Future . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Outside the Office —
Get to Know Dean Chuck Karr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Issue No. 32
Capstone Engineer is published in
the spring and fall by the
Capstone Engineering Society.
Address correspondence to the editor:
The University of Alabama,
Capstone Engineering Society,
College of Engineering, Box 870200,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0200.
Roderick Guillen
Alumni Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
conducting leading-edge research, and in providing service to the engineering community.
We embrace our responsibility to conduct research that improves the quality of life of the citizenry
of Alabama, the region, and the nation. Our research centers play a key role in helping us to do
just this. Several of our centers are of national acclaim, including the University Transportation
Center for Alabama, the Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies, the CARE Research &
Development Laboratory, the Aging Infrastructure Systems Center of Excellence, and the Center
for Materials for Information Technology. Further, we strive for undergraduate student participation in our research efforts.
In addition to its excellent students, faculty, staff, and research programs, the College would not
Surveying the College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
We have a truly remarkable faculty and staff. We currently have four National Science Foundation
Christine Dietsch
be able to continue to excel without the generous support of its alumni, donors, and friends. The
strong and unwavering support of our dedicated alumni continues to become even more important in enabling us to maintain our national excellence in teaching and research.
Donor Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Laura Shill, Mary Wymer,
Rickey Yanaura
Visit the College of Engineering
website at
The University of Alabama is an equal-opportunity
educational institution/employer. • MC7088A
As I mentioned before, I believe the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama is a terrific place to learn about engineering. But, this college and this university are so much more. It is
a place where young people come to experience an enriching atmosphere that helps mold them
into mature, productive citizens; it is a place where we cherish our tradition yet are excited about
our future; and it is a place where we develop relationships that last a lifetime.
Charles L. Karr, Ph.D.
The mission of the College is teaching, research, and service, and Karr believes it
“When the box of odds and ends is presented to the engineers to make a filter,
is important to keep in mind that the business of the College is ultimately to effect
that's classic engineering,” Karr commented. “Although those folks had an abun-
a positive change in the lives of young people. He wants to evaluate the metrics
dance of scientific knowledge and had studied countless equations, it came down
currently in place to see whether or not they measure the things that need to
to them solving a critical problem at a crucial time.”
be done in the College. If not, Karr says that new metrics and incentives will
be established.
Throughout his life and through his experiences with the University, Karr has
realized a basic fact: jobs are ultimately about people and hard work. He has
Recruiting Key to the Future
learned that the best way for a group to maximize its potential is to provide the
Staying on track with UA President Robert Witt’s goal to have 28,000 students
necessary conditions for each person to maximize their individual potential. This
For the past 25 years, Dr. Charles L.
in attendance at the University within the next ten years, Karr wants to continue
is something Karr hopes to apply to the success of the College of Engineering.
“Chuck” Karr has maintained a relation-
multitude of opportunities offered.
ship with The University of Alabama as an
undergraduate student, graduate student,
part-time instructor, faculty member, depart-
recruiting students to the College of Engineering by telling them about the
lence; however, at the end of the day, no matter how passionate you are about
“I have been recruiting students to the University for a number of years, and I
what it is you do, it is still a job,” said Karr. “I enjoy working hard at what it is
enjoy it very much because the only thing you have to do is tell them the truth.
I do, but I try to remember that I am working with a group of wonderful people,
Our faculty to student ratio is about 16:1,” explained Karr. “I think this gives
and they each have their own interests, goals, and dreams.”
students numerous advantages they can’t get in a different setting, such as
ment head, associate dean, and now as the
the chance to get involved with faculty research projects as undergraduates.”
new dean of the College of Engineering.
Including undergraduates in important research projects takes the education
It is this experience within the College and
process one step further. Undergraduates receive a well-rounded experience
that will enhance their career opportunities.
the University as a whole that Dean Karr
hopes will help him hit the ground running
in his new position.
“You have to understand that most organizations are striving to achieve excel-
Research Growth = College Growth
“Our goal is to help
each of our students
reach full potential.”
Karr hopes to increase research productivity. He believes, first, that conducting
research is one of the main missions of the University. Second, conducting
research allows faculty members to provide their students with truly unique
learning experiences. Third, research helps offset the shortfall in operating budgets
received from the state.
“A I have also had the pleasure of developing relationships and friendships
“Many of today’s scientific discoveries and technological advances are being made
Views About the Future
on the boundaries between traditional disciplines, such as the fields of nano-
Though Karr is very proud of the accomplishments of the College, he acknowl-
biological science, nano-materials, and others,” he said. “I think we need to
with many of the people in the College of Engineering,” said Karr. “Of all my
edges there are areas for improvement. In the future, Karr wants the College to
increase the amount of effort we expend in interdisciplinary research. The
experiences, that aspect is perhaps the most important. In having dedicated almost
work better across departmental, College, and University boundaries in order to
University environment proves to be extremely conducive to discovery, and we
a quarter of a century to the College, I can truly say that this is my university.”
conduct research that has a greater impact on society. He also wants the College
need to be a leader in these areas.”
side from having gained an understanding of how the system works,
to improve the management of intellectual property ensuring that it is utilized
Karr believes that there are many reasons to be proud of the College, and he
most effectively.
wants everyone to understand these reasons. As an example, Karr lists the fact
Changing Young People’s Lives
As a member of the engineering faculty, Karr has won several awards that he
that UA engineering students have been on the USA Today All-America Team
“We can do a better job of helping our faculty focus on things that they feel most
appreciates, but what makes him the most proud are the letters of thanks that
for the past two consecutive years.
passionately about; we need to free up our ‘teachers’ to teach and our ‘researchers’
he has received from former students. He says that any time he receives word
to conduct research,” explained Karr.
from a former student, it causes him to reflect on why it is he goes to work every
“We have many kids with this kind of ability,” commented Karr. “Our goal is to
help each of our students reach full potential.”
morning—he realizes what an effect one person can have on young people.
Mainly, Karr would like the College to have a clear sense of where it is going in
the future. He thinks it is vitally important for the College community to come
As a young person, Karr says he was not unlike many students who were pointed
Additionally, Karr wants to encourage the engineering faculty to continue achiev-
together as a whole around one common goal—one that everyone can clearly
in the direction of engineering after realizing that they had a knack for math
ing excellence and recognition at the highest level. The College currently has four
understand and believe that there is a reasonable chance of achieving.
and science. After he began studying engineering, he loved the rigor and logical
National Science Foundation CAREER Award winners, and Karr is extremely
proud of the cutting-edge research conducted throughout the College.
thought required to solve difficult problems. For Karr, a scene in the movie
“We have a bunch of hard-working people; we just need to develop a better focus,”
Apollo 13 shows this very essence of engineering.
said Karr.
Getting to Know Dean Chuck Karr
taught his children at the ballpark are things he could not have possibly
fun and get beaten by people I once outlifted easily. So I have really changed
“I have always felt that young people will pretty much reach the expectations
duplicated at home.
the kind of training I do.”
we set for them—not necessarily a whole lot higher, but definitely not below,”
“For instance, in a big game earlier this year, Nathan missed a ball in the last
His attitude and dedication allowed him to succeed in a sport termed as “ballet
inning that caused us to fall behind a great team that we wanted very badly to
with a 300-pound bar over your head.” Karr’s weight lifting accomplishments
beat,” explained Karr. “He comes in the dugout and is an absolute wreck,
include setting a Pan-American record for the “clean and jerk” in 1999, achiev-
Karr says that every day he sees his children experience things that challenge
tears of anguish everywhere. I walk over, put my arm around him and tell
ing a third place ranking at the Master’s Nationals, and qualifying for the
them. Because they respond well and overcome their challenges, the process
him, ‘Get ready to hit because you are going to come up with the game on
Master’s World Championships in 2000.
of watching them grow is extremely rewarding.
Even though his workout schedule has changed, there is one thing that does
With a demanding job and many outside interests and hobbies, Karr finds
It was through baseball that Karr made the best decision of his life. He
not change about Karr. Whether you are talking to Chuck Karr, dean of the
that there is one element in his life that that helps keep him on track:
had been accepted at Georgia Technological Institute and had even
College of Engineering, or Chuck Karr, father and husband, he believes he is
his wife, Jodie.
received a dorm room assignment when he was offered a baseball
a good person and a hard worker—traits he says will leave him forever indebted
scholarship at the University of North Alabama.
to his parents.
explained Karr. “Thus, my wife and I place some pretty high expectations on
our children, and so far, I am blessed that they are living up to them.”
the line.’ Sure enough, he gets up and knocks in the winning run.”
“Jodie is almost certainly destined for sainthood. She pulls back the reins when
necessary and kicks me in the pants when I need that,” said Karr. “There is no
After one year at North Alabama, “I realized that if I was going to
Karr says that his parents instilled in him a strong sense of who he should be.
make a real living, then I needed to focus less on my pitching arm
After dropping him off as a college freshman, his father offered him some very
and more on what was between my ears,” he said. Karr then
powerful words of advice.
way I would be where I am now without her guidance and support.”
transferred to the Capstone and began his relationship with
the University, which has lasted for 25 years.
“He looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Son, you just remember who you are
and where you come from and you will be just fine,’ ” said Karr. That was a
When not working as dean of the College of Engineering,
momentous occasion for him and it is advice that he has tried to follow every
Karr enjoys spending time with his wife, Jodie, and their sons,
day since.
coaching baseball, and traveling to baseball parks throughout
the country.
As the most influential person in his life, Karr’s father taught him many other
lessons that Karr is teaching his sons today, such as having self-respect, treat-
Three years ago, the Karr family started a quest to visit each
ing others with respect, having compassion, a strong moral code, and a good
of the major league baseball parks. Each summer, they take
work ethic. Though some of his past students may not believe it, Karr claims
a trip and catch a couple of games. So far, a few of the teams they have visited
he is actually tougher on his children than he has ever been on the students
include the Los Angeles Dodgers, the San Diego Padres, the Anaheim Angels,
in his classes.
and the New York Yankees. This year’s trip included the San Francisco Giants,
When he is not in his office, some of Dean Charles “Chuck” Karr’s most
the Oakland A’s, and the Arizona Diamondbacks. The trip was exciting for the
important moments are spent at the baseball park. It is at the baseball park
Karrs because a friend of the family was recently called up to pitch for the
that much of his family time is focused on his sons, Nathan, 11, and Noah, 8.
Diamondbacks, and Nathan and Noah saw a fellow with whom they have
played catch in the backyard.
“I have found that you can experience some very special moments on and
around a ball field with your children,” said Karr. “I cannot replace the times
Another one of Karr’s favorite pastimes is working out. A former competitive
that I have given my kids a hug after they struck out in a big game, or how
weightlifter, Karr now spends most of his time on cardio, flexibility, and
I was right there when they drove in the winning run in a championship game,
strengthening workouts.
or when we simply sat in the stands and ate a hot dog together.”
“ I have found that you
can experience some
very special moments on
and around a ball field
with your children.”
“It has become increasingly difficult for me to find time to train consistently
It is at the baseball park that Karr has been able to show his sons the impor-
and intensely enough to compete at the level I once competed,” he said.
tance of fighting to the finish. For Karr, the lessons and experiences he has
“I guess my competitive nature won’t allow me to go to a meet just to have
Dr. Keith McDowell (left), vice president for research, and Ed Englebert (right),
Outstanding Alumni Volunteer
In 1995, the Capstone Engineering Society began a yearly
tradition of recognizing an alumnus who has provided
outstanding volunteer assistance to the College as the
Outstanding Alumni Volunteer. This year’s honoree is
Edward Lynn Englebert.
For more than 10 years, Englebert has actively served as a
member of the chemical and biological engineering advisory
board and the CES advisory board. He tirelessly recruits
prospective high school students for the College, and he was
named a College of Engineering Distinguished Fellow in 1998.
Englebert was honored as this year’s Outstanding Alumni
Volunteer at the College’s Distinguished Engineering Fellows
banquet in March.
James C. Bambarger, CEO
and chairman of the board
of TTL Inc., has been named
chairman of the College of
Engineering Leadership
Board. During his two-year
term, Bambarger will preside
over all leadership board
meetings and oversee all the
activities and responsibilities
James C. Bambarger
of the board. The leadership
board consists of engineering leaders from Alabama and the United States. Its mission is
to review programs and accomplishments of the College and
provide the dean with critical analyses.
Bambarger has been with TTL, a diverse environmental consulting, geotechnical, and testing firm, for more than 32 years.
He has served as project engineer, project manager, geotechnical engineer, and geotechnical consultant. He has overseen
employee numbers grow from three to more than 120; office
expansions in Tuscaloosa, Montgomery, Decatur, and Florence;
and annual revenues exceeding $12 million. Among his many
projects are several UA sites, including Bryant-Denny Stadium,
Shelby Hall Interdisciplinary Science Building, Bruno Business
Library, and Sewell-Thomas Baseball Stadium.
Bambarger received a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
from the Capstone in 1970, and he was inducted as a
Distinguished Engineering Fellow in 2002.
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International donated a V-8 engine, an
automatic gearbox, and a complete exhaust system to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering for a test bench for
exhaust research.
The State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame inducted
George D. Hopson and Thomas L. Patterson during a ceremony on Feb. 19, 2005. The State of Alabama Engineering Hall of
Fame was founded to honor, preserve and perpetuate the outstanding accomplishments and contributions of individuals,
projects, and corporations and institutions that have brought
and continue to bring significant recognitions to the state.
George D. Hopson
Hopson is NASA’s project
manager for the space shuttle main engine, the most
advanced liquid-fueled rocket engine ever built. He
supervises 2,100 employees
on the $300 million mission
and has served Marshall
Space Flight Center for more
than four decades.
Patterson received a bachelor of science degree in
mechanical engineering at
The University of Alabama in 1964. Through a U.S. Navy program, he completed a master’s degree in engineering mechanics in 1966.
Thomas L. Patterson
(B.S.M.E. ’64, M.S.Mh. ’66)
In 1945, Hopson enlisted in
the Marine Corps. Through
the ROTC program at The
University of Alabama, he
George D. Hopson
(B.S.M.E. ’50, M.S.M.E. ’55)
earned a bachelor’s degree
in mechanical engineering in
1950. Commissioned in the Army Corps of Engineers, he
joined a combat engineering battalion in Korea, earning the
Bronze Star. When conflict ended, he returned to The
University of Alabama to complete a master’s degree in
mechanical engineering.
Patterson has been a long-time donor and volunteer at The
University of Alabama. Among many other appointments,
Patterson’s roles have included membership in the President’s
Cabinet, the College of Engineering Leadership Board, and as a
charter member of the Capstone Engineering Society.
Hopson’s first professional assignment was in propulsion
engineering at General Dynamics in 1954. In 1962, Hopson
joined the von Braun team at the Marshall Space Flight Center
and consistently accepted positions of higher responsibility.
Captivated by NASA’s “race to the moon,” he contributed much
to the Saturn V project and developed the means for our first
space station, Skylab.
The Capstone Engineering Society
announced that L. Lamar Faulkner has
assumed the role of national chair.
During his two-year term, Faulkner will
preside over all CES board meetings,
oversee all activities and responsibilities
Lamar Faulkner
of the board, and serve on the committee that elects new board members.
In his current post as project manager for the space shuttle
main engine, his team has significantly enhanced space shuttle
safety and reliability using new high-pressure turbo machinery.
Thomas L. Patterson
(Left to right) Dr. Marcus D. Ashford, assistant professor of
mechanical engineering, David Finerty, MBUSI, Dr. William
Sutton, professor and head of mechanical engineering, and
Wilhelm Burger, MBUSI, at the engine donation presentation.
plans. Patterson became
board chairman of Nichols
TXEN, having earlier served
as CEO of its Birmingham
health care and insurance
division until Nichols
Research was acquired by
Computer Sciences Corp.
In an additional venture,
Patterson serves as the CEO
of DAXKO Inc. He cofounded
the Birmingham firm in 1998
to develop Internet-based
data systems for commerce.
Patterson has created hundreds of jobs and provided a
substantial amount of wealth for many of Alabama’s citizens
through his success in Alabama’s technology industry as an
engineer-entrepreneur. In 1980, Patterson launched his first
firm, the thriving computer-systems supplier SEAKO, and
attracted a Fortune 500 buyer in 1989. That same year,
Patterson established TXEN Inc., a provider of technologybased programs used in the administration of health care
Faulkner is the recently retired director of the safety, health,
and environmental division of CEREX Advanced Fabrics Inc.
He received a bachelor of science in chemical engineering
from UA in 1964, and was inducted as a Distinguished
Engineering Fellow in 1995.
The Capstone Engineering Society is dedicated to maintaining
relationships and resources with the University of Alabama
engineering alumni to ensure that we provide UA engineering
and computer science students with a superior educational
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International V-8 engine presentation
Looking back over the 54
years since he graduated
from the University of
Alabama School of Law,
Judge John C. Tyson III
of Montgomery, Ala.,
acknowledges that he practiced law to be helpful and
beneficial to others.
“I worked in wills, taxation,
and real estate before being
appointed to the Alabama
Judge John C. Tyson III
Court of Appeals,” explained
Tyson. “Law is the building
block of our society, and my endeavors were always to benefit
as many as possible.”
Born in Montgomery and raised in Birmingham, Tyson wanted to
attend the Capstone but chose to serve his country in the U.S.
Coast Guard first.
Tyson’s goal of helping others can still be seen in his latest personal decisions. He supports a number of charities that are
important to him as well as supporting a variety of programs at
his alma mater.
“When I decided to honor my wife’s memory by creating the
Mae Martin Bryant Tyson Endowed Scholarship in Engineering,
my children were thrilled,” said Tyson. “It was meaningful for all
of us. There is no substitute for higher education. Students need
a broad base of study to prepare them for life, and I am interested in assisting them.”
When discussing the University, Tyson readily agrees that he
loves it dearly. For that reason, as he reviewed his estate plans,
Tyson realized the Mae Martin Bryant Tyson Endowed
Scholarship should be added as a beneficiary under his will.
“The University of Alabama’s mission and programs cannot be
matched elsewhere in the state,” explained Tyson. “I have found
in life that times and circumstances require us to make modifications, and conditions arise in our lives that will challenge us. We
determine our own pace for progress, but we must be reasonable and fair . . . leaving a legacy of a better state and nation.
Isn’t that what this is all about?”
“I fell in love with the University in the 1930s, but everyone made
sacrifices back then. Deferring my education until after military
service was the right thing to do,” recalled Tyson.
A select group of five alumni and friends of the University of
Alabama College of Engineering were honored in March as
Distinguished Engineering Fellows. Recognition as a Fellow
is the highest commendation given to graduates and other
supporters who have strengthened the reputation of the College
through their efforts and achievements.
Mark E. Cooper, M.D., B.S.Ch.E. ’83
Dr. Mark E. Cooper has used his bachelor’s degree in chemical
engineering from The University of Alabama to advance the field of
medicine as managing principal and general surgeon at the
Surgical Clinic PLLC and chief of staff at Centennial Medical Center
in Nashville, Tenn. At the Surgical Clinic, he is on the board of 16
surgeons and staff and performs approximately 750 surgeries each
year. In addition to chief of staff duties at Centennial Medical
Center, Cooper serves on the surgery advisory committee and the
board of trustees. He also works as the medical director of the surgical first assistants program at Nashville Technical School. He has
been recognized as a Fellow by the American College of Surgeons
and the Southeastern Surgical Congress. Through his involvement
as a member of the chemical and biological engineering advisory
board, Cooper has stayed active at the Capstone.
Robert H. Haubein, PE, B.S.E.E. ’63
Leave A Legacy
You help shape the future of UA Engineering by supporting the College
There are many ways to help—establish a gift in your estate plan or donate
gifts of cash, appreciated property, or equipment. Take pride in the
knowledge that your contributions make UA’s College of Engineering
stand out in the eyes of the nation.
For more information, call us at
(205) 348-7594
Robert H. Haubein retired as executive vice president of Southern
Company Generation in 2002, but still plays an active role in the
engineering community through his involvement with the University
of Alabama College of Engineering. As executive vice president of
power generation, Haubein was responsible for 66 plants consisting of 273 units with a rating of more than 24,000 megawatts.
These included fossil, hydro, and combustion turbine plants owned
by Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, Mississippi Power,
and Savannah Electric. Haubein recently served as chair of the
Engineering Leadership Board at The University of Alabama and is
a member of the President’s Cabinet. Haubein and his wife, Lee,
also support UA engineering education through an endowed engineering scholarship. Haubein, originally from Kansas City, Mo.,
received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Missouri.
Norman Hugh Mathews, PE, B.S.C.E.T. ’81
Norman Hugh Mathews, managing principal and president of
England–Thims & Miller Inc., administers the design of large commercial and residential land development projects, which requires
his knowledge in areas such as transportation, storm water design,
and water resource management. Mathews received his bachelor’s
degree in civil engineering technology from The University of
Alabama in 1981 and began work for Pan American Engineers Inc.
In 1983, Mathews joined ETM and has since expanded it to a firm
of 220 employees with an annual growth rate of 18 percent over
the last 10 years. Mathews served for two years as the inaugural
chairman of the board of directors in the founding of Seamark
Ranch, a Christian children’s home for abused, orphaned, and
homeless children in Jacksonville, Fla. Mathews and his wife,
Regina, chose to support UA civil engineering students by establishing an endowed engineering scholarship in 2002.
Pictured from left to right: W. David McGiffert, Mark E. Cooper, Dr. Keith
McDowell, UA’s vice president for research, Norman Hugh Mathews, and
Robert H. Haubein
James A. McCollum, B.S.Ch.E. ’40
James A. McCollum worked with the Tennessee Valley Authority
National Fertilizer Development Center in Muscle Shoals, Ala., for
41 years. After graduating from The University of Alabama in 1940
with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, McCollum joined
TVA as a chemical engineering aid assigned to the phosphate
branch, which produced 60 percent of the phosphorus used by the
Allies in World War II and a quarter of a million tons of calcium
carbide used in synthetic rubber production during this period of
defense operations. McCollum entered the U.S. Navy in 1944 and
returned to TVA in 1946. He was then assigned to an operation
that produced a chemical agent for the U.S. Army during the
Korean War. McCollum became chief of the phosphate branch in
1972 and chief of the ammonia branch in 1976. Although he retired
in 1982, McCollum continued to work with TVA’s office of agricultural and chemical development for two years as a consultant.
McCollum and his wife support the College through an endowed
chemical and biological engineering scholarship. McCollum passed
away on April 9, 2005.
W. David McGiffert, PE, PLS, B.S.C.E. ’74
W. David McGiffert, president of McGiffert & Associates LLC,
manages the preparation of engineering designs, economic feasibility studies, hydraulic studies, wastewater discharge permitting, and
preliminary engineering reports for site development and residential
projects. McGiffert worked for McGiffert & Associates on a
part-time basis for nine years until receiving his bachelor’s degree
in civil engineering from The University of Alabama in 1974. He
then began as project engineer and eventually became president
and manager of McGiffert & Associates. He leads the company of
nine engineers and a total staff of 39 and has played an integral
part in the economic development of the Tuscaloosa area through
projects with the city of Tuscaloosa, the city of Northport, and
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International. In 2003, McGiffert & Associates
and Price McGiffert Construction Co. Inc. established the David G.
McGiffert Endowed Engineering Scholarship supporting UA civil
engineering students.
Big Thanks
We appreciate our recent partners in UA's College of Engineering family for their support of our students and programs.
3M Co. for support of engineering and minority scholarships
ADTRAN Inc. for continuing support of the ADTRAN
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Alabama Power Foundation for support of the American
Society of Civil Engineers Regional Conference and
Competition Fund
Alabama Power Western Division for continuing support
of the Council of Partners in the Multicultural Engineering
American Cast Iron Pipe Co. for continuing support of the
Council of Partners in the Multicultural Engineering
Program, the ACIPCO Engineering Scholars Program, and
the Mechanical Engineering Corporate Scholars Program
Cast Metals Institute for support of the foundry education
foundation fund
Ms. Patricia T. Comess for contributing to the William N.
Thomas Endowed Engineering Scholarship
DCES Educational Services for continuing support of the
Multicultural Engineering Program
Doster Construction Co. Inc. for continuing support of
the Thomas E. Doster III Endowed Industrial Engineering
Eastman Chemical Co. for continuing support of
engineering scholarships
Dr. Betty B. and Mr. Edward Englebert for continuing support of their chemical and biological engineering scholarship
Drs. Kenneth and Sharon Harwell for continuing support
of their endowed aerospace engineering and mechanics
The Haskell Co. for continuing support of the John R. Cobb
Excellence in Engineering Education Endowed Scholarship
Honda Manufacturing of Alabama LLC for continuing
support of the Council of Partners in the Multicultural
Engineering Program
Mr. James C. Lewis for continuing support of his laboratory
equipment fund
Mr. Richard M. and Mrs. Barrett Brock MacKay for
continuing support of chemical and biological
engineering scholarships
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McAbee Sr. for hosting a “Meet the
Dean” cookout and alumni event
Mr. Donald H. McLean Jr., Mr. Duncan McLean, and
Mr. Russell P. McLean for establishing the Donald H.
McLean Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International for donation of equipment
to the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Estate of Mrs. Bessie Summerville Moxley for continuing
support of the Stephen D. Moxley Jr. Endowed Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mr. Matt Reeder for endowing the Matt Reeder Engineering
Fund to support mechanical engineering students
Mr. Mark Alan and Mrs. Chrystine B. Roberts for continuing
support of their endowed scholarship
The Rodgers/Dale Family Foundation for support of the
Rodgers Family Scholarship Fund
Southern Company for continuing support of the Council of
Partners in the Multicultural Engineering Program
Southern Co. Generation for continuing support of the
Council of Partners in the Multicultural Engineering Program
Southern Nuclear Operating Co. for continuing support
of the Council of Partners in the Multicultural Engineering
Mrs. Martha Thomas for establishing the William N. Thomas
Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Honorable John Caius Tyson III for continuing support
of the Mae Martin Bryant Tyson Endowed Scholarship
in Engineering
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College of Engineering
Box 870200
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0200
(205) 348-2452
The CAREER award is funded through the NSF’s Faculty Early
Career Development Program. NSF established the CAREER
program in 1995 to help top performers early in their careers
to develop simultaneously their contributions and commitment to
research and to education. CAREER award recipients are selected
on the basis of creative, career-development plans that effectively
integrate research and education within the context of the
mission of their institution.
Dr. Keith McDowell (left), vice president for research, and Dean Charles L. Karr
Dean Charles Karr received the 2005 T. Morris Hackney Endowed
Faculty Leadership Award. The T. Morris Hackney Endowed
Faculty Leadership Award honors a faculty member who exemplifies the leadership qualities that advance and add to the stature
of the College of Engineering. This award was created as a
tribute to T. Morris Hackney and was made possible by contributions from John H. Josey, his son, Howard Josey, and Hackney.
Karr was recognized as the Hackney Award winner at the
College’s Distinguished Engineering Fellows banquet in March.
Dr. Lloyd “Pete” Morley, professor of
electrical and computer engineering,
is the recipient of the 2005 Institute
of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers Richard M. Emberson
Award. Morley was honored for his
visionary leadership of the Institute’s
technical and publication activities,
as well as his contributions to the
Dr. Lloyd “Pete” Morley
effectiveness of operations. The
prize consists of a bronze medal, certificate, and $5,000. IEEE
honors one recipient each year for this award, which recognizes
distinguished service to the development, viability, advancement,
and pursuit of the technical objectives of IEEE.
Dr. Yuebin Guo, assistant professor
of mechanical engineering, has
been awarded a National Science
Foundation CAREER Award.
The College named Dr. Ajay K.
Agrawal as the Robert F. Barfield
Endowed Chair in mechanical
engineering. Agrawal received his
bachelor’s degree in mechanical
engineering from the Indian Institute
of Technology in Roorkee, India, in
1980. He then obtained his master’s
degree at the Indian Institute of
Technology in Kanpur, India, in 1983.
He received his doctorate from the
University of Miami in 1988.
CAREER Awards are NSF’s most
prestigious awards for top-performing scientists and engineers who are
early in their careers.
Dr. Yuebin Guo
Guo has been awarded a five-year,
$400,000 grant to advance his study and teaching of precision
manufacturing. Specifically, this research will enable the machining industry to make high-quality, precision components, such as
bearings, gears, and cams, at high efficiency and low cost. The
expected result will be superior fatigue-performance of machined
components used in various applications, including machinery,
transportation equipment, and other mechanical systems.
Dr. Ajay K. Agrawal
Most recently, Agrawal served as the Lloyd G. and Joyce Austin
Presidential Professor and associate professor at the University
of Oklahoma’s School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
Agrawal has conducted fundamental and applied research on
combustion and fluid flows for NASA, the Department of
Defense, and the Department of Energy. He has published nearly
100 papers in technical journals and conferences, and he is a
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Thomas L. and Carolyn L. Patterson established the endowment
in honor of Dean Emeritus Robert F. Barfield to support
excellence in teaching, research, and service, especially in the
manufacturing field in the College of Engineering. Thomas L.
Patterson received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the
Capstone in 1964 and 1966, respectively. The Pattersons have
been ardent supporters of the University, and in the 1990s they
established the Robert F. Barfield Endowed Chair and the William
Jordan Endowed Chair. The Pattersons also have supported the
Crimson Tradition Fund with a $1 million gift establishing the
Tom and Carol Patterson Family Computer Center for Athletes
that is incorporated into Bryant Hall.
The College of Engineering recently celebrated the retirement of
two faculty members and three staff members. Thanks for many
years of service and dedication! You will be greatly missed by
faculty, staff, and students.
Outside of the classroom, Haynes served as faculty advisor
for the student concrete canoe team. The students and Haynes
worked side-by-side to produce UA’s canoe in the annual
competition. Each year’s canoe was better than the last, and
we are confident that one day soon we will be calling him to
make plans to join us at the national competition, because
when UA wins the regional competition, it will be due to the
foundation and legacy that Haynes established.
Dr. T. Wayne Merritt
Dr. T. Wayne Merritt, associate professor of industrial engineering, retired from the University after 17 years of service. Merritt
joined the Department of Industrial Engineering as an assistant
professor in 1987 after receiving his doctorate from Auburn
University. Previously, he had a long and distinguished career as
a U.S. Air Force officer, including service as a B-52 commander
and Auburn University ROTC assistant professor. At the
Capstone, he was promoted to associate professor in 1994 and
received his PE license in the state of Alabama in 1996.
Merritt taught and performed research in the field of ergonomics.
In a multiyear effort for American Cast Iron Pipe Co., he planned
and implemented a company-wide ergonomics program to
prevent work-related injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome,
tennis elbow, and back strain. Merritt was recognized nationally
for his use of CAT scans and other observational methods to
identify causes of and preventive measures for carpal tunnel
syndrome. He redesigned workplace layouts and tools that
prevented injuries from affecting numerous workers in the iron,
steel, and assembly industries of Alabama. Merritt also served
many years as the faculty advisor to UA’s chapter of the Institute
of Industrial Engineers.
Virginia Griffin
Dr. Charles Haynes
Dr. Charles Haynes
Dr. Charles Haynes, professor of civil and environmental engineering, retired from the Capstone after 14 years of service.
Haynes served the College in many ways throughout the years
including associate dean of academic affairs, professor, advisor,
and most recently pilot for the College’s new research airplane.
Haynes started with the College in 1991 as a professor of mineral
engineering. From 1996 to 2000, he served as the College’s
associate dean for academic programs. After his tenure as associate dean, he moved on to use his experience as a professor in
the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Many
classes of civil engineering graduates still talk about their first
civil engineering course—surveying with Dr. Haynes! He brought
his wealth of industry and business experience to students
through his classes about construction administration and
finance, airport design, and senior design projects.
Virginia Griffin, administrative secretary, served The University of
Alabama for more than 39 years. She began her career at the
Capstone in the Department of Chemistry. In the early 1980s, she
transferred to the Department of Computer Science when it was
established as a separate program. As a result, she has had contact with every student who has received a degree in computer
science from The University of Alabama.
Angie Lancaster
Angie Lancaster, records assistant senior, served The University
of Alabama for more than 30 years. She began her career in the
College of Commerce and Business Administration. In 1984, she
transferred to the College of Engineering in Engineering Student
Services where she was responsible for ensuring that the degree
candidates earned all credits before they graduated.
Debbie Sims
Debbie Sims, executive secretary, served the Capstone for more
than 27 years. She began her career in the College of Arts and
Sciences and then transferred to the Engineering Dean’s Office,
where she worked closely with the dean and department heads
on the administrative functions of the College.
American Society of Civil Engineers Conference
Stephanie “LeeAnn” Wilson, a
junior in chemical and biological
engineering, was named to this
year’s USA Today All-USA College
Academic Team. During an internship
with the Southern Company,
Wilson researched and expanded a
methodology for calculating ammonia
releases from power plants. This
Stephanie “LeeAnn” Wilson
method, which she outlined in a
soon-to-be published paper, is
expected to become the industry standard for ammonia
emissions calculations, according to a nomination letter written
by a principal research engineer at Southern Company.
A $500 cash award and plaque were presented to Lisa Vaughn,
a senior in mechanical engineering, as the 2005 Capstone
Engineering Society Outstanding Senior. She is the recipient
of a Presidential Scholarship, an ACIPCO Engineering
Scholarship, and a Mechanical Engineering Advisory Board
Scholarship from The University of Alabama. Vaughn’s
academic honors include the President’s List, Dean’s List, Pi
Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, Omicron
Delta Kappa Honorary, Mortar Board Honorary, Anderson
Society Service Honorary, Golden Key Honour Society, and
Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society. Vaughn also serves as
president of Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society
and was selected to represent the College of Engineering
as an Ambassador of the College of Engineering.
From left, CES National Chair L. Lamar Faulkner, Lisa Vaughn, and Dr. Keith
McDowell, vice president for research
Jennifer Phillips
The College formed a new student group called GEAR or
Growing Engineering Alumni Relations. The group’s main focus
is to bridge the relationships between alumni and students and
to create awareness of what alumni do for the College. GEAR
students help arrange alumni meetings in the various areas
throughout the state and receive mentoring from alumni through
these meetings.
Research, testing, and design of new projectiles
YMCA bridge over Hurricane Creek, courtesy of The Tuscaloosa News
Members of UA’s chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
and several graduate students recently completed a community
service effort to rebuild a foot bridge at the YMCA camp over
Hurricane Creek. The bridge was destroyed by a storm more
than a year ago.
A group of civil engineering graduate students in a special
projects course designed the replacement bridge, and the ABC
student chapter undertook the construction of the 90-foot
suspension bridge.
Constructing the bridge would have cost $20,000, but with
donations from several companies, hardware stores, and clubs,
the YMCA paid less than $2,000.
UA’s chapter of ABC was established in late 2004. In less
than a year, the group attended the national ABC conference,
competed in the national student competition, and completed
a large-scale community service project.
The University of Alabama hosted the American Society of Civil
Engineers Southeast Conference on April 8–9. The Southeast
regional conference is the largest ASCE conference in the nation.
A team of 12 UA students planned the competitions, events, and
awards banquet for 700 students from across the Southeast.
Twenty-six schools from Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee,
Georgia, and Puerto Rico attended the conference, which was
themed “Astounding Southern Class and Excellence.”
The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
and Excellence in Education
Foundation selected Jennifer Phillips,
a sophomore in chemical and biological engineering, as a Goldwater
Scholar. More than 1,000 mathematics, science, and engineering
students were nominated by faculties
nationwide for Goldwaters, and only
320 were selected.
Dr. Stanley E. Jones
A University of Alabama engineering professor and his student
team are researching ways to improve projectiles’ ability to
penetrate sand, soil, and other targets in an effort to assist
American troops.
Conducted at the request of the U.S. Air Force, research led by
Dr. Stanley E. Jones, Cudworth Professor of Aerospace
Engineering and Mechanics at UA, involves developing smaller,
faster, and more versatile air-launched weapons. The findings will
help determine the right kind of steel casings for these new
Typically, target penetration
depth increases with projectile impact speed when the
projectile is fired at a speed
lower than critical velocity,
Jones said. If the projectile
is fired at a speed higher
than the critical velocity, it
typically buckles soon after
it penetrates the target and
immediately ceases target
penetration. Enemies of the
United States realize if targets are buried deep under
the sand, chances of
destruction are slim.
Jones began the research in 2003. So far, the group has developed stability criteria for long cylindrical projectiles, which are
those without nose geometry. His team is working on a new
differential equation, incorporating the nose geometry of a
projectile and resulting in a new critical velocity estimate.
“Using the results generated by the new differential equation,
we hope to establish how significant nose geometry is to the
analysis,” explained Jones.
If Jones’ team is successful, the Air Force will have a new
penetration model to use in their research, testing, and design
of new projectiles.
“The main goal of this research is to develop a way for the armed
forces to know the top speed at which they can fire a projectile
so that the projectile penetrates through to the target,” said
Jones. “The challenge has become increasingly difficult, because
our adversaries have realized the limitations associated with
conventional penetrator technologies, and they have continued
to bury their critical assets at greater and greater depths.”
On April 7, Chattanooga alumni met at TVA headquarters to hear
updates about the College, to share ideas about encouraging
engineering alumni participation at CES events, and to brainstorm about high school recruitment in their area. Special guest
Thomas Kilgore, UA engineering graduate and recently named
TVA president, attended the meeting.
Birmingham Alumni
Forty alumni gathered at Ruth’s Chris Steak House at the
Embassy Suites Hotel in Birmingham on Feb. 17 to hear a presentation from Juan Carlos Ospina, senior project manager of
Brasfield & Gorrie LLC. He discussed the December repair of the
bridge at “malfunction junction” at I-65. The meeting also included updates about the College.
On Feb. 15, a group of engineering alumni gathered for lunch
at the Alabama Power headquarters in Montgomery to hear
updates about the College. Ideas also were shared about high
school recruitment and other activities to make UA more of a
household name.
More than 20 engineering graduates gathered at the Jazz Factory
in downtown Huntsville to network and to get updates about the
College. At the April 19 meeting, topics included on-campus
construction, and requirements for freshmen living on campus.
A group of 35 alumni gathered at Felix’s Fish Camp on March 18
to discuss updates about the College. They also shared many
ideas about becoming more involved in high school recruitment
activities in the Mobile area.
n Increase the prestige and value of your
engineering or computer science degree.
“Ivana Diamond” (center) was crowned as Mr. Engineer
n Help us achieve higher rankings through
increased alumni participation.
n Provide much-needed financial support
for our students and the College.
n Stay in touch with friends.
Atlanta Alumni
n Receive updates and information about
the College.
At Maggiano’s Little Italy restaurant in Atlanta, Ga., on
March 23, a group of alumni discussed current issues in
the College and shared ideas about strengthening attendance
at Atlanta alumni gatherings.
n Receive the Capstone Engineer.
Call Angelia Knight at 1-800-333-8156,
e-mail [email protected], or
visit the website at
On Feb. 28, UA’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers
sponsored a Mr. Engineer pageant in which male students of the
College dressed up as women. All proceeds benefited Habitat for
Humanity. After an evening of hilarious competition, “Ivana
Diamond,” also known as Matt Moody, a senior in mechanical
engineering and an Ambassador for the College, “won” the event.
Crawford Battle, B.S.A.E. ’54, recently retired from Robins Air
Force Base after 50 years of service. As an engineer for the F-15
management division at Robins, Battle developed and sustained
the Air Force’s finest fighter aircraft.
Tommy Alfano, B.S.C.E. ’82, recently joined the design and construction division of Bayer Properties Inc. in Birmingham, where
he will be working as project manager.
Don Brown, B.S.C.E. ’82, has joined the Birmingham office of
Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon Inc.
Dr. Kenneth Harwell, B.S.A.E. ’59, recently retired from the
Department of Defense in Arlington, Va. In 2003, Harwell and his
wife, Dr. Sharon Harwell, established an endowed scholarship in
aerospace engineering.
Dr. C. K. Liu (left), Janet McDowell (center), and Dr. Keith McDowell (right)
On June 13, the College formally thanked Dr. Keith McDowell for
serving as interim dean during the past year. Dean Charles L.
“Chuck” Karr presented McDowell with a pencil sketch by Dr. C.
K. Liu, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering.
Dean Charles L. “Chuck” Karr greets John and Marion Lewis at the College’s reception.
The College hosted a reception on Aug. 25 for the University,
alumni, and community to welcome Dean Charles L.
“Chuck” Karr.
The Greater Birmingham Chapter of the Capstone Engineering
Society held its fifth annual CES Golf Tournament on May 3 at
the Bent Brook Golf Course in Bessemer. Special thanks to guest
speaker Bobby Humphrey, former head coach of the Birmingham
Steeldogs. About 160 alumni and friends enjoyed a beautiful day
and raised more than $16,000 (net proceeds) that will benefit
CES scholarships. This year’s tournament was the most successful in the amount of money raised and in the number of players.
Thanks to this year’s sponsors!
Alumni enjoy the Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McAbee Sr. cookout.
Dean Charles L. “Chuck” Karr and James C. Bambarger
On July 13, Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy McAbee Sr. hosted
a cookout to meet and
welcome Dr. Charles L.
“Chuck” Karr as the new
dean of the College.
About 35 guests feasted
on three-pound lobsters
and steaks specially prepared for the occasion.
Oct. 29, 2005
Nov. 3, 2005
May 4, 2006
Homecoming festivities
Huntsville-area meeting
Birmingham-area CES Golf Tournament
Alabama Graphics
Alabama Guardrail Inc.
Alabama Power Co.
Birmingham Division
Alabama Power
Foundation Inc.
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
Amgen Inc.
Apache Construction Corp.
Baseline Consultants
BE&K Engineering
Borden and Brewster
Contractors Inc.
Brasfield & Gorrie LLC
Building & Earth Sciences Inc.
C&B Piping Inc.
C. S. Beatty Construction Inc.
Con-Site Services Inc.
Davis Architects Inc.
Dawson Engineering Inc.
Energy Systems Southeast
Forestry Environmental
Hardy Corp.
Haymaker Electric
Hunt Refining Co.
Kelly Construction Co.
Marathon Electrical
Contractors Inc.
Nimrod Long and Associates
Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa
Paradiso Painting Co. Inc.
SAIIA Construction LLC
Sauls Seismic
Sherman Concrete Pipe
Shirley Concrete Co. Inc.
Spectrum Environmental
Star Insulation
Thompson CAT
Tuscaloosa Toyota
USInfrastructure Inc.
Volkert & Associates Inc.
Vulcan Painters Inc.
Beth Napp Gore, B.S.Ch.E. ’83, was selected as one of the
Fulbright Memorial Fund Teachers to Japan for 2005.
Frank G. Westmoreland Jr., B.S.I.E. ’60, recently published a
book, Tales From the Front Porch.
Kim W. Harris, B.S.I.E. ’87, of Eufaula,
was elected 2005 vice president for District
13 of UA’s National Alumni Association.
John Tyron Hubbard Jr., B.S.E.E. ’64, was elected national secretary of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at its Grand Arch Council held
in San Diego, Calif., in July 2004.
Gary Durham, B.S.C.E. ’67, received the 2005 Woodland G.
Shockley Memorial Award for his meritorious service as president of Durham Geo-Slope Indicator in Stone Mountain, Ga.
Susan Bartholomew Williams, B.S.A.E. ’92,
was recently named the female athlete of the
month for June by the U.S. Olympic
Committee. In 2004, Williams became the
first U.S. triathlete to win an Olympic medal
when she finished third at the women's
triathlon in Athens, Greece.
Roger Douglas Brown, B.S.Min.E. ’69, recently retired from U.S.
Gypsum after 34 years of service.
Jeff Boyd, B.S.M.E. ’93, was named general
manager of Daniel Corp.’s Greystone and
Ross Bridge.
Kim W. Harris ’87
N. Brannon Mensing, B.S.Min.E. ’69, has joined Municipal
Energy Resources Corp. in Houston, Texas, as senior vice
president and treasurer.
Tom Kilgore ’70
Susan Bartholomew
Williams ’92
Angela Elaine Summers, Ph.D. ’93, received
the 2004 Merit Award from the Mary Kay
O'Conner Process Safety Center at Texas
A&M University.
Tom Kilgore, B.S.M.E. ’70, was appointed
president and chief operating officer of TVA.
Michael Eastman, B.S.M.E. ’95, was elected
2005 vice president of UA’s National Alumni
Association for District 1.
Price McGiffert, B.S.C.E. ’76, received the
Home Builders Association of Tuscaloosa
Remodeler of the Year award for 2004.
Donald Ray Horsley, B.S.E.E. ’77, M.B.A. ’78, was named vice
president of transmission by the Alabama Power Company’s
board of directors.
Michael Eastman ’95
Jason Huckaba, B.S.A.E. ’97, was elected
2005 vice president for Region 5 of UA’s
National Alumni Association.
Gwen Dedrick McCoy, B.S.M.E. ’97, has
accepted a job as director of program
development and quality assurance with
Community Education Partners.
Jason Huckaba ’97
Stephanie Horne Swindle, B.S.M.E. ’99, was
selected by the National Engineers Week
Foundation as one of its top candidates for
the 2005 Engineers Week New Faces of
Engineering campaign.
Stephanie H. Swindle ’99
James Garrett Carmon, B.S.C.E. ’00, has accepted a position as
project manager with the Batson-Cook Co. in Atlanta, Ga. He will
be managing the $39-million rebuilding of the Cloister Hotel on
Sea Island.
Waylon S. Mitchell, B.S.M.E. ’00, was promoted to captain and
is now permanently assigned to Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida,
where he is employed as an F-15 test engineer.
Antonio Saavedra, B.S.Mt.E. ’00, has joined Intel Corp. in
Hillsboro, Ore., as a senior process engineer in thin films and
Marine Corps 1st Lt. Thomas B. Lee, B.S.M.E. ’01, was recently
designated a naval aviator while serving with Training Air Wing
One in Meridian, Miss. Lee was presented with the coveted
Wings of Gold, marking the completion of flight training.
Janie Mauter, B.S.C.E. ’02, has joined the Barge Waggoner
Sumner and Cannon Inc. office located in Birmingham.
Jerry Leland Nall, B.S.Ch.E. ’02, accepted a position with
Teledyne Brown Engineering as a sub-contractor for Boeing on
the National Missile Defense Program.
Jeffrey Howell, B.S.C.E. ’04, has joined the Dothan office of
Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon Inc.
When Jason Ratliff, B.S.A.E. ’93, M.S.M.E. ’95, took a vacation to
Puerto Rico with his wife, Amy, he had no idea that he would end
up losing a symbol of his years spent at the Capstone. After a day
of beach volleyball, Ratliff realized that he had lost his class ring.
Ratliff searched the beach to no avail and had to leave without the
ring that had been so precious.
Several weeks later, Amy received a promising phone call from Dr.
Tom Strong, dean of students, because he had Ratliff’s ring in his
possession. Todd C. Dawson of Omaha, Neb., had recovered it
from the sand in Puerto Rico and sent it to the University, where
records helped locate Ratliff. He now has the ring back on his
hand where it belongs.
Huge mounds of smoke and steam flow upward as Space
Shuttle Discovery lifts off on the historic return to flight
mission STS-114.
Col. James Kelly,
M.S.A.E. ’96, recently
piloted the Space
Shuttle Discovery on
NASA’s Return to
Flight Mission. After
a 13-day mission,
Kelly safely piloted
the Discovery
landing at Edwards
Air Force Base in
Photo courtesy of NASA
During the mission, the
crew tested and
Dr. Michael Freeman, associate
evaluated new
professor of aerospace engineering
procedures for flight
and mechanics, taught Kelly in three
safety, shuttle
classes at the Capstone. Freeman
inspection and repair
attended the launch of the Space
techniques. One of
Shuttle Discovery, and published daily
Kelly’s responsibilities
accounts of the events surrounding the
was taking control of
shuttle’s Return to Flight on the
the space station’s
University’s website. These weblogs
were highly successful receiving more
robotic arm to move
than 2,250 hits during the space
the Raffaello Multishuttle’s mission.
Purpose Logistics
Module from
Discovery’s payload bay and attach it to the station’s Unity Node.
This was the second
space mission for
Kelly, who previously
piloted STS-102 in
March 2001, and he
has logged more than
600 hours in space.
More than 2,400
people applied for
NASA’s 1996 astronaut
class, and Kelly was
one of 44 members
and one of only 10
pilots selected.
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Bayer and
Mrs. Meryl Bayer
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Bayer died Jan. 16,
2005, and his wife, Meryl, died Jan. 17,
2005, in Katy, Texas. He received a
bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1940 from the Capstone and then
served in the U.S. Army from 1940
until 1973. For his dedicated service to
our country, he received many service
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Bayer
medals and received full military
honors in burial at the Arlington
National Cemetery. He was named a Distinguished Engineering
Fellow in 1988.
James Stanley Brock
STS-114 Pilot Jim Kelly (left) talks with Mission
Specialist Charlie Camarda aboard Space Shuttle
Discovery’s flight deck.
Photo courtesy of NASA
Kelly, UA’s first astronaut, earned his master’s degree through
the Capstone’s video-based distance learning program. His
first trip to the campus in 1996 was for a special graduation
ceremony where he was awarded his degree. Kelly was named
a UA Distinguished Engineering Fellow in 2001.
James Stanley Brock died June 8,
2005. After serving in the U.S. Air Force
elite First Radio Squadron during the
Korean War and eventually rising to the
rank of staff sergeant, Brock received
his bachelor’s degree from The
University of Alabama in civil engineering in 1957. During Brock’s career in
engineering, he participated in many
projects and interests, from designing
James Stanley Brock
and building a university in Saudi Arabia
to building a power plant on the Amazon River. Brock was named
a Distinguished Engineering Fellow in 1988.
James L. Byers
James L. Byers died June 20, 2005. He
received his bachelor’s degree in
mechanical engineering in 1962. Byers
was a retired senior research engineer
for the U.S. government. He and his
wife, Kathryn, established an endowed
scholarship in mechanical engineering.
James L. Byers
Dr. Thomas L. Cost
Dr. Thomas L. Cost died July 7, 2005. He received his bachelor’s
degree in aerospace engineering in 1962 and his doctorate in
aeronautical and mechanical engineering in 1969. He taught at
The University of Alabama from 1969 to 1985, and since then
had been at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
James Merriam “Jim” Delahay
James Merriam “Jim” Delahay died
April 16, 2005 in Birmingham. He
received his bachelor’s and master’s
degrees from The University of
Alabama in civil engineering in 1980
and 1987, respectively.
James Merriam “Jim” Delahay
As president and CEO of LBYD Inc.,
Delahay has been the structural
engineer of record for hundreds of
commercial and industrial building projects throughout the
United States. A few of the notable building projects with LBYD
include the award-winning Birmingham Airport additions and
renovations, the Mercedes-Benz Visitor and Training Center in
Vance, Ala., and the St. Vincent Hospital’s parking deck addition.
In 2002, Delahay was the first practicing engineer elected to
serve as the chairman of the structural committee of the
International Building Code. He also served as chair of the
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations code advisory committee and was the vice chairman of the Wind Load
Task Committee of the ASCE 7 Committee, which writes the
structural building loads standard for the United States.
Delahay was instrumental in developing and teaching the senior
design civil engineering class in which he incorporated LBYD
designs into the class projects. In addition, he helped establish
the LBYD Inc. Civil and Structural Engineering Endowed
Scholarship, which will benefit full-time undergraduate students
majoring in civil engineering.
In 2003, Delahay was named a Distinguished Engineering Fellow,
and he served on the Leadership Board of the College of
An endowed scholarship fund has been established to honor
Delahay at The University of Alabama. In addition to the many
friends and family who donated, the senior civil engineering
design class contributed to the fund. If you would like to make a
donation in his memory, please mail it to Karen Baldwin, The
University of Alabama College of Engineering, Box 870200,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0200.
Capt. Francis Y. Thigpen
Capt. Francis Y. Thigpen of Navarre, Fla., passed away Nov. 26,
2004, at the age of 80. A native of Montgomery, Thigpen
attended The University of Alabama in 1942 before he served in
the U.S. Navy during World War II. He attended the University
again in 1946 before the Navy called him back to active duty.
Thigpen took part in the Okinawa campaign of 1945 in World
War II and also served on the USS Bataan during the Korean
War. After 31 years of service, he retired from the Navy in 1973
with numerous decorations, including the Distinguished Flying
Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, and Presidential Unit Citation.
William N. Thomas
William N. Thomas died Feb. 5, 2005,
in Richmond, Va. He received bachelor's degrees in mechanical and in
electrical engineering in 1948. Thomas
served in the U.S. Navy as an engineering officer during World War II. After
his military service, he worked for
Virginia Electric and Power Co. for
38 years, retiring as vice president of
procurement. In 1988, Thomas was
William N. Thomas
named a Distinguished Engineering
Fellow. Thomas established an endowment through a planned
gift in his will to the University. The endowment will support
scholarships for students studying engineering.
Kenneth Alton Voss
Kenneth Alton Voss died May 23, 2005.
He received his bachelor’s degree in
electrical engineering from the
Capstone in 1995 and his master’s
degree from Georgia Tech. He was
employed by Cingular Wireless. After
his death, Cingular Wireless dedicated
its Alpharetta Technology Center to
Voss in tribute for his years of service.
James McCollum
James McCollum died April 9, 2005. He
received his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from The University of
Alabama in 1940. He worked with the
Tennessee Valley Authority National
Fertilizer Development Center in Muscle
Shoals, Ala., for 41 years, with his only
leave taking place when he entered the
U.S. Navy in 1944. In 2005, McCollum
was named a Distinguished Engineering
James McCollum
Fellow. He and his wife, Carolyn, established an endowed engineering scholarship to support chemical
and biological engineering students.
Robert M. Stone Jr.
Robert M. Stone Jr. died March 16, 2005, in Vincent, Ohio. A
veteran of World War II, Stone graduated from The University of
Alabama in 1950 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
As a professional engineer, Stone worked for the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.
Kenneth Alton Voss
Robert Frances Walsh
Robert Frances Walsh died Jan. 19, 2005, in Anderson, S.C.
Walsh received a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering
from the Capstone in 1949. He was an officer in the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers during World War II and an employee of
Johnson Controls.
The College of Engineering wishes to thank our many donors who have loyally supported us through the years.
The list below reflects cumulative development records from individual donors as of July 22, 2005. If there is
an error or omission, please bring it to our attention by calling 1-800-333-8156.
1837 Club
($1 million and above)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Patterson
Estate of Mr. Alton N. Scott
Mr. and *Mrs. Clarence W. Scott
Leadership Circle
Mrs. Karen P. Brooks
*Mr. Marvin Alvin Chapman
Mrs. Susan P. Cork
Mr. and Mrs. L. Earl Crittenden
*Mr. and *Mrs. John Virden Davis
*Mrs. Wilhelmina Q. Echols
Mr. T. Michael Goodrich
Mr. James Hodge Johnson Jr.
Mr. James C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Lewis
Estate of Mrs. Ray J. Maness
Mr. Leroy McAbee
Estate of Mrs. Bessie Summerville Moxley
Estate of Mr. Don Carlos Nelson
Ms. Beverly C. Phifer
Estate of Mr. Blaise Leonard Rampone
*Mr. Henry H. Reichhold
Mr. Joseph Hunt Robinson Jr.
Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph M. Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. A.R. Taylor Jr.
Mr. Milton H. Ward
The Bridgebuilders
Mr. Robert N. Almon Sr.
*Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Ames
Mr. Raymon J. Baker
Mr. James A. Blackwell Jr.
Mr. W. Houston Blount
*Dr. William S. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. C. Arland Carroll
Mr. R. Eugene Cartledge
Estate of Mr. Harvey Coleman Jr.
Mrs. Charlie Hyram Cook (Wanda)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Crowder Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Dlouhy
Mr. Thomas Edwin Doster III
Dr. Betty and Mr. Edward Englebert
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams Fite
Mr. H. Allen Franklin
*Mr. William J. Fritton II
*Mr. J.G.G. Frost
Estate of Mr. John William Hager
Mr. Robert H. Haubein
Estate of Mr. David D. Heald
Mrs. Mildred R. Hire Fleming
*Mr. James Massey Hire Jr.
Mr. John H. Josey
Mr. William Hugh Lawler
Dr. and Mrs. Philip W. Lett
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiley Lewis Jr.
Mr. Hua-An Liu
Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Artemus Pervis
Mr. James S. Marlen
Mr. and Mrs. N. Hugh Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos W. McDonald
Mr. John K. McKinley
Mr. Buell V. Moore
Mr. Frank Owen
Mr. Alsey C. Parker Jr.
Mr. L. Stancel Pate IV
Mrs. Margaret Plank
Mr. G. William Quinby
Mr. Charles M. Rampacek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alan Roberts
Mr. Warren R. Ross
Estate of Mr. Edward R. Sanner
Mr. Beal M. Teague
*Mr. Richard W. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Shelton Turner
The Honorable John Caius Tyson III
Mr. Thomas W. Wilder III
Estate of Mrs. Louise D. Wright
The William K. Rey Society
*Mr. T. Louis Austin Jr.
*Mr. Leonard B. Barnes Jr.
Mr. W. Donald Bell
Mr. William M. Bell III
*Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Byers
Dr. Chester C. Carroll
Mrs. Jorene A. Carroll
*Mr. Vincent P. Caruso
Mr. Ranganath Chakravarthi
Ms. Mary Seton Chapin
Drs. Der-San and Hui Chen
Mrs. Frances Noland Chew
Mrs. Julia Ann Simmons Cleage
*Dr. and *Mrs. James R. Cudworth Sr.
*Mr. John Cottingham Curry
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Daniel
Mr. Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr.
*Dr. Ray Littleton Farabee
Mrs. Anna Simmons Gainer
Mrs. Jane L. Griffin
Estate of Mr. Philip Charles Hansen
*Dr. and Mrs. David R. Hart
Drs. Sharon and Kenneth Harwell
Dr. Charles David Haynes
Mr. Monzer Hourani
Mrs. Rachel Parker Johnson
Mr. William D. Jordan Jr.
Mr. John Howard Josey Jr.
Mr. Tom D. Kilgore
Mr. E. Sorrell Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel A. Matheny
*Mrs. Virginia McAlpine Maxwell
*Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCollum
*Mr. Gordon Morrow
Mrs. Josephine Simmons Pankey
*Mr. Holt Rast
Mr. John M. Reeder Jr.
Mr. John Rollins Jr.
Dr. Thomas Hoskins Sadler
Mr. Albert Haston Simmons
Dr. John G. Simmons
Ms. Terry Kay Simmons
Mr. Thomas R. Simmons II
Estate of Ms. Thelma Mildred Smith
Mrs. Bernice K. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. James Erwin Summerville Jr.
Mrs. Martha S. Thomas
*Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Thomas Thompson Jr.
Mr. Michael D. Thompson
Ms. Jeanette Rey Todd
Dr. and Mrs. James V. Walters
*Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie B. White Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray Wildes
Estate of Mr. Frank Burton Wood
*Dr. and Mrs. John Newton Youngblood
Partners in Progress
Mr. George D. Adams
Mr. Philip Amsterdam
*Mr. Kurt Andersen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary C. April
Mr. Thomas Robert Armstrong
Mr. Charles Bagby
Mrs. Dianne Lawson Baker
Dr. John Edward Ball
Dr. Karl O. Ball
Dr. Robert F. Barfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wyness Barker
*Mr. Leonard B. Barnes III
Dr. Robert G. Batson
Mr. Stephen Wayne Beadle
Mrs. Marjorie M. Bean
Mr. William Lewis Beeker
Dr. and Mrs. James David Bercaw
Mr. Russell Blackwell
Mr. Jeffery L. Blankenship
Dr. Linda G. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Russell Bobo
Dr. Karen M. Boykin
Ms. Susan Gertrude Braden
Mrs. Constance Clark Brown
Mr. James A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chesley Brown
Mrs. Lorene M. Browning
Dr. Colgan Hobson Bryan Jr.
Mr. J. Brad Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Burnett
Ms. Janet M. Burnett
Dr. John F. Burnum
Mr. Hal Stanley Burton
*Dr. O. William Bynum
Mr. Ronald R. Cafferty
Mr. Edward Lyle Cain
Mr. Ronald Ray Campbell
*Dr. and Dr. Thomas A. Carlton Jr.
Mr. Buddie Elton Carroll
Dr. Reggie Jackson Caudill
*Mr. and *Mrs. Charles Edward Clark Jr.
*Mr. Paul Clark
*Mr. Fred L. Clayton Jr.
Dr. William C. Clements Jr.
Ms. Patricia T. Comess
Mrs. Margaret Shook Cooper
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Elbert Cooper
Mr. Dale Corley
Mr. and Mrs. David Gene Courington
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Covington III
Mr. John J. Cowin
Mr. David A. Craig
* deceased
Mr. Eugene L. Croxton Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Allen L. Cudworth
Mr. Kenneth R. Daniel
Mr. Rayford Franklin Davis
Mr. John F. DeBuys Jr.
Mr. George W. Dockery Jr.
Mr. Gene Austin Dodson
Mr. Erskine Grier Donald III
Mr. Harvey Mitchell Donaldson
Mr. C. R. Douthitt
Mr. John Phillip Duke
*Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Dunning Jr.
Dr. Gary Neil Durham
Mrs. Margaret Shotts Edmonds
Mrs. Margaret Wood Emery
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamar Faulkner
Mr. Darry Allen Ferguson
Mr. Kenneth Wayne Fields
*Mr. Edward Judson Finnell Jr.
Dr. Raymond W. Flumerfelt
Mr. Aubrey Allen Free
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Fridley
Dr. Samuel C. Gambrell Jr.
Mr. Louis Davis Gaynor
Mr. Michael Alan Gibbs
Ms. Karen Gilliam
Mr. David E. Goldberg
Mr. George Thomas Goodwyn
Mr. N.S. Gowadia
Mr. James W. Grace
Mr. Carlos Andrew Gregg
Mr. Mark Charles Gregoire
Mr. Charles Hoyt Griffin
Ms. Margaret L. Griffin
Dr. Robert A. Griffin
Mr. Gene Haas
Mr. Charles Frederick Hains Jr.
Maj. Gen. George F. Hamner
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hansen
*Dr. David R. Hart
Mr. Samuel R. Hart Jr.
*Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Hartman
Dr. William J. Hatcher Jr.
Mr. Joseph Charles Hedstrom
Mr. Charles Wayne Helms
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Hill
Mr. William Oliver Hill
Dr. Bernice Keith Hodge
Mr. Harry Hill Holliman
Mr. Dustin Brad Honeycutt
Mr. William Alfred Hughes
Mr. Lee M. Hurley
Mr. Hayes Hutchins
Dr. George Earl Hydrick
Mr. Bomar L. Ingram
*Lt. Col. Glover Leon Jackson
*Mr. Charles R. Jamison
Mr. Walter F. Johnsey
Mr. Griffin Ivan Johnson
Mr. Malcolm Crawford Johnson
Dr. Barry Scott Johnston
Mr. Glenn Edward Jones
Dr. and Mrs. William Ditmer Jordan
Mr. Afton Bradford Jowers
Mr. Randy Junior
Ms. Emily E. Katt
Mr. Julius Louis Kayser
*Ms. Fannie B. Keith
Mr. William Bruce Kelley Jr.
Mr. Frank H. Kendall Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Maclin Sloss Kennemer Jr.
Mr. Moon Saeng Kim
*Mr. Howard W. King Jr.
Dr. Kalmanje Srinivas Krishnakumar
Mr. Paul Warren Lammers
Mr. Eugene Earnest Langner Jr.
*Mr. Monro B. Lanier II
Dr. Alexander Lapteff
Mr. Vincent Dominie Lauria
*Dr. and *Mrs. Joe Overton Ledbetter
Mr. Reid Ledbetter
Dr. Jang Gook Lee
Dr. Seong-Min Lee
Mrs. Jeanne Leyhan
Lindsey Family
Mr. John T. Link
Mr. Charles Allen Long Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. MacKay
Mr. and Mrs. Reese Ewell Mallette Jr.
Mr. Frank L. Mason
*Mr. Ferrin Young Mathews
Mr. Lawrence Hinton McCook
Mr. J. Price McGiffert
Mrs. Alice Bryan McKelvie
Mr. Donald H. McLean Jr.
Mr. Duncan B. McLean
Mr. Russell P. McLean
Mr. Christopher D. Messelt
Mr. William D. Millar III
Mr. Donald A. B. Mills
Mr. Benjamin Kyser Miree
Dr. Jerry Don Moore
Dr. Robert Avery Moore
Dr. Lloyd A. Morley
*Mr. Carl Morris Moseley Jr.
*Mr. Stephen Dewey Moxley, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Moxley
Mr. H. M. Nelson
*Dr. and Mrs. William G. Nichols
Dr. Thomas Novak
Mr. Thomas Casey Nylund
Mr. J. Michael O’Brien
*Mr. H. Leo Ollinger Jr.
Mr. Charles Howard Osborn
Mr. Gary S. Osborn
Mr. William Harold Owen
Mr. Duk-Won Park
Mrs. Mary Lee Patterson
Mr. Richard J. Peppin
*Mr. Raymond McDonald Phillips
Mr. Tim Pickens
Ms. Jacqueline D. Pirkle
Ms. Betsy Ann Plank
Mr. Hobert Edgar Plunkett
Dr. J. Leith Potter
Mr. Kenneth Potter
Mr. Allen Kent Powers
Mr. Peter Gunter Prater
Mr. Roland Pugh
Dr. Erwin A. Reinhard
*Mr. William Kenneth Rey
Mr. Lee Harold Richey
Mr. Gordon Lee Roberts
Mr. Richard Howard Robinson
Mr. Mark Gordon Robison
Mr. James Edward Rorex
Dr. Richard Saeks
Mr. Joseph Everett Sanders Jr.
Mr. Robert Gerald Sanders
*Dr. Richard L. Sanford
Mr. Takashi Sawai
*Mr. Arthur Carl Schenck
Mr. Walter Schoel Jr.
Dr. Charley Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Levirgil Sentell
Mr. B. Hobson Shirley
Ms. Eleanor Ruthie Shotts
*Mr. Thomas Gaines Shurett
*Mr. Albert R. Simmons
*Mr. Thomas A. Simpson Sr.
Mr. Charles Allen Sipe Jr.
Mr. Allen Skouby
Mr. Billy Hayden Smith
Mrs. Carolyn Liles Smith
*Mr. Merle Everett Smith Jr.
Mr. Dan Spain
*Mr. Paul Meredith Speake
Mr. G. Gregory Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Noel Still
Mrs. Miriam K. Still
Dr. Sandra Still
Mr. Dale Robert Summers
Mrs. Alice S. Summerville
Dr. William H. Sutton
Mrs. William Taylor
Mr. Thomas J. Terrell
Mr. Hall W. Thompson
Mr. James Thomas Tidwell
*Maj. Gen. James Baird Tipton
Dr. Beth A. Todd
Mrs. Susanna V. Tomlinson
*Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Manly Tommie Jr.
*Mr. Daniel H. Turner
Mr. Anthony Keith Tyree
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank Vasut Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Daniell Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Ward
Mr. William L. Waters
Dr. George Eliot Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Weinrib
*Mr. Colvin Clay Wellborn
Mr. James C. White
*Dr. George P. Whittle
*Mrs. Mary Shook Wilkinson
*Mr. Jerry Frank Wilson Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marvin Wolson
Dr. Nancy K. Woodley
Mr. John L. Woods
Dr. Larry T. Wurtz
Mr. Robert Zinke
The following list reflects cumulative
development records from corporate
donors as of July 22, 2005.
The Platinum Club
($1 million and above)
Alabama Power Foundation Inc.
Mentor Graphics Corp.
The Gold Club
3M Foundation Inc.
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
Aries Technology Inc.
BE & K Inc.
The Blount Foundation Inc.
Boeing Co.
BP Amoco Foundation Inc.
Citation Charitable Foundation
Citation Corp.
Consolidated Coal Co.
Dow Chemical Co. Foundation
Drummond Co. Inc.
Eastman Chemical Co.
Ebasco Inc.
Elanix Inc.
Exxon Co. USA
Foundry Educational Foundation
IBM Corp.
Intergraph Corp.
McAbee Foundation
National Action Council for
Minorities in Engineering
J. Reese Phifer Jr. Memorial Foundation
Procter & Gamble Co.
Rust Constructors Inc.
Shell Oil Co. Foundation
Southern Company Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Stockham Valve & Fitting Co.
Teledyne Inc.
Texaco Inc.
Texas Instruments Inc.
United States Steel Foundation Inc.
Jim Walter Resources Inc.
The Waste Management Foundation
Mobil Foundation Inc.
Monsanto Co.
Stephen D. Moxley Medical Trust
MTM Association
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Phifer Wire Products Inc.
PPG Industries Foundation
Quantronix Corp.
Ryder International Corp.
Sony USA Foundation Inc.
Southern Company Services Inc.
Southern Tube Co. Inc.
Standard Machinery Co.
William H. and Kate F. Stockham
Sullivan Long & Hagerty
Sun Microsystems Inc.
A.R. Taylor Veneer Co.
Texaco Producing Inc.
Trane Co.
TransAmerican Equipment Co.
TTL Inc.
U.S. Army Missile Command
Vulcan Materials Co.
WAAIME, Al-T Section
Wheelabrator Technologies-Rust
International Charitable Foundation
Wheland Foundry
The Bronze Club
The Silver Club
3M Corp.
Alabama By-Products Corp.
Alabama Power Co.
Alabama Section A.I.M.E.
Alcoa Foundation
Altria Group Inc.
Ameron International Corp.
AT&T Foundation
Bell Microproducts
Betz-Converse-Murdoch Inc.
Brasfield & Gorrie Inc.
Calvert & Marsh Coal Co.
Champion International Corp.
Digital Equipment Corp.
Diversified Career and Educational Services
Doster Construction Co. Inc.
Eastman Kodak Co.
ELE International
Electromet Corp.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Ford Motor Co.
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation
General Motors Corp.
Geophysical Services Inc.
Georgia Power Co.
Halliburton Foundation Inc.
H. H. Harris Foundation
The Haskell Co.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Honda Manufacturing of Alabama LLC
International Paper Co. Foundation
John H. Josey and Co.
JVC America Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Lane Bishop York Delahay Inc.
Lucent Technologies
William A. McCalla Memorial Trust
Meritor Automotive Inc.
MHJ Group Inc.
American Foundrymen’s Society
American Westmin Inc.
AmSouth Bank Foundation
Ashland Oil Foundation Inc.
Atmel Corp.
AVCO Financial Services
Bankhead Mining Co.
J. L. Bedsole Foundation
Boeing Co. Charitable Trust
Brice Building Co.
British Steel
Caterpillar Inc.
Champion Foundation
Chevron Products Co.
Cobb Coal Co.
Corus Tuscaloosa
Cowin & Company
John Deere Foundation
Dynamic Systems Inc.
Ethyl Corp.
Findlay Towing Co.
Fluke Corp.
Fort James Corp.
Foundry Information Systems
General Services Administration
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Great South Machine Tools Co. Inc.
The Hackney Group
Hardaway Foundation Inc.
Hendon Engineering Associates Inc.
Integrated Engineering & Construction Inc.
King Saud University
Kinlock Coal Co.
Lockheed Martin Corp. Foundation
MacMillan Bloedel Inc.
Magnequench Technology Center
McDermott Inc.
McGiffert & Associates Inc.
MeadWestvaco Foundation
Mitchell Industries Foundation
Motorola Foundation
The MOUAT Company Inc.
Mueller Co.
North American Refractories Co.
Rast Construction Inc.
Rockwell International Corp.
Walter Schoel Engineering Co. Inc.
Society of Mining Engineers
Thompson Tractor Co.
Volkert and Associates
SMI Steel Inc.
Southern Alloy Corp.
Southern Company Generation
Technology Builders Inc.
Texas Oil & Gas Corp.
UA Alumni Chapter–
Houston and Henry, Ala.
UA National Society of Black Engineers
Ultrasonics & Magnetics Corp.
Universal Data Systems Inc.
Vista Chemical Co.
Western Electric Fund
The Copper Club
Addison Products Co.
Alabama Department of Transportation
Alabama Power Western Division
Almon Associates Inc.
Alsite Scholarship Inc.
American Association of Cost Engineers
American Foundrymen’s Society
American Foundrymen’s Society Piedmont
Chapter District
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Amoco Production Co.
API Warrior Basin Chapter
AVEX Electronics Inc.
Basell North America Inc.
W. C. Bradley Co.
Brainard-Kilman Drill Co.
British Petroleum
Bucyrus-Erie Foundation
S. T. Bunn Construction Co. Inc.
Burlington Industries Foundation
CH2M Hill Foundation
Coalite Inc.
Combustion Engineering Inc.
Compass Bank
Control Data Corp.
Council for Chemical Research
Dow Chemical Co.
Dupont Agricultural Products
Elk Corp. of Alabama
Georgia Tech Foundation Inc.
Golden’s Foundry & Machine Co.
Hard Engineering Inc.
Hercules Inc.
Investment Casting Institute
King Coal Co. Inc.
Kyanite Mining Corp.
Lanier & Associates Consulting
Engineers Inc.
Manufacturers Hanover Trust
Price McGiffert Construction Co. Inc.
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Mitchell & Neely Inc.
Motorola Semiconductor
Mulga Coal Co.
North American Refractories
North River Energy Corp.
Occidental Chemical Corp.
Olin Corp. Charitable Trust
Owens-Corning Fiberglass
Roland Pugh Construction Inc.
Reynolds Metals Co. Foundation
The Rodgers/Dale Family Foundation
Sherman International Corp.
The following list reflects cumulative
development records of matching
gifts from corporate donors
as of July 22, 2005.
3M Foundation Inc.
Accenture Foundation Inc.
Alabama Power Foundation Inc.
Alco Standard Foundation
The American Honda Foundation
American Standard Inc.
Amgen Foundation
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
Arthur Andersen Foundation
Asarco Cyprus Inc.
Ashland Inc.
Ashland Oil Foundation Inc.
Bechtel Foundation
BetzDearborn Foundation Inc.
Boeing Co.
BP Amoco Foundation Inc.
Cerex Advanced Fabrics Inc.
Champion International Corp.
Citgo Petroleum Corp.
Corning Inc. Foundation
CSX Corp.
Dow Chemical Co. Foundation
El Paso Energy Foundation
Emerson Electric Co.
Energen Corp.
Entergy Corp.
Ernst & Young Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Ford Motor Co.
Fort James Corp.
General Electric Fund
General Motors Foundation
Georgia Power Co.
Georgia-Pacific Corp.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Gulf Power Foundation Inc.
Halliburton Foundation Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
Honeywell Foundation
IBM Corp.
International Paper Co. Foundation
Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corp. Foundation
Lucent Technologies
MacMillan Bloedel Inc.
McDonnell Douglas Foundation
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc.
Mobil Foundation Inc.
Monsanto Co.
Morton International Inc.
Motorola Foundation
Nike Inc.
Northrop Grumman Litton Foundation
Occidental Petroleum Charitable
Olin Corp. Charitable Trust
Pactiv Corp.
Pharmacia Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Procter & Gamble Co.
Progress Energy
Raytheon Co.
Russell Corp.
SBC Foundation
Science Applications International Corp.
Southern Co. Services Inc.
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Stone & Webster Engineering
Stone Energy Corp.
Teledyne Inc.
Texaco Inc.
Texas Instruments Foundation
Thiokol Corp.
United States Steel Foundation Inc.
United Technologies
USG Foundation Inc.
Waste Management Inc.
Weyerhaeuser Co. Foundation
* deceased
The College of Engineering wishes to thank
donors to the Capstone Engineering
Society for the July 2004–June 2005
fiscal year.
Lifetime Members
Mr. Kenneth Rule Daniel
Mr. Samuel R. Hart
Mr. Fred S. McFarland
*Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pogue Jr.
Mrs. Katherine Wade Thompson
Barnard Society
($10,000 and above)
Hardaway Society
Van de Graaff Society
Mr. George M. Jones III
Mr. Claudie Kenneth McDonald
Mr. Charles Allen Sipe Jr.
Mr. T. A. Walton II
Mr. Emmett B. Wheeler Jr.
Comer Society
Mr. Phillip Dale Bates
Mr. R. Harmon Beauchamp
Dr. Robin Browne Buckelew
Mrs. Johanna C. Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. David Gene Courington
Mr. John J. Cowin
Mr. Ernest Adams Fite
Ms. Sheri Marcelene Fuller
Mr. Harry M. Gabriel
Mr. L. Clark Hataway
Mr. Charles Wayne Helms
Mr. Dustin Brad Honeycutt
Mr. Paul Warren Lammers
Mr. Ronald O. Musgrove
Mr. Donald Key Reed
Col. Charles Schimmel Jr.
Mr. Rodney Wade Summerford
Mr. Richard Hanna Wall
Mr. John Daniel Ward
Mr. H. Kenneth White Sr.
Houser Society
Mr. William G. Adams, PE
Mrs. Chanda Abney Allen
Mr. Ronald Henry Apel
Mr. Thomas Robert Armstrong
Mr. James R. Azar Jr.
Mr. Brian D. Barr
Mr. Dennis Lynn Baxendale
Mr. Willis Vincent Bell III
Mr. Jimmy Russell Bobo
Mr. Kenneth Earl Bolen
Mr. Russell Edward Butner
Mr. Henry Eugene Cash
Dr. Mark Elbert Cooper
Mr. John W. Covington III
Mr. David A. Craig
Mr. L. Earl Crittenden
Mr. John E. Daniel
Mr. Nathaniel Jones Davis Jr.
Mr. Harvey Mitchell Donaldson
Mr. Charles R. Ducker Jr.
Mr. William E. Dunn
Mr. George S. Eastwood II
Mr. Edward L. Englebert
Mr. David Aaron Glidewell
Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers Hamner
Maj. Gen. George F. Hamner
Mrs. Suzanne Smith Hardin
Mr. Ralph Clement Herden
Mr. John Howard Horn Jr.
Mr. Gregg Johnson
Dr. G. Merrill Jones
Mr. F. William Keith Jr.
Dr. Lisa Kennedy
Dr. Philip W. Lett
Mr. Ralph M. Lewis
Mr. David Dalmain Libbers
Mr. Edward Jeff Lippincott
Mr. Charles Allen Long Jr.
Mr. Joseph W. Mathews
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Mike Dan McCarty
Mr. Carlos W. McDonald
Mr. Guy Kenneth Mitchell Jr.
Mr. Robert E. Morris
Mr. James Edward Parsons
Mr. Kenneth Potter
Mr. G. William Quinby
Mr. Mark Alan Roberts
Mr. James Harold Slate
Mr. Scott White Spaulding
Mr. John Milton Troha
Mr. Milton H. Ward
Bevill Society
Mrs. Marion Skinner Almon
Mr. Robert N. Almon Sr.
Mr. H. Ray Bailey
Mr. James C. Bambarger
Mr. Joe Kevin Banks
Mr. Jeffrey Wyness Barker
Mrs. Carole Deal Barnett
Mr. Robert Paul Barnett
Mr. Doyle Winston Blair
Mr. Calvin B. Blevins Sr.
Dr. Linda G. Blevins
Ms. Ruth Blevins
Mr. Philip H. Bradley
Mr. William S. Brooks
Mr. Hank C. Burkhalter
Mrs. Leslie Toles Cash
Dr. Charles H. Clark III
Mr. Ted Bernard Clements Jr.
Mr. Harold Wayne Coker
Mrs. Mandi R. Cooper
Dr. David W. Cordes
Mrs. Beth Warren Crafton
Mr. William Brian Crafton
Ms. Rebecca Blair Crane
Mr. Gerald Douglas Creel
Mr. James Michael Curran
Mr. Matthew Todd Davis
Mr. T. Earl Diffee
Mr. Robert J. Dlouhy
Mr. John Phillip Duke
Mrs. Patricia A. Duke
Mr. James W. Early
Mr. Paul Elkourie
Mr. Gregory David Elmore
Mr. L. Lamar Faulkner
Mr. Jonathan Gregary Floyd
Mr. M. Travis Fuller
Mr. William Thomas Gaskell
Mr. Rodney Carson Gilbert
Mrs. Hildred B. Glidewell
Dr. John Phillip Gooch
Mrs. Cynthia Cason Gray
Mr. Ronald Wayne Gray
Mr. David Wayne Green
Mr. Alva McGriff Grimsley III
Mr. David Merritt Ham
Mrs. Phyllis H. Ham
Mr. Robert Thomas Hammond
Mr. Joel Lynn Haney
Mr. Fitz Lee Hardin
Mr. Joseph Charles Hedstrom
Dr. Bernice Keith Hodge
Mr. George David Hopson
Mr. Seyed M. Javaheri
Mr. Paul Jernigan
Mr. James Hodge Johnson Jr.
Mr. Malcolm Crawford Johnson
Mr. Tom D. Kilgore
Mr. Joey V. Kirkpatrick
Mr. David Jacob Konstanzer
Mr. Eugene Earnest Langner Jr.
Mr. E. Sorrell Lanier
Mrs. Selina S. Lee
Mrs. Clara P. Lewis
Mr. John Wiley Lewis Jr.
Ms. Yin Lin
Mrs. Betty Gaston Lucas
Mr. Donald Ray Lucas
Mr. Jack Whiting MacKay
Mr. Thomas Darnell Martin
Mrs. Bess Cooper Mason
Mr. Frank L. Mason
Mr. Hugh Mathews
Mrs. Regina S. Mathews
Mr. Leroy McAbee
Mr. Gordon B. McBryde Jr.
Mrs. Sheree Partain McBryde
Mr. Michael Kevin McCue
Mrs. Pamela McNeal McCue
Mr. Jerry Ray McGaha
Mr. R. Anthony McLain
Mr. Darius Craig McMahan
Mr. Donald A. B. Mills
Mr. Ronnie Mills
Mr. David Joseph Minor
Mr. Brian Glenwood Moore
Mr. Buell V. Moore
Mrs. Connie S. Moore
Mrs. Gaynell G. Moore
Dr. Jerry Don Moore
Dr. Lloyd A. Morley
Mr. Talmadge Mordant Mosley
Ms. Donna McCain O’Brien
Mr. J. Michael O'Brien
Mr. Gary S. Osborn
Mr. Manoj Natverlal Patel
Mr. A. Wesley Patmon Jr.
Mrs. Donna Benefield Patmon
Mr. Thomas L. Patterson
Mrs. Mary F. Payne
Mr. Warren Griswold Payne
Mr. Lowell D. Pell
Mr. Bobby Ray Phillips
Dr. J. Leith Potter
Mr. Allen Kent Powers
Mr. Charles M. Rampacek
Mrs. Helen Rodgers
Hon. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rodgers
Mr. James Edward Rorex
Mr. Warren R. Ross
Mr. Thomas Lee Rutledge
Mrs. Eleatha Fowler Sanders
Mr. Robert Gerald Sanders
Mr. Gary D. Scroggins
Mrs. Sharon Tays Scroggins
Mr. Sammy James Seals
Mr. Leonard Harvie Sedlin
Mr. Timothy E. Stevens
The Honorable C. Michael Stilson
Mrs. Sandra S. Stilson
Dr. William H. Sutton
Mr. Robert Lewis Taylor
Mr. Thomas J. Terrell
Mr. William R. Terry
Mrs. Susanna V. Tomlinson
Dr. Jerry M. Trimm
Mr. Tim Tuggle, PE
Mrs. Wanda Tuggle
Mr. Edward Watson
Mr. Edward Earl Watt
Dr. Frank Grant Westmoreland
Mr. William Cary Williamson
Mr. Kenneth R. Winslow
Ms. Ferne Wlodarski
Mr. Charles Donald Wood
Mr. Charles E. Woodrow III
Mr. William Neal Yates
Mr. Charles Edward York
Rodgers Society
Mr. Robert J. Abernathy
Mr. Richard Norris Acker
Mr. Charles Lucien Adams Sr.
Mr. Terry Wayne Adderhold
Mr. David Stansel Alexander
Col. Robert M. Alexander III
Mr. Tommy Alfano Jr.
Mr. John Franklin Allan
Mrs. Fawn Richards Allred
Mr. J. Carlton Allred
Mrs. Angella Trulove Anderson
Mr. Bruce H. S. Anderson
Mr. David Wayne Anderson
Mr. Jarod Ray Andrews
Mrs. Tanya Cole Andrews
Mr. K. Anil
Dr. Gary C. April
Mr. Thomas Robert Armstrong Jr.
Mr. Antoine H. Ayoub
Mrs. Frances Thorne Ayoub
Mr. Alan Curtis Bailey
Mr. Billy D. Bailey Jr.
Dr. Boyd L. Bailey Jr.
Mr. Scott C. Bailey
Mr. Eddy Wade Baker
Mr. John Marvin Baker
Mr. Robert Ernest Baker
Mrs. Karen Meshad Baldwin
Mr. Michael Roy Ballard
Mr. Vance Patrick Ballard
Dr. Robert F. Barfield
Mrs. Lillian Joan Barnes
Mr. Thomas W. Barnes Jr.
Mr. Jack W. Barron III
Mrs. Mary Lee Maughan Barry
Mr. William Hunter Bartlett
Dr. Robert G. Batson
Dr. James Everett Battles
Mr. Philip E. Bazinet
Mr. James Herman Beard
Mr. James Morring Beeson
Mr. Keith Edward Belcher
Mr. Floyd Maurice Belrose
Mr. Timmy Lee Bentley
Dr. James David Bercaw
Mr. J. Steve Biggs
Mr. E. Glenn Bishop
Mr. Robert Allen Black Jr.
Mr. James Ernest Blair
Mr. Freddie L. Blankenship
Mr. Thomas David Blaylock Jr.
Mr. Frederick W. Blickle III
Col. George H. Blood
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tilford Bobbitt
Mr. Gonzalous Augustus Bobo Jr.
Mr. Russell Hugh Bobo
Dr. Kevin Henderson Bond
Mr. Douglas W. Booth
Mr. James Michael Boozer
Mr. L. Adrian Boutwell
Mr. Clarence Pierce Boyd
Dr. Karen M. Boykin
Ms. Dina Lou Brakefield
Ms. Deborah Ann Branch
Mr. Henry C. Bright III
Mr. J. Stanley Brock
Mr. Robert Lewis Bronnes
Mr. Carl J. Brown
Mr. Nicholas M. Brown
Mr. Ronald Chesley Brown
Mr. William Edward Brown
Mr. Roger David Bryant
Mr. Brent Jarrod Brzezinski
Mr. John Gerald Buckley
Mr. William Eugene Burkett
Mr. Jerry Neal Burns
Mr. David Craig Butler
Mr. Douglas A. Campbell
Mr. James Edward Campbell
Mr. Marvin Douglas Campbell
Mr. Gary Eugene Canaday
Mr. Timothy Carbonneau
Mr. James L. Carden
Mr. Derrick L. Carlisle
Dr. Chester C. Carroll
Mr. Dennis Richard Carroll
Mr. Andrew Paul Carter Jr.
Mr. Gerald Luke Caruso
Mr. J. Calvin Cassady
Mr. Kevin Brad Castleberry
Dr. Robert L. Cater
Dr. Joseph Eugene Cates
Mr. Edward Ray Champion Jr.
Dr. Der-San Chen
Mr. Alan B. Cheney Jr.
Mr. Eddie Gilbert Chieves
Mrs. Kim Childers
Mr. Ronald Lee Childers Jr.
Mr. Gregory Thomas Clark
Mr. Herman Nathan Clark
Mr. James M. Clark
Dr. C. Kendall Clarke
Mrs. Carolyn Daniels Clarke
Mr. Charles O’Neal Cobb
Dr. James Lawson Coggins
Mr. Jason Lawrence Coker
Mrs. Joanne Marie Conger
Mr. Lewis J. Cook Jr.
Mrs. Wanda Cook
Mr. Joel Webb Cooper Jr.
Mr. Wayne Leon Coppedge
Mr. Charles S. Cornelius
Mr. Joel A. Cotton
Mr. Eugene Guyland Cowart
Mr. William Bryan Crews
Mr. Charles Howard Crow
Mr. Robert Scott Crowder Jr.
Mr. Eugene L. Croxton Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Cubbedge
Mr. Robert Graydon Curry Jr.
Mr. Clayton Lyle Dahl
Mr. J. Soni Davidson
Mrs. Janet Sims Davidson
Mr. Milton A. Davis Jr.
Mr. Robert P. Davis
Mr. Mickey Walter Davison
Mr. Edward Day VI
Ms. Christine Dedrick
Mr. Phillip Jay Dellinger
Dr. Joseph David DeLorenzo
Mr. Douglas Robert Denison
Mrs. Traci Tucker Dewar
Mrs. Shay C. Diamond
Mr. Bhanoo Dilbaghi
Mr. Grady Norris Dill Jr.
Mr. Gene Austin Dodson
Mr. Erskine Grier Donald III
Mr. Byron Wood Dorough
Mrs. Sharon Brittain Dorough
Mr. James Cyril Dorschel
Mrs. Jayne Armstrong Dorschel
Dr. Ralph Orville Doughty
Dr. Terry R. Douglas Sr.
Mr. Charles Edmond Driskell
Mr. Orville Edward Driver
Mr. Charles Avery Drouillard
Mr. Garry Neil Drummond
Dr. James E. Dudgeon
Dr. Daniel Duke
Mr. Donald Alan Duncan
Dr. Eddy N. Duncan
Mr. Joseph P. Duncan Sr.
Dr. Gary Neil Durham
Mr. Robert R. Durkee III
Mrs. Nina L. Dyson
Mr. Norman K. Dyson
Mr. Charles Lavaughn East Jr.
Mrs. Laura East
Mr. Giles Milton Ellis Jr.
Mr. Michael Lee Ellison
Mrs. Margaret Wood Emery
Mr. Isaac P. Espy Sr.
Dr. James Leonard Evers
Dr. Jane O'Neal Evers
Mr. Kenneth Euel Fair
Mr. Gary Falls
Mr. Michael D. Fanning
Mr. Julian J. Farrington Jr.
Mr. Howard Allen Faulkner
Mrs. Joyce A. Faulkner
Mr. Steve Ray Fewell
Mr. William Joseph Fiorentino
Mr. Jay Taylor Fish
Mrs. Mildred R. Hire Fleming
Mrs. Ida Wiggins Florey
Mr. Donald Broadwater Flournoy Jr.
Mr. Brian William Floyd
Mr. Dennis Collins Foster
Mr. Leonard William Foster
Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Fowler
Mr. Harry F. Francis
Mrs. Casey Colvin Frederick
Dr. James V. French Jr.
Mrs. Judy R. Gachet
Mr. Thomas Hugh Gachet
Mr. Luther P. Gause Jr.
Mr. John Charles Genter
Mr. Ben Jay George
Mr. Jonathan Lee Gierl
Mr. David Wilds Gilbert
Mr. Robert H. Gilbreath Jr.
Mr. Samuel Pope Givhan
Mr. Daniel Keith Glover
Mr. Larry Reynold Glover
Mr. Bryan W. Godwin
Mr. Harry Leo Gogan
Mr. Thad Jackson Gomillion Jr.
Mr. Kenneth John Goodwin
Mr. Robert L. Gorsegner
Mr. Christopher Jeremy Grace
Mr. John Hugh Graham
Mr. David A. Gray
Mr. James Louis Green
Mr. Meredith H. Green
Ms. Amy Brooke Greene
Mr. Carlos Andrew Gregg
Dr. Kelly Vernon Grider
Mrs. Murlene Taylor Grider
Mr. Charles Hoyt Griffin
Mr. Glenn Ralph Grimes
Dr. Charles Arthur Gross
Mr. Bob R. Guthrie
Mr. Johnny Kennedy Haddock
Mr. David K. Hains
Mr. Thomas Michael Hale
Mr. Donald Dwight Hall
Mr. William Reuben Hamby Jr.
Mr. Donald Wayne Hardin
Mr. Edwin Milton Hardin
Mrs. Shirley M. Hardin
Ms. Erica L. Hardy
Mr. Thomas Lewis Hargrove
Mr. Richard Myrk Harkins
Mr. Michael Scott Harper
Mr. James Oliver Harrell
Capt. Thomas G. Harrell
Dr. Henry Hoyt Harris
Dr. Karen Elizabeth Harwell
Dr. Kenneth Edwin Harwell
Dr. William J. Hatcher Jr.
Ms. Kathy Ann Hatley
Mr. Thomas Lee Hattemer
Mr. John Wakefield Haughton
Mr. Kevin Dwain Hayes
Dr. Charles David Haynes
Mr. Charles Raymond Hays, PE
Mrs. Frankie M. Hays
Mr. Garabed Haytaian
Mr. Nathan Lane Hefner
Mr. Stephen Lewis Heiberger
Mr. Robert Knight Helms
Mr. T. Allen Henry
Mr. Joe Mack Hereford
Mr. Johnny Carson Heritage
Mr. Harold F. Herring
Mr. Danny Johnson Herron
Mr. John Newman Hester
Mr. Jimmy Edward Hill
Mr. William Oliver Hill
Mr. Darrell Alan Hobson
Mr. Harry Hill Holliman
Mr. Raymond M. Hollub
Mr. George Carter Holt
Mr. David A. Honeycutt
Mrs. Joyce Jones Hood
Mr. Mark Tracey Hood
Mr. James Alan Hopkins
Mr. Jeffrey C. Hopper
Mrs. Patricia Watson Horn
Mr. William M. Hornsby
Mr. Louis Richard Hovater
Mr. John Eric Howell
Mrs. Wanda N. Howell
Mr. William K. Howell
Mr. Paul Thomas Howse Jr.
Mrs. Ruby C. Howse
Mrs. Cynthia R. Howton
Mr. Mark Alan Howton
Mrs. Paula Hudson
Mr. Rick Hudson
Mr. Arley E. Hughes Jr.
Mr. Kim A. Hughes
Mr. William Alfred Hughes
Mr. Richard Thomas Hughey
Mr. Daniel T. Hull Jr.
Mrs. Nancy Rivers Hunley
Mr. Darrin Craig Hynniman
Mrs. Melinda D. Immel
Mr. Bomar L. Ingram
Mr. Phillip E. Irvine Jr.
Mr. Franklin J. Jackson
Mrs. Laura Denise Jackson
Mr. Frank Jacobs
Mr. Richard Allen Jacobs
Mr. Donald C. Jacox
Mr. Robert Douglas Jenkins
Ms. Pamela Hayes Johnson
Mr. Gary Lawrence Johnston
Mrs. A. Lee Carroll Jones
Mr. Charles Michael Jones, PE
Mr. George Merrill Jones Sr.
Mr. James Randy Jones
Mr. Scott C. Jones
Mrs. Tonya Jones
Mrs. Carolyn Carter Jordan
Mr. John Ray Jordan
Dr. William Ditmer Jordan
Mr. Rajesh Kalathur
Mr. Keith M. Kearney
Mr. Thomas Kimbrough Keller
Mr. Charles R. Kellermann Jr.
Mr. Bruce A. Kerlin
Mr. Reginald Kerlin
Mr. Sineesh Keshav
Dr. James Edward King Jr.
Mr. Timothy Vann King
Mr. Clifton Artimes Kirby
Mr. Thomas Sherwood Kisgen, PE
Mr. Stephen B. Kishok
Ms. Angelia Knight
Mr. Chris Kyle
Mr. Fearn LaBan
Mr. Sanjeev M. Lahoti
Mr. James Michael Lambert
Dr. Alan M. Lane
Mr. Vincent Dominie Lauria
Mrs. Marie M. Lawler
Mr. William Hugh Lawler
Mr. Sid M. Leach
Mr. Luther L. Leavell, PE
Mr. Jack Lee
Mr. Gary Lyle Lewis
Mr. Jack Quarles Lewis
Mr. James C. Lewis
Mrs. Jennie Lewis
* deceased
Mr. Larry R. Lewis
Mrs. Marian B. Lewis
Mrs. Mary Rivers Lewis
Dr. H. Albert Lilly
Mr. John T. Link
Mr. John Dave Lisenby
Mr. Long Benjamin Loo
Mr. James H. Looney
Mr. Clarence Lamanuel Lyons
Mr. Samuel Andrew Maddox
Mr. William C. Maffett
Mrs. Jennifer T. Maldonado
Mr. Luis Enrique Maldonado
Mr. Reese Ewell Mallette Jr.
Mr. William Hugh Mann Jr.
Mr. Robert Glen Mapes
Mrs. Susan R. Marquardt
Mr. Thomas M. Marr Sr.
Mrs. Ruby Cooper Martin
Mr. Vernon Gary Martin
Mr. William Creed Martin Jr.
Dr. R. Wayne Masters
Mr. Huey Larry Mathews
Mr. John Bradley Matthews
Mr. James Allen Maxwell
Mr. Terry Carl McAnnally
Mr. H. Dean McClure Jr.
Mr. Mark Steven McColl
Mr. Steven Todd McCormick
Mr. David Earl McCoy
Mr. John Fendley McCreary
Mr. Charles Duncan McDonald
Mr. James Norman McDonald
Mr. Jeffrey Hugh McGee
Mr. John Patrick McGrath
Mrs. Vanessa Armstrong McGrath
Mr. Brian Keith McGregor
Mr. Earl Hendon McGuire III
Mr. James Paul McHan
Mr. Albert Kenneth McInnis Jr.
Mr. Daniel George McKenzie Jr.
Mr. Victor Earl McMurray
Mr. Charles Otis McMurry
Mr. Charles E. McTiernan
Mr. James Monroe Merrell
Mrs. Wesley Smith Merrell
Mr. George S. Mills
Mrs. Margaret T. Mills
Mr. Glenn Milner
Mr. Thomas Gregory Mims
Dr. Alan Kermit Minga
Mr. Andrew Destin Minor
Mrs. Robin B. Minor
Mr. Joe Willie Mitchell
Mr. Stephen George Mitchell
Mr. Franklin L. Mitchum
Mrs. Sarah H. Mizell
Mr. Raymond Clifton Montgomery
Ms. Nancy Deanne Moore
Dr. Robert Avery Moore
Mr. Ronald Allen Moore
Mr. Paul Y. Moreton
Mr. Ray Hammond Morgan
Mr. Randall Scott Morris
Miss Cheryl Lynn Morrison
Dr. Jon P. Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waldo Murphy Sr., PE
Mr. Victor Stanley Musick
Mr. Richard Allen Nail II
Mr. Leonard William Nall Jr.
Dr. Joyce Kerr Neighbors
Mr. John Max Nelson
Mrs. Martha Hunt Nelson
Mr. Robert Paul Nelson
Mr. Percy C. Nixon
Mr. Jonathan D. Noland
Mr. Pierce H. Norton Jr.
Mr. Roger Patrick O’Dwyer
Mr. Stefan L. Olsson
Mr. Mark Alan Owen
Mr. Martin Pittman Owen
Mr. John William Pamplin
Mr. R. K. Pandey
Mr. Richard Maxwell Pardue
Mr. Alsey C. Parker Jr.
Mr. Jerry Bennett Parker
Mr. Jimmy Holt Parnell
Dr. Ann Patterson-Hine
Mr. Timothy E. Patton
Mr. John Dawson Perdue
Mr. Newton Alton Perry
Mr. Michael Alan Pershing
Mr. Douglas Robert Peterson
Mr. Edward Perry Phillips
Mr. Jonathan Ryan Phillips
Mrs. Sunday L. Phillips
Mr. Tyler Martin Phillips
Mr. William Marion Phillips
Mr. Cecil Roberson Pickens
Mr. Fred J. Pisacane
Mr. Felix Logan Pitts
Mr. Wendell Martal Plain
Dr. Therese Rhodes Polito
Mr. Charles Derwood Ponds
Mr. Peter Gunter Prater
Mr. George W. Prigge
Mr. Travis Norman Pruitt Sr.
Mr. Marcus K. Pugh
Mr. Roy Keith Purcell Jr.
Dr. Robert Paul Quarles
Gen. Herbert Bowen Quinn Jr.
Mr. Nathaniel Greene Raley
Mr. Erskine Ramsay II
Mr. James David Ramsey
Dr. Donald C. Raney
Mr. Joe Clifford Ransaw
Mr. Jay Rowlen Rawlinson Jr.
Dr. Ramana G. Reddy
Mr. John M. Reeder Jr.
Mr. Mark Alan Reidenbach
Mrs. Lisa M. Rhiney
Mr. Kenneth Edward Riggs
Mr. Joseph Ritter
Mr. Kenneth Edward Roberts
Mr. Shermon Earl Roberts Sr.
Mr. Terry Stephen Roberts
Mrs. Vicky Searcy Roberts
Mrs. Sue Reid Robertson
Mr. Elliott Robinson
Mrs. Priscilla B. Robinson
Mr. Michael Herman Romine, PE
Mr. Charles Michael Rosen
Mr. John Esley Rosich Jr.
Mr. Donald F. Ruggles
Mr. Adam J. Russell
Mr. Harold Coleman Rutherford
Dr. Stephen G. Ryan
Mr. John Kamal Sahawneh
Mr. Donald Joseph Sampietro
Ms. Rita Marie Sample
Mr. Joseph Everett Sanders Jr.
Dr. Samuel David Sanders
Mr. Robert Malcolm Savage Jr.
Mr. Thomas Shane Sawyer
Mr. Thomas N. Scanlan
Mr. Robert K. Schafer
Mr. Joseph Aubrey Schill, PE
Mr. Walter Schoel Jr.
Dr. Verle N. Schrodt
Dr. E. P. Segner Jr.
Mr. John Stoddart Segner
Mr. David Richard Shaw
Mrs. Karen Shedd
Mr. Keith Phillip Shedd
Mr. James Samuel Shelton
Mr. Clark Richard Shields
Mr. Kenneth Shipman
Mr. Joseph F. Shirtz
Mr. David Matthew Shumer
Mr. Gurdeep Singh Sidhu
Mr. Robert Douglas Siess
Mr. Max Silver
Mr. Jimmy Frank Sims
Mr. Leland G. Sisson
Mr. Daniel Thomas Skelton
Mrs. Kathleen Johnson Sledge
Mr. Clinton Wade Smith
Mr. Haynes Stough Smith Jr.
Mr. James David Smith
Mr. Paul Thornton Smith
Dr. Randy Keith Smith
Mr. Anthony L. Smithson
Mr. Henry Thomas South
Mr. Charles Daley Speer
Mr. Peter W. Spencer
Mr. Charles Edker Spivey
Mr. Bob St. John
Mrs. Lottie Campbell St. John
Mr. G. Gregory Stephens
Mr. Sandy Stimpson
Mr. Darrell W. Sudduth
Mrs. Kathy McBride Sudduth
Mr. William David Sudduth
Mr. Dennis Wade Summerford
Mr. Hjalmar Sveinsson
Mr. James R. Tauby, PE
Dr. A. R. Taylor Jr.
Mr. Roderick Nichols Taylor
Mr. William Sibley Thomas Jr.
Mr. James Bruce Thomason
Mr. John W. Thompson
Dr. Beth A. Todd
Ms. Jo Anne Todd
Mr. Eric Maxwell Tomlin
Mr. Randy D. Traylor Jr.
Mr. John Anthony Troxler Jr.
Mrs. Rebecca Dawkins Troxler
Mr. Bennett D. Tucker Sr.
Mr. Cleveland Doyle Turner Jr.
Dr. Daniel Shelton Turner
Ms. Jennifer Benita Turner
Mr. John Terrel Turner
Mr. Thomas Kirk Turner
Mr. J. Douglas Vail
Mr. Frank O. Vails
Mr. Mark DeOtto VanDeWater IV
Mr. Robert W. Vann
Mr. Ara Ter Vardanian
Mr. Jeremy Jay Vaughn
Mr. Michael S. Vaughn
Mr. William T. Vickers
Mr. John S. Vodantis
Dr. James Jackson Wade
Dr. Henry Burton Waites
Mr. Gerald Allen Walker
Mr. Jason C. Walker
Mr. Ronald Stephen Wallace
Mr. Roscoe Tracy Wallace
Mr. James Patrick Waller
Mrs. Claire Walters
Mr. Joseph M. Walters
Mr. Donald J. Ward
Mrs. Jamie Jones Watford
Mrs. Jacqueline Buller Watson
Mr. Alexander Evan Weaver
Mrs. Edna Mae Weaver
Mr. James Harvey Weeks
Mr. Donald Allen Welch
Mr. William Benjamin Welch Jr.
Dr. Michael Aubrey Wells
Mr. Richard Carl Wetzel Jr.
Mr. Edward Wiley Whaley
Mr. James Edwin Whisenhant
Mr. Chad Ashley Whisnant
Mr. Daniel Edelen Whitaker
Mrs. Lorie Jean White
Mr. William Benny White
Mr. Roger P. Whitfield
Mr. Charles Marion Whitson
Mrs. Martha B. Whitson
Mr. Jason Andrew Wible
Mr. Hillman Curtis Wideman Jr.
Dr. John M. Wiest
Mr. Thomas W. Wilder III
Mr. Paul Ray Wildes
Mrs. Carvetta N. Williams
Dr. David L. Williams II
Mr. James Roland Williams
Mr. James Sykes Williams
Mrs. Kelly J. Williams
Ms. Kimberly C. Williams
Mrs. Patricia Diane Williams
Mrs. Tammie Doleman Williams
Mr. Kenneth Eugene Williamson
Mr. Richard Paul Wilms
Ms. Amy Ellen Wilson
Mr. Ronald Allen Windham
Mr. James Larry Winters
Mrs. Sandra A. Wood
Mr. Richard S. Woodruff
Mr. Cecil Aaron Wooten
Mr. R. Bruce Worley
Mr. John Charles Worthington
Ms. Cara Leigh Wright
Mr. Tim Wuska
Ms. Mary C. Wymer
Mr. Haiming Yang
Mr. Ronald Dean Yantzi
Mr. Gilbert Allen Yanuck
Mr. Stephen Eric Yates
Mr. Jon Allan Zachman
Dr. Qinsheng Zhu
Mr. Mark Allen Zurich
Mr. Felix A. Zydallis
The Sixth Annual
The Sixth Annual Capstone Engineering Society Golf
Tournament is scheduled for Thursday, May 4, 2006,
at the beautiful Bent Brook Golf Course between
Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. Join area alumni for
a fun tournament hosted by the Birmingham Chapter
of CES.
The format for the tournament is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start. The registration fee of $125
includes green fee, cart, range balls, beverages, lunch,
and a tournament golf shirt. Registration starts at
11:00 a.m. and the tournament begins at 1:00 p.m.
You may participate in the following ways:
• Team level ($500)—Team of four with all registration
• Individual level ($125)—Single registration
Corporate Sponsors
• Ace level ($2,500)
• Eagle level ($1,000)
• Birdie level ($300)
Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the
Capstone Engineering Society’s scholarship efforts.
Our goal is to have 160 players in the 2006 CES
Golf Tournament. Please help us achieve this goal.
Sign up today!
If you have any questions about the tournament
or sponsorship, call 1-800-333-8156 or e-mail
[email protected] to contact CES Director
Angelia Knight for more information.
Capstone Engineering Society
HOMECOMING Tailgate Party
Engineering alumni and friends are invited to join the Capstone
Engineering Society for this year’s Homecoming Tailgate Party.
Join us on the Quad on Oct. 29 to celebrate Homecoming 2005
and cheer for the Crimson Tide against the Utah State Aggies.
Capstone Engineering Society
College of Engineering
Box 870200
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0200
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Tuscaloosa, AL
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