The experts in blind riveting
The experts in blind riveting
The experts in blind riveting H I S TO RY 1955 GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH was founded in Frankfurt am Main, 1969 Company moved to Mörfelden-Walldorf 1965 First production sites were opened outside Germany in Vienna, Austria, in Keighley, GB and Brazil 1975 First production site was opened in USA, NJ 1990 Takeover of Olympic Fastener Systems in Vivian, Louisiana 1999 Takeover of the US production facility Mocksville, NC 1991 Acquisition of the company Thüringer Verbindeelemente GmbH in Thal/Thuringia 2002 Takeover of the Danish plough bolt specialist UNIBOLT 1994 Takeover of the cold forming specialist Weber & Ochsenknecht, Siegen, as W+O Niettechnik 2008 GESIPA® became part of the international group SFS intec GESIPA® France was founded (1996), GESIPA® Poland (1997), GESIPA® Spain (1999), GESIPA® The Czech Republic (2001), GESIPA® Hungary (2002) 2011 A GESIPA® sales office was opened within the SFS China Group in Guangzhou, near Hong Kong 1996 – 2002 EXPERIENCED + SPECIALISED Traditi o n is wh at co nnects us Founded in Frankfurt in 1955 by the Biermann GESIPA® fasteners and the innovative, high- liability and efficiency, excellent delivery punc- GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH remained in family, GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH quality riveting tools have made GESIPA a tuality and service are all factors which have the family’s hands until 2008 before joining the in- has become an international leader in the valuable and respected partner to trade and convinced key industrial customers, in particular ternational group SFS intec AG. It is therefore well blind rivet sector over the past few decades. industrial customers. Extensive advice, made- the automotive industry, that GESIPA is a well equipped to meet all future challenges presented A high standard of quality, the reliability of the to-measure fastening solutions that focus on re- respected leader in the global market. by the international markets with new ideas. 1962 1969 1970 1970 ® ® Co m pa ny Every successful innovation starts with a good idea. Continuous further development of our products is something we value. We exploit our experience and passion to realise bespoke solutions for our customers and deliver innovative concepts of very high quality. VISIONARY + PASSIONATE WH AT WE CO N N EC T WITH GESIPA® At GESIPA® excellent quality is our primary blind riveting technology sector. Our interna- tion-oriented approach is a matter of course novative further development of our products focus. As a medium-sized longestablished tional presence and local customer proximity for guaranteeing best quality customer ser- on a daily basis with their experience, profes- company, GESIPA has been combining inno- enable us to understand our customers' needs vice. Continuous further development makes sional expertise and exceptional commitment. vative processes and technical expertise with and react flexibly. We develop forward-think- GESIPA a recognised and preferred supplier first-rate customer service across the world ing adapted solutions that are as individual of customer-oriented services. In addition, our since 1955 and is now a market leader in the as our customers wishes. To us, a market solu- well qualified employees ensure maximum in- ® ® Co m pa ny Excellent product quality is in demand across the world. We have developed quality standards for the global market to ensure fast and reliable services for our customers. This enables us to respond to unique product requirements. Regional + GLOBAL TH I N K GLO BAL, AC T LO C AL More than 600 employees in seven production that are responsible for overseas sales. Cus- GESIPA® rivet tools are manufactured exclu- facilities across the globe, including three facili- tomer proximity is very important for GESIPA ® sively in Germany which guarantees fast and ties in Germany, are committed to producing and we can be relied upon for immediate and reliable service thus ensuring permanent avail- high-quality and innovative products. We have continuous service. ability of the spare parts for all its customers eight subsidiaries and more than 40 agencies Factory in Mocksville, USA, NC Factory in Thal, Germany locally as well as across the globe. Factory in Keighley, GB Factory in Olpe, Germany C u sto m e r S e rv ic e The most important things in life are not always visible to the eye. It is the enthusiasm for our work and the determination to make our mark that drives us at GESIPA® – because we believe permanent connections are our strength. direct + close LOYALT Y A MO N G PARTN ERS Our customer service is characterised by es- tatives are always available and can thus all over the world, we guarantee our clients entire product range. Looking forward, we will tablished connections based on trust. We will respond to your immediate enquiries. Thanks global availability of all GESIPA products also remain loyal to specialised trade and we provide you with a direct contact who will to a closely-meshed network of distributors, and perfect service. Last but not least, our will do our very best to guarantee you our advise you comprehensively on all aspects of partnerships with purchasing associations and internal sales personnel ensure flexible order continued comprehensive service. blind rivet technology. Our sales represen- international cooperation with trade partners processes and short delivery times across the ® Pro d u cts Co n n e ctors People who feel secure can experience the freedom of everyday life. GESIPA® blind rivets provide security in many everyday things, including vehicles, and are used in many aspects of vehicle safety. safe + RELIABLE WE D O N´T G IVE U P To guarantee permanent connections for our Thanks to ongoing production inspections, we rivets are available in a variety of types, ma- for specific applications. Optically, GESIPA® customers, we always produce state-of-the- guarantee flawless setting and the secure fas- terials, shapes, lengths and even colours. De- blind rivets also achieve a high-quality thanks art products – something we have done since tening of our products. Our core business is to pending on the requirements that a GESIPA to the coordinated geometries and first-rate 1955. Continuous investment in employee manage limited access applications and the blind rivet needs to fulfil, GESIPA customers qualifications and modern production technol- permanent secure fastening of vastly different can choose between standard parts available ogy form the basis for our sustained success. and even sensitive materials. GESIPA® blind from stock or special blind rivets designed ® ® materials of the individual components. Pro d u cts P R O C E S S I N G TO O L S It’s good, only if it works. We offer our customers perfectly aligned solutions – this is the only way we ensure that all our customers individual requirements are met. Intelligent + VERSATILE WE O FFER WELL THOU G HT-TH ROU G H SO LUTI O NS Many companies now produce standard rivets simulated applications. In this way out, we can guaranteeing the highest possible cost-benefit and standard processing tools. GESIPA spe- guarantee absolute reliability during production. efficiency and customer benefit. We strive to cialises in matching the connection elements In addition, setting process monitoring tools continuously improve our offering which is why and processing tools, produced and designed securely and permanently document the quality all incoming repairs are checked internally, in-house, to your part specifications. We are the of the connections. GESIPA® processing documented and analysed. By virtue of this only manufacturer that carries out SPC (statistic tools stand out thanks to minimum wear, short data, GESIPA® processing tools are subject to process control) and also functional tests on production times and long service lives, thereby a permanent improvement process. ® S PE C I A L O R DE R S S E RV I C E S Special challenges spur us on. As a competent partner, we are always on hand to offer advice and develop user-specific industrial solutions. Just contact us! FLEXIBLE + MOTIVATED TH ERE IS N O SUCH TH I N G AS WE C A N ’T We have decades of experience in consultancy and innovation. Requirements such as surface guarantee millions of reproducable fastenings. adapted according to the individual needs of and development of blind rivets for specific ap- treatments, appropriate shear strength and/ Customised application-specific blind rivets re- our customers. We react flexibly to customer plications. Individual fastenings from GESIPA ® or tensile strength for applications and set- quire extensive quality inspections and func- requirements for application-design consulting, are designed to meet the specific demands ting process reliability are defined by techni- tional tests as defined by our certified quality service agreements or training courses for our of the industry in terms of efficiency, function cal managers according to the project, and, management system. Our range of services is blind rivet systems. Q u a lity We have an eye for detail. Here at GESIPA®, we believe in continuous analysis and improvement of our production processes to maintain GESIPA® ’s first-rate quality. We take absolute responsibility for our products and their functional capability in practice. QUANTIFIABLE + SUSTAINABLE Q UALIT Y IS OU R M A I N CO N CERN The reliability and constant performance of entire production process, is our guarantee for We are committed to a process of continuous tions, we act in accordance with economic our products that have been proven over a mil- maximum customer satisfaction. Maintaining improvement in line with KAIZEN, CIP and 5S. and ecological principles, fully aware of our lions of times, is achieved by the production and continuously expanding this high level of We regularly audit our processes on the basis responsibility towards society. We at GESIPA® experience GESIPA® has gained and a qual- quality is an integral part of the company pol- of performance indicators, evaluate the results ensure that we use resources carefully and pro- ity concept that is unique in the industry. The icy at GESIPA® and, at the same time a tradi- and then derive permanent optimisation poten- tect the environment. All GESIPA® products ful- interplay of highly-qualified employees, excel- tion. In conjunction the DIN EN ISO 9001 stan- tial which we put into practice. All employees fill the requirements of the 2011/65/EU, RoHS lent production equipment and a quality man- dard and the ISO/TS 16949 standard forms are actively involved in the continuous improve- directive. agement programme, which accompanies the the basis of our quality management system. ment process. With a view for future genera- E n gi n e e ri n g D e v e lo p m e n t The creativity of our employees forms the basis for our innovative developments, such as the first battery-operated blind rivet tools. This is how we defend our leading market position and guarantee our customers receive innovative technical developments of the very highest order. CREATIVE + FORWARD-THINKING WE CO NTI N U E TO D E VELO P Innovations at GESIPA ® don't happen by take new paths. In the product group of setting very carefully to them. On-site challenges chance; they are the product of a combination tools, decisive market leadership is ensured by and bespoke requirements of our customers of ideas, know-how and experience. GESIPA - forward-looking products such as the battery- are our motivation to continue developing Blindniettechnik will only be able to maintain powered blind riveting tools, the GAV riveting practical and application-oriented innovations and continue expanding its market leadership machines, the TAURUS ® series and the newly- and, guarantee permanent satisfaction to our in the future by encouraging the creativity of all developed blind rivet nut tool FIREFOX . Our customers and partners thus providing them employees and demonstrating a willingness to customers help us to learn and we listen with long-term benefits. ® ® C A R EE R G E S I PA ® A S AN EMP LOYE R Whatever it is that motivates you – we offer a trust-based and productive working climate in which qualified and experienced people have the opportunity to further develop and consolidate their own skills. Being well connected offers prospects. HUM ANE + SUCCESSFUL WE ALWAYS PUT YOU FIRST All employees at GESIPA® help in providing work-life balance and further development and invited to join our professional team of technol- high-quality products worldwide for versatile promotion of personal skills form the basis of a ogy enthusiasts, in a successful medium-sized and successful fastenings. To ensure this, we humane, team-oriented work environment. We traditional company that is part of a group, promote a creative, motivated work environ- at GESIPA seek permanent relationships that where consistency, innovation and future secu- ment at all levels. Constructive teamwork, a are based on mutual trust and respect. You are rity are closely linked. ® C A R EE R Tr a i n i n g at G E S I PA ® Look to the future with confidence. GESIPA® is the right partner if you are ready to take your first important step in professional world. We give you the opportunity to gain experience in a team and achieve your own goals. Dynamic + PR ACTICE-ORIENTED WE O FFER YOU G OO D PROSPEC TS As a longestablishd international company, ing fields. Start your career in a motivated, commercial environment or a dual study pro- we offer highly interesting and varied appren- creative work environment, with open-minded gramme, we at GESIPA® support your indi- ticeships in the blind rivet technology sector colleagues that will offer you numerous oppor- vidual training plans and specifically promote across the world for technology-inspired be- tunities for personal development. Regardless your professional strengths and skills. Show ginners. Our first priority for apprenticeships of whether you are interested in a traditional your initiative and take your first step with is combining practice and theory in all train- vocational apprenticeship, in a technical or GESIPA® towards your professional future. Germany GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH Nordendstraße 13–39 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf T +49 6105 962-0 F +49 6105 962-287 [email protected] Germany GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH Farnrodaer Straße 7 99842 Ruhla/OT Thal T +49 36929 73-0 F +49 36929 73-200 [email protected] Great Britain GESIPA Blind Riveting Systems Ltd. Dalton Lane, Keighley West Yorkshire, BD 214JU T +44 1535212200 F +44 1535212232 [email protected] USA GESIPA Fasteners USA, Inc. 1 Union Street, Suite 203 Robbinsville, NJ 08691 T +1 609208-1740 F +1 609259-8214 [email protected] Austria GESIPA Blindnietvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Biróstraße 19 1230 Wien T +43 1 6160 866-0 F +43 1 6160 869 [email protected] Spain GESIPA Fijaciones S.A. Pol. Txako Edif. 3/Pab. 5 48480 Arrigorriaga (Vizcaya) T +34 946712662 F +34 946712658 [email protected] France GESIPA SAS BP 55 39, rue Georges Méliès 26000 Valence T +33 4757569-24 F +33 4757569-25 [email protected] Czech Republic GESIPA CZ, s.r.o. Hnevkovského 30/65 61700 Brno-Komárov T +420 543212950 F +420 543216049 [email protected] Hungary GESIPA Hungary Kft. Vásártér 18 9241 Jánossomorja T +36 96517892 F +36 96517893 [email protected] Poland GESIPA Polska Sp.z.o.o. ul. Sikorskiego 5 05-119 Legionowo T +48 227743-040 F +48 227743-853 [email protected] China GESIPA c/o SFS intec Co, Ltd 5/F, Bihua Bldg, 3 Jinxiu Rd, Guangzhou Development District Guangzhou, China, 510730 T +86 2082221305 F +86 2082221306 [email protected] Concept and design: Synchronschwimmer GmbH Images by Jupiterimages® and GESIPA Blindniettechnik GmbH All images are subjected to copyright. © 2013 7900002