Senior Edition Page 1
Senior Edition Page 1
The Kiln Senior Issue SENIORS FUTURE PLANS 350 N. Illinois Ave. Morton, IL 61550 May 12, 2009 Chase Bahr---Illinois State University Libby Smith--- ICC; Radiography Program Vanessa Burritt--- University of Illinois Megan Pitcher---Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Staci Murphy---Eastern Illinois University Nick Schwarzentraub---Illinois State University Dalton Barker---Go to Hawaii and open surf shop Sarah Hendricks---Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Nursing Jessica Kerby---Evangel University Jake Stull---ICC Nick Edwards---U.S. Navy Alex Woodhams---Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Lindsey Main---Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Business; Room with Sarah Hendricks Taylor Huette---ICC; Culinary arts Danielle Mellen---ICC and transfer to a 4-year university Rosa Ackerman---Come back to Morton for additional years Chad Braker---ICC; Film Kevin Waibel---Augustana; Business; Play Basketball Deanna Shafer---University of Northern Iowa; Recreational Therapy and Psychology Bethany Lundell---ICC Hannah Zimmerman---North Central College; French and Humanities Katie Allmon---ICC Ryan Miller---ICC Alex Smillie---University of Illinois; Mechanical Engineering Issac Teel---Eureka College; Mathematics Ken Hawton---ICC and transfer to a 4-year college; Graphic Design Kate Icenogle---ICC; Vet Tech Austin Wharram---ICC Michael Bernier---North Central College Emma Clark---Illinois State University; Play softball Ashley Dick---ICC; Criminal Justice Cody Anderson---University of Kentucky; Pharmacy Matt Schmidt---ICC or University of Iowa Jessica Cook---University of Iowa; Biology and Pre-med Kelsey Christian---Milliken University; Commercial Music Brody Rapp---ICC; Pharmacy Ben Lynxweiller---Illinois State University Kyle Hill---ICC and transfer to Lincoln Christian College Philip Reinkin---Calvin College Burul Suranchieva---College Mitch Vandiver---Oklahoma Christian University; Music Education Anna Downing---Illinois State University; Dance Performance and Psychology Ashley Uhlman---ICC; Secondary Education Molly King---Illinois State University; Nursing Danielle Goodspeed---Eureka College; Dentistry Jared Marks---ICC Clinton Leman--- ICC Ethan Mooberry---Heartland Community College Nick Craven---ICC Kelsey Newlin---Indiana Purdue at Fort Wayne University; Elementary Education Sara Mauerman---Southern Illinois University; Architectural Studies Tiffani Doan---Saint Louis University; Pre-med Kristina Malahy---ICC Jourdan Bushman---University of Illinois; Animal Science Audrey Hertenstein---Boston University; Biology and International Studies Erica Spencer---ICC Josh Mohr---ICC Kyle Pavlik---ICC Danielle Crowe---Indiana University; Dance and Pre-med Ryan McAtee—Saint Louis University Morgan Markum---Drake University Shannon Weick---ICC Lauren Wynd---ICC; Pre-nursing Lynnae Braker---Illinois State University; Nursing Stephanie Duda---Indiana University; Business Cole Reuter---Purdue Emma Roth---Illinois State University; Elementary Education Derrick Grimm---ICC Michael Madanat---Saint Louis University; International Business Alexa Personett---Saint Louis University; Biology and Pre-Uet Ryan Leander---Olivet Nazarene University; Business Management Leah Tobias---ICC Jason Howell---ICC Erik Zimmerman---Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Political Science and Speech Communication Laura Compton---Purdue University; Elementary Education; Cheerleading Kim Kratz---Olivet Nazarene University Brock Reiman---Bradley University Jeff Bohnker---ICC Josh Sellers---ICC or Trinity Anna Schafer---ICC Carolyn Von Hake---Purdue University; Business Management Caleb Zobrist---ICC; Golf Andy Sheller---Monmouth; Pre-med; Soccer Chelsea Densmore---Take a year off before college Maci Hohulin---ICC Kristin Dierker---Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Soccer Lauren Deppe---University of Illinois; Speech and Hearing Science; minor in Music Elizabeth Rassi---Eureka College; Elementary Education Emily Felker---University of Illinois; Psychology Tess Overcash---Bradley University Kayla Melton---University of Illinois Nick Rogers---University of Illinois; Architecture Austin Simpson---ICC; History Jenny Gunter---Bradley University Carly Schoenbein---University of Illinois; Accounting Chase Bahr: I give my talent and looks to anyone in need of them. They are powerful. Libby Smith: I will my smarts and the black abyss of my locker to Gretchen. That silly snake. Vanessa Burri�: My grades to my brother, Eric Burri�. Staci Murphy: My knowledge of how to deal with teachers to Alexis Walbright. Nick Schwarzentraub: My ballin’ skillz to Will Headen Jessica Kerby: My lucky smelly so�ball cleats to my favorite underclassmen, Kelly Elbert. Jake Stull: My fishing skills to Jake Williams Nick Edwards: My lack of any skill to Alec Geiger. Lindsey Main: My spare set of car keys to Tommy Hendricks. Taylor Hue�e: My height to Ryan Springer. Hannah Zimmerman: My unused locker to my li�le sissy Sara Ka�e Allmon: My locker to Zach White Ryan Miller: My Hannah Montana shirt to my bro Blake, and my i.d. to Eric Meyer Isaac Teel: My awesome gaming abili�es to Sam Mar�n Aus�n Wharram: My good looks to Jake Kirk Micheal Berneir: My awesome handlez and balla’ skillz to Ryan “Springman” Spring. Emma Clark: My sweet i.d. to Dallas Clark Cody Anderson: My dirty baseball cleats to Ian Hoby Ma� Schmidt: My amazing ping pong skills to William “Hollywood” Hayden Jessica Cook: My amazing baseball skills to Alex Shane Kelsey Chris�an: My sarcasm to Kelsey Phillis Brody Rapp: All of my raw talent to Logan Rapp Ben Lynxwiler: My mustang to Brandon Lynxwiler Kyle Hill: My beard to Ma� Boswell. Phillip Reinken: Rose’s and my locker to Emily Salyers Mitch Vandiver: My height to Eric Anna Downing: My dance skills to Vanessa Kaismer Molly King & Ashley Uhlman: Fire truck siren noise to Adam Tanner. Their niceness to Floyd Meyer, and their tap shoes to Aus�n Hue�e. Clinton Leman: My “screw the system” bu�on to my brother. Ethan Mooberry: My leg to Danny D. Nick Craven: My bike to Cameron Aune Kelsey Newlin: My ability to have fun and be op�mis�c to Karson “K Dog” Taphorn. Sara Mauerman: My locker and parking spot to a youngerclassmen Kris�na Malahy: All of my Harry Po�er Books to Jake Kirk Audrey Hertenstein: My wonderful sarcasm to Gustav Hertenstein Josh Mohr: My geniousness to Jeremy Mohr Kyle Pavlik: My one liners to freshman Danielle Crowe: My elevator key and homework to Sara Pilcher Natalie Pitzer: My outgoing and loud personality to my love and li�le sister Nikki Kumpf Ryan McAtee: The gobbler to Pete Fish Shannon Weik: My math grade to Stephanie Burri� Stephanie Duda: My love, parking spot, and my cats to Jourdan Ingold Cole Reuter: My heart to Alexa Wharram Derek Grimm: My guitars to Trevor Pauly Micheal Madanat: My right to ballin’ during BSS basketball to Freshman, Ryan Spring AKA lil’ cu�e Ryan Leander: My wicked dance moves to Ma� Rossi Leah Tobias: My op�mis�c a�tude to Sarah Tooley Erik Zimmerman: My conserva�ve beliefs to Micheal Dooli�le and Dan Ziemniak Deanna Shafer: My baking abili�es to Floyd Meyer. Laura Compton: My amazing hall running skills to Karson Taphorn. Kim Kratz: My driving privileges to Liz Siron Brock Reiman: My mojo to Derek Reiman Joshua Sellers: My” sexy weather scale” or the “SWS” to Josh Hamprecht. And the “Sellers Legacy” to my bros. Carolyn von Hake: My Spanish notes to my brother, Greg. Caleb Zobrist: My parking space to Logan Rapp. Andy Sheller: My soccer jersey #10 to Ma� Rossi. And my sweat encrusted p.e. shirt to the highest bidder. Kris�n Dierker: My volleyball diggin’ skills to Elizabeth Kennel. Lauren Deppe: My oddly eloquent way of speaking to Kelsey Phillis Liz Rassi: My basketball knowledge to Carly Crocker Emily Felker: My academic success to Maggie Davis. Tess Overcash: My karaoke skills to Erika Payne Kayla Melton: My math grade to Stephanie Burri� Aus�n Simpson: My infamous “luck” (no it’s not sexual) To Dan Ziemniak SENIOR WILL The Kiln Seniors Seniors Favorite High School Memory page two Chase Bahr-Senior year football (or sports in general.) Libby Smith-Never had a better time in school compared to my senior prom! Vanessa Burritt-Senior prom. Staci Murphy-Donuts in Mr. Everetts Prime Time. Nick Schwarzentraub-Senior Prom. Dalton Barker-Playing with the Cole train and watching him overcome his injuries. Jessica Kerby-Beating Metamora junior year for the conference title. Jake Stull-The bass fishing team. Alex Woodhams-Junior year football. Lindsey Main-Senior year: Teepeeing all the senior football player’s houses the night of the pep rally with all the senior girls. Nick Edwards - Senior Year. Taylor Huette-Scoring a buzzer-beater goal against Dunlap in the sectionals on the night of my grandma’s visitation. Danielle Mellen-Senior year Rasa Ackerman-Barnyard zoo. Chad Braker-Broadcasting class. Kevin Waibel-Beating Washington at Washington to win regionals in 2009. Tiffani Doan - All of the School Dances Ryan Woessner-Lunchtime fun. Katie Allmon-Mr. Garner taking my phone in 7th hour!! Ryan Miller-Senior year against Metamora. It was the worst butt kicking year but I had so much fun. Isaac Teel-Marching band. Ken Hawton-Graduating. Kate Icenogle-School dances, homecoming week, school trips, spending time with my girlfriend Shawna. Michael Bernier-Winning the Holiday volleyball tourney and watching the 20T basketball game against Washington. Alex Brave-Helping Austin Whorram when he ran out of gas a block from school. Ashley Dick-Going to Washington D.C. and marching next to the president. Emma Clark-The Metamora softball game when we won to tie for conference champs. Cody Anderson-Winning Regionals in basketball against Washington at Washington. Matt Schmidt-Beating Dunlap 4-0 in Sectionals, Taylor Huette scoring a goal with no time left on the clock. Jessica Cook-This year-beating Washington in basketball season. er atalie Pitz N – t s e d Lo u Kelsey Christian-I don’t have just one. Brody Rapp-Senior prom. Ben Lynxwiler-Camping. Kyle Hill-Making BOA finals at St. Louis with marching band. Philip Reinken-Tennis team and hanging out with friends. Bunil Sunauchiva-Homecoming. Mitch Vandiver-Being in the back of the band bus, if the conditions were right. Anna Downing-T.V. nights or senior prom. Ashley Uhlman-Freshman year L.A. with Phillip Reinken, Dr. Boyel, and Mollie Ollie. Danielle Goodspeed-Meeting Eric Miller, my boyfriend of 3 years and 5 months. Jared Marks-Camping the night before the volleyball day in an ice storm and a tree fell on me in the tent that night and we all wake up and go to school. Clinton Leman-Our groups tradition of every first day of school, midyear, and last day of school since freshmen year we went to Ruby Tuesdays to eat colossal burgers . We are known as “The Colossal Boys” to this day at Ruby Tuesdays. Kelsey Newlin-All of my memories with all the girls from the dance team are probably my favorite. Especially memories from camp with my little sister Marissa. Sara Mauerman-Horticulture field trip to the Green House and going to Monicals. Kristina Malahy-Cuddling with my friends. Jourdan Bushman-Pep rallies and dances. Audrey Hertenstein-Friends, teachers, and sharing my brother’s locker. Josh Mohr-Physics and Geometry with Dale Domnick. Kyle Hill-Drake and Miller class president and vice president. Danielle Crowe-Poms, tailgating and football games, computer lab with Mrs. Christianson everyday! Natalie Pitzer-Teepeeing every senior football player’s houses (18) with all the senior girls! Ryan McAtee-Falling asleep during physics notes. Morgon Markum-Playing volleyball and being on poms. Shannon Wieck-All of my tennis memories with my friends. Lauren Wynd-Spanish 3 with Senora Johnson. Lynnae Braker-Junior year. Stephanie Duda-Monday night T.V. nights with the PD’s. Cole Reuter-Talking smack with Dalton Barker to the opposing team in football. Superlatives b Zobrist els – Cale Worst whe r and Natalie Pitzer Biggest flirt – Ryan Mille st Quiete y Felk – Emil er Funn iest – Ryan Most a rtistic – Best hair – J Mille r and n Simpson a g o L – c leti Most ath Derrick Grimm-Summer camp every year and Mr. Gordon’s office. Alexa Personett-All of the dances! Michael Madanat-When coach Shupp burnt the popcorn and the fire alarm went off! Ryan Leander-Beating Washington in the Regional Championship. Leah Tobias-Post-it noting Anna Schafer’s car for her birthday with Lindsey and Sarah. Jason Howell-Stauffer’s class…enough said. Deanna Shafer-Monday night T.V. nights with my friends. Laura Compton-Christmas assemblies. Jeff Bohnker-Can’t narrow it down to one. Anna Schafer-My senior year hanging with friends, going to games, and having dances. Carolyn von Hake-All of the fun times on the tennis team. Caleb Zobrist-Senior year as a whole. Andy Sheller-High school soccer, especially my senior season. Chelsea Densmore-Homecoming celebration. Kristin Dierker-Going to state for volleyball. (2006). Erik Zimmerman (Ching Ho)-Playing an Asian in the school musical. Lauren Deppe-When we dressed up in leather pants and vests and took pictures of ourselves throughout an entire class period of music theory. And just music theory in general. Elizabeth Rassi-Basketball senior prank on freshmen. Emily Felker-Interesting conversations in math class. Tess Overcash-Girls soccer beating Notre Dame at Bradley Shea Stadium 2-0. Kayla Melton-Reading Cosmo to everyone during Spanish class. Nick Rogers-Anything drumline. Jenny Gunter-Senora Johnson’s Spanish dances “Vamos a la playa” and “No tengo dinero.” Carly Shoenbein-Senior orchestra contest. Austin Simpson-Backstage at the shows…’nuff said. Eric Welsh-I don’t have one, I just want to get out of here. osh Mohr and Lynna ping M Brooke Bis ost like ly Nathan S e Braker to su ilie and cceed – Emily F elker Alex Sm Best smile – Caleb Zobrist ; Emily Schaefer and Steph anie Duda Mos times t likely to ch – Ryan a Miller nge their m ajor 7 pringe r pe p en De r u a L al – tric hea Most t Best mu sician – K elsey Ch r istian d Maci Hohulin an m ra ar h W n ti us Best eyes – A The Kiln Seniors Senior Marching Band Memories page three Throughout the four years of marching band, we all accomplished the impossible. We all worked together to make our marching band experience memorable. All the staff members pushed us into becoming one of the best marching bands in Illinois. That is why we achieved so many rewards the past four seasons. Here is a list of all the awards we have worked hard for and won. By Danielle Goodspeed Anasazi Reflections: The New Moon in the Old Moon’s Arms (2005) Pekin Dragon Classic: Class 3A 1st Place, Guard, Winds, Percussion, Overall Crowd Appeal, Grand Champion Danville Viking Classic: Class 1A 1st Place, Percussion, Guard, Winds, Drum Majors, Overall Percussion, Grand Champion Metamora: Class 3A 1st Place, Percussion, Drum Majors, Winds, Overall Percussion, Overall Champion Illinois State University: Class 2A Champions, Percussion, Guard, General Effect, Finals: 7th Place University of Illinois: Class 1A 1st Place, Percussion, 2nd Place Guard, 3rd Place Drum Major Lincoln Way Invitational: Class 2A 1st Place, Music, General Effect, Percussion Indianapolis Regional: Class 2A 4th place Famous Daves: Two-Step, Liturgical Dances, Blue Rhondo a la Turk (2006) Pekin Dragon Classic: Class 3A 1st Place, Percussion, Winds, Guard, Drum Majors, Overall Grand Champions Danville Viking Invitational: Class A 1st Place, Percussion, Winds, Percussion Grand Champions, Overall Grand Champions Marching Mustang Bowl: Class 2A 3rd Place, Percussion, The seniors of the marching band should get most of the pride because they were the one’s who stepped up and helped all the incoming students. They provided the students with information on how to march and improve their talents on their instruments. The following are the senior’s best memory during the four years of their marching band season. Aleta Anderson – “Freshman year, running through the sprinklers at band camp because it was so hot.” Ashley Dick – “Washington D.C.” Danielle Goodspeed – “Going past President Barack Obama and realizing that he has bigger ears in person then on TV.” Gage Carson – “The D.C. trip, especially the bus ride.” Grace Munson – “Night finals freshman year” Heather Placko – “Bus ride rave dance parties” ISAAC TEEL – “THE AWARDS AT BOA SUPER REGIONAL’S” JAMES BASNETT – “GETTING TO SEE THE HELICOPTER THAT ARRIVED TO TAKE FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH OUT OF D.C.” JENNY GUNTER – “ST. LOUIS” Best Music Metamora Parade and Field Invitational: Class 4A 1st Place, Best Winds Illinois State Championships: Class 2A 1st Place, Best Winds, Percussion, General Effect, Crowd Appeal, 11th Place in Finals University of Illinois: Class 1A 1st place, Best Percussion Indianapolis Regional: Class 2A 3rd Place, 14th place overall Grand National Championships: Class 2A 8th Place Out of the Dark (2007) Pekin Dragon Classic: Class 4A Champions, Winds, Percussion, Auxiliary, Grand Champions Danville Viking Invitational: Class 3A Champions, Grand Champions Chicagoland Marching Band Festival: Class 2A Champions, Music, Percussion, Auxiliary, Grand Champions Phantom Regiment Marching Band Festival: Class 3A Champions, Color Guard, Percussion, General Effect, 2nd place overall University of Illinois: Class 1A Field Champions, Percussion Illinois State University: Class 2A Champions, Winds, Percussion, General Effect, Auxiliary, Finals: 7th place Bands of America Atlanta Super Regional Championships: Class 2A 4th Place JOSIE GRAVES – “BOA FINALS AND GOING OUT FOR FULL RETREAT. STANDING OUT THERE WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST. THAT WAS AWESOME.” KIMMI NAGEL – “BOA FINALS AND FULL RETREAT; THE RUSH AND THE EMOTIONS FROM EVERYONE WAS AMAZING. I WILL ALSO NEVER FORGET THE BUS RIDES, SO MANY GOOD TIMES.” KRISSI GASHAW – “DIRECTING THE LAST MEASURE OF THE SHOW DURING ST. LOUIS NIGHT FINALS.” KYLE HILL – “GETTING PUMPED BEFORE EVERY COMPETITION BY MOSHING WITH THE DRUM LINE ON THE BACK OF THE BUS WHILE LISTENING TO HORSE THE BAND’S “CUTSMAN.” Kyle Tellor – “Placing at BOA” Lauren Colby – “BOA St. Louis with Patti, Heather, and Aleta” Matt Foster – “Hide and go seek my sophomore year when Tad was section leader and we couldn’t find Luke (he was in a bass drum case)” AF 632: Brave New World (2008) Pekin Dragon Classic: Class 3A 1st Place, Visual, General Effect, Percussion, Auxiliary, Grand Champions Chicagoland Marching Band Festival: Class 2A 1st Place, Music, Percussion, Drum Major, Auxiliary, General Effect Lincoln-Way Invitational: Class 2A 1st Place, Music, Visual, General Effect, Grand Champions Illinois State University: Class 2A 1st place, Winds, Auxiliary, General Effect, Percussion, Crowd, Finals: 8th place Bands of America St. Louis regional: Class 2A 3rd Place, Finals: 13th place University of Illinois: Class 1A 2nd Place, Percussion Bands of America Indianapolis regional: Class 2A 4th Place, 18th place overall Highlights Fourth consecutive Illinois State Class 2A Championship Marched in the Inauguration Parade in Washington, DC next season: The Butterfly Effect Music from The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky and Re-Connected by Craig Fitzpatrick, Music arranged by Craig Fitzpatrick, Battery percussion by Bob Hornsby, and Drill by Craig Fitzpatrick. Coming soon Megan Haynes – “Washington D.C.” Nick Rogers – “Anything involving Bruce Harrison or Gage Harding” Patti Zdanowski – “I couldn’t choose a favorite, but my entire senior year was incredible.” Ronni Stalter – “Imaging that we would make finals and then finding out fifteen minutes later that we did make BOA finals. That was amazing. Also, walking past President Obama, was an once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will be telling anyone who will listen.” Stevie Schultz – “Puking on Mr. K! And story time with Mr. Hornsby” Zach Kodatt – “Going to the Inauguration Parade but didn’t like getting sick on the bus.”