2015-2016 Handbook for Substitute Teachers
2015-2016 Handbook for Substitute Teachers
2015-2016 Handbook for Substitute Teachers Madison Metropolitan School District Department of Human Resources 545 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53703 663-1862 and 663-1846 Substitute Placement Office 1-800-942-3767 Aesop Automated System www.frontlinek12.com/aesop ID: your10digitphonenumber PIN:_____________________ Table of Contents MMSD SCHOOL LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 2 ATTENDANCE AREAS ........................................................................................................................................ 3 SUBSTITUTE TEACHING IN OUR SCHOOLS .................................................................................................. 4 TIPS ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................... 5 CLASSROOM SAFETY STATEMENT................................................................................................................ 5 HOURS, COMPENSATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................... 6 KEY DISTRICT POLICIES ................................................................................................................................... 8 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES .................................................................................................................. 9 WISCONSIN ACT 81 FULFILLMENT REQUIREMENTS................................................................................. 9 PAYROLL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 10 SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PAYROLL SCHEDULE 2015-2016 ........................................................................ 11 BENEFITS INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 13 MMSD GMAIL/E-MAIL & COMPUTER ACCESS .......................................................................................... 15 INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................ 15 RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO YOU ................................................................................................................ 16 QUESTIONS? WHO TO CONTACT ................................................................................................................. 17 SCHOOL CALENDAR ........................................................................................................................................ 18 SITE INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 20 ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 77 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET ........................................................................................................................ 80 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET ........................................................................................................................ 81 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET ........................................................................................................................ 82 MILEAGE FORM ................................................................................................................................................ 83 MILEAGE FORM ................................................................................................................................................ 84 MMSD SCHOOL LOCATIONS 2 ATTENDANCE AREAS Black Hawk Middle 204-4360 East High 204-1600 La Follette High 204-3600 Memorial High 663-5990 Sherman Middle 204-2100 Gompers Lake View* Lindbergh Mendota* Hawthorne* Lapham** (K-2) Lowell Marquette** (3-5) Emerson Hawthorne* Lake View* Mendota* Sandburg 204-4520 204-4040 204-6500 204-7840 204-2500 204-4140 204-6600 204-3220 204-2000 204-2500 204-4040 204-7840 204-7940 Sennett Middle 204-1920 Badger Rock Middle 442-1335 Whitehorse Middle 204-4480 Allis Nuestro Mundo Elvehjem Glendale Kennedy Schenk 204-1056 204-1079 204-1400 204-2400 204-3420 204-1500 Jefferson Middle 663-6403 Crestwood Muir Stephens Falk* Chavez Huegel Olson Orchard Ridge 204-1120 663-8170 204-1900 204-2180 442-2000 204-3100 442-2600 204-2320 Leopold Lincoln* ** (3-5) Midvale* ** (K-2) Thoreau Franklin** (K-2) Randall** (3-5) Shorewood Van Hise 204-4240 204-4900 204-6700 204-6940 204-2292 204-3300 204-1200 204-4800 O’Keeffe Middle 204-6820 Spring Harbor Middle 204-1100 Toki Middle 204-4740 Cherokee Middle 204-1240 West High 204-4100 Wright Middle 204-1340 Hamilton Middle 204-4620 * Some elementary schools feed into two middle schools ** Paired schools 3 SUBSTITUTE TEACHING IN OUR SCHOOLS Position Requirements for Substitute Teaching Current Wisconsin Teacher Certification. Substitutes who do not maintain a current Wisconsin Teaching License will be dropped from the substitute pool. Assignment Procedures The Madison Metropolitan School District has a centralized system for assigning substitute teachers. All of our schools request substitutes directly through the system (Aesop) or the Substitute Placement Office, located in the District’s Department of Human Resources. Assignment of substitutes can be made only through Aesop, the Substitute Placement Office, or through a prearranged call between the school and the substitute. Substitutes are contacted between 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM for advanced or next day requests and starting at 5:30 AM for same day placements. Either Aesop or Sub Placement Office personnel will call with job offers. In addition, substitutes may call the Aesop system at any time to “job shop” or use the web access at www.frontlinek12.com/aesop. Aesop offers the Jobulator App for an annual fee of $49.00. Keep Track of Your Assignments We encourage you to keep a record of your assignments and pertinent information concerning them. Record keeping forms are included at the end of the handbook for your convenience. It is also highly recommended that you contact the Aesop system on a regular basis (no less than once per week) to verify all assignments that you have accepted. Failure to report on-time for an assignment may result in disciplinary action. Remaining on Our Active List The District strives to maintain an adequate number of qualified substitutes for service. To accomplish this, we must rely on substitutes being available for assignments. Placements are made on the basis of school requests, certification, and seniority as a substitute with MMSD, and your preferences and availability. To remain on our active list in subsequent years, you will be asked to complete and return to us a re-enrollment form, which is mailed out at the end of the school year for the upcoming year. 4 TIPS ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. Write your name on the board and pronounce it for the students so they can use it when addressing you. 2. Begin the day firmly. Students need to sense that you have confidence and will control the classroom and any situations that may arise. Once they know that, you can use humor and enthusiasm without risking that the class will get out of control. 3. Learn and use students’ names as quickly as possible; relate to them as individuals. Find a way to make an explicit connection to their lives, show them that you are interested in them. 4. Be Positive. Smile! Let the students know you are happy to be there. Try to provide as many students as possible with opportunities to succeed – and to receive praise for succeeding. 5. Keep students on task – and keep activities moving. Use lesson plans. Engage students by reading aloud, reading together or independent reading. Have a game or activity in mind to make the day special. 6. Try to involve students who appear disinterested. Try to find ways to motivate them. Should a student refuse to become involved, however, do not force the issue. Let him/her observe quietly. 7. Go to students’ desks when they need help. This will help minimize confusion and needless commotion. 8. Encourage students to help or express their opinions or advice in a constructive way. This will help keep them interested and motivated. 9. AND REMEMBER – substitute teaching demands flexibility! CLASSROOM SAFETY STATEMENT The Code of Federal Regulations, 29, parts 1900 to 1910, OSHA, requires that employees must be trained to ensure the original and continuing competence of personnel using hazardous materials, machinery, tools, and equipment. This requirement applies to all staff who teach courses that use hazardous materials and equipment. All substitute teachers are included in this requirement. If you are acting as a substitute teacher in a classroom or other District facility in which there is a lab, specialized equipment, or other potentially hazardous material, etc., that you are not trained or otherwise have the knowledge or prior experience to correctly use or to instruct others to use, you should neither use such equipment, lab, or other potentially hazardous material, etc., nor allow students to do so. Should you use such without the requisite training, knowledge or past experience you may be personally liable for any damages that a student, staff member, parent or member of the public may sustain. Even if the substitute is comfortable in the setting, but not certified in the discipline, there is to be no use of lab, specialized equipment, or other potentially hazardous material. 5 HOURS, COMPENSATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES The daily rate for certified substitutes is $151.89. The long-term rate, for positions of seven (7) or more consecutive days, is $178.84 per day. [Please refer to the “USO Substitute Collective Bargaining Agreement” for additional information related to compensation.] Substitutes who agree to be assigned by a principal or assistant principal to cover an additional class, will receive class coverage pay, $22.00 per hour. If your classroom responsibilities are completed before the end of your assignment, report to the school office and ask for other suitable work assignments for the remainder of the work day. Suitable work for substitute teachers includes, but is not limited to: o Correcting papers o Supervising study halls o Working in the FAST program o Tutoring o Chaperoning buses on field trips o Recess duty o Hall supervision o Any other duties normally assigned to teachers A substitute teacher who is called in error for an assignment, for whom suitable work is not available at the site, and who is not subsequently reassigned to another site, will receive .5 of the applicable per diem rate. “Called in error” means that the substitute arrives at the school and finds s/he is no longer needed for the initial request. You must remain at the school while the school office calls the Sub Placement Office to determine reassignment options. If an assignment is cancelled within 12 hours of the start of the assignment, it is the substitute’s responsibility to contact the Substitute Placement Office for reassignment. The District may reassign the substitute to any work location to perform work typically performed by a teacher, special education assistant, or educational assistant. If the substitute declines the reassignment, the substitute forfeits the .5 per diem call-in pay. The principal has the right to remove a substitute for any reason within the first 7 days of a job. Remember that substitute teachers are required to stay at each site until regular teacher dismissal every day (including early release days), unless dismissed by the school principal. This includes PCT days at the Middle and High Schools. Please check with the school office if you are uncertain about the end of the teacher contact day. Substitute teachers assigned and working the same day at more than one school or work location, shall be reimbursed mileage at the rate recognized by the IRS as non-taxable reimbursements. Substitute mileage sheets are available at the District’s intranet site: https://budget.madison.k12.wi.us/mileage A copy of the 2015 form is included in the back of this handbook. Be sure to download or request the revised form for 2016 for any mileage in 2016. Completed forms should be submitted to the Substitute Placement Office in Human Resources for verification. The Sub Placement Office will forward the form to the Accounting Department. Please submit forms monthly. Please be sure that all forms for 2015 are submitted by December 31, 2015, and all forms for JanuaryJune 2016 are submitted by June 30, 2016. 6 Responsibilities Before Class: All substitutes should arrive at the school 15 to 20 minutes before the start of the first class so all before-class responsibilities can be completed. Report to the main office to sign in and, if asked to do so, present a picture ID. (District photo ID can be obtained in Doyle, Room 133.) *YOU MUST SIGN IN AND OUT AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE FOR EVERY ASSIGNMENT. Review the daily plans, class schedules and seating chart(s) which are left on the teacher’s desk or in the school office in a folder labeled SUBSTITUTE TEACHER. Determine as early as possible if lesson plans call for materials such as films, records, etc. If no plans are provided, consult with the principal (or in high schools, with the Department Head) for advice about your best course of action. During Class: Check attendance first so you can send the attendance report to the office promptly. Because each school does this differently, ask the principal or another teacher about the proper reporting procedure the first time you substitute at a particular school. Briefly observe students for signs of illness or suspected illness. If you conclude a student may be ill, refer him or her to the school nurse. In the nurse’s absence, send the student to the school office. Follow the teacher’s written plans unless there is a compelling reason not to. If, you feel it is necessary to make any changes to the prepared lesson plan, be sure to leave notes for the regular teacher about the changes you made, including an explanation about why the changes were necessary. Use of cell phones or making any type of personal call is prohibited except during the substitute’s duty free lunch. Use of District computers for personal reasons is prohibited except during the substitute’s duty free lunch and only after securing permission of the principal. After Class: (these tasks can and should be accomplished during planning and/or other free time) Check all student work completed during the day, label and organize the work for the regular teacher’s inspection, and provide a summary of the day’s activities for him or her. Leave a note for the teacher describing what occurred during the day. Complete a substitute report if the school requires it. Check with the school office about this. Return any materials or equipment used during the day to their proper place. REPORT TO THE MAIN OFFICE BEFORE LEAVING AT THE END OF THE DAY, OR IF YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING FOR ANY REASON DURING THE DAY. The school office will be able to tell you if they have requested you for the following day. If such a request has been made through the Sub Placement Office, you will receive an automated call from Aesop, unless the assignment has been prearranged with the substitute and the school. If the school has not requested you for subsequent day(s), you will automatically be eligible for other assignments. 7 KEY DISTRICT POLICIES Student Conduct & Discipline Schools must be places where effective learning can occur. They must maintain standards of conduct and discipline because students and school personnel have a right to a safe and orderly learning environment. Therefore, students are prohibited from engaging in behaviors that are life or health threatening, or which impede the orderly operation of the classroom or school. A variety of disciplinary actions may be taken by the substitute teacher for any misconduct that occurs while s/he is subbing. Examples of Conduct That Impede the Orderly Operation of the Classroom: Cheating Gambling Littering Using profane or obscene language/gestures Smoking on or near school property Tardiness Verbal abuse Dressing in a manner that disrupts teaching and learning Forging another’s name or altering times, dates, grades, passes, or permits Acting in a disorderly manner that disrupts the learning process Throwing objects or snowballs Possession of any non-educationally related item that could disrupt the educational process (e.g. radio). Such items should be left in, or returned to, the student’s locker Disciplinary Options for Substitute Teachers: Verbal reprimand Notify the regular teacher you are subbing for, who can, in turn, notify the student’s parent(s) Assign a special, constructive assignment ALWAYS check with the school principal or school office to obtain specific information about the discipline policies at each school. NEVER use physical contact/control of a student unless the student is presenting a danger to themselves or others. 8 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES Substitute teachers and assistants are expected to follow all Board of Education policies. The following have been emphasized because a substitute is more likely to encounter situations related to these policies. Refer to the District’s website to review all Board of Education policies. https://boeweb.madison.k12.wi.us/policies/index MMSD Use of Physical Force Policy: (Board of Education Policy 4221) (see Brochure – Use of Physical Force) In general, physical contact should never occur unless a student is an immediate danger to themselves or others. Read this policy in full and discuss any concerns or questions you may have with the Director of Employment, June Glennon, 6631867 or [email protected] Administering Medications: (for more details, see Board of Education Policy 4113) Because no medication can be administered by school personnel without several consent forms and physician orders being on file in the Nurse’s Office, any situation calling for a student to receive medication at school should be referred to the School Nurse. Transporting Students: (for more details, see Board of Education Policy 8350) If any student at any time asks a substitute for transportation, the substitute should know that employees of the District may only transport students if they meet specific insurance, liability, and vehicle inspection requirements. The employee must also have a valid Wisconsin Operator’s License. DO NOT transport any student without the expressed prior permission of the principal. Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect: (for more details, see Board of Education Policy 4222) The legal responsibility of the District for identifying and reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect derives from Wisconsin State Statutes, Sections 48.981(2) and 972.16(1978). Any District staff member, including substitute teachers and assistants, who suspects or has received a report of suspected abuse or neglect, should seek assistance from the principal or school social worker. WISCONSIN ACT 81 FULFILLMENT REQUIREMENTS Wisconsin Act 81, effective December 9, 2011, changed Wisconsin law to require all employees of Wisconsin public school districts to report suspected child abuse and neglect. In addition, school boards must require all employees to receive training provided by the Department of Public Instruction within six months of initial hiring and at least every five years thereafter. This training may be taken during your normal work hours, during a prep period, or after hours. (No additional compensation will be given for taking after hours.) After finishing the training, each employee must print out a “Completion Certificate” that is available on the DPI website. These certificates must then be submitted to Human Resources for processing. More information concerning Act 81 is available on the DPI website. To access the DPI training information, either: Go to DPI’s website, which is dpi.wi.gov, and search for “ACT 81” or Type this URL into your browser: http://dpimedia.wi.gov/main/Play/00e58a905fdc4eb09a1dcccb7c7c7176 9 PAYROLL INFORMATION Salary Daily Rate: Substitutes shall be compensated in accordance with the daily rate specified in the United Substitutes Collective Bargaining Agreement. The daily rate for 2015-2016 for certified substitutes is $151.89. Long-Term Rate: A substitute who teaches a minimum of seven (7) consecutive teaching days for the same regular teacher shall qualify for a long-term rate in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Such compensation shall be paid retroactively to the beginning date of such service. The long-term rate for 2015-2016 is $178.84 per day. Less Than Full Time Assignments: When replacing teachers with less than full time assignments, substitutes will receive a pro rata of the specified substitute daily rate, based on the regular teacher’s assignment. Substitutes at the elementary level will be paid a half-day’s pay for a teaching assignment of up to a half day. Substitutes will receive a full-day’s pay for any assignment of more than a half day. At the middle and high school level, substitutes are paid based on the number of class periods taught. Mileage Reimbursement You can be reimbursed for mileage between multiple site assignments, and when working at two separate assignments in different schools on the same day. (You are not reimbursed for mileage between your home and a site.) Substitute mileage sheets are available at the District’s intranet site: https://budget.madison.k12.wi.us/mileage A copy of the 2015 form is included in the back of this handbook. Be sure to download or request the revised form for 2016 for any mileage in 2016. Completed forms should be submitted to the Substitute Placement Office in Human Resources for verification. The Sub Placement Office will forward the form to the Accounting Department. Please submit forms monthly. Please be sure that all forms for 2015 are submitted by December 31, 2015, and all forms for January-June 2016 are submitted by June 30, 2016. Pay for Mandatory Inservices You will be compensated for attending mandatory inservices at the rate of $25 for every two hours. Direct Deposit Direct Deposit of your paycheck is mandatory for all employees of MMSD. All employees must complete an “Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits” form and turn it into the Payroll Department in the Doyle Administration Building upon hire. Failure to turn in a completed direct deposit form within the first month of employment will result in paychecks being held in the Payroll Department for pick up. Fair Share Dues Substitutes who do not voluntarily become members of the United Substitutes Organization of Madison Teachers Incorporated are required to pay Fair Share Dues. A “fair share” payroll deduction will be made, provided the substitute has performed substitute teacher work during that payroll period. As of printing, the “fair share” payroll deduction is $16.10 per month. Your Pay Check – How to Read It: https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/files/hr/Munis%20Paycheck%20Description.pdf Employee Check Detail: https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/checkdetail Resources for Employees: https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/employeeresources#hide12 10 SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PAYROLL SCHEDULE 2015-2016 Payroll Number Pay Period Number of Days School Closed Check Date 1 09/01/15 - 09/15/15 10 09/07/15 10/01/15 2 09/16/15 – 10/15/15 22 - 10/30/15 3 10/16/15 – 11/15/15 20 11/13/15 12/01/15 4 11/16/15 – 12/15/15 19 11/25/15 – 11/27/15 01/04/16 5 12/16/15 – 01/15/16 13 12/21/15 – 01/01/16 02/01/16 6 01/16/16 – 02/15/16 19 01/18/16, 02/05/16 03/01/16 7 02/16/16 – 03/15/16 21 - 04/01/16 8 03/16/16 – 04/15/16 16 03/21/15 – 03/28/16 04/15/16 04/29/16 9 04/16/16 – 05/15/16 20 - 06/01/16 10 05/16/16 – 06/10/16 19 05/30/16 06/17/16 179 ** Non-Student Days 9/7/2015 Labor Day Holiday 11/13/2015 Professional Development 11/25/2015 No School – Teacher Comp Day 11/26/2015 Thanksgiving Holiday 11/27/2015 Thanksgiving Holiday 12/21/2015 - 1/3/2016 Winter Break 1/18/2016 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2/5/2016 Professional Development 3/21/2016 – 3/28/2016 Spring Break 4/15/2016 Professional Development 5/30/2016 Memorial Day 11 12 BENEFITS INFORMATION Health and Dental Insurance Substitute teachers are eligible to participate in both the District’s medical and dental plans by paying the full premiums, provided they work a minimum of one full (1) day each month. Health insurance premiums may be offset by a Board contribution outlined below. These premiums may be paid to the District by personal check or by payroll deduction if requested. Since payroll deduction will be processed on a pre-tax basis, considerable savings may be realized by using this method. Instruction must be provided at time of enrollment to the Benefits Department as to how the premiums will be paid. A maximum of 60 substitute teachers annually will be eligible for a $400/month contribution from the Board of Education towards paying the cost of health insurance premiums (beginning October 1, 2015). To qualify for this Board of Education contribution, a substitute must work at least ninety days during the previous school year and work a minimum of 5 full days per month in the current year. Failure to work 5 full days will immediately forfeit the District contribution for the remainder of the school year. These 60 teachers will be selected by offering the contribution to substitutes with the highest number of full work days in the previous school year first. Eligibility will be determined annually. Medical Plan: Substitute teachers may choose from the following three health insurance plans and HMO or POS plans within those companies. Applications must be received within one month of the substitute teacher’s first assignment. Late applicants will be required to undergo a longer waiting period. The monthly costs of these plans *as of July 1, 2015, are as follows: DEAN GHC-SCW UNITY HMO POS HMO POS HMO POS Single: Family: $616.29 $1,620.84 $834.39 $2,194.45 $500.11 $1,335.31 $625.16 $1,669.14 $649.82 $1,709.03 $844.59 $2,221.27 Dental Plan: The Dental Insurance Plan is also available to any Substitute teacher. Applications must be received within one month of the substitute teacher’s first assignment. Late applicants will be required to wait an additional three months before enrollment becomes effective. To maintain coverage, a substitute must work a minimum of one (1) full day each month. The monthly cost of the Dental Plan as of July 1, 2015 is: Single: $31.52 Family $81.72 If you have questions concerning these plans or your eligibility, call the Benefits Department, 663-1746. *Plan coverage and rate changes may happen at any time throughout the year. Check with the Benefits Department for up to date plan coverage and rate changes. 663-1746 13 Employee Assistance Program MMSD employees may be linked with support services in the community through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). If you experience personal, financial, or emotional difficulties, for example, and wonder what community services are appropriate/available, you can discuss your situation in confidence. 1-800-362-3902, extension 1310 Leave of Absence A leave of absence without pay may be granted for a period of up to one year, after having worked for the District for a minimum of one school year. Requests for such leave must be made in writing at least five days prior to the start date of the leave. Requests for leaves of absence should be addressed to: Madison Metropolitan School District Department of Human Resources Substitute Placement Office 545 W. Dayton Street, Rm. 133 Madison, WI 53703 Liability Insurance The Board of Education provides coverage at no cost to employees. Personal Illness Leave/Family Illness Leave Substitutes hired prior to July 1, 2013, earn personal illness leave (PI) at the rate of one day for each 20 full days worked. This personal illness leave may be used for personal illness, absences caused by illness in the immediate family, and for death in the immediate family. A substitute is only eligible to claim a personal illness day if they are called for an assignment and cannot accept, or must cancel out of a previously accepted assignment, due to the reasons listed. If you reject an assignment due to personal illness, you must call the Sub Placement Office at 663-1862 or 663-1846 and advise them so that you can be compensated from your PI account. We do not process PI unless specifically requested by the substitute, as some prefer to save the days for future use. Retirement Substitute teachers become eligible for the WRS the year after completing 880 hours during a year. The Board of Education pays 50% of the required contribution, and you, the employee, pay 50% of the required contribution to the Wisconsin Retirement System. Social Security The Board of Education matches the employee’s required contribution Worker’s Compensation The Board of Education provides benefits and wages for employees injured on the job, pursuant to Worker’s Compensation regulations. 14 MMSD GMAIL/E-MAIL & COMPUTER ACCESS To access your district email account: https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/ Email (top right of screen) Username: b###### (your employee number preceded by a lower case b) Password: xMMDDYY (xDateOfBirth) – for those hired prior to July 2015 xMMDDYYX (xDateOfBirthX) – for those hired after July 1, 2015 **It is your responsibility to regularly check this account for District communication. You will be contacted via this email account regarding potential long-term substitute assignments in your area of certification. Some email will require a quick reply.** To log on to a District computer: b###### (your employee number preceded by a lower case b) xMMDDYY (xDateOfBirth) – for those hired prior to July 2015 xMMDDYYX (xDateOfBirthX) – for those hired after July 1, 2015 For more assistance please call the MMSD Help Line at 663-5853. INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES In the event of a snow day, an announcement will be broadcast via the following: WTDY-AM (1670) WTSO-AM (1070) WIBA-AM (1310) WZEE-FM (104.1) WISC WKOW WMSN WMTV WHA-AM (970) WMAD-FM (92.1) WNWC-FM (102.5) WNWC-AM (1190) Channel 3 Channel 27 Channel 47 Channel 15 WIBU-AM (1240) WWQM-FM (106.3) WORT-FM (89.9) WHIT-AM (1550) channel3000.com wkow.com fox47.com nbc15.com The announcement will occur by 6:30 AM. Substitutes are not compensated for a day when school is closed due to inclement weather. Closing of Schools Announcement: “Madison Metropolitan School District will be closed today.” When this announcement is made, please report according to the following: Teachers, education assistants, substitute teachers and assistants, satellite food service workers and hourly employees are not to report. Building service, clerical, preparation kitchen food service workers, and administrative employees are to report according to their regular schedules. 15 RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO YOU Professional Development You may register for any of the staff development programs offered through the MMSD website, located at https://staffdevweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ (Note: Teachers on contract have priority if there are enrollment limits.) These are voluntary, and not subject to compensation for your attendance. Additional Services Available Through Central Administration Instructional Services & Resources Education Reference Library 663-1917 http://madison.campusguides.com/content.php?pid=342783 Instructional Materials Selection Center 663-1917 http://madison.campusguides.com/content.php?pid=342783 Library Media Services 663-1917 https://mediasvcweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Media Production 663-1879 https://mediaprodweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Registrar 663-4957 https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/enroll Research & Program Evaluation 663-4948 https://infosvcweb.madison.k12.wi.us/research MSCR 204-3000 http://mscr.org/ Professional Learning & Leadership Development 663-4955 https://staffdevweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Services Available in the Superintendent’s Office Affirmative Action 663-1530 Customer Service 663-1901 Community Response 663-1692 Business Departments/Services Accounting 663-8496 https://bpaweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Human Resources 663-1693 https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Payroll 663-5369 https://hrweb.madison.k12.wi.us/ Printing Services 204-6686 https://admsvcweb.madison.k12.wi.us/printing Safety and Security 663-1904 https://suptweb.madison.k12.wi.us/node/3 16 QUESTIONS? WHO TO CONTACT TYPES OF QUESTIONS CONTACT PERSON PHONE NUMBER ● Assignments ● School Day Requirements ● Availability ● Leave of Absence 5:45 AM – 2:30 PM Emily Wilson & TBD Substitute Placement Clerks Human Resources Department 663-1862 or 663-1846 ● General Employment Questions 2:30 PM – 4:15 PM Abigail Brabec Personnel Analyst Human Resources Department Tina Anderson Personnel Analyst Human Resources Department Shauna Sendelbach Personnel Analyst Human Resources Department TBD Director of Employment Human Resources Department 663-1695 663-1741 663-1743 663-1867 ● Benefits & Insurance Kathi Oestreicher Benefits Technician Human Resources Department 663-1746 ● Medical Leave of Absence TBD Benefits Technician – Senior Human Resources Department 663-5930 ● Payroll TBD Payroll Specialist Payroll Department 663-5369 ● Evaluation School Principal (see school info.) or TBD 663-1867 Department of Public Instruction 266-1027, 266-1028 or 266-7351 ● Certification Email Address for: TBD Emily Wilson Abby Brabec Shauna Sendelbach TBD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ** PLEASE CALL AND LEAVE A VOICEMAIL TO BE REMOVED FROM A SAME DAY ASSIGNMENT; DO NOT EMAIL YOUR REQUEST. 663-1862 or 663-1846 ** 17 SCHOOL CALENDAR August 2015 Elementary School Students – Enrollment Dates 19 Students new to the district - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 20 Returning Students – East and La Follette Attendance Areas 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 21 Returning Students – Memorial and West Attendance Areas 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Middle School Students – Enrollment Dates 19 All Grades – 9:00-11:30 a.m.* and 3:30-6:30 p.m. 20 All Grades – 9:00-11:30 a.m.* and 3:30-6:30 p.m. *Hamilton morning enrollment hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. High School Students – Enrollment Dates (East, La Follette, Memorial and West) 14 Students new to the district - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. 18 All Grades – 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 21 All Grades – 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Shabazz High School Students – Enrollment Dates 19 All Grades – 2:00-6:00 p.m. 26 Returning student scheduling: Grade 12 – 10:00 a.m.; Grade 11 – 10:45 a.m.; Grades 9 and 10 – 11:30 a.m. Innovative and Alternative Education – Enrollment Dates 20 All Grades – WLC Westside, 2:00 -6:00 p.m. 26 All Grades – Lapham, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 25 26, 27 28, 31 All Staff – Report to Schools Professional Development Days (mandatory for all teachers) New Educators – Training 1 SCHOOLS OPEN – Grades K-5, Grade 6, and Grade 9 ONLY Middle School 6th grade students & High School 9th grade students attend September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 2 3 7 14, 21, 28 18 5, 12, 19, 26 Middle & High School Early Release 8 Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences – La Follette High School only 13 A Principal Experience 2 3 4 11 12 13 16 17 2015 January 2016 Middle & High School Early Release (Except La Follette) End of 1st Quarter (45 days) Beginning of 2nd Quarter Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences – Middle Schools Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences –High Schools (Except La Follette) No School – Professional Development Day Early Release – La Follette High School only Parent/Teacher Conferences –Elementary Schools Early Release at 10:50 or 11:35 a.m. Early Childhood and 4K – No classes 18 19 25 26, 27 30 December Early Release for Elementary only (Gr. K-5) at 1:05 or 1:50 p.m. Beginning of 1st Quarter & 1st Semester All Middle & High School students attend Early Release for Elementary only (Gr. K-5) at 1:05 or 1:50 p.m. First day of school for 4K and Early Childhood No School – Labor Day Middle & High School Early Release 3rd Friday Official Membership Count Day Parent/Teacher Conferences–Middle School Early Release - 11:30 Wright; 11:40 All Other Parent/Teacher Conferences –High School Early Release (Except La Follette) No School – Teacher Comp Day No School – Thanksgiving Holiday Middle & High School Early Release 7, 14 21 - Jan 1 Middle & High School Early Release No School -- Winter Break 4 8 11 18 26 School Resumes - Middle & High School Early Release 2nd Friday Official Membership Count Middle & High School Early Release No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester (90 days) – Grade Reporting Early Childhood and 4K – No classes 18 27 29 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 1 1 Districtwide 4K Enrollment for 2016-2017 School Year, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Districtwide Enrollment for Kindergarten (5K) Students new to the district for 2016-2017 School Year, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 5 No School – Professional Development Day 8, 15, 22, 29 Middle & High School Early Release 25 Parent/Teacher Evening Conferences - La Follette High School only 1 7, 14 8 21 – 28 29 7 8 4, 18, 25 15 22 2016 September 2016 End of 3rd Quarter (45 days) Beginning of 4th Quarter Middle & High School Early Release No School – Professional Development Day K-5 Staff Development -- Early Release --Elementary at 10:50 or 11:35 a.m. Early Childhood and 4K - No classes 10 11 20 Early Childhood and 4K – Last day of school LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Morning Early Release – Elem. 9:20 or 10:05 a.m. All Middle Schools except Wright dismiss at 9:05; Wright dismissal at 9:45 a.m.; High school dismissal times vary - check individual school calendars End of 4th Quarter & 2nd Semester (89 days) Graduation: East High School and La Follette High School Graduation: Memorial High School and West High School First day of Summer School (Tentative) 29 Last day of Summer School (Tentative) 1 SCHOOLS OPEN June July ACT Testing Grade 11 ONLY—No School for 9, 10 and 12 Grades Middle & High School Early Release Parent/Teacher Conferences –Elementary Schools Early Release at 10:50 or 11:35 a.m. Early Childhood and 4K – No classes No School – Spring Break School Resumes 2, 9, 16, 23 Middle & High School Early Release 30 No School - Memorial Day 9 10 2016 All Schools – Early Release – Elementary at 10:50 or 11:35 a.m.; All middle schools (except Wright) at 11:40 a.m.; Wright at 11:30 a.m.; High schools – release time TBD Beginning of 3rd Quarter & 2nd Semester Parent/Teacher Conferences – Middle Schools Only – No School 19 SITE INFORMATION Four Year Old Kindergarten Early Childhood Centers (off site programs) Animal Crackers 6402 Hammersley Road, Madison, 53711 608-277-9990 http://www.animalcrackersinc.org/ac/ ● From the Beltline, take the Whitney Way exit (south). Travel south on Whitney Way for approximately .7 mile, and turn right onto Hammersley Road. Contact: 277-9990 Report to: Ring bell to be admitted to the building; staff will direct you to the 4K room. Parking Information: Available in the lot. Substitute Hours: 7:30-11:16 and 11:16-3:02 Kennedy Heights Neighborhood 199 Kennedy Heights, Madison, 53704 608-244-0767 http://www.khcommunitycenter.org/index.html ● From the Beltline/US-12W, turn right onto County Road K. Travel 4.5 miles, then turn left onto County Road M East. After 1.8 miles, make a slight right onto Northport Drive/WI 113. Continue on Northport Drive for 1.3 miles, then turn left onto Kennedy Road, and take the first right into Kennedy Heights, building is directly ahead. Contact: 244-0767 Report to: Program is located in the lower level/basement of the building. Parking Information: In lot; visitor parking or resident parking spots are okay to use. Substitute Hours: 11:16-3:02 20 Allis Elementary 4201 Buckeye Road, Madison, 53716 608-204-1056 ● Take the Beltline to Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading north, left on Buckeye Road. ● East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol) to Hwy 30 (heading east), right on Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), right on Buckeye Road. ● East Washington Avenue (heading toward the Capitol), left on Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), continue on Hwy 51 until you reach Buckeye Road, right on Buckeye. Principal: Assistant Principal: Sue Abplanalp Sara Cutler Secretary: Rachel Donohue - 7:45-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: On Jerome Street, or on Buckeye Road past the posted “No Parking” signs. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:30 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:30 21 Badger Rock Middle 501 E. Badger Road, Madison, 53713 608-442-1335 ● Located south of the Alliant Energy Center on the corners of Badger and Rimrock Roads, just across from the Badger Bowl. Principal: Tim Bubon Secretary: Mandy Kuse - 8:00-12:00 Lunch: Not available on site; please bring your own. Parking Information: Available on site. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours 8:10-3:45 Monday through Friday 8:10-3:30 Class Hours: 8:25-3:30 Badger Rock Middle School is a charter school – connected to a neighborhood with a culturally relevant, inquiry-oriented, place-based curriculum that focuses on design and environmental sustainability … to provide middle school students opportunities to learn by doing, learn by achieving, and learn by making a difference. 22 Black Hawk Middle 1402 Wyoming Way, Madison, 53704 608-204-4360 ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive), left on School Road (which becomes Wheeler Road), right on Comanche Way, which turns into Wyoming Way. ● East Washington Avenue (inbound, heading towards Capitol), turn right onto N. First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware Boulevard, right on Esch Lane, which brings you to the front of the school. Turn left onto Wyoming Way to reach the parking lot. Principal: Kenya Walker Secretary: Pamela Coltharp - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: In school parking lot; no permit needed. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours 7:20-3:20 Monday-Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:47 23 Chavez Elementary 3502 Maple Grove Drive, Madison, 53719 608-442-2000 ● West Beltline Hwy to Verona Road (heading west), turn right on County Hwy PD (McKee Road), turn left on Maple Grove Drive. ● West Beltline Hwy to Verona Road (heading west), turn right on Williamsburg Way, left on Prairie Road, left on Maple Grove Drive. Principal: Assistant Principal: Linda Allen Kelly Lawler Secretary: Kelli Kruser - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Available in the school parking lot. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-2:00 Monday, 8:15-3:25 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 24 Cherokee Middle 4301 Cherokee Drive, Madison, 53711 608-204-1241 ● West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), right on Cherokee Drive. ● University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard (heading south), left on Cherokee Drive. Principal: Assistant Principal: Kevin Brown Hong Tran Secretary: Diane Blum - 6:45-3:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria.. Parking Information: In school lot or on Cherokee Drive across from the school. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:40 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 25 Crestwood Elementary 5930 Old Sauk Road, Madison, 53705 608-204-1120 ● University Avenue to Old Middleton Road, left on Old Sauk Road. ● West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road (heading north), right on Old Sauk Road. Principal: Britta Hanson Secretary: Cynthia Koratko - 7:45-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria; restaurant ¾ mile. Parking Information: Parking in two lots on either side of the building with a parking sticker. Street parking on Old Sauk Road. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:21 and 12:05-3:22 8:30-3:22 26 East High 2222 East Washington Avenue, Madison, 53704 608-204-1733 ● West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, go straight through intersection at Williamson Street (you are now on S. Blair Street), right on East Washington Avenue. ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading north, left on East Washington Avenue. Principal: Michael Hernandez Asst. Principals: Bea Bonet, Randi Kubek, Mikki Smith, Alex Thompson Secretary: Michelle Galarowicz - 7:30-4:00 Report to: Main office, room 1037 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria.. Parking Information: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Limited parking is available in the school parking lots located off of 4th Street. Substitutes must sign vehicles in (with license plate number) at the Welcome Center, or in the main office upon arrival. Substitutes who do not sign in may be issued a parking ticket. 8:05-3:45 Monday through Friday 8:05-3:34 Class Hours: 8:15-3:34 1st Hour 8:15-9:07 2nd Hour 9:12-10:04 3rd Hour 10:09-11:01 4th Hour 11:06-11:58 27 5th Hour 12:48-1:40 6th Hour 1:45-2:37 7th Hour 2:42-3:34 Elvehjem Elementary 5106 Academy Drive, Madison, 53716 608-204-1400 ● Take Beltline to Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), go north to Buckeye Road, turn right on Buckeye Road, turn left on Woodvale, turn right on Academy Drive; school is on the left. ● Take Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) south to Buckeye Road, turn left on Buckeye Road, turn left on Woodvale, turn right on Academy Drive; school is on the left. ● Take Monona Drive to Cottage Grove Road, continue on Cottage Grove Road; turn right on Acewood Boulevard, turn left on Academy Drive; school is on the left. Principal: Sarah Larson Secretary: Pat Gallagher - 7:45-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school gym/cafeteria. Parking Information: Street parking on Painted Post Road. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:17 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 28 Emerson Elementary 2421 East Johnson Street, Madison, 53704 608-204-2000 ● East Washington Avenue to N. Sixth Street, right on E. Dayton Street for the staff parking lot. Principal: Karen Kepler Secretary: Sue Esser - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria/upper gym. Parking Information: School lot or street parking on 6th Street, 7th Street, or Dayton Street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:15-1:15 Monday, 7:15-2:45 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:35-10:30 and 11:20-2:37 7:45-2:37 29 Falk Elementary 6323 Woodington Way, Madison, 53711 608-204-2180 ● West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way exit, head south on Whitney Way, right onto Schroeder Road, left on Hathaway Drive, Hathaway becomes Woodington Way. School will be on your left. Principal: Adam Zingsheim, interim for 2015-2016 Secretary: Janice Lee - 7:15-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Staff lot to the right of the school. If lot is full, park on Woodington Way. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:34 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 30 Franklin Elementary 305 West Lakeside Street, Madison, 53715 608-204-2292 ● West Beltline Hwy to South Park Street, right on Lakeside Street. ● John Nolen Drive to Lakeside Street (heading west). Principal: Sylla Zarov Secretary: Diane Kopan - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Parking in the staff lot, or on the street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday-Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K, Gr. 1-2: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:30 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 31 Glendale Elementary 1201 Tompkins Drive, Madison, 53716 608-204-2400 ● West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, right on Tompkins Drive. ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road heading north), left on Pflaum Road (heading west), left on Camden, left on Tompkins Drive. Principal: Ben Ketterer Secretary: Mary Ann Schaffer - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Street parking available. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:34 and 11:20-2:37 7:45-2:37 32 Gompers Elementary 1502 Wyoming Way, Madison, 53704 608-204-4520 ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive), left on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware, right on Esch. ● East Washington Avenue to N. First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware, right on Esch. Principal: Sarah Chaja Secretary: Nancy Mohr - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. A la carte lunch available. Parking Information: On-street and in the middle school parking lot. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 33 Hamilton Middle 4801 Waukesha Street, Madison, 53705 608-204-4620 ● University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard, right on Regent Street, left on Segoe Road, right on Waukesha Street. ● West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), left on Mineral Point Road, right on Segoe Road, Left on Waukesha Street. Principal: Assistant Principal: Jessica Taylor Mike Brown Secretary: Sandy Saether - 6:45-3:30 Lunch: Available at Hilldale, Westgate, fast food options on University Avenue, and hot lunch available in the school. Parking Information: Parking available in staff lot off Segoe Road, or on-street parking on Waukesha Street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 34 Hawthorne Elementary 3344 Concord Avenue, Madison, 53714 608-204-2500 ● East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol), turn right onto Fair Oaks Avenue (by Sara Lee/Bimbo Bakery), go one block and turn left on Lexington Avenue, left on Fairmont Avenue, continue one block and turn left on Concord Avenue. ● East Washington Avenue (heading toward the Capitol), turn left onto Fair Oaks Avenue (by Sara Lee/Bimbo Bakery), go one block and turn left on Lexington Avenue, left on Fairmont Avenue, continue one block and turn left on Concord Avenue. Principal: Beth Lehman Secretary: Ingrid Arevalo - 7:15-3:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, must pay Food Service by 9:00. Parking Information: In upper school parking lot off Concord Avenue, or on Lexington Avenue. (If using Lexington Avenue parking lot, doors are locked by 7:30 AM; the Concord Avenue main doors by office are open.) 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:35 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 35 Huegel Elementary 2601 Prairie Road, Madison, 53711 608-204-3100 ● Verona Road (heading south), right on Williamsburg Way, right on Prairie Road. ● Gammon Road (heading south), left on Raymond Road, right on Prairie Road. ● Whitney Way (heading south), right on Raymond Road, left on Prairie Road. Principal: Abby Potter-Davis Secretary: Kristi Schallert - 7:45-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: On-street parking. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 36 IHS : Dane County Shelter School 2402 Atwood Avenue, Madison, 53704 608-246-3889 ● Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, veer right on Williamson Street to right on Atwood Avenue. ● East Washington Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue, turn right on Atwood Avenue. ► The Dane County Shelter Home is a non-secure, involuntary custody placement within the Juvenile Justice System determined by the Dane County Department of Human Services. Students residing in the Shelter Home may attend either their home school or attend a half-day school program provided by MMSD at the Shelter Home. The curriculum and access to computer-based and online courses are similar to the JDC. The decision on where to attend school may involve several agencies and consideration of the student's needs as well as the student's best interest. Students earn points to gain privileges while living at the Shelter Home. Students may continue in the court system process and/or return to their home school when they leave the home. Depending on time and work completed, high school age students may earn credit toward a MMSD diploma. Confidentiality requirements regarding juveniles are in place. Principal: Karyn Stocks-Glover Administrative Assistant: Larry Palm - 204-1582 Report to: Main Office - John Bauman Parking Information: Lot located in front of the building. Teachers: Britt Falbo - 442-8791 Mary Jane Spohn - 442-8791 Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:30-3:30 Class Hours: 9:00-12:30 and 1:15-2:45 37 IHS : Innovation High School Innovation High School is a collection of different schools at multiple sites designed to support individual student academic, social, and vocational needs. All sites have more than one staff member to assist substitute teachers during the day. For more information about our schools, visit www.mmsd.org/innoved. The Innovation High School office is located on the 3rd floor of Lapham Elementary School, room 301. All sites have sign-in/sign-out sheets that substitutes are expected to sign. Principal: Assistant Principal: Contact: Karyn Stocks-Glover Mary Jankovich Larry Palm 204-1582 AERO (Alternative Education Resource Options) Pronounced ‘arrow’, is 8th grade repeating, new 9th grade, and continuing 10th grade program for 25-30 students. Lapham Elementary School, 1045 E. Dayton Street, 204-4236 Hours: 8:15-2:30 (M-F) Detention Center 210 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, 283-2945 Pathways Students ages 18-21 who have not completed their graduation requirements. Students work on their academic skill and develop vocational skills to lead to a high school diploma. Pathways is a collaboration site with Operation Fresh Start. The MMSD teacher works with OFS staff to service student needs. Operation Fresh Start, 1925 Winnebago Street, 244-4721 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) ROAD (Refocus on Achieving a Diploma) Students complete their requirements with the opportunity to achieve a MMSD diploma through hours of academic skill development, service to the community, post-secondary work. La Follette High School, 702 Pflaum Road, 204-3716 Memorial High School, 201 S. Gammon Road, 204-3552 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) SAPAR (School Age Parent Program) Designed as a safe, trusting environment for pregnant and parenting students. SAPAR places an emphasis on healthy mother and child development through positive relationships while providing opportunities for empowerment and responsibility. Marquette Elementary School, 1501 Jenifer Street, 204-4230 Hours: 8:35-12:35 (M-F) 12:50-3:00 (M-R) STT (Seed to Table) In collaboration with the Goodman Community Center, Seed to Table provides a hands-on program with a track record of re-engaging tenth grade students who are searching for purposeful learning through food. Seed to Table develops academic, employability, and community service skills. Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, 241-1574 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) TLC (Transition Learning Center) TLC provides students the temporary opportunity to complete credits for graduation and/or academic skill improvement. Marquette Elementary School, 1501 Jenifer Street, 204-6856 Hours: 8:30-11:00 (M-R) 12:00-2:30 (M-R) WLC (Work and Learn Centers) Serving 120 students in 11th and 12th grade at two sites. WLC students attend class for half of the day, and work or do job skill development for the other half of the day. Reconnect students to school, maintain and develop community partnerships through experiential learning and decrease the number of dropouts. Eastside: Lapham Elementary School, 1045 E. Dayton Street, 204-4341 Westside: Madison College West, 302 S. Gammon Road, 824-1278 Hours: 8:15-12:00 (M-F) 12:00-3:15 (M-F) 38 Jefferson Middle 101 South Gammon Road, Madison, 53717 608-663-6403 ● West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road, just past Mineral Point Road intersection (next to Memorial High School). Principal: Assistant Principal: Issac Kirkwood, interim for 2015-2016 Lee Korpela Secretary: Bridget Disch - 6:30-3:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: On site with a substitute parking permit. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 39 Kennedy Elementary 221 Meadowlark Drive, Madison, 53714 608-204-3420 ● West Beltline Hwy to Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading north, right on Milwaukee Street, right on Meadowlark Drive. ● East Washington Avenue to Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading south, take Milwaukee Street exit, turn left onto Milwaukee Street, right on Meadowlark Drive. Principal: Assistant Principal: Nancy Caldwell Karen Mullen Secretary: Amy Hagen - 7:30-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Please park on the side streets. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:30-3:22 40 La Follette High 702 Pflaum Road, Madison, 53716 608-204-3601 ● West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, right on Pflaum Road. ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), heading south to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Principal: Sean Storch Asst. Principals: Paris Echoles, Terry Meissen, Martha Olsen, Amy Wederath Secretary: Alice Bach - 7:30-4:00 Report to: Main office – PICK UP SUB FOLDER HERE. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria from 11:31-12:26. Parking Information: Available in faculty or student parking. Register your vehicle in the Welcome Center. The Madison Police Department issues parking tickets. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:00-3:43 Monday through Friday 8:00-3:34 Class Hours: 8:18-3:34 Block 1 8:18-9:50 Block 2 9:57-11:31 Block 3 Lunch: 11:31-12:23 Class: 12:23-1:55 41 Block 4 2:02-3:34 Lake View Elementary 1802 Tennyson Lane, Madison, 53704 608-204-4040 ● From the west side, take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota. Go right on Northport Drive, left on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. (Four blocks north of Northport Drive.) ● From the Capitol, take East Washington Avenue, turning left on N. First Street. Take a right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive). Turn right on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. ● From the north side, take Hwy 30 to Packers Avenue. Head north on Packers, veering left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive). Turn right on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. Principal: Kristi Kloos Secretary: Sherry Carpenter - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Order lunch upon signing in. Food is also available at nearby shopping centers. Parking Information: If the school lot is full, park on the street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:30-3:22 42 Lapham Elementary 1045 East Dayton Street, Madison, 53703 608-204-4140 ● West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, continue straight across the at John Nolen and Williamson Street (you are now on S. Blair Street), right on East Washington Avenue, left on Ingersoll Street, left on E. Mifflin Street. ● East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), right on Ingersoll Street, left on E. Mifflin Street. Principal: Tammy Thompson Kapp Secretary: Cara Hanson - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Please order by 8:30. Parking Information: On-street parking, or available spots in the parking lot behind the school. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K, Gr. 1-2: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:34 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 43 LEAP (Landmark Elementary Alternative Program) East 1501 Jenifer Street, Madison, 53703 (inside Marquette Elementary/O’Keeffe Middle School Building) ● East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), left on Baldwin Street, go approximately 3 blocks, turn left on Jenifer Street. *REPORT TO MARQUETTE SCHOOL OFFICE TO SIGN IN AND OUT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.* Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg Parking: Small lot and on-street parking. Watch for “No Parking” signs posted. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: 8:00-3:00 663-8428 8:30-2:30 LEAP (Landmark Elementary Alternative Program) Central 1802 Regent Street, Madison, 53726 (inside Randal Elementary School Building) *REPORT TO RANDALL SCHOOL OFFICE TO SIGN IN AND OUT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.* Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg Parking: Substitutes will need to find parking on the street. Regent Street is open just past Roby Road on the same side of the street as Randall School with no time restrictions. Please contact the Randall office at 204-3300 with questions. Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Lunch: 663-8428 7:55-3:30 Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: 8:30-2:30 LEAP (Landmark Elementary Alternative Program) West Location to be determined * Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg Parking: Lunch: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: 7:55-3:30 8:30-2:30 44 663-8428 Leopold Elementary 2602 Post Road, Madison, 53713 608-204-4240 ● Beltline Hwy to Fish Hatchery Road (heading south), right on Post Road. Principal: Assistant Principal: Karine Sloan Mat Thompson Secretary: Emily Michels - 7:00-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, other options are three blocks away. Parking Information: In school lot or on Leopold Way (across street). Please use entrance to the building (door #3) from upper parking lot at west end of building. The main doors from Post Road are locked during school hours. 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:25-1:10 Monday, 7:25-2:40 Tuesday through Friday Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:45-2:37 45 Lincoln Elementary 909 Sequoia Trail, Madison, 53713 608-204-4900 ● West Beltline Hwy to South Park Street (heading north), left on W. Badger Road, right on Cypress Way, left on Sequoia Trail. Principal: Deb Hoffman Secretary: Nicki Miller - 7:45-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria; breakfast served between 8:00-8:25. Parking Information: Parking in lot on Hackberry Street. Street parking near the school, but be sure to allow 5 feet between your car and mailboxes/driveways. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: Gr. 3-5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:22 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 46 Lindbergh Elementary 4500 Kennedy Road, Madison, 53714 608-204-6500 ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Northport Drive, left on Kennedy Road. ● East Washington Avenue to N. First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Kennedy Road. Principal: Salvador Velasco Secretary: Jane Ninmann - 7:45-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria; breakfast program 15 minutes before school. Parking Information: School lot or street parking in front of the school. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:30 and 12:00-3:22 8:30-3:22 47 Lowell Elementary 401 Maple Avenue, Madison, 53704 608-204-6600 ● Monona Drive (heading north) which becomes Atwood Avenue, left on Ludington Avenue. (Lowell is on the corner of Atwood Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue.) The main entrance is on Maple Avenue. ● John Nolen Drive (heading east), right at Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood Avenue, and then Atwood Avenue), right on Ludington Avenue. (Lowell is on the corner of Atwood Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue.) The main entrance is on Maple Avenue. Principal: John Burkholder Secretary: Amanda Reller - 7:15-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria and in the vicinity. Parking Information: Street parking only; lot is reserved for permanent staff. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: Early Childhood & 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:43 and 11:24-2:37 7:45-2:37 48 Marquette Elementary 1501 Jenifer Street, Madison, 53703 608-204-3220 ● East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), left on Baldwin Street, go approximately 3 blocks, turn left on Jenifer Street. Principal: Pam Wilson Secretary: Connie Senz - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Other options are available on Williamson Street and Atwood Avenue. Parking Information: Small lot and on-street parking. Watch for “No Parking” signs posted. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: Gr. 3-5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:45-2:37 49 Memorial High 201 South Gammon Road, Madison, 53717 608-663-5992 ● West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road, just past Mineral Point Road intersection. Principal: Jay Affeldt Asst. Principals: Matt Hendrickson, Christina Natalello, Bennett Radloff, Lorie Wesolek Secretary: Liz Contrucci - 7:30-4:00 Report to: Principal’s office: Liz Contrucci, Secretary Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Park on the Mineral Point Road side of the building. District parking sticker or building parking permit required. 8:00-4:00 Monday through Friday 8:00-3:30 Monday through Friday Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: Tues.-Fri.: Monday: 1st Hour 8:14 8:14 2nd Hour 9:11 8:54 Advisory 9:44 3rd Hour 10:11 10:31 4th Hour 11:08 11:11 5th Hour 12:50 12:36 6th Hour 1:47 1:16 7th Hour 2:44 1:56 PCT dates (early release at 2:31): September 14, 21, 28. October 5, 12, 19, 26. November 2, 30. December 7, 14. January 4, 11. February 8, 15, 22, 29. March 7, 14. April 4, 18, 25. May 2, 9, 16, 23. 1201 (Alternative Program) 1201 McKenna Boulevard, Madison, 53719 608-441-3871 ● West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road exit, turn onto S. Gammon Road (heading south), S. Gammon becomes McKenna Boulevard. Blue building across from Elver Park, and has a sign in front, “Wisconsin Youth & Family Center.” Memorial On-Track (Alternative Program) 5734 Raymond Road, Madison, 53711 608-467-8360 ● Intersection of Whitney Way and Raymond Road, Meadowood Neighborhood Center. 50 Mendota Elementary 4002 School Road, Madison, 53704 608-204-7840 ● Take East Johnson Street across the Yahara River and turn left on Fordem Avenue (which becomes North Sherman Avenue), continue on Sherman, turn left on Northport Drive (by Warner Park), Northport to School Road (approximately ¾ of a mile). Left on School Road. The school is ½ block on your right. Park in 2nd parking lot. Enter doors; office is 1st door on left. ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, turn right onto Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive). As you come into Madison, you will go through one stop light; turn right at the second street, School Road. The school is ½ block on your right. Park in 2 nd parking lot. Enter doors; office is 1st door on left. Principal: Carlettra Stanford Secretary: Lisa Zimmerman - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Refer to teacher lesson plans for specific schedule. Parking Information: In lot and on-street parking. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:15 Monday, 7:30-2:45 Tuesday through Friday You are expected to check in by 7:30, and check out before departing the school. Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:36 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 51 Midvale Elementary 502 Caromar Drive, Madison, 53711 608-204-6700 ● West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), right on Tokay Boulevard, left on Caromar Drive. ● University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard (heading south), left on Tokay Boulevard, left on Caromar Drive. Principal: Becky Galván Secretary: Marcia Naab - 8:00-4:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Very limited; please park on the street. Watch for “no parking” signs. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K, Gr. 1-2: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 52 Muir Elementary 6602 Inner Drive, Madison, 53705 608-663-8170 ● West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road (heading north), right on Mineral Point Road, left on S. Yellowstone Drive, left on Inner Drive. ● University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard, right on Mineral Point Road, right on S. Yellowstone Drive, left on Inner Drive. Principal: Andrea Kreft Secretary: Pam Holmes - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: On Inner Drive (opposite side of the school.) Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 53 NEON Program West - Hoyt 3802 Regent Street, Madison, 53705 Hoyt School and MSCR Building Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg - 663-8428 Report to: Room 1, 2, 4 or 5 Rooms 1 and 2 are classrooms. Room 3 is administrator’s office. Parking Information: On-street parking. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:30 NEON Program East - East Madison Community Center 8 Straubel Court, Madison, 53704 Madison Community Center Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg - 663-8428 Report to: Parking Information: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:45-3:00 NEON Program – 9th Grade Location to be determined Administrator: Jon Woloshin - administrator is not always on site Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg - 663-8428 Report to: Parking Information: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:45-3:00 54 Nuestro Mundo Community School 902 Nichols Road, Monona, 53716 608-204-1079 ● West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, left on Nichols Road. ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading south to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum. Pflaum Road turns into Nichols Road after crossing Monona Drive. Instructional Mode: Dual Language Immersion (Spanish/English) Principal: Joshua Forehand Secretary: Cecilia Delgado Bolton - 7:45-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Parking lot off of Nichols Road. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:30-3:22 55 O’Keeffe Middle 510 South Thornton Avenue, Madison, 53703 608-204-6820 ● East Washington Avenue (heading toward the Capitol), left on First Street, right on Winnebago Street, left on Thornton Avenue. ● West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, right on Williamson Street, right on Thornton Avenue. Principal: Tony Dugas Secretary: Kim Shinstine - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Limited lot parking and street parking. May 1-November 15 restricted street parking; watch for signs. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:47 56 Olson Elementary 801 Redan Drive, Verona, 53593 608-442-2600 ● West Beltline Hwy to Mineral Point Road exit. Head west on Mineral Point Road. Go straight through first set of lights (staying left). At next set of lights merge onto Junction Road/County Hwy-M via the ramp on the left. Enter next roundagout and take the second exit right onto Valley View Road. Go up the hill on Valley View Road. Turn left onto Redan Drive (second left). Pass through the roundabout going left onto Ancient Oak Drive. School is on your right. Enter the parking lot at the next right past the school. Principal: Deborah Lyons Secretary: Debbie Kollberg - 8:00-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Staff parking lot on the side of the building off of Ancient Oak Lane. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 57 Orchard Ridge Elementary 5602 Russett Road, Madison, 53711 608-204-2320 ● West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way (head south), left on Russett Road. Principal: Becky Kundert Secretary: Mary Willadsen - 7:45-4:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Light lunch within walking distance. Parking Information: On the street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 58 Randall Elementary 1802 Regent Street, Madison, 53726 608-204-3300 ● Mineral Point Road (heading east), becomes Speedway Road as you cross Glenway, right on Regent Street. ● John Nolen Drive (heading south), right on Northshore Drive (becomes Proudfit Street), go straight across intersection at West Washington Avenue, and you will be on Regent Street. ● University Avenue to Grand Avenue (heading south), left on Regent Street. Principal: John Wallace Secretary: Julie Dittmann - 6:45-3:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, or in the vicinity. Refrigerator available if you bring your own. Parking Information: Substitutes will need to find parking on the street. Regent Street is open just past Roby Road on the same side of the street as Randall School with no time restrictions. Please contact the Randall office at 204-3300 with questions. 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: Gr. 3-5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:45-2:37 59 RISE Program Location to be determined ● ► RISE (Rehabilitation Individual Student Education) Post-expulsion maintaining education program. Administrator: Jon Woloshin Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg - 663-8428 Lunch: Parking Information: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: Class Hours: Monday Tuesday-Friday 60 Sandburg Elementary 4114 Donald Drive, Madison, 53704 608-204-7940 ● West Beltline Hwy to Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) heading north, right on East Washington Avenue, left on Portage Road, right on Donald Drive. ● East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol), left on Portage Road, right on Donald Drive. Principal: Brett Wilfrid Secretary: Donna Kirschenmann - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: School lunch available. Please order early in the day. Periods vary, between 11:30 and 1:00. Parking Information: Staff parking lot, or on the street. Watch for the “no stopping, standing, parking” zone. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:21 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 61 Schenk Elementary 230 Schenk Street, Madison, 53714 608-204-1500 ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) exit at Milwaukee Street, head west on Milwaukee Street, left on Schenk Street. ● John Nolen Drive (heading east), right on Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood, which becomes Atwood Avenue), left on Walter Street, right on Richard Street, right on Schenk Street. Principal: Emmett Durtschi Secretary: Lenore Hills - 7:30-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria and vicinity. Parking Information: On-street parking. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:30-3:22 62 Sennett Middle 502 Pflaum Road, Madison, 53716 608-204-1920 ● West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, right on Pflaum Road. ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), heading south to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Principal: Assistant Principal: Tremayne Clardy Mark Dax Secretary: Liz Reagan - 7:15-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: In the parking lot at the side of or behind the building. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 63 Shabazz City High 1601 North Sherman Avenue, Madison, 53704 608-204-2440 ● East Washington Avenue to N. First Street, right on Packers Avenue, left on Commercial Avenue, right on Sherman Avenue. ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Northport Drive, right on Sherman Avenue. ► Enter building at Main Entrance near the wheel chair ramp. Go up to the third floor, take a right to get to the office. ► Students are allowed to wear hats and coats. Mutual respect is the expectation. Principal: Aric Soderbloom Secretary: Donna Chance - 7:30-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch is available in the Sherman Middle School cafeteria. Parking Information: Sherman Avenue parking lot. Sub Teacher Hours: 8:30-3:45 Monday through Friday Class Hours: 8:45-3:15 64 Sherman Middle 1610 Ruskin Street, Madison, 53704 (Located on the back side of Shabazz High) 608-204-2100 ● East Washington Avenue to North Street, left onto Commercial Avenue at the 4-way stop. Turn right onto Packers Avenue, stay in right lane and exit onto Aberg Avenue. Turn left onto Aberg Avenue, turn right onto Ruskin Street. ● Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right onto Hwy 113, which turns into Northport Drive, right on Sherman Avenue (at Warner Park). Turn left onto Schlimgen (at stoplight). Turn right onto Ruskin Street. Principal: Kristin Foreman Secretary: Sandy Tiedt - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria and immediate vicinity. Parking Information: No permit necessary. Park in Ruskin Street or Sherman Avenue parking lots, or on Ruskin Street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:47 65 Shorewood Elementary 1105 Shorewood Boulevard, Madison, 53705 608-204-1200 ● University Avenue to Shorewood Boulevard (heading north). Principal: Anu Ebbe Secretary: Nadine Reinacher - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria; other within a few blocks. Parking Information: 2-hour on-street parking is available (staff lot is reserved). Recommend Amherst and Columbia. Please get a parking permit in the office. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:19 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 66 Spring Harbor Middle 1110 Spring Harbor Drive, Madison, 53705 608-204-1100 ● University Avenue heading towards Middleton, right on Spring Harbor Drive (at the stoplights). Principal: Pam Waite Secretary: TBD- 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Substitutes may park in the lot next to the school, or on the street in front of the building. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 67 Stephens Elementary 120 South Rosa Road, Madison, 53705 608-204-1900 ● West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way, head north on Whitney Way, left on Mineral Point Road, right on Rosa Road. ● Regent Street (heading west), veer left onto Speedway Road (which becomes Mineral Point Road), right on Rosa Road. Principal: Assistant Principal: Sarah Galanter-Guziewski Nou Vang Secretary: Dena Jenks - 6:45-3:15 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, other options within a few blocks. Parking Information: Across the street from school. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday through Friday 7:30-1:05 Monday, 7:30-2:37 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 7:45-1:05 7:30-10:34 and 11:22-2:37 7:45-2:37 68 Thoreau Elementary 3870 Nakoma Road, Madison, 53711 608-204-6940 ● West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard, head north on Midvale Boulevard, right on Nakoma Road. ● Regent Street (heading west), left on Monroe Street, bear left on Nakoma Road. Principal: Kathy Costello Secretary: Amy Raymond - 7:30-4:00 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Parking on the streets surrounding Thoreau. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:15-11:21 and 12:07-3:22 8:30-3:22 69 Toki Middle 5606 Russett Road, Madison, 53711 608-204-4740 ● West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way (heading south), left on Russett Road. Principal: Assistant Principal: Nicole Schaefer Diane Studevant Secretary: Julie Pophal - 7:00-3:30 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Must pay at check-out; no credit. Parking Information: The school lot is reserved for staff only. Please park on side streets. Parking is available on Bartlett Lane (street across from Toki’s parking lot entrance). Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 70 UW Hospital / American Family Children’s Hospital 1675 Highland Avenue, Madison, 53792 608-263-8177 ● The UW Hospital School is located in the University of Wisconsin Hospital on the far west side of campus. From the east, take Highland Avenue/Hospital exit off Campus Drive. From the west, take Highland Avenue/Hospital exit off University Avenue. Proceed north on Highland Avenue to Visitor/Patient parking ramp. Enter building and proceed to the Information Desk for directions to the classrooms. You must also check in at the Security Office to be issued a badge for admittance into patient units. ► The Hospital School at American Family Children’s Hospital consists of two classrooms. The smaller classroom (room 4108) on the fourth floor serves students who are admitted on the Hematology/Oncology service. The larger classroom (room 5440) on the fifth floor serves all other students. ► Unlike other schools, the Hospital School is located within a medical facility where medical procedures always have priority. Children seen in the Hospital School may be in the hospital for a traumatic injury such as an injury sustained in an automobile accident. A student may have burns, an amputation secondary to bone cancer, or a life altering traumatic brain or spinal injury. A substitute in this setting must be able to work with ill or injured children, seeing the child inside without showing undue emotion or pity for what may be an extremely altered body or mind. ► Since the Hospital School is like a one room school, a substitute must be comfortable teaching a wide array of grade levels and subjects. You must also be comfortable working with different disciplines, such as nurses and therapists, as well as parents. ► Substitutes working in the Hospital School will be placed manually by contact from the teacher they are substituting for. Administrator: Jon Woloshin Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg - 663-8428 Lunch: Cafeteria or vending machines. Parking Information: Visitor/Patient parking ramp. Submit mileage form (available at Hospital School) with receipt for parking to Theresa, Doyle Administration Building. Sub Teacher Hours: 7:45-3:15 Monday through Friday 71 Van Hise Elementary 4747 Waukesha Street, Madison, 53705 608-204-4800 ● University Avenue (heading west) to Segoe Road, left on Segoe Road to Waukesha Street, right on Waukesha Street. ● West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), left on Mineral Point Road, right on Segoe Road, left on Waukesha Street, follow up and around to the school. ● Stairs at flagpole on Waukesha Street lead to the Van Hise Elementary main entrance. Principal: Peg Keeler Secretary: Ann Jesse-Schwabe - 7:30-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, or at Hilldale Shopping Center. Parking Information: Parking available in staff lot off Segoe Road, or on Waukesha Street. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday through Friday 8:15-1:50 Monday, 8:15-3:22 Tuesday through Friday Class Hours: K- Gr. 5: Monday Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:50 8:30-3:22 72 West High 30 Ash Street, Madison, 53726 608-204-4100 ● Mineral Point Road (heading east), left on Speedway Road, right on Regent Street, left on Ash Street. ● John Nolen Drive (heading south), right on Northshore Drive (becomes Proudfit Street), go straight across intersection at West Washington Avenue, and you will be on Regent Street, right on Ash Street. ● University Avenue to Highland Avenue, left on Van Hise Avenue, right on Ash Street. Principal: Beth Thompson Asst. Principals: Mitch McGrath, Rob Mueller-Owens (interim), Lori Schact DeThorne, Melanie Thiel Secretary: Deb Peterson - Van Hise Office - 204-3091 - 7:30-4:00 Brenda Dennis - Lead Secretary - 204-4106 Report to: Van Hise Office, room 1121 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: All day parking is available on Speedway Road until 4:00 PM. Otherwise, when parking on the street, watch carefully, as most of the streets are posted for 2-hour parking only. 8:00-4:00 Monday through Friday 8:00-3:40 Class Hours: 8:12-3:36 1st Hour 8:12-9:05 2nd Hour 9:10-10:02 3rd Hour 10:07-10:59 4th Hour 11:04-11:57 Lunch & Learn 12:02-12:49 73 6th Hour 12:49-1:42 7th Hour 1:47-2:39 8th Hour 2:44-3:36 West High SAIL (Specialized Academics for Individualized Learning) 3802 Regent Street, Madison, 53705 Hoyt School and MSCR Building 608-204-3006 Report to: Room 14 on the 1st floor next to the Regent Street entrance Building Contact: Marie Seguin - 204-3006 Lunch: Please pack a lunch. Parking Information: On-street parking. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:00-4:00 Monday through Friday 8:00-3:30 Class Hours: 8:30-3:30 74 Whitehorse Middle 218 Schenk Street, Madison, 53714 608-204-4490 ● Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road) exit at Milwaukee Street, head west on Milwaukee Street, left on Schenk Street. ● John Nolen Drive (heading east), right on Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood, which becomes Atwood Avenue), left on Walter Street, right on Richard Street, right on Schenk Street. Principal: Deborah Ptak Secretary: Julie Lockwood - 6:50-3:20 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria, and available in the immediate vicinity. Parking Information: Available in the staff parking lot. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 7:20-3:20 Monday through Friday 7:20-2:50 Class Hours: 7:35-2:37 75 Wright Middle 1717 Fish Hatchery Road, Madison, 53713 608-204-1340 ● West Beltline Hwy to Fish Hatchery Road exit, go north on Fish Hatchery Road. School is just past Madison Newspapers office. Principal: Angie Crawford Secretary: Jenny Cox - 7:45-3:45 Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Parking Information: Parking lot adjacent to the school; no permit required. Sub Teacher Hours: Sub SEA Hours: 8:00-3:45 Monday through Friday 8:00-3:19 Class Hours: 8:15-3:19 76 ACRONYMS AA AD ADA ADD ADHD AERO AFSCME AMSDA AODA AP AP ASL AVID BH BOE BRS C&I CBA CC CD CESA CLR CMP COBRA COTA CPR CPR CRIS CTE CW DBE DCP DCSS DECA D/HH DHSS DLI DPI DVR DWAD EA EAP EC ED EEN EEO ELL ELO EOC ERL ESEA ESL ETF EXED FACE FACE Affirmative Action Athletic Director Americans with Disabilities Act Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Alternative Education Resource Options American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees Association of Madison School District Administrators Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Advanced Placement Assistant Principal American Sign Language Advancement Via Individual Determination Black Hawk Middle School Board Of Education Bilingual Resource Specialist Curriculum & Instruction Collective Bargaining Agreement Cross Categorical Cognitive Disabilities Cooperative Educational Service Agency Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Connected Math Project Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Continuation of Benefits) Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Cultural Practices that are Relevant Credit Recovery and Increasing Skills Career & Technical Education Custodial Worker Developmental Bilingual Education Diploma Completion Program Dane County Social Services Distributive Education Clubs of America Deaf/Hard of Hearing Dept of Health & Social Services Dual Language Immersion Department of Public Instruction Division of Vocational Rehabilitation District-Wide As Directed Educational Assistant Employee Assistance Program Early Childhood Emotional Disturbance Exceptional Educational Needs Equal Employment Opportunity English Language Learners Educator Licensing Online Equal Opportunities Commission Educational Reference Library Elementary and Secondary Education Act English as a Second Language Employee Trust Funds Exceptional Education Family & Consumer Education Family & Community Engagement 77 FAST FI FMLA FPC FSA FSW FTE GED GHC GLBTQ GOOP HERO HI HR HS IC IDEA IEP IHS IMSC IRT LC LD LEAP LEP LGBTQ LMC LOA LTC LTD LTE LVEC LVM MAAP M-Team MIRI MMSD MOU MR MSC MSCR MSSW MTI MTSS MVC NA NCLB NEA NEON NIP O&M OCP OHI OMGE ORE OT PAC PACC PBST PD Family And Schools Together Family Illness Family & Medical Leave Act Food Production Center Flexible Spending Account Food Service Worker Full-time Equivalent General Equivalency Diploma Group Health Cooperative Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Questioning Grow Our Own Principal Program Home Economics and Related Occupations Hearing Impaired Human Resources High School Infinite Campus Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Individual Educational Plan Innovation High School Instructional Materials Selection Center Instructional Resource Teacher Learning Coordinator Learning Disabilities Landmark Elementary Alternative Program Limited English Proficiency Lesbian, Gay,Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Questioning Library Media Center Leave of Absence Long-term Care Long-term Disability Limited Term Employee Local Vocational Education Coordinator Elvehjem Elementary School Memorial Academic Achievement Program Multidisciplinary Team Motivation, Instruction, Reinforcement, Implementation Madison Metropolitan School District Memorandum of Understanding Mental Retardation Minority Services Coordinator Madison School-Community Recreation Department Master of Science in Social Work Madison Teachers, Inc. Multi-Tiered System of Support Madison Virtual Campus Nurse’s Assistant No Child Left Behind National Education Association New Educational Opportunities and Networking Neighborhood Intervention Program Orientation & Mobility Off-Campus Programming Other Health Impaired Office of Multilingual & Global Education Orchard Ridge Elementary Occupational Therapy Professional Advancement Credit Professional Advancement Credit Committee Positive Behavior Support Team Professional Development 78 PDP PCR PCT PE PI PIN PLTW PNP PSLA PST PT PTA/O R&E REACH REaL REPLAY RIA RN RSVP RtI S&L SAIL SAGE SAPAR SEA SEE SHRAC SIFI SIMS SIOP SIP SLC SPE SPED SPO STEM SWEIO SWS TAG TEP TERP TL TSA UC UI VHE VI ULGM WASB WASPA WC WEA WEAC WERC WH WIAA WLC WPS WRS Professional Development Plan Parent Community Relations Professional Collaboration Time Physical Education Personal Illness Personal Identification Number Project Lead The Way Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Personal Sick Leave Account Program Support Teacher Physical Therapy Parent-Teacher Association/Organization Research & Evaluation Reinforcement and Enrichment for All Children Relationships, Engagement and Learning Re-directive Pro-social Learning Alternative for Youth Retirement Insurance Account Registered Nurse Retired Senior Volunteer Program Response to Intervention Speech and Language Specialized Academics for Individualized Learning Student Achievement Guarantee in Education School-Age Parent Program Special Education Assistant Supportive Educational Employees Superintendent’s Human Relations Advisory Committee Schools Indentified For Improvement Student Intervention Monitoring System Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol School Improvement Plan Smaller Learning Communities Specialized Physical Education Special Education Substitute Placement Office Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Southern Wisconsin Educational In-service Organization School Within a School Talented And Gifted Transition Education Program Teacher Early Retirement Plan Teacher Leader Tax Shelter Annuity Unemployment Compensation Unemployment Insurance Van Hise Elementary Vision Impaired Urban League of Greater Madison Wisconsin Association of School Boards Wisconsin Association of School Personnel Administrators Worker’s Compensation Wisconsin Education Association Wisconsin Education Association Council Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission Whitehorse Middle School Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Work/Learn Center Wisconsin Physicians Service Wisconsin Retirement System 79 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET Pay Period: Pay Date: Date Job # School Teacher (Grade) Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Days _______________ times Daily Rate = $ _______________ Total Days _______________ times Long-Term Rate = $ _______________ TOTAL GROSS PAY $ _______________ 80 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET Pay Period: Pay Date: Date Job # School Teacher (Grade) Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Days _______________ times Daily Rate = $ _______________ Total Days _______________ times Long-Term Rate = $ _______________ TOTAL GROSS PAY $ _______________ 81 SUBSTITUTE JOB LOG SHEET Pay Period: Pay Date: Date Job # School Teacher (Grade) Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Days _______________ times Daily Rate = $ _______________ Total Days _______________ times Long-Term Rate = $ _______________ TOTAL GROSS PAY $ _______________ 82 MILEAGE FORM MADISON METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST USE ONLY FOR JULY 1, 2015 – DECEMBER 31, 2015 (Include All Mileage Except Conference Attendance and Out-of-District Meetings) TO: Sub Placement Office (Human Resources) FROM: Substitute Teacher Home Address: (print name) DATE FROM TO REASON MILES Total Miles Signature: Total Local Miles APPROVED BY: (MANDATORY) Total Nonlocal Miles Rate per Mile Amount Requested 83 0.575 $ MILEAGE FORM MADISON METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST USE ONLY FOR JULY 1, 2015 – DECEMBER 31, 2015 (Include All Mileage Except Conference Attendance and Out-of-District Meetings) TO: Sub Placement Office (Human Resources) FROM: Substitute Teacher Home Address: (print name) DATE FROM TO REASON MILES Total Miles Signature: Total Local Miles APPROVED BY: (MANDATORY) Total Nonlocal Miles Rate per Mile Amount Requested 84 0.575 $ Allis Elementary (001) 4201 Buckeye Road Animal Crackers 4K 6402 Hammersley Road Badger Rock Middle 501 E. Badger Road Black Hawk Middle (210) 1402 Wyoming Way Chavez Elementary (052) 3502 Maple Grove Drive Cherokee Middle (203) 4301 Cherokee Drive Crestwood Elementary (004) 5930 Old Sauk Road Dane Co. Shelter School 2402 Atwood Avenue Detention Center 210 MLK Jr Boulevard East High (141) 2222 E. Washington Avenue Elvehjem Elementary (006) 5106 Academy Drive Emerson Elementary (007) 2421 E. Johnson Street Falk Elementary (011) 6323 Woodington Way Franklin Elementary (008) 305 W. Lakeside Street Glendale Elementary (009) 1201 Tompkins Drive Gompers Elementary (010) 1502 Wyoming Way Hamilton Middle (234) 4801 Waukesha Street Hawthorne Elementary (012) 3344 Concord Avenue Huegel Elementary (038) 2601 Prairie Road Jefferson Middle (245) 101 S. Gammon Road Kennedy Elementary (036) 221 Meadowlark Drive Kennedy Heights Neighborhood 4K 199 Kennedy Heights LaFollette High (142) 702 Pflaum Road Lake View Elementary (014) 1802 Tennyson Lane Lapham Elementary (016) 1045 E. Dayton Street LEAP Central 1802 Regent Street LEAP East 1501 Jenifer Street LEAP West Leopold Elementary (072) 2602 Post Road Lincoln Elementary (037) 909 Sequoia Trail Lindbergh Elementary (071) 4500 Kennedy Road Lowell Elementary (019) 401 Maple Avenue Marquette Elementary (020) 1501 Jenifer Street Memorial High (145) 201 S. Gammon Road Memorial On-Track Program 1201 McKenna Boulevard Mendota Elementary (021) 4002 School Road Midvale Elementary (022) 502 Caromar Drive Muir Elementary (017) 6602 Inner Drive NEON Program East 8 Straubel Court NEON Program West 3802 Regent Street NEON Program 9th Grade Nuestro Mundo (065) 902 Nichols Road O’Keeffe Middle (220) 510 S. Thornton Avenue Olson Elementary (062) 801 Redan Drive Orchard Ridge Elementary (025) 5602 Russett Road Pathways/Operation Fresh Start 1925 Winnebago Street Randall Elementary (026) 1802 Regent Street RISE Program Sandburg Elementary (053) 4114 Donald Drive Schenk Elementary (027) 230 Schenk Street Seed to Table/Goodman Ctr 149 Waubesa Street Sennett Middle (242) 502 Pflaum Road Shabazz High (140) 1601 N. Sherman Avenue Sherman Middle (228) 1610 Ruskin Street Shorewood Elementary (029) 1105 Shorewood Boulevard Spring Harbor Middle (231) 1110 Spring Harbor Drive Stephens Elementary (032) 120 S. Rosa Road Thoreau Elementary (023) 3870 Nakoma Road Toki Middle (225) 5606 Russett Road UW Hospital School 600 Highland Avenue Van Hise Elementary (034) 4747 Waukesha Street West High (143) 30 Ash Street West High SAIL 3802 Regent Street Whitehorse Middle (227) 218 Schenk Street Work/Learn Center East 1045 E. Dayton Street Work/Learn Center West 302 S. Gammon Road Wright Middle (239) 1717 Fish Hatchery Road **Schools in Bold print are early start schools. 204-1056 277-9990 442-1335 204-4360 442-2000 204-1240 204-1120 246-3889 283-2945 204-1600 204-1400 204-2000 204-2180 204-2292 204-2400 204-4520 204-4620 204-2500 204-3100 663-6403 204-3420 244-0767 204-3600 204-4040 204-4140 663-8428 663-8428 204-4240 204-4900 204-6500 204-6600 204-3220 663-5990 441-3871 204-7840 204-6700 663-8170 663-8428 663-8428 204-1079 204-6820 442-2600 204-2320 244-4721 204-3300 204-7940 204-1500 241-1574 204-1920 204-2440 204-2100 204-1200 204-1100 204-1900 204-6940 204-4740 263-8177 204-4800 204-4100 204-3006 204-4480 204-4341 824-1278 204-1340