Minutes of the meeting against the menace of
Minutes of the meeting against the menace of
,*F OTIPUDUCI{ERRY GOVERNMANT LO CAL ADMINIST^*'*-a'TIOI\l DEPARTMENT - 605 001" No.16SuffrenStreet,Puducherry e-mail:lad@pon'nic.in dirlad.pon@nic,in Phone: O4L3- 2225628,2336469 Fax 041.3-2225628 dt: 06-05Puducherry, No.I 971DIR/IAD/?A/20t0 To (Revenue), Puducherry. <um-specialSecretary 1.-"TheDistrictCollector (L&O), Puducherry. Police of r{ tne,SeniorSuperintendent Puducherry' PublicWorksDepartmento 3. TheChiefEngineer, Puducherry' Department, Electricity Engineer-I, 4. The;Superintending 4W.: Sir, of underthechairmanship heldon 6.4.2GL0 Sub:Minutesof themeeting Hon'blePublicHealthMinisterto reviewthepositionin respect - Reg' * Forwarded ltoardings of displayof w,qllposters,banners, (- )h'r:t I am directedto encloseherewithu cspy of the Minutes of rhe meetinlgheld on of Hon'blePublic Health Minister to review th,e position underthe chairmanship 6,4.2A110 regardingdisplay of wall posters,bannersand hoardings,for favour of information and action. necessary DIRPCTOR EncL:As above, Copyto: Panchayats, andCommune of all theMunicipalities 1. The,Commissioners action" necessery ' ..For Yanam Mahe / Karaikal / " Puducherry / (Municipal Administration) / 2. TheDepqtyDirector Puducherry" LocalAdmn'Department, DeputyDirector(RuralDevelopment), Minister Flealth Public to Hon'ble 3. TheFrivate"Secretary Puducherry (LA), Chiefsecretariat, 4. ThePA to PrincipalSdcretary Puducherry' Department, Folice of Police, General tobirector 5. TheSecretary Y,' k, - \s[a{*6 \'r vY' fu ,.Y f.a. "wf t)'wb'v fino, Gttg J"-,- J /{u,cts for irta aM .SPfltlortii,1 f2(kJ i rNsPccrslMPo!-rcE CIRSLE tllf' BAZAAR GRAITD PUDUCHERRY .l lN ThlE t'IF!.-p0ry-0$'914010 THti MEEIING. MINUTE$IOF 1 'JInNITI E DI IR| TE NPtItH MINISTHR TO HEALTHtwlsslsrH-R PUBLIC HON'eLE REVIEW o13 POSITION AND osplaV6ilrAut Pfrsrgps,BANNERS REGARD1NS the meetingis givenin theAnnexure' Thelistof officialswlnoattended thatdltllll { Yl.l,.*:f::' (W deplored Minister the'Hon'ble At theoutset, i'ic'duJeb't,, gff.::,lt"ljflliilfjil; ffi :ffi;fid; il;;;ffi;t b"nn",!' T1'1, todety in' MLA*t!' ffilltHs:iil ;;"i#;"io' .-l', 5P.gir$:":'Yi:gi"? have establishmenp,-1ni9!tt ivas point€dout that manynew commercial digitalbanners' - put up innumerable have openedtheir branchlsin Puducherry informed further lt'was that PWDand of thc ilit'.* tiie-UJauty marrtng hoardings to such commercial have grrnt*i'' p*itnisiioni!i991]9t ElectricityDepartrnents ontie mainroadsi' banners il#lild#t-r"r",-i;;;;ii"r';;;rinri.i"i nduioinsstoigital a Presst!+leT?ltlixing a suggested.to Puducherry TheDistrictCollector, !91ye pubficfailingwhich deadlinefor removalof suchposter$,f"tbitOligi"otuntarilyty.the tneautnoritieswill'"'ou.tn.rirandca,9e9willbefiledagainstthem' |tw a E p o i n te d th a tinM aheandYanam ,thor eignoincidentofwa| | pos ter i ng' etc.bYanYbodY. hoardings, havebeenarrivedat: decisions thefollowing Atterdetaileddeliberations, in banners,wall postersshouldbe permitteo,tg,,g"t-gltllqyecl No hoardings, 1, arefetqhingrsvenueor oi whethersuch,advertisements irr""sp"ctive any not."r"" local'body or,'PWEtor alrt:ady,Oivel All permissions/licenses 2. 9it[19]-tht be immediately hoardin$ . Electricity il;-Jtion oi suefib-anners, .onoyt! *ili up.aTd nedrawn strhi iineoub iiii'r'r purpos*]u this For withdrawn. of banners' givenfor erection .it ferrni'ssion/licences "qgeOatotin.'ti*.0, byrheauthorities. bewittrdrawn iiilroinir.should 3. ditgital tor the erectionof hoardings' / permission Nd renewalof'lidencer Body, Local viz; authority, nu giant"oby any banners,etc.shallhericefo,th Derpartnrent' PWDandElectricity 4.ThecfriefEngineer,l:wDwill"glveim m e dfor i aerection t e i n s tof r ubanners ctiontohisotfir granted atreaOy to withdraw ,ttepetmisiion concerned andelsewhere. I highways fVf"in,:oa'ds i noarOinis'on"i'f.r ...21- i!. ''4,^ r 5. / "2" Wall posters,hoardings,banners,put up in the villagesshouldalso be removed. banners.includingreligious All types of commercialadvertisernentsldigital as'it postersshouldnot be permifiedto be displayed, pOsteis,condolence marsthe beautYof thecitY. 7. shouldbe hoardings, banners, on displayof posters, monitoring Continuous remove/ to and month a for atleast conberned authoriiies tne OV *aO" whitewaihthem,whenevernoticed,as sucha mea$urewill detertlhepublic etc. fromputtingupanywallposter,hardings' shouldbe shownin the matterof romovalwall'posters, No discrimination erectedby all in'dividuals/ banners,hoardings. All wall poster$,hoardings be removed. politicalparties,shouldinvariably lf any personis foundindulgedin puttingup banners,hoardingsrepeatedly, then'the identityof such a personshsuldbe found sut with the help of shouldbe madewiththe of PrintingPressand a fonnalcomplaint Proprietor Policefor takingstrictactionagainsthim. 1 0 . A FlyingSquadto monitorthe disBlayof wallposters,bannersand hoardings withthe by the LocalBodiesin coordination snoritObe iormedimmediately DePartments. PoliceandRevenue to displayonly.a shouldbe permitted establishments 1 1 . All shops/commercial and otherthanthis' the nameof shop/establishment sinqleboarddisplaying in frontof permited displayed be to be banner should rdidigiial nilinerthe shopandelsewhere" 12t.. An all partymeetingwill be convenedat the earliestto impressuponthe in favourof any wallposters,hoardings politicaiparties to refrainfromerecting individual i party,etc. shall henceforthstop putting uFi posters, 1 3 . All Gqernment Departments maybe etc.in the publicplacesandinstead,suchadvertisements hoardings, madein'thelocalCableTV channels. 1zl. urgingthe publicto removeall the A Pressappealwill be madeimmediately watt posteri,hoardingsand bannersOetordtneevehingo1th Alpril,2010, actionflgainst will removethembesidesinitiating failin! whichthe authorities thosewhoputupthem. A * (A. BAI-AS