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President’s Message
My dear Members,
Let me start by wishing everybody a Happy New Year 2009; the 35th anniversary
year of the founding of the Toronto Chapter of the Canorient. The 35th
anniversary speaks volumes about the founding members and their dreams to have an association
that caters to the needs of new immigrants from the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. The Canorient
boasts of some of the most loyal members who continue to be members even though they do not
participate in its activities. This is a dual edge sword as many of the founding members are now
senior citizens and the association itself is entering middle age in need of renewal and refresh.
I was delighted to bring in the New Year with many of our members and guests who made it out to
our New Year’s Eve Gala at the Claireport Banquet Hall. The excellent food, great music and the
special pyrotechnics. It was indeed special and from the feedback we received, everybody had a
great time. The New Year’s Eve Gala concluded the 2008 Christmas and New Year celebrations
which began with the Children’s Christmas Tree, the Choral Mass and the Christmas Dance. All
the events were very successful and well attended. All these events involve many volunteers in
addition to the members of the executive committee and it would not be possible without them.
As the New Year commences, it is with a touch of sadness that I write my last message as the
President. I have had the honour of being President for two years and will not be a candidate for
President again. When I took over, I did not know exactly what to expect but I can say that after
two years at the helm it has been a rewarding experience. I was an outsider who was greeted so
warmly by all the members, young and old. I have made many new friends and have had the
privilege of working with a great group of people on the executive committee. Sometimes it is
unfair that the President gets all the credit when it really is a team effort. I have also enjoyed
working with so many who are not on the executive committee but are always willing to assist
and give of their time and talents.
My commitment to all of you is that I will do everything I can to make the new President feel
welcome and that the transition will be smooth. I look forward to helping my successor take on
the reins and drive forward in new and exciting directions.
Finally my dear friends I want to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to serve as
President and I hope that my two years have made a difference.
Au revoir
Angela Menezes
March 2009.
Community … that word has various meanings to many different people. I guess
I’ve been thinking a lot about community recently, because I have been working
on this particular issue, where we are celebrating the 35th year of the Canorient
Association. Reading all the different articles about the Canorient resulted in me
spending a lot of time thinking about our community.
When people ask me about my community, invariably the Canorient will always pop up in those
conversations. When they understand what the Association is about, they are surprised that people
volunteer their time and effort to foster a sense of community for those who once belonged to another
community and another country. It amazes them that there are so many individuals who consider it a
privilege to work hard and maintain an organization that demands an immense amount of effort and
dedication. When I proceed to tell them about the events that are held by the Canorient Association, they
are truly in awe. It amazes them that there is an organization that offers people entertainment, comfort,
help and a place to rekindle old friendships and enjoy memories about their birth country. To me that’s
what community is all about.
Having a sense of community and a sense of belonging is important to everyone. Instilling this sense of
community in the younger generation of our community is important. I just want to take this opportunity
to encourage anyone who may be interested in joining the Canorient committee or who may just want to
help out with some of the amazing events and parties that we have. I can only speak for myself when I
say that being the Editor of the Contact has been a fantastic opportunity. I have met new people, and I
feel better because I am able to contribute to my community in a small manner.
I hope you enjoy this edition of the Contact. As you read the articles, indulge in going down memory
lane as some of our writer’s have, and when you do, relish your memories at the numerous Canorient
events that you have attended.
As always, I just want to say thank you to all those people who contributed an article, poem, or anecdote
for this edition. I welcome all your contributions, remarks and ideas. You can email me at
[email protected].
Happy 35th Canorient, and to all of you … Happy Reading!
Schenelle Cunningham
New Members for 2009
Membership Report
Walter Mendes
We had a signicant increase in membership revenues
in 2008 and this is mainly due to the membership fee
increase that was approved at the last AGM. In terms of
membership growth, the membership has been static,
we have new members joining and just as many who do
not renew their memberships.
We have also had bursts of growth during the
Immigration initiatives; sadly once one is ‘landed’
they choose not to remain members. We also have
dependents who once they reach the age of 25 years
choose not become regular members.
Our membership count for 2008 was 514 families made
up of Singles, Seniors and Ordinary members. When
you include dependents our total is 1,100 members.
The breakdown percentage wise is Singles 7%, Seniors
43% and Ordinary members making up the remaining
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our
members who promptly pay their dues. We have
several members who have also prepaid their
membership and this gives me a good feeling that there
are people out there who continue to actively support
our organization.
Dear Members,
Your present Executive Committee under
the direction of Angela, your President, has
worked tirelessly to provide to the membership
an exciting year with dances, pool tournament,
Canorient Idol, food fairs and other events.
This has involved effort on behalf of the
committee and the many volunteers who have
organized, and contributed to the success.
Many of the executive members have been
on the Committee for several years and have
indicated that they will not be returning for
different reasons e.g. personal needs, and time
to explore other plans.
Your Executive Committee is inviting members
to volunteer to join this Committee. The
personal satisfaction of helping the Association
and your Community is immense. As an older
member your experience would be an asset and
as a Youth member, meeting other youth can
lead to new friends. This volunteer experience
could also help on a resume. As the Association
enters its 35th year, in addition to the highly
successful events held, new executive members
could lead your club to new events, encourage
participation of youth and maintain the popular
events members have enjoyed over the years.
For this to happen, the Association needs
many devoted and hard working volunteers. If
you would like to consider joining, we would
invite you to join us as an observer at our future
meetings. The AGM as indicated elsewhere is
on Sunday April 26, 2009.
The Executive Committee looks forward to a
good response from our members.
The Canorient Community Centre
40 Hanlan Road, Units 40/41
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Woodbridge, Ontario
Perfect setting for small intimate
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Monday Thursday
Thank You,
Emil Pinto
It’s Idol Time
Alicia Pereira
Canorient Idol is a live singing show where contestants
sing to compete for a million dollar recording
contract… or wait, that’s Canadian Idol. Well close
enough – except for that million dollar contract.
This year’s Canorient Idol pushed limits hosting
the biggest venue yet! 460 people crammed into the
elegantly decorated Peter and Paul Hall and anxiously
awaited the Alicia Keys’ and Elvis’ of this year to
take to the stage.The singers were judged by Amanda
Davids, Shannon Alvares and last minute ll in, Leslie
28 contestants, 4 categories and only 6 hours… phew,
this was gonna be a doozey.
Fast Facts
1. Based on: American Idol
The Roster
Shannon Orenchuk
Candace Gomes
Marc Zuzarte
Larissa Lobo
Aniqa Qadir
Chantelle Hope
Lynda Rodrigues
Joe Zuzarte
Valerie Fortune
Menin Gomes
Janice Hope
Tino Pinto
Gratian Goveas
Hermon Rezene
Joanna Zuzarte
Kelsey Armstrong
Sarah Penny
Dianne D’Silva
Rachelle Almedia
Rachel Castellino
Keith Vaz
Agnello Antao
Michelle D’Cruz
Claudine Alias
Susie Shemlit
Vitus Gomes
Fidelis Noronha
Trish Nazareth could not compete due a medical
2. Created by: Gordon Alias
3. Hosts: Zach Pinto & Andrea Pereira
4. Judges: Amanda Davids, Shannon Alvares, Leslie
5. Premiere: September 27, 2008
The winners
10-15 years.
Numero uno went to last year’s winner Aniqa Qadir,
who channeled her inner 50’s diva to pull off her
rendition of “All that Jazz.”
6. Seasons: 3
All things stayed the same as Second Place was
grabbed once again by Chantelle Hope, who is one of
my favourites. Hope commanded the stage with her
8. Most memorable moment: Louis Mendonca
giving Olympic Pin to former Olympian (1952) version of “Bailmos.”
7. Chief Guest of Honour: Louis Mendonca, and also
John DeSouza, Ken Pereira and Wayne Fernandes
Jack Britto.
9. Shout outs: Angela Menezes, Hilary Fialho, Zach
Pinto, Marilyn Correa, Gordon Alias
10. Musical Directors: Llewellyn and Dennis Davids
Numero trois went to Larissa Lobo who gave a sweet
performance of Canada’s sweetheart Shania Twain.
16-26 years.
From the moment this rst place stunner opened her
mouth everyone knew whose name they were writing
down on the voting card. First place easily went to
newcomer Hermon Rezene and her pipes singing the
Alicia Keys hit, “A Woman’s Worth.”
Last year’s third place winner, Rachel Castellino gave
a heartfelt introduction to her difcult song choice of
“A Time to Say Goodbye,” securing her a close second
place nish.
Contestants for the 16-26 years.
Third place went to the only guy brave enough to
take on the 7 women in his category. Showing off his
charismatic charm and even trying to irt with the
judges – that’s right buddy, I was in the front row and 50+ years.
I saw you try to dance over to the judges – Keith Vaz Singing “Stand by your Man,” newby Susie Shemlit
took home the bronze.
had everyone standing by her when it came time to ll
in their votes. This powerful voice came out of such a
small women, packages are deceiving.
27-49 years.
First place went to Tino Pinto who belted out “Bed
of Roses,” and was a crowd pleaser. Either this guy
wants to be Jon Bon Jovi or he practices every night
before he goes to bed because he sounded exactly like
the superstar rocker.
Second place went to Gratian Goveas who got his
guitar and the audience involved with his version of,
“Crazy Little Thing Called Love.”
Third place went to a familiar face from last year.
Tino’s friendly rival and last year’s rst placer,
Valerie Fortune, who sung “I’m already there.”
Now since last year these two have constantly had
an ongoing “friendly” bet, I use that term loosely
because everyone know that secretly it’s probably
not so friendly, so now it’s tied one-all, we’ll see who
comes out victorious next year. So this round is to be
Putting his rapping skills to the test, the Punjabi MC
himself Fidelis Noronha captured second place putting
some special curry spice on the hit song “Pretty
To end off the evening, third place went to the man
famous for his sideburns. Agnello Antao brought the
crowd to their feet singing, “Little Sister.”
After crowning the new champions Zach and Andrea
ended off the night just like they started it, with a
Until next year Canada, Seacrest…I mean Alicia OUT.
Seated from left to right: Max Fernandes, Louis Mendonca, Jack Britto, Gordon Alias and Clifford Gonsalves.
What They Are Saying About The Idol 2008
Here are some of the extracts regarding feed back received for the 4th Canorient Idol event held on September 27th, 2008.
What can I say? You are the best. It was just such a
fabulous evening! So perfect!
Eva Pakyam
Good morning to my favourite “Idols”:
Now that the euphoria of Saturday night is fading away
and being replaced by the harsh realities of spreadsheets
and rows and columns of numbers, I would like to
congratulate you on behalf of Celine, Jonathan and myself
on an excellent job. From start to nish it was very well
done and I know and greatly appreciate the amount of
effort it takes to put something like this together.
Thanks again and have a great week.
Walter Mendes
We, the Pereira family, would like to complement all of
the 2008 IDOL committee for making us proud of our
community by staging yet one of the best and classiest
Maryann & Errol Pereira
As usual the both of you along with all the volunteers did
a fantastic job in organizing the event. Once again, it was
a good idea inviting and honoring Louis Mendonca, who
thoroughly appreciated being honored.
Patrick Mendes
First of all, congratulations!
smashing success.
Patsy Fernandez
I heard the Idol was a
The show was really great this year--I just can’t believe
how many people there were—it’s really good for the
community. It was also nice to see a mix of cultures
among the singers. Very good job! Can’t wait for next
Michelle Ganza
Gordon, the Idol was fantastic.
My heartfelt
congratulations to you and the rest of the gang that helped.
It was well organized and went off without a hitch. I
thoroughly enjoyed the performances and the food.
Joe Menezes
A quick email to congratulate you and your team on an
excellent show. Kudos to each of you for a very well
organized and enjoyable event. All the best!
Jenny D’Costa
I want to congratulate you all on organizing a very
successful ‘Canorient Idol” event.
This was my rst Canorient event after a number of
years and both my granddaughter(Her rst Canorient
event) and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening including
the food and dessert.
Archie Martis
Hi Marilyn, how are you, we had a wonderful time at the
Idol and looking foward to it happening again next yearjust please let me know when they are having it next
year (no hurry) so I could book that time off to come.
Annette D’Souza
I just wanted to thank you for a great evening on Saturday,
Idol was a wonderful event! I think this year has been the
best by far, it ran smoothly and was very well organized.
I liked the new voting style, and the night moved at a
great pace (not a long lag between performers, etc.)
I can see how much work you did and you should be
VERY happy with the outcome! I will be pleased to help
next year in any way I can.
Melissa Fialho
Rochelle and I had a BLAST!! Of course we were
shocked (pleasantly) that the show ACTUALLY began
on time and it was so well organized!! For sure we’ll
be there for all the Canorient shows!! GOOD SHOW
INDEED and it was great to see you guys!!
Maria Almeida
To maximize space constraints the following are some of the many comments and feedback received from
those attending this popular event. The details are transcribed verbatim based on the written communication
received from the respective authors (Guest and participants).
T h a n k Yo u
Shirley and Wayne Fernandes
Just a short email to thank you all
very much for recognizing my son, Wayne
along with the other three members of
the Canadian National Field hockey
Olympic Team.
I would like to echo my mother’s
thoughts and thanks. I am very honoured
to receive such recognition from the
Canorient Christian Association.
My husband Ed and myself have really
appreciated it and so has Wayne.
My brother Clarence too, said they were
all honoured in a very nice fashion.
I sincerely apologize for not being
able to attend in person but hopefully
in future my Field Hockey schedule will
allow me to attend a Canorient function
to meet you all and show my appreciation
in person!
Thanks once again,
Kind Regards
Shirley Fernandes
Wayne Fernandes
Gratitude From One Of Our Participants ...
Dear Canorient Members,
On behalf of myself, my husband John and our dear friends Elaine and Ruth, we wish to take
this opportunity to give each and everyone a heartfelt thank you for a tremendous evening.
We were overwhelmed with the way the banquet and Gala were put together and organized.
More than this, it was such a refreshing honour to have been so accepted by all of you. Your
sincerity and respect for everyone was in great abundance and was felt as soon as we walked
through the door. In this day and age, when there is so much upheaval in the world, it was so
wonderful to be part of your lives for the evening.
It was a great honour to sing for you all. Even if I had not won anything, I would have still felt
like a winner. It was a privilege to perform for you all.
We hope that sometime in the future, our paths will cross again.
Thank you all,
Sincerely yours,
Mr. and Mrs. Shemilt and friends
Canorient’s “Man of the Year”
Zach Pinto
Gordon Alias with his wife Claudine.
He may not be the president nor is he the president elect (at least
not yet!), but they do have one thing in common. They are both
bestowed with the coveted title of “Man of the Year”. Our man
of course is none other than the popular Mr. Gordon Alias. At
the New Year’s Gala in 2008, Angela Menezes, President of the
Canorient honoured Gordon in recognition of his tireless efforts
and support of the association through the many successfully
organized events. For this recognition Angela identied Gordon
as the Canorient’s “Man Of The Year” in comparison to Time
Magazine’s 2008 recepient and we all know who that person is.
Now before I proceed further in singing the praises of Mr. Gordon Alias, of which there are many, I would not
want to be misinterpreted or minimize the efforts of many other members within the community who have
dedicated their efforts in the past to the betterment of the association and the community at large. I am sure there
are many of you there that would be deserving of this honour. However, given that this is the rst of its kind
bestowed to a deserving member of the Canorient, in the present time we will concentrate on the accolades of
Mr. Gordon Alias.
When asked to write a few words in recognition of this award to Gordon, I considered it an honour and a
pleasure. However, considering a man of his talents and accomplishments keeping it to a few words is the real
challenge. Gordon migrated to Canada (Toronto) from Pakistan (Karachi) in 1978. He married his beautiful,
and also popular, wife Claudine that same year and together they have two wonderful children Neil and Gavin.
Prior to coming to Canada, Gordon was and to this day continues to be a very avid sportsman and an even
greater fan. He has represented the St Patrick’s School cricket and hockey teams. Being selected to these star
aligned teams were not easy tasks. He, along with the likes of the also popular Robert Saptel, Peter Nunes and
others, were the founding members and served on the executive of the ever popular Comarades Sports Club
in Karachi. My rst acquaintance with Gordon was initiated when he was assigned the task of recruiting and
attracting new and younger members to increase the club’s talent pool and membership. I have always found
him to be a good mentor and I learned a lot from him. His dedication coupled with his masterful organizational
skills have earned him the reputation for being considered for and saddled with major projects. Sometime during
the late 60’s or early 70’s Gordon was approached by the St Patrick’s Parish to organize and manage the famous
Shamrock Festival. This festival was geared to track and eld events which mushroomed and grew to heights of
greater proportions during each of the 8 years he conducted this event with his trusted team of volunteers. As a
member or the lead of sub committees, he was also instrumental for the many Table Tennis, Cricket and Hockey
Tournaments that not only kept the community busy but were also thoroughly enjoyed by all who participated
in these events. There were also social events involving dances, shows and special celebrations in tribute and
recognition of community achievers in the eld of sports.
His departure from the Karachi scene was a great loss to all those who depended on his great talent and
organizational skills. Fortunately someone else’s loss ended up being Canada’s and in particular the Canorient’s
gain. It did not take much for Gordon to quickly start using his talents, skills and drive for organizing events
when he came to Canada. He spent the early years observing and soaking in the air displayed by others.
However, it didn’t take long for him to offer his own contributions and for putting his talents and skills to use.
He has been instrumental in organizing events such as Table Tennis and Carrom tournaments, the ever popular
Canorient Idol, Poker tournament, etc to name just a few. All of these events have attracted membership as well
as raised supplemental funds for the association. With sheer grit and determination he continues to be actively
involved through suggesting and implementing the innovative and creative ideas in the interest of maintaining
the highest levels of standards and reputation of the association.
Gordon, for this the association and all of the community salute you and your accomplishments and together we
congratulate you on being given the rst coveted title of “Canorient’s Man of the Year – 2008”.
by laying the dessert table with
exquisite sweets, marzipan, cakes
of varying shapes and sizes, all
prepared by herself and her close
All of us present will remember
this occasion for the years to
come. We wish Agnes and George
the very best of everything, joy,
happiness and a blissful life
50th Golden Wedding Anniversary
Adelaide Mendes, the second daughter of Godfrey &
Teresa Mendes, Granddaughter of Mickey Mendes and
Daphne Suares, tied the knot with Joel Michael on October
4th, 2008. The marriage ceremony took place at Merciful
Redeemer Parish in Mississauga, followed by a reception
at the Royal Banquet Hall. This is the rst marriage for
the Mendes/Suares family. Family from Calgary, UK,
Dubai and Florida were all in Toronto to celebrate this
joyous occasion.
25 Wedding Anniversary of Agnes & George
(Pattoo) Thomas
Godfrey Cunningham
Friday, September 19, 2008 was a red letter day in the
lives of Agnes and George Thomas, who celebrated 25
years of sharing, caring and loving each other.
Joe and Rowena
D’Cruz celebrated
their 50th wedding
on October 12,
family and friends
at the Meridian
and Convention
Centre in North
elegant reception was hosted by their two children Clyde
and Dilys (Harrison) and their spouses Rosanna and John.
Their ve grandchildren, Stephanie, Christian, Sheldon,
Jordan and Keenan enthusiastically participated and were
thrilled with their roles directing guests to their tables.
Since it was Thanksgiving Weekend as well, it was most
appropriate to start off the evening with “Give Thanks to
the Lord” in song led by Rowena followed by Scripture
Readings. Father Michael D’Cruz who had married them
50 years earlier at St. Lawrence’s Church in Karachi gave
them a special blessing.
Their anniversary reception was held at the glamorous
Crystal Fountain Banquet Hall. The elegant décor of the
hall complemented the couple who graciously received
their guests. Agnes in midnight blue and George in his
tuxedo were the essence of elegance, style and grace.
Joe and Rowena were elegantly attired for the occasion
. Their cousins Merle and Sebastian Gonsalves were
responsible for the attractive table decorations while
the masterpiece cake was created by John and Veronica
Gonsalves. A sumptuous dinner followed with several
eloquent short speeches given by their children, relatives
and friends.
The speeches were intimate, meaningful as well as
anecdotal which added to the joyous atmosphere of the
Clyde and Dilys made super Emcees; and Pompie Gois
really livened things up and kept people hopping with his
fun dances to the appropriate music of Mel Budell.
Guests were treated to a sumptuous sit down dinner,
whilst being entertained to the music of the popular DJ
Mel Budell. Agnes, knowing the great entertainer that she
is, had to stamp the occasion with her culinary expertise
The Canorient Seniors Club was well represented making
this a truly memorable occasion.
have their family
meet many of their
dear friends from
“back home”, not
to mention a few
relatives too! Their
son Kurt was a
and the DJ Mel
Buddel provided the
wonderful music for
the evening.
50th Wedding Anniversary
Shirley & Reg Digby celebrated their 50th Wedding
Anniversary on October 19, 2008, with a Mass at St. John
Fisher Church and a reception at the Church Hall. With
the help of their 4 sons and their wives and their 7 grand
children Raymond & Karen with Joseph & Marian, John
& Patricia with Elyse & Lauren, Adrian & Carol and
Trevor & Framcoise with Gabriel, Sebastian & Jasmine.
Reg & Shirley were both born and raised in Bombay. Reg
was a Chief Engineer and Shirley (Suares) was a Secretary
at Crompton Parkinson, AM Electrical Manufacturing
Co., & the N.Z. Government Trade Commissioner.
They came to Dorval in 1966 with their 3 sons and Trevor
was born a few months later. In 1974 Reg was transferred
to Toronto. We thank God for keeping them in good health
and reaching out to all who come in their path.
They have been playing and singing in the Youth and Adult
choir every Sunday since 1980. They also Ministered at
O.C.I. Prison for 10 years and helped to serve the Catholic
Charismatic Prayer Group since 1975 in their Parish.
They joined the Can Orient Club in Montreal in 1966 and
are blessed to have such wonderful and loving friends.
50TH Golden Wedding Anniversary
Linda and Kevin LaPorte celebrated their 50th Golden
Wedding Anniversary on November 1st, 2008 at The
Garden Banquet & Convention Centre in Brampton, with
family and friends who joined them from across Canada
and the U.S. They were married at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,
Karachi, on November 23, 1958 by Father D’Arcy
D‘Souza who is still strong at over 90 years old!
The celebration was planned and hosted by their four
children – Kurt, Kim, Roy, Nicole, their spouses, and
seven grandchildren. The evening’s festivities were warm
and fun-lled and Kevin and Linda were so pleased to
Celebrating Our Mum’s 80TH Birthday
Eva Pakyam (Daughter)
On January 2nd, 2009, our dear mom, Lucy Mendes, was
surrounded by family and friends who came together
to celebrate her 80th birthday.
Mom was completely
overwhelmed and overjoyed that over a 100 people, family
and friends, old and new, came to celebrate this special day
with her.
We, her children: Eva Pakyam, Rose Noronha and Andrew
Mendes had the perfect opportunity to thank our dear mum
for all her love, support and always being there for us during
her 80 years. Mum’s life has also been enriched by the love
and support of her extended family and friends. Her nine
(9) year old grandson, Evan Noronha, stole the show by
being the MC for the evening. As well her grandchildren,
Ryan, Joshua & Elissa Pakyam and Dylan, Evan & Danielle
Noronha addressed their dear ‘NANA’ with plenty of
accolades interspersed with some light jesting.
The toast was raised by her son, Andrew Mendes. His
game, based on mom, had the guests on their feet and their
competitiveness, in the race to nish rst, emerged. The
music by Gordon Alias made the evening complete.
Notice of the Twentieth Annual General Meeting of Members
Sunday, April 26, 2009
2:00 p.m.
40 Hanlan Road, Units 40/41
Woodbridge, ON L4L 3P6
Purposes of the Meeting:
To read adopt and approve the Minutes of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting held
on April 27, 2008;
i. To receive business items arising from the above minutes.
To receive the Annual Report of the Board of Directors and the independently reviewed
consolidated financial statements for the year ended January 31, 2009;
To elect a Board of Directors comprising of four (4) Officers (President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer) and a maximum of eleven (11)Directors for the ensuing year;
To appoint an Auditor for the ensuing year;
To discuss any significant upcoming expenditures for the fiscal year ending January 31,
To transact any other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.
By Order of the Board
Rose Noronha
Woodbridge, ON
April 26, 2009
Happy Memories
Rosemarie Menezes
The Canorient Christian Association is celebrating
35 years, and is still going strong. Where has the
time gone? I can’t say I’ve been a member from
the very beginning. I don’t think my family
was in Canada, when people were musing about
forming an association for Christians from the
Indian sub-continent. But I can say that I’m glad
they did.
I have very fond memories of attending Canorient
dances with my brothers and irting with a
bunch of young men. And while I didn’t
marry within the community, I must say
that meeting decent young men helped to
form a mental check list of what to look
for in a potential partner. Kudos to the
parents of our community!
I also have fantastic
memories of picnics at Bruces’
Mill and the Thousand Islands;
these picnics were great fun,
relatively cheap, and safe. It was
always exciting to meet up
with friends, relatives and
people from back home,
who now lived in Montreal
or Ottawa.
And then there were the debates, which fostered
some intellectual interest and forced the
generations to interact and share a dialogue on
changing values in the community. I took part
in one, or two, and felt wonderfully stimulated.
Many of my contemporaries felt the same way.
Our elders were wise to make us question our
world, for it was there we learned the truths they
knew and that was how their values became
The Canorient Contact was another source
for presenting ideas and fostering debate and
controversy. Again, stimulating and enjoyable!
I’m sure that other people, young and not so
young, also enjoyed the Talent Contests, Athletic
Events and Sight-Seeing Trips, organized by
the various Committees. There was something
for everyone, something that catered to all
interests in the community. Always, along with
the amusement, there was Mass, which kept the
community grounded.
I know the Canorient Seniors truly enjoyed the
weekly trips to the Club for Bingo and socializing,
because my Dad (who went nearly every week)
told me so. Now, I have cousins who take
their families to Games Nights so that their
children can feel the sense of community
that they did when they grew up. My
daughters went to many Children’s
Christmas Tree Parties, and hopefully,
they will attend the lovely
dances too. I have a nephew
who took part in Canorient
Idol, and friends who raved
about the “Night of a Thousand
Stars” production that took
place last year. The younger
generation is making their
own memories.
As I grow older, and my
bones creak and my hair
greys, and my children grow up, I’m struck by
how lucky I am to be a member of a community
of decent people, who created an organization
for their community members to continue the
happy family values of the Old Country and
who have worked as volunteers to maintain an
institution. This is an institution that has given a
sense of belonging, and yes, safety, to yet another
generation in Canada. We are all grateful. Long
may Canorient prosper!
When you find yourself
The most popular Easter
candy is chocolate eggs
and most people eat the
feet of their chocolate
bunnies rst?!?!
1/3c. butterscotch morsels
1c.chow-mein noodles
candy mini eggs
1. Melt butterscotch morsels in a medium
microwave safe bowl.
2. Add chow-mein noodles to melted morsels
and mix.
3. Shape into a circle on wax paper.
4. Use a large spoon to make indention in
5.Let nests harden and then add jelly beans or
chocolate eggs.
When you find yourself
in an unknown place
and begin to question why
life goes by in such fast pace.
You thought the lime light life
was all you ever wanted
and any piece of talent found
you just had to flaunt it.
Then somehow
you wound up in this place
and realized
that life isn’t a race.
This barren location
is what you always needed
as what it taught you
was a valuable life lesson.
You never thought that having nothing
would teach you to appreciate
all the blessings you should count
and that what you brought you there was fate.
This beautiful land
that contained nothing
surprised you with all
the things it could bring.
Even the sparkling city
did not stand a chance
to this plain, barren land
that never got a second glance.
Not even the city
could teach you a lesson as such
and make you appreciate
the life you have this much.
So when you find yourself
in a place unlike your own
open your mind
to all the lessons its shown.
So this barren land
did you well
as it lead you to the process
of when you found yourself.
By: Nikita Patrick
A Minute in Time. . . . .
Nite of a 1000 Stars
Nella Barretto
Rod Simmons
Sunday, October 26th ushered in an inaugural musical
showcase presented by the Canorient Choral Group
entitled “Nite of a 1000 Stars”. And what a splendid night
it was! Produced by Doug Fernandes, Sandra Fernandes,
Lily Menezes and Aelred Pecus, the evening demonstrated
the talents of the Canorient Choral Group, under the
direction of Joachim Menezes.
(Trivia….a minute to read)
Hide and Go Trick!
An old game with a twist! You know how the game goes hide - count 1 2 3...20 - ready or not here I come! We are two
players - mmmveepee (my special name for a special boy)
and me. When MVP just walked the game was easy - hide
under the kitchen table - behind the drapes - climb into the
tea-trolley - sneak under the couch!
MVP is 3 - 4 - 5 - the game progresses with MVP making
the rules! We cover the entire house - main oor - bedrooms
- washrooms! I hold my own even though MVP can easily
play ‘dead’ – he does not move - example in the clotheshamper under dirty laundry! New rules, new boundaries
- we include the basement! Phew! Exercise for me!
This six-year-old now takes the game to a whole new level!
“No switching on lights!” I can hardly see in the dark walkin-closets and the basement is soooo creepy and difcult to
maneuver - those unwanted tenants (cobwebs) are here to
stay! Being a team player I hold my own - step up to the
plate - survive more than a round or two!
I hear the patter of his feet often and head in that direction
- this time into the dark dungeon of the basement I go - ready
or not here I come! For almost an eternity I keep going
around and around but cannot locate our ‘Houdini’! MVP
has tricked me - tippy-toed up the stairs while I am in the
dark basement searching! The joke’s on me and the game’s
over - laughing with a twinkle in his eye - MVP declares
himself the winner!
I love his humour, I love his spirit, should I rename him
‘Harvey’ the disappearing hare of the movie of old? But
for today, as always, he is my Most Valuable Player a.k.a.
Jaidan Robert Barretto.
The packed house of young and old was treated to a
wonderful evening of musical selections from the works
of famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. It was a joy
to listen to familiar selections from “Cats”, “Jesus Christ
Superstar”, “Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat” and
“Evita” being performed by familiar faces from our own
community. The various solos and choral performances,
accompanied by choreography and excellent musicians,
were extremely entertaining.
The evening was enhanced by a number of guest
performances, including some very talented youngsters.
Clearly the musical future of the community is in very
good hands indeed. Keeping everything rolling along
was the eloquent and witty Patrick Mendes as Master of
Ceremonies. We kept waiting for him to break into song
but alas we will have to wait some more!
The nal act featured the choir, New Illusions band and
adorable children performing a delightful Christmas
pageant that helped set the mood for the upcoming festive
The Canorient Choral Group has been demonstrating their
strong faith and love of music by serving the community
at liturgies, social events and funerals since 2001. This
ambitious project clearly involved much hard work on the
part of many volunteers. As the Phantom of the Opera
might have said, this evening afforded the audience an
opportunity to “listen to the music of the night” as we
“closed our eyes and let our spirits start to soar.”
Bravo Canorient Choral Group! We await your next
production with great anticipation.
The CONTACT magazine seeks enthusiastic person to sell ad space on a COMMISSION ONLY basis
The CONTACT is distributed to its entire membership of well over a 1000. It is also available on line.
If you’d like to get involved in something that could be very lucrative then please get in contact asap.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Please see for more about us
An Evening to Remember
Yvonne deRozario, Vice President
On November 16th 2008, The Canorient Senior Club
hosted their Annual Christmas Dinner/Dance at the
Claireport Place Banquet Hall in Etobicoke. The
Hall was beautifully decorated. Upon entering,
one’s eyes travelled upwards to two huge crystal
chandeliers which were complimented by the red
and green spot lights moving around the room. The
highlight of the evening were the young sari clad
ladies, carrying trays of appetizers around the dance
oor to the sound of music and a special display of
The sold out event was very well attended by
members and guests, some travelling from Montreal,
California, and Germany.
The President, Tony D’Silva, introduced the 2008
Executive Committee and congratulated them for
their hard work and dedication throughout the year.
Unfortunately, the Treasurer and Secretary, Victor
& Deanna Andrew were unable to attend as Victor
underwent surgery.
The Canorient Senior Committee
Continuous music was enjoyed by all. Our
special thanks to Denis David and his trio
“The IMPACT – 111” who kept us dancing all
evening. Let us not forget Mel Buddle, who has
been the ofcial DJ for the Canorient Senior Club
for many years.
John (Pompie) Gois, in spite of the large crowd,
led the Grand March and Line Dancing which was
enjoyed by all.
A special “ThankYou” to Zack Pinto, Master of
Ceremonies for the evening, who did a spectacular
job of making announcements and keeping time.
Pascal Gomes said the “Grace before Meals.
Preceeding the buffet was another spectacular show
of lights. The Buffet included a wide variety of
dishes, including a Salad and Dosa Bar. For the sweet
tooth, there was a sumptuous array of desserts.
Our enchanted evening nally came to an end. We
would like to extend our Thanks to all who shared
this wonderful evening with us.
2009 CCA Pool Tournament
Rose Noronha
The Pool tournament this year was held centrally at
“Le Spot Billiard Lounge” located in Scarborough.
With a total of 30 entrants and four (4) no shows,
the tournament got underway at 10:00 a.m. with 26
participants, some returning players and some new
ones. This year the registration fee included lunch and
the participants were treated to their choice of one of
the 19 house lunch special selections. The atmosphere
was rife with friendly competition, camaraderie and
some good old “gupshup” among friends, old and new.
As the tournament progressed, so did the surprises…
The reigning champion, and fan-favourite, Richie
Alvares was ousted in the quarter nals by Bert Saptel.
Bert played Glenn Cardoza and Agnello (Andy)
Antao faced Colin D’Souza in the singles semi-nals.
The game between Bert and Glenn was close with
Bert defeating Glenn and advancing to the nals.
Triumphing over Andy in a 3-1 win, Colin sailed
easily into the nals and obtained an opportunity to
regain the title he lost last year. The singles nals
was a tense exciting game, with Colin reclaiming
the champion title by overpowering Bert in a 3-1
win. In the doubles, Bert Saptel and Francis Gomes,
unsuccessful in breaking Earl Cordeiro and Shane
Menezes’ winning streak, succumbed to a loss in three
(3) straight games.
This fun-lled highly entertaining day combined with
close nishes and sheer bad luck for some participants
came to a close at 7:00 p.m. The President Angela
Menezes thanked the organizers and participants
before presenting the Trophies and Cash prizes to the
Winners and Finalists. Valerian Gomes received the
“Upcoming Player” award and the “Most Entertaining
Player” award went to the very deserving Richie
And nally, Colin and I would like to thank all the
players for their participation in making this event
a success again and look forward to their continued
Goa, The New Found Love In My Life
Charlene D’Cruz
It was an honor to be one of the twelve youth selected
from around the world to participate in the ‘Know Goa
Programme’, which occured from December 1st, 2008
to December 14th, 2008. During the course of the
program I had the opportunity to visit a wide range of
places from the villages of Goa to the prestigious house
of Governor Shivinder Singh Sidhu.
All Souls Day - Thank You
Growing up in Karachi, Pakistan I was raised as a Roman
Catholic and constantly heard my grandparents and
parents reminiscing, with such excitement and passion,
over one of the main festivals of Goa, “The Feast of
Saint Francis Xavier”. On December 3rd, 2008 I was
given the opportunity to witness the organized chaos on
the streets caused by this feast. On that day, I witnessed
that of which I had often heard my parents speaking
of, the richness of the Goan culture. The festival was
enjoyed by both the residents and the tourists. Some
were dressed in their traditional clothes, while some
wore costumes. The celebration of the mass was
conducted in Goa’s state language “Konkani”. The
aroma of the vendors cooking Goan sausages would
have any mouth watering, including my own.
During our stay in Goa we visited a few beaches such
as Utorda beach, Candolim beach, but the best part was
residing across from the all-famous Mirarmar Beach. I
was taken away by the beauty of Goa … the beaches,
the palm trees, and the blue skies. When you put all
these elements together, they make Goa seem like ‘the
ultimate destination’ and what we Westerners would
refer to as the “Picture Perfect Paradise.” Emerging
my body into the warm waters, while the roaring
waves crashed against me, surrounded by such beauty
made me wonder why anyone would want to leave the
beautiful land of Goa.
I am very thankful to the NRI of Goa for allowing me
to experience my homeland, and a major part of my
self identity and of course the G.O.A and Canorient
for promoting this trip. This trip has made me realize
where I am from, who I am, and most importantly
where I belong.
As the famous song goes: “Goa…Goa…Goa meri
Dear Canorient Executive Committee,
The “All Souls Mass” celebrated at the club was a
wonderful Eucharistic celebration. I was very happy
to be a part of the congregation.
I am sure all of our near and dear deceased ones are
celebrating and smiling down on us from Heaven.
Marilyn you and your committee did a great job.
I was truly touched. Pompie, your “chai” was as
energizing as you are.
Many thanks to all of you that played a role in
organizing the celebration of life of our departed
God Bless You All,
In Appreciation,
Cynthia Harris
The Canorient Christian Association of
Metropolitan Toronto
2008-09 Committee
President: Angela Menezes (905)271-1737
V.President: Emil Pinto
Secretary: Rose Noronha
Treasurer: Calvin Rodgers (905)785-7336
Patrick Castellino
Kenneth Conception
Marilyn Correa
Pat D’Cruz
Bertha D’Cunha
Patsy Fernandez
Pompie Gois
Valentine Gomes
Walter Mendes
David Noronha
Club Manager:
Damian Pereira
This issue was compiled and produced by:
Schenelle Cunningham
Email: [email protected]
Cover designed by: Kenneth Conception
Per Issue
Discounted Rate for multiple
publications of 3 issues or
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Inside Cover
Back Cover
Regular Rates:
Per Ad.
Member announcements on births, deaths, marriages,
achievements are No Charge.
Letters Patent:
The Contact is a publication of the Canorient Christian Association
of Metropolitan Toronto. It is produced by volunteer members of
the Association to keep the membership informed and engaged. No
warranty is given nor implied with regards to the content
published in the Contact. The views expressed in the publication
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial team or
that of the Canorient Christian Association.
The Canorient Contact – March 2009 edition
The Canorient Community Centre
40 Hanlan Road, Units 40/41
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 3P6
Why not consider renting the impressive
looking Community Centre for your Parties,
Anniversaries, Weddings, Get-Togethers,
Christenings, Birthdays, Jack & Jill, etc.
Rental Rates
Monday - Thursday
Weekends /Holidays
Special Rate for Funeral Wakes – Members* $200
*Members in good standing for a year qualify
for this rate.
Hall Capacity – 150 maximum
With your rental, you get:
1. Seating and tables in the lounge and hall
to accommodate up to 150 people.
2. Kitchen facilities, including refrigerator,
stove and microwave.
3. Bar facilities – two of three available bar
refrigerators for beer, pop and wine.
4. Clean and stocked washrooms.
All breakage, loss or damage must be either
paid for or replaced.
The stereo sound system on the premises is not
available for rent. You must arrange your own
sound equipment.
Call early to ensure a booking on the date of
your choice. Your reservations are confirmed on
a receipt of a $200 refundable deposit.
To book the Community Centre call
Damian Pereira at: (647)868-8084
The Executive Committee is requesting all members to provide us with
their email addresses should they wish to receive information, updates and
communication on upcoming events. Please send your correct email
addresses to [email protected].
The Executive Committee
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