La Maison du Chocolat
La Maison du Chocolat
C O R P O R A T E C O L L E C T I O N 1 4 1 5 La Maison du Chocolat invites you to discover its new Corporate Collection: a refined selection of hatboxes and assorted gift boxes exemplifying the expertise of the signature taste and style of La Maison. C O N T E N T S P a s s i o n & s a v o i r- f a i re . 3 Our exclusive services . 4 Our chocolate events . 5 Christmas wonders . 6 The assortments . 8 The pralinés & truffles . 10 The pure chocolates & fruits . 12 The treats . 14 The hatboxes . 16 Price list . 20 General terms and conditions . 22 Our addresses . 23 P A S S I O N & S A V O I R - F A I R E Finding the perfect nuance to reveal unique balance of taste from the first to the last morsel, this subtlety is the linchpin of the finesse of the construction of taste of La Maison du Chocolat. Beginning with the finest chocolate, Nicolas Cloiseau, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Chocolatier* and Master Chef of La Maison du Chocolat, goes even further in search of new sources of taste. He puts his signature on moments of pleasure and refinement in chocolate to encourage a spirit of discovery and gourmandise. *Best Craftsman Chocolatier of France O U R E X C L U S I V E S E R V I C E S Customization of your gifts MESS A G E C A R D S HA NGTA GS Attach a personalized message to your gifts with an ivory La Maison du Chocolat message card with envelope or your own cards. Customize your La Maison du Chocolat gift boxes with a personalized hangtag tied on with our signature ribbon. SL EEV E S A RTHUS -B ERTR A ND Communicate your logo or company name in color or metallic shades. An elegant way to promote your brand! “Charms” by Arthus-Bertrand: La Maison du Chocolat has partnered with the prestigious maison Arthus-Bertrand to offer you a personalized pendant engraved with your logo or the name of your company. Minimum order: 50 units. Price per piece (depending on quantities and design): $0.50 - $4 Price per piece (depending on quantities and design): $0.50 - $4 CHA R MS Between $7.50 and $8.50 per charm depending on the quantities. We require 2-4 weeks to fulfill orders for personalized Cards, Ribbons, Hangtags, and Sleeves. For any questions or other personalized products, please contact us directly at [email protected] Delivery services Our Corporate Sales Department will ship your gifts to single and multiple addresses in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and Macau. Special packaging to protect and ship our products in optimum conditions: insulation and ice packs for shipping to warm climates at no extra charge. Shipment and tracking of your packages by Federal Express. Messenger delivery available in Manhattan only. For any additional information about our shipping options, multi-address file, delivery time, and prices, please contact our Corporate Sales Department at: [email protected] Tel.: 1 (877) 760 LMDC Fax: 1 (718) 361 9408 O U R C H O C O L A T E E V E N T S Let us cater your events! A unique experience for a meeting, a corporate night, or a client event! We offer dessert tables with an assortment of: - Chocolate bonbons: select your favorites from our collection of over 30 flavors. summer meetings or ask for a thermos of our to-die-for hot chocolate in the winter! - Pastries: choose between an array of delectable French pastries (chocolate or lemon cakes, caramel, coffee or chocolate éclairs, mousse cakes and tarts). - The Ganache: ask our Chocolate Experts to prepare a ganache in front of your guests! They will have the opportunity to taste it warm… A pure delight! - Macarons: impress your clients with our elegant tower of macarons and choose from over 10 flavors. - The Champagne Rosé demonstration: dip a cube of ganache infused with red fruits tea into melted chocolate, and then plunge the cube into a glass of Champagne Rosé. Astonishing! - Ice creams, sorbets and hot chocolate: indulge in our scrumptious ice creams and sorbets to sweeten up your • We will be happy to travel to any location. • Events with up to 50 guests can be held in our boutiques, if desired. • ith any option you choose, our chocolate specialists will be available to speak about La Maison du Chocolat and answer any W questions you may have. CHRISTMAS WONDERS Dreaming of Christmas… Nicolas Cloiseau created a graceful and architecturally significant collection. Openwork layers offer glimpses of intricate mendiant or naments suspended in air, light, and space; he brought to life a collection of marvelous stylistic Christmas trees. Discover his five new creations celebrating the wonders of winter, giving a new look to the cherished flavors of the Holidays. EFFERVESCENCE GIFT BOX Synonymous with elegance and celebration, this gift box features a pairing of brut and rosé champagnes with milk and dark ganache. A perfect gift for the Holiday Season! - Milk ganache with rosé champagne - Dark ganache with brut champagne 0.51 lb. $60 Available on October 13, 2014 in limited quantities. TRE E OF W O N D E R CHR IS TMA S O R NA ME NT This Tree of Wonder features 25 chocolate rings creating a structure almost transparent in its elegance, mendiant ornaments in dark and blond chocolate and 130 solid chocolate pine cones. An architectural feast! The nuts, each one individually placed, all dressed up in gold, add nuance to the chocolate and reflect the magic of Christmas decorations. Handmade artistic piece, 0.26 lb. 8.82 lb. - 26.4 in. height, 13 in. width $1,150 $42 Available on December 1, 2014, in our New York boutiques only. O F CHR IS TMA S GIFT Nicolas Cloiseau presents five new creations celebrating the wonders of winter. Citrus from Christmases past, fruits discovered anew, candied fruits, chocolate almond paste, cacao with spicy, delicate notes… - Spicy Cacao: a dark chocolate ganache featuring an exclusive cacao vintage from Venezuela - Praliné Masquerade: a traditional almond praliné scattered with pieces of dates - Lemon Bergamot: crisp light acidulous notes of bergamot from Sicily enhanced with lemon juice give some panache to this robust praliné featuring hazelnuts from Piedmont - Silky Almond: chocolate almond paste blend with lovely notes of evergreen honey - Clementine Square: a purée of finely crushed candied clementines delicately enrobed in chocolate Gift Box 17 chocolates - 0.25 lb. - $49 Gift Box 38 chocolates - 0.54 lb. - $70 Gift Box 74 chocolates - 1.09 lb. - $110 Discover our Christmas macarons gift box: a selection of 6 macarons with rosé champagne ganache, chocolate, raspberry and caramel. Holiday Macaron Gift Box - 0.24 lb. 6 pcs, $22 Available in mid-November 2014. CH RI S TM A S H AT B O X 1 Wonders of Christmas Gift Box, 0.25 lb. 1 Plain Truffles Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Tobago Metal Gift Box 24 pieces, 0.27 lb. 1 Glazed Chestnuts Gift Box 4 pieces, 0.20 lb. $175 ADVENT CALENDAR 24 delicious chocolate surprises to count down the days until Christmas! 0.46 lb. $62 Available in mid-November 2014. C H R I S T M A S WO ND E R S B O X ES W O N D E R S 7 T H E A S S O R T M E N T S Enter into a world of finesse and gourmandise… La Maison du Chocolat puts its stamp of nobility on ganache, this silky texture of fresh cream and finely chopped chocolate. Enhanced with fruit pulp, delicately infused, or revealing the nature of exceptional cacao, the milk or dark chocolate ganaches are also featured with plain or flavored gourmand pralinés in our assortments. T H E A S S O R T M E N T S 9 G ES TU RE G I F T B O X E S Irresistible gift boxes filled with an assortment* of our emblematic ganaches and pralinés in dark and milk chocolate. 0.04 lb. 2 chocolates - $8.50 0.10 lb. 6 chocolates - $16 0.23 lb. 14 chocolates - $28.50 0.31 lb. 18 chocolates - $34 COFFRET MAISON GIFT BOXES A luxurious grand classic of La Maison du Chocolat composed of milk and dark chocolate ganaches and pralinés, or dark only.* 0.51 lb. Approx. 30 chocolates - $59 0.68 lb. Approx. 41 chocolates - $79 1.06 lb. Approx. 62 chocolates - $122 1.28 lb. Approx. 73 chocolates - $150 1.81 lb. Approx. 106 chocolates - $210 2.36 lb. Approx. 152 chocolates - $300 PARTY BOITE MAISON GIFT BOXES Elegance and refinement define our Boîte Maison, which offers a selection* of assorted ganaches, pralinés, and unrivaled plain truffles. 1.52 lb. Approx. 100 chocolates - $174 2.16 lb. Approx. 130 chocolates - $245 2.84 lb. Approx. 181 chocolates - $320 3.55 lb. Approx. 237 chocolates - $385 FAVOR GIFT BOXES Two of our exquisite chocolate bonbons… This precious jewel-like box is available in red or white and the ribbon can be personalized to match the theme of your special day. 0.04 lb. Red or White Box - $8 I N I T I AT I O N GIFT BOX Take a journey into the world of La Maison du Chocolat by tasting our creations from the most subtle ganache to the most intense. An assortment of twenty pralinés and chocolate ganaches presented in a precise order for the ultimate home tasting experience! 0.34 lb. 20 chocolates - $60 *alcohol free Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. T H E P R A L I N E S & T R U F F L E S T R U F F L E S 11 T H E P R A L I N E S & Roast ed or f i n e l y c a ra m e l i ze d a l m on ds a n d h a z e ln u t s . Sliv e r s o f a lm o n d s , c r u s h e d hazelnu t s, c ri spy c rê pe s, gra i n s of s a lt . Sm o o t h o r in a m o re t r a d it io n a l s t y le . There is n ot j u st on e bu t m a n y pra l i n é s . L e t y o u r s e lf b e s u r p r is e d b y t h e s u b t le t ie s of t h e M a is o n p r a lin é s . PRA L I NE S G IF T B O X E S An assortment of milk and dark chocolate pralinés, featuring crispy crêpes, caramelized almonds and rice soufflé, roasted cacao nibs, and roasted hazelnuts topped with caramelized almonds. 0.07 lb. 4 pralinés - $12.50 0.29 lb. 16 pralinés - $39 0.66 lb. 36 pralinés - $82 CO FFR ET R O CHE R S A round gift box created especially for this assortment of 20 dark and milk rochers pralinés: roasted almonds and hazelnuts with notes of caramel enrobed in slivers of roasted almonds. 0.33 lb. 20 Rochers - $44 La Maison du Chocolat has a signature collection of silky, airy truffles with lovely notes of cocoa. Pure plain chocolate, caramel, fresh orange and orange zest, raspberry pulp or Fine Champagne Cognac, the varied recipes revisit this ethereal, grand classic. PL A I N D A RK TRU FFL E S C H O C O L AT E FINE CHA MPA GNE TR UFFLES A whipped airy ganache enrobed with a thin layer of chocolate and dusted with cocoa powder nestled in elegant gift boxes. A smooth and creamy ganache delicately infused with Fine Champagne Cognac enrobed with a layer of dark chocolate and dusted with cocoa powder. 0.03 lb. 2 truffles - $8.50 0.42 lb. Approx. 23 pcs - $48 0.57 lb. Approx. 32 pcs - $61 0.88 lb. Approx. 50 pcs - $92 1.25 lb. Approx. 75 pcs - $145 0.42 lb. Approx. 23 pcs - $48 0.57 lb. Approx. 32 pcs - $61 0.88 lb. Approx. 45 pcs - $92 TR UFFLE A S S O RTME NTS An assortment of truffles featuring four luscious flavors: plain dark chocolate, fresh raspberry pulp, fresh orange with orange zest, and caramel with a pinch of salt. 0.43 lb. - $53 0.83 lb. - $100 Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. T H E P U R E C H O C O L A T E S & F R U I T S 13 Perfect choice for dark chocolate lovers! Discover five prestigious cacao crus from all over the world in this signature product of La Maison du Chocolat: dark chocolate ganache. 0.19 lb. 16 chocolates - $42 0.37 lb. 30 chocolates - $76 A R R IB A GIFT B O X Pure dark ganache squares, full-bodied, the result of a rare blend of Ecuadorian cacao beans. Ideal with coffee, this ganache is one of our most intense pieces. 0.23 lb. Approx. 20 chocolates - $42 0.43 lb. Approx. 40 chocolates - $69 Discov er ou r fru i t c ol l e c t i on s c om pose d o f m o is t f r u it s e n ro b e d in d a r k c h o c o la t e , and deliciou s f ru i t pa st e s c ra ft e d w i t h or g a n ic f r u it s in t h e p u re s t a r t is a n a l t r a d it io n . COV E RE D FR U IT S Brightly colored gift boxes for a real fruit treat, candied fruits coated in dark chocolate: orange peels, prunes, ginger and apricots. 0.11 lb. - $16 0.39 lb. Approx. 15 chocolates - $45 0.82 lb. Approx. 25 chocolates - $90 Orangettes Gift Box, 0.61 lb. - $88 G L A Z E D FR UIT PA S TES Crafted in a purely traditional manner from assorted organic fruits: blueberry, raspberry, passion fruit, mandarin, strawberry, pineapple, apricot, three red fruits, and blackcurrant. Our fruit pastes are slightly sweetened to reveal the intensity of the fruit flavor. 0.20 lb. 5 pieces - $16 0.73 lb. 18 pieces - $45 1.43 lb. 36 pieces - $82 CH E ST N U T S Glazed chestnuts from Turin, exceptional silkiness with a moist, soft center, and slightly sweetened. 0.20 lb. 4 glazed chestnuts - $24 0.30 lb. 6 glazed chestnuts - $36 0.60 lb. 12 glazed chestnuts - $72 1.20 lb. 24 glazed chestnuts - $144 Available from November to March. Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. T H E COF FRE T TA M A N AC O , VOYA G E CA CAO S P U R E C H O C O L A T E S & F R U I T S La Maison du Ch oc ol a t h a s se l e c t e d fro m t h e w o r ld ’s f in e s t a n d r a re s t c h o c o la t e t o creat e re c i pe s w i t h di st i n c t a n d e l e g a n t d a r k c h o c o la t e g a n a c h e s , re v e a lin g f o r choco l a t e a m a t e u rs a l l t h e a rom a t i c s u b t le t ie s o f e x c e p t io n a l c a c a o v in t a g e s . T H E T R E A T S 15 T H E T R E A T S Offer yourself a moment of pure gourmandise. Mendiants, macarons, and enrobed nuts complete the wide selection of “chocolate” delights. They offer a palette of gourmand sensations revealed in exceptional chocolate. DE C AD ENT TWI G S C OL L E C T IO N The Twigs praliné is delicately whipped, creating a light and crunchy treat. Three exquisite recipes: slivers of caramelized biscuits, roasted coconut, and bursts of crispy crêpes. Box of 9 Twigs, 0.13 lb. - $19 Gift Box of 17 Twigs, 0.26 lb. - $34 TR EATS Discover our treats of candied fruits and nuts for a moment of pure delight! - Amandas: almonds enrobed in dark or milk chocolate - Avelinas: hazelnuts enrobed in dark or milk chocolate - Rochers Suisses: roasted caramelized almonds enrobed in dark or milk chocolate - Corollas: almonds enrobed in hazelnut Gianduja and cocoa powder - Orangettes: candied orange peels enrobed in dark chocolate COFFRET CRAQUANT Assortment of Rochers, pralinés with finely ground roasted almonds and hazelnuts in dark or milk chocolate; crunchy Rochers Suisses, caramelized almonds enrobed in dark or milk chocolate; and dark chocolate covered almonds. 0.52 lb. - $42 1.35 lb. - $95 Boxes of 0.18 lb. to 0.33 lb. from $13 to $39 TOBA G O BOX E S M E TAL GIF T Two dark chocolate squares (60% and 68% cocoa) and one milk square (40% cocoa), individually wrapped in a sleeve with the La Maison du Chocolat logo. These chocolates are nestled in our signature brown metal gift box. 0.14 lb. 12 pieces - $15.50 0.27 lb. 24 pieces - $31 0.53 lb. 48 pieces - $50 E T U I O F 2 C H O C O LATES CHO CO LATE B A R TA S TING Make a long lasting impression with this modern and elegant miniature etui. A wonderful gift idea from La Maison du Chocolat. An elegant tasting set containing five of your favorite dark and milk chocolate bars: the perfect gift for enthusiasts of fine chocolate. 2 ganaches Guayaquil, 0.04 lb. - $5.25 2 Tobago solid chocolate squares, 0.02 lb. - $3.95 MA C AR O N M A IS O N GIF T B O X E S These chocolate ganache macarons are an exclusive specialty of La Maison du Chocolat. Crisp and delicate almond meringue shells embrace chocolate ganache infused with vanilla, caramel, coffee, raspberry pulp, pistachio, lemon, passion fruit, hazelnut, coconut-lime or pure chocolate. Delivery by messenger only in Manhattan. S E T - Cuana: intense and robust, 74% cocoa - Akosombo: intense with notes of spice, 68% cocoa - Orinoco: round and floral, 60% cocoa - Marao: associating the intensity of dark chocolate and the sweetness of almonds, 60% cocoa - Monsera: milk chocolate with pronounced notes of cacao, 37% cocoa 0.83 lb. 5 chocolate bars - $56 Box of 2 macarons - $8.50 Box of 6 macarons - $22 Box of 12 macarons - $42 Box of 24 macarons - $72 Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. T H E H A T B O X E S H A T B O X E S 17 T H E Eac h ye a r, L a M a i son du Ch oc ol a t re in v e n t s it s c o lle c t io n w it h lu x u r y g if t present at i on s e xe m pl i f yi n g t h e m yt h i c a l s ig n a t u re M a is o n s t y le . To o ff e r t o a n o t h e r or t o y our se l f, a l re a dy c om pose d or pe rs o n a lly s e le c t e d , t h e re is a s s u re d ly a c re a t io n t h a t w i l l be a u t i f u l l y c onv e y y o u r p le a s u re in g iv in g . A NA S TA S IA HATB O X 1 Four Pralinés Gift Box, 0.07 lb 1 Two Truffle Gift Box, 0.03 lb. 1 Amandas Assortment, 0.15 lb. $50 CA R A ME LO HATB O X 1 Plain Dark Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Orinoco Dark Chocolate Bar (60% cocoa), 0.17 lb. 1 Four Pralinés Gift Box, 0.07 lb. 1 Tobago Metal Gift Box 12 pieces, 0.14 lb. $100 Hatbox also available in brown. E XTR EME HATB O X 1 Four Pralinés Gift Box, 0.07 lb. 1 Plain Dark Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. 1 Gesture Gift Box 6 Chocolates, 0.10 lb. $120 If an item in your selection is not available, we will replace it with a product of similar value. Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. BACC H U S HAT B O X CA RYA HATB O X 1 Amandas Assortment, 0.32 lb. 1 Covered Fruit Gift Box, 0.11 lb. 1 Gesture Gift Box 14 Chocolates, 0.23 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. 1 Four Pralinés Gift Box, 0.07 lb. 1 Coffret Rochers, 0.33 lb. 1 Tobago Metal Gift Box 12 pieces, 0.14 lb. 1 Avelinas Assortment, 0.29 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. 1 Gesture Gift Box 14 Chocolates, 0.23 lb. $145 $160 Hatbox also available in brown and pink. NEW M OTHE R H AT B O X Y O KO HATB O X 1 Stuffed Tartine et Chocolat Bunny 1 Gesture Gift Box 18 Chocolates, 0.31 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. 1 Plain Dark Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Tin of Mariage Frères Marco Polo Tea, 0.22 lb. 1 Monsera Milk Chocolate Bar (37% cocoa), 0.17 lb. 1 Coffret Rochers, 0.33 lb. 1 Tobago Metal Gift Box 24 pieces, 0.27 lb. 1 Gesture Gift Box 14 Chocolates, 0.23 lb. 1 Covered Fruit Gift Box, 0.11 lb. 1 Corollas Assortment, 0.29 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. $175 $185 Hatbox also available in brown and blue. Hatbox also available in purple. T H E H A T B O X E S 19 MARA CU JA H AT B O X 1 Tin of Mariage Frères Marco Polo Tea, 0.22 lb. 1 Coffret Maison Assorted, 0.51 lb. 1 Pralinés Gift Box 16 pieces, 0.29 lb. 1 Avelinas Assortment, 0.29 lb. 1 Fine Champagne Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. $210 S Y LVIA HATB O X 1 Plain Dark Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Twigs Collection Gift Box, 0.13 lb. 1 Pralinés Gift Box 16 pieces, 0.29 lb. 1 Tamanaco Gift Box 16 Chocolates, 0.19 lb. 1 Covered Fruit Gift Box, 0.11 lb. 1 Coffret Maison Assorted, 0.51 lb. $265 Hatbox also available in golden brown. FAUS T HATBO X 1 Coffret Maison Assorted, 0.68 lb. 1 Pralinés Gift Box 36 pieces, 0.66 lb. 1 Plain Dark Chocolate Truffle Gift Box, 0.42 lb. 1 Tobago Metal Gift Box 24 pieces, 0.27 lb. 1 Covered Fruit Gift Box, 0.39 lb. $320 Hatbox also available in brown. Q UITO HATB O X 1 Arriba Gift Box, 0.23 lb. 1 Boîte Maison of Assorted Ganaches, Pralinés and Truffles, 1.52 lb. 1 Truffle Assortment Gift Box, 0.43 lb. 1 Covered Fruit Gift Box, 0.11 lb. 1 Coffret Rochers, 0.33 lb. 1 Tamanaco Gift Box 16 Chocolates, 0.19 lb. 1 Fruit Paste Gift Box, 0.20 lb. 1 Monsera Milk Chocolate Bar (37% cocoa), 0.17 lb. $460 If an item in your selection is not available, we will replace it with a product of similar value. Due to the fragile nature of our products, please check their shelf life in our price list at the end of the catalog. Page number Net weight (Ib.) Price in US $ (sales tax not included) Shelf life Dimension (in.) Wonders of Christmas Gift Box size 1 7 0.25 lb. $49 up to 4 weeks 6.1 x 3.9 x 1.2 in. Wonders of Christmas Gift Box size 2 7 0.54 lb. $70 up to 4 weeks 5.1 x 9.3 x 1.2 in. Wonders of Christmas Gift Box size 3 7 1.09 lb. $110 up to 4 weeks 7.1 x 1.5 x 1.2 in. Effervescence Coffret 6 0.51 Ib. $60 up to 4 weeks 6.3 x 6.3 x 1.3 in. Holiday Macaron Gift Box 7 0.24 Ib. $22 2 to 3 days 4.5 x 3.9 x 1.8 in. Christmas Hatbox 7 0.79 lb. $175 up to 4 weeks 12.6 x 7.9 x 4.7 in. Advent Calendar 7 0.46 Ib. $62 up to 8 weeks 8.9 x 8.9 x 14.4 in. Christmas Ornament 6 0.26 lb. $42 up to 4 weeks 5.7 x 1.9 x 7.3 in. Tree of wonder 6 8.82 lb. $1,150 up to 4 weeks 13 x 7.5 x 26.4 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 0.51 Ib. $59 up to 4 weeks 5.7 x 3 x 1.7 in. Only dark chocolates 9 0.51 Ib. $59 up to 4 weeks 5.7 x 3 x 1.7 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 0.68 Ib. $79 up to 4 weeks 7.4 x 3.5 x 1.7 in. Only dark chocolates 9 0.68 Ib. $79 up to 4 weeks 7.4 x 3.5 x 1.7 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 1.06 Ib. $122 up to 4 weeks 8.5 x 4.3 x 1.7 in. Only dark chocolates 9 1.06 Ib. $122 up to 4 weeks 8.5 x 4.3 x 1.7 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 1.28 Ib. $150 up to 4 weeks 9.3 x 4.5 x 1.7 in. Only dark chocolates 9 1.28 Ib. $150 up to 4 weeks 9.3 x 4.5 x 1.7 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 1.81 Ib. $210 up to 4 weeks 10.3 x 5.5 x 2.2 in. Only dark chocolates 9 1.81 Ib. $210 up to 4 weeks 10.3 x 5.5 x 2.2 in. Dark and milk chocolates 9 2.36 Ib. $300 up to 4 weeks 11.7 x 6.6 x 2.2 in. Only dark chocolates 9 2.36 Ib. $300 up to 4 weeks 11.7 x 6.6 x 2.2 in. Assortment of ganaches, pralinés and truffles approx. 100 pieces 9 1.52 lb. $174 up to 4 weeks 10.6 x 9.6 x 1.6 in. Assortment of ganaches, pralinés and truffles approx. 130 pieces 9 2.16 lb. $245 up to 4 weeks 12 x 11 x 1.6 in. Assortment of ganaches, pralinés and truffles approx. 181 pieces 9 2.84 lb. $320 up to 4 weeks 13.7 x 13.4 x 1.6 in. Assortment of ganaches, pralinés and truffles approx. 237 pieces 9 3.55 lb. $385 up to 4 weeks 15.6 x 15.4 x 1.6 in. 4 Pralinés Assortment 11 0.07 lb. $12.50 up to 6 weeks 2.3 x 2.3 x 0.8 in. 16 Pralinés Assortment 11 0.29 lb. $39 up to 6 weeks 4.9 x 4.9 x 0.9 in. 36 Pralinés Assortment 11 0.66 lb. $82 up to 6 weeks 6.9 x 6.9 x 0.9 in. Coffret Rochers 11 0.33 lb. $44 up to 6 weeks 6.3 x 6.3 x 1.3 in. The Twigs Collection Etui 9 pieces 15 0.13 lb. $19 up to 6 weeks 5.1 x 5.3 x 0.7 in. The Twigs Collection Gift Box 17 pieces 15 0.26 lb. $36 up to 6 weeks 7.7 x 4.5 x 1 in. 2 Chocolates in white Gift Box 9 0.04 lb. $8 up to 4 weeks 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. 2 Chocolates in red Gift Box 9 0.04 lb. $8 up to 4 weeks 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. 2 Guayaquil Chocolates 15 0.04 lb. $5.25 up to 4 weeks 2.8 x 1.5 x 0.3 in. 2 Tobago Chocolates 15 0.02 lb. $3.95 up to 6 months 2.8 x 1.5 x 0.3 in. Small Gesture Gift Box 2 chocolates 9 0.04 lb. $8.50 up to 4 weeks 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.8 in. Small Gesture Gift Box 6 chocolates 9 0.10 lb. $16 up to 4 weeks 3.5 x 2.4 x 0.8 in. Small Gesture Gift Box 14 chocolates 9 0.23 lb. $28.50 up to 4 weeks 4.5 x 3.3 x 0.9 in. Small Gesture Gift Box 18 chocolates 9 0.31 lb. $34 up to 4 weeks 5.9 x 3.4 x 1 in. Plain Truffles Two Truffle Gift Box 11 0.03 lb. $8.50 up to 4 weeks 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.8 in. Plain Truffles Box approx. 23 pieces 11 0.42 lb. $48 up to 4 weeks 4 x 4 x 2 in. Plain Truffles Box approx. 32 pieces 11 0.57 lb. $61 up to 4 weeks 4.5 x 4.5 x 2 in. Plain Truffles Box approx. 50 pieces 11 0.88 lb. $92 up to 4 weeks 5 x 5 x 2.5 in. Plain Truffles Box approx. 75 pieces 11 1.25 lb. $145 up to 4 weeks 5.3 x 5.3 x 2.7 in. Fine Champagne Cognac Truffle Box approx. 23 pieces 11 0.42 lb. $48 up to 4 weeks 4 x 4 x 2 in. Fine Champagne Cognac Truffle Box approx. 32 pieces 11 0.57 lb. $61 up to 4 weeks 4.5 x 4.5 x 2 in. Fine Champagne Cognac Truffle Box approx. 45 pieces 11 0.88 lb. $92 up to 4 weeks 5 x 5 x 2.5 in. Fine Champagne Cognac Truffle Box approx. 75 pieces 11 1.32 lb. $145 up to 4 weeks 5.3 x 5.3 x 2.7 in. Truffle Assortment Gift Box size 1 11 0.43 lb. $53 up to 4 weeks 4.5 x 4.5 x 2.2 in. Truffle Assortment Gift Box size 2 11 0.83 lb. $100 up to 4 weeks 6 x 6 x 2.2 in. Orangette Gift Box size 1 13 0.11 lb. $16 up to 6 weeks 3.1 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. Orangette Gift Box size 2 13 0.61 lb. $88 up to 6 weeks 10.4 x 3 x 1.4 in. Chocolate covered fruit Gift Box - approx. 15 pcs 13 0.39 lb. $45 up to 6 weeks 10.3 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. Chocolate covered fruit Gift Box - approx. 25 pcs 13 0.82 lb. $90 up to 6 weeks 10.3 x 2.8 x 1.4 in. Arriba Gift Box approx. 20 pieces 13 0.23 lb. $42 up to 3 weeks 5.7 x 2.5 x 1.6 in. Arriba Gift Box approx. 40 pieces 13 0.43 lb. $69 up to 3 weeks 9.4 x 2.5 x 1.6 in. 13 0.19 lb. $42 up to 4 weeks 7.5 x 4.4 x 1.2 in. DESCRIPTION CHOCOLATE GIFT BOXES CHRISTMAS COLLECTION COFFRETS MAISON (in rectangular brown signature Gift Boxes) BOITE MAISON (in lined single layer Gift Boxes) PRALINES FAVOR GIFT BOXES PETITE GIFTS COLLECTION GESTURE GIFT BOXES (in rectangular brown signature Gift Boxes) TRUFFLES CHOCOLATE COVERED FRUIT GIFT BOXES ARRIBA GIFT BOXES TAMANACO GIFT BOXES Coffret Tamanaco 16 chocolates Page number Net weight (Ib.) Price in US $ (sales tax not included) Shelf life Dimension (in.) 13 0.37 lb. $76 up to 4 weeks 9.6 x 6.1 x 1.2 in. 9 0.34 lb. $60 up to 4 weeks 7.1 x 7.1 x 1.2 in. Gift Box of 4 glazed chestnuts 13 0.20 lb. $24 up to 4 weeks 4.6 x 3.8 x 1.3 in Gift Box of 6 glazed chestnuts 13 0.30 lb. $36 up to 4 weeks 6.6 x 4.3 x 1.3 in Gift Box of 12 glazed chestnuts 13 0.60 lb. $72 up to 4 weeks 8.4 x 5.4 x 1.3 in Gift Box of 24 glazed chestnuts 13 1.20 lb. $144 up to 4 weeks 12.2 x 6.5 x 1.3 in Fruit Paste Gift Box 5 pieces 13 0.20 lb. $16 up to 8 weeks 3.1 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. Fruit Paste Gift Box 18 pieces 13 0.73 lb. $45 up to 8 weeks 10.3 x 1.6 x 1.4 in. Fruit Paste Gift Box 36 pieces 13 1.43 lb. $82 up to 8 weeks 10.3 x 2.8 x 1.4 in. DESCRIPTION Coffret Tamanaco 30 chocolates 21 GLAZED CHESTNUTS (Available from November to March) FRUIT PASTE GIFT BOXES P R I C E Assortment of 20 chocolate ganaches and pralinés L I S T INITIATION GIFT BOX MACARONS Macaron Duo Assortment 0.07 lb. $6 2 to 3 days 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.3 in. Sleeve of 6 Macarons 0.24 lb. $18 2 to 3 days 5.7 x 1.9 x 1.8 in. Sleeve of 12 Macarons 0.48 lb. $36 2 to 3 days 11 x 1.9 x 1.8 in Gift Box of 2 Macarons 15 0.07 lb. $8.50 2 to 3 days 3 x 2.9 x 1.8 in. Gift Box of 6 Macarons 15 0.24 lb. $22 2 to 3 days 4.5 X 3.8 X 1.7 in. Gift Box of 12 Macarons 15 0.48 lb. $42 2 to 3 days 6.3 x 5.1 x 1.9 in. Gift Box of 24 Macarons 15 0.96 lb. $72 2 to 3 days 8.6 x 7.2 x 2 in. Amandas milk and dark size 1 15 0.22 lb. $15 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 3.7 in. Amandas milk and dark size 2 15 0.32 lb. $22 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 5 in. Corollas size 1 15 0.18 lb. $13 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 3.7 in. Corollas size 2 15 0.29 lb. $20 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 5 in. Avelinas milk and dark size 1 15 0.18 lb. $13 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 3.7 in. Avelinas milk and dark size 2 15 0.29 lb. $20 up to 1 year 2.6 x 1.4 x 5 in. Rochers Suisses milk and dark 15 0.26 lb. $30 up to 4 months 2.9 x 1.4 x 4.3 in. Orangettes 15 0.33 lb. $39 up to 6 weeks 2.9 x 1.4 x 4.3 in. 0.88 lb. $72 up to 3 months 6.7 x 2.2 x 5 in. Etui Mendiant Coffret Craquant size 1 15 0.52 lb. $42 up to 8 weeks 6.1 x 6.3 x 1.3 in. Coffret Craquant size 2 15 1.35 lb. $95 up to 8 weeks 6.9 x 6.9 x 2.2 in. Metal tin 12 pieces 15 0.14 lb. $15.50 up to 6 months 4.4 x 3 x 0.6 in. Metal tin 24 pieces 15 0.27 lb. $31 up to 6 months 5.8 x 3 x 0.8 in. Metal tin 48 pieces 15 0.53 lb. $50 up to 6 months 8.5 x 3 x 0.9 in. Coro 100% 15 0.17 lb. $11 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Cuana 74% 15 0.17 lb. $11 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Akosombo 68% 15 0.17 lb. $11 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Orinoco 60% 15 0.17 lb. $11 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Marao 60% with bursts of almonds 15 0.17 lb. $12 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Acarigua 56% with slivers of cacao beans 15 0.17 lb. $12 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Monsera 37% 15 0.17 lb. $11 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Talamanca 37% with slivers of hazelnuts 15 0.17 lb. $12 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Tolima 37% 15 0.17 lb. $12 3 to 4 months 6.3 x 2.6 x 0.4 in. Chocolate Bar Tasting Set (5* bars) 15 0.83 lb. $56 3 to 4 months 6.4 x 2.8 x 2.3 in. Anastasia Hatbox 17 0.25 lb. $50 up to 4 weeks 5.1 x 5.1 x 2.4 in. Caramelo Hatbox 17 0.80 lb. $100 up to 4 weeks 6.2 x 6.2 x 6.2 in. Extrême Hatbox 17 0.72 lb. $120 up to 4 weeks 9.4 x 7 x 3.9 in. Bacchus Hatbox 18 0.86 lb. $145 up to 4 weeks 10.4 x 10.4 x 5.6 in. Carya Hatbox 18 1.12 lb. $160 up to 4 weeks 10.4 x 10.4 x 5.6 in. New Mother Hatbox 18 1.25 lb. $175 up to 4 weeks 10.4 x 10.4 x 5.6 in. Yoko Hatbox 18 1.36 lb. $185 up to 4 weeks 13.2 x 10 x 5.9 in. Maracuja Hatbox 19 1.73 lb. $210 up to 4 weeks 10 x 10 x 10 in. Sylvia Hatbox 19 1.65 lb. $265 up to 4 weeks 13.2 x 10 x 5.9 in. Faust Hatbox 19 2.42 lb. $320 up to 4 weeks 15.9 x 12.8 x 6.3 in. Quito Hatbox 19 3.18 lb. $460 up to 4 weeks 18.1 x 18.1 x 6.6 in. CHOCOLATE BARS AND SQUARES TOBAGO SOLID CHOCOLATE SQUARES CHOCOLATE BARS HATBOXES TASTING SESSIONS The Tamanaco Session 5 $70 The Duo Session 5 $70 SHIPPING CHARGES Manhattan: Standard Overnight $12 and up / Priority Overnight $15 and up I Continental: Standard Overnight $18 and up / Priority Overnight $22 and up The products are in compliance with the pricing policy in effect the day of your order. The general product pricing may be revised at any time by La Maison du Chocolat. * You may also compose your own assortment of 5 chocolate bars DECADENT TREATS T HE OF G E N E RA L T HE S A L E S 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 I. Applicability of General Sales Conditions 1.1. These General Sales Terms and Conditions apply to any and all purchases and sales that are in any way described, mentioned, promoted or listed in the catalogue for La Maison du Chocolat (“LMDC,” “We” or “Us”) for the United States. Any terms and conditions not expressly included herein are excluded. By placing an order, the Customer accepts these General Sales Terms and Conditions. LMDC reserves the right to modify the General Sales Terms and Conditions at any time. All new transactions with LMDC entered into after the effective date of any such modification shall be governed by the modified Terms and Conditions. 1.2. No additional conditions ought to be introduced by any purchaser shall be deemed applicable unless expressly accepted in writing by an authorized officer of LMDC. The failure of LMDC to exercise one or more of its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of those or any other rights II. Requests and confirmation 2.1. Orders may be placed: By telephone: - Madison Avenue Boutique: 1 (800) 988-LMDC or 1(212) 744-7117 - Rockefeller Center Boutique: 1 (887) 740-LMDC or 1(212) 2659404 - Wall Street Boutique: 1 (866) 9415632 or 1 (212) 952-1123 - The Mall at Short Hills: 1 (973) 3795065 - Corporate offices: 1 (887) 760LMDC Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM - By fax: Madison Avenue Boutique: 1 (212) 744-7141 - Rockefeller Center Boutique: 1 (212) 265-9405 - By internet at: Specific and clear information as to your name as it appears on any credit card you may provide, your billing address, a shipping address, (P.O. boxes not accepted) and method of payment are critical. We cannot be responsible for errors in information that is provided to us. Costs resulting from such errors will be charged to the purchaser. 2.2. Once an order has been placed, cancellations or changes will not be accepted. However, in exceptional situations, LMDC will try to honor requests for changes. A fee will be charged in the event LMDC is able to effect a requested change. In no event can a change be made once a shipment has been accepted by the shipping service. 2.3. Each order is subject to approval by LMDC. LMDC reserves all rights to reject any order due to insufficient stock, incomplete customer information, or for any other lawful reason. LMDC undertakes to inform the purchaser within two business days following receipt of an order if there will be a problem filling it. C O N DIT IO NS C O R P O R AT E CO LLE CTIO N III. Prices 3.1. Unless otherwise noted, all LMDC pricing and other charges are stated in US Dollars before tax. Prices are subject to change. 3.2. Shipping charges, which are payable by the purchaser, are extra, and vary by destination. Details are available upon request from LMDC. IV. Payment at time of order 4.1. All purchases are subject to immediate payment using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. LMDC is unable to offer any discounted terms. 4.2. Please pay attention to detail when providing credit card and shipping information. Make sure to inform us as to the type of card and to give us your account number, security code and the expiration date, as well as your name exactly as it appears on your card. Your signature is required on all orders. Please see our Privacy Policy Statement below to understand how personal information is treated. V. Availability of Products The catalogue lists all of the products that generally are available from LMDC. From time to time products may be out of stock or otherwise unavailable. Please call us, since we also may add new products. Certain special gift items are unique and hand crafted and, therefore, available only in small quantities. To confirm availability, please call LMDC before ordering. For gift baskets and Hatboxes, LMDC reserves the right in the event of the unavailability of an item to substitute it with an item of equal or greater value. The presentation of gift items may be modified to insure proper delivery and handling. VI. Delivery of Products 6.1. Product Shipping 6.1.1. The accuracy of the shipping information provided by the purchase is crucial in making sure that orders can be delivered properly. This helps allow LMDC customers to enjoy LMDC products for the full extent of their shelf life. LMDC cannot be held responsible for incomplete or erroneous delivery instructions. 6.1.2. After acceptance of an order, LMDC will prepare and forward it to the shipping service. Although LMDC can assure delivery to most specified locations, it is up to the purchaser to verify receipt with the shipping service. Failure to identify properly to the shipping service problems with delivery may result in the purchaser’s inability to make a successful claim. Most shipping services require a signature upon delivery. Once the product is delivered according to shipping instructions, neither LMDC nor the shipping service can be held responsible for loss or for damage caused by environmental conditions. 6.2. Shipping charges 6.2.1. Deliveries are made on BUSINESS DAYS and, for an extra charge, Saturdays. No deliveries are made on Sundays or holidays. Purchaser may select one of the following delivery options: Hand delivery is available in Manhattan. Delivery to most other locations as follows: Priority Overnight Delivery: 24 hours Arrival to destination by 12:00 noon. Standard Overnight Delivery: 24 hours - Arrival to destination by 7:00 PM. Second Day Delivery: 48 hours: - Arrival to destination by 7:00 PM. Any order received after 3:00 PM eastern time will be processed and shipped on the next business day. 6.2.3. LMDC will not be responsible for delays caused by events beyond its control, including strikes, natural disasters or terrorism. Shipping times may be longer during busy holiday seasons (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day). IX. Returns 9.1. Returns will be accepted by LMDC only upon its prior written agreement and in no case more than 48 hours after delivery to a recipient. 9.2. Where LMDC accepts a return in the case of an obvious flaw or the nonconformity of the products delivered with an order, LMDC will allow the free replacement of the product or the return of the amount paid by the purchaser. In making a purchase, the purchaser, on behalf of itself and any recipient of the purchase, waives any additional claims it may have, including for interest and other payments. X. Right of access and correction VII. Transfer of Risk The purchaser assumes risk of product loss or deterioration once the product is tendered to the delivery service. 10.1. Our Privacy Policy Statement. Because of our concern with the protection of your private life and information personal to you, LMDC treats with the strictest confidentiality all personal information it receives about its customers. We will request from a purchaser only the information including name and street and email addresses necessary to fill and follow-up on an order. VIII. Criticisms/ Complaints 10.2. Customer Communications 8.1. LMDC prides itself on the high level of its products and service. If you have a criticism or a complaint, please contact us at once. We will work hard to make you happy /resolve the issue, but need your help in order to do so. Damage claims should be clearly described in writing, dated and signed. You also are encouraged to tell us how we can keep you up-to-date with our product line, especially seasonal specials. We would be happy to communicate with you, and to have you communicate with us by mail, email or telephone. 8.2. All claims must be received by LMDC within 48 hours of product delivery. Claims received thereafter may not be honored. No claim for defective product can be processed without return of defective product. When warranted, LMDC will issue a call tag, and pay for return shipping. Claims should be sent to LMDC Customer Service Department, by email or by postal service or courier offering proof of delivery of the parcel to LMDC. The address for claims is as follows, depending upon origination of your delivery: 1018 Madison Avenue - New York, NY 10075 - USA 30 Rockefeller Center - Plaza - New York , NY 10020- USA 63 Wall Street - New York, NY 10005 - USA Email: [email protected] 8.3. No claim will be reviewed unless accompanied by a written explanation of the problem, as well as the damages occasioned thereby. After an analysis of the situation, LMDC at its own discretion will determine the appropriate remedy, which may include a refund of payment or a reshipment of product. 8.4. LMDC shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including, without limit, loss of profit, revenue or other benefits arising from claims hereunder, or for claims against the purchaser by any third party. Our mailing address: La Maison du Chocolat 1018 Madison Avenue - NY 10075 New York - USA Our email address: [email protected] Telephone: 1 (212) 744-7117 XI. Warranty LMDC guarantees the quality and freshness of its products for three weeks from the time they leave our boutique in New York, so long as they are handled and stored as recommended by the materials that accompany each shipment. 11.2. Except as set forth in this section, LMDC makes no express or implied representations or warranties with regard to its products, including any warranties as to the fitness of its products for a particular purpose. any such additional warranties hereby are disclaimed. XII. Governing law All of our transactions shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to its choice of laws provisions. XIII. No Resale Consumers agree that products purchased from LMDC are for personal use (including gift-giving) and shall not be resold. Thank you for shopping with us. Note: the photos of our catalogue may not be accurate depictions of the products featured therein. 30 Rockefeller Center (49th Street) New York, NY 10020 Tel.: (+ 1) 212 265 9404 PAR I S 225, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 42 27 39 44 52, rue François 1 75008 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 47 23 38 25 er 8, boulevard de la Madeleine 75009 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 47 42 86 52 19, rue de Sèvres 75006 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 45 44 20 40 63 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 Tel.: (+ 1) 212 952 1123 The Plaza Food Hall One West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 Tel.: (+1) 212 355 3436 Roissy Charles De Gaulle Airport Terminal 2 F - Area under customs Tel.: (+33) 1 48 62 24 63 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2A-2C - Area under customs Tel.: (+33) 1 74 25 29 91 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2E - Satellite 4 Boarding Gate M Tel.: (+33) 1 74 25 49 68 120, avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 40 67 77 83 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2F - Public area Tel.: (+33) 1 74 25 49 77 Printemps de la Maison, 2nd floor, 64, boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 42 82 61 77 Orly West Airport - Hall 2 Gate A 91550 Orly Tel.: (+33) 1 49 75 11 10 Carrousel du Louvre, 99, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 42 97 13 50 L O N D O N Roissy Charles De Gaulle Airport Terminal 2E - Area under customs Boarding Gate K Tel.: (+33) 1 48 62 02 20 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 2E Tel.: (+33) 1 74 25 18 48 46 Piccadilly London, W1J 0DS Tel.: (+ 44) 207 287 8500 V E N T E Y O R K 1018 Madison Avenue (between 78th and 79th Streets) New York, NY 10075 Tel.: (+ 1) 212 744 7117 The Mall at Short Hills 1200 Morris Turnpike Short Hills, NJ 07078 Tel.: (+1) 973 379 5065 O S AK A Umeda Hankyu, 8-7, Kakuda-Cho, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530-8350 Tel.: (+81) 6 6361 1381 HO NG DUB AÏ The Dubai Mall Fashion Avenue, Ground Floor, Dubai - UAE Tel.: +971 5 0424 3638 K UWAIT Mall of the Avenues Grand Avenues, Phase III - Kuwait Tel.: +965 2 220 0916 T O K YO New Kokusai Building, 1F, 3-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Tel.: (+ 81) 3 3201 6006 CON TA C TS Corporate Sales Department [email protected] Tel.: 1 (877) 760 LMDC Fax: 1 (718) 361 9408 La Maison du Chocolat would like to thank Laurent Rouvrais and Caroline Faccioli for their photographs, which beautifully illustrate each one of our creations. Graphic design : Créathéma K O NG Pacific Place, Shop 246, Admiralty, Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2522 2010 D E NE W 25 G É N É R A L E S A D D RE S S E S C O N D I T I O N S OUR L E S N O S A D R E S S E S 26