featured events whistler records catalog OCCU
featured events whistler records catalog OCCU
02 2 4 2 1 / n M I LWA U K E E a v e CHICAGO/ IL / 60647 773-227-3530 whistlerchicago.com / LS O 4 T 9 21+ / NO COVER M O N D AY — T H U R S D AY / 6 P M — 2 A M F R I D AY / 5 P M — 2 A M S A T U R D AY / 5 P M — 3 A M S U N D AY / 5 P M - 2 A M PAT I O O P E N U N T I L 1 1 P M ( 1 2 A M F R I D AY S & S A T U R D AY S ) N M IL W A U K NOV E M B E R 8 TH TOBY SU M M E RF IE N D TRIO E D I R E C T I O N S ☛ T H E C TA / Ta k e t h e B L U E L I N E t o t h e L O G A N S Q U A R E S TAT I O N o r C A L I F O R N I A S TAT I O N E ✖ N FULLERTON NOV E M B E R 1 5 TH ANTO N HAT WICH TRIO NOV E M B E R 1 S T DAV E RE M PI S, M IK E RE E D, DE V IN H OF F — C O C K TA I L S PA U L @ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM E / L O G A N B O U L E VA R D 0 The Relax Attack Jazz series showcases our vision for presenting jazz artists in a lively atmosphere, full of cocktail-shaking and spirited conversation. Upcoming performances include: 9 BIG BEND NO. 2 WESTERN DIVERSEY CALIFORNIA featured cocktail◆ / KEDZIE relax attack jazz series◆ 01 — JAZZ SERIES JAZZ@ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM — WHISTLER RECORDS B I L LY @ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM — STOREFRONT GALLERY GALLERY@ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM — PR & SPECIAL EVENTS SHELBY@ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM Ta k e t h e #74 FULLERTON BUS or # 5 6 M I LWA U K E E B U S — GENERAL / INFO@ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM PHOTO BY GEMMA PETRIE november at the whistler ✷ 03 Big Bend No. 2 is a fresh take on a drink you may remember from our Fall 2010 menu: cayenne pepper-infused tequila, cherry brandy, and lime juice. This new interpretation adds a slight bitter component and refi nes the spiciness. By using a Chipotle tincture instead of infusing the spirit itself with the pepper, I can more accurately gauge the level of spice in each cocktail. There is also a new level of complexity in this year’s model as well, courtesy of Cynar. The Italian bitters adds a slight bitter element, as well as some savory artichoke flavor. When it came to naming this drink, I wanted to remain true to its roots—hence the ‘No. 2’. Because this recipe is an improved version of a cocktail we’ve served in the past, I’m keeping with the great tradition of other secondgeneration cocktails (such as Corpse Reviver No. 2) and calling it Big Bend No. 2. We haven’t had a spicy cocktail on the menu since the Big Bend No. 2’s predecessor last fall, and the return of cold weather seemed like the perfect impetus to add some heat to the menu. It’s a great way to warm up after the cider’s run out. NOV E M B E R 2 2 N D MARC RIOR DAN PIANO TRIO NOV E M B E R 29TH ROB CL E AR F IE L D & Q U IN KIRCH N E R — BOOKING BOOKING@ WHISTLERCHICAGO.COM — DESIGN BY PLURAL WEAREPLURAL.COM / TUESDAY ◆ R E L A X AT TACK JA ZZ S E R I E S & U M B R E L L A M U S I C PR E S E NT ▼ DAV E R E M PI S, M I K E R E E D, D E V I N H O F F WEDNESDAY PAU L B E DA L Q UA R TE T THURSDAY M A X X TR A X X : B O O G I E & M O D E R N F U N K W/ DJ S H R E D O N E 04 FRIDAY B I L L M AC K AY (6 PM ) ✖ T T T TOTA L LY D U D E S (9 : 3 0 ) F L E I S C H L I ■ S TE PH E N U C H E R E K ■ N OA H H A R R I S R I E S ▼ TO BY S U M M E R F I E L D TR I O MONDAY M OV I E O K E 09 WEDNESDAY TH E (9 : 3 0 ) 12 SATURDAY DJ F R E CK L E FAC E 13 SUNDAY A M B I E N T M U S I C S E R I E S ■ B U L L E T H E L L ◆ A X I S : S OVA SUNDAY JA KO B TUESDAY ◆ R E L A X AT TACK JA ZZ S E - A N D R E A S K A P SA L I S & G O R A N IVA N OV I C G U ITA R D U O 11 THURSDAY TH E S E C O N D A N N UA L W H I S T L E R TA L E NT S H OW —Paul McGee SATURDAY DJ TO N Y TR I M M 10 FRIDAY B I L L M ACK AY (6 PM ) ✖ DJ RO B B I E H A M I LTO N TH E G O L D E N H O R S E R A N C H B A N D 14 MONDAY G L A D C LO U D TUESDAY ◆ R E L A X AT TACK JA ZZ S E R I E S ▼ A NTO N H AT W I C H 16 WEDNESDAY c A N D RO GY N O U S M U S TAC H E ■ DJ PL A S TI C CR I M E WAV E 17 THURSDAY S LO ‘ M O : S LOW JA M S F O R H O M O S (A N D TH E I R FA N S ) 18 FRIDAY B I L L M ACK AY (6 PM ) ✖ K ATE & R AC H E L’S O L D S T Y L E S H OW (9 : 3 0 ) TR I O 2 4 2 1 / n M I LWA U K E E a v e CHICAGO / IL / 60647 SATURDAY TH E M I N I M A L B E AT TH ROW - D OW N W/ A N D R E W F R A N C I S & PA M E L A M AU R E R (1 0 PM ) ■ SW I M S U IT A D D ITI O N C H I R P N I G H T W/ S U M M E R G I R L F R I E N D S TUESDAY ◆ R E L A X AT TACK JA ZZ S E R I E S ▼ M A RC R I O R DA N PIA N O TR I O WEDNESDAY 773-227-3530 whistlerchicago.com 25 FRIDAY B I L L M ACK AY (6 PM ) ✖ W H I S T L E R S O U L & F U N K SATURDAY N O RO O M F O R S Q UA R E S – JA ZZ & ‘6 0 S LO U N G E M U S I C 27 SUNDAY YO U, M E , TH E M , PA R T Y (9 : 3 0 ) E V E RY B O DY – A TA L K S H OW W/ S PE C IA L G U E S T S S E TH & K E L L E N ■ PAU L M C G E E ■ CA I N S & A B E L S 28 MONDAY TUESDAY ◆ R E L A X AT TACK JA ZZ S E R I E S ▼ RO B C L E A R F I E L D & Q U I N K I RC H N E R N I C K B U TC H E R WEDNESDAY F L U F F E R S ■ I N TE G R ATE D C O O K B O O K t he W H I S T L E R THE ANDRE A S K AP SALI S & GOR AN IVANOVIC GU ITAR DUO F RECK LE FACE Brother-sister DJ duo: When Sister loves Rihanna and Brother loves Big Tymers, the dance floor gets down to Destiny’s Child “Soldier”. NEXT MONTH FEATURING — 11/12 11/9 01 / R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES Are you an expert at juggling knives? Can you change a bike tire in under a minute? Can you quiet a colicky infant? (No infants under 21 years of age are permitted in the Whistler.) Can you do a belizable (sic) Rodney Dangerfield impression? Have you been secretly writing a stand-up routine that may or may not end with a marriage proposal? Then the Second Annual Whistler Talent Show is for you! Are you completely untalented? Don’t worry, the Whistler’s Talent Show has an arsenal of entertainments for the casual observer. We put our hosts, Seth Dodson and Kellen Alexander, through a rigorous selection process. (They had to win The FIRST Annual Whistler Talent Show.) Even our panel of “celebrity” judges will have you rolling with laughter and diluting your cocktails with tears of joy. Just as last year, there will be an ApBILL MACKAY plause-o-Meter and prizes of value awarded at random. This is a celebration, not a competition Chicago guitarist Bill MacKay is known for me- – and you don’t even have to compete, because lodic songwriting that runs the gamut from folk you’ve already won. (What?) Because the audiand rock to avant-garde and baroque. His No- ence is the real winner of The Second Annual vember residency is a great chance to hear some Whistler Talent Show. of his on-the-spot explorations. Fridays, 6-8pm. 02 / F E AT U R E D C O C K TA I L TH E SECON D ANN UAL WHISTLE R TALE NT SHOW 03 / NOVEMBER CALENDAR B IL L MACK AY 11/10 04 / F E AT U R E D EVENTS 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25 05 / STOREFRONT GALLERY 06 / WHISTLER RECORDS NOVEMBER 2011 featured events ◆ 21 MONDAY THURSDAY C LO S E D F O R TH A N K S G IV I N G DJ K I D C O L O R OCCU ✷◆ ● ■ ✖✦ ❖ 04/ SUNDAY O R A N G E A L E R T R E A D I N G S E R I E S (6 PM ) ✖ L AW R E N C E PE TE R S’ CO U NTRY 11/13 TH E GO L DE N HORSE R ANCH BAN D The Golden Horse Ranch Band’s soaring harmonies and good-time, classic country music make them a local favorite. The group features an allstar lineup from a cross-section of Chicago’s top bands, such as The 1900’s, Reds and Blue, Palliard, The Lawrence Peters Outfi t, Tangleweed, Plastic Crimewave Sound, Velcro Lewis, and everyone’s favorite marching band, Mucca Pazza. 11/14 G L AD CLOU D AMB IE NT M U SIC SE RIE S : B U L L E T H E L L , A XIS : SOVA Glad Cloud is a monthly series that celebrates the rich landscape of Chicago musicians working with ambient music. Curated by Benjamin Mjolsness, the series provides an opportunity for ambient artists to color the air, walls, and liquids of The Whistler in a deliberately non-intrusive manner. Visitors can enjoy their cocktails and companions while the music envelops the room around them. Bullet Hell is Jacob Kart (Crush Kill Destroy, A Tundra), Jaimie Branch (Musket, Branch/ Riordan), and video artist Theodore Darst. Bullet Hell plays improvised music and videos inspired by the upbeat soundtracks and futuristic iconography of the classic “bullet hell” video games. Bullet Hell performs with analog synthesizers and real time video manipulation. 01 04 05 — — — DEC DEC DEC DEC 06 — DEC DEC DEC 07 — 09 — 11 — DEC DEC DEC 12 14 15 11/16 — — — MAXX TRAXX WEEPIN WILLOWS MOVIEOKE RELAX ATTACK: NICK MAZZARELLA TRIO BOOK CLUB TTTTOTALLY DUDES EXPERIMENTAL SOUND STUDIO FUNDRAISER GLAD CLOUD PEABODY & SHERMAN SLO ‘MO 11/27 AN DROGY NOU S M U STACH E , DJ PL A STIC CRIME WAVE A night of psychedelic rock. Androgynous Mustache performs the music of the 13th Floor Elevators (complete with electric jug!) and DJ Plastic Crimewave spins 45s of acid rock, bubblegum, French pop, krautrock, ‘70s one-hit wonders, astral folk, danceable groovers, psych-pop and more! YOU, M E , TH E M, E V E RY BODY— A TALK SHOW W/ SPECIAL GU E S TS SE TH & KE L L E N, PAU L M CG E E , CAIN S & AB E L S 11/17 SLO ‘MO : SLOW JAM S F OR HOMO S (AN D TH E IR FAN S ) DEC 18 — DEC DEC 19 20 — — DEC DEC DEC 21 23 27 — — — DEC DEC 28 31 — — LAWRENCE PETERS’ COUNTRY THROW-DOWN CHIRP NIGHT RELAX ATTACK: MATT ULERY’S LOOM YO! MAJESTY WHISTLER SOUL & FUNK PAR TY RELAX ATTACK: TONY BARBA TRIO YOU, ME, THEM, EVERYBODY NYE PAR TY 11/28 NICK B UTCH E R Diving deep into Chicago’s rich musical legacy, Nick Butcher’s new project, Free Jazz Bitmaps, take cues from two of the city’s most beloved genres: house music and free jazz. Using material culled from discarded house and jazz records, accompanied by his own instrumentation, Butcher is producing upbeat, dance-inspired music, referencing the tonal and rhythmic nuances of both genres. The series, co-presented by Sonnenzimmer and Hometapes, will consist of six extremely limited edition, lathe-cut 7"’s (just ten copies per release!) housed in screen printed sleeves featuring cover art by Nadine Nakanishi. The entire collection will then be released early next year in a more widely-available 12" LP along with reinterpretations of the songs by renowned Chicago improvisers Jason Adasiewicz, Tim Daisy, Keefe Jackson, Mike Reed, Jason Reobke, and Jason Stein. Tonight’s show celebrates the release of the sixth and final installment of Free Jazz Bitmaps. Butcher will also be taking pre-orders for the 12” LP and giving away limited edition, screen printed posters with each order. SETH & KELLEN YMTE is a live talk show and podcast hosted by Brandon Wetherbee and Esmerelda Leon. Special guests include local improv duo Seth & Kellen, Whistler co-owner and head bartender Paul McGee, and live music by Cains & Abels. ON T HE BACK— O C C UPY T H A NKS GIVIN G / BY PLUR AL Kristen Kaza and resident DJ Tess host this monthly party featuring slow jams, rare grooves, and funk for Chicago’s lovers. ABOVE: NICK BUTCHER JAZZ BITMAPS #2 BELOW: NICK BUTCHER JAZZ BITMAPS #3 11/21 CHIRP NIG HT W/ SU MME R GIRL F RIE N D S, SWIM SU IT ADDITION ANDREAS KAPSALIS & GORAN IVANOVIC Steel-string guitar prodigy Andreas Kapsalis and nylon string classical guitarist Goran Ivanovic fuse their musical roots with modern, classical, world, and jazz in this experimental duo. the whistler store— front gallery ✦ The Whistler Storefront Gallery showcases a new art installation every other month. Curated by Robert Brenner. To submit a project for consideration, contact: [email protected] 05 / FRECKLE FACE PHOTO BY: ALAN DEL RIO ORTIZ CONSTRU C TIO N SC U PLTU R ES BY KIP PA STA Summer Girlfriends headline our monthly fundraiser for CHIRP Radio. This local, all-female group – formally known as Canadian Girlfriends – makes incredibly catchy pop tunes and treats every show like their very own goth beach party. 001 002 003 004 005 008 009 010 011 012 014 015 THROUGH D EC EM B ER 8 o u ts i d e th e g aller y. com whistler records catalog 06 / ● 001 / K A R L B L A U — AM (CD) 002 / B L U E R I B B O N G L E E C L U B — A CAPPELLA ÜBER ALLES (7”) 003 / N O T E S & S C R A T C H E S — THIS SIDE (7”) 004 / W H I T E M Y S T E R Y / BLACK APPLE — SPLIT (7”) 005 / M A T T U L E R Y ’ S L O O M — THE QUEEN (10”) 008 / I N T A L L B U I L D I N G S — IN TALL BUILDINGS (CD, LP) 009 / T H E H O O D I N T E R N E T & K I D S TAT I C — CHI CITY (7”) 010 / S H A P E R S — VIRGINIA REEL (7") 011 / B L I N K . — THE ARCHITECTS (CASSETTE, DIGITAL) 012 / I N T A L L B U I L D I N G S — WARM ROCK (7”) 014 / T H I S I S C I N E M A — MÄDCHEN (7”) 015 / V A R I O U S A R T I S T S — YEAR ONE: THE FESTIVAL (3LP + BOOK) Order online at: thewhistler.bigcartel.com OCCUPY T H A N K S TA K I N G OCCUPY THANKSGIVING